목 차 <2018 년도봄학술대회학술발표일정및발표논문초록 > 학술발표대회및등록안내 2 분과및위원회모임안내 3 학술발표일정요약 6 학술발표일정 9 연합학술대회일정 15 발표논문초록 27 < 한국천문학회학계보고서 > 75 < 한국천문학회회원명부 > 117 < 연구홍보및기업홍

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2 목 차 <2018 년도봄학술대회학술발표일정및발표논문초록 > 학술발표대회및등록안내 2 분과및위원회모임안내 3 학술발표일정요약 6 학술발표일정 9 연합학술대회일정 15 발표논문초록 27 < 한국천문학회학계보고서 > 75 < 한국천문학회회원명부 > 117 < 연구홍보및기업홍보 > 143 표지사진 : MMT/Hectospec 분광관측을통해서얻은 5개조기형은하들 ( 오른쪽사진 ) 에딸린은하들의광도함수이다 ( 박창범, 황호성, 박현배, 이종철 2018, Nature Astronomy, 2, 162). 광도함수가어두운등급으로갈수록증가하다가절대등급 M_r=-14 근처에서급격히감소한다. 이급격한감소는만기형은하주변이나낱은하들에서는보이지않는데, 조기형은하가제공하는환경과의상호작용때문인것으로추측된다. 녹색화살표는 5개은하탐사영역의한계등급을나타내고, 빨간실선은측정한광도함수 ( 보라색원 ) 를가장잘맞추는모형이다.

3 2018 년봄제 98 차한국천문학회학술대회등록안내 1. 학술대회개요 (1) 일시 : 2018년 5월 9일 ( 수 ) ~ 5월 11일 ( 금 ) (2) 장소 : 비발디파크홍천 - 구두발표 : 오크동 - 포스터발표 : 메이플동 - KGU 연합학술대회발표 : 메이플동 (3) 후원 : 한국과학기술단체총연합회, 강원컨벤션뷰로 2. 등록 (1) 등록비 정회원 ( 일반 ) : 120,000 원 / 정회원 ( 학생 ) 이하 : 80,000 원 / 비회원 : 120,000 원 (2) 연회비연회비를미납하신회원은아래구좌로송금하시거나학회당일등록장소에서납부해주십시오. 은행구좌로송금할때반드시성함을기재하여주시기바랍니다. 정회원 ( 일반 ) : 50,000 원 / 정회원 ( 학생 ) : 20,000 원 / 준회원 : 20,000 원회장 : 500,000원 / 부회장 : 300,000원 / 이사 : 100,000원 송금구좌 : ( 국민은행 ) 예금주 : 사 ) 한국천문학회 최근 2년간연회비를납부하지않은회원에게는총회에서투표권이제한됩니다. 3. 회원가입 회원가입을원하시는분은등록장소에비치되어있는입회원서를작성하여입회비와함께제출하시면 됩니다. [ 입회비 : 정회원 (10,000 원 ) ] 2 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

4 한국천문학회모임안내 JKAS 편집위원회회의 일자 : 2018년 5월 10일 시간 : 12:00 장소 : 쉐누레스토랑 참석자 : JKAS 편집위원 YAM 정기총회 일자 : 2018년 5월 10일 시간 : 15:30 장소 : 제2발표장 참석자 : YAM 회원 [SKA Korea] 회의안내 일자 : 2018년 5월 11일 시간 : 12:30 장소 : 제3발표장 참석자 : SKA Korea Working group IAUGA2021 조직위원회회의 일자 : 2018년 5월 11일 시간 : 12:20 장소 : 쉐누레스토랑 참석자 : IAUGA2021 조직위원 [ 우수포스터상수상자결정회의 ] 안내 일자 : 2018년 5월 11일 시간 : 13:00 장소 : 추후공지 참석자 : 이형목포상위원회위원장, 김종수학술위원회위원장 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 3

5 숙박및교통안내 숙박예약 - 단체예약번호 : 패밀리룸 : 85,000원 ( 방1 + 거실1 + 화장실1) - 스위트룸 : 110,000원 ( 방2 + 거실1 + 화장실2) - 아래링크로접속하시어예약하시기바랍니다. geindex=1&spkggu=2&srecommend=&spkgsid=20109&spkgclass=&sbizpsid=&smenulocati on=16&ssaupjanggu= 셔틀버스예약 - 아래링크로접속하시어예약하시기바랍니다. 4 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

6 교통안내 구분출발도착첫차막차소요시간비고 서울대전대구부산 동서울터미널홍천터미널 06:40~ 22:20 홍천터미널동서울터미널 06:00~ 22:20 복합터미널홍천터미널 08:01~ 18:00 홍천터미널복합터미널 08:45~ 17:25 북부시외버스터미널 홍천터미널 홍천터미널 07:00~ 17:00 북부시외버스터미널 07:00~ 19:00 종합버스터미널홍천터미널 07:30~ 19:10 홍천터미널종합버스터미널 08:10~ 19:20 60분 6,600 3시간30분 16,800 3시간30분 19,900 4시간30분 26,700 버스홍천터미널비발디파크 시간 30 분현지문의 택시홍천터미널비발디파크 30km 40 분 23,000 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 5

7 2018 KAS SPRING MEETING :00~ 10:00 10:00~ 10:20 10:20~ 10:30 등록 개회및샛별상시상 휴식시간 발표장제 1 발표장 : 철쭉홀제 2 발표장 : 백합홀제 3 발표장 : 목화홀 시간표 10:30~ 10:45 10:45~ 11:00 11:00~ 11:15 11:15~ 11:30 11:30~ 11:45 11:45~ 12:00 12:00~ 13:00 13:00~ 13:40 13:40~ 14:00 시간표 14:00~ 14:15 14:15~ 14:30 14:30~ 14:45 14:45~ 15:00 15:00~ 15:15 15:15~ 15:30 15:30~ 16:40 16:40~ 17:40 17:50~ 18:20 외부은하 Ⅰ Neargy Galaxies KMTNetⅠ: 시스템, S/W 및운영 KMTNet Ⅰ : Systems, S/W and operations 구 GC-01 Changsu Choi 구 KMT-01 Chung-Uk Lee 구 GC-02 Sophia Kim 구 KMT-02 Yongseok Lee 성간물질 Ⅰ The Interstellar MediumⅠ 박 IM-01 Jeong-Gyu Kim 구 GC-03 Gu Lim 구 KMT-03 Sang-Mok Cha 구 IM-02 Young-Soo Jo 구 GC-04 Mira Seo 구 KMT-04 Dong-Jin Kim 구 IM-03 Ji Yeon Seok 구 GC-05 Hak-Sub Kim 구 KMT-05 Min-Su Shin 구 IM-04 Young Chol Minh 외부은하 Ⅱ Galaxy Evolution and Environment 구 KMT-06 Hyoun Woo Kim 구 IM-05 Woojin Kwon 점심시간 초청강연 IT-01 Ann Zabludoff 사진촬영및휴식시간 KMTNet Ⅱ : 과학연구 KMTNet Ⅱ : Science 성간물질 Ⅱ 및항성 The Interstellar Medium Ⅱ and Stars 구 GC-06 So-Yeong Park 구 KMT-07 Sun-Ju Chung 구 IM-06 Eun Jung Chung 구 GC-07 Hoseung Choi 구 KMT-08 Seung-Lee Kim 구 IM-07 Shinyoung Kim 구 GC-08 Seoyoung Jung 구 KMT-10 Youngmin JeongAhn 구 IM-08 Jaeyeong Kim 구 GC-09 Sung-Ho An 구 KMT-11 Youngdae Lee 석 IM-09 Jaeyeon Kim 박 GC-10 Gwang-Ho Lee 구 KMT-12 Woowon Byun 구 IM-10 Jongsuk Hong 구 KMT-09 Hong-Kyu Moon 구 IM-11 ChaeLin Hong 포스터발표및분과모임 KGU 연합학술대회전체초청강연 ( 메이플동 3F 다이아몬드홀 ) 이기화 / 이형목 / 홍성유 KGU 연합학술대회개회식 ( 메이플동 3F 다이아몬드홀 ) 18:20~ 만찬 6 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

8 2018 KAS SPRING MEETING 발표장제 1 발표장 : 철쭉홀제 2 발표장 : 백합홀제 3 발표장 : 목화홀 시간표 09:00~ 09:15 09:15~ 09:30 09:30~ 09:45 09:45~ 10:00 10:00~ 10:15 10:15~ 10:30 10:30~ 10:45 시간표 10:45~ 11:00 11:00~ 11:15 11:15~ 11:30 11:30~ 11:45 11:45~ 12:00 12:00~ 12:15 12:15~ 13:15 13:15~ 14:00 시간표 14:00~ 14:15 14:15~ 14:30 14:30~ 14:45 14:45~ 15:00 외부은하 Ⅲ Observations and Models 적외선영상분광탐사미션과활용연구 NISS-SPHEREx 태양 The Sun 석 GC-11 Ji-Hoon Ha 구 NS-01 Woong-Seob Jeong 구 SS-01 Jooyeon Geem 구 GC-12 Soonyoung Roh 구 NS-02 Myungshin Im 구 SS-02 Jeewoo Park 구 GC-13 Seok-Jun Chang 구 NS-03 Minjin Kim 구 SS-03 Jinhye Park 구 GC-14 Eunchong Kim 구 NS-04 Jeong-Eun Lee 구 SS-04 Hongyu Liu 구 GC-15 Taysun Kimm 구 NS-05 Jeonghyun Pyo 구 SS-05 Jin-Yi Lee 구 GC-16 Kwang-Il Seon 구 NS-06 Yong-Seon Song 구 SS-06 Il-Hyun Cho 외부은하 Ⅳ Active Galaxies / Observational Cosmology 휴식시간 천문기기 Astronomical Instrumentation 태양 CME Solar Coronal Mass Ejection 구 GC-17 Kyuseok Oh 구 AI-01 Ho Jin 구 SS-07 Roksoon Kim 구 GC-18 Sang-Sung Lee 구 AI-02 Bongkon Moon 구 SS-08 Hyeonock Na 구 GC-19 Hyunsung Jun 구 AI-03 Woojin Park 구 SS-09 Soojeong Jang 박 GC-20 DoHyeong Kim 구 AI-04 Hojae Ahn 구 SS-10 구 GC-21 Yoon Chan Taak 구 AI-06 Bangwon Lee 우주론 Cosmology Seong-Gyeong Jeon 구 AI-05 Young Sam Yu 구 SS-11 Hyunjin Jeong 점심시간 포스터발표 고천문 & 홍보 Historical Astronomy and Public Relations 구 GC-22 Graziano Rossi 구 HP-01 Hong-Jin Yang 구 HA-01 고에너지천체물리학 High Energy Astrophysics Chun-Che Lupin Lin 구 GC-23 Yigon Kim 구 HP-02 Wonseok Kang 석 HA-02 Minjun Kim 구 GC-24 Jaehong Park 구 HP-03 Taewoo Kim 석 HA-03 Woochan Park 석 GC-25 Young Ju 구 HP-04 A Ran Lyo 구 HA-04 Gwanwoo Park 15:00~ 15:15 구 GC-26 Z. Lucas Uhm 구 HP-05 Taehyun Jung 구 HA-05 Allard Jan van Marle 15:15~ 15:30 구 GC-27 Maurice H. P. M. van Putten 구 HP-06 Kiyoaki Wajima 구 HA-06 Sunjung Kim 15:30~ 15:50 우수포스터상시상및폐회 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 7

9 Schedule of Poster Session 5.10~5.11 분야포스터번호이름분야포스터번호이름 외부은하 / 은하단 Galaxy Evolution/ AGN 포 GC-01 포 GC-02 포 GC-03 포 GC-04 포 GC-05 포 GC-06 포 GC-07 포 GC-08 포 GC-09 포 GC-10 포 GC-11 Taysun Kimm 포 AE-01 Yongcheol Shin Panomporn Poojon 교육홍보 & 기타 포AE-02 Jinhee Yu Sanjaya Paudel 포AE-03 Sukbum A. Hong MinBae Kim 포AE-04 Doohyun Choi Seongjae Kim 포IM-01 Il Joong Kim 포IM-02 Sunkyung Park Hyowon Kim 성간물질 / 별생성 / 포IM-03 Hyeong-sik Yun Hyeon Woo Moon 우리은하 ; 포IM-04 Yong-Hee Lee Gregory SungHak Interstellar matter/ Paek Star formation/ 포IM-05 Jaehun Jung Insu Paek Milky Way galaxy 포IM-06 Jihye Hong Hyunmi Song Suhyun Shin 포 IM-07 포 AT-01 Ji-hye Hwang Seoyeon Byeon 포 GC-12 Dongseob Lee 포 AT-02 Jae-hwan Yeom 포GC-13 Sowon Lee 포AT-03 Seong A O 포GC-14 포GC-15 포GC-16 Wonki Lee Jeong Ae Lee Juheon Lee 천문우주관측기술 ; Astrophysical Techniques 포AT-04 포AT-05 포AT-06 Sunwoo Lee Hye-in Lee Myungshin Im 포GC-17 San Han 포AT-07 Gu Lim 포GC-18 Jeong-Sun Hwang 포AT-08 Do-Heung Je 우주론 / 암흑물질, 암흑에너지 Cosmology/ Darkmatter & dark energy 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 Stellar Astronomy 포 GC-19 Woorak Choi 포 AT-09 Tae-Geun Ji 포 GC-20 Cristiano Sabiu 포 KMT-01 Min-Su Shin 포GC-21 Young-Lo Kim 특별세션포KMT-02 Jin-Sun Lim (KMTNet 활용연구 ) 포 GC-22 Sungryong Hong 포 KMT-03 Sang-Mok Cha 포 SA-01 포 SA-02 포 SA-03 포 SA-04 Soo Hyun Kim Yong -Cheol Kim Young-Min Lee Myungshin Im 연합세션 ( 태양계탐사 ) 연 1-P01 연 1-P02 연 1-P03 연 1-P04 연 1-P05 연 1-P06 Sang Joon Kim Yoonsoo P. Bach Dong Wook Lee Jaeyong Lee1 Jaeyong Lee2 Sunho Jin 8 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

10 제 1 발표장첫째날 : 5 월 10 일 ( 목 ) 09:00~10:00 등록 10:00~10:20 개회사 : 이석영부회장시상 : 샛별상김대원회원 10:20~10:30 휴식시간 외부은하 Ⅰ Neargy Galaxies 좌장 : Se-Heon Oh( 오세헌 )[KASI] 10:30~10:45 구 GC-01 (p.31) The progenitor star of Type Ic SN 2017ein from IMSNG survey Changsu Choi( 최창수 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Sung-Chul Yoon( 윤성철 ), IMSNG Team[SNU] 10:45~11:00 구 GC-02 (p.31) Distances of Type II-P Supernovae SN 2014cx and SN 2017eaw Sophia Kim( 김소피아 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), ChangsuChoi( 최창수 ) and IMSNG Team[SNU] 11:00~11:15 구 GC-03 (p.32) A Search for Low Surface Brightness Dwarf Satellite Galaxies in Low Density Environments Using IMSNG Gu Lim( 임구 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU], Jisu Kim( 김지수 )[KHU], Changsu Choi( 최창수 )[SNU], IMSNG Team[SNU] 11:15~11:30 구 GC-04 (p.32) Luminosity Distribution of Dwarf Elliptical-like Galaxies 11:30~11:45 구 GC-05 (p.32) Mira Seo( 서미라 ), Hong Bae Ann( 안홍배 )[PNU] WITNESSING DISSOLUTION OF A STAR CLUSTER IN THE SEXTANS DWARF GALAXY Hak-Sub Kim( 김학섭 ), Sang-Il Han( 한상일 ), Seok-Joo Joo( 주석주 )[KASI], Suk-Jin Yoon( 윤석진 )[Yonsei University] 12:00~13:00 점심시간 초청강연 좌장 : Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 )[SNU] 13:00~13:40 초 IT-01 (p.31) Hearts of Darkness: Rethinking the Role of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy Evolution Ann Zabludoff[Steward Observatory, University of Arizona] 13:40~14:00 사진촬영및휴식시간 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 9

11 제 1 발표장첫째날 : 5 월 10 일 ( 목 ) 외부은하 Ⅱ Galaxy Evolution and Environment 좌장 : Aeree Chung( 정애리 )[Yonsei University] 14:00~14:15 구 GC-06 (p.32) Spectral Analysis of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4051 and Mrk 79 So-Yeong Park( 박소영 ), Siek Hyung( 형식 )[CBNU], Donghoon Son( 손동훈 )[SNU] 14:15~14:30 구 GC-07 (p.33) Spin evolution of Horizon-AGN early-type galaxies Hoseung Choi( 최호승 ), Sukyoung K. Yi( 이석영 )[Yonsei University], Yohan Dubois[UMPC Univ Paris], Taysun Kimm( 김태선 )[Yonsei University], Julien. E. G. Devriendt[University of Oxford/KIAS], Christophe Pichon[UMPC Univ Paris/KIAS] 14:30~14:45 구 GC-08 (p.33) On the origin of gas deficient galaxies in galaxy clusters: insights from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations Seoyoung Jung( 정서영 ), Hoseung Choi( 최호승 )[Yonsei University], O. Ivy Wong[ICRAR], Taysun Kimm( 김태선 ), Aeree Chung( 정애리 ), Sukyoung K. Yi( 이석영 )[Yonsei University] 14:45~15:00 구 GC-09 (p.34) Statistical Properties of Flyby Encounters of Galaxies in Cosmological N-body Simulations Sung-Ho An( 안성호 )[Yonsei University], Juhan Kim( 김주한 )[KIAS], Suk-Jin Yoon( 윤석진 [Yonsei University] 15:00~15:30 박 GC-10 (p.34) A Multi-Wavelength Study of Galaxy Transition in Different Environments Gwang-Ho Lee ( 이광호 )[SNU/Steward Observatory/KASI-Arizona Fellow] 15:30~16:40 포스터발표및분과모임 16:40~17:40 KGU 연합학술대회전체세션초청강연메이플동 3F 다이아몬드홀 17:50~18:20 KGU 연합학술대회개회식메이플동 3F 다이아몬드홀 18:20~ 만찬 10 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

12 제 2 발표장첫째날 : 5 월 10 일 ( 목 ) KMTNet I : 시스템, S/W 및운영 KMTNet I : Systems, S/W and operations 좌장 : Seung-Lee Kim( 김승리 )[KASI] 10:30~10:45 구 KMT-01 (p.39) The Status and Plan of KMTNet Operation Chung-Uk Lee( 이충욱 ), Seung-Lee Kim( 김승리 ), Dong-Joo Lee( 이동주 ), Sang-Mok Cha( 차상목 ), Yongseok Lee( 이용석 ), Dong-Jin Kim( 김동진 ), Hyun-Woo Kim( 김현우 ), Min-Su Shin( 신민수 ), HongSoo Park( 박홍수 ), Jin-Sun Lim( 임진선 ), Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 )[KASI] 10:45~11:00 구 KMT-02 (p.39) Maintenance and Improvement of KMTNet Telescope and Enclosure Yongseok Lee ( 이용석 ), Sang-Mok Cha ( 차상목 )[KASI/KHU], Chung-Uk Lee ( 이충욱 ), Seung-Lee Kim ( 김승리 ), Dong-Joo Lee ( 이동주 ), Young-Beom Jeon ( 전영범 ), Hong Soo Park ( 박홍수 )[KASI], Ho Jin ( 진호 )[KHU] 11:00~11:15 구 KMT-03 (p.40) KMTNet 18k Mosaic CCD Camera System Performance Improvement and Maintenance Sang-Mok Cha( 차상목 )[KASI/KHU], Chung-Uk Lee( 이충욱 ), Seung-Lee Kim( 김승리 )[KASI], Yongseok Lee( 이용석 )[KASI/KHU], Bruce Atwood[Ohio State University], Beomdu Lim( 임범두 )[University of Liege], Thomas P. O'Brien[Ohio State University], Ho Jin( 진호 )[KHU] 11:15~11:30 구 KMT-04 (p.40) KMTNet Real-Time Data Processing Status Dong-Jin Kim( 김동진 ), Chung-Uk Lee( 이충욱 ), Seung-Lee Kim( 김승리 ), Hyun-Woo Kim( 김현우 ), Kyu-Ha Hwang( 황규하 ), Hong Soo Park( 박홍수 )[KASI] 11:30~11:45 구 KMT-05 (p.40) Applications of machine learning methods in KMTNet data quality assurance and detecting microlensing events Min-Su Shin( 신민수 ), Chung-Uk Lee( 이충욱 ). Hyoun-Woo Kim( 김현우 )[KASI] 11:45~12:00 구 KMT-06 (p.40) KMTNet Microlensing Event-Finding in the Galactic Bulge Hyoun-Woo Kim( 김현우 ), Dong-Jin Kim( 김동진 ), Kyu-Ha Hwang( 황규하 ), Sun-Ju Chung( 정선주 ), Seung-Lee Kim( 김승리 ), Chung-Uk Lee( 이충욱 )[KASI] 12:00~13:00 점심시간 초청강연 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 )[SNU] 13:00~13:40 초 IT-01 (p.31) Hearts of Darkness: Rethinking the Role of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy Evolution Ann Zabludoff[Steward Observatory, University of Arizona] 13:40~14:00 사진촬영및휴식시간 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 11

13 제 2 발표장첫째날 : 5 월 10 일 ( 목 ) KMTNet II : 과학연구 KMTNet II : Science 좌장 : Chung-Uk Lee( 이충욱 )[KASI] 14:00~14:15 구 KMT-07 (p.41) Current status and future plans of KMTNet microlensing experiments Sun-Ju Chung( 정선주 )[KASI/UST], Andrew Gould[KASI/Ohio State University/Max-Planck-Institute], Youn Kil Jung( 정윤길 ), Kyu-Ha Hwang( 황규하 ), Yoon-Hyun Ryu( 류윤현 )[KASI], In-Gu Shin( 신인구 ), Jennifer C. Yee[Harvard-Smithsonian Center], Wei Zhu[University of Toronto], Cheongho Han( 한정호 )[CBNU], Sang-Mok Cha( 차상목 ), Dong-Jin Kim( 김동진 ), Hyun-Woo Kim( 김현우 )[KASI], Seung-Lee Kim( 김승리 ), Chung-Uk Lee( 이충욱 )[KASI/UST], Yongseok Lee( 이용석 )[KASI] 14:15~14:30 구 KMT-08 (p.41) The KMTNet View of Variable Stars : Pulsation and Rotation of the EL CVn-type Eclipsing Binary J Seung-Lee Kim( 김승리 ), Jae Woo Lee( 이재우 ), Chung-Uk Lee( 이충욱 )[KASI], Yongseok Lee( 이용석 )[KASI/KHU], Dong-Joo Lee( 이동주 )[KASI], Kyeongsoo Hong( 홍경수 )[CBNU], Sang-Mok Cha( 차상목 )[KASI/KHU], Dong-Jin Kim( 김동진 ), Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 )[KASI] 14:30~14:45 구 KMT-10 (p.42) DEEP-South: P/2000 XO8 shows its true colors Youngmin JeongAhn ( 정안영민 )[KASI], Dong-Heun Kim ( 김동흔 ), Hee-Jae Lee ( 이희재 )[KASI/CBNU], Young-Jun Choi ( 최영준 ), Hong-Kyu Moon ( 문홍규 )[KASI], Sang Min Lee ( 이상민 )[KASI/CBNU] 14:45~15:00 구 KMT-11 (p.42) Transformation of Surface Brightness Profile Types of Dwarf Galaxies : KMTNet Supernova Program Data Youngdae Lee( 이영대 )[KASI], Hong Soo Park( 박홍수 ), Sang Chul Kim( 김상철 )[KASI/UST], Dae-Sik Moon( 문대식 )[University of Toronto], Jae-Joon Lee( 이재준 ), Dong-Jin Kim( 김동진 )[KASI], Sang-Mok Cha( 차상목 )[KASI/UST] 15:00~15:15 구 KMT-12 (p.42) Optimal strategy for low surface brightness imaging with KMTNet Woowon Byun( 변우원 ), Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI/UST], Yun-Kyeong Sheen( 신윤경 )[KASI], Luis C. Ho[Kavli Institute], Joon Hyeop Lee( 이준협 )[KASI/UST], Hyunjin Jeong( 정현진 )[KASI], Sang Chul Kim( 김상철 ), Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 ), Kwang-Il Seon( 선광일 )[KASI/UST] 15:15~15:30 구 KMT-09 (p.42) DEEP-South: The Progress Report Hong-Kyu Moon( 문홍규 ), Myung-Jin Kim( 김명진 ), Jintae Park( 박진태 ), Youngmin JeongAhn( 정안영민 ), Hongu Yang( 양홍규 )[KASI], Hee-Jae Lee( 이희재 ), Dong-Heun Kim( 김동흔 )[KASI/CBNU], Dong-Goo Roh( 노동규 ), Young-Jun Choi( 최영준 ), Hong-Suh Yim( 임홍서 )[KASI], Sang-Min Lee( 이상민 )[KASI/CBNU], SungWon Kwak( 곽성원 )[KASI/SNU], the DEEP-South Team 15:30~16:40 포스터발표및분과모임 16:40~17:40 KGU 연합학술대회전체세션초청강연메이플동 3F 다이아몬드홀 17:50~18:20 KGU 연합학술대회개회식메이플동 3F 다이아몬드홀 18:20~ 만찬 12 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

14 제 3 발표장첫째날 : 5 월 10 일 ( 목 ) 성간물질 Ⅰ The Interstellar Medium Ⅰ 좌장 : Chang Won Lee( 이창원 )[KASI] 10:30~11:00 박 IM-01 (p.43) Destruction of Giant Molecular Clouds by UV Radiation Feedback from Massive Stars Jeong-Gyu Kim ( 김정규 ),Woong-TaeKim( 김웅태 )[SNU], Eve C. Ostriker[Princeton University], M. Aaron Skinner[Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory] 11:00~11:15 구 IM-02 (p.43) Global distribution of far-ultraviolet emission from the highly ionized gas in the Milky Way Young-Soo Jo( 조영수 )[KASI], Kwang-Il Seon( 선광일 )[KASI/UST], Kyoung-Wook Min( 민경욱 )[KAIST], Jerry Edelstein[University of California], Wonyong Han( 한원용 )[KASI] 11:15~11:30 구 IM-03 (p.44) Unbiased spectroscopic study of the Cygnus Loop with LAMOST Ji Yeon Seok( 석지연 )[NAOC], Bon-Chul Koo( 구본철 )[SNU], Gang Zhao[NAOC] 11:30~11:45 구 IM-04 (p.44) Internal structure of a massive star-forming region G revealed by the high resolution ALMA observations Young Chol Minh( 민영철 )[KASI], H. B. Liu[ASIAA], H.-R. Chen[National Tsing Hua U] 11:45~12:00 구 IM-05 (p.44) Magnetic Fields of the Youngest Protostellar System L1448 IRS 2 revealed by ALMA Woojin Kwon ( 권우진 )[KASI], Ian W. Stephens[Harvard-Smithsonian CfA], John J. Tobin[niversity of Oklahoma], Leslie W. Looney[University of Illinois], Zhi-Yun Li[University of Virginia], Richard M. Crutcher[niversity of Illinois], Jongsoo Kim ( 김종수 )[KASI], Floris F. S. van der Tak[SRON/Kapteyn Astronomical Institute] 12:00~13:00 점심시간 초청강연 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 )[SNU] 13:00~13:40 초 IT-01 (p.31) Hearts of Darkness: Rethinking the Role of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy Evolution Ann Zabludoff[Steward Observatory, University of Arizona] 13:40~14:00 사진촬영및휴식시간 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 13

15 제 3 발표장첫째날 : 5 월 10 일 ( 목 ) 성간물질 Ⅱ 및항성 The instellar Medium Ⅱ and Stars 좌장 : Sung-Chul Yoon( 윤성철 )[SNU] 14:00~14:15 구 IM-06 (p.45) FUNS - Filaments, the Universal Nursery of Stars. I. Physical Properties of Filaments and Dense Cores in L1478 Eun Jung Chung( 정은정 ), Shinyoung Kim( 김신영 ), Archana Soam, Chang Won Lee( 이창원 )[KASI] 14:15~14:30 구 IM-07 (p.45) Chemical Differentiation of CS and N2H+ in Starless Dense Cores Shinyoung Kim( 김신영 ), Chang Won Lee( 이창원 )[KASI/UST], Jungjoo Sohn( 손정주 )[KNUE], Gwanjeong Kim( 김관정 )[NAOJ], Mi-Ryang Kim( 김미량 )[KASI] 14:30~14:45 구 IM-08 (p.45) The ice features of Very Low Luminosity Objects (VeLLOs): Unveiling their episodic accretion history through the spectroscopic observation of AKARIIRC Jaeyeong Kim( 김재영 ), Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU], Yuri Aikawa[University of Tokyo], Il-Seok Kim( 김일석 )[SELab], Ho-Gyu Lee( 이호규 )[KASI], Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 )[KASI/UST], Jennifer A. Noble[The University de Lille] 14:45~15:00 석 IM-09 (p.46) New insights on the origin of multiple stellar populations in globular clusters Jaeyeon Kim ( 김재연 ) and Young-Wook Lee ( 이영욱 )[Yonsei University] 15:00~15:15 구 IM-10 (p.46) Radial distribution of blue straggler stars in Magellanic Cloud clusters 15:15~15:30 구 IM-11 (p.46) An exosolar planetary system N-body simulator II Jongsuk Hong( 홍종석 )[Peking University] ChaeLin Hong( 홍채린 )[UNIST], Maurice van Putten[UNIST/Sejong University] 15:30~16:40 포스터발표및분과모임 16:40~17:40 KGU 연합학술대회전체세션초청강연메이플동 3F 다이아몬드홀 17:50~18:20 KGU 연합학술대회개회식메이플동 3F 다이아몬드홀 18:20~ 만찬 14 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

16 연합학술대회 - 메이플동첫째날 : 5 월 10 일 ( 목 ) 태양계탐사 ( 연합세션 1, 코럴 ) 좌장 : Hong-Kyu Moon( 문홍규 )[KASI] 13:15~13:45 연합세션 1-1 (p.71) 행성탐사선과지상관측에의한목성, 토성, 타이탄분광탐사 13:45~14:15 연합세션 1-2 (p.71) 암석과광물에저장된태양계탄생과초기진화의기록 14:30~14:45 연합세션 1-3 (p.71) Space Missions to Asteroids 김상준 [ 경희대 ] 최변각 [ 서울대 ] 박상영 [ 연세대 ] 15:30~16:40 포스터발표및분과모임 전체 Plenary session 메이플동 3F 다이아몬드홀 16:40~17:10 전체초청 1-1 한반도의지진활동 17:10~17:30 전체초청 1-2 중력파검출의기나긴여정 17:30~17:40 전체초청 1-3 The Korean Integrated Model (KIM) System for Weather Forecasting 이기화 [ 서울대명예교수 ] 이형목 [ 한국천문연구원원장 ] 홍성유 [ 한국형수치예보모델개발사업단단장 ] 17:50~18:20 KGU 연합학술대회개회식메이플동 3F 다이아몬드홀 18:20~ 만찬 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 15

17 제 1 발표장둘째날 : 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 외부은하 Ⅲ Observations and Models 좌장 : Hyunjin Shim( 심현진 )[KNU] 09:00~09:15 석 GC-11 (p.35) Properties of Merger-Driven Shocks in Clusters of Galaxies Ji-Hoon Ha( 하지훈 ), Dongsu Ryu( 류동수 )[UNIST], Hyesung Kang( 강혜성 [PNU] 09:15~09:30 구 GC-12 (p.35) Magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies 09:30~09:45 구 GC-13 (p.35) Soonyoung Roh( 노순영 ), Dongsu Ryu( 류동수 )[UNIST] Statistical Moment Analysis of the Strong DLA Profiles Seok-Jun Chang( 장석준 )[Sejong University], Kiehunn Bach[Yonsei University], Hee-Won Lee( 이희원 )[Sejong University] 09:45~10:00 구 GC-14 (p.35) Revealing the Powering Mechanism of Lyman Alpha Blob via Polarization Eunchong Kim( 김은총 )[SNU/KASI], Yujin Yang( 양유진 )[KASI], Ann Zabludoff, Paul Smith, Buell Jannuzi[University of Arizona], Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 )[SNU] 10:00~10:15 구 GC-15 (p.36) Impact of Lyman alpha pressure on metal-poor dwarf galaxies Taysun Kimm( 김태선 )[Yonsei university], Martin Haehnelt[University of Cambridge], Jeremy BlaizotUniversite Lyon], Harley Katz[University of Cambridge], Leo Michel-Dansac, Thibault Garel, Joakim Rosdahl[Universite Lyon], Romain Teyssier[University of Zurich] 10:15~10:30 구 GC-16 (p.36) Polarization as a Probe of Thick Dust Disk in Edge-on Galaxies: Application to NGC 891 Kwang-Il Seon( 선광일 )[KASI] 10:30~10:45 휴식시간 외부은하 Ⅳ Active Galaxies/Observational Cosmology 좌장 : Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI] 10:45~11:00 구 GC-17 (p.36) The 105-month Swift-BAT all-sky hard X-ray survey Kyuseok Oh( 오규석 )[Kyoto University/ETH Zurich], Michael Koss[Eureka Scientific], Craig B. Markwardt[NASA], Kevin Schawinski[ETH Zurich], Wayne H. Baumgartner, Scott D. Barthelmy, Bradley Cenko, Neil Gehrels[NASA], Richard Mushotzky, Abigail Petulante[University of Maryland], Claudio Ricci[Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile], Amy Lien[NASA/Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science and Technology], Benny Trakhtenbrot[ETH Zurich] 11:00~11:15 구 GC-18 (p.37) An Interesting Story of Four Gamma-ray Bright AGNs by the imogaba Sang-Sung Lee( 이상성 ), the imogaba team[kasi/ust] 11:15~11:30 구 GC-19 (p.37) Ionized gas outflows in z~2 WISE-selected Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies 11:30~12:00 박 GC-20 (p.37) Unveiling Intrinsic Properties of Dusty Red AGNs Hyunsung Jun( 전현성 )[KIAS] Dohyeong Kim ( 김도형 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU] 16 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

18 제 1 발표장둘째날 : 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 외부은하 Ⅳ Active Galaxies/Observational Cosmology 좌장 : Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI] 12:00~12:15 구 GC-21 (p.37) High-z Universe probed via Lensing by QSOs (HULQ): Expected Number of QSOs acting as Gravitational Lenses Yoon Chan Taak( 탁윤찬 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU] 12:15~13:15 점심시간 13:15~14:00 포스터발표 우주론 Cosmology 좌장 : Arman Shafieloo[KASI] 14:00~14:15 구 GC-22 (p.38) Impact of Massive Neutrinos and Dark Radiation on the High-Redshift Cosmic Web 14:15~14:30 구 GC-23 (p.38) Graziano Rossi[Sejong University] Graphical study of cosmic inhomogeneity using CMASS galaxy sample Yigon Kim( 김이곤 )[KNU], Chan-Gyung Park( 박찬경 )[Chonbuk National University], Jai-chan Hwang( 황재찬 )[KNU, Hyerim Noh( 노혜림 [KASI] 14:30~14:45 구 GC-24 (p.38) Understanding reionization and cosmic dawn with galaxies and 21-cm Jaehong Park( 박재홍 ), Andrei Mesinger[Scuola Normale Superiore], Bradley Greig[The University of Melbourne] 14:45~15:00 석 GC-25 (p.38) Regional anomalies of cosmic microwave background power spectrum Young Ju( 주영 )[KNU], Chan-Gyung Park( 박찬경 )[Chonbuk National University], Jai-Chan Hwang( 황재찬 )[KNU] 15:00~15:15 구 GC-26 (p.39) Physical mechanism of gamma-ray bursts: recent breakthroughs Z. Lucas Uhm( 엄정휘 )[NASA], Bing Zhang[University of Nevada], Judith Racusin[NASA] 15:15~15:30 구 GC-27 (p.39) Observing the central engine of GRB170817A Maurice H.P.M. van Putten[Sejong University] 15:30~15:40 우수포스터상시상폐회사 : 이석영부회장 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 17

19 제 2 발표장둘째날 : 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 적외선영상분광탐사미션과활용연구 NISS-SPHEREx 좌장 : Ho Seong Hwang( 황호성 )[KIAS] 09:00~09:15 구 NS-01 (p.47) Infrared Spectro-Photometric Survey in Space: NISS and SPHEREx Missions Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 ), Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI/UST], Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU], Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU], Jeonghyun Pyo( 표정현 )[KASI], Yong-Seon Song( 송용선 )[KASI/UST], Sung-Joon Park( 박성준 ), Bongkon Moon( 문봉곤 ), Dae-Hee Lee( 이대희 ), Won-Kee Park( 박원기 ), Youngsoo Jo( 조영수 ), Duk-Hang Lee( 이덕행 )[KASI], Kyeongyeon Ko( 고경연 )[KASI/UST], Il-Joong Kim( 김일중 ), Youngsik Park( 박영식 )[KASI], Yujin Yang( 양유진 )[KASI/UST], Jongwan Ko( 고종완 )[KASI], Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 )[SNU], Hyunjin Shim( 심현진 )[KNU], Goo-Hwan Shin( 신구환 ), Jangsoo Chae( 채장수 )[KAIST], Toshio Matsumoto[KAIS/ISAS/JAXA], NISS Team, SPHEREx Korean Consortium 09:15~09:30 구 NS-02 (p.47) Extragalactic Science I Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU], Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 ), Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI], SPHEREx Team 09:30~09:45 구 NS-03 (p.47) Extragalactic Science with SPHEREx II Minjin Kim( 김민진 ), Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 )[KASI], Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU], SPHEREx Team 09:45~10:00 구 NS-04 (p.48) SPHEREx Galactic Science : Ice Evolution from Molecular Clouds to Protoplanetary Disks 10:00~10:15 구 NS-05 (p.48) Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU] Solar System Sciences with SPHEREx Jeonghyun Pyo ( 표정현 )[KASI], Woong-Seob Jeong ( 정웅섭 )[KASI/UST], SPHEREx Korean Consortium 10:15~10:30 구 NS-06 (p.48) Cosmology using SPHEREx 10:30~10:45 휴식시간 Yong-Seon Song( 송용선 )[KASI] 천문기기 Astronomical Instumentation 좌장 : Jongsoo Kim( 김종수 )[KASI] 10:45~11:00 구 AI-01 (p.48) Development of KAMG engineering model in KPLO mission Ho Jin( 진호 ), Khan-Hyuk Kim( 김관혁 )[KHU], Derac Son[Sensorpia Inc.], Seongwhan Lee( 이승환 )[Introul Inc.] 11:00~11:15 구 AI-02 (p.48) Optical mounting method based on current astronomical space missions 11:15~11:30 구 AI-03 (p.49) Bongkon Moon( 문봉곤 )[KASI] Optical Performance Measurement of the MATS Satellite Woojin Park( 박우진 )[KHU], Arvid Hammar[Omnisys instruments AB], Sunwoo Lee( 이선우 )[KHU], Seunghyuk Chang( 장승혁 )[KAIST], Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU] 11:30~11:45 구 AI-04 (p.49) Flux calibration method for narrow band imaging observation Hojae Ahn( 안호재 ), Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Wonseok Kang( 강원석 ), Taewoo Kim( 김태우 )[NYSC], Hyunjin Shim( 심현진 )[KNU] 18 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

20 제 2 발표장둘째날 : 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 천문기기 Astronomical Instumentation 좌장 : Jongsoo Kim( 김종수 )[KASI] 11:45~12:00 구 AI-05 (p.49) Development of Detector Performance Test system and Characterization of CCD Camera Young Sam Yu( 유영삼 ), Chan Park( 박찬 ), Sung-Joon Park( 박성준 ), Seonghwan Choi( 최성환 ), Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 )[KASI] 12:00~12:15 구 AI-06 (p.49) Measurement result of ultra wideband corrugated horn for combined ALMA band 7 and band 8 frequencies Bangwon Lee( 이방원 ), Jung-won Lee( 이정원 ), Hyunwoo Kang( 강현우 ), Do-Heung Je( 제도흥 )[KASI] 12:15~13:15 점심시간 13:15~14:00 포스터발표 고천문 & 홍보 Historical Astronomy and Public Relations 좌장 : Yong Bok Lee( 이용복 )[SNUE] 14:00~14:15 구 HP-01 (p.49) Historical solar eclipses and practical observation area in Goguryeo 14:15~14:30 구 HP-02 (p.50) Hong-Jin Yang( 양홍진 )[KASI] Tools for Echelle Spectrograph of NYSC 1m Telescope Wonseok Kang( 강원석 ), Taewoo Kim( 김태우 ), Jeongeun Kim( 김정은 ), Yong Cheol Shin( 신용철 ), Jihyun Yoo( 유지현 ), Shinu Jeong( 정신우 ), Yoonho Choi( 최윤호 ), Sun-gill Kwon( 권순길 )[NYSC] 14:30~14:45 구 HP-03 (p.48) Results of NYSC 1m Telescope Operation in 2017 Taewoo Kim( 김태우 ), Jeongeun Kim( 김정은 ), Yong Cheol Shin( 신용철 ), Jihyun Yoo( 유지현 ), Shinu Jeong( 정신우 ), Yoonho Choi( 최윤호 ), Wonseok Kang( 강원석 ), Sun-gill Kwon( 권순길 )[NYSC] 14:45~15:00 구 HP-04 (p.50) Cambodia with Astronomy A Ran Lyo( 여아란 )[KASI], Wonseok Kang( 강원석 ), Sun-gill Kwon( 권순길 )[NYSC], Min Gyu Kim( 김민규 )[Genesia corporation], Yonggi Kim( 김용기 )[CBNU], Woong-Tae Kim( 김웅태 )[SNU], Taewoo Kim( 김태우 )[NYSC], Hong-Kyu Moon( 문홍규 )[KASI], Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Soon Chang Park( 박순창 )[Metaspace], Changbom Park( 박창범 )[KIAS], Yongcheol Shin( 신용철 [NYSC], Kang Hwan Lee( 이강환 )[SMNH], Dukhang Lee( 이덕행 )[KASI], Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 ), Sang Gak Lee( 이상각 )[SNU], Sang Hyun Lee( 이상현 )[KASI], Jeong Ae Lee( 이정애 )[SNU], Hye-In Lee( 이혜인 )[KHU], Insung Yim( 임인성 )[KASI], JaEun Han( 한자은 ), Minhee Hyun( 현민희 )[SNU, Kyungyong Lee( 이경영 ), John Ashley Evans[Society of Jesus] 15:00~15:15 구 HP-05 (p.50) The Extended KVN Project Taehyun Jung( 정태현 ), Do-Young Byun( 변도영 ), Sang-Sung Lee( 이상성 )[KASI/UST], YoungChol Mihn( 민영철 ), Se-Hyung Cho( 조세형 )[KASI], Bong Won Sohn( 손봉원 )[KASI/UST], Kee-Tae Kim( 김기태 ), Seog-Oh Wi( 위석오 ), Seog-Tae Han( 한석태 ), Hyun Goo Kim( 김현구 )[KASI], Jongsoo Kim( 김종수 )[KASI/UST] 15:15~15:30 구 HP-06 (p.51) Launch of Open-Use Operation of the East-Asian VLBI Network Kiyoaki Wajima[KASI], Kazuhiro Hada[NAOJ], Taehyun Jung ( 정태현 ), Se-Jin Oh ( 오세진 ), Duk-Gyoo Roh ( 노덕규 )[KASI], Wu Jiang[Shanghai Astronomical Observatory], Lang Cui[Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory], Do-Young Byun ( 변도영 ), Jongsoo Kim ( 김종수 )[KASI], Mareki Honma[NAOJ], Zhi-Qiang Shen[Shanghai Astronomical Observatory], Na Wang[Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory] 15:30~15:40 우수포스터상시상폐회사 : 이석영부회장 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 19

21 제 3 발표장둘째날 : 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 태양 The Sun 좌장 : Rok-Soon Kim( 김록순 )[KASI] 09:00~09:15 구 SS-01 (p.51) Polarimetric research on S- and Q-type Near-Earth Asteroids Jooyeon Geem( 김주연 ), Masateru Ishiguro, Yoonsoo P. Bach( 박윤수 )[SNU], Daisuke Kuroda[Okayama Astrophysical Observatory], Hiroyuki Naito[Nayoro Observatory], Yoonyoung Kim( 김윤영 ), Yuna G. Kwon( 권유나 )[SNU], Masataka Imai, Kiyoshi Kuramoto[Hokkaido University], Makoto Watanabe[Okayama University of Science], Ryo Okazaki[Hokkaido University] 09:15~09:30 구 SS-02 (p.51) The Flow of the Interstellar Plasmas surrounding the Heliopause estimated via IBEX-Lo Observations Jeewoo Park( 박지우 )[NASA], Harald Kucharek, Philip A. Isenberg[University of New Hampshir], Nikolaos Paschalidis[NASA] 09:30~09:45 구 SS-03 (p.52) The role of heliospheric current sheet on solar energetic particles with enhanced Fe/O Jinhye Park( 박진혜 )[KHU], R. Bucik[Max Planck Institute/University of Göttingen], Yong-Jae Moon( 문용재 )[KHU],S. W. Kahler[Air Force Research Laboratory] 09:45~10:00 구 SS-04 (p.52) A Solar Stationary Type IV Radio Burst and Its Radiation Mechanism Hongyu Liu[KASI/UST/Shandong University], Yao Chen[Shandong University], Kyungsuk Cho( 조경석 )[KASI/UST], Shiwei Feng, Veluchamy Vasanth, Artem Koval, Guohui Du, Zhao Wu, Chuanyang Li[Shandong University] 10:00~10:15 구 SS-05 (p.53) Investigation of the observed solar coronal plasma in EUV and X-rays in non-equilibrium ionization state Jin-Yi Lee( 이진이 )[KHU], John C. Raymond, Katharine K. Reeves, Chengcai Shen[Harvard-Smithsonian Center], Yong-Jae Moon( 문용재 )[KHU] 10:15~10:30 구 SS-06 (p.53) Determination of magneto-hydrodynamic quantities in umbrae and bright points using MHD seismology Il-Hyun Cho( 조일현 ), Yong-Jae Moon( 문용재 )[KHU] 10:30~10:45 휴식시간 태양 CME Solar Coronal Mass Ejection 좌장 : Jin-Yi Lee( 이진이 )[KHU] 10:45~11:00 구 SS-07 (p.53) CME propagation and proton acceleration in solar corona Roksoon Kim( 김록순 )[KASI/UST], Ryunyoung Kwon( 권륜영 )[Johns Hopkins University/George Mason University], Jaeok Lee( 이재옥 )[KASI], David Lario[Johns Hopkins University] 11:00~11:15 구 SS-08 (p.54) Comparison of CME mean density based on a full ice-cream cone structure and its corresponding ICME one Hyeonock Na( 나현옥 ), Yong-Jae Moon( 문용재 )[KHU] 11:15~11:30 구 SS-09 (p.54) Magnetic and kinematic characteristics of very fast CMEs Soojeong Jang( 장수정 ), Yong-Jae Moon( 문용재 ), Daye Lim( 임다예 )[KHU], Jae-Ok Lee( 이재옥 )[KASI], Harim Lee( 이하림 ), Eunsu Park( 박은수 )[KHU] 20 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

22 제 3 발표장둘째날 : 5 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 태양 CME Solar Coronal Mass Ejection 좌장 : Jin-Yi Lee( 이진이 )[KHU] 11:30~11:45 구 SS-10 (p.54) Statistical study on the kinematic classification of CMEs from 4 to 30 solar radii Seong-Gyeong Jeo( 전성경 ), Yong-Jae Moon( 문용재 ), Il-Hyun Cho( 조일현 ), Harim Lee( 이하림 ), Kangwoo Yi( 이강우 )[KHU] 11:45~12:00 구 SS-11 (p.54) Estimation of Halo CME s radial speeds using coronal shock waves based on EUV observations Hyunjin Jeong( 정현진 ), Yong-Jae Moon( 문용재 )[KHU] 12:15~13:15 점심시간 13:15~14:00 포스터발표 고에너지천체물리학 High Energy Astrophysics 좌장 : Jin Ho Kim( 김진호 )[KASI] 14:00~14:15 구 HP-01 (p.55) Timing analysis for the magnetar-like pulsar, PSR J :15~14:30 석 HP-02 (p.55) Measuring Timing Properties of PSR B :30~14:45 석 HP-03 (p.55) Search for new magnetar candidates in Galactic plane. Chun-Che Lupin Lin[UNIST], C. Y. Hui[CNU] Minjun Kim( 김민준 ), Hongjun An( 안홍준 )[CBNU] Woochan Park( 박우찬 ), Hongjun An( 안홍준 )[CBNU] 14:45~15:00 구 HP-04 (p.56) Effect of the density profile of a star on the bolometric light curve in tidal disruption events Gwanwoo Park( 박관우 ), Hayasaki Kimitake[CBNU] 15:00~15:15 구 HP-05 (p.56) Simulating astrophysical shocks with a combined PIC MHD code Allard Jan van Marle[UNIST] 15:15~15:30 구 HP-06 (p.56) Enhanced spontaneous emissions from suprathermal populations in Kappa distributed plasmas Sunjung Kim( 김선정 )[UNIST] 15:30~15:40 우수포스터상시상폐회사 : 이석영부회장 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 21

23 외부은하 / 우주론 (Galaxy Evolution/Cosmology) 포스터발표 포 GC-01 (p.57) Feedback-regulated star formation and escape of LyC photons from mini-haloes during reionization Taysun Kimm( 김태선 )[Yonsei university/university of Cambridge], Harley Katz[YUniversity of Cambridge/University of Oxford, Martin Haehnelt[University of Cambridge], Joakim Rosdahl[Universite Lyon], Julien Devriendt, Adrianne Slyz[University of Oxford] 포 GC-02 (p.57) The KVN single-dish survey of the MALATANG galaxies Panomporn Poojon, Aeree Chung( 정애리 ), Bumhyun Lee( 이범현 ), Junhyun Baek( 백준현 )[Yonsei University], Taehyun Jung( 정태현 ), Bong Won Sohn( 손봉원 ), Se-Heon Oh( 오세헌 )[KASI], Chandreyee Sengupta[Yonsei University], the MALATANG team[east Asian Observatory] 포 GC-03 (p.57) UGC 4703 Interacting Pair Near the Isolated Spiral Galaxy NGC 2718: A Milky Way Magellanic Cloud Analog Sanjaya Paudel [Yonsei University] 포 GC-04 (p.57) A study AGN activity on environmental dependence in the SDSS late-type galaxies 포 GC-05 (p.58) Minbae Kim( 김민배 ), Yun-Yung Choi( 최윤영 ), Sungsoo S. Kim( 김성수 )[KHU] Properties of BzK Galaxies Selected in DLS F1 Field Seongjae Kim( 김성재 ), Hyunjin Shim( 심현진 )[KNU], Ho Seong Hwang( 황호성 ), Raphael Gobat[KIAS], Emanuele Daddi[CEA-Saclay] 포 GC-06 (p.58) Abell 2261: a fossil galaxy cluster in a transition phase Hyowon Kim( 김효원 ), Jongwan Ko( 고종완 )[KASI/UST], Jae-woo Kim( 김재우 ), Rory Smith, Hyunmi Song( 송현미 )[KASI], Ho Seong Hwang( 황호성 )[KIAS] 포 GC-07 (p.58) Analysis of SN 2014J Early Phase Spectra Hyeonwoo Moon( 문현우 )[KNU], Keun-Hong Park( 박근홍 )[SNU], Tae Seog Yoon( 윤태석 )[KNU], Hyun-Il Sung( 성현일 )[KASI/KNU], Soo Hyun Kim( 김수현 )[KNU], Ilseung Han( 한일승 )[KNU/KASI/UST], Sunkyung Park( 박선경 )[KHU] 포 GC-08 (p.59) The optical afterglow of GRB A Gregory SungHak Paek( 백승학 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Changsu Choi( 최창수 ), IMSNG Team 포 GC-09 (p.59) Identifying Cluster Candidates in CFHTLS W2 Field Insu Paek( 백인수 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU], Jae-Woo Kim( 김재우 )[KASI], IMSNG Team 포 GC-10 (p.59) Lyman-alpha radiative transfer through outflowing halo models to understand both the observed spectra and surface brightness profiles of Lyman-alpha halos around high-z star-forming galaxies Hyunmi Song( 송현미 ), Kwang-il Seon( 선광일 )[KASI] 포 GC-11 (p.59) Survey of Faint Quasar candidates at 4.7 z 5.2 Suhyun Shin( 신수현 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Yongjung Kim( 김용정 ), Minhee Hyun( 현민희 )[SNU], Woojin Park( 박우진 ), Tae-geun Ji( 지태근 )[KHU], Yiseul Jeon( 전이슬 )[LOCOOP], Minjin Kim( 김민진 ([KASI/UST), Dohyeong Kim( 김요정 )[SNU], Jae-Woo Kim( 김재우 )[KASI], Yoon Chan Taak( 탁윤찬 )[SNU], Yongmin Yoon( 윤용민 ), Changsu Choi( 최창수 ), Jueun Hong( 홍주은 )[SNU], Hyunsung David Jun( 전현성 )[KIAS], Marios Karouzos[Nature Astronomy], Duho Kim( 김덕호 )[Arizona State University], Ji Hoon Kim( 김지훈 )[Subaru Telecsope], Seong-Kook Lee( 이성국 )[SNU], Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Won-Kee Park( 박원기 )[KASI] 22 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

24 외부은하 / 우주론 (Galaxy Evolution/Cosmology) 포 GC-12 (p.60) 포스터발표 Specific star formation rate of the MIR-selected galaxies in AKARI NEP-Wide Dongseob Lee( 이동섭 ), Hyunjin Shim( 심현진 )[KNU] 포 GC-13 (p.60) Photometric Properties and Spatial Distribution of RSGs of Nearby Galaxy System: Leo Triplet Sowon Lee( 이소원 ), Howoo Chiang, Young-Jong Sohn( 손영종 )[Yonsei University] 포 GC-14 (p.60) Hydrodynamics Simulation of the Off-Axis Cluster Merger Abell 115 Wonki Lee( 이원기 ), Mincheol Kim( 김민철 ), Myungkook James Jee( 지명국 )[Yonsei University] 포 GC-15 (p.61) Determining the star formation rate of type 2 AGNs with multi-wavelength SED from UV to radio Jeong Ae Lee( 이정애 ), Jong-HakWoo( 우종학 )[SNU] 포 GC-16 (p.61) Subaru Weak-lensing Analysis of the Merging Cluster ZwCL at z=0.37 포 GC-17 (p.61) Juheon Lee( 이주헌 ), Myungkook J. Jee( 지명국 )[Yonsei University] Preprocessing of dark halos in hydrodynamic cluster zoom-in simulations San Han( 한산 )[Yonsei University], Rory Smith[KASI], Hoseung Choi( 최호성 )[Yonsei University], Luca Cortese, Barbara Catinella[University of Western Australia] 포 GC-18 (p.61) Effects of galaxy-galaxy encounters on galactic spin and central mass distribution 포 GC-19 (p.62) Jeong-Sun Hwang( 황정선 )[Sejong University], Changbom Park( 박창범 )[KIAS] The impact of ram pressure on the multi-phase ISM probed by the TIGRESS simulation Woorak Choi( 최우락 )[Yonsei University], Chang-Goo Kim( 김창구 )[Princeton University], Aeree Chung( 정애리 )[Yonsei University] 우주론 / 암흑물질, 암흑에너지 (Cosmology & Dark matter) 포 GC-20 (p.62) Testing Gravity with Cosmic Shear Data from the Deep Lens Survey Cristiano G. Sabiu, Mijin Yoon( 윤미진 ), Myungkook J. Jee( 지명국 )[Yonsei University] 포 GC-21 (p.62) The Dependence of Type Ia Supernova Luminosities on the Global and Local Properties of Host Galaxies in the YONSEI Supernova Catalog Young-Lo Kim( 김영로 ), Yijung Kang( 강이정 ), Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 )[Yonsei University] 포 GC-22 (p.63) Big Data Astronomy : Let's "PySpark" the Universe Sungryong Hong( 홍성용 )[KASI] 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 23

25 포스터발표 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 (Stellar Astronomy) 포 SA-01 (p.63) High Resolution Spectroscopic Monitoring of Symbiotic Stars AG Draconis and UV Aurigae Soo Hyun Kim( 김수현 ), Tae Seog Yoon( 윤태석 ), Hyung-il Oh( 오형일 )[KNU] 포 SA-02 (p.63) A comparison study between the AESOPUS Low Temperature Opacity and that of Ferguson, on Standard Stellar Models and Isochrones Yong Cheol Kim( 김용철 )[Yonsei University], Minje Beom( 범민제 )[NMSU] 포 SA-03 (p.63) Stellar Wind Accretion and Raman O VI Spectroscopy of the Symbiotic Star AG Draconis Young-Min Lee( 이영민 ), Hee-Won Lee( 이희원 )[Sejong University], Ho-Gyu Lee( 이호규 )[KASI], Rodolfo Angeloni[Universidad de La Serena] 포 SA-04 (p.64) Intensive Monitoring Survey of Nearby Galaxies: Current Status Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Changsu Choi( 최창수 ), Gu Lim( 임구 ), Sophia Kim( 김소피아 ), Seunghak Gregory Paek( 백승학 ), Joonho Kim( 김준호 ), Sungyong Hwang( 황성용 ), Suhyung Shin( 신수현 ), Insu Baek( 백인수 ), Sangyun Lee( 이상윤 ), Sung A O( 오성아 ), Sung Chul Yoon( 윤성철 )[SNU], Hyun-Il Sung( 성현일 ), Yeong-Beaom Jeon( 전영범 )[KASI], Sang Gak Lee( 이상각 ), Wonseok Kang( 강원석 ), Tae-Woo Kim( 김태우 ), Sun-gil Kwon( 권순길 )[NYSC], Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Shuhrat Eghamberdiev[Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute,], IMSNG Team 교육홍보 (Education & Outreach) 포 AE-01 (p.64) Analysis of Michigan catalog of HD stars Yongcheol Shin( 신용철 ), Jihyun Yoo( 유지현 ), Jeongeun Kim( 김정은 ), Wonseok Kang( 강원석 ), Sanggak Lee( 이상각 ) 포 AE-02 (p.64) Development of the Astronomy Education Program for Elementary Students and Astronomy Outreach Initiative Jinhee Yu( 유진희 )[ACRI/Astrocamp Goyang/Yonsei University] Seunghyun Kim( 김승현 )[Astrocamp], Yongik Byun( 변용익 ), San NamKung( 남궁산 ) Eunseok Lee( 이은석 ), Donggan Park( 박동안 ), Hyunsik Jo( 조형식 )[Astrocamp] Hyunyoung Lee( 이현영 ), Yojun Hyun( 현요준 )[Astrocamp], Jungmin Kim( 김중민 ), Jeehye Yu( 유지혜 )[ACRI/Astrocamp], Honggyu Lee( 이홍규 )[Astrocamp] 포 AE-03 (p.64) Citizen Science in KMLA Sukbum A. Hong( 홍석범 ), SeungJun Rhee( 이성준 ), Jeongjun Yun( 윤정준 ), Minseok Kim( 김민석 ), Seung Ho Lee( 이성호 ), Jaihyun Kim( 김재현 ), Gukmyeong Son( 손금명 )[KMLA] 포 AE-04 (p.65) Activity Report of Young Astronomers Meeting in Season Doohyun Choi( 최두현 )[Sejong University], Jinhyub Kim( 김진협 )[Yonsei University], Doori Han( 한두리 )[CNU], Seok-jun Chang( 장석준 )[Sejong University], Jisu Kang( 강지수 )[SNU], Donghyun Kim( 김동현 )[KNU], Sophia Kim( 김소피아 )[SNU], Mina Park( 박민아 )[UST], So-Myoung Park( 박소명 )[KHU] 24 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

26 포스터발표 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 (ISM/Star Formation/Milky Way Galaxy) 포 IM-01 (p.65) IGRINS observations of a Herbig Be star, MWC 1080 Il-Joong Kim( 김일중 ), Heeyoung Oh( 오희영 ), Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 )[KASI] 포 IM-02 (p.65) High-resolution Optical and Near-infrared Monitoring Observations of 2MASS J Sunkyung Park( 박선경 ), Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU], Tae-Soo Pyo( 표태수 )[Subaru Telescope], Hyun-Il Sung( 성현일 )[KASI], Sang-Gak Lee( 이상각 )[SNU], Wonseok Kang( 강원석 )[NYSC], Tae Seog Yoon( 윤태석 )[KNU], Won-Kee Park( 박원기 )[KASI] 포 IM-03 (p.66) TRAO Key Science Program: mapping Turbulent properties In star-forming MolEcular clouds down to the Sonic scale (TIMES Hyeong-Sik Yun( 윤형식 ), Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 ), Yunhee Choi( 최윤희 ), Seokho Lee( 이석호 ), Giseon Baek( 백기선 ), Yong-Hee Lee( 이용희 )[KHU], Minho Choi( 최민호 ), Hyunwoo Kang( 강현우 )[KASI], Ken ichi Tatematsu[NAOJ], Brandt A. L. Gaches, Mark H. Heyer[University of Massachusetts], Neal J. Evans II[KASI/University of Texas], Stella S. R. Offner, Yao-Lun Yang[University of Texas] 포 IM-04 (p.66) Differences between N-PDFs derived from Continuum and Molecular Emission Toward the Orion A Molecular Cloud Yong-Hee Lee( 이용희 ), Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 ), Hyeong-Sik Yun( 윤형식 )[KHU], Jongsoo Kim( 김종수 )[KASI], Yunhee Choi( 최윤희 )[KHU], Steve Mairs, Doug Johnstone[NRC] 포 IM-05 (p.66) 포 IM-06 (p.67) Dichotomy of the Galactic Halo as Revealed by Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Giants Jaehun Jung( 정재훈 ), Young Sun Lee( 이영선 ), Young Kwang Kim( 김영광 )[CHU] Gemini Observations of Planetary Nebula Candidates toward the Galactic Center Jihye Hong( 홍지혜 ), Deokkeun An( 안덕근 )[Ewha Womans University], Janet P. Simpson[SETI Institute], Kris Sellgren[Ohio State University], Solange V. Ramirez[Caltech IPAC], Angela S. Cotera[SETI Institute] 포 IM-07 (p.67) Correlation between Magnetic-field directions and intensity gradients in Orion A region 천문우주관측기술 (Astrophysical Techniques) Jihye Hwang( 황지혜 ), Jongsoo Kim( 김종수 )[KASI/UST] 포 AT-01 (p.67) Automation of Kyung Hee Astronomical Observatory 76 cm Telescope Seoyeon Byeon( 변서연 ), Tae-Geun Ji( 지태근 ), Hye-In Lee( 이혜인 ), Sunwoo Lee( 이선우 ), Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU] 포 AT-02 (p.68) Introduction to Development of KaVA Digital Filter using GPU Jae-Hwan Yeom( 염범석 ), Se-Jin Oh( 오세진 ), Duk-Gyoo Roh( 노덕규 ), Dong-Kyu Jung( 정동규 ), Chung-Sik Oh( 오충식 ), Hyo-Ryoung Kim( 김효령 ), Jae-Sik Shin( 신재식 )[KASI], Ju-Yeon Hwang( 황주연 )[SET System], Min-Gyu Song( 송민규 ), Tae-Hyun Jung( 정태현 )[KASI] 포 AT-03 (p.68) Wavelength Calibration Solution of VPH Grating Slitless Spectroscopy Image Seong A O( 오성아 )[SNU/KNU], Suhyun Shin( 신수현 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Yongmin Yoon( 윤용민 ), Yongjung Kim( 김용정 )[SNU] 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 25

27 천문우주관측기술 (Astrophysical Techniques) 포 AT-04 (p.68) 포스터발표 Optical Setup for Full-Field Imaging Test of MATS Limb Telescope Sunwoo Lee( 이선우 )[KHU], Arvid Hammar[KAIST], Woojin Park( 박우진 )[KHU], Seunghyuk Chang( 장승혁 )[KAIST], Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], 포 AT-05 (p.68) Development Process for Slit Mask Exchanger Mechanism Prototype (SMEM-P) of the Giant Magellan Telescope Multi-object Astronomical and cosmological Spectrograph (GMACS) Hye-In Lee( 이혜인 )[KHU], Erika Cook[Texas A&M University], Tae-Geun Ji( 지태근 )[KHU], Seoyeon Byeon( 변서연 )[KHU], Suehee Pak( 박수희 )[Dongduk Women s University], Froning Cynthia, Jennifer Marshall, Darren L. Depoy[Texas A&M University], Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU] 포 AT-06 (p.69) SNU Astronomical Observatory 1-m Telescope Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Gu Lim( 임구 ), Jinguk Seo( 서진국 ), Gregory SungHak Paek( 백승학 )[SNU], Metaspace/Planewave 포 AT-07 (p.69) First Light of the Newly-installed 1-m Telescope in SNU Astronomical Observatory (SAO) Gu Lim( 임구 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Jinguk Seo( 서진국 ), Gregory SungHak Paek( 백승학 )[SNU] 포 AT-08 (p.69) KVN W-band Receiver Upgrade for GHz bandwidth Do-Heung Je( 제도흥 ), Moon-Hee Chung( 정문희 ), Seog-Tae Han( 한석태 ), Seog-Oh Wi( 위석오 ), Min-Kyu Song( 송민규 ), Do-Young Byun( 변도영 )[KASI] 포 AT-09 (p.69) Software Architecture of KHU Automatic Observing Software for McDonald 30-inch telescope (KAOS30) Tae-Geun Ji( 지태근 ), Seoyeon Byeon( 변서연 ), Hye-In Lee( 이혜인 ), Woojin Park( 박우진 )[KHU], Sang-Yun Lee( 이상윤 ), Sungyong Hwang( 황선경 ), Changsu Choi( 최창수 )[SNU], Coyne A. Gibson, John W. Kuehne[McDonald Observatory], Travis Prochaska, Jennifer Marshall[Texas A&M University], Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU], Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU] 특별세션 - KMTNet 활용연구 포 KMT-01 (p.70) Exploring the temporal and spatial variability with DEEP-South observations: reduction pipeline and application of multi-aperture photometry Min-Su Shin( 신민수 )[KASI], Seo-Won Chang( 장서원 )[Australian National University/ARC], Yong-Ik Byun( 변용익 )[Yonsei University], Hahn Yi( 이한 )[Yonsei University], Myung-Jin Kim( 김명진 ), Hong-Kyu Moon( 문홍규 ), Young-Jun Choi( 최영준 )[KASI], Sang-Mok Cha( 차상목 ), Yongseok Lee( 이용석 )[KASI/KHU] 포 KMT-02 (p.70) 포 KMT-03 (p.70) Web services for KMTNet operation Jin-Sun Lim ( 임진선 )[metaspace/cbnu] Overview of KMTNet Control Software Sang-Mok Cha( 차상목 )[KASI/UST], Chung-Uk Lee( 이충욱 )[KASI], Yongseok Lee( 이용석 )[KASI/UST], Dong-Jin Kim( 김동진 ), Dong-Joo Lee( 이동주 ), Seung-Lee Kim( 김승리 )[KASI], Ho Jin( 진호 )[KHU] 26 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

28 포스터발표 연합세션 - 태양계탐사 연 1-P01 (p.72) 연 1-P02 (p.72) 연 1-P03 (p.72) Excitation Processes of the CH4 Aurorae of Jupiter and Saturn Experimental Apparatus for Opposition Effect at Seoul National University Sang Joon Kim( 김상준 )[KHU] Yoonsoo P. Bach( 박윤수 ), Masateru Ishiguro, Jin-Guk Seo( 서진국 )[SNU] Simulations of the Lunar Exosphere: Effects of Multiple Sodium Sources on Coma and Tail Dong Wook Lee( 이동국 ), Sang Joon Kim( 김상준 )[KHU] 연1-P04 (p.72) Terrain surveying for gully in Svalbard using UAV and comparison with Mars 연 1-P05 (p.73) 연 1-P06 (p.73) Jaeyong Lee( 이재용 ), Takashi OGUCHI[University of Tokyo] Impact deformation of Feldspar in Achondrite: NWA 2727, NWA 3117, NWA 856 Meteorite Jaeyong Lee( 이재용 )[University of Tokyo], Timothy J. FAGAN[Waseda University] Regional Variations in Spectra of (25143) Itokawa taken with Hayabusa/AMICA Sunho Jin( 진선호 ), Masateru Ishiguro[SNU] 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 27


30 2018 년도봄한국천문학회학술대회 발표논문초록 초청강연초록 31 구두발표논문초록 고에너지천체물리학 55 고천문학 & 홍보 49 성간물질및항성 43 우주론 41 외부은하 31 적외선영상분광탐사미션과활용연구 47 천문기기 44 태양 51 KMTNet 39 포스터발표논문초록 교육홍보 & 기타 64 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 65 우주론 / 암흑물질, 에너지 62 외부은하 / 은하단 57 천문우주관측기술 67 항성및항성계 / 외계행성 63 KMTNet 70 연합세션논문초록 태양계탐사 71


32 구두발표초록 구두발표초록 초청강연 [ 초 IT-01] Hearts of Darkness: Rethinking the Role of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy Evolution Ann Zabludoff Steward Observatory, University of Arizona While astronomers are working hard to detect the earliest galaxies and to follow their evolution to redshift z~0, they remain baffled by the present-day dichotomy between disky, star forming (aka late-type) galaxies and quiescent, spheroidal (aka early-type) galaxies. The key is to find galaxies in transition from one class to the other, whose spectra indicate intense recent star formation that has now ended. We have identified thousands of such "post-starburst galaxies" and discovered that they are often the products of late-type galaxy-galaxy mergers. Their current kinematics, stellar populations, and morphologies are consistent with late- to early-type galaxy evolution. I will discuss recent work that suggests new connections between this violent history and the central supermassive black hole. In particular, the molecular gas reservoir of a post-starburst galaxy declines rapidly after the starburst ends and in a manner consistent with feedback from an active nucleus. Furthermore, a star is ~300x more likely to be tidally disrupted by the nucleus of a post-starburst galaxy than in other galaxies. Like the well-known black hole-bulge mass correlation, these surprising links between the properties of a galaxy on kpc scales and its supermassive black hole on pc scales require explanation. 외부은하 / 은하단 [ 구 GC-01] The progenitor star of Type Ic SN 2017ein from IMSNG survey Changsu Choi 1,2, Myungshin Im 1,2, Sung-Chul Yoon 2 and IMSNG team 1 Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Gwanak-gu, Seoul , Korea 2 Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Gwanak-gu, Seoul , Korea The progenitor star properties of supernovae (SNe) are not fully understood though a large number of SNe have been discovered so far. One of the promising ways to understand the properties of progenitor stars is to study SN early light curve where the shock heated emission after explosion is imprinted in. We have performed Intensive Monitoring Survey of Nearby Galaxies (IMSNG) using a global network of telescopes with the aim to snatch the very early moments of SNe explosion. As one of the fruits of our project, we present the result on the type Ic SN, SN 2017ein which was discovered at 2017 May 25 in NGC We will present the physical properties of the type Ic SN progenitor star that are obtained from the analysis of early epoch data. [ 구 GC-02] Distances of Type II-P Supernovae SN 2014cx and SN 2017eaw Sophia Kim 1, Myungshin Im 1, ChangsuChoi 1 and IMSNG Team 1 1 Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe (CEOU), Astronomy Program, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University., Korea. Supernovae (SNe) are well known as good cosmological distance probes owing to their brightness. Specifically, type Ia SNe contribute greatly to our understanding of acceleration of cosmic expansion. However, type IIP supernovae are the most common type of SNe and have been found out to a large redshift, so the application of these SNe as distance indicators is promising. IMSNG is a project for monitoring nearby galaxies (<50Mpc) to catch early light curves of transients and get inspections of their progenitors. The daily monitoring observation allows us to construct a dense light curve of SNe, too. 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 31

33 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 In this talk, we present the light curves of two SNe IIP, SN 2014cx (NGC337) and SN 2017eaw (NGC6946), using our IMSNG data. A newly developed technique, the Photometric Color Method (PCM), employs only photometric data to estimate distances for SNe IIP. We present the distances to our targets measured through PCM and compare this to that of obtained via other methods. [ 구 GC-03] A Search for Low Surface Brightness Dwarf Satellite Galaxies in Low Density Environments Using IMSNG Gu Lim 1, Myungshin Im 1, Jisu Kim 2, and Changsu Choi 1, IMSNG team 1 Center of the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe, Astronomy Program, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University 2 School of Space Research and Institute of Natural Sciences, Kyung Hee University Searching for low surface brightness (LSB) dwarf galaxies in low density environments (isolated and group) can help us resolve the discrepancy between observation and theory known as the missing satellite problem. They are also important to study the evolution of low mass galaxies in these environments. Although the number of dwarfs in such environments is rapidly increasing in many recent studies, it is still not easy to characterize their general properties. Motivated by this, we present preliminary results of our search for LSB dwarf galaxies around 60 nearby galaxies (D<50Mpc) using deep optical images. Imaging data from Maidanak Astronomical Observatory (MAO) in Uzbekistan as a part of Intensive Monitoring Survey of Nearby Galaxies (IMSNG; Im in prep.) and other archival data are used to find previously unknown LSB dwarf galaxies. Extended LSB sources (central surface brightness μ 0 > 23 mag/arcsec 2 ) are first selected in the μ 0 - magnitude plane (Rines & Geller 2008). The dwarf galaxy candidates are chosen by visual inspection. We discuss whether these candidates are actual satellite galaxies, by measuring the projected number densities in group environments and in the field. Also, their structural and photometric properties are compared with those of previously discovered dwarf galaxies in the literature. [ 구 GC-04] Luminosity Distribution of Dwarf Elliptical-like Galaxies Mira Seo, Hong Bae Ann Pusan National University We present the structural parameters of 910 dwarf elliptical-like galaxies in the local universe (z 0.01) derived from the r band images of the Sloan Digital SKy Survey (SDSS). We examine the dependence of structural parameters on the morphological types (ds0, de, debc, dsph, and deblue) and the environment. There is not much difference in the structural parameters among the five subtypes but the mean surface brightness within the effective radius (<μe>) of dsph galaxies is clearly different from that of other subtypes. The frequency of disk features such as spiral arm, bar, lens, and rings strongly depends on the morphology of dwarf elliptical-like galaxies with no disk features in dsph galaxies. The absence of disk features and the low surface brightness of dsph galaxies are thought to be closely related to their low mass which leads to different evolution from other subtypes of dwarf elliptical-like galaxies. Density Environments Using IMSNG [ 구 GC-05] WITNESSING DISSOLUTION OF A STAR CLUSTER IN THE SEXTANS DWARF GALAXY Hak-Sub Kim 1, Sang-Il Han 1, Seok-Joo Joo 1, Suk-Jin Yoon 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Sience Institute, 2 Department of Astronomy & Center for Galaxy Evolution Research We report a possible discovery of a relic of a dissolved star cluster in the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Using the hk index ( (Ca-b)-(b-y)) as a photometric metallicity indicator, we have successfully discriminated the metal-poor and metal-rich stars in the galaxy and found an unexpected number density peak of metal-poor stars near the galaxy center. The analysis of color-magnitude diagrams reveals that they appear to be originated from an old, metal-poor globular cluster which might be slightly farther than the bulk of field stars in the galaxy. This supports the presence of the star cluster remnants in the galaxy which have been suggested by previous studies. If confirmed, dissolution of a star cluster provides a piece of evidence of a cored dark-matter halo profile for the Sextans dwarf galaxy. [ 구 GC-06] Spectral Analysis of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4051 and Mrk 79 So-Yeong Park 1, Siek Hyung 1 and Donghoon Son 2 1 Chungbuk National University, 2 Astronomy program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University We study the kinematical properties of the Seyfert galaxy, NGC 4051 and Mrk 79. The data 32 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

34 구두발표초록 used in this study had been observed with OASIS spectrometer at CFHT 3.6m telescope using O300 grism, MR1. The wavelength coverage is 4760A -5558A, which includes emission lines, Hβ4861A, [OⅢ]4959A, and [OⅢ]5007A. We observe that forbidden lines have both narrow and broad components. Radial velocity of NGC 4051 is blue-shifted, perhaps due to the z value derived by the earlier studies, We use the revised z, , according to the radial velocity of the central spectrum. NGC 4051 is face-on galaxy without rotation observed. Radial velocity of Mrk 79 shows a rotation characteristic in narrow components, relative to PA = 160, red-shifted to north-west, and blue-shifted to south-east. In the [OⅢ] broad components, blue-shifted points are observed at the place at 2 arcsec apart from the center of Mrk 79 to north-west, which are likely to be gas outflow. [ 구 GC-07] Spin evolution of Horizon-AGN early-type galaxies Hoseung Choi 1, Sukyoung K. Yi 1, Yohan Dubois 2, Taysun Kimm 1, Julien. E. G. Devriendt 3,4, Christophe Pichon 2,5 1 Department of Astronomy and Yonsei University Observatory, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea; choi.h@yonsei.ac.kr 2 Institut d Astrophysique de Paris, Sorbonne Universités, UMPC Univ Paris 06 et CNRS, UMP 7095, 98 bis bd Arago, Paris, France 3 Dept of Physics, University of Oxford, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK 4 Universit de Lyon, Universit Lyon 1, ENS de Lyon, CNRS, Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon UMR5574, F Saint-Genis-Laval, France 5 Korea Institute of Advanced Studies (KIAS) 85 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, 02455, Republic of Korea The differential rotational properties of early-type galaxies (ETGs) revealed by integral field spectroscopy surveys is arguably one of the most exciting findings in the galaxy evolution study during the past decade. Numerical studies have shown that galaxy mergers under various configurations can reproduce the observed distribution of ETG spin. However, we suggest an alternative scenario for the spin evolution of a large fraction of ETGs. Using the Horizon-AGN simulation, we follow the spin evolution of color-selected ETGs more massive than 1010 Msun that are divided into four groups: cluster centrals (3%), cluster satellites (33%), group centrals(5%), and field ETGs (59%). We find a strong mass dependence of the slow rotator fraction, fsr, and the mean spin of massive ETGs. Although the environmental dependence is not clear in the fsr, it is visible in the mean value of the spin parameter. The environmental dependence is driven by the satellite ETGs whose spin gradually decreases as their environment becomes denser. Galaxy mergers appear to be the main cause of total spin changes in 94% of central ETGs of halos with Mvir > Msun, but only 22% of satellite and field ETGs. We find that non-merger induced tidal perturbations better correlate with the galaxy spin-down in satellite ETGs than mergers. Given that the majority of ETGs are not central in dense environments, we conclude that non-merger tidal perturbation effects played a key role in the spin evolution of ETGs observed in the local (z < 1) universe. [ 구 GC-08] On the origin of gas deficient galaxies in galaxy clusters: insights from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations Seoyoung Jung¹, Hoseung Choi¹, O. Ivy Wong², Taysun Kimm¹, Aeree Chung¹, Sukyoung K. Yi¹ 1 Department of Astronomy and Yonsei University Observatory, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea; bluegreen973@yonsei.ac.kr ²International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR), University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, WA 6009, Australia Galaxies associated with massive groups/clusters are normally gas deficient in contrast to field galaxies. HI observations on such galaxies have revealed signs of violent gas stripping, the direct evidence of the environmental effect. At the same time, the notable number of passive galaxies at the cluster outskirts indicates the presence of pre-processing that makes galaxies gas-poor before entering clusters. We investigate the possible channels for the production of the gas deficient galaxies using the state-of-the-art cosmological hydrodynamic zoom-in simulations of 16 clusters (Choi&Yi). We find cluster effect and pre-processing together play an important role in producing the gas-poor galaxies and in both cases gas loss qualitatively agrees with the ram pressure stripping description. Among the currently gas-poor cluster galaxies, 34% are pre-processed before the cluster infall. They are mainly satellites that have undergone ram pressure stripping in group halos. 43% deplete quickly after arriving at cluster during their first approach to the center. Some of them are group halo satellites low in the gas at the infall compared to galaxies directly coming from the field. 24% retain gas even after their first pericentric pass mainly because they are falling into low mass clusters and/or they have a circular orbit that minimizes the ram pressure 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 33

35 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 effect. This study highlights the importance of the past history of galaxies, especially in group halos, before joining the current cluster when understanding the excess of passive galaxies in clusters. [ 구 GC-09] Statistical Properties of Flyby Encounters of Galaxies in Cosmological N-body Simulations Sung-Ho An 1, Juhan Kim 2, Suk-Jin Yoon 1 1 Dept.of Astronomy & Center for Galaxy Evolution Research, Yonsei Univeristy, 2 Center for Advanced Computation, Korea Institute for Advanced Study Using cosmological N-body simulations we investigate statistical properties of flyby encounters between halos in comparison with mergers. We classify halo pairs into two groups based on the total energy (E12); flybys (E12 > 0) and mergers (E12 < 0). By measuring the flyby and merger fractions, we assess their dependencies on redshift (0 < z < 4), halo mass (10.8 < log Mhalo/Msun < 13.0), and large-scale environment (from field to cluster). We find that the flyby and merger fractions similarly increase with redshift until z = 1, and that the flyby fraction at higher redshift (1 < z < 4) slightly decreases in contrast to the continuously increasing merger fraction. While the merger fraction has little or no dependence on the mass and environment, the flyby fraction correlates negatively with mass and positively with environment. The flyby fraction exceeds the merger fraction in filaments and clusters; even 10 times greater in the densest environment. Our results suggest that the flyby makes a substantial contribution to the observed pair fraction, thus heavily influencing galactic evolution across the cosmic time. [ 박 GC-10] A Multi-Wavelength Study of Galaxy Transition in Different Environments ( 다파장관측자료를이용한다양한환경에서의은하진화연구 ) Gwang-Ho Lee ( 이광호 ) 1 Seoul National University, 2 Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 4 KASI-Arizona Fellow Galaxy transition from star-forming to quiescent, accompanied with morphology transformation, is one of the key unresolved issues in extragalactic astronomy. Although several environmental mechanisms have been proposed, a deeper understanding of the impact of environment on galaxy transition still requires much exploration. My Ph.D. thesis focuses on which environmental mechanisms are primarily responsible for galaxy transition in different environments and looks at what happens during the transition phase using multi-wavelength photometric/spectroscopic data, from UV to mid-infrared (MIR), derived from several large surveys (GALEX, SDSS, and WISE) and our GMOS-North IFU observations. Our multi-wavelength approach provides new insights into the *late* stages of galaxy transition with a definition of the MIR green valley different from the optical green valley. I will present highlights from three areas in my thesis. First, through an in-depth study of environmental dependence of various properties of galaxies in a nearby supercluster A2199 (Lee et al. 2015), we found that the star formation of galaxies is quenched before the galaxies enter the MIR green valley, which is driven mainly by strangulation. Then, the morphological transformation from late- to early-type galaxies occurs in the MIR green valley. The main environmental mechanisms for the morphological transformation are galaxy-galaxy mergers and interactions that are likely to happen in high-density regions such as galaxy groups/clusters. After the transformation, early-type MIR green valley galaxies keep the memory of their last star formation for several Gyr until they move on to the next stage for completely quiescent galaxies. Second, compact groups (CGs) of galaxies are the most favorable environments for galaxy interactions. We studied MIR properties of galaxies in CGs and their environmental dependence (Lee et al. 2017), using a sample of 670 CGs identified using a friends-of-friends algorithms. We found that MIR [3.4]-[12] colors of CG galaxies are, on average, bluer than those of cluster galaxies. As CGs are located in denser regions, they tend to have larger early-type galaxy fractions and bluer MIR color galaxies. These trends can also be seen for neighboring galaxies around CGs. However, CG members always have larger early-type fractions and bluer MIR colors than their neighboring galaxies. These results suggest that galaxy evolution is faster in CGs than in other environments and that CGs are likely to be the best place for pre-processing. Third, post-starburst galaxies (PSBs) are an ideal laboratory to investigate the details of the transition phase. Their spectra reveal a phase of vigorous star formation activity, which is abruptly ended within the last 1 Gyr. Numerical simulations predict that the starburst, and thus the current A-type stellar population, should be localized within the galaxy's center (< kpc). Yet our GMOS IFU observations show otherwise; all five PSBs in 34 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

36 구두발표초록 our sample have Hdelta absorption line profiles that extend well beyond the central kpc. Most interestingly, we found a negative correlation between the Hdelta gradient slopes and the fractions of the stellar mass produced during the starburst, suggesting that stronger starbursts are more centrally-concentrated. I will discuss the results in relation with the origin of PSBs. [ 석 GC-11] Properties of Merger-Driven Shocks in Clusters of Galaxies Ji-Hoon Ha 1, Dongsu Ryu 1 and Hyesung Kang 2 1 Department of Physics, School of Natural Sciences UNIST, Ulsan 44919, Korea 2 Department of Earth Sciences, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, Korea Shock waves have been observed in the outskirts of galaxy clusters. They are commonly interpreted as being driven by mergers of sub-clumps, so are called merger shocks. We here report a study of the properties of merger shocks in merging galaxy clusters with cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. As a representative case, we describe the case where sub-clusters with mass ratio ~ 2 go through an almost head-on, binary-like merger. Because of the turbulent nature of hierarchical clustering, shock surfaces are not uniform, but composed of parts with different Mach numbers. As merger shocks expand from the core to the outskirts, the average Mach number,, increases. The shocks propagating along the merger axis could be observed as X-ray shocks and/or radio relics. The kinetic energy through the shocks peaks at ~ 1 Gyr after shock launching, or at ~ 1-2 Mpc from the core. The most energetic shocks are found to have the kinetic-energy weighted Mach number,, and the CR-energy weighted Mach number,. We then discuss the observational implications of our results. [ 구 GC-12] Magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies Soonyoung Roh and Dongsu Ryu Department of Physics, School of Natural Sciences UNIST, Ulsan 44919, Korea Magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies play a critical role in shaping up the intracluster medium. Their existence has been established through observations of synchrotron emission, especially from radio relics and halos, as well as observations of rotation measure. In the so-called Sausage relic, which is one of Mpc-size giant radio relics detected in the outskirts of merging clusters, for instance, the magnetic fields are believed to have a few µg strength and a Mpc scale. The observed magnetic fields are conjectured to be produced by the process of small-scale turbulence dynamo. To investigate the dynamo origin, we simulate the development of turbulence and the follow-up amplification of magnetic fields in galaxy clusters using a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical(mhd) code. Turbulence is induced in highly stratified backgrounds expected in clusters, and driven sporadically mimicking major mergers. We here present preliminary results, aiming to answer whether the turbulence dynamo scenario can explain observed magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies. [ 구 GC-13] Statistical Moment Analysis of the Strong DLA Profiles Seok-Jun Chang 1, Kiehunn Bach 2 and Hee-Won Lee 1 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sejong University, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05006, Korea, 2 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul Korea Incorporating the fully quantum mechanical computation of scattering cross-section and statistical moment analysis of absorption profiles, we investigate the Lyman line asymmetry of extremely high column density systems. Recent high redshift observations detected strong damped Lyman alpha systems (DLAs) whose column density is larger than N_HI ~ 10 ^21.3 cm^(-2). Absorption profiles of these DLAs are characterized by the broad and asymmetric damping wing. For accurate description of radiation damping, the second-order time-dependent perturbation theory is adopted. To quantitatively address line asymmetry, we define a distribution function for each Lyman line, and compute statistical moments (mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis) regarding column densities N_HI > 10 ^18 cm^(-2). In this work, we present statistical properties of the intrinsic line profiles, and compare them with the Lorentzian cases. [ 구 GC-14] Revealing the Powering Mechanism of Lyman Alpha Blob via Polarization Eunchong Kim 1,2, Yujin Yang 2, Ann Zabludoff 3, Paul Smith 3, Buell Jannuzi 3, Myung Gyoon Lee 1 1 Seoul National University, 2 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, 3 University of Arizona 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 35

37 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 Lyα blobs are mysterious, giant (~100 kpc), glowing gas clouds in the distant universe. They occupy the dark matter halos that will evolve into the richest groups and clusters today. The blob s gas may be the proto-intracluster medium and their embedded galaxies are considered as the progenitors of massive cluster galaxies. Yet we do not know why Lyα blobs glow. There are evidences of kinematic measurements to exclude shocks and winds from AGN or starbursts as a power source, suggesting that photoionizing radiation or scattering of Lyα photons might be responsible. Polarization mapping can discriminate between these photo-ionization and scattering. Previous results of imaging polarimetry for Lyα nebulae are roughly consistent with scattering models. However the polarization morphologies in those of previous results are all different, motivating our polarimetric survey of Lyα nebulae for the statisticallymeaningful sample. As initial results of our survey, we present the total polarization map of the LABd05 which has the spatial offset between the peak of Lyα surface brightness and an obscured AGN. We detect the significant polarization in this target with the radially increasing polarization gradient, suggesting that scattering plays major role within this nebula. The polarization pattern is more aligned with the Lyα peak rather than the AGN (the potential energy source), indicating that the Lyα photons are originated from the region near the peak of Ly α intensity. [ 구 GC-15] Impact of Lyman alpha pressure on metal-poor dwarf galaxies Taysun Kimm 1, Martin Haehnelt 2, Jeremy Blaizot 3, Harley Katz 2, Leo Michel-Dansac 3, Thibault Garel 3, Joakim Rosdahl 3, Romain Teyssier 4 1 Yonsei university, 2 University of Cambridge, 3 Universite Lyon, 4 University of Zurich Understanding the origin of strong galactic outflows and the suppression of star formation in dwarf galaxies is a key problem in galaxy formation. Using a set of radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of an isolated dwarf galaxy, we show that the momentum transferred from resonantly scattered Lyman-alpha(LyA) photons can suppress star formation by a factor of two in metal-poor galaxies by regulating the dynamics of star-forming clouds before the onset of supernova explosions (SNe). This is possible because each LyA photon resonantly scatters and imparts ~ times greater momentum than in the single scattering limit. Consequently, the number of star clusters predicted in the simulations is reduced by a factor of ~5, compared to the model without the early feedback. More importantly, we find that galactic outflows become weaker in the presence of strong LyA radiation feedback, as star formation and associated SNe become less bursty. We also examine a model in which radiation field is arbitrarily enhanced by a factor of up to 10, and reach the same conclusion. The typical mass-loading factors in our metal-poor dwarf system are estimated to be ~5-10 near the mid-plane, while it is reduced to ~1 at larger radii. [ 구 GC-16] Polarization as a Probe of Thick Dust Disk in Edge-on Galaxies: Application to NGC 891 Kwang-Il Seon ( 선광일 ) Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute ( 한국천문연구원 ) Radiative transfer models were developed to understand the optical polarizations in edge-on galaxies, which are observed to occur even outside the geometrically thin dust disk, with a scale height of ~0.2 kpc. In order to reproduce the vertically extended polarization structure, we find it is essential to include a geometrically thick dust layer in the radiative transfer model, in addition to the commonly-known thin dust layer. The models include polarizations due to both dust scattering and dichroic extinction which is responsible for the observed interstellar polarization in the Milky Way. It is found that the magnetic fields in edge-on galaxies are in general vertical (or poloidal) except the central part, where the magnetic fields are mainly toroidal. We also find that the polarization level is enhanced if the clumpiness of the interstellar medium, and the dichroic extinction by vertical magnetic fields in the outer regions of the dust lane are included in the radiative transfer model. The predicted degree of polarization outside the dust lane was found to be consistent with that (ranging from 1% to 4%) observed in NGC 891. [ 구 GC-17] The 105-month Swift-BAT all-sky hard X-ray survey Kyuseok Oh 1,2, Michael Koss 3, Craig B. Markwardt 4, Kevin Schawinski 2, Wayne H. Baumgartner 4, Scott D. Barthelmy 4, Bradley Cenko 4, Neil Gehrels 4, Richard Mushotzky 5, Abigail Petulante 5, Claudio Ricci 6, Amy Lien 4,7, Benny Trakhtenbrot 2 1 Kyoto University, 2 ETH Zurich, 3 Eureka Scientific, 4 NASA GSFC, 5 University of Maryland, 6 Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 7 Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science and Technology We present a new catalog of hard X-ray sources 36 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

38 구두발표초록 detected in the first 105 months of observations with the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) on board the Neil Gehrels Swift observatory. The 105 month Swift-BAT survey is a uniform hard X-ray all-sky survey performed in the kev band. The Swift-BAT 105 month catalog provides 1632 (422 new detections) hard X-ray sources in the kev band above the 4.8 sigma significance level. Adding to the previously known hard X-ray sources, 34% (144/422) of the new detections are identified as Seyfert AGN in nearby galaxies (z < 0.2). The majority of the remaining identified sources are X-ray binaries (7%, 31) and blazars/bl Lac objects (10%, 43). As part of this new edition of the Swift-BAT catalog, we release eight-channel spectra and monthly sampled light curves for each object in the online journal and at the Swift-BAT 105 month Web site. [ 구 GC-18] An Interesting Story of Four Gamma-ray Bright AGNs by the imogaba Sang-Sung Lee and the imogaba team 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology A Korean VLBI Network key science program, the Interferometric Monitoring of Gamma-ray Bright AGNs (imogaba) program continues to reveal the nature of the gamma-ray flares in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Here in this presentation, we would like to introduce an interesting story about four gamma-ray bright AGNs BL Lac, , 3C 84, and M87 - based on the recent results of the imgoaba. The results will include a) a sad story of an orphan gamma-ray flare from BL Lac, b) a position offset of 40 pc for a gamma-ray flaring site from the radio regions in , c) a position alignment of a gamma-ray flaring site with a central engine region in 3C 84, and d) a flat millimeter spectrum of a core in M87 revealed by the imogaba. [ 구 GC-19] Ionized gas outflows in z~2 WISE-selected Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies Hyunsung Jun Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, Korea The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission has been efficient in selecting Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) with high luminosities and large obscuration. According to the merger driven AGN powering scenarios, luminous and obscured AGN are in a stage where they go through feeding of gas accretion into the central black hole, and feedback to the host galaxy through outflows. We report the rest-frame UV-optical spectra of 11 Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies (Hot DOGs) at z~2, WISE color-selected to be extremely reddened AGN. A fraction of the targets show blueshifted and broadened [OIII] profiles indicative of ionized gas outflows. We present the occurrence and strength of the outflows, and discuss what impact these AGN activity could give on their hosts. [ 박 GC-20] Unveiling Intrinsic Properties of Dusty Red AGNs Dohyeong Kim ( 김도형 ) and Myungshin Im ( 임명신 ) CEOU, Seoul National University ( 서울대학교 ) Theoretical simulation studies suggest that dust-obscured AGNs appear for a certain period when merger-driven star-forming galaxies evolve to unobscured type 1 AGNs. The dust-obscured AGNs would have red colors due to the dust extinction in their host galaxies, and they are expected to have higher accretion rates than unobscured type 1 AGNs. Red AGNs are found by selecting type 1 AGNs with very red colors, and they have been suspected as the intermediate-stage, dusty AGNs. However, it is not yet clear if red AGNs really correspond to the dusty AGNs due to a lack of intrinsic properties of red AGNs. For unveiling intrinsic properties of red AGNs, we study the NIR and MIR spectra of unobscured type 1 AGNs and red AGNs. There are three main themes: (i) derivation of NIR and MIR BH mass estimators can be used for red AGN study; (ii) investigation of red AGN selection methods to test its usefulness to identify dusty red AGNs; and (iii) investigation of the accretion rates of red AGNs to see if they have the properties as predicted in the simulation studies. [ 구 GC-21] High-z Universe probed via Lensing by QSOs (HULQ): Expected Number of QSOs acting as Gravitational Lenses Yoon Chan Taak 1,2,MyungshinIm 1,2 1 Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe, 2 AstronomyProgram,DepartmentofPhysicsandAstron omy,seoulnationaluniversity The HULQ project proposes to use gravitational lensing to determine the masses of QSO host galaxies, an otherwise difficult goal. If these host galaxy masses, along with their SMBH masses from single-epoch measurements, are estimated for a substantial number of QSOs at various redshifts, the co-evolution of SMBHs and their host galaxies can be studied for a large portion of the history of the universe. To determine the feasibility of this study, we present how to estimate the number of 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 37

39 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 sources lensed by QSO hosts, i.e. the number of lensing QSO host galaxies (hereafter QSO lenses). SMBH masses in the literature are transformed into the velocity dispersions of their host galaxies using the M_BH sigma relation, and in turn the Einstein radii for each QSO source redshift combination is calculated, assuming singular isothermal spherical mass distributions. Using QSOs and galaxies as potential sources, the probability of a QSO host galaxy being a QSO lens is calculated, as a function of limiting magnitude. The expected numbers of QSO lenses are estimated for ongoing and future wide-imaging surveys, and the Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide survey is illustrated as an example. 우주론 [ 구 GC-22] Impact of Massive Neutrinos and Dark Radiation on the High-Redshift Cosmic Web Graziano Rossi Sejong University With upcoming high-quality data from surveys such as eboss or DESI, improving the theoretical modeling and gaining a deeper understanding of the effects of neutrinos and dark radiation on structure formation at small scales are necessary, to obtain robust constraints free from systematic biases. Using a novel suite of hydrodynamical simulations that incorporate dark matter, baryons, massive neutrinos, and dark radiation, we present a detailed study of their impact on Lyman-Alpha forest observables. In particular, we accurately measure the tomographic evolution of the shape and amplitude of the small-scale matter and flux power spectra and search for unique signatures along with preferred scales where a neutrino mass detection may be feasible. We then investigate the thermal state of the intergalactic medium (IGM) through the temperature density relation. Our results indicate that the IGM at z ~ 3 provides the best sensitivity to active and sterile neutrinos. [ 구 GC-23] Graphical study of cosmic inhomogeneity using CMASS galaxy sample Yigon Kim 1, Chan-Gyung Park 2, Jai-chan Hwang 1, Hyerim Noh 3 1 Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, 2 Division of Science Education and Institute of Fusion Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, 3 Korea,Center for Large Telescope, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, Korea Sloan Digital Sky Survey 12 번째 Data release 의 CMASS catalog 를이용하여우주의균일, 등방성여부를조사하였다. Redshift 범위에따라얻은 2 차원영역들을조사한결과, CMASS 은하들은통계조사가가능한최대규모인반지름 300Mpc/h 에서도여전히 Random catalog 에비해불균일하게분포하고있음을보였다. 결과를더명확하게보여주기위해은하의분포가불균일함을나타내는통계량을여러방법으로시각화하는연구를진행하였다. 밀도분포를입체적으로나타낸그림에서최대, 최소밀도의차이는 300Mpc/h 규모에서약 27% 에달한다. 이는같은규모에서최대약 4.5% 의차이만이나타나는 Random catalog 의밀도분포와는상이한결과로, 이규모에서조차우주에서은하는균일하게분포하고있지않다는것을밝혔다. [ 구 GC-24] Understanding reionization and cosmic dawn with galaxies and 21-cm Jaehong Park 1, Andrei Mesinger 1, Bradley Greig 2,3 1 Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, I Pisa, Italy 2 ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), University of Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia 3 School of Physics, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia The properties of unseen high-redshift sources (and sinks) are encoded in the 3D structure of the cosmic 21-cm signal. Here I introduce a flexible parametrization for high-z galaxies properties, including their star formation rates, ionizing escape fraction and their evolution with the mass of the host dark matter halos. With this parametrization, I self-consistently calculate the corresponding 21-cm signal during reionization and the cosmic dawn. Using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain sampler of 3D simulations, 21CMMC, I demonstrate how combining high-z luminosity functions with a mock 21-cm signal can break degeneracies, resulting in ~ percent level constraints on early universe astrophysics. [ 석 GC-25] Regional anomalies of cosmic microwave background power spectrum Young Ju¹, Chan-Gyung Park², Jai-Chan Hwang¹ ¹Kyungpook National University, ²Chonbuk National University We analyze the Planck 2015 cosmic microwave background temperature fluctuation data to find any anomaly in the angular power spectra 38 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

40 구두발표초록 measured for partial regions on the sky. For disks with radius of 20, 45 and 90, which are densely overlapping on the sky, we estimate the power excess and its statistical significance relative to the LambdaCDM expectation for some chosen ranges of angular scales. We also investigate the dipolar asymmetry using the power excess maps obtained for some chosen angular scales, and confirm the previously announced consistent dipole directions. The average dipole amplitude and the inner products of dipoles have been measured from the power excess maps at different angular scales. We conclude that although dipole directions are consistent the measured amplitudes are not statistically significant compared to the LambdaCDM model prediction. [ 구 GC-26] Physical mechanism of gamma-ray bursts: recent breakthroughs Z. Lucas Uhm 1 ( 엄정휘 ), Bing Zhang 2, Judith Racusin 1 1 Astrophysics Science Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA Although it is agreed that the gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) invoke highly relativistic jets with bulk Lorentz factors of a few hundreds, the exact physical mechanism producing such powerful gamma-rays still remains debated. Three outstanding and important questions in the field concern (1) the composition of GRB jets (i.e., matter-dominated vs Poynting-flux-dominated), (2) the involved radiative process responsible for the observed gamma-rays (i.e., synchrotron mechanism vs photospheric radiation), and (3) the distance of the emitting region from the central engine where the prompt gamma-rays are released (i.e., ~10^12 cm vs 10^14 cm vs 10^16 cm). I will present recent important breakthroughs that we have made, which answer these three questions. [ 구 GC-27] Observing the central engine of GRB170817A Maurice H.P.M. van Putten Physics and Astronomy, Sejong University Seoul GW170817/GRB170817A establishes a double neutron star merger as the progenitor of a short gamma-ray burst, starting 1.7 s post-coalescence. GRB170817A represents prompt or continuous emission from a newly formed hyper-massive neutron star or black hole. We report on a deep search for broadband extended gravitational-wave emission in spectrograms up to 700 Hz of LIGO O2 data covering this event produced by butterfly filtering comprising a bank of templates of 0.5 s. A detailed discussion is given of signal-to-noise ratios in image analysis of spectrograms and confidence levels of candidate features. This new pipeline is realized by heterogeneous computing with modern graphics processor units (GPUs). (Based on van Putten, M.H.PM., 2017, PTEP, 093F01.) KMTNet [ 구 KMT-01] The Status and Plan of KMTNet Operation Chung-Uk Lee, Seung-Lee Kim, Dong-Joo Lee, Sang-Mok Cha, Yongseok Lee, Dong-Jin Kim, Hyun-Woo Kim, Min-Su Shin, HongSoo Park, Jin-Sun Lim, Byeong-Gon Park Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 외계행성탐색시스템운영현황과계획을소개한다 년관측장비가동율은 97.4% 이며, 시스템이설치된 3 개천문대에서천문박명시간을기준으로총 10,157 시간이연구에할당되었고총 7,178 시간관측이이루어졌다. 관측시스템의성능개선을위해주경코팅, 돔레벨조정, 망원경구동롤러정렬, 주경배플마스크설치등돔과망원경의기계부업그레이드와카메라전자부조정및앰프보드교체등이이루어졌다. 관측효율향상을위해 1 년간관측된약 177,000 장의자료를분석하여불량자료태깅기반을마련했고, 시상모니터링과관측스크립트코드를개발하여현재관측에적용하고있다. 관측자료는각연구프로그램의자료공개정책에따라영상형태또는측광파일형태로이용이가능하며, 관측로그는홈페이지를통해확인할수있다 년 10 월부터시작되는 2 단계관측프로그램선정을위해 2019 년상반기에관측제안서를접수받아하반기에선정을마칠계획이며, 다양한연구주제발굴을위해파일롯프로그램을선별지원할계획이다. [ 구 KMT-02] Maintenance and Improvement of KMTNet Telescope and Enclosure ( 외계행성탐색시스템광시야망원경과돔인클로져의유지보수및성능개선 ) Yongseok Lee ( 이용석 ) 1,2, Sang-Mok Cha ( 차상목 ) 1,2, Chung-Uk Lee ( 이충욱 ) 1, Seung-Lee Kim ( 김승리 ) 1, Dong-Joo Lee ( 이동주 ) 1, Young-Beom Jeon ( 전영범 ) 1, Hong Soo Park ( 박홍수 ) 1, Ho Jin ( 진호 ) 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute ( 한국천문연구원 ) 2 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University ( 경희대학교우주탐사학과 ) KMTNet 광시야망원경의성능개선을위해 2017 년에 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 39

41 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 이루어진주요작업으로주경배플 (baffle) 설치, 주경코팅, 돔플랫 (dome flat) 장치설치에대해발표한다. 망원경주경의가장자리 (turn down edge) 는경면가공이나코팅상태가균질하지않을수있으며, 이로인한난반사는밝은별주위에넓은 wing profile 과여러갈래의방사상빛줄기를만든다. 이런난반사를제거하기위해주경면바로앞에배플을설치하였다. 주경의광학성능과집광력이최적이되도록배플내부직경값을 1,580 mm 로조정하여설치한결과, 관측영상에서별의영상이크게개선되었다. 호주관측소는상대적으로습기가높아서망원경주경의반사율이빨리낮아졌으며, 이를개선하기위해기존의코팅 (protected silver) 을제거하고알루미늄으로새로코팅하였다. KMTNet 3 개관측소는주경의반사율과코팅면의확대영상을정기적으로모니터링하여광학성능의변화를추적하고있다. 밤하늘플랫 (twilight sky flat) 영상을보완하기위해, 돔인클로져에플랫스크린과광원을설치하여돔플랫영상을획득하였다. 마지막으로 KMNet 관측시스템을운영하며발생한돔회전및돔셔터구동부문제등에대해소개하고, 문제발생원인과주기, 문제해결방안을발표한다. [ 구 KMT-03] KMTNet 18k Mosaic CCD Camera System Performance Improvement and Maintenance ( 외계행성탐색시스템 18k 모자이크 CCD 카메라시스템성능개선및유지보수 ) Sang-Mok Cha 1,2, Chung-Uk Lee 1, Seung-Lee Kim 1, Yongseok Lee 1,2, Bruce Atwood 3, Beomdu Lim 4, Thomas P. O'Brien 3, Ho Jin 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 3 The Ohio State University Imaging Sciences Laboratory 4 Technologies and Astrophysics Research (STAR) Institute, University of Liege 외계행성탐색시스템 18k 모자이크 CCD 카메라는 4 개의 9k CCD 로구성되며총 32 개채널의영상영역과리드아웃회로를가진다. 관측영상에는각영상영역에대한오버스캔 (overscan) 영역이포함되는데, 영상신호에의한오버스캔영역의바이어스 (bias) 교란을최소화하기위해리드아웃회로의인버팅앰프에대한 Common Mode Rejection Ratio(CMRR) 를미세조정하였다. 그결과세사이트의평균 CMRR 이 55 db 에서 73 db 로향상되었고, 기존에는영상신호에따른오버스캔바이어스레벨의선형적관계가약 2/1,000 의기울기를가졌으나조정후에는약 2/10,000 로바이어스오차가줄어들었다. CCD 리드아웃회로의미세조정과클락 (clock) 개선을통해물결무늬잡음제거및읽기잡음감소가이루어졌으며, 향후의추가적인바이어스안정화와크로스톡개선방안이검토되고있다. 카메라전자부조정과정및결과와더불어, 카메라듀어와부대장비유지보수, Polycold CryoTiger 냉각기운영및개선관련노하우도함께발표한다. [ 구 KMT-04] KMTNet Real-Time Data Processing Status Dong-Jin Kim, Chung-Uk Lee, Seung-Lee Kim, Hyun-Woo Kim, Kyu-Ha Hwang, Hong Soo Park Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute 외계행성탐색시스템으로관측한영상은한국천문연구원본원에있는자료처리시스템으로실시간전송된다. 이를위해한국과학기술정보연구원이운영중인첨단망과 UDP 전송프로그램을활용하고있으며연간약 140TB 의관측영상을칠레 55Mbps, 남아공 39Mbps, 호주 410Mbps 의속도로전송하고있다. 관측영상이전송되면 MEF 포맷으로구조화하고 bias, flat, crosstalk 보정과 bad pixel masking 등의전처리과정을거쳐각연구과제별로실시간배포하고있다. 중력렌즈연구를위한우리은하중심부관측영상은차감영상기법을사용하여약 3 억개의별에대해측광하고있으며, 18K 18K 크기의대용량관측영상을빠르고효율적으로처리하기위해 256 개로분할하여분산처리하고있다 년부터자료처리를위한시스템을구축하고증설하였으며현재 11 대의서버 (212Core) 와 2.7PB 의 NAS 스토리지를운영하며연간 700TB 이상의자료를처리하고있다. 우리은하중심부측광자료에서검출된변광현상을정리하여측광데이터베이스를구축하였다. 본발표에서는 KMTNet 실시간자료처리과정에대한상세한내용과향후자료처리시스템개선방향에대해소개한다. [ 구 KMT-05] Applications of machine learning methods in KMTNet data quality assurance and detecting microlensing events Min-Su Shin, Chung-Uk Lee. Hyoun-Woo Kim Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute We present results from our two experiments of using machine learning algorithms in processing and analyzing the KMTNet imaging data. First, density estimation and clustering methods find meaningful structures in the metric space of imaging quality measurements described by photometric quantities. Second, we also develop a method to separate out light curves of reliable microlensing event candidates from spurious events, estimating reliability scores of the candidates. [ 구 KMT-06] KMTNet Microlensing Event-Finding in the Galactic Bulge Hyoun-Woo Kim, Dong-Jin Kim, Kyu-Ha Hwang, Sun-Ju Chung, Seung-Lee Kim, Chung-Uk Lee Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute We introduce a coordinate catalog for photometry of the KMTNet Galactic bulge observation program and how to find the microlensing event candidates in the photometry result. Basically, the KMTNet bulge program is monitoring a total of 27 target fields (108 deg2) with four different cadences of 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, and 40 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

42 구두발표초록 5.0 hours. In order to measure the stellar flux of each target, we made a observation coordinate catalog by using the OGLE-III catalog and DoPhot package. The catalog contains approximately 0.3 billion stars in the bulge fields. We also search for a microlensing event candidates by means of the Event Finder algorithm which calculates the restricted single-lens fitting (t0, teff, u0; u0 = 0 or 1) model. As a result, we found more than 2,000 microlensing event candidates per each year including about 700 events from the other survey groups such as OGLE and MOA. In this year, we will improve our current pipeline system, e.g. upgrading the catalog and applying real-time photometry. [ 구 KMT-07] Current status and future plans of KMTNet microlensing experiments Sun-Ju Chung 1,2, Andrew Gould 1,3,4, Youn Kil Jung 1, Kyu-Ha Hwang 1, Yoon-Hyun Ryu 1, In-Gu Shin 5, Jennifer C. Yee 5, Wei Zhu 6, Cheongho Han 7, Sang-Mok Cha 1, Dong-Jin Kim 1, Hyun-Woo Kim 1, Seung-Lee Kim 1,2, Chung-Uk Lee 1,2, Yongseok Lee 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea, 2 Korea University of Science and Technology, Korea, 3 Department of Astronomy, Ohio State University, USA, 4 Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Germany, 5 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA, 6 Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3H8, Canada We introduce a current status and future plans of Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) microlensing experiments, which include an observational strategy, pipeline, event-finder, and collaborations with Spitzer. The KMTNet experiments were initiated in From 2016, KMTNet observes 27 fields including 6 main fields and 21 subfields. In 2017, we have finished the DIA photometry for all 2016 and 2017 data. Thus, it is possible to do a real-time DIA photometry from The DIA photometric data is used for finding events from the KMTNet event-finder. The KMTNet event-finder has been improved relative to the previous version, which already found 857 events in 4 main fields of We have applied the improved version to all 2016 data. As a result, we find that 2597 events are found, and out of them, 265 are found in KMTNet-K2C9 overlapping fields. For increasing the detection efficiency of event-finder, we are working on filtering false events out by machine-learning method. In 2018, we plan to measure event detection efficiency of KMTNet by injecting fake events into the pipeline near the image level. Thanks to high-cadence observations, KMTNet found fruitful interesting events including exoplanets and brown dwarfs, which were not found by other groups. Masses of such exoplanets and brown dwarfs are measured from collaborations with Spitzer and other groups. Especially, KMTNet has been closely cooperating with Spitzer from Thus, KMTNet observes Spitzer fields. As a result, we could measure the microlens parallaxes for many events. Also, the automated KMTNet PySIS pipeline was developed before the 2017 Spitzer season and it played a very important role in selecting the Spitzer target. For the 2018 Spitzer season, we will improve the PySIS pipeline to obtain better photometric results. [ 구 KMT-08] The KMTNet View of Variable Stars : Pulsation and Rotation of the EL CVn-type Eclipsing Binary J Seung-Lee Kim 1, Jae Woo Lee 1, Chung-Uk Lee 1, Yongseok Lee 1,2, Dong-Joo Lee 1, Kyeongsoo Hong 3, Sang-Mok Cha 1,2, Dong-Jin Kim 1, Byeong-Gon Park 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 3 Institute for Astrophysics, Chungbuk National University EL CVn-type eclipsing binaries are composed of a massive A-type main-sequence primary star and a hotter B-type secondary one. These are worthy of particular attention because the secondary stars are rare objects to be extremely low-mass white dwarf precursors (ELM proto-wd) with the mass of 0.2 M, evolving to higher effective temperatures and higher surface gravities. A few of them were discovered to show multi-periodic pulsations in one or both components. We monitored one of these rare and interesting objects, J (=1SWASP J ), at two KMTNet sites of SAAO in South Africa and SSO in Australia. The observations were performed with the KMTNet 1.6m telescopes and pre-science 4K CCD cameras during the system test run from July to November Using the photometric data obtained for a total of 23 nights, we constructed well-defined eclipsing light curves in B/V-bands and derived absolute parameters (mass and radius, etc.) of each binary component. After subtracting model eclipsing curves from the data, we detected seven frequencies with 33~53 cycles per day (c/d) and identified them to be Delta Sct-type pulsations originated from the A-type primary component. Five frequencies were turned out to be excited by rotational splitting of non-radial pressure modes, enabled us to investigate rotational properties. We could not detect any frequency higher than 100 c/d, implying that pulsation amplitudes of the proto-wd secondary decrease greatly. 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 41

43 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 [ 구 KMT-09] DEEP-South: The Progress Report Hong-Kyu Moon 1, Myung-Jin Kim 1, Jintae Park 1, Youngmin JeongAhn 1, Hongu Yang 1, Hee-Jae Lee 1,2, Dong-Heun Kim 1,2, Dong-Goo Roh 1, Young-Jun Choi1, Hong-Suh Yim 1, Sang-Min Lee 1,2, SungWon Kwak 1,3 and the DEEP-South Team 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (fullmoon@kasi.re.kr), 2 Chungbuk National University, 3 Seoul National University Deep Ecliptic Patrol of the Southern Sky (DEEP-South) observation is being made during the off-season for exoplanet survey, using Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet). An optimal combination of its prime focus optics and the 0.3 billion pixel CCD provides a four square degrees field of view with 0.4 arcsec/pixel plate scale which is also best suited for small body studies. Normal operation of KMTNet started in October 2015, and a significant portion of the allocated telescope time for DEEP-South is dedicated to targeted observation, Opposition Census (OC), of near-earth asteroids for physical and taxonomic characterization. This is effectively achieved through multiband, time series photometry using Johnson-Cousins BVRI filters. Uninterrupted monitoring of the southern sky with KMTNet is optimized for spin characterization of a broad spectrum of asteroids ranging from the near-earth space to the main-belt, including binaries, asteroids with satellites, slow/fast- and non-principal axis-rotators, and thus is expected to facilitate the debiasing of previously reported lightcurve observations. Our software subsystem consists of an automated observation scheduler, a pipelined data processing system for differential photometry, and an easy-to-use lightcurve analysis toolkit. Lightcurves, spin periods and provisional determination of class of asteroids to which the lightcurve belongs will be presented, using the dataset from first year operation of KMTNet. Our new taxonomic classification scheme for asteroids will also be summarized. [ 구 KMT-10] DEEP-South: P/2000 XO8 shows its true colors (P/2000 XO8 본색을드러내다 ) Youngmin JeongAhn ( 정안영민 ) 1, Dong-Heun Kim ( 김동흔 ) 1,2, Hee-Jae Lee ( 이희재 ) 1,2, Young-Jun Choi ( 최영준 ) 1, Hong-Kyu Moon ( 문홍규 ) 1, Sang Min Lee ( 이상민 ) 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Chungbuk National University 고전적인소행성과혜성의경계는무너지고있다. 처음발견했을때는소행성으로분류됐던천체도, 예기치않은 활동성이나타나면혜성의일원이된다. 소행성은충돌이나회전가속에의해갑자기활동성을나타내기도하지만, 강한태양복사를견디지못하고오랜시간간직해온휘발성물질을우주공간으로흩뿌리기도한다. 한국천문연구원딥사우스 (DEEP-South) 팀은, 이렇게태양근방에서혜성으로탈바꿈할것으로예상되는소행성으로 2000 XO8 을지목하고, 근일점을막지난 2017 년 10 월말부터 KMTNet 망원경으로약한달간지속관측을하였다. 이기간동안 2000 XO8 은활동성이급격히증가하여선명한꼬리를나타냈고, 이내검출한계이하로활동성이줄어드는것까지확인하였다. 이번에혜성으로밝혀진 2000 XO8 은한국인또는한국기관에서새로발견및동정한것으로알려진혜성중에그주기가 8.8 년으로가장짧다. 이는궤도장반경이목성보다안쪽에위치한다는점에서이례적인일이다. 우리는궤도실험을통해 2000 XO8 이현궤도에자리잡은지오래되지않았으며, 또다른주기혜성 265P/LINEAR 에서쪼개져나온조각일가능성을제시하고자한다. [ 구 KMT-11] Transformation of Surface Brightness Profile Types of Dwarf Galaxies : KMTNet Supernova Program Data Youngdae Lee 1, Hong Soo Park 1,2, Sang Chul Kim 1,2, Dae-Sik Moon 3, Jae-Joon Lee, Dong-Jin Kim 1, Sang-Mok Cha 1,4 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Korea University of Science and Technology, 3 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University We investigate surface brightness profiles (SBPs) of dwarf galaxies in field, group, and cluster environments. Using images from the Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) Supernova Program (KSP) for the NGC 2784 group and SDSS for the Virgo cluster, SBP types are classified into profiles with single exponential (Type I), double exponential (Type II and Type III). Type II and Type III have smaller and larger outer sizes than inner sizes, respectively. SBP types of field dwarfs are compiled from a previous study. The distributions of SBP types are different in three environments. After comparing sizes of dwarfs in different environments, we suggest that since sizes of some dwarfs are changed due to the environmental effects, SBP types are able to be transformed. It makes that the distributions of SBP types in three environments are different. [ 구 KMT-12] Optimal strategy for low surface brightness imaging with KMTNet Woowon Byun 1,2, Minjin Kim 1,2, Yun-Kyeong Sheen 1, Luis C. Ho 3, Joon Hyeop Lee 1,2, Hyunjin Jeong 1, Sang Chul Kim 1,2, Byeong-Gon Park 1,2, Kwang-Il Seon 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 42 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

44 구두발표초록 2 University of Science and Technology, 3 Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, China Most galaxies are believed to evolve through mergers and accretions. In particular, minor mergers and gas accretion appear to play an important role in galaxy evolution in the present-day Universe. Tidally-disrupted debris from such processes remain as diffuse, low-surface brightness structures because the dynamical timescale in the outskirts is significantly longer than that in the central regions. Although these structures will give us useful insight into the mass assembly history of galaxies, it is difficult to detect them due to their faint surface brightness. In order to investigate the structural properties of outskirts in nearby galaxies, we conduct deep and wide-field imaging survey with KMTNet. We present our observing strategy and an optimal data reduction process to recover faint extended features in the images of KMTNet. Using the imaging data of NGC 1291 obtained from KMTNet, we find that a peak-to-peak sky gradient can be reduced less than % of the original sky level in the entire image. We also find that we can reach the surface brightness of µ (B,1σ) ~ 29.5, µ (R,1σ) ~ 28.5 mag arcsec -2 in one-dimensional profile, that is mainly limited by the uncertainty in the sky determination. It indicates that deep imaging data of KMTNet is suitable to study the extended faint features of nearby galaxies, such as stellar halos, outer disks, and dwarf companions. 성간물질 [ 박 IM-01] Destruction of Giant Molecular Clouds by UV Radiation Feedback from Massive Stars Jeong-Gyu Kim ( 김정규 ) 1, Woong-Tae Kim ( 김웅태 ) 1, Eve C. Ostriker 2, and M. Aaron Skinner 3 1 Seoul National University ( 서울대학교 ), 2 Princeton University, 3Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Star formation in galaxies predominantly takes place in giant molecular clouds (GMCs). While it is widely believed that UV radiation feedback from young massive stars can destroy natal GMCs by exciting HII regions and driving their expansion, our understanding on how this actually occurs remains incomplete. To quantitatively assess the effect of UV radiation feedback on cloud disruption, we conduct a series of theoretical studies on the dynamics of HII regions and its role in controlling the star formation efficiency (SFE) and lifetime of GMCs in a wide range of star-forming environments. We first develop a semi-analytic model for the expansion of spherical dusty HII regions driven by the combination of gas and radiation pressures, finding that GMCs in normal disk galaxies are destroyed by gas-pressure driven expansion with SFE < 10%, while more dense and massive clouds with higher SFE are disrupted primarily by radiation pressure. Next, we turn to radiation hydrodynamic simulations of GMC dispersal to allow for self-consistent star formation as well as inhomogeneous density and velocity structures arising from supersonic turbulence. For this, we develop an efficient parallel algorithm for ray tracing method, which enables us to probe a range of cloud masses and sizes. Our parameter study shows that the net SFE, lifetime (measured in units of free-fall time), and the importance of radiation pressure (relative to photoionization) increase primarily with the initial surface density of the cloud. Unlike in the idealized spherical model, we find that the dominant mass loss mechanism is photoevaporation rather than dynamical ejection and that a significant fraction of radiation escapes through low optical-depth channels. We will discuss the astronomical [ 구 IM-02] Global distribution of far-ultraviolet emission from the highly ionized gas in the Milky Way Young-Soo Jo 1, Kwang-Il Seon 1,2, Kyoung-Wook Min 3, Jerry Edelstein 4, Wonyong Han 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Astronomy and Space Science Major, Korea University of Science and Technology, 3 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 4 University of California, Berkeley One of the keys to interpreting the characteristics and evolution of interstellar medium in the Milky Way is to understand the distribution of hot gas ( K). Gases in this phase are difficult to observe because they are in low density and lack of easily observable tracers. Hot gases are observed mainly in the emission of the FUV ( Å), EUV ( Å), and X-rays (T>10 6 K) of which attenuation is very high. Of these, FUV emission lines originated from high-stage ions such as O VI and C IV can be the most effective tracers of hot gases. To determine the spatial distribution of O VI and C IV emissions, we have analyzed the spectra obtained from FIMS (Far-ultraviolet IMaging Spectrograph), which covers about 80 percent of the sky. The hot gas volume filling factor, which varies widely from 0.1 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 43

45 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 to 0.9 depending on the supernova explosion frequency and the evolution model, has been calculated from the O VI and C IV maps. The hot gas generation models has been verified from the global distribution of O VI and C IV emissions, and a new complementary model has been proposed in this study. [ 구 IM-03] Unbiased spectroscopic study of the Cygnus Loop with LAMOST Ji Yeon Seok 1, Bon-Chul Koo 2, Gang Zhao 1 1 National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, Beijing, China, 2 Seoul National University We present a spectroscopic study of the Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) Cygnus Loop using the fifth Data Release (DR5) of LAMOST. The LAMOST (Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope) features both a large field-of-view (about 20 deg2) and a large aperture (~4 m in diameter), which allow us to obtain 4000 spectra simultaneously. Its wavelength coverage ranges from ~3700Å to 9000Å with a spectral resolution of R The Cygnus Loop is a prototype of middle-aged SNRs, which has advantages of being bright, large in angular size (~3.8 x3 ), and relatively unobscured by dust. Along the line of sight of the Cygnus Loop, 2747 LAMOST DR5 spectra are found in total, which are spatially distributed over the entire remnant. Among them, 778 spectra are selected based on the presence of emission lines (i.e., [O III]λ5007, Ha, and [S II]λλ 6717, 6731) for further visual inspection. About half of them (336 spectra) show clear spectral features to confirm their association with the remnant, 370 spectra show stellar features only, and 72 spectra are ambiguous and need further investigation. For those associated with the remnant, we identify emission lines and measure their intensities. Spectral properties considerably vary within the remnant, and we compare them with theoretical models to derive physical properties of the SNR such as electron density and temperature, and shock velocity. While some line ratios are in good agreement with model prediction, others cannot be explained by simple shock models with a range of shock velocities. We discuss these discrepancies between model predictions and the observations and finally highlight the powerfulness of the LAMOST data to investigate spatial variations of physical properties of the Cygnus Loop. [ 구 IM-04] Internal structure of a massive star-forming region G revealed by the high resolution ALMA observations Young Chol Minh 1, H. B. Liu 2, H.-R. Chen 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute), 2 ASIAA, Taiwan, 3 National Tsing Hua U. Taiwan G , classified as a core-halo UC HII region at a distance of 7.1 kpc, contains several sub-clumps (~ solar masses) as identified by dust continuum emission. This source shows very complicated features associated with vigorous massive star-forming activities with a nearly face-on projection. The ambient gas is still accreting to the massive molecular clumps dynamically, while the whole cloud is under disruption by newly formed stars. Using the recent high resolution (< 0.2") ALMA observations, we investigate the detailed structure associated with the star-forming activities by comparing different chemical tracers. The sub-clumps having extremely complex morphologies still preserve cold dense gas together with the turbulent and dense warm gas resulted by newly formed stars and interaction with accreting gas. The accretion of the ambient gas may have occurred episodically to this source. Most recent star formation, which probably the third generation of star formation in this region, is taking place in the northern part (A5 clump). The relatively small mass (~ 1/3 of A1 or A2) and the lack of turbulent gas of this star-forming core may suggest that this core was formed already during the overall collapse of the whole cloud for the first star formation. We think that gravitational collapse of these sub-clumps appears as sequential star formation of this region. The later interaction with accreting gas may have not been a direct cause of the star formation activities of this source. [ 구 IM-05] Magnetic Fields of the Youngest Protostellar System L1448 IRS 2 revealed by ALMA Woojin Kwon ( 권우진 ) 1,2, Ian W. Stephens 3, John J. Tobin 4, Leslie W. Looney 5, Zhi-Yun Li 6, Richard M. Crutcher 5, Jongsoo Kim ( 김종수 ) 1,2, and Floris F. S. van der Tak 7,8 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute ( 한국천문연구원 ), 2 University of Science and Technology, 3 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 4 University of Oklahoma, 5 University of Illinois, 6 University of Virginia, 7 SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, 8 Kapteyn Astronomical Institute Magnetic fields affect star formation in a broad range of scales from parsec to hundreds au. In particular, interferometric observations and ideal magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations have 44 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

46 구두발표초록 reported that formation of a rotation-supported disk at the earliest young stellar objects (YSOs) is largely suppressed by magnetic fields aligned to the rotational axis of YSOs: magnetic braking. Our recent ALMA observations toward L1448 IRS 2, which has a rotation detected and its magnetic fields aligned to the rotation axis (poloidal fields) in ~500 au scales, show that the fields switch to toroidal at the center in ~100 au scales. This result suggests that magnetic braking may not be so catastrophic for early disk formation even in YSOs with magnetic fields aligned to the rotational axis. [ 구 IM-06] FUNS - Filaments, the Universal Nursery of Stars. I. Physical Properties of Filaments and Dense Cores in L1478 Eun Jung Chung, Shinyoung Kim, Archana Soam, and Chang Won Lee 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Formation of filaments and subsequent dense cores in ISM is one of the essential questions to address in star formation. To investigate this scenario in detail, we recently started a molecular line survey namely 'Filaments, the Universal Nursery of Stars (FUNS)' toward nearby filamentary clouds in Gould Belt using TRAO 14m single dish telescope equipped with a 16 multi-beam array. In the present work, we report the first look results of kinematics of a low mass star forming region L1478 of California molecular cloud. This region is found to be consisting of long filaments with a hub-filament structure. We performed On-The-Fly mapping observations covering ~1.1 square degree area of this region using C18O(1-0) as a low density tracer and 0.13 square degree area using N2H+(1-0) as a high density tracer, respectively. CS (2-1) and SO (32-21) were also used simultaneously to map ~290 square arcminute area of this region. We identified 10 filaments applying Dendrogram technique to C18O data-cube and 13 dense cores using FellWalker and N2H+ data set. Basic physical properties of filaments such as mass, length, width, velocity field, and velocity dispersion are derived. It is found that filaments in L~1478 are velocity coherent and supercritical. Especially the filaments which are highly supercritical are found to have dense cores detected in N2H+. Non-thermal velocity dispersions derived from C18O and N2H+ suggest that most of the dense cores are subsonic or transonic while the surrounding filaments are transonic or supersonic. We concluded that filaments in L~1478 are gravitationally unstable which might collapse to form dense cores and stars. We also suggest that formation mechanism can be different in individual filament depending on its morphology and environment. [ 구 IM-07] Chemical Differentiation of CS and N 2 H + in Starless Dense Cores Shinyoung Kim 1,2, Chang Won Lee 1,2, Jungjoo Sohn 3, Gwanjeong Kim 4, and Mi-Ryang Kim 1 1 KASI, 2 UST, 3 KNUE, 4 NAOJ CS molecule is known to be adsorbed onto dust in cold dense cores, causing its significant depletion in the center region of cores. This study is aimed to investigate the depletion of CS molecule with optically thin C 34 S molecular line observations, including significance of its differentiation depending on the evolutionary status of the dense cores. We mapped five evolved starless cores, L1544, L1552, L1689B, L694-2 and L1197 using two molecular lines, C 34 S (J=2-1) and N 2 H + (J=1-0) with NRO 45 m telescope. The H 2 column density and temperature structures of each targets were obtained by SED fitting for Herschel continuum images and the internal number density profiles by model fitting. All of the integrated intensity maps of C 34 S show depletion holes and semi-ring-like distribution, indicating that the depletion of CS is clear and general. The radial profiles of CS abundance also show significant decrease towards the core center, while N 2 H + abundance is almost constant or enhanced. We find that the more evolved cores with higher H 2 density tend to have a stronger depletion of CS. Our data strongly support claims that CS molecule generally depletes out in the central regions of starless dense cores and such chemical differentiation is closely related to their evolution. [ 구 IM-08] The ice features of Very Low Luminosity Objects (VeLLOs): Unveiling their episodic accretion history through the spectroscopic observation of AKARI IRC Jaeyeong Kim 1, Jeong-Eun Lee 1, Yuri Aikawa 2, Il-Seok Kim 3, Ho-Gyu Lee 4, Woong-Seob Jeong 4,5, and Jennifer A. Noble 6 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea, 2 Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 3 SE Lab, Korea, 4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea, 5 Korea University of Science and Technology, Korea, 6 Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules, The University de Lille, France 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 45

47 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 Although mass accretion from the disk to the central protostar is a key process of low mass star formation, the accretion mechanism is still poorly understood. To investigate episodic accretion, which has been suggested as an accretion mechanism in low mass star formation, we have carried out near-infrared spectroscopic observations of three very low-luminosity objects (VeLLOs) and one background source, using InfraRed Camera onboard the AKARI space telescope. The ice absorption features of H 2 O, CO 2, and CO were detected around the wavelengths of 3.0, 4.26, and 4.67 μm, respectively. In addition, we revealed the XCN ice feature, which is attributed to high energy UV photons produced by the episodic burst accretion. The comparisons of the ice abundances of our targets with those of other YSOs observed previously with AKARI IRC imply that the three VeLLOs had experienced burst accretions although they are now in a very quiescent phase. [ 석 IM-09] New insights on the origin of multiple stellar populations in globular clusters Jaeyeon Kim ( 김재연 ) and Young-Wook Lee ( 이영욱 ) Center for Galaxy Evolution Research & Department of Astronomy. Yonsei University In order to investigate the origin of multiple stellar populations in the halo and bulge of the Milky Way, we have constructed chemical evolution models for the low-mass proto-galactic subsystems such as globular clusters. Unlike previous studies, we assume that supernova blast waves undergo blowout without expelling the pre-enriched gas, while relatively slow winds of massive stars, together with the winds and ejecta from low and intermediate mass asymptotic-giant-branch stars, are all locally retained in these less massive systems. We find that the observed Na-O anti-correlations in metal-poor GCs can be reproduced when multiple episodes of starbursts are allowed to continue in these subsystems. A specific form of star formation history with decreasing time intervals between the stellar generations, however, is required to obtain this result, which is in good agreement with the parameters obtained from our stellar evolution models for the horizontal-branch. The mass budget problem" is also much alleviated by our models without ad-hoc assumptions on star formation efficiency and initial mass function. We also applied these models to investigate the origin of super helium-rich red clump stars in the metal-rich bulge as recently suggested by Lee et al. (2015). We find that chemical enrichments by the winds of massive stars can naturally reproduce the required helium enhancement (dy/dz = 6) for the second-generation stars. Disruption of proto-globular clusters in a hierarchical merging paradigm would have provided helium enhanced stars to the bulge field. [ 구 IM-10] Radial distribution of blue straggler stars in Magellanic Cloud clusters Jongsuk Hong 1Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, China Using the high-resolution observational data obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope, we found that there is the diversity of the radial trends of blue straggler stars (BSSs) in young massive clusters (YMCs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud unlike BSSs in old globular clusters usually showing the segregated radial distributions. To understand the dynamical processes that lead to the none-segregated or even inversely-segregated radial distribution of BSSs, we performed direct N-body simulations for YMCs. Our numerical simulations show that the presence of black hole subsystems inside the cluster centre can significantly affect the dynamical evolution of BSSs and eventually lead to none- or inversely-segregated radial distribution of BSSs. [ 구 IM-11] An exosolar planetary system N-body simulator II ChaeLin 1 Hong, Maurice van Putten 1,2 1 Center for High Energy Astrophysics, UNIST, s Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sejong University We present a general N-body exasolar system simulator in anticipation of upcoming searches for exoplanets and even exomoons by next generation telescopes such as James Webb Space Telescope. For habitable zones, traditionally defined by temperature, we here address the essential problem of dynamical stability of planetary orbits. Illustrative examples are presented on P-type orbits in stellar binary systems, that should be fairly common as in Kepler 16b. Specific attention is paid to reduced orbital lifetimes of exoplanets in the habitable zone by the stellar binary, that is propoesed by Maurice van Putten (2017). Especially, we focused on a classic work of complex three-body problem that is well known by Dvorak(1986). We charge his elliptic restricted three-body problem to extend unrestricted three-body problem to look into dynamical motions 46 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

48 구두발표초록 in view of circumbinary planet, furthermore, we suggest that opposite angular orientation of the planet is relative to the stability of orbits. In here, counter-rotation case is relatively more faster than co-rotation case for being stable. As a result, we find that various initial conditions and thresholds to approach dynamical stability and unstability with unexpectable isolated islands over enormous parameter space. Even, superkeplerian effect of binary is important to habitability of the exoplanet and we can verify that superfaster binary doesn't effect on th planet and increases survivality of planet around the binary. 적외선영상분광탐사미션과활용연구 [ 구 NS-01] An exosolar planetary system N-body simuinfrared Spectro-Photometric Survey in Space: NISS and SPHEREx Missions Woong-Seob Jeong 1,2, Minjin Kim 1,2, Myungshin Im 3, Jeong-Eun Lee 4, Jeonghyun Pyo 1, Yong-Seon Song 1,2, Sung-Joon Park 1, Bongkon Moon 1, Dae-Hee Lee 1, Won-Kee Park 1, Youngsoo, Jo 1, Duk-Hang Lee 1, Kyeongyeon Ko 1,2, Il-Joong Kim 1, Youngsik Park 1, Yujin Yang 1,2, Jongwan Ko 1, Hyung Mok Lee 3, Hyunjin Shim 5, Goo-Hwan Shin 6, Jangsoo Chae 6, Toshio Matsumoto 1,7, NISS Team 1,2,3,4,5,6 / SPHEREx Korean Consortium 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea, 2 University of Science and Technology, Korea, 3 Seoul National University, Korea, 4 Kyung Hee University, Korea, 5 Kyung-Book National University, Korea, 6 Satellite Technology & Research Center, KAIST, Korea, 7 ISAS/JAXA, Japan, 8 Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Korea The NISS (Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer for Star formation history) onboard NEXTSat-1 have successfully developed by KASI. The capability of both imaging and spectroscopy is a unique function of the NISS. At first, it have realized the low-resolution spectroscopy (R~20) with a wide field of view of 2 x 2 deg. in a wide near-infrared range from 0.95 to 2.5μm. The major scientific mission is to study the cosmic star formation history in local and distant universe. It will also demonstrate the space technologies related to the infrared spectro-photometry in space. Now, the NISS is ready to launch in late After the launch, the NISS will be operated during 2 years. As an extension of the NISS, the SPEHREx (Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe Epoch of Reionization, and Ices Explorer) is the NASA MIDEX (Medium-class Explorer) mission proposed together with KASI (PI Institute: Caltech). It will perform the first all-sky infrared spectro-photometric survey to probe the origin of our Universe, to explore the origin and evolution of galaxies, and to explore whether planets around other stars could harbor life. Compared to the NISS, the SPHEREx is designed to have much more wide FoV of 3.5 x 11.3 deg. as well as wide spectral range from 0.75 to 5.0μm. After passing the first selection process, the SPHEREx is under the Phase-A study. The final selection will be made in the end of Here, we report the status of the NISS and SPHEREx missions. [ 구 NS-02] Extragalactic Science I Myungshin Im 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 2, Minjin Kim 2, and SPHEREx Team 1 Astronomy Program/CEOU, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University 2 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute In this talk, we will review extragalactic science cases with NISS and SPHEREx. With its capability to perform a low resolution spectroscopy over a wide area, NISS and SPHEREx can provide valuable information about the evolution of spectral shapes of galaxies in different environments over cosmic history. This talk will focus on the cases for the studies that are closely related to the galaxy evolution and formation. [ 구 NS-03] Extragalactic Science with SPHEREx II Minjin Kim 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 1, Myungshin Im 2, SPHEREx team 1 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, 2 Astronomy Program/CEOU, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University SPHEREx is a proposed MIDEX mission, planned to conduct spectral imaging survey to cover um with a spectral resolution of R~ We will briefly overview the uniqueness of SPHEREx data, and how Korean community can take advantage of it. We will present extragalactic science cases that can be addressed with SPHEREx dataset. In particular, SPHEREx survey will uniquely provide the variability information of bright QSOs, both in continuum and fluxes of emission lines, which enables us to investigate the central structures of QSOs through the reverberation mapping method. SPHEREx will also allow us to understand how supermassive black holes and host galaxies 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 47

49 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 co-evolve, by discovering new high-z QSOs, and investigating star formation properties in nearby QSOs. [ 구 NS-04] SPHEREx Galactic Science: Ice Evolution from Molecular Clouds to Protoplanetary Disks Jeong-Eun Lee School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea, SPHEREx 의중요임무중하나는 0.75 µm 와 5 µm 사이에서 H 2 O, CO, CO 2, XCN, OCS, 그리고 CH 3 OH 와같은얼음분자의전천탐사스펙트럼을제공하는것이다. 이러한얼음분자는성간분자운의먼지티끌표면에서생성되어별탄생의필연적산물이며, 행성이형성되는원시행성계원반에서다양한변화를겪게되고, 복잡한유기분자를합성하게된다. 하지만충분하지않은관측자료로인해, 얼음분자의진화에대한이해가미약한상태이다. 현재까지는근적외선에서충분히밝은 100 여개의배경별이나원시성에대해서만얼음스펙트럼을관측할수있었다. SPHEREx 를이용한고감도전천탐사미션은약 20,000 여개의배경별과원시성에대해얼음분자스펙트럼을제공할것이다. 이렇게 100 배이상늘어난샘플스펙트럼수로인해, 얼음분자의진화에대해서통계적으로의미있는연구가가능해질것이다. 본발표에서는 SPHEREx 의 Ice Program 을소개하고, 기대되어지는결과에대해서논의하고자한다. [ 구 NS-05] Solar System Sciences with SPHEREx (SPHEREx 를활용한태양계연구 ) Jeonghyun Pyo ( 표정현 ) 1, Woong-Seob Jeong ( 정웅섭 ) 1,2, SPHEREx Korean Consortium 3,4,5 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute ( 한국천문연구원 ), 2 University of Science and Technology ( 과학기술연합대학원대학교 ), 3 Seoul National University ( 서울대학교 ), 4 Kyung Hee University ( 경희대학교 ), 5 Korea Institute for Advanced Study ( 고등과학원 ) SPHEREx is expected to provide us with the opportunity of unbiased sampling of small Solar System objects along with near-infrared ( μ m) spectroscopic (R ~ 41) information. The estimated numbers of detections are tens of thousands for asteroids, thousands for Trojans, hundreds for comets, and several for Kuiper Belt Objects, Centaurs and Scattered Disk Objects. Wide spectral range covering many bands from carbon-bearing molecules and ices will enable us to systematically survey the volatile materials throughout the Solar System. SPHEREx will, for the first time, produce the near-infrared spectral map of the zodiacal light to pin-down the relative contributions of various populations of Solar System objects and interstellar dust to the dust grains in the interplanetary space. The study of the zodiacal light is also important to remove the foreground for the EBL (extragalactic background light) study, one of the main topics of the mission. [ 구 NS-06] Cosmology using SPHEREx Yong-Seon Song KASI We present the methodology to probe the initial condition of the universe using SPHEREx. 천문기기 [ 구 AI-01] Development of KAMG engineering model in KPLO mission Ho Jin 1, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Derac Son 2, Seongwhan Lee 3 1 School of Space research, Kyung Hee University 2 Sensorpia Inc. 3 Introul Inc. 대한민국달탐사시험용궤도선은 2020 년말에발사를예정으로위성개발이진행되고있다. KPLO(Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter) 라고명명된달궤도선에는 6 개의탑재체가있으며, 경희대학교우주탐사학과에서는달주위공간및달표면의이상자기장영역을관측하는탑재체 (KMAG: Kplo MAGnetometer) 를개발하고있다. 자기장센서는 3 축플럭스게이트센서를사용하며약 0.2nT 이하의분해능을가지고있다. 측정주기는 10Hz 이며총무게는 3.5kg 이다. 1.2m 길이의붐 (Boom) 구조물내부에 3 개의자기장센서들을설치하였으며가능한위성체로부터거리를두고자기장을측정하는구조로구성하였다. 시험모델개발을완료하고, 개발된탑제체의환경시험결과와성능시험결과요구조건에부합되는결과를얻었다. KAMG 는국내최초의심우주탐사용자기장측정기로서향후, 행성및소행성탐사등에활용하기위한기반기술로활용할수있을것으로기대한다. [ 구 AI-02] Optical mounting method based on current astronomical space missions ( 최근천문우주미션에기초한광학계마운팅방법 ) Bongkon Moon ( 문봉곤 ) Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute ( 한국천문연구원 ) 우주를관측하기위한대부분의천문학미션을위한인공위성은광학계를가지는망원경구조물과관측기기를포함하고있다. 망원경구조물은작은렌즈광학계에서미터급의대형미러광학계에이르기까지다양하며, 관측기기에포함된광학계는그용도에따라서다양한형태를보 48 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

50 구두발표초록 여준다. 이러한광학계는광기계설계를통한광학계지지구조물을필수적으로설계하며, 이광기계설계는광학적성능을만족시키면서광학계가발사체의진동, 충격및열진공의우주환경을모두견뎌낼수있도록설계해야만한다. 이발표에서는최근한국에서수행한천문우주미션경험을바탕으로실제적용된광학계마운팅기법을사례별로정리하고그연구결과를소개하고자한다. [ 구 AI-03] Optical Performance Measurement of the MATS Satellite Woojin Park 1, Arvid Hammar 2, Sunwoo Lee 1, Seunghyuk Chang 3, and Soojong Pak 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Omnisys instruments AB, and 3 Center for Integrated Smart Sensors, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) The MATS (Mesosphere Airglow/Aerosol Tomography Spectroscopy) satellite is the next Swedish science microsatellite. We report optical performance test results of the limb telescope, which is the major payload. This telescope is designed with linear astigmatism-free (LAF) off-axis optical system in order to have high optical performance across the wide field of view. We measured Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and Encircled Energy Diameter (EED) of the limb telescope. Full field imaging tests show expected results without linear astigmatism across the full field of view ( ). Since the amount of stray light is from the earth and the sun, we also simulated and measured the stray light in the field image. [ 구 AI-04] Flux calibration method for narrow band imaging observation Hojae Ahn 1, Soojong Pak 1, Wonseok Kang 2, Taewoo Kim 2, Hyunjin Shim 3 1 Department of Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University, 2 National Youth Space Center, 3 Department of Earth Science Education, Kyungpook National University Flux calibration for narrow band photometric data gives us an opportunity to get a line flux of extended targets. We developed flux calibration processes for narrow band photometry using broad band filters as a continuum indicator. We derived parameters for color correction and zero point correction including color terms. Applying our method, we successfully subtracted continuum emissions and calibrated the emission lines from an FU Ori type object, V960 Mon. [ 구 AI-05] Development of Detector Performance Test system and Characterization of CCD Camera Young Sam Yu, Chan Park, Sung-Joon Park, Seonghwan Choi, Woong-Seob Jeong Korea Astronomy and Space Scienece Institute 가시광 CCD 나 HxRG 등의적외선어레이디텍터는천문관측기기를구성하는핵심부품으로, 관측기기의종합성능결정에중요한영향을미친다. 따라서디텍터의성능을정확하게진단하는것은관측기기의성능을예측하거나유지또는개선하는데중요한요소가된다. 한국천문연구원은최근에디텍터성능을직접적으로측정할수있는광전자시스템을구축하고장치를구동하기위한소프트웨어를자체개발하였다. 본시스템을기반으로 Andor ikon-m 카메라 CCD 의시스템게인, 최대포화전자수, 감도, 비선형성, 양자효율, 암전류, 읽기잡음, 불량픽셀의특성을측정하였으며특히, 양자효율의경우디텍터의구동온도에따라파장별로 2% 에서 30% 이상까지편차가발생하는것을확인하였다. 본연구는디텍터의성능평가와그중요성에대하여논의한다. [ 구 AI-06] Measurement result of ultra wideband corrugated horn for combined ALMA band 7 and band 8 frequencies Bangwon Lee, Jung-won Lee, Hyunwoo Kang & Do-Heung Je Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute We present measurement results of the fabricated ultra wideband corrugated horn for the planned ASTE band7+8 receiver. Return loss and vector beam pattern measurements were carried out over GHz frequency range. Hardware set-ups for these measurements are described as well as beam measurement data are compared with such design criteria as beam width, phase curvature and cross-polarization. We discuss the impact of these beam measurement results to the aperture efficiency of the proposed 2-mirror receiver optics for the ASTE telescope. 고천문 & 홍보 [ 구 HP-01] Historical solar eclipses and practical observation area in Goguryeo Hong-Jin Yang Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Korean chronicles have a large amount of observational records over two thousand years. Many historical astronomical records are useful in 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 49

51 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 modern times. In this study, we examined solar eclipses in Goguryeo-bongi( 高句麗本紀 ) by using the modified(newest) nutation value and reviewed the observation area through eclipsing map. There are 11 solar eclipse records in the book. We calculated intersectional visible area with 0.6 eclipsing magnitude using the records of AD116, 124, 149, 158 and 219 and found the observational area of N40-43 and E , which corresponds to the Liaodong( 遼東 ). We also examined historical Chinese solar eclipse records and compared them with Korean eclipses. [ 구 HP-02] Tools for Echelle Spectrograph of NYSC 1m Telescope Wonseok Kang, Taewoo Kim, Jeongeun Kim, Yong Cheol Shin, Jihyun Yoo, Shinu Jeong, Yoonho Choi, Sun-gill Kwon National Youth Space Center We present the development of tools for Echelle spectrograph of NYSC 1-m telescope. The eshel spectrograph(shelyak) has operated at Deokheung Optical Astronomy Observatory since We carried out test observation in 2016 and completed the preprocessing and wavelength calibration of the spectroscopic data using IRAF. Based on the reduction process in IRAF, PySpecW, a set of tools for spectroscopic data was developed in PySpecW was optimized for NYSC 1m telescope, and written in Python for youth to use easily on any OS. PySpecW consists of preprocessing, aperture tracing, aperture extraction, wavelength calibration, and dispersion correction for extracted spectra. [ 구 HP-03] Results of NYSC 1m Telescope Operation in 2017 Taewoo Kim, Jeongeun Kim, Yong Cheol Shin, Jihyun Yoo, Shinu Jeong, Yoonho Choi, Wonseok Kang, Sun-gill Kwon National Youth Space Center 국립청소년우주센터덕흥천문대의 NYSC 1m 망원경은청소년을대상으로관측제안서를공개모집하고, 청소년의전문적인천문관측을지원하고있다 년한해, 접수된청소년의관측제안은총 10 건이었다. 이외에도덕흥천문대는양질의관측자료를국내연구팀과의공동연구를통해제공하고있으며, 공동연구장기관측과제 3 건을운영중에있다. 덕흥천문대관측팀은청소년관측및공동연구를지원하는것과더불어망원경의상태를상시점검하고있다. 스티커및 CO 2 분사를이용한경면세척을진행하였고, 2017 년하반기에는 1m 망원경의성능을최대로발휘할수있도록 CCD 카메라를 Princeton Instruments 의 SOPHIA 2048B 로교체하였다. 그리고앞으로덕흥천문대에서진행할향후운영계획에대해서도 논하고자한다. [ 구 HP-04] Cambodia with Astronomy ( 해외교육지원단소개 ) A Ran Lyo 1, Wonseok Kang 2, Sun-gill Kwon 2, Min Gyu Kim 3, Yonggi Kim 4, Woong-Tae Kim 5, Taewoo Kim 2, Hong-Kyu Moon 1, Soojong Pak 6, Soon Chang Park 7, Changbom Park 8, Yongcheol Shin 2, Kang Hwan Lee 9, Dukhang Lee 1, Myung Gyoon Lee 5, Sang Gak Lee 5, Sang Hyun Lee 1, Jeong Ae Lee 5, Hye-In Lee 6, Insung Yim 1, JaEun Han 10, Minhee Hyun 5, Kyungyong Lee 11, John Ashley Evans 11 1 Korea Astronomt and Space Science Institute, 2 National Youth Space Center, 3 Genesia corporation, Tokyo, 4 Chungbul National University, 5 Seoul National University, 6 Kyung Hee University, 7 Metaspace, 8 Korea Institute For Advanced Study, 9 Seodaemun Museum of Natural History, 10, 11 Society of Jesus 2018 년부터한국천문학회특별사업단으로교육, 홍보위원회에해외교육지원단이만들어졌다. 해외교육지원단은지난 2 년동안한국천문학회가지원해오던캄보디아천문교육지원활동을확장하고체계적인운영을목표로만들어졌다. 먼저, 그동안의활동에대해보고하고좀더내실있는계획을세우기위해천문학회회원들의의견과조언을듣고자한다. 첫번째캄보디아천문학교육은 2016 년 6 월 일 (2 주 ) 동안수도프롬펜에서북서쪽, 차편으로 4 시간거리에있는뿌삿시끄로압에서이루어졌다. 초. 중등학생 50 여명이참여하여망원경조작방법을배우고, 종이망원경과카메라만들기, 태양과행성관측, 축구공, 야구공, 풍선과찰흙을이용한태양계행성들크기비교, 별자리판만들기와천문학여러현상들에대한비디오영상보기와같은다양한프로그램을수행하였다. 두번째교육은국립청소년우주센터와캄보디아의 Xavier Jesuit School 이연계하여 2017 년 4 월 3-7 일 (5 일 ) 동안지역중등과학교사 18 명을대상으로천문교육을진행하였다. 시간과좌표, 간이망원경제작, 결상의원리, 분광, 망원경의조립과분해및천체관측등천체관측과관련된내용을위주로교육을진행하였다. [ 구 HP-05] The Extended KVN Project Taehyun Jung 1,2, Do-Young Byun 1,2, Sang-Sung Lee 1,2, YoungChol Mihn 1, Se-Hyung Cho 1, Bong Won Sohn 1,2, Kee-Tae Kim 1, Seog-Oh Wi 1, Seog-Tae Han 1, Hyun Goo Kim 1, and Jongsoo Kim 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, 2 Affiliation University of Science and Technology 한국우주전파관측망 (KVN: Korean VLBI Network) 은서울, 울산, 제주에직경 21m 전파망원경 3 기로이루어진우리나라최초의초장기선전파간섭계 (VLBI: Very Long Baseline Interferometry) 이다. KVN 은밀리미터파장의 22, 43, 86, 129 GHz 대역을동시에관측할수있는수신 50 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

52 구두발표초록 시스템을이용하여독보적인다파장관측연구를진행해오고있으며, 뛰어난위상보정성능을바탕으로기존의밀리미터대역에서검출되지않았던많은천체들을검출하고있다. 하지만, KVN 3 기 VLBI 관측으로부터얻어지는천체의합성영상 (synthesized image) 은초미세구조에서발생하는물리기작을연구하기에는한계를지닌다. 따라서 KVN 을활용한연구성과를극대화하기위한최적의방안을도출하기위하여, KVN 확장기획연구를진행하였다. 본발표에서는 KVN 확장에따른예상성능과이릍통한과학연구를소개한다. [ 구 HP-06] Launch of Open-Use Operation of the East-Asian VLBI Network ( 동아시아 VLBI 관측망공동이용관측시작 ) Kiyoaki Wajima 1, Kazuhiro Hada 2, Taehyun Jung ( 정태현 ) 1, Se-Jin Oh ( 오세진 ) 1, Duk-Gyoo Roh ( 노덕규 ) 1, Wu Jiang 3, Lang Cui 4, Do-Young Byun ( 변도영 ) 1, Jongsoo Kim ( 김종수 ) 1, Mareki Honma 2, Zhi-Qiang Shen 3, Na Wang 4 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute ( 한국천문연구원 ), 2 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 3 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, 4 Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, 동아시아 VLBI 관측망 (East-Asian VLBI Network; EAVN) 은한 중 일각국의전파망원경을통합해서구성되는동아시아지역의새로운 VLBI 네트워크이다. EAVN 은 2013 년부터공동이용관측을실시하고있는한일 VLBI 관측망 (KaVA) 을중심으로총 20 개전파망원경을포함한다. 4 개주파수 (6.7/8/22/43 GHz) 로관측할수있으며, 최대로 0.6 mas (22 GHz) 의해상도로관측할수있는기능을가지고있다. 우리는 2017 년 3 월부터 5 월까지 EAVN 을이용한총 17 번의 AGN 관측캠페인을실시하였다. 이것은 ALMA 를이용한 Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) 관측과같은시기에실시되며, 총 15 개의전파망원경이참가하였다. 이관측을통해서 EAVN 으로얻은영상이 KaVA 의영상에대해 80% 정도성능이개선되는것을확인하였다. 또한, 주된관측천체인 M87 과 Sgr A* 의영상은과거의결과를재현해서 AGN 중심주변의 sub-pc 스케일의제트구조를보다자세히볼수가있었다. 이결과에의거해서우리는 KaVA 의관측시간의일부를이용해서 2018 년하반기부터 EAVN 의공동이용관측을시작한다. 공개될범위는 KaVA, 일본 Nobeyama 45 m, 중국 Tianma 65 m 의총 9 개망원경이며, 중국 Nanshan 26 m 망원경도 Large Program 관측에한해서참가한다. 관측주파수는 22 GHz (KaVA + Tianma) 및 43 GHz (KaVA + Tianma + Nobeyama) 이며, 오는관측시즌 (2018 년 8 월부터 2019 년 1 월까지 ) 에제공될총관측시간은 100 시간이다. 관측제안서제출마감날은 6 월 1 일이며, 많은관측제안서가제출될것을기대한다. 이발표에서는 EAVN AGN 캠페인의결과및 EAVN 공동이용관측의자세한내용을보고한다. 태양 [ 구 SS-01] Polarimetric research on S- and Q-type Near-Earth Asteroids Jooyeon Geem1, Masateru Ishiguro 1, Yoonsoo P. Bach 1, Daisuke Kuroda 2, Hiroyuki Naito 3, Yoonyoung Kim 1, Yuna G. Kwon 1, Masataka Imai 4, Kiyoshi Kuramoto 4, Makoto Watanabe 5,Ryo Okazaki 4 1 Seoul National University, 2 Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, 3 Nayoro Observatory, 4 Hokkaido University, 5 Okayama University of Science Polarimetry is a powerful technique to investigate the physical properties of surface materials on airless bodies in the solar system. It is known that the degree of linear polarization changes as a function of the phase angle (the angle between Sun-target Observer). Especially, the dependency of the polarization degree at large phase angle allows us to obtain information related to the particle size and porosity, which is difficult to be determined via other observation techniques (i.e., photometry and spectroscopy). However, despite the advantage, only a few asteroids were observed with polarimetric devices at large phase angles. Here, we present our new polarimetric research of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) observed at the large phase angles. Among the NEAs, we focus on S- and Q-type asteroids, which include: (331471) 1984 QY1, (90075) 2002 VU94, and (66391) 1999 KW4. The observation was conducted using the Pirka 1.6-m Telescope at the Nayoro Observatory of Hokkaido University at the phase angles α~100 degree, which provides us the maximum polarization degrees of these objects. Considering the observational results together with two objects ((1566) Icarus and (4179) Toutatis) in reference papers [1], [2], we will discuss the implication of the regolith size on their surfaces. [1] Ishiguro, M., Nakayama, H., Kogachi, M., et al. 1997, PASJ, 49, L31 [2] Ishiguro, M., Kuroda, D., Watanabe, M., et al. 2017, AJ, 154, 180 [ 구 SS-02] The Flow of the Interstellar Plasmas surrounding the Heliopause estimated via IBEX-Lo Observations Jeewoo Park 1,3 ( 박지우 ), Harald Kucharek 2, Philip A. Isenberg 2, Nikolaos Paschalidis 3 1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow, Greenbelt, MD, United States, 2 University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, United States, 3 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD, United States 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 51

53 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 Since Voyager 1 passed the Heliopause in 2012, it has provided the observations of the charged particles in the local interstellar medium. However, Voyager 1 only provides the information along with its trajectory. In order to understand the global view of the interstellar plasma flow surrounding the Heliopause, we need another tool. When the interstellar plasmas approach the Heliopause, the ions are deflected around the Heliopause due to the draping of the interstellar magnetic field. The draping of the interstellar magnetic field is strongly connected with the shape of the Heliopause. A fraction of the diverted ions exchanges their charges with the undisturbed primary interstellar neutral atoms, and then the ions become neutral atoms called the secondary interstellar neutral atoms. The newly created neutral atoms carry information on the diverted flow of the interstellar ions, and a fraction of them can travel to the Sun. Therefore, the secondary component of the interstellar neutrals is an excellent diagnostic tool to provide important information to constrain the shape of the Heliopause. The secondary interstellar neutrals are observed by Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) at Earth s orbit. Since 2009, two energetic neutral atom cameras on IBEX have measured neutral atoms and it has provided sky maps of neutral atoms. In this presentation, we will discuss the directional distribution of the secondary interstellar neutrals at Earth s orbit. In the sky maps, the primary interstellar neutral gas is seen between 200 and 260 in ecliptic longitude and the secondary components are seen in the longitude range of We also present a simplified model of the outer heliosheath to help interpret the observations of interstellar neutrals by the IBEX-Lo instruments. We extract information on the large-scale shape of the Heliopause by comparing the neutral flux measured at IBEX along four different look directions with simple models of deflected plasma flow around hypothetical obstacles of different aspect ratios to the flow. Our comparisons between the model results and the observations indicate that the Heliopause is very blunt in the vicinity of the Heliospheric nose, especially compared to a Rankine half-body or cometary shape. [ 구 SS-03] The role of heliospheric current sheet on solar energetic particles with enhanced Fe/O Jinhye Park 1, R. Bucik 2,3, Yong-Jae Moon 1,4,and S. W. Kahler 5 1 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University, Yongin , Korea 2 Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3, D-37077, Göttingen, Germany 3 Institute for Astrophysics, University of Göttingen, Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, D-37077, Göttingen, Germany 4 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin , Korea 5 Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate, 3550 Aberdeen Avenue, Kirtland AFB, NM 87117, USA We investigate initial Fe/O enhancements for 44 large gradual solar energetic particles events from 2010 to 2014 and examine the associations of the Fe/O enhancements with the structures of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS). For this study, we use STEREO SIT Fe and O data in MeV channel as well as ACE ULEIS Fe and O data in MeV channel. We determine 1) the magnetic polarities of the SEP source regions using the potential field source surface (PFSS) model of the coronal field and 2) the spacecraft magnetic footpoints with Parker spiral approximation of interplanetary magnetic field using the in-situ measurements of STEREO and ACE. We find that 29 out of 44 events have initial Fe/O enhanced more than 5 times of the typical gradual event values. In the 6 events, the enhancements are simultaneously observed by two spacecraft. There is a tendency that the high Fe/O enhancements are observed near SEP source regions. It is also noted that the Fe/O enhancements are associated with the polarity of the magnetic footpoints. The high Fe/O enhancements are usually observed where their footpoints lie in the same polarity regions of SEP sources rather than the opposite polarity regions. Although Fe/O enhancements could be due to a transport effect and/or a flare contribution, our result implies that the structure of HCS is likely to affect particle propagations in the interplanetary space. [ 구 SS-04] A Solar Stationary Type IV Radio Burst and Its Radiation Mechanism Hongyu Liu 1,2,3, Yao Chen 3, Kyungsuk Cho 1,2, Shiwei Feng 3, Veluchamy Vasanth 3, Artem Koval 3, Guohui Du 3, Zhao Wu 3, Chuanyang Li 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 2 University of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 3 Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Optical Astronomy and Solar-Terrestrial Environment, and Institute of Space Sciences Shandong University, Weihai, China 52 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

54 구두발표초록 A stationary Type IV (IVs) radio burst was observed on September 24, Observations from the Nançay RadioHeliograph (NRH) show that the brightness temperature (TB ) of this burst is extremely high, over 10^11K at 150 MHz and over 10^8K in general. The degree of circular polarization (q ) is between 60% 100%, which means that it is highly left-handed circularly polarized. The flux frequency spectrum follows a power-law distribution, and the spectral index is considered to be roughly 3 4 throughout the IVs. Radio sources of this event are located in the wake of the coronal mass ejection and are spatially dispersed. They line up to present a formation in which lower-frequency sources are higher. Based on these observations, it is suggested that the IVs was generated through electron cyclotron maser emission. [ 구 SS-05] Investigation of the observed solar coronal plasma in EUV and X-rays in non-equilibrium ionization state Jin-Yi Lee 1, John C. Raymond 2, Katharine K. Reeves 2, Chengcai Shen 2, and Yong-Jae Moon 1 1 Kyung Hee University 2 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics During a major solar eruption, the erupting plasma is possibly out of the equilibrium ionization state because of its rapid heating or cooling. The non-equilibrium ionization process is important in a rapidly evolving system where the thermodynamical time scale is shorter than the ionization or recombination time scales. We investigate the effects of non-equilibrium ionization on EUV and X-ray observations by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board Solar Dynamic Observatory and X-ray Telescope (XRT) on board Hinode. For the investigation, first, we find the emissivities for all the lines of ions of elements using CHIANTI 8.07, and then we find the temperature responses multiplying the emissivities by the effective area for each AIA and XRT passband. Second, we obtain the ion fractions using a time-dependent ionization model (Shen et al. 2015), which uses an eigenvalue method, for all the lines of ion, as a function of temperature, and a characteristic time scale, n e t, where n e and t are density and time, respectively. Lastly, the ion fractions are multiplied to the temperature response for each passband, which results in a 2D grid for each combination of temperature and the characteristic time scale. This is the set of passband responses for plasma that is rapidly ionized in a current sheet or a shock. We investigate an observed event which has a relatively large uncertainty in an analysis using a differential emission measure method assuming equilibrium ionization state. We verify whether the observed coronal plasmas are in non-equilibrium or equilibrium ionization state using the passband responses. [ 구 SS-06] Determination of magneto-hydrodynamic quantities in umbrae and bright points using MHD seismology Il-Hyun Cho, Yong-Jae Moon Kyung Hee University We perform seismological diagnostics of the physical parameters in umbral photospheres and G-band bright points. The technique is based on the theory of slow magneto-acoustic waves in a non-isothermally stratified photosphere with uniform vertical magnetic fields. For the seismology of sunspot umbrae, we calculate the weighted frequency of three-minute oscillations observed by SDO/HMI continuum and use it to estimate the Alfvn speed and plasma-beta, which range km/s and , respectively. We identify and track bright points in the G-band movie by using a 3D region growing method. Then we apply the seismological diagnostics to the bright points in the Hinode/BFI Blue continuum. We will present the Alfvn speed and plasma-beta in the bright points. 태양 CME [ 구 SS-07] CME propagation and proton acceleration in solar corona Roksoon Kim 1,2, Ryunyoung Kwon 3,4, Jaeok Lee 1, David Lario 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 University of Science and Technology, 3 Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, 4 George Mason University Solar Proton Events (SPEs) are the energetic phenomena related particle acceleration occurred in solar corona. Conventionally, they have been classified into two groups as the impulsive and gradual cases caused by reconnection in the flaring site and by shock generated by CME, respectively. In the previous studies, we classified these into four groups by analyzing the proton acceleration patterns in multi-energy channel observation. This showed that acceleration due to the magnetic reconnection may occur in the 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 53

55 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 corona region relatively higher than the flaring site. In this study, we analyzes 54 SPEs observed in the energy band over 25 MeV from 2009 to 2013, where STEREO observations as well as SOHO can be utilized. From the multi-positional observation, we determine the exact time at which the Sun-Earth magnetic field line meets the CME shock structure by considering 3-dimensional structure of CME. Also, we determine the path length by considering the solar wind velocity for each event, so that the SPE onset time near the sun is obtained more accurately. Based on this study, we can get a more understanding of the correlation between CME progression and proton acceleration in the solar coronal region. [ 구 SS-08] Comparison of CME mean density based on a full ice-cream cone structure and its corresponding ICME one Hyeonock Na and Yong-Jae Moon School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University For space weather forecast, it is important to determine three-dimensional parameters of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). To estimate three-dimensional parameters of CMEs, we have developed a full ice-cream cone model which is a combination of a symmetrical flat cone and a hemisphere. By applying this model to 12 SOHO/LASCO halo CMEs, we find that three-dimensional parameters from our method are similar to those from other stereoscopic methods. For several geoeffective CME events, we determine CME mass by applying the Solarsoft procedure (e.g., cme_mass.pro) to SOHO/LASCO C3 images. CME volumes are estimated from the full ice-cream cone structure. We derive CME mean density as a function of CME height for these CMEs, which are approximately fitted to power-law functions. We find that the ICME mean densities extrapolated from the power law functions, are correlated with their corresponding ICME ones in logarithmic scales. [ 구 SS-09] Magnetic and kinematic characteristics of very fast CMEs Soojeong Jang 1, Yong-Jae Moon 1, Daye Lim 1, Jae-Ok Lee 2, Harim Lee 1, Eunsu Park 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute It is important to understand very fast CMEs which are the main cause of geomagnetic storms and solar particle events (SPEs). During this solar cycle 24, there are 10 very fast CMEs whose speeds are over 2000 km/s. Among these, there were only two fronside events (2012 January 23 and 2012 March 7) and they are associated with two major flares (M8.7 and X5.4) and the most strong SPEs (6310 pfu and 6530 pfu). They have a similar characteristics: there were successive CMEs within 2 hours in the same active region. We analyze their magnetic properties using SDO HMI magnetograms and kinematic ones from STEREO EUVI/COR1/COR2 observations. We can measure their speeds and initial accelerations without projection effects because their source locations are almost the limb. Additionally, we are investigating magnetic and kinematic characteristics of 8 backside events using AI-generated magnetograms constructed by deep learning methods. [ 구 SS-10] Statistical study on the kinematic classification of CMEs from 4 to 30 solar radii Seong-Gyeong Jeo¹, Yong-Jae Moon¹², Il-Hyun Cho², Harim Lee¹, Kangwoo Yi¹ 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University In this study, we perform a statistical investigation on the kinematic classication of 4264 coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from 1996 to 2015 observed by SOHO/LASCO C3. Using the constant acceleration model, we classify these CMEs into three groups; deceleration, constant velocity, and acceleration motion. For this, we devise four dierent classication methods by acceleration, fractional speed variation, height contribution, and visual inspection. Our major results are as follows. First, the fractions of three groups depend on the method used. Second, about half of the events belong to the groups of acceleration and deceleration. Third, the fractions of three motion groups as a function of CME speed classied by the last three methods are consistent with one another. Fourth, according to the last three methods, the fraction of acceleration motion decreases as CME speed increases, while the fractions of other motions increase with speed. In addition, the acceleration motions are dominant in low speed CMEs whereas the constant velocity motions are dominant in high speed CMEs. [ 구 SS-11] Estimation of Halo CME s radial speeds using coronal shock waves based on EUV observations Hyunjin Jeong and Yong-Jae Moon School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 54 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

56 구두발표초록 Propagating speeds of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) have been calculated by several geometrical models based on multi-view observations (STEREO/SECCHI and SOHO/LASCO). But in 2015, we were unable to obtain radial velocity of a CME because the STEREO satellites were located near the backside of the sun. As an alternative to resolve this problem, we propose a method to combine a coronal shock front, which appears on the outermost of the CME, and an EUV-wave that occurs on the solar disk. According to recent studies, EUV-wave occurs as a footprint of the coronal shockwave on the lower solar atmosphere. In this study, the shock, observed as a bubble shape, is assumed as a perfect sphere. This assumption makes it possible to determine the height of a coronal shock, by matching the position of an EUV-wave on the solar disk and a coronal shock front in coronagraph. The radial velocity of Halo-CME is calculated from the rate of coronal shock position shift. For an event happened on 2011 February 15, the calculated speed in this method is a little slower than the real velocity but faster than the apparent one. And these results and the efficiency of this approach are discussed. 고에너지천체물리학 [ 구 HA-01] Timing analysis for the magnetar-like pulsar, PSR J Chun-Che Lupin Lin 1 and C. Y. Hui 2 1 Department of Physics, UNIST, Ulsan 44919, Korea 2 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon , Korea Studies on rotation-powered pulsars with strong surface magnetic field may help us clarify the unclear link between magnetars and canonical radio pulsars because the magnetar-like emission is expected to be observed. PSR J associated with SNR G has a high magnetic field of 4.1x1013 gauss, and a young characteristic age of ~1700 years can be served as the good candidate to compare with magnetars and rotation-powered pulsars. The glitch accompanied by the radiative changes detected in 2007 is the first case we observed for a rotationally powered radio pulsar. This pulsar experienced magnetar-like outbursts in mid. 2016, similar to the 2006 transition occurred on the other radio-quiet rotation-powered pulsar with strong surface magnetic field, PSR J In this talk, I ll report the investigation with X-ray and gamma-ray data of this magnetar-like pulsar. A sudden decrease in the gamma-ray emission at the GeV band was detected immediately after the X-ray outburst. Accompanying with the disappearance of the radio pulsation, the gamma-ray pulsation cannot be resolved as well after the outburst. We tried to derive the timing behavior and some intriguing features of this pulsar in this work corresponding to the outburst using the Swift data, NuSTAR and XMM observations. [ 석 HA-02] Measuring Timing Properties of PSR B Minjun Kim, Hongjun An Chungbuk National University, Korea Neutron stars (NS) are rapidly spinning compact objects. Their rotation energy is released by particles, electromagnetic waves, and even gravitational waves. The source of the energy is of course the rotation, so by studying the rotational properties of neutron stars, we can gain some insights into matter under extreme conditions. In particular, it is known that the braking index n is sensitive to the moment of inertia and/or NS winds. The neutron star PSR B exhibits interesting timing behavior; previous measurements of the braking index for this pulsar may suggest a change in time. In order to see if the change is real, We investigate the timing properties of B using recent ~1000-days Swift satellite data [ 석 HA-03] Search for new magnetar candidates in Galactic plane. Woochan Park, Hongjun An Chungbuk National University Magnetars are neutron stars powered by strong magnetic field (B > G). Their spin period is in the range of 2 12s. The magnetic stress in the star may distort the crust (observed as outbursts), so magnetars (especially in outbursts) may emit gravitational waves. There are 29 magnetars known (potential gravitational waves sources), and increasing the number will increase the chance of detecting low-frequency gravitational waves. In addition, magnetars can be used for studying matter under extreme condition. In this study, we searched for more magnetars using extensive Chandra archival data and found 11 candidates. Due to the limited sensitivity of Chandra, form identification cannot be made, and more sensitivity X-ray data are needed. 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 55

57 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 [ 구 HA-04] Effect of the density profile of a star on the bolometric light curve in tidal disruption events Gwanwoo Park, Hayasaki Kimitake 1 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University Tidal disruption events (TDEs) provide evidence for quiescent supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the centers of inactive galaxies. TDEs occur when a star on a parabolic orbit approaches close enough to a SMBH to be disrupted by the tidal force of the SMBH. The subsequent super-eddington accretion of stellar debris falling back to the SMBH produces a characteristic flare lasting several months. The theoretically expected bolometric light curve decays with time as proportional to. However, the light curves observed in most of the optical-uv TDEs deviate from the decay rate especially at early time, while the light curves of some soft-x-ray TDEs are overall in good agreement with the law. Therefore, it is required to construct the theoretical model for explaining these light curve variations consistently. In this paper, we revisit the mass fallback rates analytically and semi-analytically by taking account of the structure of the star, which is simply modeled by the polytrope. We find the relation between a polytropic index and the power law index of the mass fallback rate. We also discuss whether and how the decay curves, which we derived, fit the observed ones. [ 구 HA-05] Simulating astrophysical shocks with a combined PIC MHD code Allard Jan van Marle Ulsan National Institute for Science and Technology between the magnetic field and those particles that deviate from thermal equilibrium. Using this code, we simulate shocks at various sonic and Alfvenic Mach numbers in order to determine how the behaviour of the shock and the particles depends on local conditions. [ 구 HA-06] Enhanced spontaneous emissions from suprathermal populations in Kappa distributed plasmas Sunjung Kim Department of Physics, UNIST The present study formulates the theory of spontaneously emitted electromagnetic fluctuations in magnetized plasmas containing particles with an anisotropic suparthermal (bi-kappa) velocity distribution function. The formalism is general applying for an arbitrary wave vector orientation and wave polarization, and for any wave-frequency range. As specific applications, the high-frequency electromagnetic fluctuations emitted in the upper-hybrid and multiple harmonic electron cyclotron frequency range are evaluated. The fluctuations for low-frequency are also applied, which include the kinetic Alfvén, fast magnetosonic/whistler, kinetic slow mode, ion Bernstein cyclotron modes, and higher-order modes. The model predictions are confirmed by a comparison with particle-in-cell simulations. The study describes how energetic particles described by kappa velocity distribution functions influence the spectrum of high and low frequency fluctuations in magnetized plasmas. The new formalism provides quantitative analysis of naturally occurring electromagnetic fluctuations, and contribute to an understanding of the electromagnetic fluctuations observed in space plasmas, where kappa-distributed particles are ubiquitous. Astrophysical shocks accelerate particles to high velocities, which we observe as cosmic rays. The acceleration process changes the nature of the shock because the particles interact with the local magnetic field, removing energy and potentially triggering instabilities. In order to simulate this process, we need a computational method that can handle large scale structures while, at the same time, following the motion of individual particles. We achieve this by combining the grid magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) method with the particle-in-cell (PIC) approach. MHD can be used to simulate the thermal gas that forms the majority of the gas near the shock, while the PIC method allows us to model the interactions 56 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

58 포스터발표초록 포스터발표초록 외부은하 / 은하단 [ 포 GC-01] Feedback-regulated star formation and escape of LyC photons from mini-haloes during reionization Taysun Kimm 1,2, Harley Katz 2,3, Martin Haehnelt 2, Joakim Rosdahl 4, Julien Devriendt 3, Adrianne Slyz 3 1 Yonsei university, 2 University of Cambridge, 3 University of Oxford, 4 Universite Lyon Reionisation in the early Universe is likely driven by dwarf galaxies. Using cosmological RHD simulations, we study star formation and the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) photons from mini-haloes with Mhalo<108Msun. We find that feedback reduces star formation very efficiently in mini-haloes, resulting in the stellar mass consistent with the empirical stellar mass-to-halo mass relation derived in the local Universe. Because star formation is stochastic and dominated by a few gas clumps, the escape fraction in mini-haloes is generally determined by photo-ionization, rather than supernova explosions. We find that the photon number-weighted mean escape fraction in mini-haloes is higher (20-40%) than that in atomic-cooling haloes. Despite their high escape fractions, LyC photons from mini-haloes are of minor importance for reionization due to inefficient star formation. We confirm previous claims that stars in atomic-cooling haloes with masses 10 8 M sun <M halo <10 11 M sun are likely to be the most important source of reionization. [ 포 GC-02] The KVN single-dish survey of the MALATANG galaxies Panomporn Poojon 1, Aeree Chung 1, Bumhyun Lee 1, Junhyun Baek 1, Taehyun Jung 2, Bong Won Sohn 2, Se-Heon Oh 2, Chandreyee Sengupta 1,3, the MALATANG team 4 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, South Korea, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, South Korea, 3 Yonsei University Observatory, South Korea, 4 East Asian Observatory We present the preliminary result from our KVN single-dish observations of the MALATANG sample. The MALATANG (Mapping the dense molecular gas in the strongest star-forming Galaxies) is one of the JCMT legacy surveys on the nearest 23 IR-brightest galaxies beyond the Local Group. The goal of the MALATANG survey is to map the sample in the dense gas tracers (HCN and HCO+ J=4 3), and probe the relationships between the dense molecular gas and star formation activities. As a complementary study, we recently launched a KVN/KaVA program on the same sample, in order to measure their flux densities and parsec-scale jet/outflows in the millimeter regime, which will be greatly useful in understanding the initial conditions of the feedback process. In this work, we present the preliminary result from our pilot KVN single-dish program on a sub-sample, which will be used to select the future VLBI imaging study under plan. We investigate the KVN spectral energy distributions (SED) of the sample as a function of the power source of the luminous IR brightness of each target (starburst? AGN? or hybrid?). We also discuss the technical challenges that we experienced during our KVN observations due to the large size of the sample in the sky. [ 포 GC-03] UGC 4703 Interacting Pair Near the Isolated Spiral Galaxy NGC 2718: A Milky Way Magellanic Cloud Analog Sanjaya Paudel Department of Astronomy and Center for Galaxy Evolution Research, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, We report a LMC SMC MW analog in an isolated spiral galaxy NGC Located at a sky-projected distance of 81 kpc from NGC 2718, we find that UGC 4703 is clearly interacting with its nearby lower-mass companion UGC 4703B, forming a bridge of stellar stream between them. Total B-band luminosity of UGC 4703 and its companion is and mag, respectively. The H I image revealed evidence of interaction between the dwarf galaxy pair but no extended emission, such as the Magellanic Stream. We also detected star-forming regions along the UGC 4703/4703B bridge with stellar mass exceeding 107 M. While comparing the optical and H I morphology of the interacting dwarf pairs (UGC B and LMC SMC), we discuss possible differences in interaction histories of these systems. [ 포 GC-04] A study AGN activity on environmental dependence in the SDSS late-type galaxies Minbae Kim 1, Yun-Yung Choi 2, Sungsoo S. Kim 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 57

59 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 We explore the role of various environments in triggering star formation (SF) and narrow-line active galactic nucleus (AGN) in SDSS spiral galaxies and the SF-AGN connection, using a volume-limited sample with and selected from the SDSS Release 7. To avoid the dependency of AGN activity on bulge mass, the central velocity dispersion of the sample galaxies is limited to have a narrow range of km s. We note that in gas sufficient galaxies, AGN feeding lags behind starburst, whereas as the gas exhausts, the SF slows down and AGN seems to even prevent the SF, and thus divide the high- sample into two subsamples according to their cold gas content at central region traced by fiber star formation rate, SFR fib. We find that a high density (cluster) environment causes a significant increase in AGN activity as well as gas depletion in host galaxies. However, the finding is only noticeable in the high- and low SFR fib sample. It seems that a galaxy interaction with the nearest neighbor directly affects the SF of the central region. However, it is unclear whether it directly affects AGN activity. [ 포 GC-05] Properties of BzK Galaxies Selected in DLS F1 Field Seongjae Kim 1, Hyunjin Shim 2, Ho Seong Hwang 3, Raphael Gobat 3, and Emanuele Daddi 4 1 Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Science, Kyungpook National University 2 Department of Earth Science Education, Kyungpook National University 3 Korea Institute for Advanced Study 4 CEA-Saclay The redshift range 1.4 z 2.5 is often called the redshift desert because of the difficulties in measuring spectroscopic redshifts due to the shifting of the major spectroscopic features into near-infrared wavelength (Steidel et al. 2004). One of the most efficient and fast way to select galaxies at this redshift range is the BzK technique designed by Daddi et al. (2004). Combining deep BVRz data from Deep Lens Survey with the wide-field (~4.08 deg2) K-band image, we select 1200 star-forming BzKs (sbzks) and 120 passive BzKs (pbzks) at K < We discuss about the photometric redshifts, star formation rates, and stellar mass of the selected BzKs. Possible large scale structure at 1.4 z < 1.6 based on the spatial distribution of the BzKs is also introduced. [ 포 GC-06] Abell 2261: a fossil galaxy cluster in a transition phase Hyowon Kim 1,2, Jongwan Ko 1,2, Jae-woo Kim 1, Rory Smith 1, Hyunmi Song 1, Ho Seong Hwang 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Korea Universiy of Science and Technology, 3 Korea Institute for Advanced Study Fossil groups of galaxies have characteristic features of a dominant central elliptical galaxy ( in 0.5 ) embedded in highly relaxed X-ray halo, which indicates dynamically stable and evolved systems. These are thought as a final stage of the evolution of galaxy groups in the hierarchical structure formation scenario. However, the formation and evolution of fossil clusters are still unclear due to lack of detailed studies. Therefore, we perform a kinematic research of a known fossil cluster Abell 2261 (A2261 hereafter) using spectroscopic data of 589 galaxies in the A2261 field. Even though A2261 is known as a fossil cluster, previous studies found several unusual features such as quite high X-ray entropy for a stable cluster, and an elongated shape, which are not expected in standard fossil clusters. Using the caustic method, we identify cluster member galaxies and discover a second bright galaxy ( ) at ~1.5. The presence of such a bright galaxy can break the current fossil state of cluster in the near future. In addition, with two independent substructure finding methods, we confirm that the previously detected elongated galaxy distribution of the cluster is a real feature. These findings indicate that A2261 is not in a fully stable state, unlike the existing fossil definition diagnostic. We require a more stringent criterion for the fossil definition to represent a genuinely final stage of cluster evolution. [ 포 GC-07] Analysis of SN 2014J Early Phase Spectra Hyeonwoo Moon 1, Keun-Hong Park 2, Tae Seog Yoon 1, Hyun-Il Sung 1,3, Soo Hyun Kim 1, Ilseung Han 1,3,4, Sunkyung Park 5 1 Kyungpook National University, 2 Seoul National University, 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 4 Kyung Hee University We present the results of high resolution spectral analysis for Type Ia supernova SN 2014J in M82, which was discovered on 21 January 2014 UT. We performed spectroscopic observations for SN 2014J in its early phase at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory with the high resolution echelle spectrograph BOES attached to 1.8-m reflector. Spectra of 26 epochs in 6 nights were obtained from 22 January 2014 to 23 February 2014 UT. Spectral feature variations for several 58 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

60 포스터발표초록 significant lines including Si II and Ca II lines will be shown and discussed. [ 포 GC-08] The optical afterglow of GRB A Gregory SungHak Paek, Myungshin Im, Changsu Choi, IMSNG team Center of the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe, Astronomy Program, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National Univsersity, Gwanak-rho, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Korea On 2018 February 5 a gamma ray burst with trigger time 04:25:29.3 UT was detected by Swift BAT and this event was named GRB A. We observed the optical afterglow of GRB A starting from about 1 hour after the burst until February 22 in the optical bands with the 1m telescope of Deokheung Optical Astronomy Observatory (DOAO), the 1m telescope at Mt. Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory(LOAO) and the 0.8m and 0.25m telescopes at McDonald Observatory. According to the fireball model, which is a well-accepted and conventional model for the afterglow of the GRB, the mechanism of the afterglow is that the expanding external blast wave of the GRB successively collides with the ambient medium and loses its energy, and as a result emits radiation at wavelengths longer than gamma rays. Here we present optical photometry and light curve of the afterglow in the R band and analyze it to characterize GRB A. [ 포 GC-09] Identifying Cluster Candidates in CFHTLS W2 Field Insu Paek 1,2, Myungshin Im 1,2, Jae-Woo Kim 3, IMS team 1,2 1 Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe, 2 Astronomy Program, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University, 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Recent studies of galaxy clusters have shown that the galaxy clusters in dense environment tend to have lower star formation rate in local universe with z < 1. However, this correlation is not significant in galaxy clusters with z > 1. The study of galaxy clusters around z=1 can yield insight into cosmological galaxy evolution. Nevertheless, the identification of galaxy clusters beyond the scope of immediate local universe requires wide field data in optical and near-infrared bands. By incorporating data from Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey(CFHTLS) and Infrared Medium-Deep Survey(IMS), the photometric redshifts of galaxies in CFHTLS W2 field were calculated. Using spatial distribution and photometric redshifts, the galaxies in the field were divided into redshift bins. The image of each redshift bin was analyzed by measuring the number density within proper distance of 1Mpc. By comparing high density regions in consecutive redshift bins, we identified the cluster candidates and mapped the large-scale structure within the CFHTLS W2 field. [ 포 GC-10] Lyman-alpha radiative transfer through outflowing halo models to understand both the observed spectra and surface brightness profiles of Lyman-alpha halos around high-z star-forming galaxies Hyunmi Song ( 송현미 ), Kwang-il Seon ( 선광일 ) Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute ( 한국천문연구원 ) With a recent observational study of extended Lyman-alpha halos around individual high-z star-forming galaxies by Leclercq et al. (2017) using MUSE, we perform radiative transfer calculations to see if Lyman-alpha scattering can explain the spatial extents of the halos together with their spectra. We adopt a spherically-symmetric halo model in which Lyman-alpha sources and neutral hydrogen (HI) medium have exponential density distributions. The HI medium is set to have outflowing motion based on a momentum-driven wind scenario in a gravitational potential well. We run our Lyman-alpha radiative transfer code, LaRT, upon this halo model for various sets of parameters regarding the HI medium such as temperature, optical depth, density scale radius, outflow velocities, and dust content. We analyze simulation results to see the impact of each parameter on Lyman-alpha spectra and surface brightness profiles, and degeneracies between the parameters. We also find a parameter set that best reproduces simultaneously the observed spectra and surface brightness profiles of the MUSE Lyman-alpha halos. [ 포 GC-11] Survey of Faint Quasar candidates at 4.7 z 5.2 Suhyun Shin 1,2, Myungshin Im 1,2, Yongjung Kim 1,2, Minhee Hyun 1,2, Woojin Park 10, Tae-geun Ji 10, Yiseul Jeon 3, Minjin Kim 4,5, Dohyeong Kim 1,2, Jae-Woo Kim 4, Yoon Chan Taak 1,2, and Yongmin Yoon 1,2, Changsu Choi 1,2, Jueun Hong 1,2, Hyunsung David Jun 6, Marios Karouzos 7, Duho Kim 8, Ji Hoon Kim 9, Seong-Kook Lee 1,2, Soojong Pak 10, and Won-Kee 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 59

61 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 Park 4 1 Center fore the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe (CEOU), 2 Astronomy Program, FPRD, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University, 3 LOCOOP, Inc., 4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 5 University of Science and Technology, 6 Korea Institute for Advanced Study, 7 Nature Astronomy, 8 Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration, 9 Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 10 School of Space Research and Institute of Natural Sciences, Kyung Hee University To investigate the impact of the high-redshift quasars on cosmic reionization, the faint end slope of the quasars luminosity function has to be determined precisely. More quasars with low luminosity are needed to constrain the contribution to reionization in the early universe. However, finding these quasars has been regarded as tough process owing to the improper shallow depth of imaging data. In recent days, the release data of Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Strategic Program survey which provide the deep images reaching ~ 25 mag facilitates searching the faint quasars candidates. To find faint quasar candidates in ELAIS-N1 field, along with the HSC data, two near-infrared (NIR) data sets also be used : The Infrared Medium-deep Survey (IMS) and The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Deep Extragalactic Survey (DXS). Quasar candidates selected from the multi-band color cut were observed by the SED camera for QUasars in EArly universe (SQUEAN) instrument. To trace the redshifted Lyman break efficiently, appropriate medium bands comparable to targeted redshift range are chosen. The most reliable quasar candidates are finally determined through SED fitting. Using this less luminous quasars candidates, we can speculate the relation between the quasar growth and the host galaxy unbiasedly and estimate the contribution to the cosmic reionization. [ 포 GC-12] Specific star formation rate of the MIR-selected galaxies in AKARI NEP-Wide Dongseob Lee( 이동섭 ), Hyunjin Shim( 심현진 ) Kyungpook National University( 경북대학교, KNU) We investigate the - relation of the infrared luminous galaxies selected in either 11 and 15 from the 5.6 deg of the AKARI NEP-Wide field. From the constructed multi-wavelength catalog spanning 0.3 to 24, we select 3,408 S11 > 50 galaxies and 1,896 L15 > 20 galaxies which corresponds to ~ at ~ 0.5 and 0.7 respectively. Photometric redshifts of the selected galaxies were derived using LePHARE and Coleman Extended templates. ~98% S11 selected galaxies are galaxies with (median redshift) ~ 0.4, and ~96% L15 selected galaxies are galaxies with ~ 0.6. Star formation rates and stellar mass of these galaxies were calculated using MAGPHYS which derives physical parameters with SED fitting. In the - diagram, 11 /15 selected galaxies are located in the main sequence of star-forming galaxies at ~ 1. [ 포 GC-13] Photometric Properties and Spatial Distribution of RSGs of Nearby Galaxy System: Leo Triplet Sowon Lee 1, Howoo Chiang 1 and Young-Jong Sohn 1 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University We present the near infrared JHK photometric properties and the spatial distribution of red supergiants(rsgs) of NGC 3623, NGC 3627 and NGC 3628 in the Leo Triplet system using the data obtained with 3.8m UKIRT(United Kingdom Infra-Red Telescope) at Hawaii. We checked interaction between the three galaxies by making a spatial density map of RSGs. From (J-K,K)0 Color-Magnitude Diagram which include resolved stars in three galaxy and control field with PARSEC isochrone, we figured out the RSG candidates of the Leo triplet are at 0.9<(J-K)0<1.2, mk<17.5 and separated them from background and foreground sources. Using gaussian kernel density estimation, we drew spatial density map of RSGs in the Leo triplet with an assumption that all RSGs are an identical population. The density map shows extended features of NGC 3628 to NGC 3627 along the declination direction. The asymmetries between NGC 3627 and NGC 3628 might be evidence for that the distribution of actual star components(rsgs) follows the neutral hydrogen distribution and also for interaction between two galaxies. And the extended features along the right ascension direction might be a supporting evidence for the existence of a TDG(Tidal Dwarf Galaxy). In case of NGC 3623, we could not see any sign of interaction in density map. [ 포 GC-14] Hydrodynamics Simulation of the Off-Axis Cluster Merger Abell 115 Wonki Lee, Mincheol Kim, M. James Jee Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University Abell 115 is a renowned cluster merger at z= It exhibits an asymmetric X-ray 60 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

62 포스터발표초록 distribution with cometary tails and a megaparsec-sized radio relic stretching in the northeastern direction from the core of the northern cluster. Many observations have concluded that this cluster merger has a large impact parameter, but there has been no numerical analysis on the structure of Abell 115. In this study, we simulate Abell 115 with Gadget2 N-body/SPH code to reproduce the X-ray and weak lensing features of Abell 115. We find a new plausible merger scenario of Abell 115, wherein the northern cluster is currently in an outgoing phase. The predicted X-ray emission has a similar morphology to the observed tail of the northern cluster. However, in order to reproduce the observed line-of-sight velocity and projected distance while maintaining the two systems gravitationally bound, the system should possess a large projection angle, which makes the shock look considerably more diffused than the observed radio relic. [ 포 GC-15] Determining the star formation rate of type 2 AGNs with multi-wavelength SED from UV to radio Jeong Ae Lee, and Jong-Hak Woo Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University Outflows are common among local AGNs. Woo et al. (2017) suggested that AGN feedback through outflows is delayed by a dynamical time scale before the suppression of SFR is observationally detected. However, these SFR have large uncertainties because they were estimated by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method (Ellison et al. 2016). We measured the SFR of 21 far-ir matched sources (z < 0.1) with total IR luminosity from multi-wavelength SED fitting from UV to radio. 15 out of 21 sources were observed with JCMT SCUBA and 850um and 4 and 2 sources were matched with archival data of JCMT SCUBA-2 and Herschel SPIRE, respectively. We compared the true SFR by SED fitting with ANN-based one. In addition, we confirmed that sub-mm data are important to determine the SFR with total IR luminosity from SED fitting. Finally, we discuss the significance of true SFR and further the AGN-SF link. [ 포 GC-16] Subaru Weak-lensing Analysis of the Merging Cluster ZwCL at z=0.37 Juheon Lee, Myungkook J. Jee Department of Astronomy. Yonsei University ZwCL is a merging galaxy cluster at z=0.37 with clear substructures in X-ray emission and galaxy distribution. In addition, the system possesses distinct radio relics. In order to constrain the merger scenario, it is necessary to measure both the distribution and mass of the cluster dark matter. We perform weak lensing analysis of ZwCL using Subaru imaging data. We detect clear lensing signal from the cluster after carefully addressing instrumental systematics. In this poster, we present our preliminary results on our mass reconstruction and discuss the comparison with X-ray and radio results. [ 포 GC-17] Preprocessing of dark halos in hydrodynamic cluster zoom-in simulations San Han 1, Rory Smith 2, Hoseung Choi 1, Luca Cortese 3, Barbara Catinella 3 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea, 2 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, Daejeon , Republic of Korea, 3 International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia To understand the assembly of the galaxy population in clusters today, it is important to first understand the impact of previous environments prior to cluster infall, namely preprocessing. We use 15 cluster samples from hydrodynamic zoom-in simulation YZiCS to determine the significance of preprocessing focusing primarily on the tidal mass loss of dark matter halos. We find ~48% of the cluster member halos were once satellites of another host. The preprocessed fraction is not a clear function of cluster mass. Instead, we find it is related to each individual cluster's recent mass growth history. We find that the total mass loss is a clear function of time spent in a host. However, two factors can considerably increase the mass loss rate. First, if the satellite mass is approaching the mass of its host. Second, when the halo suffers tidal mass loss at a higher redshift. The preprocessing provides an opportunity for halos to experience tidal mass loss for a more extended period of time than would be possible if they simply fell directly into the cluster, and at earlier epochs when hosts were more destructive to their satellites. [ 포 GC-18] Effects of galaxy-galaxy encounters on galactic spin and central mass distribution 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 61

63 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 Jeong-Sun Hwang 1, Changbom Park 2 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sejong University, 2 School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study We use smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) models to study the evolution of galactic spin and the distribution of gas and young stars in the inner region of the galaxies through galaxy encounters. Specifically, we perform numerical simulations of interactions of a late- or an early-type galaxy with either a late- or an early-type galaxy with and without a gas halo at the closest approach distances of 25 and 50 kpc. We find that an early-type galaxy encountering a late-type galaxy have a higher galactic spin and more gas and young stars in the central region of the galaxy after the collision. We are analyzing the role of a gas halo on the changes of galactic spin and central mass distribution during various galaxy-galaxy encounters. [ 포 GC-19] The impact of ram pressure on the multi-phase ISM probed by the TIGRESS simulation Woorak Choi¹, Chang-Goo Kim², Aeree Chung¹ 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea 2 Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, USA Galaxies in the cluster environment interact with the intracluster medium (ICM), losing the interstellar medium (ISM) and alternating their evolution. Observational evidences of the extraplanar ISM stripped by the ICM s ram pressure are prevalent in HI imaging studies of cluster galaxies. However, current theoretical understanding of the ram pressure stripping (or ICM-ISM interaction in general) is still limited mainly due to the lack of numerical resolution at ISM scales in large-scale simulations. Especially, self-consistent modeling of the turbulent, multiphase ISM is critical to understand star formation in galaxies interacting with the ICM. To achieve this goal, we utilize the TIGRESS simulation suite, simulating a local patch of galactic disks with high resolution to resolve key physical processes in the ISM, including cooling/heating, self-gravity, MHD, star formation, and supernova feedback. We then expose the ISM disk to ICM flows and investigate the evolution of star formation rate and the properties of the ISM. By exploring ICM parameter space, we discuss an implication of the simple ram pressure stripping condition (so called the Gunn-Gott condition) to the realistic ISM. 우주론 / 암흑물질, 암흑에너지 [ 포 GC-20] Testing Gravity with Cosmic Shear Data from the Deep Lens Survey Cristiano G. Sabiu, Mijin Yoon, M. James Jee Astronomy Dept, Yonsei University From the gaussian, near scale-invariant density perturbations observed in the CMB to the late time clustering of galaxies, CDM provides a minimal theoretical explanation for a variety of cosmological data. However accepting this explanation, requires that we include within our cosmic ontology a vacuum energy that is ~122 orders of magnitude lower than QM predictions, or alternatively a new scalar field (dark energy) that has negative pressure. Alternatively, modifications to Einstein s General Relativity have been proposed as a model for cosmic acceleration. Recently there have been many works attempting to test for modified gravity using the large scale clustering of galaxies, ISW, cluster abundance, RSD, 21cm observations, and weak lensing. In this work, we compare various modified gravity models using cosmic shear data from the Deep Lens Survey as well as data from CMB, SNe Ia, and BAO. We use the Bayesian Evidence to quantify the comparison robustly, which naturally penalizes complex models with weak data support. In this poster we present our methodology and preliminary constraints on f(r) gravity. [ 포 GC-21] The Dependence of Type Ia Supernova Luminosities on the Global and Local Properties of Host Galaxies in the YONSEI Supernova Catalog Young-Lo Kim, Yijung Kang, and Young-Wook Lee Center for Galaxy Evolution Research & Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea Trends of Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) luminosities with the properties of host galaxies are important to study the underlying physics for an SN progenitor system and explosion mechanism. In the YONSEI SN catalog, we have a sample of ~600 SN and host data in the wider redshift range, and two independent light-curve models, SALT2 and MLCS2k2. From this catalog, here we present that SNe Ia in low-mass, globally and locally star-forming environments are fainter than those in high-mass, globally and locally passive 62 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

64 포스터발표초록 environments, after light-curve shape and color or extinction corrections. Our results are then compared to previous studies, and show consistent results. [ 포 GC-22] Big Data Astronomy : Let's "PySpark" the Universe ( 빅데이터천문학 : PySpark 를이용한천문자료분석 ) Sungryong Hong Korea Institute for Advanced Study The modern large-scale surveys and state-of-the-art cosmological simulations produce various kinds of big data composed of millions and billions of galaxies. Inevitably, we need to adopt modern Big Data platforms to properly handle such large-scale data sets. In my talk, I will briefly introduce the de facto standard of modern Big Data platform, Apache Spark, and present some examples to demonstrate how Apache Spark can be utilized for solving data-driven astronomical problems. 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 [ 포 SA-01] High Resolution Spectroscopic Monitoring of Symbiotic Stars AG Draconis and UV Aurigae Soo Hyun Kim 1, Tae Seog Yoon 1, Hyung-il Oh 1 1 Kyungpook National University 보현산천문대 1.8m 망원경과고분산에셀분광기 BOES(BOao Echelle Spectrograph) 를이용한공생별 AG Draconis 와 UV Aurigae 의분광학적특성을파악한다. 중성수소 Balmer 선과주요원소에의한방출선들의특징과변화를살펴보며, 두별의활동성및등급에따른 Balmer 선의변화양상에대해알아보고자한다. [ 포 SA-02] A comparison study between the AESOPUS Low Temperature Opacity and that of Ferguson, on Standard Stellar Models and Isochrones Yong Cheol Kim 1 and Minje Beom 2 1 Astronomy Department, Yonsei University, Korea 2 Astronomy Department, NMSU, USA A comparison study between two low temperature opacity tables has been conducted. The opacity is the one of the major input physics in stellar model construction. Opacity is generally provided in a tabular form and as a function of 3 parameters, ie, density, temperature and chemical composition. Among available opacity tables, it has been common practice to utilize OPAL opacity table (Iglesias & Rogers, 1996) augmented with Ferguson opacity table (Ferguson et al. 2005) for the low temperature domain. For low temperature domain, another table, AESOPUS (Marigo & Aringer, 2009), has been announced in Reportedly, this opacity covers even lower temperature region, and is compatible with that of Ferguson in the overlapping temperature domain. To test the compatibility, stellar models and isochrones for various ranges in mass, metallicity and chemical composition, have been constructed. It is confirmed that there is no significant difference in the stellar models and isochrones constructed with the two different low temperature opacities. Therefore, in the construction of stellar models and isochrones, Ferguson low temperature opacity can be replaced with the AESOPUS opacity. The wider range in the temperature and chemical mixtures, and the easier accessibility make AESOPUS favorable in practical purpose. [ 포 SA-03] Stellar Wind Accretion and Raman O VI Spectroscopy of the Symbiotic Star AG Draconis Young-Min Lee 1, Hee-Won Lee 1, Ho-Gyu Lee 2, Rodolfo Angeloni 3 1 Sejong University, 2 KASI, 3 Universidad de La Serena High resolution spectroscopy of the yellow symbiotic star AG Draconis is performed with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope to analyse the line profiles of Raman scattered O VI broad emission features at 6825 Å and 7082 Å with a view to investigating the wind accretion process from the mass losing giant to the white dwarf. These two spectral features are formed through inelastic scattering of O VIλλ1032 and 1038 with atomic hydrogen. We find that these features exhibit double-component profiles with red parts stronger than blue ones with the velocity separation of 60 km s 1 in the O VI velocity space. Monte Carlo simulations for O VI line radiative transfer are performed by assuming that the O VI emission region constitutes a part of the accretion flow around the white dwarf and that Raman O VI features are formed in the neutral part of the slow stellar wind from the giant companion. The overall Raman O VI profiles are reasonably fit with an azimuthally asymmetric accretion flow and the mass loss rate ~ 4 10^{ 7} M_sun yr^{ 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 63

65 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 1}. We also find that additional bipolar neutral regions moving away with a speed 70 km s^{ 1} in the directions perpendicular to the orbital plane provide considerably improved fit to the red wing parts of Raman features. [ 포 SA-04] Intensive Monitoring Survey of Nearby Galaxies: Current Status Myungshin Im 1, Changsu Choi 1, Gu Lim 1, Sophia Kim 1, Seunghak Gregory Paek 1, Joonho Kim 1, Sungyong Hwang 1, Suhyung Shin 1, Insu Baek 1, Sangyun Lee 1, Sung A O 1, Sung Chul Yoon 1, Hyun-Il Sung 2, Yeong-Beaom Jeon 2, Sang Gak Lee 3, Wonseok Kang 3, Tae-Woo Kim 3, Sun-gil Kwon 3, Soojong Pak 4, Shuhrat Eghamberdiev 5, and IMSNG Team 1 Astronomy Program/CEOU, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University 2 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute 3 National Youth Space Center 4 School of Space Research and Institute of Natural Sciences, Kyunghee University 5 Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute, Uzbekistan SNe light curves have been used to understand the expansion history of the universe, and a lot of efforts have gone into understanding the overall shape of the radioactively powered light curve. However, we still have little direct observational evidence for the theorized SN progenitor systems. Recent studies suggest that the light curve of a supernova shortly after its explosion (< 1 day) contains valuable information about its progenitor system and can be used to set a limit on the progenitor size, R*. In order to catch the early light curve of SNe explosion and understand SNe progenitors, we are performing a ~8hr interval monitoring survey of nearby galaxies (d < 50 Mpc) with 1-m class telescopes around the world. Through this survey, we expect to catch the very early precursor emission as faint as R=21 mag (~0.1 Rsun for the progenitor). In this poster, we outline this project, and present a few scientific highlights, such as the early light curve of SN 2015F in NGC 교육홍보 & 기타 [ 포 SE-01] IAnalysis of Michigan catalog of HD stars Yongcheol Shin 1, Jihyun Yoo 1, Jeongeun Kim 1, Wonseok Kang 1, Sanggak Lee 2 1 National Youth Space Center, 2 Seoul National University 지금으로부터 100 년전, 하버드대학교천문대에서에드워드찰스피커링과윌리어미나플레밍, 애니점프캐넌등의여성천문학자들이분광관측자료를가지고헨리드레이퍼목록 (HD catalog) 을만들기시작했다. 이는항성분류의근간을마련하고현대천문학의본격적인시작을알리는일이었다. 현재국립청소년우주센터는이를기념하여, 디지털이미지로보유중인 1975 년에서 1999 년에걸쳐발간된 Michigan catalog of HD stars 의사진건판을활용한연구를진행중이다. 본센터를방문하는청소년이 100 년전그들과한것과같은고전적항성분류과정을체험하며, 별의스펙트럼을이해하고우주를이해하는데필수적인분광학에대한이해를높이길기대한다. 이를위한선행작업인대물프리즘사진건판이미지에서별의스펙트럼을추출하는과정을소개하고자한다. [ 포 SE-02] Development of the Astronomy Education Program for Elementary Students and Astronomy Outreach Initiative : 초등학생천문교육프로그램개발을통한천문학대중화 Jinhee Yu 1,2,3, Seunghyun Kim 2, Yongik Byun 3, San NamKung 1,2, Eunseok Lee 2, Donggan Park 2, Hyunsik Jo 2, Hyunyoung Lee 1,2, Yojun Hyun 2,Jungmin Kim 1,2, Jeehye Yu 1,2, Honggyu Lee 2 1 Astrocamp Contents Research Institute, Goyang 10329, Korea, 2 Astrocamp, Goyang 10329, Korea, 3 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University & University Observatory, Korea, 어린이천문대는 2003 년부터 15 년간어린이들의천문지식함양과과학탐구능력의향상을도모하기위해수준별 3 단계프로그램을연구개발해왔다. 우리의 3 단계천문교육시스템은저학년을대상으로한체험교실, 고학년을대상으로한탐구교실, 그리고탐구교실을수료한학생들을위한심화단계인테마교실로이루어져있다. 단계별교재, 교보재, 관측실험및시각자료의개발을통해프로그램의완성도를높여왔다. 우리의천문교육프로그램으로교육된누적인원은모두 명 (2018 년 3 월 31 일기준 ) 에달한다. 그중천문학진출사례로는페리지로켓의신동윤대표와다수의천문학전공학생들이있다. 전문적인초등학생천문교육프로그램의지속적인연구개발을통해대한민국천문학대중화에이바지할수있을것으로기대된다. [ 포 SE-03] Citizen Science in KMLA Sukbum A. Hong, SeungJunRhee, Jeongjun Yun, Minseok Kim, Seung Ho Lee, Jaihyun Kim, Gukmyeong Son Korean Minjok Leadership Academy We present a study of citizen science performed at Korean Minjok Leadership Academy (KMLA). The importance of citizen involvements in scientific 64 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

66 포스터발표초록 studies has been increasing, with remarkable results and performances. For instance, the discovery of an impact scar near Jupiter s south polar region (A. Wesley, 2009) led to an international campaign of professional observations to understand the asteroidal collision responsible for the scar. Citizen science at KMLA has been and will be mainly conducted by members of the astronomical observation club Apple-Pie through amateur telescopes. Members of Apple-Pie are specialized in various fields related to astronomy, from planetary science to cosmology. The spectrum not only includes fields that are directly related to astronomy but also fields such as computer science and astrophotography. The scheduled construction of a new observatory will further enable students to participate in higher level projects such as planetary monitoring over long timescales and the observation and detection of solar system bodies and exoplanets. In addition, a new supervisor with expertise and research experience in galactic astronomy, planetary science, and meteorology has joined the school faculty. He will supplement students with fundamental theoretical backgrounds and essential research techniques to enhance astronomical research at KMLA. KMLA s ultimate goal is to deploy a remote-controlled observatory available to aspiring scientists around the world to create a network of citizen science system. The prime observational conditions of KMLA and the willingness of the students and faculty members will provide a competitive edge for KMLA over other similar institutes in Korea. [ 포 SE-04] ctivity Report of Young Astronomers Meeting in Season Doohyun Choi 1, Jinhyub Kim 2, Doori Han 3, Seok-jun Chang 1, Jisu Kang 4, Donghyun Kim 5, Sophia Kim 4, Mina Park 6, So-Myoung Park 7 1 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Sejong University, 2 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, 3 Department of Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University, 4 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, 5 Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyungpook National University, 6 Department of Astronomy and Space Science,University of Science and Technology (UST), 7 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 지난 2017년 4월, 젊은천문학자모임 (Young Astronomers Meeting, YAM) 정기총회에서 년도임원진으로회장최두현회원 ( 세종대학교 ), 부회장김진협회원 ( 연세대학교 ), 총무한두리회원 ( 충남대학교 ) 를선출하였다. 임원진은경북대학교김동현회원, 경희대학 교박소명회원, 과학기술연합대학원박민아회원, 서울대학교김소피아회원을학교별운영위원으로임명하였다. 현임원진은본모임의온라인소식지인 < 하늘사랑 > 을 2017 년가을에 7 호, 2018 년봄에 8 호를발간하였다. 이와더불어 2017 년일본이시가키에서개최된 EAYAM 에권유나회원외 6 명의회원이참여하여동아시아젊은천문학자들과함께학술발표및교류를하였다 년 2 월에는 We Love Galaxies Young Astronomers Meet Universe 워크샵을개최하고 YAM 의지속적인학술모임을위한기반을다졌다. 이번포스터에서는 년도동안의활동내용을보고하고이후의계획에대해논의하려고한다. 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 [ 포 IM-01] IGRINS observations of a Herbig Be star, MWC 1080 Il-Joong Kim 1, Heeyoung Oh 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Through MIRIS Paα Galactic plane survey, a lot of Paα blobs were detected along the plane. To reveal their characteristics, we are planning to collect NIR high-resolution spectroscopic data for them by using Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph (IGRINS). Here, we present the preliminary results of the IGRINS observations for a Herbig Be star, MWC 1080, which is one of the Pa α blobs detected in Cepheus. This Herbig Be star is known to possess a lot of young stellar objects (YSOs) and bright MIR (10-20 μm) nebulosity in its vicinity. From IPHAS Hα data, we revealed large extended Hα features that correlate well with MIR and 13CO morphologies around MWC A part of the Hα features shows a bow shock shape to the northeast of the primary star MWC 1080A, which seems to be due to an outflow from MWC 1080A. Through IGRINS observations, we detected faint [Fe II] λ1.644 μm and H2 1-0 S(1) λ2.122 μm emission lines around the bow shock feature. Interestingly, to the east region of MWC 1080A, we also detected strong [Fe II] and H2 emission lines with a couple of velocity components, which suggests the detection of a new outflow from another YSO. Broad Brγ λ μm line and H2 lines with various velocity components were detected around the bright MIR and Hα nebulosity as well. [ 포 IM-02] High-resolution Optical and Near-infrared Monitoring Observations of 2MASS J Sunkyung Park 1, Jeong-Eun Lee 1, Tae-Soo Pyo 2, Hyun-Il Sung 3, Sang-Gak Lee 4, Wonseok Kang 5, 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 65

67 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 Tae Seog Yoon 6, and Won-Kee Park 3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 4 Seoul National University, 5 National Youth Space Center, 6 Kyungpook National University We present the results of high-resolution optical (R ~ 30,000) and near-infrared (R ~ 45,000) spectroscopic monitoring observations of a new FU Orionis-like young stellar object, 2MASS J FU Orionis objects (FUors) are well-studied examples of episodic accretion because of their outburst phenomenon. Recently, 2MASS J exhibited an outburst and was identified as a FUor. It provides an important opportunity to investigate the whole FUors phenomenon from its pre-outburst to its post-outburst phase. We monitored 2MASS J with the BOES and the IGRINS since Dec 25, 2014 (UT). We detected several wind and disk features and present here our analysis for time variations of those spectral lines. [ 포 IM-03] TRAO Key Science Program: mapping Turbulent properties In star-forming MolEcular clouds down to the Sonic scale (TIMES) Hyeong-Sik Yun 1, Jeong-Eun Lee 1, Yunhee Choi 1, Seokho Lee 1, Giseon Baek 1, Yong-Hee Lee 1, Minho Choi 2, Hyunwoo Kang 2, Ken ichi Tatematsu 3, Brandt A. L. Gaches 4, Mark H. Heyer 4, Neal J. Evans II 2,5, Stella S. R. Offner 5, Yao-Lun Yang 5 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Republic of Korea, 3 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan, 4 Department of Astronomy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, 5 Department of Astronomy, University of Texas, Austin, USA Turbulence is a phenomenon which largely determines the density and velocity fields in molecular clouds. Turbulence can produce density fluctuation which triggers a gravitational collapse, and it can also produce a non-thermal pressure against gravity. Therefore, turbulence controls the mode and tempo of star formation. However, despite many years of study, the properties of turbulence remain poorly understood. As part of the Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO) Key Science Program (KSP), mapping Turbulent properties In star-forming MolEcular clouds down to the Sonic scale (TIMES; PI: Jeong-Eun Lee), we have mapped two star-forming clouds, the Orion A and the ρ Ophiuchus molecular clouds, in 3 sets of lines (13CO 1-0/C18O 1-0, HCN 1-0/HCO+ 1-0, and CS 2-1/N2H+ 1-0) using the TRAO 14-m telescope. We aim to map entire clouds with a high-velocity resolution (~0.05 km/s) to compare turbulent properties between two different star-forming environments. We will present the preliminary results using a statistical method, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), that is a useful tool to represent turbulent power spectrum. [ 포IM-04] Differences between N-PDFs derived from Continuum and Molecular Emission Toward the Orion A Molecular Cloud Yong-Hee Lee 1, Jeong-Eun Lee 1, Hyeong-Sik Yun 1, Jongsoo Kim 2, Yunhee Choi 1, Steve Mairs 3, Doug Johnstone 3 1 Kyung Hee University, School of Space Research. 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 3 NRC Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics. The probability distribution function of column density (N-PDF) has been used for studying the characteristics of molecular clouds. In particular, the properties of N-PDF can reveal the nature of turbulence and gravity inside the molecular cloud. We use the dust continuum emission at 450 μm and 850 μm observed as part of the JCMT Gould Belt Survey (GBS) (Mairs et al. 2016), the 12CO J=1-0 line observed with the 45 m telescope at Nobeyama Radio Observatory (NRO) (Shimajiri et al. 2011), 13CO, C18O and HCO+ J=1-0 observed with the 13.7 m telescope at Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO), as part of the TRAO key science project, mapping Turbulent properties In star-forming MolEcular clouds down to the Sonic scale (TIMES; PI: Jeong-Eun Lee). We here present the N-PDFs derived from the continuum and the molecular line emission toward the Orion A molecular cloud and compare their behaviors in order to investigate the chemical and optical depth effects on the N-PDF. [ 포 IM-05] Dichotomy of the Galactic Halo as Revealed by Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Giants Jaehun Jung 1, Young Sun Lee 2, Young Kwang Kim 2 1 Department of Astronomy, Space Science, and Geology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, South Korea 2 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, South Korea We present distinct chemical and kinematic 66 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

68 포스터발표초록 properties associated with the inner and outer halos of the Milky Way, as identified by metal-poor stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. In particular, using carbon-enhance metal-poor (CEMP) giants, we first map out the fractions of CEMP-no stars (without strongly enhanced neutron-capture elements) and CEMP-s stars (with a large enhancement of s-process elements) in the inner- and outer-halo populations, separated by their spatial distribution of carbonicity ([C/Fe]). The CEMP-no and CEMP-s objects are classified by their different levels of absolute carbon abundances, A(C). We investigate characteristics of rotational velocity and orbital eccentricity for these sub-classes within the halo populations. Distinct kinematic features and fractions between CEMP-no and CEMP-s stars identified in each halo region will provide important clues on the origin of the dichotomy of the Galactic halo. [ 포 IM-06] Gemini Observations of Planetary Nebula Candidates toward the Galactic Center Jihye Hong 1, Deokkeun An 1, Janet P. Simpson 2, Kris Sellgren 3, Solange V. Ramirez 4, Angela S. Cotera 2 1 Ewha Womans University, 2 SETI Institute, 3 Ohio State University, 4 Caltech IPAC We present high-resolution near infrared (IR) spectra of two candidate planetary nebulae (PNe) that were serendipitously found toward the Galactic center (GC). Our spectra obtained using GNIRS on Gemini North reveal strong Br g and He I recombination lines. In one of the targets, we confidently detect Pa b emission. Based on Br g and Pa b lines, we estimate a foreground reddening to be Av=27 mag, which confidently puts this object at the GC distance. Along with the presence of highly excited emission lines such as [S IV], [Ne III], [Ne V], and [O IV] detected in the mid-ir spectra from the Spitzer Space Telescope, and the extended emission in the Pa a narrow-band image from the Hubble Space Telescope, this makes it the first spectroscopically confirmed PN in the GC. [ 포 IM-07] Correlation between Magnetic-field directions and intensity gradients in Orion A region Jihye Hwang 1,2 Jongsoo Kim 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Korea University of Science and Technology Magnetic fields play an important role in star-forming processes by regulating gravitational collapse. In filamentary structures of star-forming regions, magnetic fields are likely to be aligned with minor axes of filamentary molecular clouds because matter freely moves along magnetic field lines. Orion A region, one of the well-known high-mass star forming regions, has long filament structure. In order to study magnetic field directions with respect to the filamentary structure in Orion A, we have analyzed 850 μm dust polarization observations obtained with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). We found tight correlation of dust intensity gradients and magnetic field directions. It was estimated that 81% of magnetic field segments are aligned with density gradients within 40 degree. In conclusion, we confirmed most of magnetic field segments are perpendicular to the major axis of the filament in Orion A. 천문우주관측기술 [ 포 AT-01] Automation of Kyung Hee Astronomical Observatory 76 cm Telescope Seoyeon Byeon 1, Tae-Geun Ji 2, Hye-In Lee 2, Sunwoo Lee 2, Soojong Pak 2, Myungshin Im 3 1 Dept. of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University, 2 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 3 Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe (CEOU), Astronomy program, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University We plan to automatize the operation of Kyung Hee Astronomical Observatory (KHAO) 76 cm Telescope by adapting KAOS30 (KHU Automatic Observing Software for McDonald 30 inch Telescope). The software is developed to improve the efficiency of the observation system for monitoring transients and variable sources. It has installed and operated at McDonald 30 inch telescope since 2017 August. KAOS76 (KHU Automatic Observing Software for KHAO 76 cm Telescope) consists of four packages: Telescope Control Package (TCP), Data Acquisition Package (DAP), Auto Focus Package (AFP), and Script Mode Package (SMP). Most of the packages can be configured by minimized modifications of the codes because it includes common libraries for FLI instruments and also ASCOM standard. TCP, DAP, and AFP control astronomical devices. SMP supports automatic observing in a script mode. TCP of KAOS76 can communicate with the TCS via ASCOM. Also, KAOS76 has an extra function to compensate the misalignment of the polar axis. In this poster, we show the current status of the 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 67

69 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 observing system with KAOS76. [ 포 AT-02] Introduction to Development of KaVA Digital Filter using GPU Jae-Hwan Yeom 1, Se-Jin Oh 1, Duk-Gyoo Roh 1, Dong-Kyu Jung 1, Chung-Sik Oh 1, Hyo-Ryoung Kim 1, Jae-Sik Shin 1, Ju-Yeon Hwang 2, Min-Gyu Song 1, Tae-Hyun Jung 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 SET System KaVA(KVN and VERA Array) 는 KVN 3 기, 일본 VERA 4 기로구성되어있다. 더나아가일본의 JVN, 중국의 CVN 으로확장한다면동아시아에더많은기선들이존재한다. 각전파망원경은천문학자의연구수요, 디지털백엔드 (Back-end) 시스템기술수준에의해각기다른다양한자료구조를이용한다. 이와함께, 현재전파천문관측은디지털백엔드시스템의발달로 2Gbps 관측이주를이루고있으며 32Gbps 시험관측이이루어지고있다. 이에한일상관센터는이런다양한자료구조와관측대역폭을지원하기위해 KaVA 용디지털필터를개발하고있다. 기존에개발된 CPU 기반의디지털필터를연산속도와자료입출력대역폭을상당히높인 GPU 기반디지털필터로업그레이드하고있다. 본발표는 GPU 를활용한 KaVA 용디지털필터개발에관하여소개하고자한다. [ 포 AT-03] Wavelength Calibration Solution of VPH Grating Slitless Spectroscopy Image Seong A O 1,2, Suhyun Shin 1, Myungshin Im 1, Yongmin Yoon 1, Yongjung Kim 1 1 Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe (CEOU), Astronomy Program, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University, 2 Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyungpook National University Spectroscopic observations commonly use a slit or fiber; however, non-slit spectroscopy enables us to observe a larger number of targets in one frame of image. Hence, it has been adopted as an observational mode for observatories like HST and JWST. Slitless spectroscopy requires wavelength calibration solutions in order to distinguish and measure the absorption / emission lines from the spectra with high accuracy. We installed the Volume Phase Holographic (VPH) grating to SQUEAN camera on the McDonald 2.1m telescope and obtained images with spectral resolutions of ~ 100 and 200. In order to derive the wavelength calibration, we measured the distances between the 0th order images and spectral features of various quasars. The distances are converted to wavelengths using the known wavelengths of the emission lines. We tested several different methods of spectral extraction and peak estimation of emission lines. We will present the results for the wavelength calibration and suggest the reliable methods to find the solution. [ 포 AT-04] Optical Setup for Full-Field Imaging Test of MATS Limb Telescope Sunwoo Lee 1, Arvid Hammar 2, Woojin Park 1, Seunghyuk Chang 3, Soojong Pak 1 1 School of Space Research and Institute of Natural Science, Kyung Hee University, 2 Omnisys instruments AB, and 3 Center for Integrated Smart Sensor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) The MATS (Mesosphere Airglow / Aerosol Tomography Spectroscopy) satellite is a Swedish scientific microsatellite which Kyung Hee University participates in developing. The limb telescope of the MATS satellite is designed with linear astigmatism-free off axis optical configuration which allows wide field of view (5.67º 0.91º). Here we present the full-field optical performance test setup that consists of a point source, a collimator, the limb telescope and a CCD (Charged Coupled Device). The incidence angle of the collimator was carefully controlled by the rotary stage under the limb telescope. The imaging tests represent expected results without dominant aberrations. [ 포 AT-05] Development Process for Slit Mask Exchanger Mechanism Prototype (SMEM-P) of the Giant Magellan Telescope Multi-object Astronomical and cosmological Spectrograph (GMACS) Hye-In Lee 1, Erika Cook 3, Tae-Geun Ji 1, Seoyeon Byeon 2, Suehee Pak 4, Froning Cynthia 3, Jennifer Marshall 3, Darren L. Depoy 3, Soojong Pak 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Department of Astromomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University, 3 Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University, 4 Department of Computer Science, Dongduk Women s University GMACS is one of the instruments for the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) which will provide wide field, multi-object, moderate resolution spectroscopy of faint targets. KHU (Kyung Hee University) is in charge of control software of GMACS. As a first step, the Slit Mask Exchange Mechanism Prototype (SMEM-P) will be used as a preliminary example to make development process between electronics and high level software. Recently, we have developed a sample program to communicate with low level devices via EtherCAT. It is expected to be a mockup design for software 68 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

70 포스터발표초록 and control system of GMACS. In this poster, we show the development process and test operation results of control software for SMEM-P. [ 포 AT-06] SNU Astronomical Observatory 1-m Telescope Myungshin Im, Gu Lim, Jinguk Seo, Gregory SunHak Paek, and Metaspace/Planewave Astronomy Program/CEOU, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University Astronomy education and research can benefit from a high performance telescope that is easily accessible in campus. Such a facility allows hands-on education of observations, small research projects, test of new instruments, and time-domian study of astronomical phenomena. Recently, SNU reconstructed a 40-year old observatory (also known as 구천문대 ), and established the new SNU Astronomical Observatory (SAO) on that site. On 2018 March 27, the 1-m optical telescope was successfully installed at SAO. Since then, this telescope has been producing wonderful images. This poster will give an overview of the 1-m telescope, and its performance. [ 포 AT-07] First Light of the Newly-installed 1-m Telescope in SNU Astronomical Observatory (SAO) Gu Lim 1,2, Myungshin Im 1,2, Jinguk Seo 2, Gregory SungHak Paek 1,2 1 Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe 2 Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University On 2018 March 27, a 1-m telescope was installed at the SNU Astronomical Observatory (SAO) which is a newly constructed building at the site where the previous Kwanak Observatory (Old observatory ; 구천문대 ) stood. A series of test observations have been performed on this telescope, and we report the first results from the test observations in this poster. In particular, we present seeing values, limiting magnitudes and sample images taken with a 4k 4k CCD camera (21 21 ). [ 포 AT-08] KVN W-band Receiver Upgrade for GHz bandwidth Do-Heung Je, Moon-Hee Chung, Seog-Tae Han, Seog-Oh Wi, Min-Kyu Song, and Do-Young Byun Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 한국우주전파관측망 (KVN, Korean VLBI Network) 의 86 GHz 대역수신기는 VLBI 에서주로관측하는 GHz 주파수대역에서동작하도록설계, 제작되었다. UMASS(University of Massachusetts) 대학으로부터도입된수신기의대역폭을 GHz 로확장하기위해 2017 년도부터수신기설계, 부품구입등을진행하고있다. 기존수신기의대역폭을확장하기위해, 협대역주파수변환기의설계를변경해야한다. 주파수변환기는일반적으로사용되는 SSB(Single Side Band) Mixer 를사용하지않았다. 그대신에 20 db 이상의높은이미지제거율을갖도록 HPF(High Pass Filter) 와 LPF(Low Pass Filter) 를사용하여 RF 주파수를 GHz 와 GHz 로나눈후주파수변환토록하였다. 사용된 Filter 의특성을이용, 이미지대역신호를수십 db 이상제거할수있다. RF 단에서의신호분리로인해수신기등가잡음온도는수 K 정도증가한다 년에제안된주파수변환기를상온에서구성하여그가능성을검증하였고, 2018 년 9 월까지 KVN W-band 수신기 1 대의업그레이드를진행할것이다 년까지 KVN 3 사이트의 W-band 수신기주파수확장을완료할계획이다. [ 포 AT-09] Software Architecture of KHU Automatic Observing Software for McDonald 30-inch telescope (KAOS30) Tae-Geun Ji 1, Seoyeon Byeon 2, Hye-In Lee 1, Woojin Park 1, Sang-Yun Lee 3, Sungyong Hwang 3, Changsu Choi 3, Coyne A. Gibson 4, John W. Kuehne 4, Travis Prochaska 5, Jennifer Marshall 5, Myungshin Im 3, Soojong Pak 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Dept. of Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University, 3 Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe (CEOU), Astronomy Program, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University, 4 McDonald Observatory of The University of Texas at Austin, 5 Dep. Of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University KAOS30 is an automatic observing software for the wide-field 10-inch telescope as a piggyback system on the 30-inch telescope at the McDonald Observatory in Texas, US. The software has four packages in terms of functionality and is divided into communication with Telescope Control System (TCS), controlling of CCD camera and filter wheel, controlling of focuser, and script for automation observing. Each interconnect of those are based on exe-exe communication. The advantage of this distinction is that each package can be independently maintained for further updates. KAOS30 has an integrated control library that combines function library connecting each device and package. This ensures that the software can extensible interface because all packages are access to the control devices independently. Also, the library includes the ASCOM driver platform. 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 69

71 2018 봄학술대회 & KGU 연합학술대회 ASCOM is a standard general purpose library that supports Application Programming Interface (API) of astronomical devices. We present the software architecture of KAOS30, and structure of interfacing between hardware and package or package and package. KMTNet [ 포 KMT-01] Exploring the temporal and spatial variability with DEEP-South observations: reduction pipeline and application of multi-aperture photometry Min-Su Shin 1, Seo-Won Chang 2,3, Yong-Ik Byun 4, Hahn Yi 4, Myung-Jin Kim 1, Hong-Kyu Moon 1, Young-Jun Choi 1, Sang-Mok Cha 1,5, Yongseok Lee 1,5 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Australian National University, 3 ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics, 4 Yonsei University, 5 Kyung Hee University The DEEP-South photometric census of small Solar System bodies is producing massive time-series data of variable, transient or moving objects as a by-product. To fully investigate unexplored variable phenomena, we present an application of multi-aperture photometry and FastBit indexing techniques to a portion of the DEEP-South year-one data. Our new pipeline is designed to do automated point source detection, robust high-precision photometry and calibration of non-crowded fields overlapped with area previously surveyed. We also adopt an efficient data indexing algorithm for faster access to the DEEP-South database. In this paper, we show some application examples of catalog-based variability searches to find new variable stars and to recover targeted asteroids. We discovered 21 new periodic variables including two eclipsing binary systems and one white dwarf/m dwarf pair candidate. We also successfully recovered astrometry and photometry of two near-earth asteroids, 2006 DZ169 and 1996 SK, along with the updated properties of their rotational signals (e.g., period and amplitude). 기위해웹서비스를운영하고있다. 홈페이지 ( 국문, 영문 ) 에는최신뉴스와공지사항, 실시간모니터링영상및기상정보, 관측일정, 관측자료공개, 활용성과등을게시하였고, 관측결과와운영정보관리를위해서모니터링홈페이지 (kmtnet-monitor) 를제작하였다. KMTNet 은남반구 3 개관측소에상주하는현지관측자에의해관측이이루어지기때문에, 국내연구자가남반구관측소현황을파악할수있는모니터링시스템이필수적이다. 웹서비스에실시간기상과관측자료전송속도를함께표시하여관측진행여부를확인할수있으며, 관측일지를데이터베이스화하여망원경 / 카메라 / 관측돔의이상유무, 관측현황, 기상 / 시상통계등으로활용하고있다. 여기서는지금까지개발한웹서비스를소개하고앞으로관측소운영에유용한정보와웹서비스의발전방향에대해논의하고자한다. [ 포 KMT-03] Overview of KMTNet Control Software Sang-Mok Cha 1,2, Chung-Uk Lee 1, Yongseok Lee 1,2, Dong-Jin Kim 1, Dong-Joo Lee 1, Seung-Lee Kim 1, Ho Jin 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 외계행성탐색시스템의망원경 - 카메라제어시스템및소프트웨어구성과관측유틸리티에대해소개한다. 망원경제어소프트웨어는천문위치보정, 포인팅, 돔회전등을담당하는 PC-TCS 프로그램, 망원경적경 - 적위축서보제어를담당하는 full-closed loop PID 컨트롤프로그램, 포커서, 필터박스, 돔셔터, 주경냉각, 온도모니터등의보조시스템을제어하는 AUX controls 프로그램으로구성된다. 카메라제어소프트웨어는모자이크로구성된여러 CCD 를각각독립적으로제어하는 IC(Instrument Control) 패키지와이들을총괄제어하는 ICS(IC Science) 패키지로구성되며망원경과카메라소프트웨어의인터페이스역할을하는 TCS Agent 프로그램이포함된다. 관측진행을돕는유틸리티로서관측제어명령어입력및관측스크립트구동기능을제공하는 OBS Agent 프로그램과가이드 CCD 를이용한시상모니터링및자동초점조정프로그램을개발하여활용하고있다. 각소프트웨어는 UDP, TCP/IP, RS-232, Redis server 등다양한인터페이스를통하여서로통신하며, CCD 영상자료전달을위해 RAM(Random Access Memory) 디스크와 Network File System(NSF) 을이용하고있다. [ 포 KMT-02] Web services for KMTNet operation( 외계행성탐색시스템운영웹서비스 ) Jin-Sun Lim ( 임진선 ) 1,2 1 metaspace(( 주 ) 메타스페이스 ), 2 Chungbuk National University( 충북대학교 ) KMTNet 에서는프로젝트의소개와운영현황등파악하 70 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

72 포스터발표초록 연합세션초록 태양계탐사 [ 연합세션 1-01] 행성탐사선과지상관측에의한목성, 토성, 타이탄분광탐사 김상준경희대학교우주탐사학과 천문학자들에게분광관측은천체를연구하는데가장강력한방법이다. 태양계바깥쪽에위치한목성, 토성, 타이탄연구도분광관측은행성천문학자들에게매우유용하여대형지상망원경을사용한분광관측과더불어행성탐사선들에장착된분광기를사용하여새롭고유용한과학적정보를얻어왔다. 본발표에서는 20 세기말에시작된탐사선을이용한외행성계탐사와지상관측결과를리뷰하고얼마전토성탐사를마친카시니탐사선, 현재목성에서활약하고있는주노탐사선, 이들과병행하여수행되었고, 수행되고있는지상분광관측결과를소개한다. 목성, 토성, 타이탄탐사는미국과서구유럽에의해주도적으로수행되어왔는데, 지금까지의탐사선들과지상관측으로축적된자료들에대한정밀분석과비판적검토를수행하면우리나라우주개발중장기계획에포함되어있는행성탐사계획의최적화된방향결정에도도움이될것이다. [ 연합세션 1-02] 암석과광물에저장된태양계탄생과초기진화의기록 Records of the origin and early evolution of the solar system in rocks and minerals 최변각 Byeon-Gak Choi 서울대학교지구과학교육과 bchoi@snu.ac.kr 태양계질량의대부분은플라즈마, 기체, 또는액체상태로존재하며, 극히일부만이고체즉암석과광물로존재한다. 하지만, 반응특히혼합 (mixing) 이일어나는속도가매우느린고체의특성상태양계의탄생과진화과정의기록은고체태양계물질에더잘보관되어있다. 지구를제외한고체태양계물질을확보하기위해서는지구로낙하한암석인운석 (meteorites) 을발견하거나, 우주로나가시료를가져와야한다. 아폴로미션 (Apollo mission) 에의한월석 (lunar rocks) 채취 (Papike et al., 1998), 하야부사미션 (Hayabusa mission) 에의한소행성 (asteroid) 시료채취 (Nakamura et al., 2011), 스타더스트미션 (Stardust mission) 에의한혜성시료채취 (Zolensky et al., 2006) 등이후자에속한다. 능동적으로가져온시료는아직까지는그종류와양에서운석에비해매우부족하므로현재까지우리가알고있는고체태양계에관한대부분은운석연구를통해얻어졌다. 운석은크게미분화운석즉콘드라이트 (chondrites) 와분화운석 (differentiated meteorites) 으로구분한다. 분화운석중일부는달운석 (lunar meteorites) 또는화성 운석 (martian meteorites) 이며, 나머지분화운석과콘드라이트는암석 - 지구화학적특징과성인적연관성에의해다양한그룹으로세분되는데각그룹은하나의, 또는둘이상의매우유사한, 소행성에서유래한것으로해석된다 (Krot et al., 2014; 최변각 2009). 다양한종류의운석과구성광물에포함된기록으로는 (1) 태양계이전존재한항성의대기에서생성된광물, 즉선태양계광물 (presolar grains), (2) 태양계성운탄생과각진화단계의정확한시기, (3) 태양계성운의화학조성 - 동위원소조성, 온도 - 압력조건등을포함한물리 - 화학적특징, (4) 가스 - 먼지로부터미행성, 소행성, 행성으로의진화과정, (5) 행성진화의열원, (6) 소행성핵의생성과정등이있다. 강연에서는이들을간략히살펴보고자한다. 운석연구등을통해태양계생성과진화과정에관한다양한정보가축적되었지만, 앞으로연구할것들이더많다. 또한태양계물질중에는운석의형태로지구로들어왔거나앞으로들어올수있는것도있지만그렇지않은것도있다. 가스나기체의경우가그러할것이며, 고체지만결합이약해일부라도원형을유지한채대기권을통과할수없는것도있을것이다. 또공전궤도나중력등물리적이유로지구권진입이불가능한것도있다. 이러한태양계구성원에는우리가아직까지얻지못한정보들이다량보존되어있을것이다. 미래의태양계탐사가기대되는이유중하나이다. [ 연합세션 1-03] Space Missions to Asteroids Sang-Young Park Department of Astromomy, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea Asteroids represent a significant resource for space exploration and scientific research. Various scientific missions have already performed and planned to investigate and understand the characteristics of asteroids. This talk introduces many space missions to asteroids. Representing missions to asteroids are the NASA s NEAR, Deep Space-1, Dawn, OSIRIS-Rex, SCOUT, DART, and ESA s Rosetta, and JAXA s Hayabusa 1 and 2, and DESTINY+ missions, and others. Although it is a very rare event, the possibility of Earth-crossing asteroids (ECAs) colliding with the Earth can never also be ignored. Numerous mitigation concepts also have been proposed to deflect ECAs in preparing for the disasters which might occur in future days. In the early studies for mitigation schemes, most of analyses were centered on to deflect ECAs with impacting the energy to the object to change its orbit. This talk also introduces many methods to deflect the orbit of ECAs, and shows spacecraft trajectories to asteroids. 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 71

73 2018 봄학술대회 [ 연 1-P01] Excitation Processes of the CH4 Aurorae of Jupiter and Saturn Sang Joon Kim School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea Recently, an analysis of 3-micron spectra of CH4 line emission from our Gemini/GNIRS observations of Jupiter s polar regions yielded an unexpected result: The homopause (~1 microbar pressure level) located directly above the long-lasting 8-micron CH4 north-polar hot spot (Great 8-micron Hot Spot: GHS) is cool compared with the temperatures of nearby auroral regions (Kim et al. 2017). Most of the 8-micron emission of the GHS originates from CH4 at the ~1 mbar level (i.e., deeper in the stratosphere, where cooling time is several years), much longer than at the altitude of the homopause. We propose a mechanism to explain the temperature difference: locally-fixed and transient, but energetic auroral particles, which can penetrate to the 1 mbar level and deposit energy there creating and maintaining the GHS. For Saturn, thus far we have not detected distinctive 8-micron nor 3-micron CH4 hot spots in the polar regions. We will present a possible implication for this difference between Jupiter and Saturn. [Kim, S.J. et al., Icarus, 281, , ] [ 연 1-P02] Experimental Apparatus for Opposition Effect at Seoul National University Yoonsoo P. Bach, Masateru Ishiguro, and Jin-Guk Seo Department of Astronomy and Physics, Seoul National University ( 서울대학교 ), Seoul, South Korea The Opposition Effect (OE) is an enhancement of the brightness of a reflecting light as the phase angle (the Sun-target-observer angle) approaches zero. The mechanisms have been studied both theoretically and experimentally and nowadays recognized that there are two major mechanisms, namely, coherent backscattering OE (CBOE) and shadow hiding OE (SHOE). From data analyses of an S-type asteroid Itokawa taken with the Hayabusa spacecraft onboard camera, it is suggested that the CBOE would be dominant at phase angle smaller than ~ 1.4 deg, while SHOE dominates at larger phase angles (M. Lee & M. Ishiguro, under review). The study on the physical parameters which affect the OE, such as size and composition, will lead us to find a way to disentangle each of them from observation. The experiments in lab, however, faces two major difficulties: (a) the detector blocks the incident light if phase angle is nearly zero and (b) incident and emission angles must be controlled with high angular resolution to prevent blurring of OEs at different phase angles in one measurement. In this presentation, we introduce a new apparatus which has been installed at Seoul National University to investigate the OE in our lab, and summarize the initial results. It will be a valuable starting point to establish infrastructure in Korea, and will shed light on the investigation of OE physics using laboratory simulants. [ 연 1-P03] Simulations of the Lunar Exosphere: Effects of Multiple Sodium Sources on Coma and Tail Dong Wook Lee and Sang Joon Kim School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea Since there are two-different observational constraints for the lunar exosphere data, it is interesting to find the best exospheric model that can account for the observed characteristics of the lunar coma and tail simultaneously (Lee & Kim, 2017).The characteristics of the lunar exosphere can be constrained by comparing simulated models with observational data of the coma and tail. In this work, considering effects of triple sodium sources (two dayside sources: a low- and a high-velocity component; and an Isotropic source component), we present time-dependent simulations showing initial conditions around the lunar coma and the final stage of the lunar tail. Based on an updated 3-D lunar exosphere model (Lee & Kim, 2017), we are presenting the simulated images of the lunar sodium coma and its correlation with lunar tail s physical parameters. [Lee, D.W. & Kim, S.J BAAS, 49, ] [ 연 1-P04] UAV 를이용한스발바르걸리지형의측량과화성걸리와의비교 Terrain surveying for gully in Svalbard using UAV and comparison with Mars 이재용 (Jaeyong LEE) 1, 오구치타카시 (Takashi OGUCHI) 2 1 Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, lee@csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp 2 Center for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo 북극스발바르의사면지형에는걸리가발달되어있다. 이러한걸리는, 그성인에는여러의견이있으나, 화성에도중고위도를중심으로다수분포한다. 화성의걸리는 2000년대에들어비로소본격적으로규명되고있으나, 지 72 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

74 포스터발표초록 형적특성으로인한탐사의한계로지구에분포하는유사지형을통한비교연구가일반적이다 (Costard, et al 등 ). 이연구에서는스발바르의주도롱이어비엔에서 UAV 을이용하여획득한 DEM 으로스발바르걸리를측량하고, 이를화성중위도의테라사이메리아, 테라시레넘, 노아키스테라에분포하는걸리와비교하였다. Longyearbreen 빙하전방에위치한사면을 UAV 로촬영하고, 이를 SfM-MVS(Structure from Motion & MultiView Stereo) 기법으로 3 차원점군모델과고해상도 DEM 을제작하여분석하였다. 화성의경우 MRO 궤도탐사선이촬영한 HiRise DTM 을이용하여분석하였다. 두걸리는기후와지질조건에차이가있음에도불구하고유사한패턴을보였다. 특히테라사이메리아에위치한걸리와롱이어비엔북사면의걸리는기준거리, 단면적, 폭, 경사, 제방두께등에서상당한정량적유사관계가있었다. 이는두행성의걸리가유사한성인및형성프로세스를거쳤을가능성을시사한다. 측량기법과 UAV 의안정성을개선시키면지형모델의품질향상및극지에서의 UAV 운용이용이해질것으로기대된다. 또한스발바르의기후요소및물리량적용은향후화성지형연구에도응용할수있을것으로사료된다. [ 연 1-P05] Impact deformation of Feldspar in Achondrite: NWA 2727, NWA 3117, NWA 856 Meteorite Jaeyong LEE 1, Timothy J. FAGAN 2 1 Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, lee@csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp 2 Dept. of Earth Sciences, Waseda University We investigated shock history of three achondrite meteorites: NWA 3117, a howardite from asteroid Vesta, NWA 2727, a breccia from the Moon, and NWA 856, a shergottite from Mars. Shock histories were evaluated from deformation of plagioclase feldspars. Feldspar grains were classified based on observations in cross-polarized light as undulatory, mosaic, mosaic-recrystallized or maskelynite. This sequence represents increasing deformation of original feldspar crystals. Undulatory crystals have wavy extinction, mosaic crystals have patchy extinction, and mosaic-recrystallized grains appear as if they were originally coarse-grained and have recrystallized to mosaics of small equant crystals. Maskelynite grains are isotropic, indicating transformation to glass. Based on feldspar deformation, the degrees of impact processing are NWA 856 > NWA 3117 > NWA The high deformation of NWA 856 is expected because this sample is from Mars, which is a large parent body and requires a powerful impact to accelerate a rock to escape velocity. In contrast, the parent body of NWA 3117 (Vesta) is smaller than that of NWA 2727 (the Moon), yet NWA 3117 appears more highly deformed than NWA One possible explanation is that NWA 2727 is from a relatively young part of the Moon, which has not been exposed to impacts as long as the surface of Vesta. [ 연 1-P06] Regional Variations in Spectra of (25143) Itokawa taken with Hayabusa/AMICA Sunho Jin, Masateru Ishiguro Seoul National University The Hayabusa remote-sensing images of near-earth asteroid (25143) Itokawa exhibited large diversity in spectral properties. The evidence suggests a various degrees of space weathering on the surface. It is known that the space weathering changes the spectra of S-type asteroids redder and reduces the depths of absorption around 1μm. It is therefore possible to determine the surface ages through the investigation of the degree of space weathering. It is, however, reported that the scattered light components severely degrade the Asteroid Multiband Imaging Camera (AMICA) images, especially at the wavelengths >0.86 μm. Our team came up with a technique for subtracting the scattered light components (Ishiguro 2014). Here, we upgraded the techniqu e by applying simplex algorism to correct the artifacts for all AMICA bands. This new technique enables to apply for the longest channel (i.e., zs-band at 1.01 μm ) images, which was not studied so far. With the AMICA all bands data, we estimated the surface ages at the different location to be Myr. Based on this data together with the geological information (e.g. gravitational potentials and local). we will discuss about the evolution of surface materials on the asteroid. 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 73


76 사단법인한국천문학회 학계보고서 경북대학교천문대기과학과 77 경희대학교우주과학과및우주탐사학과 77 고등과학원 82 부산대학교지구과학교육과 84 서울대학교물리 천문학부천문학전공 85 세종대학교천문우주학과 95 연세대학교천문우주학과 98 울산과학기술원 104 충남대학교천문우주과학과 106 충북대학교천문우주학과 108 충북대학교천문대 111 한국천문연구원 112


78 기관소식 경북대학교천문대기과학과 1. 인적사항본학과의천문학전공교수는박명구, 윤태석, 장헌영, 황재찬회원네명이다. 동교사범대학지구과학교육과의심현진회원도대학원생논문지도를맡고있다. 본학과학부과정은지구시스템학부소속천문대기과학전공이며대학원과정은천문대기과학과천문학전공이다. 2018년 3월에는 90명의신입생이수시및정시모집으로지구시스템과학부에입학하였고, 25명의학생들이 2학년으로올라가며천문대기과학전공을선택하였으며, 1명이 3학년으로학사편입하였다. 천문대기과학전공학생은천문학과대기과학을자유롭게선택하여공부할수있다. 대학원에는 2017년 9월에 2명의석사과정학생과 2명의박사과정학생, 2018년 3월에 3명의석사과정학생과 2명의박사과정학생이입학하여현재 12명의석사과정학생과 6명의박사과정학생이재학중이다. 2. 연구및학술활동박명구회원은박사과정방태양회원및천문연구원의외계행성연구팀과거성및쌍성주위의외계행성탐색연구, 박사과정한두환회원과는블랙홀의부착현상, 박사과정이윤희회원및부산대학교안홍배회원과는막대은하에대한연구를수행하고있다. 석사과정강원기회원과는은하, 양희창, 황현모회원과는블랙홀및블랙홀성장에관한연구를수행하고있다. 장헌영회원은태양흑점의위도별공간분포에대한연구를수행하여태양자기장생성에관한관측적연구를계속수행하고있고, 태양진동학을기반으로하는우주기상예보모형을개발중이다. 최철성회원 ( 천문연구원 ) 과 Zhibin Zhang( 중국, Guizhou 대학 ) 교수와는확장된방사를갖는감마선폭발체에대한연구를한중공동연구의형태로진행하고있다. 황재찬회원은우주구조의상대론적비선형진화과정과우주거대구조의균일등방성여부를연구하고있다. 2017년 3월이후학과세미나에연사로오신분은임홍서박사 ( 한국천문연구원 ), 조일현박사 ( 경희대 ), 박찬경교수 ( 전북대 ), 이영선교수 ( 충남대 ), 이상성박사 ( 한국천문연구원 ), 지명국교수 ( 연세대학교 ) 이다. 본학과는시민과학생들을위해학기마다 4차례일반인을위한공개관측과공개강연행사인 밤하늘이야기 를열고있다. 3. 연구시설본학과는계산및관측자료처리를위해 Intel server/cluster 및다수의워크스테이션과고성능 PC를운용하고있다. 천체관측실습을위한 31-cm 뉴턴식 반사망원경 ( 본교기초과학연구소보유 ) 이있다. 그밖에 Coronado SolarMax 70, Coronado Personal Solar Telescope CaK 등다수의소형반사및굴절망원경그리고 Fujinon , 2.5 대형쌍안경등을, 천체교육용으로이동식천체투영시스템을보유하고있다. 경희대학교우주과학과및우주탐사학과 1. 인적사항및주요동향 1985년에창립되어 2018년이 33주년이되는경희대학교우주과학과는현재응용과학대학에소속되어있고학사과정과함께대학원에석사, 박사, 석박사통합과정을두고있다. 2009년 WCU( 세계수준의연구중심대학 ) 사업의일환으로대학원에신설된우주탐사학과는석사, 박사, 석박사통합과정을두고있다. 경희대학교우주과학과와우주탐사학과에는 2018년 4 월현재총 15 명의교수 ( 김갑성, 이동훈, 김상준, 장민환, 김성수, 박수종, 최광선, 문용재, 김관혁, 선종호, 진호, Tetsuya Magara, 이은상, 이정은, 최윤영 ) 교수가강의와연구를수행하고있다. 아울러독일막스플랑크연구소의 Sami K. Solanki, 미국메릴랜드대학의 Peter H. Yoon, 미국 UC Santa Cruz의 Ian Garrick-Bethell 교수그리고영국 Warwick 대학의 Valery M. Nakariakov 교수가 International Scholar로서연구와교육에힘을보태고있다. 현재우주과학과장은선종호회원이며, 우주탐사학과장은이은상회원이맡고있다. 우주과학과는경희천문대와함께매년다수의공개관측회를개최하여본교학생들뿐만아니라일반인들에게도천문현상을접할수있는기회를제공하고있다. 매년하계방학중, 우주과학과학생회는학과및천문대의지원으로중고생을위한우주과학캠프를개최하여청소년들에게천문학및우주과학에대한체험의기회를부여하고있다. 우주과학과학부는올해 40명의신입생을맞이했으며약 159명이재학중에있다. 대학원우주탐사학과에는총 28명의대학원생 ( 석사 15명, 석박통합 7명, 박사 6 명 ) 이재학하고있다. 양과대학원에서 2016년 8월이후학위를받은학생은다음과같다. * 석사졸업 2명 - 박성민 (18년 2월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수선종호 ) - 논문제목 : GK2A KSEM PD 에대한전방위 Geant4 모의실험 - 전성경 (18년 2월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수문용재 ) - 논문제목 : Statistical study on the kinematic classification of coronal mass ejections from 4 to 30 solar radii 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 77

79 2018 봄학술대회 * 박사졸업 2명. + 김재영 (17년 8월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수박수종 ) - 논문제목 : Near-IR Polarization of the Northeastern Region of the Large Magellanic Cloud + 장수정 (18년 2월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수문용재 ) - 논문제목 :Study on Three-Dimensional Parameters of Halo Coronal Mass Ejections and Their Propagation to the Earth 2. 연구및학술활동 BK21플러스사업우주탐사학과가주도하는 달-지구우주탐사 사업 ( 연구책임자 : 문용재회원 ) 이교육부에서시행하는 BK( 두뇌한국 )21플러스사업글로벌인재양성형에선정되어 2013 년 9월이후부터 2020년 8년 8월 31일까지매년 9.1 억원, 총약 60억원의연구비지원을받고있다. 2009학년도 2학기에우주탐사학과가대학원에신설되어현재총 39명 ( 박사과정 11명, 석박통합 20명, 석사과정 8명 ) 의대학원생 ( 재학 / 수료 ) 이 BK21 플러스사업에참여하고있다. BK21 플러스사업의수행을위해현재 Sanjay Kumar, Navin Chandra Joshi, 홍석범박사가학술연구교수로, 홍진희, 나고운, 최윤희박사가연구박사로재직하고있다. 과거 달궤도우주탐사 WCU 사업을통해수행된연구들을이어받아, 본 BK21플러스사업단에서수행하는연구는천문우주연구뿐만아니라달및근지구공간에서우리가개발한초소형위성을이용하여우주탐사에활용하는계획을가지고있다. 또한한국형달탐사시험용궤도선사업에달과학탑재체 2개과제를수행하고있다. 본사업에서추진하는달탐사임무는과학기술적측면에서획기적인의미와결과가기대되며이러한활동이학문적발전뿐만아니라대한민국우주개발에서모범적인연구개발사례로남게될것으로기대한다. 태양물리연구실김갑성회원이이끌고있는태양물리연구실은크게태양물리, 천체역학, 태양관측시스템그리고우주기상예보분야의연구를수행하고있다. 태양물리부분에서는이진이, 김일훈, 이청우회원이태양활동영역의구조, 진화에대한이론적연구및관측으로부터얻어진자료의분석을통한연구를진행하고있다. 본연구실의김일훈회원은 SDO(Solar Dynamic Observatory) 의 AIA 데이터를이용하여 EUV 코로나젯의형태에따른물리적특징을분석하고있으며이청우회원은 Big Bear 관측소의 Hα 관측데이터를이용하여필라멘트형성에대한 연구를수행하고있다. 김현남회원은 Hinode SOT로관측된흑점의물리량을 Spectropolarimery라는도구를이용하여자기장구조와속도분포를연구하고있다. 태양관측시스템연구를위해교내에태양 H-alpha 관측시스템과태양분광관측시스템을운영하고있으며이관측시스템은네트워크를통한원격관측이가능하도록구축되어있다. 또한 Heliostat과 grating을이용하여분광관측시스템을구축하여관측을수행하고있다. 본태양관측시스템은학부생들의태양관측실습에활용되고있다. 마지막으로우주기상예보연구에서는국내외의우주환경사이트의관련데이터를수집하고모니터하기위한근실시간모니터링시스템을구축하였다. 본연구에서는 SDIP(Solar Data Image Processing) 소프트웨어를자체적으로개발하여운영하고있다. SDIP 소프트웨어는 Borland C++ 를이용해서개발되었으며, 모니터링시스템은 SDIP를이용해서각각의 FTP 사이트에서근실시간으로태양데이터를획득하고, 모니터링하기위한것이다. 행성천문연구실김상준회원이지도하고있는행성천문연구실은 Keck, Gemini Observatory등의분광관측자료와 Cassini, JUNO 탐사선의관측자료를분석하여목성, 토성, 타이탄등의대기및혜성등의각종라디칼및분자선의생성, 그리고이들천체의대기조성과광화학적반응에관한모델연구를수행하고있다. 김상준, 심채경회원은 Gemini관측소의고분산분광자료를사용하여목성극지방고층대기에서나오는 3-마이크론메탄 emission을분석한결과수십년동안목성북극지방에서움직이지않고빛나는 10-마이크론거대반점의원인을일시적이지만초고에너지오로라일가능성을제의한논문을 Icarus에 2017년발표하였다. 현재김상준회원은파리천문대 Courtin 박사와 Leicester 대학 Stallard 박사와공동연구로 Cassini데이터를사용한토성극지방적외선오로라와연무의진화과정을연구하고있다. 박재균학생은 2017년여름 2달을 Leicester 대학에서 Stallard 박사지도하에토성극지방적외선오로라를관측한 Cassini데이터를분석하였다. 김상준, 심채경회원은천문연구원선광일박사와함께거행성과타이탄상층대기중에나타나는연무를대기분자성분과조합하여새롭게표현한복사방정식을정립하였고, 이결과를복사방정식전문지인 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer에 2018년게재하였다. 한편이동욱, 김상준회원은 Monte-Carlo시뮬레이션을이용한달대기모델을계속업그레이드하고있다. 이와병행하여 NASA Goddard 센터의 Killen 박사와공동연구로애리조나에있는 Robotic 달 coronagraph을사용하여많은데이터를중장기적으로입수하고있다. 이 coronagraph는현재달주위를돌면서관측하고있 78 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

80 기관소식 는 LADEE 탐사를지원하기위해최근설립된기기로서 LADEE에서관측되는국지적관측결과와이 coronagraph에서관측되는달전체의대기현상을융합하여일관된과학적결과를도출해내는것을그주된목적으로하고있다. 박재균학생은김상준회원의달대기연구일환으로 2018년초 2달간 Goddard Space Flight Center/NASA를방문하여 Killen박사지도하에오래된아폴로데이터를분석한결과강력한태양 CME 에영향으로달대기중여러원소들이갑자기증가하는현상을발견하였다. 천체물리연구실김성수회원이이끄는천체물리연구실에서는은하중심부에서의별생성, 은하중심부로의개스물질유입, 우주론시뮬레이션을이용한구상성단계및왜소위성은하계의생성및진화연구등의분야에서다양한연구를진행중에있다. 김성수회원은 2013년 7월부터는다파장편광관측을통한달표토층입자의크기와성질을연구하는과제를수행중에있으며, 2014년 12월부터는우주론시뮬레이션을이용한은하형성기본단위의생성과정을연구하는과제도수행중에있다. 이지원회원은천문연구원의손봉원회원과이상성회원의지도아래 KVN을이용한연구에참여하고있다. 김은빈회원은 SDSS 자료를이용하여은하중심팽대부의비축대칭적모양과은하핵에서의별탄생사이의관계를통계학적으로연구하고있다. 천경원회원은고등과학원의신지혜, 김주한회원과함께우주거대구조진화수치실험으로부터은하형성기본단위를생성하는수치실험기법을개발하였고이를이용하여왜소위성은하들의특성을연하고있다. 김민배회원은최윤영회원의지도아래 SDSS 자료를이용하여별탄생은하와활동성은하핵의특성에대한통계적연구를수행중에있다. 이주원회원은우리은하중앙팽대부에있는 HI 원반을유체역학수치실험을통해연구하고있으며, 박소명회원은영국 Sheffield 대학의 Simon Goodwin 교수와함께프랙탈구조의초기분포를이용하여성단의생성및초기진화를연구하고있다. Hannah Morgan 회원은우리은하중심부의 200pc 영역에서 5pc 영역으로개스물질이떨어지는현상을수치적으로연구하고있으며, 김일훈, 백길호, 김진규회원은달표면의편광특성과충돌분화구의특성에대해연구하고있다. 연구교수인심채경박사는우주풍화가달표면성숙도에미치는영향을연구중에있으며, 최근홍석범박사가달표면연구에합류하였다. 적외선실험실박수종회원이지도하는적외선실험실은광학 / 적외선천문기기의제작과천체관측연구를한다. 2017년 8월에는김재영회원이 Near-IR Polarization of the Northeastern Region of the Large Magellanic Cloud 연구로박사학위를받았다. 김재영회원은 2017년 9월부터경희대 BK21플러스사업단에서이정은교수님의지도로박사후과정을시작했다. 현재적외선실험실박사과정에는이혜인, 박우진, 지태근회원이있고, 석사과정에는 2015년 3월에입학한김현종회원, 2018년 3월에입학한이선우회원이있다. 그리고우주과학과학부 4학년변서연회원이학부연구생으로실험과연구를보조하고있다. 본적외선실험실은미국텍사스주립대학교, 한국천문연구원과공동으로 GMT의제 1세대관측기기로고분산적외선분광기 GMTNIRS의개발에참여하고있다. 이에앞서비슷한구조의고분산적외선분광기 IGRINS의소프트웨어개발연구를한국천문연구원의산학연위탁연구로 2010년부터 2014년 3월까지수행하였다. 그리고미국텍사스 A&M 대학과공동으로 GMT의제 1세대관측기기인 GMACS 프로젝트에참여하여소프트웨어개발을담당학고있다. GMACS의개념설계 (Conceptual Design Review) 연구는 2017년 3월 13일에 kickoff meeting을하고본격적인연구를시작하여 2019년에개념설계연구보고서를제출할계획이다. 그리고서울대학교초기우주천체연구단과 20개의필터를장착하여천체의 SED를측정할수있는 SQUEAN (SED camera for QUasars in EArly universe) 을제작을완료하여정기관측을수행중이고, 했다. 2017년 2 월에는맥도날드천문대 0.8m 망원경에구경 0.25m의 Takahashi CCA250 망원경을장착하여반자동관측을위한소프트웨어를개발했다. 2014년 7월부터는미래창조과학부의우주핵심기술개발사업으로 우주적외선관측을위한알루미늄비축반사망원경의시험모델개발 연구를시작하였다. 본연구는 2017년 5월에 1단계연구를마무리하고, 2019년 6월까지 2단계연구를수행중이다. 본 2단계연구에서는자유곡면알루미늄반사경 3장으로선형비점수차가제거된비축반사망원경의시험모델을개발할계획이다. 2015년부터는스웨덴과학기술위성 MATS (Mesosphere Airglow/Aerosol Tomography Spectroscopy) 개발연구에참여하여자유곡면알루미늄반사경 3장으로선형비점수차가제거된비축반사망원경을설계하고, 스웨덴연구진과조립테스트를수행하고있다. MATS 위성은 2019년에발사하여지구대기의중간권관측연구를계획하고있다. 태양권플라즈마연구실최광선회원이이끄는태양권플라즈마연구실 (Heliospheric Plasma Physics Laboratory) 은태양으로부터태양권계면 (heliopause) 까지이르는전태양권공간에존재하는플라즈마의전자기적, 역학적성질을탐구하기위해설립되었다. 수년전부터는태양권밖의천체에서일어나는플라즈마물리과정으로연구영역을확대하였다. 이연구실에서다루는주제들은태양물리연 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 79

81 2018 봄학술대회 구실과공간물리연구실의연구주제들과밀접한관련이있기때문에이들연구실과연구협력이이루어지고있다. 본연구실에서는플라즈마의거시적기술인자기유체역학으로부터미시적기술인입자운동론적기술 (kinetic theory) 까지다양한방법을사용하고있다. 입자운동론적연구에있어서는 University of Maryland의 Peter H. Yoon 교수와긴밀한협력이이루어지고있으며자기유체역학적연구에있어서는 Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research의 Joerg Buechner 교수및 Sami Solanki 교수와협력하고있다. 본연구실의이시백회원 ( 석박 12기 ) 은자기유체역학적시뮬레이션을통하여 total magnetic helicity에비해 twist number가큰구조가나타나는과정에대해연구하고있다. 이중기회원 ( 석박수료 ) 은다차원 (2, 3차원 ) 플라즈마입자시뮬레이션코드를독자적으로개발하였으며, 이를 collisionless magnetic reconnection에적용하여 microscopic scale에서만나타날수있는 dynamo 현상을연구중이다. 이중기회원은현재한국천문연구원의전문연구요원으로근무중이다. 석사 5기인송인혁회원은천체의 shear flow와연계된 thermal instability를해석적방법으로연구중이다. 쎄트렉아이에재직중인박근석회원 ( 박사수료 ) 은달과같은자기장이없는천체와태양풍의상호작용을 3차원자기유체역학적시뮬레이션을통해연구중이다. 전홍달회원 ( 박사수료 ) 은태양과자기권등에서발생하는 ballooning instability에대한연구를수행중이다. 최창대회원 ( 석사 1기 ) 은 Peter H. Yoon 교수와협력하여 nonlinear kinetic Alfven wave의생성및전파에대한이론적연구를수행하고있다. 태양우주기상연구실문용재회원이이끄는태양우주기상연구실 (Sun and Space Weather Laboratory) 은태양활동에대한관측적인연구및이들이지구주변에미치는영향을연구하고있다. 2018년 2월에장수정회원이박사학위를취득하였으며, 전성경회원이석사학위를취득하였다. 2018년 3 월현재연구교수 4인 ( 신준호박사, 이진이박사, 성숙경박사, 이정우박사 ), 박사후 4인 ( 박진혜박사, 조일현박사, 강지혜박사, 장수정박사 ), 박사과정 12인 ( 박종엽, 나현옥, 이강진, 이어진, 신슬기, 이하림, 김태현, 임다예, 이강우, 박은수, 김진현, 전성경 ) 및석사과정 4인 ( 김기문, 정현진, 신경인, Sumiaya) 이연구를함께하고있다. 신준호회원은 우주기상예보시스템개발연구, 이진이회원은 태양분출플라즈마의질량및에너지연구, 성숙경회원은 태양과행성간공간의자기장비교연구, 이정우회원은 태양활동영역연구, 박진혜회원은 태양고에너지입자의특성및예보에관한연구, 조일현회원은 태양풍속도결정연구, 강지혜회원은 관측기반시뮬레이션모델을통한플레어 /CME 기작연구, 장수정회원은 고속 CME를방출하는활동영역연구, 박종엽회원은 우주기상예보평가방법에대한연구, 나현옥회원은 CME 콘모형의관측적검증연구, 이강진회원은 플레어 /CME 예보모델의검증연구, 이어진회원은 태양활동영역의인자와플레어관련성연구, 임다예회원은 활동지역의벡터자기장자료를활용한태양활동예보연구, 이하림회원은 CME 3차원진동특성연구, 신슬기회원, 이강우회원, 박은수회원은 딥러닝을활용한태양활동예보연구, 김진현회원은 태양코로나그래프광학설계및검증연구 수행중에있다. 그리고문용재회원은현재 (1) 태양분출현상에대한관측연구, (2) 딥러닝기법을활용한우주기상예보모델연구를여러공동연구자들과함께수행하고있으며, BK 1유형과제책임자를담당하고있다. 우주과학탑재체연구실선종호회원이지도하고있는우주과학탑재체연구실 (Space Science Instruments Laboratory) 은근지구및우주기상을관측하고연구하기위해인공위성탑재체를개발하고있다. 2018년 2월에박성민회원이석사학위를취득하였다. 2018년 3월현재연구교수 2인 ( 채규성박사, 나고운박사 ) 과박사과정 1인 ( 서용명 ), 석박통합과정 3인 ( 신유철, 우주, 이찬행 ), 석사과정 5인 ( 이훈, 설우형, 이채안, 이현상, 신승혁 ) 이연구를함께하고있다. 근지구우주환경탐사를목적으로한 Trio-CINEMA mission 의두번째, 세번째큐브셋인 KHUSAT-01, KHUSAT-02를경희대천문우주관측기기연구실, U. C Berkeley 의 Space Science Laboratory, Imperial college of London 과함께공동개발하였으며 2014년발사되어임무를수행하였다. 차세대소형위성인 NEXTSat-1 의우주폭풍탑재체 (ISSS) 중하나인 MEPD 는근지구우주방사선을측정하기위해개발하였으며현재비행모델환경시험이완료되어 2018년후반기발사대기중에있다. 정지궤도복합위성 2A 의우주기상탑재체 (KSEM) 은 U. C Berkeley 의 Space Science Laboratory, European Space Agency, 쎄트렉아이와함께공동으로개발하였으며, 정지궤도에서 10년동안우주방사선측정및지구자기장계측, 위성대전감시를할예정이다. 2018년후반기발사예정에있으며현재비행모델환경시험단계에있다. 본연구실의채규성회원은 전파통신및검출기전단부아날로그회로설계, 나고운회원은 검출기 VHDL 개발, 탑재체운용, 서용명회원은 플라즈마검출기개발 을수행중에있으며, 신유철회원은 몬테-카를로방법을이용한입자검출기시뮬레이션 연구, 우주회원은 검출기구조, 열설계 / 해석, 환경시험, 이훈회원은 검출기구조설계 / 해석, 환경시험, 설우형회원은 검출기전단부아날로그회로설계, 이채안회원은 검출기 VHDL 개발, 검교정, 시험, 이찬행회원은 검출기검교정및데이터분석, 운용, 이현상회원은 몬테-카를로방법을 80 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

82 기관소식 이용한검출기시뮬레이션, 신승혁회원은 검출기구조설계 / 해석 을수행중에있다. Solar Dynamics Laboratory Group We aim to reveal the dynamical nature of the Sun showing various kinds of active phenomena, such as solar activity cycles, active regions producing solar flares, solar winds and coronal mass ejections. We investigate these phenomena by combining numerical modeling based on computer simulation and ground-based and/or space observations. The members of our group are Dr. Tetsuya Magara (leader), Jun Mo An, and Hwanhee Lee (MS-PhD combined course). Currently we put our focus on the recycling process of magnetic fields in the interior of the Sun, the transporting process of magnetic fields through the solar convection zone to the solar atmosphere, the dissipating process of magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere, and the erupting process of a magnetized coronal plasma toward the interplanetary space. We also collaborate with the space weather group at NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) in Japan in order to develop a state-of-art three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation model with unstructured grids that is used to investigate the Sun-Earth system. 별탄생연구실이정은회원이이끄는별탄생연구실은현재 3명의박사후연구원, 2명의박사과정학생과 5명의석박통합학생, 별생성영역들에대한물리적화학적상태에대한다양한연구를진행중에있다. 이정은회원은 ALMA Cycle 2 관측결과를바탕으로 turbulent fragmentation에의해 wide binary formation이일어나는과정을포착하여 Nature Astronomy에출판하였다. ALMA Cycle 3, Cycle 4, Cycle 5 시간도확보하여관측을수행하였고, 분석중에있다. Cycle 5에서관측된폭발중인원시성인 V883 Ori 의후속관측을위해 Cycle 6 제안서를제출하였다. 이정은회원은충남대학교유현주학생과함께 JCMT Large Program을통해한 Class I 원시성 EC53의폭발을포착하여그분석결과를 ApJ에출판하였다. EC53에대한 Gemini-South, ALMA, SMA와 JCMT 후속관측이수행되었거나수행중이다. 이석호회원은통합적인원시행성계원반의모델코드를구축하고있다. 이와함께, ALMA Cycle 3에서관측된원시행성계원반을분석하고있으며, 원시쌍성의가능성을확인하기위해 Cycle 6 제안서를제출하였다. 최윤희회원은 L1251B의 Spitzer/IRS, Herschel/PACS, SPIRE, HIFI 관측데이터를분석하고있다. 김재영회원은 AKARI/IRS을이용하여원시성과배경별을통해관측된성간얼음분자들의흡수선밴드를분석하여별탄생과정에서의역학적기작과화학적변이를연구하고있다. 박선경회원은 IGRINS legacy program인 Spectral Library에관한논문을제출하여심사중이며, 다양한폭발원시성인 FUOrs를 BOES와 IGRINS를이용하여관측하고분석하고있다. 윤성용회원은원시행성계원반을연구하는또다른 IGRINS legacy program에서다양한진화단계의원시행성계원반천체들의스펙트럼을분석, 연구하고있다. 이중, 한 Class I 천체에서일어난폭발현상의증거를 NIR spectrum에서발견하고, 후속연구를위해 ALMA Cycle 6에제안서를제출하였다. 이희원회원은 JCMT Large program에참여하여, Orion 영역에있는 Planck Galactic Cold Clumps를 SCUBA2로관측하고분석하여논문을제출하여심사중이고, 후속으로 KVN, SMA, ALMA 관측을수행하여별의형성과주변환경의관계를연구하고있다. 윤형식회원은 TRAO의 Key Science Program을통하여, Orion과 Ophiuchus 영역을다양한분자선으로관측하고있으며, 이를바탕으로두영역에서의난류의성격을연구하고있다. 백기선회원은매우초기단계에있는원시성인 L1527-IRS의 Herschel/PACS 연속스펙트럼을설명하는 envelope 밀도구조를 continuum radiative transfer modeling을통해연구하여논문을작성하고있으며, 두개의 massive prototostar의 ALMA 분자선관측결과를분석하여화학적상태를비교하는연구를수행하고있다. 특히최근폭발현상을일으킨 massive protostar와현재연구중인 hot core에서 complex organic molecules의화학적차이를연구하기위하여 ALMA Cycle 6 제안서를제출하였다. 이용희회원은 JCMT/SCUBA2 연속파지도와 TRAO 분자선지도를이용하여 Orion A 분자운에서 column density probability distribution function (N-PDF) 를연구하고있으며, 강인회원은 IGRINS로관측된 massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) 을분석하고있으며, 그중한 MYSO의 He I 방출선과, Br series 방출선들, 특히 Br γ 방출선에서원반회전에의한 double-peak feature를발견하였고, MYSO 주위의원반을확인하고연구하기위하여, ALMA Cycle 6 제안서를제출하였다. 우주플라즈마물리연구실이은상회원이이끄는우주플라즈마물리연구실은현재 1명의박사과정학생과 2명의석박통합학생, 2명의석사과정학생들이위성관측데이터분석과시뮬레이션을이용하여우주플라즈마에서발생하는다양한물리현상을연구중에있다. 이준현회원은 Van Allen Probes 위성데이터를분 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 81

83 2018 봄학술대회 석하여 plasmapause 근처에서수십 ev에서수 kev에이르는에너지를갖는이온의특성을연구하고있다. 김희은회원은 Cluster 위성데이터를분석하여이온이지구 bow shock을통과할때발생하는 heating 과정에대해연구하고있다. 신유라회원은 Cluster 위성데이터를분석하여오로라지역상공근처에서 field-aligned current와관련된자기장교란의특성에대해연구하고있다. 이상윤회원은 particle-in-cell 기법을이용한다차원플라즈마시뮬레이션코드를개발하여방사선대와태양풍등에서발생하는플라즈마불안정성에대해연구하고있다. 강준석회원은 test particle 시뮬레이션을이용하여지구 bow shock을통과하는이온의궤적특성에대해연구하고있다. 하는교육프로그램을상시진행하고있다. 초중고학생들및일반인을대상으로하는교육프로그램은주 4회씩진행되고있다. 이를통해천문 우주과학에대한일반의관심을향상시키고, 중고생들에게전공진로방향을제시하는등, 경희대학교천문대는지역사회및일반천문동호인들에게중요한교육및체험현장으로서새로운위상을정립하고있다. 경희대학교천문대에는천문우주과학관측기기및인공위성의개발과관련된다수의실험실들이설치되어있다. 실험시설로는전자장비개발및시험시설, 기계구조부제작및시험시설, 청정실등이있으며, 경희대학교인공위성지상국도현재천문대에설치되어운용되고있다. 3. 연구시설경희천문대경희대학교천문대는 1992년 10월돔형건물의완공과 76cm 반사망원경의설치를기점으로개관하여 1995 년 9월민영기교수가초대천문대장으로부임하였다. 1999년 1월에김상준교수가제 2대천문대장으로부임한후, 2001년 3월에인공위성추적관측을위한관측소를설치하였다. 2003년 2월에장민환교수가제 3대천문대장으로부임하였고, 2010년 3월부터는박수종교수가제 4대천문대장직을수행하였다. 2012년 3월에진호교수가제 5대천문대장직에부임한후, 2013년 10월에공식명칭을 우주과학교육관 에서 경희대학교천문대 로변경하였고, 새롭게홈페이지를개선하였다. 2015년 2월부터는최광선교수가제 6대천문대장직을수행하였고 2017년 3월부터김관혁교수가제 7대천문대장직을수행하고있다. 경희대학교천문대는연구및교육활동외에천문우주과학대중화사업을적극적으로진행해오고있다. 행정직원으로는전홍달회원이행정및연구실장으로근무하고있다. 본천문대는 2009년에리모델링공사를통하여각종연구시설을정비하였고, 76cm 반사망원경의 TCS를교체하여보다효율적이고정확한관측이가능하도록하였다. 또한 2010년에는 Meade사의 16인치리치크레티앙식망원경과 Paramount ME 마운트를도입하여위성추적및천체관측실습용으로사용중에있으며, 2011 년과 2012년에는 FLI 4K CCD와 FLI 1K CCD를각각도입하여관측에활용하고있다. 2013년에는대구경쌍안경을도입하여과학문화대중화에활용하고있다. 2012년 4월에는기존의전시장공간에연구실을신설하는공사와영상실조성공사가완료되었다. 2015년 2월과 2016년 2월에는천체관측지원을위하여주망원경돔을보수하였다. 매년 10월에는일반인및경희가족을대상으로한공개관측회가개최된다. 또한다양한체험학습프로그램과과학문화대중화를위한, 천문및우주과학을주제로 고등과학원 The Astrophysics and Cosmology group is headed by Prof. Changbom Park, Research Profs. Juhan Kim and Ho Seong Hwang, and KIAS scholar Prof. Christophe Pichon. There are currently eight research fellows: Drs.Stephen Appleby, Owain Snaith, Motonari Tonegawa, Hyunsung Jun, Yi Zheng, Jaehyun Lee, Sungryong Hong, and Christoph Saulder. Prof. Park is carrying out the Korea Dark Energy Survey (KDES) project, which aims to uncover the nature of the dark energy component of the universe. Prof. Park is leading the Korean Scientist Group (KSG) participating in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) IV that started in July SDSS IV consists of three survey programs, APOGEE-2, MaNGA, and eboss. He is also a member of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) consortium, which plans to construct a new wide-field multi-object spectrograph to carry out dark energy-related survey sciences. Individual members of the astrophysics group have been active in their research in Prof. Pichon built estimators for dark energy and primordial non-gaussianity using count-in-cells in the large deviation limits and validated them on the Horizon Run 4 simulation. He is leading a group of astronomers, the Spine collaboration which quantifies the impact of the cosmic web on galactic assembly and morphology in simulations and data 82 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

84 기관소식 (COSMOS, VIPERS, GAMA). He estimated in particular the effect of intrinsic alignments of galaxies on weak lensing, the role of AGN feedback on cusps, the importance of mergers in driving stellar mass growth. He also investigated the secular evolution of galactic discs and nuclear clusters near supermassive black holes. Research Prof. Juhan Kim is making the next-generation GOTPM code, which adopts a new domain decomposition scheme and a new hierarchical network topology for large cosmological simulations. He is also simulating the non-standard cosmological models including clustering Quintessence, CPL dark energy, and non-general relativity aiming to study the model-dependent Large-Scale Structure clustering. He is now working on the study of gamma-ray emissions from the dark matter annihilation in galactic halos using these simulations. Together with Dr. Oh-kyoung Kwon, Dr. Chan Park at KISTI and Jihye Shin at KASI, he is now implementing the OpenMP parallelism to RAMSES code for the Horizon Run 5 simulation. Research Prof. Ho Seong Hwang has worked on galaxy redshift surveys for cosmology and galaxy evolution study. He studied the evolution of cosmic voids identified from observations (HectoMAP) and simulations (Horizon Run 4), and found that the physical properties of voids are consistent with the predictions ofthe standard Lambda cold dark matter model. He also studied the galaxy properties in a wide range of environments including galaxy clusters and galactic satellite systems to examine the environmental effects on galaxy evolution. He worked on the analysis of spectral energy distributions of nearby star-forming galaxies using the JCMT JINGLE survey data. Dr. Hyunmi Song has now move to KASI. Together with Dr. Sungwook Hong, and Prof. Park, Dr. Song continued to work on planting quasars in dark matter halos of a cosmological N-body simulation, Horizon Run 4. Dr. Hyunmi Song, Prof. Ho Seong Hwang, and Prof. Park worked on the spatial and kinematic distributions of the Abell2199 cluster galaxies and rotational motion of Abell 2107 using the MMT/Hectospec redshift data. Dr. Raphael Gobat has focused on quiescent galaxies at z~2. He has realized the first spectroscopic detection of stellar population gradients in high-redshift passive galaxies and, estimated the amount of residual gas in these galaxies. Both results point to inside-out gravitational quenching as the main mechanism for the cessation of star formation in massive galaxies. He has left KIAS at the end of the year for a tenure-track position at the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso, in Chile. Dr. Stephen Appleby has written codes to extract the Minkowski functionals and tensors from twoand three-dimensional density fields and is currently applying them to the latest galaxy catalogs, with the intention of constraining the expansion history of the Universe and exploring the nature of dark energy. With Prof. Eric Linder (LBNL) he is also studying a class of scalar-tensor dark energy models which attempt to resolve the cosmological constant problem by breaking the coordinate invariance of de Sitter vacuum states. Dr. Jihye Shin has moved to KASI in November. She has studied the effects of large-scale density fluctuation modes on cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. She has been also preparing a large-volume high-resolution hydrodynamic simulation, Horizon Run 5, with Prof. Park, Prof. Kim, and Dr. Snaith. She published two papers on hydrodynamic simulations of Galactic center and on probability distribution function of the cosmic density field. Dr. Owain Snaith, along with Prof. Kim and Prof. Park, has worked on the effects of the initial conditions and spatial resolution in cosmological simulations with RAMSES. He has published a paper on the outskirts of dark matter halos, and the link between the splashback and virial radii. He is studying the impact of chaning the friends-of-friends linking length on galaxy group catalogues. He is working on the Horizon Run 5 simulations, along with Dr. Shin at KASI, and is focusing on the tuning the subgrid physics to match observations. Dr. Motonari Tonegawa is analyzing the Horizon Run 4 galaxy simulation data, focusing on the pairwise velocity probability distribution function as a function of pair separation, angle, and galaxy 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 83

85 2018 봄학술대회 mass, to construct a model which describes the effects of redshift space distortion accurately within the framework of the streaming model. He also measured intrinsic alignments of blue star-forming galaxies at the highest redshift so far (z~1.4), using the spectroscopic catalog of the FastSound survey. Dr Hyunsung Jun joined the astrophysics group in June He is working on understanding the physics of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in terms of black hole growth, obscuration, and galaxy-black hole coevolution. He is also working on how AGN affects the host galaxy through ionized outflows, and has initiated long-term monitoring programs to utilize AGN variability in estimating the size of the unresolved substructures. Dr. Christoph Saulder arrived at KIAS in November. His primary focus of research is studying the global properties of early-type galaxies to improve the fundamental plane distance estimates. Using this distance indicator, he wants to obtain peculiar motions from SDSS data to measure the growth factor β and to study large-scale structures by comparing the observational data to the expectations from the Horizon Run 인적사항 부산대학교지구과학교육과 Dr. Yi Zheng, together with Prof. Park and Dr. Tonegawa, is working on modeling the small-scale galaxy redshift space correlation function with streaming model strategy. Meanwhile, he is working on improving the redshift space distortion (RSD) model ofgalaxy power spectrum, through TNS model strategy and velocity decomposition strategy. He has also helped his collaborators to conduct an accurate measurement of halo velocity bias in simulations, fulfilling a loophole in precision cosmology. Dr. Jaehyun Lee joined the astrophysics group in August He has investigated the assembly history of galaxies in various environments using a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation andevolution. He has also looked into directional changes of galaxy spin vectors in dense environments using cosmological zoomed hydrodynamic simulations. He is currently working with Prof. Parkand Prof. Kim on galaxy assignment in cosmological simulations withvarying cosmological parameters by utilizing semi-analytic approaches. Dr. Sungryong Hong joined the astrophysics group in October He is working with Prof. Park on investigating topological structures of the large-scales structures in theuniverse. Along with Dr. Ho Seong Hwang, he works to measure graph statistics of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data and compare them with theoretical predictions from the KIAS mock galaxy catalogs. 본학과에재직하는 6명의전임교수중천문학교육과연구는강혜성교수가담당하고있으며, 관측천문학을담당하던안홍배교수는 2018년 2월정년을맞아퇴임하였다. 대학원에는석사과정에전희승, 정자희, 이수민, 정영주등 4명, 박사과정에는남기형, 장운태, 조현진, 하동기등 4명이있으며모두과정을수료한상태다. 2. 연구및학술활동안홍배교수는국부우주 (z<0.01) 에있는은하의광도-반경관계의환경의존성과국부우주의고립된위성은하계에있는왜소은하의형태적특성에대한연구를수행하였다. 강혜성교수는은하단에서발견되는충격파에서우주선의가속과비열적복사에관한연구를수행하였다. Shock Acceleration Model with Postshock Turbulence for Radio Relics 의주제로 2017년 6월프랑스 ( 생말로 ) 에서개최된 the 12th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows 학회와 7월대만 ( 타이페이 ) 에서개최된 13th Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting (APRIM 2017) 에서발표하였고, 7월 UNIST에서개최된 Proton Acceleration at Collisionless Shocks and Gamma-ray Emission from Galaxy Clusters 학회에서 Particle Acceleration at Astrophysical Shocks 의주제로발표하였다. 2017년 10월에네덜란드 ( 암스테르담 ) 에서개최된 Diffuse Synchrotron Emission in Clusters of Galaxies - What's Next?" 학회에서 Diffusive Shock Acceleration Model with Postshock Turbulence for Radio Relics 주제로발표하였고, 2017년 11월에스위스 ( 베른 ) 에서개최된 Clusters of Galaxies: Physics and Cosmology" 학회에서 84 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

86 기관소식 Nonthermal emission from merger-driven shocks in galaxy clusters 주제로발표하였다. 2017년 8월세명의대학원생이석사학위를받았는데, 박형욱은 SDSS 데이터를이용하여팽대부가발달한나선은하의특성을연구하였고, 성현미는극단적으로얇은원반의구조를가진은하를연구하였고, 강서영은극단적으로고립된은하의특성을연구하였다. 2018년 2월서미라는 SDSS 데이터를이용하여왜소타원은하를연구하여박사학위를받았고, 서정빈은무거운별의항성풍에서우주선에너지생성을연구하여석사학위를받았다. 조현진 ( 박사과정 ) 은우리은하성간난류의성질을연구하고있으며, 정자희, 이수민, 정영주는은하의다양한특성에관한관측데이터와이론적예측의비교연구를수행하고있다. 3. 연구시설본과의천문대에는 16인치반사망원경과, 14인치슈미트카세인망원경, 6인치굴절망원경이각각독립된돔에설치되어있고, 부대시설로는 CCD 카메라가있어학생들의실습에사용되고있다. 또한 4인치부터 8인치에이르는소형망원경들이있어학부생들의관측실습에사용되고있다. 본과는총 8기의계산용워크스테이션을보유하고있다. 4. 국내외연구논문 - Ann, H., Morphology of Dwarf Galaxies in Isolated Satellite Systems, 2017, JKAS, 50, Ann, H., Environmental Dependence of Luminosity-Size Relation of Local galaxies, 2017, J. of Korean Earth Sci. Soc., 38, Kang, H., Particle Acceleration at Structure Formation Shocks, Proceedings for Cosmic Ray Origin - Beyond the Standard Model, San Vito, van Weeren, R. J., et al. (Kang, H), The case for electron re-acceleration at galaxy cluster shocks, 2017, Nature Astronomy, 1, Kang, H., Ryu, D., Jones, T. W., Shock Acceleration Model for the Toothbrush Radio Relic, 2017, ApJ, 840, 42 - Kang, H., Shock Acceleration Model with Postshock Turbulence for Giant Radio Relics, 2017, JKAS, 50, 95 - Kang, H., Ryu, D., Jones, T. W., Acceleration of Cosmic Ray Electrons at Weak Shocks in Galaxy Clusters, 2017, proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Busan, Korea) - Kang, H., & Ryu, D., Effects of Alfvenic Drift on Diffusive Shock Acceleration at Weak Cluster Shocks, 2018, ApJ in press - Ha, J., Ryu, D., & Kang, H., Properties of Merger Shocks in Merging Galaxy Clusters, 2018, ApJ in press - Seo, J., Kang, H., Ryu, D., The Contribution of Stellar Winds to Cosmic Ray Production, 2018, submitted to JKAS 서울대학교물리 천문학부천문학전공 1. 인적사항서울대학교물리 천문학부천문학전공에서는구본철, 이형목, 이명균, 박용선, 채종철, 임명신, 김웅태, 이정훈, 우종학, Masateru Ishiguro, 윤성철, Sascha Trippe 등 12명의교수가교육과연구를담당하고있다. 미국 Alabama 대학에서온 James Irwin 교수는 2016년 9월부터올해 5월까지객원부교수로부임하여연구년을지내고돌아갔다. 나고야대학으로자리를옮겼던이정우교수는브레인풀우수과학자로선정되어 2017년 4월부터객원교수로부임하였고, Nobuo Arimoto 교수도수바루천문대장퇴임후 2017년 5월부터브레인풀우수과학자로선정되어객원교수로부임하였다. 2017년 1학기에는채종철, 우종학, 윤성철교수, 2 학기에는이명균, 윤성철교수가연구년을보냈으며, 윤성철교수는 1년간호주, Monash Univ 로파견근무를다녀왔다. 천문전공주임은 3월부터박용선교수가새로맡게되었으며, 임명신교수는창의연구초기천체우주연구단단장, 우종학교수는 BK21 운영위원을계속해서맡고있다. 이명균교수는 12월 31일자로지난 2년간의한국천문학회장임기를마쳤다. 박사후연구원으로는 Rongxin Luo, Suvendu Rakshit, Juan-Carlos Algaba, 이정애, 이용현박사가신규임용되었으며, 천상현, 김민규, 오희영박사가근무를마쳤다. 2017년 1학기에는석박통합과정 8명, 2학기에는석박통합과정 3명, 박사과정 1명이입학하였다. 2017년 1학기에는박사 4명, 석사 4명을배출하였으며, 2학기에는박사 2명, 석사 2명, 학사 3명을배출하였다. 학위를받은학생은아래와같다. 2017년 8월학위취득 박사고유경 ( 지도교수 : 이명균 ) The Globular Cluster Systems in Virgo and M85 박금숙 ( 지도교수 : 구본철 ) Study of Galactic HI 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 85

87 2018 봄학술대회 Shells/Supershells using the I-GALFA Survey Data 이광호 ( 지도교수 : 이명균 ) A Multi-wavelength Study of Galaxy Transition in Different Environments 이용현 ( 지도교수 : 구본철 ) Near-infrared Study of Galactic Supernova Remnants 석사구한울 ( 지도교수 : 이정훈 ) OInvestigating the Effect of Galaxy Interaction on the Evolution of Spin Alignments 롬미리디아 ( 지도교수 : 구본철 ) A multi-wavelength study of N63A: A supernova remnant within a H II region in the Large Magellanic Cloud 이민경 ( 지도교수 : Masateru Ishiguro) Opposition Effect of Asteroid (25143) Itokawa 이상윤 ( 지도교수 : 임명신 ) NIR Spectroscopy of Early Afterglow of Ultra-Long GRB A 학사없음 2018년 2월학위취득 박사김도형 ( 지도교수 : 임명신 ) Unveiling intrinsic properties of dusty red AGNs 양홍규 ( 지도교수 : Masateru Ishiguro) Origins and evolution of Interplanetary Dust Particles 석사박관호 ( 지도교수 : 이형목 ) Numerical Integration of Neutron Star Binaries in Eccentric Orbits 이나원 ( 지도교수 : 이명균 ) M81 은하군구상성단의분광학적연구 학사김동국, 이수빈, 진선호 2. 학술및연구활동구본철회원은공동연구자및지도학생들과함께초신성및초신성잔해, 질량이큰항성의생성및최종진화, 우리은하의구조등에관한연구를수행하고있다. 4월에는프린스톤대학에서개최된젊은초신성잔해카시오페이아 A에관한집중적워크샵에참석하여근적외선연구결과를발표했으며, 9월에는우리은하바깥쪽의자세한나선구조를보여주는 HI 지도를학술지에발표하였다. 지도학생동정으로는 8월에박금숙회원이 Study of Galactic HI Shells/Supershells using the I-GALFA Survey Data 라는제목으로, 이용현회원이 Near-infrared Study of Galactic Supernova Remnants 라는제목으로각각박사학위를수여하였다. 그리고정부초청장학생롬미리디아는 A multi-wavelength study of N63A: A supernova remnant within a H II region in the Large Magellanic Cloud 라는제목으로석사학위를수여하고박사과정에진입하였다. 이형목회원은한국중력파연구진인 KGWG의대표역할을수행하고있으며자료처리분야의다양한연구를수행하고있다. KGWG는 LIGO Scientific Collaboration(LSC) 의공식회원으로서울대, 한양대, 부산대, 인제대, 국가수리과학연구소 (NIMS), 한국과학기술정보연구원 (KISTI) 등이참여하고있다. 2016년 11월부터 2017년 8월말까지진행된 LIGO와 Virgo의 2차관측가동에서는두개의블랙홀쌍성충돌현상과. 특히 2017년 8월 17일에발견된중력파는앞서발견된여러경우와달리중력파형분석결과질량이중성자별인것으로추정되었고거의동시에감마선폭발체가보고되어다양한파장의전자기파망원경이곧바로추적관측을시작한결과타원은하인 NGC 4993에서새롭게보이는변광천체가발견되었다. 이러한정보는중력파연구협력단과초신성과같은변광천체, 감마선폭발천체의후속관측등에관한연구를수행하고있는임명신교수에게도전달되어한국천문연구원과서울대학교가남반구에보유하고망원경들을이용한추적관측이 20일정도지속되었다이들결과는다수의 LSC 공동논문으로발표되었다. 이형목회원을비롯한 KGWG에속한 14명이이들논문저자로참여하였다. 이형목은박다우 ( 박사과정 ), 김정리 ( 천문연구원 ) 과공동으로구상성단에서역학적과정을거쳐블랙홀쌍성이생성되는확률과이들의관측적특성을연구한논문을발표하였다. 이형목은졸업생인배영복 ( 천문연구원 ) 회원과두개의블랙홀이접근하면서만들어지는쌍성의포획단면적을수치상대론적계산을통해구하였다. 이형목은다수의국제연구그룹과중력파검출기만으로블랙홀쌍성의모은하를동정할수있는가능성에대한연구를수행하였다. 이형목은적외선분야의연구도계속추진하여 2017년부터 JCMT/SCUBA-2를이용한황도북극영역에대한 850 μ m 탐사관측프로그램 Large Program 제안서를제출하여 400시간관측시간을배정받았다. 2018년 2월현재약 8% 정도의관측이진행되었다. 이형목은 2017년 5월 21-22일에타이페이에서열린 The Third International Workshop on KAGRA, 6월 25일-30일에프랑스파리에서열린 XXXIIIth international colloquium of the IAP, 7월 3일-7일사이에이화여대에서열린 International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics and Cosmology, 10월 16일 20일사이에스페인바르셀로나에서열린 Astro-GR 9, 11월 23-27일사이에호주 University of Western Australia (UWA) 에서열린 Australian Conference on General Relativity 에서초청강연을하였다. 이명균회원은양유진, 김은총회원, You, Chang, 86 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

88 기관소식 Zabludoff, Ann, Smith, Paul 등과함꼐 Mapping the Polarization of the Radio-Loud Lyα Nebula B3 J 연구를수행했다. 김민규, 이형목, 정웅섭, 김성진회원등과함께 Low-Resolution Near-infrared Stellar Spectra Observed by the Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER) 연구를수행했다. 고유경, 황호성, 박홍수, 임성순, 손주비, 장인성, 황나래, 박병곤회원과함께 To the Edge of M87 and Beyond: Spectroscopy of Intracluster Globular Clusters and Ultracompact Dwarfs in the Virgo Cluster 연구를수행했다. 이광호, 황호성, 손주비회원과함께 The Fastest Galaxy Evolution in an Unbiased Compact Group Sample with WISE 연구를수행했다. 장인성회원, Beaton, Rachael; Seibert, Mark; Bono, Giuseppe; Madore, Barry와함께 The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program: Discovery of the Most Distant Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxy in the Local Universe 연구를수행했다. 장인성회원과함께 TRGB 방법으로 Ia형초신성이발견된은하들의거리를측정하고, 이를이용하여초신성의광도를표준화한후, 이를초신성목록에적용하여허블상수의값을 3-4% 의오차로정밀하게측정하는연구를수행했다. 장인성회원과함꼐 Resolving the Discrepancy of Distance to M60, a Giant Elliptical Galaxy in Virgo 연구를수행했다. 장인성회원, Beaton, R., Madore, B., Freedman, W. 등과함께허블우주망원경을이용하여 Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program 연구를수행했다. 김윤영, 이시구로회원과함께 New Observational Evidence of Active Asteroid P/2010 A2: Slow Rotation of the Largest Fragment 연구를수행했다. 강지수, 이정환, 장인성회원과함께 Detection of a Large Population of Ultradiffuse Galaxies in Massive Galaxy Clusters: Abell S1063 and Abell 2744 연구를수행했다. 구본철, 박금숙, 김웅태회원, Balser, Dana S.; Wenger, Trey V. 등과함께 Tracing the Spiral Structure of the Outer Milky Way with Dense Atomic Hydrogen Gas 연구를수행했다. 권유나, 이시구로회원등과함께목성계열혜성인 Optical and Near-infrared Polarimetry of Non-periodic Comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina) 연구를수행했다. 이명균회원은 년천문학회장의임기를마쳤다. 박용선회원은윤영주회원과함께 AGN의흡수선분석을통하여우리은하분자운에서 10 AU 규모로분자들의분포가서로다를수있음을보였다. 유형준회원과는프레넬렌즈를대물렌즈로하여접었다펼칠수있는경량우주망원경의광학계연구를계속하고있다. 회절효과를고려하면서기하광학적으로광선을추적하여간편하게광학계를설계하는프로그램을개발하고있다. 서울전파천문대를정상화하기위해미국버클리대학에 서 230GHz 대역수신기를도입하고냉각기도함께구매하였다. 230GHz 수신기는 CARMA에서사용하던것으로서로직교하는편광을측정할수있는반면 DSB 모드로동작한다. 실험실에서냉각성능을확인하였으며, 믹서바이어스, LNA 바이어스, 국부발진부제어, 듀어온도측정등여러인터페이스문제를해결하여 6미터망원경을 2018년가을부터가동할예정이다. 채종철회원이이끄는태양천문학그룹에는 2018년 3 월현재 4인의박사과정회원 ( 조규현, 곽한나, 이겨레, 강주형 ) 과 2인의석사과정회원 ( 서민주, 김다나 ) 이있다. 2017년 3월에그룹에합류한이정우방문교수는 2017년 12월 10개월간의방문기간을종료했다. 태양천문학그룹이수행해온연구과제는크게두가지이다. 첫째, 미국빅베어태양천문대의 1.6미터태양망원경 (GST) 의고속영상태양분광기 (FISS) 를이용한관측수행, 자료분석및연관이론연구를수행했다. FISS는채종철회원이이끄는서울대태양천문학그룹과한국천문연구원태양우주환경그룹이공동제작한것이다. 2017년도에논문으로발표된주요연구결과는다음과같다. 1) 태양흑점의 3분속도진동을광구에서검출하였다. 그결과광구의 3분진동은위로전파하는느린자기음파이며, 그파동에너지플럭스는채층의 3분속도진동을설명하기에충분했다. 강한 3분진동이빛다리나암부명점근처에서발견되는것으로보아, 3분진동은광구바로아래에서일어나는자기대류에의해발진되는것으로보인다. (Chae et al. 2017a). 2) 태양채층에서일어나는 3 분진동의비선형적전파의해를발견하였으며, 비선현적전개와연관된 3분진동의 2차조화진동을발견했다. (Litvinenko & Chae 2017; Chae et a. 2017b). 3) 태양흑점의빛다리에서생기는소규모채층플라스마방출이빛다리에서일어나는자기재연결에서발진된느린자기음파의충격파현상임을시사하는관측증거를발견했다. (Song et al. 2017) 둘째, 한국천문연구원이추진하는국제우주정거장용코로나그래프개발사업의위탁을받아연구를수행했다. 2017년도에얻은주요결과는다음과같다. 1) 후코로질량방출광선을따라나가는유출류가자기재연결에서나온것이라는관측증거를발견하였다 (Chae et al. 2017c). 2) 필터장착코로나그래로코로나질량방출의온도구조를결정할수있는가능성을검증하였다. 임명신회원은한국연구재단리더연구자사업 ( 창의적연구 ) 인초기우주천체연구단을이끌면서퀘이사, 원시은하단, 타원은하, 중력파천체, 감마선폭발, 초신성등다양한주제에대한연구를수행하였다. 연구단에서수행중인 Infrared Medium-deep Survey자료를바탕으로김재우, 이성국, 현민희, 백인수회원등과함께원시은하단및초은하단후보들을, 김용정, 전이슬, 신수현회원과함께초기우주퀘이사후보들에대한선별및분광관측확인연구를진행하여어두운초기우주퀘이사를 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 87

89 2018 봄학술대회 다수발견하는데성공하였다. 특히적색이동 6에위치한희미한퀘이사의 accretion rate이낮다는점을통해고적색이동퀘이사들은무거운 seed mass로부터성장하였거나 super-eddington accretion이라는매우급격한성장을겪었다는가능성을제시하였다. 그외에도김도형회원하고은하진화를규명하기위한고리역할을하는 red quasar에대한연구를진행하여근적외선에서나타나는수소 Paschen line을사용하여 red quasar의 accretion rate이보통퀘이사보다크다는점을알아냈음은물론, line ratio분석을통해 red quasar의색깔은 dust extinction때문이라는사실도밝혀냈다. 이는붉은 quasar가보통 quasar와별형성중인은하의징검다리를하는단계라는 scenario를지지하는흥미로운결과이다. 또한윤용민회원과가까운우주에있는매우무거운타원은하의질량-크기관계가주변환경에의해영향받는다는사실을최초로규명하였는데, 이는그동안 LCDM 모델이예측한바를뒷받침하는결과이다. 김준호회원, Karouzos 회원과함께, KMTNet을이용한 AGN의시계열관측연구를, 이상윤, 백승학회원과함께 GRB폭발직후의근적외선스펙트럼의변화를이용하여 GRB의 afterglow와 prompt emission에대한연구를수행하고있다. 탁윤찬회원과함께중력렌즈천체에대한모델링연구를진행하고있으며, 황성용, 김준호회원과함께 medium-band reverberation mapping연구도수행중이다. 경희대학교박수종회원등과함께고적색편이퀘이사관측을위한적외선관측기기인 SQUEAN을사용하여 z=5에있는희미한퀘이사들에대한저분산분광관측연구를수행중이다. 또한최창수회원, 임구회원, 김소피아회원, 백승학회원등과함께이상각망원경의 SNUCAM-II, 미국의 0.8m망원경, 레몬산 1m망원경, 우리나라소백산천문대 0.6m망원경, 덕흥천문대 1m망원경, 우즈베키스탄 1.5m망원경등을이용하여가까운은하의 monitoring관측연구을수행하였다. Intensive Monitoring Survey of Nearby Galaxies (IMSNG) 라고명명된이연구는초신성폭발순간의 light curve를확보하여초신성원형별의특성을규명하기위한연구이며, 2017년도한해동안 monitoring대상 60개은하중 7개은하에서초신성폭발이발생하였다. 현재이에대한분석연구를진행중이다. 임구회원과함께 IMSNG 자료를이용하여위성은하를연구하고있다. 임명신회원은또한 2017년 8월17일에나타는중성자별충돌로발생한중력파천체 GW170817의국내광학관측을주도하여이것이 킬로노바 라는현상을일으켰다는사실과모은하의특성을규명하는연구결과를 Nature, ApJL 등에발표하였다. 이형목회원, 김승리회원, 이충욱회원과초기우주천체연구단연구원들과함께수행한이연구는 Multi-Messenger Astronomy라는새로운연구분야를창출하는데크게기여하였고, 임명신회원은이연구와관련하여한국과학기자협회가선정한올해의과학자상을수여받기도하였다. 임명신회원은그외에도준공후약 40년이지난서울대학교제1광학천문대의재건축 위원회위원장으로천문대의재건축을성공적으로마무리지었으며, 2017년동안 IAU membership 위원회의워원, 한국천문올림피아드위원, 2021년 IAU general assembly 준비위원, JKAS 편집위원, 한국천문학회이사, K-GMT과학백서준비위원, K-GMT과학자문위원회위원, 서울대천문학과시설위원회위원장등을역임하였다.. 김웅태회원은공동연구자들과함께원반은하에있는성간물질의역학적진화및항성원반의비축대칭구조물의형성에대한연구를계속하고있다. 김웅태회원은김정규회원 ( 박사과정 ) 과 Ostriker 교수 (Princeton) 와함께젊은별이방출하는자외선의복사전달을효율적으로풀수있는수치코드를개발하여성간운의별탄생에적용하였다. 이들은별을생성한성간운의파괴에는복사압보다광전리가더중요하며, 최종별탄생효율이성간운의표면밀도에의존함을밝혔다. 김웅태회원은 Elmegreen 박사 (IBM) 와함께원반은하중심부핵나선의형성에대한연구를수행하여, 매우약한비축대칭섭동도강한핵나선을할수있으며생성된핵나선의세기와모습은배경속도엇갈림에의해결정됨을보였다. 김웅태회원은 Pei-Ying Hsieh 박사 (ASIAA) 등과함께우리은하중심부에존재하는핵주변원반 (circumnuclear disk) 으로의질량유입을연구하였으며, 구본철회원등과함께중성수소관측을통한우리은하의나선구조를연구하였다. 현재김웅태회원은김정규회원과함께별탄생영역에서방출되는원자외선의세기에대한연구를진행하고있으며, 서우영회원 ( 박사과정 ) 과함께막대와핵고리의형성및중심영역별형성에대한 3차원연구를, 문상혁회원 ( 석박사통합과정 ) 과함께원통형좌계에서적용가능한자체중력해자를개발에대한연구를, 양승원회원 ( 석박사통합과정 ), 윤한결회원 ( 석박사통합과정 ) 과함께원시행성원반과행성의중력상호작용에대한연구를수행하고있다. 이정훈회원은 2017년도에근거리우주론에대한연구를수행했다. 근거리우주에존재하는은하단 6개의동력학적질량을배경우주론에대한선가정없이독립적으로측정하였고이를미국국천체물리저널에단독저자논문으로게재하였다. 이정훈회원은또한영국덜햄대학교의바우지우리박사와공동연구를수행하여은하군의회전반경의한계초과현상을이용하여중력법칙을제한하는방법을개발하고이를수치실험을통해검증하는연구성과를이루어그결과를담은논문을제1저자이자교신저자로미국천체물리저널에게재하였다. 구한울회원은이정훈회원의지도하에은하쌍의스핀정렬정도를최신관측자료를분석하여탐지하였고이연구성과를담은 Investigating the Effect of Galaxy Interaction on the Evolution of Spin Alignments" 제목의졸업논문으로 8월에석사학위를수여받았다. 88 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

90 기관소식 Masateru Ishiguro 회원의연구그룹은태양계내에현존하는원시천체를통해태양계의기원과진화에대한연구를실시했다. 김윤영회원과 Masateru Ishiguro 회원은 2010년에발견된 P/2010 A2라는먼지꼬리를가진활동성소행성의관측자료로부터이먼지구름의형성기작을조사했다. K-GMT 프로그램의지원을받아총 7.5시간의관측자료를얻어 P/2010 A2 잔해에현존하는가장큰파편의자전주기를 11.36시간으로추정했다. 이관측자료로부터 P/2010 A2 먼지구름은 2009년발생한충돌로형성되었다고결론내렸다. 이렇듯소행성대에서발생한충돌로인해소행성이산산조각나는현상이직접관측된것은처음으로, 이연구결과는제미니홈페이지에도소개되었다 (Kim, Ishiguro, et al. 2017a; Kim, Ishiguro, Lee 2017b). Masateru Ishiguro 회원과권유나회원은태양계소천체의편광관측에서총 2편의논문을발표했다. 태양에 0.19 au까지접근한소행성이카루스의표면에 100 마이크로미터크기미만의먼지입자가결여되어있고, 이는태양열에의한가열및복사압이원인이라고추정했다 (Ishiguro et al. 2017). 또한혜성 C/2013 US10의편광관측으로부터혜성편광그룹에관한고찰을실시했다 (Kwon, Ishiguro et al. 2017). 한편본연구그룹은 DEEP-South팀 ( 한국천문연구원 ) 과연계하여소행성연구를실시했다. DEEP-South 관측자료에서지구근접소행성이나혜성을추출하는알고리즘을개발하였다 (2017년한국천문학회추계학술대회에서발표 ). 박윤수회원은열물리학적모델의계산코드를작성하고적외선천문위성 AKARI가관측한혜성같은특성을가진두천체에적용하고논문으로발표했다 (Bach, Ishiguro, Usui 2017). 양홍규회원은 Masateru Ishiguro 회원의지도하에행성간티끌의궤도진화에관한이론적연구를실시하고 2018년 2월에학위를취득했다 (Yang & Ishiguro 2018; Yang, 2018 박사학위논문 ). 본연구그룹은소행성탐사 Hayabusa 2에참여하고있으며, 탐사천체관측에서 2 편의논문을발표했다 (Mueller, Durech, Ishiguro et al. 2017, Perna, Barucci, Ishiguro et al. 2017). 우종학회원은 4명의석박사학생과 5 명의박사후연구원과함께 (1) 캘리포니아대학과 MOU를맺어 Lick 망원경을이용한 3년장기관측프로그램을진행중이며미시간대학의 MDM 2.4미터와 1.3미터망원경및레몬산망원경과덕흥천문대의망원경을사용하여분광및측광으로빛의메아리효과를이용한블랙홀질량및우주론연구를진행중이다. (2) Gemini, VLT, Magellan 등에서관측한 IFU자료와 AKARI 및 JCMT 등의자료를이용하여가스분출과별생성을분석하며 AGN 피드백에관한연구를진행중이다. (3) biconical outlfow 모델과 MC 시뮬레이션및 SDSS자료를이용한통계적연구를진행중이다. 연구결과들은천체물리저널을비롯한국제저널들에 12편의논문으로발표되었다. 윤성철회원은한국천문연구원주관한칠레협력사업의일환으로수행한 Ib 및 IIb형초신성모체성의성질을쌍성계진화모델을통해규명하는연구를통해, 폭발직전의광도, 표면온도, 반경, delay time 등관측과직접적으로연결될수있는다양한성질을비롯하여 IIb 형초신성모체성내부에담겨있는수소함량의한계에관한중요한예측을하였다. 또한울프레이에별들의질량손실율을새롭게분석하였고 WN 단계와 WC 단계에서발견되는질량손실율의차이를올바르게고려할경우기존의모델을통해서는설명하기어려웠던 Ic형초신성의모체성의성질을관측과일관성있는방식으로이해할수있음을보였다. 천상현회원과는적색초거성모델을이용하여우리은하, M31, 대 / 소마젤란은하에서관측된적색초거성의성질을분석하여중원소함량비에따라 mixing length값이달라짐을보였고, 이를통해최초로 mixing length 값을관측을통해보정하였다. 계창우회원은 Pop III별내부의대류가원소의생성에미치는영향에관한연구로석사학위를받아졸업하였다. 2017년초까지서울대에서장기간방문연구원으로있었던독일본대학의 P. Neunteufel은윤성철회원의지도하에헬륨성과백색왜성의쌍성계진화에관한연구를통해 10월에박사학위를받았다. 또한일본, 러시아등지의전문가들과의국제협력을통하여기존의연구에서매우특이한형태의질량손실을고려해야만설명할수있었던 IIP형초신성의초기광도곡선의양상을적색초거성항성풍속도분포의현실적인적용을통해서자연스럽게설명할수있음을보였다. 현재박사과정학생인이헌철학생은종족III 별의쌍성계진화가블랙홀병합으로이어지는과정을, 전원석학생은 Ib/Ic형광도곡선을재현하는수치모의실험을, 장혜은학생은 GEMINI의고분산관측기 GRACES를이용해관측한화학적으로특이한별의함량비분석을, 양하늘학생은한국천문연의 KVN팀의도움으로공생별의메이저의성질을, 김지훈학생은무거운별의 Case A 시스템쌍성계의진화과정을연구하고있다. Prof. Trippe's group at Seoul National University studies the properties of the jets of active galactic nuclei, especially blazars. The group currently comprises 7 graduate students and 1 postdoc. They perform radio astronomical observations using data from various radio telescopes and interferometers, including KVN, KaVA, VLBA, and ALMA. In 2017, they completed the first year of a KVN Key Science Project named "Plasma-physics of Active Galactic Nuclei" (PaGAN). In 480 hours of observing time with the KVN, they studied the core polarization of 14 AGN at 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz and constrained outflow geometries via Faraday rotation measurements. Prof. Trippe's group also began to operate an optical intensity 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 89

91 2018 봄학술대회 interferometer in a laboratory on the SNU campus; this interferometer serves as a testbed for a future larger astronomical interferometer. The various group activities received financial support from the NRF and KASI and from the BK21+ program, and resulted in 3 peer-reviewed journal papers in 발표논문 Integral-field Spectroscopy of 20 Local AGNs, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 837, Issue 1, article id. 91, 25 pp. Chae, Jongchul; Cho, Kyuhyoun; Kwon, Ryun-Young; Lim, Eun-Kyung, 2017, Evidence for a Magnetic Reconnection Origin of Plasma Outflows along Post-CME Rays, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 841, Issue 1, article id. 49, 6 pp. Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Im, M.; at al., 2017, Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L12, 59 pp. Chae, Jongchul; Kim, Yeon Han, 2017, Performance of the Autoregressive Method in Long-Term Prediction of Sunspot Number, Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 50, no. 2, pp Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. 2017, A gravitational-wave standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant, Nature, Volume 551, Issue 7678, pp Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. 2017, Estimating the Contribution of Dynamical Ejecta in the Kilonova Associated with GW170817, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 850, Issue 2, article id. L39, 13 pp. Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. 2017, GW170608: Observation of a 19 Solar-mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 851, Issue 2, article id. L35, 11 pp. Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. 2017, Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L12, 59 pp. Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. 2017, On the Progenitor of Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 850, Issue 2, article id. L40, 18 pp. Bach, Yoonsoo P.; Ishiguro, Masateru; Usui, Fumihiko, 2017, Thermal Modeling of Comet-like Objects from AKARI Observation, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 154, Issue 5, article id. 202, 10 pp. Chae, Jongchul; Lee, Jeongwoo; Cho, Kyuhyoun; Song, Donguk; Cho, Kyungsuk; Yurchyshyn, Vasyl, 2017, Photospheric Origin of Three-minute Oscillations in a Sunspot, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 836, Issue 1, article id. 18, 8 pp. Chae, Jongchul; Litvinenko, Yuri E., 2017, Nonlinear Effects in Three-minute Oscillations of the Solar Chromosphere. I. An Analytical Nonlinear Solution and Detection of the Second Harmonic, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 844, Issue 2, article id. 129, 10 pp. Choi, Changsu; Im, Myungshin, 2017, Seoul National University Camera II (SNUCAM-II): The New SED Camera for the Lee Sang Gak Telescope (LSGT), Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 50, no. 3, pp Dessart, Luc; John Hillier, D.; Yoon, Sung-Chul; Waldman, Roni; Livne, Eli, 2017, Radiative-transfer models for explosions from rotating and non-rotating single WC stars. Implications for SN 1998bw and LGRB/SNe, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 603, id.a51, 11 pp. Eun, Da-in; Woo, Jong-Hak; Bae, Hyun-Jin, 2017, A Systematic Search for Hidden Type 1 AGNs: Gas Kinematics and Scaling Relations, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 842, Issue 1, article id. 5, 11 pp. Bae, Hyun-Jin; Woo, Jong-Hak; Karouzos, Marios; Gallo, Elena; Flohic, Helene; Shen, Yue; Yoon, Suk-Jin, 2017, The Limited Impact of Outflows: Goto, Tomotsugu; Toba, Yoshiki; Utsumi, Yousuke; Oi, Nagisa; Takagi, Toshinobu; Malkan, Matt; Ohayma; Lee, Hyung Mok; Im, Myung; Kim, 90 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

92 기관소식 Seong Jin; at al., 2017, Hyper Suprime-Camera Survey of the Akari NEP Wide Field, Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 32, Issue 1, pp. 225 ~ 230 Ohtsuka, Katsuhito; Hanayama, Hidekazu; and 6 coauthors, 2017, Polarimetric Study of Near-Earth Asteroid (1566) Icarus, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 154, Issue 5, article id. 180, 10 pp. Hada, Kazuhiro; Park, Jong Ho; Kino, Motoki; Niinuma, Kotaro; Sohn, Bong Won; Ro, Hyun Wook; Jung, Taehyun; Algaba, Juan-Carlos; Zhao, Guang-Yao; Lee, Sang-Sung; Akiyama, Kazunori; Trippe, Sascha; Wajima, Kiyoaki; at al., 2017, Pilot KaVA monitoring on the M 87 jet: Confirming the inner jet structure and superluminal motions at sub-pc scales, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 69, Issue 4, id.71 Hatt, Dylan; Beaton, Rachael L.; Freedman, Wendy L.; Jang, In-Sung; Hoyt, Taylor J.; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Monson, Andrew J.; Rich, Jeffrey A.; Scowcroft, Victoria; Seibert, Mark; at al., 2017, The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program. II. The Distance to IC 1613: The Tip of the Red Giant Branch and RR Lyrae Period-luminosity Relations, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 845, Issue 2, pp. Huang, Kuiyun; Urata, Yuji; Takahashi, Satoko; Im, Myungshin; Yu, Po-Chieh; Choi, Changsu; Butler, Nathaniel; Watson, Alan M.; Kutyrev, Alexander; Lee, William H.; Klein, Chris; Fox, Ori D.; at al., 2017, ALMA and RATIR observations of GRB A, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 69, Issue 2, id.20 Jang, In Sung; Lee, Myung Gyoon, 2017, The Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distances to Typa Ia Supernova Host Galaxies. V. NGC 3021, NGC 3370, and NGC 1309 and the Value of the Hubble Constant, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 836, Issue 1, article id. 74, 13 pp. Jang, In Sung; Lee, Myung Gyoon, 2017, The Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distances to Type Ia Supernova Host Galaxies. IV. Color Dependence and Zero-point Calibration, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 1, article id. 28, 17 pp. Jeon, Yiseul; Im, Myungshin; Kim, Dohyeong; Kim, Yongjung; Jun, Hyunsung David; Pak, Soojong; Taak, Yoon Chan; at al., 2017, The Infrared Medium-deep Survey. III. Survey of Luminous Quasars at 4.7 <= z <= 5.4, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 231, Issue 2, article id. 16, 16 pp. Jun, Hyunsung D.; Im, Myungshin; Kim, Dohyeong; Stern, Daniel, 2017, The Most Massive Active Galactic Nuclei at 1 less than or similar to z less than or similar to 2, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 838, Issue 1, article id. 41, 21 pp. Im, Myungshin; Jun, Hyunsung; Kim, Dohyeong; Lee, Hyung Mok; Ohyama, Youichi; Ji, Hoon~Kim; Nakagawa, Takao; QSONG Team, 2017, AKARI Spectroscopy of Quasars at mum, Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 32, issue 1, pp Im, Myungshin; Yoon, Yongmin; Lee, Seong-Kook J.; Lee, Hyung Mok; Kim, Joonho; Lee, Chung-Uk; Kim, Seung-Lee; Troja, Eleonora; Choi, Changsu; Lim, Gu; Ko, Jongwan; Shim, Hyunjin, 2017, Distance and Properties of NGC 4993 as the Host Galaxy of the Gravitational-wave Source GW170817, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 849, Issue 1, article id. L16, 7 pp. Ishiguro, Masateru; Kuroda, Daisuke; Watanabe, Makoto; Bach, Yoonsoo P.; Kim, Jooyeon; Lee, Mingyeong; Sekiguchi, Tomohiko; Naito, Hiroyuki; Kang, Daeun; Woo, Jong-Hak; Bae, Hyun-Jin, 2017, Outflow Kinematics Manifested by the Halpha Line: Gas Outflows in Type 2 AGNs. IV., The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 845, Issue 2, article id. 131, 10 pp. Karouzos, Marios; Im, Myungshin; Trichas, Markos; Goto, Tomogotsu; Malkan, Matthew; Ruiz, Angel; Jeon, Yiseul; Kim, Ji Hoon; Lee, Hyung Mok; Kim, Seong Jin; Oi, Nagisa; at al., 2017, Galaxies on Diet: Feedback Signatures in Radio-Agn Host Galaxies, Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 32, issue 1, pp Kim, Min Gyu; Lee, Hyung Mok; Arai, Toshiaki; Bock, James; Cooray, Asantha; Jeong, Woong-Seob; Kim, Seong Jin; Korngut, Phillip; Lanz, Alicia; Lee, Dae Hee; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Matsumoto, Toshio; at al., 2017, Low-Resolution 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 91

93 2018 봄학술대회 Near-infrared Stellar Spectra Observed by the Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER), The Astronomical Journal, Volume 153, Issue 2, article id. 84, 19 pp. 2017, Tracing the Spiral Structure of the Outer Milky Way with Dense Atomic Hydrogen Gas, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 129, Issue 979, pp Kim, Minjin; Ho, Luis C.; Im, Myungshin, 2017, Ionized Gas Kinematics around an Ultra-luminous X-Ray Source in NGC 5252: Additional Evidence for an Off-nuclear AGN, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 844, Issue 2, article id. L21, 5 pp. Kim, Minjin; Ho, Luis C.; Peng, Chien Y.; Barth, Aaron J.; Im, Myungshin, 2017, Stellar Photometric Structures of the Host Galaxies of Nearby Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 232, Issue 2, article id. 21, 30 pp. Kim, Yoonyoung; Ishiguro, Masateru; Lee, Myung Gyoon, 2017, New Observational Evidence of Active Asteroid P/2010 A2: Slow Rotation of the Largest Fragment, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 842, Issue 2, article id. L23, 5 pp. Kim, Yoonyoung; Ishiguro, Masateru; Michikami, Tatsuhiro; Nakamura, Akiko M., 2017, Anisotropic Ejection from Active Asteroid P/2010 A2: An Implication of Impact Shattering on an Asteroid, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 153, Issue 5, article id. 228, 11 pp. Kwon, Yuna Grace; Ishiguro, Masateru; Kuroda, Daisuke; Hanayama, Hidekazu; Kawabata, Koji S.; Akitaya, Hiroshi; Nakaoka, Tatsuya; at al., 2017, Optical and Near-infrared Polarimetry of Non-periodic Comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina), The Astronomical Journal, Volume 154, Issue 4, article id. 173, 12 pp. Lee, Gwang-Ho; Hwang, Ho Seong; Sohn, Jubee; Lee, Myung Gyoon, 2017, The Fastest Galaxy Evolution in an Unbiased Compact Group Sample with WISE, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 2, article id. 280, 17 pp. Lee, Jounghun, 2017, Independent Measurements of the Dynamical Masses of Six Galaxy Clusters in the Local Universe, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 839, Issue 1, article id. 29, 12 pp. Lee, Jounghun; Li, Baojiu, 2017, The Effect of Modified Gravity on the Odds of the Bound Violations of the Turn-around Radii, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 842, Issue 1, article id. 2, 8 pp. Kim, Dae-Won; Trippe, Sascha; Lee, Sang-Sung; Park, Jong-Ho; Kim, Jae-Young; Algaba, Juan-Carlos; Hodgson, Jeffrey A.; Kino, Motoki; Zhao, Guang-Yao; Wajima, Kiyoaki; et al., 2017, The Millimeter-Radio Emission of BL Lacertae During Two γ-ray Outbursts, Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 50, no. 6, pp Ko, Youkyung; Hwang, Ho Seong; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Park, Hong Soo; Lim, Sungsoon; Sohn, Jubee; Jang, In Sung; Hwang, Narae; Park, Byeong-Gon, 2017, To the Edge of M87 and Beyond: Spectroscopy of Intracluster Globular Clusters and Ultracompact Dwarfs in the Virgo Cluster, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 2, article id. 212, 19 pp. Koo, Bon-Chul; Park, Geumsook; Kim, Woong-Tae; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Balser, Dana S.; Wenger, Trey V., Lee, Myung Gyoon; Jang, In Sung, 2017, Resolving the Discrepancy of Distance to M60, a Giant Elliptical Galaxy in Virgo, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 841, Issue 1, article id. 23, 8 pp. Lee, Myung Gyoon; Jang, In Sung; Beaton, Rachael; Seibert, Mark; Bono, Giuseppe; Madore, Barry, 2017, The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program: Discovery of the Most Distant Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxy in the Local Universe, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 835, Issue 2, article id. L27, 6 pp. Lee, Myung Gyoon; Kang, Jisu; Lee, Jeong Hwan; Jang, In Sung, 2017, Detection of a Large Population of Ultradiffuse Galaxies in Massive Galaxy Clusters: Abell S1063 and Abell 2744, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 844, Issue 2, article id. 157, 17 pp. 92 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

94 기관소식 Lee, Myung Gyoon; Sohn, Jubee; Lee, Jong Hwan; Lim, Sungsoon; Jang, In Sung; Ko, Youkyung; Koo, Bon-Chul; Hwang, Narae; Kim, Sang Chul; Park, Byeong-Gon, 2017, Erratum: Optical Spectroscopy of Supernova Remnants in M81 AND M82 (2015, ApJ, 804, 63), The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 842, Issue 1, article id. 69, 14 pp. Lee, Yong-Hyun; Koo, Bon-Chul; Moon, Dae-Sik; Burton, Michael G.; Lee, Jae-Joon, 2017, Near-Infrared Knots and Dense Fe Ejecta in the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 837, Issue 2, article id. 118, 16 pp. Levan, A. J.; Lyman, J. D.; Tanvir, N. R.; Hjorth, J.; Mandel, I.; Stanway, E. R.; Steeghs, D.; Fruchter, A. S.; Im, M.; at al., 2017, The Environment of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L28, 9 pp. Litvinenko, Yuri E.; Chae, Jongchul, 2017, Analytical description of nonlinear acoustic waves in the solar chromosphere Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 599, id.a15, 6 pp. Mathur, S.; Gupta, A.; Page, K.; Pogge, R. W.; Krongold, Y.; Goad, M. R.; Adams, S. M.; Anderson, M. D.; Arévalo, P.; Barth, A. J.; Im, M.; Woo, Jong Hak; at al., 2017, Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. VII. Understanding the Ultraviolet Anomaly in NGC 5548 with X-Ray Spectroscopy, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 846, Issue 1, article id. 55, 9 pp. Matsuhara, H.; Wada, T.; Oi, N.; Takagi, T.; Nakagawa, T.; Murata, K.; Goto, T.; Oyabu, S.; Takeuchi, T. T.; Malek, K.; Solarz, A.; Ohyama, Y.; Miyaji, T.; Krumpe, M.; Lee, H. M.; Im, M.; at al., 2017, Overview of North Ecliptic Pole Deep Multi-Wavelength Survey Nep-Deep, Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 321, Issue 1, pp. 213 ~ 217 Melandri, A.; Covino, S.; Zaninoni, E.; Campana, S.; Bolmer, J.; Cobb, B. E.; Gorosabel, J.; Kim, J.-W.; Kuin, P.; Kuroda, D.; Malesani, D.; Mundell, C. G.; Nappo, F.; Sbarufatti, B.; Im, M.; at al., 2017, Colour variations in the GRB A afterglow, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 607, id.a29, 5 pp. Moriya, Takashi J.; Yoon, Sung-Chul; Gräfener, Götz; Blinnikov, Sergei I., 2017, Immediate dense circumstellar environment of supernova progenitors caused by wind acceleration: its effect on supernova light curves, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 469, Issue 1, p.l108-l112 Müller, T. G.; Durech, J.; Ishiguro, M.; Mueller, M.; Krühler, T.; Yang, H.; Kim, M.-J.; O'Rourke, L.; et al., 2017, Hayabusa-2 mission target asteroid Ryugu (1999 JU3): Searching for the object's spin-axis orientation, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 599, id.a103, 25 pp. Neunteufel, P.; Yoon, S.-C.; Langer, N., 2017, Helium ignition in rotating magnetized CO white dwarfs leading to fast and faint rather than classical Type Ia supernovae, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 602, id.a55, 18 pp. Onoue, Masafusa; Kashikawa, Nobunari; Willott, Chris J.; Hibon, Pascale; Im, Myungshin; Furusawa, Hisanori; at al., 2017, Minor Contribution of Quasars to Ionizing Photon Budget at z similar to 6: Update on Quasar Luminosity Function at the Faint End with Subaru/Suprime-Cam, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 847, Issue 2, article id. L15, 6 pp. Park, Daeseong; Barth, Aaron J.; Woo, Jong-Hak; Malkan, Matthew A.; Treu, Tommaso; Bennert, Vardha N.; Assef, Roberto J.; Pancoast, Anna, 2017, Extending the Calibration of C IV-based Single-epoch Black Hole Mass Estimators for Active Galactic Nuclei, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 839, Issue 2, article id. 93, 21 pp. Park, Jongho; Trippe, Sascha, 2017, The Long-term Centimeter Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei: A New Relation between Variability Timescale and Accretion Rate, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 834, Issue 2, article id. 157, 22 pp. Park, Songyoun; Woo, Jong-Hak; Romero-Colmenero, Encarni; Crawford, Steven M.; Park, Dawoo; Cho, Hojin; Jeon, Yiseul; Choi, Changsu; Barth, Aaron J.; Pei, Liuyi; Hickox, Ryan 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 93

95 2018 봄학술대회 C.; Sung, Hyun-Il; Im, Myungshin, 2017, Reverberation Mapping of PG with the Southern African Large Telescope, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 847, Issue 2, article id. 125, 12 pp. Pei, L.; Fausnaugh, M. M.; Barth, A. J.; Peterson, B. M.; Bentz, M. C.; De Rosa, G.; Denney, K. D.; Goad, M. R.; Kochanek, C. S.; Korista, K. T.; Kriss, G. A.; Pogge, R. W.; Bennert, V. N.; Brotherton, M.; Im, M.; et al., 2017, Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. V. Optical Spectroscopic Campaign and Emission-line Analysis for NGC 5548, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 837, Issue 2, article id. 131, 21 pp. Toba, Yoshiki; Bae, Hyun-Jin; Nagao, Tohru; Woo, Jong-Hak; Wang, Wei-Hao; Wagner, Alexander Y.; Sun, Ai-Lei; Chang, Yu-Yen, 2017, Ionized Gas Outflows in Infrared-bright Dust-obscured Galaxies Selected with WISE and SDSS, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 850, Issue 2, article id. 140, 16 pp. Troja, E.; Piro, L.; van Eerten, H.; Wollaeger, R. T.; Im, M.; Fox, O. D.; Butler, N. R.; Cenko, S. B.; Sakamoto, T.; Fryer, C. L.; Ricci, R.; Lien, A.; Ryan, R. E.; Korobkin, O.; Lee, S.-K.; at al., 2017, The X-ray counterpart to the gravitational-wave event GW170817, Nature, Volume 551, Issue 7678, pp Perna, D.; Barucci, M. A.; Ishiguro, M.; Alvarez-Candal, A.; Kuroda, D.; Yoshikawa, M.; Kim, M.-J.; Fornasier, S.; Hasegawa, S.; Roh, D.-G.; Müller, T. G.; Kim, Y., 2017, Spectral and rotational properties of near-earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu, target of the Hayabusa2 sample return mission, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 599, id.l1, 4 pp. Sanyal, D.; Langer, N.; Szécsi, D.; -C Yoon, S.; Grassitelli, L., 2017, Metallicity dependence of envelope inflation in massive stars, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 597, id.a71, 16 pp. Shin, Jaejin; nagao, Tohru; Woo, Jong-Hak, 2017, Outflow and Metallicity in the Broad-Line Region of Low-Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 1, article id. 24, 13 pp. Song, Donguk; Chae, Jongchul; Yurchyshyn, Vasyl; Lim, Eun-Kyung; Cho, Kyung-Suk; Yang, Heesu; Cho, Kyuhyoun; Kwak, Hannah, 2017, Chromospheric Plasma Ejections in a Light Bridge of a Sunspot, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 2, article id. 240, 10 pp. Starkey, D.; Horne, Keith; Fausnaugh, M. M.; Peterson, B. M.; Bentz, M. C.; Kochanek, C. S.; Denney, K. D.; Edelson, R.; Goad, M. R.; De Rosa, G.; Im, M.; at al., 2017, Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project.VI. Reverberating Disk Models for NGC 5548, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 1, article id. 65, 15 pp. Woo, Jong-Hak; Son, Donghoon; Bae, Hyun-Jin, 2017, Delayed or No Feedback? Gas Outflows in Type 2 AGNs. III., The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 839, Issue 2, article id. 120, 13 pp. Yoon, Sung-Chul, 2017, Towards a better understanding of the evolution of Wolf-Rayet stars and Type Ib/Ic supernova progenitors, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 470, Issue 4, p Yoon, Sung-Chul; Dessart, Luc; Clocchiatti, Alejandro, 2017, Type Ib and IIb Supernova Progenitors in Interacting Binary Systems, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 840, Issue 1, article id. 10, 14 pp. Yoon, Yongmin; Im, Myungshin; Kim, Jae-Woo, 2017, Massive Galaxies Are Larger in Dense Environments: Environmental Dependence of Mass-Size Relation of Early-type Galaxies, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 834, Issue 1, article id. 73, 23 pp. You, Chang; Zabludoff, Ann; Smith, Paul; Yang, Yujin; Kim, Eunchong; Jannuzi, Buell; Prescott, Moire K. M.; Matsuda, Yuichi; Lee, Myung Gyoon, 2017, Mapping the Polarization of the Radio-Loud Lyalpha Nebula B3 J , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 834, Issue 2, article id. 182, 10 pp. Zapartas, E.; de Mink, S. E.; Izzard, R. G.; Yoon, S.-C.; Badenes, C.; Götberg, Y.; de Koter, A.; Neijssel, C. J.; Renzo, M.; Schootemeijer, A.; Shrotriya, T. S., 2017, Delay-time distribution of 94 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

96 기관소식 core-collapse supernovae with late events resulting from binary interaction, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 601, id.a29, 22 pp. 세종대학교천문우주학과 1. 인적사항세종대학교천문우주학과에는강영운, 이희원, 성환경, 이재우, 채규현, 김성은, M. van Putten, G. Rossi 총 8 명의전임교원이재직하고있다. 천문우주학과와물리학과의통합으로 2015년도부터학부신입생의모집단위가천문우주학과에서물리천문학과로변경되어되었다. 2018년 2월까지천문우주학과와물리천문학과가함께존재하는 2원체제가유지되고있다. 2018년 2월에김형준, 조완수, 홍채린회원이석사학위를받았다. 박사과정에는 P. Rittipruk, 공인택, 윤소영, 이경민, 석 박통합과정에는허정은, 최두현, 장석준, 이영민, 석사과정에는김기용, 이소라, 이영배, 남승현이재학하고있다. 2. 연구및학술활동강영운회원은대 소마젤란은하에있는식쌍성의물리량을연구하고있다. 측광자료를이용한마젤란은하내식쌍성의장축운동과분광자료를이용한쌍성의화학조성비를연구하고있다. 이희원회원은 2017년 2학기부터 2018년 1학기까지연구년을보내고있다. 이희원회원은공생별과어린행성상성운에서질량손실및질량이동과정과초기우주의라이먼알파방출천체와활동성은하핵에서복사전달을연구하고있다. 이희원회원은 2015년 6월부터칠레 University of La Serena에재직중인 Rodolfo Angeloni 교수, Las Campanas Observatory에재직중인 Francesco Di Mille 박사, National University of Cordoba에재직중인 Tali Palma 교수와함께한국-칠레협력연구사업을추진하였으며 2018년 1월부터 2기한-칠레협력연구를이어가고있다. 공생별과행성상성운의고분산분광및고속측광연구분야에서협력연구를수행중에있으며, 석박사통합과정에있는허정은회원, 장석준, 이영민회원과학부과정의최보은학생이연구활동에참여하고있다. 허정은회원과 D형공생별 RR Tel의 C II와 OVI 라만산란선선윤곽분석을수행하여 wind accretion과성간공간의 CII에대하여연구하였다. 이영민회원과 AG Dra 라만산란선윤곽을분석하여 wind accretion과 bipolar structure를제안하였다. 장석준회원과초기우주의라이먼알파방출천체에서라이먼알파선의복사전달을한국천문연구원의양유진박사와함께연구하고있으며수소원자의정확 한산란단면적계산을적용하여초기우주의재이온화과정과관련된복사전달연구를수행하고있다. 학부생연구원최보은은어린행성상성운 IC5117의라만산란된 He II 분광선을분석하고있으며, He II 방출선의선폭보다라만산란된분광선의선폭이더크게나타난다는사실을발견하였다. 이결과는행성상성운의방출선지역의 He II의속도공간분포가비대칭적일뿐만아니라두꺼운중성수소는적도지역에쏠려서존재하고방출지역은적도면에대하여방위각성분의운동성분이추가되어있음을강하게시사한다. bipolar planetary nebula가쌍성계와관련이깊다는제안에비추어매우흥미있는관측결과로해석된다. 성환경회원은 2009년부터학회의이사로, 또 2016년부터는광학분과위원장으로활동을하고있다. 2016년에연구하였던카시오페이아자리에있는젊은산개성단 IC 1805에대한논문은 ApJ Supp. Ser. 에게재를하였고, 한국연구재단의지원으로수행하고있는 남반구젊은산개성단의전천탐사관측 을위해 2017년 4월 22일부터 6일간 CTIO 0.9m 망원경을사용하여남반구젊은산개성단의탐사관측을수행하였다. 한국천문연구원및벨기에 Liege대학교에서연구중인임범두박사와함께젊은산개성단 NGC 1893에있는별및성운에대한 MMT/Hectochele 관측, IGRINS 관측및 BOES 관측을수행하여질량이큰별의 feedback에의한질량이작은별의생성에대한관측적증거를얻어결과를투고하였다. 또학부생연구원인김슬기와함께오리온성원성단내원시행성계원반의측광학적특성을연구하여, 임시결과를가을학술대회에발표하였다. 재학중인대학원생은없으며, 학부생인김슬기가연구실에입실하여실험기자재관리및대학원진학을준비하고있다. 이재우회원은지난 10년간칠레의세로토롤로미국립천문대망원경을이용한남반구구상성단확장스트룀그렌협대역측광전천탐사관측을종료하였으며, 2017 년 WIYN cosortium의공식파트너로참가하여북반구구상성단에대한전천탐사관측을새로이시작하였다. 이재우회원의측광자료는 CaII H&K를측정하는확장스트룀그렌측광계이외에이재우회원이최로로고안한 CN38과 CH G band 흡수선세기를측정하기위한 JWL39와 JWL43 측광계를포함하는데, 구상성단의중금속함량과함께 CN, CH분자선을이용한질소와탄소의함량을동시에측정할수있다. 따라서이재우회원의새로운측광시스템은구상성단다중종족형성과정을해결하는데매우중요한역할을수행할것이다. 이재우회원의지도하에김형준, 조완수회원은 CTIO 4m Hydra Multi-fiber spectrograph를사용하여획득한구상성단 M22와 NGC104의적색거성의고분산분광자료를분석하였으며, 특이구상성단 M22 (NGC 6656) 에대한고분산분광연구 ( 김형준 ) 과 47 Tuc의원소함량연구 ( 조 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 95

97 2018 봄학술대회 완수 ) 의주제로석사학위를받았다. 김성은회원은전파천문학및테라헤르츠천문학연구실연구원들과함께우주공간부피변화체험을위한 4 차원객체생성서버및방법에대해연구하였으며, 본연구실소속이었던조치영회원은학연과정석사학위논문을제1저자로최상위국제학술지 The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series에게재하였다. 또박사후연구원으로재직했던김관정박사는현재일본국립전파천문대에서근무하고있다. 모리스판푸텐 (M. van Putten) 회원의주요연구관심사는우주론, 중력및외계행성이며, 만기양자우주론과관성의기원, 감마선폭발체및핵붕괴초신성의중력파, 그리고고등생명체의존재가능성이있는외계행성-위성계의탐사등이다. 2017년에는물리학및천문학의자료처리방법을다룬단행본 Introduction to Methods of Approximation in Physics and Astronomy 를 Springer-Verlag에서출판하였으며, 이책은 Springer-Verlag에서출판한 ebook 중에서 2017 년도내려받기상위 25% 에들었다. 또일본의검출장치인 KAGRA 중력파검출기프로젝트에참여하고있으며, 우주고에너지변광천체탐사프로젝트인 Transient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS) 의핵심과학연구자로도활동을하고있다. 싱가포르 NTU에서개최된 Conference on Cosmology, Gravitational waves and Particles, 이탈리아나폴리에서개최된 Bright and Dark Universe Workshop 및 THESEUS 워크숍, 제15회한-이태리상대론적천체물리학심포지엄, 이화여자대학교, 아시아-태평양이론물리연구센터, 세종대학교에서우주론과은하역학에대한초청강연을했다. LIGO 자료를 GPU 가속을통한 butterfly filtering 기법으로초당백만번이상의상호관계를계산하여중력파를심층탐사할수있는새로운파이프라인을개발하였다. 이파이프라인은 24개의최고급 GPU를갖춘 150 테라플롭의이기종계산전용플랫폼으로분석을수행한다. 이기법을쌍성중성자별병합체 GW170817에적용하여 GRB170817A의중심엔진과관련된병합이후의신호를찾고있다. 또한우주지평선에대한초지평선규모의요동으로부터우주론적진공의스트레스-에너지텐서를, Rindler 지평선의연류엔트로피로부터관성이론을유도하였다. 첫째는 -장력의문제를풀고, 두번째는우주가속이 de Sitter 규모이하로감소된관성때문에 SPARC의 은하역학에대항하는 MUGS2의 CDM 은하모형에서새로운 장력을갖는은하역학에서자가유사성을확인한다. 석사과정의홍채린회원과함께케플러, TESS 및곧발사될 JWST와관련하여지적생명체가존재할수있는외계행성탐사를시작하였다. Rossby 수와 Gr/Re2 사이 의비례관계에바탕을둔위성의조석작용에따른외계행성의자전속도감소로전반적기후온난화를정량화하는 -인자를도입하였다. M형별보다는태양과같은별의생명체서식가능지역에서지구나화성과같이 - 인자가 1 근처를갖는곳이 찾는 (go-to) 곳이다. 이연구는 TESS와곧발사될 JWST에서외계행성탐사도구로사용될수있도록외계행성에대한다체수치모의실험을할수있도록확장을하고있다. 그라지아노로시 (Graziano Rossi) 회원은 2017년부터중성미자우주론, 은하및퀘이사클러스터링과고해상도우주론시뮬레이션제작 - SDSS에직접적용이가능하며향후있을 DESI와 LSST 같은대규모우주론실험에도적용이가능 - 에중점을두고연구를진행하고있다. 특히 KISTI에할당된 KSC-2017-G2-0008을사용하여개발한새로운시뮬레이션세트를이용하여무거운중성미자와 dark radiation이작은규모에서구조형성에미치는영향을특징짓고, 이들이 matter power spectra와 flux power spectra를통하여 Ly forest에끼치는관측가능한영향에대해자세한연구를하고있다 (Rossi 2017, ApJS, 233, 12). 또한최종 SDSS DR12 자료공개논문 그동안의언론보도와엄청난공동연구의노력이집약된합동논문 (Alam et al. 2017) - 에많은기여를하였으며, 여러편의논문을성공적으로제출을하여최신 BOSS 데이터분석에큰공헌을하였다. 특히 SDSS-IV팀 (Blanton et al. 2017) 은 SDSS-IV에서계획한첫 2년간의관측 (2014년 7월 ~ 2016년 ) 으로축적한주요관측자료를발표하였다. 이는 eboss를통해얻은관측자료를최초로공개한것이다. 2017년 3월부터로시회원은단독으로 SDSS-IV eboss 에속한시뮬레이션그룹의그룹장을맡고있다. 로시회원의주도로제출한제안서로 eboss 시뮬레이션그룹은미국 National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) 로부터상당한수준의계산시간을받았으며, 로시회원은 NERSC의공동연구를위한계산장비 (Cori와 Edison) 의관리를맡고있다. 또한로시회원은 Planck LFI CORE2팀에도합류하였다. 2017년동안로시회원의세종대우주론연구그룹에학생을추가로받아더욱확장하였고, 이탈리아의고등과학원격인 SISSA와세종대간의 MOU를체결하였다. 이 MOU는한국기관과이탈리아교육기관사이의첫교류로, 현지및국제언론의많은보도가있었으며, 한국학생들에게중요한교류의장을연것이다. 이와더불어로시회원은 2017년한국연구재단에서새로추진하는빅데이터챌린지의우주론적구조의모델링에대한연구비를수주하였다. 2017년 1월부터로시회원은연구결과들을국내외의다양한학회및미팅에서발표와초청콜로퀴움을진행하였다. 또한 2017년멕시코 Punta Mita에서열린국제적으로권위가있는 Cosmology on the Beach 2017 학교의전체초청강 96 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

98 기관소식 연자로초청되었다. 3. 연구및교육시설세종대학교가보유하고있는가장중요한관측시설은 76cm 반사망원경이다. 소백산천문대에서곤지암노곡리세종대부지로이전 설치한 2012년이후망원경의구동부등에이상이있어사용하지못하였다. 76cm 반사망원경은학부생들의관측실습및공개행사등에사용할목적으로 에스엘랩에의뢰하여 2015년부터망원경의구동, 제어부와부경을수리하여정상화를달성하였다. 현재망원경이설치된건물의보강작업및난간설치를계획하고있다. 곤지암추곡리관측소에는 40cm 반사망원경이설치되어있지만지난수년간사용을하지못하였는데, 작동상태를면밀히검토하였으며수리계획을수립하여정상화를이루고자노력하고있다. 이전에구축하였던 40cm 반사망원경및부속시스템은노후화로인하여정상적인작동이어려웠으며, 아스트로캠프를통하여 40cm 망원경, 가대그리고부속장비를구매하였다. 현재관측실의리모델링을계획하고있으며, 완공후학부생들의관측실습및공개행사등에사용될예정이다. 세종대학교물리천문학과는외국의천문대공동운영에도참여하고있다. 이재우회원은 WIYN Consortium의공식파트너로참여하여 WIYN 0.9m 천문대의공동운영및관측장비를이용한구상성단다중종족에대한연구를수행하고있다. 그리고 Rossi 회원은슬론디지털전천탐사 (SDSS) 의파트너로참여하여대규모관측자료를이용한우주론연구를수행하고있다. 학부학생들의관측실습은교내영실관옥탑의간이관측소에설치되어있는 11인치반사망원경및다수의소형굴절망원경을이용하고있다. 또 SRT 소형전파망원경으로사용하여전파관측실습을하고있다. 학생들의컴퓨터교육을위해천문계산실에총 18대의 PC를구비하고있으며, Linux/Windows 운영환경을제공하고있다. 학부생의취미및장래진로를위해학과내에천문관측동아리 AJA와컴퓨터프로그래밍동아리 ASC가학생들의자발적인활동으로활발하게유지 운영이되고있으며, 졸업생의취업에많은기여를하고있다. 4. 연구논문 Albareti, F.D., Allende Prieto C., Almeida, A.,... Rossi, G., et al, 2017, ApJS, 233, 25, The Thirteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey MApping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory SDSS Collaboration Alam, S., Ata, M., Bailey, S.,... Rossi, G., et al, 2017, MNRAS, Volume 470, Issue 3, p , The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: cosmological analysis of the DR12 galaxy sample SDSS Collaboration An, D., Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. I., Rey, S.-C., Rhee, J., Lee, J.-W., Lee, Y.-W., Joe, Y. H., 2017, AJ, 154, 150, Medium-resolution Spectroscopy of Red Giant Branch Stars in ω Centraui Ata, M., Kitaura, F.-S., Chuang, C.-H.,... Rossi, G., 2017, MNRAS 467, Issue 4, p , The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: cosmic flows and cosmic web from luminous red galaxies Blanton, M.R., Bershady, M.A., Abolfathi, A.,... Rossi, G., 2017, AJ, Volume 154, Issue 1, article id. 28, 35 pp., Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies, and the Distant Universe Chang, C.-J., Lee, H.-W., Ahn, S.-H., Lee, H., Rodolfo, A., Tili, P., Di Mille, Francesco, 2018, JKAS, 51, 5, Escape of Resonantly Scattered Ly and H from Hot and Optically Thick Media Chang, C.-J., Lee, H.-W., Yang, Y. 2017, MNRAS, 464, 5018, Polarization of Rayleigh scattered Ly in active galactic nuclei Cho, C. Cho, S. H., Kim, S., Kim, J., Yoon, D. H., & Hwang, J. 2017, ApJS, 232, 13, Simultaneous Observations of H2O and SiO Masers toward OH/IR Stars Chuang, C.-H., Pellejero-Ibanez, M., Rodriguez-Torres, S.,... Rossi, G., et al, 2017, MNRAS 471, 2370, The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: single-probe measurements from DR12 galaxy clustering - towards an accurate model Laurent, P., Eftekharzadeh, S., Le Goff, J.-M.,... Rossi, G., et al, 2017, JCAP, Issue 07, article id. 017, Clustering of quasars in SDSS-IV eboss : study of potential systematics and bias determination Lee, J.-W. 2017, ApJ, 844, 77, Multiple Stellar Populations of Globular Clusters from Homogeneous Ca-CN Photometry. II. M5 (NGC5904) and a New Filter System Ntelis, P., Hamilton, J.-C., Busca, N. G.,... Rossi, G., 2017, JCAP, Issue 06, article id. 019, Exploring cosmic homogeneity with the BOSS DR12 galaxy sample Pellejero-Ibanez, M., Chuang, C.-H., Rubino-Martin, J. A.,... Rossi, G., et al, 2017, MNRAS, 468, issue 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 97

99 2018 봄학술대회 4, pp , The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: double-probe measurements from BOSS galaxy clustering and Planck data - towards an analysis without informative priors Rossi, G. (2017), ApJS, 233, 12, Impact of massive neutrinos and dark radiation on the high-redshift cosmic web: I. Lyman-α forest observables Slepian, Z., Eisenstein, D. J., Brownstein, J. R.,... Rossi, G., et al, 2017, MNRAS Volume 469, Issue 2, p , Detection of Baryon Acoustic Oscillation features in the large-scale 3-point correlation function of SDSS BOSS DR12 CMASS galaxies Sung, H., Bessell, M. S., Chun, M.-Y., Yi, J., Naze, Y., Lim, B., Karimov, R., Rauw, G., Park, B.-G., & Hur, H. 2017, ApJS, 230, 3 An Optical and Infrared Photometric Study of the Young Open Cluster IC 1805 in the Giant H II Region W4 van Putten, M. H. P. M. 2017, Entropy, 19, 198, Discovery of Kolmogorov scaling in the Natural Language van Putten, M. H. P. M. 2017, Introduction to Methods of Approximation in Physics and Astronomy, Springer-Verlag van Putten, M. H. P. M. 2017, ApJ, 837, 22, Anomalous Galactic Dynamics by Collusion of Rindler and Cosmological Horizons van Putten, M. H. P. M. 2017, Modern Physics Letters A, , Galaxy rotation curves and the deceleration parameter in weak gravity van Putten, M. H. P. M. 2017, New Astronomy, 54, 115, Scaling in global tidal dissipation of the Earth-Moon system van Putten, M. H. P. M. 2017, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 093F01, Deep searches for broadband extended gravitational-wave emission bursts by heterogeneous computing van Putten, M. H. P. M. 2017, ApJ, 848, 28, Evidence for Galaxy Dynamics Tracing Background Cosmology Below the de Sitter Scale of Acceleration van Putten, M. H. P. M., & Della Valle, M. 2017, MNRAS, 464, 3219, On extreme transient events from rotating black holes and their gravitational wave emission Wang, Y., Zhao, G.-B., Chuang, C.-H.,... Rossi, G., et al, 2017, MNRAS, 469, issue 3, pp , The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: tomographic BAO analysis of DR12 combined sample in configuration space Yushchenko, A. V., Gopka, V. F., Shavrina, A. V., Yushchenko, V. A., Vasileva, S. V., Andrievsky, S. M., Raikov, A. A., Kim, S., Rittipruk, P., Jeong, Y., & Kang, Y.-W. 2017, Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, 33, 199, Peculiarities of the abundance of chemical elements in the atmosphere of PMMR23-red supergiant in the Small Magellanic Cloud due to interstellar gas accretion Zhao, G.B., Raveri, M., Pogosian, L.,... Rossi, G., et al, 2017, Nature Astronomy, Volume 1, p , Dynamical dark energy in light of the latest observations Zhao, G.-B., Wang, Y., Saito, S.,... Rossi, G., 2017, MNRAS, 466, 762, The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III BOSS: tomographic BAO analysis of DR12 combined sample in Fourier space 연세대학교천문우주학과 1. 인적사항본학과는 2018년 3월현재, 교수진 12 명 ( 이영욱, 변용익, 김용철, 김석환, 박상영, 손영종, 이석영, 윤석진, 정애리, 박찬덕, 지명국, 김태선 ) 과명예교수진 3명 ( 나일성, 천문석, 최규홍 ), 그리고연세-KASI 학연협력객원교수진 3명 ( 조세형, 손봉원, 변도영 ) 으로구성되어있다. 학과및천문대소속의박사후전문연구원 12명, 대학원생 70여명, 학부생 120여명으로구성되어있다. 학부 1학년신입생들은모두인천국제캠퍼스에서 1년간기숙사생활을하면서 Residential College 교육을받고있다. 학과교수진의활동을요약하면다음과같다. 이석영회원은 2017년 3월부로 2년임기의학과장직을수행하며학과를이끌고있다. 또한, 천문학회부회장, 천문학논총의편집위원으로활동하고있다. 이영욱회원은한국연구재단선도연구센터육성사업 (SRC) 의지원으로연세대교책연구소로설립된은하진화연구센터의센터장직을수행하고있다. 손영종회원은연세대학교교무처장, 광과학공학과주임교수와한국우주과학회포상위원으로활동하고있다. 윤석진회원은 2017년 3월부터연세대학교천문대장을수행하고있으며, 한국천문학회 IAU GA 2021 유치위원회위원을거쳐현재조직위원회위원으로활동하고있다. 정애리회원은한국천문학회학술위원회위원으로활동하고있다. 박찬덕회원은 2014년 1 98 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

100 기관소식 월부터한국우주과학회에서발행하는학술지 Journal of Astronomy and Space Science (JASS) 의편집위원으로활동하고있다. 본학과는역량있는천문우주학전공의박사들을배출해내는교육기관으로서의책임을다하고있으며, 2018년 2월에는배현진회원 ( 지도교수윤석진 ), 류동옥회원, 오은송회원 ( 지도교수김석환 ) 이박사학위를받았다. 또한, 본학과에는학과및천문대소속의 10명의박사후연구원 ( 류동옥, 윤미진, 임동욱, 조혜전, Samyaday Choudhury, Emanuele Contini, Sanjaya Paudel, Cris Sabiu, Chandreyee Sengupta, Kewei Xia) 과 2명의연구교수 ( 박기훈, 정철 ) 가활발한연구활동을펼치고있다. 2. 연구및학술활동이영욱회원은우리은하벌지의 double red clump (drc) 현상으로부터은하벌지의구조와형성기원에대한새로운이론을제시하여국제학계에큰반향을일으키고있다. 정철, 주석주 ( 천문연 ) 회원과는 drc 현상의다중항성종족모델구축을, 임동욱, 홍승수회원과는우리은하벌지항성의 du Pont 2.5m 저해상도분광관측연구, 그리고장소희회원과는우리은하벌지및 Local Group 왜소은하들의 RR Lyrae 변광성을이용한다중항성종족연구를수행하고있다. 강이정, 김영로회원과는암흑에너지의발견에결정적역할을하는 Ia형초신성의광도에은하내항성종족의진화가미치는영향을분석하기위해 du Pont 2.5m 및 MMT 6.5m를이용한호스트은하의분광관측및광도곡선분석연구를계속수행하고있다. 또한김재연회원과는원시구상성단과왜소은하의새로운화학적진화모델계산을통해오랜난제인 Na-O 역상관관계및헬륨함량증가의기원을조사하고있고, 한다니엘회원과는우리은하벌지에있다고주장된 X-shape 구조의진위조사및 3D 모델링을수행하고있다. 변용익회원은대만및미국의협력연구자들과함께, 카이퍼벨트천체들의분포를알아내기위한성식관측연구의 2단계사업으로초고속대형카메라를장착한 1.3미터광시야망원경 3기를멕시코 SPM 관측소에건설중이다. 장서원회원과함께높은정밀도의시계열자료분석을통한저질량항성들의변광특성을연구하고있으며, 소행성및혜성체의광도변화와소행성종족분포에대한김명진및이한회원과의연구도지속하고있다. 또한한국천문연구원의우주감시센터와협력하여우주위협대응체계구축을위해노력하고있다. 김용철회원은생성초기항성의내부구조와활동성연구, 항성표면복사유체수치모사연구, 그리고등연령곡선제작등의 3가지연구를진행하고있다. 항성에서관 측되는활동성 (activity) 의관측자료와상세한내부구조의이론적모형을함께연구하여항성구조와항성자기활동성의인과관계를체계적으로이해하고자하는것이활동성연구의궁극적목표이다. 항성표면복사유체수치모사연구는복사와유체의상호작용을고려한항성표면수치모사를통해항성대기와분광스펙트럼합성을수행하고, 이로부터분광자료분석의이론적체계를정립하는것이연구의목표이다. 그리고등연령곡선연구는다양한개별원소의영향이성단색등급도에어떻게나타나는지를체계적으로설명하는연구와함께, 외계행성계의모항성에대한표준모형을구축하는연구가진행되고있다. 김석환회원이운용하는우주광학연구실은 University of Arizona(USA) 의교수및연구진들, 그리고국제적인광해석기업인 Breault Research Organization과함께위성광학시스템및대구경광학시스템의성능해석, 가공제작, 조립, 정렬, 성능측정과 3차원지구광학모델과통합적광선추적기법을사용한외계행성관측분야에서다양한공동연구들을수행중에있다. 그밖에도국내외여러대학및연구소와함께다양한기간산업분야에필요한핵심광학성능모델링기법과생산결합정렬기술들을개발하고있다. 이와같은국제적수준의연구활동을통해다수의졸업생들이해외유수대학으로유학, 국내외국책연구소및대기업연구소등으로활발히진출하여나가고있다. 박상영회원이지도하는우주비행제어연구실 (Astrodynamics and Control Lab) 은편대비행위성의궤도결정및제어, 자세결정및제어, 위성자세제어하드웨어시뮬레이터, 편대비행설계및최적화, 상대우주항법에관한연구를꾸준히수행하고있으며, 편대위성들의우주항법을검증하기위한하드웨어시스템도개발하고발전시키고있다. 특히, 차세대분리형우주망원경의기술검증을위하여두기의큐브위성 (CANYVAL-X) 을개발하여 2018년 1월에발사하였다. 또한차기우주미션 (CANYVAL-C) 으로태양의코로나를우주에서관측하는큐브위성을개발하고있다. 국방광역감시센터의연구일환으로서레이저를이용하여위성간상대거리를정밀하게측정하는연구를수행중이며, 위성간도킹과랑데부등의근접운영알고리즘도개발하고있다. 광학망원경을이용한우주감시를위한궤도분석도하고있다. 또한한국형달탐사를위한지상국시스템에필요한소프트웨어를개발하였으며, 달탐사큐브위성의활용을위한임무설계를하였다. 손영종회원의관측천문학연구실 (YOAL) 에서는이소원회원, 장호우회원, 정두석회원, 천상현회원 ( 현재서울대학교 Post-doc) 과함께항성종족의측광학적특성으로부터은하내에서의별들의생성시기와은하의진화에대한연구를진행하고있다. 이연구를위한주자료 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 99

101 2018 봄학술대회 는 UKIRT 망원경을이용해근적외선관측으로항성의분해가가능한근거리은하들과안드로메다은하시스템, 그리고 Leo Triplet 은하시스템내의항성종족에대한근적외선측광자료이다. 특히이은하들은과거병합을겪었거나현재병합을하고있는은하들로, 항성및항성종족의특성으로부터은하진화에병합의영향을추가적으로연구중이다. 또한 Dr. Samyaday Choudhury 회원과함께, 근거리은하들의중원소함량분포특성에관한연구및우리은하내성단들의자외선측광특성에관한연구를진행하고있다. 그리고한국천문연구원과함께 OWL-net(Optical Wide-Field Patrol) 의측광학적품질개선과저궤도위성관측의새로운알고리즘의개발에대한연구를진행하고있다. 또한한국천문연구원과 KMTnet(Korea Microlensing Telescope NETwork) 를이용해얻은소행성의측광학적정보를통해소행성표면의구성물질을분석하는연구를진행하고있다. 이석영회원이이끄는은하진화연구실 (GEM) 은 1명의박사후연구원 (Contini) 와 7명의대학원생으로구성되어있고, 은하의형성과진화에관한이론연구를수행하고있다. GEM은고등과학원의이재현박사와함께준해석적은하형성이론코드 ysam을개발하였고, 우주론적은하형성연구와, 은하단줌인계산을위해슈퍼컴퓨터를사용한모의실험을수행하고있다. 은하형성시뮬레이션을위해서는프랑스파리천체물리연구소와영국옥스퍼드대학교, 허트포드셔대학교연구팀과공조하고있다. 또한, 호주시드니대학교가주축이되어진행중인 SAMI IFU 프로젝트의공식멤버로서관측자료를해석하는일에참여하고있다. 윤석진회원은 (1) 김학섭회원, 김수영회원, 한상일회원, 이상윤회원, 정종훈회원과함께 Subaru 8.2m 및 CTIO 4m 망원경을이용한은하및성단의측광과분광관측연구를, (2) 정철회원, 이상윤회원과함께항성진화종족합성이론을이용한 Yonsei Evolutionary Population Synthesis (YEPS) 모델개발연구와외부은하성단계의 색분포양분이론 ' 을이용한초기우주은하형성연대기규명연구를, (3) 배현진회원, 문준성회원, 지웅배회원과함께 Redshift Survery 자료를이용한은하의 Recent Star Formation History 연구와이웃은하의영향에대한연구를, (4) Mario Pasquato 박사, 김현우회원과함께성단역학연구를, (5) 윤기윤회원, 나종삼회원, 안성호회원, 서성우회원과함께 N-body 및 Hydro Simulation을이용한은하군및은하단역학연구및 Disk Warp 현상에대한연구를, (6) Sanjaya Paudel 박사, 김진아회원, 서성우회원과함께은하들간의중력적상호작용이은하의 Star Formation Rate 과 Scaling Relations에미치는영향에관한연구를, (7) 김동진회원, 김정욱회원, 류다솔회원과함께 KVN 전파관측자료를이용한만기형항성대기의성질과 Super-massive Black Hole의 Binarism에관한연구를, (8) 윤기윤회원, 나종삼회원, 문준성회원, 서성우회원, 김선의회원과함께우주론적다체및유체시뮬레이션을이용한초기우주은하형성기본단위의기원규명연구를수행하고있다. 정애리회원은전파관측자료를활용하여성간물질과은하진화의상관관계에대한다양한연구를수행중이다. 중성수소자료를활용하여그룹단위에서은하단까지, 여러밀도환경으로인한은하진화효과를연구하고있다. 또한, 다양한 molecular line 자료를이용하여고밀도환경이은하의성간가스성질및 star formation의특성에미치는영향을연구중이다. 한편밀리미터연속파자료를활용하여, 은하중심의 AGN이나 starburst와같은강력한활동으로인한피드백의영향을관측적으로규명하기위한연구를수행하고있다. 박찬덕회원은우주비행체의궤도 / 자세와관련한동역학 / 항법 / 유도 / 제어분야의연구를수행하고있다. 현재국방광역감시특화연구센터에소속되어다수위성의재배치 / 대형유지, 우주비행체의자율도킹 / 충돌회피등의연구를수행하고있으며, 국방위성항법특화연구센터에소속되어한국형위성항법시스템의정밀궤도결정연구를수행하고있다. 또한, 비선형 / 강건제어기법을이용한우주비행체의정밀제어, 레이저관측을이용한정지궤도위성의정밀궤도결정, 소형 / 비대칭소행성탐사를위한궤적설계및항법 / 유도 / 제어기법개발등의연구를수행하고있다. 지명국회원은 Yonsei Observable UNiverse Group (YOUNG) 을운영하고있다. 현재 1. 암흑물질의정체를규명하기위한충돌은하단연구 ( 공동연구자 : 박사과정 Kyle Finner 회원, 통합과정이주헌회원, 통합과정이원기회원, 석사후연구원김민철회원, 박사후연구원조혜전회원 ), 2. 초기은하단의질량함수결정을위한중력렌즈연구 ( 공동연구자 : 박사과정김진협회원, 박사과정김서진회원 ), 3. 우주론파라미터를정밀하게결정하기위한 Cosmic Shear연구 ( 공동연구자 : 박사후연구원윤미진회원, 박사후연구원 Cristiano Sabiu 회원 ), 4. Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) 의자료처리알고리즘연구 ( 공동연구자 : 박사과정김서진회원 ) 를수행하고있다. 김태선회원은유태화회원과함께복사유체수치실험을이용하여은하의진화와우주의재이온화에대한연구를진행하고있다. 무거운별로부터기인하는피드백과정을이해하여과거우주에서관측되는은하의동역학적특성을이해하는것이본연구팀의궁극적인목표이다. 정확한수치실험을수행하기위해복사장에따라달라지는중원소냉각률과자기장을고려한이론모델을개발중이며, 구상성단의형성, 환경에따른램압력, 초 100 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

102 기관소식 기은하에서라이먼연속선의탈출률에관한연구를수행하고있다. 3. 교육및연구시설천문우주학교육시설로서, 천문대소속의일산관측소 61cm 반사망원경, 교내관측소 40cm 반사망원경, 그리고 4대의 10인치미드망원경및다수의소형망원경들을확보하고있으며, 학생들의 CCD 측광실습에적극활용하고있다. 신촌캠퍼스내에설치되어있는 KVN 전파망원경은전문연구자들의관측뿐아니라, 학부및대학원학생들의교육에도크게기여하고있다. 한편, 우리학과는해외관측소공동운영을통해대형망원경을적극활용하고있다. 이영욱회원은가시광영역의측광및분광관측을위해카네기천문대의 du Pont 2.5m 망원경과 MMT 6.5m 망원경각각년 3주및 3일사용하였다. 윤석진회원은 MMT 6.5m 망원경 2일을연구에활용하였다. 우주비행제어연구실은차세대분리형우주망원경의기술을우주공간에서직접실험 / 검증하기위한 2기의큐브위성과우주비행체의편대비행을위한항법 / 제어기법을지상에서실험 / 검증하기위한실험장치를제작하고있다. 한국형위성항법시스템의궤도결정을모사하는시뮬레이터또한개발 / 활용중이다. 그리고, 우주광학연구실은광학시스템개발을위한다수의설계및해석 S/W, 정렬및조립성능평가를위한각종간섭계및광학측정장비를운영하며, 연구및프로젝트형교육기법에활용하고있다. Yoon, Hyein; Chung, Aeree; Smith, Rory; Jaffé, Yara L. 2017, ApJ, 838, 81: A History of H I Stripping in Virgo: A Phase-space View of VIVA Galaxies Rajpurohit, K.; Hoeft, M.; van Weeren, R. J.; Rudnick, L.; Rottgering, H. J. A.; Forman, W. R.; Bruggen, M.; Croston, J. H.; Andrade-Santos, F.; Dawson, W. A.; Intema, H. T.; Kraft, R. P.; Jones, C.; Jee, M. James 2018, ApJ, 852, 65: Deep VLA Observations of the Cluster 1RXS J in the Frequency Range of 1 2 GHz Finner, Kyle; Jee, M. James; Golovich, Nathan; Wittman, David; Dawson, William; Gruen, Daniel; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Lemaux, Brian C.; Seitz, Stella 2017, ApJ, 851, 46: MC2: Subaru and Hubble Space Telescope Weak-lensing Analysis of the Double Radio Relic Galaxy Cluster PLCK G Jee, M. James; Ko, Jongwan; Perlmutter, Saul; Gonzalez, Anthony; Brodwin, Mark; Linder, Eric; Eisenhardt, Peter 2017, ApJ, 847, 117: First Weak-lensing Results from See Change : Quantifying Dark Matter in the Two z 1.5 High-redshift Galaxy Clusters SPT-CL J and IDCS J 국내외연구논문 (2017년 3월부터 2018년 2월까지 ) Le, Huynh Anh N.; Woo, Jong-Hak; Son, Donghoon; Karouzos, Marios; Chung, Aeree; Jung, Taehyun; Tremou, Evangelia; Hwang, Narae; Park, Byeong-Gon. 2017, ApJ, 851, 8: Ionized-gas Kinematics Along the Large-scale Radio Jets in Type-2 AGNs Kim, Jinhyub; Chung, Aeree; Wong, O. Ivy; Lee, Bumhyun; Sung, Eon-Chang; Staveley-Smith, Lister 2017, A&A, 605, 54: HI properties and star formation history of a fly-by pair of blue compact dwarf galaxies Chung, Eun Jung; Yun, Min S.; Verheijen, Marc A. W.; Chung, Aeree 2017, ApJ, 843, 50: 12CO(J=1->0) On-the-fly Mapping Survey of the Virgo Cluster Spirals. II. Molecular Gas Properties in Different Density Environments Benson, B.; Wittman, D. M.; Golovich, N.; Jee, M. James; van Weeren, R. J.; Dawson, W. A. 2017, ApJ, 841, 7: MC2: A Deeper Look at ZwCl with Bayesian Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing Analyses Golovich, Nathan; van Weeren, Reinout J.; Dawson, William A.; Jee, M. James; Wittman, David 2017, ApJ, 838, 110: MC2: Multiwavelength and Dynamical Analysis of the Merging Galaxy Cluster ZwCl : An Older and Less Massive Bullet Cluster Ryu, D.; Kim, S.-W.; & Breault, R. P. 2017, Optics Express, 25(5), 4926: New earth system model for optical performance evaluation of space instruments Rosdahl, J.; Schaye, J.; Dubois, Y.; Kimm, T.; Teyssier, R. 2017, MNRAS, 466, 1: Snap, crackle, pop: sub-grid supernova feedback in AMR 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 101

103 2018 봄학술대회 simulations of disc galaxies Kimm, T.; Katz, H.; Haehnelt, M. G.; Rosdahl, J.; Devriendt, J. E. G.; Slyz, A. 2017, 466, 4826: Feedback-regulated star formation and escape of LyC photons from mini-haloes during reionization Kaviraj, S.; Laigle, C.; Kimm, T.; Devriendt, J. E. G.; Dubois, Y.; Pichon, C.; Slyz, A.; Chisari, E.; Peirani, S. 2017, MNRAS, 467, 4739: The Horizon-AGN simulation: evolution of galaxy properties over cosmic time Katz, H.; Kimm, T.; Sijacki, D.; Haehnelt, M. G. 2017, MNRAS, 468, 4831: Interpreting ALMA observations of the ISM during the epoch of reionization Joo, Seok-Joo; Lee, Young-Wook; Chung, Chul 2017, ApJ, 840, 98: New Insight on the Origin of the Double Red Clump in the Milky Way Bulge Chung, Chul; Yoon, Suk-Jin; Lee, Young-Wook 2017, ApJ, 842, 91: Yonsei Evolutionary Population Synthesis (YEPS). II. Spectro-photometric Evolution of Helium-enhanced Stellar Populations Dongwook Lim; Seungsoo Hong; Young-Wook Lee 2017, ApJ, 844, 14: The CN CH Positive Correlation in the Globular Cluster NGC 5286 Science and Technology, 62, 65-74: Near-Optimal Continuous Control for Spacecraft Collision Avoidance Maneuvers via Generating Functions Oh, H.; Park, E.; Lim, H-C.; Lee, S-R.; Lee, J-D.; and Park, C. 2017, JASS 34(4), : Orbit Determination of High-Earth-Orbit Satellites by Satellite Laser Ranging Changzhu Wei; Sang-Young Park 2017, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 63, April 2017, : Dynamic Optimal Output Feedback Control of Satellite Formation Reconfiguration Based on an LMI Approach Eunji Lee; Youngkwang Kim; Minsik Kim; Sang-Young Park 2017, JASS, 34(3), : Development, Demonstration and Validation of the Deep Space Orbit Determination Software Using Lunar Prospector Tracking Data Jeong-Ah Lee; Sang-Young Park; Youngkwang Kim; Jonghee Bae; Donghun Lee; Gwanghyeok Ju 2017, JASS, 34(2), : Mission Orbit Design of CubeSat Impactor Measuring Lunar Local Magnetic Field Youngkwang Kim; Sang-Young Park; Eunji Lee; Minsik Kim 2017, JASS, 34(2), : A Deep Space Orbit Determination Software: Overview and Event Prediction Capability An, Deokkeun; Lee, Young Sun; Jung, Jae In; Rey, Soo-Chang; Rhee, Jaehyon; Lee, Jae-Woo; Lee, Young-Wook; Joe, Young Hoon 2017, AJ, 154, 150: Medium-resolution Spectroscopy of Red Giant Branch Stars in omega Centauri Young-Lo Kim; Mathew Smith; Mark Sullivan; Young-Wook Lee 2018, ApJ, 854, 24: Environmental Dependence of Type Ia Supernova Luminosities from a Sample without a Local-Global Difference in Host Star Formation Eunji Lee; Sang-Young Park; Bumjoon Shin; Sungki Cho; Eun-Jung Choi; Junghyun Jo; Jang-Hyun Park 2017, JASS, 34(1), 19-30: Orbit Determination of KOMPSAT-1 and Cryosat-2 Satellites Using Optical Wide-field Patrol Network (OWL-Net) Data with Batch Least Squares Filter 김현정 ; 박상영 ; 김민식 ; 김영광 ; 이은지 2017, 항공우주학회지, 45권 9호, pp : 달탐사시험용궤도선을위한심우주추적망의관측값구현알고리즘개발 Choi, J.; Oh, H.; Park, C.; and Park, S-Y. 2017, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 18(2), : Orbit Determination of Korea Regional Navigation Satellite System Using Inter-Satellite Links and Ground Observations Lee, K.; Park, C.; and Park, S-Y. 2017, Aerospace Han M.; Chun S. H.; Choudhury S.; Chiang H.; Lee S.; & Sohn Y. J. 2017, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 34, 83: Spatial Configuration of Stars Around Three Metal poor Globular Clusters in the Galactic Bulge, NGC 6266, NGC 6273, and NGC 6681 : Surface Density Map 102 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

104 기관소식 Choi, H.; & Yi, S. K. 2017, ApJ, 837, 68: On the Evolution of Galaxy Spin in a Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulation of Galaxy Clusters Sheen, Y.-K..; Smith, R.; Jaffe, Y.; Kim, M.; Yi, S. K.; Duc, P.-A.; Nantais, J.; Candlish, G.; Demarco, R. & Treister, E. 2017, ApJ, 840, 7: Discovery of Ram-pressure Stripped Gas around an Elliptical Galaxy in Abell 2670 Rhree, J.; Smith, Ro.; Choi, H.; Yi, S. K.; Jaffé, Y.; Candlish, G.; Sánchez-Jánssen, R. 2017, ApJ, 843, 128: Phase-space Analysis in the Group and Cluster Environment: Time Since Infall and Tidal Mass Loss Brough, S; Yi, S. K. et al. 2017, ApJ, 844, 59: The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Mass as the Driver of the Kinematic Morphology-Density Relation in Clusters Lee, J. H.; Oh, S.; Jeong, H.; Yi, S. K.; Kyeong, J.; Park, B.-G. 2017, ApJ, 844, 81: Pixel Color-Magnitude Diagram Analysis of the Brightest Cluster Galaxies in Dynamically Young and Old Clusters Abell 1139 and Abell 2589 Pujol, A.; Yi, S. K. et al. 2017, MNRAS, 469, 749: nifty cosmology: the clustering consistency of galaxy formation models Park, J.; Smith, R., & Yi, S. K. 2017, ApJ, 845, 128: Star Formation of Merging Disk Galaxies with AGN Feedback Effects populations on the size-mass plane Bae, Hyun-Jin; Woo, Jong-Hak; Karouzos, Marios; Gallo, Elena; Flohic, Helene; Shen, Yue; Yoon, Suk-Jin 2017, ApJ, 837, 91: The Limited Impact of Outflows: Integral-Field Spectroscopy of 20 Local AGNs Kim, Sooyoung; Yoon, Suk-Jin 2017, ApJ, 843, 43: Nonlinear Color-Metallicity Relations of Globular Clusters. VII. Nonlinear Absorption-line Index versus Metallicity Relations and Bimodal Index Distributions of NGC 5128 Globular Clusters Pasquato, Mario; Kim, Hyun-Woo; Yoon, Suk-Jin 2018, in press: Global Energy Divergence: a New Kinematic Signature of Core-collapse of Globular Clusters Pasquato, Mario; Miocchi, Paolo; Yoon, Suk-Jin 2018, in press: Blue Straggler Bimodality: a Brownian Motion Model Subramaniam, A.; Chung, C. et al. 2017, Astronomical Journal, 154,233: The Horizontal Branch Population of NGC 1851 as Revealed by the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (U VIT) Choudhury S.; Subramaniam A.; Cole A. A.; & Sohn Y. J. 2018, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical So ciety, 475, 4279: Photometric metallicity map of the Small Mag ellanic Cloud. Khim, H.; & Yi, S. K. 2017, ApJ, 846, 155: On the Structure of the AGN Torus through the Fraction of Optically Selected Type 1 AGNs Contini, E.; Kang, X.; Romeo, A. D.; Xia, Q.; & Yi, S. K. 2017, ApJ, 849, 156: Constraints on the Evolution of the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function. II. The Quenching Timescale of Galaxies and Its Implication for Their Star Formation Rates Contini, E.; Kang, X.; Romeo, A.D.; Xia, Q. 2017, Astrop hysical Journal, 837, 27: Constraints on the Evolutio n of the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function I: Role of Star Formation, Mergers and Stellar Strippi ng Meneghetti, M.; Natarajan, P.; Coe, D.; Contini, E. et al. 2017, MNRAS, 472, 3177: The Frontier Fields lens modeling comparison project van de Sande, J.; Yi, S. K. et al. 2017, MNRAS, 472, 1272: The SAMI Galaxy Survey: revising the fraction of slow rotators in IFS galaxy surveys Scott, N.; Yi, S. K. et al. 2017, MNRAS, 472, 2833: The SAMI Galaxy Survey: global stellar Xia K.; Huo W. 2017, Nonlinear Dynamics, 88(4), : Disturbance observer based fault tolerant co ntrol for cooperative spacecraft rendezvous and docking wit h input saturation 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 103

105 2018 봄학술대회 Zhu B.; Xia K.; Xia X. 2017, IET Control Theory & Appli cations, 11(13), : Game theoretic demand side management and closed loop control for a class of networked smart grid Xia K.; Huo W. 2017, the 2017 American Control Confe rence, Seattle, USA, : Adaptive fault toler ant control for cooperative spacecraft rendezvous and docking Xia K.; Zhu B. 2017, the 36th Chinese Control Confere nce, Dalian, China, : Energy efficient adapti ve control for cooperative spacecraft rendezvous and docking Şen, Ş.; Peletier, R. F.; Boselli, A.; den Brok, M.; Falcón-Barroso, J.; Hensler, G.; Janz, J.; Laurikainen, E.; Lisker, T.; Mentz, J. J. et al. 2018, MNRAS, 475, 3453: Abundance ratios in dwarf elliptical galaxies Scott, T. C.; Lagos, P.; Ramya, S.; Sengupta, C.; Paudel, S.; Sahu, D. K.; Misra, K.; Woo, J.-H.; Sohn, B. W. 2018, MNRAS, 475, 1148: Arp 202: a TDG formed in a parent's extended dark matter halo? Paudel, Sanjaya; Sengupta, C. 2017, ApJ, 849, 28: UGC 4703 Interacting Pair Near the Isolated Spiral Galaxy NGC 2718: A Milky Way Magellanic Cloud Analog Park, Songyoun; Sengupta, Chandreyee; Sohn, Bong Won; Paudel, Sanjaya 2017, JKAS, 50, 151: Low Frequency Observations of a Radio Loud Dwarf Galaxy Urich, Linda; Lisker, Thorsten; Janz, Joachim; van de Ven, Glenn; Leaman, Ryan; Boselli, Alessandro; Paudel, Sanjaya; Sybilska, Agnieszka; Peletier, Reynier F.; den Brok, Mark et aal. 2017, A&A, 606, 135: Young, metal-enriched cores in early-type dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster based on colour gradients Sengupta, Chandreyee; Scott, T. C.; Paudel, S.; Dwarakanath, K. S.; Saikia, D. J.; Sohn, B. W. 2017, MNRAS, 469, 3629: HI, star formation and tidal dwarf candidate in the Arp 305 system Li, X D., Park, C., Sabiu, C., Park, H., Cheng, C., Kim, J., Hong, S. 2017, ApJ, 844, 91: Cosmological Constraints from the Re dshift Dependence of the Volume Effect Using the G alaxy 2 point Correlation Function across the Line of Sight 울산과학기술원 1. 인적사항본학과에현재류동수, 곽규진등 2명의천문학전공교수가재직중이다. 본과의선도연구센터 (SRC) 인고에너지천체물리연구센터 (Center for High Energy Astrophysics) 소속으로 Allard Jan van Marle와 Lupin Chun Che Lin, 2명의연구교수가천문학연구를수행하고있다. 학과및센터소속으로김지현, 노순영, 김선정, 김영민, 4명의박사후연구원, 그리고박준성, 장한별, 하지훈, 성광언, 성광현, 윤정관, 6명의대학원생이천문학연구를수행중이다. 2. 연구및학술활동고에너지천체물리연구센터의연구주제인고에너지천체물리학은열적 비열적고에너지입자들이방출하는전파, X-선, γ-선등전자기파와중성미자, 중력파등의관측에기반을두어, 이를방출하는천문학현상의물리기작을연구하는분야이다. 센터에는이론 시뮬레이션을중심으로하는천체물리를천문관측및실험천체물리와결합하여, 은하단과밀집천체에서고에너지천체물리현상에대한연구를수행하고있다. 류동수교수와은하단연구그룹에서는은하단및우주거대구조에서의난류, 자기장, 충격파, 그리고우주선 (cosmic ray) 의특성및기원에대한연구를수행중이다. 자기유체역학, PIC(Patcle-in-Cell), 등의다양한시뮬레이션기법, 선형및준선형 (quasi-linear) 분석기법, 실험천체물리등을활용하여은하단전파, X-선, 우주선, 중성미자등으로관측되는고에너지천체현상을연구하고있다. 곽규진교수와밀집천체연구그룹에서는블랙홀, 중성자별과같은밀집천체주변에서발생하는고에너지천체현상의특성및기원에대한연구를수행하고있다. 중성자별의구조및표면에서발생하는고에너지천체현상은핵물리학과밀접한관련이있어이와관련한연구도함께병행하고있다. 104 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

106 기관소식 3. 국내외연구논문 (2017년 1월 1일이후발표 ) - Turbulence and Vorticity in Galaxy Clusters Generated by Structure Formation, Vazza, F., et al. (D. Ryu), 2017, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464, Search for EeV Protons of Galactic Origin, The Telescope Array (TA) Collaboration (D. Ryu), 2017, Astroparticle Physics, 86, First Upper Limits on the Radar Cross Section of Cosmic-Ray Induced Extensive Air Showers, The Telescope Array (TA) Collaboration (D. Ryu), 2017, Astroparticle Physics, 87, The Case for Electron Re-Acceleration at Galaxy Cluster Shocks, vanweeren, R. J., et al. (D. Ryu), 2017, Nature Astronomy, 1, Numerical Modeling of Laser-Driven Experiments Aiming to Demonstrate Magnetic Field Amplification via Turbulent Dynamo, Tzeferacos, P., et al. (D. Ryu), 2017, Physics of Plasmas, 24, Shock Acceleration Model for the Toothbrush Radio Relic, Kang, H., Ryu, D. & Jones, T. W. 2017, The Astrophysical Journal, 840, 42 (14pp). - The Bursts of High Energy Events Observed by the Telescope Array Surface Detector, The Telescope Array (TA) Collaboration (D. Ryu), 2017, Physics Letters A, 381, Study of the Vertical Magnetic Field in Face-on Galaxies using Faraday Tomography, Ideguchi, S., Tashiro, Y., Akahori, T., Takahashi, K. & Ryu, D. 2017, The Astrophysical Journal, 843, 146 (12pp). - Rapid X-ray Variations of the Geminga Pulsar Wind Nebula, Hui, C. Y., et al. (D. Ryu), 2017, The Astrophysical Journal, 846, 116 (15pp). - Laboratory Evidence of Dynamo Amplification of Magnetic Fields in a Turbulent Plasma, Tzeferacos, P., et al. (D. Ryu), 2018, Nature Communications, 9, Effects of Alfvenic Drift on Diffusive Shock Acceleration at Weak Cluster Shocks, Kang, H. & Ryu, D. 2018, The Astrophysical Journal, in press (arxiv: ). - Properties of Merger Shocks in Merging Galaxy Clusters, Ha, J.-H., Ryu, D. & Kang, H. 2018, The Astrophysical Journal, in press (arxiv: ). - Gamma-ray Showers Observed at Ground Level in Coincidence with Downward Lightning Leaders, The Telescope Array (TA) Collaboration (D. Ryu), 2017, Journal of Geophysical Research, submitted (arxiv: ). - Search for Anisotropy in the Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Spectrum using the Telescope Array Surface Detector, The Telescope Array (TA) Collaboration (D. Ryu), 2017, Physical Review Letters, submitted (arxiv: ). - Evidence for Declination Dependence of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Ray Spectrum in the Northern Hemisphere, The Telescope Array (TA) Collaboration (D. Ryu), 2018, The Astrophysical Journal, submitted (arxiv: ). - Depth of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Induced Air Shower Maxima Measured by the Telescope Array Black Rock and Long Ridge FADC Fluorescence Detectors and Surface Array in Hybrid Mode, The Telescope Array (TA) Collaboration (D. Ryu), 2018, The Astrophysical Journal, submitted (arxiv: ). - Supersonic Plasma Turbulence in the Laboratory, White,T. G., et al. (D. Ryu) 2018, Science Advances, submitted. - Evidence of Intermediate-Scale Energy Spectrum Anisotropy of Cosmic Rays E ev with the Telescope Array Surface Detector, The Telescope Array (TA) Collaboration (D. Ryu), 2018, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, submitted (arxiv: ). - The Cosmic-Ray Energy Spectrum between 2 PeV and 2 EeV Observed with the TALE Detector in Monocular Mode, The Telescope Array (TA) Collaboration (D. Ryu), 2018, The Astrophysical Journal, submitted (arxiv: ). - The Contribution of Stellar Winds to Cosmic Ray Production, Seo, J., Kang, H. Ryu, D. 2018, Journal of Korean Astronomical Society, submitted. - Spectroscopic Sudy of the Radionuclide Na-21 for the Astrophysical F-17(alpha, p)ne-20 Reaction Rate, Cha, S. M., et al. (K. Kwak), 2017, Physical Review C, 96, Beam Production of 18Ne with In-flight Method for Alpha Scattering at CRIB, Duy, N. N., et al. (K. Kwak), 2018, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, submitted. - On magnetic field amplification and particle acceleration near non-relativistic astrophysical shocks: particles in MHD cells simulations, van Marle, A. J., Casse, F. & Marcowith, A. 2018, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, 473, On magnetic field amplification and particle 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 105

107 2018 봄학술대회 acceleration near non-relativistic collisionless shocks: Particles in MHD Cells simulations, Casse, F., van Marle, A. J. & Marcowith. A. 2018, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60, Swift detection of a 65-day X-ray period from the ultraluminous pulsar NGC 7793 P13, Hu, C.-P., Li, K. L., Kong, A. K. H., Ng, C.-Y. & Lin, L. C.-C. 2017, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 835, L9 (6pp). - Mode change of a gamma-ray pulsar, Zhao, J., et al. (Lin, L. C.-C.), 2017, The Astrophysical Journal, 842, 53 (9pp). - The evolution of spin, orbital, and superorbital modulation of 4U , Hu, C.-P., Chou, Y., Ng, C.-Y., Lin, L. C.-C. & Yen, C. C., 2017, The Astrophysical Journal, 844, 16 (10pp). - Searching for high-energy, horizon-scale emissions from galactic black hole transients during quiescence, Lin, L. C.-C., et al. 2017, The Astrophysical Journal, 845, 40 (6pp). - Lepton acceleration in the vicinity of the event horizon: very-high energy emissions from super-massive black holes, Hirotani, K., et al. (Lin, L. C.-C.), 2017, The Astrophysical Journal, 845, 77 (15pp). - A Non-thermal Pulsed X-Ray Emission of AR Scorpii, Takata, J., et al. (Lin, L. C.-C.), 2018, The Astrophysical Journal, 853, 106 (8pp). - X-ray study of variable gamma-ray pulsar PSR J , Wang, H.-H., Takata, J., Hu, C.-P., Lin, L. C.-C. & Zhao, J. 2018, The Astrophysical Journal, in press. - Spontaneous emission of electromagnetic fluctuations in suprathermal plasmas, Kim, S., Schlickeiser, R., Yoon, P. H., Lopez, R. A. & Lazar, M. 2017, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 59, Spontaneous emission of Alfvenic fluctuations, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Yoon, P. H., Lopez, R. A., Van, S., Kim, S. & Schlickeiser, R. 2017, 59, Upper-hybrid waves and energetic electrons in the radiation belt, Yoon, P. H., Kim, S., Hwang, J. & Shin, D. K. 2017, Journal of Geophysical Research, 122. 충남대학교천문우주과학과 1. 인적사항본학과 ( 학과장김용하 ) 는현재 8명의전임교수 ( 외국인전임교원 1명포함 ), 및조교 1인을중심으로교육과연구에임하고있다. 2018년도에는학부과정에 33명과대학원박사과정에 1명, 석사과정에 4명이입학하였다. 또한박사 1명, 석사 1명이배출되었다. 한편, 외국인 2명포함박사후연구원 3명이연구를수행하고있다. 2018년현재학부약 160 명, 대학원석박사과정약 20명으로지방국립대중최대규모의천문우주과학관련학과를운영하고교육과연구에전념하고있다. 한편, 2014년에 BK21 플러스사업의일환으로대학원과정의경우천문우주과학과와지질환경과학과를통합한우주 지질학과를설립하여, 천문우주와지질학의융합교육및연구를꾀하고있다. 2. 연구및학술활동김광태회원은충남대학교 e-learning 강좌로고천문학, 인간과우주, 우주의역사, 천문학의지혜교양과목들을성황리에운영하고있으며, 천문학의대중화를도모할수있는효과적인천문학강좌개발에관여하고있다. 고천문학연구에도진보를보여서지난 2015년부터충남과학지에구석기시대천문학연구결과를발표하고있다. 오갑수회원은현재태양풍물리량의변화에따른지자기폭풍의세기를예측하는방법을연구하고있으며최근에는자기장의재결합에관한연구를하고있다. 김용하회원은과학재단특정기초연구과제의일환으로 2007년 2월남극세종기지에설치한유성레이다를지속운영중에있다. 2012년이레이다의송출력을 12 kw로증대하여현재일일평균약 개이상의유성을측정하고있으며, 이를이용해유성진입고도 km 구간의고층대기상태도측정하고있다. 또한극지연구소에서남북극지역모두 4곳 ( 세종, 장보고, 다산, 키루나 ) 에설치한고층대기관측기기로부터고도 km 구간의바람속도에대한측정자료를확보하여이영역의우주과학연구를활발히수행하고있다. 이유회원은전남대오수연교수와함께 Neutron Monitor 관측소를현재표준연구원내에완성하여관측을시작하였고, 오는 2015년 11월부터두해겨울 ( 남반구여름 ) 기간에걸쳐남극대륙내의장보고기지에추가관측소건립중에있다. 이와더불어전세계관측소 106 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

108 기관소식 들의자료를사용하여관측되는우주선강도의감소현상 (Forbush Decrease) 을태양과지구간의행성간자기구름물리적변화로설명하려는연구를하고있다. 그리고향후달탐사를위한기초연구로서 LRO/CRaTER science team 에참여하여달궤도에서의우주선환경변화를연구하고있으며, 달에서인류가주거가능한전초기지가될수있는달의용암동굴을찾기위한연구를진행하고있다. 또한, 자연을연구하는과학자로서지구기후변화역사와원인에대한깊은관심을갖고연구중이다. 조정연회원은 MHD 난류의성질및천문학적인응용에대해연구하고있으며, 성간먼지의정렬현상및이에의해야기되는적외선편광에대해연구하고있다. 또한외부은하의내부소광과 CMB foregrounds의효과적제거방법에대해연구하고있다. 현재관측을통한난류의물리량을구하는방법을연구하고있으며블랙홀이나중성자성의자기권에서발생하는난류에관한연구를하고있다. 이수창회원은 SDSS 자료를이용하여구축한 Virgo 은하단에있는은하들의새로운목록인 Extended Virgo Cluster Catalog (EVCC) 를활용하여은하단및은하단내은하들의진화연구를환경효과와관련하여수행하고있다. 또한, SDSS 자료를이용하여 Virgo 은하단주위에존재하는 filament 및 sheet 구조를새롭게정의하고이구조에분포하는은하들의특성및진화연구를수행하고있다. 한편, 은하그룹, 필드 (field), 필라멘트등다양한환경에있는은하들의다파장특성에대한비교연구를수행하고있다. Virgo 은하단내과도기왜소은하에대한분광관측자료분석을통해조기형왜소은하의형성기작에대해연구하고있다. Prof. Hui conveys extensive studies of a wide range of high energy phenomena of compact objects and their environment. These astrophysical systems enable us to probe the laws of physics in the most extreme physical conditions which cannot be attained in any terrestrial laboratories. For multi-wavelength investigations, the state-of-art space and ground-based telescopes around the world, including XMM-Newton, Chandra, Suzaku, Swift, Gemini, Hubble Space Telescope, Australian Telescope Compact Array, VLA, Fermi Gamma-ray Space telescope, are utilized. Prof. Hui is also one of the founders of Fermi Asian Network (FAN) which leads a series of long-term internationally collaborative projects. Very recently, Prof. Hui has joined the project, which is led by the International Space Science Institute, for conceiving new approaches to investigate the active processes in the central regions of galaxies. 이영선회원은 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), SEGUE (Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration), BOSS (Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopy Survey), 그리고현재중국에서진행중인 LAMOST (Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope) 등에서관측한별의스펙트럼을처리하여별들의온도, 중력, 금속함량비, 알파원소함량비와탄소함량비를결정하는일괄처리프로그램들을개발하는연구를수행하고있다. 일관처리프로그램을통하여결정된별의물리량과화학원소함량비를이용하여우리은하의원반 (disk) 과헤일로 (halo) 에있는별들의운동학적, 화학적특성과분포를조사하여원반과헤일로의기원과화학적진화에대하여연구도수행하고있다. 충남대천문우주과학과는지난 8년간 2단계 BK21 사업에이어지질환경과학과와공동으로 2013년에 BK21 플러스의지구과학분야사업단에선정되어운영되고있다. 또한 2015년중간평가를거쳐 5차년도협약이확정되었다. 미래우주지질탐사사업단 ( 단장 - 김용하, 참여교수 - 이유, 이수창, 조정연, C. Y. Hui, 이영선 ) 은우주 / 지질분야에서다양한과학적현안들을해결하고미래성장에능동적으로기여할수있는핵심인재양성및관련분야에서국제적인수준의기초연구를수행하고있다. 또한 2016년 9월부터 3년간지방대학특성화사업 (CK사업) 의일환으로지질환경과학과, 해양환경과학과와함께지구 / 우주국가전략기술인재양성사업단에참여하여연간 4억의사업비를지원받아창의적융복합인재를양성하고있다. 천문우주과학과는천문우주연구및우주탐사의세부분야를담당하고있다. 특히, 국제적수준의차세대우주탐사연구인력을양성하여, 정부의대형국책연구사업에필요한전문인력공급을목표로하여사업을운영하고있다. 천문우주탐사, 우주환경관측및시뮬레이션, 그리고우주현상시뮬레이션분야에서교육시스템및연구수준을국제적수준으로끌어올려국책연구소에서필요로하는양질의석박사를배출하는것을주요목표로하고있다. 3. 연구시설연구시설로는다수의워크스테이션서버와고성능 PC가갖추어진천문전산실, 광학실험장치, Photodensitometer, 인공위성추적시스템이갖추어져있는광학실험실이있다. 그리고천문대및 Planetarium 상영을위한천문전시실이있으며, 시뮬레이션실, 천문도서실등이학부학생들의교육을위한실험실습실로이용되고있다. 천문대에는 16인치슈미트-카세그레인반사망원경이 4m 돔에설치되어있고, 14, 12, 10인치슈 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 107

109 2018 봄학술대회 미트-카세그레인망원경, 7인치반사망원경, 6, 5인치초저분산굴절망원경, 6인치쌍안경, 분광기, 그리고다수의냉각 CCD 카메라가있다. 그리고대전시민천문대의 10인치굴절망원경의원격제어시스템을완성해시민천문대가운영을마친 11시이후에이를활용하여관측수업을진행중이다. 충북대학교천문우주학과 1. 기본사항충북대학교천문우주학과에는서경원, 김천휘, 김용기, 이대영, 하야사키키미타케, 안홍준회원등 6명의전임교수가 194명의학부생과 31명의대학원생의교육과연구를맡고있다. 국내대학중유일한대학본부부속기관인충북대학교천문대는 2017년 3월부터김천휘교수가천문대장직을수행하고있으며윤요라회원이업무를담당하고있다. 학과행정업무는 2017년부터이민희회원이조교로근무하고있다. 2. 연구및학습활동서경원교수는진화된항성주변먼지층의특성과진화에대한연구를수행하고있다. 이를위하여진화된항성의목록을개선하고체계화하며관련된적외선및전파관측자료들을수집하여분석하고있다. 또한진화된항성의구조와진화에따른주변먼지입자의특성에대한이론적모형의개발과적용을위한연구도함께진행중이다. 김천휘교수는 2017년부터천문대장직을맡고있으며, 근접쌍성계의측, 분광학적성질및주기변화를연구하고있다. 그일환으로지난수년간폴란드의크라코우교육대학의 J. M. Kreiner 교수와공동으로수행하였던근성점운동을하는근접쌍성계의카탈로그작성연구를마무리하였다. 그결과가 ApJS에게재승인되어올상반기에출간예정이다. 이를기반으로그후속연구를수행하고있다. 김천휘교수의지도하에박장호, 송미화, 정민지, 임진선, 이희재, 김혜영회원이박사과정을이수하고있으며, 2017년부터김재영회원이석사과정을진행하고있다. 김용기교수는대학원대중천문학과정을담당하고있다. 자기격변변광성의관측및관측자료처리에대한연구를하고있으며우크라니아 ONMU 대학의 Andronov 교수와자기격변변광성에대한공동연구를하고있다. 또한충북대학교망원경자동관측시스템을이용한자기격변변광성모니터링관측, 그리고망원경자동관측시스템을이용한과학대중화사업에의연계연구에도관심을갖고부산과학관, 경기과학고의망원경및관측시스템개발에참여한바있다. 김용기교수는한양대학교오준영교수와함께과학의본성을이용한대중천문교육에대 한연구를하고있으며, 천문도서번역에도기여하였다. 현재김동흔, 한기영, 박은미회원이박사과정, 이상민, 이준구, 노지은, 유선아회원이석사과정을이수하고있으며, 설아침회원이통합과정에서김용기교수의지도를받고있다. 2014년 1월부터한국우주과학회부회장으로봉사하고있으며, 2014년 1월부터 2015년 12월까지한국천문학회교육홍보위원장을맡은바있다. 이대영교수는현재 8명의 full-time 석 박사과정대학원생들과 2인의연구교수로구성된우주물리 / 우주환경연구그룹을이끌고있다. 주로 space plasma instabilities, radiation belt electron dynamics, wave-particle interaction, interplanetary magnetic field 관련기초연구와우주자기장측정기개발에집중하고있다. 특히, 최근한국연구재단지원사업을통해극단적우주환경조건에서고성능으로운영이가능한자기장측정기 (fluxgate magnetometer) 를자체적으로개발중이며이를통해관련기반기술의국산화에주력하고있다. 또한, 우주환경교란의가장큰원인이되는 interplanetary magnetic field 변화예측에대한난제를해결하기위해매우도전적인 ( 중장기 ) 연구를최근시작하였다. 하야사키키마타케교수는 black hole 천문학및천체물리학에대한연구를수행하고있다. 현재 merging process of binary supermassive black holes in the context of disk-binary interaction에관하여연구하고있다. 쌍성블랙홀병합중중력파검출 (GW ) 의최근발견은그어느때보다도이분야에많은동기를부여하고있다. 또한 the tidal disruption of stars by supermassive black holes에대해연구하고있으며, 최근 tidal disruption events가급격하게관측되면서관측과이론적관심이증가하고있는주제이다. 현재박관우학부생과함께연구그룹을이끌고있으며, black hole 천문학및천체물리학에새로운통찰력을제공하고자교육하고있다. 안홍준교수는현재국제협력연구단인 Fermi 연구단에참여하고있으며, X선및감마선관측을통하여고에너지천체현상을연구하고있다. 고에너지방사는우리은하뿐만아니라외계은하에존재하는밀집성에서나타나는데, 주로중성자별및그성운, 거대블랙홀등이연구대상이다. 이런물체에서발생하는고에너지현상을통하여그물체들의특성을추정하는데, 중성자별연구는최종적으로그질량을추정하여현재의물리학적지식을기반으로유도한상태방정식을검증함으로써초고밀도하에존재하는물질의상태를추정하는것을목표로한다. 중성자별성운이나거대블랙홀주변에서입자들이초고에너지로가속되는현상이발생하여 X선및감마선이방출되는것으로추정하는데, 관측및이론적모형화를통하여플라스마물질의가속현상들이해하는것을목표로하여연구하고있다. 현재네명의대학원생과함께연구를진행하고있다. 108 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

110 기관소식 3. 연구시설각교수의연구실및실험실에는최신 PC 및관련주변기기, 그리고워크스테이션이구비되어있으며, 또한교내 35cm 반자동천체망원경, 40cm 자동천체망원경및 3m 태양망원경, 5m 위성전파수신기, 그리고최근자체제작한 2.8Ghz 전파수신기등천문우주교육에필요한다수의장비를갖추고있다. 이와더불어대학본부부속기관인충북대학교천문대 ( 충북진천군소재 ) 가 2008년 4월개관이후시험관측을거쳐현재활발히천문관측을수행하고있다. 충북대학교천문대는국내대학규모로는최대인 1m 반사망원경을보유하고있고 60cm 광시야망원경을이용하여천문교육과연구에활용될뿐만아니라지역사회에개방되어천문지식보급에도크게기여하고있다. 4. 국내외연구논문 ( ) Suh, Kyung-Won, & Hong, Jinju, 2017, A new catalog of AGB stars based on infrared two-color diagrams, Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, vol.50, no.4, p Suh, Kyung-Won, 2016, A model for the dust envelope of the silicate carbon star IRAS , The Astrophysical Journal, 819, 61 Hong-Suh Yim, Sang-Mok Cha and Yongseok Lee, 2017, PHOTOMETRY STUDY OF NPA ROTATOR (5247) KRYLOV, JKAS, 50, 41 I. L. Andronov,... Chun-Hwey Kim, Yonggii Kim et al. 2017, Instabilities in Interacting Binary Stars, ASPC, 511, 43 Chun-Hwey Kim, Hyoun-Woo Kim, Jang-Ho Park, Mi-Hwa Song, Min-Ji Jeong, Hye-Young Kim, 2017, IBVS, 6202, 1 Dong-Joo Lee, Jae-Rim Koo, Kyeongsoo Hong, Seung-Lee Kim, Jae Woo Lee, Chung-Uk Lee, Young-Beom Jeon, Yun-Hak Kim, Beomdu Lim, Yoon-Hyun Ryu, Sang-Mok Cha, Yongseok Lee, Dong-Jin Kim, Byeong-Gon Park, and Chun-Hwey Kim, 2016, TIME-SERIES PHOTOMETRY OF VARIABLE STARS IN THE GLOBULAR CLUSTER NGC 288, JKAS, 49, 295 Hyoun-Woo Kim, Chun-Hwey Kim, Mi-Hwa Song, Min-Ji Jeong, Hye-Young Kim, 2016, The first photometric study of NSVS : A new w-subtype contact binary with a low mass ratio and moderate fill-out factor, JASS, 33, 185 Suh, Kyung-Won, 2016, Optical properties of amorphous alumina dust in the envelopes around O-rich AGB stars, Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, vol.49, no.4, 127 Han Kiyoung, Kim Yonggi, Andronov Ivan L, Yoon Joh-Na, Chinarova Lidia L, 2017, Quasi-Periodic Oscillation of a Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable,DO Draconis, JASS, 34, 37 Suh, Kyung-Won, 2016, Dust Disks Around Young Stellar Objects, Journal of Astronomy and Space Science, vol. 33, no. 2, 119 I. L. Andronov,... Chun-Hwey Kim, Yonggii Kim et al. 2017, Instabilities in Interacting Binary Stars, ASPC, 511, 43 Jang-Ho Park, Kyeongsoo Hong, Jae-Rim Koo, Jae Woo Lee, and Chun-Hwey Kim, 2018, Absolute Dimensions and Evolutionary Status of the Semi-detached Algol W Ursae Minoris, AJ, 155, 133 C.-H. Kim, J. M. Kreiner, B. Zakrzewski, W. Ogloza, H.-W. Kim, and M.-J. Jeong, 2018, A comprehensive catalog of galactic eclipsing binary stars with eccentric orbits based on eclipse timing diagrams, ApJS (in press) Hee-Jae Lee, Hong-Kyu Moon, Myung-Jin Kim, Chun-Hwey Kim, Josef Durech, Young-Jun Choi, Young-Seok Oh, Jintae Park, Dong-Goo Roh, 김용기외, 2016, 천문학 : 한눈에보는우주 ( 번역 ) M.-H. Woo, K. Dokgo, P.H. Yoon, D.-Y. Lee, and C.R. Choi, 2018, Electrostatic odd symmetric eigenmode in inhomogeneous Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal equilibrium, Physics of Plamas. J. Hwang, D.-K. Shin, P.H Yoon, W.S. Kurth, B.A. Larsen, G.D. Reeves, and D.-Y. Lee, 2017, Roles of hot electrons in generating upper-hybrid waves in the earth's radiation belt, Physics of Plamas. D.-Y. Lee, S.-J. Noh, C.R. Choi, J.J. Lee, and J.A. 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 109

111 2018 봄학술대회 Hwang, 2017, Effect of hot anisotropic He+ ions on the growth and damping of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the inner magnetosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics. K.-E. Choi, D.-Y. Lee, K.-C Choi, and J. Kim, 2017, Statistical properties and geoeffectiveness of southward interplanetary magnetic field with emphasis on weakly southward B-z events, Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics. J. Cho, D.-Y. Lee, S.-J. Noh, H. Kim, D.R. Choi, J. Lee and J. Hwang, 2017, Spatial dependence of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves triggered by solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements, Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics. M.-H. Woo, K. Dokgo, P.H. Yoon, D.-Y. Lee, and C.R. Choi, 2017, Electron Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal hole for obliquely propagating solitary kinetic Alfven waves, Physics of Plamas. Kimitake Hayasaki, Abraham Loeb, 2016, Detection of Gravitational Wave Emission by Supermassive Black Hole Binaries Through Tidal Disruption Flares, 6 An, H., Cumming, A., Kaspi, V. K., Flux Relaxation after two outbursts of the magnetar SGR and possible hard X-ray emission, 2018, ApJ, in press An, H. and Romani, R. W., SED constraints on the highest-z blazar jet: QSO J , 2018, ApJ, 856, 105 An, H., A model for high-energy emission of the Intrabinary shock in pulsar binaries, 2018, EPJ Web of Proceedings, 168, An, H. et al., High-energy variability of PSR J , 2017, ApJ, 850, 100 Edwards, P. G..., An, H., et al. PKS : RadioAstron Detection on 80,000 km Baselines and Multiwavelength Observations, PASA, 34, e021 M. Kim, K.S. Park, D.-Y. Lee, C. R. Choi, R.S. Kim, K.S. Cho, K.-C. Choi, and J. Kim, Characteristics and geoeffectiveness of small-scale magnetic flux ropes in the solar wind, 2017, J. Astron. Space Sci., E.H. Lee, D.-Y. Lee, M.Y Park, Climate events and cycles during the last glacial-interglacial transition, 2017, J. Astron. Space Sci., Kimitake Hayasaki, Ryo Yamazaki, Abraham Loeb, 2017, Optical-infrared flares and radio afterglows by Jovian planets inspiraling into their host stars, MNRAS 466, 1421 Kimitake Hayasaki, Nicholas Stone, Abraham Loeb, 2016, Circularization of tidally disrupted stars around spinning supermassive black holes, MNRAS, 461, 3760 An, H., et al. Light curve and SED modeling of the gamma-ray binary 3FGL J : constraints on the orbital geometry and relativistic flow, ApJ, 2017, 838, 145 Yang, C.,..., An, H., et al. NuSTAR Observations of Magnetar 1E , ApJ, 2016, 831, 80 Ackermann, M., Ajello, M., An, H., et al. Contemporaneous Broadband Observations of Three High-redshift BL LAC Objects, ApJ, 2016, 820, 72 Chen, G., An, H., et al. NuSTAR Observations of the Young, Energetic Radio Pulsar PSR B , ApJ, 2016, 817, 93 Keitaro Takahashi, Yuuiti Sendouda, Kimitake Hayasaki, Shigehiro Nagataki, 2016, Rapid merger of binary primordial black holes: An implication for GW150914, ASJ, / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

112 기관소식 충북대학교천문대 충북대학교천문대는진천관측소가 2008년개관이래약 10년지난현재까지천문관측을계속수행하고있으며, 천문대를건설하면서축적하였던다양한천문기술을국내천문대에보급하고있다. 천문대구성인원은대장 ( 김천휘교수 ) 과소장 ( 윤요라주무관 ), 그리고 5명의관측요원으로이루어져있다. 보유장비는진천관측소에소재한국내대학최대구경인 1m RC 망원경, 인공위성추적감시망원경인 60cm 광시야망원경 (2010년설치 ) 이있으며, 또한, 대학교내 35cm와 40cm 망원경을운용하고있다. 이 4대의망원경의관측대상은주로변광성이며, 때때로행성 transit 측광관측및한국천문연구원과의협력으로인공위성과소행성등을병행관측하고있다. 최근몇년동안진천관측소에서이루어진일은천문대의날씨상황, 관측진행상황, 그리고관측현황등을실시간으로알져주는시스템을개발하여 web에공지하고있다 ( 이와더불어관측된변광성의위상에따른광도곡선도 web 상에보여줌으로서관측자에게편의를주고있다. 충북대학교천문우주학과가전국에산재되어있는각종천문기관이나시설 ( 과학관, 과학박물관, 시민천문대등 ) 에걸맞는전문인력양성을목적으로 2008년 3월부터대학원에신설한 대중천문과학 전공을실질적으로활성화하고기술적으로뒷받침하기위하여천문대는다양한천문관측과실습프로그램을개발하여학생들에게관측실습의장을제공하고있다. 마련하고있다. 지속적인천문기기개발을수행하고있는충북대학교천문대는다양한기술력으로국내망원경및관측기기수리용역을수행하고있다. 2014년에는제주별빛누리공원의주망원경인 60cm 망원경의주경미러셀과스파이더부경미러셀을다시제작하는연구과제를수행완료하였고, 2015년은국립부산과학관 350mm 굴절망원경구동시스템개발을완료하였으며, 이와더불어과학영재경기과학고등학교 0.6m 반사망원경, 대전동신과학고등학교 0.5m 반사망원경을메타스페이스와협력하여 Antalece 6.0과 5.0의새로운망원경을개발하여납품하였다. 또한충북대학교천문대에서운영중인 AWS 및구름모니터링시스템은다양한기관에서설치를의뢰하고있으며, 2014년에국립과천과학관과과학영재한국영재학교에개발을완료해납품하였다. 2016년 10월한국천문연구원의 SLR(Satellite Laser Ranging) 그룹의거창감악산사이트에 8.5m 고속회전자동제어돔개발을완료하였으며, 이돔은최고속도 18 /sec, 지향정밀도 ±30arcsec의정밀도를가지고있다. 2017년시험관측을거쳐본격적인인공위성관측을시작할계획이다. 0.6m 광시야망원경은 넓은시야를가진 4K CCD를사용함으로서한 CCD 화면에수많은별들이동정되고, 따라서새로운변광성들이많이발견되기때문에자료처리방식을새롭게수정하는 S/W를개발하였으며, 이와더불어이제까지관측된변광성들을정리하여논문화하는작업을수행되고있다. 최근에넓은시야를이용한외계행성탐사관측은매우높은관측정밀도를나타내고있으며, 지속적인관측으로국내학회지및 SCI급논문이기대되고있다. 2015년 10월에는광시야 0.6m 망원경전용완전개폐형돔을설계제작하여기존슬라이딩돔철거와함께더욱쾌적한천문체험학교환경을조성하였으며, 새로개발한완전개폐형돔은관측시야가고도 15 이상확보되고망원경의구동에간섭이전혀없어광시야 0.6m 망원경의구동안전성을확보하였고, 9시간연속시계열관측을할수있는환경을조성하였다. 그림 1. 과학영재경기과학고등학교 0.6m 반사망원경. Antalece 년부터충북대학교천문대는대중천문보급및자구적예산확보차원에서천문을테마로한오토캠핑장을추진하고있다. 총 18기의텐트사이트로 1년에 1억원이상의수익을목표로각종편의시설건물을신축했다. 천문대의넓은천연잔디운동장과망원경및천문학전공학생들의천문강의와체험학습을테마로천문오토캠프를진행하고있다. 오토캠핑장이활성화되면지역아동센터및다문화가정을위한무료천문캠프를진행해지역사회에대중천문을접할수있는기회의장을 그림 2. 충북대학교천문대 0.6 미터광시야망원경 완전개폐형돔. 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 111

113 2018 봄학술대회 로도약하고있다. 가. 주요보직자현황 그림 3. 국립부산과학관 350mm 굴절망원경. 제7대원장이형목감사 - 감사부장김웅중부원장조경석 그림 4. 한국천문연구원거창감악산사이트 SLR 8.5m 자동제어돔. 광학천문본부장선광일전파천문본부장김종수우주과학본부장최영준대형망원경사업단장박병곤정책부장김경호기획부장홍정유행정부장신용태우주위험감시센터장조중현중소기업협력센터장남욱원이론천문센터장송용선고천문연구센터장김상혁천문전산융합센터장복은경 한국천문연구원 1. 기관현황한국천문연구원은우리나라천문연구의정통성을계승한대한민국대표천문연구기관으로서 1974년국립천문대로출범하여현재에이르기까지중 대형관측장비의구축과운영을통해국가천문연구를수행하며과학발전의토대를마련하고있다. 국내유일의천문우주과학정부출연연구기관으로서광학, 전파, 이론, 관측천문학및우주과학연구를통해 21세기천문우주핵심과제를규명하고, 천문우주관측시스템구축및핵심기술개발을통해우주시대를선도하는일류선진연구기관으 나. 주요연구본부소개 1) 광학천문본부광학천문본부는은하진화그룹, 변광천체그룹, 보현산천문대, 소백산천문대의 4개그룹으로구성되어별과우주의시작과변화를과학적으로분석하고있다. 은하진화그룹은광학 / 적외선을비롯한다양한파장의자료를이용하여우리은하와외부은하의형성과진화를연구하고있으며, 변광천체그룹은고정밀측광및고분산분광관측자료를활용하여변광성과외계행성의물리적특성을연구하고있다. 이러한연구를위하여광학천문본부는보현산천문대, 소백산천문대, 레몬산천문대, 외계행성탐색시스템 (KMTNet) 등의관측시설을운영하고있다. 외계행성탐색시스템은 2015년 10월에칠레, 호주, 남아프리카공화 112 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

114 기관소식 국의남반구 3개관측소를완공하고, 광시야망원경과모자이크 CCD 카메라를사용하여외계행성, 변광성, 초신성, 소행성, 외부은하등본격적인연구관측을시작해성과를창출하고있다. 2) 전파천문본부전파천문본부는전파천문연구그룹, 대덕전파천문대, 전파기술개발그룹, ALMA(Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) 그룹및 KVN(Korean VLBI Network, 한국우주전파관측망 ) 의 5개그룹을운영하고있다. KVN 등의대형관측장비를활용하여별탄생영역과활동성은하영역에대한선진연구를수행하고, ALMA, KaVA(KVN and VERA Array) 등을통해국제공동관측프로그램을진행하고있다. 또핵심관측장비의성능향상을위한시스템개발을하며우수연구결과를창출하고있다. 세계최초로관측계획부터데이터분석까지전과정을천문연구원에서무인원격으로관리할수있다. 5) 대형망원경사업단대형망원경사업단은대형광학망원경의국제공동건설및공동활용, 대형망원경용관측기기개발등의업무를수행하고있다. 주요사업으로는거대마젤란망원경 (GMT) 국제공동건설지분 10% 확보를골자로하는대형망원경개발사업과 8m급중대형망원경국제공동활용, 광학및적외선관측기기개발, GMT용관측기기및부경국제공동개발등을들수있다. 특히 GMT 시대를대비한연구역량의개발과인력양성을위하여천문학계를위한중대형망원경관측시간지원, 대학원생및박사후연수원을대상으로하는계절학교운영, 해외 GMT 참여기관과공동연구및펠로우십프로그램운영, 천문학분야국제공동연구참여등다양한업무를수행하고있다. 2017년도에는총 7개반사경중 5번째반사경제작을시작했다. GMT는 4개의반사경만먼저장착해 2023년께첫관측을시작할예정이며, 2026년부터는정상가동을목표로하고있다. 3) 우주과학본부우주과학본부는태양및근지구우주환경연구, 달및행성과학, 그리고레이저기술을이용한고정밀우주물체추적연구를통해우주에대한인류의지식확대및활동영역확장, 그리고자연재해, 우주폐기물문제등범지구적문제해결에기여하고있다. 또한우주측지기술을활용한지구변화정밀분석과태양활동에의한지구영향예측, 우주에서의관측천문연구에주력하고있으며대한민국공식역서를발간하고있다. 4) 우주위험감시센터우주위험감시센터는인공위성, 소행성등우주물체의지상추락과충돌과같은우주위험을감시하고분석하는연구와우주환경감시기관의기술정책및국제협력지원등의사무국업무를수행하고있다. 국가과학기술연구회국가현안해결형사업인우주물체전자광학감시시스템 (Optical Wide-field patrol; OWL-Net) 개발사업을통해지난해국내외 5개곳에직경 0.5m급우주물체추적광학망원경을설치완료했으며, 우리나라국적위성, 한반도정지궤도영역을독자적으로감시하고있다. 이네트워크는광시야광학망원경, 고속마운트, 효과적인스케줄링을채용하여빠르게움직이는인공위성이나소행성의추적감시가가능하며, 6) 이론천문센터이론천문센터에는우주론, 천체물리분야의연구자들이참여하고있다. 우주론및천체물리분야는우주거대구조이론과관측연구를통해우주초기조건, 암흑물질및암흑에너지에관한연구를수행하고있으며, DESI 등주요국제관측사업에참여하고있다. 천체물리연구자들은시뮬레이션을통한천체물리연구및시뮬레이션코드개발등을수행하며, 한국과학기술정보연구원, 국가수리과학연구소와공동으로중력파융합연구도활발하게진행중이다. 7) 중소기업협력센터 2013년 4월새롭게출범한중소기업기술협력센터는그동안연구원의각부서별로분산운영되어왔던천문우주과학관련기술의산업체공유를위한협력업무를담당하고있다. 천문광학, 천문전파및천문우주분야별 12개의패밀리기업과함께, 기업의수요에부응하는원 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 113

115 2018 봄학술대회 천기술확보및기술이전을추진하고있다. 이러한노력을통해기업수요형 R&D개발을통해원천기술확보및기술이전을추진하고, 실천적기술이전로드맵을통해적극적인기술사업화및육성사업확대를위해노력하고있다. 또한 KASI-테크노닥터와지속적인기업의애로기술해결과실질적인기술교류를통해한국천문연구원미래기술의원천기술확보및기업동반성장을위한상생협력을도모하고, 진정한오픈이노베이션 (open innovation) 을구현을위해노력하고있다. 8) 고천문연구센터천문학은고금을관통하는유일한과학의분야이며, 동시에인류의공통문명이다. 우리나라는삼국시대이래로 2천년에이르는시간동안체계적인관측제도를바탕으로다양한천문관측기록을보유하고있다. 한국의천문유물과천문기록은인류의유산이며, 현대천문학연구의뿌리이기도하다. 고천문연구센터는한국의천문유산을계승하고지속하고자, 옛천문기기를복원하고, 역사적관측기록을수집 분석하며, 이러한자료가현대천문현상에활용될수있도록기여하는등다양한측면에서연구를수행하고있다. 우리센터는한국의천문과학문명이미래로향해나아가도록지속적으로매진할것이다. 9) 천문전산융합센터천문전산융합센터는빅데이터연구국민참여와세계적성과창출을목표로 2018년 4월새로구축됐다. 기하급수적으로증가하는천문우주빅데이터의저장 분석 공유와시스템을구축하는역할을한다. 기존의광학 전파 적외선파장별관측데이터를비롯해대규모수치모의실험을통한데이터, 우리나라의특장점인과거조선시대천문관측기록부터현재와미래에구축할최신인프라의데이터들까지망라할계획이다. 또국민들이직접연구에참여하고그성과를체감할수있는플랫폼을구축해나가고자한다. 2. 한국천문연구원주요연구및개발성과가. 천체에서오는중력파와감마선, X-선, 가시광선등전자기파신호의동시관측최초성공한국천문연구원연구진을포함한국제공동연구팀은중력파와전자기파관측을동시수행하는데성공함으로써중성자별의충돌로부터일어나는일련의물리적과정을규명했다. 블랙홀충돌로부터나오는중력파발견에이어중성자별의충돌에의한중력파를라이고 (LIGO) 와비르고 (Virgo) 로처음으로검출함은물론감마선, X-선, 가시광선에서도이중력파천체를포착하는데최초로성공한것이 다. 특히한국천문연구원이운영하는 KMTNet이 24시간연속해서관측한자료가중요한역할을했다. 나. 미국개기일식코로나그래프시험관측성공 2017년 8월 21일 ( 현지시각, 한국시각 22일 ) 미국에서는미대륙을가로지르는개기일식이진행됐다. 이번개기일식에서한국천문연구원은 NASA와공동개발중인코로나그래프 (coronagraph) 를활용해코로나관측에성공했다. 천문연은이를바탕으로미국 NASA와함께국제우주정거장에설치할차세대코로나그래프를계속해서개발중이다. 다. KMTNet, NASA 스피처우주망원경과공동관측으로지구질량외계행성발견한국천문연구원은외계행성탐색시스템 ( 이하 KMTNet, Korea Microlensing Telescope Network) 을이용해지구질량외계행성을발견했다. 이외계행성은지구와비슷한질량이며, 중심별로부터의거리도태양에서부터지구까지의거리와비슷하다. 이연구에는미국항공우주국 (NASA) 에서운영하는스피처 (Spitzer) 우주망원경도함께관측해행성까지의거리와질량을정밀하게알아낼수있었다. 이번에발견한행성은 2017년 2월말에발견돼화제가된트라피스트-1 (TRAPPIST-1) 행성계와매우유사하며, 이는작고차가운별주위에도지구질량의행성이흔하다는것을의미한다. 라. 적외선고분산분광기 (IGRINS) 에대한호응한국천문연구원과미국텍사스대학교가공동으로개발한적외선고분산분광기 (IGRINS) 는 2014년부터미국맥도날드천문대등에서과학연구운영중이며, 2018년상반기에는칠레소재의구경 8.1m 제미니남측 (Gemini South) 천문대에서과학연구관측을수행할예정이다. 2017년 9월약한달간제미니남측망원경의관측기기를활용한관측제안서를전세계커뮤니티를대상으로접수한결과 IGRINS가관측연구수요가가장높 114 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

116 기관소식 은기기로나타났다. 이러한현상은 2000년도제미니남측천문대가개소한이래 GMOS의수요를능가하는첫사례이며, IGRINS의우수한성능을관련커뮤니티가인정하는것으로이해할수있다. 마. 대덕전파천문대레이돔 30년만에교체한국천문연구원대덕전파천문대는 2017 년 2월 14일기존노후화된레이돔을철거하고새로운돔으로교체작업을완료했다. 대덕전파천문대가보유한전파망원경은지난 1986년 10 월설치돼시험관측이이뤄진후, 1988년부터연구관측을수행해오고있다. 이는우리나라최초이자아시아에서두번째로건설된전파망원경이다. 레이돔은외부의비와바람등을차단하여전파망원경을보호하고, 전파관측주파수영역의전파는통과시켜전파망원경이제기능을잘할수있도록보호하는역할을한다. 새단장한전파망원경은현재계속적으로운영되고있다. 사진원본일체 : OIM_A~~.zip 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 115


118 사단법인한국천문학회 회원명부 ( )


120 회원명부 No 이름 소속 No 이름 소속 1 강궁원 gwkang@kisti.re.kr 한국과학기술정보연구원 25 강지수 jskang@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 2 강다은 daeun.astro@gmail.com 서울대학교 3 강동일 kang_dong_il@naver.com 김해고등학교 4 강미주 mjkang@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 5 강민 andrew010713@naver.com 과천중앙고등학교 6 강민희 kmhchloe@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 7 강봉석 kbs2004@korea.kr 8 강선미 tjsal_03@hotmail.com 군포시대야도서관누리천문대 경희대학교우주탐사학과 9 강선아 aine2242@gmail.com 세종대학교 10 강성주 sjkang@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 11 강신철 kang87@kasi.re.kr 천문연구원 12 강영운 kangyw@sejong.ac.kr 세종대학교 13 강용범 ybkang@cnu.ac.kr 충남대학교자연과학연구소 14 강용우 tetius82@daum.net 한국천문연구원 15 강용희 yhkang@knu.ac.kr 경북대사범대과학교육학부 16 강원기 kangwongi@naver.com 경북대학교 17 강원석 wskang@kywa.or.kr 국립청소년우주센터 18 강유진 egkang@astro.snu.ac.kr 한국천문연구원 19 강은아 milkrkd@daum.net 20 강은하 enkang0712@naver.com 충북대학교교육대학원 세종대학교천문학과 21 강이정 yjkang@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 22 강인 lrkangin@gmail.com 경희대학교 23 강주형 jhkang@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 24 강준석 kjssag@naver.com 경희대학교우주과학과 26 강지현 jkang@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 27 강지혜 siriustar@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 28 강혁모 kradarts@gmail.com 29 강현우 orionkhw@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 30 강혜성 hskang@pusan.ac.kr 부산대학교 31 경재만 jman@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 32 고경연 knightflow@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 33 고원규 topa14@daum.net 34 고유경 ykko@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 35 고종완 jwko@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 36 고주헌 persever@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 37 고해곤 rhgorhs@hotmail.com 세종대학교 38 고현주 whiteangel28@hanmail.net 서울대학교창의연구단 39 공인택 intaekgong@gmail.com 세종대학교 40 곽규진 kkwak@unist.ac.kr 울산과학기술대학교 41 곽동훈 souliar@naver.com 인하대학교 42 곽성원 swkwak@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 43 곽영실 yskwak@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 44 곽정하 jeonghagwak@gmail.com 메타스페이스 45 곽한나 hannahk@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 46 관리자 kas@kasi.re.kr 47 구경록 expolog@sen.go.kr 한국과학기술정보연구원 48 구본철 koo@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 119

121 2018 봄학술대회 No 이름 소속 49 구재림 한국천문연구원 No 이름 소속 72 김가혜 경희대학교 50 구한울 - 73 김갑성 경희대학교우주과학과 51 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 52 국승화 53 권강식 54 권대수 55 권도영 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 ( 주 ) 액터스인포테인먼트 74 김강민 kmkim@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 75 김건희 kgh@kbsi.re.kr 한국기초과학지원연구원 76 김경묵 muk0606@naver.com 경북대학교 77 김경민 kmkim82@gmail.com 한양대학교 78 김경배 potter1229@naver.com 학교 79 김경섭 kskim207@korea.com 56 권륜영 luxmundi@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 57 권석기 ksk@kigam.re.kr 한국지질자원연구원 58 권석민 smkwon@kangwon.ac.kr 강원대학교 59 권순길 kwonsg@kywa.or.kr 국립청소년우주센터 60 권순범 ksb0901@korea.kr 청주기상지청 61 권순자 sjgwon@knu.ac.kr 경북대 62 권영주 dudwn1109@hotmail.com 세종대학교 63 권용준 sightquater@naver.com 경희대학교우주탐사학과 64 권우진 wkwon@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 65 권유나 ynkwon@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 66 권은주 eunjoo.dear@gmail.com 세종대학교 80 김경임 kikim@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 81 김경찬 kckim@daegu.ac.kr 대구대학교 82 김경희 quarkosmos@gmail.com 공주대학교 83 김계환 toughegg@naver.com 부곡초등학교 84 김관혁 khan@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 85 김광동 kasikdkim@gmail.com 한국천문연구원 86 김광태 ktk@cnu.ac.kr 충남대학교 87 김광현 kghakhs@hanmail.net 원주여자고등학교 88 김규섭 kimkyuseob@hanmail.net 89 김근호 rocksteady1105@gmail.com 경북대학교천문대기과학과 연세대학교천문우주학과 90 김기범 sacrificek2b@daum.net 경북대학교 67 권정미 jungmi.kwon@ir.isas.jaxa.jp 일본국립연구개발법인우주항공연구개발기구우주과학연구소 91 김기정 gijeong@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교우주탐사학과 92 김기태 ktkim@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 68 권혁진 H.J.Kwon@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 69 권혜원 hyewonstar@gmail.com 충남대학교 70 금강훈 astroartist@naver.com 천문우주과학과 71 금강훈 kahn0212@khu.ac.kr 우주탐사학과 93 김기표 1001happyday@hanmail.net 서울대학교 94 김기훈 kngc6543@hanmail.net 세종대학교 95 김다나 danak@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 96 김다운 dwk94@naver.com 단국대학교 120 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

122 회원명부 No 이름 소속 97 김대원 연세대학교 98 김대원 서울대학교 No 이름 소속 121 김민진 한국천문연구원 122 김민철 연세대학교 99 김도일 세종대학교 100 김도형 서울대학교천문학과 123 김방엽 124 김병준 한국항공우주연구원 101 김동진 한국천문연구원 102 김동진 연세대학교 125 김보경 이화여자대학교 126 김보금 이화여자대학교 103 김동현 경북대학교천문대기과학과 127 김상준 경희대학교우주과학과 104 김동현 중미산천문대 105 김동현 연세대학교 106 김동훈 서울대학교물리 천문학부 ( 천문학전공 ) 107 김동흔 naraloveju@naver.com 충북대학교 108 김두환 thkim@ajou.ac.kr 109 김록순 rskim@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 110 김만태 ware4u@empal.com 서라벌대학 111 김명진 skarma@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 112 김명학 coconut21@naver.com 경북대학교 113 김묘진 astromyojin@gmail.com 연세대학교 114 김미량 koon7680@gmail.com 천문연구원 115 김민규 astromgkim@gmail.com 서울대학교천문학과 116 김민배 mbkim@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 117 김민선 mskim@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 118 김민영 lucio0217@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 119 김민준 iehatro@gmail.com 충북대학교 120 김민중 mjkim@kasi.re.kr 세종대학교 128 김상철 sckim@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 129 김상혁 ksh83@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교우주탐사학과 130 김상혁 astro91@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 131 김상현 sanghkim@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 132 김상희 kgoonsu@hanmail.net 국립광주과학관 133 김서진 sfelixkim@gmail.com 연세대학교 134 김석 star4citizen@gmail.com 한국천문연구원 135 김석환 skim@csa.yonsei.ac.kr 136 김선의 seoneui.kim.astro@gmail. com 연세대학교 137 김선정 007gasun@hanmail.net 울산과학기술원 138 김성수 sungsoo.kim@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 139 김성원 sungwon@ewha.ac.kr 140 김성은 sek@sejong.ac.kr 세종대학교 141 김성재 ksj6283@knu.ac.kr 경북대학교 142 김성중 seongjoong2081@gmail.com 연세대학교 143 김성진 seongini@gmail.com National Tsing Hua University 144 김성진 dabin0214@naver.com 어린이천문대 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 121

123 2018 봄학술대회 No 이름 소속 145 김소피아 서울대학교 146 김수복 공군 No 이름 소속 170 김영주 충남대학교 171 김영환 예비창업자 147 김수아 148 김수연 아시아태평양이론물리센터 172 김영희 충북대학교 173 김예솔 서울대학교 149 김수영 연세대학교 150 김수진 한국천문연구원 174 김완수 경북대학교 175 김용기 충북대학교 151 김수현 천문대기과학과 176 김용범 서울대학교천문학과 152 김순욱 한국천문연구원 153 김슬기 세종대학교 154 김승리 한국천문연구원 155 김승종 충북대학교 156 김신영 한국천문연구원 157 김연식 한국천문연구원 158 김연재 새싹영어 159 김연재 몬테소리영어 160 김연한 한국천문연구원 161 김연화 162 김영광 충남대학교 163 김영래 고등과학원 164 김영로 165 김영록 연세대학고천문우주학과 한국항공우주연구원 166 김영수 한국천문연구원 167 김영식 168 김영오 한국천문연구원 / 충남대 강원대학교과학교육학부 169 김영주 jinjieun.seop@gmail.com ( 주 ) 유남옵틱스 177 김용정 yjkim@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 178 김용철 yckim@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 179 김용하 yhkim@cnu.ac.kr 충남대학교 180 김용휘 yonghwi.kim@gmail.com 181 김우정 woo0122@hotmail.com 카블리천문및천체물리연구소 182 김웅태 wkim@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 183 김유정 _@naver.com 서울대학교 184 김유제 yoojea@gmail.com 한국천문학회 185 김윤배 yoonbai@skku.edu 성균관대학교 186 김윤영 ynyoung.kim@gmail.com 서울대학교 187 김윤학 sherlock@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 188 김은빈 ebkim@khu.ac.kr 경희대 189 김은솔 eunsol518@naver.com 충남대학교 190 김은총 eunchong89@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 191 김은혁 eunhyeuk@gmail.com 한국항공우주연구원 192 김이곤 yigon@knu.ac.kr 경북대학교 193 김일중 ijkim@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 122 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

124 회원명부 No 이름 소속 194 김일훈 경희대학교 195 김재관 국가기상위성센터 196 김재민 연세대학교천문우주학과 197 김재연 연세대학교 198 김재영 경희대학교 199 김재영 서울대학교 200 김재우 천문연구원 201 김재진 No 이름 소속 218 김종찬 밝은성모안과 219 김주연 서울대학교 220 김주한 고등과학원 221 김주현 한국항공우주연구원 222 김준한 아리조나대학 223 김준호 서울대학교 224 김지연 경희대학교 225 김지유 분광연구실 202 김재헌 중국과학원상하이천문대 226 김지헌 한국천문연구원 203 김재혁 연세대학교 204 김재현 케이티 205 김재훈 전파연구소 206 김정규 서울대학교천문학과대학원 207 김정리 한국천문연구원 208 김정엽 209 김정욱 210 김정은 제주별빛누리공원천문대 연세대학교천문우주학과 국립청소년우주센터 211 김정초 인제대학교 227 김지현 228 김지현 울산과학기술원 229 김지훈 서울대학교 230 김지훈 서울대학교 231 김지훈 서울대학교 232 김진규 경희대학교 233 김진아 연세대학교 234 김진영 University of Arizona/Steward Observatory 235 김진현 경희대학교 212 김정하 경희대학교일반대학원 236 김진협 연세대학교 213 김정한 극지연구소 214 김정현 한국이크레딧 215 김정환 연세대학교 216 김정희 경북대학교 217 김종수 한국천문연구원 237 김진호 천문연구원 238 김진호 239 김진희 충북대학교 240 김창구 프린스턴대학 241 김창희 서울대학교 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 123

125 2018 봄학술대회 No 이름 소속 242 김천휘 충북대학교 No 이름 소속 267 김홍근 연세대학교 243 김철희 전북대학교 268 김환선 국가수리과학연구소 244 김태석 팀세븐 245 김태선 연세대학교 246 김태연 경희대학교 247 김태우 국립청소년우주센터 248 김태현 KASI 249 김태현 250 김택진 경희대학교우주탐사학과 251 김학섭 한국천문연구원 252 김한성 매사추세츠주립대학 253 김혁 경기과학고등학교 254 김현구 한국천문연구원 255 김현남 경희대학교우주탐사학과 256 김현수 연세대학교 257 김현우 한국천문연구원 258 김현우 연세대학교 259 김현정 260 김현정 서울대학교천문학과 경희대학교우주과학관 261 김현종 망포고등학교 262 김형준 세종대학교천문우주학과 263 김형준 한국교원대학교 264 김형한 연세대학교 265 김혜영 충북대학교 266 김호일 한국천문연구원 269 김효령 한국천문연구원 270 김효선 한국천문연구원 271 김효원 UST 272 김효정 조선대학교 273 김훈규 충남대학교 274 김흥재 ( 주 ) 테라시드바이오사이언스 275 김희수 heesoo54@kongju.ac.kr 공주대학교 276 나빈찬드라조쉬 njoshi98@gmail.com 경희대학교 277 나성호 sunghona@kasi.re.kr 아주공대 278 나일성 slisnha@chol.com 연세대원로 279 나자경 jknah@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 280 나종삼 csam.na@gmail.com 연세대학교천문우주학과 281 나하나 iamone@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 282 나현옥 pureundal@naver.com 경희대학교우주탐사학과 283 남경빈 quddud1589@naver.com 세종대학교 284 남궁영 astrophysix@naver.com 285 남승현 kkpko1094@gmail.com 세종대학교 286 남신우 swnam@ewha.ac.kr 이화여자대학교 287 남연우 nywfox@gmail.com 288 남욱원 uwnam@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 289 남윤우 n23330dj@naver.com 경희대학교우주과학과 290 남지선 jpnam99@gmail.com 경희대학교 124 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

126 회원명부 No 이름 소속 No 이름 소속 291 남지우 이화여자대학교물리학과 315 문봉곤 한국천문연구원 292 노덕규 한국천문연구원 293 노동구 한국천문연구원 316 문상혁 서울대학교 317 문신행 원로회원 294 노순영 울산과학기술원 318 문양희 조선대학교중앙도서관 295 노유경 서울대학교 296 노하나 경희대학교 297 노한나 대전동신과학고등학교 298 노현욱 연세대학교 299 노현주 서울대학교 300 노혜림 한국천문연구원 301 담당선생님 인천과학고등학교 302 도희진 김해천문대 303 독고경환 KAIST 304 류기택 대구한의대학교 305 류동수 UNIST 306 류동옥 연세대학교천문우주학과 307 류윤현 한국천문연구원 308 류진혁 309 마리오파스콰토 물리천문학부천문학전공 310 마승희 충남대학교 311 문기석 우주과학기술연구실 312 문대식 토론토대학교 313 문병권 전북대학교 314 문병하 com 전남대학교 319 문용재 경희대학교 320 문현우 경북대학교천문대기과학과 321 문홍규 한국천문연구원 322 민경욱 한국과학기술원물리학과 323 민병희 한국천문연구원 324 민성식 The University of Sydney 325 민영기 원로회원 326 민영철 한국천문연구원 327 박경선 충남대학교천문우주과학과 328 박관우 충북대학교 329 박관호 서울대학교 330 박근우 세종대학교 331 박근찬 충남대학교 332 박근홍 서울대학교 333 박금숙 한국천문연구원 334 박기완 해외근무중 335 박기훈 연세대학교천문우주학과 336 박다우 서울대학교 337 박대성 한국천문연구원 338 박대영 국립과천과학관 339 박동호 아태이론물리센터 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 125

127 2018 봄학술대회 No 이름 소속 340 박명구 경북대 341 박미영 충북대학교 No 이름 소속 364 박영득 한국천문연구원 365 박영식 한국천문연구원 342 박민아 한국과학기술연합대학원대학교 366 박영준 경희대학교 343 박민정 연세대학교 344 박병곤 한국천문연구원 367 박용선 서울대학교 368 박용우 오시나래 345 박병찬 울산과학기술원 346 박상현 충남과학고등학교 369 박우석 370 박우연 경희대학교우주과학과 347 박석재 한국천문연구원 348 박선경 경희대학교 349 박선미 한국과학기술원 350 박선미 KAIST 부설한국과학영재학교 351 박선엽 한국천문연구원 352 박성식 우리집 353 박성준 한국천문연구원 354 박세일 리현특허법률사무소 355 박소명 경희대학교 356 박소연 서울대학교 357 박소영 서울대학교 358 박소영 충북대학교 359 박송연 서울대학교 360 박수종 경희대학교 361 박순창 메타스페이스 362 박승규 한국원자력연구원 363 박승현 연세대학교대학원 371 박우진 경희대학교 372 박우찬 충북대학교 373 박원기 한국천문연구원 374 박원현 375 박윤수 서울대학교 376 박윤호 한국천문연구원 377 박은미 한국천문연구원 378 박은수 경희대학교 379 박일흥 성균관대학교 380 박장현 한국천문연구원 381 박장호 한국천문연구원 382 박재균 경희대학교 383 박재우 항공우주연구원 384 박재홍 Scuola Normale Superiore 385 박재흥 천문연구원 386 박종선 공간물리연구실 387 박종엽 한국천문연구원 126 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

128 회원명부 No 이름 소속 No 이름 소속 388 박종욱 한국천문연구원 413 박형민 국립청소년우주센터 389 박종원 연세대학교 414 박홍수 한국천문연구원 390 박종태 세종대학교 415 방태양 경북대학교천문대기과학과 391 박종혁 392 박종호 서울대학교 393 박준성 울산과학기술대학교 394 박준성 울산과학기술대 395 박지숙 경희대학교 396 박지우 고다드우주센터 397 박지원 398 박지원 충북대학교 399 박진우 400 박진원 연세대학교천문우주학과 401 박진태 한국천문연구원 402 박진혜 우주과학과 403 박찬 천문우주기획 404 박찬 한국천문연구원 405 박찬 406 박찬경 한국과학기술정보연구원 전북대학교과학교육학부 407 박창범 고등과학원 408 박푸른 연세대학교 409 박필호 한국천문연구원 410 박한얼 한국천문연구원 411 박혁 국립부산과학관 416 배봉석 대학원 417 배선복 글로벌교육문화연구원 418 배영복 한국천문연구원 419 배영호 연세대학교이과대학천문학과 420 배재한 U of Michigan 421 배현진 연세대학교 422 백기선 경희대학교 423 백길호 경희대학교 424 백승우 무직 425 백승학 서울대학교 426 백인수 서울대학교 427 백준현 연세대학교 428 백지혜 한국천문연구원 429 백창현 국립중앙과학관 430 범민제 연세대학교 431 변도영 한국천문연구원 432 변서연 경희대학교 433 변용우 한국교원대학교 434 변용익 연세대학교 435 변우원 UST( 과학기술연합대학원대학교 ) / KASI 412 박현배 hcosmosb@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 127

129 2018 봄학술대회 No 이름 소속 436 변재규 국립중앙과학관 437 봉수찬 한국천문연구원 438 부건우 No 이름 소속 460 성언창 한국천문연구원 461 성현일 한국천문연구원 462 성현철 439 사토시이노우에 경희대학교 463 성환경 세종대학교 440 서강일 서울대학교 441 서경원 충북대학교 442 서미라 부산대학교 443 서민주 서울대학교 444 서성우 연세대학교 445 서영민 제트추진연구소 464 손동훈 서울대학교 465 손명재 서울대학교 466 손미림 경희대학교 467 손봉원 한국천문연구원 468 손상복 천문연원로 469 손영종 연세대학교 446 서우영 서울대학교천문학과 470 손재주 국가수리과학연구소 447 서윤경 한국천문연구원 471 손정주 한국교원대학교 448 서정준 경희대학교우주탐사학과 472 손주비 서울대학교천문학전공 449 서행자 ( 주 ) 인스페이스 450 서현종 hjseo@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 451 서현주 hyunjuobs@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 452 서혜원 suh@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 473 손현진 mandu0308@daum.net 학생 474 송가을 hgv100@hanamail.net 대학원학생 475 송동욱 dusong@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 476 송두종 djsongdjsong@hanmail.net 한국천문연구원 453 석지연 jyseok@astro.snu.ac.kr 중국과학원국가천문대 477 송미화 jsm2438@naver.com 충북대학교 454 선광일 kiseon@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 455 선유진 aeiou258@naver.com 혜민병원 456 선종호 jhseon@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 457 설아침 flyingangel@daum.net 한국천문연구원 478 송민규 mksong@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 479 송보영 ufo89451@naver.com 경희대학교 480 송수아 ssa0231@naver.com 충북대학교 481 송용선 ysong@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 458 성광현 hummingsung@gmail.com 울산과학기술원 482 송용준 stelle9@gmail.com 경희대학교우주탐사학과 459 성숙경 sksung@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 483 송유근 ygsong@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 128 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

130 회원명부 No 이름 소속 484 송인옥 한국과학영재학교 No 이름 소속 508 신진호 더원 485 송인혁 경희대학교 486 송제헌 한국천문연구원 509 신태희 510 심경진 충남대학교천문우주과학과 487 송현미 한국천문연구원 488 시아오동리 고등과학원 489 신경인 우주기상연구실 490 신기철 지금학원 491 신나은 서울대학교 492 신대규 충북대천문우주학과 493 신민수 한국천문연구원 494 신수현 서울대학교 495 신슬기 경희대학교 496 신영호 세종대학교 497 신용철 국립청소년우주센터 498 신윤경 한국천문연구원 499 신은서 강원대학교 500 신재식 한국천문연구원 501 신재진 서울대학교천문학과 502 신재혁 우주탐사학과 503 신정우 504 신종호 한국천문연구원 505 신준호 경희대학교 506 신지혜 천문연구원 507 신지혜 경북대학교 511 심재영 512 심준섭 과학영재교육연구원 서울대학교물리천문학부천문학전공 513 심채경 경희대학교 514 심충건 515 심현진 충북보건과학대학교 경북대학교사범대학지구과학교육과 516 안경진 조선대학교 517 안대우 연세대학교 518 안덕근 이화여자대학교 519 안상현 한국천문연구원 520 안성호 연세대학교 521 안영숙 한국천문연구원 522 안인선 서울대학교 523 안준모 우주탐사학과 524 안지은 경희대학교 525 안형국 없음 526 안혜성 충남대학교 527 안호재 경희대학교 528 안홍배 부산대학교 529 안홍준 충북대학교 530 양성연 경북대학교 531 양성철 한국천문연구원 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 129

131 2018 봄학술대회 No 이름 소속 532 양승원 서울대학교 No 이름 소속 557 오세헌 한국천문연구원 533 양유진 천문연구원 558 오수연 전남대학교지구과학교육과 534 양윤아 서울대학교 535 양종만 이화여자대학교 536 양종우 537 양태용 한국천문연구원 538 양하늘 서울대학교 539 양하늘 서울대학교 540 양형석 한전전력연구원송대전연구소 541 양홍규 한국천문연구원 542 양홍진 한국천문연구원 543 양희수 서울대학교 544 양희창 545 엄정휘 천문대기과학과대학원 나사고다드연구소 546 여아란 한국천문연구원 547 염범석 충남대학교천문우주과학과 548 염재환 한국천문연구원 549 오규동 전남대학교 550 오규석 교토대학교 551 오대현 552 오민지 553 오병렬 554 오상훈 555 오성아 한국천문연구원 ( 임시 ) UST/ 한국천문연구원 국가수리과학연구소 서울대학교초기우주천체연구센터 556 오세진 sjoh@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 559 오슬희 sree@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 560 오승경 skoh@astro.uni-bonn.de AIfA 561 오승준 oh@selab.co.kr 562 오승현 ykydhtmdgus@nate.com 강남하늘안과 563 오영석 oysclub@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교우주탐사학과 564 오재석 ojs001@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 565 오정근 johnoh@nims.re.kr 국가수리과학연구소 566 오정환 joh@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 567 오준영 jyoh3324@hanyang.ac.kr 한양대학교 568 오충식 csoh@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 569 오형일 ymy501@kasi.re.kr 보현산천문대 570 오희영 hyoh@kasi.re.kr 천문연 571 와지마키요아키 wajima@kasi.re.kr 572 우병태 vegaa05@hotmail.com 573 우수완 francis70@hotmail.com 574 우종옥 nwoojok@naver.com 한국천문연구원 충북대학교천문우주학과석사 575 우종학 woo@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 576 우주기상연구담당 wxres@airforce.mil.kr 공군제 73 기상전대 577 우화성 marswoo@hanmail.net 김해천문대 578 위석오 sowi@kasi.re.kr ㅁㅁㅁㅁ 579 유계화 khyoo@ewha.ac.kr 원로회원 580 유다솔 dbekthfdl@gmail.com 연세대학교 581 유대중 djyu79@gmail.com 우주탐사학과 130 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

132 회원명부 No 이름 소속 582 유성민 충북대학교 No 이름 소속 606 윤성철 서울대학교 583 유소영 세종대학교 584 유영삼 한국천문연구원 585 유재원 한국천문연구원 607 윤성희 net 608 윤세영 부산백양고등학교 경희대학교우주탐사학과 586 유주상 587 유지언 588 유지현 서산류방택천문기상과학관 중앙대학교생물자원과학계열 국립청소년우주센터 589 유진희 연세대학교 590 유태화 연세대학교 591 유현주 충남대학교 592 유형준 593 유혜민 서울대학교물리천문학부 609 윤영주 한국천문연구원 610 윤요나 충북대학교천문대 611 윤요라 충북대학교천문대 612 윤요셉 서울대학교천문학과 613 윤용민 서울대학교 614 윤재혁 한국천문연구원 615 윤제웅 경북대학교 616 윤태석 경북대학교천문대기과학과 617 윤한결 서울대학교 594 유혜인 618 윤형식 경희대학교우주탐사학과 595 유홍우 한국천문연구원 596 유효정 충북대학교 619 윤혜인 연세대학교 620 윤홍식 서울대학교 597 육두호 충남대학교천문우주과학과 621 윤희선 충남대학교 598 육인수 한국천문연구원 599 윤기윤 연세대학교 600 윤나영 경희대우주탐사학과 601 윤동환 서울대학교 602 윤두수 서울대학교천문학전공 603 윤미진 연세대학교 604 윤석진 연세대학교 605 윤성용 경희대학교 622 이가인 경북대학교 623 이강우 경희대학교우주탐사학과 624 이강진 경희대학교 625 이강환 서대문자연사박물관 626 이강환 세광고등학교 627 이건우 서울대학교 628 이겨레 서울대학교 629 이경동 경희대학교 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 131

133 2018 봄학술대회 No 이름 소속 630 이경민 세종대학교 631 이경선 경희대학교 632 이경숙 No 이름 소속 653 이명현 한국천문연구원 654 이민경 서울대학교 655 이방원 한국천문연구원 633 이경숙 서초종로학원 656 이범현 연세대학교천문우주학과 634 이경숙 한국천문연구원 635 이경훈 한국과학영재학교 636 이광호 스튜어드천문대, 애리조나대학교 637 이교헌 신시기획 638 이기무 인천과학예술영재학교 639 이기원 대구가톨릭대학교 640 이길우 인천어린이과학관 641 이나원 서울대학교 657 이병철 한국천문연구원 658 이보미 칼텍 659 이상각 서울대학교 660 이상민 한국과학기술정보연구원 661 이상민 한국천문연구원 662 이상성 한국천문연구원 663 이상우 ( 주 ) 에스이랩 664 이상윤 sangyoonlee12@gmail.com 연세대학교 665 이상윤 sylee@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 642 이다희 superinu@naver.com 경북대학교 666 이상준 sjlee1980@yahoo.com 나사고다드우주비행센터 643 이대섭 dleotjq85@gmail.com 판교어린이천문대 667 이상현 shlee@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 644 이대영 dylee@chungbuk.ac.kr 충북대학교천문우주학과 668 이상훈 cryisang@sju.ac.kr 세종대학교 645 이대희 dhlee@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 646 이덕행 lee.dukhang@gmail.com 천문연 / 요크대학교 647 이동섭 tiflsvmem@naver.com 경북대학교 648 이동욱 dr.dwlee@gmail.com 무소속 649 이동주 marin678@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 650 이동현 dyonysos@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 651 이동훈 dhlee@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 652 이명균 mglee@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 669 이서구 sglee@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 670 이석영 yi@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 671 이석영 ktx3131@naver.com 충남과학고등학교 672 이석천 skylee2@gmail.com 경상대학교 673 이석호 seokholee@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교우주과학과 674 이선우 lswoo0202@gmail.com 경희대학교 675 이성국 s.joshualee@gmail.com 서울대학교 676 이성숙 quasar25@gmail.com 충남대학교우주과학실험실 677 이성은 lodrs@naver.com 한국천문연구원 132 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

134 회원명부 No 이름 소속 No 이름 소속 678 이성재 충북대학교 679 이성호 한국천문연구원 702 이용현 703 이용호 서울대학교물리천문학부 한국표준과학연구원 680 이성환 경희대학교 681 이소라 세종대학교 682 이소원 연세대학교 683 이소정 704 이용희 경희대학교 705 이우백 706 이웅 천문관측실험실 707 이원기 연세대학교 684 이수진 서울대학교 685 이수창 충남대학교 708 이원형 709 이유 충남대학교천문우주과학과 686 이순천 충북대학교 710 이윤희 경북대학교 687 이승옥 삼성중공업 688 이승희 세종대학교 689 이시백 경희대학교 690 이안선 경희대학교우주탐사학과 691 이어진 경희대학교 692 이영대 한국천문연구원 693 이영민 세종대학교 694 이영배 세종대학교대학원 695 이영선 충남대학교 696 이영성 충북대학교 697 이영욱 698 이영웅 연세대학교천문우주학과 한국천문연구원천체물리연구 711 이은상 경희대학교 712 이은옥 충북대학교천문우주학과 713 이은희 한국기술사연구소 714 이인덕 ( 주 ) 로쿱 715 이재민 leejaemin@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 716 이재옥 ljoking@naver.com 우주탐사학과 717 이재우 jaewoolee@sejong.ac.kr 세종대학교물리천문학과 718 이재우 jwlee@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 719 이재유 jaeyiewlee@naver.com 방배경찰서 720 이재준 lee.j.joon@gmail.com 한국천문연구원 721 이재진 jjlee@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 722 이재혁 lee_hyuk@naver.com 723 이재현 jaehyun@kias.re.kr 고등과학원 699 이용복 yblee0509@naver.com 서울교육대학교 724 이재형 jhlee44@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교공간물리연구실 700 이용삼 leeysam@hanmail.net 충북대학교 701 이용석 yslee@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 725 이재형 ljh@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 726 이정규 jklee@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 133

135 2018 봄학술대회 No 이름 소속 727 이정애 서울대학교 728 이정원 한국천문연구원 729 이정은 경희대학교국제캠퍼스 730 이정환 서울대학교 731 이정훈 서울대학교 732 이종길 한국천문연구원 733 이종철 한국천문연구원 734 이종환 서울대학교 No 이름 소속 751 이진희 경희대학교 752 이창원 한국천문연구원 753 이창훈 한국천문연구원 754 이창희 한국천문연구원 755 이철종 연세대학교 756 이철희 서울대학교 757 이청우 경희대학교 758 이충욱 한국천문연구원 735 이주원 경희대학교 759 이태석 서울대학교물리천문학부 736 이주헌 연세대학교 737 이주훈 세종대학교 738 이준구 서울대학교 739 이준찬 한국과학기술원 740 이준현 WCU 사업단 741 이준협 한국천문연구원 742 이중기 경희대학교 743 이지수 서울대학교초기우주천체연구단 744 이지원 KASI / 경희대학교 745 이지현 jujia@paran.com 한국천문연구원 746 이지혜 sojiro00@ewhain.net 이화여자대학교 747 이지혜 galaxies@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교천문대 748 이직 jiklee999@gmail.com 이화여자대학교 749 이진수 jinsu.rhee@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 750 이진이 jlee@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 760 이하림 zmzmdg@naver.com 경희대학교 761 이한 yihahn@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 762 이헌철 akaialee@astro.snu.ac.kr 763 이현욱 lhu09@naver.com 764 이현지 jhl3024@gmail.com 765 이현철 hclee_swin@hanmail.net 766 이현택 hyyterr@naver.com 경북대학교천문대기과학과 경희대학교우주과학과 연세대학교천문우주학과 울산과학기술대학교 767 이형목 hmlee@snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 768 이형선 hyoungsun-lee@hanmail.net 공무원 769 이형원 hwlee@inje.ac.kr 인제대학교 770 이혜란 hrlee@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 /US T 771 이혜승 karenwill@hanmail.net 충남대학교 772 이혜인 hyein4577@gmail.com 경희대학교 773 이호 crehope@gmail.com 자외선우주망원경연구단 774 이호규 hglee@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 775 이호형 hodj@space.kaist.ac.kr 134 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

136 회원명부 No 이름 소속 No 이름 소속 776 이환희 경희대학교 801 임진희 부산대학교지구과학교육과 777 이효정 경희대학교 778 이희원 779 이희원 경희대학교 780 이희재 충북대학교 781 임구 서울대학교 782 임기정 한국천문연구원 783 임다예 경희대학교 784 임도훈 경기과학고등학교 785 임동욱 연세대학교 786 임명신 서울대학교 787 임범두 한국천문연구원 788 임성순 서울대학교 789 임소희 790 임수일 서울대학교물리천문학부 791 임수진 서울대학교 792 임여명 ( 주 ) 로쿱 793 임예슬 yeseul07311@gmail.com 이화여자대학교 794 임은경 eklim@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 795 임인성 yim@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 796 임정훈 dlawjdgns275@gmail.com 충남대학교 797 임종호 crosknight86@gmail.com 한국교원대학교 802 임태호 thyeem@gmail.com 카이스트우주과학연구실 803 임형묵 hekmuki@gmail.com 서울대학교 804 임호성 25divob@naver.com 창원과학고등학교 805 임홍서 yimhs@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 806 임희진 heuijin.lim@gmail.com 807 장경애 kchang@chongju.ac.kr 초기우주과학기술연구소 808 장다정 d.djeong,jang@gmail.com 이화여자대학교 809 장민성 rigel103@snu.ac.kr 초기우주천체연구단 810 장민환 mjang@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 811 장비호 bhjang@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 812 장서원 seowony@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교천문대 813 장석준 csj607@gmail.com 세종대학교 814 장성남 cddseong99@naver.com 815 장소희 sohee@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교대학원 816 장수정 sjjang@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교우주과학과 817 장예슬 piesan@naver.com 한국통합물류협회 818 장윤선 jangster3@hanmail.net 819 장인성 hanlbomi@gmail.com 820 장재영 wodud1733@naver.com 인천과학예술영재학교 서울대학교천문학과 충북대학교천문우주학과 821 장정균 jgjang@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 798 임주희 juheelim@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교우주탐사학과 822 장주수 jsjang@moasoftware.co.kr ( 주 ) 모아소프트 799 임지혜 wiselims@gmail.com 한국교원대학교 823 장초롱 pleiades1219@gmail.com 연세대학교 800 임진선 limjs19@naver.com 충북대학교천문우주학과 824 장한별 onebystar@gmail.com 울산과학기술대학교 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 135

137 2018 봄학술대회 No 이름 소속 825 장헌영 경북대학교 No 이름 소속 849 정문희 826 장형규 충북대학교 850 정미영 연세대학교천문우주학과 827 장혜은 서울대학교 851 정미지 충남대학교 828 장호우 연세대학교 852 정민섭 경희대학교우주과학과 829 장훈휘 신천고등학교 830 전명원 경희대학교 831 전성경 경희대학교 832 전승열 자택 833 전영범 한국천문연구원 834 전원석 서울대학교 835 전이슬 836 전준혁 837 전채우 서울대학교천문학전공 충북대천문우주학과 우주탐사학과대학원 838 전현성 고등과학원 839 전호철 840 전홍달 841 정경숙 충북대학교천문우주학과 보현산천문대태양플레어망원경동 842 정경숙 한국천문연구원 843 정광희 한국천문연구원 844 정다운 연세대학교 845 정동권 전남대학교 853 정민지 충북대학교 854 정병준 경희대학교 855 정서영 연세대학교 856 정선라 서울지향초등학교 857 정선주 한국천문연구원 858 정소윤 경북대학교 859 정수민 성균관대학교, 우주과학기술연구소 860 정수진 경북대학교 861 정안영민 한국천문연구원 862 정애리 연세대학교천문우주학과 863 정연길 충북대학교 864 정용진 연세대학교 865 정용호 세종대학교 866 정웅섭 한국천문연구원 867 정은정 한국천문연구원 868 정의정 한국천문연구원 869 정일교 한국천문연구원 846 정동규 한국천문연구원 870 정재웅 서울대학교물리천문학부 847 정동희 텍사스대학 848 정두석 대학원생 871 정재인 이화여자대학교 872 정재헌 특허청 136 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

138 회원명부 No 이름 소속 873 정재훈 한국천문연구원 874 정재훈 충남대학교 875 정종훈 연세대학교 No 이름 소속 897 조기혁 서울대학교 898 조동환 경북대학교 899 조명신 울산전파천문대 876 정지수 서대문자연사박물관 900 조미선 877 정지원 Chungnam Unv. 878 정지호 수성고등학교 879 정진훈 서울대학교 880 정철 연세대학교은하진화연구센터 881 정태현 한국천문연구원 882 정택수 충북대학교 883 정하은 서울대학교 884 정해진 885 정현수 한국천문연구원 886 정현주 경희대학교우주탐사학과 887 정현진 한국천문연구원 888 정현진 경희대학교 889 정화경 한국천문연구원 890 정회윤 인천과학고등학교 891 제도흥 한국천문연구원 892 제혜린 경희대학교 893 조경모 서울대학교 894 조경석 한국천문연구원 895 조국섭 서울대학교 896 조규현 서울대학교 901 조보영 한국천문학회 902 조보영 903 조브라이언 서울대학교 904 조성기 905 조성일 906 조세형 한국천문연구원, KASI 907 조영수 한국천문연구원 908 조영호 O&CC 909 조완기 서울대학교 910 조완수 세종대학교 911 조완진 서울대학교물리천문학부천문학전공 912 조우람 연세대학교 913 조윤아 경북대학교 914 조은정 915 조인해 916 조일성 917 조일제 사단법인한국전기화학회 연세대학교물리학과 과학기술연합대학원 / 한국천문연구원 918 조일현 ihjo@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 919 조재상 b820120@hanmail.net 연세대학교천문우주학과 920 조재일 jichodph@korea.kr 국립과천과학과 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 137

139 2018 봄학술대회 No 이름 소속 921 조정연 충남대학교 922 조정호 923 조정희 충북대학교 924 조중현 한국천문연구원 925 조창현 경북대학교천문대기과학과 926 조치영 세종대학교 927 조현진 부산대학교천체물리연구그룹 928 조혜전 연세대학교 929 조호진 서울대학교 No 이름 소속 945 차재철 자유업 946 채규현 세종대학교 947 채종철 서울대학교 948 천경원 949 천무영 한국천문연구원 950 천문석 951 천상현 연세대학교천문우주학과 서울대학교물리천문학부 952 천윤영 사반쯔대학교 953 최고은 한국천문연구원 930 조희석 한국과학기술정보연구원 954 최광선 경희대학교 931 주상우 숭실대학교 955 최규홍 연세대학교천문우주학과 932 주석주 한국천문연구원 956 최기영 한국천문연구원 933 주영 경북대학교 957 최나현 경희대학교우주탐사학과 934 지명국 연세대학교 935 지웅배 연세대학교 936 지인 고등과학원 937 지인찬 연세대학교 938 지태근 진미화 경희대학교별탄생연구실 940 진선호 서울대학교 941 진혜진 서울시민천문대 942 진호 경희대학교 943 차상목 944 차승훈 한국천문연구원, 경희대학교 Texas A&M University-Commer ce 958 최두현 세종대학교 959 최만수 한국천문연구원 960 최문영 워싱턴주립대학 961 최문항 962 최민호 한국천문연구원 963 최범규 경북대학교천문대기과학과 964 최범성 애니온소프트 965 최변각 서울대학교 966 최보경 세종대학교 967 최보은 세종대학교 968 최상규 에스케이씨앤씨 ( 주 ) 138 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

140 회원명부 No 이름 소속 969 최상호 연세대학교 970 최샛별 ( 주 ) 메타스페이스 971 최성환 shchoi@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 972 최성훈 seheaven@naver.com 아직미정 973 최슬기 acherner4@gmail.com 경북대학교 974 최영준 yjchoi@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 975 최용범 1991.yb.choi@gmail.com 천문대기과학과 976 최우락 rock2111@naver.com 연세대학교 977 최우열 wychoi002@naver.com 경북대학교 978 최원형 nproject4@naver.com 979 최유미 ccamzzichyuk@gmail.com 980 최윤영 choi.yunyoung7@gmail.com 981 최윤호 y2kno9837@kywa.or.kr 경북대학교천문대기과학과 연세대학교천문우주학과 경희대학교우주과학과 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 982 최윤희 yunhee.choi@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 No 이름 소속 993 최창수 changsu@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 994 최철성 cschoi@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 995 최한길 alivespace@snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 996 최한별 stella84@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구원 997 최현섭 hyunseop.choi@me.com 연세대학교 998 최현호 hyunh317@naver.com 999 최형빈 hbchoi99@hanmail.net 대전시민천문대 1000 최호승 choi.h@yonsei.ac.kr 1001 최화진 heemi0304@hanmail.net 연세대학교천문우주학과 충남대학교천문우주과학과 1002 탁윤찬 yctaak@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 1003 편집위원장 trippe@snu.ac.kr 1004 표정현 jeonghyun.pyo@gmail.com 한국천문연구원 1005 하동기 m45_dkha@hanmail.net 광명고등학교 1006 하승민 vsm656@naver.com 고등학교 983 최은우 echoi@dnsm.or.kr 국립대구과학관 984 최은진 jinsfra@kaist.ac.kr KAIST 1007 하승우 hsw636@gmail.com 1008 하지성 uranoce27@gmail.com 울산과학기술대학교 세종대학교천문우주학과 985 최정림 crchoi@kaist.ac.kr 한국과학기술원 1009 하지훈 hjhspace223@unist.ac.kr 울산과학기술원 986 최정용 @naver.com 경북대학교천문대기과학과 1010 하진덕 hajd62@gmail.com 삼성생명 987 최주원 maincircle@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 988 최준영 quffl76@gmail.com 국립부산과학관 989 최지훈 pury828@gmail.com 한국천문연구원 990 최진 dreamstree@hotmail.com 991 최진규 ej98038@nate.com 992 최창대 cdchoi@khu.ac.kr 경북대학교천문대기과학과 강원대학교과학교육학부 경희대학교일반대학원우주탐사학과 1011 한경석 kshan@ssu.ac.kr 숭실대학교 1012 한국천문학회 kas@kasi.re.kr 1013 한다니엘 daniel.han@yonsei.ac.kr 한국천문학회 연세대학교천문우주학과 1014 한두리 idealgas122@gmail.com 충남대학교 1015 한두환 duegdo13@naver.com 경북대학교 1016 한명희 sirius0405@naver.com KVN 연세전파천문대 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 139

141 2018 봄학술대회 No 이름 소속 No 이름 소속 1017 한미려 서울대학교천문학과 1041 홍경수 충북대학교 1018 한미화 연세대학교 1042 홍대길 국립대구과학관 1019 한산 연세대학교 1043 홍석범 민족사관고등학교 1020 한상일 한국천문연구원 1021 한석태 한국천문연구원 1044 홍석영 오송고등학교 1045 홍성용 고등과학원 1022 한센 한국과학기술정보연구원 1046 홍성욱 한국천문연구원 1023 한원용 한국천문연구원 1024 한인우 한국천문연구원 1025 한일승 경북대학교천문대기과학과 1026 한정열 한국천문연구원 1047 홍승수 서울대학교 1048 홍승수 연세대학교 1049 홍익선 충남대학교 1050 홍종석 서울대학교천문학과 1027 한정호 충북대학교 1051 홍주은 동아사이언스 1028 한정환 서울대학교 1029 한종헌 충남대학교 1030 함선영 한국천문연구원 1031 함선정 1032 허남경 경희대학교 1033 허승재 1034 허정은 1035 허준현 경희대학교 1036 허현오 국립대구과학관 1037 허혜련 세종대학교 1038 현민희 서울대학교 1039 현화수 경북대학교 1040 형식 충북대학교 1052 홍지혜 이화여자대학교 1053 홍진희 우주과학실험실 1054 홍채린 세종대학교 1055 황규하 한국천문연구원 1056 황나래 한국천문연구원 1057 황보정은 한국천문연구원 1058 황성용 서울대학교 1059 황어담 한국천문연구원 1060 황용해 1061 황재찬 경북대 1062 황정선 세종대학교 1063 황정아 한국천문연구원 1064 황주연 한국천문연구원 140 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

142 회원명부 No 이름 소속 No 이름 소속 1065 황지혜 한국천문연구원 1085 emanuele contini yonsei university 1066 황현모 경북대학교 1067 황호성 고등과학원 Allard Jan van Marle Anand D Joshi Anindita Chakrabort y Archana Soam Arman Shafieloo Bernardo Cervantes Sodi ajvanmarle@gmail.com janandd@gmail.com acbit10282@gmail.com archana@kasi.re.kr shafieloo@kasi.re.kr sodi@kias.re.kr UNIST Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute KASI KASI 고등과학원 1086 Ghasem Kazemipour ghasem.kazemipour@yahoo.com 1087 graziano graziano@kias.re.kr 세종대학교 Graziano Rossi Guangyao Zhao graziano@kias.re.kr gyzhao@kasi.re.kr 1090 H. A. N. Le huynhanh7@khu.ac.kr H. Tugca Sener Hannah Morgan HURI TUGCA SENER htss@kasi.re.kr hlmorgan@outlook.com tugcasener@gmail.com@tugc asener@gmail.com 1094 JKAS 편집 jkas@kias.re.kr 세종대학교 한국천문연구원 경희대학교우주탐사학과 Kyung Hee University KASI 1074 Bhuwan bhuwan12@gmail.com 1075 camilla pacifici camilla.pacifici@galaxy.yonsei. ac.kr yonsei university observatory 1095 Juan Carlos Algaba 1096 K.N.Nguyen Nhat algaba@kasi.re.kr theresa.nhuphuc@gmail.com 한국천문연구원 (KA SI) 1076 Chandreyee Sengupta sengupta.chandreyee@gmail. com Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 1097 Katsuhide kmaru@kasi.re.kr 1077 Chanisa zero08@hotmail.com 1098 Kiran Singh Baliyan baliyan@prl.res.in Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India 1078 Chun-Che Lupin Lin lupin@unist.ac.kr UNIST 1079 Chung Yue huichungyue@gmail.com 충남대학교 1099 Kyle Finner kylefinner@gmail.com Yonsei University Astronomy Department 1080 Cristian Saez csaez@kasi.re.kr/ naitsirczeas@gmail.com Cristian Saez 1100 Le Nguyen Huynh Anh huynhanh7@khu.ac.kr Kyunghee university Cristian Saez Cristiano Sabiu Dharam Vir Lal csaez@kasi.re.kr csabiu@gmail.com dharam@ncra.tifr.res.in KASI KIAS National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA-TIFR) Lee, Chien-Hsiu LHuillier Benjamin leech@naoj.org lhuillier@kias.re.kr 1103 liuchunjian chunjianjlu@163.com Subaru Telescope, NAOJ KIAS 1084 Difu Guo difu@sdu.edu.cn Shandong University(Weihai) 1104 LiuWeina tinylwn1980@naver.com 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 141

143 2018 봄학술대회 No 이름 소속 1105 Ma. Angela Lourdes B. Lequiron 1106 Maheswar 1107 Mario Pasquato i.ac.kr University of Science and Technology, Korea CGER, Yonsei University Observatory 1108 Martin 옥스포드대학교 1109 Masateru Ishiguro 서울대학교 1110 Maurice 세종대학교 1111 Mitsuyoshi YAMAGISHI Nagoya University c.jp No 이름 소속 1124 Rommy Lydia Solange Estrella Aliste Castillo Seoul National University 1125 Rory Smith 연세대학교 1126 S. Trippe 1127 Sam Kim samyaday choudhury sanjay kumar om Seoul National University Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University kyung hee university, Yongin Miyashita Yukinaga Moe Min Htwe Motonari Tonegawa Munetaka Ueno Nobuo Arimoto Owain Snaith Pakakaew Rittipruk Pankaj Kumar 1120 Panomporn Poojon Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Deputy Director KIAS Seoul National University KIAS 세종대학교 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) 연세대학교천문우주학과 Sanjaya Paudel Sanjaya Paudel Shinsuke Ideguchi sriram Stephen Andrew Appleby Tetsuya Magara Thiem C Hoang Tobias Hinse stephen@kias.re.kr magara@khu.ac.kr thiemhoang@kasi.re.kr tchinse@gmail.com 1139 Ulkar garamanka@yahoo.com 1140 Xiao-Dong Li xdli@kias.re.kr KASI Yonsei University UNIST KIAS 경희대학교 KASI 한국천문연구원 KIAS 1141 YI ZHENG yizheng@kias.re.kr KASi 1121 park c. jkas@kias.re.kr 1122 Paul Hodge hodge@astro.washington.edu 1142 David Parkinson davidparkinson@kasi.re.kr KASI 1123 Raphael Gobat rgobat@kias.re.kr 고등과학원 142 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

144 연구성과및기업홍보

145 2018 봄학술대회 144 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

146 연구홍보및기업홍보 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 145

147 2018 봄학술대회 146 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

148 연구홍보및기업홍보 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 147

149 2018 봄학술대회 148 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018

150 연구홍보및기업홍보 한국천문학회보제 43 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 / 149

151 2018 봄학술대회 150 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 43 No.1, Apr. 2018


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