Order of events 칵테일리셉션 Cocktail reception 환영사 Welcome speech 축사및건배제의 Congratulatory speech / Toast 만찬 Dinner Entrepreneur Of The Year 2013 제7회 EY 최우수기

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1 EY Assurance Tax Transactions Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com Ernst & Young Han Young 2013 Ernst & Young Advisory, Inc. All Rights Reserved. APAC No This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice. ey.com/kr Media Partner Supporter uture, entrepreneurs ar ever afraid to fail and al ompanies are the and th markets, jobs, improvin urces, entrepreneurs bu ning ingenuity and reso omy, never afraid to fail il and always to do the ding the future, entrepr omy, never afraid to fai nd breaking companies Inspire the economy. C th the innovative world the catalysts in driving

2 Order of events 칵테일리셉션 Cocktail reception 환영사 Welcome speech 축사및건배제의 Congratulatory speech / Toast 만찬 Dinner Entrepreneur Of The Year 2013 제7회 EY 최우수기업가상 Awards Gala EOY 2013 심사과정소개 Introduction of EOY 2013 judging process 수상자발표 Awards Rising Star Special 축하공연 Performance 수상자발표 Awards Industry I Industry II Industry III 축하공연 Performance 수상자발표 Awards Industry - Master 축하파티 Celebration party Contents Greetings 02 Overview of EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 04 How the program works Judging panel Award winners Award winners & Judging panels 26 Program founder 32 Program partners 36

3 Greetings EY 최우수기업가상프로그램이한국에서 7회째를맞이하였습니다. EY한영은그동안이프로그램을통해많은훌륭한기업가를발굴하고소개함으로써우리사회전반에기업가정신을널리확산시키는데기여해왔습니다. EY한영은수상자들이전하는혁신적인기업가정신이기업, 나아가우리경제를성장시키는밑거름이되어왔음에큰긍지와자부심을느낍니다. 오늘최우수기업가상시상식에서올해한국최고의기업가들이발표됩니다. 어려운환경에서도원대한꿈을꾸고, 끊임없이도전하고, 마침내성공을이룬기업가들이우리에게어떤이야기를들려줄지무척기대됩니다. 이들의성공스토리는많은분들에게감동을줄것입니다. 그리고특히어려운시기를보내고있는우리젊은이들에게영감을불러일으킬수있을것이라믿습니다. EY한영은계속해서혁신적인기업가를발굴하고, 이들이더큰꿈을갖고도전하며, 더많은이들에게영감을줄수있도록든든한후원자가될것입니다. 그리고이를통해우리사회가조금더나은곳으로발전해가기를바랍니다. 여러분의많은격려와지원을부탁드립니다. 감사합니다. This year celebrates Korea s seventh EY Entrepreneur of The Year awards event. Over the years, the event has served as a platform for us to identify and introduce numerous leading entrepreneurs, contributing to the promotion of entrepreneurship in society. EY Han Young is proud to that the winners innovative entrepreneurship has fostered the growth of the corporate sector and the overall economy. Korea s leading entrepreneurs of 2013 will be announced at the EOY awards today. We eagerly look forward to hearing their stories, how they have built great ambitions and refused to give up despite hardship, ultimately achieving success. I am sure that their success stories will inspire many people, particularly to our younger generations who are undergoing challenges. EY Korea will continue efforts to identify innovative entrepreneurs and support them to drive bigger ambitions and impact more people. We hope that these efforts will contribute to build a better working world. We look forward to your continued support and encouragement. Thank you. EY 한영대표이사권승화 SeungWha Gweon CEO, EY Han Young 2 3

4 The world s most prestigious business award 주요수상자 Most recognizable names of Entrepreneur Of The Year winners EY 최우수기업가상은세계최고권위의비즈니스어워드프로그램으로 1986년미국에서뛰어난리더십으로사업의지속적인성장을이룬혁신적인기업가들을기리기위해처음시작되었습니다. 올해로 27주년을맞이한 EY 최우수기업가상은약 60개국가, 145개도시에서매년 900여명의전세계최고기업가들에게시상되고있습니다. 각국가의최우수기업가상수상자는매년모나코몬테카를로에서열리는 EY 세계최우수기업가상 에참가해다른나라의수상자들과교류할기회를갖습니다. 그리고이자리에서그해의세계최고기업가가선정됩니다. 제프베조스아마존닷컴, 미국 마이클델델컴퓨터, 미국 안드레아일리일리카페, 이탈리아 라탄타타타타그룹, 인도 세르게이브린 래리페이지구글, 미국 하워드슐츠스타벅스, 미국 가이라리베르테태양의서커스, 캐나다 리처드슐츠베스트바이, 미국 잉그바르캄라드이케아, 스웨덴 피에르오미디마르이베이, 미국 알프레도야오제스트오, 필리핀 존맥케이홀푸드마켓, 미국 차오드왕후야오글래스인더스트리그룹, 중국 마이클스펜서 ICAP, 영국 올리비아럼하이플럭스, 싱가폴 제임스메왕기에쿼티은행, 케냐 함디울루카야초바니, 미국 Jeff Bezos Amazon.com, US Michael Dell Dell Computer Corp., US Andrea Illy Illy caffè S.p.A., Italy Ratan N. Tata Tata Group, India Sergey Brin and Larry Page Google, Inc., US Howard Schultz Starbucks Corp., US Guy Laliberte Cirque du Soleil, Canada The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is the world s most prestigious business award. The program was created in the United States by EY in 1986 to honor entrepreneurs whose ingenuity and perseverance have created and sustained successful business ventures. This year Entrepreneur Of The Year is celebrating its 27th anniversary. In those years, the program has expanded to 145 cities in 60 countries with awards presented annually to over 900 of the world s most successful and innovative entrepreneurs. It has become the hallmark of success for recognizing entrepreneurs. Each year, the country winners from around the world gather in Monte Carlo, Monaco to be inducted into the World Entrepreneur Of The Year Academy during a recognition awards gala. The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Korea winner will represent Korea at the annual World Entrepreneur Of The Year award held in Monte Carlo and vie for the prestigious WEOY title with the other winners from 60 countries. Richard M. Schulze Best Buy Co., Inc., US Ingvar Kamrad IKEA, Sweden Pierre Omidyar ebay, Inc., US Alfredo M. Yao Zest-O Corporation, Philippines John Mackey Whole Foods Market, US Cao Dewang Fuyao Glass Industry Group, China Michael Spencer ICAP, United Kingdom Olivia Lum Hyflux Limited, Singapore James Mwangi Equity Bank Limited, Kenya Hamdi Ulukaya Chobani, Inc. US 4 5

5 How the program works Key dates 후보자선정설립후최소 2년이상지난기업의오너, 설립자또는최고경영자로서최근성과가탁월한경영자들이 EY 최우수기업가상의후보자가됩니다. Candidates To be eligible to receive an EY Entrepreneur Of The Year award, the candidate has to be: The owner/ founder/ceo responsible for the recent performance of a company that is at least two years old July 29 July 1st Judges meeting 2nd Judges meeting 1 차심사위원단미팅 2 차심사위원단미팅 심사과정 Judging process 심사위원단은선별된후보자중에서수상자를선정 The independent judging panel single out categories 하게되며, 수상부문및수상자선정과정에있어모든결정권을가지고독립적으로심사를진행합니다. 수상자는다음과같은여섯가지기준에의해선발됩니다. and awardees founded on the quality and quantity of the nominations. The judges are allowed complete discretion in determining categories and award recipients. 29 Jul. ~ 11 Sept. 11 September Onsite interviews 3rd Judges meeting 후보자인터뷰진행 최종심사위원단미팅 심사기준 Judging criteria 기업가정신 Entrepreneurial spirit 재무성과 전략적방향 Financial performance Strategic direction 21 November Awards Gala EY 최우수기업가상시상식 국내및세계적영향력 National / Global impact 혁신성 개인적품성및사회적기여도 Innovation Personal integrity / Influence 2014 June World Entrepreneur Of The Year 2014 EY 세계최우수기업가상시상식 6 7

6 8 9

7 2013 Judging panel 심사위원단은유능한기업가들을발굴할수있는경륜과통찰을지닌분들로재계, 학계등각계각층의존경받는리더및기업가적역할모델이되는저명한인사들로구성되어있습니다. The judging panel comprises of highly visible and respected leaders in the business and academia arenas as well as entrepreneunal role models who possess the necessary experience and commercial acumen to spot talented entrepreneurs. 심사위원장 송자 강정애 고광일 박경서 이구택 장용성 황철주 학교법인명지학원이사장 숙명여자대학교경영학부교수 고영테크놀러지대표이사사장 고려대학교경영대학교수 포스코고문 MBN 대표이사부사장 주성엔지니어링대표이사 Ja Song Jung Ai Kang Kwangill Koh Kyung Suh Park Ku Taek Lee Yong Sung Jang Chul Joo Hwang Chairman of Myoungi Educational Foundation Professor of Business Administration at Sookmyung Women s University CEO & President of Koh Young Technology Professor of Finance at Korea University Business School Advisor of POSCO Vice president & CEO of MBN Chairman of the board & CEO of JUSUNG ENGINEERING 10 11

8 2013 Award winners 산업부문 Industry Entrepreneur Of The Year 이상은각산업부문의대표로서모범적인경영으로탁월한재무성과를내고산업내확고한위치에자리매김한기업가에게수여됩니다. 이중영예의마스터수상자로뽑힌기업가는한국을대표하여모나코몬테카를로에서개최되는 세계최우수기업가상 시상식에참가하게됩니다. 라이징스타 Rising Star Entrepreneur Of The Year 이상은단기간내뛰어난재무성과를기반으로향후지속적인성장가능성이돋보이는기업을이끌고있는기업가에게수여됩니다. 특별상 Special Entrepreneur Of The Year 이상은최근급성장해온유망한기업을이끌고있는 40세미만의젊은기업가또는여성기업가에게수여됩니다. This award pays tribute to exemplary entrepreneurs who can show the entrepreneurship as a role model representing innovative entrepreneur. Master award recipient will be selected among the Industry Winners, to go on to represent Korea as the overall national winner at the 2014 World Entrepreneur Of The Year awards in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The award salutes the entrepreneur whose business exemplifies the start-up process and has shown future sustainability based on financial profit and performances. This award is presented to the notable young entrepreneur or female who has led his or her company through rapid growth and good prospects. Industrial Products Culture Technology Chemical Products IT Display Products Rising star Special Chairman of ILJIN Group Chinkyu Huh 일진그룹회장허진규 CEO of GOLFZON Youngchan Kim 골프존대표이사김영찬 Chairman of Soulbrain Co., Ltd. Ji-Wan Chung 솔브레인대표이사회장정지완 CEO & President of MNtech Co., Ltd. Chul-Young Kim 미래나노텍대표이사사장김철영 CEO of Suprema Inc. Jae-Won Lee 슈프리마대표이사이재원 CEO of GAMEVIL Inc. Byung Joon Song 게임빌대표이사송병준 12 13

9 14Industrial Products Entrepreneur Of The Year 대한민국부품 소재산업의개척자 Pioneer in the parts and components industry 허진규일진그룹회장 Chinkyu Huh Chairman of ILJIN Group 허진규회장은 1968년살림집앞뜰에있는주물용도가니하나로불모지나다름없었던국내소재 부품분야에뛰어든 한국소재 부품산업의개척자 입니다. 또한 40여년간국가산업발전에필수적인품목들을독자적으로개발해낸대한민국벤처기업의선구자이자도전과혁신의아이콘입니다. 허회장은오로지 대한민국산업의핵심소재 부품국산화 를목표로고집스럽게외길을걸어왔습니다. 그결과과거에전량수입에의존해오던전력용배전금구류및공업용합성다이아몬드, PCB용일렉포일, 심리스강관등품목들을최초로국산화하는데성공했습니다. 특히허회장은터치스크린분야에서괄목할만한성과를보였는바, 2008년 37억원이었던이분야매출이 2012년에는 5,635억원으로 152배성장을보였습니다. 시장에서후발주자였음에도불구하고스마트폰시장활성화를한발앞서내다보고끊임없는기술개발로미래를준비한허회장의통찰력이만들어낸결과였습니다. 일진그룹은 남들이하지않는어려운일이지만국가산업발전을위해누군가는꼭해야할일을찾아해내자 는허회장의경영철학을토대로 소재보국 ( 素材報國 ) 의사명을실천해왔습니다. 이를통해국내는물론세계최고수준의일류제품을개발, 국내소재산업의무역역조를개선하며국가산업발전의디딤돌이되었습니다. 엔지니어출신인허회장은 과학기술분야가강해 야진정한강국 이라며 일류기술을개발하는것이곧애국 이라는생각을늘강조해왔습니다. 또한 엔지니어야말로 21세기기술전쟁시대의장수 ( 將帥 ) 라는생각을가지고이공계학생들을위한장학제도를마련해후원하고있으며미래엔지니어꿈나무를육성하기위해지속적인지원활동을펼치고있습니다. Chairman Chinkyu Huh, a pioneer in the parts and components industry in Korea, first founded ILJIN Material Industries in For over 40 years since its establishment, Chairman Huh aggressively and passionately dedicated himself to the umbrella vision of developing the domestic parts and components industry by creating essential industrial parts and components ceaselessly. His hard work resulted in the production of power distribution hardware, seamless pipe, industrial synthetic diamonds, and electrodeposited copper foil for PCB, which is ranked as one of the world s top three producers for such products. Also, these products are just a few of the many parts and components that have been derived from intensive R&D. Especially Chairman Huh showed signifi- cant success in the field of touchscreen technology. Though President Huh was a latecomer in this market, his keen insight to the future of the smartphone market and his endless effort for technological development made it all possible. Chairman Huh s business philosophy is largely to Focus on work that is challenging and which no one else is willing to do, but simultaneously, is needed for domestic industrial growth. By putting this invaluable vision into practice, ILJIN Group has never ceased in producing only the best products. Along with his venture spirit, Chairman Huh, being an awarded engineer himself, believes that a strong scientific presence is what ultimately makes a nation powerful, and developing first class scientific techniques is an act of patriotism. In the 21st century, an era dominated by the fight for scientific advancement, the role of an engineer is crucial. With this belief, Chairman Huh provides funding to those of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea and continues to contribute to social development by supporting future engineers through various scholarship programs. 15

10 16Culture Technology Entrepreneur Of The Year 세상에없던골프로새로운문화를창조하다! Create a new culture with golf never seen before 김영찬골프존대표이사 Youngchan Kim CEO of GOLFZON 김영찬대표이사는 2000년 KAIST 창업보육센터에서골프존을창업한이래지금까지 누구나골프를즐길수있게한다 는기업이념을가지고골프대중화를위해힘써왔습니다. 김대표는골프와 IT 핵심기술, 문화가어우러진새로운즐거움과유익함을창출함으로써국내골프대중화및저변확대에앞장서왔습니다. 골프존은최첨단기술과온 오프라인네트워크를기반으로한골프시뮬레이터사업으로국내스크린골프시장을선도했으며, 제품및서비스를전세계 40여개국가에수출하는등세계적으로도품질의우수성을인정받고있습니다. 나아가골프존마켓, 골프존아카데미, 골프존카운티와같은골프관련신사업진출을통해세상에없던골프문화를창조하는문화기술기업으로자리매김하고있습니다. 아울러김대표는기업성장과함께 나눔과배려 라는경영철학을실천하기위해서꾸준히힘쓰고있습니다. 이러한경영철학은사람의인성을가장중요한덕목으로꼽고인재양성을위해교육부터복지에이르기까지적극적인지원을아끼지않는조직문화에서도살펴볼수있습니다. 김회장은 Play different 를강조하며직원들이창의적인생각을하고, 창조적으로일할수있는조직문화를만드는데도각별한관심을쏟고있습니다. 다르게놀고, 다르게생각해야혁신적인것, 새로운것을만들수있다고생각하기때문입니다. 또한골프존은사회적으로도다양한나눔을실 천하고있습니다. 골프존본사가있는대전지역에골프존문화재단을설립하여다양한사회공헌활동을펼치고있으며, 골프국가대표선수후원, 키다리아저씨골프대회개최등을통해국내골프인구저변확대를위해힘쓰고있습니다. 김영찬대표이사는골프존이건강하고창조적인기업으로서국내골프산업발전을이끌어나가는선도기업역할을책임있게수행하는것은물론나아가글로벌리딩골프브랜드로성장해나갈수있도록최선을다할것입니다. Ever since Youngchan Kim has established Golfzon in 2000, he has tried to popularize the golf until now with the ideology of Anyone can enjoy golf. To achieve this, Golfzon created a new pleasure and valuable experience by producing product that put golf, IT core technology, and culture together and took a role as the leader of popularizing the golf and expanding the base of it. Golfzon has led national screen golf market by its most cutting edge technology, on-line and off-line network based golf simulator. And it exports products to 40 different countries world-wide, and achieve recognition for its finest quality. Furthermore, Golfzon tries to become the total golf culture technology enterprise and creates golf culture that has not been appeared in the world before by utilizing its knowhow and infrastructure to advance its new undertakings such as Golfzon market, Golfzon academy, and Golfzon county. Additionally, Mr. Kim consistently makes an effort to achieve his management philosophy of sharing and solicitude as well as supporting company growth. This management philosophy can be found in its organization culture which considers the personality of employee as the most important virtue and provide active support for education and welfare to employees. Golfzon has practiced various sharing toward society. Golfzon has established Golfzon cultural foundation for CSR and tries to expand the base of national golf by organizing Daddy Long Legs golf competition, sponsoring the golf national player, etc. Mr. Kim will continue to do his best that Golfzon stays healthy and being a creative corporate that plays a significant role in leading the advance of the national golf industry and ultimately do his best to develop Golfzon into global leading golf brand. 17

11 18Chemical Products Entrepreneur Of The Year 트렌드를읽는혜안으로미래를개척하는 CEO A CEO of great insight into trends who pioneers the future 정지완솔브레인대표이사회장 Ji-Wan Chung Chairman of Soulbrain Co., Ltd. 대한민국반도체산업의초창기였던 1986년, 해외에전적으로의존하던반도체재료를국산화해산업발전에기여하겠다는신념으로회사를설립, 오늘날의솔브레인으로성장시킨정지완회장은대한민국 IT산업의진정한히든챔피언입니다. 설립당시솔브레인은반도체재료를취급하는전직원 3명의작은무역회사에불과했습니다. 하지만몇해지나지않아반도체재료를직접생산하기시작하였으며, 1990년대후반에는디스플레이재료, 2000년대초반에는 2차전지재료로사업영역을확장하며대한민국 IT산업과함께발전해왔습니다. 이제솔브레인은단순히산업의성장을따라가는기업이아니라산업과기술의혁신을이끌어가는기업으로발전하고있습니다. 지금의솔브레인을만든큰힘중하나는변화하는트렌드를읽어내고과감히투자하는정회장의통찰력입니다. IMF 경제위기당시모두가새로운투자를꺼렸지만, 정회장은새롭게태동하는디스플레이산업의가능성을읽고과감하게투자해성공을거두었습니다. 또한변화가빠른 IT산업에서 30년가까이굳건히버티며괄목할만한성장을이룰수있었던배경에는정회장의도전정신이있었습니다. 한가지제품을개발하여성공적으로공급하게되면거기에안주하지않고, 새로운기술과제품을찾고자노력하였던것이하나하나쌓이면서오늘날의성공을이룰수있었습니다. 정회장은화학제품을주로취급하는기업의특성을고려해환경안전을강조하고있으며, 지역사회공헌활동을포함한다양한윤리경영활동을벌이고있습니다. 정지완회장은지금까지 선진기술의국산화 를목표로달려왔다면, 앞으로는 솔브레인기술의세계화 라는더욱큰꿈을갖고세계를무대로또다른미래를그려나갈것입니다. Ji-Wan Chung, Chairman of Soulbrain, is the real hidden champion in the IT industries of Korea. Chairman Chung founded Soulbrain in 1986, when Korean chip makers relied entirely on imported materials, aiming to contribute to the industries in Korea by domesticating the semiconductor materials. Soulbrain started as a small trading company with only three employees to deal with semiconductor materials. After only a few years in the early 1990s, however, the company began to manufacture some of the semiconductor materials. Consistently developing their own manufacturing capabilities and technologies, Soulbrain produced display materials in the late 1990s, and lithium battery materials in the early 2000s. At the present, Soulbrain is not just a company that comes up with the trend of industries. Rather, Soulbrain is emerging as a leader in the industries by realizing the innovation of business and technologies. As IT industries require faster changes in products and technologies, IT companies should not be satisfied with the current achievement in their products and technologies. In such a highly competitive field, Chairman Chung has remarkably grown Soulbrain for almost 30 years, fueled by his engaging spirit. He was never satisfied with a success in the market. When he achieved a success in a product or technology, he began to look for something new right away. This desire to seek for innovative technologies and products has been accumulated and, finally, led to the huge success of Soulbrain. As a company dealing with chemicals, Soulbrain has noticed environment and safety as one of primary values to be pursued and the company has faithfully performed ethical management. From now on, Chairman Chung will realize another future, pushing himself to achieve more ambitious dream, a globalization of Soulbrain s technologies. 19

12 20IT Display Products Entrepreneur Of The Year 고민하는사람만이미래를열수있다 The future is for those who think 김철영미래나노텍대표이사사장 Chul-Young Kim CEO & President of MNtech Co., Ltd. 김철영사장이미래나노텍을설립한 2002년, 광학필름시장은전세계광학필름분야를독점하고있던 3M의시장지배력과특허기술에눌려대기업은물론국내어느기업도진입시도조차하지못하던철옹성이었습니다. 김철영사장은이시장에도전해순수우리기술로프리즘타입 LCD BLU용광학필름을개발하는데국내최초로성공하였으며, 한차원앞선기술개발과혁신적인제품으로미래나노텍을세계광학필름시장을선도하는일류기업으로성장시켰습니다. 김사장은자신이가장잘아는분야에도전해세계적인회사를키워보겠다는벤처정신을바탕으로광학필름의국산화에도전했습니다. 2년여의연구개발끝에 2004년세계최초로프리즘시트와확산시트를통합시킨 UTE I 을개발, 상용화에성공함으로써프리즘시트시장진입에성공했으며현재까지이분야세계시장점유율 1위를확고히지켜오고있습니다. 현재미래나노텍은터치스크린용 ITO필름및메탈메시솔루션사업, 교통안전용재귀반사필름사업, 자동차및건물용윈도우필름사업등새로운성장을위한사업포트폴리오를구축하고새로운미래를열어가고있습니다. 미래나노텍의사훈은 고민하는사람만이미래를열수있다 입니다. 자신의삶과가정, 직장그리고국가와사회에꼭필요한사람이될수있는방법을고민하는것이곧창의력으로이어지고, 창의적인생각은보다높은가치를창출할 수있는원동력이된다는김사장의믿음이반영된사훈입니다. 김사장은미래나노텍이제조분야벤처기업으로시작해대기업으로성장하는최초의성공사례가될수있기를꿈꿉니다. 김철영사장은그꿈을이루기위해 신뢰, 경쟁력, 도전 이라는경영이념을바탕으로세계최고의글로벌나노부품소재기업을만드는노력을멈추지않을것입니다. The world s optical film market was monopolized by 3M, the global corporation with a market power and patent rights when President Chul-Young Kim first founded MiraeNanoTech in President Kim developed prism type LCD BLU optical films for the first time in Korea and with innovative products and advanced technology, he made MNtech grown into a world leader in the field. President Kim succeed in domestically developing and producing complete LCD BLU optical films with a venture spirit that he will make a global company in the area that he know best. MNtech has maintained first in terms of market share since developed the world s first microlens type multiple optical film, UTE in With the growth of its optical film busi- ness, MNtech has managed to bring a brighter future into focus through a variety of new business areas. These include the ITO film for touch screens and metal mesh solutions, reflective sheeting and window film for vehicles and buildings. The motto of MNTech is, The future is for those who think. The struggle to become a valuable member in one s life, family, at work, society and nation has become creativity. President Kim believes that the creative thinking is the source in order to create higher values. Through this idea, MNtech will supply better and more effective items with our innovative technology to our customers. The first success case to grow into a large company from a venture at manufacturing field, that is what MNtech and President Kim dream of. To achieve this dream, President Kim promises to make the global company of nanotechnology based on the management philosophy of credibility, competitiveness and challenge. 21

13 22Rising Star Entrepreneur Of The Year 바이오인식기술로세계를제패한 CEO A CEO who took the world by surprise with biometric technologies 이재원슈프리마대표이사 Jae-Won Lee CEO of Suprema Inc. 이재원대표는박사학위취득후대기업연구원으로첫사회생활을시작했지만 IMF 경제위기를겪으면서본인이하고싶은연구를마음껏할수없게되자창업을결심했습니다. 마침테헤란벨리를중심으로벤처붐이크게일고있던 2000 년이대표는서른살의나이에슈프리마를설립했습니다. 슈프리마는바이오인식분야에서세계최고의원천기술을가진글로벌바이오인식전문기업으로성장해가고있습니다. 슈프리마가이렇게성장할수있었던것은이대표의기술개발에대한끊임없는투자와노력이있었기때문입니다. 이대표는대한민국의바이오인식기술을세계최고의반열에올려놓았습니다. 슈프리마는지문인식기술분야의기술력을검증하는세계지문인식대회 (FVC) 에서 2004년, 2006년및 2010년세차례에걸쳐세계 1위를차지하였으며, 미국국립기술표준원 (NIST) 의지문인식알고리즘호환성테스트에서도 1위를차지하고, 미국연방수사국 (FBI) 의최상등급국제인증을획득하기도하였습니다. 이대표는이런기술개발에대한노력과더불어공격적이고창의적인마케팅활동을통해전세계 110여개국에진출하는놀라운성과를이끌어내기도했습니다. 슈프리마는 1,000여개파트너사와글로벌세일즈네트워크를형성하여쉬지않고세계로뻗어나가고있으며, 현재수출비중도전체매출의 73% 를넘어섰습니다. 슈프리마라는회사명에는완벽하게할수는없 어도끝까지 100% 를향해열심히한다는이대표의의지가담겨있습니다. 이대표는늘중용에서말하는능구 ( 能久 ) 에대해강조합니다. 인생에서나사업에서나꾸준함과실천의지속이중요하다는것입니다. 이대표는이능구 ( 能久 ) 의정신으로슈프리마를후대에남을자랑스러운기업으로만들기위해앞으로도마라톤처럼쉬지않고, 뒤돌아보지않고꾸준히달려나갈것입니다. Jae-Won Lee, the CEO of Suprema, began his very first social life as a researcher of a large company after he achieved his doctoral degree. However, due to IMF economy crisis, he decided to start his own business since he could not persist to do the research that he wanted. At the time, venture boom has spread notably across Tehran Valley and Mr. Lee established Suprema at the age of 30 in Today Suprema is known as the world leader in biometric technology established by qualified experts, offers a wide range of next generation biometric products ranging from live fingerprint scanners to face recognition access control terminals. Dedicated investment and ceaseless efforts on technology development by Mr. Lee, it allows the company to become the top biometric company in Korea and a global leader in biometric technology. To illustrate, Suprema s algorithm ranked 1st place in the FVC(Fingerprint Verification Competition) in 2004, 2006 and 2010, one of the world s most prestigious fingerprint algorithm competitions, as well as 1st place for the MINEX test held by NIST. Through Mr. Lee s endless efforts and creative marketing, Suprema s sales network span into more than 110 countries and has more than 1,000 partners/ customers worldwide. Suprema s great success globally can be reflected also by over 73% of its revenue generated from exports into worldwide market. Mr. Lee always emphasizes on consistence in Moderation, one of the Eastern philosophy books by Confucius. It is about duration of will and actions. With a vision of Global Innovative Leader in biometric solution based security, Suprema will keep running only with looking ahead to be a boastful company transmitted to an after age. 23

14 24Special Entrepreneur Of The Year 세계모바일게임시장의열정의승부사 A passionate game changer in the global mobile game industry 송병준게임빌대표이사 Byung Joon Song CEO of GAMEVIL Inc. 송병준대표는모바일게임이라는단어가낯설던 2000년게임빌을설립, 지금까지 글로벌모바일게임 NO.1 을목표로매진해왔습니다. 송대표는 모바일게임은모바일게임다워야한다 는개발철학을바탕으로만들어낸독창적이고창의적인게임과서비스를통해전세계이용자들에게모바일게임의가치를전하고있습니다. 2009년 7월코스닥시장에상장된게임빌은, 최근스마트폰이대중화되고게임산업이크게성장함에따라국내외투자자들의최우선관심기업으로떠오르며한국모바일게임과산업을대표하고있습니다. 송대표는창업초기부터급변하는환경에빠르게대응하며남보다한발빠르게게임과관련한전문지식과노하우를쌓아왔습니다. 업계에서는최초로해외로눈을돌려 2006년에미국을시작으로일본, 중국등에현지법인을세우고글로벌게임사로서의입지를다져왔습니다. 송대표는모바일기기의특성에꼭맞는독창적아이디어로세계를놀라게한 놈 시리즈를비롯해다양한히트작들을선보여왔습니다. 최근에는변화하는모바일게임시장환경에맞춰매년 50여개의흥행모바일게임을출시하고있으며, 자체게임개발의확대와함께국내외우수모바일게임의퍼블리싱을통한산업의상생성장도견인하고있습니다. 게임빌은이미전세계에서모바일게임다운로드 3억건을돌파, 방대한규모의고객기반을가진세계 10대모바일게임사로인정받고있습니 다. 송대표는지금까지의성과에만족하지않고, 앞으로게임빌임직원들과만들어갈더큰성과로평가받는기업가가되고싶어합니다. 송병준대표와임직원들은게임빌을한국을대표하고, 글로벌시장을리딩하는 글로벌모바일게임 NO.1 기업으로성장시키기위해지금이순간에도최선을다하고있습니다. Mr. Song founded GAMEVIL in 2000 as one of the first pioneers in the mobile game industry. Since then, he has been striving to make GAMEVIL as the best mobile game company in the world. With the development motto of mobile game should be what mobile game is supposed to be, GAMEVIL has been developing and distributing creative, original and wellmade mobile games to global users. GAMEVIL went public in July, 2009 in KOSDAQ. With introduction of smartphones and growth of market size, it is considered as the most notable company in the industry which fascinates both the local and foreign investors to invest in. Mr. Song always tries to be swift in coping with the rapidly changing mobile game industry, learning and accumulating the expertise ahead of its competitors. With this strategy, the company aggressively expands its business worldwide and has been very successful. The wholly owned subsidiary in USA was established in 2006, the first as the Korean mobile company. He also recently established offices in Japan and China to expand the global presence. Many games made big hits in the global market from GAMEVIL including Nom Series which perfectly suits to the characteristics of mobile device and more recent hit games as well. GAMEVIL is launching about fifty games every year to quickly adapt to the rapid changing mobile game industry trends. Not only it develops games internally, but also thrives the industry by working with third party developers through its publishing program. GAMEVIL has more than 300 million worldwide install bases. With its user pool and popular game portfolio, GAMEVIL is selected as top 10 mobile game companies in the world. Mr. Song does not get satisfied with what he has achieved so far. With its dedication and specialties in mobile games, Mr. Song and all of GAMEVIL employees will continue its path to be the leading mobile game company of the world. 25

15 Award winners Award winners Master Steel Products Industrial Products Technology Rising star Special Master Banking & Capital Markets Industrial Products Rising Star Special 윤윤수휠라글로벌회장 故이운형세아그룹회장 최평규 S&T 그룹회장 한대근실리콘웍스대표이사사장 고광일고영테크놀러지대표이사사장 김미경이오에스대표이사 변대규휴맥스대표이사사장 김익래키움증권회장 성규동이오테크닉스대표이사사장 안건준크루셜텍대표이사사장 남수정썬앳푸드대표이사 Yoon soo(gene) Yoon Chairman & CEO of FILA Global Late Woon-Hyung Lee Chairman & CEO of SeAH Group Pyung-Kyu Choi Chairman of S&T Group Dae-Keun Han CEO & President of Silicon Works Kwangill Koh CEO & President of Koh Young Technology Mi Kyung Kim CEO of EOS Corporation Dae-Gyu Byun President & CEO of HUMAX Ik-Rae Kim Chairman of Kiwoom Securities Kyu-Dong Sung President & CEO of EO Technics Keon-Joon Ahn President & CEO of CrucialTec Caroline Nam CEO of SUN AT FOOD Judging panel Judging panel 심사위원장 윤증현 전기획재정부장관 Jeung-Hyun Yoon Former Minister, Ministry of Strategy and Finance 박경서 고려대학교경영대학교수 Kyung Suh Park Professor of Finance at Korea University Business School 성규동 이오테크닉스대표이사 Kyu-Dong Sung President & CEO of EO Technics 안태식 서울대학교경영대학교수 Tae-Sik Ahn Seoul National University Business School Professor 이구택 포스코고문 Ku Taek Lee Advisor of POSCO 장용성 MBN 대표이사부사장 Yong Sung Jang Vice president & CEO of MBN 정병철 전국경제인연합회부회장 Byung-Chul Jung Vice Chairman & CEO of the Federation of Korean Industries 심사위원장 이헌재 전경제부총리 Hun Jai Lee Former Deputy Prime Minister 김대식 보험연구원원장 Dae-Sik Kim President of Korea Insurance Research Institute 박정인 현대모비스고문 Jeong In Park Executive Advisor of Hyundai Mobis 박종원 코리안리대표이사사장 Jong-Won Park President & CEO of Korean Reinsurance Company 안태식 서울대학교경영대학교수 Tae-Sik Ahn Seoul National University Business School Professor 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 정병철 전국경제인연합회부회장 Byung-Chul Jung Vice Chairman & CEO of the Federation of Korean Industries 26 27

16 Award winners Award winners Master Industrial Products Technology Insurance Rising Star Special Master Industrial Products Entertainment Consumer Products Rising Star Special 서경배아모레퍼시픽대표이사사장 류진풍산회장 남광희 KH 바텍대표이사 박종원코리안리대표이사사장 서정진셀트리온회장 최승옥기보스틸대표이사 박현주미래에셋회장 허용도태웅대표이사회장 김택진엔씨소프트대표이사사장 성기학영원무역회장 김달수티엘아이대표이사사장 김성주성주그룹회장 Kyung-Bae Suh President & CEO of AMOREPACIFIC Jin Roy Ryu Chairman & CEO of POONGSAN Kwang-Hee Nam CEO & President of KHVatec Jong-Won Park President & CEO of Korean Reinsurance Company Jung-Jin Seo Chairman of Celltrion Seung Ok Choi President & CEO of KIBO STEEL Hyeon Joo Park Chairman of Mirae Asset Yong-Do Huh Chairman of Taewoong Taek-Jin Kim CEO of NCsoft Kihak Sung Chairman & CEO of Youngone Corporation Dal-soo Kim President & CEO of TLi Sung-Joo Kim Chairperson & CEO of SUNGJOO GROUP Judging panel Judging panel 심사위원장 이헌재 전경제부총리 Hun Jai Lee Former Deputy Prime Minister 김대식 보험연구원원장 Dae-Sik Kim President of Korea Insurance Research Institute 박정인 현대모비스고문 Jeong In Park Executive Advisor of Hyundai Mobis 성기학 영원무역회장 Kihak Sung Chairman & CEO of Youngone Corporation 윤종용 삼성전자상임고문 Jong-Yong Yun Executive Advisor of Samsung Electronics 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 정병철 전국경제인연합회부회장 Byung-Chul Jung Vice Chairman & CEO of the Federation of Korean Industries 심사위원장 어윤대 국가브랜드위원회위원장 Yoon-Dae Euh Chairman of the Presidential Council on Nation Branding 강덕수 STX그룹회장 Duk-soo Kang Chairman of STX Group 곽수근 서울대학교교수 Su-Keun Kwak Professor of Seoul National University 서윤석 이화여자대학교교수 Yoon-Suk Suh Professor of Ewha Womans University 윤종용 삼성전자상임고문 Jong-Yong Yun Executive Advisor of Samsung Electronics 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 정병철 전국경제인연합회부회장 Byung-Chul Jung Vice Chairman & CEO of the Federation of Korean Industries 28 29

17 Award winners Award winners Master Shipping Industry Heavy Industry Rising Star Special Master Financial Services Consumer Products Telecommunications Rising Star 김재철동원그룹회장 강덕수 STX 그룹회장 민계식현대중공업부회장 윤재승대웅제약부회장 박지영컴투스대표이사사장 박삼구금호아시아나그룹회장 라응찬신한금융지주회장 윤석금웅진그룹회장 김신배 SKT 대표이사사장 박상환하나투어회장 Jae-Chul Kim Founder & Chairman of Dongwon Group Duk-soo Kang Founder & Chairman of STX Group Keh-Sik Min Vice Chairman & CEO of Hyundai Heavy Industries Jae Seung Yoon Vice Chairman of Daewoong Pharmaceutical Ji-young Park Founder & CEO of Com2uS Sam-Koo Park Chairman & CEO of Kumho Asiana Group Eung Chan Ra Chairman of Shinhan Financial Group Seok-Keum Yoon Chairman of Woongjin Group Shin Bae Kim President & CEO of SKT Sang-Hwan Park Chairman & CEO of Hanatour Judging panel Judging panel 심사위원장 강철규 서울시립대학교교수 Chul-kyu Kang Professor of the University of Seoul 김신배 SK C&C 대표이사부회장 Shin-Bae Kim Vice Chairman of SK C&C 곽수근 서울대학교교수 Su-Keun Kwak Professor of Seoul National University 서윤석 이화여자대학교교수 Yoon-Suk Suh Professor of Ewha Womans University 윤종용 삼성전자상임고문 Jong-Yong Yun Executive Advisor of Samsung Electronics 이진강 대한변호사협회협회장 Jin Kang Lee President of Korean Bar Association 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 심사위원장 정운찬 서울대학교교수 Un-Chan Chung Professor of Seoul National University 강철규 서울시립대학교교수 Chul-kyu Kang Professor of University of Seoul 엄기영 MBC 사장 Ki-Young Ohm President of Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation 이윤호 지식경제부장관 Youn Ho Lee Minister of Knowledge Economy 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 제프리존스김앤장법률사무소변호사 Jeffrey D. Jones Lawyer of Kim & Chang 주인기 연세대학교교수 In-Ki Joo Professor of Yonsei University 30 31

18 Program founder EY는회계감사, 세무, 재무자문및어드바이저리서비스부문의글로벌리더입니다. 뛰어난통찰과높은품질의서비스를제공함으로써자본시장, 나아가세계경제의신뢰를높이는데기여하고있습니다. EY는 Building a better working world 를사명으로모든임직원과고객, 나아가사회전체를위해더나은세상을만들고자최선을다하고있습니다. EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Czech Republic Denmark Eastern Africa Estonia Finland France French Speaking Central Africa French Speaking West Africa Georgia Germany Greece Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Korea Liechtenstein Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Philippines Poland Portugal Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Slovak Republic Southern Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States Uruguay Vietnam West Africa 32 33

19 145 cities June 2014 Monte Carlo Celebrating exceptional entrepreneurs from around the world whose vision will create the future 60 nations 1 award 34 35

20 Program partners Contact information Please contact us to find out more about the awards program. Media partner SUPPORTER 세계최고의지식신문을추구하는매일경제는대한민국의미래를위한어젠다를제시하는언론으로서의사명을다해왔습니다. 글로벌석학들을한자리에불러지식의향연을펼치는세계지식포럼. 지난 1997년외환위기를예고한 한국보고서 를시발로매년지식강국의내일을위한새로운비전과패러다임을제시하는국민보고대회. 매일경제는이렇게대한민국의내일을늘걱정하고고민하는신문입니다. 특히 기업육성의지침 이라는사시를비탕으로창간이후지금까지기업가정신의중요성을인식하고기업들의비즈니스동반자로자리매김하기위해그역할을다하고자노력하고있습니다. 매일경제는 2007년 1회개최부터 7회를맞는올해시상식까지 EY의최우수기업가상의후원을하게됨을기쁘게생각합니다. Maeil Business Newspaper seeks to be the best knowledgeable newspaper that propose future agendas. With this mission in mind, Maeil Business Newspaper holds various events. World Knowledge Forum that invites best scholars and leaders to share their thoughts. World Korean Business Convention that started in 1997 became an annual event as it rightfully expected economic crisis. Every year, Maeil Business Newspaper sets a new vision and shows current paradigm through this event. Well aware of the importance of entreprenurship in Korea, Maeil Business Newspaper has also making every effort to play the role as a business companion of enterprises. It is an honor and pleasant thing to do to keep sponsoring the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award program since its launch in 지난반세기동안우리나라는불굴의기업가정신으로유례없는고도의경제성장을이루어냈습니다. 향후반세기는이러한양적성과를바탕으로질적성장을이루어야할시점입니다. 사회와함께꿈꾸고기회를나누며, 사회적책임을다하는새로운기업가정신은따뜻한자본주의를꽃피우는버팀목이될것입니다. EY 최우수기업가상이미래새로운기업가정신의정립을위한이정표를제시하고우리기업인들에게힘을실어주는계기가되기를기원합니다. Korea achieved astonishing levels of economic growth over the past half century as a result of persistent entrepreneurship. In the next half century, we must build on this quantitative growth and focus on qualitative growth. Entrepreneurship should create opportunities and improve society through corporate social responsibility. That is how the society of the future will flourish. We hope the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award will inspire Korean business leaders and set a positive direction for future entrepreneurship. Program leader 전재훈부대표 T E chae-hoon.jeon@kr.ey.com Program manager 전재진대리 T E jaejin.jeon@kr.ey.com PR manager 이호준과장 T E ho-joon.yi@kr.ey.com Program designer 강윤정과장 T E yun-jung.kang@kr.ey.com 최근혜과장 T E gun-hye.choi@kr.ey.com 36 37

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