목 차 <2014 년도가을학술대회학술발표일정및발표논문초록 학술발표대회및등록안내 2 분과및위원회모임안내 4 학술발표일정요약 5 학술발표일정 9 발표논문초록 35 < 한국천문학회정관, 규정, 관련세칙 > 123 < 한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 > 167 심의안건 193

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2 목 차 <2014 년도가을학술대회학술발표일정및발표논문초록 학술발표대회및등록안내 2 분과및위원회모임안내 4 학술발표일정요약 5 학술발표일정 9 발표논문초록 35 < 한국천문학회정관, 규정, 관련세칙 > 123 < 한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 > 167 심의안건 193 < 부록 > 한국천문학회제반규정정비 ( 안 ) 195 표지사진 : 적외선고분산분광기 IGRINS와 HJS 2.7m 망원경이있는맥도날드천문대의야경입니다. 천문연구원이 2009년부터미국텍사스대학교와공동으로개발해오던담금격자적외선분광기를마침내완성하여지난 7월시험관측을마무리하고현재과학연구관측을수행중에있습니다. IGRINS는근적외선대역의 H & K 밴드를분광분해능 40,000으로동시에관측할수있는최고수준의성능을지닌첨단관측기기입니다. 거대마젤란망원경을위한제1세대관측기기중의하나인 GMTNIRS 개발의선행기기로서 IGRINS는별의탄생과종말, 행성계형성과원시원반, 은하진화연구등다양한분야에활용이기대되며, 회원여러분의많은관심과참여를바랍니다. 한국천문학회 2014 년가을학술대회및등록안내

3 1. 학술대회개요 (1) 일시 : 2014년 10월 15일 ( 수 ) 13:00-10월 17일 ( 금 ) 15:20 (2) 장소 : 롯데시티호텔제주 - 구두발표 : Crystal Ballroom Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ - 포스터발표 : Ruby (3) 후원 : 한국과학기술단체총연합회 2. 등록 (1) 등록비정회원 ( 일반 ) : 200,000 원 / 정회원 ( 학생 ) 이하 : 150,000 원 / 비회원 : 200,000 원저녁만찬비 : 70,000 원 (2) 연회비연회비를미납하신회원은아래구좌로송금하시거나학회당일등록장소에서납부해주십시오. 은행구좌로송금할때반드시성함을기재하여주시기바랍니다. 정회원 ( 일반 ) : 50,000 원 / 정회원 ( 학생 ) : 20,000 원 / 준회원 : 20,000 원회장 : 500,000원 / 부회장 : 300,000원 / 이사 : 100,000원 송금구좌 : ( 국민은행 ) 예금주 : 사 ) 한국천문학회 최근 2년간연회비를납부하지않은회원에게는총회에서투표권이제한됩니다. 3. 회원가입 회원가입을원하시는분은등록장소에비치되어있는입회원서를작성하여입회비 와함께제출하시면됩니다. [ 입회비 : 정회원 (10,000 원 ) ] 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 3

4 4. 교통안내 교통정보 현지교통안내 버스 좌석버스 87(20분소요. 950원 ) 승차 : 다호마을하차 : 그레이스호텔좌석버스 200 (20분소요, 950원 ) 승차 : 서부경찰서, 관광대하차 : 그레이스호텔 택시 소요시간 : 10 분 ( 신광사거리통과 ) 비용 : 5,000 원 4 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

5 한국천문학회모임안내 [ 한국천문학회발전방향워크샵 ] 개최 일자 : 2014년 10월 15일 시간 : 17:40 장소 : 5층문화센터 참석자 : 위원회및분과위원장 [ 학술위원회회의 ] 안내 일자 : 2014년 10월 16일 시간 : 12:00 장소 : 추후공지 참석자 : 한국천문학회학술위원 [ 우수포스터상수상자결정회의 ] 안내 일자 : 2014년 10월 16일 시간 : 15:40 장소 : 추후공지 참석자 : 조세형포상위원회위원장, 류동수학술위원회위원장 [IAUGA2021 유치위원회회의 ] 안내 일자 : 2014년 10월 16일 시간 : 20:30 장소 : 추후공지 참석자 : IAUGA 2021 유치위원회위원 [YAM 정기총회 ] 안내 일자 : 2014년 10월 16일 시간 : 추후공지 장소 : 추후공지 참석자 : YAM 회원 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 5

6 2014 KAS FALL MEETING 10월 15일수요일 12:00~13:00 등록 13:00~13:20 개회및시상 ( 학술상 ) 13:20~14:00 전체초청강연 : 학술상 14:00~15:00 포스터발표및분임토의 우주론 Ⅰ (English-Speaking Session) 고천문 / 고에너지 / 이론 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 15:00~15:15 초 CD-01 전가영 (Gayoung Chon) 구 HA-01 15:15~15:30 구 HA-02 15:30~15:45 구 CD-02 이정훈 (Jounghun Lee) 구 HA-03 15:45~16:00 구 CD-03 Graziano Rossi 구 HA-04 16:00~16:15 구 CD-04 Camilla Pacifici 구 HA-05 16:15~16:30 구 CD-05 Evangelia Tremou 구 HA-06 최고은 (Goeun Choi) 김가혜 (Gahye Kim) 김지현 (Jihyun Kim) Juan Carlos Algaba Kimitake Hayasaki 박기완 (Kiwan Park) 구 IM-01 구 IM-02 구 IM-03 구 IM-04 구 IM-05 구 IM-06 오희영 (Heeyoung Oh) 김신영 (Shinyoung kim) Ashish Raj 이주원 (Joowon Lee) 김용휘 (Yonghwi Kim) 성광현 (Kwanghyun Sung) 16:30~16:40 휴식시간 16:40~17:20 전체초청강연 : 윤성철 (Sung-Chul Yoon) 17:20~ 저녁식사 ( 개별 ) 6 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

7 2014 KAS FALL MEETING 10 월 16 일목요일 07:00~09:00 아침식사 (Breakfast) 외부은하 Ⅰ 우주론 Ⅱ IGRINS 특별세션 Ⅰ 09:30~09:45 구 GC-01 정철 (Chul Chung) 구 CD-06 최윤영 (Yun-Young Choi) 초 IGR-01 박찬 (Chan Park) 09:45~10:00 구 GC-02 김근호 (Keunho Kim) 구 CD-07 심준섭 (Junsup Shim) 10:00~10:15 구 GC-03 이광호 (Gwang-Ho Lee) 구 CD-08 현화수 (Hwasu Hyun) 구 IGR-02 정의정 (Ueejeong Jeong) 10:15~10:30 구 GC-04 박민아 (Mina Pak) 구 CD-09 천경원 (Kyungwon Chun) 구 IGR-03 오재석 (Jaesok Oh) 10:30~10:45 구 GC-05 김진협 (Jinhyub Kim) 구 CD-10 고종완 (Jongwan Ko) 구 IGR-04 이혜인 (Hye-in Lee) 10:45~11:00 발표취소 이영욱 (Young-Wook Lee) 구 CD-11 Benjamin L Huillier 구 IGR-05 박수종 (Soojong Pak) 11:00~11:20 휴식시간 11:20~12:00 전체초청강연 : 젊은천문학자상 12:00~13:00 점심시간 (Lunch) 외부은하 Ⅱ 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 IGRINS 특별세션 Ⅱ 13:00~13:15 구 GC-07 김석 (Suk Kim) 구 ST-01 Tobias Hinse 구 IGR-06 Huynh Anh N. Le 13:15~13:30 구 GC-08 고유경 (Youkyung Ko) 박 ST-02 장서원 (Seo-Won Chang) 구 IGR-07 유영삼 (Young Sam Yu) 13:30~13:45 구 GC-09 장인성 (Insung Jang) 구 IGR-08 구본철 (Bon-Chul Koo) 13:45~14:00 구 GC-10 이혜란 (Hye-Ran Lee) 구 ST-03 범민제 (Minje Beom) 초 IGR-09 이재준 (Jae-Joon Lee) 14:00~14:15 구 GC-11 손주비 (Jubee Sohn) 구 ST-04 류진혁 (Jinhyuk Ryu) 14:15~14:30 구 GC-12 박진태 (Jintae Park) 구 ST-05 김현정 (Hyun-Jeong Kim) 토론 (15 ) 14:30~15:00 사진촬영 15:00~16:00 포스터발표및분임토의 16:00~16:40 전체초청강연 : Markus Kissler-Patig 16:40~17:00 휴식시간 17:00~18:30 정기총회 18:30~ 만찬 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 7

8 2014 KAS FALL MEETING 10 월 17 일금요일 07:00~09:00 아침식사 (Breakfast) 외부은하 Ⅲ (English-Speaking Session) 태양 / 태양계 KVN 특별세션 09:30~09:45 초 GC-13 황호성 (Hoseong Hwang) 박 SS-01 김명진 (Myung-Jin Kim) 변도영구KVN-01 (Do-Young Byun) 09:45~10:00 구 KVN-02 조세형 (Se-Hyung Cho) 10:00~10:15 구 GC-14 황나래 (Narae Hwang) 구 SS-02 김상준 (Sang Joon Kim) 이상성구KVN-03 (Sang-Sung Lee) 10:15~10:30 구 GC-15 Sanjaya Paudel 구 SS-03 SatoshiInoue 구 KVN-04 김기태 (Kee-Tae Kim) 10:30~10:45 구 GC-16 Raphael Gobat 구 SS-04 조경석 (Kyung-Suk Cho) 구 KVN-05 조세형 (Se-Hyung Cho) 10:45~11:00 구 GC-17 Bernardo Cervantes Sodi 구 SS-05 강지혜 (Jihye Kang) 구 KVN-06 손봉원 (Bongwon Sohn) 11:00~11:20 휴식시간 11:20~12:00 전체초청강연 : 한인우 (Inwoo Han) 12:00~13:30 점심시간 (Lunch) 외부은하 Ⅳ 천문우주관측기술 ALMA 특별세션 13:30~13:45 구 GC-18 이상성 (Sang-Sung Lee) 구 AT-01 박병곤 (Byeong-Gon Park) 구 AL-01 김종수 (Jongsoo Kim) 13:45~14:00 구 GC-19 김도형 (Dohyeong Kim) 구 AT-02 정하은 (Haeun Chung) 구 AL-02 이정원 (Jung-Won Lee) 14:00~14:15 구 GC-20 배현진 (Hyun-Jin Bae) 구 AT-03 이정애 (Jeongae Lee) 구 AL-03 여아란 (A-Ran Lyo) 14:15~14:30 구 GC-21 백준현 (Junhyun Baek) 구 AT-04 이대희 (Dae-Hee Lee) 구 AL-04 이정은 (Jeong-Eun Lee) 14:30~14:45 구 GC-22 신재진 (Jaejin Shin) 구 AT-05 정웅섭 (Woong-Seob Jeong) 구 AL-05 김효선 (Hyosun Kim) 14:45~15:00 구 GC-23 송현미 (Hyunmi Song) 구 AT-06 김상혁 (Sanghyuk Kim) 구 AL-06 정애리 (Aeree Chung) 15:00~15:20 우수포스터상시상및폐회 8 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

9 발표분야 외부은하 은하단 항성 항성계 외계행성 IGRINS UWIFE 포스터번호 포 GC-01 Schedule of Poster Session 이름 강신철 (sincheol Kang) 발표분야 포스터번호 발표취소 포GC-04 김성중 (Seongjoong Kim) 포IM-04 김재영 (Jaeyeong Kim) 성간물질포GC-05 김은빈 (Eunbin Kim) 포IM-05 김정리 (Chunglee Kim) 별생성포GC-06 김학섭 (Hak-Sub Kim) 포IM-06 김창희 (Chang-Hee Kim) 우리은하포GC-07 노현욱 (Hyunwook Ro) 포IM-07 박선경 (Sunkyung Park) 이름 구본철 (Bon-Chul Koo) 포 GC-02 강용범 (Yongbeom kang) 포 IM-02 김웅태 (Woong-Tae Kim) 발표취소권유나 (Yu na Kwon) 포 IM-03 김일중 (Il Joong Kim) 포 GC-08 문준성 (Jun-Sung Moon) 포 IM-08 윤형식 (Hyeongsik Yun) 포 GC-09 박근홍 (Keun-Hong Park) 포 IM-09 조영수 (Young Soo Jo) 포 GC-10 박성준 (Sung-Joon Park) 포 IM-10 한정환 (Junghwan Han) 포 GC-11 방태양 (Tae-Yang Bang) 포 AT-01 강용우 (Yong-Woo Kang) 포 GC-12 심현진 (Hyunjin Shim) 포 AT-02 박우진 (Woojin Park) 포 GC-13 윤기윤 (Kiyun Yun) 포 AT-03 오정근 (John J. Oh) 포 GC-14 윤용민 (Yongmin Yoon) 포 AT-04 송민규 (Min-Gyu Song) 포 GC-15 이재형 (Jae Hyung Lee) 포 AT-05 신재혁 (Jehyuck Shin) 포 GC-16 이종철 (Jong Chul Lee) 포 AT-06 오상훈 (SangHoon 포GC-17 장소희 (Sohee Jang) 천문우주포AT-07 오정근 (John J. Oh) 포GC-18 장인성 (Insung Jang) 관측기술포AT-08 이덕행 (Dukhang Lee) 포 GC-19 정용진 (Yongjin Jeong) 포 AT-09 이효정 (Hyo Jeong Lee) 포 GC-20 조국섭 (Kooksup Jo) 포 AT-10 정병준 (Byeongjoon Jeong) 포 GC-21 조혜전 (Hyejeon Cho) 포 AT-11 정현수 (Hyungsoo Chung) 포 GC-22 탁윤찬 (Yoon Chan Taak) 포 AT-12 진호 (Ho Jin) 포 GC-23 현민희 (Minhee Hyun) 포 AT-13 한인우 (Inwoo Han) 포 GC-24 황지혜 (Ji-hye Hwang) 포 AT-14 Sascha Trippe 포 GC-25 Salmi Fadia 포 AE-01 강원석 (Wonseok Kang) 포 ST-01 김현수 (Hyun-Soo Kim) 포 AE-02 장한별 (Hanbyul Jang) 포 ST-02 오대현 (Daehyun Oh) 포 AE-03 김지헌 (Jihun Kim) 포ST-03 윤기윤 (Kiyun Yun) 교육홍보포AE-04 신라엘 (La El Shin) 발표취소윤성철 (Sung-Chul Yoon) 기타포AE-05 이광호 (Gwang-Ho Lee) 포 ST-05 이상현 (Sang Hyun Lee) 포 AE-06 이민욱 (Min-Uk Lee) 포 ST-06 장석준 (Seok-Jun Chang) 포 AE-07 이준협 (Joon Hyeop Lee) 포 ST-07 전원석 (Wonseok Chun) 포 AE-08 현민희 (Minhee Hyun) 포 ST-08 허정은 (Jeong-eun Heo) 태양 포 SS-01 이정규 (Jung-Kyu Lee) 포ST-09 Mario Pasquato 태양계포SS-02 이환희 (Hwanhee Lee) 포 IGR-01 천무영 (Moo-Young Chun) 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 9

10 제 1 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 1 ) 첫째날 : 10 월 15 일 ( 수 ) 12:00~13:00 등록 13:00~13:20( 제 2 발표장 ) 초청강연 ( 제 2 발표장 ) 개회사 : 이형목학회장학술상시상 : 류동수회원 좌장 : Young Chol Minh( 민영철 )[KASI] 13:20~14:00 초 IT-01 (p.37) Cosmic magnetic fields in the large-scale structure of the universe Dongsu Ryu( 류동수 )[UNIST] 14:00~15:00 포스터발표및분임토의 우주론 Ⅰ (English-Speaking Session) 좌장 : Changbom Park( 박창범 )[KIAS] 15:00~15:30 초 CD-01 (p.41) Understanding our Universe with the REFLEX II cluster survey 15:30~15:45 구 CD-02 (p.41) Gayoung Chon( 전가영 )[Max-Planck Institute] Testing Modified Gravity with the Universal Effect of Large Scale Velocity Shear on the Satellite Infall Directions 15:45~16:00 구 CD-03 (p.42) Neutrino mass from cosmological probes 16:00~16:15 구 CD-04 (p.42) Jounghun Lee( 이정훈 )[SNU], Yun-Young Choi( 최윤영 )[KHU] Graziano Rossi[Sejong University] How does the star formation history of cluster galaxies look like? 16:15~16:30 구 CD-05 (p.43) Camilla Pacifici, Seul hee Oh( 오슬희 ), Suk young Yi( 이석영 )[Yonsei University] A low-luminosity type-1 QSO sample Optical spectroscopic properties and activity classification Evangelia Tremou[Yonsei University], Jens Zuther, Macarena Garcia Marin, Andreas Eckart[University of Cologne] 16:30~16:40 휴식시간 초청강연 ( 제 2 발표장 ) 좌장 : Bon-Chul Koo( 구본철 )[SNU] 16:40~17:20 초 IT-02 (p.38) New challenges to stellar evolution theory from supernovae Sung-Chul Yoon( 윤성철 )[SNU] 17:20~ 저녁식사 ( 개별 ) 10 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

11 제 2 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 2 ) 첫째날 : 10 월 15 일 ( 수 ) 12:00~13:00 등록 13:00~13:20 초청강연 개회사 : 이형목학회장학술상시상 : 류동수회원 좌장 : Young Chol Minh( 민영철 )[KASI] 13:20~14:00 초 IT-01 (p.37) Cosmic magnetic fields in the large-scale structure of the universe Dongsu Ryu( 류동수 )[UNIST] 14:00~15:00 포스터발표및분임토의 고천문 / 고에너지 / 이론 좌장 : Sungsoo Kim ( 김성수 )[KHU] 15:00~15:15 구 HA-01 (p.72) The Change of the Timekeeping system( 時刻制度 ) before and after the solar calendar in Korea 15:15~15:30 구 HA-02 (p.72) GoEun Choi( 최고은 )[UST/KASI], Young Sook Ahn( 안상현 )[KASI] Public Outreach of Science with Big History 15:30~15:45 구 HA-03 (p.73) Gahye Kim( 김가혜 ), Sungsoo S. Kim( 김성수 )[KHU] Deflection of Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays by the Galactic Magnetic Field 15:45~16:00 구 HA-04 (p.73) Jihyun Kim( 김지현 )[UNIST], Hang Bae Kim( 김항배 )[hanyang university], Dongsu Ryu( 류동수 )[UNIST] Insights on the rotation measure of the M87 jet on arc-second scales Juan-Carlos Algaba[KASI], Keiichi Asada, Masanori Nakamura [Academia Sinica] 16:00~16:15 구 HA-05 (p.74) Radiation Driven Warping of Circumbinary Disks around Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Active Galactic Nuclei Kimitake Hayasaki[KASI], Bong Won Sohn( 손봉원 )[KASI/UST], Atsuo T. Okazaki [Hokkai-Gakuen University],Taehyun Jung( 정태현 ), Guang yao Zhao [KASI],Tsuguya Naito[Yamanashi Gakuin University] 16:15~16:30 구 HA-06 (p.74) Scaling law in MHD turbulence small-scale dynamo Kiwan Park( 박기완 ), Dongsu Ryu( 류동수 )[UNIST] 16:30~16:40 휴식시간 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 11

12 제 2 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 2 ) 첫째날 : 10 월 15 일 ( 수 ) 초청강연 좌장 : Bon-Chul Koo( 구본철 )[SNU] 16:40~17:20 초 IT-02 (p.38) New challenges to stellar evolution theory from supernovae Sung-Chul Yoon( 윤성철 )[SNU] 17:20~ 저녁식사 ( 개별 ) 12 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

13 제 3 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 3 ) 첫째날 : 10 월 15 일 ( 수 ) 12:00~13:00 등록 13:00~13:20 초청강연 ( 제 2 발표장 ) 개회사 : 이형목학회장학술상시상 : 류동수회원 좌장 : Young Chol Minh( 민영철 )[KASI] 13:20~14:00 초 IT-01 (p.37) Cosmic magnetic fields in the large-scale structure of the universe Dongsu Ryu( 류동수 )[UNIST] 14:00~15:00 포스터발표및분임토의 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 좌장 : Il-Joong Kim( 김일중 )[KASI] 15:00~15:15 구 IM-01 (p.75) Optical Long-slit Spectroscopy of Parsec-scale Jets from DG Tau Heeyoung Oh( 오희영 )[UST/KASI], Tae-Soo Pyo( 표태수 )[NAOJ], In-Soo Yuk( 육인수 ), Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 )[KASI] 15:15~15:30 구 IM-02 (p.75) Chemical Differentiation of C 34 S and N 2H+ in Dense Starless Cores 15:30~15:45 구 IM-03 (p.76) Near-IR study of Nova V2468 Cyg Shinyoung Kim( 김신영 )[KNUE], Chang Won Lee( 이창원 )[KASI/UST], Jungjoo Sohn( 손정주 )[KNUE], Gwanjeong Kim( 김관정 )[KASI/UST], Mi-Ryang Kim( 김미량 )[KASI/CBNU] Ashish Raj[KASI], N. M. Ashok, D. P. K. Banerjee[Physical Research Laboratory], Sang Chul KIM( 김상철 ), Mina Pak( 박민아 )[KASI] 15:45~16:00 구 IM-04 (p.76) Improved dynamical modeling of the Arches cluster 16:00~16:15 구 IM-05 (p.77) Wiggle Instability of Magnetized Spiral Shocks 16:15~16:30 구 IM-06 (p.77) Joowon Lee( 이주원 ), Sungsoo S. Kim( 김성수 )[KHU], Jihye Shin( 신지혜 )[Peking University] Yonghwi Kim( 김용휘 ), Woong-Tae Kim( 김웅태 )[SNU] Tracing Metallicity in the Scenario of High Velocity Clouds (HVCs) Colliding with our Milky Way Kwang Hyun Sung ( 성광현 ), Kyujin Kwak ( 곽규진 )[UNIST] 16:30~16:40 휴식시간 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 13

14 제 3 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 3 ) 첫째날 : 10 월 15 일 ( 수 ) 초청강연 ( 제 2 발표장 ) 좌장 : Bon-Chul Koo( 구본철 )[SNU] 16:40~17:20 초 IT-02 (p.38) New challenges to stellar evolution theory from supernovae Sung-Chul Yoon( 윤성철 )[SNU] 17:20~ 저녁식사 ( 개별 ) 14 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

15 제 1 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 1 ) 둘째날 : 10 월 16 일 ( 목 ) 외부은하 / 은하단 Ⅰ 좌장 : Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 )[SNU] 09:30~09:45 구 GC-01 (p.47)) Does the linear conversion between calcium infrared triplet and metallicity of simple stellar populations hold in the whole range of metallicity? Chul Chung( 정철 ), Suk-Jin Yoon( 윤석진 ), Sang-Yoon Lee( 이상윤 ), Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 )[Yonsei University] 09:45~10:00 구 GC-02 (p.47) Demographics of galactic bulges in the local Universe through UV and Optical windows Keunho Kim( 김근호 ), Seulhee Oh( 오슬희 )[Yonsei University], Hyunjin Jeong( 정현진 )[KASI], Sukyoung K. Yi( 이석영 )[Yonsei University] 10:00~10:15 구 GC-03 (p.48) Morphology-Dependent Evolution of Galaxies in Mid-infrared Green Valley Gwang-Ho Lee ( 이광호 ), Myung Gyoon Lee ( 이명균 ), & Jubee Sohn ( 손주비 )[SNU] 10:15~10:30 구 GC-04 (p.48) HST Study of ESO 149-G003, a nearby dwarf irregular galaxy 10:30~10:45 구 GC-05 (p.49) Mina Pak( 박민아 ), Sang Chul Kim( 김상철 )[KASI/UST], Soung-Chul Yang( 양성철 )[KASI/Carnegie Institution for Science], Jaemann Kyeong( 경재만 ), Ashish Raj[KASI] A Multi-wavelength Study of a Pair of Interacting BCDs : ESO 435-IG20 and ESO 435-IG16 Jinhyub Kim( 김진협 ), Aeree Chung( 정애리 )[Yonsei University], Eon-Chang Sung( 성언창 )[KASI], Lister Staveley-Smtih[University of Western Australia] 10:45~11:00 구 GC-06 ( 발표취소 ) The Origin of the Oosterhoff Period Groups among Globular Clusters and Dwarf Galaxies Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 )[Yonsei University] 11:00~11:20 휴식시간 초청강연 ( 제 2 발표장 ) 좌장 : Se-Hyung Cho( 조세형 )[KASI] 11:20~12:00 초 IT-03 (p.39) Relativistic Jets as Compact Radio Sources Sang-Sung Lee( 이상성 )[KASI] 12:00~13:00 점심시간 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 15

16 제 1 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 1 ) 둘째날 : 10 월 16 일 ( 목 ) 외부은하 / 은하단 Ⅱ 좌장 : Suk-Jin Yoon( 윤석진 )[Yonsei University] 13:00~13:15 구 GC-07 (p.50) New Galaxy Catalog of the Virgo Cluster 13:15~13:30 구 GC-08 (p.51) Suk Kim( 김석 ), Soo-Chang Rey( 이수창 )[CNU], Helmut Jerjen[Australia National University], Thorsten Lisker[ZAH], Eon-Chang Sung( 성언창 )[KASI], Youngdae Lee( 이영대 ), Jiwon Chung( 정지원 )[CNU], Mina Pak( 박민아 )[UST], Wonhyeong Yi( 이원형 ), Woong Lee( 이웅 )[CNU] Spectroscopy of Globular Clusters in the Core of the Virgo Cluster 13:30~13:45 구 GC-09 (p.51) Youkyung Ko( 고유경 )[SNU], Ho Seong Hwang( 황호성 )[KIAS], Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 ), Jubee Sohn( 손주비 ), Sungsoon Lim( 임성순 )[SNU], Hong Soo Park( 박홍수 )[KASI] Discovery of an Ultra Faint Dwarf Galaxy in the Virgo Core 13:45~14:00 구 GC-10 (p.52) In Sung Jang( 장인성 ), Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 )[SNU] The Relationship Between Bright Galaxies and Their Faint Companions in Abell 2744, an Ongoing Cluster-Cluster Merger Hye-Ran Lee( 이혜란 ), Joon Hyeop Lee( 이준협 ), Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI/UST], Chang Hee Ree( 이창희 )[KASI], Hyunjin Jeong( 정현진 )[KASI/UST], Jaemann Kyeong( 경재만 )[KASI], Sang Chul Kim( 김상철 )[KASI/UST], Jong Chul Lee( 이종철 ), Jongwan Ko( 고종완 )[KASI], Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 )[KASI/UST] 14:00~14:15 구 GC-11 (p.53) A Progress Report on the MMT/Hectospec Observation for M81 Fields 14:15~14:30 구 GC-12 (p.53) Jubee Sohn( 손주비 ), Youkyung Ko( 고유경 ), Sungsoon Lim( 임성순 ), In Sung Jang( 장인성 ), Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 )[SNU], Narae Hwang( 황나래 ), Sang Chul Kim( 김상철 )[KASI], Hong Soo Park( 박홍수 )[KASI] The Mid-IR Properties of Early Type Galaxies with Positive Optical Color Gradients 14:30~15:00 사진촬영 Jintae Park( 박진태 )[KNU] Hyunjin Shim( 심현진 )[KNU] 15:00~16:00 포스터발표및분임토의 초청강연 ( 제 2 발표장 ) 좌장 : Narae Hwang( 황나래 )[KASI] 16:00~16:40 초 IT-04 (p.40) Gemini Observatory - a new opportunity for the Korean community Markus Kissler-Patig[Gemini Observatory] 16:40~17:00 휴식시간 17:00~18:30 정기총회 18:30~ 만찬 16 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

17 제 2 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 2 ) 둘째날 : 10 월 16 일 ( 목 ) 우주론 Ⅱ 좌장 : Jounghun Lee( 이정훈 )[SNU] 09:30~09:45 구 CD-06 (p.43) Topological Analysis of Large Scale Structure Using the Final BOSS Sample 09:45~10:00 구 CD-07 (p.44) Yun-Young Choi( 최윤영 )[KHU], Juhan Kim( 김주한 )[KIAS] Breaking the cosmic degeneracy with the supercluster straightness 10:00~10:15 구 CD-08 (p.44) Junsup Shim( 심준섭 ), Jounghun Lee( 이정훈 )[SNU], Marco Baldi[Alma Mater Studiorum Universita/INAF/INFN] Homogeneity test of large-scale structures using SDSS DR7 Luminous Red Galaxies 10:15~10:30 구 CD-09 (p.45) Hwasu Hyun( 현화수 )[KNU] Modification of a cosmological hydrodynamic code for more realistic baryonic physics Kyungwon Chun( 천경원 )[KHU], Jihye Shin( 신지혜 )[Peking University], Sungsoo S. Kim( 김성수 )[KHU] 10:30~10:45 구 CD-10 (p.45) Testing Gravitational Weak-lensing Maps with Galaxy Redshift Surveys: preliminary results Jongwan Ko( 고종완 )[KASI], Yousuke Utsumi[Hiroshima University], Ho Seong Hwang( 황호성 )[KIAS], Ian P. Dell'Antonio[Brown University], Margaret J. Geller[Smithsonian Astrophysica Observatory], Soung-Chul Yang( 양성철 ), Jaemann Kyeong( 경재만 )[KASI] 10:45~11:00 구 CD-11 (p.46) Halo interactions in the Horizon run 4 simulation Benjamin L'Huillier, Chang bom Park( 박창범 ), Juhan Kim( 김주한 )[KIAS] 11:00~11:20 휴식시간 초청강연 좌장 : Se-Hyung Cho( 조세형 )[KASI] 11:20~12:00 초 IT-03 (p.39) Relativistic Jets as Compact Radio Sources Sang-Sung Lee( 이상성 )[KASI] 12:00~13:00 점심시간 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 좌장 : Young-Soo Jo( 조영수 )[KAIST/KASI] 13:00~13:15 구 ST-01 (p.83) 5-body dynamics in the Kepler-47 exoplanetary system: Predicting stable orbits of a third circumbinary planet Tobias Cornelius Hinse [KASI] 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 17

18 제 2 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 2 ) 둘째날 : 10 월 16 일 ( 목 ) 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 좌장 : Young-Soo Jo( 조영수 )[KAIST/KASI] 13:15~13:45 박 ST-02 (p.83) Flare and Starspot-induced Variabilities of Red Dwarf Stars in the Open Cluster M37: Photometric Study on Magnetic Activity 13:45~14:00 구 ST-03 (p.84) Seo-Won Chang( 장서원 )[Yonsei University] The Effects of Individual Element Changed Mixture on the Standard Stellar Models Minje Beom( 범민제 ), Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 )[Yonsei University], Jason W. Ferguson[Wichita State University], Yong Cheol, Kim( 김용철 )[Yonsei University] 14:00~14:15 구 ST-04 (p.84) Discovery of a New Globular Cluster Candidate Hidden behind the Milky Way 14:15~14:30 구 ST-05 (p.85) Jinhyuk Ryu( 류진혁 ), Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 )[SNU] Type Ibc Supernova Progenitors in Binary Systems: Observational Constraints on the Progenitor Candidate of the Supernova iptf13bvn Hyun-Jeong Kim( 김현정 ), Sung-Chul Yoon( 윤성철 ), Bon-Chul Koo( 구본철 )[SNU] 14:30~15:00 사진촬영 15:00~16:00 포스터발표및분임토의 초청강연 좌장 : Narae Hwang( 황나래 )[KASI] 16:00~16:40 초 IT-04 (p.40) Gemini Observatory - a new opportunity for the Korean community Markus Kissler-Patig[Gemini Observatory] 16:40~17:00 휴식시간 17:00~18:30 정기총회 18:30~ 만찬 18 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

19 제 3 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 3 ) 둘째날 : 10 월 16 일 ( 목 ) IGRINS 특별세션 Ⅰ 좌장 : Bon-Chul Koo( 구본철 )[SNU] 09:30~10:00 초 IGR-01 (p.90) IGRINS Design and Performance Report Chan Park( 박찬 )[KASI], Daniel T. Jaffe[Univ. of Texas ], In-Soo Yuk( 육인수 ), Moo-Young Chun( 천무영 )[KASI], Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Kang-Min Kim( 김강민 )[KASI], Michael Pavel[Univ. of Texas], Hanshin Lee( 이한신 )[McDonald Observatory], Heeyoung Oh( 오희영 )[KASI/UST], Ueejeong Jeong( 정의정 )[KASI], Chae Kyung Sim( 심채경 ), Hye-In Lee( 이혜인 ), Huynh Anh Nguyen Le[KHU], Joseph Strubhar[McDonald Observatory], Michael Gully-Santiago[Univ. of Texas], Jae Sok Oh( 오재석 ), Sang-Mok Cha( 차상목 ), Bongkon Moon( 문봉곤 ), Kwijong Park( 박귀종 )[KASI], Cynthia Brooks[McDonald Observatory], Kyeongyeon Ko( 고경연 )[KASI/UST, Jeong-Yeol Han( 한정열 ), Jakyuong Nah( 나자경 )[KASI], Peter C. Hill[Univ. of Texas], Sungho Lee( 이성호 )[Space Environment Laboratory Inc], Stuart Barnes[Stuart Barnes Optical Design], Young Sam Yu( 유영삼 )[KASI], Kyle Kaplan, Gregory Mace[Univ. of Texas], Hwihyun Kim( 김휘현 )[KASI/Univ. of Texas], Jae-Joon Lee( 이재준 ), Narae Hwang( 황나래 )[KASI], Wonseok Kang( 강원석 )[NYSC], Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 )[KASI/UST] 10:00~10:15 구 IGR-02 (p.91) Optimization and Performance Evaluation for the Science Detector Systems of IGRINS Ueejeong Jeong( 정의정 ), Moo-Young Chun( 천무영 ), Jae-sok Oh( 오재석 ), Chan Park( 박찬 ), Young Sam Yu( 유영삼 )[KASI], Heeyoung Oh( 오희영 )[KASI/UST], In-Soo Yuk( 육인수 ), Kang-Min Kim( 김강민 )[KASI], Kyeong Yeon Ko( 고경연 )[KASI/UST], Michael Pavel, Daniel T. Jaffe[University of Texas] 10:15~10:30 구 IGR-03 (p.91) IGRINS Mirror Mount Design for Five Flat Mirrors Jae Sok Oh( 오재석 ), Chan Park( 박찬 ), Kang-Min Kim( 김강민 ), Moo-Young Chun( 천무영 ), In-Soo Yuk( 육인수 ), Young Sam Yu( 유영삼 ), Heeyoung Oh( 오희영 ), Ueejeong Jeong( 정의정 )[KASI], Hanshin Lee( 이한신 )[McDonald Observatory], Daniel T. Jaffe[University of Texas] 10:30~10:45 구 IGR-04 (p.92) Auto-guiding Performance from IGRINS Test Observations (Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph) Hye-In Lee( 이혜인 ), Soojong Pak( 박수종 ), Huynh Anh N.Le[KHU], Wonseok Kang( 강원석 )[NYSC], Gregory Mace, Michael Pavel, Daniel T.Jaffe[University of Texas], Jae-Joon Lee( 이재준 ), Hwihyun Kim( 김휘현 ), Ueejeong Jeong( 정의정 ), Moo-Young Chun( 천무영 ), Chan Park( 박찬 ), In-Soo Yuk( 육인수 ), Kangmin Kim( 김강민 )[KASI] 10:45~11:00 구 IGR-05 (p.92) IGRINS Observations of Star Forming Clouds in NGC 6822 Hubble V Soojong Pak( 박수종 ), Hye-In Lee( 이혜인 ), Huynh Anh N. Le[KHU], Sungho Lee( 이성호 )[Space Environment Laboratory], Aeree Chung( 정애리 )[Yonsei University], Kyle Kaplan, Daniel T. Jaffe[University of Texas ] 11:00~11:20 휴식시간 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 19

20 제 3 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 3 ) 둘째날 : 10 월 16 일 ( 목 ) 초청강연 ( 제 2 발표장 ) 좌장 : Se-Hyung Cho( 조세형 )[KASI] 11:20~12:00 초 IT-03 (p.39) Relativistic Jets as Compact Radio Sources Sang-Sung Lee( 이상성 )[KASI] 12:00~13:00 점심시간 IGRINS 특별세션 Ⅱ 좌장 : In-Soo Yuk( 육인수 )[KASI] 13:00~13:15 구 IGR-06 (p.93) High Resolution Near Infrared Spectrum of NGC :15~13:30 구 IGR-07 (p.93) Huynh Anh N. Le, Soojong Pak( 박수종 ), Hye-In Lee( 이혜인 )[KHU], Jae-Joon Lee( 이재준 )[KASI], Quang Nguyen-Luong[CITA], Kyle Kaplan, Daniel T. Jaffe[University of Texas] High resolution Infrared spectroscopy of Planetary Nebula with IGRINS 13:30~13:45 구 IGR-08 (p.94) Young Sam Yu( 유영삼 ), KASI-UTIGRINSTeam[KASI] IGRINS Test Observation Results from Seoul National University 13:45~14:15 초 IGR-09 (p.94) 14:15~14:30 토론 Bon-Chul Koo( 구본철 ), Yong-Hyun Lee( 이용현 ), Hyun-Jeong Kim( 김현정 ), Yesol Kim( 김예솔 )[SNU], Jae-Joon Lee( 이재준 )[KASI] IGRINS Operation Plan and the status of the IGRINS Reduction Pipeline Jae-Joon Lee( 이재준 ), Narae Hwang( 황나래 ), Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 ), In-Soo Yuk( 육인수 ), Chan Park( 박찬 )[KASI], Huynh Anh N. Le, Soojong Pak( 박수종 ) 14:30~15:00 사진촬영 15:00~16:00 포스터발표및분임토의 초청강연 ( 제 2 발표장 ) 좌장 : Narae Hwang( 황나래 )[KASI] 16:00~16:40 초 IT-04 (p.40) Gemini Observatory - a new opportunity for the Korean community Markus Kissler-Patig[Gemini Observatory] 16:40~17:00 휴식시간 17:00~18:30 정기총회 18:30~ 만찬 20 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

21 제 1 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 1 ) 세째날 : 10 월 17 일 ( 금 ) 외부은하 / 은하단 Ⅲ (English-Speaking Session) 좌장 : Aeree Chung( 정애리 )[Yonsei University] 09:30~10:00 초 GC-13 (p.54) Testing Weak-Lensing Maps of Galaxy Clusters with Dense Redshift Surveys Ho Seong Hwang( 황호성 )[Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory/KIAS], Margaret J. Geller[Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory], Antonaldo Diaferio[Universit`a degli Studi di Torino/Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare], Kenneth J. Rines[Western Washington University], H. Jabran Zahid[KIAS] 10:00~10:15 구 GC-14 (p.55) Gemini/GMOS Observation of Extended Star Clusters in Dwarf Irregular Galaxy NGC 6822 Narae Hwang( 황나래 ), Hong Soo Park( 박홍수 )[KASI], Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 ), Sungsoon Lim( 임성순 )[SNU], Paul W. Hodge[University of Washington], Sang Chul Kim( 김상철 )[KASI], Bryan Miller[Gemini Observatory], Daniel Weisz[University of Washington] 10:15~10:30 구 GC-15 (p.55) Role of environment in the origin of early-type dwarf galaxies 10:30~10:45 구 GC-16 (p.56) Quenching in massive halos at z=2 10:45~11:00 구 GC-17 (p.56) On dark matter haloes of barred disc galaxies Sanjaya Paudel(KIAS) Raphael Gobat[KASI/CEA] Bernardo Cervantes Sodi[KIAS], Cheng Li[Shanghai Astronomical Observatory], ChangbomPark[KIAS],Lixin Wang, Ye Lin[Shanghai Astronomical Observatory] 11:00~11:20 휴식시간 초청강연 ( 제 2 발표장 ) 좌장 : Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 )[SNU] 11:20~12:00 초 IT-05 천문연구원의현황과향후발전방향 그리고학계와의협력방안 Inwoo Han( 한인우 )[KASI] 12:00~13:30 점심시간 외부은하 / 은하단 Ⅳ 좌장 : Jong-Hak Woo( 우종학 )[SNU] 13:30~13:45 구 GC-18 (p.57) Change of Intrinsic Brightness Temperatures of Compact Radio Jets Sang-Sung Lee ( 이상성 )[KASI] 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 21

22 제 1 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 1 ) 세째날 : 10 월 17 일 ( 금 ) 외부은하 / 은하단 Ⅳ 좌장 : Jong-Hak Woo( 우종학 )[SNU] 13:45~14:00 구 GC-19 (p.57) Red AGNs becoming normal AGNs Dohyeong Kim( 김도형 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU], E. Glikman[Middlebury College], Jong-Hak Woo( 우종학 )[SNU], T. Urrutia[Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam] 14:00~14:15 구 GC-20 (p.58) A Census of Ionized Gas Outflows in Local Type-2 AGNs 14:15~14:30 구 GC-21 (p.58) Hyun-Jin Bae( 배현진 )[Yonsei University], Jong-Hak Woo( 우종학 )[SNU] COCOA: The CO-evolution of cluster COres and the AGNs of central galaxies Junhyun Baek( 백준현 ), Aeree Chung( 정애리 ), Evangelia Tremou[Yonsei University], Bongwon Sohn( 손봉원 ), Taehyun Jung( 정태현 )[KASI], Hyunwook Ro( 노현욱 )[Yonsei University/KASI] 14:30~14:45 구 GC-22 (p.59) Gas outflow in BLR of low-redshift AGNs. Jaejin Shin( 신재진 ), Jong-Hak Woo( 우종학 )[SNU], Tohru Nagao[Ehime University] 14:45~15:00 구 GC-23 (p.59) The environment dependences of quasar properties in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Hyunmi Song( 송현미 ), Changbom Park( 박창범 )[KIAS] 15:00~15:20 우수포스터상시상및폐회 22 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

23 제 2 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 2 ) 세째날 : 10 월 17 일 ( 금 ) 태양및태양계 좌장 : Kyung-Suk Cho( 조경석 )[KASI] 09:30~10:00 박 SS-01 (p.96) Rotational and Observational Properties of NEA and Asteroid Family 10:00~10:15 구 SS-02 (p.96) Myung-Jin Kim( 김명진 )[KASI] 1-5 Micron Spectra of Titan: The Spectral and Altitudinal Variation of Haze 10:15~10:30 구 SS-03 (p.97) Sang-Joon Kim( 김상준 )[KHU] Numerical Study of the Dynamics Connecting a Solar Flare and a Coronal Mass Ejection 10:30~10:45 구 SS-04 (p.98) Satoshi Inoue, Jihye Kang( 강지혜 ), Gwangson Choe( 최광선 )[KHU] INTENSITY AND DOPPLER VELOCITY OSCILLATIONS IN PORE ATMOSPHERE Kyung-Suk Cho( 조경석 ), Su-Chan Bong( 봉수찬 )[KASI], Valery Nakariakov[University of Warwick/KHU/Russian Academy of Sciences ], Eun-Kyung Lim( 임은경 ), Young-Deuk Park( 박영득 )[KASI], Jongchul Chae( 채종철 ), Heesu Yang( 양희수 ), Hyung-Min Park( 박형민 )[SNU], Vasyl Yurchyshyn[KASI/Big Bear Solar Observatory] 10:45~11:00 구 SS-05 (p.97) Stability and Dynamics of a Magnetic Field Producing the M6.6 Class Solar Flare in NOAA Active Region Jihye Kang( 강지혜 ), Satoshi Inoue, Tetsuya Magara(KHU) 11:00~11:20 휴식시간 초청강연 좌장 : Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 )[SNU] 11:20~12:00 초 IT-05 천문연구원의현황과향후발전방향 그리고학계와의협력방안 Inwoo Han( 한인우 )[KASI] 12:00~13:30 점심시간 천문우주관측기술 좌장 : Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU] 13:30~13:45 구 AT-01 (p.100) Giant Magellan Telescope Project in 2014 Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 )[KASI/UST], In-Soo Yuk( 육인수 )[KASI], Jae-Joon Lee( 이재준 )[KASI/UST], Yang-Noh Yoon( 윤양노 ), Narae Hwang( 황나래 ), Chan Park( 박찬 ), Jihun Kim( 김지헌 )[KASI] 13:45~14:00 구 AT-02 (p.100) Optical Design of the DOTIFS Spectrograph Haeun Chung( 정하은 )[SNU/KIAS], A. N. Ramaprakash[Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics] 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 23

24 제 2 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 2 ) 세째날 : 10 월 17 일 ( 금 ) 천문우주관측기술 좌장 : Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU] 14:00~14:15 구 AT-03 (p.101) Statistical analysis of Anomalous Refraction on KVN sites 14:15~14:30 구 AT-04 (p.101) Jeong Ae Lee( 이정애 )[KASI/UST], Do-Young Byun( 변도영 )[KASI], Bong Won Sohn( 손봉원 )[KASI/UST] Current Status of the Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment 2 (CIBER2) 14:30~14:45 구 AT-05 (p.102) Preliminary Design of the NISS onboard NEXTSat-1 Dae-Hee Lee( 이대희 )[KASI] Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 )[KASI/UST], Sung-Joon Park( 박성준 ), Bongkon Moon( 문봉곤 ), Dae-Hee Lee( 이대희 ), Won-Kee Park( 박원기 )[KASI], Duk-Hang Lee( 이덕행 ), Kyeongyeon Ko( 고경연 )[KASI/UST], Jeonghyun Pyo( 표정현 ), Il-Joong Kim( 김일중 ), Youngsik Park( 박영식 ), Ukwon Nam( 남욱원 ), Chan Park( 박찬 )[KASI] Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 )[SNU], Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU], Goo-Hwan Shin( 신구환 ), Jangsoo Chae( 채장수 )[KAIST], Toshio MatsumotoKASI/ASIAA/ISAS/JAXA] 14:45~15:00 구 AT-06 (p.103) Removal of mid-frequency error from the off-axis mirror Sanghyuk Kim( 김상혁 ), Soojong Pak( 박수종 ), Byeongjoon Jeong( 정병준 )[KHU], Sangkyo Shin( 신상교 )[Yoonseul], Geon Hee Kim( 김건희 ), Gil Jae Lee( 이길재 )[KBSI], Seunghyuk Chang( 장승혁 )[KAIST], Song Min Yoo( 유송민 ), Kwang Jo Lee( 이광조 )[KHU], Hyuckee Lee( 이혁기 )[Samsung Electronics] 15:00~15:20 우수포스터상시상및폐회 24 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

25 제 3 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 3 ) 세째날 : 10 월 17 일 ( 금 ) KVN 특별세션 좌장 : Jongsoo Kim( 김종수 )[KASI] 09:30~09:45 구 KVN-01 (p.112) Recent Activities of the KVN 09:45~10:00 구 KVN-02 (p.112) Do-Young Byun ( 변도영 )[KASI], KVN group in KASI Simultaneous Monitoring of KVN 4 Bands toward Evolved Stars 10:00~10:15 구 KVN-03 (p.113) Se-Hyung Cho( 조세형 )[KASI], KVN Evolved Star Working Group Members A Candidate of KVN KSP: Origins of Gamma-ray flares in AGNs 10:15~10:30 구 KVN-04 (p.113) Sang-Sung Lee( 이상성 ), Sincheol Kang( 강신철 ), Myoung-Hee Han( 한명희 ), Juan-Carlos Algaba-Marcos, Do-Young Byun( 변도영 )[KASI], Jeong-Sook Kim( 김정숙 )[NAOJ], Soon-Wook Kim( 김순욱 ), Motoki Kino[KASI], Sascha Trippe[SNU], Kiyoaki Wajima, Atsushi Miyazaki[KASI] Observational Studies of Masers in Star-forming Regions with KVN and KaVA 10:30~10:45 구 KVN-05 (p.114) Kee-Tae Kim( 김기태 )[KASI,],Tomoya Hirota[NAOJ], KVN/KaVA Star Formation Group Planning Large Program of Stellar Maser Study with KaVA 10:45~11:00 구 KVN-06 (p.115) Se-Hyung Cho[KASI], Hiroshi Imai[Kagoshima University], KaVA Evolved Star Working Group Members KVN/KaVA AGN WG report - Preparation of KVN/KaVA AGN Key Science Bong Won Sohn( 손봉원 )[KASI], Motoki Kino[KASI], KVN/KaVA AGN working group 11:00~11:20 휴식시간 초청강연 ( 제 2 발표장 ) 좌장 : Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 )[SNU] 11:20~12:00 초 IT-05 천문연구원의현황과향후발전방향 그리고학계와의협력방안 Inwoo Han( 한인우 )[KASI] 12:00~13:30 점심시간 ALMA 특별세션 좌장 : Bong Won Sohn( 손봉원 )[KASI] 13:30~13:45 구 AL-01 (p.116) Current Status of the Korean ALMA Project Jongsoo Kim( 김종수 )[KASI] 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 25

26 제 3 발표장 ( Crystal Ballroom 3 ) 세째날 : 10 월 17 일 ( 금 ) ALMA 특별세션 좌장 : Bong Won Sohn( 손봉원 )[KASI] 13:45~14:00 구 AL-02 (p.116) Korean ALMA Near-term Technical Activities: Development Plan of Focal Plane Array for ASTE Jung-Won Lee( 이정원 ), Jongsoo Kim( 김종수 ),Chang-Won Lee( 이창원 ), Do-Heung Je( 이덕행 ), Yong-Woo Kang( 강용우 )[KASI], Bangwon Lee( 이방원 )[KASI/SNU] 14:00~14:15 구 AL-03 (p.117) Circumstellar disk study with ALMA 14:15~14:30 구 AL-04 (p.117) Astrochemistry in the ALMA era 14:30~14:45 구 AL-05 (p.118) Low-mass evolved stars through the eyes of ALMA 14:45~15:00 구 AL-06 (p.118) A-Ran Lyo( 여아란 )[KASI], Korean ALMA project team Jeong-Eun Lee ( 이정은 )[KHU] Extragalactic Science with ALMA: First Results & Future Perspectives Hyosun Kim( 김효선 )[KASI] Aeree Chung( 정애리 )[Yonsei University] 15:00~15:20 우수포스터상시상및폐회 26 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

27 포스터발표 ( 루비 ) 외부은하 / 은하단 포 GC-01 (p.60) Multifrequency polarization monitoring of a blazar 3C279 포 GC-02 (p.60) Sincheol Kang( 강신철 ), Sang-Sung Lee( 이상성 ), Do-young Byun( 변도영 ), Myounghee Han( 한명희 )[KASI], Hierarchical Structure of Star-Forming Regions in the Local Group 포 GC-03 ( 발표취소 ) Yongbeom Kang( 강용범 )[KASI], Luciana Bianchi[Johns Hopkins University], Jaeman Kyeong( 경재만 ), Hyunjin Jeong( 정현진 )[KASI] A Reverberation Mapping Campaign of PG Over 2.5 Years Yuna Kwon( 권유나 ), Jong-Hak Woo( 우종학 )[SNU], Encarni Romeo-Colmenero, Steven M. Crawford[South African Astronomical Observatory], Aaron Barth, Luiyi Pei[niversity of California Irvine], Dawoo Park( 박대우 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU], Hyun-Il Sung( 성현일 )[KASI] 포 GC-04 (p.61) CO gas properties of a H2O detected star forming region in IC 10 Seongjoong Kim( 김성중 ), Bumhyun Lee( 이범현 )[Yonsei University], Se-Heon Oh( 오세헌 )[University of Western Australia], Aeree Chung( 정애리 )[Yonsei University], Soo-Chang Rey( 이수창 )[CNU], Teahyun Jung( 정태현 ), Miju Kang( 강미주 )[KASI] 포 GC-05 (p.61) Nuclear star formation in galaxies due to non-axisymmetric bulges 포 GC-06 (p.62) Eunbin Kim( 김은빈 ), Sungsoo S. Kim( 김성수 )[KHU], Gwang-Ho Lee( 이광호 ), Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 )[SNU], Richard de Grijs[Peking University ], Yun-Young Choi( 최윤영 )[KHU] Investigating the Non-linearity Effect on the Color-to-Metallicity Conversion of Globular Clusters 포 GC-07 (p.62) High frequency VLBI imaging of OVV 포 GC-08 (p.63) Hak-Sub Kim( 김학섭 ), Suk-Jin Yoon( 윤석진 )[Yonsei University] Hyunwook Ro( 노현욱 )[Yonsei University/KASI], Bong Won Sohn( 손봉원 )[KASI], Aeree Chung( 정애리 )[Yonsei University], Thomas Krichbaum[Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie] An Automatic Measurement Method for the Galaxy Disk Warp and its Application to SDSS Stripe 82 Galaxies Jun-Sung Moon( 문준성 ), Jeonghwan H. Kim( 김정환 ), Woongbae Jee( 지웅배 ), Suk-Jin Yoon( 윤석진 )[Yonsei University] 포 GC-09 (p.63) The study of SN2014J using the high-resolution spectra. Keun-Hong Park( 박근홍 ), Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 ), Sung-Chul Yoon( 윤승철 )[SNU], Hyun-Il Sung( 성현일 )[KASI], Sang-Gak Lee( 이상각 )[NYSC] 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 27

28 포스터발표 ( 루비 ) 외부은하 / 은하단 포 GC-10 (p.64) A Study on the Star-forming Dusty Elliptical Galaxy, NGC 855 포 GC-11 (p.64) Sung-Joon Park( 박성준 )[KASI], Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 ), Kwang-il Seon( 선광일 )[KASI/UST], Minjin Kim( 김민진 ), Jongwan Ko( 고종완 )[KASI], Pamela Marcum[NASA] Classifying and analyzing galaxy pairs by their interacting features 포 GC-12 (p.65) Tae-yang Bang( 방태양 ), Myeong-Gu Park( 박명구 )[KNU], Changbom Park( 박창범 )[KIAS] Spatial distrbibution of star formation in extremely strong Hα emitters 포 GC-13 (p.65) Hyunjin Shim( 심현진 )[KNU], Ranga Ram Chary[nfrared Processing and Analysis Center/Caltech] Unstructured Moving-Mesh Hydrodynamic Simulation 포 GC-14 (p.66) Kiyun Yun( 윤기윤 )[Yonsei University], Juhan Kim( 김주한 )[KIAS], Suk-Jin Yoon( 윤석진 )[Yonsei University] The Environments of the Most Massive Galaxies and Black Holes 포 GC-15 (p.66) Yongmin Yoon( 윤용민 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU] Size measurements of galaxies in the nearby clusters (z<0.2) using the GALAPAGOS 포 GC-16 (p.67) JaeHyung Lee( 이재형 ), Gwang-Ho Lee( 이광호 ), Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 )[SNU] Substructures of Galaxy Cluster Abell 2537 포 GC-17 (p.67) Jong Chul Lee( 이종철 )[KASI], Ho Seong Hwang( 황호성 )[smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory/KIAS] On the Origin of the Oosterhoff Dichotomy among Globular Clusters and Dwarf Galaxies Sohee Jang( 장소희 ), Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 ), Seok-Joo Joo( 주석주 ), Chongsam Na( 나종삼 )[Yonsei University] 포 GC-18 (p.68) Core-Collapse Supernovae in Spiral Galaxy M74 and the Hubble Constant 포 GC-19 (p.68) In Sung Jang( 장인성 ), Myung Gyoon Lee( 이명균 )[SNU] Identification of High Frequency Peakers with long-term monitoring observation at 22 and 43 GHz Yongjin Jeong( 정용진 )[Yonsei University/KASI], Bong Won Sohn( 손봉원 )[KASI], Aeree Chung( 정애리 )[Yonsei University] 포 GC-20 (p.69) Gas and Stellar Kinematics of 9 Pseudo Bulge Galaxies Kooksup Jo( 조국섭 ), Jong-Hak Woo( 우종학 )[SNU] 28 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

29 포스터발표 ( 루비 ) 외부은하 / 은하단 포 GC-21 (p.69) Hubble Space Telescope's Near-IR and Optical Photometry of Globular Cluster Systems in the Fornax and Virgo Clusters of Galaxies Hyejeon Cho( 조혜전 )[Yonsei University], John P. Blakeslee[NRC-HIA], Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 )[Yonsei University] 포 GC-22 (p.70) Unveiling the Lens Galaxy of FLS : A Galaxy-Galaxy Gravitational Lens System 포 GC-23 (p.70) Galaxy Clusters in ELAIS-N1 field 포 GC-24 (p.71) Yoon Chan Taak( 탁윤찬 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU] Minhee Hyun( 현민희 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Jae-Woo Kim( 김재우 ), Seong-Kook Lee( 이성국 )[SNU], Alastair C. Edge[University of Durham], IMS team A pilot study on the radio flux variability of dwarf galaxies 포 GC-25 (p.71) Ji-hye Hwang( 황지혜 )[Sejong University,], Jon-Hak Woo( 우종학 )[SNU], Taehyun Jung( 정태현 )[KASI], Aeree Chung( 정애리 )[Yonsei University], Sascha Trippe[SNU], Junhyun Baek( 백준현 )[Yonsei University], Taeseok Lee( 이태석 ), Dawoo Park( 박다우 )[SNU] The main sequence of star forming galaxies at intermediate redshift 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 SALMI Fadia[KIAS] 포 ST-01 (p.85) Finding best parameters from color-magnitude diagrams of globular clusters using numerical optimization techniques Hyun-Soo Kim( 김현수 ), Seok-Joo Joo( 주석주 ), Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 )[Yonsei University] 포 ST-02 (p.86) Wide-orbit companion candidates and Stellar Disk around T-Tauri Star 포 ST-03 (p.86) Daehyun Oh( 오대현 ), Motohide Tamura[NAOJ] Odyssey: a new GPU-based ray-tracing code for the Kerr Spacetime 포 ST-04 ( 발표취소 ) Ki yun Yun( 윤기윤 )[Yonsei University], Hung-Yi Pu[Academia Sinica], Suk-Jin Yoon( 윤석진 )[Yonsei University] Spin-down evolution of rapidly rotating massive white dwarfs towards type Ia supernovae or collapses 포 ST-05 (p.87) Halo structure of old open cluster NGC 2420 Sung-Chul Yoon ( 윤성철 )[SNU] Sang Hyun Lee( 이상현 ), Yong-Woo Kang( 강용우 )[KASI] 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 29

30 포스터발표 ( 루비 ) 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 포 ST-06 (p.87) Hα - Lyβ Formation in Optically Thick Medium 포 ST-07 (p.88) Seok-Jun Chang( 장석준 ), Hee-Won Lee( 이희원 )[Sejong University] Effect of Overshooting on Final Masses of Type Ibc Supernova Progenitors 포 ST-08 (p.88) Wonseok Chun( 전원석 ), Sung-Chul Yoon( 윤성철 )[SNU] Accretion Flow and Disparate Profiles of Raman Scattered O VIλλ1032 and 1038 in the Symbiotic Star V1016 Cygni 포 ST-09 (p.89) Jeong-Eun Heo( 허정은 ), Hee-Won Lee( 이희원 )[Sejong University] Identifying potential mergers of globular clusters: a machine-learning approach 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 Mario Pasquato(Yonsei University) 포 IM-01 ( 발표취소 ) Infrared Dust Emission from Supernova Remnants and Its Relation to X-rays 포 IM-02 (p.78) Bon-Chul Koo( 구본철 )[SNU], Ji-Yeon Seok( 석지연 )[cademia Sinica/University of Missouri], Il-Gyo Jeong( 정일교 )[SNU], Jae-Joon Lee( 이재준 )[KASI], Hyun-Jeong Kim( 김현정 )[SNU] Instability of Magnetized Ionization Fronts 포 IM-03 (p.78) Woong-Tae Kim( 김웅태 ), Jeong-Gyu Kim( 김정규 )[SNU] Paschen α Galactic Plane Survey with MIRIS: the Preliminary Results for l= Il-Joong Kim( 김일중 ), Jeonghyun Pyo( 표정현 ), Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 ), Wonyong Han( 한원용 ), Won-Kee Park( 박원기 ), Dukhang Lee( 이덕행 ), Bongkon Moon( 문봉곤 ), Sung-Joon Park( 박성준 ), Youngsik Park( 박영식 ), Dae-Hee Lee( 이대희 ), Kyeongyeon Ko( 고경연 ), Kwang-Il Seon( 선광일 )[KASI], Min Gyu Kim( 김민규 ), Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 )[SNU], Toshio Matsumoto[Academia Sinica/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency], 포 IM-04 (p.79) Near-IR Polarimetric Study of N159/160 Star-Forming Regions 포 IM-05 (p.79) Jaeyeong Kim( 김재영 ), Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 ), Won-Kee Park( 박원기 )[KASI] Pulsar observations in mm-wavelengths Chunglee Kim(KHU/KISTI) 30 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

31 포스터발표 ( 루비 ) 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 포 IM-06 (p.80) Simultaneous Surveys of 22 GHz Water and 44 / 95 GHz Class I Methanol Masers toward High-Mass Protostellar Objects. Chang-Hee Kim( 김창희 )[KAISI/SNU], Kee-Tae Kim( 김기대 )[KASI] Young-Sun Park( 박용선 )[SNU] 포 IM-07 (p.80) High Resolution Optical Spectra of HBC 722 포 IM-08 (p.81) Sunkyung Park( 박선경 ), Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU], Wonseok Kang( 강원석 )[NYSC], Hyun-Il Sung( 성현일 )[KASI], Sang-Gak Lee( 이상각 )[NYSC], Joel D. Green, William D. Cochran[University of Texas] PDR Model : Test and fit observed data Obtained by Herschel PACS 포 IM-09 (p.81) Hyeong-Sik Yun( 윤형식 ), Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 ), Seokho Lee( 이석호 )[KHU] Far-ultraviolet study of the local supershell GSH 포 IM-10 (p.82) Young-Soo Jo( 조영수 )[KAIST/KASI], Kyoung-Wook Min( 민경욱 )[KAIST], Kwang-Il Seon( 선광일 )[KASI] Small scale Structure of Galactic Molecular Clouds toward Continuum Sources by KVN Junghwan Han( 한정환 )[SNU], Young Joo Yun( 윤영주 )[KASI], Yong-Sun Park( 박용선 )[SNU] 천문우주관측기술 포 AT-01 (p.104) Development of 1GHz High Speed Sampler for KVN Y 포 AT-02 (p.104) ong-woo Kang( 강용우 ), Min-Gyu Song( 송민규 ), Do-Heung Je( 제도흥 ), Seog-Oh Wi( 위석오 ), Do-Young Byun( 변도영 ), Taehyun Jung( 정태현 ), Chungsik Oh( 오충식 ), Wook-Won Nam( 남욱원 )[KASI] Photometry Transformation from RGB Bayer Filter System to Johnson-Cousins BVR Filter System Woojin Park( 박우진 ), Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Hyunjin Shim( 심현진 )[KNU], Huynh Anh N. Le[KHU], Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU] 포 AT-03 (p.105) Linear Correlation Map of Auxiliary Channels using Pearson s Correlation Coefficient John J. Oh( 오정근 ), Sang Hoon Oh( 오상훈 ), Edwin Son[NIMS)], Young-Min Kim( 김영민 )[PNU], Kyungmin Kim( 김경민 )[Hanyang University] 포 AT-04 (p.105) Introduction to Next Generation of VLBI Data System & Future Plan for Wide Band VLBI Observation in KVN Min-Gyu Song( 송민규 ), Jan Wagner, Jae-Hwan Yeom( 염재환 ), Tae-Hyun Jung( 정태현 ), Yong-Woo Kang( 강용우 ), Do-Young Byun( 변도영 ), Jong-Soo Kim( 김종수 ), Hyo-Ryung Kim( 김효령 )[KASI] 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 31

32 포스터발표 ( 루비 ) 천문우주관측기술 포 AT-05 (p.106) System Development of Cubsat SIGMA(KHUSAT-3) Jehyuck Shin( 신재혁 ), Seongwhan Lee( 이성환 ), Jung-Kyu Lee( 이정규 ), Hyojeong Lee( 이효정 ), Jeongho Lee( 이정호 ), Junwon Seo( 서준원 ), Youra Shin( 신유라 ), Seonyeong Jeong( 정선영 ), Junghoon Cheon( 천중훈 ), Hanjun Kim( 김한준 ), Jeonghyun Lim( 임정현 ), Junmin Lee4( 임준민 ), Ho Jin( 진호 )[KHU], Uk-Won Nam( 남욱원 )[KASI], Sunghwan Kim( 김성환 )[Cheongju University], Regina Lee[York University], Hyomin Kim( 김효민 )[Virginia Tech], Marc R.Lessard(University of New Hampshire, USA) 포 AT-06 (p.107) Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Search for Gravitational-Wave Signals Associated with Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Sang Hoon Oh( 오상훈 )[NIMS], Kyungmin Kim( 김경민 )[Hanyang University], Ian W. Harry[Syracusl University], Kari A. Hodge[California Institute of Technology], Young-Min Kim( 김영민 ), Chang-Hwan Lee( 이창환 )[PNU], Hyun Kyu Lee( 이현규 )[Hanyang University], John J. Oh( 오정근 ), Edwin J. Son[NIMS] 포 AT-07 (p.107) Non-linear Correlation Map of Auxiliary Channels using Mutual Information Coefficient John J. Oh( 오정근 ), Sang Hoon Oh( 오상훈 ), Edwin Son[NIMS], Young-Min Kim( 김영민 ), Kyungmin Kim( 김경민 )[PNU] 포 AT-08 (p.108) Preliminary Thermal Analysis of NISS onboard NEXTSat-1 포 AT-09 (p.108) Dukhang Lee( 이덕행 )[KASI/UST], Bongkon Moon( 문봉곤 ), Sung-Joon Park( 박성준 )[KASI], Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 )[KASI/UST], Jeong-Ki Suh( 서정기 )[Satellite Technology Research Center], Jeonghyun Pyo( 표정현 )[KASI], Youngsik Park( 박영식 ), Dae-Hee Lee( 이대희 ), Il-Joong Kim( 김일중 ), Won-Kee Park( 박원기 )[KASI], Kyeongyeon Ko( 고경연 )[KASI/UST], Min-Gyu Kim( 김민규 ), Uk-Won Nam( 남욱원 ), Chan Park( 박찬 )[KASI], Goo-Whan Shin( 신구환 )[Satellite Technology Research Center], Toshio Matsumoto[KASI/ASIA/JAXA], Wonyong Han[KASI/UST] CubeSat mission for a lunar magnetic field measurement 포 AT-10 (p.109) Hyojeong Lee( 이효정 ), Jung-Kyu Lee( 이정규 ), Seul-Min Baek( 백설민 ), Ho Jin( 진호 ), Kwan-Hyuk Kim( 김관혁 )[KHU], Young-Joo Song( 송영주 )[KARI] Doug Hemingway[University of California], Ian Garrick-Bethell[KHU/University of California] Measuring mid frequency error using mirror reflection test 포 AT-11 (p.109) Byeongjoon Jeong( 정병준 ), Soojong Pak( 박수종 ), Sanghyuk Kim( 김상혁 ), Kwang Jo Lee( 이광호 )[KHU] Preliminary Results of sharing and compatibility studies for WRC-15 science agenda items HyunSoo Chung( 정현수 )[KASI], Jun-Cheol Moon( 문준철 )[RRA], Dai-Hyuk YU( 유대혁 )[KRISS], Do-Heung Je( 제도흥 ), Jung-Hyun Jo( 조중현 ), Duk-Gyoo Roh( 노덕규 ), Se-Jin Oh( 오세진 ), Bong-Won Sohn( 손봉원 ), SangSung Lee( 이상성 ), Hyo-Ryung Kim( 김효령 )[KASI] 32 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

33 포스터발표 ( 루비 ) 천문우주관측기술 포 AT-12 (p.110) Optical Design of CubeSat Reflecting Telescope 포 AT-13 (p.110) Ho Jin( 진호 ), Soojong Pak( 박수종 ), Sanghyuk Kim( 김상혁 )[KHU], Youngju Kim( 김영주 )[Yunam Optics] Development of Mechanical and Control System in Medium Size(50cm~1m) Telescope Inwoo Han( 한인우 ), Jeonggyun Jang( 장정윤 ), Biho Jang( 장비호 ), Gwangdong Kim( 김광동 ), In Sung Yim( 임인성 ), Gwanghui Jeong( 정광휘 )[KASI], Dongsoo Choi( 최동수 ), Kyujung Cho( 조규정 ), Kyoung-rock Kim( 김경록 ), Hyosung Kang( 강효성 )[Justek] 포 AT-14 (p.111) 교육홍보 / 기타 Optical Multi-Channel Intensity Interferometry - or: How To Resolve O-Stars in the Magellanic Clouds Sascha Trippe, Jae-Young Kim( 김재영 ), Bangwon Lee( 이방원 ), Changsu Choi( 최창수 ), Junghwan Oh( 오정환 )[SNU] 포 AE-01 (p.119) Preliminary Result of Spectral Analysis Using Objective-Prism Plates 포 AE-02 (p.119) Wonseok Kang( 강원석 ), Sang-Gak Lee( 이상각 ), Sun-gill Kwon( 권순길 )[NYSC] Numerical Simulations for Magnetohydrodynamics based on Upwind Schemes 포 AE-03 (p.120) Assembly Process of FSMP 포 AE-04 (p.120) Hanbyul Jang( 장한별 ), Dongsu Ryu( 류동수 )[UNIST] Jihun Kim( 김지헌 ), Young-Soo Kim( 김영수 ), Je Heon Song( 송제헌 )[KASI], Myung Cho, Won Hyun Park( 박원현 )[NAOJ], Ho-Soon Yang( 양호순 ), Joohyung Lee( 이주형 )[KRISS], Ho-Sang Kim( 김호상 ), Chanhee Lee( 이찬희 ), Won Gi Lee( 이원기 ), Kyung Il Kim( 김경일 ), Kyoung-Don Lee( 이경돈 )[Institute for Advanced Engineering], Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 )[KASI] Performance test of telescopes in Busan Science High school Byulsem Observatory 포 AE-05 (p.121) La El Shin( 신라엘 ), Ji Eon Yoon( 윤지언 ), Jae Hyung Ahn( 안재형 ), Won Seok Choi( 최원석 ), Joon Young Choi( 최준영 ), Jae Jin Kim( 김재진 ), Chol U Kim ( 김철우 )[Busan Science High School], Sang Hyun Lee( 이상현 )[KASI] The 1 st Extragalactic Workshop for Korean Young Astronomers WeLove Galaxies Gwang-Ho Lee( 이광호 )[SNU], Suk Kim( 김석 )[CNU], Hyun-Jin Bae( 배현진 ), Yijung Kang( 강이정 )[Yonsei University], Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI], Eunbin Kim( 김은빈 )[KHU], Youngdae Lee( 이영대 )[CNU], Yunhee Lee( 이윤희 )[KNU], Chul Chung( 정철 )[Yonsei University], Minbae Kim( 김민배 )[KHU], Taeyang Bang( 방태양 )[KNU], Jubee Sohn( 손주비 )[SNU], Jaehyun Lee( 이재현 )[Yonsei University] 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 33

34 포스터발표 ( 루비 ) 교육홍보 / 기타 포 AE-06 (p.121) Performance test of telescopes in Busanil Science High School Observatory 포 AE-07 (p.122) Min-Uk Lee( 이민욱 ), Min Ji Kim( 김민지 ), Minki Park( 박민기 ), Jee Won Choi( 최지원 ), Hyungyu Jo( 조현규 ), Jeong Woo Son( 손정우 ), Sung Woo Nam ( 남성우 ), Jae Han Park( 박재한 )[Busanil Science High School], Sang Hyun Lee( 이상현 )[KASI] 4 th K-GMT Summer School Seeking Answers to Open Questions 포 AE-08 (p.122) IGRINS/UWIFE Joon Hyeop Lee( 이준협 ), Narae Hwang( 황나래 ), Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 ), Yee Jin Kim( 김예진 ), Jae-Joon Lee( 이재준 ), Ho-Gyu Lee( 이호규 ), Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI] Korea Young Astronomers Meeting in 12th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting Minhee Hyun ( 현민희 )[SNU], Yijung Kang ( 강이정 )[Yonsei University], Jintae Park ( 박진태 )[KNU], Jeong-Eun Heo ( 허정은 )[Sejong University], Hyeong-Sik Yun ( 윤형식 )[KHU], Sung-Ho An ( 안성호 ), Hoseung Choi ( 최호승 )[Yonsei University], Yiseul Jeon ( 전이슬 )[SNU] 포 IGR-01 (p.95) 태양 / 태양계 High Mass X-ray Binary and IGOS with IGRINS Moo-Young Chun( 천무영 )[KASI], Dae-Sik Moon( 문대식 )[Univ. of Toronto], Ueejeong Jeong( 정의정 ), Young Sam Yu( 유영삼 )[KASI], IGRINS team 포 SS-01 (p.99) Optical properties study of magnetic anomaly regions at Mare Crisium 포 SS-02 (p.99) Jung-Kyu Lee( 이정규 ), Hyojeong Lee( 이효정 ), Seul-Min Baek( 백설민 ), Khan-Hyuck Kim( 김관혁 ), Ho Jin( 진호 )[KHU], Doug Hemingway[University of California], Ian Garrick-Bethell[KHU/University of California] A model of a solar eruption affected by a solar wind Hwanhee Lee( 이환희 ), Tetsuya Magara, Jihye Kang( 강지혜 ), Inoue Satoshi, Jun-Mo An( 안준모 )[KHU] 34 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014


36 2014 년도한국천문학회가을학술대회 발표논문초록 초청강연초록 37 발표논문초록 고천문 / 고에너지천문학 / 이론천문학 72 교육홍보및기타 119 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 75 우주론 41 외부은하 / 은하단 47 천문우주관측기술 100 태양 / 태양계 96 ALMA 특별세션 116 IGRINS/UWIFE 특별세션 90 KVN 특별세션 112 항성및항성계 / 외계행성 83


38 발표논문초록 ( 초청강연 ) [ 초 IT-01] Cosmic magnetic fields in the large-scale structure of the universe Dongsu Ryu Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology Magnetic fields appear to be ubiquitous in astrophysical environments. The existence of magnetic fields in the large-scale structure of the universe has been established through observations of Faraday rotation and synchrotron emission, as well as through recent gamma-ray observations. Yet, the nature and origin of the magnetic fields remains controversial and largely unknown. In this talk, I briefly summarize recent developments in our understanding of the nature and origin of magnetic fields. I also describe a plausible scenario for the origin of the magnetic fields; seed fields were created in the early universe and subsequently amplified during the formation of the large-scale structure of the universe. I then discuss the prospect of observation of magnetic fields in the large-scale structure of the universe. 38 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

39 발표논문초록 ( 초청강연 ) [ 초 IT-02] New challenges to stellar evolution theory from supernovae Sung-Chul Yoon Seoul National University Despite the great success that stellar evolution theory have enjoyed during the last 50 years, new challenges are emerging with recent observations of supernovae: many aspects of supernovae cannot be easily explained by the standard scenarios on supernova progenitors. A few examples include the red supergiant problem - the dearth of Type IIP supernova progenitors with masses higher than about 16 Msun, the non-detection of Type Ib/c supernova progenitors despite very deep searches in pre-supernova optical images, the unexpected blue colors of some Type IIn supernova progenitors, and the exotic stellar explosions of both ultra-faint and super-luminous types that have been only recently discovered. By confronting these observations with new stellar evolution models, we are making significnt progress in better understanding the role of metallicity, rotation and binary interactions for the pre-supernova evolution of massive stars. In this talk, I will give a brief review on the recent observational constraints on supernova progenitors and a progress report on several research projects that deal with pair-instability supernovae from the local Universe, type Ib/c supernovae from massive binary systems, and some peculiar stellar explosions like SN2012Z. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 39

40 발표논문초록 ( 초청강연 ) [ 초 IT-03] Relativistic Jets as Compact Radio Sources Sang-Sung Lee Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Studies of compact radio sources since the discovery of quasars have revealed a variety of physical properties: both in morphology and kinematics from sub-parsec to Mega-parsec scales, radiation mechanisms at frequencies from the radio to γ rays, theoretical models for relativistic jets, etc. The frontier discovery of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations for the compact extragalactic radio sources have triggered the extensive studies to investigate the underlying physics of the relativistic jets. In this context, the highest resolution VLBI surveys of ultra-compact radio sources provide the potentially important statistical basis for future study. As a tool of this study, a new millimeter VLBI network in Korea, the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) will paly an important role. We present results from large VLBI surveys of compact radio sources at millimeter wavelengths and discuss the prospects with the KVN on this study. 40 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

41 발표논문초록 ( 초청강연 ) [ 초 IT-04] Gemini Observatory - a new opportunity for the Korean community Markus Kissler-Patig Gemini Observatory Through KASI, Korean astronomers will have access to the Gemini Observatory starting in Gemini operates two optical/infrared 8m-class telescopes: one on the northern hemisphere in Hawaii, one on the southern hemisphere in Chile. Both are equipped with state of the art instruments and adaptive optics systems that will be presented. Gemini also offers the opportunity for instrument development and welcomes visiting instruments. In terms of operations, Gemini offers to its partners three ways of applying for time: through semester-basis calls for standard programs, through yearly calls for Large and Long Programs, and through monthly calls for fast turnaround programs. Gemini operates in queue mode (observing for the principal investigators and allowing flexibility in the time domain), as well as in the classical visitor mode (where principal investigators come to the telescope). I will explain the requirements and advantages of all these modes as well as a full update on the Gemini Observatory. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 41

42 발표논문초록 ( 우주론 ) [ 초 CD-01] Understanding our Universe with the REFLEX II cluster survey Gayoung Chon Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Germany Clusters of galaxies provide unique laboratories to study astrophysical processes on large scales, and are also important probes for cosmology. X-ray observations are still the best way to find and characterise clusters. The extended ROSAT-ESO flux-limited X-ray (REFLEX II) galaxy clusters form currently the largest well-defined and tested X-ray galaxy cluster sample, providing a census of the large-scale structure of the Universe out to redshifts of z-0.4. I will describe the properties of the survey and the X-ray luminosity function, which led to our recent cosmological constraints on omegam-sigma8. They tighten the previous constraints from other X-ray experiments, showing good agreements with those from the Planck clusters, but some tension exists with the Planck CMB constraints. The second part of my talk will concern the structure of the local Universe, and the study of the first X-ray superclusters. The density of the clusters reveals an under-dense region in the nearby Universe, which has an interesting implication for the cosmological parameters. Using the X-ray superclusters, that are constructed with a physically motivated procedure, I will show environmental aspects that X-ray superclusters provide, and compare to cosmological N-body simulations. [ 구 CD-02] Testing Modified Gravity with the Universal Effect of Large Scale Velocity Shear on the Satellite Infall Directions Jounghun Lee 1, Yun-Young Choi 2, 1 Seoul National University, 2 Kyung-Hee University 고립된은하주위의위은하들의편향된낙하운동을보인다. 이편향성을결정하는요소는속도가위장의비등방성인데속도가위장의단축으로위은하들의낙하가일어나는관측적증거를제시하고이편향성을측정하여은하단과은하의동력학적질량을결정한후궁극적으로중력법칙을검증한다. 42 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

43 발표논문초록 ( 우주론 ) [ 구 CD-03] Neutrino mass from cosmological probes Graziano Rossi Department of Astronomy and Space Science Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu Seoul, South Korea, Neutrino science has received a boost of attention quite recently in cosmology, since the outstanding discovery in particle physics over the last decade that neutrinos are massive: pinpointing the neutrino masses is one of the greatest challenges in science today, at the cross-road between particle-physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. Cosmology offers a unique `laboratory' with the best sensitivity to the neutrino mass, as primordial massive neutrinos comprise a small portion of the dark matter and are known to significantly alter structure formation. I will first introduce a new suite of state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulations with cold dark matter, baryons and massive neutrinos, specifically targeted for modeling the low-density regions of the intergalactic medium as probed by the Lyman-Alpha forest at high-redshift. I will then present and discuss how these simulations are used to constrain the parameters of the LCDM cosmological model in presence of massive neutrinos, in combination with BOSS data and other cosmological probes, leading to the strongest bound to date on the total neutrino mass. [ 구 CD-04] How does the star formation history of cluster galaxies look like? Camilla Pacifici 1, Seulhee Oh 2, Sukyoung Yi. 2 1 Yonsei University Observatory, Seoul, South Korea 2 Yonsei University, Department of Astronomy, Seoul, South Korea We investigate the history of formation of ~400 galaxies in four Abell clusters at 0.04<z<0.1. We collect photometric (optical u, g, and r bands) and spectroscopic data from the CTIO telescope (Sheen et al. 2012) and combine them with GALEX (two ultraviolet bands) and 2MASS (near-infrared J, H, and K bands) photometric data. We fit the photometry of each galaxy using the approach developed by Pacifici et al. (2012): this consists in the bayesian analysis of the observed galaxy spectral energy distributions with a comprehensive library of synthetic spectra assembled using realistic, hierarchical star formation, and chemical enrichment histories from cosmological simulations. We constrain the star formation history of each galaxy and measure the lookback times at which the galaxies reach 50% (t_50) and 90% (t_90) of their total stellar mass. We define the ''quenching'' time as t_50 - t_90 and we explore correlations with stellar mass and colors for both currently star forming and quiescent galaxies. We will also explore the morphology and merger features of the observed galaxies, and will compare the findings with hydrodynamical simulations. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 43

44 발표논문초록 ( 우주론 ) [ 구 CD-05] A low-luminosity type-1 QSO sample Optical spectroscopic properties and activity classification Evangelia Tremou 1, Jens Zuther 2, Macarena Garcia Marin 2, Andreas Eckart 2 1 Yonsei University Observatory, 2 University of Cologne We report on the optical spectroscopic analysis of a Low Luminosity Quasi Stellar Objects (LLQSOs) sample at z 0.06 based on the Hamburg/ESO QSO survey (HES). To better relate the low-redshift Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) to the QSO population it is important to study samples of the latter type at a level of detail similar to that of the low-redshift AGN. Powerful QSOs, however, are absent at low redshifts due to evolutionary effects and their small space density. Our understanding of the (distant) QSO population is, therefore, significantly limited by angular resolution and sensitivity. The LLQSOs presented here offer the possibility to study the faint end of this population at smaller cosmological distances and, therefore, in greater detail. This, in turn, provides information about the key ingredients with respect to fueling and feedback of QSOs, and their relative importance/strength. Here, we present results of the analysis of visible wavelength spectroscopy provided by the HES and the 6 Degree Field Galaxy Survey (6dFGS). Interesting differences in the taxonomy of the sources having both types of spectra have been noticed and will be discussed. [ 구 CD-06] Topological Analysis of Large Scale Structure Using the Final BOSS Sample 최윤영 1, 김주한 2 1 경희대학교, 2 고등과학원 We present the three-dimensional genus topology of large-scale structure using the CMASS sample of the Final SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) data. To estimate the uncertainties in the measured genus, we very carefully construct mock CMASS surveys along the past light cone from the Horizon Run 3. We find that the shape of the observed genus curve agrees very well with the prediction of perturbation theory and with the mean topology of the mock surveys. However, comparison with simulations show that the observed genus curve slightly deviates from the theoretical Gaussian expectation. From the deviation, we further quantify the primordial non-gaussian contribution. 44 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

45 발표논문초록 ( 우주론 ) [ 구 CD-07] Breaking the cosmic degeneracy with the supercluster straightness Junsup Shim 1, Jounghun Lee 1, Marco Baldi 2,3,4 1 Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Korea, 2 Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna, Italy, 3 INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Italy, 4 INFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy 최근연구에서발디등은우주론적축퇴라는이슈를부각시켰다. 우주론적축퇴는실제우주가다수의대안우주론을동시에복합적으로가질때거대구조를이용한기존의통계적인방법만으로우주론을단정적으로구별해내기충분치않다는것을의미한다. 이연구에서는초은하단스파인 (spine) 의비크기 (specific size) 가우주론적축퇴를완화할수있는지조사하였다. f(r) 중력과무거운중성미자가동시에복합적으로적용되는다체수치실험의헤일로들을분석 한결과, f(r) 중력이비크기에미치는영향을최대한으로억제하는 의값이기존의통계 적인방법들에서얻은값과다름을확인하였다. 더나아가 z=0.3 이상의높은적색편이에서는 f(r) 중력과 조합한모든우주에서의초은하단평균비크기가표준우주론인 CDM 과통 계적으로유의미하게달라지는것을확인하였다. (arxiv: v1) [ 구 CD-08] Homogeneity test of large-scale structures using SDSS DR7 Luminous Red Galaxies Hwasu Hyun Kyungpook National University 우주론의표준모형에서는어느정도큰규모에서물질의분포가균일하고등방하다고가정한다. 본연구는어떤규모에서물질의분포가균일한지은하의관측자료를이용하여조사하였다. 관측자료로는 SDSS Data Release 7 의적색편이값이 0.16 에서 0.47 사이에있는 105,831 개의 LRGs 의목록을사용하였다. LRGs 의목록을이용해서일정한적색편이구간에있는은하들을택하여, 이를 2 차원면으로간주하고, 각은하를중심으로원을만들어원의면적에대한원내부에있는은하들의개수의증감을이용하여균일성을조사하였다. 정확한비교를위해 LRGs 의목록과동일한수의은하를무작위적으로뿌린 Random catalog 와표준모형을기반으로만들어진 Horizon Run 3 의 N-body simulation 의결과로부터얻어낸 halo mock catalog 를각각비교하였다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 45

46 발표논문초록 ( 우주론 ) [ 구 CD-09] Modification of a cosmological hydrodynamic code for more realistic baryonic physics Kyungwon Chun 1, Jihye Shin 2, Sungsoo S. Kim 1,3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Kalvi Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University 3 Department of Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University We aim to investigate the formation of globular clusters (GCs) in hierarchical structure of matters of Lambda cold dark matter (CDM) cosmology on detailed numerical simulations. To accomplish our research goal, we have added the following baryonic physics on the existing cosmological hydrodynamic code, Gadget-2: 1) radiative heating and cooling, 2) reionization of the Universe and UV shielding, 3) star formation, 4) energy and metallicity feedback by supernova. In addition, we included cluster formation to distinguish clustered star formation inside the very high density gas clumps from the field star formation. Our simulations cover a cubic box of a side length 4Mpc/h with 130 million particles. The mass of each particles is Msun, thus the GCs can be resolved with more than hundreds particles. We discuss various properties of the GCs such as mass function, specific frequency, baryon-to-dark matter ratio, metallicity, spatial distribution, and orbit eccentricity distribution as functions of redshift. We also discuss how the formation and evolution of the GCs are affected by UV shielding. [ 구 CD-10] Testing Gravitational Weak-lensing Maps with Galaxy Redshift Surveys: preliminary results Jongwan Ko 1, Yousuke Utsumi 2, Ho Seong Hwang 3, Ian P. Dell'Antonio 4, Margaret J. Geller 5, Soung-Chul Yang 1, Jaemann Kyeong 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), 2 Hiroshima University, Japan, 3 Korea Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), 4 Brown University, USA, 5 Smithsonian Astrophysica Observatory, USA, To measure the mass distribution of galaxy systems weak-lensing analysis has been widely used because it directly measures the total mass of a system regardless of its baryon content and dynamical state. However, the weak-lensing only provides a map of projected surface mass density. On the other hand, galaxy redshift surveys provide a map of the three-dimensional galaxy distribution. It thus can resolve the structures along the line of sight projected in the weak-lensing map. Therefore, the comparison of structures identified in the weak-lensing maps and in the redshift surveys is an important test of the issues limiting applications of weak-lensing to the identification of galaxy clusters. Geller et al. (2010) and Kurtz et al. (2012) compared massive clusters identified in a dense redshift survey with significant weak-lensing map convergence peaks. Both assessments of the efficiency of weak-lensing map for cluster identification did not draw a general conclusion, because the sample is so small. Thus, we additionally perform deep imaging observations of fields in a dense galaxy redshift survey that contain galaxy clusters at z~ , using CFHT Megacam. 46 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

47 발표논문초록 ( 우주론 ) [ 구 CD-11] Halo interactions in the Horizon run 4 simulation Benjamin L'Huillier 1, Changbom Park 1 and Juhan Kim 1,2 1 School of Physics, Korea Institute for advanced Study, 2 Center for Advanced Computation, Korea Institute for Advanced Stud Interactions such as mergers and flybys play a fundamental role in shaping galaxy morphology. We used the Horizon Run 4 cosmological N-body simulations to study the frequency and the type of halo interactions as a function of the environment, the separation p, the mass ratio q, and the target halo mass. We defined targets as haloes more massive than 10^11 Msun/h, and a target is interacting if it is located within the virial radius of a neighbour halo more massive than 0.4 times the target mass. We find that the interaction rate as a function of time has a universal shape for different halo mass and large-scale density, with an increase and saturation. Larger density yield steeper slopes and larger final interaction rates, while larger masses saturate later. Most interactions happen at large-scale density contrast δ about 10^3, regardless of the redshift. We also report the existence of two modes of interactions in the (p,q) plane, reflecting the nature (satellite or main halo) of the target halo. These two trends strongly evolve with redshift, target mass, and large-scale density. Interacting pairs have similar spins parameters and aligned spins, with radial trajectories, and prograde encounters for non-radial trajectories. The satellite trajectories become less and less radial as time proceed. This effect is stronger for higher-mass target, but independent of the large-scale density. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 47

48 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 구 GC-01] Does the linear conversion between calcium infrared triplet and metallicity of simple stellar populations hold in the whole range of metallicity? Chul Chung, Suk-Jin Yoon, Sang-Yoon Lee, and Young-Wook Lee Department of Astronomy & Center for Galaxy Evolution Research, Yonsei University The calcium infrared triplet (CaT) is one of the prominent absorption features in the infrared wavelength regime. Recently, this absorption feature has been getting attention in the prediction of metallicity of stellar populations because of its strong sensitivity to the calcium abundance and metallicity of a star. However, we find that measuring metallicity directly from CaT is very dangerous because the formation mechanism of CaT is very inefficient in the cool stars which are abundant in metal-rich populations. This characteristics of CaT make the CaT-metallicity relation to converge around ~ A in the metal-rich regime. Our results suggest that, because of the converging CaT-metallicity relation in the metal-rich regime, the metallicity of simple stellar populations greater than [Fe/H]~-0.5 is unreliable when the linear conversion between CaT and metallicity is applied to derive metallicity. Based on these results, we suggest that CaT is not a good metallicity indicator for the metal-rich stellar populations. [ 구 GC-02] Demographics of galactic bulges in the local Universe through UV and Optical windows Keunho Kim 1, Seulhee Oh 1, Hyunjin Jeong 2, and Sukyoung K. Yi 1 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Republic of Korea Bulges of galaxies are thought to have formed and grown at least in part through galaxy mergers, and thus an accurate derivation of their properties can be an effective course to test/confirm our understanding on their formation and evolution in the standard hierarchical merger paradigm. We have generated a sample of galaxy bulges (n = 15,423) in the nearby (0.005 < z < 0.05) universe from the SDSS DR7 and GALEX GR6plus7 databases and derived their structural and photometric properties by means of SExtractor and GALFIT application. Most notable properties include bulge-to-total luminosity ratio, effective radius, disk scale length, ellipticity, and position angle. The UV properties of the bulges have also been analyzed to infer their recent star formation history. A spectroscopic analysis has been performed using their absorption and emission line strengths measured and released by the OSSY team. We present our preliminary results from our investigation mainly focused on stellar population properties and discuss their implications on the formation of bulges. 48 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

49 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 구 GC-03] Morphology-Dependent Evolution of Galaxies in Mid-infrared Green Valley Gwang-Ho Lee ( 이광호 ), Myung Gyoon Lee ( 이명균 ), & Jubee Sohn ( 손주비 ) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University We investigate the evolution of galaxies in mid-infrared (MIR) color versus luminosity diagram using Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer data for member galaxies of the A2199 supercluster at. In the MIR color-luminosity diagram, we classify galaxies into three MIR classes: MIR blue cloud (massive, quiescent and mostly early-type), MIR star-forming sequence (mostly late-type), and MIR green valley galaxies. Both MIR green valley galaxies and MIR blue cloud galaxies are optically red sequence populations, and there is no significant difference in star formation rates and stellar masses between them. We compare cumulative distribution functions of surface galaxy number density and of cluster/group-centric distance between three MIR classes. However, when considering only early-type galaxies, the difference between MIR blue cloud galaxies and MIR green valley galaxies disappears. In contrast, the intermediate trend of MIR green valley galaxies is still found for late-type galaxies. We discuss our results concerning the difference of evolution between early- and late-type galaxies and the connection to environment. [ 구 GC-04] HST Study of ESO 149-G003, a nearby dwarf irregular galaxy Mina Pak 1,2, Sang Chul Kim 1,2, Soung-Chul Yang 2,3, Jaemann Kyeong 2, Ashish Raj 2 1 Korea University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon, , Korea, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), Daejeon , Korea, 3 The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science, 813 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena, CA 91101, USA We study the resolved stellar populations of ESO149-G003, a nearby dwarf irregular galaxy in the vicinity of the Sculptor group. We present F606W-F814W vs. F814W colour magnitude diagrams (CMDs) obtained from HST/ACS archival data. We analyze the stellar content of ESO149-G003, as well as the spatial distribution of stars selected from stellar isochrone fitting analysis. Distance measurement using the tip of the red giant branch method, age measurement of various populations seen in the CMD, and isochrone fitting result will be shown and discussed. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 49

50 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 구 GC-05] A Multi-wavelength Study of a Pair of Interacting BCDs : ESO 435-IG20 and ESO 435-IG16 Jinhyub Kim 1, Aeree Chung 1, Eon-Chang Sung 2, and Lister Staveley-Smtih 3 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 3 International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, University of Western Australia Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies (BCDs) are low-mass galaxies with recently enhanced star formation activity. Since the discovery of old stellar population in the BCDs, a number of hypotheses have been suggested as the origin of the current active star formation. One theory is tidal interactions such as fly-by and merger. In this study we test this hypothesis using a pair of BCDs, ESO 435-IG20 and ESO 435-IG16 that are separate by only ~80 kpc in projection at a similar redshift (at a ~9 Mpc distance). In the HIPASS survey, intergalactic atomic hydrogen envelope has been found to be covering both galaxies, making the pair a good candidate for the case where the star formation has been triggered by tidal interaction. We probe the gas morphology and kinematics of the BCD pair using ATCA HI data in order to find the evidence of tidal interaction. We also estimate star formation rates in the pair based on Hα emission and UV continuum, and compare with other dwarf galaxies to investigate how responsible the tidal interaction is for the enhanced star formation in this case. 50 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

51 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 구 GC-07] New Galaxy Catalog of the Virgo Cluster Suk Kim 1, Soo-Chang Rey 1, Helmut Jerjen 2, Thorsten Lisker 3, Eon-Chang Sung 4, Youngdae Lee 1, Jiwon Chung 1, Mina Pak 5, Wonhyeong Yi 1, and Woong Lee 1 1 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungnam National University, Korea, 2 Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Australia National University, Australia, 3 Astronomishes Rechen-Institut, Zentrum fur Astronomie der Universitat Heidelberg (ZAH), Germany, 4 Korea Astronomy Space Science Institure, Korea, 5 University of Science & Technology (UST), Korea We present a new catalog of galaxies in the wider region of the Virgo cluster, based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7. The Extended Virgo Cluster Catalog (EVCC) covers an area of 725 deg2 or 60.1 Mpc2. It is 5.2 times larger than the footprint of the classical Virgo Cluster Catalog (VCC) and reaches out to 3.5 times the virial radius of the Virgo cluster. We selected 1324 spectroscopically targeted galaxies with radial velocities less than 3000 km s 1. In addition, 265 galaxies that have been missed in the SDSS spectroscopic survey but have available redshifts in the NASA Extragalactic Database are also included. Our selection process secured a total of 1589 galaxies of which 676 galaxies are not included in the VCC. The certain and possible cluster members are defined by means of redshift comparison with a cluster infall model. We employed two independent and complementary galaxy classification schemes: the traditional morphological classification based on the visual inspection of optical images and a characterization of galaxies from their spectroscopic features. SDSS u, g, r, i, and z passband photometry of all EVCC galaxies was performed using Source Extractor. We compare the EVCC galaxies with the VCC in terms of morphol- ogy, spatial distribution, and luminosity function. The EVCC defines a comprehensive galaxy sample covering a wider range in galaxy density that is significantly different from the inner region of the Virgo cluster. It will be the foundation for forthcoming galaxy evolution studies in the extended Virgo cluster region, complementing ongoing and planned Virgo cluster surveys at various wavelengths. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 51

52 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 구 GC-08] Spectroscopy of Globular Clusters in the Core of the Virgo Cluster Youkyung Ko 1,Ho Seong Hwang 2,Myung Gyoon Lee 1 Jubee Sohn 1,Sungsoon Lim 1,Hong Soo Park 3 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University 2 School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study 3 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute The Virgo cluster, the nearest galaxy cluster, is dynamically young, hosting numerous globular clusters in galaxies as well as intracluster globular clusters (IGCs). We obtained spectra of globular cluster candidates in the core region of the Virgo cluster using Hectospec at MMT to study the kinematics of the globular clusters. The targets are located at a large range (50 kpc < d < 500 kpc) from M87, the most massive galaxy in Virgo. We distinguish the genuine globular cluster population in the targets by inspecting their spectral features and radial velocities. As a result, a significant number of IGCs are found. We present preliminary results of the kinematics of globular clusters in the Virgo core region. [ 구 GC-09] Discovery of an Ultra Faint Dwarf Galaxy in the Virgo Core In Sung Jang and Myung Gyoon Lee Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University Ultra faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs) are larger but fainter than globular clusters, being the faintest galaxies in the universe. They have been found only in the Local Group. We report the discovery of an UFD in the intracluster field of the Virgo cluster (Virgo UFD1). It is located near the core of Virgo cluster, and far from any massive galaxies. The color magnitude diagram of resolved stars in Virgo UFD1 shows narrow, metal poor red giant branch (RGB), which is very similar to the UFDs in the Local Group. by comparing RGB in this galaxy with 12 Gyr stellar isochrones, we estimate its distance, d = 16.4 ± 0.4 Mpc and mean metallicity, [Fe/H] = -2.4 ± 0.4. We derive its integrated photometric properties and structural parameters : V-band absolute magnitude of MV = -6.3 ± 0.2, effective radius of 84 ± 7 pc, and central surface brightness of μv,0 = ± 0.09 mag arcsec-2. These properties are similar to these of Local Group UFDs. Virgo UFD1 is the first UFD discovered beyond the Local Group. These results indicate that it may be a fossil remnant of the first galaxies. 52 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

53 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 구 GC-10] The Relationship Between Bright Galaxies and Their Faint Companions in Abell 2744, an Ongoing Cluster-Cluster Merger Hye-Ran Lee 1,2, Joon Hyeop Lee 1,2, Minjin Kim 1,2, Chang Hee Ree 1, Hyunjin Jeong 1,2, Jaemann Kyeong 1, Sang Chul Kim 1,2, Jong Chul Lee 1, Jongwan Ko 1, Byeong-Gon Park 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 University of Science and Technology, It is widely accepted that the evolution of galaxies is accelerated in dense environments. According to recent studies, however, the evolution by direct interactions between galaxies is known to be most active in a galaxy group rather than in a galaxy cluster. In particular, the central galaxy in a group is closely related to its satellites in the properties such as morphology, color and star formation rate, because those galaxies evolve together in a small-scale environment. Currently, however, it is not yet studied well whether such conformity between bright galaxies and their faint companions remains after a galaxy group falls into a galaxy cluster. Recently, Lee et al. (2014) have found that the colors of bright galaxies show a measurable correlation with the mean colors of faint companions around them in WHL J , a galaxy cluster at z = 0.3, which may be the vestige of infallen groups in the cluster. As a follow-up study, we study Abell 2744, an ongoing cluster-cluster merger at z = 0.308, using the HST Frontier Fields Survey data. The cluster members are selected based on the distributions of color, size and concentration along magnitude. The correlation in color between bright galaxies and their companions is not found in the full area of Abell However, when the area is limited to the southeastern part of the Abell 2744 image, the mean color of faint companions shows marginal dependence ( > 2σ to Bootstrap uncertainties) on the color of their adjacent bright galaxy. We discuss the implication of these results, focusing on their dependence on local environments. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 53

54 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 구 GC-11] A Progress Report on the MMT/Hectospec Observation for M81 Fields Jubee Sohn 1, Youkyung Ko 1, Sungsoon Lim 1, In Sung Jang 1, Myung Gyoon Lee 1, Narae Hwang 2, Sang Chul Kim 2, and Hong Soo Park 2 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute The M81 group is a nearby galaxy group hosted by M81, a twin galaxy of Milky Way. This galaxy group is considered as an ideal laboratory for near-field cosmology to understand mass assembly and evolution of galaxies in the group environment. We designed a project to investigate spectroscopic properties of globular cluster candidates in this group. We obtained spectra of globular cluster candidates using the MMT/Hectospec as a part of the K-GMT Science Program. Our main targets include globular cluster candidates of the M81 group member galaxies and those wandering in the intragroup region. We also observed supernova remnants and some background galaxies. Observing fields covered about 2 square degrees including three main galaxies of the M81 group. Using these spectra, we will identify globular clusters in the M81 group, and investigate their properties including age and metallicity. We will discuss the MMT/Hectospec data reduction processes, and future plan for this project. [ 구 GC-12] The Mid-IR Properties of Early Type Galaxies with Positive Optical Color Gradients Jintae Park 1,2 and Hyunjin Shim 3 1 Dept. of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyungpook National University, 2 Research and Training Team for Future Creative Astrophysicists and Cosmologists (BK21 Plus Program), 3 Dept. of Earth Science Education, Kyungpook National University Radial color gradient of early type galaxies (ETGs) is a key tool for studying the evolution of these galaxies. In this work, we investigated whether ETGs having negative or positive color gradients show any distinguishable characteristics in the galaxy properties. We selected sample of 211 ETGs at 0.01 < z < 0.5 in the Spitzer FLS field, then we constructed u-r color gradients. We obtained the stellar mass, specific star formation rate and fluxes of emission lines of each ETG from MPA-JHU DR7 catalog. Spitzer IRAC and MIPS 24 micron data were used to detect dust emission from the ETGs. Preliminary result shows that less massive galaxies are likely to have positive color gradients, which is probably due to the ongoing star formation in the galaxy core. Almost all AGNs have negative color gradients. This probably is because AGNs are located in relatively massive galaxies with little ongoing star formation. There exists a marginal difference in the percentage of galaxies with PAH emission between ETGs having positive color gradient and negative color gradient. This also supports that ETGs with positive color gradient are galaxies having enhanced star formation. 54 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

55 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 초 GC-13] Testing Weak-Lensing Maps of Galaxy Clusters with Dense Redshift Surveys Testing Weak-Lensing Maps of Galaxy Clusters with Dense Redshift Surveys Ho Seong Hwang 1,2, Margaret J. Geller 1, Antonaldo Diaferio 3,4, Kenneth J. Rines 5, H. Jabran Zahid 1 1 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 2 Korea Institute for Advanced Study, 3 Universit`a degli Studi di Torino, 4 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, 5Western Washington University We use dense redshift surveys of nine galaxy clusters at z ~ 0.2 to compare the galaxy distribution in each system with the projected matter distribution from weak lensing. By combining 2087 new MMT/Hectospec redshifts and the data in the literature, we construct spectroscopic samples within the region of weak-lensing maps of high (70 89%) and uniform completeness. With these dense redshift surveys, we construct galaxy number density maps using several galaxy subsamples. The shape of the main cluster concentration in the weak-lensing maps is similar to the global morphology of the number density maps based on cluster members alone, mainly dominated by red members. We cross correlate the galaxy number density maps with the weak-lensing maps. The cross correlation signal when we include foreground and background galaxies at 0.5zcl < z < 2 zcl is 10-23% larger than for cluster members alone at the cluster virial radius. The excess can be as high as 30% depending on the cluster. Cross correlating the galaxy number density and weak-lensing maps suggests that superimposed structures close to the cluster in redshift space contribute more significantly to the excess cross correlation signal than unrelated large-scale structure along the line of sight. Interestingly, the weak-lensing mass profiles are not well constrained for the clusters with the largest cross correlation signal excesses (>20% for A383, A689 and A750). The fractional excess in the cross correlation signal including foreground and background structures could be a useful proxy for assessing the reliability of weak-lensing cluster mass estimates. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 55

56 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 구 GC-14] Gemini/GMOS Observation of Extended Star Clusters in Dwarf Irregular Galaxy NGC 6822 Narae Hwang 1, Hong Soo Park 1, Myung Gyoon Lee 2, Sungsoon Lim 2, Paul W. Hodge 3, Sang Chul Kim 1, Bryan Miller 4, Daniel Weisz 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Seoul National University, 3 University of Washington, USA, 4 Gemini Observatory, Chile We present a spectroscopic study of NGC 6822 extended star clusters (ESCs) based on the observation with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph on the Gemini-South 8.1 m telescope. The radial velocities of four ESCs do not display any sign of systematic motion, unlike the intermediate age carbon stars in NGC The ages and metallicities derived using the Lick indices show that the ESCs are old (>=8 Gyr) and metal poor ([Fe/H] <= 1.5). NGC 6822 is found to have both metal poor ([Fe/H] 2.0) and metal rich ([Fe/H] 0.9) star clusters within 15 (2 kpc) from the center, whereas only metal poor clusters are observed in the outer halo with r >= 20 (2.6 kpc). Based on the kinematics, old ages, and low metallicities of ESCs, we discuss the possible origin of ESCs and the formation of the outer halo of a small dwarf irregular galaxy NGC6822 [ 구 GC-15] Role of environment in the origin of early-type dwarf galaxies Sanjaya Paudel Korea astronomy and space science institute (KASI) Role of environments is one of today s most widely discussed and debated topic in the field of extra-galactic astronomy. Extreme morphology-density relations found in low-mass galaxies are considered to be the result of an effective role played by environment in the evolution of these galaxies. I will present the results from our dedicated study of early-type dwarf galaxies (des) in different environments using imaging and spectroscopic data. We find that Virgo cluster des have a variety of structural and kinematic properties. A significant fraction of des possesses disk features, such as spiral arm and bar, while a central nucleus seems to be universal in these low mass galaxies. We also find that a majority of des are fast rotator and their rotation curves are much steeper than that of spiral galaxies of similar mass. Finally I will discuss how the different environmental mechanisms, i.e., gas-stripping or tidal interaction, can contribute to form heterogeneous des in Virgo cluster. 56 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

57 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 구 GC-16] Quenching in massive halos at z=2 Raphael Gobat 1,2 1 Korea Institute for Advanced Study, 2 CEA Saclay Although the growth of structure, as traced by galaxy clusters, has been extensively studied through cosmological simulations and large-scale surveys, the early formation and evolution of their galaxy content, and its relation to the transformation of the host environment, are still somewhat poorly understood. This is particularly true of the processes that give rise to the quiescent galaxy population between z=3 and z=2. Recent discoveries at z~2 are now bridging the gap between the well-established massive clusters of the last 9 Gyr and the high-redshift universe, and new datasets are now giving us access to statistical populations of intermediate-mass structures at this epoch. I will discuss the properties of quiescent galaxies in the most distant confirmed X-ray detected galaxy clusters, their implications for galaxy quenching at high-redshift as well as the regulation of star formation at group scales at z~2. [ 구 GC-17] On dark matter haloes of barred disc galaxies Bernardo Cervantes Sodi 1, Cheng Li 2, Changbom Park 1, Lixin Wang 2 and Ye Lin 2 1 School of Physics, Korea Institute for advanced Study, 2 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory We present an extensive study of the environment of galaxies with bars in the low-redshift Uni- verse, using a volume-limited sample of over 30,000 galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, with visually-determined morphological classifications and bar identifications. We use four different statistics to quantify the environment of our galaxies: the projected two-point cross-correlation function with respect to a spectroscopic sample of reference galaxies, the background- subtracted number count of galaxies in a deep photometric sample in the vicinity of our galaxies, the overdensity of the local environment estimated at ~3 Mpc scale from the three- dimensional reconstruction of the cosmic density field of the local Universe, and the membership of our galaxies in the SDSS galaxy groups to segregate central to satellite systems. We find a weak, but significant trend for early-type galaxies with a bar to be more strongly clustered on scales from a few 100 kpc to 1 Mpc, when compared to early-type galaxies without a bar. For late-type galaxies, we find less neighbours within 50 kpc around the barred late-types when compared to the unbarred late-types. For late-type galaxies we also detect a decrease of the bar fraction for dark matter dominated systems, and finally we find no obvious correlation between the overdensity and the fraction of barred galaxies in our sample. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 57

58 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 구 GC-18] Change of Intrinsic Brightness Temperatures of Compact Radio Jets Sang-Sung Lee Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute We present results of our investigation of intrinsic brightness temperatures of compact radio jets at radio frequencies. The intrinsic brightness temperatures of about 100 compact radio jets at 2, 5, 8, 15, and 86 GHz are estimated based on large VLBI surveys conducted in (or in 1996 for the 5 GHz sample). The multi-freqeuncy intrinsic brightness temperatures of the sample of the jets are determined with a statistical method relating the observed brightness temperatures with the maximal apparent jet speed, assuming one representative intrinsic brightness temperature for the sample at each observing frequency. With investigating the observed brightness temperatures at 15 GHz in multiple epochs, we found that the determination of the intrinsc brightness temperature for our sample is affected by variability of individual jets in flux density at the time scales of a few years. This implies an importance of contemporaneity of the multi-frequency VLBI observations for the statistical method. Since our analysis is based on the VLBI observations conducted in , the results are less affected by the flux density variability. We found that the intrinsic brightness temperature T0 increases as with below a critical frequency GHz where energy losses begin to dominate the emission, and above the critical frequency, decreases with supporting for the decelerating jet model. [ 구 GC-19] Red AGNs becoming normal AGNs Dohyeong Kim 1, Myungshin Im 1, E. Glikman 2, Jong-HakWoo 1, T. Urrutia 3 1 Seoul National University, KOREA, 2 Middlebury College, USA, 3 Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam, GERMANY Red active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are supposed to be transitional objects becoming normal AGNs in the galaxy evolution scenario. So far, ~200 red AGNs have been found by very red color in optical through NIR wavelength (e.g., r -K >5 and J-K >1.3; Urrutia et al. 2009). Here, we compare nuclear activities of the red AGNs to those of normal AGNs to verify the evolutionary phase of the red AGNs. In order to study the nuclear activities of the red AGNs, we use broad emission lines of Pβ (1.28 μm) of which flux is less suppressed by a factor of 100 than the Hβ line in the case of the red AGNs with a color excess of E(B-V)=2 mag. We use 16 red AGNs discovered in previous red AGN surveys by using SDSS, 2MASS, and FIRST (Glikman et al. 2007; Urrutia et al. 2009) at z ~0.7 for which Pβ lines are redshifted to the sky window at ~2.2μm. The mean Eddington ratio of the 16 red AGNs is 0.562, and that of the normal AGNs is 0.320, which indicates the red AGNs include more active black hole (BH) than the normal AGNs. To test how significantly the nuclear activities of the red AGNs and the normal AGNs are different, we perform a two-dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (K-S test) on their Eddington ratio distributions. The K-S test shows the maximum deviation between the cumulative distributions, D, is 0.48, and the probability of null hypothesis, p, is even less than This result is consistent with a picture of that the red AGNs are in intermediate phase between the stage of merger-driven starburst galaxy and the normal AGN. 58 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

59 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 구 GC-20] A Census of Ionized Gas Outflows in Local Type-2 AGNs Hyun-Jin Bae 1 and Jong-Hak Woo 2 1 Dept. of Astronomy and Center for Galaxy Evolution Research, Yonsei University 2 Astronomy Program, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University Energetic gas outflows from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) may have a crucial role in galaxy evolution. In this contribution, we present a census of ionized gas outflows using a large sample (~23,000) of local (z < 0.1) type-2 AGNs selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR 7. By measuring the velocity offset of narrow emission lines, i.e., [O III] λ5007 and the Balmer lines, with respect to the systemic velocity measured from the stellar absorption lines, we find ~47% of AGNs showing an [O III] line-of-sight velocity offset 20 km s-1. The fraction in type-2 AGNs is similar to that in type-1 AGNs after considering the projection effect. AGNs with larger [O III] velocity offsets, in particular with no or weak Hα velocity offsets, tend to have higher Eddington ratios, implying that the [O III] velocity offset is related to on-going black hole activity. Also, we find the different distributions of the host galaxy inclination between the AGNs with blueshifted [O III] and the AGNs with redshifted [O III], supporting the model of biconical outflow with dust obscuration. Meanwhile, for ~3% of AGNs, [O III] and Hα exhibit comparable large velocity offsets, suggesting a more complex gas kinematics than decelerating outflows in the narrow-line region. [ 구 GC-21] COCOA: The CO-evolution of cluster COres and the AGNs of central galaxies Junhyun Baek 1, Aeree Chung 1, Evangelia Tremou 1, Bongwon Sohn 2, Taehyun Jung 2, Hyunwook Ro 1,2 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute We present the results of the KVN observations of central galaxies in cool-core and non cool-core clusters. The goal is to study how cooling environments affect the AGN activities in the core where their host galaxies are embedded. From the HIghest FLUx Galaxy Cluster Sample (HIFLUGCS), we have selected 19 radio bright AGNs located in the center of clusters with various cooling timescale. In our pilot study, we have obtained 22 and 43 GHz fluxes and morphologies of the sample using the Korean VLBI network. We find that 22/43 GHz fluxes do not strongly depend on the presence of a cool gas flow. However, an intriguing fact is that most AGNs in the cool-core clusters show the hint of a pc-scale jet component while the ones in the non cool-core clusters do not. Based on these results, we discuss the role of cooling flows in the central cluster AGNs and their co-evolution. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 59

60 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 구 GC-22] Gas outflow in BLR of low-redshift AGNs. Jaejin Shin 1, Jong-Hak Woo 1, and Tohru Nagao 2 1 Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Republic of Korea 2 Research Center for Space and Cosmic Evolution, Ehime University, Bunkyo-cho 2-5, Matsuyama, Ehime , Japan AGN feedback has been believed as playing an important role in the galaxy-super massive black hole (SMBH) co-evolution. AGN gas outflow can lead to AGN feedback. We investigate gas outflow of low-redshift AGNs by using blue shift/asymmetric index (BAI), and velocity offset of CIV line. By comparing these gas outflow indicators (BAI and velocity offset) to AGN properties (i.e., SMBH mass, bolometric luminosity, and Eddington ratio) and BLR gas metallicity, we find positive correlations among outflow, Eddington ratio, and metallicity. These relations are consistent with those observed at high-redshift. We discuss the possibility of the connection between previous star formation with current AGN accretion and outflow. [ 구 GC-23] The environment dependences of quasar properties in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Hyunmi Song and Changbom Park School of Physics, Korea Institute for advanced Study We study the environmental dependences of various quasar properties using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). For an environmental indicator, we construct the galaxy number density field from the latest data (Data Release 12) of Constant MASS (CMASS) galaxies of SDSS in the redshift range 0.46<=z<=0.59. The galaxy number density field is determined by searching the 20 nearest galaxies from each grid point. For quasars, we use the fifth edition of the SDSS Quasar Catalog made by Schneider et al. (2010) and the catalog of properties for the quasars by Shen et al. (2011). We find environmental dependences of quasar properties as a function of the galaxy number density. This will help us to understand the evolution of quasars with their environment, which will be useful to improve modeling Active Galactic Nuclei feedback in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. 60 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

61 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 포 GC-01] Multifrequency polarization monitoring of a blazar 3C279 Sincheol Kang 1, Sang-Sung Lee 1, Do-young Byun 1, and Myounghee Han 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute In the center of an Active Galactic Nuclei(AGN) is a supermassive black hole which accretes matter from its surroundings. The radio-loud AGN launch two relativistic jets perpendicular to the accretion disk which terminates into radio lobes located up to megaparsec away. Blazars form a small subset of radio-loud AGNs with one of two relativistic jets pointing toward the observer s line of sight. Many blazars often show flares at different frequencies. And these flares at different frequencies are known that they often correlate with each other. In 2013 December, there was a gamma-ray flare in 3C 279, one of the brightest blazars, Dec So we want to reveal that whether this flare correlates with radio flare or not, and where the flare originate. With polarization observation at radio frequencies, we can study the physical properties of the magnetic field in the innermost regions of the relativistic jets. Therefore, we have conducted polarization monitoring of this source from Dec to Jun with KVN(Korea VLBI Network) radio telescopes at 22, 43 and 86GHz. Here we present the initial results of the monitoring of 3C 279. We prospect that we can reveal the origin of this gamma-ray flare by comparing with our radio data. [ 포 GC-02] Hierarchical Structure of Star-Forming Regions in the Local Group Yongbeom Kang 1, Luciana Bianchi 2, Jaeman Kyeong 1, Hyunjin Jeong 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Department of physics and astronomy, Johns Hopkins University Hierarchical structure of star-forming regions is widespread and may be characteristic of all star formation. We studied the hierarchical structure of star-forming regions in the Local Group galaxies (M31, M33, Phoenix, Pegasus, Sextans A, Sextans B, WLM). The star-forming regions were selected from Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) far-uv imaging in various detection thresholds for investigating hierarchical structure. We examined the spatial distribution of the hot massive stars within star-forming regions from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) multi-band photometry. Small compact groups arranged within large complexes. The cumulative mass distribution follows a power law. The results allow us to understand the hierarchical structure of star formation and recent evolution of the Local Group galaxies. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 61

62 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 포 GC-04] CO gas properties of a H2O detected star forming region in IC 10. Seongjoong, Kim 1, Bumhyun, Lee 1, Se-Heon, Oh 2, Aeree, Chung 1, Soo-Chang, Rey 3, Teahyun, Jung 4, Miju, Kang 4 1 Yonsei University, Korea, 2 University of Western Australia, Australia, 3 Chungnam National University, Korea, 4 Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute, Korea IC 10 is one of the most well-known irregular starburst dwarf galaxies in the Local Group. Its low metal and oxygen abundance together with proximity make it an excellent laboratory to test star formation models, especially in low-metallicity systems like galaxies in the early Universe as well as many other local dwarfs. Among a number of active star forming regions, we have detected H2O kilo-maser emission in the south-east region of IC 10(IC 10 SE) using the Korean VLBI Network(KVN). This maser line is likely to be associated with a giant molecular cloud identified in IC 10 SE by former CO studies. Using the HI and CO data from the VLA and SMA archive, we probe the atomic and molecular gas properties of IC 10 SE. We discuss how the cool gas morphology and kinematics are related with maser and star formation activity in IC 10 SE. [ 포 GC-05] Nuclear star formation in galaxies due to non-axisymmetric bulges Eunbin Kim 1, Sungsoo S. Kim 1,2, Gwang-Ho Lee 3, Myung Gyoon Lee 3, Richard de Grijs 4 and Yun-Young Choi 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Dept. of Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University, 3 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, 4 Kavli Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics and Dept. of Astronomy, Peking University A non-axisymmetric mass distribution of galactic structures including bulge (or bar) causes gas inflow from the disk to the nuclear region, including intense star formation within few hundred parsecs of galactic central. In order to investigate the relation between the ellipticity of the bulge and the presence of a nuclear starburst, we use a volume-limited sample of galaxies with Mr < 19.5 mag at 0.02 < z < 0.05 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7. Total sample is 3252 spiral galaxies, which include nuclear starburst galaxies. We find that the occurrence of nuclear starbursts has a moderate correlation with bulge ellipticity of intermediate-type spiral galaxies (morphology classes Sab Sb) in low galaxy number density environments and isolated regions where the distance between the target galaxies and the closest galaxies is relatively far. In high galaxy number density environments and interacting regions, close encounters and mergers between galaxies can cause gas inflow to the nuclear region even without the presence of non-axisymmetric bulges. 62 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

63 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 포 GC-06] Investigating the Non-linearity Effect on the Color-to-Metallicity Conversion of Globular Clusters Hak-Sub Kim and Suk-JinYoon Dept of Astronomy & Center for Galaxy Evolution Research, Yonsei University Metallicity distribution of globular clusters (GCs) provides an important clue for star formation history of their host galaxy. With an assumption that GCs are generally old, GC colors have been used as a proxy of GC metallicities. Bimodal GC color distributions observed in most large galaxies have, for decades, been interpreted as bimodal metallicity distributions, indicating the presence of two populations within a galaxy. However, the conventional view has been challenged by a new theory that non-linear GC color-metallicity relations (CMRs) can cause a bimodal color distribution even from a single-peaked metallicity distribution. Using the photometric and spectroscopic data of NGC 5128 GCs in combination with stellar population simulation models, we examine the effect of non-linearity in GC CMRs on the transformation of GC color distributions into metallicity distributions. Although, in some colors, offsets are present between observations and models in the CMRs, their overall shape agrees well for various colors. After the offsets are corrected, the observed spectroscopic metallicity distribution is well reproduced via modeled CMRs from various color distributions having different morphologies. On the other hand, the linearly converted metallicity distributions from GC colors show a significant discrepancy with the observed spectroscopic metallicity distribution. We discuss the implications of our results. [ 포 GC-07] High frequency VLBI imaging of OVV Hyunwook Ro 1,2, Bong Won Sohn 2, Aeree Chung 1, Thomas Krichbaum 3 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Korea 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 3 Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Germany A relativistic jet associated with active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is almost ubiquitous while its formation mechanism is still not well understood. To get a deeper understanding of how an AGN jet forms and evolves, we have obtained Very Large Baseline Array (VLBA) data of a compact and optically violent variable quasar, OVV which is a small line-of-sight angle version of Fanaroff-Reily type 2 galaxy. Before our data were taken, a pronounced flare had been reported at mm wavelengths, making this object an excellent laboratory to study detailed properties of a radio jet powered by an AGN. The target have been observed in 12 epochs between 2002 and 2005 at 22, 43 and 86 GHz in full polarization mode. Among these observations, in this work, we present 43 GHz total intensity maps of our target for three epochs to discuss kinematics and geometry of the jet. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 63

64 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 포 GC-08] IAn Automatic Measurement Method for the Galaxy Disk Warp and its Application to SDSS Stripe 82 Galaxies Jun-Sung Moon, Jeonghwan H. Kim, Woongbae Jee, and Suk-Jin Yoon Department of Astronomy and Center for Galaxy Evolution Research, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea The galaxy disk warp is a common phenomenon, yet their properties and formation mechanism(s) are still unclear. Here, we introduce a new automatic measurement method for the warp properties of stellar disks in nearby edge-on galaxies, including warp s angle, shape, and asymmetry. We obtain isophotal maps of edge-on galaxies and express each of isophote contours in polar coordinates (Φ, R) centered on the galaxy centers. Two peaks in the Φ-R diagram correspond to the outermost tips of each isophote. The locations of peaks, in turn, inform us of the misalignment between their inner and outer galactic planes, i.e., the warp. We apply this method to SDSS Stripe 82 co-added data and discuss its reliability and validity. Based on the measurement of warp properties, we also investigate their correlations with both intrinsic and environmental properties of warped galaxies. [ 포 GC-09] The study of SN2014J using the high-resolution spectra. Keun-Hong Park 1, Hyung Mok Lee 1, Sung-Chul Yoon 1, Hyun-Il Sung 2, Sang-Gak Lee 3 1 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 3 National Youth Science Center We observed a bright type Ia Supernovae SN 2014J located in the nearby starburst galaxy M82 using BOES (Bohyunsan Optical Echelle Spectrograph) for eight nights from day 11 (Jan. 22) to day +102 (May. 15) with respect to maximum brightness in B-band. We found the lines formed in the ejecta such as Si (6300A ), whose velocity is more than 10,000km/s respect to the host galaxy as well as those formed in the circumstellar material (e.g. Na I D [5890A, 5896A ], 100km/s) Also, we found other weak iron (5780A, 5797A, 6376A, 6613A, and 7543A ), carbon (8059A ) and other unknown elements. These lines are also thought to have been formed in circumstellar material. We expect that this study will contribute to revelation of the nature of the progenitor stars. 64 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

65 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 포 GC-10] A Study on the Star-forming Dusty Elliptical Galaxy, NGC 855 Sung-Joon Park 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 1,2, Kwang-il Seon 1,2, Minjin Kim 1, Jongwan Ko 1, Pamela Marcum 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea, 2 University of Science and Technology, Korea, 3 NASA Ames Research Center, USA We study the dust and star-formation characteristics of a nearby dwarf elliptical galaxy, NGC 855. With various archival data from ultraviolet to far-infrared, we build up the spectral energy distribution (SED) that can give us constraints on stellar populations, dust characteristics, star-formation history, etc. From GALEX and SDSS data, slightly de-centered bluer central core is confirmed, where star formation might take place. This regions is coincident with seemingly dis-integrated cores detected by Spitzer IRAC data and with bright Hα feature observed at ground-based telescope. The PACS and SPIRE data by Herschel Space Observatory show the dominant dust features at the center. Lastly, we propose necessary follow-up observations with ground-based telescopes to investigate spectral properties of NGC 855. [ 포 GC-11] Classifying and analyzing galaxy pairs by their interacting features Tae-yang Bang 1,2, Myeong-Gu Park 1,2 and Changbom Park 3 1 Dept. of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyungpook National University 2 Research and Training Team for Future Creative Astrophysicists and Cosmologists (BK21 PLUS) 3 Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul , Korea; Interacting galaxy pairs are important for study of galaxy evolution. We selected 8,542 interacting galaxy pairs out of 593,514 KIAS-VAGC galaxy sample with 0.02 < z < and r_mag <17.6. We then classified by their interacting features into 6 types by visual inspection. We focused on two types whose spiral tidal features extend to the center of early type galaxy (ETG) or to the edge of ETG. We compared galactic parameters of these two types with those of entire 8,542 pairs as well as between the two types. Preliminary result shows both types are very close pairs (projected distance ~ 20 kpc). Spiral galaxies in the center type are more massive but less bright than those in edge type. ETGs in the edge type are brighter but not more massive than those in the center type. The center type has a mass ratio 3.4 times greater than the edge type, but the edge type has a higher angular momentum than the center type. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 65

66 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 포 GC-12] Spatial distrbibution of star formation in extremely strong Hα emitters Hyunjin Shim 1 and Ranga Ram Chary 2 1 Department of Earth Science Education, Kyunpook National University, Daegu, Korea, 2 Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/Caltech, CA91125 We present Palomar/SWIFT integral field spectroscopy of z~0.2 strong Hα emitters identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The large Halpha equivalent widths as well as the huge specific star formation rates of these galaxies are comparable with that of z>4 Lyman break galaxies, thus understanding the gas kinematics and the distribution of massive stars in these systems will help to obtain a better understanding of high-redshift star forming environments and the growth of massive galaxies. We measure the velocity dispersion across the entire galaxy, estimate the number density and the spatial distribution of massive stars from the emission line morphologies. The role of minor mergers in powering star formation is investigated as an alternative to cold flow driven star formation. [ 포 GC-13] Unstructured Moving-Mesh Hydrodynamic Simulation Kiyun Yun 1, Juhan Kim 2 and Suk-Jin Yoon 1 1 Department of Astronomy and Center for Galaxy Evolution Research, Yonsei University 2 Korea Institute for Advanced Study We present a new hydrodynamic simulation code based on the Voronoi tessellation for estimating the density precisely. The code employs both of Lagrangian and Eulerian description by adopting the movable mesh scheme, which is superior to the conventional SPH (smoothed particle hydrodynamics) and AMR (adaptive mesh refinement) schemes. The code first generates unstructured meshes by the Voronoi tessellation at every time step, and then solves the Riemann problem for all surfaces of each Voronoi cell so as to update the hydrodynamic states as well as to move current meshes. Besides, the IEM (incremental expanding method) is devised to compute the Voronoi tessellation to desired degree of speed, thereby the CPU time is turned out to be just proportional to the number of particles, i.e., O(N). We discuss the applications of our code in the context of cosmological simulations as well as numerical experiments for galaxy formation. 66 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

67 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 포 GC-14] The Environments of the Most Massive Galaxies and Black Holes Yongmin Yoon, Myungshin Im CEOU/Astronomy Program, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University We study the environment of the most massive galaxies and the most massive black holes. We use SDSS DR7 data, the catalog from Simard et al. (2011), Mendel et al. (2014), and KIAS value-added galaxy catalog (Choi et al. 2011). Currently, we investigate the number density as an environment around each galaxy. Number densities are measured by 5 th and 10 th nearest photometric galaxies within 7000km/s from the spectroscopic galaxies. The most massive galaxies (M>10 12 M ) or black holes (M~10 10 M ) tend to reside in very dense regions in comparison with less massive ones. We also present the research plan and future work. [ 포 GC-15] Size measurements of galaxies in the nearby clusters (z<0.2) using the GALAPAGOS Jae Hyung Lee, Gwang-Ho Lee, and Myung Gyoon Lee Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University The size evolution of galaxies is one of the fascinating issues in these days. It is known that the size of a galaxy is closely related to other galactic properties, such as the central surface brightness, stellar mass, and redshift. However, we need to measure the sizes of galaxies precisely to understand those relations. We determine the sizes of early-type galaxies in the nearby clusters (z<0.2) using the GALAPAGOS. The GALAPAGOS is a tool which provides surface photometry for multiple sources, which make it fast and convenient to deal with huge image data. We run the GALAPAGOS individually to the Subaru/Suprime-Cam and the HST/ACS images for the same targets. We present and discuss the result of our size measurements for further applications. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 67

68 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 포 GC-16] Substructures of Galaxy Cluster Abell 2537 Jong Chul Lee 1 & Ho Seong Hwang 2,3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 3 Korea Institute for Advanced Study Abell 2537 has been regarded as one of relaxed galaxy clusters because the X-ray emission is regular and symmetric, while there is also evidence to the contrary that the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) is offset from the velocity center. To investigate the dynamical state of A2537 we obtain the redshift information of cluster galaxy candidates using Hectospec mounted on the MMT 6.5 m and compile those in the literature. The velocity distribution of member galaxies appears bimodal, with the main peak including the BCG and a secondary peak at velocity difference ~2000 km s-1. Based on the three-dimensional analysis and statistical tests we conclude that A2537 has at least two substructures and is not fully relaxed from a merger near the line-of-sight. We discuss more about the dynamical state of A2537 based on the color-magnitude diagram and X-ray scaling relation. [ 포 GC-17] On the Origin of the Oosterhoff Dichotomy among Globular Clusters and Dwarf Galaxies Sohee Jang, Young-Wook Lee, Seok-Joo Joo, Chongsam Na Center for Galaxy Evolution Research and Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea The presence of multiple populations is now well-established in most globular clusters in the Milky Way. In light of this progress, here we suggest a new model explaining the origin of the Sandage period-shift and the difference in mean period of type ab RR Lyrae variables between the two Oosterhoff groups. In our models, the instability strip in the metal-poor group II clusters, such as M15, is populated by second generation stars (G2) with enhanced helium and CNO abundances, while the RR Lyraes in the relatively metal-rich group I clusters like M3 are mostly produced by first generation stars (G1) without these enhancements. This population shift within the instability strip with metallicity can create the observed period-shift between the two groups, since both helium and CNO abundances play a role in increasing the period of RR Lyrae variables. The presence of more metal-rich clusters having Oosterhoff-intermediate characteristics, such as NGC 1851, as well as of most metal-rich clusters having RR Lyraes with longest periods (group III) can also be reproduced, as more helium-rich third and later generations of stars (G3) penetrate into the instability strip with further increase in metallicity. Therefore, although there are systems where the suggested population shift cannot be a viable explanation, for the most general cases, our models predict that the RR Lyraes are produced mostly by G1, G2, and G3, respectively, for the Oosterhoff groups I, II, and III. 68 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

69 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 포 GC-18] Core-Collapse Supernovae in Spiral Galaxy M74 and the Hubble Constant In Sung Jang and Myung Gyoon Lee Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University M74 is a nearby face-on spiral galaxy that hosts three core-collapse supernovae (SNe) : SN Ic 2002ap, SN II-P 2003gd, and SN II-P 2013ej. Therefore it is an ideal target to investigate the properties of the core-collapse SNe and to improve the calibration of Type II-P SNe as a standardizable candle. However, its distance is not well known. We present a new distance estimate to M74 based on the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB). From the photometry of archival F555W and F814W images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope, we derive the TRGB to be at ITRGB = ± 0.02 and the distance modulus to be ± 0.04 (random) ± 0.12 (systematic) (corresponding to a linear distance, ± 0.14 ± 0.56 Mpc). With this result, we calibrate the standardized candle method of SNe II-P. From the absolute magnitude of SN 2003gd corrected for its expansion velocity and reddening, we derive the value of the Hubble constant, H0 = 72 ± 6 ± 7 km s-1 Mpc-1. It is in agreement with the uncertainty with the recent estimates based on the luminosity calibration of Type Ia SNe. [ 포 GC-19] Identification of High Frequency Peakers with long-term monitoring observation at 22 and 43 GHz Yongjin Jeong 1,2, Bong Won Sohn 2 and Aeree Chung 1 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute High Frequency Peakers (HFPs) are radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), which are regarded as being in the earliest evolutionary phase ( years) of radio galaxies. They are expected to be small in size (< ~1 kpc) compared to their host galaxies (~a few 10s kpc), and have convex spectra, which are peaking at high radio frequency (> 5 GHz). Their size and spectral shape are the most obvious supporting evidence of extremely young ages. HFPs are therefore ideal targets to probe the earliest stage of radio sources. To date however, the young radio source classification has been relying mainly on the spectral shape which usually does not cover high enough frequencies where the true peak flux is located. Hence HFPs are often confused with blazars which may show a similar spectral shape and apparent compactness but are a somewhat evolved form of AGNs. Therefore, we have been challenging to identify HFPs among the sample of 19 candidates using the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) which enables us to extend the radio spectrum baseline up to 22 and 43 GHz. These are higher than the frequencies used in most previous studies of HFPs, allowing us to select genuine HFPs. By long-term monitoring of 18 epochs, we have also inspected the variability of the sample to select out blazars which are highly variable yet with a similar radio spectrum. In this work, we present the light curves and spectral properties of the HFP candidates. We discuss the results of our re-identification of HFPs. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 69

70 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 포 GC-20] Gas and Stellar Kinematics of 9 Pseudo Bulge Galaxies Kooksup Jo & Jong-Hak Woo Seoul National University We present the spatially resolved kinematics of ionized gas and stars along the major axis of 9 pseudo bulge galaxies. Using the high quality long-slit spectra obtained with the FOCAS at the Subaru telescope, we measured the flux, velocity, and velocity dispersion of the [OIII] and H lines to determine the size of the narrow-line region, rotation curve, and the radial profile of velocity dispersions. We compare ionized gas kinematics and stellar kinematics to investigate whether ionized gas shows any signs of outflows and whether stars and ionized gas show the same sigma-dip feature (i.e., decrease of velocity dispersion) at the very center. [ 포 GC-21] Hubble Space Telescope's Near-IR and Optical Photometry of Globular Cluster Systems in the Fornax and Virgo Clusters of Galaxies Hyejeon Cho 1, John P. Blakeslee 2, and Young-Wook Lee 1 1 Department of Astronomy and Center for Galaxy Evolution Research, Yonsei University, Korea, 2 Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada (NRC-HIA), Canada We present space-based near-ir (NIR) and optical photometry of globular clusters (GCs) of 16 early-type galaxies in the Fornax and Virgo Clusters. The NIR imaging data for the nearby galaxies was acquired with the IR Channel of the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3/IR) in the F110W (J 110 ) and F160W (H 160 ) bandpasses. We introduce the full sample of our WFC3/IR program, describe data reductions and photometric measurements including GC candidate selection criteria, and then show selected GCs color-magnitude diagrams. The tilted features in the diagrams related to the morphological types of host galaxies are discussed in the context of galaxy formation and evolution histories. Combining F475W (g 475 ) and F850LP (z 850 ) data taken from the Advanced Camera for Surveys Virgo and Fornax Cluster Surveys with our NIR data, we investigate the bimodality in optical-nir color distribution and the nonlinear feature of the optical-nir color relation as a function of optical color for these extragalactic GC systems. 70 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

71 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 포 GC-22] Unveiling the Lens Galaxy of FLS : A Galaxy-Galaxy Gravitational Lens System Yoon Chan Taak and Myungshin Im Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe, Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University We analyze a newly discovered galaxy-galaxy scale gravitational lens system, FLS in the Spitzer First Look Survey (FLS) field. A background galaxy (z = 0.245) is severely distorted by a foreground galaxy (z = 0.08), via gravitational lensing. We analyze this system by several methods, including surface brightness fitting (Galfit and Ellipse), gravitational lens modeling (gravlens), and spectral energy distribution fitting (Magphys). From Galfit and Ellipse we measure properties of the lens galaxy, such as the effective radius and the average surface brightness inside it, the ellipticity, and the position angle. gravlens gives us the total mass inside the Einstein radius (R Ein ), and Magphys provides us an estimate of the stellar mass inside R Ein. By comparing these obtained parameters, we confirm that the lens galaxy is an elliptical galaxy on the Fundamental Plane, and calculate the stellar mass function inside R Ein, and discuss the implications of the results regarding the initial mass function. [ 포 GC-23] Galaxy Clusters in ELAIS-N1 field Minhee Hyun 1, Myungshin Im 1, Jae-Woo Kim 1, Seong-Kook Lee 1,Alastair C. Edge 2 and IMS team 1 CEOU/Astronomy Program, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA 2 Institute for Computational Cosmology, Department of Physics, University of Durham, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK Galaxy clusters, the largest gravitationally bound systems, are an important means to place constraints on cosmological models. Moreover, they are excellent places to test galaxy evolution models in connection to the environments. To this day, massive clusters have been found unexpectedly(kang & Im 2009, Durret et al. 2011, Tashikawa et al. 2012) and evolution of galaxies in cluster have been still controversial (Elbaz et al. 2007, Cooper et al. 2008, Tran et al. 2009). Finding galaxy cluster candidates in a wide, deep imaging survey data will enable us to solve the such issues of modern extragalactic astronomy. We have used multi-wavelength data from the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Deep Extragalactic Survey (UKIDSS DXS/J and K bands), Spitzer Wise-area InfraRed Extragalactic survey (SWIRE/two mid-infrared bands), the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (PAN-STARRS/ g, r, i, z, y bands) and Infrared Medium-deep Survey(IMS/J band). We report new candidates of galaxy clusters and properties of their member galaxies in one of the wide and deep survey fields ELAIS-N1, European Large Area ISO Survey North1, covering sky area of deg. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 71

72 발표논문초록 ( 외부은하 / 은하단 ) [ 포 GC-24] A pilot study on the radio flux variability of dwarf galaxies Ji-hye Hwang 1, Jon-Hak Woo 2, Taehyun Jung 3, Aeree Chung 4, Sascha Trippe 2, Junhyun Baek 4, Taeseok Lee 2, Dawoo Park 2 1 Sejong University, 2 Seoul National University, 3 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, 4 Yonsei University The black hole occupation fraction in dwarf galaxies can provide an important clue for understanding the black hole seed formation. As a pilot feasibility study, we performed a KVN radio monitoring campaign over 8 months for 4 dwarf galaxies. Two galaxies (IC10 and NGC1569) are detected at 22 GHz, respectively with 39 mjy, 83 mjy. The measured flux (rms) variability is 13% and 8%, respectively for IC10 and NGC1569, while the mean flux uncertainty is 25% and 12%. Thus, the detection of the radio flux variability is at best marginal. Detecting flux variability of faint sources (i.e., 22 GHz flux < 200 mjy) seems challenging with the KVN single dishes. Combining with the 1.4 GHz flux measurements from the NVSS, we find that these two galaxies have a steep spectrum, supporting that the radio sources are AGNs. Instead of a monitoring, single-epoch multi-band observations can be effective for identifying radio AGNs by providing the constraint of the radio continuum slope. [ 포 GC-25] The main sequence of star forming galaxies at intermediate redshift SALMI Fadia 1,2 1 KIAS, 2 CEA Saclay The goal of my study consists at attempt to understand what are the main processes at the origin of the star formation in the galaxies over the last 10 billions years. While it was proposed in the past that merging of galaxies has a dominant role to explain the triggering of the star formation in the distant galaxies having high star formation rates. In the opposite, more recent studies revealed scaling laws linking the star formation rate in the galaxies to their stellar mass or their gas mass. The small dispersion of these laws seems to be in contradiction with the idea of powerful stochastic events due to interactions, but rather in agreement with the new vision of galaxy history where the latter are continuously fed by intergalactic gas. I was especially interested in one of this scaling law, the relation between the star formation (SFR) and the stellar mass (M*) of galaxies, commonly called the main sequence of star forming galaxies. I have studied this main sequence, SFR-M*, in function of the morphology and other physical parameters as the radius, the colour, the clumpiness. The goal was to understand the origin of the sequence s dispersion related to the physical processes underlying this sequence in order to identify the main mode of star formation controlling this sequence. This work needed a multi-wavelength approach as well as the use of galaxies profile simulation to distinguish between the different galaxy morphological types implied in the main sequence. 72 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

73 발표논문초록 ( 고천문 / 고에너지 / 이론 ) [ 구 HA-01] The Change of the Timekeeping system( 時刻制度 ) before and after the solar calendar in Korea GoEun Choi 1,2, Young Sook Ahn 2 1 University of Science & Technology, Daejeon Korea, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon Korea. eun19831@kasi.re.kr In the Joseon Dynasty, A day divided into 100 gak ( 刻, approximately a quarter) or 12 Sijin ( 時辰, double hours) that was composed of half-sijin as Cho ( 初, beginnings of double hours) and Jeong ( 正, mid-points double hours). The timekeeping system was changed from 100 gak to 96 gak with using shíxiàn calendar ( 時憲曆 ) in And then 12 Sijin was changed to the 24-hours system in the same manner as current with the enforcement of the solar calendar ( 太陽曆 ) in We examine the record of the timekeeping system and notation of hours from the astronomical almanacs and official gazettes during 50 years after The Korean Empire Government first adopted the standard meridian of the Gyeongseong (former name of the Seoul in Korea) in However the mean solar time was applied to the almanac since After 1896, the year of enforcement of the solar calendar, the expression of times on a Korean almanac was written with O-jeon ( 午前, morning) and O-hu ( 午後, afternoon). The definition of 1day 24-hours system was first stated by the legislation in The expression of times was used 24 hours without O-jeon and O-hu in In daily life, the 24-hours system has used in parallel with 12-hours system divided into morning and afternoon even today. [ 구 HA-02] Public Outreach of Science with Big History Gahye Kim 1, Sungsoo S. Kim 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University 빅히스토리 ( 거대사 ) 는빅뱅부터생명과인류의등장, 그리고문명에이르기까지인문학과자연과학을모두아우르는융합학문분야로, 최근들어중등및고등교육기관교육자들의관심을차츰받고있는분야이다. 미국에서는현재빌게이츠의지원아래 빅히스토리프로젝트 를운영하며중등학교교사들이이용할수있는자료를구축하고제공하는등활발한교육및연구가이루어지고있지만, 아직우리나라에서는관련연구가교육이활발히이루어지고있지는않다. 이번연구에서우리는 1) 빅히스토리프로젝트, 2) 새로운모습으로올해소개된다큐멘터리 코스모스, 3) 빅히스토리관련서적들의콘텐츠를정리하고, 이들을시대별, 주제별, 그리고소주제별로분류하여얼마나다양한방법으로접근할수있는지보일것이다. 향후에는이콘텐츠를대학의교양교육과정에서어떻게이용할수있는지를제시하는것이목표이다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 73

74 발표논문초록 ( 고천문 / 고에너지 / 이론 ) [ 구 HA-03] Deflection of Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays by the Galactic Magnetic Field Jihyun Kim 1, Hang Bae Kim 2 and Dongsu Ryu 1 1 Department of Physics, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology 2 Department of Physics, Hanyang University We investigate the influence of the galactic magnetic field (GMF) on the arrival direction (AD) of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) by searching the correlation with the large-scale structure (LSS) of the universe. The deflection angle of UHECRs from sources by the GMF is reflected in a source model by introducing the Gaussian smearing angle as a free parameter. Assuming the deflections by the GMF are mainly dependent on the galactic latitude, b, we divide the regions of sky by b and analyze the correlation between the AD of UHECRs and the LSS of the universe in each region varying the smearing angle. We find the deflection is strongly dependent on the galactic latitude by the maximum likelihood estimation. Specifically, the best-fit smearing angles are 9 and 84 in the high galactic latitude (HGL), -90 <b<-60, and in the low galactic latitude (LGL), -30 <b<30, respectively. The strength of GMF becomes stronger from the HGL to the LGL. From the results, we can estimate the strength of GMF in each region. In the LGL, for example, if we assume UHECRs are protons, we have the order of 100 μg GMF, which is much stronger than the expected value of conventional GMF model. However, if the primaries are heavy nuclei, which is consistent with the observational result of mass composition analysis, the order of GMF strength is a few μg. More data from the future experiments make it possible to study the GMF between the source of UHECRs and Earth more accurately. [ 구 HA-04] Insights on the rotation measure of the M87 jet on arc-second scales Juan-Carlos Algaba 1, Keiichi Asada 2, Masanori Nakamura 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics We investigate the rotation measure (RM) of the nearby low luminosity AGN M87 by using archival polarimetric VLA data at 8, 15, 22 and 43 GHz. For the first time, the RM properties of its jet are resolved at at arc-second scales. The distribution of the RM appears to be a gaussian with a mean value of ~200rad/m2 and the power spectrum follows a power law with index A simple Kolmogorov model assuming a random turbulent magnetic fields extrinsic to the jet appears not to be adequate to explain the observed RM power spectra. On the other hand, underlying RM gradients possibly connected with the jet could be a possible interpretation. 74 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

75 발표논문초록 ( 고천문 / 고에너지 / 이론 ) [ 구 HA-05] Radiation Driven Warping of Circumbinary Disks around Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Active Galactic Nuclei Kimitake Hayasaki 1, Bong Won Sohn 1,2, Atsuo T. Okazaki 3, Taehyun Jung 1, Guangyao Zhao 1 and Tsuguya Naito 4 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daedeokdaero 776, Yuseong, Daejeon , Korea, 2 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Science and Technology, 217 Gajeong-ro,, Daejeon, Korea, 3 Faculty of Engineering, Hokkai-Gakuen University, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo , Japan, 4 Faculty of Management Information, Yamanashi Gakuin University, Kofu, Yamanashi , Japan We study a warping instability of a geometrically thin, non-self-gravitating disk surrounding binary supermassive black holes on a circular orbit. Such a circumbinary disk is subject to not only tidal torques due Line 8 to the binary gravitational potential but also radiative torques due to radiation emitted from each accretion disk. We find that a circumbinary disk initially aligned with the binary orbital plane is unstable to radiation-driven warping beyond the marginally stable warping radius, which is sensitive to both the ratio of vertical to horizontal shear viscosities and the mass-to-energy conversion efficiency. As expected, the tidal torques give no contribution to the growth of warping modes but tend to align the circumbinary disk with the orbital plane. Since the tidal torques can suppress the warping modes in the inner part of circumbinary disk, the circumbinary disk starts to be warped at the radii larger than the marginally stable warping radius. If the warping radius is of the order of 0.1 pc, a resultant semi-major axis is estimated to be of the order of 10-2 pc to 10-4 pc for 107 Msun black hole. We also discuss the possibility that the central objects of observed warped maser disks in active galactic nuclei are binary supermassive black holes with a triple disk: two accretion disks around the individual black holes and one circumbinary disk surrounding them. [ 구 HA-06] Scaling law in MHD turbulence small-scale dynamo Kiwan Park and Dongsu Ryu Department of physics and astronomy, UNIST Magnetohydrodynamics(MHD) dynamo depends on many factors such as viscosity γ, magnetic diffusivity η, magnetic Reynolds number Re M, external driving source, or magnetic Prandtl number Pr M. Pr M, the ratio of γ to η (for example, galaxy ~10 14 ), plays an important role in small scale dynamo. With the high Pr M, conductivity effect becomes very important in small scale regime between the viscous scale (k γ ~Re 3/4 k f k f :forcing scale) and resistivity scale (k η ~PrM 1/2 k γ ). Since η is very small, the balance of local energy transport due to the advection term and nonlocal energy transfer decides the magnetic energy spectra. Beyond the viscous scale, the stretched magnetic field (magnetic tension in Lorentz force) transfers the magnetic energy, which is originally from the kinetic energy, back to the kinetic eddies leading to the extension of the viscous scale. This repeated process eventually decides the energy spectrum of the coupled momentum and magnetic induction equation. However, the evolving profile does not follow Kolmogorov s -3/5 law. The spectra of EV (~k -4 ) and EM (~k 0 or k -1 ) in high Pr M have been reported, but our recent simulation results show a little different scaling law (E V ~k -3 -k -4, EM~k -1/2 -k -1 ). We show the results and explain the reason. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 75

76 발표논문초록 ( 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 ) [ 구 IM-01] Optical Long-slit Spectroscopy of Parsec-scale Jets from DG Tau Heeyoung Oh 1,2, Tae-Soo Pyo 3, In-Soo Yuk 2, Byeong-Gon Park 2 1 University of Science & Technology, 2 Korea Astronomy & Science Institute, 3 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan We present the result of a long-slit spectroscopic study of DG Tau, which is known to emanate parsec-scale outflows. To study the kinematics and physical properties of the jet, we obtained the optical emission lines of Hα, [OI], [NII], and [SII] from HH 158 and HH 702 using the long-slit spectrograph at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomical Observatory. HH 158 shows the peak radial velocity in a range of ~ to - 30 km s-1. HH 702, located at 11ʹ away from DG Tau shows the velocity of ~ - 80 km s-1. The proper motion velocities of detected knots are estimated through the comparisons with the locations of those knots in the previous studies. We also examine the variations of physical parameters depending on the velocity distribution and the distance from the source using line ratio maps derived from obtained forbidden emission lines. [ 구 IM-02] Chemical Differentiation of C 34 S and N 2 H + in Dense Starless Cores Shinyoung Kim 1, Chang Won Lee 2,3, Jungjoo Sohn 1, Gwanjeong Kim 2,3, and Mi-Ryang Kim 2,4 1 Korea National University of Education, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 3 University of Science & Technology, 4 Chungbuk National University CS molecule as an important tracer for studying inward motions in dense cores is known to be adsorbed onto dusts in cold (T~10K) dense cores, resulting in its significant depletion in the central region of the cores which may hamper a proper study of kinematics stage of star formation. In this study we choose five evolved dense starless cores, L1544, L1552, L1689B, L694-2 and L1197, to investigate how depletion of CS molecule is significant and how the molecule differentiates depending on the evolutional status of the dense cores, by using a rare isotopomer C34S. We performed mapping observations in C34S (J=2-1) and N2H+ (J=1-0) with Nobeyama 45 m telescope, and compared 850 μm continuum data as a reference of the density distribution of the dense cores. Our data confirm the claim that CS molecule generally depletes out in the central region in dense starless cores, while N2H+ keeps abundant as they get evolved. All of integrated intensity maps show 'semi-ring-like' depletion holes in CS, and all of abundance radial profiles show decrease toward center. The CS depletion and molecular chemical differentiation seems to depend on the evolutional status in dense cores. The evolved cores shows low abundance at both central and outer regions, implying that in the case of highly evolved cores CS freeze-out occurs over the most area of the cores. 76 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

77 발표논문초록 ( 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 ) [ 구 IM-03] Near-IR study of Nova V2468 Cyg Ashish Raj 1, N. M. Ashok 2, D. P. K. Banerjee 2, Sang Chul Kim 1 and Mina Pak 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, Korea. 2 Physical Research Laboratory, Nvarangpura, Ahmedabad, India. We present near-infrared spectroscopic and photometric observations of the nova V2468 Cyg taken from 2008 March 14 till 2008 November 11 following its outburst on 2008 March 7. The JHK spectra of the nova have been taken from the Mount Abu Infrared Observatory using the Near-Infrared Imager/Spectrometer. The early spectra are dominated by strong H I lines from the Brackett and Paschen series, Fe II, O I and C I lines, typical of Fe II type novae but after 46 days from outburst there is significant reduction in the strength of the C I lines and the spectra are dominated by He I lines. The FWHM of the Pa-beta and Br-gamma lines change from km s 1 to km s 1 after 12 days from outburst. Three additional small amplitude outbursts are seen near 110, 185 and 240 days in the V band light curve after the discovery. The upper limit for the ejecta mass for V2468 Cyg is estimated to be Msun. [ 구 IM-04] Improved dynamical modeling of the Arches cluster Joowon Lee 1, Sungsoo S. Kim 1,2 and Jihye Shin 3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University 3 Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University The Arches cluster is one of the compact, young, massive star clusters near the center of our galaxy. Since it is located only ~30 pc away in projection from the galactic center (GC), the cluster is an excellent target for studying the effects of star forming environment on, for example, the initial mass function under the extreme condition of GC. To estimate the initial condition of the Arches cluster, we compare our calculation results from the anisotropic Fokker-Planck method with the most recent observational data sets for the surface density and velocity dispersion profiles and the present-day mass function. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 77

78 발표논문초록 ( 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 ) [ 구 IM-05] Wiggle Instability of Magnetized Spiral Shocks Yonghwi Kim and Woong-Tae Kim CEOU, Astronomy Program, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University Galactic spiral arms are abundant with interesting gaseous substructures. It has been suggested that arm substructures arise from the wiggle instability (WI) of spiral shocks. While the nature of the WI remained elusive, our recent work without considering magnetic fields shows that the WI is physically originated from the accumulation of potential vorticity (PV) generated by deformed shock fronts. To elucidate the characteristics of the WI in more realistic galactic situations, we extend our previous linear stability analysis of spiral shocks by including magnetic fields. We find that magnetic fields reduce the amount of density compression at shocks, making the shock fronts to move toward the upstream direction. Magnetic tension forces from bent field lines stabilize the WI by prevent the generation of PV. When the spiral-arm forcing is F=5% of the centrifugal force of galaxy rotation, the maximum growth rate of the WI is found to be about 1.0, 0.4, and 0.2 times the orbital angular frequency for the plasma parameter β=100, 10, and 5, respectively. Shocks with β=1 are stable to the WI for F=5%, while becoming still unstable when F=10%. [ 구 IM-06] Tracing Metallicity in the Scenario of High Velocity Clouds (HVCs) Colliding with our Milky Way Kwang Hyun Sung ( 성광현 ), Kyujin Kwak ( 곽규진 ) Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST, 울산과학기술대학교 ) Questions of how our Milky Way evolves through the interaction with its environment have been constantly raised. One particularly interesting question is how the metallicity would change as our Milky Way goes through collision with HVCs. Because of the possibility of HVCs providing fuel for star formation in the Galactic disk, we simulate the collision between HVCs and the Galactic disk. More specifically, we trace how the Galactic metallicity changes throughout the process of HVCs colliding with our Milky Way based upon a specific scenario that HVCs are primordial gas left-overs from an ancient galaxy formation. Such mixing between metal-rich gas (disk) and metal-poor HVC can be traced by running numerical simulations with the FLASH code due to its capability of tracking down the abundance change of a specific element such as carbon at each time step of the hydrodynamic evolution. As for now, we give how this mixing depends on model parameters that we choose such as collision speed, initial metallicities, temperature and so on. 78 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

79 발표논문초록 ( 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 ) [ 포 IM-02] Instability of Magnetized Ionization Fronts Woong-Tae Kim and Jeong-Gyu Kim CEOU, Astronomy Program, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University An ionization front (IF) surrounding an H II region is a sharp interface through which a cold neutral gas makes transition to a warm ionized phase by absorbing UV photons from central massive stars. We investigate the structure and instability of a plane-parallel D-type IF threaded by magnetic fields parallel to the front. We find that magnetic fields increase the maximum propagation speed of the IFs, while reducing the expansion factor, defined as the density ratio of neutral to ionized phases. IFs become unstable to distortional perturbations due to gas expansion across the fronts, exactly analogous to the Darrieus-Landau instability of ablation fronts in terrestrial flames. The growth rate of the IF instability is proportional linearly to the perturbation wavenumber as well as the upstream flow speed. The IF instability is stabilized by gas compressibility and becomes completely quenched when the front is D-critical. The instability is also stabilized by magnetic pressure when the perturbations propagate in the direction perpendicular to the fields. When the perturbations propagate in the direction parallel to the fields, on the other hand, it is magnetic tension that reduces the growth rate, completely suppressing the instability when β <1.5, with β denoting the square of the ratio of the sound speed to the Alfven speed in the pre-if region. When the front experiences an acceleration, the IF instability cooperates with the Rayleigh-Taylor instability to make the front more unstable. We discuss potential effects of IF instability on the evolution and dynamics of IFs in the interstellar medium. [ 포IM-03] Paschen α Galactic Plane Survey with MIRIS: the Preliminary Results for l= Il-Joong Kim 1, Jeonghyun Pyo 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 1, Wonyong Han 1, Won-Kee Park 1, Dukhang Lee 1, Bongkon Moon 1, Sung-Joon Park 1, Youngsik Park 1, Dae-Hee Lee 1, Kyeongyeon Ko 1, Kwang-Il Seon 1, Min Gyu Kim 2, Hyung Mok Lee 2, Toshio Matsumoto 3,4, 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Seoul National University 3 Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, 4 Institute of Space & Astronautical Science/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency MIRIS (Multi-purpose Infrared Imaging System) is the primary payload on the Korean science and technology satellite, STSAT-3, which was launched on 2013 November 21. It is designed to observe the near-infrared sky with a field of view and a pixel resolution. Using two narrow-band filters at 1.88 μm (Pa α line) and μm (Pa α dual continuum), the Paschen α Galactic plane survey has been carrying out, and the area for the Galactic longitude from +280 to +100 (with the width of 3 < b < +3 ) has been covered by 2014 August 31. In this contribution, we present the preliminary results of the MIRIS Paschen α emission maps and compare them with other wavelength maps such as H α and dust maps. Many of the Paschen α features have been detected along the plane, and some of them are weak or invisible in the H α map and coincide well with dense cloud regions. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 79

80 발표논문초록 ( 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 ) [ 포 IM-04] Near-IR Polarimetric Study of N159/160 Star-Forming Regions Jaeyeong Kim 1, Soojong Pak 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 2, Won-Kee Park 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea We present the result of near-infrared (near-ir) imaging polarimetry of star-forming regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We compiled near-ir photometric and polarimetric data of N159/160 regions. The photometric and polarimetric data were simultaneously obtained in J, H, and Ks bands using SIRPOL, an imaging polarimeter of the InfraRed Survey Facility (IRSF), in 2007 February. We measured Stokes parameters of point-like sources to derive their degree of polarization and polarization position angles. In this poster, we present polarization properties of these star-forming regions. We also discuss the polarization structure in these regions compared with mid-infrared dust emission structure from the Spitzer SAGE survey. [ 포 IM-05] Pulsar observations in mm-wavelengths Chunglee Kim 1 Kyung-Hee University, 2 KISTI Galactic radio pulsar population is diverse. So far about 2300 radio pulsars are known in the Milky Way, in addition to Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. Radio pulsar observations at a few hundreds MHz up to ~10 GHz have been active and they are proved to be fruitful. Low frequencies are preferred mainly because of the steep ratio spectrum of pulsars. However, developments in pulsar backends (e.g. a wide-band spectrometer) and improved system sensitivities make it possible to observe pulsars at higher frequencies using large, single-dish telescopes up to ~18 GHz. Going forward, mm-wavelength observations is expected to open a new window in pulsar astronomy. In particular, frequencies well above ~15 GHz are pre-requisite to detect pulsars in the Galactic Center where radio pulsed signals are severely scattered by interactions with the interstellar medium. Recent discoveries strongly imply that there are subsets of pulsars with an apparently flat spectrum, such as magnetars. In April 2014, the first pulsar (magnetar) was discovered only 3 arcmin from Sgr A*, PSR J We will present a brief overview on pulsar populations focusing on those observable at high frequencies. We will also discuss prospects of pulsar observations in mm-wavelengths and how we can utilize the Korean VLBI network. 80 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

81 발표논문초록 ( 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 ) [ 포 IM-06] Simultaneous Surveys of 22 GHz Water and 44 / 95 GHz Class I Methanol Masers toward High-Mass Protostellar Objects. Chang-Hee Kim 1,2,Kee-Tae Kim 1 Young-Sun Park 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Hwaam-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon , Korea, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Hwaam-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon , Korea We made simultaneous surveys of 22 GHz water and 44 / 95 GHz methanol masers toward 299 high-mass protostellar objects using the Korea VLBI Network (KVN) 21-m telescope. The sources were selected from the catalog of Red MSX Source (RMS) survey. Initial selection of the sample present high-mass protostellar objects in an evolutionary phase prior to ultra-compact HII regions, which have bolometric luminosities > 10 3 L but are not associated with any radio continuum emission. After the follow-up work of ongoing RMS survey, final samples contains 56 sources classified as HII regions. We performed a simultaneous survey of 22 GHz water and 44 GHz methanol masers in 2011 and then conducted a simultaneous survey of 22 GHz water and 44 / 95 GHz methanol masers in The primary scientific goals of these surveys are to investigate the relationship among the three masers and to explore the relationship between each maser and the central star or the parental dense core. The detection rates of two epochs are 42% and 38% for water, 25% and 26% for 44 GHz methanol, and 23% (2012 only) for 95 GHz methanol masers. We performed a statistical analysis on subsample associated with a large data found in literature. In this poster, we will the preliminary data analysis results and discuss the implications. [ 포 IM-07] High Resolution Optical Spectra of HBC 722 Sunkyung Park 1, Jeong-Eun Lee 1, Wonseok Kang 2, Hyun-Il Sung 3, Sang-Gak Lee 2, Joel D. Green 4, and William D. Cochran 4 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 National Youth Space Center 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 4 Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin We present the results of high resolution (R>35,000) optical spectroscopic monitoring observations of a new FU Orionis-like young stellar object, HBC 722. We observed HBC 722 with the Bohyunsan Optical Echelle Spectrograph (BOES) and Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) since November 26, HBC 722 is the FU Orionis-like object best characterized for the pre-outburst phase, and it provides the first opportunity to profile the burst phase of accretion across all wavelengths. We detected a number of lines such as Hα, Hβ, Fe II λ 5018, Mg I λ 5183, Na I D doublets, and metallic photospheric lines. In this work, we focus on the time variations of those spectral lines to understand the accretion process of HBC 722. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 81

82 발표논문초록 ( 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 ) [ 포 IM-08] PDR Model : Test and fit observed data Obtained by Herschel PACS Hyeong-Sik Yun, Jeong-Eun Lee, Seokho Lee Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University We utilized a 2-D PDR code developed by Lee et al. (2014) to explore the observed OH line fluxes toward embedded protostars. This 2-D PDR code combines self-consistently the FUV radiative transfer, gas-energetics, chemistry, and line radiative transfer. We modeled two sources, GSS30-IRS1 and Elias29, which show conspicuous line emission in the Herschel/PACS wavelength range. The physical and chemical structure for a given embedded source was derived by fitting the PACS CO line fluxes. After exploring various parameter spaces, we conclude that IR-pumping effect either by the central IR source and dust in-situ is insignificant for OH emission, unlike previous studies. We here present a possible solution for the observed OH fluxes, which require a high OH abundance and temperature at the inner-part of the UV heated cavity wall. [ 포 IM-09] Far-ultraviolet study of the local supershell GSH Young-Soo Jo 1,2, Kyoung-Wook Min 1, Kwang-Il Seon 2 1 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) We have analyzed the archival data of far ultraviolet (FUV) observations made for the region of GSH , a large shell-like structure discovered by Moss et al. (2012) from the H I velocity maps. FUV emission is seen enhanced in the lower supershell region and is believed to originate from dust scattering of interstellar photons. A corresponding Monte Carlo simulation indicates that the supershell is located at a distance of pc, similar to the previous estimation of 1.5±0.5 kpc based on kinematic considerations. The spectrum obtained for the lower supershell exhibits molecular hydrogen fluorescence lines: a simulation model for this candidate photodissociation region (PDR) yields a rather high total hydrogen density of n H ~ 30 cm -3 with H2 column density of N(H 2 ) = cm -2. It is argued that the region is in a transition stage from a warm to a cool neutral phase. Strong C IV emission is also seen in the spectrum, but it is not believed to be associated with the supershell as the corresponding spectral map shows a broad region of enhancement both inside and outside the supershell. 82 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

83 발표논문초록 ( 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 ) [ 포 IM-10] Small scale Structure of Galactic Molecular Clouds toward Continuum Sources by KVN Junghwan Han 1, Young Joo Yun 2, Yong-Sun Park 1 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, SNU, Seoul, Korea, 2 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, Daejeon, Korea One of the subjects in clouds structure and development is small scale structure of interstellar cloud. The possibility of AU scale structure (Marscher et al. 1993; Moore & Marscher 1995; Roy et al. 2012) is discussed, and this small scale structure is considered as the result of hydrogen volume density (Moore & Marscher 1995), or small-scale chemical and other inhomogeneities (Liszt & Lucas 2000). In order to study this subject with emission line, extremely high resolution is mandatory by VLBI system. However, the alternative method could be observing the absorption line of interstellar cloud on the continuum object. In this case, the resolution would be restricted to the size of the continuum object, if the size of the object is smaller than the resolution of a used telescope. We observed the previous researchers three objects (BLLAC, NRAO150, B ), whose spectrums are changed from 1993 to 1998 (Liszt & Lucas 2000), with KVN. Through KVN observation, we found the changes of optical depth spectrum compared with the previous spectrums. We will discuss the optical depth spectrum variation by time variation and the meaning of it. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 83

84 발표논문초록 ( 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 ) [ 구 ST-01] 5-body dynamics in the Kepler-47 exoplanetary system: Predicting stable orbits of a third circumbinary planet Tobias Cornelius Hinse Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute (KASI), Daejeon, Republic of Korea Kepler-47 is the first multi-body circumbinary planetary system detected by the Kepler space telescope. The two planets were detected by the transit method. In the discovery paper the authors report about the presence of an additional transit-like signal in their dataset which cannot be explained by a four-body (binary + 2 planets) system. Therefore it is likely that the unexplained signal could be due to a third planet. In this talk I will present recent results from a dynamical investigation of the five-body system (binary + 3 planets). We have applied the MEGNO technique to detect regions of quasi- or near quasi-periodic orbits of a hypothetical third planet. Quasi-periodic regions exists for a third planet and the long-term stability has been tested. Although the existence of a third planet is most likely to be confirmed from transit photometry we calculate transit-timing variation (TTV) signals due to the third planet which also can be used to infer its presence. [ 박 ST-02] Flare and Starspot-induced Variabilities of Red Dwarf Stars in the Open Cluster M37: Photometric Study on Magnetic Activity Seo-Won Chang Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University Flare and rotational variabilities induced by stellar activity are important for studying the effect of magnetic fields on the evolution of red dwarf stars. The level and frequency of magnetic activity in these stars have a different aspect at every moment of the observations due to the effect of age-rotation relation. The use of both tracers is thus essential to have a relatively homogeneous set of stellar activity data for statistical studies. The archival light curves and imaging data of the open cluster M37 taken by MMT 6.5m telescope were used for this work. In order to achieve much more accurate photometric precisions and also to make the most efficient use of the data, the entire imaging database were re-analyzed with our new time-series photometry technique and carefully calibration procedures. Based on the new light curves, we study, for the first time, a variety of aspects of those two variabilities in red dwarfs and their relation to magnetic activity. In this talk, we present all observational evidences that support the idea that the strength of magnetic activity is closely connected with the rotation rate of a star and its evolutionary status (age-activity-rotation paradigm). In conclusion, we suggest future directions to improve our understanding of stellar activity in cool stars with photometric time-series data. 84 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

85 발표논문초록 ( 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 ) [ 구 ST-03] The Effects of Individual Element Changed Mixture on the Standard Stellar Models Minje Beom 1, Young-Wook Lee 1, Jason W. Ferguson 3, and Yong Cheol, Kim 1,2 1 Department of Astronomy, University of Yonsei, Seoul, , Korea 2 Yonsei University Observatory, Seoul, , Korea 3 Department of Physics, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS , USA This research is to study the effects of individual element(c, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, and Fe) on the standard stellar models. Our work is different from previous works in two aspects. Firstly, we have chosen to maintain helium abundance and other metal elements as target elements were changed. This is to see the effects more clearly, without further complication. Secondly, the amount of enhancement or reduction in each element has been based on the recent observation of stars in globular clusters. For comparison study with observation of the globular clusters, the mass and metallicity grids of the standard stellar models have been constructed in range 0.7~1.0M and ~0.007, respectively. The opacity as a function of depth in stellar models at equal evolutionary point, as well as the evolutionary tracks, have been analyzed. The quantified shifts of the evolutionary tracks for the stellar models which have changed abundance of individual element and the astronomical meaning with physical reasons which produce the results, are going to be presented in this talk. [ 구 ST-04] Discovery of a New Globular Cluster Candidate Hidden behind the Milky Way Jinhyuk Ryu and Myung Gyoon Lee Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University We report the discovery of a new Milky Way globular cluster (GC) candidate in the Galactic plane. We found this object during our WISE survey of star clusters in the Milky Way. We derived physical parameters of this object using the 2MASS JHK photometry. The color-magnitude diagram of the resolved stars shows a well-developed red giant branch (RGB). We derived its reddening, distance and metallicity. These results indicate that it is probably an old globular cluster, located behind the Galactic disk. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 85

86 발표논문초록 ( 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 ) [ 구 ST-05] Type Ibc Supernova Progenitors in Binary Systems: Observational Constraints on the Progenitor Candidate of the Supernova iptf13bvn Hyun-Jeong Kim, Sung-Chul Yoon, and Bon-Chul Koo Seoul National University The progenitors of Type Ibc supernovae (SNe Ibc) have been believed to be massive Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars, formed either through stellar wind mass loss or Roche-lobe outflow in a binary system. But observations indicate that ordinary SNe Ibc have relatively low ejecta masses (~2 Msun), which is not compatible with the WR star scenario for SN Ibc progenitors. On the other hand, helium stars in binary systems which can be produced via mass transfer are also suggested as a possible candidate for SN Ibc progenitors. Binary star evolution models predict that SN Ibc progenitors having final masses of 3-7 Msun can be produced, but their observational properties are not well understood. In this study, we present the parameter study on the observational constraints of helium stars of 3-5 Msun in binary systems using evolutionary models and the atmospheric radiative transfer code CMFGEN. We present the predicted magnitudes and spectra of helium stars in optical bands for different wind velocity profiles and mass loss rates. We also present those observables of the progenitor binary system considering O-type companion stars. Based on the results, we discuss the expected observational properties of SN Ibc progenitors in binary systems. In particular, we discuss the constraints on the progenitor of the SN Ib iptf13bvn of which progenitor candidate has been identified for the first time in pre-explosion images among SNe Ibc. [ 포 ST-01] Finding best parameters from color-magnitude diagrams of globular clusters using numerical optimization techniques Hyun-Soo Kim, Seok-Joo Joo, and Young-Wook Lee Center for Galaxy Evolution Research & Department of Astronomy, Yonsei Univuersity 최근 10 년동안의측광및분광관측을통하여우리은하내구상성단들중대부분이적어도 2 개이상의항성종족을갖는다고밝혀졌다. 현재까지이루어진대부분의구상성단의항성종족연구에서는관측된색등급도와항성종족합성모델사이에 eye-fitting 을함으로써항성종족파라미터, 즉중원소함량, 나이, 헬륨함량등을추정해왔다. 우리는구상성단의항성종족을분석하기위해 χ 2 -Minimization 에의거하여구상성단과항성종족합성모델의 Hess Diagram 을비교하고, 수치계산기법을도입하여최적의파라미터를추정하는알고리즘을개발하였다. 이연구에서는가상으로만든성단에대하여 Recovery Test 를수행함으로써이알고리즘의 Self-Consistency 를검증하였고, 실제관측결과를사용하여이연구의적용가능성을조사하였다. 86 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

87 발표논문초록 ( 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 ) [ 포 ST-02] Wide-orbit companion candidates and Stellar Disk around T-Tauri Star Daehyun Oh 1, Motohide Tamura 2 1 The Graduate University for Advanced Studies[SOKENDAI], National Astronomical Observatory of Japan 2 The University of Tokyo, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Two substellar companion candidates with planetary mass, around a T-Tauri star in the ρ Ophiuchi star-forming region, are discovered by results of Subaru Telescope's near-infrared imaging. Candidates are separated by 1400au and 500au. If these candidates were real companions, they are the widest-orbit and the lowest mass planetary-mass companions(pmcs) candidates. This discovery may suggest that PMCs form via extreme case of cloud core fragmentation for multiple stars. And also stellar disk are imaged by HiCIAO, hight contrast instrument for exoplanets and disks, with Subaru Telescope. This could be the first case, which imaged both of planetary mass companions and disk around same star. Even two companions candidates are not bounded around the star, they still could be one of the lowest mass objects. In this presentation, I will discuss about observations and confirmations of these objects, and the latest results about their properties. [ 포 ST-03] Odyssey: a new GPU-based ray-tracing code for the Kerr Spacetime Hung-Yi Pu 1,2, Kiyun Yun 1,3, and Suk-Jin Yoon 3 1 Equal first authors 2 Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica 3 Department of Astronomy and Center for Galaxy Evolution Research, Yonsei University We present a new ray-tracing code, Odyssey, for the Kerr spacetime accelerated by the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Taking advantage of the ability of nvidia graphic cards to evaluate trajectories of a large amount of photon simultaneously, the code is two orders of magnitude as fast as the previous CPU-based code corresponding to the speed of few nanoseconds per photon per time step. In the light of the Graphic User Interface (GUI) powered by the GPU-enhanced 2D/3D displaying technique, DirectX, it is feasible for users to manipulate diverse results such as rotating and zooming in/out the trajectories of photon instantly near the black hole. Thus the Odyssey can serve as a tool not only for scientific but also for the educational purpose. We discuss possible applications in detail in light of several results such as the shape of the silhouette of a black hole, the shape of a hot spot orbiting a black hole, and 3D photon trajectories. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 87

88 발표논문초록 ( 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 ) [ 포 ST-05] Halo structure of old open cluster NGC 2420 ( 늙은산개성단 NGC 2420 의헤일로구조 ) Sang Hyun Lee ( 이상현 ), Yong-Woo Kang ( 강용우 ) Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute ( 한국천문연구원 ) 우리는늙은산개성단 NGC 2420 의외곽헤일로구조를연구하였다. Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) 의 DR10 자료에공개된 g, i 의영상을이용하여 psf 측광을수행하였다. 이로부터얻어진측광자료로부터 g vs (g-i) 색 - 등급도, 별들의공간분포및측광학적인비구성원별들의공간분포의특징을종합적으로고려하여 4 차원구성원확률을얻었다. 구성원확률을고려한유효밀도분포를조사하여밝은별과어두운별의반경에따른분포특징을통해질량분리의증거를살펴보았으며, 성단외곽헤일로의구조에대해고찰한다. [ 포 ST-06] Hα - Lyβ Formation in Optically Thick Medium Seok-Jun Chang, Hee-Won Lee Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Sejong University Symbiotic stars and quasars exhibit prominent Hα emission lines often accompanied with broad wings. Hα emission nebulae in these objects are proposed to be optically thick to resonance scattering. The transfer of Hα line photons are further complicated by the existence of another scattering channel leading to re-emission of Lyβ. In this work are develop a Monte Carlo code to simulate the transfer of Hα line photons incorporating the scattering channel into Lyβ. We show various line profiles of Hα and Lyβ emergent from our model nebulae. It is shown that temperature is a critical parameter which controls the ratio of emergent Lyβ flux to that of Hα. 88 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

89 발표논문초록 ( 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 ) [ 포 ST-07] Effect of Overshooting on Final Masses of Type Ibc Supernova Progenitors Wonseok Chun, Sung-Chul Yoon Department of physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University Helium mass in the envelope is one of the most important properties in progenitors of type Ib/c supernovae (SNe Ib/c), since SN Ib/c progenitors are distinguished by the presence of He I lines. However, previous progenitor models do not reproduce the required He mass limit( H e M ) suggested by a spectroscopic analysis of SN Ib/c. In this work, we investigated the effect of overshooting on the evolution of pure helium stars, focusing on the final He mass in the envelope, H e f. We used the MESA code to calculate single helium star models with the initial masses of in it M, and overshooting parameters of ov. The final He mass H e f decreases as ov increases, due to larger burning core compared to weak overshooting models. Dependence of the final mass H e f on overshooting is strongest for models with in it M, and this effect originates from accelerated mass loss during transition between WNE and WC/O phase. However, H e f exceeds M for all models, which still doesn t meet the criteria of H e M. This implies that mass loss during the post helium burning phase must be enhanced dramatically compared to what the standard models predict. [ 포 ST-08] Accretion Flow and Disparate Profiles of Raman Scattered O VIλλ1032 and 1038 in the Symbiotic Star V1016 Cygni Jeong-Eun Heo, Hee-Won Lee Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Sejong University The symbiotic star V1016 Cygni shows the Raman scattered O VI features at 6825 A and 7088A. These are formed through inelastic scattering of O VI 1032, 1038 by atomic hydrogen. They exhibit characteristic double peak profiles with a stronger red peak, which is explained by the accretion flow around the white dwarf. In addition, the two Raman features have different profiles in such a way that the blue part of the Raman 7088 feature is relatively more suppressed than the Raman 6825 counterpart. We produced the Doppler maps of the two Raman features in order to trace the origin of the disparate profiles. We conclude that the profile difference is due to various O VI 1032 to O VI 1038 flux ratios in the accretion region. This is consistent with the picture where the slow stellar wind from the giant interacts with the accretion flow around the white dwarf. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 89

90 발표논문초록 ( 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 ) [ 포 ST-09] Identifying potential mergers of globular clusters: a machine-learning approach Mario Pasquato 1,2 1 Center for Galaxy Evolution Research, Yonsei University 2 Yonsei University Observatory While the current consensus view holds that galaxy mergers are commonplace, it is sometimes speculated that Globular Clusters (GCs) may also have undergone merging events, possibly resulting in massive objects with a strong metallicity spread such as Omega Centauri. Galaxies are mostly far, unresolved systems whose mergers are most likely wet, resulting in observational as well as modeling difficulties, but GCs are resolved into stars that can be used as discrete dynamical tracers, and their mergers might have been dry, therefore easily simulated with an N-body code. It is however difficult to determine the observational parameters best suited to reveal a history of merging based on the positions and kinematics of GC stars, if evidence of merging is at all observable. To overcome this difficulty, we investigate the applicability of supervised and unsupervised machine learning to the automatic reconstruction of the dynamical history of a stellar system. In particular we test whether statistical clustering methods can classify simulated systems into monolithic versus merger products. We run direct N-body simulations of two identical King-model clusters undergoing a head-on collision resulting in a merged system, and other simulations of isolated King models with the same total number of particles as the merged system. After several relaxation times elapse, we extract a sample of snapshots of the sky-projected positions of particles from each simulation at different dynamical times, and we run a variety of clustering and classification algorithms to classify the snapshots into two subsets in a relevant feature space. 90 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

91 발표논문초록 (IGRINS/UWIFE) [ 초 IGR-01] IGRINS Design and Performance Report Chan Park 1, Daniel T. Jaffe 2, In-Soo Yuk 1, Moo-Young Chun 1, Soojong Pak 3, Kang-Min Kim 1, Michael Pavel 2, Hanshin Lee4, Heeyoung Oh 1,5, Ueejeong Jeong 1, Chae Kyung Sim 3, Hye-In Lee 3, Huynh Anh Nguyen Le 3, Joseph Strubhar 4, Michael Gully-Santiago 2, Jae Sok Oh 1, Sang-Mok Cha 1, Bongkon Moon 1, Kwijong Park 1, Cynthia Brooks 2, Kyeongyeon Ko 1,5, Jeong-Yeol Han 1, Jakyuong Nah 1, Peter C. Hill 2, Sungho Lee 6, Stuart Barnes 7, Young Sam Yu 1, Kyle Kaplan 2, Gregory Mace 2, Hwihyun Kim 1,2, Jae-Joon Lee 1, Narae Hwang 1, Wonseok Kang 8, Byeong-Gon Park 1,5 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Texas at Austin, 3 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 4 McDonald Observatory, Univ. of Texas at Austin, 5 University of Science and Technology, 6 Space Environment Laboratory Inc., Seoul, Korea, 7 Stuart Barnes Optical Design, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 8 National Youth Space Center, Goheung, Korea The Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrometer (IGRINS) is the first astronomical spectrograph that uses a silicon immersion grating as its dispersive element. IGRINS fully covers the H and K band atmospheric transmission windows in a single exposure. It is a compact high-resolution cross-dispersion spectrometer whose resolving power R is 40,000. An individual volume phase holographic grating serves as a secondary dispersing element for each of the H and K spectrograph arms. On the 2.7m Harlan J. Smith telescope at the McDonald Observatory, the slit size is 1ʺ x 15ʺ. IGRINS has a plate scale of 0.27ʺ pixel-1 on a 2048 x 2048 pixel Teledyne Scientific & Imaging HAWAII-2RG detector with a SIDECAR ASIC cryogenic controller. The instrument includes four subsystems; a calibration unit, an input relay optics module, a slit-viewing camera, and nearly identical H and K spectrograph modules. The use of a silicon immersion grating and a compact white pupil design allows the spectrograph collimated beam size to be 25mm, which permits the entire cryogenic system to be contained in a moderately sized (0.96m x 0.6m x 0.38m) rectangular Dewar. The fabrication and assembly of the optical and mechanical components were completed in From January to July of this year, we completed the system optical alignment and carried out commissioning observations on three runs to improve the efficiency of the instrument software and hardware. We describe the major design characteristics of the instrument including the system requirements and the technical strategy to meet them. We also present the instrumental performance test results derived from the commissioning runs at the McDonald Observatory. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 91

92 발표논문초록 (IGRINS/UWIFE) [ 구 IGR-02] Optimization and Performance Evaluation for the Science Detector Systems of IGRINS Ueejeong Jeong 1, Moo-Young Chun 1, Jae-sok Oh 1, Chan Park 1, Young Sam Yu 1, Heeyoung Oh 1,3, In-Soo Yuk 1, Kang-Min Kim 1, Kyeong Yeon Ko 1,3, Michael Pavel 2, Daniel T. Jaffe 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, 3 University of Science and Technology IGRINS (the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrometer) is a high resolution wide-band infrared spectrograph developed by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) and the University of Texas at Austin (UT). This spectrograph has H-band and K-band science cameras, both of which use Teledyne's 2.5μm cutoff 2k 2k HgCdTe HAWAII-2RG CMOS science grade detectors. Teledyne's cryogenic SIDECAR ASIC boards and JADE2 USB interface cards were installed to control these detectors. We performed lab experiments and test observations to optimize and evaluate the detector systems of science cameras. In this presentation, we describe a process to optimize bias voltages and way to reduce pattern noise with reference pixel subtraction schemes. We also present measurements of the following properties under optimized settings of bias voltages at cryogenic temperature (70K): read noise, Fowler noise, dark current, and reference-level stability, full well depth, linearity and conversion gain. [ 구 IGR-03] IGRINS Mirror Mount Design for Five Flat Mirrors Jae Sok Oh 1, Chan Park 1, Kang-Min Kim 1, Moo-Young Chun 1, In-Soo Yuk 1, Young Sam Yu 1, Heeyoung Oh 1, Ueejeong Jeong 1, Hanshin Lee 2, Daniel T. Jaffe 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, , Korea 2 McDonald Observatory, The University of Texas at Austin, TX 78712, USA 3 Department of Astronomy, The University of Texas at Austin, TX 78712, USA A near infrared wide-band high resolution spectrograph, immersion grating infrared spectrometer (IGRINS) has been jointly developed by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute and the University of Texas at Austin. The compact white-pupil design of the instrument optics includes five cryogenic flat mirrors including a slit mirror, an input fold mirror, a dichroic mirror, and H&K camera fold mirrors. In this study, we introduce the optomechanical mount designs of the five cryogenic mirrors. In order to meet the structural stability and thermal requirements of the mount models, we conducted the design work with the aid of 3-dimensional computer modeling and the finite element analysis (FEA) method. We also present the actual fabricated parts and assemblies of the mounts and mirrors as well as their CAD models. 92 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

93 발표논문초록 (IGRINS/UWIFE) [ 구 IGR-04] Auto-guiding Performance from IGRINS Test Observations (Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph) Hye-In Lee 1, Soojong Pak 1, Huynh Anh N.Le 1, Wonseok Kang 4, Gregory Mace 2, Michael Pavel 2, Daniel T.Jaffe 2, Jae-Joon Lee 3, Hwihyun Kim 3, Ueejeong Jeong 3, Moo-Young Chun 3, Chan Park 3, In-Soo Yuk 3, Kangmin Kim 3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Department of Astronomy, the University of Texas, 3 Korea Astronomy & Space Science institute, 4 National Youth Space Center In astronomical spectroscopy, stable auto-guiding and accurate target centering capabilities are critical to increase the achievement of high observation efficiency and sensitivity. We developed an instrument control software for the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph (IGRINS), a high spectral resolution near-infrared slit spectrograph with (R=40,000). IGRINS is currently installed on the McDonald 2.7 m telescope in Texas, USA. We had successful commissioning observations in March, May, and July of The role of the IGRINS slit-viewing camera (SVC) is to move the target onto the slit, and to provide feedback about the tracking offsets for the auto-guiding. For a point source, we guide the telescope with the target on the slit. While for an extended source, we use another a guide star in the field offset from the slit. Since the slit blocks the center of the point spread function, it is challenging to fit the Gaussian function to guide and center the target on slit. We developed several center finding algorithms, e.g., 2D-Gaussian Fitting, 1D-Gaussian Fitting, and Center Balancing methods. In this presentation, we show the results of auto-guiding performances with these algorithms. [ 구 IGR-05] IGRINS Observations of Star Forming Clouds in NGC 6822 Hubble V Soojong Pak 1, Hye-In Lee 1, Huynh Anh N. Le 1, Sungho Lee 2, Aeree Chung 3, Kyle Kaplan 4, Daniel T. Jaffe 4 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Space Environment Laboratory, Inc. 3 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University 4 Department of Astronomy, the University of Texas at Austin NGC 6822 is a dwarf irregular galaxy in the Local Group. Unlike clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud, molecular clouds in NGC 6822 are not influenced by the Galactic tidal force. Therefore the star forming processes are only dictated by local conditions. Hubble V is the brightest of the several bright H II region complexes in NGC The core of Hubble V, surrounded by a molecular cloud complex, contains compact clusters of bright blue stars. During the commissioning runs of the new high-resolution near-infrared spectrometer, IGRINS (Immersion GRating near-infrared Spectrometer), we observed Hubble V and detected many emission lines from the H II regions and from the photodissociation region at the interface between the ionized gas and the molecular cloud. In this presentation, we report preliminary results of the IGRINS observations. We discuss the implications of the observed lines ratios and kinematics for our understanding of the evolution of star forming molecular clouds. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 93

94 발표논문초록 (IGRINS/UWIFE) [ 구 IGR-06] High Resolution Near Infrared Spectrum of NGC 7023 Huynh Anh N. Le 1, Soojong Pak 1, Hye-In Lee 1, Jae-Joon Lee 2 Quang Nguyen-Luong 3, Kyle Kaplan 4, Daniel T. Jaffe 4 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 3 The Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA), University of Toronto 4 Department of Astronomy, the University of Texas at Austin The reflection nebula NGC 7023 is a typical example of a photodissociation region (PDR), which consists of high density molecular gas that is exposed to an intense UV radiation field. The source of the UV photons in NGC 7023 is the young pre-main-sequence Be star HD We present our near-infrared high-resolution (R ~ 40,000) spectrum of NGC 7023, covering a region of 1 x 15 arcseconds, observed during the commissioning runs of IGRINS (Immersion GRating near-infrared Spectrometer). The spectrum shows many strong narrow emission lines that arise from the molecular rovibrational transitions of H2. From the intensity ratios between these H2 lines, we investigate physical conditions within the PDR such as the temperature, density, and pressure. The high spectral resolution of IGRINS allows us to resolve the velocity field of the PDR. In addition, we compare the IGRINS spectrum to Cloudy PDR model. [ 구 IGR-07] High resolution Infrared spectroscopy of Planetary Nebula with IGRINS Young Sam Yu and KASI-UTIGRINSTeam Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Planetary nebulae (PN) are the last stages of evolution of intermediate mass (1-8 Msolar) stars. Their shapes are thought to result from interactions between the present-day, fast (emerging white dwarf) and previously ejected, slow (red giant) stellar winds. The observation of young, bright PN, NGC7027 and BD , was made on July 7, 2014 using the 2.7m Harlan J. Smith telescope at the McDonald Observatory. IGRINS with high spatial (0.27 ) and high spectral (7.5km s -1 ) resolution will provide more nebular lines and excitation/abundances to constrain the morphology and kinematics of the Nebula and the PDRs. Combined with other archival data (X-ray, 2MASS, WISE, Spitzer, Herschel) for PN, high-resolution IR spectroscopy will yield insight into poorly understood aspects of PN morphologies and the late stages of binary star evolution. 94 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

95 발표논문초록 (IGRINS/UWIFE) [ 구 IGR-08] IGRINS Test Observation Results from Seoul National University Bon-Chul Koo 1, Yong-Hyun Lee 1, Hyun-Jeong Kim 1, Yesol Kim 1, Jae-Joon Lee 2 1 Seoul National University, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute We have carried out IGRINS test observations during its May commissioning run. Our targets were composed of three Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs), one supernova remnant (SNR), and an unidentified stellar source emitting [Fe II] um line. In the preliminary results, three LBVs MWC 314, P Cygni, and AFGL 2298 show different characteristics: the spectrum of MWC 314 which is known to be in a binary system clearly shows double-peak structures in hydrogen and iron lines, the P Cygni spectrum reveals the Brackett series of hydrogen emission lines with prominent P-Cygni profiles, and AFGL 2298 likely at its visual minimum phase shows rather different spectrum with relatively weak hydrogen lines. The SNR (G ) was to test the sensitivity of IGRINS for diffuse emission. We successfully detected a dozen H2 emission lines with a velocity width of ~13 km/s, which might indicate a C-shock origin. The unidentified stellar source was one of stellar/compact sources of unknown nature detected in the survey of the Galactic plane in [Fe II] um emission line ( Its spectrum is under investigation. We will present the spectra of test observations and will discuss their scientific significance. [ 구 IGR-09] IGRINS Operation Plan and the status of the IGRINS Reduction Pipeline Jae-Joon Lee( 이재준 ) 1, Narae Hwang( 황나래 ) 1, Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 ) 1, In-Soo Yuk( 육인수 ) 1, Chan Park( 박찬 ) 1, Huynh Anh N. Le 2, Soojong Pak( 박수종 ) 2 1 천문연구원, 2 경희대학교 After successful commissioning observations, IGRINS will soon begin its normal scientific operations on the 2.7m Harlan J. Smith telescope at the McDonald Observatory. We will present a working version of the IGRINS operation plan. A fraction of IGRINS guaranteed time will be devoted to a selection of strategic programs with legacy values, whereas the rest of the time will be used for normal programs. We will also describe the current status of the IGRINS data reduction pipeline package and its future development plan. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 95

96 발표논문초록 (IGRINS/UWIFE) [ 포 IGR-01] High Mass X-ray Binary and IGOS with IGRINS Moo-Young Chun 1, Dae-Sik Moon 2, Ueejeong Jeong 1, Young Sam Yu 1 and IGRINSteam 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Dept. of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Univ. of Toronto The mass measurement of neutron stars or black holes is of fundamental importance in our understanding of the evolution of massive stars and core-collapse supernova explosions as well as some exotic physics of the extreme conditions. Despite the importance, however, it s very difficult to measure mass of these objects directly. One way to do this, if they are in binary systems, to measure their binary motions (i.e., Doppler shifts) which can give us direct information on their mass. Recently many new highly-obscured massive X-ray binaries have been discovered by new hard X-ray satellites such as INTEGRAL and NuSTAR. The new highly-obscured massive X-ray binaries are faint in the optical, but bright in the infrared with many emission lines. Based on the near-infrared spectroscopy, one can first understand the nature of stellar companions to the compact objects, determining its spectral types and luminosity classes as well as mass losses and conditions of (potential) circumstellar material. Next, spectroscopic monitoring of these objects can be used to estimate the mass of compact objects via measuring the Doppler shifts of the lines. For the former, broad-band spectroscopy is essential; for the latter, high-resolution spectroscopy is critical. Therefore, IGRINS appears to be an ideal instrument to study them. An IGRINS survey of these new highly-obscured massive X-ray binaries can give us a rare opportunity to carry out population analyses for understanding the evolution of massive binary systems and formation of compact objects and their mass ranges. In this talk, we will present a sample near-infrared high resolution spectra of HMXB, IGR J and discuss about its spectral feature. These spectra are obtained on 13thJuly,2014 from IGRINS commissioning run at McDonald 2.7m telescope. And at final, we will introduce the upgrade plan of IGRINS Operation Software (IGOS), to gather the input from IGRINS observer. 96 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

97 발표논문초록 ( 태양 / 태양계 ) [ 박 SS-01] Rotational and Observational Properties of NEA and Asteroid Family Myung-Jin Kim Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute The rotation of asteroids can help reveal not only the fundamental characteristics of asteroids but also the origin and evolution of our Solar System. From the photometric observations for NEA (1999 JU3) and Maria family asteroids using 0.5 m- to 2 m- class telescopes at 10 observatories in the northern hemisphere, I obtained a total of 260 lightcurves for 97 asteroids and derived synodic rotational periods for 51 objects, including newly obtained periods of 34 asteroids. For the sake of efficiency, I developed an observation scheduler, SMART (Scheduler for Measuring Asteroid RoTation) and a photometric analysis software subsystem, ASAP (Asteroid Spin Analysis Package). Based on the lightcurve analysis of NEA (1999 JU3) and Maria family asteroids, 1) I present the rotational and observational characteristics of 1999 JU3 and provided the Hayabusa-2 Science team with the information on pole orientations, 2) I investigated correlations among rotational periods, amplitudes of lightcurves, and sizes, and conclude that the rotational properties of old-type family asteroids have been changed considerably by the YORP effect. 3) Finally, I found the Yarkovsky footprints on the Maria asteroid family and estimated that approximately 37 to 75 Maria family asteroids larger than 1 km have entered the near-earth space every 100 Myr. This study should reveal the collisional history and transport route of the members from the resonance region to the near Earth space, for the first time. [ 구 SS-02] 1-5 Micron Spectra of Titan: The Spectral and Altitudinal Variation of Haze Sang-Joon Kim School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea Using solar occultation data obtained by Cassini/Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS), we were able to retrieve the 1 5 mm optical-depth spectra of the Titanian haze, for which only selected wavelength and altitudinal ranges were previously analyzed. We found that the gross 1 5 mm shapes of the retrieved haze spectra are significantly different from the spectra of tholin samples in the literature. We also derived the vertical variation of the spectral structure of the µm absorption feature of the Titan haze from the VIMS data recorded between 250 and 700 km altitude. We found a marked change between 480 and 580 km in the relative amplitudes of the 3.33 and 3.38 µm features which are characteristic of aromatic (double C=Cchains or rings) or aliphatic (single C C chains) structural groups, respectively. Dicussions on this spectral and altitudinal variation will be presented. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 97

98 발표논문초록 ( 태양 / 태양계 ) [ 구 SS-03] Numerical Study of the Dynamics Connecting a Solar Flare and a Coronal Mass Ejection Satoshi Inoue, Jihye Kang and Gwangson Choe School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Korea We clarify the dynamics connecting a solar flare and a coronal mass ejection (CME) based on the results of a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation starting from a nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) in Inoue et al In previous studies, many authors proposed numerous candidates for triggering processes of a solar flare and the associated CME. Among them, the tether-cutting reconnection or the torus instability has been supported by recent simulations and observations. On the other hand, our MHD simulation in accordance with more realistic situations show that highly twisted field lines are first produced through a tether-cutting reconnection between the twisted field lines in the NLFFF, and then the newly formed, strongly twisted field erupts away from the solar surface because of a loss of equilibrium. This dynamics corresponds to the onset of a solar flare. Furthermore we have found that the strongly twisted erupting field reconnect with the weakly twisted ambient field during the eruption, creating a large flux tube, and then it rises over a critical height of the torus instability to trigger a CME. From these results, we conclude that the coupled process of tether-cutting reconnection and torus instability is important in the flare-cme relationship. [ 구 SS-05] Stability and Dynamics of a Magnetic Field Producing the M6.6 Class Solar Flare in NOAA Active Region Jihye Kang 1, Satoshi Inoue 1, Tetsuya Magara 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University In this paper, we study the stability and dynamics of a magnetic field producing the M6.6 class solar flare taking place in NOAA active region (AR) on 2011 February 13th. Toriumi et. al. (2013) recently suggest that a fine scale magnetic structure on the photosphere gives a major possibility to produce the M6.6 class flare. On the other hand, they don t discuss the torus instability as a plausible mechanism even though Zhao et. al. (2014) and Janvier et. al. (2014) suspect it as the trigger mechanism of X2.2 class flare taking place later in the same AR. We are the first to investigate the stability of a nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) prior to the M6.6 class flare against the torus instability by using analytical and numerical approaches. Consequently, we found that our NLFFF is quite stable against small perturbation. This result supports that the flare is triggered by the photospheric motion suggested by Toriumi et. al. (2013). We further perform another MHD simulation with an anomalous resistivity using the NLFFF as an initial condition. As a result, we found the eruption of strongly twisted lines. We compare our simulation results with observations and discuss relevant dynamics in detail. 98 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

99 발표논문초록 ( 태양 / 태양계 ) [ 구 SS-04] INTENSITY AND DOPPLER VELOCITY OSCILLATIONS IN PORE ATMOSPHERE Kyung-Suk Cho 1, Su-Chan Bong 1, Valery Nakariakov 2,3,4, Eun-Kyung Lim 1, Young-Deuk Park 1, Jongchul Chae 5, Heesu Yang 5, Hyung-Min Park 5 and Vasyl Yurchyshyn 1,6 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon , Korea, 2 Physics Department, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK, 3 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, , Gyeonggi, Korea, 4 Central Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences at Pulkovo, St Petersburg, Russia, 5 Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea, 6 Big Bear Solar Observatory, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Big Bear City, CA 92314, USA. Due to the simple vertical structure of magnetic field, pores can be exploited to study the transport of mechanical energy by waves along the magnetic field to the chromosphere and corona. For a better understanding of physics of pores, we have investigated chromospheric traveling features running across two merged pores from their centers at the speed about 55 km s-1, in the active region AR The pores were observed on 2013 August 24 by using high time, spatial, and spectral resolution data from the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) of the 1.6 meter New Solar Telescope (NST). We infer a LOS velocity by applying the bisector method to the Ca II 8542 Å band and Hα band, and investigate intensity and the line-of-sight velocity changes at different wavelengths and different positions at the pores. We find that they have 3 minutes oscillations, and the intensity oscillation from the line center is preceded by that from the core (-0.3 Å) of the bands. There is no phase difference between the intensity and the LOS velocity oscillations at a given wavelength. The amplitude of LOS velocity from near the core spectra is greater than that from the far core spectra. These results support the interpretation of the observed wave as a slow magnetoacoustic wave propagating along the magnetic field lines in the pores. The apparent horizontal motion and a sudden decrease of its speed beyond the pores can be explained by the projection effect caused by inclination of the magnetic field with a canopy. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 99

100 발표논문초록 ( 태양 / 태양계 ) [ 포 SS-01] Optical properties study of magnetic anomaly regions at Mare Crisium Jung-Kyu Lee 1, Hyojeong Lee 1, Seul-Min Baek 1, Khan-Hyuck Kim 1, Ho Jin 1, Doug Hemingway 2, Ian Garrick-Bethell 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Santa Cruz 달은 global magnetic fields 가존재하지않으나, 달표면에국지적으로자기장이존재하며이러한현상의원인은계속연구중이다. 달의자기이상현상이나타나는지역중광학적으로밝고어두운패턴이관측되는지역을 Swirl 이라한다. Mare Crisium (17.18 N, 59.1 E) 은표면에 2 개의자기이상지역과광학적으로밝은지역들이존재하지만, Swirl 로잘알려진 Reiner Gamma 와같은지역의광학적밝기와패턴의차이가있다. 이를위해본연구에서는 Lunar Prospector (LP) 위성의 magnetometer (MAG) 자료를이용하여자기장분포에관한연구및 Clementine 위성의 UV/VIS 영상자료를이용하여광학적특성연구를진행하였다. LP 의 MAG 자료는 Mare Cirisium 지역의 22.3 km 고도에서관측된 744 개의자료를활용하였으며, Clementine 의영상자료는 750 nm, 950 nm 의반사도에따른 Optical Maturity (OMAT) 를활용하였다. Mare Crisium 의북쪽지역은자기이상현상과 OMAT 의고유특성이동시에나타나며이는 swirl 과유사하다. 특히, Mare Cirisum 서쪽에있는 Proclus crater 잔해일부가 Mare Crisium 의북쪽지역까지퍼져있어이와관련하여자기장존재여부에따른광학적특성의차이점을조사하였다. 본논문에서는 Mare Crisium 지역의 Swirl 진위여부를추론하며, 본논문에서이용한방법의유용성에대하여검증하고자한다. [ 포 SS-02] A model of a solar eruption affected by a solar wind Hwanhee Lee 1, Tetsuya Magara 1,2, Jihye Kang 1, Inoue Satoshi 1, Jun-Mo An 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University We investigate how a solar eruption occurs in an environment where a solar wind exists during a pre-eruptive phase. To understand it, we have performed three-dimensional simulations based on a zero-beta magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in various ways to drive an eruption with a solar wind. A pre-eruptive state is derived by applying a nonlinear force-free reconstruction method to a flux emergence full MHD simulation. We discuss what is the most appropriate way to drive a solar wind-related eruption. 100 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

101 발표논문초록 ( 천문우주관측기술 ) [ 구 AT-01] Giant Magellan Telescope Project in 2014 Byeong-Gon Park 1,2, In-Soo Yuk 1, Jae-Joon Lee 1,2, Yang-Noh Yoon 1, Narae Hwang 1, Chan Park 1, Jihun Kim 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 Korea University of Science and Technology Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) has been participating in the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) project since In 2014, GMT project has passed its important milestones toward construction of the telescope and observatory facilities. We will report the recent achievements and current status of the project in this contribution. [ 구 AT-02] Optical Design of the DOTIFS Spectrograph Haeun Chung( 정하은 ) 1,2, A. N. Ramaprakash 3 1 Seoul National University ( 서울대학교 ), 2 Korea Institute for Advanced Study ( 고등과학원 ), 3 Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics The DOTIFS is a new multi-object Integral Field Spectrograph (IFS) planned to be designed and built by the Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India, (IUCAA) for cassegrain side port of the 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope (DOT) being constructed by the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Nainital. (ARIES) It is a multi-integral field unit (IFU) spectrograph which has nm wavelength coverage with spectral resolution R~ Sixteen IFUs with microlens arrays and fibers can be deployed on 8 arcmin field. Each IFU has 8.7 x7.4 field of view with 144 spaxel elements fibers coming from IFUs are dispersed by eight identical spectrographs with all refractive and all spherical optics. In this work, we show optical design of the DOTIFS spectrograph. Expected performance and result of tolerance and thermal analysis are also shown. The optics is comprised of f=520mm collimator, broadband filter, dispersion element and f=195mm camera. Pupil size is determined as 130mm from spectral resolution and budget requirements. To maintain good transmission down to 370nm, calcium fluoride elements and high transmission optical glasses have been used. Volume Phase Holographic grating is selected as a dispersion element to maximize the grating efficiency and to minimize the size of the optics. Detailed optics design report had been documented. The design was finalized through optical design review and now ready for order optics. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 101

102 발표논문초록 ( 천문우주관측기술 ) [ 구 AT-03] Statistical analysis of Anomalous Refraction on KVN sites Jeong Ae Lee 1,2, Do-Young Byun 1 and Bong Won Sohn 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute (KASI) 2 University of Science and Technology (UST) The fluctuation of VLBI visibility phase can be occurred, predominantly caused by the irregular distribution and motion of water vapor in the atmosphere at high frequencies (>1GHz). This radio-seeing effect shows up on filled-aperture telescopes as an anomalous refraction (AR). This can be shown as if the antenna pointing-offset increases, in other words the apparent displacement of radio sources from its nominal position happens. We carried out the single-dish observations on KVN sites in order to check the effect of AR from 2010 to Orion KL, U Her, and R Leo were observed with 1second sampling time at GHz and GHz simultaneously. Each source was observed with the tracking mode for 30 minutes per a source. We analyzed the structure function, power spectrum and Allan variance of the data according to a day and a night, a season and observatories. Finally, we can infer that the AR effect depends on the atmospheric environment, especially tropospheric turbulence. [ 구 AT-04] Current Status of the Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment 2 (CIBER2) Dae-Hee Lee Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute 적외선파장대역에서관측되는우주배경복사의요동은초기우주가재이온화되는시기에존재하였던우주최초의별또는은하에서기원한다고믿어진다. 적외선우주배경복사관측을위해서는배경의잡음이되는별, 은하, 황도광등을제거하고희미한배경을검출해야하므로광시야, 고감도로광학에서근적외선까지다파장으로관측하는기능이필요하다. CIBER2 는이러한적외선우주배경복사관측을위해개발되고있는 NASA 사운딩로켓탑재용적외선카메라시스템이다 년부터 2013 년까지 4 차례에걸쳐성공적으로발사된 CIBER 를업그레이드한관측기기로써한국 KASI, 미국 Caltech, 일본 ISAS 가공동으로개발하고있다. CIBER2 는 28.5cm 의주경에광분배기를사용하여 3 대의카메라가장착되는형상을이루고있으며각카메라에는 2Kx2K H2RG 검출기위에 2 개의밴드필터를부착하여 um 의파장대역을 6 개의구간으로나누어관측한다. 각밴드의시야각은 1.1 x 2.2 도이다. CIBER2 는현재최종설계를마치고각서브시스템별제작단계에있으며, 조립및시험을거쳐 2015 년에미국화이트샌드미사일기지에서발사될예정이다. 102 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

103 발표논문초록 ( 천문우주관측기술 ) [ 구 AT-05] Preliminary Design of the NISS onboard NEXTSat-1 Woong-Seob Jeong 1,2, Sung-Joon Park 1, Bongkon Moon 1, Dae-Hee Lee 1, Won-Kee Park 1, Duk-Hang Lee 1,2, Kyeongyeon Ko 1,2, Jeonghyun Pyo 1, Il-Joong Kim 1, Youngsik Park 1, Ukwon Nam 1, Chan Park 1, Myungshin Im3, Hyung Mok Lee3, Jeong-Eun Lee 4, Goo-Hwan Shin 5, Jangsoo Chae 5, Toshio Matsumoto 1,6,7 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea, 2 University of Science and Technology, 3 Seoul National University, Korea, 4 Kyung Hee University, Korea, 5 Satellite Technology & Research Center, KAIST, Korea, 6 ASIAA, Taiwan, 7 ISAS/JAXA, Japan The NISS (Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer for Star formation history) onboard NEXTSat-1 is the near-infrared instrument onboard NEXTSat-1 which is being developed by KASI. The main scientific targets are nearby galaxies, galaxy clusters, star-forming regions and low background regions in order to study the cosmic star formation history in local and distant universe. After the Preliminary Design Review, we have fixed major specifications of the NISS. The off-axis optical design with 15cm apertureis optimized to obtain a wide field of view (2 deg. x 2 deg.), while minimizing the sensitivity loss. The opto-mechanical structure of the NISS was designed to be safe enough to endure in the launching condition as well as the space environment. The tolerance analysis was performed to cover the wide wavelength range from 0.95 to 3.8μm and to reduce the degradation of optical performance due to thermal variation at the target temperature, 200K. The 1k 1k infrared sensor is operated in the dewar at 80K stage. We confirmed that the NISS can be cooled down to below 200K in the nominal orbit through a radiative cooling. Here, we report the preliminary design of the NISS. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 103

104 발표논문초록 ( 천문우주관측기술 ) [ 구 AT-06] Removal of mid-frequency error from the off-axis mirror Sanghyuk Kim 1, Soojong Pak 1, Byeongjoon Jeong 1, Sangkyo Shin 2, Geon Hee Kim 3, Gil Jae Lee 3, Seunghyuk Chang 4, Song Min Yoo 5, Kwang Jo Lee 6, and Hyuckee Lee 7 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Yoonseul, 3 Korea Basic Science Institute, 4 Center for Integrated Smart Sensors, KAIST, 5 College of Engineering, Kyung Hee University, 6 Dept. of Applied Physics, Kyung Hee University, 7 Samsung Electronics Manufacturing of lens and mirror using Diamond Turning Machine (DTM) offers distinct advantages including short fabrication time and low cost as compared to grinding or polishing process. However, the DTM process can leave mid-frequency error in the optical surface which generates an undesirable diffraction effect and stray light. The mid-frequency error is expected to be eliminated by mechanical polishing after the DTM process, but polishing of soft surface of ductile aluminum is extremely difficult because the polishing process inevitably degrades the surface form accuracy. In order to increase its surface hardness, we performed electroless nickel plating on the surface of diamond-turned aluminum (Al-6061T6) off-axis mirrors, which was followed by the 6-hour-long baking process at 200 for improving its hardness. Then we polished the nickel plated off-axis mirrors to remove the mid-frequency error and measured polished mirror surfaces using the optical surface profilometer (NT 2000, Wyko Inc.). Finally, we ascertained that the mid-frequency error on the mirror surface was successfully removed. During the whole processes of nickel plating and polishing, we monitored the form accuracy using the ultra-high accurate 3-D profilometer (UA3P, Panasonic Corp.) to maintain it within the allowable tolerance range (< tens of nm). The polished off-axis mirror was optically tested using a visible laser source and a pinhole, and the airy pattern obtained from the polished mirror was compared with the unpolished case to check the influence of mid-frequency error on optical images. 104 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

105 발표논문초록 ( 천문우주관측기술 ) [ 포 AT-01] Development of 1GHz High Speed Sampler for KVN Yong-Woo Kang, Min-Gyu Song, Do-Heung Je, Seog-Oh Wi, Do-Young Byun, Taehyun Jung, Chungsik Oh, Wook-Won Nam Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute 한국우주전파관측망 (KVN, Korea VLBI Network) 의우주전파수신시스템 (22GHz, 43GHz, 86GHz, 129GHz 의 4 파수동시관측시스템 ) 으로부터수신된전파신호를디지털신호로바꾸어주는장치인초고속샘플러의국산화와성능향상을위하여, 우리는 1GHz 샘플링을할수있는전파관측자료의샘플링장치를설계, 제작하였다. GHz 샘플링기본기술확보와독자개발을위하여제작된 1GHz 샘플러를 KVN 울산전파천문대에설치하여관측시험한결과, 연구관측에적용할수있음을보여주었다. 한편, 광대역관측과 e-vlbi 구현을위하여샘플러에서직접첨단망으로 VDIF(VLBI Data Interchange Format, VLBI 자료전송규격 ) 의자료를보낼수있는차세대 4GHz 샘플러를개발중에있다. 이번발표에서는 1GHz 샘플러에대한개발내용과관측결과및향후계획을소개한다. [ 포 AT-02] Photometry Transformation from RGB Bayer Filter System to Johnson-Cousins BVR Filter System Woojin Park 1, Soojong Pak 1, Hyunjin Shim 2, Huynh Anh N. Le 1, Myungshin Im 3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Gyeonggi , Korea, 2 Department of Earth Science Education, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Korea, 3 CEOU, Astronomy Program, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea The RGB Bayer filter system consists of mosaic R, G, and B filters on the grid of photo sensors with which typical commercial DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras and CCD/CMOS cameras are taken. Many unique astronomical data taken with RGB Bayer filter systems are available, including transient objects, e.g., supernovae, variable stars, and solar system bodies. The utilization of such data in scientific research strongly requires reliable photometry transformation methods. In this work, we develop a series of formulae to derive magnitudes in the Johnson-Cousins BVR filter system from those in the RGB Bayer filter system. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 105

106 발표논문초록 ( 천문우주관측기술 ) [ 포 AT-03] Linear Correlation Map of Auxiliary Channels using Pearson s Correlation Coefficient John J. Oh 1, Sang Hoon Oh 1, Edwin Son 1, Young-Min Kim 2 and Kyungmin Kim 3 1 National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Daejeon, Korea 2 Pusan National University, Busan, Korea 3 Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea The study on linear correlation between auxiliary channels in LIGO data has been performed by using Pearson s correlation coefficient, generating a correlation map. [ 포 AT-04] Introduction to Next Generation of VLBI Data System & Future Plan for Wide Band VLBI Observation in KVN Min-Gyu Song, Jan Wagner, Jae-Hwan Yeom, Tae-Hyun Jung, Yong-Woo Kang, Do-Young Byun, Jong-Soo Kim, Hyo-Ryung Kim KASI(Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) Mark6 는최대 16Gbps 의데이터입출력을지원하는차세대기록시스템으로서올하반기내에 KVN 의관측연구에활용되기위해현재기록실험이진행중에있다. VDIF(VLBI Data Interchage Format) 기반의 Mark6 가 KVN 각사이트에서실제관측에활용되기위해서는 FILA10G, VOA(VSI Optical Adapter) 등의 VSI-VDIF 컨버터가수반되어야하며샘플러, DAS(Data Acquisition System) 등내부적으로도많은시스템변화가필요하다. 본발표에서는기본사양, 동작원리등 Mark6 에대한간단한소개를시작으로데이터기록실험결과에대해설명하고자한다. 나아가이를기반으로향후 KVN 의광대역관측수행을위한 Mark6 의활용방안에대해살펴보고자한다. 106 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

107 발표논문초록 ( 천문우주관측기술 ) [ 포 AT-05] System Development of Cubsat SIGMA(KHUSAT-3) Jehyuck Shin 1, Seongwhan Lee 1, Jung-Kyu Lee 1, Hyojeong Lee 1, Jeongho Lee 1, Junwon Seo 2, Youra Shin 2, Seonyeong Jeong 2, Junghoon Cheon 3, Hanjun Kim 3, Jeonghyun Lim 3, Junmin Lee 4, Ho Jin 1,2, Uk-Won Nam 5, Sunghwan Kim 6, Regina Lee 7, Hyomin Kim 8, Marc R.Lessard 9 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea, 2 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University, Korea, 3 Department of Electronics and Radio Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea 4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea 5 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea, 6 Department of Radiological Science, Cheongju University, Korea, 7 Department of Earth & Space Science & Engineering, York University, Canada, 8 Center for Space Science and Engineering Research, Virginia Tech, USA 9 Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, University of New Hampshire, USA SIGMA (Scientific cubesat with Instrument for Global Magnetic field and radiation) 는근지구공간에서우주방사선량측정과자기장변화검출의과학적목적과교육적목적을가지고개발하고있는초소형큐브위성이다. 100 mm 100 mm mm의크기로약 3.6 kg 의무게를가지며, 탑재체는방사선에대하여인체와동일한산란흡수특성을가진 Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter (TEPC) 와자기장측정을위한 Magnetometer (Mag) 이다. 위성체는구조계, 자세제어계, 전력계, 명령및데이터처리계, 통신계로구성되어있다. 구조계는위성의뼈대인 Chassis 와 Mag deployer 로이루어져있고, 위성의안정적인자세유지를목적으로 Attitude Control System (ACS) Board 와 Torque Coil 이자세제어계로구성된다. 전력의생산과공급및충전은태양전지판과 Electrical Power System (EPS), 리튬배터리로구성된전력계에서이뤄지며, 명령및데이터처리계는 On Board Computer (OBC) 와 Instrument Interface board (IIB) 를중심으로서브시스템의명령체계와데이터처리를다룬다. 통신계는 Uplink 인 VHF 안테나와 Downlink 인 UHF, S-band 안테나로구성되며지상과명령을송수신한다. SIGMA 는타임인터럽트기능을활용한 Flight Software (FSW) 로운용되며임무에따른 6 가지모드의시나리오로위성을운용한다. 이에 SIGMA 의개발과테스트결과를소개한다. 본큐브위성개발기술을바탕으로향후천문관측용위성에도활용할예정이다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 107

108 발표논문초록 ( 천문우주관측기술 ) [ 포 AT-06] Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Search for Gravitational-Wave Signals Associated with Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Sang Hoon Oh 1, Kyungmin Kim 2, Ian W. Harry 3, Kari A. Hodge 4, Young-Min Kim 5, Chang-Hwan Lee 5, Hyun Kyu Lee 2, John J. Oh 1, and Edwin J. Son 1 1 National Institute of Mathematical Science, 2 Hanyang University, 3 Syracusl University, 4 California Institute of Technology, 5 Pusan National University We apply a machine learning algorithm, artificial neural network, to the search for gravitational-wave signals associated with short gamma-ray bursts. The multi-dimensional samples consisting of data corresponding to the statistical and physical quantities from the coherent search pipeline are fed into the artificial neural network to distinguish simulated gravitational-wave signals from background noise artifacts. Our result shows that the data classification efficiency at a fixed false alarm probability is improved by the artificial neural network in comparison to the conventional detection statistic. Therefore, this algorithm increases the distance at which a gravitational-wave signal could be observed in coincidence with a gamma-ray burst. We also evaluate the gravitational-wave data within a few seconds of the selected short gamma-ray bursts event times using the trained networks and obtain the false alarm probability. We suggest that artificial neural network can be a complementary method to the conventional detection statistic for identifying gravitational-wave signals related to the short gamma-ray bursts. [ 포 AT-07] Non-linear Correlation Map of Auxiliary Channels using Mutual Information Coefficient John J. Oh 1, Sang Hoon Oh 1, Edwin Son 1, Young-Min Kim 2 and Kyungmin Kim 3 1 National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Daejeon, Korea 2 Pusan National University, Busan, Korea 3 Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea The study on non-linear correlation between auxiliary channels in LIGO data has been performed by using mutual information coefficient, generating a correlation map. 108 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

109 발표논문초록 ( 천문우주관측기술 ) [ 포 AT-08] Preliminary Thermal Analysis of NISS onboard NEXTSat-1 Dukhang Lee 1,2, Bongkon Moon 1, Sung-Joon Park 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 1,2, Jeong-Ki Suh 3, Jeonghyun Pyo 1, Youngsik Park 1, Dae-Hee Lee 1, Il-Joong Kim 1, Won-Kee Park 1, Kyeongyeon Ko 1,2, Min-Gyu Kim 4, Uk-Won Nam 1, Chan Park 1, Goo-Whan Shin 3, Toshio Matsumoto 1,5,6, Wonyong Han 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, 2 University of Science & Technology, 3 Satellite Technology Research Center, 4 Seoul National University, 5 Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, 6 Institute of Space & Astronautical Science/JAXA Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer for Star formation history (NISS), one of the main payloads of NEXTSat-1, is being developed by Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute (KASI). Since NISS adopts an infrared reflecting optical system, its performance is highly sensitive to changes in system temperature. Therefore, it is important to figure out the temperature through thermal analysis and cooling tests in order to optimize the optical system design. We conducted thermal analysis of NISS for the recently updated model, and obtained steady state temperature of the optical system for two cases of satellite attitude: about 190 K for the Normal case and about 210 K for the Hot case. In this paper, we present thermal design of NISS and the preliminary thermal analysis results. [ 포 AT-09] CubeSat mission for a lunar magnetic field measurement Hyojeong Lee 1, Jung-Kyu Lee 1, Seul-Min Baek 1, Ho Jin 1, Kwan-Hyuk Kim 1, Young-Joo Song 2, Doug Hemingway 3, Ian Garrick-Bethell 1,3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Korea Aerospace Research Institute, 3 Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz 과거달탐사미션으로달에는 global magnetic fields 는존재하지않고표면에국부적으로자기장이존재함이확인되었다. 그러나이렇게측정된자기장데이터는일정고도 (> 20 km) 이상에서측정되었기때문에, 지표에비해그세기가매우약해자기장의형태와분포를연구하는데한계가있다. 보다자세한연구를위해서는표면에서부터다양한고도에이르는위치에서측정된자기장데이터가필요하며, 이는달표토의자화나 Swirl 형성메커니즘을이해하는데중요한정보이다. 따라서본연구에서는큐브위성을이용하여저궤도부터지표까지의자기장을측정하는방안을소개한다. 큐브위성은달궤도모선에서사출되어자기이상지역표면에충돌하는임무를가진다. 자력계는모선과큐브위성에각각탑재되어자기장을측정하며, 모선으로부터사출된큐브위성은충돌직전까지자기장을측정하고모선에습득한데이터를실시간으로전송한다. 이렇게측정된자기장데이터는모선의궤도부터표면에이르기까지여러고도에서측정되었기때문에자기이상지역의자기장구조를파악하는데중요한자료로활용할수있다. 이에본연구에서는달의자기이상지역과큐브위성임무설계에대하여기술하였다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 109

110 발표논문초록 ( 천문우주관측기술 ) [ 포 AT-10] Measuring mid frequency error using mirror reflection test ( 반사실험을이용한알루미늄반사경의중주파오차측정 ) Byeongjoon Jeong 1, Soojong Pak 1, Sanghyuk Kim 1, Kwang Jo Lee 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Dept. of Applied Physics, Kyung Hee University 다이아몬드선삭기계 (DTM) 를이용한렌즈및반사경가공은제작시간단축및비용절감의장점을가지고있다. 그러나알루미늄과같은무른금속을가공하여반사경을제작하는경우에는반사경표면에가공오차가발생한다. 오차는크기에따라고주파오차 (High Frequency Error, HFE), 중주파오차 (Mid Frequency Error, MFE), 저주파오차 (Low Frequency Error, LFE) 로분류할수있다. LFE 는가공한반사경표면이설계된형상과얼마나다른지를표현하는값으로광학수차와같이해상도를저하시킨다. MFE 는반사경표면에수십마이크로미터크기로나타난다. 회전하는반사경시료에다이아몬드툴의홈이동심원으로생기면서회절격자와같이회절및간섭현상을만든다. HFE 는표면의거친정도를나타내며반사율과관련되고수나노미터크기로나타난다. 본연구에서는광학레이저를사용하여 MFE 가광학성능에미치는영향을분석하였다. 유리반사경과 MFE 를제거한반사경, 제거하지않은반사경에대하여실험을진행하였다. 본실험결과는반사경가공표면을평가할수있는유용한자료가될것이다. [ 포 AT-11] Preliminary Results of sharing and compatibility studies for WRC-15 science agenda items HyunSoo Chung 1, Jun-Cheol Moon 2, Dai-Hyuk YU 3, Do-Heung Je 1, Jung-Hyun Jo 1, Duk-Gyoo Roh 1, Se-Jin Oh 1, Bong-Won Sohn 1, SangSung Lee 1, Hyo-Ryung Kim 1 1 KASI, 2 RRA, 3 KRISS 세계전파통신회의 (WRC; World Radiocommunication Conference) 회의는국제전기통신연합 (ITU) 에서규정하는국제전파법제개정을위해, 3-4 년간격으로개최되는전파통신관련최고회의이다. WRC-15 회의는 2015 년 11 월 2 일 - 11 월 27 일에걸쳐스위스제네바에서개최될예정이며, 과학업무관련의제들은다음과같다. 즉, MHz대역의지구탐사위성 ( 지구대우주 ) 업무의 1 순위분배연구, 8,700~10,500 MHz대역의지구탐사위성업무의신규 SAR 용대역 ( 연속 1.2 GHz ) 분배방안연구, 우주선근거리통신용 MHz대역규제철폐관련검토, 윤초삭제와관련된세계협정시 (UTC) 개정또는대처방안연구가있다. 그리고모바일광대역응용실현을위한이동통신업무추가분배및 IMT 추가지정연구, 나노위성및피코위성규제관련연구들이있다. 따라서본발표에서는 WRC-15 회의의과학업무의제에관한사전연구결과를소개하고, 국내전파망원경운용에영향을미칠수있는주파수대역및윤초삭제등과관련된주요이슈에대한향후대응책검토를하고자한다. 110 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

111 발표논문초록 ( 천문우주관측기술 ) [ 포 AT-12] Optical Design of CubeSat Reflecting Telescope Ho Jin 1, Soojong Pak 1, Sanghyuk Kim 1, Youngju Kim 2. 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Yunam Optics, Inc The optics of Space telescope is one of the major parts of space mission used for imaging observation of astronomical targets and the Earth. These kinds of space mission have a bulky and complex opto-mechanics with a long optical tube, but there are attempts have been made to observe a target with a small satellite in many ways. In this paper, we describe an optical design of a reflecting telescope for use in a CubeSat mission. For this design, we adopt the off-axis segmented method of astronomical observation techniques based on the Ritchey-Chrétien type telescope. The primary mirror shape is a rectangle with dimensions of 8 cm 8 cm, and a secondary mirror has dimensions of 2.4 cm x 4.1 cm. The focal ratio is 3 which can obtain a degree diagonal angle in a 1280 x 800 CMOS color image sensor with a pixel size of 3 μm 3 μm. This optical design can capture a ~ 4 km ~ 2.3 km area of the earth s surface at 700 km altitude operation. Based on this conceptual design, we will keep trying to study more for astronomical observation with Attitude control system. [ 포 AT-13] Development of Mechanical and Control System in Medium Size(50cm~1m) Telescope Inwoo Han 1, Jeonggyun Jang 1, Biho Jang 1, Gwangdong Kim 1, In Sung Yim 1, Gwanghui Jeong 1, Dongsoo Choi 2, Kyujung Cho 2, Kyoung-rock Kim 2, Hyosung Kang 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Justek, Inc. 본연구는중소기업청공고중소기업기술개발지원사업과제로한국천문연구원 ( 주관기관 ) 과 져스텍 ( 공동개발기관 ) 이공동으로수행하였다. 지원사업과제는출연연과중소기업이기술개발및이전을하여개발된망원경을상용화하는것이목표이다. 망원경에서가대부는 져스텍에서, 경통부는한국천문연구원에서각각담당하여제작하였다. 시스템을설계하고가대부, 경통부, 디로테이터등을조립, 정렬하였고, 제작품을시험한결과, 초기개발목표치에달성하였다. 망원경을제작하면서한국천문연구원에서가지고있던기계부, 전자부, 프로그램에대한기술을 져스텍에이전하여독자적으로제작이가능하게하였다. 본과제를수행하면서국립고흥청소년우주체험센터망원경을제작하게되어가격경쟁력을갖는망원경제작이가능하다는것을입증하였다. 향후광학계가완성되고원하는성과를내면중형망원경을개발하는데많은도움이될것이다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 111

112 발표논문초록 ( 천문우주관측기술 ) [ 포 AT-14] Optical Multi-Channel Intensity Interferometry - or: How To Resolve O-Stars in the Magellanic Clouds Sascha Trippe, Jae-Young Kim, Bangwon Lee, Changsu Choi, Junghwan Oh, Taeseok Lee, Sung-Chul Yoon, Myungshin Im, Yong-Sun Park Seoul National University Intensity interferometry, based on the Hanbury Brown--Twiss effect, is a simple and inexpensive method for optical interferometry at microarcsecond angular resolutions. Motivated by recent technical developments, we argue that the sensitivity of large modern intensity interferometers can be improved by factors up to approximately 25,000, corresponding to 11 photometric magnitudes, compared to the pioneering Narrabri Stellar Interferometer of the 1970s when resolving. Our approach, based on spectrally resolved light, permits the construction of large optical interferometers at the cost of (very) long-baseline radio interferometers. Realistic intensity interferometers are able to spatially resolve main-sequence O-type stars in the Magellanic Clouds. Multi-channel intensity interferometers can address a wide variety of science cases: (i) linear radii, effective temperatures, and luminosities of stars; (ii) mass-radius relationships of compact stellar remnants; (iii) stellar rotation; (iv) stellar convection and the interaction of stellar photospheres and magnetic fields; (v) the structure and evolution of multiple stars; (vi) direct measurements of interstellar distances; (vii) the physics of gas accretion onto supermassive black holes; and (viii) calibration of amplitude interferometers by providing a sample of calibrator stars. 112 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

113 발표논문초록 (KVN 특별세션 ) [ 구 KVN-01] Recent Activities of the KVN Do-Young Byun ( 변도영 ), KVN group in KASI Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute( 한국천문연구원 ) KVN 은현재연간 3000 시간이상의 VLBI 관측시간을운영하는안정적인운영단계에들어섰다. 또한일본의 VLBI 관측망인 VERA 와연결한 KaVA (KVN and VERA Array) 도한일상관센터의운영시작과더불어연간 1000 시간의관측운영을하고있으며 KaVA 를이용한연구성과가나오기시작하였다. KVN 은다파장 Astrometry 를위해다파장 P-Cal 시스템을개발하고있으며관측감도를높이기위해 8Gbps 운영을준비하고있다. KVN 의운영및시스템개선계획, 국제협력내용등을소개한다. [ 구 KVN-02] Simultaneous Monitoring of KVN 4 Bands toward Evolved Stars Se-Hyung Cho and KVN Evolved Star Working Group Members Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute We propose simultaneous monitoring observations of 22 GHz H 2 O and 43/86/129 GHz SiO masers toward 15 evolved stars in order to investigate spatial structure and dynamical effect from SiO to H 2 O maser regions including mass-loss process and development of asymmetry in circumstellar envelopes. We also aim at investigating mutual association and difference between SiO and H 2 O masers for establishing SiO and H 2 O maser models coupled to hydrodynamical model of circumstellar envelope. In addition, the correlation and difference of SiO maser properties among J=1-0, J=2-1, and J=3-2 transition masers are traced according to different type of stars for constraining SiO pumping models. These scientific goals and target sources were determined based on KVN single dish and VLBI feasibility test observations at 4 bands. As a total observing time of every 2 month monitoring, about 90 and 360 hours (in average per year) are required for single dish and VLBI observations, respectively. From the 2014B observing season, these monitoring observations will be derived as one of KVN key science programs. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 113

114 발표논문초록 (KVN 특별세션 ) [ 구 KVN-03] A Candidate of KVN KSP: Origins of Gamma-ray flares in AGNs Sang-Sung Lee 1, Sincheol Kang 1, Myoung-Hee Han 1, Juan-Carlos Algaba-Marcos 1, Do-Young Byun 1, Jeong-Sook Kim 2, Soon-Wook Kim 1, Motoki Kino 1, Sascha Trippe 3, Kiyoaki Wajima 1, and Atsushi Miyazaki 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 3 Seoul National University We propose a three-year Key Science Program (KSP) consisting of VLBI monitoring observations and single dish (SD) rapid response observations (RRO). The VLBI monitoring observations are comprised of ten 24-hr observations per year (every month) of about 30 gamma-ray brigt active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with Korea VLBI Network (KVN) at 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz. The SD RROs may consist of twelve 7-hr observations per source (every week for 3 months after triggering) of gamma-ray flaring sources with two KVN SD telescopes at 22, 43, and 86 GHz in dual polarization. We expect one or two sources per year for the SD RROs. Gamma-ray flares of AGNs are known to be occured in innermost regions of relativistic jets which radiate in whole ranges of electromagnetic spectra due to synchrotron radiation, syschrotron self absorption, inverse-compton scttering, doppler boosting etc. Possible explanations of the gamma-ray flares in AGNs are a) shocks-in-jets propagating within jet flow and b) bending of the whole jets. For both cases, we should expect changes in polarization, luminosity, particle distribution, and structures of jets at mas-scale. The multifrequency simultaneous VLBI/SD observations with KVN are the best tool for detecting such changes correlated with gamma-ray flares. This KSP proposal aims to answer the fundamental questions about the basic nature of the flares of AGNs. [ 구 KVN-04] Observational Studies of Masers in Star-forming Regions with KVN and KaVA Kee-Tae Kim 1, Tomoya Hirota 2, and the KVN/KaVA Star Formation Group 1 KASI, 2 NAOJ Methanol masers are divided into two classes, I and II. Class II methanol masers trace the disk-outflow systems of massive young stellar objects (YSOs), while class I methanol masers appear to trace the interaction regions of outflows with the ambient molecular gas. Class II masers have been extensively studied by single dishes, connected arrays, and VLBIs. Meanwhile, class I masers have been much less studied. They have not been detected by any VLBI facility. Thus they have been believed to have more extended structures than class II masers. We made fringe surveys of 44GHz class I methanol maser emission towards more than 150 massive YSOs with flux densities >10 Jy using the Korean VLBI Network (KVN), and detected fringes in ~10% of the sources. We performed follow-up imaging observations of the detected maser sources with KVN and KVN+VERA (KaVA). The observations aim to investigate the distribution and kinematics of 44GHz methanol maser features in each source at milli-arcsecond resolutions, and to understand what they trace. In this talk we will present the fringe survey and imaging results and our plans for further studies. Additionally, we will also introduce the preliminary results of single-dish polarization observations of water and class I methanol masers. 114 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

115 발표논문초록 (KVN 특별세션 ) [ 구 KVN-05] Planning Large Program of Stellar Maser Study with KaVA Se-Hyung Cho 1, Hiroshi Imai 2, and KaVA Evolved Star Working Group Members 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Kagoshima University We present our activities linking to planning of possible forms of large program to study on circumstellar H2O and SiO maser sources with KaVA. A great advantage of KaVA for the stellar maser observations is the combination of the unique capability of the multi-frequency phase referencing technique of KVN and the dual-beam astrometry of VERA with the KaVA s relative dense antenna configuration. We have demonstrated this advantage through the test observations conducted by the KaVA Evolved Stars Sub-working Group since 2012 March. Snapshot KaVA imaging is confirmed to be possible in integration time of 0.5 hour at the 22 GHz band and 1.0 hour at the 43 GHz band in typical cases. This implies that large snapshot imaging surveys towards many H2O and SiO stellar masers are possible within a reasonable machine time (e.g., scans on 100 maser sources within 200 hours). This possibility enables us to select the maser sources, which are suitable for future long-term (10 years) intensive (biweekly monthly) monitoring observations, from 1000 potential target candidates selected from dual-frequency band (K/Q-bands) KVN single-dish observations. The output of the survey programs will be used for statistical analysis of the structures of individual stellar maser clumps and the spatio-kinematical structures of circumstellar envelopes with accelerating outflows. The combination of astrometry in milliarcsecond(mas) level and the multi-phase referencing technique yields not only trigonometric parallax distances to the masers but also precise position reference for registration of different maser lines. The accuracy of the map registration affects interpretation of the excitation mechanism of the SiO maser lines and the origin of the variety of the maser actions, which are expected to reflect periodic behaviors of the circumstellar envelope with stellar pulsation. Currently we are checking the technical feasibility of KaVA operations for this combination. After this feasibility test, the long-term monitoring campaign program will run as one of KaVA s legacy projects. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 115

116 발표논문초록 (KVN 특별세션 ) [ 구 KVN-06] KVN/KaVA AGN WG report Preparation of KVN/KaVA AGN Key Science Bong Won Sohn & Motoki Kino on behalf of KVN/KaVA AGN working group Affiliation Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute First, We will briefly introduce early science results of AGN observations with KVN and KaVA. KaVA is the combined array of the Korean VLBI network (KVN) and VLBI Exploration of Radio Astronomy (VERA). These include KaVA monitoring of M87, Sgr A* and a few bright blazars and KVN Search for circular polarized Blazars. Furthermore, we will present our future plan of monitoring observation of Sgr A* and M87 with KaVA and Low Radio Power AGN multi frequency polarization survey with KVN. Because of the largeness of their centralsuper-massive black holes, we select them as top-priority sources of our key science program (KSP). The main science goals of the KaVA KSP are (1) mapping the velocity field of the M87 jet and testing magnetically-driven-jet paradigm, and (2) obtaining tightest constraints on physical properties of radio emitting region in Sgr A. High sensitivity achieved through simultaneous multifrequency phase referencing technique of KVN will allow us to explore Low Radio Power AGN cores which build majority of AGNs and therefore are important for undestanding the evolution of AGNs and of their hosts. 116 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

117 발표논문초록 (ALMA 특별세션 ) [ 구 AL-01] Current Status of the Korean ALMA Project Jongsoo Kim Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Korea officially joined the ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) project on August 17, Korea was allowed to apply for the Cycle 2 call-for-proposal before joining the project. Korea submitted 17 proposals, and 4 of them were selected as high-priority. The fund of an 11-year Korean ALMA project in the KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) was approved. The project team formulated an ARC (ALMA Regional Center) node at the KASI and already started its supporting activities for the Korean Astronomical Society. The team also set up a future development plan for ASTE (Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment) and ALMA. A couple of engineers are now doing concept design of a multi-beam receiver system for the ASTE, Because of the ALMA participation, Korea could also access open-use time of ASTE and Mopra telescopes organized by Japan. As of this writing, EACOA (East Asia Core Observatories Association) is now under discussion on making an organization called East Asian Observatory and the possible operation of JCMT (James Clerk Maxwell Telescope). I will briefly mention the future prospect of these activities. [ 구 AL-02] Korean ALMA Near-term Technical Activities: Development Plan of Focal Plane Array for ASTE Jung-Won Lee 1, Jongsoo Kim 1,Chang-Won Lee 1, Do-Heung Je 1, Yong-Woo Kang 1, Bangwon Lee 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University As Korean engineering contribution to ALMA enhancement, development of focal plane arrays(fpas) for the total power array in ALMA compact array has been projected mainly to increase mapping speed in interferometric multi-pointing observation(mosaicking). To tackle engineering issues expected in order to be compatible with the existing ALMA receivers, we plan to develop a prototype GHz heterodyne FPA system including a software spectrometer using GPU clusters for ASTE(Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment) telescope by 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 117

118 발표논문초록 (ALMA 특별세션 ) [ 구 AL-03] Circumstellar disk study with ALMA A-Ran Lyo and Korean ALMA project team Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute "Circumstellar disks, exoplanets and the solar system" is the one of ALMA proposal categories, which is closely related to the one of the fundamental questions in astrophysics, " when, where, and how planets form". I will review the Cycle-0/1 observational results of this topic, which had only 16/32 antennas and the maximum angular resolutions of 0.45/ 0.16 arcsec at 345GHz at that time. Eventually, ALMA equipped with 66 antennas and 0.01 arcsec angular resolution will allow us to study details of the circumstellar disks with the 1AU resolution at the distance of 100pc. [ 구 AL-04] Astrochemistry in the ALMA era Jeong-Eun Lee ( 이정은 ) Kyung Hee University Astrochemistry is a tool to understand the physical processes occurring in the interstellar medium in a variety of astrophysical environments. Many ALMA sciences are utilizing our knowledge of astrochemistry, which has grown explosively in recent years thanks to sensitive observations and laboratory work. We will review the ALMA sciences employing astrochemistry and discuss how astrochemistry can serve to answer some unique astrophysical questions. 118 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

119 발표논문초록 (ALMA 특별세션 ) [ 구 AL-05] Low-mass evolved stars through the eyes of ALMA Hyosun Kim Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Stars create and expel new chemical elements and dust at the end of the stellar life cycle. Therefore, understanding the evolved stars, their mass loss process, and the conditions of the returning material to be mixed with the surrounding interstellar medium is an important step toward studies on the new generation of stars as well as the evolution of cosmic elements in galactic scale. I will review the first results from the ALMA Early Science on the evolved stars and direct future works. [ 구 AL-06] Extragalactic Science with ALMA: First Results & Future Perspectives Aeree Chung Yonsei University As the most sensitive radio interferometer ever operated in millimeter/submillimeter, the ALMA has opened a new window on extragalactic astronomy. Its superior resolution and sensitivity allow the community to study the gas kinematics of distant galaxies as well as the molecular gas properties of nearby galaxies in GMC scale, already in its early commissioning stage. Also the ALMA provides a great tool to probe the dust contents of extragalactic sources at all redshifts, which is important in understanding of galaxy formation and evolution history over cosmic time. In this presentation, I will review the ALMA capabilities with the emphasis on the extragalactic science. I will also revisit some highlights from the early science and discuss future perspectives. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 119

120 발표논문초록 ( 교육홍보 / 기타 ) [ 포 AE-01] Preliminary Result of Spectral Analysis Using Objective-Prism Plates Wonseok Kang, Sang-Gak Lee, Sun-gill Kwon National Youth Space Center We present the scanned digital images and their preliminary analysis results of objective-prism plates taken with the Michigan Curtis Schmidt telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. In order to separate an individual spectrum of a star, it should be required to identify each field star in the plate. Using the PPM(Position and Proper Motion) catalog, we are verifying which star corresponds to the spectrum in a plate. In addition to this, we plan to devise the method for wavelength calibration in each spectrum. Finally we will make them for public use, not only for professional astronomers but also for high school and college students for encouraging them to be interested in the astronomy, especially astronomical spectroscopy and stellar astronomy. [ 포 AE-02] Numerical Simulations for Magnetohydrodynamics based on Upwind Schemes Hanbyul Jang, Dongsu Ryu Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea Many astrophysical phenomena involve processes of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD). A number of numerical schemes have been developed to solve the equations of ideal MHD and RMHD. Recent codes are based on upwind schemes which solve hyperbolic systems of equations following the characteristics of the systems. Upwind schemes stand out by their robustness, clarity of the underlying physical model, and ability of achieving high resolution. We present MHD and RMHD codes based on the total variation diminishing (TVD) and weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes, which are second and higher order accurate extensions of upwind schemes. We demonstrate the ability and limitation of codes based on upwind schemes through a series of tests. 120 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

121 발표논문초록 ( 교육홍보 / 기타 ) [ 포 AE-03] Assembly Process of FSMP Jihun Kim 1, Young-Soo Kim 1, Je Heon Song 1, Myung Cho 2, Won Hyun Park 2, Ho-Soon Yang 3, Joohyung Lee 3, Ho-Sang Kim 4, Chanhee Lee 4, Won Gi Lee 4, Kyung Il Kim 4, Kyoung-Don Lee 4, Byeong-Gon Park 1 1 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, 2 National Optical Astronomy Observatory, 3 Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, 4 Institute for Advanced Engineering, Fast-steering Secondary Mirror prototype (FSMP) of the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) has been developed by the consortium consisting of institutes in Korea and the US. In 2014 we are finalizing the FSMP project as combining two sub-systems, the mirror fabricated by Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) and the mirror cell with tip-tilt controlling system developed by Institute for Advanced Engineering (IAE), in the KRISS facility. In the assembly process we will identify potential difficulties or problems for the process, such that this process can be reflected to the further development of the FSM for GMT. In the presentation, we present how the assembly process can be carried out in safety. [ 포 AE-04] Performance test of telescopes in Busan Science High school Byulsem Observatory ( 부산과학고등학교별샘천문대의천체망원경들의성능검증 ) La El Shin 1 ( 신라엘 ), Ji Eon Yoon 1 ( 윤지언 ), Jae Hyung Ahn 1 ( 안재형 ), Won Seok Choi 1 ( 최원석 ), Joon Young Choi 1 ( 최준영 ), Jae Jin Kim 1 ( 김재진 ), Chol U Kim 1 ( 김철우 ), Sang Hyun Lee 2,3 ( 이상현 ) 1 Busan Science High School ( 부산과학고등학교 ) 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute ( 한국천문연구원 ) 3 Corresponding author 본연구에서는 2011 년에설립된부산과학고등학교별샘천문대에있는 32 인치반사망원경을비롯한여러천체망원경들을간단히소개하고관측을통해성능을분석하여향후교육과연구에활용할수있는기초자료를제공하고자한다. 관측기기들의기계적인특성을분석하기위해가대의추적특성과정밀도, 지향특성등을조사한다. BVI 표준성관측을통한표준계변환결과를제시하고, 한계등급에대해고찰한다. 이를통해 32 인치주망원경과기타보조망원경및교육용기자재를활용하여관측할수있는주제를모색하고그한계를제시한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 121

122 발표논문초록 ( 교육홍보 / 기타 ) [ 포 AE-05] The 1st Extragalactic Workshop for Korean Young Astronomers We Love Galaxies Gwang-Ho Lee( 이광호 ) 1, Suk Kim( 김석 ) 2, Hyun-Jin Bae( 배현진 ) 3, Yijung Kang( 강이정 ) 3, Minjin Kim( 김민진 ) 4, Eunbin Kim( 김은빈 ) 5, Youngdae Lee( 이영대 ) 2, Yunhee Lee( 이윤희 ) 6, Chul Chung( 정철 ) 3, Minbae Kim( 김민배 ) 5, Taeyang Bang( 방태양 ) 6, Jubee Sohn( 손주비 ) 1, Jaehyun Lee( 이재현 ) 3 1 Seoul National University, 2 Chungnam National University, 3 Yonsei University, 4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 5 Kyung Hee University, 6 Kyungpook National University 2014 년 7 월 23 일부터 25 일까지전라북도무주에서제 1 회대학원생외부은하워크샵 We Love Galaxies 를개최하였습니다. 초청연사박사연구원 2 명을포함, 8 개대학및기관에서총 27 명이참석한이번워크샵은외부은하를연구하는대학원생들이서로의연구를이해하고, 현대외부은하천문학의문제들을공유하며, 자유로운토의를통해더큰우주를그릴수있는기회를마련하는것을목적으로하였습니다. 총 9 개의세션 27 개의구두발표를통해은하의다파장특성, 형태분류및내부구조, 주변환경과은하특성과의관계, 은하병합및진화, 활동성은하핵등의다양한주제들을다루었습니다. 본포스터를통해 We Love Galaxies 의결과및성과, 이후계획에대해소개하고자합니다. [ 포 AE-06] Performance test of telescopes in Busanil Science High School Observatory ( 부산일과학고등학교천문대망원경성능검증 ) Min-Uk Lee 1 ( 이민욱 ), Min Ji Kim 1 ( 김민지 ), Minki Park 1 ( 박민기 ), Jee Won Choi 1 ( 최지원 ), Hyungyu Jo 1 ( 조현규 ), Jeong Woo Son 1 ( 손정우 ), Sung Woo Nam 1 ( 남성우 ), Jae Han Park 1 ( 박재한 ), Sang Hyun Lee 2,3 ( 이상현 ) 1 Busanil Science High School ( 부산일과학고등학교 ) 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute ( 한국천문연구원 ) 3 Corresponding author 2013 년설립된부산일과학고등학교천문대는교육및연구목적으로 12 인치굴절망원경, 16 인치반사망원경및다수의소형망원경들이설치되어있다. 우리는본격적인관측, 연구를수행하기에앞서망원경의다양한성능을검증하여향후연구활동에기초자료로사용하고자한다. 본연구에서는망원경에 4K CCD 및 DSLR 을장착하여얻은관측영상으로부터망원경의추적특성, 지향정밀도, 광학적특성을고찰하고, Landolt (1992) 의표준성을이용한 BV 측광을수행하여표준계변환의특성을조사하였다. 또한산개성단의 BV 관측을통해한계등급을측정하였다. 이연구결과로부터향후부산일과학고등학교천문대에서수행할수있는적합한관측연구의방향을제시한다. 122 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

123 발표논문초록 ( 교육홍보 / 기타 ) [ 포 AE-07] 4 th K-GMT Summer School Seeking Answers to Open Questions ( 제 4 회거대마젤란망원경여름학교 의문들에대한해답을찾아서 ) Joon Hyeop Lee, Narae Hwang, Byeong-Gon Park, Yee Jin Kim, Jae-Joon Lee, Ho-Gyu Lee, Minjin Kim Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 다가오는거대마젤란망원경 (GMT) 시대를이끌어갈신진연구자들의연구역량증진을위해, 2014 년 8 월 25 일부터 29 일까지 4 박 5 일에걸쳐경상북도경주시대명리조트에서제 4 회거대마젤란망원경여름학교를개최하였다. 총 40 명이학생으로서참가한이번여름학교에서는다음과같은두가지새로운프로그램이시도되었다. (1) 관측천문학의기초, 우리은하천문학의기초, 외부은하천문학의기초등세번의기초강의를선택적으로제공하였다. (2) 별과행성, 항성종족과화학진화, 은하형성, 고적색이동천체와재이온화, 우주론등총다섯개분야에서심화강의를제공한뒤에각강의내용과연관된열린질문들을화두로해서학생들간에조별토론을진행하였다. 이는정해진답이없는문제를놓고토론을통해능동적으로답을찾아가는과정을훈련하기위해고안된것이다. 본포스터에서는제 4 회거대마젤란망원경여름학교의결과를정리하고앞으로나아갈 GMT 계절학교의방향을점검해본다. [ 포 AE-08] Korea Young Astronomers Meeting in 12th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting ( 제 12 회국제천문연맹아시아태평양지역총회에서의한국젊은천문학자들의모임활동보고 ) Minhee Hyun ( 현민희 ) 1, Yijung Kang ( 강이정 ) 2, Jintae Park ( 박진태 ) 3, Jeong-Eun Heo ( 허정은 ) 4, Hyeong-Sik Yun ( 윤형식 ) 5, Sung-Ho An ( 안성호 ) 2, Hoseung Choi ( 최호승 ) 2, Yiseul Jeon ( 전이슬 ) 1 1 Seoul National University, 2 Yonsei University, 3 Kyungpook National University, 4 Sejong University, 5 Kyung Hee University 한국젊은천문학자들의모임 (Korea Young Astronomers Meeting, KYAM) 은지난 8 월 18 일부터 22 일까지대전광역시대전컨벤션센터에서개최된제 12 회국제천문연맹아시아태평양지역총회 (12th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting, APRIM 2014) 에서부스전시에참여하였다. 부스에서는자체제작한전통부채를방문자에게배포하였으며, 천상열차분야지도의탁본을직접찍어볼수있는체험활동을진행하였다. 이활동을통해 KYAM 및천상열차분야지도와첨성대와같은우리나라고유의천문학적유물에대한홍보활동을수행하였다. 더불어 8 월 19 일저녁모임을개최하였고, 이를통하여한국인 36 명및외국인 24 명을포함하여총 60 명의젊은천문학자들이모여친목도모및교류의시간을가질수있었다. 본포스터발표에서는이와같은 APRIM 2014 기간 KYAM 에서진행한활동에대해보고할것이며, 앞으로의 KYAM 의활동계획에대해논의하고자한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 123

124 사단법인한국천문학회정관, 규정, 세칙 한국천문학회정관 125 한국천문학회규정 131 한국천문학회세칙 134 한국천문학회연구윤리규정 136 한국천문학회부설기관운영규정 소남천문학사연구소운영규정 150 한국천문학회분과세칙광학천문분과 154 우주전파분과 155 우주환경분과 156 행성계과학분과 157 한국천문학회위원회세칙천문학논총편집위원회 158 포상위원회 160 학술위원회 161 한국천문학회포상기준 162


126 사단법인한국천문학회정관 사단법인한국천문학회정관 제 1 장 총칙 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 본법인은사회일반의이익에공여하기위하여공익법인의설립운영에관한법률의규정에따라천문학의발전과그응용 보급에기여하고나아가과학의발전에이바지함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 명칭 ) 본법인은사단법인한국천문학회 ( 이하본학회라한다 ) 라칭하고, 영어명칭은 The Korean Astronomical Society 로한다. 제 3 조 ( 사무소의소재지 ) 본학회의주된사무소는대전광역시유성구화암동 61-1 한국천문연구원내에둔다. 제 4 조 ( 사업 ) 본학회는제 1 조의목적을달성하기위하여다음의목적사업을행한다. 1. 학술적회합의개최 2. 학술간행물의발간및배포 3. 학술자료의조사, 수집및교환 4. 학술의국제교류 5. 과학기술진흥에관한지원및건의 6. 기타본학회의목적달성에필요한사항 제 5 조 ( 법인공여이익의수혜자 ) 1 본학회가목적사업을수행함에있어서그수혜자에게제공하는이익은이를무상으로한다. 다만, 부득이한경우에는미리감독청의승인을받아그대가일부를수혜자에부담시킬수있다. 2 본법인의목적사업의수행으로인하여제공되는이익은수혜자의출생지 출신학교 근무처 직업또는기타사회적신분등에의하여차별을두지아니한다. 제 2 장 회원 제 6 조 ( 구분및자격 ) 본학회회원의구분과자격은다음과같다. 1. 정회원 : 정회원은천문학에관심을갖는개인으로서대학에서천문학또는그에관련된과정을수학한자또는이사회에서동등한자격을가진자라고인정된자 2. 준회원 : 준회원은대학의학부생또는이사회에서동등한자격을가진자라고인정된자 3. 명예회원 : 명예회원은천문학에공적이현저하거나본학회의목적달성에큰공적이있는자로서정회원의권리를부여한다. 4. 특별회원 : 특별회원은본학회에찬조및기부행위를한개인또는단체, 또는동등한기여를하였다고이사회에서인정된개인또는단체 5. 기관회원 : 기관회원은본학회의목적에찬동하고사업에기여하는학술및연구단체또는기관제 7 조 ( 입회 ) 본학회의회원은다음각호에따라입회된다. 1. 본학회의정회원이되고자하는자는기존정회원중다음각목에해당하는자 2 인의추천을얻어소정의입회원서를제출한자로이사회의심의를거쳐입회가승인되며입회금과회비를납부함으로서회원이된다. 가. 대학의전임강사이상또는이와동등한자격을가진자나. 연구소에서선임연구원이상또는이와동등한자격을가진자다. 10 년간본학회의정회원에있었던자 126 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

127 사단법인한국천문학회정관 라. 기타이사회에서인정된자 2. 본학회의준회원이되고자하는자는기존정회원중전호의가목내지라목에해당하는자 1 인의추천을얻어소정의입회원서를제출한자로이사회의심의를거쳐입회가승인되며입회금과회비를납부함으로서회원이된다. 3. 명예회원은회장의제청에의하여이사회에서추대한다. 4. 특별회원및기관회원은이사 2 인의추천에의하여이사회의승인을받아야한다. 제 8 조 ( 의무와권리 ) 본학회회원은다음각호의의무와권리를갖는다. 1. 정관및의결사항의준수와회비납부의의무 2. 회원은연구발표및학술활동에참여할수있다. 3. 정회원은학회의운영에참여할수있고선거권과피선거권을갖는다. 4. 준회원은학회의운영에참여할수있다. 제 9 조 ( 회원의탈퇴및정권 ) 1 본학회회원은임의로탈퇴할수있다. 2 본학회의회원으로서의무를다하지아니한경우나본학회의목적에배치되는행위또는명예나위신에손상을가져오는행위를하였을때에는이사회의의결로서정권또는제명할수있다. 제 3 장 임원 제 10 조 ( 임원 ) 본학회에다음임원을둔다. 1. 회장 1 인 2. 부회장 3 인이내 3. 이사 10 인이상 15 인이내 ( 회장, 부회장포함 ) 4. 감사 2 인 제 11 조 ( 임원의임기 ) 1 임원의임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 다만, 회장은연임할수없다. 2 임원의임기중결원이생긴때에는 2 개월이내에이사회에서보선하고, 보선에의해취임한임원의임기는전임자의잔여임기로한다. 3 임원은임기가끝난후일지라도후임자가선출확정될때까지는그직무를담당한다. 제 12 조 ( 임원의선임방법 ) 1 회장은회장선출규정에따라총회에서정회원의직접선거로선출하며, 부회장, 이사및감사는임원선출규정에따라선출하여과학기술부장관의승인을받아야한다. 단, 부회장과이사의일부는회장이임명할수있다. 2 임기전의임원의해임은총회의의결을거쳐과학기술부장관의승인을받아야한다. 제 13 조 ( 회장, 부회장및이사회의직무 ) 1 회장은본학회를대표하고학회업무를총괄하며, 총회, 이사회의의장이된다. 2 부회장은회장을보좌한다. 3 이사는이사회에출석하여학회의업무에관한사항을의결하며, 이사회또는회장으로부터위임받은사항을처리한다. 제 14 조 ( 회장직무대행자 ) 1 회장이사고가생겼을때에는부회장중에서연장자순으로회장의직무를대행한다. 2 회장이궐위되었을때에는부회장중에서연장자순으로회장의직무를대행한다. 제 15 조 ( 감사의직무 ) 감사는다음각호의직무를행한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 127

128 사단법인한국천문학회정관 1. 학회의재산상황을감사하는일 2. 이사회의운영과그업무에관한사항을감사하는일 3. 제 1 호및 2 호의감사결과부정또는불법한점이있음을발견할때에는이를이사회, 총회에그시정을요구하고그래도시정치않을때에는과학기술부장관에게보고하는일 4. 제 3 호의보고를하기위하여필요한때에는총회또는이사회의소집을요구하는일 5. 학회의재산상황, 또는총회, 이사회의운영과업무에관한사항에대하여회장또는총회, 이사회에서의견을진술하는일 6. 총회및이사회의회의록에기명날인하는일 제 4 장 총회 제 16 조 ( 총회의구성및기능 ) 총회는정회원으로구성하고다음사항을의결한다. 1. 회장선출에관한사항 2. 정관변경에관한사항 3. 법인의해산에관한사항 4. 예산및결산의승인 5. 사업계획의승인 6. 기타중요한사항 제 17 조 ( 총회소집 ) 1 총회는정기총회와임시총회로나누고이를회장이소집하되그의장이된다. 정기총회는년 1 회소집한다. 임시총회는필요에따라소집할수있다. 2 회장은회의안건을명기하여회의 7 일전에각회원에게통지하여야한다. 3 총회는제 2 항의통지사항에한하여서만의결할수있다. 제 18 조 ( 총회의결정족수 ) 1 총회는국내에있는재적정회원 10 분의 1 이상의출석으로개최한다. 2 총회의의사는출석한정회원과반수의찬성으로의결한다. 다만, 가부동수인경우에는의장이결정한다. 제 19 조 ( 총회소집의특례 ) 1 회장은다음각호의하나에해당하는소집요구가있을때에는그소집요구일로부터 20 일이내에총회를소집하여야한다. 1. 재적이사과반수가회의의목적을제시하고소집을요구한때 2. 제 15 조제 4 호규정에따라감사가소집을요구한때 3. 국내에있는재적정회원 10 분의 1 이상이회의목적을제시하여소집을요구한때. 2 총회소집권자가궐위되거나또는이를기피함으로써총회소집이불가능할때에는재적이사과반수또는국내에있는정회원 10 분의 1 이상의찬성으로과학기술부장관의승인을받아총회를소집할수있다. 3 제 2 항에의한총회는출석이사중연장자의사회로그의장을지명한다. 제 20 조 ( 총회의결제척사유 ) 의장또는정회원이다음각호의하나에해당하는때에는그의결에참여하지못한다. 1. 임원취임및해임에있어자신에관한사항 2. 금전또는재산의수수를수반하는사항 제 6 장 이사회 제 21 조 ( 이사회의기능 ) 이사회는다음사항을심의의결한다. 1. 업무집행에관한사항 128 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

129 사단법인한국천문학회정관 2. 사업계획운영에관한사항 3. 예산결산서작성에관한사항 4. 총회에서위임받은사항 5. 본정관에의하여그권한에속하는사항 6. 회원의자격에관한사항 7. 기타중요한사항 제 22 조 ( 의결정족수 ) 1 이사회는이사정원수의과반수의출석으로개회한다. 2 이사회의의사는출석이사과반수의찬성으로의결한다. 다만가부동수인경우에는회장이결정한다. 3 이사회의의사는대한민국국민인이사가출석이사의과반수가되어야한다. 4 감사는이사회에출석하여의견을진술할수있다. 제 23 조 ( 이사회소집 ) 1 이사회는회장이소집하고그의장이된다. 2 이사회를소집하고자할때에는적어도회의 7 일전에목적을명시하여각이사에게통지하여야한다. 3 이사회는제 2 항의통지사항에한하여서만의결할수있다. 다만, 재적이사전원이출석하고출석이사전원의찬성이있을때에는통지하지않은사항이라도이를부의하고의결할수있다. 제 24 조 ( 이사회소집의특례 ) 1 회장은다음각호의하나에해당하는소집요구가있을때에는그소집요구일로부터 20 일이내에이사회를소집하여야한다. 1. 재적이사과반수가회의의목적을제시하여소집을요구한때. 2. 제 15 조제 4 호의규정에의하여감사가소집을요구한때. 2 이사회의소집권자가궐위되거나또는이를기피함으로써 7 일이상이사회의소집이불가능할때에는재적이사과반수의찬성으로과학기술부장관의승인을받아소집할수있다. 3 제 2 항에의한이사회는출석이사중연장자의사회로그의장을지명한다. 제 25 조 ( 서면결의금지 ) 이사회의의사는서면결의에의할수없다. 제 7 장 재산및회계 제 26 조 ( 재정 ) 본학회의재정은다음의수입금으로충당한다. 1. 회원의회비 2. 자산의과실 3. 사업수익금 4. 기부금 5. 기타수익금 제 27 조 ( 회계연도 ) 본학회의회계연도는정부회계연도에따른다. 제 28 조 ( 세입, 세출, 예산 ) 본학회의세입, 세출, 예산은이사회의의결과총회의승인을얻어사업계획서와함께매회계연도개시 1 개월전까지과학기술부에제출한다. 제 29 조 ( 예산외의채무부담등 ) 예산외의채무의부담이나채권의포기는총회의의결을거쳐과학기술부장관의승인을받아야한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 129

130 사단법인한국천문학회정관 제 8 장 보칙 제 30 조 ( 해산 ) 본학회를해산하고자할때에는총회에서국내에있는재적정회원 3 분의 2 이상의찬성으로의결하여과학기술부장관의허가를받아야한다. 제 31 조 ( 해산법인의재산귀속 ) 본학회가해산할때의잔여재산은과학기술부장관의허가를받아국가또는지방자치단체에기증한다. 제 32 조 ( 정관개정 ) 본학회의정관을개정하고자할때에는재적이사 3 분의 2 이상의찬성과총회의의결을거쳐과학기술부장관의허가를받아야한다. 제 33 조 ( 시행세칙 ) 이정관의시행에필요한세부적인사항은이사회에서정하여총회의승인을얻어야한다. 제 34 조 ( 공고사항및방법 ) 법령의규정에의한사항과다음각호의사항은이를일간신문에공고함을원칙으로한다. 1. 법인의명칭 2. 본학회의해산 제 35 조 ( 설립당초의임원및임기 ) 본학회의설립당초의임원및임기는다음과같다. 직위성명현직임기 회장 이우백 한국천문연구원원장 부회장 김철희 전북대학교교수 이사 강영운 세종대학교교수 이사 강용희 경북대학교교수 이사 김두환 아주대학교연구원 이사 이명균 서울대학교교수 이사 이형목 서울대학교교수 이사 최규홍 연세대학교교수 이사 한원용 한국천문연구원연구원 이사 김용하 충남대학교교수 이사 안홍배 부산대학교교수 이사 이상각 서울대학교교수 이사 이영욱 연세대학교교수 이사 이용삼 충북대학교교수 이사 장경애 청주대학교교수 감사 김정흠 선문대학교교수 감사 민영기 경희대학교교수 년 12 월 3 일 130 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

131 사단법인한국천문학회정관 부 칙 제 1 조 ( 시행일 ) 본정관은과학기술부장관의허가를받은날로부터시행한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 131

132 사단법인한국천문학회규정 제 1 장목적 사단법인한국천문학회규정 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이규정은정관제 33 조에의거하여필요한사항을규정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 제 2 장임원선출 제 3 조 ( 회장단선출 ) 1 회장의임기는 2 년이며, 차기회장은현회장임기 2 차년도의총회에서실시한다. 2 이사의임기는 2 년이며, 매년총회에서 4 명을직접투표로선출하고, 2 명은회장이지명한다. 3 부회장, 총무및재무는회장이지명하며, 총무는당연직이사가된다. 4 회장단임기는선출된이듬해 1 월 1 일부터시작된다. 제 4 조 ( 선거관리 ) 1 선거에관한공고, 회장및이사후보의추천의뢰및등록, 선출을위한투개표및당선자공고, 기타선거에관련된모든사항은간사회에서주관한다. 2 차기회장후보는전임회장으로이루어진추천인단또는정회원각자로부터추천을받아야한다. 3 추천인단은 2 명이내의차기회장후보를추천한다. 4 정회원은선거 30 일전까지 1 인의차기회장후보를서면으로추천할수있으며, 정회원 15 인이상추천을받은자가운데상위추천자 2 명을차기회장후보로한다. 5 이사는정회원 1 인당 2 명의추천을받아상위추천자 6 명을차기이사후보자로한다. 6 감사는인격과덕망을갖춘인사또는전임회장중에서선출하되총회에출석한정회원의과반수찬성으로정한다. 제 5 조 ( 임원자격 ) 1 회장은전년도말까지 10 년이상정회원의자격을보유한회원가운데 2 년이상이사 ( 사단법인화이전평의원포함 ) 로봉사한회원중에서선출한다. 2 이사는전년도말까지 2 년이상정회원의자격을보유한회원중에서선출한다. 제 6 조 ( 선거방법 ) 회장및선출이사는정관제 12 조제 1 항에의거, 총회에서무기명비밀투표로선출한다. 제 7 조 ( 선거권 ) 선거권은선거일기준최근 2 년간정회원의의무를다한회원에게부여된다. 제 8 조 ( 당선자확정및공고 ) 1 회장은출석한정회원의과반수를얻은자로한다. 만일과반수득표자가없을경우에는상위득표자 2 인을대상으로결선투표를거쳐가장많은표를얻은자를회장으로한다. 2 이사는총회에서무기명비밀투표를통하여상위득표자순으로선출예정인원전원을선출한다. 3 간사회는당선자선출즉시총회에보고함으로써당선자확정공고를대신한다. 132 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

133 사단법인한국천문학회규정 제 3 장간사회 제 9 조 ( 간사회 ) 본학회의업무집행을위하여간사회를둔다. 제 10 조 ( 구성 ) 간사회는회장, 부회장, 총무이사, 재무간사로구성된다. 제 11 조 ( 세칙 ) 간사회의업무에관한세칙은별도로정한다. 제 4 장위원회 제 12 조 ( 위원회 ) 1 본학회의사업을능률적으로수행하기위하여상설위원회를두며, 필요에따라비상설위원회를둔다. 2 회장은이사회의동의를얻어관련상설및비상설위원회를추가로신설하거나해산할수있다. 3 본학회에있는위원회는다음각호와같다. 1. 상설위원회가. 한국천문학회지 (JKAS) 편집위원회나. 천문학논총 (PKAS) 편집위원회다. 교육및홍보위원회라. 포상위원회마. 국제천문올림피아드위원회바. 한국 IAU 운영위원회사. 학술위원회 2. 비상설위원회가. 용어심의위원회나. 우주관측위원회다. 연구윤리위원회 4 각위원회의운영에필요한재정은본학회에서지원할수있다. 제 13 조 ( 위원장과위원 ) 1 위원회는 1 인의위원장과약간의위원을두며, 임기는 2 년으로하고연임할수있다. 2 각위원회의위원장은이사회의동의를얻어회장이임명하고위원은위원장의추천을받아회장이임명한다. 제 14 조 ( 세칙 ) 위원회에대한세칙은별도로둘수있다. 제 5 장분과 제 15 조 ( 분과의설치 ) 1 본학회에전문분야별학술활동을장려하기위하여분과를둔다. 2 분과는정회원 10 인이상의발의로, 이사회의동의를얻어회장이신설하거나해산할수있다. 3 본학회에있는분과는다음각호와같다. 1. 우주환경분과 2. 우주전파분과 3. 광학천문분과 4. 행성계과학분과 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 133

134 사단법인한국천문학회규정 제 16 조 ( 분과소속및재정 ) 1 본학회회원은 1 개이상의분과에소속될수있다. 2 분과회원은소정의분과회비를납부하여야한다. 3 분과회비는분과회재정에충당된다. 4 회비는이사회에서심의하여결정한다. 제 17 조 ( 분과운영 ) 1 분과는 1 인의분과위원장과약간의분과운영위원을둘수있으며, 그임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 2 분과위원장과분과운영위원은분과세칙에서정한바에따라선출된다. 제 18 조 ( 분과위원장의임무 ) 분과위원장은다음각호의사항을이사회에서면으로보고하여야한다. 1. 소속회원의동향 2. 분과회의사업계획및결산 제 19 조 ( 분과운영세칙 ) 1 분과의운영은세칙에의한다. 2 분과세칙은분과에서작성하여이사회의승인을받아확정된다. 3 분과세칙의개정은이사회의승인을받아야한다. 제 6 장부설기관 제 20 조 ( 부설기관의설치 ) 1 본학회의목적에부합한부설기관을둘수있다. 2 부설기관은정회원 10 인이상의발의로, 이사회의동의를얻어회장이신설하거나폐지할수있다. 3 본학회에있는부설기관은다음각호와같다. 1. 소남천문학사연구소 제 21 조 ( 부설기관의재정및회계 ) 1 부설기관의자산과재정은독립적으로운영한다. 2 부설기관의회계는본학회의부설기관특별회계로구분하여관리한다. 3 부설기관이폐지될때자산처리에대한사항은부설기관운영위원회의제안을받아이사회에서결정한다. 제 22 조 ( 부설기관운영 ) 1 부설기관의운영은부설기관운영규정에따른다. 2 부설기관운영규정의제정과개정은이사회의승인을받아야한다. 제 7 장용역사업 제 23 조 ( 용역사업의수행 ) 정관제 4 조제 6 호의기타본학회의목적달성에필요한사항과관련하여용역사업을수행하고자하는경우엔별도의세칙에따른다. 부칙 제 1 조 ( 시행일 ) 이규정은총회에서통과된날로부터시행한다. 부칙 ( ) 제 1 조 ( 시행일 ) 이규정은 2012 년 1 월 16 일부터시행한다. 134 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

135 사단법인한국천문학회세칙 사단법인한국천문학회세칙 제 1 장간사회업무 제 1 조 ( 회장 ) 회장은간사회의제반업무를지휘, 통괄한다. 제 2 조 ( 총무이사 ) 총무이사는다음각호의사항을분장한다. 1. 사단법인체업무및직인관리에관한사항 2. 총회, 이사회등의각종회의에관한사항 3. 문서의접수, 발송통제및보존, 기타문서 ( 일지포함 ) 관리에관한사항 4. 도서및학회자산의관리에관한사항 5. 각종행사 ( 편집위원회를제외한각종회의의기획및진행포함 ) 회의록작성에관한사항 6. 사무원의임용, 복무및후생에관한사항 7. 물품구매, 조달및관리에관한사항 8. 학회일반서무및타간사에속하지아니하는사항 제 3 조 ( 재무간사 ) 재무간사는다음각호의사항을분장한다. 1. 수입, 지출예산의기획, 집행, 결산및회계에관한사항 2. 현금및유가증권의출납및보관에관한사항 3. 수입징수에관한사항 4. 회계감사결과처리에관한사항 5. 학회기금의관리 ( 은행이자포함 ) 와예비비관리에관한사항 6. 세무에관한사항 제 4 조 ( 편집위원장 ) 폐지 제 2 장회비 제 5 조 ( 회비 ) 사단법인한국천문학회회원의연회비와입회비는다음각호와같다. 1. 회장 : 50 만원 2. 부회장 : 30 만원 3. 이사 : 10 만원 4. 정회원 ( 일반 ) : 5 만원 5. 정회원 ( 학생 ) : 2 만원 6. 준회원 : 2 만원 7. 입회비 : 1 만원 8. 분과회비 : 분과당 1 만원 제 5 조 ( 회비의책정 ) 회장은매년재정사정을감안하여이사회의동의를얻어회비를결정할수있다. 제 6 조 ( 회비납부의해태 ) 회장은회비를 2 년이상납부하지않은회원에대하여정관제 9 조에의거하여회원의권리를정지시킬수있다. 제 3 장용역사업 제 8 조 ( 용역사업 ) 이세칙은본학회에서수행하는용역사업에적용한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 135

136 사단법인한국천문학회세칙 1. 용역사업의계약은회장명의로하고용역사업의연구책임자는사업의성격에따라의뢰자와협의하여회장이선임하되필요한경우공개적인선정절차및선정위원회를구성하여결정한다. 2. 연구책임자는연구진의구성과변경에관하여책임을지며용역사업수행의제반사항을이사회에보고한다. 제 9 조 ( 용역사업비 ) 사업비의구성및운용은다음각호에의한다. 1. 사업비의구성은통상적인정부기준및항목을적용하며간접비를계상한다. 2. 사업비의운용은연구책임자가관리하고학회가감독하되연구책임자와협의하여변경할수있다. 3. 간접비는전체사업비의 20% 이상으로하되사업의성격에따라의뢰자와연구책임자, 본학회가협의하여간접비율을조정할수있다. 부칙 제 1 조 ( 시행일 ) 이세칙은총회에서통과된날로부터시행한다. 부칙 ( ) 제 1조 ( 시행일 ) 이세칙은 2012년 1월 16일부터시행한다. 단, 제4조 ( 회비 ) 와관련한내용은 2013년 1월 1일부터시행한다. 136 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

137 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 제정 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이규정은사단법인한국천문학회 ( 이하 학회 라한다 ) 회원으로서연구를수행하는자의연구윤리를확립하고연구부정행위를사전에예방하며, 연구부정행위발생시공정하고체계적인진실성검증과처리를위한비상설연구윤리위원회 ( 이하 위원회 라한다 ) 의설치및운영등에관한사항을규정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 정의 ) (1) 연구부정행위 ( 이하 부정행위 라한다 ) 라함은다음각호가정의하는바와같이연구의제안, 연구의수행, 연구결과의보고및발표등에서행하여진위조 변조 표절 부당한논문저자표시 자료의중복사용등을말한다. 다만, 경미한과실에의한것이거나데이터또는연구결과에대한해석또는판단에대한차이의경우는제외한다. 1. 위조 는존재하지않는데이터또는연구결과등을허위로만들어내는행위를말한다. 2. 변조 는연구재료 장비 과정등을인위적으로조작하거나데이터를임의로변형 삭제함으로써연구내용또는결과를왜곡하는행위를말한다. 3. 표절 이라함은타인의아이디어, 연구내용 결과등을정당한승인또는인용없이도용하는행위를말한다. 4. 부당한논문저자표시 는연구내용또는결과에대하여과학적 기술적공헌또는기여를한사람에게정당한이유없이논문저자자격을부여하지않거나, 과학적 기술적공헌또는기여를하지않은자에게감사의표시또는예우등을이유로논문저자자격을부여하는행위를말한다. 5. 자료의중복사용 은본인이이미출판한자료를정당한승인또는인용없이다시출판하거나게재하는행위를말한다. 6. 타인에게위제 1 호내지제 4 호의행위를제안 강요하거나협박하는행위 행위 7. 기타학계또는과학기술계에서통상적으로용인되는범위를현저하게벗어난 (2) 제보자 라함은부정행위를인지한사실또는관련증거를해당연구기관또는연구지원기관에알린자를말한다. (3) 피조사자 라함은제보또는연구기관의인지에의하여부정행위의조사대상이된자또는조사수행과정에서부정행위에가담한것으로추정되어조사의대상이된자를말하며, 조사과정에서의참고인이나증인은이에포함되지아니한다. (4) 예비조사 라함은부정행위의혐의에대하여공식적으로조사할필요가있는지여부를결정하기위하여필요한절차를말한다. (5) 본조사 라함은부정행위의혐의에대한사실여부를검증하기위한절차를말한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 137

138 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 (6) 판정 이라함은조사결과를확정하고이를제보자와피조사자에게문서로써통보하는절차를말한다. 제 3 조 ( 적용범위 ) 이규정은학회회원의연구활동과직 간접적으로관련있는자에대하여적용한다. 제 4 조 ( 다른규정과의관계 ) 연구윤리확립및연구진실성검증과관련하여다른특별한규정이있는경우를제외하고는이규정에의한다. 제 2 장연구윤리위원회의설치및운영 제 5 조 ( 소속등 ) 1 위원회는학회내에비상설위원회로둔다. 제 6 조 ( 구성 ) 1 위원회는위원장 1 인을포함한 4 인의당연직위원과 3 인의추천직위원으로구성한다. 2 당연직위원은학회부회장, JKAS 편집위원장, PKAS 편집위원장, 학술위원장으로하며, 추천직위원은학회장이임명한다. 3 위원장은부회장으로한다. 4 위원회는특정한안건의심사를위하여, 특별위원회를둘수있다. 제 7 조 ( 위원장 ) 1 위원장은위원회를대표하고, 회의를주재한다. 2 위원장이부득이한사유로직무를수행할수없는때에는위원장이미리지명한위원이그직무를대행한다. 제 8 조 ( 위원의임기 ) 위원의임기는위원회의활동기한으로제한한다. 제 9 조 ( 간사등 ) 1 위원회의원활한업무수행을위하여간사 1 인을둘수있다. 2 위원회의각종업무를지원하기위하여전문위원을둘수있다. 제 10 조 ( 업무 ) 위원회는다음각호의사항을심의 의결한다. 1. 연구윤리관련제도의수립및운영에관한사항 2. 부정행위제보접수및처리에관한사항 3. 예비조사와본조사의착수및조사결과의승인에관한사항 4. 제보자보호및피조사자명예회복조치에관한사항 5. 연구윤리검증결과의처리및후속조치에관한사항 138 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

139 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 6. 기타위원장이부의하는사항 제 11 조 ( 회의 ) 1 위원장은위원회의회의를소집하고그의장이된다. 2 회의는재적위원과반수이상의출석과출석위원 3 분의 2 이상의찬성으로의결한다. (3) 위원장이심의안건이경미하다고인정할때에는서면심의로대체할수있다. (4) 위원회에서필요하다고인정될때에는위원이아닌자를출석케하여의견을청취할수있다. 제 12 조 ( 경비 ) 위원회의운영에필요한경비를학회예산의범위내에서지급할수있다. 제 3 장연구진실성검증 제 13 조 ( 부정행위제보및접수 ) (1) 제보자는학회에구술 서면 전화 전자우편등가능한모든방법으로제보할수있으며실명으로제보함을원칙으로한다. 다만, 익명으로제보하고자할경우서면또는전자우편으로연구과제명또는논문명및구체적인부정행위의내용과증거를제출하여야한다. (2) 제보내용이허위인줄알았거나알수있었음에도불구하고이를신고한제보자는보호대상에포함되지않는다. 제 14 조 ( 예비조사의기간및방법 ) (1) 예비조사는신고접수일로부터 15 일이내에착수하고, 조사시작일로부터 30 일이내에완료하여학회장의승인을받도록한다. (2) 예비조사에서는다음각호의사항에대한검토를실시한다. 1. 제보내용이제 2 조제 1 항의부정행위에해당하는지여부 지여부 2. 제보내용이구체성과명확성을갖추어본조사를실시할필요성과실익이있는 3. 제보일이시효기산일로부터 5 년을경과하였는지여부 제 15 조 ( 예비조사결과의보고 ) (1) 예비조사결과는위원회의의결을거친후 10 일이내에학회장과제보자에게문서로써통보하도록한다. 다만제보자가익명인경우에는그렇지아니하다. 2 예비조사결과보고서에는다음각호의내용이포함되어야한다. 1. 제보의구체적인내용및제보자신원정보 2. 조사의대상이된부정행위혐의및관련연구과제 3. 본조사실시여부및판단의근거 4. 기타관련증거자료 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 139

140 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 제 16 조 ( 본조사착수및기간 ) 1 본조사는위원회의예비조사결과에대한학회장의승인후 30 일이내에착수되어야한다. (2) 본조사는판정을포함하여조사시작일로부터 90 일이내에완료하도록한다. (3) 위원회가제 2 항의기간내에조사를완료할수없다고판단될경우학회장에게그사유를설명하고조사기간의연장을요청할수있다. 4 본조사착수이전에제보자에게위원회명단을알려야하며, 제보자가위원기피에관한정당한이의를제기할경우이를수용하여야한다. 제 17 조 ( 출석및자료제출요구 ) (1) 위원회는제보자 피조사자 증인및참고인에대하여진술을위한출석을요구할수있다. (2) 위원회는피조사자에게자료의제출을요구할수있으며, 증거자료의보전을위하여소속기관장의승인을얻어부정행위관련자에대한실험실출입제한, 해당연구자료의압수 보관등의조치를취할수있다. (3) 제 1 항및제 2 항의출석요구와자료제출요구를받은피조사자는반드시이에응하여야한다. 제 18 조 ( 제보자와피조사자의권리보호및비밀엄수 ) 1 어떠한경우에도제보자의신원을직 간접적으로노출시켜서는아니되며, 제보자의성명은반드시필요한경우가아니면제보자보호차원에서조사결과보고서에포함하지아니한다. (2) 제보자가부정행위제보를이유로징계등신분상불이익, 근무조건상의차별, 부당한압력또는위해등을받은경우피해를원상회복하거나제보자가필요로하는조치등을취하여야한다. (3) 부정행위여부에대한검증이완료될때까지피조사자의명예나권리가침해되지않도록주의하여야하며, 무혐의로판명된피조사자의명예회복을위해노력하여야한다. (4) 제보 조사 심의 의결및건의조치등조사와관련된일체의사항은비밀로하며, 조사에직 간접적으로참여한자는조사및직무수행과정에서취득한모든정보에대하여누설하여서는아니된다. 다만, 정당한사유에따른공개의필요성이있는경우에는위원회의의결을거쳐공개할수있다. 제 19 조 ( 제척 기피및회피 ) 1 위원이해당안건과직접적인이해관계가있는경우에는그직무집행에서제척된다. 2 위원회는직권또는당사자의신청에의하여제척의결정을한다. 3 위원에게직무수행의공정을기대하기어려운사정이있는경우에는제보자와피조사자는기피신청을할수있다. 4 위원은제 1 항또는제 3 항의사유가있는때에는위원장의허가를얻어회피할수있다. 140 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

141 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 제 20 조 ( 이의제기및변론의권리보장 ) 위원회는제보자와피조사자에게의견진술, 이의제기및변론의권리와기회를동등하게보장하여야한다. 제 21 조 ( 본조사결과보고서의제출 ) (1) 위원회는의견진술, 이의제기및변론내용등을토대로본조사결과보고서 ( 이하 최종보고서 라한다 ) 를작성하여학회장에게제출한다. 2 최종보고서에는다음각호의사항이포함되어야한다. 1. 제보내용 2. 조사의대상이된부정행위혐의및관련연구과제 3. 해당연구과제에서의피조사자의역할과혐의의사실여부 4. 관련증거및증인 5. 조사결과에대한제보자와피조사자의이의제기또는변론내용과그에대한처리결과 6. 위원명단 제 22 조 ( 판정 ) 위원회는학회장의승인을받은후최종보고서의조사내용및결과를확정하고이를제보자와피조사자에게통보한다. 제 4 장검증이후의조치 제 23 조 ( 결과에대한조치 ) 1 위원회는학회장에게다음각호에해당하는행위를한자에대하여징계조치를권고할수있다. 1. 부정행위 2. 본인또는타인의부정행위혐의에대한조사를고의로방해하거나제보자에게위해를가하는행위 2 징계조치에관한사항은별도로정할수있다. 제 24 조 ( 기록의보관및공개 ) (1) 예비조사및본조사와관련된기록은학회에서보관하며, 조사종료이후 5 년간보관하여야한다. (2) 최종보고서는판정이끝난이후에공개할수있으나, 제보자 위원 증인 참고인 자문에참여한자의명단등신원과관련된정보에대해서는당사자에게불이익을줄가능성이있을경우공개대상에서제외할수있다. 제 5 장기타 제 25 조 ( 시행세칙 ) 위원회는이규정의시행을위하여필요한세부사항을별도로정할수있다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 141

142 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 부 칙 (1)( 시행일 ) 이규정은 2009 년 11 월 1 일부터시행한다. 부칙 ( ) (1)( 시행일 ) 이규정은 2012 년 1 월 16 일부터시행한다. 142 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

143 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 Regulations on Establishment and Operation of Non-Permanent Research Ethics Committee Article 1 Purpose Amended on November 1, 2009 The purpose of these regulations is to stipulate the establishment and operation of the Non-Permanent Research Ethics Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee ) whose goals are to establish research ethics amongst researchers who perform research as members of the Korean Astronomical Society (hereinafter referred to as the Society ), to prevent research misconduct in advance, and to verify integrity upon occurrence of research misconduct and to handle such misconduct in a fair and systematic manner. Article 2 Definition of Terms (1) Research misconduct (hereinafter referred to as misconduct ) refers to any instance of fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, failure to give proper credit to co-authors, or redundant publication that may emerge during the research process including proposal, performance, reporting, and presentation of research defined by each item below. However, if such an instance arises from a minor mistake, or from differences in interpreting or judging data or research results, such an instance is not considered as misconduct. Fabrication refers to the act of presenting non-existent data or research results. Falsification" refers to the act of artificially fabricating research materials, equipment, and processes, or distorting research content or results by arbitrarily altering and deleting data. "Plagiarism" refers to the act of using others ideas, research content, or results without obtaining proper approval from the authors or without appropriate remarks or citation. Failing to give proper credit to co-authors" refers to the act of failing to list those who contributed scientifically/academically to the research process or results as co-authors without justifiable reason, or conversely to the act of listing those who have not made any scientific/academic contribution as co-authors out of appreciation or respect. Redundant publication" refers to the act of publishing a paper that is identical or highly similar in text to one that has already been published without due approval or citation. The act of suggesting to, coercing, or threatening another person to commit the acts described in 1 and 4 above. All other acts that go drastically beyond the typically permissible scope within the academic or scientific and technological community. (2) Informer refers to a person who informs the respective research institute 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 143

144 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 or the research support institute of the facts or related evidence of suspected misconduct. (3) Examinee refers to a person who becomes a subject of an investigation for misconduct upon information by an informer or discovery by the research institute, or a person who becomes a subject of an investigation for being presumed to be involved in misconduct during an investigation process, exclusive of testifiers and witnesses. (4) Preliminary investigation refers to procedures required to determine whether or not an official investigation of suspected misconduct is necessary. (5) Main investigation refers to a process to determine if suspected misconduct indeed took place. (6) Judgment refers to procedures to finalize investigation results and to inform the informer and examinee of the final investigation results in writing. Article 3 Scope of Application These regulations are applied to persons who are either directly or indirectly associated with research activities performed by (a) member(s) of the Society. Article 4 Relation to Other Regulations Unless there are special regulations in place with regard to establishment of research ethics and to verification of research integrity, all relevant matters shall be handled based on these regulations. Chapter 2 Establishment and Operation of Research Ethics Committee Article 5 Affiliation (1) The Committee shall be established as a non-permanent committee within the Society. Article 6 Composition (1) The Committee will consist of four ex officio members including one chairperson and three members on recommendation. (2) The four ex officio members are the Vice President of the Society, JKAS editor-in-chief, PKAS editor-in-chief, and the chairperson of the meeting organizing committee, while committee members on recommendation are appointed by the President of the Society. (3) The Vice President of the Society shall chair the Committee. 144 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

145 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 (4) The Committee may establish a special sub-committee to investigate a specific case. Article 7 Chairperson (1) The chairperson shall represent the Committee and preside over meetings. (2) When the chairperson cannot perform his or her duties due to unavoidable reasons, a member pre-designated by the chairperson shall assume and perform the chairperson s duties on the chairperson s behalf. Article 8 Term of Membership The term of members shall be limited to the period during which time the Committee is in operation. Article 9 Assistant Administrator, etc. (1) The Committee may have one assistant administrator to facilitate the Committee s tasks. (2) The Committee may have special members dedicated to supporting various Committee tasks. Article 10 Tasks The Committee shall deliberate on and determine each of the following matters: Matters related to establishment and operation of systems for research ethics; Matters related to receiving and handling information on misconduct; Matters related to launch of preliminary and main investigations, and approval of investigation results; Matters related to protection of informer and measures to restore honor of examinees; Matters related to handling of research ethics verification results and follow-up measures; and Other matters presented by the chairperson for consideration. Article 11 Meeting (1) The chairperson shall convene and preside over the meeting. (2) Items on the agenda shall be deemed resolved when two-thirds of members in attendance vote in agreement. (3) The chairperson may substitute the resolution of items on the agenda that are 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 145

146 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 recognized as minor with a written resolution. (4) Non-members of the Committee can be present at the meeting to voice their opinions to the Committee members, when such participation is deemed necessary by the Committee. Article 12 Expenses Expenses necessary for the Committee s operation can be funded within the budget of the Society. Chapter 3 Verification of Research Integrity Article 13 Information and Receipt of Misconduct (1) An informer may, in principle, inform the Society of alleged misconduct via all possible means including but not limited to oral and written statements, telephone calls, and . However, should the informer wish to make an anonymous report, he or she shall submit the title of the research project or the title of the thesis, as well as the details and evidence of the alleged misconduct via letter or . (2) Any informer who falsely reports misconduct knowingly or who reports misconduct despite being able to determine it as false shall not be a subject for protection. Article 14 Period and Method of Preliminary Investigation (1) The preliminary investigation shall begin within 15 days from the receipt of allegation and shall be completed within 30 days from the launch for approval by the President of the Society. (2) The preliminary investigation shall examine each of the following items: Whether or not the alleged case falls under misconduct as described in Article 2 (1); If the allegation details have validity and clarity, and thus will warrant a main investigation and bring about actual benefits; Whether or not five years have elapsed from the date of the initial report of the alleged misconduct. Article 15 Report of Preliminary Investigation Results (1) Results of the preliminary investigation shall be notified in written form to the President of the Society and the informer within 10 days from the Committee s resolution. However, in cases where the informer chooses to remain anonymous, the above provision shall not apply. (2) A report of preliminary investigation results shall contain each of the 146 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

147 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 following items: 1. Specific details of the report and personal information of the informer; 2. Details of alleged misconduct and related research project subject to investigation; 3. Whether or not a main investigation shall take place and grounds for determination; and 4. Other relevant evidence. Article 16 Launch and Duration of Main Investigation (1) The main investigation shall begin within 30 days after the Society President approves the preliminary investigation results. (2) The main investigation, including judgment, shall be completed within 90 days from the date it was launched. (3) If the Committee decides that it cannot complete the investigation within the period stipulated in (2), it shall explain the reason to the Society President and request extension of the investigation period. (4) Prior to the launch of the main investigation, a list of the Committee members should be notified to the informer, and if the informer makes a justifiable objection for avoidance of any Committee member, it shall be accepted. Article 17 Request for Attendance and Material Submission (1) The Committee may request the informer, examinee, witness(es), and testifier(s) to attend the investigation. (2) The Committee may request the examinee to submit materials and may take measures to preserve evidence such as restriction of access by the persons involved in misconduct to the laboratory, and seizure and retention, etc. of relevant research materials after obtaining approval of the head of the respective research institute. (3) The examinee, upon receipt of requests for attendance and material submission stated in (1) and (2), must comply with the requests. Article 18 Protection of Rights and Confidentiality of Informer and Examiner (1) In any case, the identity of the informer shall not be either directly or indirectly exposed, and the name of the informer shall not be included in the investigation report for the purpose of protecting the informer unless such inclusion is absolutely necessary. (2) In the event that the informer faces any disadvantage such as a disciplinary action, discrimination in terms of work conditions, unjust pressure or harm as a result of his or her report of alleged misconduct, the Committee shall recover the 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 147

148 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 damage or take measures needed by the informer. (3) The Committee shall take caution not to violate, discredit, or damage the honor or rights of the examinee, and make efforts to restore the honor of an examinee for whom suspicions have been cleared. (4) All matters related to the investigation including but not limited to information (report), examination, deliberation, and resolution shall be kept confidential. Those who are either directly or indirectly involved in the investigation shall not disclose any information obtained during the course of the investigation and while performing their respective duties related to the investigation. However, if it is necessary to disclose any information for a justifiable reason, it can be disclosed following the Committee s resolution. Article 19 Exclusion/Avoidance and Evasion (1) If a Committee member has direct interest in an item on the agenda, the member shall be excluded from dealing with the item concerned. (2) The Committee can determine such exclusion either on its authority or upon a request from the member concerned. (3) If there are just reasons to believe that a Committee member is unable to maintain fairness in performing his or her duty, the informer and examinee can make a request for avoidance. (4) A Committee member can evade his or her duty upon approval from the Committee chairperson for reasons stated in (1) and (3). Article 20 Guarantee of Objection and Defense Right The Committee shall guarantee the informer and the examinee equal rights and opportunities to state opinions, to make an objection, and to defend himself or herself. Article 21 Submission of Report on Main Investigation Results (1) The Committee shall prepare a report on the main investigation results (hereinafter referred to as the Final Report ) based on opinions stated, objections raised, defenses, etc., and submit it to the Society s President. (2) The Final Report shall contain the following information: 1. Details of initial information of alleged misconduct; 2. Alleged misconduct and related research project subject to investigation; 3. Roles of the examinee in the research project and whether or not the suspected action is true; 148 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

149 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 4. Relevant evidence and witnesses; 5. Details of objection or defense of the informer and the examinee in response to the investigation results and disposition thereof; and 6. List of Committee members Article 22 Judgment The Committee shall finalize the investigation details and results based on the objection(s) raised and defense after obtaining an approval from the Society President, and notify the informer and examinee of its judgment. Chapter 4 Action after Verification Article 23 Action on Results (1) The Committee may recommend to the Society President to take disciplinary action against persons who have committed any of the following acts. 1. Misconduct; 2. Deliberate interference with an investigation of one s misconduct or that of another person, or act to harm the informer. (2) Matters pertaining to disciplinary action may be determined separately. Article 24 Preservation and Disclosure of Records (1) Records of the preliminary and main investigations shall be kept by the Society for five years from the end of the investigation. (2) The Final Report may be disclosed after the judgment is finalized, but the information related to identities, such as a list of all participants including the informer, Committee members, witnesses, testifiers, and those who provided consultation, may be excluded from such disclosure if the information is considered a threat to pose injury to those involved. Chapter 5 Others Article 25 Rules for Enforcement The Committee may establish separate rules for the purpose of enforcing these regulations. Addendum (1) (Enforcement Date) These regulations shall enter into force on November 1, 2009 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 149

150 사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정 Addendum (October 17, 2012) (1) (Enforcement Date) These regulations shall enter into force on January 16, / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

151 한국천문학회부설기관운영규정 사단법인한국천문학회부설소남천문학사연구소운영규정 제 1 장총칙 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이규정은사단법인한국천문학회 ( 이하 천문학회 라한다 ) 의정관제 33 조와규정제 20 조에의하여설치된 ' 소남천문학사연구소 ' 의운영에관한사항을규정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 명칭과임무 ) 소남천문학사연구소 ( 이하 연구소 라한다 ) 의한문명칭은 召南天文學史硏究所, 영문명칭은 SohNam Institute for History of Astronomy (SIHA) 로한다. 연구소는천문학사와고천문학연구와보급, 그리고후진양성을그임무로한다. 제 3 조 ( 사업 ) 본연구소는제 2 조의임무를달성하기위하여다음과같은일을한다. 1 천문학사와고천문학에대한자료조사와연구 2 천문학사와고천문학관련강연과출판물제작 3 기타연구소의목적에부합하는사업 제 4 조 ( 주소 ) 본연구소는서울시관악구봉천 4 동 하버드오피스텔 409 호에둔다. 제 2 장회원 제 5 조 ( 회원의종류와입회 ) 연구소의회원은천문학사및고천문학연구및사업에참여하거나관심을가진사람으로서임원 1 인의추천과운영위원회의심의를거쳐입회한다. 회원의종류는다음과같다. 1 연구원 : 연구소회원의자격을취득하고, 연구소의관련연구를수행하는자로한다. 2 일반회원 : 연구소의사업을지원하는사람및단체로한다. 3 특별회원 : 연구소의설립과운영에공로가큰사람으로하며운영위원회에서결정한다. 제 6 조 ( 회원의권리 ) 회원은연구소시설을이용하고, 학술연구 세미나 학술대회등연구소의활동에참여할수있으며, 각종간행물을받을수있다. 제 7 조 ( 회원의의무 ) 회원은다음의의무를지닌다. 1 본연구소의운영규정및제규약의준수 2 회비와기여금등제부담금의납부 3 기타운영규정에규정된사항 제 8 조 ( 회원의탈퇴 ) 회원은자유의사에따라연구소회원을탈퇴할수있다. 회원이탈퇴의사를구두또는서면으로표시한날을탈퇴일로한다. 제 9 조 ( 회원의제명 ) 회원이연구소의사업에심각한장애를초래하거나명예를훼손하는경우운영위원회의의결을거쳐제명할수있다. 제 3 장임원 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 151

152 한국천문학회부설기관운영규정 제 10 조 ( 임원의종류와정수 ) 1 연구소에다음의임원을둔다. 1. 연구소장 1 인 2. 운영위원 6 인이상 12 인이하. 운영위원중에총무위원등실무담당위원을둘수있다. 2 연구소는운영위원회의의결에따라약간명의고문과자문위원을둘수있다. 제 11 조 ( 임원의선임 ) 1 연구소장은운영위원회에서선출하며, 천문학회장이임명한다. 2 운영위원은운영위원회에서선출한다. 실무담당위원은연구소장이운영위원중에서임명한다. 제 12 조 ( 임원의임기 ) 1 임원의임기는 3 년으로하며연임할수있다. 제 13 조 ( 임원의해임 ) 임원이연구소의운영규정및내규에명시된사항을위반했을때에는운영위원회의의결을거쳐해임할수있다. 단, 연구소장은운영위원회의의결을거쳐천문학회장이해임한다. 제 14 조 ( 연구소장의직무 ) 1 연구소장은연구소를대표하고연구소의모든업무를총괄한다. 2 연구소장은운영위원회의의장이된다. 3 연구소장이유고시에는총무위원이그직무를대행한다. 제 4 장운영위원회 제 15 조 ( 구성 ) 운영위원회 ( 이하운영위 ) 는연구소장과운영위원으로구성한다. 필요한경우운영위원이아닌회원이배석할수있다. 제 16 조 ( 구분및소집 ) 1 운영위의회의는정기회의와특별회의로구분하며연구소장이이를소집한다. 2 정기회의는일년에두번으로하며, 6 월과 12 월에개최한다. 3 특별회의는소장또는운영위원 3 인이상이요구할때개최한다. 제 17 조 ( 의결정족수 ) 운영위는재적위원과반수의출석으로개의하고출석위원과반수의찬성으로의결한다. 다만, 가부동수일경우에는의장이결정한다. 제 18 조 ( 의결사항 ) 운영위는다음의사항을심의 의결한다. 1 회원과임원에관한사항 2 주요사업의계획과운영에관한사항 3 예산과결산에관한사항 ➃ 운영규정변경에관한사항 ➄ 재산관리에관한사항 ➅ 기타운영위의의장이본연구소의운영상중요하다고판단하여부의한사항 제 5 장재정및회계 제 19 조 ( 재정 ) 연구소의재정은회비, 기여금, 기부금, 기타수입금으로자체적으로충당 152 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

153 한국천문학회부설기관운영규정 한다. 제 20 조 ( 회계연도 ) 연구소의회계연도는 1 월 1 일로부터 12 월 31 일까지로한다. 제 21 조 ( 사업계획및예산편성 ) 연구소의사업계획및예산편성은운영위원회에서결정하고, 천문학회이사회에보고한다. 제 22 조 ( 서류의보관 ) 운영위원회에서결정한서류및기타일체의회계장부는연구소사무실에보관한다. 제 6 장보칙 제 23 조 ( 규정변경 ) 규정을개정하고자할때에는운영위원회의위원 3 분의 2 이상의동의를받아야한다. 제 24 조 ( 해산 ) 연구소를해산하고자하거나, 독립하고자할때에는운영위원회의위원전원의동의를받아야한다. 제 25 조 ( 잔여재산의귀속 ) 연구소가해산또는독립할때에는연구소운영위원회가마련한잔여재산의처리방안을천문학회이사회의승인을거쳐시행한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 153

154 한국천문학회부설기관운영규정 부칙 제 1 조이규정에정하지않은사항은운영위원회의의결로규정을정하여시행하거나, 천문학회의정관과규정을따르거나, 사단법인에관한규정에따른다. 제 2 조운영위원회초대위원들은천문학회부설기관으로편입되기전의기존연구소이사회의이사들로한다 년 4 월 12 일현재소남연구소의임원명단은다음과같다. 분류 이름 소속및직위 소장 윤홍식 서울대천문학과명예교수 이사 문중양 서울대국사학과교수 박창범 고등과학원물리학부교수 ( 총무이사 ) 유성초 충북대물리학과교수 이면우 춘천교대교수 이용복 서울교대과학교육과교수 이용삼 충북대천문우주학과교수 이종각전용훈 소남연구소전문연구원 홍승수 서울대천문학과교수 제 3 조본규정은한국천문학회부설기관으로편입된날로부터시행한다. 154 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

155 사단법인한국천문학회분과세칙 사단법인한국천문학회분과세칙 광학천문분과운영세칙 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이세칙은한국천문학회광학천문분과의구성과운영에관한사항을정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 활동사항 ) 본분과는광학천문 ( 가시광선및근적외선 ) 분야에서다음과같은활동을한다. 1. 학술모임개최및그교류 2. 광학천문관련기관간협력및공동연구추진 3. 국내광학천문발전계획논의 4. 밤하늘의보호및광해대책 5. 광학천문연구및관련기술진흥에대한지원과건의 6. 기타본분과의운영상필요하다고인정되는사항 제 3 조 ( 구성 ) 1 분과의회원은광학천문에관심을갖는한국천문학회회원으로하고분과의운영을위하여분과위원장 1 인과 10 인내외의분과운영위원및간사 1 인으로구성되는분과운영위원회를둔다. 단, 분과의운영등에대한자문을위하여 1~2 인의고문을둘수있다. 2 위원장은분과총회에서직접선출하며, 임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 운영위원및간사는위원장이위촉한다. 3 분과활동의필요에따라상설위원회나한시적인위원회를둘수있으며, 이들의설립과구성은운영위원회에서정한다. 제 4 조 ( 위원장 ) 1 위원장은분과의업무를총괄하며분과총회및운영위원회를소집하고회의의의장이된다. 2 위원장은다음사항을분과총회에보고하여야한다. 1. 선임된임원의명단 2. 분과의운영사항 제 5 조 ( 운영위원회 ) 운영위원회는제 2 조의분과활동사항에대한안건을심의 의결하고주요결정사항은위원장이분과총회에보고한다. 제 6 조 ( 총회소집 ) 정기총회는한국천문학회춘계학술대회기간중에개최하며그외는분과위원장또는분과의운영위원회에서필요하다고판단되는경우소집한다. 제 7 조 ( 재정 ) 분과의운영에필요한재정의일부를한국천문학회에서보조를받을수있으며회원들로부터소정의연회비를받는다. 부칙이세칙은이사회의승인을받은 2003년 10 월 1일부터유효하다 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 155

156 사단법인한국천문학회분과세칙 우주전파분과운영세칙 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이내규는한국천문학회우주전파분과위원회의구성과운영에관한사항을정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 활동사항 ) 본분과위원회는전파천문분야에서다음과같은활동을한다. 1. 학술모임개최및그교류 2. 전파천문관련기관간협력및공동연구추진 3. 국내전파천문장래계획논의 4. 전파천문주파수대역보호 5. 전파천문연구및관련기술진흥에대한지원과건의 6. 기타본분과회의운영상필요하다고인정되는사항 제 3 조 ( 구성 ) 1 분과위원회회원은전파천문에관심을갖는한국천문학회회원으로한다. 2 위원장은분과총회에서직접선출하며임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 운영위원및간사는위원장이위촉하고운영등의자문을위하여 1~2 인의고문을둘수있다 3 분과위원회는그운영을위하여운영위원회를두고위원장 1 인, 간사 1 인, 운영위원 15 인이내로구성한다. 제 4 조 ( 위원장 ) 1 위원장은분과위원회업무를통리하며분과총회및운영위원회를소집하고회의의의장이된다. 2 위원장은다음사항을총회에보고하여야한다. 1. 선임된임원의명단 2. 분과위원회의운영사항 제 5 조 ( 운영위원회 ) 운영위원회는제 2 조의분과위원회활동사항에대한안건을심의및의결하고주요결정사항은위원장이분과총회에보고한다. 제 6 조 ( 총회소집 ) 정기총회는한국천문학회춘계학술대회와추계학술대회에개최하며그외는위원장이필요하다고인정될때소집한다. 제 7 조 ( 재정 ) 위원회의운영에필요한재정의일부를한국천문학회에서보조를받을수있으며회원들로부터연회비를받는다. 부칙이내규는전파천문분과위원회총회의승인을받은 1999 년월일부터유효하다. 부칙 ( ) 이내규는분과위원회총회의승인을받은 2007 년 4 월 13 일부터시행한다. 156 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

157 사단법인한국천문학회분과세칙 우주환경분과운영세칙 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이내규는한국천문학회우주환경분과의구성과운영에관한사항을정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 활동사항 ) 본분과는우주환경분야에서다음과같은활동을한다. 1. 학술모임개최및그교류 2. 우주환경관련기관간협력및공동연구추진 3. 국내우주환경분야장래계획논의 4. 우주환경연구및관련기술진흥에대한지원과건의 5. 기타본분과회의운영상필요하다고인정되는사항 제 3 조 ( 구성 ) 1 분과회원은우주환경에관심을갖는한국천문학회회원으로하고분과는위원장 1 인, 운영위원 10 인이내와간사 1 인을둔다. 단, 분과운영등에대한자문을위하여 1~2 인의고문을둘수있다. 2 위원장은분과총회에서직접선출하며, 임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 운영위원및간사는위원장이선출한다. 제 4 조 ( 위원장 ) 1 위원장은분과업무를총괄하며분과총회및운영위원회를소집하고회의의의장이된다. 2 위원장은다음사항을총회에보고하여야한다. 1. 선임된임원의명단 2. 분과의운영사항 제 5 조 ( 운영위원회 ) 운영위원회는제 2 조의분과활동사항에대한안건을심의 의결하고주요결정사항은위원장이분과총회에보고한다. 제 6 조 ( 총회소집 ) 정기총회는한국천문학회춘계학술대회와추계학술대회에개최하며그외는위원장이필요하다고인정될때소집한다. 제 7 조 ( 재정 ) 분과의운영에필요한재정의일부를한국천문학회에서보조를받을수있다. 부 칙 이내규는우주환경분과총회의승인을받은 1999 년월일부터유효하다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 157

158 사단법인한국천문학회분과세칙 행성계과학분과운영세칙 제 1 조 ( 목적 ). 이세칙은한국천문학회행성계과학분과의활동, 구성및운영에관한사항을정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 활동사항 ). 본분과는행성계과학분야의연구진작을위하여다음과같은활동을한다. 행성계과학관련학술회의개최및출판물간행행성계과학관련학술자료의조사, 수집및교환행성계과학관련연구자의협력및공동연구추진행성계과학연구및관련기술의진흥에관한논의기타본분과의목적달성에필요하다고인정되는사항 제 3 조 ( 구성 ). 분과의구성원 ( 이하 회원 으로칭하기로함.) 은행성계과학에관심을갖는한국천문학회회원중본분과에가입한자로한다. 분과의운영을위하여회원중 1 인의분과위원장, 5 인내외의평의원, 3 인의간사로구성되는분과운영위원회를둔다. 단, 분과의운영등에관한자문을구하기위하여 1 인또는 2 인의고문을둘수있다. 간사진은회무간사, 학술간사, 편집간사로구성한다. 위원장과평의원은분과총회에서선출하며, 임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 간사는위원장이위촉한다. 분과활동의필요에따라상설위원회나한시적위원회를둘수있으며, 이들의설립과구성은분과운영위원회에서정한다. 제 4 조 ( 위원장 ). 위원장은분과업무를총괄하며분과총회및분과운영위원회를소집하고그회의의의장이된다. 위원장은다음사항을분과총회에보고해야한다. 분과운영위원및고문의명단분과의운영에관한사항 제 5 조 ( 운영위원회 ). 분과운영위원회는제 2 조의분과활동사항에관한안건을심의 의결하고, 위원장은주요결정사항을분과총회에보고한다. 제 6 조 ( 총회소집 ). 정기총회는한국천문학회춘계학술대회기간중에개최하며, 임시총회는위원장또는운영위원회에서필요하다고판단되는경우에위원장이소집한다. 제 7 조 ( 재정 ). 한국천문학회로부터분과운영에필요한재정의일부를보조받을수있으며회원은소정의회비를납부해야한다. 부칙이세칙은한국천문학회이사회의승인을받은날로부터유효하다. 158 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

159 사단법인한국천문학회위원회세칙 사단법인한국천문학회위원회세칙 천문학논총편집위원회운영세칙 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이운영세칙 ( 이하 세칙 ) 은사단법인한국천문학회천문학논총편집위원회 ( 이하 위원회 ) 의조직, 운영및활동에관한사항을정하는데목적이있다. 사항 제 2 조 ( 활동 ) 위원회는다음각호의활동을한다. 1. 천문학과천체물리학분야의전문학술지인천문학논총 ( 이하 논총 ) 편집에관한 2. 논총특별호편집에관한사항 3. 논총에대한규정의제ㆍ개정및폐지에관한사항 4. 논문심사요건및심사위원위촉에관한사항 5. 편집비용및논문게재료에관한사항 6. 기타위원회운영에필요한사항 제 3 조 ( 위원장 ) 1 위원장은위원회회의를소집하고회의의의장이된다. 2 위원장은위원회에서결정된사항을학회장에게보고하고, 필요할경우, 관련회원에게통보한다. 3 위원장유고시에는학회장이지명하는위원이그직무를대행한다. 제 4 조 ( 구성 ) 1 위원회는위원장 1 인을포함하여 7 인 - 15 인의위원으로구성한다. 2 위원의임기는 2 년으로하며연임할수있다. 3 위원장은국내ㆍ외과학자를위원으로추천한다. 제 5 조 ( 간사 ) 1 위원회에간사 1 인을두며간사는위원중에서위원장이위촉한다. 2 간사의임기는 2 년으로하며연임할수있다. 3 간사는위원회의제반서무및회무를담당하며위원장을보좌한다. 제 6 조 ( 회의소집 ) 회의는위원 3 인이상의요구가있거나위원장이필요하다고인정할때이를소집한다. 제 7 조 ( 의결 ) 위원회는재적위원과반수의찬성으로의결한다. 다만, 가부동수일경우에는위원장이결정한다. 제 8 조 ( 학술지 ) 1 논총은투고된논문수에따라매년 2 회이상 (3 월 31 일, 6 월 30 일, 9 월 30 일, 12 월 31 일 ) 발행한다. 2 천문학논총의영문명칭은 PUBLICATIONS OF THE KOREAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 로하며줄여서 PKAS 라칭한다. 제 9 조 ( 특별호 ) 논총에서특별호를발간할수있다. 특별호의편집은위원장이위촉하는위원이나 객원편집위원 (Guest Editor) 이맡을수있다. 제 10 조 ( 투고 ) 투고논문의양식과투고방법은별도의 천문학논총논문투고내부규정 과 천문학논총논문투고지침 에따른다. 제 11 조 ( 심사 ) 심사와관련한사항은별도의 천문학논총논문심사내부규정 에따른 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 159

160 사단법인한국천문학회위원회세칙 다. 제 12 조 ( 비용 ) 1 편집및심사와관련해발생하는비용을당사자에게지급할수있다. 2 비용지급은학회사무과장을통해서한다. 3 별도로정하지않은비용의발생은위원회에서결정한다. 제 13 조이세칙에명시되지않은사항을포함한모든편집관련권한은위원회에서다루며, 최종결정권과책임은위원장에게있다. 부칙 ( ) 1( 시행일 ) 이세칙은 2012 년 4 월 5 일부터시행한다. 160 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

161 사단법인한국천문학회위원회세칙 포상위원회운영세칙 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 본세칙은사단법인한국천문학회포상위원회의운영에관한사항을정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 위원장과간사의역할 ) 1 위원장은위원들을회장에게추천하고다음각호의사항을분장한다. 1. 위원회회의소집및주재등제반업무총괄 2. 위원회간사선임 3. 학회정기총회에서위원회의활동사항보고 2 간사는위원회회의가원활하게진행될수있도록수상후보자의사전선정과업적조사및회의록을기록한다. 제 3 조 ( 업무범위 ) 본위원회는다음과같은활동을한다. 1. 학회에서수여하는각종포상의수상대상자선정 2. 외부기관에서요청하는각종포상의후보선정및추천 3. 학회포상기준의제정및관리에관한사항 부칙 ( ) 제 1 조 ( 시행일 ) 이세칙은 2012 년 1 월 16 일부터시행한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 161

162 사단법인한국천문학회위원회세칙 학술위원회운영세칙 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 본세칙은사단법인한국천문학회학술위원회운영에관한사항을정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 위원장과간사의역할 ) 1 위원장은위원들을회장에게추천하고다음각호의사항을분장한다. 1. 위원회회의소집및주재등제반업무총괄 2. 위원회간사선임 3. 학회정기총회에서위원회의활동사항보고 2 간사는위원회회의가원활하게진행될수있도록도와주며회의록을기록한다. 제 3 조 ( 업무범위 ) 본위원회는다음과같은업무를수행한다. 1. 봄 가을정기학술대회의초청연사추천및선정, 초록심사, 프로그램결정등학술대회의과학활동에관련된사항관장 2. 비정기학술대회의기획과운영 3. 기타회장이위임한학술관련업무 부칙 ( ) 제 1 조 ( 시행일 ) 이세칙은 2012 년 1 월 16 일부터시행한다. 162 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

163 사단법인한국천문학회위원회규정 한국천문학회포상기준 Ⅰ. 한국천문학회학술상 1. 배경과목적한국천문학회회원들중지난 10 년간학문적업적이뛰어난학자에게수여함. 2. 선정기준 ( 가 ) 당해년을포함한지난 10 년간의 JKAS 와 PKAS 논문발표실적 ( 나 ) 국내학술활동 5 년이상 ( 다 ) 박사학위자 ( 라 ) 수상시점국내거주자 ( 마 ) 국제적학술지논문발표실적 4. 선정절차 ( 가 ) 천문학회회원들의추천 ( 나 ) 포상위원회에서심의하여수상자결정 5. 심의자료및절차 ( 가 ) 지난 10 년동안 JKAS 와 PKAS 에논문을발표한실적이있는한국천문학회회원의학술적업적을조사 ( 나 ) 학술지, 제 1 저자, 공동저자별로가중치를정하여지난 10 년간학술활동을정량화하여유자격자선정 ( 다 ) 국외학술활동 (ADS 파악 SCI 논문기준 ) 이우수한회원으로압축 ( 라 ) JKAS 논문및제 1 저자여부등도고려 ( 마 ) 주저자논문의인용회수고려 6. 기타 ( 가 ) 2010 년 4 월 8 일제정 Ⅱ. 한국천문학회공로상제정 2010 년 4 월 8 일 1. 목적한국천문학회의발전에크게기여하신회원및비회원의공적을기리기위하여제정하였음. 2. 수상자선정 ( 가 ) 포상위원회는퇴임하신원로회원을공로상수여대상자로추천 ( 나 ) 천문학회회원은천문학회발전에큰공로를세운회원및비회원을추천할수있으며, 포상위원회에서피추천인의공적을심의하여추천여부를결정 ( 다 ) 이사회는포상위원회에서추천된공로상후보의공로상수여여부를결정 3. 수여시기공로상수상자에게는학술대회에서공로패를수여 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 163

164 사단법인한국천문학회위원회규정 4. 기타 ( 가 ) 2012 년 10 월 9 일개정 Ⅲ. 한국천문학회젊은천문학자상 1. 배경한국천문학회에서 40 세이하의회원들에게수여하였던학술상의명칭이 2007 년도에신설된소남학술상과혼동의여지가있으므로명칭과성격을조정하고자함 2. 목적학문적업적이뛰어난 40 세미만의학회회원에게수여 3. 선정기준 ( 가 ) 당해년을포함한지난 3 년의 JKAS 및 PKAS 에논문게재실적 ( 나 ) 당해년을포함한지난 3 년동안학회의학술대회발표실적 ( 다 ) 6 월 30 일기준으로 40 세미만 ( 라 ) 국내학술활동 2 년이상 ( 마 ) 석사학위이상 ( 바 ) 수상시점국내거주자 ( 사 ) 국제학술지의논문발표실적도추가적으로고려함 4. 선정절차 ( 가 ) 천문학회회원의추천또는포상위원회위원의추천 ( 나 ) 포상위원회에서심의하여수상자결정 5. 심의자료및절차 ( 가 ) 심의활용자료 - JKAS, PKAS - 천문학회보 - ADS ( 나 ) 선정절차 - 당해년도를포함한지난 3 년간 JKAS 와 PKAS 에논문을발표한 40 세미만의한국천문학자의학술업적조사 - 학술논문, 학술발표, 제 1 저자, 공동저자별로가중치를정하여지난 3 년간학술활동을정량화하여상위 10 명중유자격자선정 - 상위 10 명중국외학술활동 (ADS 파악 SCI 논문기준 ) 이우수한회원으로압축 - JKAS 논문및제 1 저자여부등도고려 6. 기타 ( 가 ) 제정 2007 년 8 월 ( 나 ) 개정 2010 년 4 월 8 일 164 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

165 사단법인한국천문학회위원회규정 Ⅳ. 한국천문학회소남학술상 1. 소남학술상제정배경고소남유경로교수를기리고자유교수의자제인충북대물리학과유성초교수께서천문학회에기금을기부하였으며, 이기금의과실금으로 2 년에한번씩학문적업적이출중한분에게학술상을수여하기로하였음. 소남학술상은고소남유경로교수의작고 10 주년이며탄생 90 주년이되는 2007 년부터한국천문학회정기총회에서수여함. 2. 소남학술상수상자선정기준 40 세이상의중견천문학자중에서학문적업적과대외활동을통하여한국천문학의위상을높이는데남다르게기여한천문학회회원에게수여함 3. 소남학술상재원및상금재원 : 고유경로교수유족의기부금상금 200 만원및상패 4. 선정절차 ( 가 ) 천문학회회원전체와포상위원의추천을받아후보선정 ( 나 ) 피추천자에대하여포상위원회에서학문적업적및천문학계기여도등을심의하여수상자를선정함 5. 기타 ( 가 ) 2012 년 10 월 9 일개정 Ⅴ. 한국천문학회샛별상 1. 목적학생회원들이 JKAS (Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society) 에좋은논문을게재하여 JKAS 및한국천문학회의발전에기여하도록격려함. 2. 후원 ( 주 ) SELAB ( 대표 : 오승준회원 ) 3. 상금 / 상품 50 만원 4. 후보자격국내대학 / 대학원에수학중인회원으로서조사대상기간 ( 봄학술대회 : 전년도 7 월 -12 월 ; 가을학술대회 : 당해년도 1 월 -6 월 ) 동안 JKAS 에논문을게재한회원 5. 선정기준 ( 가 ) 제 1 저자여부 ( 나 ) 논문의수준 ( 다 ) 논문의피인용가능성 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 165

166 사단법인한국천문학회위원회규정 ( 라 ) 총저자의수 : 적을수록우선 ( 마 ) 쪽수 : 너무짧은논문은배제 ( 바 ) 재학상태 : 전일제학생우선 6. 선정절차포상위원회에서토의를거쳐선정함 7. 기타 2006 년봄학회에서회원들의투표를통해샛별상으로명칭결정 Ⅵ. 한국천문학회우수포스터상 1. 목적천문학회정기학술대회기간에게시된학술포스터중에서우수한연구결과를창출한회원에게시상함 2. 후원 ( 주 ) 메타스페이스 ( 대표 : 박순창 ) 3. 상금 ( 가 ) 우수포스터대상 25 만원 ( 나 ) 우수포스터우수상 15 만원 4. 선정절차 ( 가 ) 포상위원회와학술위원회위원들이각학문분야의우수포스터를추천한다. ( 나 ) 추천된수상후보를대상으로포상위원회와학술위원회의연석회의에서토의를거쳐최종수상자를결정한다 ( 다 ) ( 나 ) 항의포상위원회와학술위원회의연석회의는포상위원장이주관한다. 5. 기타 ( 제정 2005 년 10 월 ) 개정 2011 년 10 월개정 2012 년 10 월 9 일 VII. 한국천문학회지우수논문상 1. 배경과목적한국천문학회지의위상을높이기위한방안으로수준높은학술논문을유치하기위해우수논문상을제정함. 2. 선정기준 ( 가 ) JKAS 에출판된논문 166 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

167 사단법인한국천문학회위원회규정 ( 나 ) 기준일로부터 4 년이내의논문중, 출판일로부터 3 년이내의인용회수 ( 다 ) 논문인용회수가최저치를넘어야함 3. 선정절차 ( 가 ) JKAS 편집위원회는기준일 (6 월 30 일 ) 로부터최근 4 년동안 JKAS 에발표된모든유형의논문에대해출간일로부터 3 년이내의인용회수를조사. ( 나 ) ADS 상에서 SCIE 급이상의학술지에발표된논문에의한인용회수의합계. ( 다 ) 포상위원회에서는제출된이자료를근거로수상논문선정. ( 라 ) 인용수가같은경우, preprint 논문에의한인용회수, 인용논문 Impact factor 의총합, 가장최근에발표된논문등으로순위를정한다. 그래도구별이안되는경우는포상위원회가정한다. ( 마 ) 한해에두편까지의논문이공동수상할수있으며, 최소치를넘는논문이없는경우에는수상논문을정하지않는다. 동일논문이재수상되지않는다. ( 바 ) 저자중에한국천문학회회원이없는논문은수상대상에서제외한다. 4. 포상 ( 가 ) 한국천문학회총회에서수상논문을발표하고저자대표에게상금수여. 교신저자는저자들에게연락해서저자대표를정함. ( 나 ) JKAS 홈페이지에해당수상논문을영구공지. 5. 상금결정방식 ( 가 ) 포상위원회는선정된 JKAS 우수논문 ( 들 ) 에대해서인용회수에따라차등을두어상금을정한다. ( 나 ) 최소인용횟수는 6 회로한다. ( 다 ) 편당상금은최대 150 만원까지, 상금총액은연최대 300 만원까지로한다. 6. 기타 ( 가 ) 2012 년 4 월 5 일제정 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 167

168 사단법인한국천문학회 제 51 차정기총회


170 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 일시 : 2014 년 10 월 16 일 ( 목 ) 17:00~18:30 장소 : 롯데시티호텔제주 1. 개회선언 학회장이형목 2. 시상 학회장이형목 - 젊은천문학자상 수상자 : 이상성회원 - JKAS 우수논문상 수상자 : 김주한회원 - JKAS 우수논문상 수상자 : 김기태회원 3. 회무보고 총무이사이정훈 4. 재무보고 재무이사조경석 5. 감사보고 감사민영기 6. 분과및위원회보고 각위원장 7. 안건 1. 신임이사선출 학회장이형목 8. 안건 년예산안승인 학회장이형목 9. 안건 3. 정관및규정개정승인 학회장이형목 11. 기타토의사항 학회장이형목 12. 폐회선언 학회장이형목 170 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

171 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 회무보고 1. 이사회 (1) 회의개최 2014 년도제 1 차 ( 1 월 3 일 ) 서울역 2 층회의실 2014 년도제 2 차 ( 4 월 10 일 ) 원주인터불고호텔 2014 년도제 3 차 ( 8 월 21 일 ) 대전 DCC 203 호 (2) 주요의결, 논의사항가 ) 신입회원인준 2014 년 : 정회원 ( 일반 ) 13 명, 정회원학생 27 명나 ) 학술대회장소및 2015 년봄학술대회기간결정 2015 년 50 주년봄학술대회 : ~17 서울대학교추후학술대회장소는회장단에서결정. 다 ) 규정개정위원회 : ' 한국천문학회제반규정정비 ( 안 )' 심의라 ) 2021 년 IAU General Assembly 추진위원회 : 개최도시선정등유치활동마 ) 한국천문학회 50 년사편찬위원회구성위원장 : 민영기위원 : 강용희, 민영철, 성환경, 이용복, 이정훈, 천문석, 홍승수 50 년사초고제출 : 2014 년 10 월 30 일바 ) 2015 년도예산안의결사 ) 천문학회각종상의영문명칭결정아 ) ' 젊은천문학자모임 ' 을한국천문학회내분과로신설 2. 학술대회개최 (1) 2014 한국천문학회봄학술발표대회일시 : 2014 년 4 월 10 일 ( 목 ) ~ 4 월 11 일 ( 금 ) 장소 : 원주인터불고호텔참석 : 247 명발표논문 : 121 편 (2) 2014 한국천문학회가을학술대회및제 51 회정기총회일시 : 2014 년 10 월 15 일 ( 수 ) ~ 10 월 17 일 ( 금 ) 장소 : 롯데시티호텔제주참석 : 350 명 ( 추정 ) 발표논문 : 157 편 3. 학술지및정기간행물발간 (1) JKAS, Vol 47, No. 1, 2, 3, 4 호발간 (2) PKAS, Vol 29, No. 1, 2 호발간 (3) 천문학회보, 제 39 권 1 호발간 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 171

172 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 2014 년결산보고서 수입지출 ( ~ ) 회비 18,726,933 공과금 3,730,000 연회비 18,389,782 국내 3,730,000 가입비 289,186 IAU회비 0 분과회비 47,965 학회지발간인쇄비 6,726,400 지원금 63,900,000 JKAS 2,776,400 한국과학기술단체총연합회 42,900,000 PKAS 220,000 WRC-15용역 ( 전파진흥협회 ) 0 천문학회보 3,730,000 누리미디어지원금 1,000,000 학술대회 68,143,950 학회발전기금 ( 홍승수, 구본철 ) 20,000,000 춘계 30,092,680 학회지구독료 302,586 추계 0 국내 250,000 APRIM ,051,270 국외 52,586 인건비 26,768,362 논문게재료 10,097,899 사무원 13,757,150 JKAS 8,287,899 퇴직적립금 1,527,908 PKAS 1,810,000 편집간사 10,617,555 학술대회 106,225,807 퇴직적립금 865,749 춘계 ( 등록및만찬비 ) 32,482,121 수용비및관리비 14,377,099 추계 ( 등록및만찬비 ) 50,492,416 유지및관리비 3,374,673 APRIM ,251,270 우편비 1,430,520 홍보및광고료 9,700,000 출장비및회의비 6,967,790 기업광고 3,000,000 편집위원회지출 2,604,116 연구홍보 6,700,000 용역사업및지원금 20,278,360 기타 2,844,151 AMALDI 8,592,000 회계이자및이자환급 1,544,151 WRC-15 용역 18,010 상금후원 1,300,000 소남천문학사연구소 5,000,000 특별회계환수 5,768,350 SWG 지원금 5,768,350 SWG지원금 5,768,350 포상 900,000 전기이월 47,892,814 9월 29일학회잔액 125,434,369 합계 265,458,540 합계 265,458,540 특별회계 262,510,445 특별회계 262,510,445 소남학술상 36,533,019 소남학술상 37,490, ,165 정기예금원금 74,303,752 정기예금 76,101,902 1,798,150 민영기기부금 80,000,000 민영기기부금 82,040,000 ( 학술상상금후원 ) 2,040,000 ( 학술상상금후원 ) 메타스페이스후원금 26,243,279 메타스페이스후원금 26,878,359 ( 젊은천문학자상상금후원 ) 635,080 ( 젊은천문학자상상금후원 ) 과총사무실보증금 40,000,000 과총사무실보증금 40,000, / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

173 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 173

174 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 174 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

175 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 175

176 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 176 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

177 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 2015 년도예산 ( 안 ) 수입 지출 회비 17,000,000 공과금 11,500,000 지원금 33,000,000 국내 3,500,000 ( 한국과학기술단체총연합회 -학회사업지원금) 15,000,000 IAU회비 8,000,000 ( 한국과학기술단체총연합회 -IAU회비) 5,000,000 학회지발간 31,000,000 ( 한국과학기술단체총연합회 - AMALDI 국제학술대회 ) 12,000,000 JKAS 인쇄비 7,000,000 ( 누리미디어 ) 1,000,000 JKAS 영문교정료 2,000,000 논문게재료 15,500,000 PKAS 인쇄비 4,000, 년사발간비 10,000,000 천문학회보인쇄비 8,000,000 학회지구독료 1,100,000 학술대회 89,000, 주년기념학술대회 47,000,000 학술대회 95,000,000 가을학술대회 30,000, 주년기념학술대회 60,000,000 AMALDI 국제학술대회 12,000,000 가을학술대회 35,000,000 인건비 38,000,000 38,000,000 홍보및광고료 20,000,000 수용비및관리비 12,000,000 유지및관리비 4,000,000 우편비 3,000,000 포상상금 7,700,000 출장및회의비 3,000,000 특별회계이자 4,400,000 JKAS 편집위관리비 2,000,000 원천징수이자환급 1,500,000 기타 7,800,000 기업후원 1,800,000 포상상금 7,800,000 전기이월금 45,000,000 차기이월금 45,000,000 합계 234,300,000 합계 234,300,000 올림피아드 275,700,000 올림피아드 275,700,000 특별회계 264,837,398 특별회계 264,837,398 소남학술상 37,490,184 소남학술상 38,427, ,255 정기예금원금 76,101,902 정기예금 78,384,959 2,283,057 민영기기부금 80,000,000 민영기기부금 82,400,000 2,400,000 메타스페이스후원금 25,000,000 메타스페이스후원금 25,625, ,000 과총사무실전세보증금 40,000,000 과총사무실전세보증금 40,000,000 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 177

178 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 위원회보고서 한국천문학회지 (JKAS) 편집위원회 1. JKAS 편집위원회구성 년현재한국천문학회지편집위원회의현재인적구성은다음과같다. 위원장 박창범 ( 고등과학원 ) 편집실 편집실장정영주, 영문교정자 6명 위원1 박명구 ( 경북대, 부위원장 ) 2 손영종 ( 연세대 ) 위원9 김종수 ( 천문연 ) 3 이희원 ( 세종대 ) 10 이석영 ( 연세대 ) 4 문용재 ( 경희대 ) 11 임명신 ( 서울대 ) 5 한정호 ( 충북대 ) 12 서경원 ( 충북대 ) 6 Jeremy Lim (Hong Kong) 13 Yuri Litvinenko (Waikato) 7 Munetaka Ueno (ISAS/JAXA) 14 Maurice van Putten ( 세종대 )* 8 김웅태 ( 서울대 ) 15 Sasch Trippe ( 서울대 )* * 2014 년도신규편집위원 2. JKAS 의현위상 (1) 학술지인정여부 : 국내등재학술지. 국제 SCIE 학술지. (2) Impact factor 0.909: 2014 년 6 월 ISI web of knowledge 의 Journal Citation Reports 에발표된천문학저널 59 개중에 impact factor 로순위 48 위. 최근 5 년간 0.292, 0.474, 0.615, 로증가했다가 로감소. 3. JKAS 소식 년 2 월 JKAS 편집위원회는그간사용하던 jkas.sty 를폐기하고새로 jkas.cls 파일을채택하면서논문 layout 을변경하기로하였음. 이에따라서수정된샘플파일을 JKAS 홈페이지에게시함. 2. JKAS 에발간되는논문의종류를기본 Research Paper 와 Review Paper 에추가하여 "Rapid Communication" 논문을받기로함. 3. 우수논문상 : 한국천문학회는 2012 년에 JKAS 우수논문상을제정하여최근 4 년간 JKAS 에게재된논문에대해발표후 3 년간인용회수에근거해서상금을수여하고있습니다. 학회는 2014 년도제 3 회 JKAS 우수논문상수상논문으로서한국천문학회지에우수한논문을발표하여많은피인용수를기록함으로써학회지의위상을높이는데기여한다음두편의논문을선정하였습니다. - Kim, Juhan; Park, Changbom; Rossi, Graziano; Lee, Sang Min; & Gott, J. R., The New Horizon Cosmological N-Body Simulations, JKAS, 44, no. 6, pp ( ) - Kim, Kee-Tae; Byun, Do-Young; Je, Do-Heung; Wi, Seog-Oh; Bae, Jae-Han; Jung, Tae-Hyun; Lee, Chang-Hoon; Han, Seog-Tae; Song, Min-Gyu; Jung, Jae-Hoon; Chung, Hyun-Soo; Kim, Hyo-Ryung; Kim, Bong Gyu, 100-GHz Band Test Observations of the KVN 21-m Radio Telescope, JKAS, 44, no. 3, pp ( ) 178 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

179 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 4. JKAS Homepage 및관련문서 (1) Homepage: (2) 관련문서 : JKAS homepage 에다음문서들이게시되어있음. Author Guideline ( 투고규정 ), Paper Review Guide ( 심사규정 ), Ethics Policy ( 윤리규정 ) Publication Rules ( 출판규정 ) 및각종양식 (JKAS style file 및 sample file, referee report form, copyright assignment form, publication charge form) (3) 논문투고방법 : JKAS 홈페이지의안내를참조하여논문을 jkas@kias.re.kr 로이메일투고, 또는 의논문투고시스템을사용하여투고. 5. JKAS 의출판현황 JKAS 는 2008 년부터년 6 회, 짝수달에출판하고있음. 독립적 JKAS 서버 ( 운영. (1) On-line 출판 : JKAS Homepage ( 고등과학원서버 ) 와 KISTI server 에 1968 년 1 권 1 호부터현재까지전권공개. (2) 인쇄본출판 : 한국천문학회원들과구독기관에배부. 학회사무실에 25 권보관. (3) ADS 검색엔진등록 : 매호마다 ADS 에출판자료와색인자료제공. ADS 검색과논문다운로드가능 ( 무료 ). (4) 출판규정 : 투고 (jkas@kias.re.kr). 년 6 회출판. 영문교정서비스제공. 출판일로부터 1 달이상전게재승인된논문출판 (20 일전까지가능 ). 온라인출판은게재승인후 3 주이내. 논문게재료쪽당 5 만원 ( 칼라인쇄는쪽당 10 만원, 온라인출판은모두칼라본 ). 별쇄본 50 부당 10 만원. KISTI, ISI, ADS, & NRF 에출판논문자료제공. (5) 논문출판현황 2009 년 1-12 월 : 25 편투고. 19 편출판 (171 쪽 ). 게재율 76% 2010 년 1-12 월 : 32 편투고. 20 편출판 (223 쪽 ). 게재율 63% 2011 년 1-12 월 : 33 편투고. 24 편출판 (234 쪽 ). 게재율 73% 2012 년 1-12 월 : 31 편투고. 20 편출판 (173 쪽 ). 게재율 65% 2013 년 1-12 월 : 39 편투고, 24 편출판 (268 쪽 ), 게재율 62% 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 179

180 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 위원회보고서 천문학논총 (PKAS) 편집위원회 천문학논총 (PKAS) 은한국천문학회가발행하는천문학과천체물리학분야의전문학술지로서주로고천문, 천문기기, 기타다양한영역에걸쳐한글혹은영어로작성된논문을게재하고있습니다. 현 PKAS 편집위원회는 2010 년 1 월 ( 사 ) 한국천문학회산하 편집위원회 가 JKAS 와 PKAS 의편집위원회로이원화되면서설치된상설위원회입니다. 그동안, 제 1 기 (2010 ~ 2013) 위원회에서는김승리, 류동수, 이석영, 이창원, 장헌영, 진호, 채종철, 최철성 ( 위원장 ) 회원께서편집위원으로봉사하셨고, 제 2 기 (2014 ~ ) 에서는김승리, 박수종, 이석영, 이희원, 조정연, 채종철, 이상성 ( 총무 ), 이창원 ( 위원장 ) 회원들께서봉사하고계십니다 년부터는원고편집인 (manuscript editor) 으로정해진회원이수고하고계십니다. PKAS 편집위원회는 PKAS 가양적, 질적으로손색이없는전문학술지로서거듭날수있도록여러가지노력을하고있지만, PKAS 는 SCI, 등재학술지논문만을중시하는정부정책으로인해큰어려움에직면하고있는게사실입니다. 무엇보다도 PKAS 의당면한가장큰문제는투고논문수의부족입니다. 올해총 8 편이투고되었는데 1 편이 29 권 1 호 (3 월 ) 에, 2 편의논문이 29 권 2 호 (9 월 ) 에발행되었습니다. 이러한문제는 PKAS 가아직연구재단의등재 ( 후보 ) 학회지로서의지위를인정받지못하고있는것에서비롯되는것으로파악되고있습니다. 이는개개인연구자의평가와결부되어, 결과적으로대학에소속을둔많은회원으로하여금 PKAS 에논문을투고하는데걸림돌로작용하고있습니다. PKAS 편집진은무엇보다도 PKAS를연구재단등재지로등재하기위한노력들을해오고있습니다. 연구재단의요건을충족하기위해복수심사위원제도도입, 영문초록의명료화, 논문의그림및테이블설명의영문화, 참고문헌의영문화등을시행하고있습니다. PKAS가등재지로충족되기에가장힘든요건은과락요건중의하나인 논문투고의다양성 입니다. PKAS 편집진은올해수차례실시된, 학술지평가에대한연구재단의설명회에서이과락요건의부당성을주장한바있습니다. 이는, 이과락요건이회원의대부분이특정연구기관에집중되어있는천문학회현실을적절히반영하지못하기때문입니다. 지금현재는 특정기관논문투고자비율이 1/3이상인경우과락 으로그요건이완화가되었습니다만, 여전히 PKAS는이러한요건을채우기힘겨운상황입니다. 내년에는이러한요건이대폭완하되어야할것이며이를통해일단 PKAS가등재 ( 후보 ) 지의지위를갖은후수년간발전의기회를주도록강력히요구할생각입니다. PKAS 가한국의천문역사에길이남을전문학회지로성장할수있도록회원여러분들모두가동참하시어양질의논문투고는물론많은관심을부탁드립니다. 180 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

181 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 위원회보고서 포상위원회 1. 포상위원회구성위원장 : 조세형 ( 한국천문연구원 ) 위원 : 구본철 ( 서울대 ), 김천휘 ( 충북대 ) 총무 : 김상철 ( 한국천문연구원 ) 2. 본학회가수여하는각종상수상자선정 2014 년봄학술대회 - 제 16 회에스이랩 - 샛별상수상자 : 신지혜회원 ( 경희대학교우주과학과 ) - 제 17 회메타스페이스 - 우수포스터상수상자 : 대상 : 오슬희회원 ( 연세대학교천문우주학과 ) 우수상 : 오희영회원 ( 과학기술연합대학원대학교 /UST) - 공로상수상자 : 없음 2014 년가을학술대회 년 9 월 : 가을학회에서시상하는상의수상대상자선정제 5 회학술상 : 류동수회원 ( 울산과학기술대학교 ) 제 14 회젊은천문학자상 : 이상성회원 ( 한국천문연구원 ) 제 3 회한국천문학회지 (JKAS) 우수논문상 : Juhan Kim et al. (2011, JKAS, 44, 217) 과 Kee-Tae Kim et al. (2011, JKAS, 44, 81) 등 2 편선정제 17 회에스이랩 - 샛별상수상대상자 : 없음공로상수상대상자 : 없음 년 10 월 : 제 18 회메타스페이스 - 우수포스터상수상대상자선정가을학술대회에서선정예정 3. 외부단체포상후보자추천및수상 년 6 월제 24 회과학기술우수논문상수상 Sascha Trippe 회원 ( 서울대학교 ) 수상논문 : A SIMPLIFIED TREATMENT OF GRAVITATIONAL INTERACTION ON GALACTIC SCALES 학술지명 : 한국천문학회지 (JKAS) 년 9 월한국연구재단 이달의과학기술자상 추천및수상구본철회원 ( 서울대학교 ) 추천수상업적 : 생명체의필수원소인인 (P) 의생성과기원을확인 4. 천문학회각종포상의영문명칭결정학술상 : Distinguished Scholar Award 소남학술상 : SohNam Award 공로상 : Distinguished Service Award 젊은천문학자상 : Young Scholar Award 한국천문학회지우수논문상 : JKAS Award 에스이랩 - 샛별상 : SELab Rising-star Award 메타스페이스 - 우수포스터상 : METASPACE Best Poster Award 5. 포상위원회운영세칙개정 ( 안 ) 및포상기준개정 ( 안 ) 제출 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 181

182 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 위원회보고서 한국천문올림피아드위원회 기간국내대회관련행사국제대회관련행사운영위원회활동 1 월 -3 월 겨울학교 (1/13-24, 고흥청소년우주체험센터 ) 2014 천문올림피아드국제대회한국대표선발최종시험 (2/22, 서울대 ) 2013 사업비결산자체회계감사 (2/27) 2014 국제대회참가대표선발사정회의 (3/28, 서울대 ) 제36차전체운영위원회의 (3/28, 서울대 ) 4 월 -6 월 제14회 KAO 1차선발지원접수 (4/1-22) KAO 1차선발자주말교육 (5/17-6/1, 송암스페이스센터 ) KAO 1차선발자동영상강의교육 (6/2-8/31, 홈페이지 ) 봄통신과제교육 (5/30-7/25, 이메일 ) 국제과학올림피아드한국대표단발대식 (6/27, 과총회관 ) KAO 1차선발사정회의 (5/9, 서울대 ) 제37차전체운영위원회의 (5/9, 서울대 ) 7 월 -9 월 KAO 1차선발자여름통신과제교육 (7/18-8/12, 이메일 ) KAO 2차선발심층면접 (8/30, 서울대 ) 제13기여름학교 (7/21-28, 서울대 ) 제8회 IOAA 참가 (8/1-11, 루마니아 ) KAO 2차선발사정회의 (9월초예정, 서울대 ) 10 월 -12 월 ( 예정 ) 가을통신과제교육 (10 월 -12 월 ) IAO/APAO대표최종교육 (10월초예정, 서울대 ) 제19회 IAO 참가 (10/12-21, 키르기스스탄 ) 제10회 APAO 참가 (11/24-12/2, 러시아 ) 제 38 차전체운영위원회 회의 (12 월초예정 ) 182 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

183 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 천문올림피아드위원명단 ( ) 직위 성명 소속 위원장 박용선 서울대학교 자문위원 우종옥 교원대학교 자문위원 민영기 경희대학교 자문위원 윤홍식 서울대학교 자문위원 홍승수 서울대학교 선발분과대표위원 강용희 경북대학교 위원 이상각 고흥청소년우주체험센터 위원 이용복 서울교육대학교 위원 임인성 천문연구원 위원 안홍배 부산대학교 위원 김웅태 서울대학교 교육분과대표위원 이명균 서울대학교 위원 오규동 전남대학교 위원 구본철 서울대학교 위원 권석민 강원대학교 위원 손영종 연세대학교 위원 박명구 경북대학교 위원 이희원 세종대학교 위원 임명신 서울대학교 위원 조정연 충남대학교 위원 ( 당연직 ) 이형목 천문학회회장 위원 ( 당연직 ) 한인우 천문연구원장 위원 ( 당연직 ) 김정기 미래창조과학부과기인재양성과장 위원 ( 당연직 ) 문일영 한국과학창의재단영재교육사업실장 사무국장김유제한국천문학회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 183

184 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문올림피아드위원회활동상세내역 [1 월 - 3 월 ] 1. 국내대회관련행사 [1] 제 13 기겨울학교가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 1 월 13 일 ~ 24 일, 고흥청소년우주체험센터나 ) 참가자 : 2013 년 KAO 2 차선발자및국제대회입상자 61 명다 ) 강사 : 홍승수, 강용희, 이상각, 이용복, 이영웅, 박용선, 이희원, 봉수찬, 조정연, 김상철, 김유제, 강원석, 권순길 2. 국제대회관련행사 [1] 2014 천문올림피아드국제대회참가한국대표최종선발시험가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 2 월 22 일, 서울대학교천문학과나 ) 참가자 : 제 13 기겨울학교수료자 58 명다 ) 출제 : 강용희, 이상각, 안홍배, 이영웅, 구본철, 박용선, 박명구, 김웅태, 이희원, 조정연, 봉수찬, 임명신, 박찬경, 김상철, 김유제라 ) 채점 : 이상각, 김재우, 이성국, 김유제 3. 운영위원회활동 [1] 2013 사업비결산자체회계감사가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 2 월 27 일, 수원노블카운티나 ) 참석자 : 민영기, 오병렬, 김유제, 정해진 [2] 2014 천문올림피아드국제대회한국대표선발사정회의가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 3 월 28 일, 서울대학교나 ) 참석자 : 박용선, 강용희, 이상각, 이용복, 임인성, 김웅태, 임명신, 이희원, 김유제, 정해진다 ) 선발결과 : 2014 년도 IAO(7 명 ), IOAA(5 명 ), APAO(8 명 ) 참가한국대표선발 [3] 제 36 차전체운영위원회의가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 3 월 28 일, 서울대학교나 ) 참석자 : 박용선, 강용희, 이상각, 이용복, 임인성, 김웅태, 임명신, 이희원, 김유제, 정해진나 ) 안건 : 2014 년도예산 / 사업계획토의및 1 분기사업보고 [4-6 월 ] 1. 국내대회관련행사 [1] 제 14 회한국천문올림피아드 (KAO) 1 차전형가 ) 지원기간 / 결과 : 4 월 1 일 ~22 일, 이메일및우편접수로 324 명지원나 ) 전형방법 : 중등부와고등부 ( 일반고와과학고분리전형 ) 로나누어서류전형 ( 생활기록부, 추천서, 자기소개서, 교과및활동영역기록부 ) 다 ) 추천서 / 자기소개서평가 : 강용희, 이상각, 이용복, 박용선, 김웅태, 임인성. [2] KAO 1 차선발자주말교육가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 1 차 (5 월 일 ), 2 차 (5 월 일 ), 3 차 (5 월 31 일 -6 월 1 일 ), 송암천문대나 ) 참석자 : 1 차선발자 126 명다 ) 강사 : 이용복, 이희원, 김웅태 [3] KAO 1 차선발자동영상강의교육 184 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

185 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 가 ) 일시 / 방법 : 6 월 2 일 ~8 월 31 일, 홈페이지의 56 편동영상강의자율수강나 ) 참가자 : 1 차선발자 231 명 2. 국제대회관련행사 [1] 천문올림피아드대표학생출신대학신입생환영회가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 4 월 5 일, 신촌나 ) 참가자 : 역대대표학생 17 명 [2] 봄통신과제교육가 ) 일정 / 방법 : 1 차 (5 월 30 일 ~6 월 9 일 ), 2 차 (6 월 12~22 일 ), 3 차 (7 월 20~25 일 ), 이메일나 ) 참가자 : 2014 년도국제대회참가대표학생 20 명다 ) 출제 : 문제은행 ( 강용희, 권석민, 김유제, 박용선, 박찬경, 봉수찬, 성환경, 이희원, 한인우 ) [3] 국제과학올림피아드발대식가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 6 월 27 일, 한국과학기술회관나 ) 참석자 : 박용선 ( 위원장 ), 최철성 ( 천문학회부회장 ), 임인성 ( 단장 ), 김유제 ( 부단장 ), 정해진, IAO 대표학생 6 명및학부모 3. 운영위원회활동 [1] KAO 1 차선발사정회의가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 5 월 9 일, 서울대학교나 ) 참석자 : 강용희, 이상각, 임인성, 이용복, 박용선, 김웅태, 김유제, 정해진다 ) 선발결과 : 총 240 명선발 ( 사회적배려대상자특별전형 21 명포함 ) [2] 제 37 차전체운영위원회의가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 5 월 9 일, 서울대학교나 ) 참석자 : 박용선, 우종옥, 홍승수, 강용희, 이상각, 이용복, 이형목, 구본철, 이희원, 김웅태, 임인성, 김유제, 정해진다 ) 안건 : 년제 14 회한국천문올림피아드 1 차전형접수및선발보고 - 한국천문올림피아드위원회운영세칙제정관련토의 [7 월 - 9 월 ] 1. 국내대회관련행사 [1] KAO 1 차선발자여름통신과제교육가 ) 일시 / 방법 : 1 차 (7 월 18~28 일 ), 2 차 (8 월 1~12 일 ), 이메일및우편제출나 ) 참가자 : 1 차 142 명제출, 2 차 132 명제출다 ) 출제 : 문제은행 ( 강용희, 김상철, 김용하, 김유제, 문용재, 박수종, 박용선, 안홍배, 우종학, 이상각, 한인우 ) [2] KAO 2 차선발심층면접가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 8 월 30 일, 서울대학교나 ) 참가자 : 1 차선발자교육 ( 주말교육, 동영상교육, 여름통신과제교육 ) 참가학생 135 명다 ) 출제 : 강용희, 김웅태, 박용선, 문제은행 ( 이상각, 이용복, 박용선, 강혜성 ) 라 ) 면접심사 : 우종옥, 강용희, 이상각, 문용재, 조정연, 박용선, 이강환, 이용복 2. 국제대회관련행사 [1] 제 13 기여름학교가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 7 월 21~ 28 일, 서울대학교천문학과및과천과학관 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 185

186 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 나 ) 참가자 : 국제대회참가대표학생 20 명 (IAO 7 명, APAO 8 명, IOAA 5 명 ) 다 ) 강사 : 강용희, 이용복, 이희원, 김웅태, 윤성철, 김유제 [2] 제 8 회국제천문학및천체물리올림피아드 (IOAA) 참가가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 8 월 1 일 ~ 11 일, 루마니아, 수체아바나 ) 참가자 : 이희원 ( 단장 ), 김유제 ( 부단장 ), 고등학생 5 명다 ) 참가결과 : 37 개참가국중에서한국종합 11 위 ( 은 2, 동 2, 장려상 1) 3. 운영위원회활동 [1] KAO 2 차선발사정회의 ( 예정 ) 가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 9 월초 ( 예정 ), 서울대학교나 ) 선발인원 : 약 70 명. [10 월 12 월 ] 1. 국내대회관련행사 [1] 가을통신과제교육가 ) 기간 : 10 월 ~ 12 월나 ) 참가자 : 2014 년도천문올림피아드 KAO 2 차선발자약 70 명 2. 국제대회관련행사 [1] 대표최종교육가 ) 일시및장소 : 10 월초, 서울대학교천문학과나 ) 참가자 : 제 19 회 IAO 대표학생 7 명및제 10 회 APAO 대표학생 8 명 [2] 제 19 회국제천문올림피아드 (IAO) 참가가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 10 월 12 일 ~ 21 일, 키르기스스탄, 비쉬케크나 ) 참가자 : 임인성 ( 단장 ), 김유제 ( 부단장 ), 허정회 ( 창의재단참관인 ), 대표학생 7 명 [3] 제 10 회아시아 - 태평양천문올림피아드 (APAO) 참가가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 11 월 24 일 ~12 월 2 일, 러시아, 이르쿠츠크 3. 운영위원회활동 [1] 제 38 차전체운영위원회회의가 ) 일시 / 장소 : 12 월초, 서울대학교나 ) 안건 : 2014 결산및사업보고 186 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

187 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 위원회보고서 학술위원회 학술위원회는다음의업무를수행하기위해 2007 년 7 월 18 월이사회의의결을거쳐발족하였다 : 1. 봄 가을정기학술대회의초청연사추천및선정, 초록심사, 프로그램결정등학술대회의과학활동에관련된사항관장 2. 비정기학술대회의기획과운영 3. 기타회장이위임한학술관련업무 2007 년 7 월부터 2011 년 12 월까지제 1 기위원장 ( 구본철회원 ) 과 6 명의위원이활동하였다 년 1 월부터제 2 기위원회가활동중이다. 현재학술위원회위원은다음과같이 6 명으로구성되어있다 : 위원장 류동수간사 정애리위원 강혜성, 박수종, 최민호, 이대영 2013 년보고후활동은다음과같다 : 년한국천문학회가을학술대회프로그램구성학술상을발표포함 3 편의초청강연, 70 여편의구두발표, 55 여편의포스터발표포함 2 개의영어세션 ( 영어로진행되는세션 ), 1 개의특별세션을운영함 년한국천문학회봄학술대회프로그램구성 9 편의전체및세션초청강연, 90 여편의구두발표, 40 여편의포스터발표포함 1 개의특별세션을운영함 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 187

188 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 위원회보고서 한국 IAU 운영위원회 1. IAU 소개 International Astronomical Union(IAU) 에는현재 73 개국이회원국으로참여하고있으며, 약 11,000 여명의개인회원 (94 개국 ) 이가입되어있다. 우리나라는 1973 년에가입했으며현재 133 명의천문학자가 IAU 회원으로등록되어있고 ( 한국대표 : 강혜성 ), 분담금 2 구좌를내는 Category II 에속해있다. 20 개가넘는나라가우리보다많은분담금을내고있다. 2. 한국 IAU 운영위원회구성 2014 년 1 월에최초로위원 4 인으로구성된운영위원회가조직되었다. - 운영위원장 : 강혜성 ( 부산대 ) - 운영위원 : 윤석진 ( 연세대 ), 이수창 ( 충남대, 총무 ), 이정은 ( 경희대 ) 3. 제 12 차 Asian-Pacific Region Meeting of IAU (APRIM2014) 개최제 12 차 APRIM 은 2014 년 8 월 18 일 -22 일한국천문학회, 한국우주과학회, 한국천문연구원의공동주관으로대전컨벤션센터에서개최되었다 ( 참조 ). 과학조직위원회 ( 공동위원장 : 민영철, 강영운 ) 와지역조직위원회 ( 위원장 : 김호일 ) 의치밀한준비덕분에약 550 명 ( 외국인 280 명, 내국인 270 명 ) 이참가하여역대최대규모로성공적으로개최되었다 년제 29 차 IAU 총회 (General Assembly) 제 29 차 IAU 총회가 2015 년 8 월 3 일 -14 일에미국하와이호놀룰루에서개최될예정이다. 제 30 차총회는 2018 년오스트리아빈에서개최될예정이다 년 IAU 개인회원가입신청안내 2015 년호놀룰루에서개최되는 IAU General Assembly 에서개인회원가입승인을받기위해서는 2014 년 12 월 31 일까지회원가입신청서를한국 IAU 운영위원회에제출해야한다. 가입자격은 2015 년 8 월을기준으로박사학위를취득한지 2 년이상이되는천문학회회원이다. 5. 제 31 차 IAU 총회 (2021 년 ) 한국유치추진경과가 년 10 월 : 한국천문학회이사회에서 2021 년 IAU 총회 (GA) 유치를추진하기로결의나 년 1 월 : 2021 년 IAU 총회유치를위한 IAUGA2021 유치위원회 ( 총 9 인 ) 결성 : 한국천문학회회장단 4 인, 한국 IAU 운영위원회 4 인, 김유제다 년 5 월 : IAUGA2021 개최희망도시선정공고, 대전 / 부산 / 서울등 3 개도시신청, 서류평가, 발표평가, 현장실사를거쳐서최종적으로부산 (BEXCO) 을선정함. 라 년 8 월 : 국제행사개최계획서 를미래부 ( 주관기관의주무부처 ) 에제출마 년 8 월 22 일 IAU 임원 BEXCO 현장답사 : Kaifu 회장, Montmerle 사무총장바. 유치경쟁예상국가 : 칠레, 남아프리카공화국, 대한민국사 년 8 월 : 이강환회원을유치위원회위원으로위촉 ( 현재총 10 인 ) 6. IAUGA2021 한국유치를위한향후계획가 년 11 월 1 일까지 : IAU 운영위원회 (Executive Committee) 에유치의향서 (Letter of Intent) 제출나 년 4 월 1 일까지 : IAU 운영위원회에유치제안서 (Proposal) 제출다 년 8 월 3-14 일 : IAU 총회 ( 호놀룰루 ) 운영위원회에서선정하여총회에서발표라 년 8 월 : 사무국및조직위원회가동 ( 한국선정시 ) 마 년 8 월 일 : 제 31 차 IAU 총회한국개최 ( 한국선정시 ) 188 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

189 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 7. IAUGA2021 유치의의의 - 과학강국으로의도약 21 세기에들어서우리나라는과학강국으로의도약을위하여기초과학분야 R&D 에공격적이고지속적인투자를해왔으며, 그로인하여 SCI 논문발표수에서세계 10 위로성장하였다. 또한 2014 년 8 월에 5000 여명의수학자들이참여하는 세계수학자대회 가서울에개최되었으며, 2015 년 8 월에는 3000 여명의화학자들이참여하는 국제순수 응용화학연합총회및학술대회 가부산에서개최될예정이다. 이와같이정부의지속적인관심과투자에힘입어우리나라의과학기술력과국제학계에서의위상이빠르게상승하고있다. - 한국천문학의현황우리나라의대학과천문연구원에재직하고있는천문학분야박사급연구자의수는약 200 명이며, 그중 IAU 회원은 133 명이다. 한국천문학회의회원은 700 여명으로미국천문학회의회원 7,000 여명, 영국천문학회 3,000 여명, 일본천문학회 3,000 여명, 중국천문학회 2,300 여명등에비하여작은규모이다. 우리나라가세계 10 위권의경제대국으로부상하였음에도불구하고, IAU 와세계천문학계에서한국의위상은경제적위상에크게미치지못하고있다. 그것의주된이유는기초과학자는유망직업이아니라는우리사회의 이공계기피 현상에의하여유능한학문후속세대의유입이어렵기때문이다. - IAU 총회개최의의의 2012 년베이징에서개최된 IAU 총회에서시진핑당시부주석의 중국과학의미래 에대한감동적연설이크게화제가된적이있다. 실제로중국은 IAU 총회개최이후국제천문학계에서괄목할성장을보이고있다. 이러한중국의예는 IAUGA2021 을한국이유치해야하는이유를잘보여준다 년 IMD 국가경쟁력보고서에따르면우리나라의과학인프라는세계 6 위에이르고있고, 2014 년 세계발전지수 자료에따르면한국의경제규모는세계 14 위이다. IAUGA2021 유치를통해한국천문학계는국제학계에서한국의국가위상에걸맞는역할을하게될것이다. 이는우리나라의국제적위상제고와국민적자긍심고취로이어질것이다. 한국천문학회 (KAS) 창립 50 주년 2015 년은한국천문학회가창립 50 주년을맞이하는해이다 년 8 월에미국하와이호놀룰루에서개최되는제 29 차 IAU 총회에서한국부산이 IAUGA2021 개최도시로선정된다면, 한국천문학이국내학계는물론국제적으로크게도약하는계기가될것이다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 189

190 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 분과보고서 1. 조직및회원 광학천문분과 광학천문분과에는운영위원회가위원장 ( 이명균 ), 간사 ( 전영범 ), 고문 ( 이상각, 안홍배 ), 운영위원 ( 김용하, 윤태석, 박창범, 변용익, 성환경, 김호일, 박병곤, 임명신 ) 으로구성되며, 약 50 여명의회원이활동하고있다. 2. 활동사항보고 (1) 대형망원경개발사업 한국천문연구원의대형망원경개발사업 (K-GMT) 은 25m 거대마젤란망원경 (GMT) 의 10% 지분확보를목표로하는사업이다. 이사업의예산은거대마젤란망원경건설예산의 10% 에해당하는 $74M (2009 년기준 740 억원, 1$=1,000 원 ) 과국내광기계기술개발및연구역량증진을위한국내사업비 169 억원으로구성되어있다 년연말에는김지헌박사와이호규박사가사업에신규로합류하였다 년 6 월의조직개편에따라 K-GMT 사업은선임본부장직속의전담조직인대형망원경사업단에서수행하게되었다. 대형망원경사업단은과학연구그룹, 부경그룹, 관측기기그룹으로구성되어있으며사업단총괄은박병곤, 과학연구그룹은황나래, 부경그룹은김지헌, 관측기기그룹은박찬박사가운영을맡고있다 년에는 IGRINS 의텍사스현지운영을위하여김휘현박사가신규박사후연구원으로과학연구그룹에합류하였고사업단출범에따라 GMT 재무위원윤양노, 사업단의행정업무를위해김예진이인사이동을통해사업단에합류하였다. 천문연 - 카네기펠로우인양성철박사는 7 월에카네기천문대로파견하였다. 국제공동으로개발하고있는 GMT 사업에는박병곤박사가이사회에서, 이재준박사가과학자문위원회에서, 그리고윤양노씨가재무위원회에서활동하고있으며 8 월에는이사회에육인수박사가추가로합류하였다. 그동안심화설계를수행해온 GMT 사업은금년에시스템 PDR 과비용검토등건설단계진입을위한기술검토를마치고건설에필요한필수예산을확보했다는판단아래 8 월이사회에서건설단계진입을공식의결하였다. 또한브라질의상파울로대학이새롭게참여하였다. 건설단계가본격시작되고사업의전반적인재무관리와국제입찰등에서천문연의역할강화가필요하다는판단에따라 GMT 재무위원인윤양노씨는 10 월부터일년간 GMTO 에서파견근무를할예정이다. 과학연구그룹은기존의 CFHT 3.6m 망원경과 MMT 6.5m 망원경에이어 2015 년부터는 Gemini 8m 망원경의시간을확보하여학계에제공할예정이다 년부터시작한 GMT 과학백서편찬작업은금년에초판발간을목표로활발히활동하고있다. 8 월 25 일부터 29 일까지경주의대명리조트에서제 4 회거대마젤란망원경여름학교를개최하였다. 학부생과대학원생, 박사후연구원등총 40 명이학생으로서참가한이번여름학교에서는기초강의와심화강의로나누어강의를하였고심화강의에서는정해진답이없는열린질문을제시하여학생들이토론을통해능동적으로답을찾아가는과정을훈련하도록프로그램을구성하였다. 여름학교의프로그램은학생들의적극적인의견수렴을바탕으로매년프로그램을개선하여운영하고있다. GMT 의부경개발참여를목표로수행하고있는부경시험모델개발은 2013 년개발이완료된비축비구면반사경에대한성능교차검증을위하여 SCOTS 시험을아리조나대학에의뢰하였고기존의간섭무늬를이용한시험결과와크게다르지않다는결과를얻을수있었다. 금년에는개발된반사경과셀을결합하여여러가지시험을수행할예정이며김영수박사는일년간의 GMTO 파견근무를마치고 9 월 24 일에귀국하였다. 관측기기그룹은 GMT 의 1 세대관측기기중 G-CLEF 예비설계작업을사업책임기관인하바드 - 스미소니언천체물리센터와함께수행하고있다. 그동안 GMTNIRS 의선행기기로개발하던 IGRINS 는맥도날드천문대 2.7m 망원경에서시험관측이성공적으로이루어졌으며 9 월부터시스템검증과연구를병행하는관측에 190 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

191 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 활용하고있다. (2) 외계행성탐색시스템개발사업 한국천문연구원은미시중력렌즈현상을이용하여생명체가존재할가능성이있는지구형외계행성발견을목표로외계행성탐색시스템 (Korea Microlensing Telescope Network; KMTNet) 개발사업을 2009 년부터수행하고있다. 이사업에서는 1.6m 광시야망원경과 3.4 억화소의모자이크 CCD 카메라를시간대가다른남반구의 3 개국가 ( 칠레, 남아공화국, 호주 ) 에설치하여우리은하중심방향을 24 시간연속집중관측할계획이다. 탐색관측시스템설치를위하여 2010 년과 2012 년, 2013 년에각각남아공화국천문대 (SAAO), 칠레세로토롤로천문대 (CTIO) 및호주사이딩스프링천문대 (SSO) 와협약서를체결하였다. 이협약서를바탕으로칠레와남아공화국, 호주천문대의 KMTNet 관측시설공사를각각 2012 년 12 월과 2013 년 9 월, 2014 년 9 월에완료하였다. 2x2 도의관측시야를가진망원경과카메라는국제입찰을통해 2010 년 7 월과 2011 년 6 월에제작계약을체결하였다 년 5 월과 8 월에칠레와남아공화국천문대에망원경 1 호기와 2 호기를각각설치완료하였으며, 호주의망원경 3 호기는 10 월에설치할예정이다. 카메라 1 호기는 2014 년 9 월현재칠레에설치중이며, 2 호기와 3 호기는 11 월과 12 월에설치할계획이다. 우리은하중심부영역을 24 시간모니터링관측하여외계행성을탐색하는핵심연구주제이외의관측시간을활용할광시야관측주제를발굴하였다 년에국내천문학계를대상으로공모하였으며, 국내외전문가의심사를거쳐총 7 개의관측과제 ( 초신성, 지구접근천체, 외부은하등에대한탐색연구 ) 를선정하였다. 이과제들은관측시스템이가동되는 2014 년부터관측을수행할예정이다. (3) 보현산천문대 보현산천문대 1.8m 망원경은 1993 년 10 월에설치되었으며, 1994 년 7 월 18 일에 first light 으로슈메이커 - 레비혜성의목성충돌장면을관측하였다. 망원경설치이후 1996 년말까지내부시험관측을거쳐 1997 년 1 월 1 일부터외부공개관측을시작하였다. 준공당시에는가시광영역측광용 1K CCD 가유일한관측기기였으며, 이시기에는단주기변광성과성단의측광등을주로수행하면서국내광학천문학분야의연구에불씨를지폈다 년설치이후먼지와습기에계속노출된 1.8m 망원경의경면은오염이심해지면서반사율도많이낮아지고있었다. 망원경의한계등급유지를위한주기적인코팅의필요성은망원경설치초기부터제기되었고 1998 년진공증착기를제작하여주경과부경을재코팅하게되었다. 진공증착기설치이후, 매년 7~8 월에실시하는하계정비기간에는항상주 부경을세척및코팅하고있으며이작업을통해경면의반사율을일정수준이상유지하고있다 년에시작된고분산에쉘분광기 (Bohyunsan Optical Echelle Spectrograph; BOES) 개발사업은 2002 년에완료되어 2003 년부터 BOES 를관측에활용하고있다. BOES 는현재보현산천문대 1.8m 망원경의핵심관측기기로자리하고있으며, 세계적경쟁력을갖춘고분해능분광기를순수국내기술로개발함으로써천문기기개발의역사에한획을긋게되었다. 준공이후약 10 년동안가시광영역에서의분광관측과측광관측만을해오던보현산천문대는 2008 년부터관측파장대를근적외선영역으로넓히게되었다. 근적외선카메라 (KASI Near-Infrared Camera System; KASINICS) 를관측에활용하게되면서새로운연구분야의개척도가능해졌다. KASINICS 활용초기에는기기개발에관한논문이주를이루었지만 2011 년 3 월부터 6 월까지이루어진블랙홀관측은보현산천문대연구실적에큰족적을남겼다 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 191

192 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 년 8 월 Nature 지에실린 거대질량블랙홀이별을흡수하는현상 에관한논문에서강력한에너지분출의원인을밝히는데사용된에너지분포 (Spectral Energy Distribution; SED) 제작에 KASINICS 관측결과가핵심적역할을했다 년에는 10 여년간사용했던 2K CCD 의후속기기로 4K CCD 시스템을개발하여활용하기시작했다. 보현산의청정일수는맑은날이연간 80 여일정도로측광관측이용이하지않지만 4K CCD 는성단및초기항성, 소행성, 지구접근천체등여러분야의관측에활용되고있다. 날씨에의한관측의어려움이상존하고있어이를보완하고새로운연구주제를발굴하기위해시야각이더넓은 CCD 카메라의개발이요구된다 년현재, 한국천문연구원창립 40 주년을맞이하여보현산천문대는제 2 의도약을위해노력하고있다. 16 년동안사용중인 TCS 2 를대체할 TCS 3 의개발을시작하였으며, 1.8m 망원경의분광관측기능을확대하기위해적외선관측전용 1m 망원경을건설하고있다. (4) 레몬산천문대 레몬산천문대의 1m 망원경은 2002 년말에설치하여원격관측을위한시험운영에들어갔으며 2003 년 10 월에는시야각이 22.5' 22.5' 인 2K CCD 를설치하여시험관측을진행했다. 성공적인시험운영을마친뒤 2004 년 1 월 30 일원격관측소현판식과시연회를갖고레몬산천문대 (LOAO; Mt. Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory) 는공개관측을시작했다. 레몬산천문대는미국아리조나주투싼시의레몬산정상 2276m 에위치한 Steward Observatory 단지내에있으며, 1m 망원경과원격관측을위한다양한장비들을설치해서운영하고있다. 건설이후 2008 년까지는본원의광학천문센터에서운영을맡아왔으며 2009 년부터는보현산천문대에서운영을책임지고있다. 모든관측은대전본원에마련된원격관측실에서수행하므로한국의낮시간대에광학관측을하는것이다. 따라서레몬산천문대와국내의보현산천문대및소백산천문대를연계하여관측을한다면특정천체를연속하여추척관측할수있게되므로경쟁력있는연구가가능해진다. 설치이후연구가가장활발하게이루어지던 2011 년에는보현산천문대 KASINICS 와함께거대질량블랙홀에관한관측을수행하여그결과를 Nature 지에실기도했다. 이연구는 Swift 우주망원경에서포착한특이현상을국제공동으로후속관측을한결과이다. 이연구를통해레몬산천문대망원경이 ToO 관측에적합함이입증되었고, 장기관측주제의선정과전략적인관측에대해새롭게논의하는계기가되었다 년대에는관측장비의교체사업을진행하여우선 2011 년에 2K CCD 의후속기기로 4K CCD 를제작설치하였다. 시야각은 28.1' 28.1' 으로약간커졌지만 CCD 의공간분해능이좋아지고 dynamic range 가넓어져서이전보다더어두운천체를관측할수있게되었다 년에는짧은노출시가끔오작동을하던셔터와필터휠을새로제작하여교체하였다. 또한장기사용으로오염이심해진 UBVRI 필터를전부새것으로교체하여측광정밀도와관측효율을높였고, 성운필터를추가설치하여연구주제의다양화도꾀하였다. 또한 2013 년에는돔내외부의감시카메라교체와운량측정장비설치, 네트웤개선작업등을진행했다. 레몬산천문대 1m 망원경을활용하여 2004 년부터 2013 년까지 10 년동안 58 편의국외논문과 12 편의국내논문을출간하였다. 레몬산천문대는연간맑은날이 100 여일, 관측일수는 200 여일로보현산천문대에비해약 2 배의관측일수를보인다. 국내천문대대비유지관리비용은약 1/5 이지만최근 10 년동안의국외논문숫자는약 1/2 로저비용고효율의장점을갖고있다. 원격제어를통한주간관측의이점뿐만아니라연구성과면에서도효율적인레몬산천문대는국내광학천문학발전에앞으로도큰역할을할수있을것으로기대된다. 192 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014

193 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 분과보고서 우주전파분과 1. 조직및회원 우주전파분과에는 60 여명의회원이참여하고있으며, 집행부로는운영위원회가있다. 운영위원회는 15 인으로구성되며위원장구본철 ( 서울대 ), 간사변도영 ( 천문연 ), 운영위원으로는김광태 ( 충남대 ), 김성은 ( 세종대 ), 박용선 ( 서울대 ), 손정주 ( 교원대 ), 이정은 ( 경희대 ), 정애리 ( 연세대 ), 김기태, 김종수, 김현구, 민영철, 봉수찬, 조세형, 최민호 ( 이상천문연 ) 등이다. 고문으로는 2008 년부터민영기박사님을모시고있다. 2. 분과관련기관 분과의유관기관으로는한국우주전파관측망, 대덕전파천문대, 태양전파연구팀, 전파연구소, 서울대전파천문대, 연세대천문대그리고국토정보지리원이있으며, 각기관은현황및발전계획을정기적으로운영위원회에서발표하고있다. 3. 활동사항 가. 우주전파분과총회개최예정우주전파분과는 2014 년 10 월제주에서개최되는한국천문학회에서총회를개최하고새분과위원장을선출할계획이다. 나. 운영위원회개최 2014 년 2 월 13 일서울역 KTX 회의실에서우주전파분과운영위원회를개최하였다. 12 명의운영위원이참석한가운데다음안건에대해논의하였다. - 전파관측시설현황보고 - KVN Key Science Program (KSP) 정의및준비계획 ( 조세형 ) - TRAO 차세대다중빔현황및 Science Program 준비계획 ( 이영웅 ) - KVN 과 TRAO 의 Key Science Program 을위한워크샵추진방안 다. 우주전파분과뉴스레터제작및배포우주전파분과는 2013 년 10 월과 2014 년 5 월에우주전파뉴스레터를발간하였으며, 2014 년 10 월중뉴스레터를발간할계획이다. 라 전파사용자회의및전파여름학교개최 ( 우주전파분과, 천문연, 서울대학교공동개최 ) 일시 : 2013 년 7 월 22 일 - 25 일장소 : 무주리조트 일에개최된전파여름학교에서는지난해에이어전파천문학의기초에서부터시작하여전파기기의기초, 간섭계및 VLBI 의원리가소개되었으며, 성간물질, 별의탄생과진화, 활동성은하핵등전파를이용한연구분야들에대한강의도있었다 일에개최된전파사용자회의에서는현재국내에서운영되고있는 KVN, TRAO, SRAO 및일본 VERA 등의국내외전파관측시스템들의운영현황및발전방안이보고되었고 시즌에관측이이루어진연구과제총 21 건이구두발표로소개되었으며, 3 건의전파관련 Key Science 논의가있었다. 참가자는국내외천문학자및천문전공학생, 전파관련기술자등총 103 명이었으며, 특히약 60 여명에이르는학부 1 학년부터대학원생들의활발한참여로인해국내전파천문학의발전에유익한교육과많은토론이이루어졌다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 2014 년 10 월 / 193

194 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 제 51 차정기총회심의안건 안건 1. 신임이사선출 - 신임이사후보자명단 : 강혜성, 김용철, 박병곤, 박용선, 봉수찬, 성환경, 손영종이강환, 이석영, 이영욱, 장헌영, 진호, 천무영 안건 2. 한국천문학회제반정관및주요규정제 개정 1. 정관변경의안 (p.203) 2. 학회운영규정 (p.215) 및임원선출규정제정 (p.227) 3. 기존학회제 규정폐지의안 (p.315) 안건 년예산승인 (p.176) 194 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Oct. 2014


196 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 부록 한국천문학회제반규정정비 ( 안 ) - 창립 50 주년기념 : 또다른 50 년을준비하며 년 10 월 ( 한국천문학회총회보고및인준안건 ) 규정개정위원회 위원장 : 최철성부회장 위원 : 강혜성이사, 김성수이사, 박병곤이사, 성환경이사, 조경석이사 ( 총무 )

197 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 - 목차 - Ⅰ. 개요 추진배경 추진경과 제반규정의명칭과상하관계 200 II. 제반규정제 개정 제 개정전후의규정구조 정관변경 규정제 개정 학회운영규정및세칙제정 임원선출규정및선거관리세칙제정 위원회및분과규정제정 연구윤리규정제정 246 III. 위원회및분과세칙제 개정 위원회세칙제 개정 상설위원회세칙제 개정 한국천문학회지 (JKAS) 편집위원회운영세칙제정 천문학논총 (PKAS) 편집위원회운영세칙개정 교육및홍보위원회운영세칙제정 포상위원회운영세칙개정 한국천문올림피아드위원회운영세칙제정 한국 IAU운영위원회운영세칙제정 학술위원회운영세칙개정 비상설위원회세칙제정 우주관측위원회운영세칙제정 규정개정위원회운영세칙제정 분과세칙제 개정 우주환경분과운영세칙개정 우주전파분과운영세칙개정 광학천문분과운영세칙개정 행성계과학분과운영세칙개정 젊은천문학자모임운영세칙제정 312 IV. 제반규정폐지 한국천문학회규정 비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 한국천문학회세칙 338

198 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 I. 개요 1. 추진배경 1-1 추진근거 (1) 2012년 01월 16일제1차이사회안건 4) 8 규정전체에 간사 또는 간사회 란명칭은일본어에서유래한것이므로수정필요. (2) 2013년 03월 29일제1차이사회 4. 기타토의정관수정여부 : 타학회사례를조사하여안을마련하고추후이사회에서논의 - 정관에명시된이사수를수정할경우아래와같은사항들을반영 o 이사명칭부여 ( 예, 학술이사, 편집이사, 재무이사, 총무이사등 ) o 부회장수를늘리는문제 (3) 2013년 10월 10일제2차이사회 4. 기타토의 o 차기집행부에제도개선위원회구성권고 - 정관, 규정, 세칙등의전반적인규정점검및개선 - 회장및이사추천활성화방안마련 (4) 2014년 01월 03일제1차이사회 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 (5) 2014년 04월 10일제2차이사회규정개정위원회구성보고 1-2 문제점요약이사회와총회등에서아래와같이규정과관련한문제가제기됨 (1) 정관변경을통한이사수의증대가필요함 (2) 간사 란용어를포함한규정내제반용어의정비가필요함 (3) 총회승인사항일부를이사회승인사항으로이관해서이사회의역할과기능을제고할필요가있음 (4) 회장, 이사, 그리고감사를포함한임원선출과관련한규정의정비가필요함 (5) 분과와위원회세칙등형식과용어를통일할필요가있음 (6) 세칙이없는상설위원회의세칙제정이필요함 198 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

199 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 2. 추진경과 2-1 규정개정위원회 ( 이하 규정 ( 위 ) ) 출범 (1) 2014년 03월 11일규정 ( 위 ) 구성강혜성이사, 김성수이사, 박병곤이사, 성환경이사, 조경석재무이사 ( 총무 ), 최철성부회장 ( 위원장 ) (2) 구성배경과근거 - 학회내비중과대표성을감안하여이사로구성 - 구성근거 : o 2014년 01월 03일제1차이사회결정에따라학회장의규정 ( 위 ) 구성지시 (2014년 03월 11일 ) o 한국천문학회규정 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정 2-2 규정 ( 위 ) 활동내용 (1) 2014년 03월 19일 03월 25일제1차온라인회의 - 관련자료수집및송부, 규정 ( 위 ) 활동방법논의 ( 전원참석 ) (2) 2014년 03월 31일 04월 08일제2차온라인회의 - 정관개정논의와 1차수정본검토 ( 전원참석 ) (3) 2014년 04월 06일 04월 12일제3차온라인회의 - 규정의구조와규정개정의방향설정논의 ( 전원참석 ) (4) 2014년 04월 10일제2차이사회보고 - 규정 ( 위 ) 구성과활동방향보고 (5) 2014년 04월 10일제4차대면회의 - 규정개정의방향에대한보충논의 ( 참석 : 강혜성, 김성수, 성환경, 조경석, 최철성 ) (6) 2014년 04월 14일 04월 21일제5차온라인회의 - 규정개정논의, 위원회와분과운영세칙개정 ( 안 ) 검토요청 ( 전원참석 ) (7) 2014년 04월 22일 05월 02일제6차온라인회의 - 규정개정논의 II: 1차수정본검토와쟁점사항후속논의 ( 전원참석 ) (8) 2014년 05월 07일 05월 12일제7차온라인회의 - 규정개정논의 III: 2차수정본검토와이견사항후속논의 ( 전원참석 ) (9) 2014년 05월 12일 05월 14일제8차온라인회의 - 대면회의일정과장소에대한논의 ( 전원참석 ) (10) 2014년 05월 15일 05월 22일제9차온라인회의 - 위원회및분과운영세칙제 개정 ( 안 ) 검토회의 ( 전원참석 ) 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 199

200 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 (11) 2014년 05월 28일 06월 11일미래부우주정책과담당사무관사전접촉 - 정관변경절차문의와신청양식요청, 그리고변경 ( 안 ) 사전검토요청 ( 참석 : 조보영, 최철성 ) (12) 2014년 06월 13일제10차대면회의 - 미래부사전접촉결과에대한검토와온라인회의시발생한이견사항논의 ( 참석 : 강혜성, 김성수, 박병곤, 성환경, 이형목, 조경석, 최철성 ) (13) 2014년 06월 18일 06월 20일제11차온라인회의 - 선거관리세칙보완논의 ( 전원참석 ) (14) 2014년 06월 25일 한국천문학회제반규정정비 ( 안 ) 학회공지 (15) 2014년 06월 29일 07월 01일미래부우주정책과담당주무관접촉 - 담당주무관이국민신문고에민원을신청한결과, 이사수를 25인이내로하는정관변경이가능함을통보받음 ( 참석 : 조보영, 최철성 ) (16) 2014년 07월 10일 24:00 회원의견수렴마감 - 의견접수현황 : 접수된의견 1건 - 접수된의견과미래부우주정책과접촉결과를 규정정비 ( 안 ) 에반영시킴 (17) 2014년 07월 12일 07월 18일제12차온라인회의 - 규정정비 ( 안 ) 수정본검토회의 ( 참석 : 강혜성, 최철성 ) (18) 2014년 07월 14일 07월 24일제13차온라인회의 - 연구윤리규정의개정부분에대한영문화의뢰및이사회안건준비 ( 참석 : 강혜성, 성환경, 조보영, 최철성 ) (19) 2014년 08월 21일제3차이사회안건상정및의결 - 포상 ( 위 ) 세칙과포상기준을제외한모든규정개정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로의결 - 포상 ( 위 ) 세칙은조건부의결 : 세칙에추천할권한이있는 상 의명칭과상의 제정취지 를삽입하고참석한이사들의확인을거치면의결된것으로함 ( 참석이사 : 이형목, 최철성, 조경석, 김성수, 류동수, 이창원, 강혜성, 김용철, 박병곤, 성환경, 안영숙, 천무영 ) 200 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

201 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 3. 제반규정의명칭과상하관계 정관 규정 세칙 내부규정, 기준, 지침, 규약등 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 201

202 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 II. 제반규정제 개정 1. 제 개정전후의규정구조 제 개정전 제 개정후 202 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

203 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 2. 정관변경 2-1 변경절차 : 이사회의결 총회승인 감사 총회의사록등기 미래창조과학부장관허가 변경정관등기 2-2 변경 ( 안 ): 아래참조 주요내용 : - 회장선출규정과임원선출규정을임원선출규정으로일원화 ( 정관변경을위해임원선출규정이제정되어야할것임 ) - 이사정원의확대와이사회기능추가 - 중요한규정을제외하고 위원회및분과규정, 연구윤리규정, 부설연구소규정 개폐에대한최종결정권을이사회에부여하여, 학회운영의효율화를꾀하고정부의요구에발빠르게대처함 - 용어정비 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 203

204 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 사단법인한국천문학회정관변경 ( 안 ) 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회정관변경 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용구분주요내용 개정취지 ㅇ지난 15년간의한국천문학회발전상황을반영하고, 학회운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요변경내용 ㅇ제 10 조 3 호이사수변경ㅇ제 12 조 1 항문구변경ㅇ제 16 조 1 호문구변경ㅇ제 21 조이사회기능추가 - 차기회장후보및감사후보추천에관한사항ㅇ제 22 조 4 항삭제 - 4 항은제 15 조 5 호 감사의직무 와중복ㅇ제 33 조개정ㅇ문서이력과부칙삽입ㅇ용어정리 시행일자감독관청 ( 미래창조과학부장관 ) 의허가일자 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회정관제32조 ( 정관개정 ) 본학회의정관을개정하고자할때에는재적이사 3분의 2 이상의찬성과총회의의결을거쳐과학기술부장관의허가를받아야한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 204 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

205 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 사단법인한국천문학회정관변경 ( 안 ) 신 구조문대비표 현행변경 사단법인한국천문학회정관 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 205

206 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 206 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

207 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 207

208 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 208 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

209 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 209

210 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 210 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

211 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 211

212 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 212 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

213 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 ( 표 ) ( 표 ) 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 213

214 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 참고사항 : 1. 미래부우주정책과사전협의결과 - 미래부와사전협의를위해규정개정 ( 위 ) 에서는정관변경 ( 안 ) 을미래부우주정책과담당사무관에게이메일로송부 (2014년 5월 28일조보영 ). - 조보영사무과장이미래부김동민사무관으로부터전화로결과를통보받음 : 정관변경 ( 안 ) 중대체로문제되는부분은없으나이사수증가는 공익법인설립운영에관한법률 에의해불가하다는답변을받음. 이에타학회의이사수에대한자료를가지고다시문의를함 ( 즉, 대한수학회이사는 30인이내, 물리학회는 35인이내, 지질학회는 20인이내이고, 동일한우주정책과소속인우주과학회는 20인이내로천문학회와의형평에어긋남을지적 ). 이에김동민사무관은재검토후다시연락을주기로함. - 6월 11일조보영사무과장이동일한업무담당자인문영근주무관에게전화문의를통해다음과같은답변을받음 : 공익법인설립운영에관한법률제5조 ( 임원등 ) 1 공익법인에는 5 명이상 15명이하의이사와 2명의감사를두되, 주무관청의승인을받아그수를증감할수있다. 는내용을법제처에전화로문의한결과 15인이상으로늘리는것은불가하고, 5인이상 15인이하범위에서만그수를증감할수있다는답변을받음. - 규정개정 ( 위 ) 에서는 공익법인설립 운영에관한법률 ( 전문개정, 일부개정 ) 과 공익법인의설립 운영에관한법률시행령 ( 시행 ) 전문을입수하고, 6월 13일대면회의에서참석자들이회람하고이사수증가를추진하는것은불가한것으로결론지음. - 하지만미래부우주정책과문영근주무관이관련조문에대한내용을국민신문고에민원신청을하였고결국이사수증가가가능함을서면으로확인받았음. 이내용을조보영사무과장이이메일로전달받음 (2014년 07월 01일 ). 아울러조보영과장이문영근주무관께전화로문의한결과, 우리학회가사전협의때작성한 이사수 25인이하 는승인이가능한것으로답변을받음. 2. 제12조 ( 임원의선임방법 ) - 이조항에의하면 회장선출규정 과 임원선출규정 이별도로존재해야함. 그러나현천문학회규정에의하면 제2장임원선출제3조 ( 회장단선출 ) 조항만존재하는실정임. 정관 12조의문구를 임원선출규정 으로일원화하는것이바람직함. 214 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

215 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 3. 규정제 개정 3-1 학회운영규정및세칙제정 학회운영규정제정 (1) 제정절차 : 이사회의결 총회승인 (2) 제정 ( 안 ): 아래참조. 주요내용 : - ( 구 ) 규정의일부를따로분리하고보완해서독립적인규정으로제정 - ( 구 ) 세칙의회비관련조항을규정으로이관 학회운영세칙제정 (1) 제정절차 : 이사회의결 총회보고 (2) 제정 ( 안 ): 아래참조. 주요내용 : - 세칙명이변경되어기존세칙을폐지하고새로제정함 - ( 구 ) 세칙의회비관련조항을규정으로이관 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 215

216 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회학회운영규정제정 ( 안 ) 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회학회운영규정제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정을정비하고학회운영의전문성과효율성 을제고함 주요 제정내용 ㅇ ( 구 ) 한국천문학회규정을폐지하고, 이규정의일부조항을따로분리하고보완해서독립적인규정으로제정함ㅇ ( 구 ) 세칙에있던회비조항을규정으로이동시킴 시행일자총회의승인일자 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 동규정부칙 제1조 ( 시행일 ) 이규정은총회에서통과된날로부터시행한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 216 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

217 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회학회운영규정제정 ( 안 ) 신 구조문대비표 폐지제정 제 1 장목적 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이규정은정관제 33 조에의거하여필요한사항을규정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 제 2 장임원선출 제 3 조 ( 회장단선출 ) 1 회장의임기는 2 년이며, 차기회장은현회장임기 2 차년도의총회에서실시한다. 2 이사의임기는 2 년이며, 매년총회에서 4 명을직접투표로선출하고, 2 명은회장이지명한다. 3 부회장, 총무및재무는회장이지명하며, 총무는당연직이사가된다. 4 회장단임기는선출된이듬해 1 월 1 일부터시작된다. 제 4 조 ( 선거관리 ) 1 선거에관한공고, 회장및이사후보의추천의뢰및등록, 선출을위한투개표및당선자공고, 기타선거에관련된모든사항은간사회에서주관한다. 2 차기회장후보는전임회장으로이루어진추천인단또는정회원각자로부터추천을받아야한다. 3 추천인단은 2 명이내의차기회장후 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 217

218 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 보를추천한다. 4 정회원은선거 30 일전까지 1 인의차기회장후보를서면으로추천할수있으며, 정회원 15 인이상추천을받은자가운데상위추천자 2 명을차기회장후보로한다. 5 이사는정회원 1 인당 2 명의추천을받아상위추천자 6 명을차기이사후보자로한다. 6 감사는인격과덕망을갖춘인사또는전임회장중에서선출하되총회에출석한정회원의과반수찬성으로정한다. 제5조 ( 임원자격 ) 1 회장은전년도말까지 10년이상정회원의자격을보유한회원가운데 2년이상이사 ( 사단법인화이전평의원포함 ) 로봉사한회원중에서선출한다. 2 이사는전년도말까지 2년이상정회원의자격을보유한회원중에서선출한다. 제 6 조 ( 선거방법 ) 회장및선출이사는정관제 12 조제 1 항에의거, 총회에서무기명비밀투표로선출한다. 제 7 조 ( 선거권 ) 선거권은선거일기준최근 2 년간정회원의의무를다한회원에게부여된다. 제 8 조 ( 당선자확정및공고 ) 1 회장은출석한정회원의과반수를얻은자로한다. 만일과반수득표자가없을경우에는상위득표자 2 인을대상으로결선투표를거쳐가장많은표를얻은자를회장으로한다. 2 이사는총회에서무기명비밀투표를통하여상위득표자순으로선출예정인원전원을선출한다. 3 간사회는당선자선출즉시총회에보고함으로써당선자확정공고를대신한다. 제 3 장간사회 제 14 조 ( 규정개폐 ) 이규정을개정하거나폐지할때는이사회 제 9 조 ( 간사회 ) 본학회의업무집행을위 218 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

219 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 하여간사회를둔다. 제 10 조 ( 구성 ) 간사회는회장, 부회장, 총무이사, 재무간사로구성된다. 제 11 조 ( 세칙 ) 간사회의업무에관한세칙은별도로정한다. 제 4 장위원회 제12조 ( 위원회 ) 1 본학회의사업을능률적으로수행하기위하여상설위원회를두며, 필요에따라비상설위원회를둔다. 2 회장은이사회의동의를얻어관련상설및비상설위원회를추가로신설하거나해산할수있다. 3 본학회에있는위원회는다음각호와같다. 1. 상설위원회가. 한국천문학회지 (JKAS) 편집위원회나. 천문학논총 (PKAS) 편집위원회다. 교육및홍보위원회라. 포상위원회마. 한국천문올림피아드위원회바. 한국 IAU운영위원회사. 학술위원회 2. 비상설위원회가. 용어심의위원회나. 우주관측위원회다. 연구윤리위원회 4 각위원회의운영에필요한재정은본학회에서지원할수있다. 제 13 조 ( 위원장과위원 ) 1 위원회는 1 인의위원장과약간의위원을두며, 임기는 2 년으로하고연임할수있다. 2 각위원회의위원장은이사회의동의를얻어회장이임명하고위원은위원장의추천을받아회장이임명한다. 제 14 조 ( 세칙 ) 위원회에대한세칙은별도로둘수있다. 제 5 장분과 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 219

220 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 제 15 조 ( 분과의설치 ) 1 본학회에전문분야별학술활동을장려하기위하여분과를둔다. 2 분과는정회원 10 인이상의발의로, 이사회의동의를얻어회장이신설하거나해산할수있다. 3 본학회에있는분과는다음각호와같다. 1. 우주환경분과 2. 우주전파분과 3. 광학천문분과 4. 행성계과학분과 제 16 조 ( 분과소속및재정 ) 1 본학회회원은 1 개이상의분과에소속될수있다. 2 분과회원은소정의분과회비를납부하여야한다. 3 분과회비는분과회재정에충당된다. 4 회비는이사회에서심의하여결정한다. 제 17 조 ( 분과운영 ) 1 분과는 1 인의분과위원장과약간의분과운영위원을둘수있으며, 그임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 2 분과위원장과분과운영위원은분과세칙에서정한바에따라선출된다. 제 18 조 ( 분과위원장의임무 ) 분과위원장은다음각호의사항을이사회에서면으로보고하여야한다. 1. 소속회원의동향 2. 분과회의사업계획및결산 제 19 조 ( 분과운영세칙 ) 1 분과의운영은세칙에의한다. 2 분과세칙은분과에서작성하여이사회의승인을받아확정된다. 3 분과세칙의개정은이사회의승인을받아야한다. 제 6 장부설기관 제 20 조 ( 부설기관의설치 ) 1 본학회의목적에부합한부설기관을둘수있다. 2 부설기관은정회원 10 인이상의발의 220 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

221 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 로, 이사회의동의를얻어회장이신설하거나폐지할수있다. 3 본학회에있는부설기관은다음각호와같다. 1. 소남천문학사연구소 제 21 조 ( 부설기관의재정및회계 ) 1 부설기관의자산과재정은독립적으로운영한다. 2 부설기관의회계는본학회의부설기관특별회계로구분하여관리한다. 3 부설기관이폐지될때자산처리에대한사항은부설기관운영위원회의제안을받아이사회에서결정한다. 제 22 조 ( 부설기관운영 ) 1 부설기관의운영은부설기관운영규정에따른다. 2 부설기관운영규정의제정과개정은이사회의승인을받아야한다. 제 7 장용역사업 제 23 조 ( 용역사업의수행 ) 정관제 4 조제 6 호의기타본학회의목적달성에필요한사항과관련하여용역사업을수행하고자하는경우엔별도의세칙에따른다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 221

222 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 참고사항 : 1. 간사또는간사회용어 년 01월 16일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회 : 심의안건 4) 8 규정전체에 간사 또는 간사회 라는명칭은일본어에서유래한것이므로수정필요. - 간사회 에대한대체용어는 회장단 으로함. 기존의 간사 는 총무 로변경함. 222 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

223 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회학회운영세칙제정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회학회운영세칙제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 제정내용 ㅇ기존한국천문학회세칙의관련조항들을보완해독립적인세칙으로제정함ㅇ기존세칙의회비관련조항들을상위규정인학회운영규정으로이동ㅇ세칙명이변경됨으로인해기존세칙을폐지하고제정절차를거침 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 223

224 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회학회운영세칙제정신 구조문대비표 폐지제정 제 1 장간사회업무 제 1 조 ( 회장 ) 회장은간사회의제반업무를지휘, 통괄한다. 제 2 조 ( 총무이사 ) 총무이사는다음각호의사항을분장한다. 1. 사단법인체업무및직인관리에관한사항 2. 총회, 이사회등의각종회의에관한사항 3. 문서의접수, 발송통제및보존, 기타문서 ( 일지포함 ) 관리에관한사항 4. 도서및학회자산의관리에관한사항 5. 각종행사 ( 편집위원회를제외한각종회의의기획및진행포함 ) 회의록작성에관한사항 6. 사무원의임용, 복무및후생에관한사항 7. 물품구매, 조달및관리에관한사항 8. 학회일반서무및타간사에속하지아니하는사항 제 3 조 ( 재무간사 ) 재무간사는다음각호의사항을분장한다. 1. 수입, 지출예산의기획, 집행, 결산및회계에관한사항 2. 현금및유가증권의출납및보 224 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

225 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 관에관한사항 3. 수입징수에관한사항 4. 회계감사결과처리에관한사항 5. 학회기금의관리 ( 은행이자포함 ) 와예비비관리에관한사항 6. 세무에관한사항 제 4 조 ( 편집위원장 ) 폐지 제 2 장회비 제 5 조 ( 회비 ) 사단법인한국천문학회회원의연회비와입회비는다음각호와같다. 1. 회장 : 50 만원 2. 부회장 : 30 만원 3. 이사 : 10 만원 4. 정회원 ( 일반 ) : 5 만원 5. 정회원 ( 학생 ) : 2 만원 6. 준회원 : 2 만원 7. 입회비 : 1 만원 8. 분과회비 : 분과당 1 만원 제 6 조 ( 회비의책정 ) 회장은매년재정사정을감안하여이사회의동의를얻어회비를결정할수있다. 제 7 조 ( 회비납부의해태 ) 회장은회비를 2 년이상납부하지않은회원에대하여정관제 9 조에의거하여회원의권리를정지시킬수있다. 제 3 장용역사업 제 8 조 ( 용역사업 ) 이세칙은본학회에서수행하는용역사업에적용한다. 1. 용역사업의계약은회장명의로하고용역사업의연구책임자는사업의성격에따라의뢰자와협의하여회장이선임하되필요한경우공개적인선정절차및선정위원회를구성하여결정한다. 2. 연구책임자는연구진의구성과변경에관하여책임을지며용역사업수행의제반사항을이사회에보고한다. 제 9 조 ( 용역사업비 ) 사업비의구성및운용은다음각호에의한다. 1. 사업비의구성은통상적인정부기준및항목을적용하며간접비를계상한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 225

226 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 2. 사업비의운용은연구책임자가관리하고학회가감독하되연구책임자와협의하여변경할수있다. 3. 간접비는전체사업비의 20% 이상으로하되사업의성격에따라의뢰자와연구책임자, 본학회가협의하여간접비율을조정할수있다. 부칙 참고사항 : 1. 기존천문학회세칙을학회운영세칙으로명칭을바꾸어제정. 기존세칙의회비관련조항을상 위의학회운영규정으로이동시킴. 226 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

227 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 3-2 임원선출규정및선거관리세칙제정 임원선출규정제정 (1) 제정절차 : 이사회의결 총회승인 (2) 제정 ( 안 ): 아래참조. 주요내용 : - 정관에임원선출규정이명시되어있어이를제정함 - 정관의임원선출중감사의선출방법이누락되어이를삽입 - 학회업무의효율을높이기위해당연직이사에학술위원장과재무그리고편집위원장을추가함, - 학회장이매년지명하는이사수를 1명, 선출이사를 5명으로함 - 정회원의차기회장후보추천이 1명이거나없을때이사회가차기회장후보를조건부로추천할수있음을명시 선거관리세칙제정 (1) 제정절차 : 이사회의결 총회보고 (2) 제정 ( 안 ): 아래참조. 주요내용 : - 선거관리부분을추출해서별도의선거관리세칙으로제정 - 임원선출과정을관리하기위한선거관리위원회구성을명시 - 선거관리위원회는선거 90일이전에이사회에서구성하고, 당선자를총회에보고함으로써위원회임무를자동으로종료함 - 선거관리위원회위원은총무이사를포함한이사 5인이내로하고, 총무이사를위원회총무로함 - 선거관리위원회의관리일정을명시 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 227

228 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회임원선출규정제정 ( 안 ) 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회임원선출규정제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정을정비하고학회운영의전문성과효율성 을제고함 주요 제정내용 ㅇ ( 구 ) 한국천문학회규정을폐지하고, 이규정의일부조항을따로분리하고보완해서독립적인규정으로제정함 시행일자총회의승인일자 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 동규정부칙 제1조 ( 시행일 ) 이규정은총회에서통과된날로부터시행한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 228 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

229 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회임원선출규정제정 ( 안 ) 신 구조문대비표 폐지제정 제 1 장목적 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이규정은정관제 33 조에의거하여필요한사항을규정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 제 2 장임원선출 제 3 조 ( 회장단선출 ) 1 회장의임기는 2 년이며, 차기회장은현회장임기 2 차년도의총회에서실시한다. 2 이사의임기는 2 년이며, 매년총회에서 4 명을직접투표로선출하고, 2 명은회장이지명한다. 3 부회장, 총무및재무는회장이지명하며, 총무는당연직이사가된다. 4 회장단임기는선출된이듬해 1 월 1 일부터시작된다. 제 4 조 ( 선거관리 ) 1 선거에관한공고, 회장및이사후보의추천의뢰및등록, 선출을위한투개표및당선자공고, 기타선거에관련된모든사항은간사회에서주관한다. 2 차기회장후보는전임회장으로이루어진추천인단또는정회원각자로부터추천을받아야한다. 3 추천인단은 2 명이내의차기회장후 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 229

230 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 보를추천한다. 4 정회원은선거 30 일전까지 1 인의차기회장후보를서면으로추천할수있으며, 정회원 15 인이상추천을받은자가운데상위추천자 2 명을차기회장후보로한다. 5 이사는정회원 1 인당 2 명의추천을받아상위추천자 6 명을차기이사후보자로한다. 6 감사는인격과덕망을갖춘인사또는전임회장중에서선출하되총회에출석한정회원의과반수찬성으로정한다. 제5조 ( 임원자격 ) 1 회장은전년도말까지 10년이상정회원의자격을보유한회원가운데 2년이상이사 ( 사단법인화이전평의원포함 ) 로봉사한회원중에서선출한다. 2 이사는전년도말까지 2년이상정회원의자격을보유한회원중에서선출한다. 제 6 조 ( 선거방법 ) 회장및선출이사는정관제 12 조제 1 항에의거, 총회에서무기명비밀투표로선출한다. 제 7 조 ( 선거권 ) 선거권은선거일기준최근 2 년간정회원의의무를다한회원에게부여된다. 제 8 조 ( 당선자확정및공고 ) 1 회장은출석한정회원의과반수를얻은자로한다. 만일과반수득표자가없을경우에는상위득표자 2 인을대상으로결선투표를거쳐가장많은표를얻은자를회장으로한다. 2 이사는총회에서무기명비밀투표를통하여상위득표자순으로선출예정인원전원을선출한다. 3 간사회는당선자선출즉시총회에보고함으로써당선자확정공고를대신한다. 제 3 장간사회 제 9 조 ( 간사회 ) 본학회의업무집행을위 230 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

231 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 하여간사회를둔다. 제 10 조 ( 구성 ) 간사회는회장, 부회장, 총무이사, 재무간사로구성된다. 제 11 조 ( 세칙 ) 간사회의업무에관한세칙은별도로정한다. 제 4 장위원회 제12조 ( 위원회 ) 1 본학회의사업을능률적으로수행하기위하여상설위원회를두며, 필요에따라비상설위원회를둔다. 2 회장은이사회의동의를얻어관련상설및비상설위원회를추가로신설하거나해산할수있다. 3 본학회에있는위원회는다음각호와같다. 1. 상설위원회가. 한국천문학회지 (JKAS) 편집위원회나. 천문학논총 (PKAS) 편집위원회다. 교육및홍보위원회라. 포상위원회마. 한국천문올림피아드위원회바. 한국 IAU운영위원회사. 학술위원회 2. 비상설위원회가. 용어심의위원회나. 우주관측위원회다. 연구윤리위원회 4 각위원회의운영에필요한재정은본학회에서지원할수있다. 제 13 조 ( 위원장과위원 ) 1 위원회는 1 인의위원장과약간의위원을두며, 임기는 2 년으로하고연임할수있다. 2 각위원회의위원장은이사회의동의를얻어회장이임명하고위원은위원장의추천을받아회장이임명한다. 제 14 조 ( 세칙 ) 위원회에대한세칙은별도로둘수있다. 제 5 장분과 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 231

232 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 제 15 조 ( 분과의설치 ) 1 본학회에전문분야별학술활동을장려하기위하여분과를둔다. 2 분과는정회원 10 인이상의발의로, 이사회의동의를얻어회장이신설하거나해산할수있다. 3 본학회에있는분과는다음각호와같다. 1. 우주환경분과 2. 우주전파분과 3. 광학천문분과 4. 행성계과학분과 제 16 조 ( 분과소속및재정 ) 1 본학회회원은 1 개이상의분과에소속될수있다. 2 분과회원은소정의분과회비를납부하여야한다. 3 분과회비는분과회재정에충당된다. 4 회비는이사회에서심의하여결정한다. 제 17 조 ( 분과운영 ) 1 분과는 1 인의분과위원장과약간의분과운영위원을둘수있으며, 그임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 2 분과위원장과분과운영위원은분과세칙에서정한바에따라선출된다. 제 18 조 ( 분과위원장의임무 ) 분과위원장은다음각호의사항을이사회에서면으로보고하여야한다. 1. 소속회원의동향 2. 분과회의사업계획및결산 제 19 조 ( 분과운영세칙 ) 1 분과의운영은세칙에의한다. 2 분과세칙은분과에서작성하여이사회의승인을받아확정된다. 3 분과세칙의개정은이사회의승인을받아야한다. 제 6 장부설기관 제 20 조 ( 부설기관의설치 ) 1 본학회의목적에부합한부설기관을둘수있다. 2 부설기관은정회원 10 인이상의발의 232 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

233 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 로, 이사회의동의를얻어회장이신설하거나폐지할수있다. 3 본학회에있는부설기관은다음각호와같다. 1. 소남천문학사연구소 제 21 조 ( 부설기관의재정및회계 ) 1 부설기관의자산과재정은독립적으로운영한다. 2 부설기관의회계는본학회의부설기관특별회계로구분하여관리한다. 3 부설기관이폐지될때자산처리에대한사항은부설기관운영위원회의제안을받아이사회에서결정한다. 제 22 조 ( 부설기관운영 ) 1 부설기관의운영은부설기관운영규정에따른다. 2 부설기관운영규정의제정과개정은이사회의승인을받아야한다. 제 7 장용역사업 제 23 조 ( 용역사업의수행 ) 정관제 4 조제 6 호의기타본학회의목적달성에필요한사항과관련하여용역사업을수행하고자하는경우엔별도의세칙에따른다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 233

234 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 참고사항 : 1. 차기회장의선출시점에대한아래의장 단점을검토하고규정개정 ( 위 ) 에서는 2안으로결정함 (1안) 현회장임기 1차년도에선출 - 기존규정에따르면차기회장은현회장의임기 2차년도에선출하도록되어있음. 따라서회장단과각위원회위원장및위원의인선, 업무파악, 인수인계, 사업구상등의준비에시간이매우촉박한실정임. - 이러한문제를개선하기위해차기회장을현회장의임기 1차년도에선출하도록하는것이바람직함. (2안) 현회장임기 2차년도에선출 - 학회운영의연속성과운영경험의측면에서는 1년전에선출하는것이필요할수도있지만, 자칫하면현회장에대한월권의소지가있을수있음. 지금까지학회가지나온것에비추어볼때, 2개월의시간은위원장선임및회장단구성에크게부족한시간이라생각이되지않을뿐만아니라심각하게정치적으로고려하거나결정해야할사항이없기때문에업무파악에도많은시간이필요하다고는생각되지않음. 따라서현행과같이 2차년도에선출하는것이바람직함. 2. 차기회장후보와감사후보추천 - 역대회장단에서추천하던 2인이내의회장후보를이사회에서추천하는것이이사회의역할과기능제고측면에서바람직함. 역대회장은회장을역임한경험과경륜을바탕으로현회장을자문하는역할이바람직할것임. - 감사후보추천과선출에관해규정적으로모호한부분을보완하고기존관례와상충되지않도록조정함 : 이사회추천 총회추대. 3. 선출이사와지명이사수문제 - 정관변경 ( 안 ) 에따르면이사수는 25인이내임. 이는향후의수요를감안한것임. - 이사수를상한선까지갑자기늘릴경우이사회소집문제와의결등에있어비효율을초래할우려가있음. 적정한선을유지하며필요할때선출이사와지명이사수를개정할필요가있음. - 학회운영의효율을높이기위해재무, JKAS 및 PKAS 편집위원장, 학술위원장을당연직이사에포함시키는것이필요함. 이렇게되면, 당연직이사와선출직이사사이의비례문제가거론될수도있지만, 당연직이사의경우전회장이임명한경우도있으므로현회장이지명권을행사했다고볼수만은없음. - 선출이사와지명이사비례문제를감안하여학회장이매년지명하는이사수를 2인에서 1인으로줄이는것이바람직. 234 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

235 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회선거관리세칙제정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회선거관리세칙제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 제정내용 ㅇ기존한국천문학회규정을분리해임원선출규정을제정하고선거관리에대한조항들은임원선출규정아래별도의선거관리세칙으로제정함 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 235

236 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회선거관리세칙제정신 구조문대비표 폐지제정 제 1 장목적 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이규정은정관제 33 조에의거하여필요한사항을규정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 제 2 장임원선출 제 3 조 ( 회장단선출 ) 1 회장의임기는 2 년이며, 차기회장은현회장임기 2 차년도의총회에서실시한다. 2 이사의임기는 2 년이며, 매년총회에서 4 명을직접투표로선출하고, 2 명은회장이지명한다. 3 부회장, 총무및재무는회장이지명하며, 총무는당연직이사가된다. 4 회장단임기는선출된이듬해 1 월 1 일부터시작된다. 제 4 조 ( 선거관리 ) 1 선거에관한공고, 회장및이사후보의추천의뢰및등록, 선출을위한투개표및당선자공고, 기타선거에관련된모든사항은간사회에서주관한다. 2 차기회장후보는전임회장으로이루어진추천인단또는정회원각자로부터추천을받아야한다. 3 추천인단은 2 명이내의차기회장후 236 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

237 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 보를추천한다. 4 정회원은선거 30 일전까지 1 인의차기회장후보를서면으로추천할수있으며, 정회원 15 인이상추천을받은자가운데상위추천자 2 명을차기회장후보로한다. 5 이사는정회원 1 인당 2 명의추천을받아상위추천자 6 명을차기이사후보자로한다. 6 감사는인격과덕망을갖춘인사또는전임회장중에서선출하되총회에출석한정회원의과반수찬성으로정한다. 제5조 ( 임원자격 ) 1 회장은전년도말까지 10년이상정회원의자격을보유한회원가운데 2년이상이사 ( 사단법인화이전평의원포함 ) 로봉사한회원중에서선출한다. 2 이사는전년도말까지 2년이상정회원의자격을보유한회원중에서선출한다. 제 6 조 ( 선거방법 ) 회장및선출이사는정관제 12 조제 1 항에의거, 총회에서무기명비밀투표로선출한다. 제 7 조 ( 선거권 ) 선거권은선거일기준최근 2 년간정회원의의무를다한회원에게부여된다. 제 8 조 ( 당선자확정및공고 ) 1 회장은출석한정회원의과반수를얻은자로한다. 만일과반수득표자가없을경우에는상위득표자 2 인을대상으로결선투표를거쳐가장많은표를얻은자를회장으로한다. 2 이사는총회에서무기명비밀투표를통하여상위득표자순으로선출예정인원전원을선출한다. 3 간사회는당선자선출즉시총회에보고함으로써당선자확정공고를대신한다. 제 3 장간사회 ( 생략 ) 제 4 장위원회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 237

238 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 ( 생략 ) 제 5 장분과 ( 생략 ) 제 6 장부설기관 ( 생략 ) 제 7 장용역사업 ( 생략 ) ( 생략 ) 부칙 참고사항 : 1. 투표참여율을높이기위해인터넷을이용한방법을규정개정 ( 위 ) 에서심도있게논의했으나, 여 러여건상아직은시기상조라고결론지음. 2. 선거일정표가. 총회 90일전까지이사회에서선거관리위원회구성나. 총회 70일전까지선거관리위원회에회장예비후보등록가능 ( 회장선출 ) 다. 총회 60일전까지회장및이사선거공고 / 예비후보공약배포라. 총회 30일전까지회원들로부터회장및이사후보추천접수마. 총회 10일전까지회장및이사후보공지 238 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

239 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 3-3 위원회및분과규정제정 (1) 제정절차 : 이사회의결 총회보고 (2) 제정 ( 안 ): 아래참조. 주요내용 : - ( 구 ) 규정의일부를따로분리하고보완해서독립적인규정으로제정 - 비상설위원회의활동기간과위원장및위원의임기명시 - 연구윤리규정에포함된연구윤리위원회와의연결조항삽입 - 분과회비조항개정. 즉,... 부과한다 에서... 부과할수있다 로개정 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 239

240 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회위원회및분과규정제정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회위원회및분과규정제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정을정비하고학회운영의전문성과효율성 을제고함 주요 제정내용 ㅇ ( 구 ) 한국천문학회규정을폐지하고, 이규정의일부조항을따로분리하고보완해서독립적인규정으로제정함 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 240 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

241 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회위원회및분과규정제정신 구조문대비표 폐지제정 제 1 장목적 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이규정은정관제 33 조에의거하여필요한사항을규정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 제 2 장임원선출 제 3 조 ( 회장단선출 ) 1 회장의임기는 2 년이며, 차기회장은현회장임기 2 차년도의총회에서실시한다. 2 이사의임기는 2 년이며, 매년총회에서 4 명을직접투표로선출하고, 2 명은회장이지명한다. 3 부회장, 총무및재무는회장이지명하며, 총무는당연직이사가된다. 4 회장단임기는선출된이듬해 1 월 1 일부터시작된다. 제 4 조 ( 선거관리 ) 1 선거에관한공고, 회장및이사후보의추천의뢰및등록, 선출을위한투개표및당선자공고, 기타선거에관련된모든사항은간사회에서주관한다. 2 차기회장후보는전임회장으로이루어진추천인단또는정회원각자로부터추천을받아야한다. 3 추천인단은 2 명이내의차기회장후 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 241

242 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 보를추천한다. 4 정회원은선거 30 일전까지 1 인의차기회장후보를서면으로추천할수있으며, 정회원 15 인이상추천을받은자가운데상위추천자 2 명을차기회장후보로한다. 5 이사는정회원 1 인당 2 명의추천을받아상위추천자 6 명을차기이사후보자로한다. 6 감사는인격과덕망을갖춘인사또는전임회장중에서선출하되총회에출석한정회원의과반수찬성으로정한다. 제5조 ( 임원자격 ) 1 회장은전년도말까지 10년이상정회원의자격을보유한회원가운데 2년이상이사 ( 사단법인화이전평의원포함 ) 로봉사한회원중에서선출한다. 2 이사는전년도말까지 2년이상정회원의자격을보유한회원중에서선출한다. 제 6 조 ( 선거방법 ) 회장및선출이사는정관제 12 조제 1 항에의거, 총회에서무기명비밀투표로선출한다. 제 7 조 ( 선거권 ) 선거권은선거일기준최근 2 년간정회원의의무를다한회원에게부여된다. 제 8 조 ( 당선자확정및공고 ) 1 회장은출석한정회원의과반수를얻은자로한다. 만일과반수득표자가없을경우에는상위득표자 2 인을대상으로결선투표를거쳐가장많은표를얻은자를회장으로한다. 2 이사는총회에서무기명비밀투표를통하여상위득표자순으로선출예정인원전원을선출한다. 3 간사회는당선자선출즉시총회에보고함으로써당선자확정공고를대신한다. 제 3 장간사회 제 9 조 ( 간사회 ) 본학회의업무집행을위 242 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

243 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 하여간사회를둔다. 제 10 조 ( 구성 ) 간사회는회장, 부회장, 총무이사, 재무간사로구성된다. 제 11 조 ( 세칙 ) 간사회의업무에관한세칙은별도로정한다. 제 4 장위원회 제12조 ( 위원회 ) 1 본학회의사업을능률적으로수행하기위하여상설위원회를두며, 필요에따라비상설위원회를둔다. 2 회장은이사회의동의를얻어관련상설및비상설위원회를추가로신설하거나해산할수있다. 3 본학회에있는위원회는다음각호와같다. 1. 상설위원회가. 한국천문학회지 (JKAS) 편집위원회나. 천문학논총 (PKAS) 편집위원회다. 교육및홍보위원회라. 포상위원회마. 한국천문올림피아드위원회바. 한국 IAU운영위원회사. 학술위원회 2. 비상설위원회가. 용어심의위원회나. 우주관측위원회다. 연구윤리위원회 4 각위원회의운영에필요한재정은본학회에서지원할수있다. 제 13 조 ( 위원장과위원 ) 1 위원회는 1 인의위원장과약간의위원을두며, 임기는 2 년으로하고연임할수있다. 2 각위원회의위원장은이사회의동의를얻어회장이임명하고위원은위원장의추천을받아회장이임명한다. 제 14 조 ( 세칙 ) 위원회에대한세칙은별도로둘수있다. 제 5 장분과 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 243

244 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 제 15 조 ( 분과의설치 ) 1 본학회에전문분야별학술활동을장려하기위하여분과를둔다. 2 분과는정회원 10 인이상의발의로, 이사회의동의를얻어회장이신설하거나해산할수있다. 3 본학회에있는분과는다음각호와같다. 1. 우주환경분과 2. 우주전파분과 3. 광학천문분과 4. 행성계과학분과 제 16 조 ( 분과소속및재정 ) 1 본학회회원은 1 개이상의분과에소속될수있다. 2 분과회원은소정의분과회비를납부하여야한다. 3 분과회비는분과회재정에충당된다. 4 회비는이사회에서심의하여결정한다. 제 17 조 ( 분과운영 ) 1 분과는 1 인의분과위원장과약간의분과운영위원을둘수있으며, 그임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 2 분과위원장과분과운영위원은분과세칙에서정한바에따라선출된다. 제 18 조 ( 분과위원장의임무 ) 분과위원장은다음각호의사항을이사회에서면으로보고하여야한다. 1. 소속회원의동향 2. 분과회의사업계획및결산 제 19 조 ( 분과운영세칙 ) 1 분과의운영은세칙에의한다. 2 분과세칙은분과에서작성하여이사회의승인을받아확정된다. 3 분과세칙의개정은이사회의승인을받아야한다. 제 6 장부설기관 제 20 조 ( 부설기관의설치 ) 1 본학회의목적에부합한부설기관을둘수있다. 2 부설기관은정회원 10 인이상의발의 244 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

245 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 로, 이사회의동의를얻어회장이신설하거나폐지할수있다. 3 본학회에있는부설기관은다음각호와같다. 1. 소남천문학사연구소 제 21 조 ( 부설기관의재정및회계 ) 1 부설기관의자산과재정은독립적으로운영한다. 2 부설기관의회계는본학회의부설기관특별회계로구분하여관리한다. 3 부설기관이폐지될때자산처리에대한사항은부설기관운영위원회의제안을받아이사회에서결정한다. 제 22 조 ( 부설기관운영 ) 1 부설기관의운영은부설기관운영규정에따른다. 2 부설기관운영규정의제정과개정은이사회의승인을받아야한다. 제 7 장용역사업 제 23 조 ( 용역사업의수행 ) 정관제 4 조제 6 호의기타본학회의목적달성에필요한사항과관련하여용역사업을수행하고자하는경우엔별도의세칙에따른다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 245

246 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 참고사항 : 1. 연구윤리규정 과 위원회및분과규정 과의상충관계 - 위원회및분과규정에의하면연구윤리위원회는비상설위원회임. 따라서연구윤리위원회에관한세부사항은세칙으로제정해야함. 그러나실제는 연구윤리규정 으로불리며규정급의지위를갖고있음. 정부에서도학회내에연구윤리규정을제정토록요구하는상황이었음. - 이러한상충을피하기위해다음과같은조치를취할수있음. - 위원회및분과규정에상충을해소할수있는조항을다음과같이삽입 : 제5조 ( 연구윤리위원회규정 ) 1 정관제33조에의해위원회운영에필요한사항을별도의규정으로제정할수있다. 2 위원회구성및운영은별도의연구윤리규정에따른다. 2. 비상설위원회의명시와세칙구비문제 - 회장은능률적인학회운영을위해이사회동의를거쳐비상설위원회를설치하거나해산할수있음. - 비상설위원회의운영기간을규정에명시하지않을경우이사회동의를얻어관련비상설위원회를매번해산해야하는절차를반드시거쳐야하는문제가있음. 이를해소하기위해제4조 1항 3항과같이삽입해서임무가종료된비상설위원회를자동으로해산조치함. - 규정에명시하는비상설위원회는임무가상시적이지않지만반복적으로발생할수있는경우로한정하는것이바람직. 예로, ( 현행 ) 용어심의위원회, 우주관측위원회, 연구윤리위원회가있으며여기에규정개정위원회정도를추가하면될것임. 이경우규정개정위원회운영세칙과같은세칙을제정하는것이바람직함. 단, 연구윤리위원회는연구윤리규정으로대체함. - 규정에명시하지않는일회성비상설위원회는제4조 4항을삽입해처리함. 예로, 현재가동중인 천문학회 50년사발간위원회 ( 위원장 : 민영기 ) 와 2021년 IAU General Assembly 유치위원회 (IAU운영위원회[ 위원장 : 강혜성, 위원 : 이수창, 이정은, 윤석진 ] & 김유제 + 회장단 [ 회장, 부회장, 총무이사 & 재무이사 ]) 가있음. 246 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

247 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 3-4 연구윤리규정제정 (1) 제정절차 : 이사회의결 총회보고 (2) 제정 ( 안 ): 아래참조. 주요내용 : - 규정의명칭이변경되어기존규정을폐지하고새로제정함 - 제1장위원회운영부분일부를개정 - 용어와자구수정등 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 247

248 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회연구윤리규정제정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회연구윤리규정제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ 비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 을폐지함에따 라, 새로운제목의관련규정을제정함. 주요제정 내용 ㅇ 폐지된비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 의일부조항을수정보완함. ㅇ ( 구 ) 천문학회규정과 ( 신 ) 위원회및분과규정에의하면연구윤리위원회는모두비상설위원회임. 따라서연구윤리위원회에관한세부사항은세칙으로제정해야하나, 실제로는규정급지위를부여함. 이의상충을피하기위해 위원회및분과규정 에해소조항을삽입함. 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 248 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

249 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회연구윤리규정제정신 구조문대비표 폐지제정 비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이규정은사단법인한국천문학회 ( 이하 학회 라한다 ) 회원으로서연구를수행하는자의연구윤리를확립하고연구부정행위를사전에예방하며, 연구부정행위발생시공정하고체계적인진실성검증과처리를위한비상설연구윤리위원회 ( 이하 위원회 라한다 ) 의설치및운영등에관한사항을규정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 정의 ) (1) 연구부정행위 ( 이하 부정행위 라한다 ) 라함은다음각호가정의하는바와같이연구의제안, 연구의수행, 연구결과의보고및발표등에서행하여진위조 변조 표절 부당한논문저자표시 자료의중복사용등을말한다. 다만, 경미한과실에의한것이거나데이터또는연구결과에대한해석또는판단에대한차이의경우는제외한다. 1. 위조 는존재하지않는데이터또는연구결과등을허위로만들어내는행위를말한다. 2. 변조 는연구재료 장비 과정등을인위적으로조작하거나데이터를임의로변형 삭제함으로써연구내용또는결과를왜곡하는행위를말한다. 3. 표절 이라함은타인의아이디어, 연구내용 결과등을정당한승인또는인용없이도용하는행위를말한다. 4. 부당한논문저자표시 는연구내용또는결과에대하여과학적 기술적공헌또는기여를한사람에게정당한이유없이논문저자자격을부여하지않거나, 과학적 기술적공헌또는기여를하지않은자에게감사의표시또는예우등을이유로논문 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 249

250 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 저자자격을부여하는행위를말한다. 5. 자료의중복사용 은본인이이미출판한자료를정당한승인또는인용없이다시출판하거나게재하는행위를말한다. 6. 타인에게위제 1 호내지제 4 호의행위를제안 강요하거나협박하는행위 7. 기타학계또는과학기술계에서통상적으로용인되는범위를현저하게벗어난행위 (2) 제보자 라함은부정행위를인지한사실또는관련증거를해당연구기관또는연구지원기관에알린자를말한다. (3) 피조사자 라함은제보또는연구기관의인지에의하여부정행위의조사대상이된자또는조사수행과정에서부정행위에가담한것으로추정되어조사의대상이된자를말하며, 조사과정에서의참고인이나증인은이에포함되지아니한다. (4) 예비조사 라함은부정행위의혐의에대하여공식적으로조사할필요가있는지여부를결정하기위하여필요한절차를말한다. (5) 본조사 라함은부정행위의혐의에대한사실여부를검증하기위한절차를말한다. (6) 판정 이라함은조사결과를확정하고이를제보자와피조사자에게문서로써통보하는절차를말한다. 제 3 조 ( 적용범위 ) 이규정은학회회원의연구활동과직 간접적으로관련있는자에대하여적용한다. 제 4 조 ( 다른규정과의관계 ) 연구윤리확립및연구진실성검증과관련하여다른특별한규정이있는경우를제외하고는이규정에의한다. 제 2 장연구윤리위원회의설치및운영 제 5 조 ( 소속등 ) 1 위원회는학회내에비상설위원회로둔다. 제 6 조 ( 구성 ) 1 위원회는위원장 1 인을포함한 4 인의당연직위원과 3 인의추천직위원으로구성한다. 2 당연직위원은학회부회장, JKAS 편집위원장, PKAS 편집위원장, 학술위원장으로하며, 추천직위원은학회장이임명한다. 250 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

251 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 3 위원장은부회장으로한다. 4 위원회는특정한안건의심사를위하여, 특별위원회를둘수있다. 제 7 조 ( 위원장 ) 1 위원장은위원회를대표하고, 회의를주재한다. 2 위원장이부득이한사유로직무를수행할수없는때에는위원장이미리지명한위원이그직무를대행한다. 제 8 조 ( 위원의임기 ) 위원의임기는위원회의활동기한으로제한한다. 제 9 조 ( 간사등 ) 1 위원회의원활한업무수행을위하여간사 1 인을둘수있다. 2 위원회의각종업무를지원하기위하여전문위원을둘수있다. 제 10 조 ( 업무 ) 위원회는다음각호의사항을심의 의결한다. 1. 연구윤리관련제도의수립및운영에관한사항 2. 부정행위제보접수및처리에관한사항 3. 예비조사와본조사의착수및조사결과의승인에관한사항 4. 제보자보호및피조사자명예회복조치에관한사항 5. 연구윤리검증결과의처리및후속조치에관한사항 6. 기타위원장이부의하는사항 제 11 조 ( 회의 ) 1 위원장은위원회의회의를소집하고그의장이된다. 2 회의는재적위원과반수이상의출석과출석위원 3 분의 2 이상의찬성으로의결한다. (3) 위원장이심의안건이경미하다고인정할때에는서면심의로대체할수있다. (4) 위원회에서필요하다고인정될때에는위원이아닌자를출석케하여의견을청취할수있다. 제 12 조 ( 경비 ) 위원회의운영에필요한경비를학회예산의범위내에서지급할수있다. 제 3 장연구진실성검증 제 13 조 ( 부정행위제보및접수 ) (1) 제보자는 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 251

252 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 학회에구술 서면 전화 전자우편등가능한모든방법으로제보할수있으며실명으로제보함을원칙으로한다. 다만, 익명으로제보하고자할경우서면또는전자우편으로연구과제명또는논문명및구체적인부정행위의내용과증거를제출하여야한다. (2) 제보내용이허위인줄알았거나알수있었음에도불구하고이를신고한제보자는보호대상에포함되지않는다. 제 14 조 ( 예비조사의기간및방법 ) (1) 예비조사는신고접수일로부터 15 일이내에착수하고, 조사시작일로부터 30 일이내에완료하여학회장의승인을받도록한다. (2) 예비조사에서는다음각호의사항에대한검토를실시한다. 1. 제보내용이제 2 조제 1 항의부정행위에해당하는지여부 2. 제보내용이구체성과명확성을갖추어본조사를실시할필요성과실익이있는지여부 3. 제보일이시효기산일로부터 5 년을경과하였는지여부 제 15 조 ( 예비조사결과의보고 ) (1) 예비조사결과는위원회의의결을거친후 10 일이내에학회장과제보자에게문서로써통보하도록한다. 다만제보자가익명인경우에는그렇지아니하다. 2 예비조사결과보고서에는다음각호의내용이포함되어야한다. 1. 제보의구체적인내용및제보자신원정보 2. 조사의대상이된부정행위혐의및관련연구과제 3. 본조사실시여부및판단의근거 4. 기타관련증거자료 제 16 조 ( 본조사착수및기간 ) 1 본조사는위원회의예비조사결과에대한학회장의승인후 30 일이내에착수되어야한다. (2) 본조사는판정을포함하여조사시작일로부터 90 일이내에완료하도록한다. (3) 위원회가제 2 항의기간내에조사를완료할수없다고판단될경우학회장에게그사유를설명하고조사기간의연장을요청할수있다. 252 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

253 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 4 본조사착수이전에제보자에게위원회명단을알려야하며, 제보자가위원기피에관한정당한이의를제기할경우이를수용하여야한다. 제 17 조 ( 출석및자료제출요구 ) (1) 위원회는제보자 피조사자 증인및참고인에대하여진술을위한출석을요구할수있다. (2) 위원회는피조사자에게자료의제출을요구할수있으며, 증거자료의보전을위하여소속기관장의승인을얻어부정행위관련자에대한실험실출입제한, 해당연구자료의압수 보관등의조치를취할수있다. (3) 제 1 항및제 2 항의출석요구와자료제출요구를받은피조사자는반드시이에응하여야한다. 제 18 조 ( 제보자와피조사자의권리보호및비밀엄수 ) 1 어떠한경우에도제보자의신원을직 간접적으로노출시켜서는아니되며, 제보자의성명은반드시필요한경우가아니면제보자보호차원에서조사결과보고서에포함하지아니한다. (2) 제보자가부정행위제보를이유로징계등신분상불이익, 근무조건상의차별, 부당한압력또는위해등을받은경우피해를원상회복하거나제보자가필요로하는조치등을취하여야한다. (3) 부정행위여부에대한검증이완료될때까지피조사자의명예나권리가침해되지않도록주의하여야하며, 무혐의로판명된피조사자의명예회복을위해노력하여야한다. (4) 제보 조사 심의 의결및건의조치등조사와관련된일체의사항은비밀로하며, 조사에직 간접적으로참여한자는조사및직무수행과정에서취득한모든정보에대하여누설하여서는아니된다. 다만, 정당한사유에따른공개의필요성이있는경우에는위원회의의결을거쳐공개할수있다. 제 19 조 ( 제척 기피및회피 ) 1 위원이해당안건과직접적인이해관계가있는경우에는그직무집행에서제척된다. 2 위원회는직권또는당사자의신청에의하여제척의결정을한다. 3 위원에게직무수행의공정을기대하기어려운사정이있는경우에는제보자와피조사자는기피신청을할수있다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 253

254 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 4 위원은제 1 항또는제 3 항의사유가있는때에는위원장의허가를얻어회피할수있다. 제 20 조 ( 이의제기및변론의권리보장 ) 위원회는제보자와피조사자에게의견진술, 이의제기및변론의권리와기회를동등하게보장하여야한다. 제 21 조 ( 본조사결과보고서의제출 ) (1) 위원회는의견진술, 이의제기및변론내용등을토대로본조사결과보고서 ( 이하 최종보고서 라한다 ) 를작성하여학회장에게제출한다. 2 최종보고서에는다음각호의사항이포함되어야한다. 1. 제보내용 2. 조사의대상이된부정행위혐의및관련연구과제 3. 해당연구과제에서의피조사자의역할과혐의의사실여부 4. 관련증거및증인 5. 조사결과에대한제보자와피조사자의이의제기또는변론내용과그에대한처리결과 6. 위원명단 제 22 조 ( 판정 ) 위원회는학회장의승인을받은후최종보고서의조사내용및결과를확정하고이를제보자와피조사자에게통보한다. 제 4 장검증이후의조치 제 23 조 ( 결과에대한조치 ) 1 위원회는학회장에게다음각호에해당하는행위를한자에대하여징계조치를권고할수있다. 1. 부정행위 2. 본인또는타인의부정행위혐의에대한조사를고의로방해하거나제보자에게위해를가하는행위 2 징계조치에관한사항은별도로정할수있다. 제 24 조 ( 기록의보관및공개 ) (1) 예비조사및본조사와관련된기록은학회에서보관하며, 조사종료이후 5 년간보관하여야한다. (2) 최종보고서는판정이끝난이후에공개할수있으나, 제보자 위원 증인 참고인 자문에 254 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

255 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 참여한자의명단등신원과관련된정보에대해서는당사자에게불이익을줄가능성이있을경우공개대상에서제외할수있다. 제 5 장기타 제 25 조 ( 시행세칙 ) 위원회는이규정의시행을위하여필요한세부사항을별도로정할수있다. 제 26 조 ( 규정개폐 ) 부 칙 (1)( 시행일 ) 이규정은 2009년 11월 1일부터시행한다. 부칙 ( ) (1)( 시행일 ) 이규정은 2012년 1월 16일부터시행한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 255

256 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 참고사항 : 1. 연구윤리규정 과 위원회및분과규정 과의상충관계 - 위원회및분과규정에의하면연구윤리위원회는비상설위원회임. 따라서연구윤리위원회에관한세부사항은세칙으로제정해야함. 그러나실제는 연구윤리규정 으로불리며규정급의지위를갖고있음. 정부에서도학회내에연구윤리규정을제정토록요구하는상황이었음. - 이러한상충을피하기위해다음과같은조치를취할수있음. - 위원회및분과규정에상충을해소할수있는조항을다음과같이삽입 : 제5조 ( 연구윤리위원회규정 ) 1 정관제33조에의해위원회운영에필요한사항을별도의규정으로제정할수있다. 2 위원회구성및운영은별도의연구윤리규정에따른다. 256 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

257 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 폐지제정 Regulations on Establishment and Operation of Non-Permanent Research Ethics Committee Legislated on November 1, 2009 Amended on October 17, 2012 Regulations on Research Ethics Legislated on August 21, 2014 Article 1 Purpose The purpose of these regulations is to stipulate the establishment and operation of the Non-Permanent Research Ethics Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee ) whose goals are to establish research ethics amongst researchers who perform research as members of the Korean Astronomical Society (hereinafter referred to as the Society ), to prevent research misconduct in advance, and to verify integrity upon occurrence of research misconduct and to handle such misconduct in a fair and systematic manner. Article 2 Definition of Terms (1) Research misconduct (hereinafter referred to as misconduct ) refers to any instance of fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, failure to give proper credit to co-authors, or redundant publication that may emerge during the research process including proposal, performance, reporting, and presentation of research defined by each item below. However, if such an instance arises from a minor mistake, or from differences in interpreting or judging data or research results, such an instance is not considered as misconduct. 1. Fabrication refers to the act of presenting non-existent data or research results. 2. Falsification" refers to the act of Article 1 Purpose These regulations are intended to provide a fair procedural framework for administering the Research Ethics Committee (hereinafter the Committee ) and ethical guidelines for researchers in carrying out their activities in accordance with Article 33 of the Korean Astronomical Society (hereinafter the Society ), and Articles 2 and 5 of the Research Ethics Committee and its sub-regulations. These regulations aim to establish ethical research practices for researchers. They also aim to prevent research misconduct, and to verify integrity upon occurrence of research misconduct in an impartial and systematic manner. Article 2 Definition of Terms 1 Research misconduct (hereinafter referred to as misconduct ) refers to any instance of fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, failure to give proper credit to co-authors, or redundant publication that may emerge during the research process including proposal, performance, reporting, and presentation of research defined by each item below. However, if such an instance arises from a minor mistake, or from differences in interpreting or judging data or research results, such an instance is not considered as misconduct. 1. Fabrication refers to the act of presenting non-existent data or research results. 2. Falsification refers to the act of artificially fabricating research materials, 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 257

258 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 artificially fabricating research materials, equipment, and processes, or distorting research content or results by arbitrarily altering and deleting data. 3. "Plagiarism" refers to the act of using others ideas, research content, or results without obtaining proper approval from the authors or without appropriate remarks or citation. 4. Failing to give proper credit to co-authors" refers to the act of failing to list those who c o n t r i b u t e d scientifically/academically to the research process or results as co-authors without justifiable reason, or conversely to the act of listing those who have not made any scientific/academic contribution as co-authors out of appreciation or respect. 5. Redundant publication" refers to the act of publishing a paper that is identical or highly similar in text to one that has already been published without due approval or citation. 6. The act of suggesting to, coercing, or threatening another person to commit the acts described in 1 and 4 above. 7. All other acts that go drastically beyond the typically permissible scope within the academic or scientific and technological community. (2) Informer refers to a person who informs the respective research institute or the research support institute of the facts or related evidence of suspected misconduct. (3) Examinee refers to a person who becomes a subject of an investigation for misconduct upon information by an informer or discovery by the research institute, or a person who becomes a subject of an investigation for being presumed to be involved in misconduct equipment, and processes, or distorting research content or results by arbitrarily altering and deleting data. 3. "Plagiarism refers to the act of using others ideas, research content, or results without obtaining proper approval from the authors or without appropriate remarks or citation. 4. Failing to give proper credit to co-authors refers to the act of failing to list those who contributed scientifically/academically to the research process or results as co-authors without justifiable reason, or conversely to the act of listing those who have not made any scientific/academic contribution as co-authors out of appreciation or respect. 5. Redundant publication refers to the act of publishing a paper that is identical or highly similar in text to one that has already been published without due approval or citation. 6. The act of suggesting to, coercing, or threatening another person to commit the acts described from 1 to 4 above. 7. All other acts that go drastically beyond the typically permissible scope within the academic or scientific and technological community. 2 Informer refers to a person who informs the respective research institute or the research support institute of the facts or related evidence of suspected misconduct. 3 Examinee refers to a person who becomes a subject of an investigation for misconduct upon information by an informer or discovery by the research institute, or a person who becomes a subject of an investigation for being presumed to be involved in misconduct during an investigation process, exclusive of testifiers and witnesses. 258 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

259 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 during an investigation process, exclusive of testifiers and witnesses. (4) Preliminary investigation refers to procedures required to determine whether or not an official investigation of suspected misconduct is necessary. (5) Main investigation refers to a process to determine if suspected misconduct indeed took place. (6) Judgment refers to procedures to finalize investigation results and to inform the informer and examinee of the final investigation results in writing. Article 3 Scope of Application These regulations are applied to persons who are either directly or indirectly associated with research activities performed by (a) member(s) of the Society. Article 4 Relation to Other Regulations Unless there are special regulations in place with regard to establishment of research ethics and to verification of research integrity, all relevant matters shall be handled based on these regulations. Chapter 2 Establishment and Operation of Research Ethics Committee Article 5 Affiliation (1) The Committee shall be established as a non-permanent committee within the Society. Article 6 Composition (1) The Committee will consist of four ex officio members including one chairperson and three members on recommendation. (2) The four ex officio members are the Vice President of the Society, JKAS editor-in-chief, PKAS editor-in-chief, and the chairperson of the meeting organizing 4 Preliminary investigation refers to procedures required to determine whether or not an official investigation of suspected misconduct is necessary. 5 Main investigation refers to a process to determine if suspected misconduct indeed took place. 6 Judgment refers to procedures to finalize investigation results and to inform the informer and examinee of the final investigation results in writing. Article 3 Scope of Application These regulations are applied to persons who are either directly or indirectly associated with research activities performed by (a) member(s) of the Society. Article 4 Relation to Other Regulations Unless there are special regulations in place with regard to establishment of research ethics and to verification of research integrity, all relevant matters shall be handled based on these regulations. Chapter 1 Operation of Research Ethics Committee Article 5 Affiliation The Committee shall be established as a non-permanent committee within the Society. Article 6 Composition 1 The Committee will consist of four ex officio members including one chairperson and three members on recommendation. 2 The four ex officio members are the Vice President of the Society, JKAS editor-in-chief, PKAS editor-in-chief, and the chairperson of the meeting organizing committee, respectively recommended by 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 259

260 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 committee, while committee members on recommendation are appointed by the President of the Society. (3) The Vice President of the Society shall chair the Committee. (4) The Committee may establish a special sub-committee to investigate a specific case. the President of the Society, as specified in Clause 1 of Article 19. The three committee members on recommendation are appointed by the President of the Society. 3 The Vice President of the Society shall chair the Committee. 4 The Committee may establish a special sub-committee to investigate a specific case. Article 7 Chairperson (1) The chairperson shall represent the Committee and preside over meetings. (2) When the chairperson cannot perform his or her duties due to unavoidable reasons, a member pre-designated by the chairperson shall assume and perform the chairperson s duties on the chairperson s behalf. Article 8 Term of Membership The term of members shall be limited to the period during which time the Committee is in operation. Article 9 Assistant Administrator, etc. (1) The Committee may have one assistant administrator to facilitate the Committee s tasks. (2) The Committee may have special members dedicated to supporting various Committee tasks. Article 10 Tasks The Committee shall deliberate on and determine each of the following matters: 1. Matters related to establishment and operation of systems for research ethics; 2. Matters related to receiving and handling information on misconduct; 3. Matters related to Article 7 Chairperson 1 The chairperson shall represent the Committee and preside over meetings. 2 When the chairperson cannot perform his or her duties due to unavoidable reasons, a member pre-designated by the chairperson shall assume and perform the chairperson s duties on the chairperson s behalf. Article 8 Term of Membership The term of members shall be limited to the period during which time the Committee is in operation. Article 9 Assistant Administrator, etc. 1 The Committee may have one assistant administrator to facilitate the Committee s tasks. 2 The Committee may have special members dedicated to supporting various Committee tasks. Article 10 Tasks The Committee shall deliberate on and determine each of the following matters: 1. Matters related to establishment and operation of systems for research ethics; 2. Matters related to receiving and handling information on misconduct; 3. Matters related to launch of preliminary and main investigations, and approval of investigation results; 260 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

261 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 launch of preliminary and main investigations, and approval of investigation results; 4. Matters related to protection of informer and measures to restore honor of examinees; 5. Matters related to handling of research ethics verification results and follow-up measures; and 6. Other matters presented by the chairperson for consideration. Article 11 Meeting (1) The chairperson shall convene and preside over the meeting. (2) Items on the agenda shall be deemed resolved when two-thirds of members in attendance vote in agreement. (3) The chairperson may substitute the resolution of items on the agenda that are recognized as minor with a written resolution. (4) Non-members of the Committee can be present at the meeting to voice their opinions to the Committee members, when such participation is deemed necessary by the Committee. Article 12 Expenses Expenses necessary for the Committee s operation can be funded within the budget of the Society. Chapter 3 Verification of Research Integrity Article 13 Information and Receipt of Misconduct (1) An informer may, in principle, inform the Society of alleged misconduct via all possible means including but not limited to oral and written statements, telephone 4. Matters related to protection of informer and measures to restore honor of examinees; 5. Matters related to handling of research ethics verification results and follow-up measures; and 6. Other matters presented by the chairperson for consideration. Article 11 Meeting 1 The chairperson shall convene and preside over the meeting. 2 Items on the agenda shall be deemed resolved when two-thirds of members in attendance vote in agreement. 3 The chairperson may substitute the resolution of items on the agenda that are recognized as minor with a written resolution. 4 Non-members of the Committee can be present at the meeting to voice their opinions to the Committee members, when such participation is deemed necessary by the Committee. Article 12 Expenses Expenses necessary for the Committee s operation can be funded within the budget of the Society. Chapter 2 Verification of Research Integrity Article 13 Information and Receipt of Misconduct 1 An informer may, in principle, inform the Society of alleged misconduct via all possible means including but not limited to oral and written statements, telephone calls, and . However, should the informer wish to make an anonymous report, he or she shall submit the title of the research project or the title of the 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 261

262 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 calls, and . However, should the informer wish to make an anonymous report, he or she shall submit the title of the research project or the title of the thesis, as well as the details and evidence of the alleged misconduct via letter or . (2) Any informer who falsely reports misconduct knowingly or who reports misconduct despite being able to determine it as false shall not be a subject for protection. Article 14 Period and Method of Preliminary Investigation (1) The preliminary investigation shall begin within 15 days from the receipt of allegation and shall be completed within 30 days from the launch for approval by the President of the Society. (2) The preliminary investigation shall examine each of the following items: 1. Whether or not the alleged case falls under misconduct as described in Article 2 (1); 2. If the allegation details have validity and clarity, and thus will warrant a main investigation and bring about actual benefits; 3. Whether or not five years have elapsed from the date of the initial report of the alleged misconduct. Article 15 Report of Preliminary Investigation Results (1) Results of the preliminary investigation shall be notified in written form to the President of the Society and the informer within 10 days from the Committee s resolution. However, in cases where the informer chooses to remain anonymous, the above provision shall not apply. (2) A report of preliminary investigation results shall contain each of the following items: thesis, as well as the details and evidence of the alleged misconduct via letter or . 2 Any informer who falsely reports misconduct knowingly or who reports misconduct despite being able to determine it as false shall not be a subject for protection. Article 14 Period and Method of Preliminary Investigation 1 The preliminary investigation shall begin within 15 days from the receipt of allegation and shall be completed within 30 days from the launch for approval by the President of the Society. 2 The preliminary investigation shall examine each of the following items: 1. Whether or not the alleged case falls under misconduct as described in Article 2 1; 2. If the allegation details have validity and clarity, and thus will warrant a main investigation and bring about actual benefits; 3. Whether or not five years have elapsed from the date of the initial report of the alleged misconduct. Article 15 Report of Preliminary Investigation Results 1 Results of the preliminary investigation shall be notified in written form to the President of the Society and the informer within 10 days from the Committee s resolution. However, in cases where the informer chooses to remain anonymous, the above provision shall not apply. 2 A report of preliminary investigation results shall contain each of the following items: 1. Specific details of the report and personal information of the informer; 2. Details of alleged misconduct and related research project subject to investigation; 262 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

263 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 1. Specific details of the report and personal information of the informer; 2. Details of alleged misconduct and related research project subject to investigation; 3. Whether or not a main investigation shall take place and grounds for determination; and 4. Other relevant evidence. Article 16 Launch and Duration of Main Investigation (1) The main investigation shall begin within 30 days after the Society President approves the preliminary investigation results. (2) The main investigation, including judgment, shall be completed within 90 days from the date it was launched. (3) If the Committee decides that it cannot complete the investigation within the period stipulated in (2), it shall explain the reason to the Society President and request extension of the investigation period. (4) Prior to the launch of the main investigation, a list of the Committee members should be notified to the informer, and if the informer makes a justifiable objection for avoidance of any Committee member, it shall be accepted. Article 17 Request for Attendance and Material Submission (1) The Committee may request the informer, examinee, witness(es), and testifier(s) to attend the investigation. (2) The Committee may request the examinee to submit materials and may take measures to preserve evidence such as restriction of access by the persons involved in misconduct to the laboratory, and seizure and retention, etc. of relevant research materials after obtaining approval of the head of the respective research institute. (3) The examinee, upon receipt of requests for attendance and material submission stated in (1) and (2), must comply with 3. Whether or not a main investigation shall take place and grounds for determination; and 4. Other relevant evidence. Article 16 Launch and Duration of Main Investigation 1 The main investigation shall begin within 30 days after the Society President approves the preliminary investigation results. 2 The main investigation, including judgment, shall be completed within 90 days from the date it was launched. 3 If the Committee decides that it cannot complete the investigation within the period stipulated in 2, it shall explain the reason to the Society President and request extension of the investigation period. 4 Prior to the launch of the main investigation, a list of the Committee members should be notified to the informer, and if the informer makes a justifiable objection for avoidance of any Committee member, it shall be accepted. Article 17 Request for Attendance and Material Submission 1 The Committee may request the informer, examinee, witness(es), and testifier(s) to attend the investigation. 2 The Committee may request the examinee to submit materials and may take measures to preserve evidence such as restriction of access by the persons involved in misconduct to the laboratory, and seizure and retention, etc. of relevant research materials after obtaining approval of the head of the respective research institute. 3 The examinee, upon receipt of requests for attendance and material submission stated in 1 and 2, must comply with the requests. Article 18 Protection of Rights and Confidentiality of Informer and Examiner 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 263

264 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 the requests. Article 18 Protection of Rights and Confidentiality of Informer and Examiner (1) In any case, the identity of the informer shall not be either directly or indirectly exposed, and the name of the informer shall not be included in the investigation report for the purpose of protecting the informer unless such inclusion is absolutely necessary. (2) In the event that the informer faces any disadvantage such as a disciplinary action, discrimination in terms of work conditions, unjust pressure or harm as a result of his or her report of alleged misconduct, the Committee shall recover the damage or take measures needed by the informer. (3) The Committee shall take caution not to violate, discredit, or damage the honor or rights of the examinee, and make efforts to restore the honor of an examinee for whom suspicions have been cleared. (4) All matters related to the investigation including but not limited to information (report), examination, deliberation, and resolution shall be kept confidential. Those who are either directly or indirectly involved in the investigation shall not disclose any information obtained during the course of the investigation and while performing their respective duties related to the investigation. However, if it is necessary to disclose any information for a justifiable reason, it can be disclosed following the Committee s resolution. Article 19 Exclusion/Avoidance and Evasion (1) If a Committee member has direct interest in an item on the agenda, the member shall be excluded from dealing with the item concerned. (2) The Committee can determine such exclusion either on its authority or upon a request from the member concerned. 1 In any case, the identity of the informer shall not be either directly or indirectly exposed, and the name of the informer shall not be included in the investigation report for the purpose of protecting the informer unless such inclusion is absolutely necessary. 2 In the event that the informer faces any disadvantage such as a disciplinary action, discrimination in terms of work conditions, unjust pressure or harm as a result of his or her report of alleged misconduct, the Committee shall recover the damage or take measures needed by the informer. 3 The Committee shall take caution not to violate, discredit, or damage the honor or rights of the examinee, and make efforts to restore the honor of an examinee for whom suspicions have been cleared. 4 All matters related to the investigation including but not limited to information (report), examination, deliberation, and resolution shall be kept confidential. Those who are either directly or indirectly involved in the investigation shall not disclose any information obtained during the course of the investigation and while performing their respective duties related to the investigation. However, if it is necessary to disclose any information for a justifiable reason, it can be disclosed following the Committee s resolution. Article 19 Exclusion/Avoidance and Evasion 1 If a Committee member has direct interest in an item on the agenda, the member shall be excluded from dealing with the item concerned. 2 The Committee can determine such exclusion either on its authority or upon a request from the member concerned. 3 If there are just reasons to believe that a Committee member is unable to maintain fairness in performing his or her duty, the informer and examinee can make 264 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

265 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 (3) If there are just reasons to believe that a Committee member is unable to maintain fairness in performing his or her duty, the informer and examinee can make a request for avoidance. (4) A Committee member can evade his or her duty upon approval from the Committee chairperson for reasons stated in (1) and (3). Article 20 Guarantee of Objection and Defense Right The Committee shall guarantee the informer and the examinee equal rights and opportunities to state opinions, to make an objection, and to defend himself or herself. Article 21 Submission of Report on Main Investigation Results (1) The Committee shall prepare a report on the main investigation results (hereinafter referred to as the Final Report ) based on opinions stated, objections raised, defenses, etc., and submit it to the Society s President. (2) The Final Report shall contain the following information: 1. Details of initial information of alleged misconduct; 2. Alleged misconduct and related research project subject to investigation; 3. Roles of the examinee in the research project and whether or not the suspected action is true; 4. Relevant evidence and witnesses; 5. Details of objection or defense of the informer and the examinee in response to the investigation results and disposition thereof; and 6. List of Committee members Article 22 Judgment The Committee shall finalize the investigation details and results based on a request for avoidance. 4 A Committee member can evade his or her duty upon approval from the Committee chairperson for reasons stated in 1 and 3. Article 20 Guarantee of Objection and Defense Right The Committee shall guarantee the informer and the examinee equal rights and opportunities to state opinions, to make an objection, and to defend himself or herself. Article 21 Submission of Report on Main Investigation Results 1 The Committee shall prepare a report on the main investigation results (hereinafter referred to as the Final Report ) based on opinions stated, objections raised, defenses, etc., and submit it to the Society s President. 2 The Final Report shall contain the following information: 1. Details of initial information of alleged misconduct; 2. Alleged misconduct and related research project subject to investigation; 3. Roles of the examinee in the research project and whether or not the suspected action is true; 4. Relevant evidence and witnesses; 5. Details of objection or defense of the informer and the examinee in response to the investigation results and disposition thereof; and 6. List of Committee members Article 22 Judgment The Committee shall finalize the investigation details and results based on the objection(s) raised and defense after obtaining an approval from the Society President, and notify the informer and examinee of its judgment. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 265

266 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 the objection(s) raised and defense after obtaining an approval from the Society President, and notify the informer and examinee of its judgment. Chapter 4 Action after Verification Article 23 Action on Results (1) The Committee may recommend to the Society President to take disciplinary action against persons who have committed any of the following acts. 1. Misconduct; 2. Deliberate interference with an investigation of one s misconduct or that of another person, or act to harm the informer. (2) Matters pertaining to disciplinary action may be determined separately. Article 24 Preservation and Disclosure of Records (1) Records of the preliminary and main investigations shall be kept by the Society for five years from the end of the investigation. (2) The Final Report may be disclosed after the judgment is finalized, but the information related to identities, such as a list of all participants including the informer, Committee members, witnesses, testifiers, and those who provided consultation, may be excluded from such disclosure if the information is considered a threat to pose injury to those involved. Chapter 5 Others Article 25 Rules for Enforcement The Committee may establish separate rules for the purpose of enforcing these regulations. Chapter 3 Action after Verification Article 23 Action on Results 1 The Committee may recommend to the Society President to take disciplinary action against persons who have committed any of the following acts. 1. Misconduct; 2. Deliberate interference with an investigation of one s misconduct or that of another person, or act to harm the informer. 2 Matters pertaining to disciplinary action may be determined separately. Article 24 Preservation and Disclosure of Records 1 Records of the preliminary and main investigations shall be kept by the Society for five years from the end of the investigation. 2 The Final Report may be disclosed after the judgment is finalized, but the information related to identities, such as a list of all participants including the informer, Committee members, witnesses, testifiers, and those who provided consultation, may be excluded from such disclosure if the information is considered a threat to pose injury to those involved. Chapter 4 Others Article 25 Rules for Enforcement The Committee may establish separate rules for the purpose of enforcing these regulations after obtaining an approval from the board of directors of the Society. Article 26 Revisions and Abolition The regulations may be modified or amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Any modification or abolition 266 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

267 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 shall be reported to the general assembly. Addendum (1) (Enforcement Date) These regulations shall enter into force on November 1, 2009 Addendum (October 17, 2012) (1) (Enforcement Date) These regulations shall enter into force on January 16, Addendum Article 1 Enforcement Date These regulations shall enter into force on August 21, Article 2 Interim Measures All actions implemented before these regulations have been established shall be deemed compliant with these regulations. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 267

268 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 III. 위원회및분과세칙제 개정 제 개정절차 : 이사회의결 총회보고 1. 위원회세칙제 개정 1-1 상설위원회세칙제 개정 주요내용 : - 문서이력, 세칙개폐조항, 개정일등삽입 - 세칙이없는상설위원회의세칙을제정 - 포상기준개정 ( 포상위원회요청 ) 제 개정 ( 안 ): 아래참조 한국천문학회지 (JKAS) 편집위원회운영세칙제정 천문학논총 (PKAS) 편집위원회운영세칙개정 교육및홍보위원회운영세칙제정 포상위원회운영세칙개정 한국천문올림피아드위원회운영세칙제정 한국 IAU운영위원회운영세칙제정 학술위원회운영세칙개정 268 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

269 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회지 (JKAS) 편집위원회운영세칙제정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회한국천문학회지 (JKAS) 편집위원회운영세칙제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 269

270 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회한국천문학회지 (JKAS) 편집위원회운영세칙제정 현행제정 270 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

271 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 271

272 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 272 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

273 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 천문학논총 (PKAS) 편집위원회운영세칙개정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회천문학논총 (PKAS) 편집위원회운영세칙개정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 개정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 개정내용 ㅇ장삽입ㅇ조삽입ㅇ용어정리 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 273

274 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회천문학논총 (PKAS) 편집위원회운영세칙개정 현행개정 천문학논총편집위원회운영세칙 2012 년 10 월 17 일제정 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이운영세칙 ( 이하 세칙 ) 은사단법인한국천문학회천문학논총편집위원회 ( 이하 위원회 ) 의조직, 운영및활동에관한사항을정하는데목적이있다. 제 2 조 ( 활동 ) 위원회는다음각호의활동을한다. 1. 천문학과천체물리학분야의전문학술지인천문학논총 ( 이하 논총 ) 편집에관한사항 2. 논총특별호편집에관한사항 3. 논총에대한규정의제ㆍ개정및폐지에관한사항 4. 논문심사요건및심사위원위촉에관한사항 5. 편집비용및논문게재료에관한사항 6. 기타위원회운영에필요한사항 제 3 조 ( 위원장 ) 1 위원장은위원회회의를소집하고회의의의장이된다. 2 위원장은위원회에서결정된사항을학회장에게보고하고, 필요할경우, 관련회원에게통보한다. 3 위원장유고시에는학회장이지명하는위원이그직무를대행한다. 제 4 조 ( 구성 ) 1 위원회는위원장 1 인을포함하여 7 인 - 12 인의위원으로구성한다. 2 위원의임기는 2 년으로하며연임할수있다. 3 위원장은국내ㆍ외과학자를위원으로위촉할수있다. 274 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

275 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 제 5 조 ( 간사 ) 1 위원회에간사 1 인을두며간사는위원중에서위원장이위촉한다. 2 간사의임기는 2 년으로하며연임할수있다. 3 간사는위원회의제반서무및회무를담당하며위원장을보좌한다. 제 6 조 ( 회의소집 ) 회의는위원 3 인이상의요구가있거나위원장이필요하다고인정할때이를소집한다. 제 7 조 ( 의결 ) 위원회는재적위원과반수의찬성으로의결한다. 다만, 가부동수일경우에는위원장이결정한다. 제 8 조 ( 학술지 ) 1 논총은투고된논문수에따라매년 2 회이상 (3 월 31 일, 6 월 30 일, 9 월 30 일, 12 월 31 일 ) 발행한다. 2 천문학논총의영문명칭은 PUBLICATIONS OF THE KOREAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 로하며줄여서 PKAS 라칭한다. 제 9 조 ( 특별호 ) 논총에서특별호를발간할수있다. 특별호의편집은위원장이위촉하는위원이나 객원편집위원 (Guest Editor) 이맡을수있다. 제 10 조 ( 투고 ) 투고논문의양식과투고방법은별도의 천문학논총논문투고내부규정 과 천문학논총논문투고지침 에따른다. 제 11 조 ( 심사 ) 심사와관련한사항은별도의 천문학논총논문심사내부규정 에따른다. 제 12 조 ( 비용 ) 1 편집및심사와관련해발생하는비용을당사자에게지급할수있다. 2 비용지급은학회사무과장을통해서한다. 3 별도로정하지않은비용의발생은위원회에서결정한다. 제 13 조이세칙에명시되지않은사항을포함한모든편집관련권한은위원회에서다루며, 최종결정권과책임은위원장에게있다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 275

276 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 부 칙 1( 시행일 ) 이세칙은 2012 년 4 월 5 일부터시행 한다. 276 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

277 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회교육및홍보위원회운영세칙제정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회교육및홍보위원회운영세칙제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 제정내용 ㅇ신규제정 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 277

278 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회교육및홍보위원회운영세칙제정 현행제정 278 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

279 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 279

280 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회포상위원회운영세칙개정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회포상위원회운영세칙개정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 개정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 개정내용 ㅇ용어정비와조삽입 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 280 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

281 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회포상위원회운영세칙개정신 구조문대비표 현행개정 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 281

282 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 282 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

283 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회한국천문올림피아드위원회 운영세칙제정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회한국천문올림피아드위원회운영세칙제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 제정내용 ㅇ기존올림피아드위원회운영규칙을보완하여운영세칙으로제정함 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 283

284 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회한국천문올림피아드위원회운영세칙제정 현행제정 2014 년 03 월 31 일제정 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이규칙은천문학분야영재를발굴육성하기위한천문학올림피아드사업을효율적으로수행하기위하여한국천문학올림피아드위원회 ( 이하 위원회 라한다 ) 를설치하고, 이의운영에필요한사항을규정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 용어의정의 ) 이규칙에서사용하는용어의정의는다음과같다. 1. 천문올림피아드 라함은중 고교수준의천문분야의학술경시대회로서국제천문올림피아드 (International Astronomy Olympiad: IAO) 와한국천문올림피아드 ( K o r e a n Astronomy Olympiad: KAO) 로구분한다. 2. 대표학생 이라함은국제대회참가를목적으로선발된학생을말한다. 4. 대표후보학생 이라함은최종대표학생선발전에일정기간교육을실시하는 80명내외의학생을말한다. 5. 교육 이라함은천문학영재의능력향상또는국제대회참가를대비하는것으로방학을이용하여합숙교육하는 계절학교 통신을이용한 통신교육 각학생의소속학교지도교사에의한 소속학교교육 등을포함한다. 제 3 조 ( 위원회 ) 국제천문올림피아드에관한주요사항을심의, 조정하기위하여위원회를한국천문학회 ( 이하 학회 이라한다 ) 산하에둔다. 284 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

285 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 제 4 조 ( 기능 ) 위원회는다음각호의사항을심의. 의결한다. 1. 국제천문올림피아드참가를위한대표학생 ( 대표후보학생포함 ) 선발및교육에관한사항 2. 국제천문올림피아드참가에관한사항 3. 한국천문올림피아드대회운영에관한사항 4. 한국국제과학올림피아드위원회에제출할사업계획및결산보고에관한사항 5. 천문올림피아드에대한조사, 연구에관한사항 6. 기타국제천문올림피아드및한국천문올림피아드에관한제반사항 제 5 조 ( 구성 ) 1 위원회는위원장을포함한 30 인이내의위원으로구성한다. 2 위원장은학회의규정에따라선임한다. 3 위원은학계, 교육계, 정부및관련단체등의관련분야권위자로서위원장이위촉하고다음각호의직에있는자는당연직위원이된다. 1. 한국천문학회장 2. 한국천문연구원장 3. 미래창조과학부관련부서의과장급공무원 4. 한국과학창의재단관련부서의실장급직원 제 6 조 ( 위원의임기 ) 1 위원의임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 2 임기중결원된위원의후임자의임기는전임자의잔임기간으로한다. 제 7 조 ( 위원장의직무와그대행 ) 1 위원장은회무를통리하며, 위원회를대표한다. 2 위원장은위원회구성내용및활동내역을매년한국국제과학올림피아드위원회에보고한다. 3 위원장의유고시에는부위원장이그임무를대행한다. 제 8 조 ( 소집 ) 위원회는위원장이필요하 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 285

286 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 다고인정하거나재적위원 1/4 이상의요구에따라위원장이소집한다. 제 9 조 ( 회의 ) 1 위원회의회의는위원장을포함한재적위원과반수의출석으로개의하고출석위원과반수의찬성으로의결한다. 2 위원장은의결권을가지며, 가부동수인경우에는결정권을가진다. 제 10 조 ( 운영위원회 ) 1 위원장은위원회를효율적으로운영하기위하여위원회밑에운영위원회를둘수있다. 2 운영위원회의구성에관한사항은별도로정한다. 3 운영위원회의위원장은위원회의위원장이되며, 운영위원회위원장의유고시에는위원장이지명하는위원이그임무를대행한다. 4 운영위원회는다음사항을심의한다. 1. 위원회에서의결한사항의집행계획과그실행에관한사항 2. 위원회활동의조정및지원에관한세부사항 3. 기타위원회에서위임된사항 제 11 조 ( 사무국장 ) 1 위원회는사무국장 1 인을두며, 사무국장은학회회원또는학회사무국직원중에서위원장이임명한다. 2 사무국장은위원장의명을받아위원회의사무를처리하고회의록을비치하며회의결과및처리내용을차기회의에보고하여야한다. 3 사무국장은회의결과를연 2 회이상한국과학창의재단이사장에게보고한다. 제 12 조 ( 조사ㆍ연구의뢰및의견청취 ) 위원회는필요하다고인정할경우에는위원, 전문가또는관계기관등에정책조사연구를의뢰하거나이들을초청하여의견을청취할수있다. 286 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

287 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 제 13 조 ( 수당등 ) 학회는위원회및운영위원회의회의에출석한위원또는제 12 조의규칙에의해출석한관계자에대하여예산범위안에서수당, 여비를지급할수있으며천문올림피아드사업의추진을위하여필요한예산을지원할수있다. 제 14 조 ( 대표후보학생선발 ) 1 대표후보학생은다음각호에해당하는학생중에서위원회의심의를거쳐선발한다. 1. 한국천문올림피아드대회고등부및중등부 2 차선발자 2. 전년도국제대회동상이상수상자 2 대표후보학생선발기준에관한세부사항은별도로정한다. 제 15 조 ( 대표학생선발 ) 1 대표학생은대표후보학생들에대한교육과정중 2회이상의시험성적과관찰기록을반영하여위원회의심의를거쳐선발한다. 2 대표학생선발기준에관한세부사항은별도로정한다. 제 16 조 ( 세칙 ) 이규칙에규정된것외에필요한사항은위원회의의결을거쳐위원장이정한다. 부칙 1 ( 시행일 ) 이규정은 2014년 3월 31일부터시행한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 287

288 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회한국 IAU 운영위원회운영세칙제정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회한국 IAU운영위원회운영세칙제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 제정내용 ㅇ신규제정 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 288 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

289 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회한국 IAU 운영위원회운영세칙제정 현행제정 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 289

290 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 290 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

291 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회학술위원회운영세칙개정 1. 의결주문 ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회학술위원회운영세칙개정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 개정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 개정내용 ㅇ조삽입과용어정리 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 291

292 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회학술위원회운영세칙개정신 구조문대비표 현행개정 292 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

293 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 293

294 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 1-2 비상설위원회세칙제정 주요내용 : - 일부비상설위원회세칙을제정 - 연구윤리위원회운영세칙은연구윤리규정으로대체 제 개정 ( 안 ): 아래참조 우주관측위원회운영세칙제정 규정개정위원회운영세칙제정 294 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

295 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회우주관측위원회운영세칙제정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회우주관측위원회운영세칙제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 제정내용 ㅇ신규제정 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 295

296 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회우주관측위원회운영세칙제정 현행제정 296 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

297 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 297

298 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회규정개정위원회운영세칙제정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정개정위원회운영세칙제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 제정내용 ㅇ신규제정 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 298 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

299 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회규정개정위원회운영세칙제정 현행제정 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 299

300 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 2. 분과세칙제 개정 주요내용 : - 문서이력, 세칙개폐조항, 개정일등삽입 - 분과회비납부와관련한조항개정 - 젊은천문학자모임세칙을신규로제정 제 개정 ( 안 ): 아래참조. 2-1 우주환경분과운영세칙개정 2-2 우주전파분과운영세칙개정 2-3 광학천문분과운영세칙개정 2-4 행성계과학분과운영세칙개정 2-5 젊은천문학자모임운영세칙제정 300 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

301 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회우주환경분과운영세칙개정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회우주환경분과운영세칙개정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 개정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 개정내용 ㅇ용어정비와조삽입 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 301

302 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회우주환경분과운영세칙개정신 구조문대비표 현행개정 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이내규는한국천문학회우주환경분과의구성과운영에관한사항을정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 활동사항 ) 본분과는우주환경분야에서다음과같은활동을한다. 1. 학술모임개최및그교류 2. 우주환경관련기관간협력및공동연구추진 3. 국내우주환경분야장래계획논의 4. 우주환경연구및관련기술진흥에대한지원과건의 5. 기타본분과회의운영상필요하다고인정되는사항 제 3 조 ( 구성 ) 1 분과회원은우주환경에관심을갖는한국천문학회회원으로하고분과는위원장 1 인, 운영위원 10 인이내와간사 1 인을둔다. 단, 분과운영등에대한자문을위하여 1~2 인의고문을둘수있다. 2 위원장은분과총회에서직접선출하며, 임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 운영위원및간사는위원장이선출한다. 제 4 조 ( 위원장 ) 1 위원장은분과업무를총괄하며분과총회및운영위원회를소집하고회의의의장이된다. 2 위원장은다음사항을총회에보고하여야한다. 1. 선임된임원의명단 302 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

303 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 2. 분과의운영사항 제 5 조 ( 운영위원회 ) 운영위원회는제 2 조의분과활동사항에대한안건을심의 의결하고주요결정사항은위원장이분과총회에보고한다. 제 6 조 ( 총회소집 ) 정기총회는한국천문학회춘계학술대회와추계학술대회에개최하며그외는위원장이필요하다고인정될때소집한다. 제 7 조 ( 재정 ) 분과의운영에필요한재정의일부를한국천문학회에서보조를받을수있다. 부칙 이내규는우주환경분과총회의승인을 받은 1999 년월일부터유효하다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 303

304 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회우주전파분과운영세칙개정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회우주전파분과운영세칙개정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 개정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 개정내용 ㅇ용어정비와조삽입 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 304 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

305 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회우주전파분과운영세칙개정신 구조문대비표 현행개정 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이내규는한국천문학회우주전파분과위원회의구성과운영에관한사항을정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 활동사항 ) 본분과위원회는전파천문분야에서다음과같은활동을한다. 1. 학술모임개최및그교류 2. 전파천문관련기관간협력및공동연구추진 3. 국내전파천문장래계획논의 4. 전파천문주파수대역보호 5. 전파천문연구및관련기술진흥에대한지원과건의 6. 기타본분과회의운영상필요하다고인정되는사항 제 3 조 ( 구성 ) 1 분과위원회회원은전파천문에관심을갖는한국천문학회회원으로한다. 2 위원장은분과총회에서직접선출하며임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 운영위원및간사는위원장이위촉하고운영등의자문을위하여 1~2 인의고문을둘수있다 3 분과위원회는그운영을위하여운영위원회를두고위원장 1 인, 간사 1 인, 운영위원 15 인이내로구성한다. 제 4 조 ( 위원장 ) 1 위원장은분과위원회업무를통리하며분과총회및운영위원회를소집하고회의의의장이된다. 2 위원장은다음사항을총회에보고하여야한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 305

306 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 1. 선임된임원의명단 2. 분과위원회의운영사항 제 5 조 ( 운영위원회 ) 운영위원회는제 2 조의분과위원회활동사항에대한안건을심의및의결하고주요결정사항은위원장이분과총회에보고한다. 제 6 조 ( 총회소집 ) 정기총회는한국천문학회춘계학술대회와추계학술대회에개최하며그외는위원장이필요하다고인정될때소집한다. 제 7 조 ( 재정 ) 위원회의운영에필요한재정의일부를한국천문학회에서보조를받을수있으며회원들로부터연회비를받는다. 부칙 이내규는전파천문분과위원회총회의승인을받은 1999년월일부터유효하다. 부칙 ( ) 이내규는분과위원회총회의승인을받은 2007년 4월 13일부터시행한다. 306 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

307 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회광학천문분과운영세칙개정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회광학천문분과운영세칙개정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 개정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 개정내용 ㅇ용어정비와조삽입 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 307

308 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회광학천문분과운영세칙개정신 구조문대비표 현행개정 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이세칙은한국천문학회광학천문분과의구성과운영에관한사항을정함을목적으로한다. 제 2 조 ( 활동사항 ) 본분과는광학천문 ( 가시광선및근적외선 ) 분야에서다음과같은활동을한다. 1. 학술모임개최및그교류 2. 광학천문관련기관간협력및공동연구추진 3. 국내광학천문발전계획논의 4. 밤하늘의보호및광해대책 5. 광학천문연구및관련기술진흥에대한지원과건의 6. 기타본분과의운영상필요하다고인정되는사항 제3조 ( 구성 ) 1 분과의회원은광학천문에관심을갖는한국천문학회회원으로하고분과의운영을위하여분과위원장 1인과 10인내외의분과운영위원및간사 1인으로구성되는분과운영위원회를둔다. 단, 분과의운영등에대한자문을위하여 1~2인의고문을둘수있다. 2 위원장은분과총회에서직접선출하며, 임기는 2년으로하되연임할수있다. 운영위원및간사는위원장이위촉한다. 3 분과활동의필요에따라상설위원회나한시적인위원회를둘수있으며, 이들의설립과구성은운영위원회에서정한다. 제 4 조 ( 위원장 ) 1 위원장은분과의업무 308 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

309 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 를총괄하며분과총회및운영위원회를소집하고회의의의장이된다. 2 위원장은다음사항을분과총회에보고하여야한다. 1. 선임된임원의명단 2. 분과의운영사항 제 5 조 ( 운영위원회 ) 운영위원회는제 2 조의분과활동사항에대한안건을심의 의결하고주요결정사항은위원장이분과총회에보고한다. 제 6 조 ( 총회소집 ) 정기총회는한국천문학회춘계학술대회기간중에개최하며그외는분과위원장또는분과의운영위원회에서필요하다고판단되는경우소집한다. 제 7 조 ( 재정 ) 분과의운영에필요한재정의일부를한국천문학회에서보조를받을수있으며회원들로부터소정의연회비를받는다. 부칙 이세칙은이사회의승인을받은 2003 년 10 월 1 일부터유효하다 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 309

310 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회행성계과학분과운영세칙개정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회행성계과학분과운영세칙개정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 개정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 개정내용 ㅇ용어정비와조삽입 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 310 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

311 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회행성계과학분과운영세칙개정신 구조문대비표 현행개정 제1조 ( 목적 ). 이세칙은한국천문학회행성계과학분과의활동, 구성및운영에관한사항을정함을목적으로한다. 제2조 ( 활동사항 ). 본분과는행성계과학분야의연구진작을위하여다음과같은활동을한다. 행성계과학관련학술회의개최및출판물간행행성계과학관련학술자료의조사, 수집및교환행성계과학관련연구자의협력및공동연구추진행성계과학연구및관련기술의진흥에관한논의기타본분과의목적달성에필요하다고인정되는사항 제 3 조 ( 구성 ). 분과의구성원 ( 이하 회원 으로칭하기로함.) 은행성계과학에관심을갖는한국천문학회회원중본분과에가입한자로한다. 분과의운영을위하여회원중 1 인의분과위원장, 5 인내외의평의원, 3 인의간사로구성되는분과운영위원회를둔다. 단, 분과의운영등에관한자문을구하기위하여 1 인또는 2 인의고문을둘수있다. 간사진은회무간사, 학술간사, 편집간사로구성한다. 위원장과평의원은분과총회에서선출하며, 임기는 2 년으로하되연임할수있다. 간사는위원장이위촉한다. 분과활동의필요에따라상설위원회나한시적위원회를둘수있으며, 이들의설립과구성은분과운영위원회에서정한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 311

312 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 제 4 조 ( 위원장 ). 위원장은분과업무를총괄하며분과총회및분과운영위원회를소집하고그회의의의장이된다. 위원장은다음사항을분과총회에보고해야한다. 분과운영위원및고문의명단분과의운영에관한사항 제 5 조 ( 운영위원회 ). 분과운영위원회는제 2 조의분과활동사항에관한안건을심의 의결하고, 위원장은주요결정사항을분과총회에보고한다. 제 6 조 ( 총회소집 ). 정기총회는한국천문학회춘계학술대회기간중에개최하며, 임시총회는위원장또는운영위원회에서필요하다고판단되는경우에위원장이소집한다. 제 7 조 ( 재정 ). 한국천문학회로부터분과운영에필요한재정의일부를보조받을수있으며회원은소정의회비를납부해야한다. 부칙 이세칙은한국천문학회이사회의승인 을받은날로부터유효하다. 312 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

313 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회젊은천문학자모임운영세칙제정 1. 의결주문ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회젊은천문학자모임운영세칙제정 ( 안 ) 을원안대로심의의결함 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 제정취지 ㅇ한국천문학회제반규정정비에따라관련세칙도정비하여학회 운영의전문성과효율성을제고함 주요 제정내용 ㅇ기존에자치적으로운영되던 Young Astronomers Meeting 을학회의제도권으로편입시키고관련세칙을제정함 시행일자이사회승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 신 구조문대비표 1 부. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 313

314 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 한국천문학회젊은천문학자모임운영세칙제정 현행제정 314 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

315 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 315

316 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 IV. 제반규정폐지 1. 한국천문학회규정 주요내용 : - 현행한국천문학회규정은여러내용이혼재되어있어정관이나타규정또는세칙과의연계성이모호하고실효적이지못함 - 현행한국천문학회정관제12조 1항에따라 회장선출규정 과 임원선출규정 을독립적으로구비해야함에도불구하고, 관련내용을현규정의일부로만포함시키고있음. - 이문제를바로잡고자현규정을폐지하고, 현규정의각부문별조항을보완해서독립된규정들로제정하고자함. 2. 비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 주요내용 : - 현행한국천문학회규정에따르면연구윤리위원회는비상설위원회임. 상설 비상설위원회설치는동규정에속하는사항으로 비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 과상충됨. - 이문제를바로잡고자비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정을폐지하고, 새로운명칭의규정을제정하고자함. 3. 한국천문학회세칙 주요내용 : - 기존세칙의회비관련조항들을상위규정인학회운영규정으로이관 - 세칙명이변경됨으로인해기존세칙을폐지 316 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

317 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 사단법인한국천문학회규정 1. 의결주문 ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정폐지를원안대로의결함. 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 폐지취지 ㅇ현행한국천문학회규정은여러내용이혼재되어있어정관이나타규정또는세칙과의연계성이모호하고실효적이지못함. 특히, 연구윤리위원회와연구윤리규정그리고현규정과의연계성이모호함. ㅇ현행한국천문학회정관제12조 1항에따라 회장선출규정 과 임원선출규정 을독립적으로구비해야함에도불구하고, 관련내용을현규정의일부에만포함시키고있음. ㅇ위문제를바로잡고자현규정을폐지하고, 현규정의각부문별조항을보완해서독립된규정들로제정하고자함. 시행일자총회의승인일자 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 동규정부칙 제1조 ( 시행일 ) 이규정은총회에서통과된날로부터시행한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 사단법인한국천문학회규정. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 317

318 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 318 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

319 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 319

320 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 320 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

321 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 321

322 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 1. 의결주문 ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 ( 영문포 함 ) 폐지를원안대로의결함. 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 폐지취지 ㅇ현행한국천문학회규정에따르면연구윤리위원회는비상설위원회임. 상설 비상설위원회설치는동규정에속하는사항으로 비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 과상충됨. ㅇ위문제를바로잡고자비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정을폐지하고, 새로운명칭의규정을제정하고자함. 시행일자이사회의승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 동규정부칙 제1조 ( 시행일 ) 이규정은총회에서통과된날로부터시행한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 1. 비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 ( 영문포함 ). 322 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

323 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 비상설연구윤리위원회의설치 운영에관한규정 제정 제1조 ( 목적 ) 이규정은사단법인한국천문학회 ( 이하 학회 라한다 ) 회원으로서연구를수행하는자의연구윤리를확립하고연구부정행위를사전에예방하며, 연구부정행위발생시공정하고체계적인진실성검증과처리를위한비상설연구윤리위원회 ( 이하 위원회 라한다 ) 의설치및운영등에관한사항을규정함을목적으로한다. 제2조 ( 정의 ) (1) 연구부정행위 ( 이하 부정행위 라한다 ) 라함은다음각호가정의하는바와같이연구의제안, 연구의수행, 연구결과의보고및발표등에서행하여진위조 변조 표절 부당한논문저자표시 자료의중복사용등을말한다. 다만, 경미한과실에의한것이거나데이터또는연구결과에대한해석또는판단에대한차이의경우는제외한다. 말한다. 1. 위조 는존재하지않는데이터또는연구결과등을허위로만들어내는행위를 2. 변조 는연구재료 장비 과정등을인위적으로조작하거나데이터를임의로변형 삭제함으로써연구내용또는결과를왜곡하는행위를말한다. 3. 표절 이라함은타인의아이디어, 연구내용 결과등을정당한승인또는인용없 이도용하는행위를말한다. 4. 부당한논문저자표시 는연구내용또는결과에대하여과학적 기술적공헌또는기여를한사람에게정당한이유없이논문저자자격을부여하지않거나, 과학적 기술적공헌또는기여를하지않은자에게감사의표시또는예우등을이유로논문저자자격을부여하는행위를말한다. 5. 자료의중복사용 은본인이이미출판한자료를정당한승인또는인용없이다 시출판하거나게재하는행위를말한다. 6. 타인에게위제 1 호내지제 4 호의행위를제안 강요하거나협박하는행위 위 7. 기타학계또는과학기술계에서통상적으로용인되는범위를현저하게벗어난행 (2) 제보자 라함은부정행위를인지한사실또는관련증거를해당연구기관또는연구지원기 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 323

324 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 관에알린자를말한다. (3) 피조사자 라함은제보또는연구기관의인지에의하여부정행위의조사대상이된자또 는조사수행과정에서부정행위에가담한것으로추정되어조사의대상이된자를말하며, 조 사과정에서의참고인이나증인은이에포함되지아니한다. (4) 예비조사 라함은부정행위의혐의에대하여공식적으로조사할필요가있는지여부를결 정하기위하여필요한절차를말한다. (5) 본조사 라함은부정행위의혐의에대한사실여부를검증하기위한절차를말한다. (6) 판정 이라함은조사결과를확정하고이를제보자와피조사자에게문서로써통보하는절차 를말한다. 제 3 조 ( 적용범위 ) 이규정은학회회원의연구활동과직 간접적으로관련있는자에대하여적용 한다. 제 4 조 ( 다른규정과의관계 ) 연구윤리확립및연구진실성검증과관련하여다른특별한규정이 있는경우를제외하고는이규정에의한다. 제 2 장연구윤리위원회의설치및운영 제 5 조 ( 소속등 ) 1 위원회는학회내에비상설위원회로둔다. 제 6 조 ( 구성 ) 1 위원회는위원장 1 인을포함한 4 인의당연직위원과 3 인의추천직위원으로구성 한다. 2 당연직위원은학회부회장, JKAS 편집위원장, PKAS 편집위원장, 학술위원장으로하며, 추천 직위원은학회장이임명한다. 3 위원장은부회장으로한다. 4 위원회는특정한안건의심사를위하여, 특별위원회를둘수있다. 제 7 조 ( 위원장 ) 1 위원장은위원회를대표하고, 회의를주재한다. 2 위원장이부득이한사유로직무를수행할수없는때에는위원장이미리지명한위원이그 직무를대행한다. 324 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

325 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 제 8 조 ( 위원의임기 ) 위원의임기는위원회의활동기한으로제한한다. 제 9 조 ( 간사등 ) 1 위원회의원활한업무수행을위하여간사 1 인을둘수있다. 2 위원회의각종업무를지원하기위하여전문위원을둘수있다. 제 10 조 ( 업무 ) 위원회는다음각호의사항을심의 의결한다. 1. 연구윤리관련제도의수립및운영에관한사항 2. 부정행위제보접수및처리에관한사항 3. 예비조사와본조사의착수및조사결과의승인에관한사항 4. 제보자보호및피조사자명예회복조치에관한사항 5. 연구윤리검증결과의처리및후속조치에관한사항 6. 기타위원장이부의하는사항 제 11 조 ( 회의 ) 1 위원장은위원회의회의를소집하고그의장이된다. 2 회의는재적위원과반수이상의출석과출석위원 3 분의 2 이상의찬성으로의결한다. (3) 위원장이심의안건이경미하다고인정할때에는서면심의로대체할수있다. (4) 위원회에서필요하다고인정될때에는위원이아닌자를출석케하여의견을청취할수있 다. 제 12 조 ( 경비 ) 위원회의운영에필요한경비를학회예산의범위내에서지급할수있다. 제 3 장연구진실성검증 제13조 ( 부정행위제보및접수 ) (1) 제보자는학회에구술 서면 전화 전자우편등가능한모든방법으로제보할수있으며실명으로제보함을원칙으로한다. 다만, 익명으로제보하고자할경우서면또는전자우편으로연구과제명또는논문명및구체적인부정행위의내용과증거를제출하여야한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 325

326 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 (2) 제보내용이허위인줄알았거나알수있었음에도불구하고이를신고한제보자는보호대 상에포함되지않는다. 제 14 조 ( 예비조사의기간및방법 ) (1) 예비조사는신고접수일로부터 15 일이내에착수하고, 조사 시작일로부터 30 일이내에완료하여학회장의승인을받도록한다. (2) 예비조사에서는다음각호의사항에대한검토를실시한다. 1. 제보내용이제 2 조제 1 항의부정행위에해당하는지여부 여부 2. 제보내용이구체성과명확성을갖추어본조사를실시할필요성과실익이있는지 3. 제보일이시효기산일로부터 5 년을경과하였는지여부 제 15 조 ( 예비조사결과의보고 ) (1) 예비조사결과는위원회의의결을거친후 10 일이내에학회 장과제보자에게문서로써통보하도록한다. 다만제보자가익명인경우에는그렇지아니하다. 2 예비조사결과보고서에는다음각호의내용이포함되어야한다. 1. 제보의구체적인내용및제보자신원정보 2. 조사의대상이된부정행위혐의및관련연구과제 3. 본조사실시여부및판단의근거 4. 기타관련증거자료 제 16 조 ( 본조사착수및기간 ) 1 본조사는위원회의예비조사결과에대한학회장의승인후 30 일이내에착수되어야한다. (2) 본조사는판정을포함하여조사시작일로부터 90 일이내에완료하도록한다. (3) 위원회가제 2 항의기간내에조사를완료할수없다고판단될경우학회장에게그사유를 설명하고조사기간의연장을요청할수있다. 4 본조사착수이전에제보자에게위원회명단을알려야하며, 제보자가위원기피에관한정 당한이의를제기할경우이를수용하여야한다. 326 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

327 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 제 17 조 ( 출석및자료제출요구 ) (1) 위원회는제보자 피조사자 증인및참고인에대하여진술을 위한출석을요구할수있다. (2) 위원회는피조사자에게자료의제출을요구할수있으며, 증거자료의보전을위하여소속기 관장의승인을얻어부정행위관련자에대한실험실출입제한, 해당연구자료의압수 보관등 의조치를취할수있다. (3) 제 1 항및제 2 항의출석요구와자료제출요구를받은피조사자는반드시이에응하여야한다. 제 18 조 ( 제보자와피조사자의권리보호및비밀엄수 ) 1 어떠한경우에도제보자의신원을직 간접적으로노출시켜서는아니되며, 제보자의성명은반드시필요한경우가아니면제보자보 호차원에서조사결과보고서에포함하지아니한다. (2) 제보자가부정행위제보를이유로징계등신분상불이익, 근무조건상의차별, 부당한압력 또는위해등을받은경우피해를원상회복하거나제보자가필요로하는조치등을취하여야 한다. (3) 부정행위여부에대한검증이완료될때까지피조사자의명예나권리가침해되지않도록주 의하여야하며, 무혐의로판명된피조사자의명예회복을위해노력하여야한다. (4) 제보 조사 심의 의결및건의조치등조사와관련된일체의사항은비밀로하며, 조사에직 간접적으로참여한자는조사및직무수행과정에서취득한모든정보에대하여누설하여서는아니된다. 다만, 정당한사유에따른공개의필요성이있는경우에는위원회의의결을거쳐공개할수있다. 제 19 조 ( 제척 기피및회피 ) 1 위원이해당안건과직접적인이해관계가있는경우에는그직무 집행에서제척된다. 2 위원회는직권또는당사자의신청에의하여제척의결정을한다. 3 위원에게직무수행의공정을기대하기어려운사정이있는경우에는제보자와피조사자는기 피신청을할수있다. 4 위원은제 1 항또는제 3 항의사유가있는때에는위원장의허가를얻어회피할수있다. 제 20 조 ( 이의제기및변론의권리보장 ) 위원회는제보자와피조사자에게의견진술, 이의제기 및변론의권리와기회를동등하게보장하여야한다. 제 21 조 ( 본조사결과보고서의제출 ) (1) 위원회는의견진술, 이의제기및변론내용등을토대로본 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 327

328 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 조사결과보고서 ( 이하 최종보고서 라한다 ) 를작성하여학회장에게제출한다. 2 최종보고서에는다음각호의사항이포함되어야한다. 1. 제보내용 2. 조사의대상이된부정행위혐의및관련연구과제 3. 해당연구과제에서의피조사자의역할과혐의의사실여부 4. 관련증거및증인 결과 5. 조사결과에대한제보자와피조사자의이의제기또는변론내용과그에대한처리 6. 위원명단 제 22 조 ( 판정 ) 위원회는학회장의승인을받은후최종보고서의조사내용및결과를확정하고 이를제보자와피조사자에게통보한다. 제 4 장검증이후의조치 제 23 조 ( 결과에대한조치 ) 1 위원회는학회장에게다음각호에해당하는행위를한자에대하 여징계조치를권고할수있다. 1. 부정행위 2. 본인또는타인의부정행위혐의에대한조사를고의로방해하거나제보자에게위해를가하 는행위 2 징계조치에관한사항은별도로정할수있다. 제 24 조 ( 기록의보관및공개 ) (1) 예비조사및본조사와관련된기록은학회에서보관하며, 사종료이후 5 년간보관하여야한다. 조 (2) 최종보고서는판정이끝난이후에공개할수있으나, 제보자 위원 증인 참고인 자문에참여한 자의명단등신원과관련된정보에대해서는당사자에게불이익을줄가능성이있을경우공 개대상에서제외할수있다. 328 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

329 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 제 5 장기타 제 25 조 ( 시행세칙 ) 위원회는이규정의시행을위하여필요한세부사항을별도로정할수있다. 부 칙 (1)( 시행일 ) 이규정은 2009 년 11 월 1 일부터시행한다. 부칙 ( ) (1)( 시행일 ) 이규정은 2012 년 1 월 16 일부터시행한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 329

330 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 Regulations on Establishment and Operation of Non-Permanent Research Ethics Committee Amended on November 1, 2009 Article 1 Purpose The purpose of these regulations is to stipulate the establishment and operation of the Non-Permanent Research Ethics Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee ) whose goals are to establish research ethics amongst researchers who perform research as members of the Korean Astronomical Society (hereinafter referred to as the Society ), to prevent research misconduct in advance, and to verify integrity upon occurrence of research misconduct and to handle such misconduct in a fair and systematic manner. Article 2 Definition of Terms (1) Research misconduct (hereinafter referred to as misconduct ) refers to any instance of fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, failure to give proper credit to co-authors, or redundant publication that may emerge during the research process including proposal, performance, reporting, and presentation of research defined by each item below. However, if such an instance arises from a minor mistake, or from differences in interpreting or judging data or research results, such an instance is not considered as misconduct. 1. Fabrication refers to the act of presenting non-existent data or research results. 2. Falsification" refers to the act of artificially fabricating research materials, equipment, and processes, or distorting research content or results by arbitrarily altering and deleting data. 3. "Plagiarism" refers to the act of using others ideas, research content, or results without obtaining proper approval from the authors or without appropriate remarks or citation. 4. Failing to give proper credit to co-authors" refers to the act of failing to list those who contributed scientifically/academically to the research process or results as co-authors without justifiable reason, or conversely to the act of listing those who have not made any scientific/academic contribution as co-authors out of appreciation or respect. 5. Redundant publication" refers to the act of publishing a paper that is identical or 330 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

331 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 highly similar in text to one that has already been published without due approval or citation. 6. The act of suggesting to, coercing, or threatening another person to commit the acts described in 1 and 4 above. 7. All other acts that go drastically beyond the typically permissible scope within the academic or scientific and technological community. (2) Informer refers to a person who informs the respective research institute or the research support institute of the facts or related evidence of suspected misconduct. (3) Examinee refers to a person who becomes a subject of an investigation for misconduct upon information by an informer or discovery by the research institute, or a person who becomes a subject of an investigation for being presumed to be involved in misconduct during an investigation process, exclusive of testifiers and witnesses. (4) Preliminary investigation refers to procedures required to determine whether or not an official investigation of suspected misconduct is necessary. (5) Main investigation refers to a process to determine if suspected misconduct indeed took place. (6) Judgment refers to procedures to finalize investigation results and to inform the informer and examinee of the final investigation results in writing. Article 3 Scope of Application These regulations are applied to persons who are either directly or indirectly associated with research activities performed by (a) member(s) of the Society. Article 4 Relation to Other Regulations Unless there are special regulations in place with regard to establishment of research ethics and to verification of research integrity, all relevant matters shall be handled based on these regulations. Chapter 2 Establishment and Operation of Research Ethics Committee 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 331

332 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 Article 5 Affiliation (1) The Committee shall be established as a non-permanent committee within the Society. Article 6 Composition (1) The Committee will consist of four ex officio members including one chairperson and three members on recommendation. (2) The four ex officio members are the Vice President of the Society, JKAS editor-in-chief, PKAS editor-in-chief, and the chairperson of the meeting organizing committee, while committee members on recommendation are appointed by the President of the Society. (3) The Vice President of the Society shall chair the Committee. (4) The Committee may establish a special sub-committee to investigate a specific case. Article 7 Chairperson (1) The chairperson shall represent the Committee and preside over meetings. (2) When the chairperson cannot perform his or her duties due to unavoidable reasons, a member pre-designated by the chairperson shall assume and perform the chairperson s duties on the chairperson s behalf. Article 8 Term of Membership The term of members shall be limited to the period during which time the Committee is in operation. Article 9 Assistant Administrator, etc. (1) The Committee may have one assistant administrator to facilitate the Committee s tasks. (2) The Committee may have special members dedicated to supporting various Committee tasks. Article 10 Tasks 332 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

333 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 The Committee shall deliberate on and determine each of the following matters: 1. Matters related to establishment and operation of systems for research ethics; 2. Matters related to receiving and handling information on misconduct; 3. Matters related to launch of preliminary and main investigations, and approval of investigation results; 4. Matters related to protection of informer and measures to restore honor of examinees; 5. Matters related to handling of research ethics verification results and follow-up measures; and 6. Other matters presented by the chairperson for consideration. Article 11 Meeting (1) The chairperson shall convene and preside over the meeting. (2) Items on the agenda shall be deemed resolved when two-thirds of members in attendance vote in agreement. (3) The chairperson may substitute the resolution of items on the agenda that are recognized as minor with a written resolution. (4) Non-members of the Committee can be present at the meeting to voice their opinions to the Committee members, when such participation is deemed necessary by the Committee. Article 12 Expenses Expenses necessary for the Committee s operation can be funded within the budget of the Society. Chapter 3 Verification of Research Integrity Article 13 Information and Receipt of Misconduct 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 333

334 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 (1) An informer may, in principle, inform the Society of alleged misconduct via all possible means including but not limited to oral and written statements, telephone calls, and . However, should the informer wish to make an anonymous report, he or she shall submit the title of the research project or the title of the thesis, as well as the details and evidence of the alleged misconduct via letter or . (2) Any informer who falsely reports misconduct knowingly or who reports misconduct despite being able to determine it as false shall not be a subject for protection. Article 14 Period and Method of Preliminary Investigation (1) The preliminary investigation shall begin within 15 days from the receipt of allegation and shall be completed within 30 days from the launch for approval by the President of the Society. (2) The preliminary investigation shall examine each of the following items: 1. Whether or not the alleged case falls under misconduct as described in Article 2 (1); 2. If the allegation details have validity and clarity, and thus will warrant a main investigation and bring about actual benefits; 3. Whether or not five years have elapsed from the date of the initial report of the alleged misconduct. Article 15 Report of Preliminary Investigation Results (1) Results of the preliminary investigation shall be notified in written form to the President of the Society and the informer within 10 days from the Committee s resolution. However, in cases where the informer chooses to remain anonymous, the above provision shall not apply. (2) A report of preliminary investigation results shall contain each of the following items: 1. Specific details of the report and personal information of the informer; 2. Details of alleged misconduct and related research project subject to investigation; 3. Whether or not a main investigation shall take place and grounds for 334 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

335 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 determination; and 4. Other relevant evidence. Article 16 Launch and Duration of Main Investigation (1) The main investigation shall begin within 30 days after the Society President approves the preliminary investigation results. (2) The main investigation, including judgment, shall be completed within 90 days from the date it was launched. (3) If the Committee decides that it cannot complete the investigation within the period stipulated in (2), it shall explain the reason to the Society President and request extension of the investigation period. (4) Prior to the launch of the main investigation, a list of the Committee members should be notified to the informer, and if the informer makes a justifiable objection for avoidance of any Committee member, it shall be accepted. Article 17 Request for Attendance and Material Submission (1) The Committee may request the informer, examinee, witness(es), and testifier(s) to attend the investigation. (2) The Committee may request the examinee to submit materials and may take measures to preserve evidence such as restriction of access by the persons involved in misconduct to the laboratory, and seizure and retention, etc. of relevant research materials after obtaining approval of the head of the respective research institute. (3) The examinee, upon receipt of requests for attendance and material submission stated in (1) and (2), must comply with the requests. Article 18 Protection of Rights and Confidentiality of Informer and Examiner (1) In any case, the identity of the informer shall not be either directly or indirectly exposed, and the name of the informer shall not be included in the investigation report for the purpose of protecting the informer unless such inclusion is absolutely necessary. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 335

336 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 (2) In the event that the informer faces any disadvantage such as a disciplinary action, discrimination in terms of work conditions, unjust pressure or harm as a result of his or her report of alleged misconduct, the Committee shall recover the damage or take measures needed by the informer. (3) The Committee shall take caution not to violate, discredit, or damage the honor or rights of the examinee, and make efforts to restore the honor of an examinee for whom suspicions have been cleared. (4) All matters related to the investigation including but not limited to information (report), examination, deliberation, and resolution shall be kept confidential. Those who are either directly or indirectly involved in the investigation shall not disclose any information obtained during the course of the investigation and while performing their respective duties related to the investigation. However, if it is necessary to disclose any information for a justifiable reason, it can be disclosed following the Committee s resolution. Article 19 Exclusion/Avoidance and Evasion (1) If a Committee member has direct interest in an item on the agenda, the member shall be excluded from dealing with the item concerned. (2) The Committee can determine such exclusion either on its authority or upon a request from the member concerned. (3) If there are just reasons to believe that a Committee member is unable to maintain fairness in performing his or her duty, the informer and examinee can make a request for avoidance. (4) A Committee member can evade his or her duty upon approval from the Committee chairperson for reasons stated in (1) and (3). Article 20 Guarantee of Objection and Defense Right The Committee shall guarantee the informer and the examinee equal rights and opportunities to state opinions, to make an objection, and to defend himself or herself. Article 21 Submission of Report on Main Investigation Results 336 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

337 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 (1) The Committee shall prepare a report on the main investigation results (hereinafter referred to as the Final Report ) based on opinions stated, objections raised, defenses, etc., and submit it to the Society s President. (2) The Final Report shall contain the following information: 1. Details of initial information of alleged misconduct; 2. Alleged misconduct and related research project subject to investigation; 3. Roles of the examinee in the research project and whether or not the suspected action is true; 4. Relevant evidence and witnesses; 5. Details of objection or defense of the informer and the examinee in response to the investigation results and disposition thereof; and 6. List of Committee members Article 22 Judgment The Committee shall finalize the investigation details and results based on the objection(s) raised and defense after obtaining an approval from the Society President, and notify the informer and examinee of its judgment. Chapter 4 Action after Verification Article 23 Action on Results (1) The Committee may recommend to the Society President to take disciplinary action against persons who have committed any of the following acts. 1. Misconduct; 2. Deliberate interference with an investigation of one s misconduct or that of another person, or act to harm the informer. (2) Matters pertaining to disciplinary action may be determined separately. Article 24 Preservation and Disclosure of Records 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 337

338 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 (1) Records of the preliminary and main investigations shall be kept by the Society for five years from the end of the investigation. (2) The Final Report may be disclosed after the judgment is finalized, but the information related to identities, such as a list of all participants including the informer, Committee members, witnesses, testifiers, and those who provided consultation, may be excluded from such disclosure if the information is considered a threat to pose injury to those involved. Chapter 5 Others Article 25 Rules for Enforcement The Committee may establish separate rules for the purpose of enforcing these regulations. Addendum (1) (Enforcement Date) These regulations shall enter into force on November 1, 2009 Addendum (October 17, 2012) (1) (Enforcement Date) These regulations shall enter into force on January 16, / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

339 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 사단법인한국천문학회세칙 1. 의결주문 ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회세칙폐지를원안대로의결함. 2. 제안내용 구분주요내용 폐지취지 ㅇ기존세칙의회비관련조항들을상위규정인학회운영규정으로이 관 ㅇ세칙명이변경됨으로인해기존세칙을폐지함 시행일자이사회의승인일자 (2014 년 08 월 21 일 ) 3. 관련근거ㅇ 2014년 01월 03일 ( 제1차 ) 이사회회의록 : 3. 안건심의 [ 의안 3] 비상설, 상설위원회결성계획추진결정 ( 규정개정위원회 ). 2014년 04월 10일 ( 제2차 ) 이사회규정개정위원회구성보고. ㅇ사단법인한국천문학회규정제1장목적 제2조 ( 이사회심의 ) 이규정과이규정의시행에필요한세칙은규정및세칙제안위원회에서제출한안을이사회가심의하여결정한다. 동규정부칙 제1조 ( 시행일 ) 이규정은총회에서통과된날로부터시행한다. 4. 기타 ㅇ붙임 : 사단법인한국천문학회세칙. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 339

340 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 붙임 사단법인한국천문학회세칙 제 1 장간사회업무 제 1 조 ( 회장 ) 회장은간사회의제반업무를지휘, 통괄한다. 제2조 ( 총무이사 ) 총무이사는다음각호의사항을분장한다. 1. 사단법인체업무및직인관리에관한사항 2. 총회, 이사회등의각종회의에관한사항 3. 문서의접수, 발송통제및보존, 기타문서 ( 일지포함 ) 관리에관한사항 4. 도서및학회자산의관리에관한사항 5. 각종행사 ( 편집위원회를제외한각종회의의기획및진행포함 ) 회의록작성에관한사항 6. 사무원의임용, 복무및후생에관한사항 7. 물품구매, 조달및관리에관한사항 8. 학회일반서무및타간사에속하지아니하는사항 제3조 ( 재무간사 ) 재무간사는다음각호의사항을분장한다. 1. 수입, 지출예산의기획, 집행, 결산및회계에관한사항 2. 현금및유가증권의출납및보관에관한사항 3. 수입징수에관한사항 4. 회계감사결과처리에관한사항 5. 학회기금의관리 ( 은행이자포함 ) 와예비비관리에관한사항 6. 세무에관한사항 제 4 조 ( 편집위원장 ) 폐지 제 2 장회비 제5조 ( 회비 ) 사단법인한국천문학회회원의연회비와입회비는다음각호와같다. 1. 회장 : 50만원 2. 부회장 : 30만원 3. 이사 : 10만원 4. 정회원 ( 일반 ) : 5만원 5. 정회원 ( 학생 ) : 2만원 6. 준회원 : 2만원 340 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

341 사단법인한국천문학회제 51 차정기총회 7. 입회비 : 1 만원 8. 분과회비 : 분과당 1 만원 제 6 조 ( 회비의책정 ) 회장은매년재정사정을감안하여이사회의동의를얻어회비를결정할수 있다. 제 7 조 ( 회비납부의해태 ) 회장은회비를 2 년이상납부하지않은회원에대하여정관제 9 조에 의거하여회원의권리를정지시킬수있다. 제 3 장용역사업 제 8 조 ( 용역사업 ) 이세칙은본학회에서수행하는용역사업에적용한다. 1. 용역사업의계약은회장명의로하고용역사업의연구책임자는사업의성격에따라의뢰자와협의하여회장이선임하되필요한경우공개적인선정절차및선정위원회를구성하여결정한다. 2. 연구책임자는연구진의구성과변경에관하여책임을지며용역사업수행의제반사항을이사회에보고한다. 제 9 조 ( 용역사업비 ) 사업비의구성및운용은다음각호에의한다. 1. 사업비의구성은통상적인정부기준및항목을적용하며간접비를계상한다. 2. 사업비의운용은연구책임자가관리하고학회가감독하되연구책임자와협의하여변경할수있다. 3. 간접비는전체사업비의 20% 이상으로하되사업의성격에따라의뢰자와연구책임자, 본학회가협의하여간접비율을조정할수있다. 부칙 제 1 조 ( 시행일 ) 이세칙은총회에서통과된날로부터시행한다. 부칙 ( ) 제 1 조 ( 시행일 ) 이세칙은 2012 년 1 월 16 일부터시행한다. 단, 제 4 조 ( 회비 ) 와관련한내용은 2013 년 1 월 1 일부터시행한다. 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 341

342 학회운영에도움을주신관련연구단 ( 팀 )/ 사업단 ( 팀 ) 한국천문연구원적외선분광기개발기술 책임자박찬박사 한국천문연구원대형광학망원경개발사업 책임자 박병곤박사 한국천문연구원외계행성탐색시스템개발 책임자 김승리박사 한국천문연구원우주별탄생역사규명을위한근적외선영상분광기개발사업 책임자 정웅섭박사 한국천문연구원우주물체전자광학감시체계사업 책임자 박장현박사 한국천문연구원 UST 책임자 김상철박사 경북대학교천체물리및우주론분야미래창의인재양성팀 책임자 장헌영박사 서울대학교초기우주천체연구단 책임자 임명신교수 연세대학교은하진화연구센터 책임자 이영욱교수

343 연구홍보 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 343

344 학회운영에도움을주신연구단 ( 팀 )/ 사업단 ( 팀 ) 344 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

345 연구홍보 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 345

346 학회운영에도움을주신연구단 ( 팀 )/ 사업단 ( 팀 ) 346 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

347 연구홍보 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 347

348 학회운영에도움을주신연구단 ( 팀 )/ 사업단 ( 팀 ) 348 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

349 연구홍보 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 349

350 학회운영에도움을주신연구단 ( 팀 )/ 사업단 ( 팀 ) 350 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix


352 학회운영에도움을주신관련기업 메타스페이스 ( 주 ) 대표자 주소지 연락처 박순창사장 서울시강남구개포동 태양빌딩 401호전화 : 전송 : ( 주 ) 에스이랩 대표자오승준사장 주소지 서울시강남구논현동 66-3 진영빌딩 5층 연락처 전화 : 전송 : 구주여행사 대표자 주소지 연락처 김미숙사장 서울시중구무교동 32-2번지남강빌딩 11층 6호전화 : 전송 :

353 기업광고 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 353

354 학회운영에도움을주신기업 354 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 39 No. 2, Appendix

355 기업광고 한국천문학회보제 39 권 2 호, 부록 / 355


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