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1 ( ) ) 10:00-12:00 12:00 IMD jeong@cvikoreanet page , CVIKorea

2 November 20, 2003 Jin-Ho Jeong,, PhD Competitiveness Valuation International, Inc Korea Partner of IMD WCY jeong@cvikoreanet page , CVIKorea

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5 (Connecting People),,,,,,, page , CVIKorea

6 Complementary networks are composed of links that connect compatible nodes ( ) Compatibility Standards interoperability PCS, PCN page , CVIKorea

7 TV HPC MP3 PDA Bluetooth page , CVIKorea

8 ( ) MP3 / /UMS (, ) VOD page , CVIKorea

9 (GE),, GE (DFSS, Designed For Six- Sigma) GE 34 34, page , CVIKorea

10 COST A/C PROFIT A/C EQ A/C Cost Accounting Profit Accounting Emotional Quality Accounting page , CVIKorea

11 (Adaptive Learning) (Generative Learning) Adaptive Learning Generative Learning page 2003, CVIKorea

12 : GE's Edison Spirit 1980~84 : Number One, or Number Two 1985~89 : Boundaryless Organization 1990~95 : : Empowerment and Full Responsibility 1996~98 : DFSS, Designed For Six Sigma 1999~2001 : Actionable Learning Company, e-enabling e enabling company GEcom 50%, 30%, 20% World s s Most Respected Company page , CVIKorea

13 GE : GE GE M R P T GE update Real Management, Real Success page , CVIKorea

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15 (Intellectual Capital) page , CVIKorea

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17 Real World, Real Learning Real Management, Real Success page , CVIKorea

18 (DowCorning) (Responsible Care) 24 24,,, 24 ERP page , CVIKorea

19 1 Future Vision: Xerox 2 Digital Link: GE 3 Knowledge Management: 3M 4 Global Competitiveness: Intel page , CVIKorea

20 IBM On-Demand Business November 20, 2003 Jin-Ho Jeong,, PhD Competitiveness Valuation International, Inc Korea Partner of IMD WCY page , CVIKorea

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24 ,,,, page , CVIKorea

25 /,,,, page , CVIKorea

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35 CVI, Korea Partner of IMD 2003 IMD IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2003 November 20, 2003 Jin-Ho Jeong,, PhD Competitiveness Valuation International, Inc Korea Partner of IMD WCY page , CVIKorea

36 (rule of law) page , CVIKorea

37 Fraser 연구소 1997/1998 경제자유도순위 (123 개국 ) page , CVIKorea

38 (), IMD Tel : Fax : jeong@cvikoreanet wwwcvikoreanet IMD, , 10 20, 1 Ste'phane Garelli IMD IMD Fax wcyinfo@imdch wwwimdch/wcy www garellich 1 IMD, 5 2,, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 1 ( ) 2 IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2002( ) 3 page , CVIKorea

39 IMD MBA School CVI, Korea Partner of IMD IMD, Institute for International Management Development,, IOC 57 Business School Executive Development Program, 70 4,000 : Professional Development of International Business Executives Truly International 1 Learn from International Companies 2 55 full-time Faculty(20 ) 3 Learning Partnership with World-class Corporations IMD Peter Lorange,, The Maucher Nestle Professor IMD-MBA MBA, (INSEAD, London BS ) 2002 Financial Times 5Business School Full-time MBA Global: 30 Recruited by Multinational Companies, page , CVIKorea

40 IMD : Real World, Real Learning 1 Top Management Forum, IPBM( ), SEF( ) 2 General Management Program 3 Leadership and Strategy Program 4 Process and Functional MD 5 MBA, EMBA Degree Program 6 Joint Program Partnership Program - IMD's Learning Network Superior Learning Material- Directly from the Company Not from the Text or Journal Article Keeping Faculty at Changing Industry Issues World Competitiveness 1989 WEF Charles Schwab Stephane Garelli -, Value Added, Growth Capacity -, Good Business Environment page , CVIKorea

41 World Competitiveness 2003 IMD WCY CVI, Korea Partner of IMD 51 (8 ), 4399 (710%), GDP(PPP) 3048 (923%) 321, National Statistics 1/3, International Statistics 1/3, Executive Survey(5 ) 1/3 Aggregates data over a 5-year 5 period 36 Partner Institutes World Wide 1 경제운영성과 Economic Performance 2 정부행정효율 Government Efficiency 3 기업경영효율 Business Efficiency 4 발전인프라구축 Infrastructure Domestic Economy 국내경제활력 12 International Trade 국제무역 13 International Investment 해외투자 14 Employment 고용및실업 15 Price 물가및생계비 21 Public Finance 재정구조 22 Fiscal Policy 재정정책 23 Institutional Framework 경제제도기구 24 Business Legislation 기업관련입법 25 Societal Framework 사회정서 31 Productivity 생산성 32 Labor Market 노동시장 33 Finance 자금시장효율 34 Management Practices 기업경영관행 35 Attitudes and Values 태도및가치관 41 Basic Infrastructure 경제인프라 42 Technological Infrastructure 기술인프라 43 Scientific Infrastructure 과학인프라 44 Health and Environment 보건및환경 45 Education 교육경영 75 개지표 81 개지표 69 개지표 96 개지표 * 총 R&D 지출 1인당 R&D 지출 GDP 대비 R&D 지출민간기업 R&D 지출 1인당민간기업 R&D 지출 R&D 총인력국민천명당 R&D 인력민간기업 R&D 인력천명당민간기업 R&D 인력 기초과학연구 (*) 과학기술학사중과학전공과학기술관련논문수 과학교육의무교육 (*) 과학기술청소년흥미 (*) 노벨상수상자수백만명당노벨상수상자 내국인특허획득수내국인특허획득수증가율해외특허획득건수특허 저작권보호 (*) 권리유효특허건수특허권획득생산성 page , CVIKorea

42 1 Measurement( ) (1) Locationing Where Are We Now? Measure the Position (2) Targeting Where Are We Going? Test the Feasibility (3) Driving Are We on the Right Track? Examine the Controllability ity CVI, Korea Partner of IMD 2 Performance( ) System Input Process Environment Output Input Process Environment Money People Management Infrastructure Output Intellectual Asset page , CVIKorea

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46 page , CVIKorea CVI, Korea Partner of IMD IMD IMD 2 (1999 ( ) 2003) /

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52 IMD 20 ( ) ( 30 ) : (IMD), , page , CVIKorea

53 6 ( ) page , CVIKorea

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56 IMD ( ) 1 : 9580(28 ) 1 : 6(26 ) 2, GDP : 31% (27 ) 4 1 : 3210 (21) 1 GDP : 075(24 ) 2 GDP : 1077%(22 ) 4 : 514(10 ) 4 1 : 2120 (24) 1 : 55 (12 ) 1 : 32 (21 ) 1, : 62 (13 ) 1 : 4723 (18 ) 4 GDP : -36% (21 ) : ( : 2003 IMD, IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2003, ) page , CVIKorea

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59 IMD ( ) 2 : 588(30 ) 3 : 355(30 ) 3 : 527 (30 ) 3 : 396 (29 ) 2 (, ) : 437(28 ) 4 : 355(28 ) 3 : 457(28 ) page , CVIKorea : 1 2 Thursday, 3 November 20, ( : 2003 IMD, IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2003, )

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62 IMD ( ) 4 : 634 (2) 3 : : 1887 (3) 4 GDP : 2921%(2 ) 3 : 3220%(2 ) 2 GDP : 387% (2 ) 4 : : (2) 4, : 397%(2 ) 4 25~34 : 400%(3 ) 2 GDP : 05%(2 ) 2 : -026%(2) 4 : 944%(5 ) 4 : 2789 (5) 1 : 310%(3 ) : ( : 2003 IMD, IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2003, ) page , CVIKorea

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65 IMD ( ) 3 : 637(1 ) 4 : 882(3 ) 3 : 641(3 ) 3 : 600(5 ) 4 : 776(7 ) 4 : 700(7 ) 4 : 620(8 ) page , CVIKorea : ( : 2003 IMD, IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2003, )

66 20 4 : 634 (2) 3 : 1887 (3) 4 GDP : 2921(2 ) 3 : 3220%(2 ) 2 GDP : 387% (2 ) 4 : (2) 4 : 397%(2 ) : 400%(3 ) 2 GDP : 05%(2 ) 2 : -026%(2) 4 : 944%(5 ) 4 : 2789 (5) 1 : 310%(3 ) 3 : 637(1 ) 4 : 882(3 ) 3 : 641(3 ) 3 : 600(5 ) 4 : 776(7 ) 4 : 700(7 ) 4 : 620(8 ) 20 1 : 9580(28 ) 1 : 6(26 ) 2, GDP : 31%(27 ) 4 1 : 3210 (21) 1 GDP : 075(24 ) 2 GDP : 1077%(22 ) 4 : 514(10 ) 4 1 : 2120(24 ) 1 : 55 (12 ) 1 : 32 (21 ) 1, : 62 (13 ) 1 : 4723 (18 ) 4 GDP : -36%(21) 2 : 588(30 ) 3 : 355(30 ) 3 : 527 (30 ) 3 : 396(29 ) 2 (, ) : 437(28 ) 4 : 355(28 ) 3 : 457(28 ) page , CVIKorea

67 (2003,, IMD 30 ) ( 03) 4301 ( 01)( 01)( $) , , , , , , ( 01)(US$) , ( 01)(%, GDP ) ( 01)( 01)( $) 6 9, , ,775 33,436 17,988 17, ( 01)(US$) page , CVIKorea

68 (2003,, IMD 30 ) ( 03) ( ) ( 01)( 01)(, ) , ( )( 01)( 01)(, ) ( 01)( 01)(, ) ( 01)( 01)(, ) page , CVIKorea

69 (2003,, IMD 30 ) ( 03) ( 03)* ( 99) (( ) 6, ,526 47,826 39,7 37, ,374 page , CVIKorea

70 (2003,, IMD 30 ) ( 03) ( 03)* ( 03)* ( ) ( 02) ((,,, ) ( 02)( 02)(,, 50 ) page , CVIKorea

71 (2003,, IMD 30 ) ( 03) 4317 ( 00)( 00)( )) , , , , , , ( 00)( 00)(, ) ( 03)* ( 00)( 00)(, ) 8 7, ( 00) , , , , , page , CVIKorea

72 , page , CVIKorea

73 page , CVIKorea


75 THE GLOBAL ECONOMY All the rest is only 16% NORTH AMERICA 400 million people 1999 GDP = $104 trillion 34% of World GDP EUROPE 580 million people 1999 GDP = $94 trillion 30% of World GDP NORTH EAST ASIA 1,470 million people 1999 GDP = $63 trillion 20% of World GDP page , CVIKorea

76 WORLD GDP BY COUNTRY 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% China Italy France United Kingdom Germany Korea India Mexico Brazil Spain Canada 40% Japan 30% 20% 10% United States 0% 1 Source : WEFA page , CVIKorea

77 KOREAN ECONOMY Korea s s economy now ranks 13 th in the world, but continues to grow much faster than developed countries GDP in US Dollars (billions) 10,000 WORLD TOP 20 ECONOMIES GDP : ,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 United States Japan Germany United Kingdom France Italy China Canada Spain Brazil Mexico India South Korea Netherlands Australia Taiwan Argentina Switzerland Sweden Belgium page , CVIKorea Source : WEFA

78 KOREA S S FUTURE We have benchmarked Korea against 10 leading developed economies GDP in US Dollars (billions) 10,000 LEADING COUNTRIES GDP : ,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 United States Japan Germany United Kingdom France Italy Canada Netherlands Australia Belgium South Korea page , CVIKorea Source : WEFA

79 GDP per capita in US Dollars (billions) 40,000 KOREA S S FUTURE reflecting the economic level that Korea will achieve over the next decade LEADING COUNTRIES GDP Per Capita : ,000 20,000 10,000 0 United States Japan Germany United Kingdom France Italy Canada Netherlands Australia Belgium South Korea page , CVIKorea Source : WEFA


81 NORTH-EAST ASIA, DENSELY POPULATED CVI, Korea Partner of IMD Ulan Bator Mongolia Harbin Khabarovsk Russia Xi an Taiyuan Beijing Tianjin Shenyang Tangsha Jinzhou n Pyeongyang Dalian Incheon Changchun Seoul Daegu Korea Busan Vladivostok Nagoya Osaka Japan Tokyo Sapporo Chengdu Chongqing China Wuhan Nanjing Shanghai Kitakyushu Laos Vietnam Guanzhou Hong Kong Taipei Taiwan page , CVIKorea



84 NEEDS GEOGRAPHIC INTEGRATION CVI, Korea Partner of IMD MONGOLIA TMGR TMR Harbin Khabarovsk RUSSIA TSR Vladivostok Shenyang Beijing Tianjin Dalian KOREA Seoul JAPAN TCR CHINA Qingdao Pusan Gwangyang Lianyungang Fukuoka Shanghai Osaka Tokyo Hong Kong Taipei Kaohsiung Major Port Major Airport Express Railway Trunk Railway page , CVIKorea

85 OIL from CENTRAL ASIA Beijing Seoul Tokyo page , CVIKorea

86 By RAIL to EUROPE Frankfurt Moscow Paris Warsaw Milan Beijing Seoul Tokyo page , CVIKorea

87 NEW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Inchon International Airport A Hub for the North East Asian FTA Region page , CVIKorea

88 NEW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Inchon International Airport - State-of of-the-art international airport for the 21st century page , CVIKorea

89 SANG-AM AM MILLENIUM CITY The Millennium Park Eco-Village Digital Media City Multi-Terminal Complex Public Golf Course Riverside Park Eco Park Nanji Stream Park Scien ce Park Worldcup Main stadium Peace Park page , CVIKorea

90 KOREA TODAY Extraordinary Adoption Rate for New Technology page , CVIKorea

91 MOVING INTO THE 21 st CENTURY page , CVIKorea


93 NORTH-EAST ASIA page , CVIKorea

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97 The World s s Largest Corporation page , CVIKorea

98 The Most Admired CEO 2 page , CVIKorea

99 The Most Admired CEO CEO 30%, 40% 3,, 44 CEO page , CVIKorea

100 CVI, Korea Partner of IMD The World s Largest Corporation page , CVIKorea

101 The Most Competitive Economy page , CVIKorea

102 12 " *Forbes, The International 800, Where's the Money? page , CVIKorea

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