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Continuing Education Column Shoulder Operation Sang -Hoon Lhee, MD Duk-Hwan Kho, MD Jin-Young Park, MD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery/Shoulder, Elbow and Sports Service, Konkuk University College of Medicine E - mail : drpark@chol.com J Korean Med Assoc 2009; 52(8): 795-804 Abstract Although shoulder pain is a very common problem and compromised shoulder movement due to pain, stiffness, or weakness can cause substantial disability, many patients fail to recognize a need for a proper treatment. The diagnosis and treatment of the shoulder should be specified for each of the disease entity. Most of shoulder pain can be managed non-operatively with a well-organized rehabilitation program. However, the surgery should always remain as an option in case of failure of conservative managements, which can be seen from a definite indication of a patient s condition. The article presents four representative disease entities other than shoulder trauma occurring in old age which doctors see most often at outpatient s clinics. Impingement syndrome, rotator cuff tear, calcifying tendonitis, and arthritis are described in this article, introducing each diseases and surgical indications and descriptions, and their results. Keywords: Shoulder; Rotator cuff; Calcifying tendinitis; Impingement syndrome; Glenohumeral arthritis 795

Lhee SH Kho DH Park JY Figure 1. Type : Flat Acromion, Type : Curved Acromion, Type : Hooked Acromion Figure 2. Acromioplasty-Cutting anterior subacromial spur and flattening undersurface of the acromion. Also Coracoacromial Ligament is released. 796

Shoulder Operation Figure 3. Fraying of the undersurface of the acromion. Figure 5. Flattened subacromial undersurface after arthroscopic acromioplasty. Figure 4. Subacromial spur seen from arthroscopic camera. 797

Lhee SH Kho DH Park JY Figure 6. Rotator cuff tear identified during minimal open rotator cuff repair. Figure 8. Rotator cuff repair is done. Figure 7. Rotator cuff is sutured and ready to pull laterally. 798

Shoulder Operation Figure 9. Rotator cuff tear seen from arthroscopic camera. Figure 11. Simple X-ray showing calcific tendonitis. Figure 10. Rotator cuff repair done through arthroscopic technique. Figure 12. Ultrasound shoing calcific tendonitis. 799

Lhee SH Kho DH Park JY Figure 13. Calcific deposit found on bursal side of supraspinatus tendon through arthroscopic examination. Figure 15. Repair of the supraspinatus tendon after removal of the calcific deposit. Figure 14. Calcific deposit being removed. 800

Shoulder Operation Figure 16. Simple X-ray of shoulder osteoarthritis. Figure 17. Post-operative simple X-ray after total shoulder arthroplasty. 801

Lhee SH Kho DH Park JY Figure 18. Simple X-ray sho-wing cuff tear arthropathy. Figure 19. Simple X-ray showing reverse shoulder arthroplasty. 802

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Lhee SH Kho DH Park JY 20. Seil R, Litzenburger H, Kohn D, Rupp S. Arthroscopic treatment of chronically painful calcifying tendinitis of the supraspinatus tendon. Arthroscopy 2006; 22: 521-527. 21. Cuomo F, Checroun A. Avoiding pitfalls and complications in total shoulder arthroplasty. Orthop Clin North Am 1998; 29: 507-518. 22. van de Sande MA, Brand R, Rozing PM. Indications, complications, and results of shoulder arthroplasty. Scand J Rheumatol 2006; 35: 426-434. 23. Wirth MA, Rockwood CA, Jr. Complications of total shoulderreplacement arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1996; 78: 603-616. Peer Reviewers Commentary 804