Guide to Visa Information and Sojourn This guideline aims to inform Official Participants of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea (hereinafter referred to as the Exp
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1 Guide for Visa Information and Sojourn The Organizing Committee for EXPO 2012 Yeosu Korea October 2011
2 Guide to Visa Information and Sojourn This guideline aims to inform Official Participants of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea (hereinafter referred to as the Expo) about visa issuance, immigration of and sojourn in the Republic of Korea. According to article 9 of the General Regulations (Rights and Obligations), the Commissioner of Section is solely responsible for the organization and operation of his/her national section, which includes all the exhibitors and the managers of the commercial activities. In this regard, the Commissioner of Section shall appoint a person that provides visa support for his/her Participant, changing status of sojourn and extending sojourn period and carry out duties related to visa issuance by working with the Organizing Committee for Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee). This guideline has been made for Official Participants and the Expo-related personnel. Therefore, persons who enter the Republic of Korea for the purpose of tourism are not subject to the criteria of this guideline. Citizens of countries that are under the Visa Exemption Agreement with the Republic of Korea, or that have agreed upon a visa waiver programme between the two governments are allowed to enter Korea for the purpose of tourism, conference and consultation and stay for 90days without a visa. Procedures for visa application, sojourn period extension, and sojourn status change are as follows: 1. Visa Issuance 1.1. Overview Official Participants to the Expo and Expo-related personnel may obtain visas after following the procedure below: <Visa Issuance Process Flowchart> Request for Issuance of Certificate A copy of passport A written Pledge (applicants fallen in Categor 3, 5) ( ) Issuance of the Certificate ( ) Reception of the Certificate Apply for Visa Issuance Visa Issuance Person in charge of visa in Participating Country Organizing Committee Person in charge of visa in Participating Country Official Participants Embassy or Consulate 1.2. Procedure for Visa Issuance To enter Korea, Official Participants or persons involved in the Expo are required to obtain visas pursuant to their status of sojourn and sojourn period (See for detailed information). The Organizing Committee will issue a Certificate to streamline the visa issuance process for Official Participants. Official Participants are asked to complete their Visa Application Form and submit the form with their Certificates to Korean embassies or consulates stationed in the countries of Official Participants or nearby countries (hereinafter refer to as Korean Overseas Diplomatic Office). Visa fees of the Official Participants will be exempted. 1 Appointment of a Person in Charge of Visa Support (Commissioner of Section) The Commissioner of Section will appoint a person who takes charge of visa support and sojourn for his/her Official Participant first. Once the Commissioner of Section has approved the person, he/she makes sure to
3 inform the appointee s contact information to the Organizing Committee by . Send to 2 Submission of Request for Issuance of Certificate to the Organizing Committee (Person in charge of Visa Support) - Visa applicants (Applicant categories 1, 2, 6 and 7) are required to submit their Request for Issuance of Certificate with the endorsement by their Commissioners of Section and a copy of passport to the Organizing Committee by through the person in charge of visa support. (If documents are sent as a scanned file, only JPEG file is acceptable.) Notice - The Organizing Committee will inform each Korean Overseas Diplomatic Office in participating countries of the issuance of the certificate. When applicants fill out a form of request of certificate(form-1),they shall select and write the Korean Overseas Diplomatic Office where they are going to submit the application(see enclosed Overseas Embassies and Consulates of the Republic of Korea List). In this regard, Applicants of each Official Participant shall be categorized into Korean Overseas Diplomatic Offices where they intend to submit the Request. - The Request must be written in English. - Persons involved in commercial activities or art/cultural performances (Applicant Categories 3 and 5) are required to submit the Certificate along with a written Pledge (Form 2) which says that the persons shall not engage in Expo-related activities not associated with the Expo while staying in Korea. The Certificate must be endorsed by either the Commissioner of Section or representatives of the business entities involved in the commercial activities or art/cultural performances. Submission to: Visa Support Division of the Organizing Committee Phone: Required Documents: Request for Issuance of Certificate (Form 1), a copy of passport * Person involved in commercial activities or art/cultural performances is required to submit a written Pledge along with above necessary documents. - Journalists willing to cover the events of the Expo (Applicant Categories 4) are required to apply for visas in Korean Overseas Diplomatic Offices along with a dispatch confirmation letter issued by their governments or media outlets. 3 Issuance of the Certificate (The Organizing Committee) - The Organizing Committee will send the Certificate to the contact of visa support in each Participating Country after reviewing documents. 4 Submission of Visa Application to Korean Overseas Diplomatic Office (Visa Applicants) - Official Participants may apply for visas by submitting necessary documents along with the certificate issued by the Organizing Committee to Korean embassies or consulates in their countries. Required Document: Application for visa (Form 3), Passport (to show), one(1) photograph taken within the past 6 months (size: W3.5 cm x L4.5 cm), Certificate issued by the Organizing Committee * In the case of journalists, the Certificate can be replaced by a dispatch confirmation letter.
4 5 Visa Issuance (Korean Overseas Diplomatic Office) - The Organizing Committee will work in close cooperation with Korean Overseas Diplomatic Office to help Official Participants to obtain appropriate visas within a week. * Waiting period for visa issuance may differ from country to country Visa Issuing Agency In principle, visas to enter Korea can be issued by Korean Overseas Diplomatic Office stationed in the countries of Official Participants. If there is no Korean embassy or consulate in the Official Participant s country, visas may be obtained from Korean Overseas Diplomatic Office in a neighboring country. If an Official Participant enters Korea without a visa due to there are no Korean embassies and consulates in his/her country or due to the circumstances beyond his/her control, he/she must have the Certificate and obtain an entry permit by the immigration Officer at the airports and ports of Entry and Departure where he/she arrives in Korea. Official Participants who are under the circumstance, he/she has to notify the Organizing Committee the detailed information about name, fight number, port of embarkation/disembarkation and estimated time of arrival a week before his/her arrival. The Organizing Committee will consult with Immigration Office of the airports and ports of Entry and Departure in Korea in advance to deal with his/her visa issue Sojourn Status and Visa The status of sojourn systematically defines the activities a foreigner is allowed to engage in during his/her stay in Korea. Depending on the type of sojourn status, his/her legal status and scope of activities differ. The status of sojourn for the Expo is divided into seven (7) categories. Multiple-entry visa, which allows foreign nationals to enter Korea more than twice during the validity period, will be issued to Official Participants. Period and legal status of sojourn will be stated in the visa Sojourn Status and Visa by Official Participants Category Visa Type Sojourn of Period 1. Commissioner of Section and his/her family members a. Diplomat or person with Government official passport b. Person with a general passport 2. Pavilion directors/operators/exhibitors a. Pavilion director, operator and his/her family members with an official passport b. Operator and exhibitor 3. Persons involved in cultural and art events 4. Journalists covering the events of the Expo Official Mission (A-2) Conventions/Agreements (A-3) Official Mission (A-2) Special Occupation (E-7) Cultural Arts (D-1) Temporary Journalism (C-1) Period necessary for assignment, not exceeding one (1) year Period necessary for assignment, not exceeding one (1) year Period necessary for assignment, not exceeding six (6) months 90 days 5. Person involved in business activities during the Expo (Approval from the Organizing Committee is needed.) 6. Staff members of non-profit organizations which conclude a Participation Contract with the Organizing Committee 7. Dependents who fall into Category 2 or 6 Special Occupation (E-7) Miscellaneous (G-1) Dependent Family (F-3) Period necessary for assignment, not exceeding one (1) year Period necessary for assignment, not exceeding six (6) months Same as for the companion of applicant
5 1.3. Entry Entry declaration forms should be filled out on the plane to quicken entry procedures. Immigration desks at the airport are divided into those for Korean citizens and those for foreigners. Wait in the appropriate line with the required documents (passport and entry declaration form) ready. Hand the documents to the immigration officer to begin immigration procedures. To enter the Republic of Korea you are required to have a valid passport and visa. Entry will be denied those with expired passports. Furthermore, you must enter the country within the valid period of your visa. If your visa is not commensurate with the purpose of your visit, entry may be denied Departure Foreigners are free to leave Korea at their will. However, if they fail to meet departure requirements, for example, their departure is suspended or their passport is forged or counterfeited, departure may be delayed. If foreigners wish to leave the country beyond their allowed period of stay, they must comply with prescribed procedures at the Immigration Office. Registered foreigners who intend to permanently depart from the country must return their alien registration cards during departure procedures. 2. Sojourn 2.1. Foreigner Registration In general, foreigners who intend to stay in the Republic of Korea for more than 90 days after entry must register the Immigration Office that governs the place of sojourn within 90 days after the date of entry. However, those foreigners undertaking diplomacy, official business or agreements and their family members, including Official Participants for the Expo are exempted from foreigner registration. In spite of the foreign registration exemption, Official Participants who want to apply for foreigner registration may submit the following documents to the local Immigration Office for application of foreigner registration. An alien registration card will be issued approximately two(2) weeks after the application is submitted. Required Documents: Application for Foreigner Registration (Form 4), Passport (to show), one(1) photograph taken within the past 6 months (size: W3.5 cm x L4.5 cm) Yeosu Immigration Office (for inquires and contact) Address Telephone Number 267 Museon-ro, Yeosu City, South Jeolla Province ARS Extension of Sojourn Period, Change of Sojourn Status and Engage in Activities beyond the Limit of Current Status < Process Flowchart > Request for Issuance of Certificate A copy of passport A written Pledge (applicants fallen in Categories3,5) ( ) Issuance of the Certificate ( ) Reception of the Certificate (visit) Application for Extending Sojourn Period Extending Sojourn Period Person in charge of visa in Participating Country Organizing Committee Person in charge of visa in Participating Country Official Participants Immigration Office
6 Application for Extension of Sojourn and Change of Sojourn Status A foreigner who intends to stay in the Republic of Korea beyond his/her allowed sojourn period or who wishes to change his/her status of sojourn as the purpose of his/her visit changes must receive permission from the Immigration Office. He/She has to submit his/her passport and the Certificate issued by the Organizing Committee along with the application form for extension of sojourn or change of sojourn status. All charges during the procedure will be exempted. If a foreign national obtains permission from the Immigration Office, a sticker showing his/her sojourn period or status will be attached on his/her passport. If an Official Participant intends to stay in Korea after the closure of the Expo for the purpose of performing his/her duties such as pavilion dismantlement and tax refund, his/her valid sojourn period might be expired before the estimated departure date. In this case, he/she has to obtain extension of sojourn period from the Immigration Office until September 30, In this regard, Official Participants shall submit Request for Issuance of Certificate to the Organizing Committee until August 31, Required Documents: Application for Foreigner Registration (Form 4), Certificate issued by the Organizing Committee, passport (to show), one(1) photograph taken within the past 6 months (size: W3.5 cm x L4.5 cm) The above mentioned guidelines shall not be applicable to a person involved in the exhibition who applies for extension of sojourn period or change of legal status for any reason other than exhibition activities Application for Engage in Activities Not Covered by the Status of Sojourn If a legal alien in Korea wishes to obtain work permit for an Expo-related job, he/she must submit application for Engage in Activities not covered by the Status of Sojourn along with the Certificate issued by the Organizing Committee and his/her passport to the Immigration Office. If the legal alien wishes to involve in volunteer activities, he/she is not subject to the aforementioned rule. Required Documents: Application for Engage in Activities by not covered the Status of Sojourn (form 4), Certificate issued by the Organizing Committee, passport(to show), one(1) photograph taken within the past 6 months (size: W3.5 cm x L4.5 cm)
7 Form-1 We hereby Request for Issuance of Certificate (Name of Participating country ) officially request the Organizing Committee for Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea to issue the certificate for the entry stay permit to the person(s) mentioned below. Applying Visa Place of Issue/Issue Authority : (*See Korean Overseas Diplomatic Office List) No 1 Name Gender ( M / F ) Nationality Passport Number. Purpose of Visit/Stay Profession or Occupation of the EXPO Estimated Stay Period ~ * If more than five persons are listed on the form, more rows may be added. * If an applicant has dependents, please indicate the relationship with the applicant in the section of the purpose of visit (sojourn). I (Name of Commissioner of Section) hereby certifies that the person(s) listed above is(are) the Official Participant of (Name of Participating Country ) for the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea Name of Commissioner of Section : Signature of Commissioner of Section :
8 Form-2 P L E D G E I solemnly pledge that the person(s) whose name(s) is/are listed below shall not engage in any commercial or entertainment activities other than those related to the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea during my/our sojourn in the Republic of Korea. Contract : Organization : Address of Employer : Contact Information (Phone Number and address) : Visiting Members : No Name Gender (M/F) Date of Birth Occupation Profession or Occupation of the EXPO Signature Leader *If more than five persons are listed on the form, more rows may be added Name of Organization Chair (or Commissioner of Section) : Signature of Organization Chair (or Commissioner of Section) :
9 Form-3 사증발급신청서 APPLICATION FOR VISA 사증발급인정번호 (CONFIRMATION OF VISA ISSUANCE No : ) 사진 PHOTO 3.5 cm 4.5 cm 여권 ( 앞쪽 ) 1. 성 Surname 3. 漢字姓名 4. 성별 Gender [ ]M [ ]F 2. 명 Given Names 5. 생년월일 Date of Birth 6. 국적 Nationality 7. 출생국가 Country of Birth 8. 현주소 Home Address 9. 전화번호 Phone No. 10. 휴대전화 Mobile Phone No. 11. 이메일 12. 신분증번호 National Identity No. 13. 여권번호 Passport No. 14. 여권종류 Classification 外交, 公務, 公務普通, 因私, 其他 DP( 外交 ), OF( 官用 ), OR( 一般 ), OTHERS( 其他 ) 15. 발급지 Place of Issue 16. 발급일자 Date of Issue 17. 기간만료일 Date Of Expiry 직업 18. 직업 Occupation 19. 직장전화번호 Business Phone No. 20. 직장명및주소 Name and Address of Present Employer 결혼여부 Marital status 21.[ ] 기혼 married [ ] 배우자사망 widowed [ ] 미혼 Single [ ] 이혼 divorced 22. 배우자성명 Spouse's Name 23. 배우자생년월일 Spouse's Date of Birth 24. 배우자국적 Spouse's Nationality 25. 배우자연락처 Spouse's Phone No. 26. 입국목적 Purpose of Entry 27. 체류예정기간 Potential Length of Stay 28. 입국예정일 Potential Date of Entry 29. 방한사실 Previous Visit (If Any) 30. 국내체류지 Address in Korea 31. 국내전화번호 Phone No. in Korea 32. 국내체류비용지불자 Who Will Pay For The Expense For Your Stay? 33. 과거 5 년간여행국가 Countries You Have Travelled During The Past 5 Years Please note that C-series visa holders are not able to change their residential status after entry into Republic of Korea pursuant to the first clause of article 9 of Immigration Regulation 34. 동반가족 Accompanying Family 관계 Relationship 국적 Nationality 성명 Name 생년월일 Date of bitrh 성별 Gender 35. 국내보증인 Guarantor or Reference in Korea 관계 Relationship 국적 Nationality 성명 Name 생년월일 Date of bitrh 성별 Gender I declare that the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I will observe the provisions of the Immigration Law of the Republic of Korea and that I will not engage in any activities irrelevant to the purpose of entry stated herein. Besides, I am fully aware that any false or misleading statement may result in the refusal of a visa, and that possession of a visa does not entitle the bearer to enter the Republic of Korea upon arrival at the port of entry if he/she is found inadmissible. 신청일자 DATE OF APPLICATION 신청인서명 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 공용란 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 기본사항체류자격체류기간사증종류단수ㆍ복수 (2 회, 3 회이상 ) 접수사항접수일자접수번호처리과 허가사항허가일자허가번호고지사항 결재 수입인지부착란 담당자 가ㆍ부 심사의견 210mm 297mm( 인쇄용지 (2 급 ) 60g/ m2 )
10 Notice ( 뒤쪽 ) Fill out the form in English language and sign it with your signature. Attach a photo taken within the last 6 months. Submission of additional documents may be requested, after the application is completed. The visa issuance may be denied after the screening of the application. Applicants shall notify the competent Korean embassy if there is a material change after the application is lodged or a visa has been issued. If you obtain a new passport after a visa has been issued, you should transfer the visa onto a new passport before departure. If you have a history of breaking the immigration law in foreign countries, you should submit the details of it with the application. Visa fee is not refundable even if visa is denied. How to fill it out Write down the number of the Confirmation of Visa Issuance, if applicable. 1~2. Write down the name as printed in your passport. Surname is last name and given name is first name. 3. If you have the Chinese character name, write down in Chinese character. Only for people from countries that use Chinese character. 4. To mark your gender, check a bracket below. 5. Write down the date of birth in the order of date, month, and year. 6. Write down your nationality. 7. Write down the name of the country you were born in. 8.~11. Write down your address, phone number, mobile phone number and in your home country. 13.~17. Write down the type of your passport (see your passport) and draw a circle around the appropriate one. DP(Diplomatic Passport), OF(Official Passport), OR(Ordinary Passport) Write down your occupation and the phone number ㆍ name ㆍ address of your company. 21.~25. Write down personal data of your spouse, if you are married. 29. Write down how many times you have visited Korea. 30.~31. Write down the address and phone number of a place you are going to stay after arriving in Korea. If they are undecided, write down "undecided." 32. Write down who will bear the cost of your stay in Korea. (name, relation) 34. If you are a spouse or a child under the age of 20 of a person who holds the visa status of Culture and Art(D-1), Student(D-2), General Training(D-4) through Particular Occupation(E-7), fill these blanks. 35. Write down the name of person who sponsors your visa. A sponsor may be a non-korean.
11 Form-4 법무부 MINISTRY OF JUSTICE 신청서 ( 신고서 ) APPLICATION FORM(REPORT FORM) 업무선택 SELECT APPLICATION 1 외국인등록 6 체류자격외활동허가 PHOTO ALIEN REGISTRATION ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES NOT COVERED BY THE STATUS OF SOJOURN 35 mm 45 mm 2 등록증재발급 7 근무처변경 추가허가 REISSUANCE OF REGISTRATION CARD ALTERATION OR ADDITION OF EMPLOYMENT PLACE 외국인등록시에만 3 체류기간연장허가 8 재입국허가 ( 단수, 복수 ) EXTENSION OF SOJOURN PERIOD REENTRY (SINGLE, MULTIPLE) 사진부착 4 체류자격변경허가 9 체류지변경신고 Photo only for CHANGE OF STATUS OF SOJOURN ALTERATION OF RESIDENCE 5 체류자격부여등록사항변경신고 Alien Registration GRANTING STATUS OF SOJOURN CHANGE OF INFORMATION ON ALIEN REGISTRATION 공통기재사항 FOR ALL Surname Given names 漢字姓名성별 남 M 성명 Full Name Sex 여 F 생년월일또는외국인등록번호 Date of Birth or Alien Registration No.(if any) 대한민국내주소 Address in Korea 년 Year 월 Month 일 Day 외국인등록번호후단 Registration No 국적 Nationality / Others 전화번호 Tel. No ( ) - H P No - - 본국주소 Home Address 전화번호 Tel. No 근무처 Workplace 직위 Position 전화번호 Tel. No ( ) - 여권번호 Passport No. 여권발급일자 Passport Issue Date 여권유효기간 Passport validity 신청사유 Reason for Application 선택기재사항 CHOOSE YOUR APPLICATION 신청기간 Intended period of Sojourn 년 (years) 월 (months) 일 (days) 6 자격외예정근무지 Place of Employment 직위 Position 7 변경 추가예정근무지 Alteration or Addition Place 직위 Position 8 재입국신청기간 Intended Period of Re-entry 종류 Type 단수 Single 복수 Multiple 9 변경전주소 Previous Address 10 등록사항변경 Change of Information on Alien Registration 성명동반자 Full Name D e p e n d en t in Passport 생년월일 Date of Birth 관계 Relation 성명 Full Name 생년월일 Date of Birth 관계 Relation 행정정보공동이용동의 CONFIRMATION 담당공무원은이건업무처리와관련한첨부서류를 전자정부법 제 36 조제 1 항에따른행정정보의공동이용을통하여확인하여야한다. The Official in charge shall verify necessary documents required to process his/her civil petition clerical service through administrative data matching provided for in the provisions of Article 36(1) of Electronic Government Act. 동의합니다. 동의하지않습니다. 이건업무처리와관련한첨부서류를본인이직접제출하겠습니다. ( I agree) (I disagree. I will supply all related documents by myself) 신청인 ( 서명또는인 ) 신청인의배우자 ( 서명또는인 ) 신청인의부또는모 ( 서명또는인 ) Applicant (sign/seal) Spouse of applicant (sign/seal) Father/Mother of the applicant (sign/seal) 신청일 Date of Application 신청인서명 Signature 공 용 란 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 기본사항최초입국일체류자격체류기간 접수사항접수일자접수번호비고 허가사항허가일자허가번호체류자격체류기간 결 재 담당 가 부 소장 수입인지첨부란 (Revenue Stamp Here)
12 공통기재사항입력안내 / Guideline for filling out basic info. 성명 (Full name) 여권에기재되어있는성 (Surname, Last Name 또는 Family Name) 과명 (Given names) 을구분하여기재하되성이없는경우는여권에기재되어있는순서대로성과명란에차례대로영문으로기재합니다. Please enter your Surname and Given name in the appropriate boxes using upper case alphabet letters. Should the distinction not apply to you, please enter your name exactly as they appear on your passport. 생년월일또는외국인등록번호 (Date of Birth or Alien Registration No.(if any)) 여권상생년월일을년, 월, 일순서로기재합니다. 소지하고있는외국인등록증의상단에적혀있는외국인등록번호 ( 과거에부여받은적이있는경우포함 ) 후단 7자리를일 (day) 뒤에순서대로기재합니다. Fill out your date of birth as it appears in your passport. If you have one, or was given one in the past, please enter the last seven (7) digits of your alien registration number. 대한민국내주소 (Address in Korea) 및전화번호 (Tel. No) 현재체류하고있는실제주소를번지까지 ( 아파트의경우동, 호수 ) / 국내에서실제연락가능한전화번호, 핸드폰번호를기재합니다. 기재하지않으실경우우리사무소가제공하는사증이나체류관련중요사항에대한휴대폰문자서비스를받지못하게됩니다. Please enter the complete, exact address of your current residence in Korea. / Provide a working phone & cell phone number where you can be reached in Korea. If this field is empty or incorrect, you will not be able to receive any of the vital information that we may provide. 근무처 (Place of Employment) / 직위 (Position) / 전화번호 (Tel. No) 현재근무처 ( 직장명, 학교명, 단체명등 ) / 직위및담당업무 / 전화번호를영문또는한자또는한글로기재합니다. Please enter information your current workplace (In Korean, Chinese or English) address 연락가능한 주소를반드시기재합니다. 기재하지않으실경우우리사무소가제공하는사증이나체류관련중요안내사항에대해 서비스를받지못하게됩니다. Enter an address where you can be reached. If you don't enter a valid address, you will not be able to receive any of the vital notices or information that we may provide. 신청사유 (Reason for Application) 신청하고자하는목적과신청내용 ( 예 : 유학-체류기간연장, 결혼-체류지변경, 여권재발급-등록사항변경등 ) 을영어또는한자또는한글로간략하게기재합니다. Please enter your reason for application (e.g. Marriage - change of residence, re-issuance - change in registration data) in Korean, Chinese or English. 선택기재사항입력안내 Optional information 신청기간 (Intended period of Sojourn) 각종체류허가를신청하는경우국내에체류하고자하는기간을기재합니다.( 체류지변경이나등록사항변경등을신고만하는경우에는제외 ) When applying for any type of grant for sojourn, specify how long you will be staying in Korea (Can be omitted when applying for alteration of residence or change of information on alien registration) 자격외예정근무지 (Place of Employment) / 직위 (Position) 현재체류자격에해당하는활동과병행하여다른체류자격에해당하는활동허가를받고자할경우해당자격외활동예정장소 ( 근무처명, 학교명등 ) 와직위를기재합니다. When applying to engage in activities not covered by the status of sojourn, specify where the said new activities will take place in (include the name of the firm/school along with its location, etc), as well as your position there. 변경 추가예정근무지 (Alteration or Addition of Workplace) / 직위 (Position) 취업활동을할수있는체류자격을받은외국인이변경또는추가되는근무처의명칭과직위를기재합니다. When a registered foreign worker wishes to change or add their workplace, specify the name of the new workplace and their position in it. 재입국신청기간 (Intended Period of Re-entry) / 종류 (Type) 신청인이외국을여행한후다시귀국하여동일한체류자격으로계속하여체류를하고자할경우희망하는여행기간을월또는년단위로기재합니다. 단기존에허가받은체류허가기간을초과하지못하며 1 회에한하여허가를원할경우단수에, 2 회이상허가를원할경우복수에 "V" 표기를합니다. When applying for reentry, specify how long the visit outside Korea will be (in units of months or years). This must not exceed their original period of sojourn, and you must check "single" if you intend to leave once during your period of sojourn, and "multiple" if you want to leave more than once. 변경전주소 (Previous Address) 신청인이체류지를변경하여체류지변경신고를하는경우전체류지주소를기재합니다. When applying for alteration of residence, provide full address of previous residence. 등록사항변경 (Change of Information on Alien Registration) 성명, 성별, 생년월일및국적과여권번호, 발급일자및유효기간등이변경되는경우변경된내용을기재합니다. List all related information that changed from the information currently on your alien registration card. 동반자 (Dependent in Passport) 신청인과함께국내체류중인동반가족중외국인등록증상동반가능한가족또는동반으로등재된경우에한하여기재합니다. Only fill this out if there is any family member currently residing in Korea with the applicant who can be/is listed as dependent in passport on the registration record.
2015.6.15.시행 사증발급신청서, 외국인배우자초청장.hwp
출입국관리법 시행규칙 [별지 제17호서식] (제1쪽 / Page1) 사증발급신청서 APPLICATION FOR VISA 신청인은 사실에 근거하여 빠짐없이 정확하게 신청서를 작성하여야 합니다. 신청서상의 모든 질문에 대한 답변은 한글 또는 영문으로 기재하여야 합니다. 선택사항은 해당 칸[ ] 안에 표시를 하시기 바랍니다. 기타 를 선택한 경우,
출입국관리법시행규칙 [ 별지제 17 호서식 ] < 개정 > ( 제 1 쪽 / Page1) < 신청서작성방법 > 신청인은사실에근거하여빠짐없이정확하게신청서를작성하여야합니다. 신청서상의모든질문에대한답변은한글또는영문으로기재하여야합니다. 선택사항은해당칸 [
출입국관리법시행규칙 [ 별지제 17 호서식 ] < 개정 2018. 6. 12.> ( 제 1 쪽 / Page1) < 신청서작성방법 > 신청인은사실에근거하여빠짐없이정확하게신청서를작성하여야합니다. 신청서상의모든질문에대한답변은한글또는영문으로기재하여야합니다. 선택사항은해당칸 [ ] 안에 표시를하시기바랍니다. 기타 를선택한경우, 상세내용을기재하시기바랍니다.
예 선택시상세내용기재 If Yes please provide details a) 여권종류 Passport Type 외교관 Diplomatic [ ] 관용 Official [ ] 일반 Regular [ ] 기타 Other [ ] b) 여권번호 Passport No. c)
출입국관리법시행규칙 [ 별지제 21 호서식 ] ( 제 1 쪽 / Page1) 사증발급인정신청서 APPLICATION FOR CONFIRMATION OF VISA ISSUANCE < 신청서작성방법 > 신청인은사실에근거하여빠짐없이정확하게신청서를작성하여야합니다. 신청서상의모든질문에대한답변은한글또는영문으로기재하여야합니다. 선택사항은해당칸 [ ] 안에 표시를하시기바랍니다.
( 제 2 쪽 / Page2) 2. 여권정보 / PASSPORT INFORMATION 2.1 여권종류 Passport Type 외교관 Diplomatic [ ] 관용 Official [ ] 일반 Regular [ ] 기타 Other [ ] 기타 상세내용 If Other
출입국관리법시행규칙 [ 별지제 17 호서식 ] < 개정 2018. 6. 12.> ( 제 1 쪽 / Page1) < 신청서작성방법 > 신청인은사실에근거하여빠짐없이정확하게신청서를작성하여야합니다. 신청서상의모든질문에대한답변은한글또는영문으로기재하여야합니다. 선택사항은해당칸 [ ] 안에 표시를하시기바랍니다. 기타 를선택한경우, 상세내용을기재하시기바랍니다.
Microsoft Word - Application for Exemption from Schooling _Confidential__KOREAN
Korean APPENDIX G 학교 교육 면제 신청 (기밀문서) OFFICE USE ONLY Date received: Birth certificate sighted: YES NO Exemption: accepted / not accepted Conditional: YES NO Exemption expiry: 1. 이 완성된 신청서는 학생이 현재 등록되어 / / / 외국인 유학생 가이드북 Contents 제1장 한국으로 유학 준비
근무처 변경추가 신고제시행 안내_(영문).hwp
국민이 행복한 선진 법치국가 A Guide on Implementation of Report System with Change and Addition of Employment Place 체류관리과 With an aim to sim plify foreign professionals' em ploym ent process and enable com panies
세종대왕 탄신 616주년 기념 The 16 th World Korean Language Speech Contest for Foreigners 야덥 부펜들 (인도, 제15회 세계 외국인 한국어 말하기 대회 대상 수상) 일시 장소 2013년 5월 15일(수) 14:00~16:30, 경희대학교 크라운관 후원 주최 College of Business Administration
- iii - - i - - ii - - iii - 국문요약 종합병원남자간호사가지각하는조직공정성 사회정체성과 조직시민행동과의관계 - iv - - v - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - α α α α - 15 - α α α α α α
사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서 제품을 사용하지 마십시오. 3.이 제품은
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 사용자설명서 TourBus 0 & TourBus 5 사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서
2 동북아역사논총 50호 구권협정으로 해결됐다 는 일본 정부의 주장에 대해, 일본군 위안부 문제는 일 본 정부 군 등 국가권력이 관여한 반인도적 불법행위이므로 한일청구권협정 에 의해 해결된 것으로 볼 수 없다 는 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 또한 2011년 8월 헌 법재판소는
일본군 위안부 피해자 구제에 관한 일고( 一 考 ) 1 일본군 위안부 피해자 구제에 관한 일고( 一 考 ) 김관원 / 동북아역사재단 연구위원 Ⅰ. 머리말 일본군 위안부 문제가 한일 간 현안으로 불거지기 시작한 것은 일본군 위안부 피해를 공개 증언한 김학순 할머니 등이 일본에서 희생자 보상청구 소송을 제 기한 1991년부터다. 이때 일본 정부는 일본군이 위안부
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step 1-1
Written by Dr. In Ku Kim-Marshall STEP BY STEP Korean 1 through 15 Action Verbs Table of Contents Unit 1 The Korean Alphabet, hangeul Unit 2 Korean Sentences with 15 Action Verbs Introduction Review Exercises
한국연구 FS 신청서
2012 한국국제교류재단 체한연구펠로십 지원신청서 작성안내 (개인 신청용) Application Guidelines for 2012 Program Korea Foundation Fellowship for Field Research (Individual Applicants) 1. 신청서 작성시 재단 홈페이지(나 연구장학사업
4. Scholarship Award Category: - Hangul Grand Scholarship: Certificate + Scholarship of $300 - King Sejong Scholarship: Certificate + Scholarship of $
2016 Korean Language Class Student Scholarship Korean Education Center in Los Angeles (KECLA) would like to inform outstanding Korean language class students to participate in 2016 Korean
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별지 제10호 서식
국립국어원 정보 보안 업무 처리 규정 제정 2013. 12. 26. 국립국어원 예규 제 95호 일부개정 2014. 3. 10. 국립국어원 예규 제111호 제 1 장 총 칙 제 1 조(목적) 이 규정은 국립국어원의 정보보안업무 수행에 필요한 사항을 규정함을 목적으로 한다. 제 2 조(정의) 이 규정에서 사용하는 용어의 정의는 다음 각 호와 같다. 1. 부서 라
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논문요약 146 [ 주제어 ] 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 abstract Recent Development in the Law of DPRK on the
2018년 10월 12일식품의약품안전처장
2018년 10월 12일식품의약품안전처장 - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - - 15 - - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - - 20 - - 21 - - 22 - - 23 - - 24 - - 25 - - 26 - - 27
Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh
Page 1 of 6 Learn Korean Ep. 13: Whether (or not) and If Let s go over how to say Whether and If. An example in English would be I don t know whether he ll be there, or I don t know if he ll be there.
MIDME LOGISTICS Trusted Solutions for 02 CEO MESSAGE MIDME LOGISTICS CO., LTD. 01 Ceo Message We, MIDME LOGISTICS CO., LTD. has established to create aduance logistics service. Try to give confidence to
2010년 5월호 통권 제36호 이플 은 청순하고 소박한 느낌을 주는 소리의 장점을 살려 지은 순 한글 이름으로 고객 여러분께 좋은 소식을 전해드리고자 하는 국제이주공사의 마음입니다. 늦었습니다. 봄도 늦었고, 저희 소식지도 늦었습니다. 봄 소식과 함께 전하려던 소식지가 봄 소식만큼이나 늦어져 버렸습니다. 격월로 나가던 소식지를 앞으로 분기별로 발행할 예정입니다.
Volume 12, Number 1, 6~16, Factors influencing consultation time and waiting time of ambulatory patients in a tertiary teaching hospital Jee-In Hwang College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University :
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2004- - : 2004 5 11 :?,,,,,? Sen (human capability) 1?,, I 1 2 1 Sen A Why health equity? Health Econ 2002:11;659-666 2 1991 p 17 1 ,,,,,,, 20 1 2,, 2 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 3 1 (2001) 2 1),, 2), 2),, 3),,,
방송통신연구 2011년 봄호 연구논문 64 98 PD수첩 관련 판례에서 보이는 사법부의 사실성에 대한 인식의 차이 연구* 1)2) 이승선 충남대학교 언론정보학과 부교수** Contents 1. 문제제기와 연구문제 2. 공적인물에 대한 명예훼손 보도의 면책 법리 3. 분석결과의 논의 4. 마무리 본 이른바 PD수첩 광우병 편 에 대해 다양한 법적 대응이 이뤄졌다.
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Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,
Page 1 of 5 Learn Korean Ep. 4: To be and To exist Of course to be and to exist are different verbs, but they re often confused by beginning students when learning Korean. In English we sometimes use the
2), * 2004 BK21. ** 156,..,. 1) (1909) 57, (1915) 106, ( ) (1931) 213. 1983 2), 1996. 3). 4) 1),. (,,, 1983, 7 12 ). 2),. 3),, 33,, 1999, 185 224. 4), (,, 187 188 ). 157 5) ( ) 59 2 3., 1990. 6) 7),.,.
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190 2016 JEL Classification Number J24, I21, J20 Key Words JILPT 2011 1 190 Empirical Evidence on the Determinants of Success in Full-Time Job-Search for Japanese University Students By Hiroko ARAKI and
11 2007 11 Vol.379 004 004 011 032 007 012 020 021 032 036 038 041 042 044 046 COVER STORY 067 162 170 052 067 076 079 084 134 145 148 150 153 154 183 184 Monthly Correctional Review
- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - 1) 통계청고시제 2010-150 호 (2010.7.6 개정, 2011.1.1 시행 ) - 4 - 요양급여의적용기준및방법에관한세부사항에따른골밀도검사기준 (2007 년 11 월 1 일시행 ) - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 -
슬라이드 1
CJ 2007 CONTENTS 2006 CJ IR Presentation Overview 4 Non-performing Asset Company Profile Vision & Mission 4 4 - & 4-4 - & 4 - - - - ROE / EPS - - DreamWorks Animation Net Asset Value (NAV) Disclaimer IR
204 205
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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
퇴좈저널36호-4차, page 2 @ Preflight (2)
Think Big, Act Big! Character People Literature Beautiful Life History Carcere Mamertino World Special Interview Special Writing Math English Quarts I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming
운송사 대상 출입국 요건 안내서 미합중국 여행 관련 필수 서류 2014년 5월 Korean 목차 서문 제1부: 미국 입국 시 필수 서류 I. 항공편 이용 시 A. 미국 국민 B. 미국 거주자 C. 방문객 II. 육상/해상 교통편 이용 시 A. 미국 국민 B. 미국 거주자 C. 방문객 III. 기타 사항 A. 비자 면제 프로그램 B. 괌-북마리아나 제도 지역
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2. 박주민.hwp
仁 荷 大 學 校 法 學 硏 究 第 15 輯 第 1 號 2012년 3월 31일, 149~184쪽 Inha Law Review The Institute of Legal Studies Inha University Vol.15, No.1, March 2012 인터넷을 통한 선거운동과 공직선거법 * 박 주 민 법무법인(유한) 한결 변호사 < 목 차 > Ⅰ. 머리말
A Review on Promotion of Storytelling Local Cultures - 265 - 2-266 - 3-267 - 4-268 - 5-269 - 6 7-270 - 7-271 - 8-272 - 9-273 - 10-274 - 11-275 - 12-276 - 13-277 - 14-278 - 15-279 - 16 7-280 - 17-281 -
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2017.11 Vol.257 C O N T E N T S 02 06 38 52 69 82 141 146 154 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2017.11 3 4 2017.11 6 2017.11 1) 7 2) 22.7 19.7 87 193.2 160.6 83 22.2 18.4 83 189.6 156.2
13 1 ( 24 ) 2004 6 Korean J Med Hist 13 1 19 Jun 2004 ISSN 1225 505X 1) * * 1 ( ) 2) 3) 4) * 1) ( ) 3 2) 7 1 3) 2 1 13 1 ( 24 ) 2004 6 5) ( ) ( ) 2 1 ( ) 2 3 2 4) ( ) 6 7 5) - 2003 23 144-166 2 2 1) 6)
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274 한국문화 73
- 273 - 274 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 275 276 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 277 278 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 279 280 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 281 282 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 283 284
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09 2007 09 Vol.377 004 006 004 010 032 011 022 032 036 038 041 042 044 046 050 COVER STORY 034 163 063 072 075 080 130 140 141 144 146 150 183 184 180 Monthly Correctional Review
英 祖 代 戊 申 亂 이후 慶 尙 監 司 의 收 拾 策 李 根 浩 * 105) Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 戊 申 亂 과 憂 嶺 南 說 Ⅲ. 以 嶺 南 治 嶺 南, 독자성에 토대한 통치 원칙 제시 Ⅳ. 鄒 魯 之 鄕 복원을 위한 교학 기구의 정비 Ⅴ. 상징물 및 기록의 정비 Ⅵ. 맺음말 국문초록 이 글은 영조대 무신란 이후 경상감사들이 행했던 제반 수습책을 검토 한 글이다.
Microsoft Word - 국제중재
기업인과 변호사를 위한 국제 중재(International Arbitration)의 이해와 활용 법무법인 이산( 移 山 ) 서울시 서초구 서초4동 1698-2 형남빌딩 5층 전화: (02) 3477-0150 팩스: 3477-0160 들어가는 말 국제거래에서 발생할 수 있는 분쟁을
종량제봉투의 불법유통 방지를 위한 폐기물관리법과 조례의 개선방안* 1) 송 동 수** 차 례 Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 종량제봉투의 개요 Ⅲ. 종량제봉투의 불법유통사례 및 방지대책 Ⅳ. 폐기물관리법의 개선방안 Ⅴ. 지방자치단체 조례의 개선방안 Ⅵ. 결론 국문초록 1995년부터 쓰레기 종량제가 시행되면서 각 지방자치단체별로 쓰레기 종량제 봉투가 제작, 판매되기 시작하였는데,
2008 01 Vol. 381 01 Vol.381 004 008 014 028 036 040 042 045 046 048 050 007 008 036 COVER STORY 054 067 067 170 179 076 079 084 116 140 143 152 157 183 184 008
연구보고서 2014-22-5 동아시아 국가의 다문화가족 현황 및 정책 비교연구 변수정 조성호 이상림 서희정 정준호 이윤석 책임연구자 변수정 한국보건사회연구원 부연구위원 주요저서 저출산 고령사회 대응 국민 인식 및 욕구 모니터링 시스템 운영 한국보건사회연구원, 2013(공저) 공동연구진 조성호 한국보건사회연구원 부연구위원 이상림 한국보건사회연구원 부연구위원 서희정
20, 41..,..,.,.,....,.,, (relevant).,.,..??.,
, 41 (2007 12 ) * 1) *** ***,. IMF..,,,.,,,,.. I.. 1999 (,.),,. 2010 *. ** *** 19 20, 41..,..,.,.,....,.,, (relevant).,.,..??., 21.....,. II. 1967 G. G. Muller International Accounting. 1960. 1970... 1966,,,.
Ⅱ 논술 지도의 방법과 실제 2. 읽기에서 논술까지 의 개발 배경 읽기에서 논술까지 자료집 개발의 본래 목적은 초 중 고교 학교 평가에서 서술형 평가 비중이 2005 학년도 30%, 2006학년도 40%, 2007학년도 50%로 확대 되고, 2008학년도부터 대학 입시에서 논술 비중이 커지면서 논술 교육은 학교가 책임진다. 는 풍토 조성으로 공교육의 신뢰성과
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기업의 영업비밀 보호정책의 한계 The Limitation of Internal Corporate Polices 辯 護 士 Bae Su Young 논문요약 영업비밀 이란 공공연히 알려져 있지 아니하고 독립된 경제적 가치를 가지는 것으로서, 상당한 노력에 의하여 비밀로 유지된 생산방법, 판매방법, 그 밖에 영업활동에 유용한 기술상 또는 경영상의 정보를 말한다.
13 1 ( 24 ) 2004 6 Korean J Med Hist 13 20 36 June 2004 ISSN 1225 505X * 1 1886 ( ) 1) 1905 * 1) 20 2) 1910 1926 1910 1926 1930 40 2 1899 1907 3) 4) 1908 1909 ( ) ( ) ( 2) 1995 1998 3) 1997 p 376 4) 1956
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- 1 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - 국문초록 - 7 - - 8 - 영문초록 한글아세안 인정기구 민간화색인어영문 - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - - 15 - - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - - 20 - - 21 - - 22 - - 23 - - 24 - 인증종류 지정절차 에따른서류를 의
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제조 중소기업의 고용창출 성과 및 과제 조덕희 양현봉 우리 경제에서 일자리 창출은 가장 중요한 정책과제입니다. 근래 들어 우리 사회에서 점차 심각성을 더해 가고 있는 청년 실업 문제에 대처하고, 사회적 소득 양극화 문제에 대응하기 위해서도 일자리 창 출은 무엇보다도 중요한 정책과제일 것입니다. 고용창출에서는 중소기업의 역할이 대기업보다 크다는 것이 일반적
레이아웃 1
i g d e d mod, t d e d e d mod, t e,0 e, n s,0 e,n e,0 Division of Workers' Compensation (2009). Iowa workers' compensation manual. Gamber, E. N. & Sorensen, R. L. (1994). Are net discount rates stationary?:
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#Ȳ¿ë¼® A B yk u δ = 2u k 1 = yk u = 0. 659 2nu k = 1 k k 1 n yk k Abstract Web Repertoire and Concentration Rate : Analysing Web Traffic Data Yong - Suk Hwang (Research
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한국학연구 56(2016.3.30), pp.33-63. 고려대학교 한국학연구소 세종시의 지역 정체성과 세종의 인문정신 * 1)이기대 ** 국문초록 세종시의 상황은 세종이 왕이 되면서 겪어야 했던 과정과 닮아 있다. 왕이 되리라 예상할 수 없었던 상황에서 세종은 왕이 되었고 어려움을 극복해 갔다. 세종시도 갑작스럽게 행정도시로 계획되었고 준비의 시간 또한 짧았지만,
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2018.01 Vol.259 C O N T E N T S 02 06 28 61 69 99 104 120 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2018.1 3 4 2018.1 1) 2) 6 2018.1 3) 4) 7 5) 6) 7) 8) 8 2018.1 9 10 2018.1 11 2003.08 2005.08
다. 의료기기 재심사에 관한 규정 의료기기재심사에관한규정 제1조(목적) 이 규정은 의료기기법 제8조 및 같은법시행규칙 제10조제5항의 규정에 의하여 재심사 신청시 첨부자료의 작성요령과 각 자료의 요건, 면제 범위 및 심사의 범위 기준 등에 관한 세부사항을 정함을 목적으로 한다. 제2조(정의) 이 규정에서 사용하는 용어의 정의는 다음 각호와 같다. 다만, 이
123 2012년 12월 6일 발행인 이종욱 총장 편집인 겸 주간 임종섭 편집장 김아영 (우편번호 121-742) 주소 서울시 마포구 신수동1번지 엠마오관 B133호 대학원신문사 전화 705-8269 팩스 713-1919 제작 일탈기획(070-4404-8447) 웃자고 사는 세상, 정색은 언행 총량의 2%면 족하다는 신념으로 살았습니다. 그 신념 덕분인지 다행히
253 단소산조 퉁소산조 피리산조 형성시기 재검토 49) 이진원* Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 기존 연구성과 검토 Ⅲ. 단소산조 퉁소산조 피리산조 형성시기 검토 Ⅳ. 단소산조 퉁소산조 피리산조 형성시기 재검토의 의의 Ⅴ. 맺음말 Ⅰ. 머릿말 우리나라의 대표적인 종취관악기(縱吹管樂器)에는 무황악기(無簧樂器)인 퉁소 단소가 있 고, 유황악기(有簧樂器)로 피리와 쇄납 등이
2 KHU 글로벌 기업법무 리뷰 제2권 제1호 또 내용적으로 중대한 위기를 맞이하게 되었고, 개인은 흡사 어항 속의 금붕어 와 같은 신세로 전락할 운명에 처해있다. 현대정보화 사회에서 개인의 사적 영역이 얼마나 침해되고 있는지 는 양 비디오 사건 과 같은 연예인들의 사
연구 논문 헌법 제17조 사생활의 비밀과 자유에 대한 소고 연 제 혁* I. II. III. IV. 머리말 사생활의 비밀과 자유의 의의 및 법적 성격 사생활의 비밀과 자유의 내용 맺음말 I. 머리말 사람은 누구나 타인에게 알리고 싶지 않은 나만의 영역(Eigenraum) 을 혼자 소중히 간직하 기를 바랄 뿐만 아니라, 자기 스스로의 뜻에 따라 삶을 영위해 나가면서
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Journal of International Culture, Vol.9-1 International Cultural Institute, 2016, 55~63 浅 析 影 响 韩 中 翻 译 的 因 素 A Brief Analysis on Factors that Affects Korean-Chinese Translation 韩 菁 (Han, Jing) 1) < 目
延 世 醫 史 學 제12권 제2호: 29-40, 2009년 12월 Yonsei J Med Hist 12(2): 29-40, 2009 특집논문 3 한국사회의 낙태에 대한 인식변화 이 현 숙 이화여대 한국문화연구원 1. 들어가며 1998년 내가 나이 마흔에 예기치 않은 임신을 하게 되었을 때, 내 주변 사람들은 모두 들 너무나도 쉽게 나에게 임신중절을 권하였다. Abstract Exploring the Relationship Between the Traditional Media Use and the Internet Use Mee-Eun Kang This study examines the relationship between
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