Tri-brid Modelling - 차별화된제품개발을위한혁신적인디자인기술 한국델켐 황도연선임컨설턴트 Contents 1. Delcam/Hankook Delcam 소개 2. 혁신적이고개성있는디자인의필요성 3. Tri-brid modelling Solution 4. Case studies 1
Company History - 영국델켐연혁 (Delcam Plc. History) 1960 & 70 s 영국캠브리지그룹의연구개발 & 델타그룹사업화 1980 소프트웨어영업시작 1990 종업원주주기반의회사설립 ( 버밍험본사이전 ) 1997 영국주식시장에상장 2002 10,000 고객확보로영국여왕상수상 2005 FeatureCAM 인수및솔루션공급 2006 PartMaker 인수및솔루션공급 2007 Crispin 인수및솔루션공급 누적매출 1 억 $ 달성 2009 30,000 사용고객확보 20 년간의 CAD/CAM 솔루션개발노하우 / 세계 300 여개의사무소 / 전세계 227 명의개발인력보유 Delcam Today Our People Over 800 Staff 227 within the UK 350 within Overseas Subsidiaries 240 within Joint Ventures The largest CAM Development Group (CIM Data) Local Support provided in over 300 Offices Worldwide Our Stability Our Solutions Our Support and Services Our Experience Our Success 2
Delcam Today Our People Our Stability Listed on the UK Stock Exchange providing oversight and discipline - DLC.L Majority of shares held by Delcam Staff, creating a stable position and ensuring a long term perspective Renishaw is a significant shareholder High Levels of investment into Software Development A wide range of Industrial Partners Our Solutions Our Support and Services Our Experience Our Success Delcam Today Our People Our Stability Our Solutions Advanced Manufacturing Solutions Metrology Solutions Artistic CADCAM Solutions Healthcare Solutions Footwear Solutions Our Support and Services Our Experience Our Success 3
Delcam Today Our People Our Stability Our Solutions Our Support and Services Training and support provided by experienced local Engi neers Regular Regional Events User Groups and Technology Seminars Delcam Professional Services Ltd. Consultancy Advanced Manufacturing Facility Custom Software Development Our Experience Our Success Delcam Today Our People Our Stability Our Solutions Our Support and Services Our Experience Over 40 years of CADCAM Experience The only CADCAM Software provider with an in house A dvanced Manufacturing Facility An established network of experienced support offices manned by industry experts Our Success 4
Delcam Today Our People Our Stability Our Solutions Our Support and Services Our Experience Our Success 5 Queen's Awards for Enterprise Delcam s Headquarters Birmingham, UK End User revenues over $100m 35,000+ Customers 80,000+ 000+ End Users A large proportion of customers on maintenance and growi ng Maintenance Revenues Why have more than 35,000 customers chosen Delcam? Stability People Solutions Experience Support and Services Success 5
Hankook Delcam 1990 한국델켐설립 1992 영국 Delcam plc. 법인합작 One of Delcam s most successful Business Partners 높은시장점유 First Delcam Sales Partner to sell more software than UK 1,500 th Customer Major customers 현대자동차 기아자동차 르노삼성자동차 GM-Daewoo Automotive Industry Mold & Die Industry 1 st tier company 영신공업사 금능정밀 재영솔루텍 나라 M&D 세화 삼성전자 LG 전자 P & Tel Amore Pacific 아카데미과학 Consumer Industry Footwear Industry 화승 세원 창신 국제상사 삼호 태광 6
User Group Meeting 세계에서가장큰유저그룹미팅 (1,100명이상) 신기술 / 신기능소개 유저컨퍼런스매년개최 (1990- ) CIMDATA 25 년간 CAD/CAM/PLM 과관련한기술동향및업계정보를제공하는글로벌컨설팅그룹. Innovative Design / Mass customization 7
Design Management World Top 3 - Automotive Designer 피터슈라이어크리스뱅글월터드실바 Volkswagen BMW Audi 기아자동차디자인총괄부사장 삼성전자스마트폰및테블릿 PC 폭스바겐그룹총괄디자이너 Design is key Success factor to attract with consumer Customer Needs Change 내구성 Design, 패션, 편리성 8
Individualism 개성중심의사회 개성을표출할수있는독특한재화선호 소비자구매패턴의변화 소비자문화의확산 Design complexity 3D CAD 를이용한복잡한디자인의쉽고빠른구현 9
Mass customization 토요다생산방식 대량생산 (Mass Production) 과고객화 (Customization) 의합성어 다양한고객층을위한제품의다양화 Software for Mass Customization 세계유일무이의토탈솔루션 PowerSHAPE ; solid and surface modelling ; reverse engineering and triangle modelling ArtCAM ; decorations and textures 10
Tribrid Modelling 복잡한 3차원문양작업 복잡한자유곡면형상작업 모델수정이나각부품의연관성작업 Tribrid Modelling Process Design Process for 3D pattern CAD Import ArtCAM ArtCAM ArtCAM PowerSHAPE Vector Vector Creation 생성 bmp, ipg, dxf.. 등Image 이미지file 파일스케치 Sketch,, 사진 Photo, 실물등 Source, Source Pattern 패턴Creation 생성 3D 3차원 Relief Relief Modelling 모델링 Texture Relief STL Data STL Data Exchanging 변환 Wrapping MockUp Test Possible to design artistic pattern or shape on the surface of products. Mold & Machining Process 11
Tribrid Modelling Function Wrapping Tribrid Modelling Function Morphing 12
Auto Surfacing Tribrid Modeling Function Case studies 13
Graham Packaging 우리는 Delcam software 로 Packaging 아이디어를보여주는데 사용하고있으며, 화면상으로컨셉을잡고소비자가원하는변화를만들수있도록해줍니다. 이것은우리에게보다창의적이고항상빠르게요구되어지는것들에대응하기위해서매우중요한수단이되어줍니다. - Sheldon Yourist, GPC Manager of Global Design Vega Auto 인도에서오토바이헬멧제작을선도하는업체 Total Design 을사용함으로써우리는소비자에게독특하고매력적인헬멧을공급하는세계적인회사가되었습니다. - Director Uttam Chandak 14
LG Electronics LG전자와플폰 와플을연상시키는새로운디자인 세련된디자인 Samsung Electronics 삼성전자의갤럭시 S2 Delcam Solution 을이용한패턴디자인 85 일만에누적판매 500 만대돌파 15
Conclusions 개성중심사회로변화함에따라소비자의구매패턴은디자인의다양성을요구하고개성을표현할수있는독특한재화를선호 기업들은디자인의고객화에초점 ( 차별화된제품개발을위한혁신적인디자인 ) Delcam 은고객의요구에따른다양하고복잡한형상을자유로이구현가능한 Total Solution 을제공 Thank You 16