목 차 <2017 년도봄학술대회학술발표일정및발표논문초록 > 학술발표대회및등록안내 2 분과및위원회모임안내 3 학술발표일정요약 5 학술발표일정 8 발표논문초록 25 < 한국천문학회학계보고서 > 61 < 한국천문학회회원명부 > 101 표지사진 : KVN 단일경으로관측한 44

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2 목 차 <2017 년도봄학술대회학술발표일정및발표논문초록 > 학술발표대회및등록안내 2 분과및위원회모임안내 3 학술발표일정요약 5 학술발표일정 8 발표논문초록 25 < 한국천문학회학계보고서 > 61 < 한국천문학회회원명부 > 101 표지사진 : KVN 단일경으로관측한 44GHz 와 95GHz 메탄올메이저의선형편광율 ( 왼쪽 ) 과편광각 ( 오른쪽 ) 을비교한그림이다. 이메이저들은무거운별탄생지역에서주로발생하는데, 관측한 39개의대상중 40% 가두라인모두에서편광을보였다. 44GHz 메탄올메이저의선형편광관측은이번이세계최초이다. 그림에서 95GHz 메이저의편광율이 44GHz에비해약간높고, 편광각은서로비슷한것을알수있다.

3 한국천문학회 2017 년봄학술대회등록안내 1. 학술대회개요 (1) 일시 : 2017년 4월 13일 ( 목 ) 09:30 ~ 4월 14일 ( 금 ) 15:50 (2) 장소 : 창원 CECO - 구두발표 : 컨벤셜홀 3층 - 포스터발표 : 로비 (3) 후원 : 한국과학기술단체총연합회, 경남컨벤션뷰로 2. 등록 (1) 등록비정회원 ( 일반 ) : 170,000 원 / 정회원 ( 학생 ) 이하 : 120,000 원 / 비회원 : 170,000 원저녁만찬비 : 60,000 원 (2) 연회비연회비를미납하신회원은아래구좌로송금하시거나학회당일등록장소에서납부해주십시오. 은행구좌로송금할때반드시성함을기재하여주시기바랍니다. 정회원 ( 일반 ) : 50,000 원 / 정회원 ( 학생 ) : 20,000 원 / 준회원 : 20,000 원회장 : 500,000원 / 부회장 : 300,000원 / 이사 : 100,000원 송금구좌 : ( 국민은행 ) 예금주 : 사 ) 한국천문학회 최근 2년간연회비를납부하지않은회원에게는총회에서투표권이제한됩니다. 3. 회원가입 회원가입을원하시는분은등록장소에비치되어있는입회원서를작성하여입회비와함께제출하시면 됩니다. [ 입회비 : 정회원 (10,000 원 ) ] 2 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

4 한국천문학회모임안내 [2 차이사회 ] 안내 일자 : 2017년 4월 13일 시간 : 12:30 장소 : 제1발표장 참석자 : 한국천문학회이사 [YAM] 총회안내 일자 : 2017년 4월 13일 시간 : 14:20 ~ 15:20 장소 : 제3발표장 참석자 : YAM 회원 [KCMT 과학백서위원회 ] 회의안내 일자 : 2017년 4월 13일 시간 : 14:20 장소 : 제2발표장 참석자 : KCMT 과학백서위원 [ 여성분과 ] Women in Astronomy Lunch 일자 : 2017년 4월 14일 시간 : 11:50 장소 : 제2발표장 참석자 : 여성분과에관심있는회원 JKAS 편집위원회회의 일자 : 2017년 4월 14일 시간 : 11:50 장소 : 제3발표장 참석자 : JKAS 편집위원 [ 우수포스터상수상자결정회의 ] 안내 일자 : 2017년 4월 14일 시간 : 13:00 장소 : 추후공지 참석자 : 이형목포상위원회위원장, 임명신학술위원회위원장 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 3

5 숙박및위치안내 NO. 호텔명구분예약문의 1 CECO 와의거리 ( 승용차 ) 풀만앰베서더창원특 1 급김유근지배인도보 3 분학회협약가 (Pullman mbassador) (321 실 ) ( ) 2 창원호텔 3 호텔인터내셔널 4 엠스테이 17 년 3 월 OPEN 5 올림픽관광호텔 6 크라운호텔 7 크라운 AT 호텔 8 성산호텔 9 호텔에비뉴 10 솔리움호텔 11 프라하호텔 (3 층연결다리 - 현재공사중 ) 특 2 급박영복총지배인 10 분 (173 실 ) ( ) ( 성산구중앙동 ) 특 2 급박영진팀장 10 분 (121 실 ) ( ) ( 성산구중앙동 ) 1 급이용규지배인 10 분 (357 실 ) ( ) ( 의창구상남동 ) 1급 10분이선구과장 (86실) ( 성산구중앙동 ) 1 급김대호이사 10 분 (60 실 ) ( ) ( 의창구팔용동 ) 2 급김대호이사 10 분 (26 실 ) ( ) ( 성산구중앙동 ) 2 급이용춘과장 10 분 (63 실 ) ( ) ( 의창구용호동 ) 2급 10분임하니주임 (60실) ( 의창구용호동 ) 2급 10분김성훈지배인 (40실) ( 성산구중앙동 ) 미정유병홍상무 10 분 (54 실 ) ( ) ( 의창구팔용동 ) 찾아오시는길 : 비고 객실 -155,000 원 (twin) 조식 -22,000 원별도 학회협약가 Onebed-70,000 원 ( 조식포함 ) Twinbed-100,000 원 (2 인조식포함가 ) 4 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

6 09:30~ 10:30 10:30~ 10:50 10:50~ 11:00 시간표 11:00~ 11:15 11:15~ 11:30 11:30~ 11:45 11:45~ 12:00 12:00~ 12:15 12:15~ 12:30 12:30~ 13:30 13:30~ 14:10 14:10~ 14:20 14:20~ 15:20 시간표 15:20~ 15:35 15:35~ 15:50 15:50~ 16:05 16:05~ 16:20 16:20~ 16:35 16:35~ 16:50 16:50~ 17:10 17:10~ 17:50 활동성은하핵및외부은하의구상성단 (AGN & ExtragalacticGC) 2017 KAS SPRING MEETING 4.13 등록 개회 휴식시간 성간물질 / 우리은하 (ISM/ Milky Way Galaxy) 특별세션 : 중성미자천문학과한국형중성미자망원경 (Neutrino Astronomy and Korean Neutrino Telescope) 구 GC-01 Hyun-Jin Bae 구 IM-01 Shinyoung Kim 초 NK-01 Seon-Hee Seo(20min) 구 GC-02 Jongwon Park 구 IM-02 Sung-Ju Kang 구 GC-03 Sang-Sung Lee 구 IM-03 Kwang-Tae Kim 박 GC-04 Hyejeon Cho 구 IM-04 Hyeongsik Yun 초 NK-02 구 NK-03 Soo-Bong Kim(20min) Bon-Chul Koo(20min) 구 IM-05 Seok-Jun Chang 구 NK-04 Sang Chul Kim(20min) 구 GC-05 Young-Wook Lee 구 IM-06 So-myoung Park Discussion(10min) 외부은하및은하단 I (Galaxies & ClustersI) 점심시간 초청강연 Scott Croom & Julia Bryant 사진촬영 휴식시간및포스터세션 (Poster Session) 천문관측기술 (Astronomical Technique) 고에너지천체물리학 (High Energy Astrophysics) 구 GC-06 Emanuele Contini 구 AT-01 Changhoon Lee 구 HA-01 Jihyun Kim 구 GC-07 Jinhyub Kim 구 AT-02 Jae Sok Oh 구 HA-02 Hyesung Kang 박 GC-08 Sree Oh 구 AT-03 Sang-yun Lee 구 HA-03 Dong-Hoon Kim 구 AT-04 Hye-in Lee 구 HA-04 Yeong-Bok Bae 구 GC-09 Suk Kim 구 AT-05 Changsu Choi 구 HA-05 구 AT-06 Tae woo Kim 휴식시간 초청강연 Tarun Souradeep Maurice H.P.M. van Putten 18:00~ 만찬 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 5

7 2017 KAS SPRING MEETING :30~ 10:10 10:10~ 10:20 시간표 10:20~ 10:35 10:35~ 10:50 10:50~ 11:05 11:05~ 11:20 11:20~ 11:35 11:35~ 11:50 11:50~ 13:10 시간표 13:10~ 13:25 13:25~ 13:40 13:40~ 13:55 13:55~ 14:10 14:10~ 14:25 14:25~ 14:40 14:40~ 14:50 14:50~ 15:30 15:30~ 15:50 별형성 (Star Formation) 초청강연 David Valls-Gabaud 휴식시간 우주관측및기술 (Space Observation and Technique) 특별세션 : KMTNet (Korea Micro lensing Telescope Network) 구 SF-01 Jeong-Gyu Kim 구 ST-01 Dae-Hee Lee 구 KMT-01 Chung-Uk Lee 구 SF-02 Heeyoung Oh 구 ST-02 Woong-Seob Jeong 구 KMT-02 Sun-Ju Chung 구 SF-03 Jaeyeong Kim 구 ST-03 Ho Jin 구 KMT-03 Kyeongsoo Hong 구 SF-04 Seokho Lee 구 ST-04 Junga Hwang 구 KMT-04 Youngdae Lee 구 SF-05 Hyunju Yoo 구 ST-05 Rok-Soon Kim 구 KMT-05 Seok-Joo Joo 구 SF-06 Il Joong Kim 구 ST-06 Sang Joon Kim 구 KMT-06 Joonho Kim 외부은하및은하단 II (Galaxies & Clusters II) 초 GC-10 Kanak Saha 점심시간및포스터세션 (Lunch & Poster Session) 항성및항성계 / 고천문학 (Stellar Astronomy / Historical Astronomy) 특별세션 : KVN (Korea VLBI Network) 구 SH-01 Sang-Hyun Chun 구 KVN-01 Kiyoaki Wajima 구 SH-02 Dongwook Lim 구 KVN-02 Jihyun Kang 구 GC-11 Woo-Young Seo 구 SH-03 Bum Suk Yeom 구 KVN-03 Guang-Yao Zhao 구 GC-12 Taehyun Kim 구 SH-04 Tae-Yang Bang 구 KVN-04 Dong-hwan Yoon 구 GC-13 Gwang-Ho Lee 구 SH-05 Dawoo Park 구 KVN-05 Ilje Cho 구 SH-06 Hong-Jin Yang 구 KVN-06 DongJin Kim 휴식시간 초청강연 Minjin Kim 우수포스터상시상및폐회 6 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

8 Schedule of Poster Session 4.13~4.14 분야포스터번호이름분야포스터번호이름 교육홍보 (Astronomy & Education) 외부은하 / 은하단 (Galaxy Evolution/ AGN) 포 AE-01 Joowon Lee 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 포 IM-01 포 AE-02 Wansoo Kim 포 IM-02 포 GC-01 Sohee Jang 포 IM-03 포 GC-02 Kyungwon Chun 포 IM-04 Yesol Kim Sunkyung Park Rommy Lydia Solange Estrella Aliste Castillo Daniel Han 포GC-03 Jaeyeon Kim (ISM/ Star 포IM-05 Heesun Yoon Formation/ 포GC-04 Jiwon Chung Milky Way 포IM-06 Minho Choi Galaxy) 포GC-05 Jae jin Shin 포IM-07 Giseon Baek 포 GC-06 Gu Lim 포 IM-08 hyeseung lee 포 GC-07 Donghoon Son 포 IM-09 Jungyeon Cho 포 GC-08 Seo Jin Kim 포 IM-10 Youngsik Kim 포 GC-09 Mincheol Kim 포 AT-01 Woojin Park 포 GC-10 Kyle Finner 포 AT-02 bangwon lee 포 GC-11 포 GC-12 LE NGUYEN HUYNH ANH Jeong-Sun Hwang 천문우주관측기술 (Astrophysical Techniques) 포 AT-03 포 AT-04 Tae-Geun Ji Byeongjoon Jeong 포 GC-13 Jaewon Yoo 포 AT-05 Hojae Ahn 포 CD-01 Hyunbae Park 포 AT-06 Ji-Sung Ha 우주론 / 암흑물질, 에너지 (Cosmology & Darkmatter) 포 CD-02 Young-Lo Kim KMTNet 포 KMT-01 포 CD-03 Yijung Kang 항성 / 항성계 / 포 ST-01 Woowon Byeon jeong-eun Heo 외계행성포CD-04 Doohyun Choi 포ST-02 Hunchul Lee (Stellar 포CD-05 Seunghee Lee Astronomy) 포ST-03 Jiyeon Kim 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 7

9 제 1 발표장첫째날 : 4 월 13 일 ( 목 ) 09:30~10:30 등록 10:30~10:50 개회사 : 이명균학회장 10:50~11:00 휴식시간 활동성은하핵및외부은하의구상성단 (AGN & Extragalactic GC) 좌장 : Soung-Chul Yang( 양성철 )[KASI] 11:00~11:15 구 GC-01 (p.28) The Limited Impact of AGN Outflows: IFU study of 20 local AGNs Hyun-Jin Bae( 배현진 )[Yonsei Univ./SNU], Jong-Hak Woo( 우종학 ), Marios Karouzos[SNU], Elena Gallo[University of Michigan], Helene Flohic[University of the Pacific], Yue Shen[University of Illinois], and Suk-Jin Yoon( 윤석진 )[Yonsei Univ] 11:15~11:30 구 GC-02 (p.28) Star Formation of Merging Disk Galaxies with AGN Feedback Effects Jongwon Park( 박종원 ), Rory Smith, and Sukyoung K. Yi( 이석영 )[Yonsei University] 11:30~11:45 구 GC-03 (p.28) Interferometric Monitoring of Gamma-ray Bright AGNs: S Sang-Sung Lee( 이상성 )[KASI/UST], Jee Won Lee( 이지원 )[KASI/KHU], Heffrey A. Hodgson[KASI], Dae-Won Kim( 김다원 )[SNU], Juan-Carlos Algaba[KASI], Sincheol Kang( 강신철 )[KASI/UST], Jiman Kang( 강지만 )[KASI], Sungsoo S. Kim( 김성수 )[KHU] 11:45~12:15 박 GC-04 (p.29) A Study of Globular Cluster Systems in the Coma, Fornax, and Virgo Clusters of Galaxies from HST ACS and WFC3/IR Imaging Hyejeon Cho( 조혜전 )[Yonsei University] 12:15~12:30 구 GC-05 (p.29) New insights on the chemical evolution in proto-globular clusters and galaxy building blocks Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 ), Jaeyeon Kim( 김재연 )[Yonsei University] 12:30~13:30 점심시간 초청강연 좌장 : Sukyoung Yi( 이석영 )[Yonsei Univ.] 13:30~14:10 초 IT-01 (p.27) Uncovering galaxy individuality with multiplexed integral field spectroscopy. Scott Croom[Univ. of Sydney] & Julia Bryant[Univ. of Sydney & AAO] 14:10~14:20 사진활영 14:20~15:20 휴식시간및포스터세션 (Poster Session) 8 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

10 제 1 발표장첫째날 : 4 월 13 일 ( 목 ) 외부은하및은하단 I (Galaxies & Clusters I) 좌장 : Ho Seong Hwang( 황호성 )[KIAS] 15:20~15:35 구 GC-06 (p.29) Constraints on the Evolution of the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function I: Role of Star Formation, Mergers and Stellar Stripping Emanuele Contini[Yonsei University] 15:35~15:50 구 GC-07 (p.29) The mass of the high-z (z~1.132) massive galaxy cluster, SPT-CL J using weak-lensing analysis with HST observations Jinhyub Kim( 김진협 ), Myungkook James Jee( 지명국 )[Yonsei University], Jongwan Ko( 고종완 )[KASI] 15:50~16:20 박 GC-08 (p.30) KYDISC program: The Impact of Mergers on the Evolution of Galaxies 16:20~16:35 구 GC-09 (p.30) Sree Oh( 오슬희 )[Yonsei University] Environmental effects in the stellar populations of Compact Elliptical galaxies Suk Kim( 김석 ), Hyunjin Jeong( 정현진 ), Youngdae Lee( 이영대 ), Seok-Joo Joo( 주석주 ), Jaehyun Lee( 이재현 ), Eon-Chang Sung( 성언창 )[KASI] 16:50~17:00 휴식시간 초청강연 좌장 : Changbom Park( 박창범 )[KIAS] 17:10~17:50 초 IT-02 (p.27) LIGO-India: Beyond discovery of Gravitational waves. Tarun Souradeep[IUCAA] 18:00~ 만찬 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 9

11 제 2 발표장첫째날 : 4 월 13 일 ( 목 ) 성간물질 / 우리은하 (ISM/Milky Way Galaxy) 좌장 : Ho-Kyu Lee( 이호규 )[KASI] 11:00~11:15 구 IM-01 (p.32) TRAO Multi-beam Legacy Survey of Nearby Filamentary Molecular Clouds : Progress Report ShinYoung Kim( 김신영 )[KASI/UST], Eun Jung Chung( 정은정 )[KASI], Chang Won Lee( 이창원 )[KASI/UST], Philip C. Myers[CfA], Paola Caselli[MPI], Mario Tafalla[OAN], Gwanjeong Kim( 김관정 )[]KASI, Miryang Kim( 김미량 )[CBNU], Archana Soam[KASI], Maheswar Gophinathan[ARIES], Tie Liu[KASI], Kyounghee Kim( 김경희 )[KNUE], Woojin Kwon( 권우진 ), Jongsoo Kim( 김종수 )[KASI/UST] 11:15~11:30 구 IM-02 (p.32) Multiple Molecular Line Analysis in the Planck Cold Clumps with KVN Follow-up Observations. Sung-ju Kang( 강성주 ), Tie Liu, Kee-Tae Kim( 김기태 ), Minho Choi( 최민호 ), Miju Kang( 강미주 )[KASI], Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU], Neal J. Evans[University of Texas] 11:30~11:45 구 IM-03 (p.32) Discovery of a Cloud Collision with the OMC-1 11:45~12:00 구 IM-04 (p.33) Kwang-Tae Kim( 김광태 ), Youngsik kim( 김영식 )[CNU] Turbulent Properties in Two Molecular Clouds: Orion A and ρ Ophiuchus Hyeong-Sik Yun( 윤형식 ), Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 ), Yunhee Choi( 최윤희 ),.Seokho Lee( 이석호 )[KHU], Minho Choi( 최민호 ), Hyunwoo Kang( 강현우 )[KASI], Ken ichi Tatematsu[NAOJ], Stella S. R. Offner, Brandt A. L. Gaches, Mark H. Heyer[University of Massachusetts], Neal J. Evans II, Yao-Lun Yang[University of Texas] 12:00~12:15 구 IM-05 (p.33) Escape of Lyβfrom Hot and Optically Thick Media 12:15~12:30 구 IM-06 (p.33) Seok-Jun Chang( 장석준 ), Hee-Won Lee( 이희원 )[Sejong University] Early Dynamical Evolution of Star Clusters Near the Galactic Centre So-Myoung Park( 박소명 )[KHU], Simon P. Goodwin[University of Sheffield], Sungsoo S. Kim( 김성수 )[KHU] 12:30~13:30 점심시간 초청강연 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : Sukyoung Yi( 이석영 )[Yonsei Univ.] 13:30~14:10 초 IT-01 (p.27) Uncovering galaxy individuality with multiplexed integral field spectroscopy. Scott Croom[Univ. of Sydney] & Julia Bryant[Univ. of Sydney & AAO] 14:10~14:20 사진활영 14:20~15:20 휴식시간및포스터세션 (Poster Session) 10 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

12 제 2 발표장첫째날 : 4 월 13 일 ( 목 ) 천문관측기술 (Astronomical Technique) 좌장 : Jeongju Sohn( 손정주 )[KNUE] 15:20~15:35 구 AT-01 (p.33) New Radome Installation for the TRAO Radio Telescope Changhoon Lee( 이창훈 ), Jae Hoon Jung( 정재훈 ), HyunWoo Kang( 강현우 ), Do-Keung Je( 제도흥 ), Youngung Lee( 이영웅 ), Il-Gyo Jung( 정일교 ), Young Sik Kim( 김영식 ), Chang Won Lee( 이창원 ), Hyun-Goo Kim( 김현구 )[KASI] 15:35~15:50 구 AT-02 (p.34) Critical Design Status of the G-CLEF Flexure Control Camera Jae Sok Oh( 오재석 ), Chan Park( 박찬 ), Kang-Min Kim( 김강민 ), Moo-Young Chun( 천무영 ), Young Sam Yu( 유영삼 ), Sungho Lee( 이성호 ), Jihun Kim( 김지훈 ), Jakyoung Nah( 나자경 )[KASI], Andrew Szentgyorgyi, William Podgorski, Ian Evans, Mark Mueller[Harvard-Smithsonian Center], Alan Uomoto, Jeffrey Crane, Tyson Hare[Observatories of the Carnegie Institution] 15:50~16:05 구 AT-03 (p.34) Wide-Field Imaging Telescope-0(WIT0): A New Wide-Field 0.25 m Telescope at McDonald Observatory Sang-Yun Lee( 이상윤 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU], Soojong Pak( 박수종 ), Tae-Geun Ji( 지태근 ), Hye-In Lee( 이혜인 )[KHU], Seong Yong Hwang( 황호성 )[KIAS], Jennifer Marshall, Travis Prochaska[exas A&M University], Coyne A. Gibson[McDonald Observatory] 16:05~16:20 구 AT-04 (p.34) Control Software of SQEUAN (SED camera for the QUasars in EArly universe) Hye-In Lee( 이혜인 ), Tae-Geun Ji( 지태근 )[KHU], Won-Kee Park( 박원기 )[KASI], John Kuehne[McDonald Observatory], Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU], Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU] 16:20~16:35 구 AT-05 (p.35) Seoul National University Camera II (SNUCAM-II) : The New SED Camera for Lee Sang Gak Telescope (LSGT) Changsu Choi( 최창수 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 )[SNU] 16:35~16:50 구 AT-06 (p.35) Results of Observation Performance Test for NYSC 1m Telescope Taewoo Kim( 김태우 ), Wonseok Kang( 강원석 ), Sun-gill Kwon( 권순길 ), Sang-Gak Lee( 이상각 )[NYSC] 16:50~17:00 휴식시간 초청강연 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : Changbom Park( 박창범 )[KIAS] 17:10~17:50 초 IT-02 (p.27) LIGO-India: Beyond discovery of Gravitational waves. Tarun Souradeep[IUCAA] 18:00~ 만찬 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 11

13 제 3 발표장첫째날 : 4 월 13 일 ( 목 ) 특별세션 : 중성미자천문학과한국형중성미자망원경 (Neutrino Astronomy and Korean Neutrino Telescope) 좌장 : Dongsu Ryu( 류동수 )[UNIST] 11:00~11:20 초 NK-01 (p.35) Korean Neutrino Telescope and Neutrino Science Seon-Hee Seo( 서선희 )[SNU] 11:20~11:40 초 NK-02 (p.36) Astronomy Potentials with Korean Neutrino Detector and Telescope Soo-Bong Kim( 김수봉 )[SNU] 11:40~12:00 구 NK-03 (p.36) Supernova Rates of the Milky Way and the Local Group Bon-Chul Koo( 구본철 )[SNU] 12:00~12:20 구 NK-04 (p.36) Supernovae Follow-up Observations and the Korean Neutrino Telescope Sang Chul Kim( 김상철 )[KASI] 12:20~12:30 Discussion 12:30~13:30 점심시간 초청강연 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : Sukyoung Yi( 이석영 )[Yonsei Univ.] 13:30~14:10 초 IT-01 (p.27) Uncovering galaxy individuality with multiplexed integral field spectroscopy. Scott Croom[Univ. of Sydney] & Julia Bryant[Univ. of Sydney & AAO] 14:10~14:20 사진활영 14:20~15:20 휴식시간및포스터세션 (Poster Session) 12 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

14 제 3 발표장첫째날 : 4 월 13 일 ( 목 ) 고에너지천체물리학 (High Energy Astrophysics) 좌장 : Jungyeon Cho( 조정연 )[CNU] 15:20~15:35 구 HA-01 (p.36) Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays and filaments of galaxies in the northern sky Jihyun Kim( 김지현 ), Dongsu Ryu( 류동수 )[UNIST], Suk Kim( 김석 )[KASI], Soo-Chang Rey( 이수창 )[CNU], Hyesung Kang( 강혜성 )[PNU] 15:35~15:50 구 HA-02 (p.36) Shock Acceleration Model for Giant Radio Relics Hyesung Kang( 강혜성 )[PNU], Dongsu Ryu( 류동수 )[UNIST], T. W. Jones[Univ. of Minnesota] 15:50~16:05 구 HA-03 (p.37) General Relativistic Effects on Pulsar Radiation Dong-Hoon Kim( 김동훈 ), Sascha Trippe[SNU] 16:05~16:20 구 HA-04 (p.37) Gravitational Radiation Capture between Unequal Mass Black Holes Yeong-Bok Bae( 배영복 )[SNU/KASI], Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 )[SNU], Gungwon Kang( 강궁원 ), Jakob Hansen[KISTI] 16:20~16:35 구 HA-05 (p.37) Search for broadband extended gravitational-wave emission bursts in LIGO S6 in Hz by GPU acceleration Maurice H.P.M. van Putten[Sejong University] 16:50~17:00 휴식시간 초청강연 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : Changbom Park( 박창범 )[KIAS] 17:10~17:50 초 IT-02 (p.27) LIGO-India: Beyond discovery of Gravitational waves. Tarun Souradeep[IUCAA] 18:00~ 만찬 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 13

15 제 1 발표장둘째날 : 4 월 14 일 ( 금 ) 초청강연 좌장 : Dae-Hee Lee( 이대희 )[KASI] 09:30~10:10 초 IT-03 (p.27) The realm of the ultra-low surface brightness universe David Valls-Gabaud[CNRS, Obs. de Paris] 10:10~10:20 휴식시간 별형성 (Star Formation) 좌장 : Minho Choi( 최민호 )[KASI] 10:20~10:35 구 SF-01 (p.38) Dispersal of Molecular Clouds by UV Radiation Feedback from Massive Stars Jeong-Gyu Kim( 김정규 ), Woong-Tae Kim( 김웅태 )[SNU], and Eve Ostriker[Princeton University] 10:35~10:50 구 SF-02 (p.38) High-resolution near-ir Spectral Mapping of Multiple Outflows around LkHɑ234 in NGC 7129 Star Forming Region Heeyoung Oh( 오희영 )[SNU], Tae-Soo Pyo( 표태수 )[Subaru Telescope], Bon-Chul Koo( 구본철 )[SNU], In-Soo Yuk( 육인수 )[KASI], Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 )[KASI/UST] 10:50~11:05 구 SF-03 (p.38) Magnetic Field Structure and Formation Scenario of the N159/N160 Star-Forming Complex in the Large Magellanic Cloud Jaeyeong Kim( 김재영 )[KHU/KASI], Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 )[KASI/UST], Jeonghyun Pyo( 표정현 )[KASI], Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Won-Kee Park( 박원기 )[KASI], Jungmi Kwon( 권정미 )[The University of Tokyo/NAOJ/JAEA], and Motohide Tamura[NAOJ] 11:05~11:20 구 SF-04 (p.39) Packages of Unified modeling for Radiative transfer, gas Energetics, and Chemistry (PUREC) Seokho Lee( 이석호 ), Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU] 11:20~11:35 구 SF-05 (p.39) Sub-mm variability of a YSO (EC53) in Serpens main region : JCMT Transient survey Hyunju Yoo( 유현주 )[CNU], Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU], Doug Johnstone[National Research Council], Steve Mairs[University of Victoria], Gregory Herczeg[Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics] 11:35~11:50 구 SF-06 (p.39) MIRIS Paschen-α Galactic Plane Survey : Comparison with WISE catalog and IPHAS Hα data in Cepheus Il-Joong Kim( 김일중 ), Jeonghyun Pyo( 표정현 ), Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 )[KASI], Min Gyu Kim( 김민규 )[SNU], Dukhang Lee( 이덕행 ), Won-Kee Park( 박원기 ), Sung-Joon Park( 박성준 ), Bongkon Moon( 문봉곤 ), Youngsik Park( 박영식 ), Dae-Hee Lee( 이대희 ), Wonyong Han( 한원용 )[KASI] 11:50~13:10 점심시간 14 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

16 제 1 발표장둘째날 : 4 월 14 일 ( 금 ) 외부은하및은하단 II (Galaxies & Clusters II) 좌장 : Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI] 13:10~13:40 초 GC-10 (p.31) Long lived spiral structures in galaxies Kanak Saha[IUCAA] 13:40~13:55 구 GC-11 (p.31) Gas structures and star formation in the central region of barred-spiral galaxies in self-consistent 3D simulations Woo-Young Seo( 서우영 ), Woong-Tae Kim( 김웅태 )[SNU] 13:55~14:10 구 GC-12 (p.31) Cosmic Evolution of Disk Galaxies seen through Bars Taehyun Kim( 김태현 )[KASI], Kartik Sheth[NASA], Lia Athanassoula, Albert Bosma[Laboratoire d Astrophysique de Marseille] 14:10~14:25 구 GC-13 (p.31) To Be or Not To Be: We Love Galaxies Workshop Gwang-Ho Lee( 이광호 ), Jisu Kang( 강지수 )[SNU], Woong Lee( 이웅 )[CNU], Hye-Ran Lee( 이혜란 )[KASI/UST], Minbae Kim( 김민배 )[KHU], Jaewon Yoo( 유재원 )[KASI/UST], Intaek Gong( 공인택 )[Sejong University] 14:40~14:50 휴식시간 초청강연 좌장 : Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 )[SNU] 14:50~15:30 초 IT-04 (p.27) Observational Evidence for the Coevolution between Supermassive Black Holes and Host Galaxies Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI/UST) 15:30~15:50 우수포스터상시상폐회사 : 이명균학회장 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 15

17 제 2 발표장둘째날 : 4 월 14 일 ( 금 ) 초청강연 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : Dae-Hee Lee( 이대희 )[KASI] 09:30~10:10 초 IT-03 (p.27) The realm of the ultra-low surface brightness universe David Valls-Gabaud[CNRS, Obs. de Paris] 10:10~10:20 휴식시간 우주관측및기술 (Space Observation and Technique) 좌장 : Hyunjin Shim( 심현진 )[KNU] 10:20~10:35 구 ST-01 (p.39) Feasibility Study of a Future Korean Space Telescope Dae-Hee Lee( 이대희 )[KASI/UST], Chang Hee Ree( 이창희 ), Yong-Seon Song( 송용선 )[KASI], Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 )[KASI/UST], Hong-Kyu Moon( 문홍규 )[KASI], Min Gyu Kim( 김민규 )[KASI/SNU], Jeonghyun Pyo( 표정현 ), Bongkon Moon( 문봉곤 ), Won-Kee Park( 박원기 )[KASI] 10:35~10:50 구 ST-02 (p.40) Status Report of the Flight Model of the NISS onboard NEXTSat-1 Woong-Seob Jeong( 정웅섭 )[KASI/UST], Bongkon Moon( 문봉곤 ), Sung-Joon Park( 박성준 ), Dae-Hee Lee( 이대희 ), Jeonghyun Pyo( 표정현 ), Won-Kee Park( 박원기 ), Il-Joong Kim( 김일중 ), Youngsik Park( 박영식 ), Duk-Hang Lee( 이덕행 ), Kyeongyeon Ko( 고경연 )[KASI/UST], Mingyu Kim( 김민규 )[KASI/SNU], Ukwon Nam( 남욱원 )[KASI], Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI/UST], Jongwan Ko( 고종완 )[KASI], Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 )[SNU], Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU], Goo-Hwan Shin( 신구환 ), Jangsoo Chae( 채장수 )[KAIST], Toshio Matsumoto[KASI/ISAS/JAXA] 10:50~11:05 구 ST-03 (p.40) CubeSat Application for Space Astronomy Ho Jin( 진호 ), Jongho Seon( 선종호 ), Seongwhan lee( 이성환 ), Jung-Kyu lee( 이정규 ), Hyojeong Lee( 이효정 ), Jehyuck Shin( 신재혁 )[KHU] 11:05~11:20 구 ST-04 (p.40) Small scale magnetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiments; SNIPE mission Junga Hwang( 황정아 ), Jaejin Lee( 이재진 ), Jongdae Shon( 손종대 ), Jaeheung Park( 박재흥 ), Young-Sil Kwak( 곽영실 ), Uk-Won Nam( 남욱원 ), Won-Kee Park( 박원기 )[KASI] 11:20~11:35 구 ST-05 (p.41) Different Responses of Solar Wind and Geomagnetism to Solar Activity during Quiet and Active Periods Roksoon Kim( 김록순 )[KASI/UST], Jongyeob Park( 박종엽 )[KASI/KHU], Jihye Baek( 백지혜 )[KASI], Bogyeung Kim( 김보경 )[CNU] 11:35~11:50 구 ST-06 (p.41) Lunar Exosphere Simulated with Localized Sources 11:50~13:10 점심시간 Sang Joon Kim( 김상준 ), Dong Wook Lee( 이동욱 )[KASI] 16 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

18 제 2 발표장둘째날 : 4 월 14 일 ( 금 ) 항성및항성계 / 고천문학 (Stellar Astronomy/Historical Astronomy) 좌장 : Young-Beom Jeon( 전영범 )[KASI] 13:10~13:25 구 SH-01 (p.42) Evolutionary properties of red supergiants with MESA Sang-Hyun Chun( 천상현 )[SNU], Moo-Keon Jung( 정무권 ), Dong uk Kim( 김동욱 )[Sogang University], Jihoon Kim( 김지훈 ), Sung-Chul Yoon( 윤성철 )[SNU] 13:25~13:40 구 SH-02 (p.42) The CN-CH positive correlation in the globular cluster NGC 5286 Dongwook Lim( 임동욱 ), Seungsoo Hong( 홍승수 ), Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 )[Yonsei University] 13:40~13:55 구 SH-03 (p.42) Origin of Low-mass Hypervelocity Stars in the Galactic Disk Bum-Suk Yeom( 염범석 ), Young Sun Lee( 이영선 ), Youngkwang Kim( 김영광 ), Doo-Ri Han( 한두리 )[CNU] 13:55~14:10 구 SH-04 (p.42) ANALYSIS OF LONG PERIOD RADIAL VELOCITY VARIATIONS FOR HD AND HD Tae-Yang Bang( 방태양 )[KNU], Byeong-Cheol, Lee( 이병철 ), Gwang-hui Jeong( 정광희 ), Inwoo Han( 한인우 )[KASI/UST], Myeong-Gu Park( 박명구 )[KNU] 14:10~14:25 구 SH-05 (p.43) Black Hole Binaries Dynamically Formed in Globular Clusters Dawoo Park( 박다우 )[SNU], Chunglee Kim( 김정리 )[KASI], Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 )[SNU], Yeong-Bok Bae( 배영복 )[KASI], Krzysztof Belczynski[University of Warsaw] 14:25~14:40 구 SH-06 (p.43) The Constellation Maps in the Flags of Barracks in GANGJIN 14:40~14:50 휴식시간 Hong-Jin Yang( 양홍진 )[KASI] 초청강연 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 )[SNU] 14:50~15:30 초 IT-04 (p.27) Observational Evidence for the Coevolution between Supermassive Black Holes and Host Galaxies Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI/UST] 15:30~15:50 우수포스터상시상폐회사 : 이명균학회장 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 17

19 제 3 발표장둘째날 : 4 월 14 일 ( 금 ) 초청강연 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : Dae-Hee Lee( 이대희 )[KASI] 09:30~10:10 초 IT-03 (p.27) The realm of the ultra-low surface brightness universe David Valls-Gabaud[CNRS, Obs. de Paris] 10:10~10:20 휴식시간 특별세션 : KMTNet (Korea Microlensing Telescope Network) 좌장 : Seung-Lee Kim( 김승리 )[KASI] 10:20~10:35 구 KMT-01 (p.43) Operation and System Upgrade of KMTNet Chung-Uk Lee( 이충욱 ), Seung-Lee Kim( 김승리 )[KASI/UST], Sang-Mok Cha( 차상목 ), Yongseok Lee( 이용석 ), Dong-Jin Kim( 김동진 ), Dong-Joo Lee( 이동주 ), Jin-Sun Lim( 임진선 )[KASI], Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 )[KASI/UST] 10:35~10:50 구 KMT-02 (p.44) OGLE-2015-BLG-1482L:The first isolated Galactic bulge microlens Sun-Ju Chung( 정선주 )[KASI/UST], Wei Zhu[Ohio State University], Andrzej Udalski[Warsaw University Observatory], Chung-Uk Lee( 이충욱 ([KASI/UST], Yoon-Hyun Ryu( 류윤현 )[KASI], Youn Kil Jung( 정윤길 ), In-Gu Shin( 신인구 ), Jennifer C. Yee[Harvard-Smithsonian Center], Kyu-Ha Hwang( 황규하 )[KASI], Andrew Gould[KASI/Ohio State University/Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy], KMTNet/OGLE/Spitzer collaborations 10:50~11:05 구 KMT-03 (p.44) KMTNet time-series photometry of the doubly eclipsing candidate stars in the LMC Kyeongsoo Hong( 홍경수 )[KASI], Jae Woo Lee( 이동주 )[KASI/UST], Jae-Rim Koo( 구재림 )[KASI], Seung-Lee Kim( 김승리 ), Chung-Uk Lee( 이충욱 )[KASI/UST], Dong-Jin Kim( 김동진 )[KASI] 11:05~11:20 구 KMT-04 (p.44) Introduction to sample light curves of optical transients discovered by the KMTNet Supernova Program Youngdae Lee( 이영대 )[KASI], Dae-Sik Moon( 문대식 ), Maria Drout, John Antoniadis, Chris Ni[University of Toronto], Jae-Joon Lee( 이재준 )[KASI], Sang Chul KIM( 김상철 ), Hong Soo Park( 박홍수 ), Mina Pak( 박민아 )[KASI/UST] 11:20~11:35 구 KMT-05 (p.44) A KMTNet search for RR Lyrae Stars in the Crater II Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Seok-Joo Joo( 주석주 ), Eon-Chang Sung( 성언창 ), Jaemann Kyeong( 경재만 ), Sang-Il Han( 한상일 ), Soung-Chul Yang( 양성철 ), Hyunjin Jeong( 정현진 )[KASI] 11:35~11:50 구 KMT-06 (p.45) Intra-night optical variability of AGN in COSMOS field Joonho Kim( 김준호 ), Marios Karouzos, Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Dohyeong Kim( 김도형 )[SNU], Hyunsung David Jun[California Institute of Technology], Joon Hyeop Lee( 이준협 )[KASI], Mar Mezcua Pallerola[University of Montreal] 11:50~13:10 점심시간 18 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

20 제 3 발표장둘째날 : 4 월 14 일 ( 금 ) 특별세션 : KVN(Korea VLBI Network) 좌장 : Se-Hyung Cho( 조세형 )[KASI] 13:10~13:25 구 KVN-01 (p.45) Flux Variation and Structural Change in 3C 84 with Long-Term Monitoring by KVN and KaVA at Millimeter Wavelengths Kiyoaki Wajima[KASI], Motoki Kino[KASI/NAOJ], Nozomu Kawakatu[Kure College] 13:25~13:40 구 KVN-02 (p.46) LINEAR POLARIZATION OF CLASS I METHANOL MASERS IN MASSIVE STAR-FORMING REGIONS Ji-hyun Kang( 강지현 ), Do-Young Byun( 변도영 ), Kee-Tae Kim( 김기태 ), Jongsoo Kim( 김종수 ), A-Ran Lyo( 여아란 ), Mi-Kyung Kim( 김미경 )[KASI], W. H. T. Vlemmings[Onsala Space Observatory] 13:40~13:55 구 KVN-03 (p.46) The Power of Simultaneous Multi-frequency Observations for mm-vlbi: Beyond Frequency Phase Transfer Guang-Yao Zhao,Juan Carlos Algaba [KASI], Sang Sung Lee( 이상성 ), Tae hyun Jung( 정태현 )[KASI/UST], Richard Dodson[ICRAR], Maria Rioja[ICRAR/CSIRO/OAN (IGN)], Do-Young Byun( 변도영 )[KASI/UST], Jeffrey Hodgson[KASI], Sincheol Kang( 강신철 )[KASI/UST], Dae-Won Kim( 김다원 )[SNU], Jae-Young Kim( 김재영 )[MPIfR], Jeong-Sook Kim( 김정숙 )[NAOJ], Soon-Wook Kim( 김순욱 )[KAISI/UST], Motoki Kino[KASI/NAOJ], Atsushi Miyazaki[KASI/Hosei Univ.],Jong-Ho Park( 박종호 ), Sascha Trippe[SNU], Kiyoaki Wajima[KASI] 13:55~14:10 구 KVN-04 (p.46 Simultaneous VLBI observations of H2O and SiO masers toward VX Sgr using KVN Dong-Hwan Yoon( 윤동환 )[SNU/KASI], Se-Hyung Cho( 조세형 ), Youngjoo Yun( 윤영주 ), Yoon Kyung Choi( 최윤경 )[KASI], Maria Rioja, Richard Dodson[University of Western Australia], Jaeheon Kim( 김재헌 )[SHAO], Dongjin Kim( 김동진 )[Yonsei University], Hanul Yang( 양하늘 )[SNU], Hiroshi Imai[Kagoshima University], Do-Young Byun( 변도영 )[KASI] 14:10~14:25 구 KVN-05 (p.47) The recent activities for a precise astrometry using SFPR with KVN Ilje Cho( 조일제 ), Taehyun Jung( 정태현 ), Bongwon Sohn( 손봉원 )[KASI/UST], Motoki Kino[KASI/NAOJ], Guangyao Zhao[KASI], Maria Jose Rioja, Richard Dodson[NAOJ], Ivan Agudo[Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia] 14:25~14:40 구 KVN-06 (p.47) Measurement of proper motion and annual parallax with maser emission Dong-Jin Kim( 김동진 )[Yonsei University], Se-Hyung Cho( 조세형 ), Young-Joo Yun( 윤영주 ), Yoon Kyung Choi( 최윤경 ), Dong-Hwan Yoon( 윤동환 )[KASI], Suk-Jin Yoon( 윤석진 )[Yonsei University] 14:40~14:50 휴식시간 초청강연 ( 제 1 발표장 ) 좌장 : Hyung Mok Lee( 이형목 )[SNU] 14:50~15:30 초 IT-04 (p.27) Observational Evidence for the Coevolution between Supermassive Black Holes and Host Galaxies Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI/UST] 15:30~15:50 우수포스터상시상폐회사 : 이명균학회장 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 19

21 포스터발표 교육홍보 (Education & Outreach) 포 AE-01 (p.48) Activity Report of Young Astronomers Meeting in Season Joowon Lee ( 이주원 )[KHU], Jinhyub Kim ( 김진협 )[Yonsei Univ.], Doohyun Choi ( 최두현 )[Sejong Univ.], Yoonyoung Kim ( 김윤영 )[SNU], Seok-Jun Chang ( 장석준 )[Sejong Univ.], Junhyun Baek ( 백준현 )[Yonsei Univ.], Jihey Shin( 신지혜 )[KNU] 포 AE-02 (p.48) The Role of Planetariums in Astronomy Education 외부은하 / 우주론 (Galaxy Evolution/Cosmology) Wansoo Kim( 김완수 ), Hyunjin Shim( 심현진 )[KNU] 포 GC-01 (p.48) On the origin of the Oosterhoff-intermediate characteristics of RR Lyrae stars in dwarf galaxies Sohee Jang( 장소희 ), Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 )[Yonsei Univ.] 포 GC-02 (p.48) Cosmic mass accretion history of satellites around a dwarf galaxy 포 GC-03 (p.49) 포 GC-04 (p.49) Kyungwon Chun( 천경원 )[KHU], Jihye Shin( 신지혜 )[KASI], Sungsoo S. Kim( 김성수 )[KHU] On the origin of Na-O anticorrelation in globular clusters Jaeyeon Kim( 김재연 ), Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 )[Yonsei Univ.] Chemical Properties of Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies in Different Environments Jiwon Chung( 정지원 ), Soo-Chang Rey( 이수창 )[CNU], Eon-Chang Sung( 성언창 )[KASI], Woong Lee( 이웅 )[CNU], Suk Kim( 김석 ), Yongdae Lee( 이영대 )[KASI] 포 GC-05 (p.49) 포 GC-06 (p.50) Chemically young AGNs at high redshift Jaejin Shin( 신재진 ), Jong-Hak Woo( 우종학 )[SNU], Tohru Nagao[Ehime University] Do Galaxy Mergers Enhance Star Formation Rate in Nearby Galaxies? Gu Lim( 임구 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Changsu Choi( 최창수 ), Yongmin Yoon( 윤용민 )[SNU] 포 GC-07 (p.50) The Seoul National University AGN Monitoring Project (SAMP) : Photometric Light Curves Donghoon Son( 손동훈 ), Jong-Hak Woo( 우종학 )[SNU], Hyun-Jin Bae( 배현진 )[SNU/Yonsei.univ.], Yiseul Jeon( 전이슬 ), Huynh Anh Le( 이현아 ), Songyoun Park( 박송연 ), Jaejin Shin( 신재진 )[SNU], Minjin Kim( 김민진 ), Daeseong Park( 박대성 ), Hyun-il Sung( 성현일 )[KASI], Ellena Gallo, Edmund Hodges-Kluck[University of Michigan], Aaron Barth[UC Irvine], Tommaso Treu, Matt Malkan[UCLA], Vardha Nicola Bennert[California Polytechnic State University] 포 GC-08 (p.50) Weak Lensing Analysis of the High-z Massive Galaxy Cluster SPT-CL J Using HST Data Seojin F. Kim( 김서진 ), Myungkook J. Jee( 지명국 )[Yonsei Univ.] 포 GC-09 (p.51) Weak Lensing Analysis On The Merging Galaxy Cluster Abell 115 Mincheol Kim( 김민철 ), Myungkook J. Jee( 지명국 )[Yonsei Univ.] 20 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

22 외부은하 / 우주론 (Galaxy Evolution/Cosmology) 포 GC-10 (p.51) 포스터발표 Where is the Dark Matter in the Double Radio Relic Galaxy Cluster PLCKG ? Kyle Finner, Myungkook J. Jee( 지명국 )[Yonsei Univ.], William Dawson[Lawrence Livermore National Lab], Nathan Golovich[UC Davis], Daniel Gruen[Stanford University], Brian Lemaux, David Wittman[UC Davis] 포 GC-11 (p.51) 포 GC-12 (p.51) IONIZED GAS KINEMATICS ALONG THE RADIO JET IN TYPE 2 AGNS HUYNH ANH N. LE, JONG-HAK WOO( 우종학 ), DONGHOON SON( 손동훈 )[SNU] The evolution of a late-type galaxy through multiple high-speed galaxy-galaxy collisions Jeong-Sun Hwang( 황정선 )[Sejong Univ.], Changbom Park( 박창범 )[KIAS] 포 GC-13 (p.52) A pilot study on the formation and evolution of the Intracluster light: Preliminary results of the Coma cluster Jaewon Yoo( 유재원 ), Jongwan Ko( 고종완 )[KASI/UST] 우주론 / 암흑물질, 에너지 (Cosmology & Dark matter) 포 CD-01 (p.52) Post-reionization Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel dovich Effect in Illustris Simulation Hyunbae Park( 박현배 ), Cristiano Sabiu[KASI], Xiao-dong Li, Changbom Park( 박창범 ), Juhan Kim( 김주한 )[KIAS] 포 CD-02 (p.53) 포 CD-03 (p.53) Systematic Tests for Light-Curve Fitters and Samples in YONSEI Supernova Catalogue Young-Lo Kim( 김영로 ), Yijung Kang( 강이정 ), Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 )[Yonsei Univ.] MMT Spectroscopy of Early-type Host Galaxies of Type Ia Supernovae Yijung Kang( 강이정 ), Young-Lo Kim( 김영로 ), Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 )[Yonsei Univ.] 포 CD-04 (p.53) Constraining primordial non-gaussianity with the 3-point correlation function of the SDSS-IV eboss DR14 quasar sample Peter Doo Hyun. Choi( 최두현 ), Graziano Rossi[ejong Unive], Zachary Slepian[Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory], Daniel Eisenstein[arvard-Smithsonian Center], Shirley Ho[Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/Carnegie Mellon University], David Schlegel[Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory] 포 CD-05 (p.53) Modeling the Galaxy-Halo Connection for Large-Volume Surveys SeungHee Lee( 이승희 ), Dongjun Park( 박동준 ), Graziano Rossi[Sejong Univ.] 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 (ISM/Star Formation/Milky Way Galaxy) 포 IM-01 (p.54) Ionized Fe Objects in UWIFE survey and IGRINS Yesol Kim( 김예솔 ), Bon-Chul Koo( 구본철 )[SNU], Tae-Soo Pyo( 표태수 )[Subaru Telescope] 포 IM-02 (p.54) High-resolution Optical and Near-infrared Spectra of 2MASS J Sunkyung Park( 박선경 ), Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU], Tae-Soo Pyo( 표태수 )[Subaru Telescope], Hyun-Il Sung( 성현일 )[KASI], Sang-Gak Lee( 이상각 ), Wonseok Kang( 강원석 )[NYSC], Tae Seog Yoon( 윤태석 )[KNU], Won-Kee Park( 박원기 )[KASI] 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 21

23 포스터발표 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 (ISM/Star Formation/Milky Way Galaxy) 포 IM-03 (p.54) 포 IM-04 (p.55) A multi-wavelength study of N63A: A SNR within an H II region in the LMC. Rommy L. S. E. Aliste C., Bon-Chul Koo( 구본철 ), Yong-Hyun Lee( 이영현 )[SNU] On the claimed X-shaped structure in the Milky Way bulge Daniel Han( 한다니엘 ), Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 )[Yonsei Univ.] 포 IM-05 (p.55) Density-Magnetic Field correlation in MHD turbulence driven by forcing with different correlation time Heesun Yoon( 윤희선 ), Jungyeon Cho( 조정연 )[CNU], Jongsoo Kim( 김종수 )[KASI/UST] 포 IM-06 (p.55) Multiwavelength Millimeter Observations of Dense Cores in the L1641 Cloud Minho Choi( 최민호 ), Miju Kang( 강미주 )[KASI], Jeong-Eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU], Sung-Ju Kang( 강성주 )[KASI], Jungmi Kwon( 권정미 )[ISAS], Jungyeon Cho( 조정연 )[CNU], Hyunju Yoo( 유현주 )[KHU/CNU], Geumsook Park( 박금숙 )[SNU], Youngung Lee( 이영웅 )[KASI] 포 IM-07 (p.55) Different chemical and dynamical environments in two massive star forming regions, G and G Giseon Baek( 백기선 ), Jeong-eun Lee( 이정은 )[KHU], Se-Hyung Cho( 조세형 ), Youngjoo Yun( 윤영주 )[KASI] 포 IM-08 (p.56) Statistical study of turbulence from polarized synchrotron emission Hyeseung Lee( 이혜승 ), Chungyeon Cho( 조정연 )[CNU], Alexandre Lazarian[University of Wisconsin-Madison] 포 IM-09 (p.56) 포 IM-10 ( 발표취소 ) Obtaining the driving scale of turbulence from observations Jungyeon Cho( 조정연 )[CNU] Correlation between Orion A Molecular Cloud's Velocity Gradient and Cloud Collision 천문우주관측기술 (Astrophysical Techniques) 포 AT-01 (p.57) Youngsik Kim( 김영식 )[CNU/KASI], Kwang Tae Kim( 김광태 )[CNU] Optic-axis Alignment and Performance Test of the Schwarzschild-Chang Off-axis Telescope Woojin Park( 박우진 ), Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Seunghyuk Chang( 장승혁 )[KAIST], Byeongjoon Jeong( 정병준 )[KBSI], Kwang Jo Lee( 이광조 ), Yonghwan Kim( 김영환 ), Tae-Geun Ji( 지태근 )[KHU] 포 AT-02 (p.57) Improvement and quasi optical analysis of wide band prototype feedhorn for ASTE focal plane array Bangwon Lee( 이방원 )[SNU], Alvaro Gonzalez[NAOJ], Jung-won Lee( 이중원 )[SNU] 포 AT-03 (p.57) Design of Integrated Control Software for Automated Observing System Tae-Geun Ji( 지태근 ), Hye-In Lee( 이혜인 ), Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Sang-Yun Lee( 이상윤 )[SNU], Coyne A. Gibson, John Kuehne[University of Texas], Jennifer Marshall[Texas A&M University] 22 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

24 천문우주관측기술 (Astrophysical Techniques) 포 AT-04 (p.57) 포스터발표 Fabrication of Freeform Aluminum mirrors for Wide Field Infrared Telescopes Byeongjoon Jeong( 정병준 )[KBSI], Jeongha Gwak( 곽정하 ), Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Geon Hee Kim( 김건희 )[KBSI], Kwang Jo Lee( 이광조 )[KHU], Junbeom Park( 박준범 )[Yoonseul Inc], Hye-In Lee( 이혜인 ), Woojin Park( 박우진 ), Tae-Geun Ji( 지태근 )[KHU] 포 AT-05 (p.58) BVRI Filter Standardization of DOAO 1m Telescope Hojae Ahn( 안호재 ), Soojong Pak( 박수종 )[KHU], Wonseok Kang( 강원석 ), Taewoo Kim( 김태우 )[NYSC] 포 AT-06 (p.58) KMTNet 포 KMT-01 (p.58) The Development of The Observing System for Goheung Radio Telescope Ji-Sung Ha( 하지성 )[NYSC], Hyunwoo Kang( 강현우 )[KASI] Progress report of the deep and wide-field imaging survey of nearby galaxies with KMTNet Woowon Byeon( 변우원 ), Minjin Kim( 김민진 )[KASI/UST], Yun-Kyeong Sheen( 신윤경 )[KASI], Luis C. Ho[Kavli Institute ], Hyunjin Jeong( 정현진 )[KASI], Sang Chul Kim( 김상철 ), Joon Hyeop Lee( 이준협 ), Byeong-Gon Park( 박병곤 ), Kwang-Il Seon( 선광일 )[KASI/UST] 항성 / 항성계 / 외계행성 (Stellar Astronomy) 포 ST-01 (p.59) Raman O VI Profile Analysis of Accretion and Bipoloar Outflow in Sanduleak s Star Jeong-Eun Heo( 허정은 )[Sejong Univ.], Rodolfo Angeloni[Gemini Observatory], Francesco Di Mille[Las Campanas Observatory], Tali Palma[Universidad Andrés Bello], Hee-Won Lee( 이희원 )[Sejong Univ.] 포 ST-02 (p.59) Formation of short-period black hole binary systems from Population III stars as grativational wave radiation sources Hunchul Lee( 이헌철 ), Sung-Chul Yoon( 윤성철 )[SNU] 포 ST-03 (p.59) Photometric Observations for δ Sct and SX Phe Variables Jiyeon Kim( 김지연 )[KHU], Heejin Kim( 김희진 )[Yonsei Univ.], Seulki Han( 한슬기 )[KHU], Jonghyung Kim( 김종형 )[KNU], Eunchae Lee( 이은채 )[SNU], Wonseok Kang( 강원석 )[NYSC] 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 23


26 2017 년도봄한국천문학회학술대회 발표논문초록 초청강연초록 27 구두발표논문초록 고에너지천체물리학 36 고천문학 43 별형성 38 성간물질 / 우리은하 32 중성미자천문학과한국형중성미자망원경 35 우주관측기술 39 외부은하 / 은하단 28 천문관측기술 33 항성및항성계 42 KMTNet 43 KVN 45 포스터발표논문초록 교육홍보 48 성간물질 / 별생성 / 우리은하 54 우주론 / 암흑물질, 에너지 52 외부은하 / 은하단 48 천문우주관측기술 56 항성및항성계 / 외계행성 58 KMTNet 58


28 구두발표초록 구두발표초록 초청강연 [ 초 IT-01] Uncovering galaxy individuality with multiplexed integral field spectroscopy. Scott Croom 1 and Julia Bryant 2 1 Univ. Sydney 2 Univ. of Sydney and AAO There is a rich diversity of galaxy properties and we are starting to understand some of the drivers for differences between galaxies. Much progress has been has been made in the last decade, thanks in large part to massively multiplexed surveys using single fibres, but we still lack a complete picture of how galaxies are built. I will discuss how large-scale integral field surveys can address a number of the outstanding questions in the field, starting with the current SAMI Galaxy Survey, and then looking towards the Hector instrument that will carry out integral field surveys of order 50, ,000 galaxies. With SAMI we can start to address how mass and environment influence galaxy structure and history, and I will discuss examples such as the environmental quenching of star formation and the distribution of angular momentum. With larger samples afforded by Hector we can go beyond simply mass and environment, to separate galaxies based on their merger or accretion history, as well as their larger-scale environment. [ 초 IT-02] LIGO-India: Beyond discovery of Gravitational waves. Tarun Souradeep Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics The historic discovery of gravitational waves through direct detection by the LIGO observatories in the USA, in principle, opens up a new window for astronomy. In practice, however, the true launch of gravitational-wave astronomy will await the global array of LIGO like observatories including the planned LIGO-India observatory recently flagged off by the Union cabinet of India. I will review the momentous discovery, the potential of gravitational-wave astronomy and the promise of LIGO-India. [ 초 IT-03] The realm of the ultra-low surface brightness universe David Valls-Gabaud CNRS, Observatoire de Paris; Churchill College, University of Cambridge One of the major discoveries in extragalactic astrophysics made over the past few years is the detection of ultra-diffuse galaxies, a new type of galaxies which appear to be far more numerous than normal galaxies, and which are giants in terms of size, yet dwarfs in terms of luminosity. These galaxies point to the huge discovery potential of the last niche that remains to be explored in observational parameter space: the sky at extremelylow surface brightness. Implications for objects in the Solar System, stellar physics, the interstellar medium, galaxies and cosmology will be addressed, along with the major challenges for pushing the frontiers in ground- and space-based observations. [ 초 IT-04] bservational Evidence for the Coevolution between Supermassive Black Holes and Host Galaxies Minjin Kim 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology (1) The correlation between the mass of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and the properties of their host galaxies suggests that SMBHs and host galaxies are closely linked in their formation and evolution. While the exact origin of their relationship is still under debate, theoretical models often invoke feedback from active galactic nuclei as a crucial mechanism for establishing the BH-host correlation. In the first part of my talk, I will present possible observational biases in the BH-host relation, and methods to overcome these biases. I will also report our efforts to find observational sign of the AGN feedback in high-z young luminous AGNs. (2) While intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) is thought be cosmologically important class to understand the link between stellar mass black holes and SMBHs, it is extremely rare in the present-day Universe. In the second part of this talk, I will report a Gemini/GMOS-N IFU study of an ultraluminous X-ray source in NGC 5252, which is a possible candidate of an off-nuclear non-stellar black hole. 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 27

29 2017 봄학술대회 외부은하 / 은하단 [ 구 GC-01] The Limited Impact of AGN Outflows: IFU study of 20 local AGNs Hyun-Jin Bae 1,2, Jong-Hak Woo 2, Marios Karouzos 2, Elena Gallo 4, Helene Flohic 5, Yue Shen 6, and Suk-Jin Yoon 1 1 Department of Astronomy and Center for Galaxy Evolution Research, Yonsei University, 2 Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, 4 Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 5 Department of Physics, University of the Pacific, USA, 6 Department of Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA To investigate AGN outflows as a tracer of AGN feedback on the host galaxies, we perform integral-field spectroscopy of 20 type 2 AGNs at z<0.1 using the Magellan/IMACS and the VLT/VIMOS. The observed objects are luminous AGNs with the [O III] luminosity > erg/s, and exhibit strong outflow signatures in the [O III] kinematics. We obtain the maps of the narrow and broad components of [O III] and Hα lines by decomposing the emission-line profile. The broad components in both [O III] and Hα represent the non-gravitational kinematics, (i.e., gas outflows), while the narrow components represent the gravitational kinematics (i.e., rotational disks), especially in Hα. By using the spatially integrated spectra within the flux-weighted size of the narrow-line region, we estimate the outflow energetics. The ionized gas mass is ( ) 10 5 M, and the mean mass outflow rate is 4.6±4.3 M /yr, which is a factor of 260 higher than the mean mass accretion rate 0.02±0.01 M /yr. The mean energy injection rate is 0.8±0.6% of the AGN bolometric luminosity Lbol, while the mean momentum flux is (5.4±3.6) L bol /c, except for two most kinematically energetic AGNs. The estimated energetics are consistent with the expectations for energy-conserving outflows from AGNs, yet we do not find any supporting evidence of instantaneous star-formation quenching due to the outflows. [ 구 GC-02] Star Formation of Merging Disk Galaxies with AGN Feedback Effects Jongwon Park, Rory Smith, and Sukyoung K. Yi. Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University Using numerical hydrodynamics code RAMSES, we perform idealized galaxy merger simulations and study the star formation of merging disk galaxies. In our simulations, we consider the active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback effect. In order to investigate the star formation influenced by AGN, we run ~60 simulations with various initial conditions. We confirm that star formation is more efficiently suppressed in merging galaxies than in isolated galaxies. In the mergers, AGN effect is more significant when the masses of two galaxies are similar. Furthermore, we find that bulge fraction does not affect the star formation when the AGN effect is considered. We discuss the implications on semi-analytic galaxy formation models and the limitation of the current AGN prescriptions. [ 구 GC-03] Interferometric Monitoring of Gamma-ray Bright AGNs: S Sang-Sung Lee 1,2, Jee Won Lee 1,3, Heffrey A. Hodgson 1, Dae-Won Kim 4, Juan-Carlos Algaba 1, Sincheol Kang 1,2, Jiman Kang 1, Sungsoo S. Kim 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Korea University of Science and Technology, 3 Kyung Hee University, 4Seoul National University We present the results of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of gamma-ray bright blazar S using the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) at the 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz bands, which are part of the KVN key science program known as the Interferometric Monitoring of Gamma-ray Bright AGNs (imogaba). Multi-frequency VLBI observations were conducted in 29 sessions from January 16, 2013 to March 1, The source was detected and imaged in all available frequency bands. For all observed epochs, the source is compact on the milliarcsecond (mas) scale, yielding a compact VLBI core dominating the synchrotron emission on the mas scale. Based on the multi-wavelength data at 15 and 230 GHz, we found that the source shows multiple prominent enhancements of the flux density at the centimeter (cm) and millimeter (mm) wavelengths, with mm enhancements leading cm enhancements with a time lag of 18±5 days. Turnover frequency is found to vary over our observations between 22 to 69GHz. Taking into account the synchrotron self-absorption model of the relativistic jet in S , we estimated the magnetic field strength in the mas emission region to be mg during the observing period, finding that the magnetic field strength is strongly correlated with the turnover frequency and the 28 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

30 구두발표초록 relatively strong magnetic field (e.g., B > 40 mg) is correlated with flux enhancements at mm wavelengths (e.g., 86 GHz). [ 박 C-04] A Study of Globular Cluster Systems in the Coma, Fornax, and Virgo Clusters of Galaxies from HST ACS and WFC3/IR Imaging Hyejeon Cho Center for Galaxy Evolution Research & Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University I present new near-infrared (NIR) photometry of globular cluster (GC) systems associated to a cd galaxy NGC 4874 in the core of the Coma cluster and 16 early-type galaxies in the Fornax and Virgo clusters of galaxies using the Infrared Channel of the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3/IR) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Combining these high-resolution NIR data with new HST Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) optical photometry for NGC 4874 and existing ACS GC catalogs from the ACS Fornax and Virgo Cluster Surveys, I have examined for the first time the GC systems in a statistically significant optical/nir sample of galaxies spanning a wide range of luminosities and colors. A primary goal of this study is to explore empirically whether the distributions of purely optical and hybrid optical-nir color indices for extragalactic GCs have different forms and whether the relations between these color indices are nonlinear, indicating that they behave differently with underlying metallicity. I find that some GC systems of large galaxies in our sample show color bimodalities that differ between the optical and optical-nir colors, in the sense that they have disparate ratios of blue and red peak GCs, as well as differing ratios in their color dispersions. Consistent with these results, I find empirically that the dependence of hybrid optical-nir color on purely optical color is nonlinear, with an inflection at intermediate metallicities. These findings underscore the importance of understanding the nature of galaxy-to-galaxy variations in the GC color distributions and color color relations, as well as the exact forms of the color metallicity transformations, in interpreting the observational data on GC color bimodality. Our ACS data for NGC 4874 shows that its GC system exhibits a very strong blue tilt, implying a very steep mass metallicity scaling, and the centroid of this GC system is offset by 4±1 kpc from the luminosity center of NGC 4874, in the direction of NGC Finally, I discuss the asymmetrical GC distribution around a dwarf elliptical galaxy in Coma that has a very high relative velocity with respect to the cluster mean at small clustercentric radius. [ 구 GC-05] New insights on the chemical evolution in proto-globular clusters and galaxy building blocks ( 원시구상성단과은하빌딩블럭의새로운화학적진화모델 ) Young-Wook Lee( 이영욱 ), Jaeyeon Kim( 김재연 ) Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University 초기우주의구상성단과같은소규모은하빌딩블럭이은하의형성에미치는영향을이해하기위하여우리는완전히새로운개념의화학적진화모형을구축하였다. 최근의이론적진보를바탕으로우리의모델에서는이전모델과달리초신성의폭발과분출물이원시구상성단내잔존가스에아무런영향을끼치지못하고대부분빠져나간다. 이경우화학적진화는질량이큰별의윈드와점근거성계열성의분출물에의해좌우된다. 놀랍게도우리의모델은오랜난제인구상성단내 Na-Oxygen anticorrelation 및다중항성종족의기원을자연스럽게설명하면서동시에 Lee, Joo, & Chung (2015) 이최근주장한것처럼은하벌지에헬륨함량이매우높은항성이존재할것으로예측한다. 이결과는은하의헤일로와벌지형성에매우중요한단서를제공한다. [ 구 GC-06] Constraints on the Evolution of the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function I: Role of Star Formation, Mergers and Stellar Stripping Emanuele Contini Yonsei University. We study the connection between the observed star formation rate-stellar mass (SFR-M) relation and the evolution of the stellar mass function (SMF) by means of a Subhalo Abundance Matching technique coupled to merger trees extracted from a N-body simulation. Our approach, which considers both galaxy mergers and stellar stripping, is to force the model to match the observed SMF at redshift z>2, and let it evolve down to the present time according to the observed (SFR-M) relation. In this study, we use two different sets of SMFs and two SFR-M relations: a simple power law and a relation with a mass-dependent slope. Our analysis shows that the evolution of the SMF is more consistent with a SFR-M relation with [ 구 GC-07] The mass of the high-z (z~1.132) massive galaxy cluster, SPT-CL J using weak-lensing analysis with HST 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 29

31 2017 봄학술대회 observations Jinhyub Kim 1, Myungkook James Jee 1, and Jongwan Ko 2 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute We present a weak-lensing study of the galaxy cluster SPT-CL J at z=1.132 discovered in the South Pole Telescope Sunyaev-Zel dovich (SPT-SZ) survey. The cluster is claimed to be the most massive system at z > 1 in the SPT-SZ survey. The inferred mass (M 200c = (1.27 ± 0.21) M sun ) is somewhat unusual at such a high redshift given the current ΛCDM prediction. The mass estimates, however, may be biased because the hydrostatic assumption may not hold when the universe was about 40% of the current age. In this work, we reconstruct the dark matter distribution and measure the mass of this interesting cluster using weak-lensing analysis based on the images from the Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide Field Camera 3 on-board the Hubble Space Telescope. We find that the mass distribution of the cluster is unimodal with no significant substructures. The centroid of the dark matter agrees with both galaxy luminosity and number density distributions, as well as the hot gas centroid. We confirm that the cluster is indeed extremely massive (M 200c = (1.81 ± 0.47) M sun ) supporting the previous non-lensing measurements. We also discuss the rarity of the cluster in the ΛCDM cosmology, comparing with the expected abundance of similarly massive clusters. [ 박 GC-08] KYDISC program: The Impact of Mergers on the Evolution of Galaxies Sree Oh Yonsei University In the hope to detect low-surface brightness features (μ r 27 mag arcsec 2 ), we carried out KASI-Yonsei Deep Imaging Survey for Clusters (KYDISC) targeting 14 local clusters at < z < using Magellan/IMACS telescope and CFHT/MegaCam. Out of 1450 cluster galaxies, 18% of galaxies show the signatures of galaxy mergers. We explore merger-driven changes from various point-of-view. We first examine color-magnitude relations, and find that galaxies related to recent mergers are populated more on blue color than their counterparts. Besides, we find the extremely low frequency of mergers on low-mass red-sequence galaxies, suggesting a migration of red galaxies into the green-valley region through merger-driven star-formation. We also study the mass-size relation of our sample, finding a larger galaxy size in galaxies related to recent mergers. Our results suggest that mergers can simultaneously change properties of galaxies, making outliers on galactic scaling relations. [ 구 GC-09] Environmental effects in the stellar populations of Compact Elliptical galaxies Suk Kim, Hyunjin Jeong, Youngdae Lee, Seok-Joo Joo, Jaehyun Lee, Eon-Chang Sung Korea Astronomy & Space Science institute, 776 Daedeokdae-ro, Daejeon , Korea Compact elliptical (ce) galaxies are in a rare class of stellar systems characterized by high stellar densities, small sizes, high velocity dispersion, and high metallicity corresponding to elliptical galaxies. ce galaxies have been observed around massive galaxies, so they could be formed under strong influences of tidal stripping and truncation. However, the recent discovery of isolated ce galaxies requires the need of new formation scenarios. We aim at finding ce galaxies in various environments using SDSS DR12, and studying stellar population of ces as function of environments. Based on the typical properties of ce galaxies, we selected ce candidates by restricting that low-luminosity Mg > 19.5 mag, small sizes Re < 700 pc, and high velocity dispersions σ > 60 km s -1. Since effect radii of ce candidates are mostly smaller than the seeing size of SDSS photometry, we calculated the effective radius by fitting a Sersic profile. In addition, we assumed that host galaxies have brightness with Mr < -21 mag, and an environmental parameter is computed as distances between ce galaxies and host-galaxies. We found 112 ce galaxies at z < 0.05, which have high sersic indices (mean value is 5.2) similar to the typical massive elliptical galaxies. Mgb values of ce galaxies increase as the distances from the host galaxies decrease. Especially, for ces close to the host galaxies (NcE; D host < 300 pc), the Mgb values are similar to those of massive elliptical galaxies, which is consistent with the previous studies. On the other hand, ce galaxies distant from the host galaxies (DcE; Dhost >300 pc) have lower Mgb values than the conventional ce. The Mgb values follow the σ-mgb relation of elliptical galaxies, and are connected to its faint end. This can be explained as a result of different merger histories for differing 30 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

32 구두발표초록 environments. For example, NcE galaxies are formed by tidal stripping by massive galaxies as suggested by previous studies, but DcE galaxies could be linked with high-redshift spheroids (e.g. red nuggets) which have not evolved into present-day elliptical galaxies because of the environmental influences. [ 초 GC-10] Long lived spiral structures in galaxies Kanak Saha IUCAA, India Spiral structure in disk galaxies is modeled with ncollisionless N-body simulations including live disks, halos, and bulges with a range of masses. Two of these simulations make long-lasting and strong two-arm spiral wave modes that last for about 5 Gyr with constant pattern speed. These two had a light stellar disk and the largest values of the Toomre Q parameter in the inner region at the time the spirals formed, suggesting the presence of a Q-barrier to wave propagation resulting from the bulge. The relative bulge mass in these cases is about 10%. Models with weak two-arm spirals had pattern speeds that followed the radial dependence of the Inner Lindblad Resonance. In addition to these, we also report a few more cases where two-armed spirals are developed and are maintained for a several rotation time scales. [ 구 GC-11] Gas structures and star formation in the central region of barred-spiral galaxies in self-consistent 3D simulations Woo-Young Seo and Woong-Tae Kim Seoul National University The central regions of barred-spiral galaxies contain interesting gaseous structures such as dust lanes and nuclear rings with intense star formation. While our previous studies were useful in understanding the formation of these structures star formation history, they were limited to 2D isothermal galaxies in which the stellar disk and halo are modeled by fixed gravitational potentials. To study the effects of bar growth as well as the vertical dimension, we use the mesh-free hydrodynamic code named GIZMO and run 3D simulations by treating the stellar disk and halo as being live. We find that the new 3D models form the gaseous features similarly to the previous 2D models, although the detailed formation processes are quite different. For example, a ring has a large radius when it first forms and shrinks over time in the previous 2D models,. In the 3D live-potential models, however, a ring forms small and grows in size with time. We present the results of the new simulations and discuss them in comparison with the previous 2D results. [ 구 GC-12] Cosmic Evolution of Disk Galaxies seen through Bars Taehyun Kim 1, Kartik Sheth 2, Lia Athanassoula 3, Albert Bosma 3 1 Korea Astronomy Space and Science Institute 2 NASA Headquaters 3 Laboratoire d Astrophysique de Marseille The presence of a bar in disk galaxies indicates that galaxies reached their dynamical maturity, and secular evolution has started to play key roles in the evolution of disk galaxies. Numerical simulations predicted that as a barred galaxy evolves, the bar becomes longer by capturing its immediate neighbor disk stars. We test the hypothesis by exploring bar lengths and measuring the light deficit around the bar at various redshift. Supplementing already classified barred galaxies in later type disk galaxies (T 2, Sheth et al. 2008), we classify barred galaxies among earlier type disk galaxies (T<2) up to z~0.8 using F814W images from the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS). We estimate the length of bars analytically for ~400 galaxies, and find that there is a slight decrease in bar length with redshift. We also find that longer bars show more prominent light deficit around the bar and this trend is stronger for nearby galaxies. Our results are consistent with the predictions from numerical simulations, and imply that the bar induced secular evolution is already in place since z~0.8. [ 구 GC-13] To Be or Not To Be: We Love Galaxies Workshop Gwang-Ho Lee 1, Jisu Kang 1, Woong Lee 2, Hye-Ran Lee 3,4, Minbae Kim 5, Jaewon Yoo 3,4, Intaek Gong 6, Jeong Hwan Lee 1, Hyun-Jin Bae 2, Suk Kim 3 1 Seoul National University, 2 Chungnam National University, 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 4 University of Science and Technology, 5 Kyung Hee University, 6 Sejong University "We Love Galaxies" 는외부은하를연구하는국내대학원생들을위해마련된학술교류의장입니다 년여름에첫워크숍을개최한이래로꾸준히워크숍을개최하 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 31

33 2017 봄학술대회 여왔고, 최근 2017 년 2 월 일에는에서 <The 5th We Love Galaxies Workshop: A Dialogue between Present and Future> 을개최하였습니다. 본발표에서는지난 5 번의 We Love Galaxies Workshop 들을되돌아보며, 그성과와한계에대한이야기를하고자합니다. 또한, We Love Galaxies 의앞으로의계획과함께대학원생이중심이되는워크숍이지속되어야하는이유에대하여말씀드리고자합니다. 성간물질 / 우리은하 [ 구 IM-01] TRAO Multi-beam Legacy Survey of Nearby Filamentary Molecular Clouds : Progress Report ShinYoung Kim 1,2, Eun Jung Chung 1, Chang Won Lee 1,2, Philip C. Myers 3, Paola Caselli 4, Mario Tafalla 5, Gwanjeong Kim 1, Miryang Kim 6, Archana Soam 1, Maheswar Gophinathan 7, Tie Liu 1, Kyounghee Kim 8, Woojin Kwon 1,2, Jongsoo Kim 1,2 1 KASI, 2 UST, 3 CfA, 4 MPI, 5 OAN, 6 CBNU, 7 ARIES, 8 KNUE To dynamically and chemically understand how filaments, dense cores, and stars form under different environments, we are conducting a systematic mapping survey of nearby molecular clouds using the TRAO 14 m telescope with high (N 2 H + 1-0, HCO + 1-0, SO 32-21, and NH 2 D v=1-0) and low ( 13 CO 1-0, C 18 O 1-0) density tracers. The goals of this survey are to obtain the velocity distribution of low dense filaments and their dense cores for the study of their origin of the formation, to understand whether the dense cores form from any radial accretion or inward motions toward dense cores from their surrounding filaments, and to study the chemical differentiation of the filaments and the dense cores. Until Feb. 2017, the real OTF observation time is 460 hours. We have almost completed mapping observation with four molecular lines ( 13 CO 1-0, C 18 O 1-0, N 2 H + 1-0, and HCO + 1-0) on the five regions of molecular clouds (L1251 of Cepheus, Perseus west, Polaris south, BISTRO region of Serpense, California, and Orion B). The maps of a total area of 7.38 deg 2 for both 13 CO and C 18 O lines and 2.19 deg 2 for both N 2 H + and HCO + lines were obtained. All OTF data were regridded to a cell size of 22 by 22 arcseconds. The 13 CO and C 18 O data show the RMS noise level of about 0.22 K and N 2 H + and HCO + data show about 0.14 K at the velocity resolution of 0.06 km/s. Additional observations will be made on some regions that have not reached the noise level for analysis. We are refining the process for a massive amount of data and the data reduction and analysis are underway. This presentation introduces the overall progress from observations to data processing and the initial analysis results to date. [ 구 IM-02] Multiple Molecular Line Analysis in the Planck Cold Clumps with KVN Follow-up Observations. Sung-ju Kang 1, Tie Liu 1, Kee-Tae Kim 1, Minho Choi 1, Miju Kang 1, Jeong-Eun Lee 2, Neal J. Evans 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space science Institution, 2 Kyung-Hee University, 3 University of Texas at Austin Stars form in dense core within the molecular clouds. The prestellar cores provide information of the physical characteristics at the very early stages of star formation. The low dust temperature (<14K) of Planck cold clumps/cores (PGCCs) make them likely to be prestellar objects or at the very initial stage of protostellar collapse. We have been conducting the legacy surveys of Planck cold clumps with the JCMT, the TRAO 14-m and many other telescopes. We aim to study of the initial conditions of star formation and chemical evolutions of the cores in the different environments. From JCMT SCUBA μm survey (SCOPE), we have already identified hundreds of dense cores, which may be at the earliest phase of star formation. Therefore in order to explore the chemical evolution of these dense cores, we used KVN telescopes in order to observe 75 well selected SCUBA-2 cores in many molecules as the follow-up project of KVN Pilot Observation of SCUBA-2. These observations will help advance our understanding of the propoerties of these SCUBA-2 cores in PGCCs. [ 구 IM-03] Discovery of a Cloud Collision with the OMC-1 Kwang-Tae Kim. and Kim, Youngsik Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Korea Utilizing both the existing observational data for Orion A and the TRAO 13 CO, 12 CO data for 1 1 region centered on M42 collected in 2012, we found a clear piece of evidence for a collision of a cloud with the OMC-1. This cloud has a shape like a long cylinder of ~0.1 pc 2 pc in size, and has a well 32 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

34 구두발표초록 developed train of clumps of about a few solar masses, and is situated in the dark dust complex between M42 and M43. The cloud s motion is analysed to be moving at about 2.6 km s -1, and is calculated to transverse the Orion Nebula ~2 pc above from the nebula center, toward the direction of about 60 to the line of sight. This cloud had undergone a tidal splitting about a million years ago and had formed a very thin and long cylindrical core well before being engaged in the collision. General implications of this phenomenon are discussed in relation to star formation mechanisms in the GMC. [ 구 IM-04] Turbulent Properties in Two Molecular Clouds: Orion A and ρ Ophiuchus Hyeong-Sik Yun 1, Jeong-Eun Lee 1, Yunhee Choi 1, Seokho Lee 1, Minho Choi 2, Hyunwoo Kang 2, Ken ichi Tatematsu 3, Stella S. R. Offner 4, Brandt A. L. Gaches 4, Mark H. Heyer 4, Neal J. Evans II 5, Yao-Lun Yang 5 1 Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Republic of Korea, 3 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan, 4 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, 5 University of Texas, Austin, USA Molecular clouds are the sites of stellar birth, and conditions within the clouds control the mode and tempo of star formation. In particular, turbulence largely determines the density and velocity fields, and can affect the gas kinetic temperature as it decays via shocks. However, despite its central role in star formation and many years of study, the properties of turbulence remain poorly understood. As a part of the TRAO key science program, Mapping turbulent properties of star-forming molecular clouds down to the sonic scale (PI: Jeong-Eun Lee), we mapped the northern region of the Orion A molecular cloud and the L1688 region of the ρ Ophiuchus molecular cloud in 2 sets of lines (13CO 1-0/C18O 1-0 and HCN 1-0/and HCO+ 1-0) using the Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO) 14-m telescope. We analyze these maps using a python package Turbustat, a toolkit which contains 16 different turbulent statistics. We will present the preliminary results of our TRAO observations and various turbulence statistical analyses. [ 구 IM-05] Escape of Lyβfrom Hot and Optically Thick Media Seok-Jun Chang and Hee-Won Lee Sejong University Symbiotic stars and quasars show strong far UV resonance doublets including O VI 1032 and 1038, which are known to be major coolants of astrophysical plasma with high temperature T > 10 5 K. We investigate the transfer of Hα and Lyβ in an emission nebula of temperature T ~ 10 5, where n=2 population is significant. Line photons of Hα and Lyβ are transferred in the medium through spatial and frequency diffusion altering their identity according to the branching ratios. We adopt a Monte Carlo technique to describe the transfer of Hα and Lyβ in an emission nebula with a uniform density and a simple geometrical figure. We find that the temperature of the emission nebula is the major controlling parameter to produce a nonnegligible flux of Lyβ. In particular, when T exceeds 10 5 K the number flux ratio may reach ~ 25% with line center optical depth of a few. We discuss the formation of broad Hα wings from Raman scattering of Lyβ emergent from a hot emission nebula. [ 구 IM-06] Early Dynamical Evolution of Star Clusters Near the Galactic Centre So-Myoung Park 1, Simon P. Goodwin 2, Sungsoo S. Kim 1,3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, 3 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University 현재관측되는대부분의성단들은구형의구조를보이는반면, 별탄생지역은구형의구조와는다른프랙털 (fractal) 구조를보이고있다. 본연구에서는초기에프랙털구조를가지는성단이우리은하중심부근에서어떻게진화하는지 N-body 시뮬레이션을이용해연구하였다. 그결과, 프랙털구조의성단이우리은하중심부근의강력한조석력장내에서살아남기위해서는초기밀도가높아야한다는것을발견하였다. 성단의초기밀도가높기때문에프랙털구조의성단은빠른역학적진화를보이며구형의성단으로진화한다. 플러머 (Plummer) 구조의성단도프랙털구조의성단과같이초기밀도가높아야살아남지만프랙털구조보다는역학적인진화가느렸다. 이러한결과들은 Arches 성단처럼우리은하중심부근에서관측되는성단들의형성과진화에제약조건을줄수있을것으로예상된다. 천문관측기술 [ 구 AT-01] New Radome Installation for the 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 33

35 2017 봄학술대회 TRAO Radio Telescope( 대덕전파천문대레이돔교체 ) Changhoon Lee 1, Jae Hoon Jung 1, HyunWoo Kang 1, Do-Keung Je 1, Youngung Lee 1, Il-Gyo Jung 1, Young Sik Kim 1, Chang Won Lee 1, Hyun-Goo Kim 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute/ Taeduck Radio Astronomy Observatory 전파망원경레이돔은 14 미터우주전파망원경을외부환경 ( 눈, 비, 바람, 햇빛 ) 으로부터보호하여효율적인우주전파관측연구를수행하는데필수적인연구시설이다. 현재사용중인대덕전파천문대레이돔은 1985 년에설치되어 30 년째사용중이다. 노후화로인해누수가있으며, 겨울철에는내부에빙결이발생하며, 유지보수가어려운상황이다. 본발표에서는 2016 년 12 월말부터 2017 년 2 월초까지이루어진레이돔의교체과정과기존레이돔과교체된레이돔의성능등을발표한다. [ 구 AT-02] Critical Design Status of the G-CLEF Flexure Control Camera Jae Sok Oh 1, Chan Park 1, Kang-Min Kim 1, Moo-Young Chun 1, Young Sam Yu 1, Sungho Lee 1, Jihun Kim 1, Jakyoung Nah 1, Andrew Szentgyorgyi 2, William Podgorski 2, Ian Evans 2, Mark Mueller 2, Alan Uomoto 3, Jeffrey Crane 3, Tyson Hare 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), 2 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 3 Observatories of the Carnegie Institution The GMT-Consortium Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF) is the very first light instrument of the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). The instrument is a fiber feed, optical band echelle spectrograph that is capable of extremely precise radial velocity measurement, and has been being developed through the international consortium consisted of five astronomical institutes including Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO), Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (OCIW), and Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI). The Preliminary Design Review (PDR) for the G-CLEF was held in Cambridge, Massachusetts in April It is scheduled to have Critical Design Review (CDR) in March Flexure Control Camera (FCC) is one of the KASI s major contributions to the G-CLEF project. In this presentation, we describe the current critical design status, and structural and thermo-elastic analyses results on the G-CLEF FCC. [ 구 AT-03] Wide-Field Imaging Telescope-0(WIT0): A New Wide-Field 0.25 m Telescope at McDonald Observatory Sang-Yun Lee 1, Myungshin Im 1, Soojong Pak 2, Tae-Geun Ji 2, Hye-In Lee 2, Seong Yong Hwang 1, Jennifer Marshall 3, Travis Prochaska 3, Coyne A. Gibson 4 1 Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe (CEOU), Astronomy Program, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University, 2 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 3 Dep. Of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University, 4 McDonald Observatory A small wide-field imaging telescope is a powerful instrument to survey the Universe: wide-field image can monitor the variability of many sources at a time, e.g. young stellar objects and active galactic nuclei, and it can be an effective way to locate transient sources without precise positional information such as gravitational wave sources or some gamma-ray bursts. In February 2017, we installed a 0.25 m f/3.6 telescope on the McDonald 0.8 m telescope as a piggyback system. With a 4k 4k CCD camera, the telescope has a deg field-of-view. Currently, it is equipped with Johnson UBVRI filters and 3 narrow-band filters: Hα, OIII and SII. We will present the installation process, and the telescope performance such as detection limit and image quality based on the data from commissioning observations. We will also discuss possible scientific projects with this system. [ 구 AT-04] Control Software of SQEUAN (SED camera for the QUasars in EArly universe) Hye-In Lee 1, Tae-Geun Ji 1, Won-Kee Park 2, John Kuehne 3, Myungshin Im 4, Soojong Pak 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Korea Astronomy & Space Science institute, 3 McDonald Observatory of The University of Texas at Austin, 4 Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe (CEOU), Seoul National University Spectral energy distribution camera for QUasars in EArly universe (SQUEAN) is a successor of Camera for Quasars in EArly universe (CQUEAN) which was developed by Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe and operated at the 2.1 m Otto Struve Telescope in the McDonald Observatory, USA, since The software of SQUEAN controls a science camera, a guiding camera, and a filter wheel, and communicates with the telescope control system (TCS). It has been 34 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

36 구두발표초록 constantly revised and modularized according to the upgrades of the TCS and the hardware changes. Recently we have implemented the stable network communication and the semi-automatic focusing modules to enhance observational convenience. In this presentation we describe the current status of the SQUEAN control software and introduce a software architecture which is optimized on efficient astronomical observations. [ 구 AT-05] Seoul National University Camera II (SNUCAM-II) : The New SED Camera for Lee Sang Gak Telescope (LSGT) Changsu Choi and Myungshin Im Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Gwanak-gu, Seoul , Korea We present the characteristics and the performance of the new CCD camera system, SNUCAM-II (Seoul National University CAMera system II) that was installed on the Lee Sang Gak Telescope (LSGT) at the Siding Spring Observatory Australia in SNUCAM-II consists of a deep depletion chip covering a wide wavelength from 0.3 μm to 1.1 μm with high sensitivity (QE at 90%). It is equipped with SDSS ugriz filters and 13 medium band width (50nm) filters. On LSGT, SNUCAM-II covers 15.7 x 15.7 arcmin FOV at pixel scale of 0.92 arcsec and a limiting magnitude of g = AB mag at 5σ with 180s exposure time. SNUCAM-II will enable us to study Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of diverse objects from extragalactic sources to solar objects in the southern hemisphere for research and education activities. [ 구 AT-06] Results of Observation Performance Test for NYSC 1m Telescope Taewoo Kim, Wonseok Kang, Sun-gill Kwon, Sang-Gak Lee National Youth Space Center 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터는덕흥천문대 1M 망원경으로관측한자료를축적하고있다. 1M 망원경이설치된후발생했던문제점인광축, 극축, 지향정밀도, 추적정밀도를개선하기위해시도했던방법의결과를개선전후관측자료를비교하여소개하고자한다. 현재는오토가이드없이별추적이 3600 초정도가능하다. 또한, 스크립트활용으로소프트웨어를개선하여관측의용이성을증대시켰다. 은하측광, 분광, 시계열관측등차별화된연구를수행하기위한기기및소프트웨어의확충 보완을수행하고있 다. 중성미자천문학과한국형중성미자망원경 [ 초 NK-01] Korean Neutrino Telescope and Neutrino Science Seon-Hee Seo Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Neutrinos play an important role in astronomy and therefore they need to be observed as well as other astronomical messengers. The first observation of astronomical neutrinos is from the SN1987a by the Kamiokande neutrino telescope in Japan. Unlike other astronomical messengers neutrinos can cover all energy range of astronomical phenomena due to their weak interactions and neutrality. Multi messenger astronomy including optical, neutrino, and cosmic ray observations, provides more information on astronomical phenomena and thus such collaborational works are ongoing worldwide. A future Korean neutrino telescope consisting of huge (260 kiloton) water Cherenkov detector under a mountain was proposed in 2016 and the sensitivity studies on various topics are in progress with international collaborators. In this talk I will introduce the future Korean neutrino telescope and its science as well as the potential candidate sites in Korea. We invite all of you to work together for the future Korean neutrino telescope that will operate more than 30 years. [ 초 NK-02] Astronomy Potentials with Korean Neutrino Detector and Telescope Soo-Bong Kim Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea A 250 kton water Cherenkov detector is proposed to be built in Korea to determine the CP violation phase and the neutrino mass ordering using a neutrino beam produced in J-PARC of Japan. It will be also a world-leading neutrino telescope to reveal the mystery of supernova explosion by observing a neutrino burst. The telescope is expected to detect more than 100,000 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 35

37 2017 봄학술대회 neutrinos in ten seconds from a supernova explosion in our Galaxy. The pointing accuracy will be better than 1 degree and be able to guide early optical telescope observations. The expected rate of supernova explosion in our galaxy is once per every 30 years in the most optimistic case or once per every 100 years in the worst case. If it is indeed observed, it will be a historical chance to study the supernova explosion mechanism in great details. In this talk, various astronomy potentials will be discussed if the Korean neutrino observatory is built. [ 구 NK-03] Supernova Rates of the Milky Way and the Local Group Bon-Chul Koo Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA A major goal of the proposed Korean Neutrino Detector and Telescope is to detect neutrino burst from core-collapse supernova (SN) explosions in the Milky Way, which will provide an unprecedented opportunity to look into the core of an exploding massive star. Detection with high statistics would give important information for the explosion physics. It can also detect neutrino signals from SN events in the Local Group and trigger alert of the event for the astronomical community. In this talk, I will review the SN rates of the Milky Way and the Local Group, and will discuss the implications for the proposed neutrino telescope. [ 구 NK-04] Supernovae Follow-up Observations and the Korean Neutrino Telescope Sang Chul Kim ( 김상철 ) Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), Daejeon, KOREA Massive stars ( 8 M ) are believed to experience core-collapse and finish their lives as supernova (SN) explosions. Astronomers operating the current SN survey facilities try to catch the first moments of SN explosions. Since neutrinos are emitted first from the SNe before the electromagnetic lights, any neutrino detections from more than two sites within around 10 seconds could be useful alert for early follow-up observations, especially for optical SN follow-up telescopes. In this talk, I will brief the current SN follow-up observation projects, what they want to find out and contribute to SN sciences. Focus will be on the early detection and early sciences on SNe, which is what the Korean Neutrino Telescope can contribute most importantly. 고에너지천체물리학 [ 구 HA-01] Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays and filaments of galaxies in the northern sky Jihyun Kim 1, Dongsu Ryu 1, Suk Kim 2, Soo-Chang Rey 3, Hyesung Kang 4 1 Department of Physics, School of Natural Sciences, UNIST, Ulsan 44919, Korea 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon 34055, Korea 3 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Korea 4 Department of Earth Sciences, Pusan National University, Pusan 46241, Korea The Telescope Array (TA) experiment reported the arrival direction distribution of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) with energies above ev in the northern sky. A clustering of TA events, the so-called hotspot, was found; however, its nature has not yet been understood. To understand the origin of the TA hotspot, we examine the sky distributions of the TA UHECR arrival direction and filamentary structures of galaxies in the local universe. By statistical tests for anisotropy, we find a close correlation of the TA events with the filaments of galaxies connected to the Virgo cluster. We discuss our finding and its implications. [ 구 HA-02] Shock Acceleration Model for Giant Radio Relics Hyesung Kang 1, Dongsu Ryu 2, T. W. Jones 3 1 Pusan National University, 2 UNIST, 3 Univ. of Minnesota Although most of observed properties of giant radio relics detected in the outskirts of galaxy clusters could be explained by relativistic electrons accelerated at merger-driven shocks, a few significant puzzles remain. In some relics the shock Mach number inferred from X-ray observations is smaller than that estimated from radio spectral index. Such a discrepancy could be understood, if either the shock Mach number is 36 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

38 구두발표초록 under-estimated in X-ray observation due to projection effects, or if pre-existing electrons with a flat spectrum are re-accelerated by a weak shock, retaining the flat spectral form. In this study, we explore these two scenarios by comparing the results of shock acceleration simulations with observed features of the so-called Toothbrush relic in the merging cluster 1RXS J We find that both models could reproduce reasonably well the observed radio flux and spectral index profiles and the integrated radio spectrum. Either way, the broad transverse relic profile requires additional post shock electron acceleration by downstream turbulence. [ 구 HA-03] General Relativistic Effects on Pulsar Radiation Dong-Hoon Kim 1 and Sascha Trippe 2 1 Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, 2 Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University We consider a magnetic dipole model of a pulsar and investigate general relativistic effects on electromagnetic radiation from the pulsar. The general relativistic modifications should be found applicable to many well-known issues in pulsar astronomy. Among other things, the modifications of Goldreich-Julian model and subpulse drift would be of significant interest and challenging issues. The electromagnetic fields in the pulsar magnetosphere are computed by solving Maxwell's equations defined in the strongly curved spacetime around the pulsar, hence containing the properties of strong gravitational effects. On top of these effects, we also investigate the effects from rotation and obliqueness of the pulsar to work out the general relativistic versions of Goldreich-Julian model and subpulse drift. [ 구 HA-04] Gravitational Radiation Capture between Unequal Mass Black Holes Yeong-Bok Bae 1,2, Hyung Mok Lee 1,3, Gungwon Kang 4, and Jakob Hansen 4 1 Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 3 Center for Theoretical Physics, Seoul National University, 4 Supercomputing Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information unequal mass black holes without spins is investigated with numerical relativistic simulations, and compared with the Post-Newtonian approximations. The parabolic approximation which assumes that the gravitational radiation from a weakly hyperbolic orbit is the same as that from the parabolic orbit is adopted. Using the radiated energies from the parabolic orbit simulations, we have obtained the impact parameters (b) of the gravitational radiation captures for weakly hyperbolic orbits with respect to the initial energy. The most energetic encounters occur around the boundary between the direct merging and the fly-by orbits, and we find that several percent of the total ADM initial energy can be emitted at the peak. The equal mass BHs emit more energies than unequal mass BHs at the same initial orbital angular momentum in the case of the fly-by orbits. The impact parameters obtained with numerical relativity deviate from those in Post-Newtonian when the encounter is very strong (b 100M), and the deviations are more conspicuous at the high mass ratio. [ 구 HA-05] Search for broadband extended gravitational-wave emission bursts in LIGO S6 in Hz by GPU acceleration Maurice H.P.M. van Putten Yeongsil-Gwan, Room 614, Physics and Astronomy, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea We present a novel GPU accelerated search algorithm for broadband extended gravitational-wave emission (BEGE) with better than real-time analyis of H1-L1 LIGO S6 data. It performs matched filtering with over 8 million one-second duration chirps. Parseval s Theorem is used to predict the standard deviation σ of filter output, taking advantage of near-gaussian LIGO (H1,L1)-data in the high frequency range of Hz. A multiple of σ serves as a threshold to filter output back to the central processing unit. This algorithm attains 80% efficiency, normalized to the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). We apply it to a blind, all-sky search for BEGE in LIGO data, such as may be produced by long gamma-ray bursts and superluminous supernovae. We report on mysterious features, that are excluded by exact simultaneous occurrance. Our results are consistent with no events within a radius of about 20 Mpc. The gravitational radiation capture between 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 37

39 2017 봄학술대회 별형성 [ 구 SF-01] Dispersal of Molecular Clouds by UV Radiation Feedback from Massive Stars Jeong-Gyu Kim 1 ( 김정규 ), Woong-Tae Kim 1 ( 김웅태 ), and Eve Ostriker 2 1 Seoul National University( 서울대학교 ), 2 Princeton University We report the results of three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamic simulations of star cluster formation in turbulent molecular clouds, with primary attention to how stellar radiation feedback controls the lifetime and net star formation efficiency (SFE) of their natal clouds. We examine the combined effects of photoionization and radiation pressure for a wide range of cloud masses (10^4-10^6 Msun) and radii (2-80 pc). In all simulations, stars form in densest regions of filaments until feedback becomes strong enough to clear the remaining gas out of the system. We find that the SFE is primarily a function of the initial cloud surface density, Sigma, (SFE increasing from ~7% to ~50% as Sigma increases from ~30 Msun/pc^2 to ~10^3 Msun/pc^2), with weak dependence on the initial cloud mass. Control runs with the same initial conditions but without either radiation pressure or photoionization show that photoionization is the dominant feedback mechanism for clouds typical in normal disk galaxies, while they are equally important for more dense, compact clouds. For low-sigma clouds, more than 80% of the initial cloud mass is lost by photoevaporation flows off the surface of dense clumps. The cloud becomes unbound within ~ initial free-fall times after the first star-formation event, implying that cloud dispersal is rapid once massive star formation takes place. We briefly discuss implications and limitations of our work in relation to observations. [ 구 SF-02] High-resolution near-ir Spectral Mapping of Multiple Outflows around LkHɑ 234 in NGC 7129 Star Forming Region Heeyoung Oh 1 ( 오희영 ), Tae-Soo Pyo 2 ( 표태수 ), Bon-Chul Koo 1 ( 구본철 ), In-Soo Yuk 3 ( 육인수 ), Byeong-Gon Park 3,4 ( 박병곤 ) 1 Seoul National University ( 서울대학교 ), 2 SubaruTelescope, 3 KoreaAstronomyandSpaceScienc einstitute( 천문연 ), 4 KoreaUniversityofScienceandTechnology( 과학기술연 합대학원대학고 ) We present the observational study toward the multiple outflows around LkHɑ 234 star formation region. The high-resolution, near-ir spectral mapping using the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph (IGRINS) allowed us to distinguish at least four separate outflows with the molecular hydrogen (H 2 ) and forbidden iron ([Fe II]) emission lines. The outflow associated with the radio continuum source VLA 3B is detected in both H2 and [Fe II] emission, while the outflows driven by MM 1, VLA 2 sources were only detected in H 2, indicating the different physical conditions of outflows. We confirm the axis of VLA 3B jet, the position angle of ~ 240. We firstly identified the redshifted, near-ir H2 outflow associated with VLA 2, which is coincident with the previous detections of H 2 O masers. From the H 2 line ratios, we interpret the gas properties of the shock excited blue- and redshifted components, and UV excited surrounding photodissociation region. We also discuss the origin of the high-velocity ( VLSR > 150 km s -1 ) H 2 emission. [ 구 SF-03] Magnetic Field Structure and Formation Scenario of the N159/N160 Star-Forming Complex in the Large Magellanic Cloud Jaeyeong Kim 1,2, Woong-Seob Jeong 2,3, Jeonghyun Pyo 2, Soojong Pak 1, Won-Kee Park 2, Jungmi Kwon 4,5,6, and Motohide Tamura 7 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea, 3 Korea University of Science and Technology, Korea, 4 Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 5 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan, 6 Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan, 7 The University of Tokyo/National Astronomical Observatory of Japan/Astrobiology Center, Japan The N159 and N160 ionized regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud are an important extragalactic star-forming complex. The physical environments and the star formation stages are different in N159 and N160. We performed near-infrared polarimetry to those star forming regions with IRSF/SIRPOL 1.4-m telescope. Near-infrared polarization enabled us to trace the detailed structure of 38 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

40 구두발표초록 magnetic fields in star-forming regions. Through the polarimetric data of J, H, and Ks bands, we examined the magnetic field structures in the N159/N160 complex. In this presentation, we show complex distribution of the magnetic fields associated with dust and gas structures. We verify the local magnetic fields in each star-forming region, which appear to be related with local environments, such as interior and boundary of shell structure, star-forming HII regions, and boundaries between HII regions and dense dark clouds. We discuss the formation scenario of the N159/N160 complex suggested from the magnetic field structure. [ 구 SF-04] Packages of Unified modeling for Radiative transfer, gas Energetics, and Chemistry (PUREC) Seokho Lee and Jeong-Eun Lee Kyung Hee University Protoplanetary disks (PPDs) are a natural consequence of star formation and play crucial roles in planet formation. Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has provided sub-mm data for the PPDs with a high angular resolution and sensitivity, and it makes us enable to study PPDs in detail. We have developed Packages of Unified modeling for Radiative transfer, gas Energetics, and Chemistry (PUREC), which consists of a self-consistent thermo-chemical model and line and continuum radiative transfer models, in order to interpret and predict the ALMA observations for PPDs. In this talk, we introduce capabilities of PUREC. [ 구 SF-05] Sub-mm variability of a YSO (EC53) in Serpens main region : JCMT Transient survey Hyunju Yoo 1, Jeong-Eun Lee 2, Doug Johnstone 3, Steve Mairs 4, and Gregory Herczeg 5 1 Chungnam National University, 2 Kyung Hee University, 3 National Research Council, 4 University of Victoria, 5 Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Stars form through the gravitational collapse of molecular clouds. However, the rate at which a star gains most of its mass and the physics that drives the main phase of stellar growth is still unclear. The typical luminosity of observed protostars is smaller than what expected from the Shu s inside-out collapse model, which predicts a constant mass accretion rate. The episodic accretion model has been suggested as a solution of this luminosity problem. The JCMT Transient survey is a long term monitoring program using JCMT/SCUBA-2 to detect accretion variability of protostars in the eight nearby star-forming regions. Recently, we found a rise of the 850 micron flux at a clump in the Serpens main region at the rate of ~17% relative to the mean flux over previous observations. The submm clump is associated with a class I protostar, EC53, which has been reported as a binary system with a periodic variability. In this talk, we will provide a brief overview of the JCMT Transient Survey project, present the detection of the variable source, and discuss about follow-up observations. [ 구 SF-06] MIRIS Paschen-α Galactic Plane Survey : Comparison with WISE catalog and IPHAS Hα data in Cepheus Il-Joong Kim 1, Jeonghyun Pyo 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 1, Min Gyu Kim 2, Dukhang Lee 1, Won-Kee Park 1, Sung-Joon Park 1, Bongkon Moon 1, Youngsik Park 1, Dae-Hee Lee 1, Wonyong Han 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Seoul National University To see scientific potential of MIRIS Paschen-α (Paα) Galactic Plane Survey (MIPAPS), we have selected a portion, Galactic longitude from +96 to 116, and inspected Paα detections for 212 sources in WISE H II region catalog. We also list up 35 Paα large features and 32 Paα point-like blobs, which have not been cataloged in WISE catalog. For all the sources, we have performed the photometry of Paα emission line, and obtained their Paα intensities and Paα fluxes. For the quantitative comparison, we also make the Hα mosaic image of the same region by using IPHAS data which have been globally calibrated and released recently. Comparing MIPAPS Paα fluxes with the IPHAS Hα fluxes enables us to estimate dust extinction and spectral types of ionizing sources. We present the results for some sources. 우주관측및기술 [ 구 ST-01] Feasibility Study of a Future Korean Space Telescope Dae-Hee Lee 1,2, Chang Hee Ree 1, Yong-Seon Song 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 1,2, Hong-Kyu Moon 1, Min Gyu 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 39

41 2017 봄학술대회 Kim 1,3, Jeonghyun Pyo 1, Bongkon Moon 1, and Won-Kee Park 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Seoul National University According to the Korean government s Long-term Space Development Plan 2040, Creative space science research is included in a statement to investigate the origin and evolution of the universe by conducting a series of Korean space telescope missions: launch of space telescopes on a small satellite and an international collaboration explorer by 2020, a mid-size domestic space telescope by 2030, and a large size Korea leading international space telescope by We studied the feasibility of the future Korean Space Telescope (KST) for a mid-size domestic satellite platform. In order to pursue the uniqueness of the science program, we consider a wide range of observing wavelength (0.2um ~ 2.0um) with a spectral resolution of R~6 in the NUV and optical bands, and R~30 for NIR, utilizing an off-axis TMS(Three Mirror System) optics with a wide field of view (2x4 degrees) which is optimized for ultra-low surface brightness sources. The main science goals of the mission include investigations of the galaxy formation, cosmic web, and the cosmic background radiation in the NUV-NIR regions. In this paper, we present the science cases and several technical challenges to be resolved along with the future milestones for the success of the KST mission. [ 구 ST-02] Status Report of the Flight Model of the NISS onboard NEXTSat-1 Woong-Seob Jeong 1,2, Bongkon Moon 1, Sung-Joon Park 1, Dae-Hee Lee 1, Jeonghyun Pyo 1, Won-Kee Park 1, Il-Joong Kim 1, Youngsik Park 1, Duk-Hang Lee 1,2, Kyeongyeon Ko 1,2, Mingyu Kim 1,3, Ukwon Nam 1, Minjin Kim 1,2, Jongwan Ko 1, Myungshin Im 3, Hyung Mok Lee 3, Jeong-Eun Lee 4, Goo-Hwan Shin 5, Jangsoo Chae 5, Toshio Matsumoto 1,6 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea, 2 University of Science and Technology, 3 Seoul National University, Korea, 4 Kyung Hee University, Korea, 5 Satellite Technology & Research Center, KAIST, Korea, 6 ISAS/JAXA, Japan The NISS (Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer for Star formation history) is the near-infrared spectro-photometric instrument optimized to the Next Generation of small satellite series (NEXTSat). To achieve the major scientific objectives for the study of the cosmic star formation in local and distant universe, the spectro-photometric survey covering more than 100 square degree will be performed. The main observational targets will be nearby galaxies, galaxy clusters, star-forming regions and low background regions. The off-axis optics was developed to cover a wide field of view (2 deg. x 2 deg.) as well as the wide wavelength range from 0.95 to 2.5μm, which were revised based upon the recent test and evaluation of the NISS instrument. The mechanical structure were tested under the launching condition as well as the space environment. The signal processing from infrared sensor and the communication with the satellite were evaluated after the integration into the satellite. The flight model of the NSS was assembled and integrated into the satellite. To verify operations of the satellite in space, the space environment tests such as the vibration, shock and thermal-vacuum test were performed. The accurate calibration data were obtained in our test facilities. Here, we report the test results of the flight model of the NISS. [ 구 ST-03] CubeSat Application for Space Astronomy Ho Jin, Jongho Seon, Seongwhan lee, Jung-Kyu lee, Hyojeong Lee, Jehyuck Shin School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 인공위성을이용한우주망원경및우주탐사장비는천문학및우주과학연구에매우중요한관측장비로서지상에서불가능한다양한파장대에서관측을수행하고있다. 이러한우주망원경의경우개발기간과비용또한상대적으로매우큰규모를가지고있다. 또한장시간의관측을위한관측위성의운영신뢰도확보와결과활용을위해많은연구인력이투입되는거대연구개발사업이다. 그러나최근에는초소형인공위성을이용하여여러우주관측및실험이수행되고있다. 큐브위성으로명명되어있는초소형인공위성은크기와전력의제한은있지만상대적으로단기간의개발일정과저비용으로전세계적으로폭발적인성장을하고있는관측기술이다. 경희대학교에서는 CINEMA 라는 2 개의큐브위성을개발운영하였고, SIGMA 라는큐브위성을개발하여발사를기다리고있다. 또한향후광학관측을위한초소형인공위성을기획하고있다. 국내에서는천문우주용으로제작되는위성이외에도다양한기술검증용위성이 10 여기이상제작되고있는상황이다. 이에초소형인공위성의동향과향후천문우주관측에활용할수있는방안에대하여논의하였다. [ 구 ST-04] Small scale magnetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiments; SNIPE mission Junga Hwang, Jaejin Lee, Jongdae Shon, Jaeheung 40 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

42 구두발표초록 Park, Young-Sil Kwak, Uk-Won Nam, and Won-Kee Park Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute The observation of particles and waves using a single satellite inherently suffers from space-time ambiguity. Recently, such ambiguity has often been resolved by multi-satellite observations; however, the inter-satellite distances were generally larger than 100 km. Hence, the ambiguity could be resolved only for large-scale (> 100 km) structures while numerous microscale phenomena have been observed at low altitude satellite orbits. In order to resolve those spatial and temporal variations of the microscale plasma structures on the topside ionosphere, SNIPE mission consisted of four (TBD) nanosatellites (~10 kg) will be launched into a polar orbit at an altitude of 700 km (TBD). Two pairs of satellites will be deployed on orbit and the distances between each satellite will be from 10 to 100 km controlled by a formation flying algorithm. The SNIPE mission is equipped with scientific payloads which can measure the following geophysical parameters: density/temperature of cold ionospheric electrons, energetic (~100 kev) electron flux, and magnetic field vectors. All the payloads will have high temporal resolution (~ 16 Hz (TBD)). This mission is planned to launch in The SNIPE mission aims to elucidate microscale (100 m-10 km) structures in the topside ionosphere (below altitude of 1,000 km), especially the fine-scale morphology of high-energy electron precipitation, cold plasma density/temperature, field-aligned currents, and electromagnetic waves. Hence, the mission will observe microscale structures of the following phenomena in geospace: high-latitude irregularities, such as polar-cap patches; field-aligned currents in the auroral oval; electro-magnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves; hundreds kev electrons precipitations, such as electron microbursts; subauroral plasma density troughs; and low-latitude plasma irregularities, such as ionospheric blobs and bubbles. We have developed a 6U nanosatellite bus system as the basic platform for the SNIPE mission. Three basic plasma instruments shall be installed on all of each spacecraft, Particle Detector (PD), Langmuir Probe (LP), and Scientific MAGnetometer (SMAG). In addition we now discuss with NASA and JAXA to collaborate with the other payload opportunities into SNIPE mission. [ 구 ST-05] Different Responses of Solar Wind and Geomagnetism to Solar Activity during Quiet and Active Periods Roksoon Kim 1,2, Jongyeob Park 1,3, Jihye Baek 1, Bogyeung Kim 4 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 University of Science and Technology, 3 Kyung Hee University, 4 Chungnam National University It is well known that there are good relations of coronal hole (CH) parameters such as the size, location, and magnetic field strength to the solar wind conditions and the geomagnetic storms. Especially in the minimum phase of solar cycle, CHs in mid- or low-latitude are one of major drivers for geomagnetic storms, since they form corotating interaction regions (CIRs). By adopting the method of Vrsnak et al. (2007), the Space Weather Research Center (SWRC) in Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) has done daily forecast of solar wind speed and Dst index from Through years of experience, we realize that the geomagnetic storms caused by CHs have different characteristics from those by CMEs. Thus, we statistically analyze the characteristics and causality of the geomagnetic storms by the CHs rather than the CMEs with dataset obtained during the solar activity was very low. For this, we examine the CH properties, solar wind parameters as well as geomagnetic storm indices. As the first result, we show the different trends of the solar wind parameters and geomagnetic indices depending on the degree of solar activity represented by CH (quiet) or sunspot number (SSN) in the active region (active) and then we evaluate our forecasts using CH information and suggest several ideas to improve forecasting capability. [ 구 ST-06]Lunar Exosphere Simulated with Localized Sources Sang Joon Kim and Dong Wook Lee School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea We are planning to conduct Monte Carlo simulations for the Na exospheres of the Moon including localized sources on the surface in addition to the global isotropic and anisotropic sources, which were previously studied. The simulation models are based on Lee et al. (2011), who presented a satisfactory interpretation for the isotropic and anisotropic sources of the Lunar Na exosphere. We will compare our preliminary models with existing and the future lunar tail/exospheric observations by the LADEE and 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 41

43 2017 봄학술대회 NASA s coronagraph-monitoring programs. Ground-based data show global-scale outflows of Na in contrast to small-scale data usually obtained near the orbits of spacecraft. 항성및항성계 / 고천문학 [ 구 SH-01] Evolutionary properties of red supergiants with MESA Sang-Hyun Chun 1, Moo-Keon Jung 2, Dong uk Kim 3, Jihoon Kim 1, & Sung-Chul Yoon 1. 1 Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, 2 Department of Physics, Sogang University, 3 Department of Physics, KAIST We investigate the evolutionary properties of red supergiant stars (RSGs), using stellar evolution model of Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA). In this study, we calculate models with mass range of 9-39M_sun and several different convection parameters (e.g. mixing length, overshooting, and semiconvection) at SMC, LMC, Milky Way, and M31 metallicities. We compare the calculated evolutionary tracks with observed RSGs in SMC, LMC, Milky Way and M31, and discuss appropriate input physical parameters in model calculation. We find that a larger mixing length parameter is necessary for M31 metallicity to fit the positions of RSGs in H-R diagram, compared to lower metallicity environments. Theoretically predicted numbers of yellow supergiant stars (YSGs) are also compared with the observed population. We find that Ledoux models with semiconvection can better explain the number of YSGs. Finally, we investigate the final radius, final star mass, and final hydrogen envelope mass of RSGs and discussed the their properties as type II-P supernova progenitors. [ 구 SH-02] The CN-CH positive correlation in the globular cluster NGC 5286 Dongwook Lim, Seungsoo Hong, Young-Wook Lee Center for Galaxy Evolution Research & Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University We performed low-resolution spectroscopy for the red giant stars in the Galactic globular cluster (GC) NGC 5286, which is known to show intrinsic heavy element variations. We found that these stars are clearly divided into two subpopulations by CN index. These two subpopulations also show significant differences in the HK and CH indices, where the CN-strong stars are more enhanced in both indices. From the comparison with high-resolution spectroscopic data of Marino et al. (2015), we found that the CN- and HK -strong stars are also increased in the abundances of s-process elements and Fe. It appears that, therefore, these stars are later generation stars probably affected by supernova enrichment. In addition, NGC 5286 shows the CN-CH positive correlation among the whole sample, which is only discovered in the GCs with heavy element variations such as M22 and NGC Therefore, these results strengthen our previous suggestion that the CN-CH positive correlation may be associated with the heavy element variations in the GCs. [ 구 SH-03] Origin of Low-mass Hypervelocity Stars in the Galactic Disk Bum-Suk Yeom, Young Sun Lee, Youngkwang Kim, Doo-Ri Han Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Korea, cometyeom@cnu.ac.kr We present the analysis of chemical abundances and kinematics for six hypervelocity star (HVS) candidates. These objects are G/K-type low-mass stars in the Galactic disk, while other HVSs previously found are B-type high-mass objects in the Galactic halo. The stellar orbits and kinematics of our HVS candidates suggest that they do not originate in the Galactic center or in an accretion event, indicative of yet-unknown mechanisms that produce kinematically-extreme disk stars. In order to study in detail their origin, we obtained medium-resolution (R~6000) spectra of these stars and derived abundances of several chemical elements (Mg, Ca, Si, Ti, Cr, Fe, and Ni). From the comparison of the chemical abundances with the Galactic stellar components (disk, bulge, halo, and dwarf galaxies) and the kinematic properties of our HVSs, we conclude that two of them are likely ejected from the Galactic disk, one originated from the Galactic center as for the young B-type HVSs, and the other one might be ejected from either the Galactic disk or other regions. [ 구 SH-04] ANALYSIS OF LONG PERIOD RADIAL VELOCITY VARIATIONS FOR HD AND HD Tae-Yang Bang 1, Byeong-Cheol Lee 2,3, Gwang-hui 42 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

44 구두발표초록 Jeong 2,3, Inwoo Han 2,3, and Myeong-Gu Park 1 1 Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Korea; qkdxodid1230@knu.ac.kr,mgp@knu.ac.kr 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 776, Daedeokdae-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon , Korea; bclee@kasi.re.kr, tlotv@kasi.re.kr,iwhan@kasi.re.kr 3 Korea University of Science and Technology, Gajeong-ro Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea We investigate the long-period radial velocity (RV) variations for M giant HD and K giant HD using the high-resolution Bohyunsan Observatory Echelle Spectrograph at the 1.8m telescope of Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory in Korea. These two target stars are important because HD is the largest star and HD is the brightest star for exoplantary system candidate so we can understarnd how evolved stars affect planets by researching these stars. We calculated precise RV measurements of 38 and 24 spectra from November 2010 to January 2017 and June 2010 to January 2017, respectively. We dreived the RV variation period for days of HD 18438, days for HD We conclude that the RV variation of HD is caused by planetary companion which has the mass of 14.7 MJup, semi-major axis of 2.2 AU, and eccentricity of 0.27 assuming the stellar mass of 2.34 M. On the other hand, the origin of RV variation of HD with period of days is still uncertain. It might be caused by stellar chromospheric activity or planetary companion, so more observations and tests are required. [ 구 SH-05] Black Hole Binaries Dynamically Formed in Globular Clusters Dawoo Park 1, Chunglee Kim 2, Hyung Mok Lee 1 Yeong-Bok Bae 2, Krzysztof Belczynski 3 1 Seoul National University, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 3 University of Warsaw We investigate properties of black hole (BH) binaries formed in globular clusters, by using direct N-body simulations. Comparing with previous studies which usually considered single BH masses, our models consist of two-component BH masses, or continuous BH mass function with single mass ordinary cluster stars. During the early stage of dynamical evolution, initially distributed BHs are move to the cluster center by dynamical friction, then BH-BH binaries start to be formed, and eventually be ejected from the cluster due to three body interaction. Finally we find the formation efficiency of high mass BHs are alwats larger than that of lower mass BHs, implying that a BH mass spectrum expected from GW observation should be biased to high mass. In addition, mass ratios of BHs in binaries prefer similar masses (ratio~1), while the most extreme case is less than 3. Expected merger rate from our models is about 7 BH-BH mergers per Mpc 3 per yr. [ 구 SH-06] The Constellation Maps in the Flags of Barracks in GANGJIN ( 강진병영영기 ( 令旗 ) 에그려진별자리 ) Hong-Jin Yang Korea Astronomy and space Science Institute 전라남도강진에서발견된영기 ( 令旗 ) 라는책에는병영에서사용된별자리깃발에관한기록이남아있다. 영기는군중에서군령 ( 軍令 ) 을전달하기위해사용한것으로고종대에이르러깃발에 28 수 ( 宿 ) 별자리를처음으로사용한것으로알려져있다. 승정원일기와일성록에의하면군영에서사용한 28 수별자리깃발은 1874 년중앙관진무사 ( 鎭撫使 ) 의수장이었던김선필 ( 金善弼 ) 이처음만들어사용한것으로기록되어있다. 본발표에서는국내에처음보고된 28 수 ( 宿 ) 가그려진영기를소개하고영기의별그림을한국과중국의전통성도와비교한내용을발표하고자한다. 영기에는 28 수별자리외에도 28 동물과기하학적문양이그려져있는데이에대해서도간단히소개하고자한다. 영기별그림은실제성도와비교해많은오류가확인되는데이를교정하여새롭게도안한별자리깃발도함께소개하고자한다. KMTNet [ 구 KMT-01] Operation and System Upgrade of KMTNet Chung-Uk Lee 1,2, Seung-Lee Kim 1,2, Sang-Mok Cha 1, Yongseok Lee 1, Dong-Jin Kim 1, Dong-Joo Lee 1, Jin-Sun Lim 1, Byeong-Gon Park 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 University of Science and Technology We report the operational highlights of KMTNet in the point of observing rate, image pre-processing and data reduction, observing run for each science program, and scientific publications performed in Major system upgrade has been conducted in the CCD camera and the wide field telescope optics: the post amp and readout electronics of the 18k Mosaic CCD 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 43

45 2017 봄학술대회 camera at Siding Spring Observatory site has been fine tuned and the protected silver coat of the primary mirror has been replaced with the bare aluminium coat due to the degradation of reflectivity of the primary mirror surface. A plan of KMTNet observation system improvement for 2017 will be introduced in this talk. [ 구 KMT-02] OGLE-2015-BLG-1482L:The first isolated Galactic bulge microlens Sun-Ju Chung 1,2, Wei Zhu 3, Andrzej Udalski 4, Chung-Uk Lee 1,2, Yoon-Hyun Ryu 1, Youn Kil Jung 5, In-Gu Shin 5, Jennifer C. Yee 5, Kyu-Ha Hwang 1, Andrew Gould 1,3,6, and KMTNet/OGLE/Spitzer collaborations 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea, 2 Korea University of Science and Technology, Korea, 3 Department of Astronomy, Ohio State University, USA, 4 Warsaw University Observatory, Poland, 5 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA, 6 Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Germany The single lens event OGLE-2015-BLG-1482 has been simultaneously observed from two ground-based surveys and from Spitzer. The Spitzer data exhibit finite-source effects due to the passage of the lens close to or directly over the surface of the source star as seen from Spitzer. Thanks to measurements of the microns parallax and the finite-source effect, we find that the lens of OGLE-2015-BLG-1482 is a very low-mass star with the mass 0.10±0.02 M or a brown dwarf with the mass 55±9 MJ, which are respectively located at DLS = 0.80±0.19 kpc and DLS = 0.54±0.08 kpc, and thus it is the first isolated low-mass microlens that has been located in the Galactic bulge. The degeneracy between the two solutions is severe. The fundamental reason for the degeneracy is that the finite-source effect is seen only in a single data point from Spitzer and this single data point gives rise to two ρ solutions. [ 구 KMT-03] KMTNet time-series photometry of the doubly eclipsing candidate stars in the LMC Kyeongsoo Hong 1, Jae Woo Lee 1,2, Jae-Rim Koo 1, Seung-Lee Kim 1,2, Chung-Uk Lee 1,2, and Dong-Jin Kim 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 University of Science and Technology Multiple stellar systems composed of triple, double+double or double+triple, etc. are very rare and interesting objects for understanding the star formation and dynamical evolution. However, only six systems have been found to be a doubly eclipsing quadruple, which consists of two eclipsing binaries, and four systems to be a triply eclipsing hierarchical triple. Recently, the 15 doubly eclipsing multiple candidates located in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) have been reported by the OGLE project. In order to examine whether these candidates are real multiple systems with eclipsing features, we performed a high-cadence time-series photometry for the LMC using the KMTNet (Korea Microlensing Telescope Network) 1.6 m telescopes in three site (CTIO, SAAO, and SSO) during The KMTNet data will help reveal the photometric properties of the multiple-star candidates. In this paper, we present the VI light curves and their preliminarily analyses for 12 of the 15 eclipsing systems in the LMC, based on our KMTNet observations and the OGLE-III survey data from [ 구 KMT-04] Introduction to sample light curves of optical transients discovered by the KMTNet Supernova Program Youngdae Lee 1, Dae-Sik Moon 2, Maria Drout 2, John Antoniadis 2, Chris Ni 2, Jae-Joon Lee 1, Sang Chul KIM 1,3, Hong Soo Park 1,3, Mina Pak 1,3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) 2 Deptment of Astronomy, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3H4, Canada 3 Korea University of Science & Technology (UST) We introduce sample light curves of optical transients discovered by the KMTNet Supernoa Program, focusing on their early discoveries and rapid evolutions decoded in the high-cadence observations of the program. For some sources, we also show their spectra obtained either from rapid Target-of-Opportunity follow-up observations immediately after their discoveries or from regularly-scheduled observations. We expect the program to bring unprecedented insights into what is happening during early phases of various types of optical transients, centered on supernovae. [ 구 KMT-05] A KMTNet search for RR Lyrae Stars in the Crater II Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Seok-Joo Joo, Eon-Chang Sung, Jaemann Kyeong, 44 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

46 구두발표초록 Sang-Il Han, Soung-Chul Yang, and Hyunjin Jeong Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute We report the first detection of RR Lyrae variable stars in the Crater II dwarf galaxy, a recently discovered ultra-faint satellite of the Milky Way. Based on B, V time series photometry obtained with the Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) at CTIO, Chile, we have identified ~45 fundamental-mode (ab-type) and ~2 first-overtone (c-type) RR Lyrae stars by adopting template light-curve fitting method. Our preliminary analysis suggests an Oosterhoff-intermediate classification of this galaxy from the mean period of the RRab stars, <P ab > 0.63 days, and the location of them on the period-amplitude diagram. We discuss the properties of the RR Lyare stars in this galaxy. [ 구 KMT-06] Intra-night optical variability of AGN in COSMOS field Joonho Kim 1, Marios Karouzos 1, Myungshin Im 1, Dohyeong Kim 1, Hyunsung David Jun 2, Joon Hyeop Lee 3, Mar Mezcua Pallerola 4 1 Astronomy Program, Department of physics and astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea 2 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109, USA 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon 34055, Korea 4 Department of Physics, University of Montreal, Montreal, H3C 3J7, Canada Optical variability is one way to probe the nature of the central engine of AGN at smaller linear scales, and previous studies have shown that optical variability of AGN is more prevalent at longer timescales and at shorter wavelengths. To understand the properties and physical mechanism of variability, we are performing the KMTNet Active Nuclei Variability Survey (KANVaS). Especially, we investigated intra-night variability of AGN with KMTNet data which observed COSMOS field during 3 separate nights from 2015 to 2016 in B, V, R, and I bands. Each night was composed of 5, 9, and 11 epochs with min cadence. To find AGN in the COSMOS field, we applied multi-wavelength selection methods. Using X-ray, mid-infrared, and radio selection methods, 50-60, , number of AGN are detected, respectively. Achieving photometric uncertainty ~0.01mag by differential photometry, we employed a standard time-series analysis tool to identify variable AGN, chi-square test. Preliminary results indicate that there is no evidence of intra-night optical variability of AGN. It is possible that previous studies discovered intra-night variability used inappropriate photometric error. However, main reason seems that our targets have fainter magnitude (higher photometric error) than that of previous studies. To discover variability of AGN, we will investigate longer timescale variability of AGN. Korea VLBI Network [ 구 KVN-01] Flux Variation and Structural Change in 3C 84 with Long-Term Monitoring by KVN and KaVA at Millimeter Wavelengths Kiyoaki Wajima 1, Motoki Kino 1,2, Nozomu Kawakatu 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute ( ), 2 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 3 National Institute of Technology, Kure College 3C 84 (NGC 1275) is one of the most famous radio galaxies and a lot of VLBI observations have been conducted to date because of its brightness and proximity (z = ; 1 mas = 0.36 pc). The source is entering a significantly active phase with long-term increase in radio flux at cm wavelengths since 2005, and the increased activity at very-high-energy (VHE) gamma rays. In order to study properties of sub-pc-scale structure and the circumnuclear environment in 3C 84, we have conducted multi-epoch VLBI observations with the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) at 86 and 129 GHz, and monthly monitoring by the KVN and VERA Array (KaVA) at 43 GHz from 2015 August. Following the report in the previous KAS meeting (cf KAS Autumn Annual Meeting, [ 구 GC-10]), we present further results mainly on the basis of twelve-epoch observations with KaVA at 43 GHz. Through the monthly monitoring with KaVA, we found that peak intensity of the pc-scale southern lobe (C3) was increased from 2.60 Jy beam -1 in 2015 October to 9.80 Jy beam -1 in 2016 June, corresponding to a flux increase of 3.7 times in eight months. We also detected change in direction of motion of C3 from transversal to outward with respect to C1, concurrently with the beginning of its flux increase in 2015 October. We consider that these phenomena are due to interaction of C3 with 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 45

47 2017 봄학술대회 the ambient medium, and are related to the gamma-ray flare which has been detected with VHE gamma-ray telescopes such as MAGIC and VERITAS. [ 구 KVN-02] LINEAR POLARIZATION OF CLASS I METHANOL MASERS IN MASSIVE STAR-FORMING REGIONS Ji-hyun Kang 1, Do-Young Byun 1, Kee-Tae Kim 1, Jongsoo Kim 1, A-Ran Lyo 1, Mi-Kyung Kim 1, and W. H. T. Vlemmings 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 Onsala Space Observatory Class I methanol masers are found to be good tracers of the interaction between outflows from massive young stellar objects with their surrounding media. Although polarization observations of Class II methanol masers have been able to provide information about magnetic fi elds close to the central (proto)stars, polarization observations of Class I methanol masers are rare, especially at 44 and 95GHz. We present the results of linear polarization observations of 39 Class I methanol maser sources at 44 and 95GHz. These two lines are observed simultaneously with one of the 21m Korean VLBI Network telescopes in single-dish mode. Approximately 60% of the observed sources have fractional polarizations of a few percent in at least one transition. This is the fi rst reported detection of linear polarization of the 44GHz methanol maser. We also observed 7 targets with the KVN in VLBI mode. We will present its preliminary results, too. [ 구 KVN-03] The Power of Simultaneous Multi-frequency Observations for mm-vlbi: Beyond Frequency Phase Transfer Guang-Yao Zhao 1, Juan Carlos Algaba 1, Sang Sung Lee 1,2, Taehyun Jung 1,2, Richard Dodson 3, Maria Rioja 3,4,5, Do-Young Byun 1,2, Jeffrey Hodgson 1, Sincheol Kang 1,2, Dae-Won Kim 6, Jae-Young Kim 7, Jeong-Sook Kim 8, Soon-Wook Kim 1,2, Motoki Kino 1,8, Atsushi Miyazaki 1,9, Jong-Ho Park 6, Sascha Trippe 6, Kiyoaki Wajima 1 1 KASI, 2 UST, 3 ICRAR, 4 CSIRO, 5 OAN (IGN), 6 SNU, 7 MPIfR, 8 NAOJ, 9 Hosei Univ Atmospheric propagation effects at millimeter wavelengths can significantly alter the phases of radio signals and reduce the coherence time, putting tight constraints on high frequency Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations. In previous works it has been shown that non-dispersive (e.g. tropospheric) effects can be calibrated with the frequency phase transfer (FPT) technique. The coherence time can thus be significantly extended. Ionospheric effects, which can still be significant, remain however uncalibrated after FPT, as well as the instrumental effects. In this work, we implement a further phase transfer between two FPT residuals (i.e. so-called FPT2) to calibrate the ionospheric effects based on their frequency dependence. We show that after FPT2, the coherence time at 3 mm can be further extended beyond 8 hours, and the residual phase errors can be sufficiently canceled by applying the calibration of another source, which can have a large angular separation from the target (> 20 ). Calibrations for all-sky distributed sources with a few calibrators are also possible after FPT2. One of the strengths and uniqueness of this calibration strategy is the suitability for high frequency all-sky survey observations including very weak sources. We discuss the introduction of a pulse calibration system in the future to calibrate the remaining instrumental effects and allowing the possibility of imaging the source structure at high frequencies with FPT2, where all phases are fully calibrated without involving any sources other than the target itself. [ 구 KVN-04] Simultaneous VLBI observations of H2O and SiO masers toward VX Sgr using KVN Dong-Hwan Yoon 1,2, Se-Hyung Cho 2, Youngjoo Yun 2, Yoon Kyung Choi 2, Maria Rioja 3, Richard Dodson 3, Jaeheon Kim 4, Dongjin Kim 5, Hanul Yang 1, Hiroshi Imai 6, Do-Young Byun 2 1 Astronomy program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Korea, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea, 3 International Center for Radio Astronomy Research, M468, The University of Western Australia, Australia, 4 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Department of Astronomy, 5 Yonsei University, Korea, 6 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Kagoshima University, Japan We performed simultaneous VLBI observations of H2O (22.2 GHz) and SiO v=1, 2, J=1 0 (43.1, 42.8 GHz) and v=1, J=2 1, J=3 2 (86.2, GHz) masers toward VX Sagittarius using the Korean VLBI Network (KVN). The astrometrically registered maps of the 22.2 GHz H2O and 43.1, 42.8, 86.2 SiO masers were successfully obtained at two epochs of 2016 February 27 and 2016 March 46 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

48 구두발표초록 27 by adopting the Source Frequency Phase Referencing (SFPR) method. In addition we detected Ghz SiO maser at second epoch. These results make it possible to determine the accurate position of central star as a dynamical center of 22.2 GHz H2O maser and relative locations of 43.1, 42.8, 86.2, GHz SiO masers. In addition, it is possible to investigate the morphological and kinematic variations of clumpy structures from SiO maser to H2O maser regions in future together with the development of asymmetric structure of H2O maser region. measured distance to R Crt enables us to estimate the actual 3D velocity of water masers around R Crt. Our research suggests the possibility of performing astrometric studies with the KVN. As a next step, we are going to enhance the astrometric accuracy by observing SiO masers. [ 구 KVN-05] The recent activities for a precise astrometry using SFPR with KVN Ilje Cho 1,2, Taehyun Jung 1,2, Bongwon Sohn 1,2, Motoki Kino 1,3, Guangyao Zhao 1, Maria Jose Rioja 4, Richard Dodson 4, Ivan Agudo 5 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 3 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan 4 International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research 5 Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia Thanks to the quasi-optics system of KVN, the relative astrometry at different frequencies can be effectively achieved. In this talk, as a part of the KVN special session, we are going to present an important method making it possible, so called the source frequency phase referencing (SFPR). Based on the background, we will show our recent activities using the SFPR for the Galactic Center (Sgr A*) study, from its advantages on astrometric studies to the remained issues. [ 구 KVN-06] Measurement of proper motion and annual parallax with maser emission Dong-Jin Kim 1, Se-Hyung Cho 2, Young-Joo Yun 2, Yoon Kyung Choi 2, Dong-Hwan Yoon 2, Suk-Jin Yoon 1 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute We present the results of astrometric observations using water masers around a semi-regular variable star R Crt. The observations were carried out for two years with the Korean VLBI Network (KVN). The absolute positions of the water masers from R Crt are successfully obtained at 10 epochs in total. By tracking the positions of the water maser emission, we directly measured the annual parallax and distance of R Crt. The 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 47

49 2017 봄학술대회 포스터발표초록 교육홍보 [ 포 AE-01] Activity Report of Young Astronomers Meeting in Season Joowon Lee ( 이주원 ) 1, Jinhyub Kim ( 김진협 ) 2, Doohyun Choi ( 최두현 ) 3, Yoonyoung Kim ( 김윤영 ) 4, Seok-Jun Chang ( 장석준 ) 3, Junhyun Baek ( 백준현 ) 2, Jihey Shin ( 신지혜 ) 5 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, 3 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sejong University, 4 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, 5 Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyungpook National University 지난 2016년 4월, 젊은천문학자모임 (Young Astronomers Meeting, YAM) 정기총회에서 년도임원진으로회장이주원 ( 경희대학교 ), 부회장김진협 ( 연세대학교 ), 총무최두현 ( 세종대학교 ) 을선출하였다. 임원진은서울대학교김윤영, 세종대학교장석준, 연세대학교백준현, 경북대학교신지혜를학교별운영위원으로임명하였다. 현임원진은 YAM 창단초기에발간되었다중단되었던소식지 < 하늘사랑 > 의재창간을임기목표로하고, 2016년가을에재창간호 ( 통권 5호 ), 2017년봄에 6 호를발간하였다. 임원진은 < 하늘사랑 > 을통해회원들간의교류를증진하고회원들의다양한의견을수렴하고자하였다. 이와더불어홈페이지를통한입회시스템을도입하였고, 흩어져있던과거자료들을회원들로부터제보받아통합하는작업을마쳤으며 EAMA10에참여하여 YAM의활동과역할에대해발표하였다. 이번포스터에서는 년도동안의활동내용을보고하고이후의계획에대해논의하려고한다. [ 포 AE-02] The Role of Planetariums in Astronomy Education( 천문학교육에서천체투영관의역할 ) Wansoo Kim 1, Hyunjin Shim 2 1 Department of Science Education, Kyungpook National University 2 Department of Earth Science Education, Kyungpook National University 올해는 1967 년광화문우체국에설치된천체투영관을시작으로국내에천체투영관이도입된지 50 주년이되는해이다. 지방자치제의시행과더불어디지털투영기가보급되면서국내천문시설은급격히증가하게되었고, 현재 국내에는약 80 곳의천체투영관이있으며연간약 250 만명이방문하는인기있는천문시설중하나로자리잡게되었다. 하지만현재의천체투영관은영상물상영위주의운영이주를이루고있고교육시설로의활용은부족한편이다. 반면해외에서는 1960 년대부터학교와지역사회에서천체투영관을활용한교육이활발하게이루어지고있다. 또한천체투영관의교육적효과에대한연구도지속적으로이루어지고있으며천문학적개념형성에긍정적인효과가있는것으로나타나고있다. 따라서본발표에서는해외에서이루어지고있는천체투영관을활용한다양한방식의연구방법과사례를살펴보고현재국립대구과학관에서개발하여운영중인프로그램과활용방법에대해소개하고자한다. 외부은하 / 우주론 [ 포 GC-01] On the origin of the Oosterhoff-intermediate characteristics of RR Lyrae stars in dwarf galaxies Sohee Jang and Young-Wook Lee Center for Galaxy Evolution Research and Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea In our recent investigation of the Oosterhoff dichotomy among globular clusters (GCs), we have shown that the RR Lyrae variables in the Oosterhoff groups I, II, and III are produced mostly by first, second, and third generation stars (G1, G2, and G3), respectively. Unlike GCs, RR Lyrae stars in the Local Group dwarf galaxies show Oosterhoff-intermediate characteristics. The origin of this, however, is yet to be understood. In this poster, we will present our progress in understanding the origin of this phenomenon. [ 포 GC-02] Cosmic mass accretion history of satellites around a dwarf galaxy Kyungwon Chun 1, Jihye Shin 2, Sungsoo S. Kim 1,3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study 3 Department of Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University We aim to trace cosmic mass accretion history of satellites around a dwarf galaxy in Lambda-CDM cosmology frame. Each satellite has a unique mass accretion history due to different environment, potential depth, and different merging events. We perform three different zoom simulations whose 48 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

50 포스터발표초록 target galaxy has a mass of ~10 10 Msun, using ~17 million particles covering a cubic box of 1 (Mpc/h) 3. Here, individual particle masses for dark matter (DM) and gas are M DM = Msun and Mgas = Msun, respectively, and thus each satellite can be resolved with more than several hundreds of particles. [ 포 GC-03] On the origin of Na-O anticorrelation in globular clusters Jaeyeon Kim and Young-Wook Lee Center for Galaxy Evolution Research & Department of Astronomy. Yonsei University In order to investigate the origin of multiple stellar populations in the halo and bulge of the Milky Way, we have constructed chemical evolution models for the low-mass proto-galactic subsystems such as globular clusters (GCs). Unlike previous studies, we assume that supernova blast waves undergo blowout without expelling the pre-enriched gas, while relatively slow winds of massive stars, together with the winds and ejecta from low and intermediate mass asymptotic giant branch stars, are all locally retained in these less massive systems. We first applied these models to investigate the origin of super-helium-rich red clump stars in the metal-rich bulge as recently suggested by Lee et al. (2015). We find that chemical enrichments by the winds of massive stars can naturally reproduce the required helium enhancement (dy/dz = 6) for the second generation stars. Disruption of these building blocks in a hierarchical merging paradigm would have provided helium enhanced stars to the bulge field. Interestingly, we also find that the observed Na-O anticorrelation in metal-poor GCs can be reproduced, when multiple episodes of starbursts are allowed to continue in these subsystems. Specific star formation history with decreasing time intervals between the stellar generations, however, is required to obtain this result, as would be expected from the orbital evolution of these subsystems in a proto-galaxy. The mass budget problem is also much alleviated by our models without ad-hoc assumptions on star formation efficiency and initial mass function. [ 포 GC-04] Chemical Properties of Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies in Different Environments Jiwon Chung 1, Soo-Chang Rey 1, Eon-Chang Sung 2, Woong Lee 1, Suk Kim 2, Yongdae Lee 2 1 Chungam National University, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Star forming dwarf galaxies in various environments are attractive objects for investigating the environmental effects on chemical evolution of dwarf galaxies. Using SDSS DR7 spectroscopic data and GALEX ultraviolet (UV) imaging data, we study the chemical properties of star forming dwarf galaxies in various environments of the Virgo cluster, Ursa Major group, and field. We derived gas-phase abundance, galaxy mass, and UV specific star formation rate (ssfr) of subsample, early-type (ETD) and late-type star forming dwarf (LTD) galaxies, which are divided by visually classified galaxy morphology. We found no O/H enhancement of LTDs in cluster and group environments compared to the field, implying no environmental dependence of the mass-metallicity relation for LTDs. LTDs in the Virgo cluster and Ursa Major group have similar ssfr at a given galaxy mass, but they exhibit systematically lower ssfr than those in isolated field environment. We suggest that LTDs in the Virgo cluster are an infalling population that was recently accreted from the outside of the cluster. We found that ETDs in the Virgo cluster and Ursa Major group exhibit enhanced O/H compared to those in the field. However, no distinct difference of N/O of galaxies between different environments. The chemically evolved ETDs in the Virgo cluster and Ursa Major group also show similar mass-ssfr relation, but systematically lower ssfr at a fixed galaxy mass compared to the field counterparts. We suggest that ETDs in the Virgo cluster and Ursa Major group have evolved under the similar local environments. We also discuss the evolutionary path of ETDs and LTDs with respect to the environmental effects of ram pressure stripping and galaxy interaction/merging. [ 포 GC-05] Chemically young AGNs at high redshift Jaejin Shin 1, Jong-Hak Woo 1, Tohru Nagao 2 1 Seoul National University 2 Ehime University, Japan Metallicity is one of the most important properties in understanding galaxy evolution. However, measuring metallicity is limited to low redshift (z<3.5) due to the faintness of the metallicity indicators in normal galaxies. For high redshift universe, active galactic nuclei (AGN) can be used to constrain the host galaxy metallicity. 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 49

51 2017 봄학술대회 Previous studies investigated AGN metallicity using emission line flux ratios (i.e., NV/CIV and FeII/MgII), finding no evolution up to z~6. Those results might be due to selection effect since previous studies are based on very luminous AGNs. The observed luminosity-metallicity relation of AGNs (e.g., Nagao et al. 2006) suggests that luminous AGNs may be already matured at the observed epoch. Considering the luminosity-metallicty relation, we focused on low luminosity AGNs to find young AGNs (i.e., low metallicity). Through the Gemini/GNIRS observation in 2012A and 2015A (K-GMT GN-2015A-Q-203 PI: Shin, J.), we obtained the Gemini/GNIRS data for 7 high redshift AGNs (3.0<z<3.5). We will present and discuss our preliminary results on the their metallicity. [ 포 GC-06] Do Galaxy Mergers Enhance Star Formation Rate in Nearby Galaxies? Gu Lim( 임구 ), Myungshin Im( 임명신 ), Changsu Choi( 최창수 ), Yongmin Yoon( 윤용민 ) Center for Exploration of the Origin of the Universe (CEOU), Astronomy Program, 1Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University ( 서울대학교 ) We present our study of the correlation between star formation rate(sfr) and merging activities of nearby galaxies(d<150mpc). Our study uses 265 UV-selected galaxies which are not classified as AGN. The UV selection is made using the GALEX Atlas of Galaxies (Gil de Paz+07) and the updated UV catalog of nearby galaxies (Bai+15). We use deep R band optical images reaching to 1 surface brightness detection limit ~27 mag/arcsec 2 to classify merger features by visual inspection. We also estimated unobscured SFR(SFR NUV ) and obscured SFR(SFR W4 ) using Near-UV continuum and 22 micron Mid-IR luminosity respectively as a indicator of star forming activity. The fraction of galaxies with merger features in each SFR bin is obtained to see if how the fraction of galaxies with merging features(f m ) changes as a function of SFR. As a result, for 203 late type galaxies(ltgs), we found that merger fraction increases from ~8% up to 50% with SFR W4, while for 229 LTGs SFR NUV shows relatively consistent fraction(~18%) of merger fraction. For early type galaxies(etgs), we could also find no significant correlation between F m and SFR(both SFR NUV and SFR W4 ). This result suggests that a main driver of star forming activity of UV bright galaxies, especially for obscured late types, is mergers. [ 포 GC-07] The Seoul National University AGN Monitoring Project (SAMP) : Photometric Light Curves Donghoon Son 1, Jong-Hak Woo 1, Hyun-Jin Bae 1,2, Yiseul Jeon 1, Huynh Anh Le 1, Songyoun Park1, Jaejin Shin 1, Minjin Kim 3, Daeseong Park 3, Hyun-il Sung 3, Ellena Gallo 4, Edmund Hodges-Kluck 4, Aaron Barth 5, Tommaso Treu 6, Matt Malkan 6, Vardha Nicola Bennert 7 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University 2 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 4 Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan 5 Department of Physics and Astronomy, UC Irvine 6 Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA 7 Physics Department, California Polytechnic State University We have been carrying out the long-term (3-5 years) AGN monitoring project since October 2015 to investigate the variability and measure the H beta line time lag of 69 nearby (0.06 < z < 0.47) AGNs based on the reverberation mapping method. Our targets have B band magnitudes of , luminosities of log L5100 = erg/s, and the expected time lags of light days. BVR band images are being taken with ~20-day cadence using MDM 1.3m, LOAO 1m and MDM 2.4m telescopes. Recently, Nickel 1m at Lick and DOAO 1m at Deokheung observatory are joined with photometric observations. Follow-up spectroscopic observations are on-going using the Lick 3m and MDM 2.4m telescopes. In this poster, we will describe our project including sample selection and the observational strategy, and present the preliminary results based on the 1st year photometry. [ 포 GC-08] Weak Lensing Analysis of the High-z Massive Galaxy Cluster SPT-CL J Using HST Data Seojin F. Kim, Myungkook J. Jee Yonsei University Discovered in the South Pole Telescope Sunyaev-Zel dovich (SPT-SZ) survey, the galaxy cluster SPT-CL J at z = might be the most massive known SZ-selected galaxy cluster at z > 1.2. The SZ and X-ray combined mass estimate is M500 = (4.8 ± 0.8) M. To confirm this extreme mass, we perform weak 50 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

52 포스터발표초록 lensing analysis of SPT-CL J using HST data. Our analysis produces a mass estimate consistent with the previous results obtained from non-lensing methods. In this poster, we describe details of the method including shape measurement, PSF correction, source selection, and mass estimation. We also present a two-dimensional mass map and compare this to the galaxy distribution. [ 포 GC-09] Weak Lensing Analysis On The Merging Galaxy Cluster Abell 115 Mincheol Kim, Myungkook J. Jee Yonsei University The galaxy cluster Abell 115 shows ongoing merger features, which suggest that it might be in an intermediate phase of dynamical evolution. As merging clusters often show, the characteristic hints of A115 s merging activities include radio relics, double X-ray peaks, and large offsets between the cluster member galaxies and the X-ray distributions. To constrain the exact stage of the merger, it is necessary to obtain its dark matter distribution. In this study, we carry out a precision weak lensing study of this interesting system based on Subaru images. We present our mass reconstruction together with descriptions on our core procedure of the analysis: Subaru data reduction, galaxy shape measurement, and source selection. We find that Abell 115 consists of two massive dark matter clumps, which closely follow the cluster galaxies. Our weak lensing mass estimate is a few factors lower than the published dynamical mass obtained from velocity dispersion. This large mass discrepancy may be attributed to a significant departure from dynamical equilibrium. [ 포 GC-10] Where is the Dark Matter in the Double Radio Relic Galaxy Cluster PLCKG ? Kyle Finner 1 ; Myungkook J. Jee 1, William Dawson 4, Nathan Golovich 2, Daniel Gruen 3, Brian Lemaux 2, David Wittman 2 1 Yonsei University, 2 UC Davis, 3 Stanford University, 4 Lawrence Livermore National Lab Diffuse radio relics are often detected in merging galaxy clusters and are emitted by synchrotron process. Radio relics are believed to trace the shock waves in the intracluster medium induced by ram pressure during a major cluster merger. Radio halos and relics are found in approximately 50 galaxy clusters to date that are all in a state of merging. The rarest of these galaxy clusters contain pairs of relics of similar brightness as well as a radio halo. The massive galaxy cluster PLCKG belongs to this rare population and is the second most significant detection from the Planck SZ All-sky Survey. Perhaps even more intriguing is that the radio relics are observed at vastly different distances from the X-ray peak requiring a complex merging scenario. In this study, we use weak-lensing to peer deeper into the merging scenario by reconstructing the dark matter distribution. We relate the mass distribution to the radio, X-ray, and optical emissions to provide constraints for future simulations of the merger. Fitting an NFW profile to the tangential shear we infer the mass of the cluster and discuss its implications for the merging scenario. [ 포 GC-11] IONIZED GAS KINEMATICS ALONG THE RADIO JET IN TYPE 2 AGNS HUYNH ANH N. LE, JONG-HAK WOO, AND DONGHOON SON Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University To investigate the connection between radio activity and AGN outflows, we present a study of ionized gas kinematics by using [O III] λ5007 emission line along the radio jet for six radio AGNs. These AGNs are selected based on the radioactivity (L1.4GHz erg s-1) as well as optical properties as type 2 AGNs. By using the high spatial resolution of the Red Channel Cross Dispersed Echellette Spectrograph at the Multiple Mirror Telescope, we investigate in detail the [O III] and stellar kinematics. We spatially resolve and probe the central AGN-photoionization sizes, which is important in understanding the structures and evolutions of galaxies. We find that the typical central AGN-photoionization sizes of our targets are in range of kpc. We study the [O III] kinematics along the radio jets to test whether there is a link between gas outflows in the narrow-line region and radio jet emissions. Contrary to our expectation, we find no evidence that the gas outflows are directly connected to radio jet emission. [ 포 GC-12] The evolution of a late-type galaxy through multiple high-speed galaxy-galaxy collisions 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 51

53 2017 봄학술대회 Jeong-Sun Hwang 1, Changbom Park 2 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sejong University, 2 School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study We perform hydrodynamical simulations of a late-type galaxy experiencing frequent high-speed encounters with intruding galaxies, called galaxy harassment. Specifically, we simulate a Milky Way-like galaxy colliding consecutively with six twice-massive early-type galaxies containing hot diffuse gas on their halos, with various impact parameters ranging from 65 kpc/h to 15 kpc/h at the relative speed of about 1500 km/s. We show that galaxy-galaxy encounters play a significant role in a cluster environment in gas stripping and star formation quenching through hydrodynamic interactions of late-type galaxies with cluster early-type galaxies. [ 포 GC-13] A pilot study on the formation and evolution of the Intracluster light: Preliminary results of the Coma cluster Jaewon Yoo 1,2, Jongwan Ko 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), 2 University of Science and Technology (UST) Galaxy clusters are the most massive gravitationally bound systems and thus probably the most recent objects to form. One of promising routes to understand the assembly history of galaxy clusters is to measure observable quantities of components in clusters that are sensitive to the evolutionary state of the cluster. Recent deep observations on the nearby clusters show distinct diffuse intracluster light (ICL), that the light from stars are not bound any individual cluster galaxy, however until now this component has not been well studied due to its faint nature, with typical brightness of ~100 times fainter than the sky background. As shown in galaxy cluster simulation studies, the ICL abundance increases during various dynamical exchanges of galaxies such as the disruption of dwarf galaxies, major mergers between galaxies and the tidal stripping of galaxies. Thus, the ICL is an effective tool to measure the evolutionary stage of galaxy clusters. Moreover, the investigation of the ICL evolution mechanism will allow us understand the galaxy evolution process therein. In this pilot study, we target the Coma cluster, where the existing ICL studies are limited only in the central region. With large and uniform deep optical images from the Subaru telescope, available only recently (Okabe et al. 2014), we are developing a robust ICL measurement technique, extracting the ICL surface brightness and color profiles, which will allow us to study the origin of the ICL and its connection to the evolutionary history of the Coma cluster. For the next phase, we plan to utilize the plenty of spectroscopy data from the MMT telescope to compare ICL properties with the star formation history of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCG), and discuss the ICL formation mechanism of the Coma cluster by comparing the distribution of cluster galaxies with the distribution of diffuse light inside the Coma cluster. 우주론 / 암흑물질, 에너지 [ 포 CD-01] Post-reionization Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel dovich Effect in Illustris Simulation Hyunbae Park 1, Cristiano Sabiu 1, Xiao-dong Li 2, Changbom Park 2, Juhan Kim 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute, 2 Korea Institute for Advanced Study We develop a methodology to use the redshift dependence of the galaxy 2-point correlation function (2pCF) as a probe of cosmological parameters. The positions of galaxies in comoving Cartesian space varies under different cosmological parameter choices, inducing a redshift-dependent scaling in the galaxy distribution. This geometrical distortion can be observed as a redshift-dependent rescaling in the measured 2pCF. The shape of the 2pCF exhibits a significant redshift evolution when the galaxy sample is analyzed under a cosmology differing from the true, simulated one. Other contributions, including the gravitational growth of structure, galaxy bias, and the redshift space distortions, do not produce large redshift evolution in the shape. We show that one can make use of this geometrical distortion to constrain the values of cosmological parameters governing the expansion history of the universe. This method could be applicable to future large scale structure surveys, especially photometric surveys such as DES, LSST, to derive tight cosmological constraints. This work is a continuation of our previous works as a strategy to constrain cosmological parameters 52 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

54 포스터발표초록 using redshift-invariant physical quantities. [ 포 CD-02] Systematic Tests for Light-Curve Fitters and Samples in YONSEI Supernova Catalogue Young-Lo Kim, Yijung Kang, and Young-Wook Lee Center for Galaxy Evolution Research & Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea The YONSEI (YOnsei Nearby Supernova Evolution Investigation) project is to investigate the luminosity evolution of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) by using their early-type host galaxies. As a part of this project, we have constructed our own SN catalogue. SALT2 and MLCS2k2 light-curve fitters implemented in SNANA package are employed to analyze the light-curve data. The catalogue provides a rest-frame peak magnitude in B-band or distance modulus, a light-curve shape parameter, and a color or an extinction value of each SN in the redshift range from 0.01 to 1.4. In this poster, we will present our progress in the detailed systematic tests for this catalogue. [ 포 CD-03] MMT Spectroscopy of Early-type Host Galaxies of Type Ia Supernovae Yijung Kang, Young-Lo Kim, and Young-Wook Lee Department of Astronomy and Center for Galaxy Evolution Research, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea The origin of the well-known correlation between Hubble residual of Type Ia Supernova (SN Ia) and mass of their host galaxies is yet to be fully understood. In our first paper of our YOnsei Evolutionary Supernovae Evolutionary Investigation (YONSEI) project, we found a significant (~3.9σ) correlation between host galaxy mass (velocity dispersion) and population age from high S/N host spectra observed using LCO 2.5 m telescope. Since there is no correlation with metallicity, our result suggests that stellar population age is mainly responsible for the relation between host mass and HR. In order to explore this more directly, we have subsequently observed more sample of nearby early-type host galaxies using MMT 6.5 m telescope. In this poster presentation, we will report our progress in this project and show the preliminary results from our MMT observations. function of the SDSS-IV eboss DR14 quasar sample Peter D. Choi 1, Graziano Rossi 1, Zachary Slepian 2, Daniel Eisenstein 3, Shirley Ho 2,4, David Schlegel 2 1 Sejong University, 2 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 3 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 4 Carnegie Mellon University While quasars are sparse in number density, they reside at relatively high-redshift as compared to galaxies. Hence, they are likely to be less non-linearly evolved than the galaxy population, and thus have a distribution that more closely mirrors the primordial density field. Therefore, they offer an intriguing opportunity to search for primordial non-gaussianity (PNG). To this end, the 3-point correlation function (3PCF) is an excellent statistical tool to detect departures from Gaussianity, vanishing for a Gaussian field. In this work, we will make the first-ever measurement of the large-scale quasar 3PCF from the SDSS-IV DR14 quasar sample (spanning the largest volume to-date) to place constraints on PNG through the usual f_nl-type parametrization. This work will use the order N^2-time 3PCF algorithm of Slepian & Eisenstein (2015), with N the number of objects. [ 포 CD-05] Modeling the Galaxy-Halo Connection for Large-Volume Surveys SeungHee Lee, Dongjun Park, Graziano Rossi Sejong University, With large-volume surveys becoming the norm, it is increasingly important to accurately model the galaxy-halo connection and being able to create mock universes of galaxies - starting from dark matter halo catalogs - that reproduce with high-fidelity all the characteristics of a given experiment. This step is necessary, in order to safely interpret cosmological data and fully control systematic effects. We are developing a new Python-based tool which integrates several existing packages and allows one to reproduce many of the forms used to describe galaxy-halo models, ranging from halo occupation distribution (HOD) to abundance matching techniques, along with the characteristics of a given survey and the main testable observables. We are making the code parallel for high-performance parallel-architectures. [ 포 CD-04] Constraining primordial non-gaussianity with the 3-point correlation 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 53

55 2017 봄학술대회 성간물질 [ 포 IM-01] Ionized Fe Objects in UWIFE survey and IGRINS Yesol Kim 1, Bon-Chul Koo 1, Tae-Soo Pyo 2 1 Seoul National University, 2 Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan The UKIRT Wide-field Infrared survey for Fe+ (UWIFE) is an unbiased survey of the first Galactic quadrant, with narrow-band filter centered on μm. This survey covers 7 < l < 62 and b < 1.5, where active interaction of stars and interstellar medium is expected. With median seeing of 0.8 arcsec, 5 sigma detection limit of 18.7 mag and surface brightness limit of W m -2 arcsec -2, this survey gives an opportunity to statistically study Galactic [Fe II] emitting sources for the first time. In order to identify Ionized Fe Objects (IFOs) in survey area systematically, we conducted visual inspection and automatic detection simultaneously. Total of ~300 extended IFOs are identified, most of them are found out to be part of supernova remnants (SNRs), young stellar objects, HII regions and planetary nebulae. The majority of IFOs are new discoveries which reveal shocked structures in high-extinction region. Spatial distribution of IFOs suggest that they trace Galactic structure. As a part of spectroscopic follow-up, we observed SNR candidate IFO J with IGRINS (Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph, Yuk+2010), mounted on 2.7m Harlan Smith telescope. This unknown arc-like, 6 -long IFO is coincident with inner part of radio continuum loop G , which has been known as HII region. However, interior of this radio shell is filled with diffuse soft X-ray emission, and possible association of hard X-ray pulsar / pulsar wind nebula makes the nature of the IFO unclear. The H and K-band 2D spectrum shows shock-ionized [Fe II] filaments, which is apart from photoionized HII filaments. In this presentation we present basic statistics of newly identified IFOs, as well as the follow-up study of IFO J [ 포 IM-02] High-resolution Optical and Near-infrared Spectra of 2MASS J Sunkyung Park 1, Jeong-Eun Lee 1, Tae-Soo Pyo 2, Hyun-Il Sung 3, Sang-Gak Lee 4, Wonseok Kang 4, Tae Seog Yoon 5, Won-Kee Park 3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 4 National Youth Space Center, 5 Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyungpook National University We present the results of high-resolution optical (R ~ 30,000) and near-infrared (R ~ 45,000) spectroscopic monitoring observations of a new FU Orionis-like young stellar object, 2MASS J FU Orionis objects (FUors) are well-studied examples of episodic accretion because of their outburst phenomenon. Recently, 2MASS J exhibited an outburst and was identified as an FUor. It provides an important opportunity to investigate the whole FUors phenomenon from its pre-outburst to its post-outburst phase. We observed 2MASS J with the Bohyunsan Optical Echelle Spectrograph (BOES) of the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO) and the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph (IGRINS) of Harlan J. Smith Telescope (HJST) at the McDonald observatory since December 24, We detected a number of lines and present here our analysis for time variations of those spectral lines. [ 포 IM-03] A multi-wavelength study of N63A: A SNR within an H II region in the LMC. Rommy L. S. E. Aliste C., Bon-Chul Koo, Yong-Hyun Lee Seoul National University The nature and physical environments of SNRs are diverse, and for this reason, the understanding of the properties of nearby SNRs is useful in interpreting the emission from SNRs in remote galaxies where we cannot resolve them. In this regard, the LMC is a unique place to study SNRs due to its proximity, location, and composition compared with our galaxy. We carried out a multi-wavelength study of SNR N63A in the LMC, a young remnant of the SN explosion of one of the most massive (> 40 Msun) stars in a cluster. It is currently expanding within a large H II region formed by OB stars in the cluster and engulfing a molecular cloud (MC). As such, N63A is a prototypical SNR showing the impact of SN explosion on the cluster and its environment. Its morphology varies strongly across the wave bands, e.g. the size in X-ray is three 54 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

56 포스터발표초록 times larger than in optical. However, the bright optical nebula would correspond to a MC swept up by the SNR, and consequently the interaction SNR-MC is limited to the central portion of the SNR. We aimed to study the overall structure of N63A, using near-ir imaging and spectroscopic observations to obtain the physical parameters of the atomic shocks, and also to understand how the SNR- MC interaction works and reveal the structure of the shocked cloud as well as the consequences of the impact of the SNR shock on the MC, comparing information obtained in different wavelengths. [ 포 IM-04] On the claimed X-shaped structure in the Milky Way bulge Daniel Han and Young-Wook Lee Center for Galaxy Evolution Research & Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University A number of recent studies have claimed that the double red clump observed in the Milky Way bulge is a consequence of an X-shaped structure. In particular, Ness & Lang (2016) report a direct detection of a faint X-shaped structure in the bulge from the residual map of the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) image. Here we show, however, that their result is seriously affected by a bulge model subtracted from the original image. When a boxy bulge model is subtracted, instead of a simple exponential bulge model as has been done by Ness & Lang, we find that most of the X-shaped structure in the residuals disappears. Furthermore, even if real, the stellar density in the claimed X-shaped structure appears to be too low to be observed as a strong double red clump at [ 포 IM-05] Density-Magnetic Field correlation in MHD turbulence driven by forcing with different correlation time Heesun Yoon 1, Jungyeon Cho 1, and Jongsoo Kim 2,3 1 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungnam National University, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), 3 Astronomy and Space Science Major, University of Science and Technology (UST) We study the effect of driving scheme on the density-magnetic field correlation. We numerically investigate how the correlation time of driving affects the correlation between density and magnetic field. We performed MHD turbulence simulation using two different driving schemes a finite-correlated driving and a delta-correlated driving. In the former, the forcing vectors change continuously with a correlation time comparable to the large-eddy turnover time. In the latter, the direction and amplitude of driving changes in a very short time scale. [ 포 IM-06] Multiwavelength Millimeter Observations of Dense Cores in the L1641 Cloud Minho Choi 1, Miju Kang 1, Jeong-Eun Lee 2, Sung-Ju Kang 1, Jungmi Kwon 3, Jungyeon Cho 4, Hyunju Yoo 2,4, Geumsook Park 5, Youngung Lee 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 3 ISAS, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan 4 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungnam National University 5 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University The L1641 cloud in Orion is an active site of star formation. We mapped a square region of 60 arcmin by 60 arcmin in the continuum emission from 0.89 mm to 2.0 mm wavelength using MUSIC mounted on the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory 10.4 m telescope. Eight sources were detected in at least two wavelength bands, and all the detected emission comes from thermal dust continuum radiation of dense cloud cores. Their spectral energy distributions were characterized. The dust emissivity spectral index is beta = 1.3 on average, within the range of typical cores in nearby star-forming regions. Two cores, V380 Ori NE and HH 34 MMS, have unusually low emissivity index of beta = 0.3. These cores may contain millimeter-sized dust grains, which suggests that the lifetime of some dense cores can be much longer than the free-fall timescale. [ 포 IM-07] Different chemical and dynamical environments in two massive star forming regions, G and G Giseon Baek 1, Jeong-eun Lee 1, Se-Hyung Cho 2, Youngjoo Yun 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 1732, Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17104, Korea 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 776 Daedeok-daero, Yuseong, Daejeon 34055, Korea 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 55

57 2017 봄학술대회 Complex organic molecules (COMs) are commonly detected in star forming regions and considered important species since they are seeds of prebiotic molecules. Although COMs form in ice mantles on dust grains, they are preferentially detected in the gas phase. The origin of the gaseous COMs highly depends on the circumstance of each star forming region. Therefore, the distribution of COMs emission reflects the physical and chemical conditions of the region. We present the newly detected COMs, especially methanol emission lines toward two massive star forming regions, G and G in the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array Band 3 observations during the Cycle 2 phase. Multiple transitions of methanol are detected in both regions but show different emission morphology. The origin of the desorption (e.g. shocks or high energy photons) is discussed. [ 포 IM-08] Statistical study of turbulence from polarized synchrotron emission Hyeseung Lee 1, Chungyeon Cho 1, Alexandre Lazarian 2 1 Chungnam National University 2 University of Wisconsin-Madison When turbulent motions perturb magnetic field lines and produce magnetic fluctuations, the perturbations leave imprints of turbulence statistics on magnetic field. Observation of synchrotron radiation is one of the easiest ways to study turbulent magnetic field. Therefore, we study statistical properties of synchrotron polarization emitted from media with magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, using both synthetic and MHD turbulence simulation data. First, we obtain the spatial spectrum and its derivative with respect to wavelength of synchrotron polarization arising from both synchrotron radiation and Faraday rotation. The study of spatial spectrum shows how the spectrum is affected by Faraday rotation and how we can recover the statistics of underlying turbulent magnetic field as well as turbulent density of electrons from interferometric observations that incorporate the effects of noise and finite telescopic beam size. Second, we study quadrupole ratio to quantitatively describe the degree of anisotropy introduced by magnetic field in the presence of MHD turbulence. We consider the case that the synchrotron emission and Faraday rotation are spatially separated, as well as the situation that the sources of the synchrotron radiation and thermal electrons causing Faraday rotation exist in the same region. In this study, we demonstrate that the spectrum and quadrupole ratio of synchrotron polarization can be very informative tools to get detailed information about the statistical properties of MHD turbulence from radio observations of diffuse synchrotron polarization. [ 포 IM-09] Obtaining the driving scale of turbulence from observations Jungyeon Cho ( 조정연 ) Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chung National University, Daejeon, Korea To maintain turbulence in astrophysical fluids, driving is required. Constraining the driving scale of turbulence is important to identify the driving mechanism and also to obtain more accurate turbulence statistics from observations. We discuss how to obtain the driving scale of turbulence from observations. First, we explain the method to obtain the driving scale from the standard deviation of centroid velocity (i.e. the first moment of the line profile). Second, we discuss other techniques to obtain the driving scale. [ 포 IM-10] Correlation between Orion A Molecular Cloud's Velocity Gradient and Cloud Collision Kim Youngsik 1,2 and Kim Kwang-Tae 1 1 Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences Chungnam National University Daejeon Korea, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 오리온 A 분자운은은경 204 ~220, 은위 -17 ~-21 영역에분포하고있다. 여기서 V lsr 은은경이증가함에따라감소하는모습을보이고있다. 이러한속도기울기의기원은분자운의회전에의한것이라는이론 (Kutner et al. 1977; Maddalena et al. 1986) 과 Ori OB1 으로발생한항성풍이주도하는큰규모의팽창에의한것이라는이론 (Bally et al. 1987) 등여러가지가있다. 이연구에서는 TRAO, FCRAO 관측데이터를이용하여충돌하는분자운과오리온 A 분자운의속도기울기사이에어떠한상관관계를가지는지알아보고자한다. 천문우주관측기술 [ 포 AT-01] Optic-axis Alignment and Performance Test of the Schwarzschild-Chang Off-axis Telescope 56 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

58 포스터발표초록 Woojin Park 1, Soojong Pak 1, Seunghyuk Chang 2, Byeongjoon Jeong 3, Kwang Jo Lee 4, Yonghwan Kim 5, and Tae-Geun Ji 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Center for Integrated Smart Sensors, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 3 Optical Instrumentation Team, Korea Basic Science Institute, 4 Department of Applied Physics, Kyung Hee University, 5 Department of Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University, The Schwarzschild-Chang off-axis telescope is a linear astigmatism-free confocal system. The telescope comprises two pieces of aluminum-alloy freeform mirrors that are fabricated with diamond turning machine (DTM) process. We designed optomechanical structures where optical components in the telescope system can be adjustable on a linear stage. Optomechanical deformation caused by the weight of system itself and its temperature variation is analyzed by the finite element analysis (FEA). The results show that the deformation is estimated in the tolerance range. For the optic-axis alignment of telescope system, three-point alignment (TPA) method is chosen. The TPA method uses three parallel lasers and a plane mirror. Point source images were taken from collimated light and field observation. The performance of optical system was tested by point spread function and aberration measurement of the point sources. [ 포 AT-02] Improvement and quasi optical analysis of wide band prototype feedhorn for ASTE focal plane array Bangwon Lee 1, Alvaro Gonzalez 2, Jung-won Lee 1 1 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, 2 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan As an upgrade we report the current ASTE ultra-wideband corrugated horn design. The length of the feedhorn gets shortened from 12.5 mm to 11 mm, and it shows better side lobe level at the far-field patterns compared with the previous design. We looked into possible quasi-optical solution to match the feedhorn beam to the optics of the current ASTE telescope, starting from frequency-independent solution using two ellipsoidal mirrors to which wideband performance of the feedhorn naturally fits. We used a commercial physical optics package (GRASP) with an user-defined optimizer to give physical constraints to evaluated optical designs for highest efficiency. [ 포 AT-03] Design of Integrated Control Software for Automated Observing System Tae-Geun Ji 1, Hye-In Lee 1, Soojong Pak 1, Myungshin Im 2, Sang-Yun Lee 2, Coyne A. Gibson 3, John Kuehne 3, Jennifer Marshall 4 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe (CEOU), Astronomy Program, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University, 3 McDonald Observatory of The University of Texas at Austin, 4 Dep. Of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University Remote and robotic telescopes are the most effective instrument for astronomical survey projects. The system is based on the dynamic operation of all astronomical instruments such as dome and telescope control system (TCS), focuser, filter wheel and data taking camera. We adopt the ASCOM driver platform to control the instruments through the integrated software. It can convert different interface libraries from various manufacturers into a uniform standard library. This allows us to effectively control astronomical instruments without modifying codes. We suggest a conceptual design of software for automation of a small telescope such as the new wide-field 0.25m telescope at McDonald Observatory. It can also be applied to operation of multi-telescopes in future projects. [ 포 AT-04] Fabrication of Freeform Aluminum mirrors for Wide Field Infrared Telescopes Byeongjoon Jeong 1, Jeongha Gwak 2, Soojong Pak 3, Geon Hee Kim 1, Kwang Jo Lee 4, Junbeom Park 5, Hye-In Lee 3, Woojin Park 3 and Tae-Geun Ji 3 1 Optical Instrumentation Development Team, Korea Basic Science Institute (KBSI), Korea 2 Dept. of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University 3 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 4 Dept. of Applied Physics, Kyung Hee University 5 Yoonseul Inc. Single Point Diamond Turning (SPDT) is a cost-effective technique to fabricate metallic mirrors. In particular, the servo-assisted diamond turning option is highly useful for the fabrication of freeform surfaces. However, the SPDT process 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 57

59 2017 봄학술대회 leaves periodic tool marks on machined mirror surfaces, leading to undesirable diffraction effect, as well as the deviation of input beam. In order to solve this problem, we propose new SPDT machining conditions to minimize tool marks. We will also show the results from optical measurement and Power Spectral Density (PSD) analysis to evaluate the expectable performance for applications in wide field infrared telescopes. [ 포 AT-05] BVRI Filter Standardization of DOAO 1m Telescope Hojae Ahn 1, Soojong Pak 1, Wonseok Kang 2, Taewoo Kim 2 1 Department of Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 17104, Korea 2 National Youth Space Center, 200 Deokheungyangjjok-gil, Deokheung-ri, Dongil-myeon, Goheung-gun, Jeollanam-do 59567, Korea National Youth Space Center has recently founded the Deokheung Optical Astronomy Observatory (DOAO) 1m Telescope, which accepts community observing applications since Standardization and calibration of the new observing facility are essential for astronomical research. In this poster, we present standardization processes and preliminary results for photometry of the Johnson-Cousins BVRI filter system. We selected sample data from a night in stable weather condition. After bias, dark, and flat corrections and photometry using ccdred and daophot package of IRAF, we derived standardized band pass parameters including color terms. The corrected photometry results of the BVRI filter system show reduced deviations from the standard magnitudes in the literature. In addition, we calculated atmospheric extinction coefficients and limiting magnitudes of the telescope system. We plan to extend these standardizing processes to flux calibration of narrow band filters, e.g. Hα filter. [ 포 AT-06] The Development of The Observing System for Goheung Radio Telescope ( 고흥전파망원경관측시스템개발 ) Ji-Sung Ha 1, Hyunwoo Kang 2 1 National Youth Space Center(NYSC), 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute(KASI) 2013 년청소년교육목적으로개발된고흥전파간섭계시 스템을활용하여청소년으로하여금전파관측을체험케하고, 전파천문학연구기회를제공하고자한다. 안정된단일경전파관측과간섭계모드전파관측을위해현시스템이갖추어야할기능을개선하고있다. 보다정밀하게관측대상을추적하고, 전파점광원을관측할수있도록새로운전파관측시스템을개발한다. 정밀한관측대상추적과함께데이터취득시간을확장하여점광원관측이가능하게되면, 청소년에게전파관측및전파간섭원리와관측방법을실험체험프로그램으로전해줄수있다. KMTNet [ 포 KMT-01] Progress report of the deep and wide-field imaging survey of nearby galaxies with KMTNet Woowon Byeon 1,2, Minjin Kim 1,2, Yun-Kyeong Sheen 1, Luis C. Ho 3, Hyunjin Jeong 1, Sang Chul Kim 1,2, Joon Hyeop Lee 1,2, Byeong-Gon Park 1,2, Kwang-Il Seon 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 University of Science and Technology, 3 Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, China In a ΛCDM universe, galaxies are believed to evolve by mergers and accretions. The debris resulting from such processes remains as diffuse, low-surface brightness structures, such as outer disks, stellar halos, and faint companions. These structures will give us fruitful insight into the recent mass assembly history of galaxies, but it is challenging to observe them due to their low surface brightness. In order to explore the structural properties of outskirts of nearby galaxies, we conduct deep wide-field imaging survey with KMTNet. Here we present a progress report of data reduction for the images of NGC 1291, a lenticular barred galaxy with outer rings. To achieve accurate flat fielding, we use dark sky flat and remove the sky gradient of each exposure with a polynomial fit. As a result, we are able to reach 1 sigma depth of μ R ~ 29.6 mag arcsec -2. We expect to investigate the surface brightness profile of NGC 1291 in 1-D profile, and color-gradient in the outer part of the galaxy using the B- and R- band images. 항성및항성계 [ 포 ST-01] Raman O VI Profile Analysis of 58 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

60 포스터발표초록 Accretion and Bipoloar Outflow in Sanduleak s Star Jeong-Eun Heo 1, Rodolfo Angeloni 2, Francesco Di Mille 3, Tali Palma 4 and Hee-Won Lee 1 1 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Sejong University, Korea 2 Gemini Observatory, Chile 3 Las Campanas Observatory, Chile 4 Departamento de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile Sanduleak s star is a suspected symbiotic binary located in the Large Magellanic Cloud. It is known that it has a giant jet with physical size ~ 14pc. Its spectrum shows two strong emission bands at 6825Å and 7082Å, which are originated from Raman-scattering of O VI by neutral hydrogen atoms. We present the high-resolution spectrum of Sanudleak s star obtained with MIKE at the Magellan-Caly telescope to investigate the O VI emission region based on the profiles of the two Raman features. In this spectrum, it is noted that the Raman 6825Å feature exhibits a single broad peak profile, which is in high contrast with a clear triple peak profile of the Raman 7082Å feature. In our analysis we suggest that the O VI emission region consist of three main emission parts: an accretion disk, a bipolar outflow and an optically thick, compact component surrounding the white dwarf. By performing Monte Carlo simulation we constrain the representative column density of the H I scattering region N_HI 1 10^23 cm^ 2, which is in accordance with the observed flux ratio in the two Raman features F(6825)/F(7082) 4.5. parameters and the masses of stellar components. Here, we discuss the possibility of black hole binary mergers from massive Pop III binary systems, using a new grid of Pop III binary evolutionary models with various initial primary masses (20 M M 100 M ) and initial separations, for different initial mass ratios (q = ). [ 포 ST-03] Photometric Observations for δ Sct and SX Phe Variables Jiyeon Kim 1 ( 김지연 ), Heejin Kim 2 ( 김희진 ), Seulki Han 1 ( 한슬기 ), Jonghyung Kim 3 ( 김종형 ), Eunchae Lee 4 ( 이은채 ), Wonseok Kang 5 ( 강원석 ) 1 Kyung Hee University( 경희대 ), 2 Yonsei University( 연세대 ), 3 Kyungpook National University( 경북대 ), 4 Seoul National University( 서울대 ), 5 National Youth Space Center( 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 ) 변광성은거리를결정하기위한중요한천체이며, 대표적으로 RR Lyr 형변광성을사용하여성단까지의거리를결정해왔다. 하지만성단의거리를결정함에있어성단구성원의 multi-population 을고려해야한다는의견이최근제시되어왔으며, 이를위해 RR Lyr 형외에새로운지표가필요한실정이다. 변광성중에서 δ Sct 와 SX Phe 형의경우짧은변광주기를가지기때문에, RR Lyr 형을대신할새로운지표로대두되고있다. 따라서본연구에서는국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 (NYSC) 에서주최하는천문실습과정에참여하여각각 2 개의 δ Sct 와 SX Phe 형변광성을 NYSC 1m 망원경을사용하여관측하였다. 실습과정에서진행된관측및자료처리과정에대한검증을위해, 관측대상의광도곡선을얻고문헌의결과와비교하고자한다. [ 포 ST-02] Formation of short-period black hole binary systems from Population III stars as grativational wave radiation sources Hunchul Lee & Sung-Chul Yoon Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University Massive Population III black hole binary systems are one of the suggested candidate sources of the recently detected gravitational wave radiation (GWR). GWR detection from a black hole binary system requires a sufficiently short orbital separation at the time of their formation, such that they would undergo coalescence within the Hubble time. This condition cannot be simply fulfilled by a short initial period, because binary interactions such as mass transfer and common envelope evolution can largely change the orbital 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 59


62 사단법인한국천문학회 학계보고서 경북대학교천문대기과학과 63 경희대학교우주과학과및우주탐사학과 64 고등과학원 69 부산대학교지구과학교육과 70 서울대학교물리 천문학부천문학전공 71 세종대학교천문우주학과 80 연세대학교천문우주학과 84 충남대학교천문우주과학과 89 충북대학교천문우주학과 91 충북대학교천문대 94 96


64 기관소식 경북대학교천문대기과학과 1. 인적사항본학과의천문학전공교수는박명구, 윤태석, 장헌영, 황재찬회원네명이다. 동교사범대학지구과학교육과의심현진회원도대학원생논문지도를맡고있다. 본학과학부과정은지구시스템학부소속천문대기과학전공이며대학원과정은천문대기과학과천문학전공이다. 2017년 3월에는 90명의신입생이수시및정시모집으로지구시스템과학부에입학하였고, 24명의학생들이 2학년으로올라가며천문대기과학전공을선택하였으며, 1명이 2학년으로학사편입하였다. 천문대기과학전공학생은천문학과대기과학을자유롭게선택하여공부할수있다. 대학원에는 2017년 3월에 1명의석사과정학생과 2명의박사과정학생이입학하여현재 8명의석사과정학생과 7명의박사과정학생이재학중이다. 조동환회원이박사후연수과정으로 2016년 10월까지근무하였다. 2016년 8월최정용회원이 Mars-Crossing Asteroid 2078 Nanking의측광관측을통한자전특성과모양연구 라는제목으로, 2017년 2월김동현회원이 Gravitational Lensing by an Elliptical Mass Distribution with a Black Hole 이라는제목으로, 신지혜회원이 Clustering of Extremely Red Objects in Subaru GTO2deg2 field 라는제목으로, 이현욱회원이 Study of the Characteristics of Open Clusters with Blue Stragglers 라는제목으로, 정소윤회원이 외계행성의특성에관한연구 : 통계학적접근및측광관측분석 이라는제목으로, 조윤아회원이 The Luminosity/Spectral Lag Relations of the Short GRBs with Extended Emission 이라는제목으로석사학위를받았다. 2. 연구및학술활동박명구회원은 2016년 3월부터 2017년 2월까지 Stanford 대학의 Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology에서블랙홀의성장과정에대한연구를수행하였다. 또한박사과정방태양회원, 천문연구원의외계행성연구팀과는거성및쌍성주위의외계행성탐색연구, 박사과정한두환회원과는블랙홀의부착현상, 박사과정이윤희회원및부산대학교안홍배회원과는막대은하에대한연구, 석사과정김동현회원과는퀘이사중력렌즈에서블랙홀의영향에대한연구를수행하였다. 윤태석회원은석사과정오형일회원과는 FU Ori 형별에대한분광학적및측광학적관측연구를, 석사과정최정용회원과는태양계소행성에대한측광관측연구 를, 석사과정최범규회원과는외계행성에대한역학적수치모형계산연구를, 석사과정정소윤회원과는외계행성에대한통계학적분석연구를진행중이다. 이연구들은타기관회원들과함께공동으로추진하고있다. 새로입학한박사과정김수현회원과는근접쌍성및변광성에대한분광관측연구를수행할계획이다. 또한, 이상각 ( 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 ), 성현일 ( 천문연구원 ), 박수종 ( 경희대 ), 이정은 ( 경희대 ), 박원기 ( 천문연구원 ), 조동환 ( 경북대 ), 강원석 ( 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 ), 박근홍 ( 서울대 ), 배경민 ( 경희대 ), 박선경 ( 경희대 ), 백기선 ( 경희대 ), 윤성용 ( 경희대 ) 회원등과 FU Ori 형별에대한광학및근적외선관측연구를, 이형목 ( 서울대 ), 이상각 ( 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 ), 박근홍 ( 서울대 ) 회원과는 IGRINS 근적외선분광기를이용한외계행성대기특성탐구연구를수행하고있다. 그리고, 국제공동연구과제인한-일외계행성탐색관측연구 (Korean-Japanese Planet Search Program) 에일본측팀 ( 이주미우라박사, 사또교수, 오미야박사등 ), 천문연구원측팀 ( 한인우, 김강민, 이병철회원등 ) 과함께참여하고있다. 장헌영회원은태양흑점의위도별공간분포에대한연구를수행하여태양자기장생성에관한관측적연구를계속수행하고있고, 태양진동학을기반으로하는우주기상예보모형을개발중이다. 최철성회원 ( 천문연구원 ) 과 Zhibin Zhang( 중국, Guizhou 대학 ) 교수와는확장된방사를갖는감마선폭발체에대한연구를한중공동연구의형태로진행하고있다. 황재찬회원은우주구조의상대론적비선형진화그리고전자기장이포함된특수상대성이론이중력과결합된상황에적용할수있는이론을연구하고있다. 2016년 3월이후학과세미나에연사로오신분은박현배박사 ( ), 서경원교수 ( 충북대학교 ), 정웅섭박사 ( ), 김태현박사 ( ), 변상규박사 ( 취리히대학교 ), 김명진박사 ( ), 송현미박사 (KIAS), 박석재연구위원 ( ) 이다. 본학과는시민과학생들을위해학기마다 4차례일반인을위한공개관측과공개강연행사인 밤하늘이야기 를열고있다. 3. 연구시설본학과는계산및관측자료처리를위해 Intel server/cluster 및다수의워크스테이션과고성능 PC를운용하고있다. 천체관측실습을위한 31-cm 뉴턴식반사망원경 ( 본교기초과학연구소보유 ) 이있으며 2016년옥상돔을교체하였다. 그밖에 Coronado SolarMax 70, 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 63

65 2017 봄학술대회 Coronado Personal Solar Telescope CaK 등다수의소형반사및굴절망원경그리고 Fujinon , 2.5 대형쌍안경등을, 천체교육용으로이동식천체투영시스템을보유하고있다. 경희대학교우주과학과및우주탐사학과 1. 인적사항및주요동향 1985년에창립되어 2017년이 32주년이되는경희대학교우주과학과는현재응용과학대학에소속되어있고학사과정과함께대학원에석사, 박사, 석박사통합과정을두고있다. 2009년 WCU( 세계수준의연구중심대학 ) 사업의일환으로대학원에신설된우주탐사학과는석사, 박사, 석박사통합과정을두고있다. 경희대학교우주과학과와우주탐사학과에는 2017년 3 월현재총 15 명의교수 ( 김갑성, 이동훈, 김상준, 장민환, 김성수, 박수종, 최광선, 문용재, 김관혁, 선종호, 진호, Tetsuya Magara, 이은상, 이정은 ) 와 2017년 3월부로신규임용된최윤영교수가강의와연구를수행하고있다. 아울러독일막스플랑크연구소의 Sami K. Solanki, 미국메릴랜드대학의 Peter H. Yoon, 미국 UC Santa Cruz의 Ian Garrick-Bethell 교수그리고영국 Warwick 대학의 Valery M. Nakariakov 교수가 International Scholar로서연구와교육에힘을보태고있다. 현재우주과학과장은선종호회원이며, 우주탐사학과장은이정은회원이맡고있다. 우주과학과는경희천문대와함께매년다수의공개관측회를개최하여본교학생들뿐만아니라일반인들에게도천문현상을접할수있는기회를제공하고있다. 매년하계방학중, 우주과학과학생회는학과및천문대의지원으로중고생을위한우주과학캠프를개최하여청소년들에게천문학및우주과학에대한체험의기회를부여하고있다. 우주과학과학부는올해 42명의신입생을맞이했으며약 185명이재학중에있다. 대학원우주탐사학과에는석사과정에 11명, 박사과정에 36명, 석박사통합과정에 41명의학생 ( 총 88명 ) 이재학또는수료상태로있다. 양과대학원에서 2016년 8월이후학위를받은학생은다음과같다. * 석사졸업 3명 - 김진현 (17년 2월, 우주과학과, 지도교수문용재 ) : 논문제목 : Contribution of solar/geomagnetic activities and CO2 variation to global temperature anomaly - 신재혁 (17년 2월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수진호 ) : 논문제목 : 근지구우주공간연구를위한지상용서치코일자력계의개발 (Development of Ground-Based Search-Coil Magnetometer for Mear-Earth Space Research) - 정선영 (17년 2월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수진호 ) : 논문제목 : 초소형과학위성 SIGMA의통신시스템성능시험및분석 (The Performance Test for the SIGMA Communication System) * 박사졸업 6명. - 강지혜 (17년 2월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수 Tetsuya Magara) : 논문제목 : Investigation into Force-Freeness of a Solar Active Region and Application of Force-Free Modeling to a Flare-Producing Active Region - 김상혁 (16년 8월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수 Sami Khan Solanki) : 논문제목 : Development of infrared wide field off-axis telescope - 김선정 (16년 8월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수최광선 ) : 논문제목 : Steady-State Model of Solar Wind Electrons with Spontaneously Emitted Electromagnetic Fluctuations - 이재옥 (17년 2월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수문용재 ) : 논문제목 : Observation studies of CME-driven shocks and their associated DH type II radio bursts using multi-spacecraft data - 정민섭 (17년 2월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수김성수 ) : 논문제목 : 달표면편광관측을통한표토특성연구 ( 월면전반적특성과세부지형특성 ) - 최성환 (17년 2월, 우주과학과, 지도교수문용재 ) : 논문제목 : Development of Space Weather Data System and the Application of SVM to CME Geo-effectiveness 2. 연구및학술활동 BK21플러스사업우주탐사학과가주도하는 달-지구우주탐사 사업 ( 연구책임자 : 문용재회원 ) 이교육부에서시행하는 BK( 두뇌 64 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

66 기관소식 한국 )21플러스사업글로벌인재양성형에선정되어 2013 년 9월이후부터 2020년 8년 8월 31일까지매년 9.1 억원, 총약 60억원의연구비지원을받고있다. 2009학년도 2학기에우주탐사학과가대학원에신설되어현재총 39명 ( 박사과정 11명, 석박통합 20명, 석사과정 8명 ) 의대학원생 ( 재학 / 수료 ) 이 BK21 플러스사업에참여하고있다. BK21 플러스사업의수행을위해현재 Sanjay Kumar, Navin Chandra Joshi, 홍석범박사가학술연구교수로, 홍진희, 나고운, 최윤희박사가연구박사로재직하고있다. 과거 달궤도우주탐사 WCU 사업을통해수행된연구들을이어받아, 본 BK21플러스사업단에서수행하는연구는천문우주연구뿐만아니라달및근지구공간에서우리가개발한초소형위성을이용하여우주탐사에활용하는계획을가지고있다. 초소형인공위성으로달표면에충돌하기까지달표면의자기장이상지역 ( 특히국소자기장이강한지역 ) 을처음으로근접측정하여그구조및원인을규명하려는구체적인과학목적을가지고있다. 또한한국형달탐사시험용궤도선사업에달과학탑재체 2개과제를수행하고있다. 본사업에서추진하는달탐사임무는과학기술적측면에서획기적인의미와결과가기대되며이러한활동이학문적발전뿐만아니라대한민국우주개발에서모범적인연구개발사례로남게될것으로기대한다. 태양물리연구실김갑성회원이이끌고있는태양물리연구실은크게태양물리, 천체역학, 태양관측시스템그리고우주기상예보분야의연구를수행하고있다. 태양물리부분에서는이진이, 김일훈, 이청우회원이태양활동영역의구조, 진화에대한이론적연구및관측으로부터얻어진자료의분석을통한연구를진행하고있다. 본연구실의김일훈회원은 SDO(Solar Dynamic Observatory) 의 AIA 데이터를이용하여 EUV 코로나젯의형태에따른물리적특징을분석하고있으며이청우회원은 Big Bear 관측소의 Hα 관측데이터를이용하여필라멘트형성에대한연구를수행하고있다. 김현남회원은 Hinode SOT로관측된흑점의물리량을 Spectropolarimery라는도구를이용하여자기장구조와속도분포를연구하고있다. 태양관측시스템연구를위해교내에태양 H-alpha 관측시스템과태양분광관측시스템을운영하고있으며이관측시스템은네트워크를통한원격관측이가능하도록구축되어있다. 또한 Heliostat과 grating을이용하여분광관측시스템을구축하여관측을수행하고있다. 본태양관측시스템은학부생들의태양관측실습에활용되고있다. 마지막으로우주기상예보연구에서는국내외의우주환경사이트의관련데이터를수집하고모니터 하기위한근실시간모니터링시스템을구축하였다. 본연구에서는 SDIP(Solar Data Image Processing) 소프트웨어를자체적으로개발하여운영하고있다. SDIP 소프트웨어는 Borland C++ 를이용해서개발되었으며, 모니터링시스템은 SDIP를이용해서각각의 FTP 사이트에서근실시간으로태양데이터를획득하고, 모니터링하기위한것이다. 행성천문연구실김상준회원이지도하고있는행성천문연구실은 Keck, Gemini Observatory등의분광관측자료와 Cassini, JUNO 탐사선의관측자료를분석하여목성, 토성, 타이탄등의대기및혜성등의각종라디칼및분자선의생성, 그리고이들천체의대기조성과광화학적반응에관한모델연구를수행하고있다. 김상준, 심채경회원은 Gemini관측소의고분산분광자료를사용하여목성극지방고층대기에서나오는 3-마이크론메탄 emission을분석한결과아주고온 ( K) 임을발견하고그결과를 Icarus에 2015년발표하였다. 또한김상준회원은수십년동안목성북극지방에서움직이지않고빛나는 10-마이크론거대반점의원인을일시적이지만초고에너지오로라일가능성을제의한논문을 Icarus에 2016년발표하였다. 현재김상준회원은파리천문대 Courtin 박사와 Leicester 대학 Stallard 박사와공동연구로 Cassini데이터를사용한토성극지방적외선오로라와연무의진화과정을연구하고있다. 한편이동욱, 김상준회원은 Monte-Carlo시뮬레이션을이용한달대기모델을계속업그레이드하고있다. 이와병행하여 NASA Goddard 센터의 Killen 박사와공동연구로애리조나에있는 Robotic 달 coronagraph을사용하여많은데이터를중장기적으로입수하고있다. 이 coronagraph는현재달주위를돌면서관측하고있는 LADEE 탐사를지원하기위해최근설립된기기로서 LADEE에서관측되는국지적관측결과와이 coronagraph에서관측되는달전체의대기현상을융합하여일관된과학적결과를도출해내는것을그주된목적으로하고있다. 천체물리연구실김성수회원이이끄는천체물리연구실에서는은하중심부에서의별생성, 은하중심부로의개스물질유입, 우주론시뮬레이션을이용한구상성단계및왜소위성은하계의생성및진화연구등의분야에서다양한연구를진행중에있다. 김성수회원은 2013년 7월부터는다파장편광관측을통한달표토층입자의크기와성질을연 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 65

67 2017 봄학술대회 구하는과제를수행중에있으며, 2014년 12월부터는우주론시뮬레이션을이용한은하형성기본단위의생성과정을연구하는과제도수행중에있다. 이지원회원은천문연구원의손봉원회원과이상성회원의지도아래 KVN을이용한연구에참여하고있다. 김은빈회원은 SDSS 자료를이용하여은하중심팽대부의비축대칭적모양과은하핵에서의별탄생사이의관계를통계학적으로연구하고있다. 천경원회원은고등과학원의신지혜, 김주한회원과함께우주거대구조진화수치실험으로부터은하형성기본단위를생성하는수치실험기법을개발하였고이를이용하여왜소위성은하들의특성을연하고있다. 김민배회원은최윤영회원의지도아래 SDSS 자료를이용하여별탄생은하와활동성은하핵의특성에대한통계적연구를수행중에있다. 이주원회원은우리은하중앙팽대부에있는 HI 원반을유체역학수치실험을통해연구하고있으며, 박소명회원은영국 Sheffield 대학의 Simon Goodwin 교수와함께프랙탈구조의초기분포를이용하여성단의생성및초기진화를연구하고있다. Hannah Morgan 회원은우리은하중심부의 200pc 영역에서 5pc 영역으로개스물질이떨어지는현상을수치적으로연구하고있으며, 김일훈, 백길호, 김진규회원은달표면의편광특성과충돌분화구의특성에대해연구하고있다. 연구교수인심채경박사는우주풍화가달표면성숙도에미치는영향을연구중에있으며, 최근홍석범박사가달표면연구에합류하였다. 적외선실험실박수종회원이지도하는적외선실험실은광학 / 적외선천문기기의제작과천체관측연구를한다. 2016년 2월에 Huynh Anh N. Le 회원이 Medium and high resolution spectroscopy in near-infrared bands 연구로박사학위를받았고, 박우진회원은 Photometric transformation from RGB Bayer filter system to Johnson-Cousins BVR filter system 연구로석사학위를받았고, 정병준회원은 적외선우주망원경용알루미늄자유곡면반사경의형상오차보상 연구로석사학위를받았다. 2016년 8월에는김상혁회원이 Development of Infrared Wide-Field Off-Axis Telescope 연구로박사학위를받았다. Huynh Anh N. Le 회원은경희대학교 BK21 사업단의박사후연구원과정을 2016년 3월부터 7월까지수행했고, 2016년 8월부터는서울대학교로옮겨서우종학교수님의지도로박사후과정을시작했다. 박우진회원은 2016년 3월경희대학교대학원박사과정에진학하였고, 정병준회원은 2016년 9월부터한국기초과학지원연구원에취업하여병역특례과정을병행하고있다. 현재적외선실험실박사과정에는김재영, 이혜인, 박우진회원이있고, 석사과정 에는 2015년 3월에입학한김현종회원, 석박사통합과정에는 2016년 3월에입학한지태근회원이있다. 그리고우주과학과학부 4학년곽정하회원과이선우회원, 학부 3학년김용환회원이학부연구생으로실험과연구를보조하고있다. 본적외선실험실은미국텍사스주립대학교, 과공동으로 GMT의제 1세대관측기기로고분산적외선분광기 GMTNIRS의개발에참여하고있다. 그리고비슷한구조의고분산적외선분광기 IGRINS의소프트웨어개발연구를의산학연위탁연구로 2010년부터 2014년 3월까지수행하였다. 그리고미국텍사스 A&M 대학과공동으로 GMT의제 1세대관측기기인 GMACS 프로젝트에참여하여소프트웨어개발을담당학고있다. GMACS의개념설계 (Conceptual Design Review) 연구는 2017년 3월 13일에 kickoff meeting을하고본격적인연구를시작하였다. 그리고서울대학교초기우주천체연구단과 20개의필터를장착하여천체의 SED를측정할수있는 SQUEAN (SED camera for QUasars in EArly universe) 을제작을완료했다. 2015년 2월과 6월에맥도날드천문대 2.1m 망원경에장착하여성능테스트를성공적으로마쳤다. SQUEAN은기존의 CQUEAN을대신하여다양한관측연구를수행하고있다. 2014년 6월부터는미래창조과학부의우주핵심기술개발사업으로 우주적외선관측을위한알루미늄비축반사망원경의시험모델개발 연구를시작하였다. 2015년에는자유곡면반사경의 DTM (Diamond Turning Machine) 제작연구를진행하였고, 년에는비축반사망원경의성능테스트를수행하고있다. 본연구에서개발한시험모델은향후소형광시야적외선우주망원경으로제안하는것이목표다. 태양권플라즈마연구실최광선회원이이끄는태양권플라즈마연구실 (Heliospheric Plasma Physics Laboratory) 은태양으로부터태양권계면 (heliopause) 까지이르는전태양권공간에존재하는플라즈마의전자기적, 역학적성질을탐구하기위해설립되었다. 작년부터는태양권밖의천체에서일어나는플라즈마물리과정으로연구영역을확대하였다. 이연구실에서다루는주제들은태양물리연구실과공간물리연구실의연구주제들과밀접한관련이있기때문에이들연구실과연구협력이이루어지고있다. 본연구실에서는플라즈마의거시적기술인자기유체역학으로부터미시적기술인입자운동론적기술 (kinetic theory) 까지다양한방법을사용하고있다. 입자운동론적연구에있어서는 University of Maryland의 Peter H. Yoon 교수와긴밀한협력이이루어지고있으며자기유 66 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

68 기관소식 체역학적연구에있어서는 Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research의 Joerg Buechner 교수및 Sami Solanki 교수와협력하고있다. 본연구실의이시백회원 ( 석박 10기 ) 은새로운태양코로나자기장구성방법을개발하여이에입각한전산코드를제작하였다. 현재시험가동중인이코드의성능은정확도에있어세계최고수준이다. 김선정회원 ( 박사과정 ) 은 Peter Yoon 교수와협력하여, 태양풍속도분포함수의코어 (core), 헤일로 (halo), 수퍼헤일로 (superhalo) 세성분을설명할수있는입자운동론적이론을정립하였으며, 2016년 8월에박사학위를취득하고현재독일 Bochum 대학에서 postdoc으로재직중이다. 이중기회원 ( 석박수료 ) 은다차원 (2, 3차원 ) 플라즈마입자시뮬레이션코드를독자적으로개발하였으며, 이를 collisionless magnetic reconnection에적용하여 microscopic scale에서만나타날수있는 dynamo 현상을연구중이다. 이중기회원은현재의전문연구요원으로근무중이다. 석사 3기인송인혁회원은천체의 shear flow와연계된 thermal instability를해석적방법으로연구중이다. 이는다양한천체에서나타나는 filament 구조의생성기작에대한새로운이론을제시할것으로기대된다. 쎄트렉아이에재직중인박근석회원 ( 박사수료 ) 은달과같은자기장이없는천체와태양풍의상호작용을 3차원자기유체역학적시뮬레이션을통해연구중이다. 전홍달회원 ( 박사수료 ) 은태양과자기권등에서발생하는 ballooning instability에대한연구를수행중이다. 최광선회원, 장민환회원, 홍순학회원 ( 전파연 ) 은 Univ. Colorado의 T. N. Woods와협력하여, magnetic flux의수평이동과관련된활동들이태양극대기보다는그이후에더활발하다는것을발견하여이를논문으로발표하였다. 최근학부 4년차인최창대학생이본연구실에합류하여다양한 plamsa wave가 phase space에서 ordered orbit으로부터 chaotic orbit 으로전환되는과정을연구하고있다. 태양우주기상연구실문용재회원이이끄는태양우주기상연구실 (Solar and Space Weather Laboratory) 은태양활동에대한관측적인연구및이들이지구주변에미치는영향을연구하고있다. 2017년 2월에최성환, 이재옥회원이박사학위를취득하였으며, 김진현회원이석사학위를취득하였다. 2017년 3월현재연구교수 3인 ( 신준호박사, 이진이박사, 성숙경박사 ), 박사후 3인 ( 박진혜박사, 조일현박사, 강지혜박사 ), 박사과정 12인 ( 박종엽, 나현옥, 이강진, 장수정, 이어진, 신슬기, 이하림, 김태현, 임다예, 이강우, 박은수, 김진현 ) 및석사과정 1인 ( 전성경 ) 이연구를함께하고있다. 신준호회원은 우주기상예보시스템개발연 구, 이진이회원은 태양분출플라즈마의질량및에너지연구, 성숙경회원은 태양과행성간공간의자기장비교연구, 박진혜회원은 태양고에너지입자의특성및예보에관한연구, 조일현회원은 태양풍속도결정연구, 강지혜회원은 관측기반시뮬레이션모델을통한플레어 / 코로나질량방출기작연구, 박종엽회원은 우주기상예보평가방법에대한연구, 나현옥회원은 CME 콘모형의관측적검증연구, 이강진회원은 플레어 /CME 예보모델의검증연구, 장수정회원은 CME 3차원인자와플레어의관련성연구, 이어진회원은 태양활동영역의인자와플레어관련성연구, 임다예회원은 활동지역의벡터자기장자료를활용한태양활동예보연구, 이하림회원은 CME 3차원진동특성연구, 신슬기회원, 이강우회원, 박은수회원은 딥러닝을활용한태양활동예보연구, 김진현회원은 태양코로나그래프광학설계및검증연구 수행중에있다. 그리고문용재회원은현재 (1) 태양분출현상에대한관측연구, (2) 다양한방법을활용한우주기상예보모델연구를여러공동연구자들과함께수행하고있으며, BK 1유형과제책임자를담당하고있다. Solar Dynamics Laboratory Group Our group aims to reveal the dynamical nature of solar plasmas producing various kinds of active phenomena observed in the Sun, such as solar cycle, solar flares, jets, sunspots, solar winds and coronal mass ejections. We investigate these phenomena by combining numerical modeling based on computer simulation with ground-based and space observation data. The members of our group are Dr. Tetsuya Magara (leader), Jun Mo An and Hwanhee Lee in an MS-PhD combined course. Currently we are studying the recycling process of a magnetic field in a deep interior of the Sun, transporting process of a magnetic field through the solar convection zone where magnetoconvection operates, emergence process of a magnetic field into the solar atmosphere, dissipation process of a magnetic field in the solar atmosphere which causes the heating of the solar corona and the generation of a solar wind, and eruption process of a magnetic field into the interplanetary space observed as a coronal mass ejection. We also collaborate with the space weather group at NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) in Japan in order to develop a state-of-art 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 67

69 2017 봄학술대회 three-dimensional unstructured grid-based simulation model for the Sun-Earth system. 별탄생연구실이정은회원이이끄는별탄생연구실은현재 2명의박사후연구원, 2명의박사과정학생과 5명의석박통합학생, 별생성영역들에대한물리적화학적상태에대한다양한연구를진행중에있다. 이정은회원은 ALMA Cycle 2 관측결과를바탕으로 turbulent fragmentation에의해 wide binary formation 일어나는과정을포착하여논문을제출하였으며, Cycle 4 시간도확보하였다. 이정은회원은충남대학교유현주학생과함께 JCMT Large Program을통해한 Class I 원시성의폭발을포착하여분석중이며, 또한 SMA와 JCMT 후속관측제안도하였다. 이석호회원은통합적인원시행성계원반의모델코드를구축하고있다. 최윤희회원은 TMC 1이라불리우는필라멘트구조의분자운에서화학진화의양상을연구하여 ApJS에서논문게제승인을받았으며, 현재는 L1251B의 Spitzer/IRS, Herschel/PACS, SPIRE, HIFI 관측데이트를분석하고있다. 박선경회원은 IGRINS legacy program인 Spectral Library에관한논문을제출하여심사중이며, 다양한폭발원시성인 FUOrs를 BOES와 IGRINS를이용하여관측하고분석하고있다. 윤성용회원은원시행성계원반을연구하는또다른 IGRINS legacy program에서 Class I 천체들을분석하고있다. 이희원회원은 JCMT Large program에참여하여, Orion 영역에있는 Planck Galactic Cold Clumps를 SCUBA2와 KVN으로관측하여별의형성과주변환경의관계를연구하고있다. 윤형식회원은 TRAO의 Key Science Program을통하여, Orion과 Ophiuchus 영역을다양한분자선으로관측하고있으며, 이를바탕으로두영역에서의난류의성격을연구하고있다. 백기선회원은매우초기단계에있는원시성인 L1527-IRS의 Herschel/PACS 연속스펙트럼을설명하는 envelope 밀도구조를 continuum radiative transfer modeling을통해연구하여논문을작성하고있으며, 두개의 massive ptotostar의 ALMA 분자선관측결과를분석하여화학적상태를비교하는연구를수행하고있다. 3. 연구시설경희천문대경희대학교천문대는 1992년 10월돔형건물의완공과 76cm 반사망원경의설치를기점으로개관하여 1995 년 9월민영기교수가초대천문대장으로부임하였다. 1999년 1월에김상준교수가제 2대천문대장으로부임한후, 2001년 3월에인공위성추적관측을위한관측소를설치하였다. 2003년 2월에장민환교수가제 3대천문대장으로부임하였고, 2010년 3월부터는박수종교수가제 4대천문대장직을수행하였다. 2012년 3월에진호교수가제 5대천문대장직에부임한후, 2013년 10월에공식명칭을 우주과학교육관 에서 경희대학교천문대 로변경하였고, 새롭게홈페이지를개선하였다. 2015년 2월부터는최광선교수가제 6대천문대장직을수행하였고 2017년 3월부터김관혁교수가제 7대천문대장직을수행하고있다. 경희대학교천문대는연구및교육활동외에천문우주과학대중화사업을적극적으로진행해오고있다. 행정직원으로는전홍달회원이행정및연구실장으로근무하고있다. 본천문대는 2009년에리모델링공사를통하여각종연구시설을정비하였고, 76cm 반사망원경의 TCS를교체하여보다효율적이고정확한관측이가능하도록하였다. 또한 2010년에는 Meade사의 16인치리치크레티앙식망원경과 Paramount ME 마운트를도입하여위성추적및천체관측실습용으로사용중에있으며, 2011 년과 2012년에는 FLI 4K CCD와 FLI 1K CCD를각각도입하여관측에활용하고있다. 2013년에는대구경쌍안경을도입하여과학문화대중화에활용하고있다. 2012년 4월에는기존의전시장공간에연구실을신설하는공사와영상실조성공사가완료되었다. 2015년 2월과 2016년 2월에는천체관측지원을위하여주망원경돔을보수하였다. 2015년 10월에는일반인및경희가족을대상으로한공개관측회가개최되었다. 다양한체험학습프로그램과과학문화대중화를위한, 천문및우주과학을주제로하는교육프로그램을상시진행하고있다. 초중고학생들및일반인을대상으로하는교육프로그램은주 4회씩진행되고있다. 이를통해천문 우주과학에대한일반의관심을향상시키고, 중고생들에게전공진로방향을제시하는등, 경희대학교천문대는지역사회및일반천문동호인들에게중요한교육및체험현장으로서새로운위상을정립하고있다. 경희대학교천문대에는천문우주과학관측기기및인공위성의개발과관련된다수의실험실들이설치되어있다. 실험시설로는전자장비개발및시험시설, 기계구조부제작및시험시설, 청정실등이있으며, 경희대학교인공위성지상국도현재천문대에설치되어운용되고있다. 68 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

70 기관소식 고등과학원 The Astrophysics and Cosmology group is headed by Prof. Changbom Park and Research Profs. Juhan Kim and Ho Seong Hwang. There are seven research fellows: Dr. Xiao-Dong Li, Dr. Hyunmi Song, Dr. Raphael Gobat, Dr. Stephen Appleby, Dr. Jihye Shin, Owain Snaith, and Dr. Motonari Tonegawa. Also Prof. Christophe Pichon at Institut d Astrophysique de Paris visited KIAS as a KIAS scholar for about three months in Prof. Park is carrying out the Korea Dark Energy Survey (KDES) project, which aims to uncover the nature of the dark energy component of the universe. Prof. Park is leading the Korean Scientist Group (KSG) participating in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) IV that started in July SDSS IV consists of three survey programs, APOGEE-2, MaNGA, and eboss. He is also a member of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) consortium, which plans to construct a new wide-field multi-object spectrograph to carry out dark energy-related survey sciences. He has worked as the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society. He is leading a group of astronomers, the Survey Science Group, which holds meetings to study and plan the future major astronomical survey projects. Individual members of the astrophysics group have been active in his/her research in Research Prof. Juhan Kim has been rebuilding the cosmological N-body simulation code (GOTPM). He adopted the Recursive Multi-Section technique to determine the local domain shape for better computing and network performances. He is also studying the cosmic matter-density evolution by solving the Euler equation analytically and numerically in the Lagrangian space. Also He has provided the KIAS group members with the processed data of the Horizon Run 4 simulation for the study of cosmology and galaxy formations. He has taken a managing role in preparing the Horizon Run 5, with which KIAS members will study the formation and evolution of galaxies in the cosmic volume with the RAMSES code. Research Prof. Ho Seong Hwang made a cosmological test of the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) model by comparing the physical properties of large-scale structures of the universe between observations and simulations. He used the HectoMAP galaxy redshift survey and the Horizon Run 4 simulation for the comparison, and found that the size, richness and volume distributions of observed large-scale structures at intermediate redshifts are remarkably similar to the predictions of the LCDM model. He also tested the cosmic variance of galaxy number counts and examined the evolution of scaling relations for quiescent galaxies using the SHELS galaxy redshift survey. Dr. Sungwook E. Hong, who has move to KASI in the last December, published a paper on the properties of simulated galaxies from the Horizon Run 4 simulation, and worked with Dr. H. Song and Prof. C. Park to generate a mock AGN sample. Together with Dr. R. Gobat, he also published a paper on the evolution of galactic habitability in the universe. He is working on the conceptual design of a fiber-fed multi-object spectroscopy suitable for the Giant Magellan Telescope, as well as some instrumental collaborations with AAO in Australia and IUCAA in India. Dr. Xiao-Dong Li and Prof. Park applied the Alcock-Pacyznski (AP) test to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III galaxies and put very tight cosmological constraints on cosmological parameters such as the density parameter and dark energy equation of state. Dr. Li is also working on a project using the shape of the 2-point correlation function across the line of sight to constrain the cosmological parameters from the volume effect, and another project applying the AP test using the 3-point correlation function. Dr. Hyunmi Song and Prof. Park have been trying to plant quasars in dark matter halos of a cosmological N-body simulation, Horizon Run 4, to generate mock quasar catalogs. Dr. Hyunmi Song, Prof. Ho Seong Hwang, and Prof. Park worked on the MMT/Hectospec redshift data in the field of the 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 69

71 2017 봄학술대회 Abell 2199 cluster, and analyzed the spatial and kinematic distributions of the cluster galaxies in comparison with the ICM of the cluster using the Suzaku X-ray data. Dr. Raphael Gobat and Dr. S. Hong have worked on semi-analytic models of planetary distribution functions in galaxies across cosmic time, with an emphasis on habitable terrestrial planets. Dr. Raphael Gobat has also studied star formation rates and stellar population gradients in early-type galaxies at z>1.5. This represents the first direct confirmation of inside-out quenching in high-redshift non-star forming galaxies. Dr. Stephen Appleby joined the astrophysics group in September He has been working with Professor Changbom Park on Minkowski functionals and their generalization. Along with Dr. Dhiraj Hazra (PCCP) and Dr. Spyros Sypsas (APCTP) he works to solve the non-linear Schroedinger equation on cosmological distance scales, to calculate the power spectrum for a dark matter candidate with non-linear pressure support. Dr. Jihye Shin, together with Prof. Park, Prof. Kim, and Dr. Snaith, is preparing a large-volume and high-resolution hydrodynamic simulation, to be called Horizon Run 5. She published a paper on the low-end mass function of the Quintuplet cluster. She finished a project on hydrodynamic simulations of the central molecular zone with a realistic Galactic potential. Dr. Owain Snaith, along with Prof. Kim and Prof. Park, has studied the evolution of the gas power spectrum in cosmological simulations, especially how the power spectrum evolves depending on the resolution of the simulation initial conditions. He is working with Dr. J. Shin on a parameter study in order to tune the simulation code to observations, ready for the Horizon Run 5 simulation later in the year. He is studying dark matter halos in the Illustris simulation and is interested in exploring the chemical evolution of galaxies in simulations using a variety of approaches. Dr. Motonari Tonegawa, a new research fellow arrived at KIAS on December 1st, works on research topics such as the large-scale structure of the Universe, observational cosmology, and redshift surveys. He tries to measure the velocity dispersion of galaxies in virialized systems and its redshift evolution, through the Finger-of-God effect seen in the two-point correlation function of MMT spectroscopic sample, to compare with the prediction of General Relativity and other cosmology models. 부산대학교지구과학교육과 1. 인적사항본학과에재직하는 5명의전임교수중천문학교육과연구는안홍배, 강혜성교수가담당하고있다. 대학원에는석사과정에강서영, 박형욱, 서정빈, 성현미, 전희승, 정자희, 이수민, 정영주등 8명, 박사과정에는남기형, 서미라, 장운태, 조현진, 하동기등 5명이있으며모두과정을수료한상태다. 2. 연구및학술활동안홍배교수는국부우주 (z<0.01) 에있는은하중왜소은하의공간분포에대한연구를수행하고있다. 이중일부는 2016년 9월서울대학교에서개최된제10차 EAMA에서, 12월파리 AIP에서개최된 "The Physics of groups and galaxy properties therein" 에서연구결과를발표하였다. 안홍배교수는배현정과함께 SDSS 자료를이용하여 z<0.025안에있는 26,000개의은하를분석하여휜원반의환경분석을수행하였고그결과를 JKAS에게재하였다. 강혜성교수는은하단에서발견되는충격파에서우주선의가속과비열적복사에관한연구를수행하였다. 2016년 5월에미국 SLAC 연구소에서개최된 11th International Conference on High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics, 6월에미국 Monterey에서개최된 11th Annual International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, 7월에일본 Tsukuba에서개최된 6th East-Asia School and Workshop on Laboratory, Space, & Astrophysical plasmas, 8월에미국 Minnesota 대학에서개최된 Physics of the Intracluster Medium: Theory and Computation, 9월에이탈리아 San Vito di Cadore에서개최된 Cosmic Ray Origin Beyond the Standard 70 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

72 기관소식 Models 등에참석하여초청강연을하거나연구결과를발표하였다. 9월서울대학교에서개최된 EAMA10 meeting에서 Women in Astronomy 특별세션을주관하였다. 조현진 ( 박사과정 ) 은우리은하성간난류의성질을연구하고있으며, 서미라 ( 박사과정 ) 은 SDSS 데이터를이용하여왜소타원은하를연구하고있다. 박형욱 ( 석사과정 ) 은 SDSS 데이터를이용하여팽대부가발달한나선은하의특성을연구하고있으며, 성현미 ( 석사과정 ) 는극단적으로얇은원반의구조를연구하고있고, 서정빈 ( 석사과정 ) 은무거운별의항성풍에서가속되는우주선에너지에관한연구를하고있다. 3. 연구시설본과의천문대에는 16인치반사망원경과, 14인치슈미트카세인망원경, 6인치굴절망원경이각각독립된돔에설치되어있고, 부대시설로는 CCD 카메라가있어학생들의실습에사용되고있다. 또한 4인치부터 8인치에이르는소형망원경들이있어학부생들의관측실습에사용되고있다. 본과는총 8기의계산용워크스테이션을보유하고있다. 4. 국내외연구논문 - Ann, H. B. & Bae, H. J. Environmental Dependence of Warps in Spiral galaxies", 2016, JKAS, 49, Kang, H., & Ryu, D., Re-acceleration Model for Radio Relics with Spectral Curvature, 2016, ApJ, 823, 13 Kang, H., Re-Acceleration Model for the "Toothbrush" Radio Relic, 2016, JKAS, 49, 83 - Kang, H., Re-Acceleration Model for the "Sausage" Radio Relic, 2016, JKAS 49, van Weeren, R. J., et al., The case for electron re-acceleration at galaxy cluster shocks, 2017, Nature Astronomy, 1, Kang, H., Ryu, D., Jones, T. W., Shock Acceleration Model for the Toothbrush Radio Relic, 2017, submitted to ApJ (arxiv: ) 서울대학교물리 천문학부천문학전공 1. 인적사항서울대학교물리 천문학부천문학전공에서는구본철, 이형목, 이명균, 박용선, 채종철, 임명신, 김웅태, 이정훈, 우종학, Masateru Ishiguro, 윤성철, Sascha Trippe 등 12명의교수가교육과연구를담당하고있다. 이정우교수는 2016년 3월까지 BK21플러스연구교수로재직하다나고야대학으로자리를옮겼고, 미국 Alabama 대학에서온 James Irwin 교수는 2016년 9월부터이듬해 5월까지객원부교수로부임하여연구년을지내고있다. 2016년 1학기에는박용선, 이정훈교수, 2학기에는이형목, 채종철교수가연구년을보냈다. 천문전공주임은김웅태교수가맡고있으며, 임명신교수는창의연구초기천체우주연구단단장, 우종학교수는 BK21 운영위원을맡고있다. 임명신교수는한국과학기술단체총연합회에서주관하는 ' 제26회과학기술우수논문상 ' 수상자로선정되었으며, 이형목교수는중력파발견에대한공로로미국의 Breathrough 재단이수여하는 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics 와 Gruber 재단이수여하는 Gruber Prize in Cosmology 를 LIGO 회원들과함께공동으로수상하였다. 박사후연구원으로는김동훈, 김정리, 김영민, 천상현, 오희영, Le Huynh Anh 박사가신규임용되었으며, 김재우, 김정리, 전이슬, Marios Karouzos 박사가근무를마쳤다. 2016년 1학기에는석박통합과정 6명, 2학기에는석박통합과정 4명이입학하였다. 2016년 1학기에는박사 5명, 석사 2명, 학사 1명을배출하였으며, 2학기에는박사 2명, 석사 1명, 학사 7명을배출하였다. 학위를받은학생은아래와같다. 2016년 8월학위취득 - 박사김창희 ( 지도교수 : 박용선 ) A Simultaneous 22 GHz Water and 44 / 95 GHz Methanol maser Surveys toward Massive Star-forming Regions 배영복 ( 지도교수 : 이형목 ) General Relativistic simulations of Gravitational Radiation Capture of Black Holes 송동욱 ( 지도교수 : 채종철 ) Fine-scale Magnetic Structures and Chromospheric Activities in Sunspots 양희수 ( 지도교수 : 채종철 ) Ellerman Bombs and Surges in Solar Active Regions 장인성 ( 지도교수 : 이명균 ) The Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distances to Type Ia Supernova Host Galaxies and the Hubble Constant - 석사곽성원 ( 지도교수 : 김웅태 ) Origin of Non-Axisymmetric Features of des in Virgo Cluster 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 71

73 2017 봄학술대회 조국섭 ( 지도교수 : 우종학 ) Black Hole Mass Scaling Relations of 10 Pseudo-Bulge Galaxies - 학사문상혁 2017년 2월학위취득 - 박사김민규 ( 지도교수 : 이형목 ) Observations of the Near-Infrared Extragalactic Background Light 조완기 ( 지도교수 : 구본철 ) Statistical Analysis on the Turbulent Multi-scale Interstellar Medium - 석사계창우 ( 지도교수 : 윤성철 ) The Effect of Convective Mixing on the Nucleosynthesis of Massive Population III Stars - 학사김다나, 공찬웅, 신나은, 이혜진, 정재웅, 조완진, 조호진 2. 학술및연구활동구본철회원은 2월말까지고등과학원을방문하여박창범교수와같이공동연구를수행하였으며, Springer 출판사에서발간한 Handbook of Supernovae 에포함될 Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A 단원을함께저술하였다. 10월에는제 10차 East Asian Meeting on Astronomy(EAMA) 를주관하였다. 서울대에서개최된이번모임에는 15개국에서 150명의참가자가참석하였으며, 4일간동아시아지역의천문활동및연구관련 110 편의구두및포스터논문이발표되었다. 특히특별세션인동아시아천문대 (East Asian Observatory) 의운영에관한토의세션과동아시아여성천문학자들의친교를도모하기위한 Women in Astronomy 세션이참가자들의큰호응을얻었다. 지도학생박금숙회원은은하의바깥쪽에서고속성간운의충돌로생성된것으로추정되는거대한중성수소수퍼쉘을발견하였다. 발견된고속성간운-수퍼쉘시스템은수퍼쉘이초신성폭발이외에고속성간운의충돌로도생성될수있음을보여주며, 한편으로는고속성간운이은하의헤일로를통과하여은하원반에충돌함으로써은하기체에에너지를공급할수있다는것을보여주는예로서수퍼쉘과고속성간운연구에중요한천체가될것으로기대한다. Astrophysical Journal Letter 8월호에게재된연구논문은 AAS(American Astronomical Society) Nova에주목할만한논문으로소개되었으며, 해외과학전문잡지 New Scientist 및대중천문잡지 Sky and Telescope 등에소개되었다. 김웅태회원은공동연구자들과함께은하원반에있는성간물질의역학적진화및항성원반의비축대칭구조물의형성에대한연구를계속하고있다. 김웅태회원은김정규회원 ( 박사과정 ) 과 Ostriker 교수 (Princeton) 와함께구대칭 1차원모형을통하여전리수소역의팽창에의한분자운의파괴현상을연구했다. 이들은무거운성간운을파괴하기위해서는별탄생효율이상당히높아야하며전리수소영역의팽창은주로먼지에작용하는복사압에의해발생함을보였다. 김웅태회원은문상혁회원 ( 석박통합과정 ) 회전하는등온고리의중력불안정성의선형해석을통해고리의중심밀도가클수록또는회전각속도가느릴수록더불안해짐을보였다. 김웅태회원은또한곽성원 ( 천문연구원 ), 이수창 ( 충남대 ), 김석 ( 천문연구원 ) 회원과함께 원반형왜소타원은하 가갖고있는막대의기원에대한연구를수행하였다. 김웅태회원은현재, 김정규회원과별형성및전리수소영역의진화를계산할수있는복사유체역학코드를개발하여성간운의별탄생효율계산하여사용하고있으며, 서우영회원과함께핵고리에서일어나는별형성및되먹임에대한 3차원연구를수행하고있다. 또한, 문상혁회원과함께원통형좌계에서적용가능한자체중력해자를개발하고있으며, 양승원회원과함께원시행성원반의역학적진화에대한연구를수행하고있다. 박용선회원은유형준회원과프레넬렌즈를대물렌즈로쓰는경량망원경의광학계를연구하고있다. 기하광학적으로광선을추적하는방법과회절효과를고려하여수차를계산하는프로그램을개발하여광학계를설계하고있다. 광대역으로회절한계에가깝게동작하는망원경을설계하기가매우어려워대역폭을좁히고십여개의렌즈를조합하여광학계를설계하고있다. 박용선회원은또한 KVN 망원경으로 AGN과지구사이의성간구름을분자흡수선으로관측하여어떤크기의초미세구조가있는지를연구하였다. 밀도변화보다는분자함량이분자마다작은규모로다를수있음을제안하였다. 서울대학교전파천문대는냉각기등의고장으로 2016년은가동하지못했다. 우종학회원은 3명의석박사학생과 2 명의박사후연구원과함께 (1) 캘리포니아대학과 MOU를맺어 Lick 망원경을이용한 3년장기관측프로그램을진행중이며미시간대학의 MDM 2.4미터와 1.3미터망원경및레몬산망원경을사용하여분광및측광으로빛의메아리효과를이용한블랙홀질량및우주론연구를진행중이다. (2) Gemini, VLT, Magellan 등에서관측한 IFU자료를이용하여가스분출과 AGN 피드백에관한연구를진행중이다. (3) biconical outlfow 모델과 MC 시뮬레이션및 SDSS자료를이용한통계적연구를진행중이다. 72 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

74 기관소식 (4) 엑스선찬드라자료를이용한엑스선공동에관한연구를진행중이다. 윤성철회원은 1명의포스트닥연구원과 5명의대학원학생을지도하고있다. 2016년도에는의지원으로쌍성계에서발생하는초신성을탐색하는한칠레협력연구를시작하였다. 이연구는쌍성계의진화과정이초신성의다양성에미치는영향을살피는것이주목적이며 1차년도에는준비과정으로 IIb/Ib형초신성의모체성과연관된무거운별의쌍성계, 그리고 Ia 형초신성과연관된백색왜성쌍성계진화의모형계산을주로수행하였고그에따른초신성폭발의복사전달계산등을국제적으로공동연구하였다. 4월에는 KGMT 사업의일환으로, GEMINI의 GRACES 고분산관측을수행하였다. 알파원소의함량비가특이하게높은별의스펙트럼을분석함으로써짝불안정초신성이남겨놓은중원소패턴의흔적을찾는것이주목적으로서현재데이타분석과정에있다. 아울러, 이헌철회원과함께 Population III별의형성과정에서질량을강착하는원시성의진화에회전및에딩턴한계가미치는영향을살피는연구가완결되었고, 기존의예측과는달리, 초기우주에서질량강착을통해태양의수백배에서수천배의질량에이르는거대별의형성이매우어렵다는사실을보였다. 이명균회원은장인성회원과함께전형적인타원은하인 M105에대한낱별측광을수행하고이은하의화학적진화를연구하였다. 장인성회원과함께코마은하단에서가장밝은나선은하인 NGC 4921의구상성단계에대한측광연구를수행하였다. 장인성회원과함께 Abell 2744 은하단에있는구상성단, ultracompact dwarf galaxies, 왜소은하에대한측광연구를수행하였다. 김태현회원, Gadotti, D.A., Sheth, K., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A. 등과함께막대나선의적외선관측자료를분석하여나선은하원반의진화에대한연구를수행하였다. 손주비, 황호성회원, Geller M., Zahid, H. 등과함께 SDSS자료를이용하여밀집은하군의목록을작성하여발표하였다. 장인성회원, Beaton, R., Madore, B., Freedman, W. 등과함께허블우주망원경을이용하여 Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program 연구를수행하였다. 권유나, 이시구로회원등과함께목성계열혜성인 17P/Holmes 혜성에대한 Monitoring 연구를수행하였다. 이시구로, 김윤영, 권유나회원등과함께목성계열혜성인 15P/Finlay 혜성의 multiple outbursts에대한관측연구를수행하였다. 이정훈회원은 2016년동안단독저자논문한편과제1저자이자교신저자인논문한편을 Astrophysical Journal에발표하였다. 첫번째논문에서이정훈교수는은하군바운드영역에존재하는은하들의특이속도프로파일의보편성을수치자료를분석하여검증하였다. 두번째논문은스페인의 Gustavo Yepes교수와의공동연구를통해은하단의회전반경의우주웹환경의존성을처음으로규명한결과를담고있다. 또한 2016년동안이정훈교수는오스트리아, 호주, 미국에서열린우주론워크숍에참석하여구두발표를하였다. 이형목회원은한국중력파연구진인 KGWG의대표역할을수행하고있으며자료처리분야의다양한연구를수행하고있다. KGWG는 LIGO Scientific Collaboration(LSC) 의공식회원으로서울대, 한양대, 부산대, 인제대, 국가수리과학연구소 (NIMS), 한국과학기술정보연구원 (KISTI) 등이참여하고있다. 2015년 9월가동을시작한직후최초의중력파직접검출에성공한데이어 2015년 12월 26일에또하나의블랙홀충돌에의한중력파검출이이루어졌고 2015년 10월 12일에는비록신호가약하기는하지만중력파에의한것으로추측되는후보가연달아발견되었다. 이들결과는 2016년에연달아 LIGO 협력단의공동논문으로발표되었다. 한국에서는이형목회원을비롯한 KGWG에속한 14명이중력파발견논문에저자로참여하였고동반논문 13개에도참여하고있다. 이형목회원은박다우 ( 박사과정 ), 김정리 ( 천문연구원 ) 과공동으로구상성단내블랙홀의질량함수가성단의역학적진화와장기적인블랙홀의유지여부에관한상관관계를연구하였다. 이형목회원은 2016년 9월 1일부터 10월 30일까지호주의 University of Western Australia (UWA) 에머물면서 1차례의대중강연과 1차례의콜로퀴움강연을하였고 UWA 중력그룹을대상으로 2차례의특강을실시하였다. 이형목회원은 2016년월 6일 5월 8일사이에중국베이징의카블리이론물리연구소에서개최하는 The Next Detectors for Gravitational Wave Astronomy 의 International Advisory Committee 멤버와초청연사로, 2015년 6월 21-26일사이에개최되는제 11차에도아르도아말디컨퍼런스의조직위원장과초청연사로활동하였다. 이형목회원은 2016년 8월 22-26일사이에 KIAS의지원을받아 Gravitational Wave Astronomy with Present and Future Detectors 라는제목으로국내외전문가를초청하여 KIAS Research Station을주관하였다. 이형목회원은 2016년 9월 29일 10월 2일사이에홍콩중문대학 (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 에서중력파검출의선구적역할을한 Kip Thorne (Caltech) 과 Rainer Weiss (MIT) 가 Shaw Prize를받은것을기념하기위해개최한 Asia-Pacific Gravitational Wave Workshop 에서블랙홀쌍성의기원에대한초청강연을하였다. 이형목회원은김민규 ( 서울대박사과정 ) 회원, 천문연구원, 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 73

75 2017 봄학술대회 일본의 ISAS/JAXA, 미국의 JPL 등여러연구기관에속한연구자들과공동으로 CIBER 데이터에나타난별의스펙트럼을분석하였고, μm 사이의은하의퍼진복사스펙트럼을측정함으로서은하의근적외선복사가주로크기가큰성간티끌이별빛을산란시켜만들어내는모형과잘일치함을보였다. 이형목회원은중력파발견에대한공로로미국의 Breathrough 재단이수여하는 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics 와 Gruber 재단이수여하는 Gruber Prize in Cosmology 를 LIGO 회원들과함께공동으로 2016년 12월에수상하였다. 임명신회원은한국연구재단리더연구자사업 ( 창의적연구 ) 지원을받고있는초기우주천체연구단을이끌면서퀘이사, 원시은하단, 타원은하, 감마선폭발, 초신성등다양한주제에대한연구를수행하였다. 연구단에서수행중인 Infrared Medium-deep Survey자료를바탕으로김재우, 이성국, 현민희회원등과함께원시은하단및초은하단후보들을, 전이슬, 김용정회원과함께초기우주퀘이사후보들에대한선별및분광관측확인연구를진행하였다. 이들후보천체들에대한후속관측에는칠레 Magellan 6.5m 망원경의다천체분광기 IMACS와근적외선분광기 FIRE, 그리고맥도날드천문대 2.1m 망원경의 CQUEAN을이용하였다. 그결과 z=0.91에있는초은하단과 z=6 초기우주에있는보통밝기퀘이사를세계 3번째로발견하였다. 그리고전현성회원, 김도형회원등과함께 NASA IRTF 망원경을이용하여가장무거운블랙홀의질량측정의신뢰성을연구하여, 질량이매우크게측정된퀘이사의경우 ( 태양질량의약 1백억배 ), 질량측정치의신뢰성이떨어질수있음을알아냈다. 김도형회원과함께은하진화를규명하기위한고리역할을하는 red quasar에대한연구를진행하고있다. 특히근적외선에서나타나는수소 Paschen line을사용하여 red quasar의 accretion rate이보통퀘이사보다크다는점을알아냈음은물론, line ratio분석을통해 red quasar의색깔은 dust extinction때문이라는사실도밝혀냈는데이는붉은 quasar가보통 quasar와별형성중인은하의징검다리를하는단계라는 scenario를지지하는흥미로운결과이다. 또한윤용민회원과가까운우주에있는매우무거운타원은하의질량-크기관계가주변환경에의해영향받는다는사실을최초로규명하였는데, 이는그동안 LCDM 모델이예측한바를뒷받침하는결과이다. 임명신회원은김준호회원, Karouzos 회원과함께, KMTNet을이용한 AGN의시계열관측연구를, 이상윤회원과함께 GRB폭발직후의근적외선스펙트럼의변화를이용하여 exteremely long GRB의 afterglow와 prompt emission에대한연구를수행하고있다. 탁윤찬회원과함께중력렌즈천체에대한모델링 연구를진행하고있으며, SQUEAN을이용한 medium-band reverberation mapping연구도시작하였다. 경희대학교박수종회원등과함께고적색편이퀘이사관측을위한적외선관측기기인 SQUEAN을사용하여 z=5에있는희미한퀘이사들에대한저분산분광관측과 photometric reveberation mapping연구를수행중이다. 임명신회원은최창수회원과함께호주 Siding Spring 천문대에위치한 0.43m 반사망원경 Lee Sang Gak 망원경 (LSGT) 에 SNUCAM-II라는고감도 CCD camera를새로이설치하였다. LSGT의 SNUCAM-II, 미국의 0.8m망원경, 레몬산 1m망원경, 우리나라소백산천문대, 덕흥천문대, 우즈베키스탄 1.5m망원경등을이용하여최창수회원, 임구회원, 이상윤회원, 박근우회원등과함께가까운은하의 monotoring관측연구을수행하였으며, 임구회원은이자료를이용하여가까운별형성은하에나타나는은하합병흔적을연구중에있다. 그리고임명신회원은준공후약 40년이지난서울대학교제1광학천문대의재건축위원회위원장으로천문대의재건축을진행하고있다. 채종철회원이이끄는태양천문학그룹에서 2016년 8 월송동욱회원과양희수회원이박사학위를취득했다. 송동욱박사는 2017년 3월현재일본국립천문대 (NAOJ) 에서박사후연수연구원으로일하고있으며, 양희수박사는현재서울대학교박사후연수연구원으로일하고있으며, 2017년 4월부터는에서계약연구원으로일할예정이다. 2017년 3월현재그룹에있는학생회원은 3인의박사과정회원 ( 조규현, 곽한나, 이겨레 ), 2인의석사과정회원 ( 서민주, 강주형 ) 이다. 2016년 9월부터 6개월간일본나고야대학을방문하여연구했던이정우박사가 2017년 4월부터객원교수로그룹에다시합류할예정이다. 태양천문학그룹은미국빅베어태양천문대의 1.6미터태양망원경 (NST) 의고속영상태양분광기 (FISS) 를이용한관측연구에집중하고있다. 이관측기기는채종철회원이이끄는서울대태양천문학그룹과태양우주환경그룹이공동제작한것이다. 2016년도에서울대그룹에서주저자논문으로주요연구결과는다음과같다. 첫째, 태양흑점상부에서발생하는강한하강류사건이태양흑점채층에 3분진동을유발함을발견하였다 (Kwak et al. 2016). 둘째, 앨러만폭탄이소규모상승자기력선또는이동자기구조에의해유발되는자기재연결의결과임을뒷받침하는관측증거를확보했다 (Yang et al. 2016), 셋째, 플레어발생전에일어난 H 알파선에서매우큰청색이동과선폭증대를발견했다 (Cho et al. 2016). Masateru Ishiguro 회원은서울대학교에서태양계내 74 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

76 기관소식 의소행성과혜성을연구하여태양계의진화양태와천체들의물리적특성을밝히는연구를진행하고있다. 2016년에는해당그룹에서 4개의 SCI 논문 ( 주저자 / 책임저자논문 3개포함 ) 을발표했는데, 주요내용은다음과같다. (1) Masateru Ishiguro, 권유나, 김윤영및이명균회원이주도한연구로 2014년 12월에있었던혜성 15P/Finlay의폭발현상이후 2015년 1월에또다른폭발이있었음이알려졌다 (Ishiguro et. al., 2016a). 또한먼지방출을모형화한수치모형을통해최대약 570 km/s의속도로 10만톤의먼지가이폭발로방출되었음을보였다. 이논문에서또한 15P/Finlay와같은폭발은대략연간 1.5회정도발생하며, 이러한폭발들이평균적으로초당 10kg이상의입자를행성간공간으로주입시킨다는것이유추되었다. 상술한수치모형으로부터이천체에서방출된먼지는다공질의어두운입자들임이알려졌고, 이는그러한입자가혜성내부에존재하며폭발시에방출될수있음을시사한다. (2) 권유나회원과 Masateru Ishiguro, 김윤영및이명균회원의주도로목성계혜성인 17P/Holmes가 2014 년근일점을지나던시기의관측연구결과가출판되었다 (Kwon et. al., 2016). 해당논문은지난 2007년근일점을통과하며하루만에 100만배가량밝아졌던 17P/Holmes 혜성이그이후처음으로근일점을통과하는동안먼지방출률 ( 생성률 ) 이어떻게변화하는지를관측하고이론적으로모형화했다. 이연구로근일점에가까워지고멀어지는동안먼지의생성률이비대칭적으로변하며, 지난 2007년근접시에비해먼지생성률이 10만배가량작아졌음을보였다. 이는혜성표면에서먼지를방출하는영역의넓이가 100배정도줄었음을의미하며, 논문에서는이론적계산을통해열적표피깊이가 7년만에급격하게깊어졌음을보였고, 현재약 5cm 이상의먼지층이표면을덮어버렸음을보였다. (3) Masateru Ishiguro 회원과김윤영, 권유나회원등은상술한 17P/Holmes가 2007년보였던대규모폭발현상에대한조사를실시했다 (Ishiguro et. al., 2016b). 이논문에서는 17P/Holmes의혜성구조가단순한구조가아니라최소 2개층위의구조 ( 핵에가까운먼지구름과좀더길게퍼져있는구조 ) 로이루어졌음을앞서와같은수치모형을통해알아내었다. 동시에먼지층은약 1-10mm크기의먼지입자로구성되어있으며, 초기에 50 m/s 이상의속도로방출되었고, 이는혜성표피에있던얼음성분의급작스런승화에의한것임을주장하였다. 방출된질량은약 4~8억톤규모로추정되었다. (4) Masateru Ishiguro 회원이참여한공동연구에서쪼개진혜성인 332P/Ikeya-Murakami 의운동학에대한연구가실시되어출판되었다 (Jewitt et. al., 2016). 해당연구에서는 332P/Ikeya-Murakami 가기존에알려진것 보다매우작은약 275m 미만의반경을가지며, 따라서최소약 300배가벼운천체였음이밝혀졌다. 또한혜성의질량이작기때문에혜성의자전불안정성이과거의모체로부터파편을날리는데주요한역할을했을것이라는점이제안되었다. Sascha Trippe's group focused mainly on the physics of the central parsecs of active galactic nuclei (AGN). They conducted interferometric observations using the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) and the KVN and VERA Array (KaVA) within the frame of the Plasma-physics of Active Galactic Nuclei (PAGaN) project which is aimed at understanding the formation, collimation, and propagation of AGN jets. Their group is part of the AGN Working Group of the Korean-Japanese KaVA Science Group, the East-Asian AGN working group, and the East-Asian VLBI Network (EAVN) collaboration. They were awarded a 3-year KASI-University Cooperation Grant for exploring a new approach to optical interferometry. Additional research projects were targeted at the dynamics of early-type galaxies and the polarization of cosmic microwave background radiation. Notable science results were (a) the discovery of a relation between the time scale of AGN variability and accretion rate, (b) the finding that oscillations of electric charges caused by gravitational waves might contribute to the polarization of the cosmic microwave background, and (c) the discovery that systematic deviations from the virial relation observed for early-type galaxies are caused by a scaling of ellipticity with galaxy mass. Two group members were awarded research prizes: Junghwan Oh received the KAS Rising Star Award, Sascha Trippe received the JKAS Award. 3. 발표논문 Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Lee, H. M. and 910 coauthors, 2016, Search of the Orion spur for continuous gravitational waves using a loosely coherent algorithm on data from LIGO interferometers, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol. 93, Issue 4 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 75

77 2017 봄학술대회 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 1002 coauthors, 2016, Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol. 116, Issue 6 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 951 coauthors, 2016, Comprehensive all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the sixth science run LIGO data, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol. 94, Issue 4 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 1563 coauthors, 2016, Supplement: "Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914" (2016, ApJL, 826, L13), ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, vol. 225, Issue 1 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 927 coauthors, 2016, All-sky search for long-duration gravitational wave transients with initial LIGO, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol. 93, Issue 4 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 954 coauthors, 2016, Astrophysical Implications of the Binary Black-hole Merger GW150914, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 818, Issue 2 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 959 coauthors, 2016, Observing gravitational-wave transient GW with minimal assumptions, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol. 93, Issue 12 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 935 coauthors, 2016, Prospects for observing and localizing gravitatrional wave, LIVING REVIEWS IN RELATIVITY, vol. 19, Issue 1, pp Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 948 coauthors, 2016, GW150914: Implications for the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from Binary Black Holes, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol. 116, Issue 13 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 950 coauthors, 2016, GW150914: The Advanced LIGO Detectors in the Era of First Discoveries, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol. 116, Issue 13 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 964 coauthors, 2016, Binary Black Hole Mergers in the First Advanced LIGO Observing Run, PHYSICAL REVIEW X, vol. 6, Issue 4 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 968 coauthors, 2016, GW151226: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a 22-Solar-Mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol. 116, Issue 24 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 971 coauthors, 2016, GW150914: First results from the search for binary black hole coalescence with Advanced LIGO, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol. 93, Issue 12 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; 76 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

78 기관소식 Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Lee, H. M. and 971 coauthors, 2016, Tests of General Relativity with GW150914, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol. 116, Issue 22 Bae, Hyun-Jin; Woo, Jong-Hak, 2016, The Prevalence of Gas Outflows in Type 2 AGNs. II. 3D Biconical Outflow Models, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 828, Issue 2 Beaton, Rachael L.; Freedman, Wendy L.; Madore, Barry F.; Bono, Giuseppe; Carlson, Erika K.; Clementini, Gisella; Durbin, Meredith J.; Garofalo, Alessia; Hatt, Dylan; Jang, In Sung; Lee, Myung Gyoon and 7 coauthors, 2016, The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program I. An Independent Approach to the Extragalactic Distance Scale Using Only Population II Distance Indicators, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 832, Issue 2, pp. 210 Langer, N.; Yoon, S.-C., 2016, Rotating Stars and the Formation of Bipolar Planetary Nebulae. II. Tidal Spin-up, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 823, Issue 2 Goad, M. R.; Korista, K. T.; De Rosa, G.; Kriss, G. A.; Edelson, R.; Barth, A. J.; Ferland, G. J.; Kochanek, C. S.; Netzer, H.; Peterson, B. M.; Woo, J. H. and 90 coauthors, 2016, Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. IV. Anomalous Behavior of the Broad Ultraviolet Emission Lines in NGC 5548, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 824, Issue 1 Husemann, B.; Bennert, V. N.; Scharwächter, J.; Woo, J.-H.; Choudhury, O. S., 2016, The MUSE view of QSO PG : an elliptical galaxy on the M-BH-sigma(*) relation interacting with its group environment, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 455, Issue 2, pp Cho, Kyuhyoun; Chae, Jongchul; Lim, Eun-kyung; Cho, Kyung-suk; Bong, Su-Chan; Yang, Heesu, 2016, A New Method to Determine Temperature of CMES Using a Coronagraph Filter System, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 49, Issue 1, pp Dessart, Luc; Hillier, D. John; Woosley, Stan; Livne, Eli; Waldman, Roni; Yoon, Sung-Chul; Langer, Norbert, 2016, Inferring supernova IIb/Ib/Ic ejecta properties from light curves and spectra: correlations from radiative-transfer models, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 458, Issue 2, pp Fausnaugh, M. M.; Denney, K. D.; Barth, A. J.; Bentz, M. C.; Bottorff, M. C.; Carini, M. T.; Croxall, K. V.; De Rosa, G.; Goad, M. R.; Horne, Keith; Woo, Jong-Hak and 86 coauthors, 2016, Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. III. Optical Continuum Emission and Broadband Time Delays in NGC 5548, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 821, Issue 1 García-Segura, G.; Villaver, E.; Manchado, A.; Husemann, B.; Scharwächter, J.; Bennert, V. N.; Mainieri, V.; Woo, J.-H.; Kakkad, D., 2016, Large-scale outflows in luminous QSOs revisited. The impact of beam smearing on AGN feedback efficiencies, Astronomy and Astrophysics Ishiguro, Masateru; Kuroda, Daisuke; Hanayama, Hidekazu; Kwon, Yuna Grace; Kim, Yoonyoung; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Watanabe, Makoto; Akitaya, Hiroshi; Kawabata, Koji; Itoh, Ryosuke; and 14 coauthors, 2016, MULTIPLE OUTBURSTS OF 15P/FINLAY, ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, vol. 152, Issue 6 Ishiguro, Masateru; Sarugaku, Yuki; Kuroda, Daisuke; Hanayama, Hidekazu; Kim, Yoonyoung; Kwon, Yuna G.; Maehara, Hiroyuki; Takahashi, Jun; Terai, Tsuyoshi; Usui, Fumihiko; and 4 coauthors, 2016, Detection of Remnant Dust Cloud Associated with the 2007 Outburst of 17P/Holmes, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 817, Issue 1 Jeon, Yiseul; Im, Myungshin; Pak, Soojong; Hyun, Minhee; Kim, Sanghyuk; Kim, Yongjung; Lee, Hye-In; Park, Woojin, 2016, The Infrared Medium-Deep Survey. V. A New Selection Strategy 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 77

79 2017 봄학술대회 for Quasars at z > 5 Based on Medium-Band Observations with SQUEAN, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 49, Issue 1, pp Jewitt, David; Mutchler, Max; Weaver, Harold; Hui, Man-To; Agarwal, Jessica; Ishiguro, Masateru; Kleyna, Jan; Li, Jing; Meech, Karen; Micheli, Marco; Wainscoat, Richard; Weryk, Robert, 2016, Fragmentation Kinematics in Comet 332P/Ikeya-Murakami, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, vol. 829, Issue 1 Karouzos, Marios; Woo, Jong-Hak; Bae, Hyun-Jin, 2016, Unravelling the Complex Structure of AGN-driven Outflows. II. Photoionization and Energetics, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 833, Issue 2 Karouzos, Marios; Woo, Jong-Hak; Bae, Hyun-Jin, 2016, Unraveling the Complex Structure of AGN-driven Outflows. I. Kinematics and Sizes, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 819, Issue 2 Kim, Jae-Woo; Im, Myungshin; Lee, Seong-Kook; Edge, Alastair C.; Hyun, Minhee; Kim, Dohyeong; Choi, Changsu; Hong, Jueun; Jeon, Yiseul; Jun, Hyunsung David; and 7 coauthors, 2016, Discovery of a Supercluster at z ~ 0.91 and Testing the LambdaCDM Cosmological Model, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, vol. 821, Issue 1 Kim, Jeong-Gyu; Kim, Woong-Tae; Ostriker, Eve C., 2016, Disruption of Molecular Clouds by Expansion of Dusty H II Regions, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 819, Issue 2 Kim, Sanghyuk; Jeon, Yiseul; Lee, Hye-In; Park, Woojin; Ji, Tae-Geun; Hyun, Minhee; Choi, Changsu; Im, Myungshin; Pak, Soojong, 2016, Development of SED Camera for Quasars in Early Universe (SQUEAN), PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC, vol. 128, Issue 969 Kim, Taehyun; Gadotti, Dimitri A.; Athanassoula, E.; Bosma, Albert; Sheth, Kartik; Lee, Myung Gyoon, 2016, Evidence of bar-induced secular evolution in the inner regions of stellar discs in galaxies: what shapes disc galaxies?, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 462, Issue 4, pp Kim, Woong-Tae; Moon, Sanghyuk, 2016, Equilibrium Sequences and Gravitational Instability of Rotating Isothermal Rings, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 829, Issue 1 Kim, Dong-Hoon; Trippe, Sascha, 2016, Primordial Gravitational Waves and Rescattered Electromagnetic Radiation in the Cosmic Microwave Background, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 830, Issue 2 Koo, Bon-Chul; Raymond, John C.; Kim, Hyun-Jeong, 2016, Infrared [Fe II] Emission Lines from Radiative Atomic Shocks, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Koo, Bon-Chul; Yeon Seok, Ji; Lee, Jae-Joon; Jeong, Il-Gyo; Kim, Hyun-Jeong, 2016, Infrared supernova remnants and their infrared to X-ray flux ratios, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 821, Issue 1 Kwak, Hannah; Chae, Jongchul; Song, Donguk; Kim, Yeon-Han; Lim, Eun-Kyung; Madjarska, Maria S., 2016, Oscillatory Response of the Solar Chromosphere to a Strong Downflow Event above a Sunspot, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 821, Issue 2 Kwon, Yuna Grace; Ishiguro, Masateru; Hanayama, Hidekazu; Kuroda, Daisuke; Honda, Satoshi; Takahashi, Jun; Kim, Yoonyoung; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Choi, Young-Jun; Kim, Myung-Jin; and 8 coauthors, 2016, Monitoring Observations of the Jupiter-Family Comet 17P/Holmes During Its 2014 Perihelion Passage, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 818, Issue 1 Lee, Hunchul; Yoon, Sung-Chul, 2016, On the Role of the OmegaGamma Limit in the Formation of Population III Massive Stars, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 820, Issue 2 Lee, Jeongwoo; Liu, Chang; Jing, Ju; Chae, 78 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

80 기관소식 Jongchul, 2016, Solar Eruption and Local Magnetic Parameters, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 831, Issue 2 He-star and white dwarf components towards Type Ia supernova explosions, Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 589 Lee, Jeongwoo; Liu, Chang; Jing, Ju; Chae, Jongchul, 2016, Solar Multiple Eruptions from a Confined Magnetic Structure, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 829, Issue 1 Lee, Jounghun, 2016, On the Universality of the Bound Zone Peculiar Velocity Profile, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 832, Issue 2 Lee, Jounghun; Yepes, Gustavo, 2016, Turning Around along the Cosmic Web, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 832, Issue 2 Lee, Myung Gyoon; Jang, In Sung, 2016, Dual Stellar Halos in the Standard Elliptical Galaxy M105 and Formation of Massive Early-type Galaxies, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 822, Issue 2 Lee, Myung Gyoon; Jang, In Sung, 2016, Globular Clusters and Spur Clusters in NGC 4921, the Brightest Spiral Galaxy in the Coma Cluster, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 819, Issue 1 Lee, Myung Gyoon; Jang, In Sung, 2016, Globular Clusters, Ultracompact Dwarfs, and Dwarf Galaxies in Abell 2744 at a Redshift of 0.308, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 831, Issue 1 Paik, Ho Jung; Griggs, Cornelius E.; Vol Moody, M.; Venkateswara, Krishna; Lee, Hyung Mok; Nielsen, Alex B.; Majorana, Ettore; Harms, Jan, 2016, Low-frequency terrestrial tensor gravitational-wave detector, CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, vol. 33, Issue 7 Park, Changbom; Yoon, Sung-Chul; Koo, Bon-Chul, 2016, The Korean Record of a Guest Star: An 'Impostor' of the Cassiopeia A Supernova?, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 49, Issue 6, pp Park, Geumsook; Koo, Bon-Chul; Kang, Ji-hyun; Gibson, Steven J.; Peek, J. E. G.; Douglas, Kevin A.; Korpela, Eric J.; Heiles, Carl E., 2016, A High-velocity Cloud Impact Forming a Supershell in the Milky Way, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 827, Issue 2, pp Park, Woojin; Pak, Soojong; Shim, Hyunjin; Le, Huynh Anh N.; Im, Myungshin; Chang, Seunghyuk; Yu, Joonkyu, 2016, Photometric transformation from RGB Bayer filter system to Johnson-Cousins BVR filter system, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, vol. 57, Issue 1, pp Levan, Andrew; Crowther, Paul; de Grijs, Richard; Langer, Norbert; Xu, Dong; Yoon, Sung-Chul, 2016, Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitors, SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, vol. 202, Issue 1-4, pp Lim, Eun-Kyung; Yurchyshyn, Vasyl; Park, Sung-Hong; Kim, Sujin; Cho, Kyung-Suk; Kumar, Pankaj; Chae, Jongchul; Yang, Heesu; Cho, Kyuhyoun; Song, Donguk; Kim, Yeon-Han, 2016, Observations of a Series of Flares and Associated Jet-like Eruptions Driven by the Emergence of Twisted Magnetic Fields, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 817, Issue 1 Sakon, Itsuki; Sako, Shigeyuki; Onaka, Takashi; Nozawa, Takaya; Kimura, Yuki; Fujiyoshi, Takuya; Shimonishi, Takashi; Usui, Fumihiko; Takahashi, Hidenori; Ohsawa, Ryou; Arai, Akira; Uemura, Makoto; Nagayama, Takahiro; Koo, Bon-Chul; Kozasa, Takashi, 2016, Concurrent Formation of Carbon and Silicate Dust in Nova V1280 Sco, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 817, Issue 2 Shin, Jaejin; Woo, Jong-Hak; Mulchaey, John S., 2016, A Systematic Search for X-Ray Cavities in Galaxy Clusters, Groups, and Elliptical Galaxies, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES Neunteufel, P.; Yoon, S.-C.; Langer, N., 2016, Models for the evolution of close binaries with Sohn, Jubee; Geller, Margaret J.; Hwang, Ho Seong; Zahid, H. Jabran; Lee, Myung Gyoon, 2016, 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 79

81 2017 봄학술대회 Catalogs of Compact Groups of Galaxies from the Enhanced SDSS DR12, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, vol. 225, Issue 2 Toma, Kenji; Yoon, Sung-Chul; Bromm, Volker, 2016, Gamma-Ray Bursts and Population III Stars, SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, vol. 202, Issue 1-4, pp Trippe, Sascha, 2016, The Virial Relation and Intrinsic Shape of Early-Type Galaxies, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 49, Issue 5, pp Woo, Jong-Hak; Bae, Hyun-Jin; Son, Donghoon; Karouzos, Marios, 2016, The Prevalence of Gas Outflows in Type 2 AGNs, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 817, Issue 2 Xu, Yan; Cao, Wenda; Ding, Mingde; Kleint, Lucia; Su, Jiangtao; Liu, Chang; Ji, Haisheng; Chae, Jongchul; Jing, Ju; Cho, Kyuhyoun; Cho, Kyungsuk; Gary, Dale; Wang, Haimin, 2016, Ultra-narrow Negative Flare Front Observed in Helium Å Using the 1.6 m New Solar Telescope, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 819, Issue 2 Yang, Heesu; Chae, Jongchul; Lim, Eun-Kyung; Song, Donguk; Cho, Kyuhyoun; Kwak, Hannah; Yurchyshyn, Vasyl B.; Kim, Yeon-Han, 2016, Fine-scale Photospheric Connections of Ellerman Bombs, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 829, Issue 2 세종대학교천문우주학과 1. 인적사항세종대학교천문우주학과에는강영운, 이희원, 성환경, 이재우, 채규현, 김성은, M. van Putten, G. Rossi 총 8 명의전임교원이재직하고있으며, 연구교수로 A. Yuschenko박사가재직하고있다. 천문우주학과와물리학과의통합으로 2015년도부터학부신입생의모집단위가천문우주학과에서물리천문학과로변경되어되었다. 2019년 2월까지천문우주학과와물리천문학과가함께존재하는 2원체제가유지될것이다. 2016년 8월과 2017년 2월에각각이대섭, 김도일회 원이석사학위를받았다. 박사과정에는 P. Rittipruk, 공인택, 윤소영, 석 박통합과정에는허정은, 최두현, 장석준, 이영민, 석사과정에는김형준, 조완수, 홍채린, 김기용, 이소라, 이영배가재학하고있다. 2. 연구및학술활동강영운회원은대 소마젤란은하에있는식쌍성의물리량을연구하고있다. 측광자료를이용한마젤란은하내식쌍성의장축운동과분광자료를이용한쌍성의화학조성비를연구하고있다. 이희원회원은공생별과어린행성상성운에서질량손실및질량이동과정과활동성은하핵에서복사전달을연구하고있다. 이희원회원은 2015년 6월부터칠레 Gemini-South Observatory에재직중인 Rodolfo Angeloni 박사, Las Campanas Observatory에재직중인 Francesco Di Mille 박사, Universidad de Catolica 에재직중인 Tali Palma 박사와함께한국-칠레협력연구사업을추진하고있다. 공생별과행성상성운의고분산분광및고속측광연구분야에서협력연구를수행중에있으며, 석박사통합과정에있는허정은회원, 장석준, 이영민학생이연구활동에참여하고있다. 허정은회원과대마젤란은하에있는공생별후보인 Sanduleak's star의 ovi 라만산란선선윤곽분석을수행하여 wind accretion과 bipolar structur를연구하였고이영민회원과라만산란선의형성효율을연구하여적외선의성질에따른공생별의분류에따라형성효율이다르게나타난다는사실을밝혔다. 장석준회원과활하핵의통일모형에서라이먼알파선의복사전달을의양유진박사와함께연구하고있으며수소원자의정확한산란단면적계산을적용하여초기우주의재이온화과정과관련된복사전달연구를수행하고있다. 허정은회원은 2016년 2월부터 12월까지한-칠레협력연구사업의지원을받아 Gemini-South 천문대에서방문연구를수행하였으며 2016년 12월 4일-7일에한-칠레공생별국제학술대회 Accretion Processes in Symbiotic Stars and Related Objects" 를 Gemini South Observatory와공동개최하였다. 성환경회원은 2009년부터학회의이사로, 또 2016년부터는광학분과위원장으로활동을하고있다. 광학분과위원회활동의일환으로광학천문관련연구자및천문연구원의대형망원경사업단과공동으로중 대형망원경위원회 ( 위원장 : 서울대우종학회원 ) 보고서 거대마젤란망원경 (GMT) 시대를준비하는한국천문학계의선택 : 중대형광학망원경 을완성하여, 천문연구원에제출을하고가을학술대회기간중학회회원들에게배포하였다. 80 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

82 기관소식 그리고 2016년 11월부터 IAUGA 2021 조직위원회재정위원장으로활동을시작하였다. 2016년전반기동안은연구년으로, 에서체류하며카시오페이아자리에있는젊은산개성단 IC 1805에대한거리, 나이, 초기질량함수및별생성의역사등에대한연구를수행하고, 그결과를 ApJ Supp. Ser. 에투고를하였다. 한국연구재단의지원으로수행하고있는 남반구젊은산개성단의전천탐사관측 을위해 2016년 4월 5일부터 1주일간 CTIO 0.9m 망원경을사용하여천문연구원의임범두박사와함께남반구젊은산개성단의탐사관측을수행하였다. 임범두박사와함께젊은산개성단 NGC 2264에있는전주계열성의 Li 함량을연구하여산개성단의형성소요시간에대한연구를수행하여미국천체물리학회지에게재하였다. 박사후연구원으로근무하던허현오회원은 2016년 6월국립대구과학관연구원으로임용이되어자리를옮겼다. 현재재학중인대학원생은없으며, 학부생인김슬기가연구실에입실하여실험기자재관리및대학원진학을준비하고있다. 이재우회원은지난 10년간칠레의세로토롤로미국립천문대망원경을이용한확장스트룀그렌협대역측광관측을수행하여구상성단의다중종족을연구하고있다. 이재우회원의측광자료는 CaII H&K와스트룀그렌측광계이외에이재우회원이새로고안한 CN38의흡수선세기를측정하기위한 JWL39측광계를포함하며, 중금속함량과 CN분자선의세기를동시에측정할수있어구상성단다중종족의형성과정등을해결할수있는포괄적인모형을제시할것으로기대한다. 이와더불어 G-band를측정할수있는 JWL43 협대역측광계를세계최초로개발하여 CN 이외에 CH 분자선의세기를측광학적으로측정할수있는기반을마련하였으며, 2017년시작될북반구전천탐사에사용할예정이다. 이재우회원은구상성단의적색거성에대한새로운분광학적분석법에대한연구를수행하였다. Local thermodynamic equilibrium 을가정한항성분광학연구에서천체의표면중력을체계적으로결정하는방법을고안하여 M22의다중종족에대한중금속함량을재결정하였으며, 이연구결과는 Astrophysical Journal Supplement에발표되었다. 2016년 7월에는그리스아테네에서개최된 European Week of Astronomy and Space Science학회에서 The Curious Case of M22 논문을발표하였으며, 이태리세스토에서개최된 Multiple Populations in Globular Clusters Where do we stand? 학회에서는 Sejong Ca-CN Survey of Southern Globular Clusters 논문을발표하였다. 김형준, 조완수회원은이재우회원이 CTIO 4M Hydra Multi-fiber spectrograph 를사용하여획득한구상성단 M22와 NGC104의적색거 성의고분산분광자료를분석하고있다. 김성은회원은 NGC7753, NGC 7752, CGCG , NGC 7770, NGC7771 등과같은다양한은하들의물리화학적특성을연구중이며, 2016년 6월개최된제 228 회 American Astronomical Society Meeting에서 Attribution of halo merger ratio and star formation rate density에관한연구결과를발표하였다. 국제공동연구자들과함께서브밀리미터은하들의수밀도분포에대한연구를수행하였고, 이에대한연구결과를국제 SCI 학술지에제출하였다. 한편, 천문우주학전공박사과정윤소영회원과함께우주내다양한은하들의측광적색편이에관한연구를수행중이다. M. Van Putten's research group includes two new graduate students with a focus on (i) searchesfor broadband extended gravitational wave emission from nearby core-collapse supernovae; (ii) weak gravity in cosmology and galactic dynamics; and (iii) searches for moons around exoplanets with the upcoming James Webb Telescope (JWT). His is a member of the KAGRA gravitational wave detector in Japan, a newly established CRC Center for High Energy Astrophysics (CHEA), UNIST, and frequently collaborates with Pr. M. Della Valle (Director of the Observatory of Naples, Italy) and Pr. A. Levinson (Tel Aviv University). His research is supported by an individual NRF grant (50 MWon/year) and CHEA (1.5 BWon/year). His research on strong and weak gravitation was recently presented in an invited colloquium at the University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth, Australia, and has been featured by two Press Releases (Sejong University and INAF, Italy). For deep searches of GW-waves, he developed a new butterfly filter implemented on a newly constructed heterogeneous 44 teraflop GPU-CPU platform under OpenCL. It operates at 80% efficiency normalized to clfft. At 26 million template second performance, it defines the most sensitive search algorithm for gravitational waves ever for the high frequency regime of Hz relevant to core-collapse SNe. He developed a theory of weak gravity with explicit expressions for dynamical dark energy and Milgrom's law (equivalent to the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation) in terms of the Hubble and deceleration parameter of three-flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universes. It explains 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 81

83 2017 봄학술대회 a remarkably sharp transition recently identified in high resolution galaxy rotation data. Continuing work on strong and weak gravity aims at a deep search for GW bursts in all of LIGO S6 on an extended 128 teraflop GPU-CPU system; a confrontation of weak gravity with with recent data on the Hubble parameter and Manga data on galaxy rotation curves; and the development of methods to search for moons around exoplants with JWT. In a separate development, he co-developed a theory of exponential growth in anthropogenic earthquakes and statistic analysis of risk based on a running b-values. With no priors, the proposed new method is fundamentally different from the commonly used Gutenberg-Richter b-value that is based on a somewhat arbitrary choice of cut-off in distributions of magnitude. A specific prediction relevant to the Groningen earthquakes in The Netherlands (over 120 events per year in 2016) is an exponential increase to about one event per day in It predicts an adverse outlook on fractures, from high frequency more so than high magnitude events. His teaching on mathematical astronomy has been accepted for publication by SpringerNature, in "Introduction to Methods of Approximation in Physics and Astronomy", April 2017, to appear. G. Rossi has been working on several cosmological aspects related to the SDSS-IV survey, with a focus on the Lyman-Alpha forest and on massive and sterile neutrinos. In particular, he has developed a new suite of hydrodynamical simulations that will be useful for studying the impact of these particles on cosmological structures; the simulations were produced using the KISTI supecomputer Tachyon2 under allocation KSC-2016-G In January 2016, he became the co-leader of the newly formed SDSS-IV eboss simulations working group, and took over on the management of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) computational facilities (Cori and Edison) for the collaboration. During 2016, G. Rossi has also expanded his cosmology group with the addition of new students - all actively involved in the SDSS-IV - and invited and hosted several visitors, among which Prof. Suto from the University of Tokyo. In collaboration with the Italian Embassy, G. Rossi has organized the `1st Korea-Italy Symposium on Cosmic Microwave Background Science and Cosmology at Sejong University, along with two institutional visits to KASI and the IBS headquarter by an Italian delegation - with the goal of bringing for the first time CMB science in Korea, a scientific field in which Italy detains a strong leadership especially in connection with the Planck satellite. The meeting was also pivotal for initiating the planning of the Busan 2021 XXXI International Astronomical Union (IAU) General Assembly, as the IAU General Secretary, Professor Piero Benvenuti, visited BEXCO and interacted with the top leaders of the Korean IAU and KAS. The meeting led to join the planned Stage-IV CMB experiment CORE, and G. Rossi also received an Italian Bilateral Scientific Cooperation Award Nomination by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a significant contribution to the advancement of science and technology, thus improving Italy's S&T relations with foreign countries. Since last January 2016, he has presented results of his research in several national and international conferences and meetings (12), and gave a total of 19 invited colloquia and seminar talks, along with a public talk at the Italian Embassy. During the Summer 2016, he was also a CAASTRO research scholar at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. 3. 연구및교육시설세종대학교가보유하고있는가장중요한관측시설은 76cm 반사망원경이다. 소백산국립천문대에서곤지암노곡리세종대부지로이전 설치한 2012년이후망원경의구동부등에이상이있어사용하지못하였다. 에스엘랩에의뢰하여 2015년부터망원경의구동, 제어부와부경을수리하여정상화를달성하였다. 76cm 반사망원경은학부생들의관측실습및공개행사등에사용될예정이다. 곤지암추곡리관측소에는 40cm 반사망원경이설치되어있지만지난수년간사용을하지못하였는데, 작동상태를면밀히검토하였으며수리계획을수립하여정상화를이루고자노력하고있다. 40cm 망원경또한학부생들의관측실습및공개행사등에사용될것이다. 학부학생들의관측실습은교내영실관옥탑의간이관측소에설치되어있는 11인치반사망원경및다수의소형굴절망원경을이용하고있다. 또 SRT 소형전파망원 82 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

84 기관소식 경으로사용하여전파관측실습을하고있다. 학생들의컴퓨터교육을위해천문계산실에총 18대의 PC를구비하고있으며, Linux/Windows 운영환경을제공하고있다. 학부생의취미및장래진로를위해학과내에천문관측동아리 AJA와컴퓨터프로그래밍동아리 ASC가학생들의자발적인활동으로활발하게유지 운영이되고있으며, 졸업생의취업에많은기여를하고있다. sources of gravitational waves in a nearby core-collapse supernova survey" van Putten, M.H.P.M., 2016, ApJ, 819, 169, Directed searches for broadband extended gravitational wave emission in nearby core-collapse supernovae" 4. 연구논문 Seok-Jun Chang, Hee-Won Lee, Yujin Yang, 2017, MNRAS, 464, 5018, Polarization of Rayleigh scattered Lyalpha in active galactic nuclei Young-Min Lee, Dae-Sub Lee, Seok-Jun Chang, Jeong-Eun Heo, Hee-Won Lee, Narae Hwang, Byeong-Gon Park, and Ho-Gyu Lee., 2016, ApJ, 833, 75, A Monte Carlo Study of Flux Ratios of Raman Scattered O VI Features at 6825 and 7082 A in Symbiotic Stars Heo, Jeong-Eun; Angeloni, Rodolfo; Di Mille, Francesco; Palma, Tali; Lee, Hee-Won Lee, 2016, ApJ, 833, 286, A Profile Analysis of Raman-scattered O VI Bands at 6825 A and 7082 A in Sanduleak s Star Lim, B., Sung, H., Kim, J. S., Bessell, M. S., Hwang, N. & Park, B.-G. 2016, ApJ, 831, 116 A Constraint on the Formation Timescale of the Young Open Cluster NGC 2264: Lithium Abundance of Pre-Main Sequence Stars Lee, J.-W. 2016, ApJS, 226, 16, On the metallicity distribution of the peculiar globular cluster M22 Lee, J.-W. 2016, JKAS, 49, 6, Long-term variation of the shutter delay time of Y4KCam of the CTIO 1.0M telescope Kim, S., Jo, J.W., Hwang, J.H. et al. 2016, AAS meeting 228th, 20, Attribution of halo merger ratio and star formation rate density Heo, J.-E., Yoon, S., Lee, D.-S. Kong I.-K., Lee, S.-H., van Putten, M.H.P.M., & Della Valle, M., 2016, NewA, 42, 24, "Proposed searches for candidate van Putten, M.H.P.M., 2016, ApJ, 824, 43, "A new estimator of the deceleration parameter from galaxy rotation curves" Spallicci, A.D.A.M., & van Putten, M.H.P.M., 2016, IJGMMP, 13, , Gauge dependence and self-force from Galilean to Einsteinian free fall, compact stars falling into black holes, Hawking radiation and the Pisa tower at the general relativity centennial" van Putten, M.H.P.M., van Putten, A.F.P., van Putten, M.J.A.M., 2016, Earthquakes and Structures, 11, 861 On the origin of exponential growth in induced earthquakes in Groningen" van Putten, M.H.P.M., A new estimator of the deceleration parameter from galaxy rotation curves, 7th KIAS Workshop on Structure Formation and Cosmology, Oct. 30-Nov. 4, 2016, KIAS, Seoul Croft, R. A.C., Miralda-Escude, J., Zheng, Z...Rossi, G. et al. (2016), MNRAS, 457, 3541, Large-scale clustering of Lyman-Alpha emission intensity from SDSS/BOSS Dawson, K.S., Kneib, J.P., Percival, W.KJ...Rossi, G. et al. (2016), ApJ, 151, 44, The extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: overview and early data Laurent, P., Burtin, E., LeGoff, J.M...Rossi, G.et al. (2016), JCAP, 11, 060, A study of cosmic homogeneity using BOSS DR12 quasar sample Palanque-Delabrouille, N., Magneville, Ch., Yeche, Ch...Rossi, G. et al. (2016), Astronomy & Astrophysics, 587, A41, The extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: variability selection and quasar luminosity function 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 83

85 2017 봄학술대회 Rossi, G. (2016), IAUS 308 The Zeldovich Universe: Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 308, pp , The peak/dip picture of the cosmic web Rossi, G. (2016), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontres de Moriond, 2016 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, , Neutrino Mass from Cosmology Rossi, G. (2016), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontres de Moriond, 2016 Cosmology, , Constraining Neff with the Lyman-Alpha Forest Rossi, G., Yeche, Ch., Palanque-Delabrouille, N., Lesgourgues, J. (2016), Proceedings of the 28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Joint constraints on neutrino mass and number of effective neutrino species from cosmology Zhao, G.B., Wang, Y., Ross, A.J., et al...rossi, G. (2016), MNRAS, 457, 2377, The extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: a cosmological forecast 연세대학교천문우주학과 1. 인적사항본학과는 2017년 3월현재, 교수진 11 명 ( 이영욱, 변용익, 김용철, 김석환, 박상영, 손영종, 이석영, 윤석진, 정애리, 박찬덕, 지명국 ) 과명예교수진 3명 ( 나일성, 천문석, 최규홍 ), 그리고연세-KASI 학연협력객원교수진 3명 ( 조세형, 손봉원, 변도영 ) 으로구성되어있다. 학과및천문대소속의박사후전문연구원 7명, 대학원석박사통합과정 20 명, 박사과정 21 명, 석사과정 20 명, 그리고, 학부생 150 여명으로구성되어있다. 3년전부터연세대학교차원에서진행되고있는정책으로, 학부 1학년신입생들은모두인천국제캠퍼스에서 1년간기숙사생활을하면서 Residential College 교육을받고있다. 학과교수진의활동을요약하면다음과같다. 이석영회원은 2017년 3월부로 2년임기의학과장직을수행하며학과를이끌고있다. 또한천문학회이사, 천문학회지와천문학논총의편집위원으로활동하고있다. 이영욱 회원은한국연구재단선도연구센터육성사업 (SRC) 의지원으로연세대교책연구소로설립된은하진화연구센터의센터장직을수행하고있다. 손영종회원은연세대학교광과학공학과주임교수와한국우주과학회포상위원으로활동하고있다. 윤석진회원은 2017년 3월부터연세대학교천문대장과한국우주과학회이사로활동하고있다. 또한, 한국천문학회 IAU2021 유치위원을거쳐현재운영위원으로활동하고있다. 정애리회원은한국천문학회학술위원회위원으로활동하고있다. 박찬덕회원은 2014년 1월부터한국우주과학회에서발행하는학술지 Journal of Astronomy and Space Science (JASS) 의편집위원으로활동하고있다. 본학과는역량있는천문우주학전공의박사들을배출해내는교육기관으로서의책임을다하고있으며, 2016년 6월에는조혜전회원 ( 지도교수이영욱 ) 이, 2017년 2월에는오슬희회원 ( 지도교수이석영 ) 이박사학위를받았다. 또한본학과에는학과및천문대소속의 11명의박사후연구원 ( 박기훈, 임동욱, 조혜전 Mario Pasquato, 김학섭, 김수영, 장서원, 윤미진, Chandreyee Sengupta, Samyaday Choudhury, 오슬희 ) 과 2명의연구교수 (Rory Smith, 정철 ) 가활발한연구활동을펼치고있다. 2. 연구및학술활동이영욱회원은정철, 주석주 ( 천문연 ) 회원과함께우리은하벌지의 double red clump 현상과 X-shape 구조에대한새로운다중항성종족모델을제시하여국제학계에큰반향을일으키고있고, 임동욱, 홍승수, 한상일 ( 천문연 ) 회원과는구상성단과우리은하벌지의 du Pont 2.5m 협대역측광및저해상도분광관측연구, 장소희회원과는우리은하구상성단계와 Local Group 왜소은하들의오랜난제인오스터호프이분법의기원과 RR Lyrae 변광성을이용한거리측정연구, 그리고강이정, 김영로회원과는암흑에너지의발견에결정적역할을하는 Ia형초신성의광도에은하내항성종족의진화가미치는영향을분석하기위해 du Pont 2.5m 및 MMT 6.5m를이용한호스트은하의분광관측및광도곡선분석연구를수행하고있다. 또한김재연회원과는원시구상성단과왜소은하의새로운화학적진화모델계산을통해오랜난제인 Na-O 역상관관계및헬륨함량증가의기원을조사하고있고, 한다니엘회원과는우리은하벌지에있다고주장된 X-shape 구조의진위조사및 3D 모델링을수행하고있다. 변용익회원은대만및미국의협력연구자들과함께, 카이퍼벨트천체들의분포를알아내기위한성식관측연구의 2단계사업으로초고속대형카메라를장착한 1.3미 84 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

86 기관소식 터광시야망원경 3기를멕시코 SPM 관측소에건설중이다. 장서원회원과함께높은정밀도의시계열자료분석을통한저질량항성들의변광특성을연구하고있으며, 소행성및혜성체의광도변화와소행성종족분포에대한김명진및이한회원과의연구도지속하고있다. 또한의우주감시센터와협력하여우주위협대응체계구축을위해노력하고있다. 김용철회원은생성초기항성의내부구조와활동성연구, 항성표면복사유체수치모사연구, 그리고등연령곡선제작등의 3가지연구를진행하고있다. 항성에서관측되는활동성 (activity) 의관측자료와상세한내부구조의이론적모형을함께연구하여항성구조와항성자기활동성의인과관계를체계적으로이해하고자하는것이활동성연구의궁극적목표이다. 항성표면복사유체수치모사연구는복사와유체의상호작용을고려한항성표면수치모사를통해항성대기와분광스펙트럼합성을수행하고, 이로부터분광자료분석의이론적체계를정립하는것이연구의목표이다. 그리고등연령곡선연구는다양한개별원소의영향이성단색등급도에어떻게나타나는지를체계적으로설명하는연구와함께, 외계행성계의모항성에대한표준모형을구축하는연구가진행되고있다. 정밀하게측정하는연구를수행중이며, 광학망원경을이용한우주감시를위한궤도분석을하고있다. 또한한국형달탐사를위한지상국시스템에필요한소프트웨어를개발하고있으며, 달탐사큐브위성의활용을위한임무설계를하고있다. 손영종회원의관측천문학연구실 (YOAL) 에서는장호우회원, 정두석회원, 천상현회원 ( 현재서울대학교 Post-doc) 과함께항성종족의측광학적특성으로부터은하내에서의별들의생성시기와은하의진화에대한연구를진행하고있다. 이연구를위한주자료는 UKIRT 망원경을이용해근적외선관측으로항성의분해가가능한근거리은하들과안드로메다은하시스템, 그리고 Leo Triplet 은하시스템내의항성종족에대한근적외선측광자료이다. 특히이은하들은과거병합을겪었거나현재병합을하고있는은하들로, 항성및항성종족의특성으로부터은하진화에병합의영향을추가적으로연구중이다. 또한 Dr. Samyaday Choudhury 회원과함께, 근거리은하들의중원소함량분포특성에관한연구및우리은하내성단들의자외선측광특성에관한연구를진행하고있다. 한편, 한국형온라인공개강좌 (K-MOOC) 에 우주의이해 강좌를 3회째개설하여천문학의대중화를위해힘쓰고있다. 김석환회원이운용하는우주광학연구실은 University of Arizona(USA) 의교수및연구진들, 그리고국제적인광해석기업인 Breault Research Organization 과함께위성광학시스템및대구경광학시스템의성능해석, 가공제작, 조립, 정렬, 성능측정과 3차원지구광학모델과통합적광선추적기법을사용한외계행성관측분야에서다양한공동연구들을수행중에있다. 그밖에도국내외여러대학및연구소와함께다양한기간산업분야에필요한핵심광학성능모델링기법과생산결합정렬기술들을개발하고있다. 이와같은국제적수준의연구활동을통해다수의졸업생들이해외유수대학으로유학, 국내외국책연구소및대기업연구소등으로활발히진출하여나가고있다. 박상영회원이지도하는우주비행제어연구실 (Astrodynamics and Control Lab) 은편대비행위성의궤도결정및제어, 자세결정및제어, 위성자세제어하드웨어시뮬레이터, 편대비행설계및최적화, 상대우주항법에관한연구를꾸준히수행하고있으며, 편대위성들의우주항법을검증하기위한하드웨어시스템도개발하고발전시키고있다. 특히, 차세대분리형우주망원경의기술검증을위하여두기의큐브위성을개발하여 2016년여름에발사될예정이다. 국방광역감시센터의연구일환으로서레이저를이용하여위성간상대거리를 이석영회원이이끄는은하진화연구실 (GEM) 에서는시뮬레이션및관측자료를활용하여다양한환경에서은하의형성과진화에관해연구하고있다. 은하형성이론연구로 GEM은준해석적은하형성이론코드 ysam을개발하였다. 복잡한비선형적현상의이해를위해서는슈퍼컴퓨터를사용한모의실험을수행하고있다. GEM은주로이론적연구에주력하고있지만, 은하단규모에대한깊은광학관측또한수행하여이론모형을검증하는노력도기울이고있다. AGN 연구로는, Broad Line Region AGN과환경효과, 그리고통일이론의검증을중점적으로연구하고있다. 윤석진회원은김학섭회원, 김수영회원, 이상윤회원, 정종훈회원과함께 Subaru 8m 및 CTIO 4m 망원경을이용한은하및성단의측광과분광관측연구를, 정철회원, 이상윤회원과함께항성진화종족합성이론을이용한 Yonsei Evolutionary Population Synthesis (YEPS) 모델개발연구와외부은하성단계의 색분포양분이론 ' 을이용한초기우주은하형성연대기규명연구를, 배현진회원, 문준성회원, 지웅배회원과함께 GALEX 우주망원경관측자료및 SDSS 관측자료를이용한은하의 Recent Star Formation History 연구와이웃은하의영향에대한연구를, Mario Pasquato 박사, 윤기윤회원, 안성호회원, 서성우회원과함께 N-body 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 85

87 2017 봄학술대회 및 Hydro Simulation을이용한은하군및은하단역학연구및 Disk Warp 현상에대한연구를, 김진아회원, 서성우회원과함께은하들간의중력적상호작용이은하의 Star Formation Rate과 Scaling Relations에미치는영향에관한연구를, 김동진회원과함께전파관측자료를이용한만기형항성대기의성질및질량손실에관한연구를, 나종삼회원, 문준성회원, 서성우회원과함께우주론적다체및유체시뮬레이션을이용하여초기우주은하형성기본단위의기원을규명하는연구를수행하고있다. 정애리회원은윤혜인, 김묘진, 이범현, 백준현, 노현욱및 Chandreyee Sengupta 회원과함께다양한적색편이에서나타나는환경에따른은하진화효과를연구중이다. 정애리회원은 ALMA, JCMT자료를이용하여은하의분자형성간물질이진화에미치는영향및원자형성간물질과의관계를연구하고있다. 윤혜인회원은처녀자리은하단주변의만기형은하들의 WSRT, GMRT 및 JVLA 중성수소관측을통해은하단에연결된필라멘트에서은하들이변형되는과정을연구중이다. 최근 6개월간호주의 ICRAR 기관을방문하여은하단주변구조에서은하들이겪는진화효과에대한공동연구를수행하였다. 이범현회원은 SMA, IRAM, JCMT, ALMA, KVN 자료를이용하여은하간물질이은하내존재하는분자형성간물질의성질과별형성에미치는영향을연구하고있다. 김묘진회원은 EVLA, CFHT, Gemini 자료를이용하여근거리에있는사자자리은하그룹내에서발견된왜소은하들의성질로부터그룹내에존재하는거대가스구조및은하그룹의기원을연구중이다. 백준현회원은 KVN, KaVA, LMT 관측을통해다양한은하단중심에위치한은하들의 AGN 활동과은하단의역학상태의상관관계에대해연구하고있다. 노현욱회원은 VLBA, KaVA 관측자료를이용하여활동성은하핵의모니터링관측으로부터제트의형성원리및진화를연구하고있다. 최근약한달동안일본국립천문대를방문하여 M87의제트특성에대한공동연구를수행하였다. Chandreyee Sengupta 회원은은하사이의중력적상호작용을통해형성되는왜소은하의특성을연구하고있다. 그밖에 Columbia 대학, ICRAR, UMass, CFA, ESO, Kapteyn 그리고 NAOJ 소속천문학자들과함께 deep HI imaging을통해다양한적색편이와환경에위치한은하들의중성수소형태와역학을연구중이다. 속되어한국형위성항법시스템의정밀궤도결정연구를수행하고있다. 또한, 비선형 / 강건제어기법을이용한우주비행체의정밀제어, 레이저관측을이용한정지궤도위성의정밀궤도결정, 소형 / 비대칭소행성탐사를위한궤적설계및항법 / 유도 / 제어기법개발등의연구를수행하고있다. 지명국회원은 Yonsei Observable UNiverse Group (YOUNG) 을운영하고있다. 현재 1. 암흑물질의정체를규명하기위한충돌은하단연구, 2. 초기은하단의질량함수결정을위한중력렌즈연구, 3. 우주론파라미터를정밀하게결정하기위한 Cosmic Shear연구, 4. Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) 의자료처리알고리즘연구를수행하고있다. 3. 교육및연구시설천문우주학교육시설로서, 천문대소속의일산관측소 61cm 반사망원경, 교내관측소 40cm 반사망원경, 그리고 4대의 10인치미드망원경및다수의소형망원경들을확보하고있으며, 학생들의 CCD 측광실습에적극활용하고있다. 신촌캠퍼스내에설치되어있는 KVN 전파망원경은전문연구자들의관측뿐아니라, 학부및대학원학생들의교육에도크게기여하고있다. 정밀연구를위한해외대형망원경을적극활용하고있으며, 이영욱회원이이끄는은하진화연구센터는가시광영역의측광및분광관측을위해카네기천문대의 du Pont 2.5m 망원경과 MMT 6.5m 망원경을각각년 3주및 3일임차해서사용하며, 연구에적극활용하고있다. 한편, 우주비행제어연구실은차세대분리형우주망원경의기술을우주공간에서직접실험 / 검증하기위한 2기의큐브위성과우주비행체의편대비행을위한항법 / 제어기법을지상에서실험 / 검증하기위한실험장치를제작하고있다. 한국형위성항법시스템의궤도결정을모사하는시뮬레이터또한개발 / 활용중이다. 그리고, 우주광학연구실은광학시스템개발을위한다수의설계및해석 S/W, 정렬및조립성능평가를위한각종간섭계및광학측정장비를운영하며, 연구및프로젝트형교육기법에활용하고있다. 4. 국내외연구논문 박찬덕회원은우주비행체의궤도 / 자세와관련한동역학 / 항법 / 유도 / 제어분야의연구를수행하고있다. 현재국방광역감시특화연구센터에소속되어다수위성의재배치 / 대형유지, 우주비행체의자율도킹 / 충돌회피등의연구를수행하고있으며, 국방위성항법특화연구센터에소 Bae, Hyun-Jin; Woo, Jong-Hak; Karouzos, Marios; Gallo, Elena; Flohic, Helene; Shen, Yue; Yoon, Suk-Jin (2017) ApJ, in press, The Limited Impact of Outflows: Integral-Field Spectroscopy of 20 Local AGNs 86 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

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90 기관소식 Suk-Jin (2016) ApJ, 820, 105, Odyssey: A Public GPU-based Code for General Relativistic Radiative Transfer in Kerr Spacetime Pu, Hung-Yi; Yun, Kiyun; Younsi, Ziri; Yoon, Suk-Jin, (2016) Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl: , Odyssey: Ray tracing and radiative transfer in Kerr spacetime Sheen, Y. K., Sukyoung, K. Y., Ree, C. H., Jaffé, Y., Demarco, R., & Treister, E., Recent galaxy mergers and residual star formation of red sequence galaxies in galaxy clusters, 2016, ApJ, 827, 32. Smith, R., Choi, H., Lee, J., Rhee, J., Sanchez-Janssen, R., & Yi, S. K., The Preferential Tidal Stripping of Dark Matter versus Stars in Galaxies, 2016, arxiv preprint arxiv: Smith, R.; Duc, P. A.; Bournaud, F.; Yi, S. K.; 2016; A Formation Scenario for the Disk of Satellites: Accretion of Satellites During Mergers, ApJ 818, 11 Taylor, R.; Davies, J. I.; Jachym, P.; Keenan, O.; Minchin, R. F.; Palous, J.; Smith, R.; Wunch, R.; 2016; Formation of Isolated HI Clouds by Fragmentation of Long Streams, MNRAS 461, 300 Yoon, H.; Chung, A.; Smith, R.; Jaffe, Y.; accepted to ApJ March. 2017; A history of HI stripping in Virgo: a phase-space view of VIVA galaxies 은영호, 박찬덕, 박상영, 자세추적실험을통한인공위성편대비행테스트베드의예비성능분석, 한국항공우주학회지, 44(5): , 2016 충남대학교천문우주과학과 1. 인적사항본학과 ( 학과장이유 ) 는현재 8명의전임교수 ( 외국인전임교원 1명포함 ), 및조교 1인 ( 김기남 ) 을중심으로교육과연구에임하고있다. 2017년도에는학부과정에 32명이입학하였다. 그리고 2명의석사가배출되었으며, 박사과정에 3명, 그리고석사과정에 6명이입학하였다. 한편, 외국인박사후연구원 2명이연구를수행하고있다. 2017년현재학부약 160 명, 대학원석박사과정약 20명으로지방국립대중최대규모의천문우주과학관련학과를운영하고교육과연구에전념하고있다. 한편, 2014년에 BK21 플러스사업의일환으로대학원과정의경우천문우주과학과와지질환경과학과를통합한우주 지질학과를설립하여, 천문우주와지질학의융합교육및연구를꾀하고있다. Taylor, R.; Davies, J.I.; Jáchym, P.; Keenan O.; Minchin R.F.; Palouš J.; Smith, R.; Wünsch, R.; Kinematic clues to the origins of starless HI clouds: dark galaxies or tidal debris? ; accepted to MNRAS Jan. 2017: arxiv Wang, Y., Pearce, F. R., Knebe, A., Schneider, A., Srisawat, C., Tweed, D. & Elahi, P. J., Sussing merger trees: stability and convergence., 2016, MNRAS, 459(2), Wong, O. I., Vega, O., Sánchez-Argüelles, D., Narayanan, G., Wall, W. F., Zwaan, M. A., Rosa González, D., Zeballos, M., Bekki, K., Mayya, Y. D., Montaña, A., & Chung, A MNRAS, 466, 574, Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: discovery of the 12CO(1-0) emission line in the ring galaxy VIIZw 연구및학술활동김광태회원은충남대학교 e-learning 강좌로고천문학, 인간과우주, 우주의역사, 천문학의지혜교양과목들을성황리에운영하고있으며, 천문학의대중화를도모할수있는효과적인천문학강좌개발에관여하고있다. 고천문학연구에도진보를보여서지난 2015년부터충남과학지에구석기시대천문학연구결과를발표하고있다. 오갑수회원은현재태양풍물리량의변화에따른지자기폭풍의세기를예측하는방법을연구하고있으며최근에는자기장의재결합에관한연구를하고있다. 김용하회원은과학재단특정기초연구과제의일환으로 2007년 2월남극세종기지에설치한유성레이다를지속운영중에있다. 2012년이레이다의송출력을 12kW로증대하여현재일일평균약 개이상의 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 89

91 2017 봄학술대회 유성을측정하고있으며, 이를이용해유성진입고도 km 구간의고층대기상태도측정하고있다. 또한김용하회원은 2015년과 2016년에극지연구소북극다산기지와키루나기지를방문하여고층대기광분광관측기인 Fabry-Perot 간섭계를극지연구소고층대기팀과함께설치하고현재운영중에있다. 2017년 2월에는극지연구소남극세종기지에동종의간섭계가설치됨으로서, 남북극지역모두 4곳 ( 세종, 장보고, 다산, 키루나 ) 에서고도 km 구간의바람속도에대한측정자료를확보할수있게되어우주과학연구의활성화를기대하고있다. 이유회원은전남대오수연교수와함께 Neutron Monitor 관측소를현재표준연구원내에완성하여관측을시작하였고, 오는 2015년 11월부터두해겨울 ( 남반구여름 ) 기간에걸쳐남극대륙내의장보고기지에추가관측소건립중에있다. 이와더불어전세계관측소들의자료를사용하여관측되는우주선강도의감소현상 (Forbush Decrease) 을태양과지구간의행성간자기구름물리적변화로설명하려는연구를하고있다. 그리고향후달탐사를위한기초연구로서 LRO/CRaTER science team 에참여하여달궤도에서의우주선환경변화를연구하고있으며, 달에서인류가주거가능한전초기지가될수있는달의용암동굴을찾기위한연구를진행하고있다. 또한, 자연을연구하는과학자로서지구기후변화역사와원인에대한깊은관심을갖고연구중이다. 조정연회원은 MHD 난류의성질및천문학적인응용에대해연구하고있으며, 성간먼지의정렬현상및이에의해야기되는적외선편광에대해연구하고있다. 또한외부은하의내부소광과 CMB foregrounds의효과적제거방법에대해연구하고있다. 현재관측을통한난류의물리량을구하는방법을연구하고있으며블랙홀이나중성자성의자기권에서발생하는난류에관한연구를하고있다. 이수창회원은독일하이델베르그대학및호주국립대학연구팀과공동으로 SDSS 자료를이용하여구축한 Virgo 은하단에있는은하들의새로운목록인 Extended Virgo Cluster Catalog (EVCC) 를활용하여은하단및은하단내은하들의진화연구를환경효과와관련하여수행하고있다. 또한, SDSS 자료를이용하여 Virgo 은하단주위에존재하는 filament 및 sheet 구조를새롭게정의하고이구조에분포하는은하들의특성및진화연구를수행하고있다. 한편, 은하그룹, 필드 (field), 필라멘트등다양한환경에있는은하들의특성에대한비교연구를수행하고있다. Prof. Hui conveys extensive studies of a wide range of high energy phenomena of compact objects and their environment. These astrophysical systems enable us to probe the laws of physics in the most extreme physical conditions which cannot be attained in any terrestrial laboratories. For multi-wavelength investigations, the state-of-art space and ground-based telescopes around the world, including XMM-Newton, Chandra, Suzaku, Swift, Gemini, Hubble Space Telescope, Australian Telescope Compact Array, VLA, Fermi Gamma-ray Space telescope, are utilized. Prof. Hui is also one of the founders of Fermi Asian Network (FAN) which leads a series of long-term internationally collaborative projects. Very recently, Prof. Hui has joined the project, which is led by the International Space Science Institute, for conceiving new approaches to investigate the active processes in the central regions of galaxies. 이영선회원은 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), SEGUE (Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration), BOSS (Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopy Survey), 그리고현재중국에서진행중인 LAMOST (Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope) 등에서관측한별의스펙트럼을처리하여별들의온도, 중력, 금속함량비, 알파원소함량비와탄소함량비를결정하는일괄처리프로그램들을개발하는연구를수행하고있다. 일관처리프로그램을통하여결정된별의물리량과화학원소함량비를이용하여우리은하의원반 (disk) 과헤일로 (halo) 에있는별들의운동학적, 화학적특성과분포를조사하여원반과헤일로의기원과화학적진화에대하여연구도수행하고있다. 충남대천문우주과학과는지난 8년간 2단계 BK21 사업에이어지질환경과학과와공동으로 2013년에 BK21 플러스의지구과학분야사업단에선정되어운영되고있다. 또한 2015년중간평가를거쳐 4차년도협약이확정되었다. 미래우주지질탐사사업단 ( 단장 - 김용하, 참여교수 - 이유, 이수창, 조정연, C. Y. Hui, 이영선 ) 은우주 / 지질분야에서다양한과학적현안들을해결하고미래성장에능동적으로기여할수있는핵심인재양성및관련분야에서국제적인수준의기초연구를수행하고있다. 또한 2016년 9월부터 3년간지방대학특성화사업 (CK사업) 의일환으로지질환경과학과, 해양환경과학과와함께지구 / 우주국가전략기술인재양성사업단에참여하여연간 4억의사업비를지원받아창의적융복합인재를양 90 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

92 기관소식 성하고있다. 천문우주과학과는천문우주연구및우주탐사의세부분야를담당하고있다. 특히, 국제적수준의차세대우주탐사연구인력을양성하여, 정부의대형국책연구사업에필요한전문인력공급을목표로하여사업을운영하고있다. 천문우주탐사, 우주환경관측및시뮬레이션, 그리고우주현상시뮬레이션분야에서교육시스템및연구수준을국제적수준으로끌어올려국책연구소에서필요로하는양질의석박사를배출하는것을주요목표로하고있다. 3. 연구시설연구시설로는다수의워크스테이션서버와고성능 PC가갖추어진천문전산실, 광학실험장치, Photodensitometer, 인공위성추적시스템이갖추어져있는광학실험실이있다. 그리고천문대및 Planetarium 상영을위한천문전시실이있으며, 시뮬레이션실, 천문도서실등이학부학생들의교육을위한실험실습실로이용되고있다. 천문대에는 16인치슈미트-카세그레인반사망원경이 4m 돔에설치되어있고, 14, 12, 10인치슈미트-카세그레인망원경, 7인치반사망원경, 6, 5인치초저분산굴절망원경, 6인치쌍안경, 분광기, 그리고다수의냉각 CCD 카메라가있다. 그리고대전시민천문대의 10인치굴절망원경의원격제어시스템을완성해시민천문대가운영을마친 11시이후에이를활용하여관측수업을진행중이다. 충북대학교천문우주학과 1. 기본사항충북대학교천문우주학과에는서경원, 김천휘, 김용기, 이대영, 하야사키, 안홍준회원등명의전임교수가 194명의학부생과 35명의대학원생의교육과연구를맡고있다. 2016년 9월 1일부터스탠포드대학에서연구해온안홍준회원이신임교원으로부임하였다. 국내대학중유일한대학본부부속기관인충북대학교천문대는 2017년 3월부터김천휘교수가천문대장직을수행하고있으며윤요라회원이업무를담당하고있다. 학과행정업무는 2017년부터이민희회원이조교로근무하고있다. 2. 연구및학습활동서경원교수는진화된항성주변먼지층의특성과진화에대한연구를수행하고있다. 이를위하여만기형항성의목록을개선하고체계화하며관련된적외선및전 파관측자료들을수집하여분석하고있다. 또한만기형항성과행성상성운의구조와진화에따른주변먼지입자의특성에대한이론적모형의개발과적용을위한연구도함께진행중이다. 서경원교수의지도하에홍진주, 주재민회원이석사과정에서논문을준비하고있다. 김천휘교수는 2017년부터천문대장직을맡고있으며, 근접쌍성계의측, 분광학적성질및주기변화를기반으로한역학적성질을연구하고있다. 그일환으로폴란드의크라코우교육대학의 J. M. Kreiner 교수와공동으로근성점운동을하는근접쌍성계의카탈로그를작성하고있다. 이를기반으로항성내부구조이론과조석과자전에의한동주기자전및원형화이론의검증연구를수행하고있다. 이를위해소백산, 레몬산, 충북대천문대에서여러별에대한측광관측을수행하고있다. 김천휘교수의지도하에박장호, 송미화, 정민지, 임진선, 우수완회원이박사과정을이수하고있으며, 2017년부터이희재, 김혜영회원이박사과정을, 김재영회원이석사과정을진행하고있다. 박마루회원은 OWL 네트워크의최적관측점수결정 이란제목의논문으로석사학위를취득하고현재에서근무하고있다. 이와더불어김천휘회원은충북대학교기초과학연구원장으로봉사하고있다. 김용기교수는대학원대중천문학과정을담당하고있다. 자기격변변광성의관측및관측자료처리에대한연구를하고있으며우크라니아 ONMU 대학의 Andronov 교수와자기격변변광성에대한공동연구를하고있다. 또한충북대학교망원경자동관측시스템을이용한자기격변변광성모니터링관측, 그리고망원경자동관측시스템을이용한과학대중화사업에의연계연구에도관심을갖고부산과학관, 경기과학고의망원경및관측시스템개발에참여한바있다. 김용기교수는한양대학교오준영교수와함께과학의본성을이용한대중천문교육에대한연구를하고있으며, 천문도서번역에도기여하였다. 현재김동흔, 박지원, 김태우회원이박사과정, 송성현회원이석사과정을이수하고있으며, 설아침회원이통합과정에, 이상민, 김동현회원이천문우주학석사과정에, 이종원회원이대중천문과학석사과정에서 2017년부터김용기교수의지도를받고있다. 2014년 1월부터한국우주과학회부회장으로봉사하고있으며, 2014년 1월부터 2015년 12월까지한국천문학회교육홍보위원장을맡은바있다. 이대영교수는현재 8명의석 박사과정대학원생들과 2인의연구교수로구성된우주물리 / 우주환경연구그룹을이끌고있다. 주로 plasma instabilities, radiation belt electron dynamics, wave-particle interactions, 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 91

93 2017 봄학술대회 substorm, magnetic storm 등의주제를중점연구하고있다. 최근까지한국연구재단의 NSL 과제를통해, 우주방사선입자환경을재현및예측하는자료동화모델개발에연구력을집중하였다. 이와관련하여 THEMIS 위성이관측한방사선벨트자료와최근에발사된 Living With a Star Program 위성인 Van Allen Probes 자료를집중분석해오고있다. 충북대우주물리 / 우주환경그룹은국외에서는 UCLA 및대만중앙대학그룹과, 국내에서는천문연구원태양-우주환경그룹과상시공동연구체계를갖추고있다. 하야사키키마타케교수는 black hole 천문학및천체물리학에대한연구를수행하고있다. 현재 merging process of binary supermassive black holes in the context of disk-binary interaction에관하여연구하고있다. 쌍성블랙홀병합중중력파검출 (GW ) 의최근발견은그어느때보다도이분야에많은동기를부여하고있다. 또한 the tidal disruption of stars by supermassive black holes에대해연구하고있으며, 최근 tidal disruption events가급격하게관측되면서관측과이론적관심이증가하고있는주제이다. 현재학부생들로구성된연구그룹을이끌고있으며, black hole 천문학및천체물리학에새로운통찰력을제공하고자교육하고있다. 근자체제작한 2.8Ghz 전파수신기등천문우주교육에필요한다수의장비를갖추고있다. 이와더불어대학본부부속기관인충북대학교천문대 ( 충북진천군소재 ) 가 2008년 4월개관이후시험관측을거쳐현재활발히천문관측을수행하고있다. 충북대학교천문대는국내대학규모로는최대인 1m 반사망원경을보유하고있고 60cm 광시야망원경을이용하여천문교육과연구에활용될뿐만아니라지역사회에개방되어천문지식보급에도크게기여하고있다. 4. 국내외연구논문 ( ) Suh, Kyung-Won, 2016, A model for the dust envelope of the silicate carbon star IRAS , The Astrophysical Journal, 819, 61 Suh, Kyung-Won, 2016, Optical properties of amorphous alumina dust in the envelopes around O-rich AGB stars, Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, vol.49, no.4, 127 Suh, Kyung-Won, 2016, Dust Disks Around Young Stellar Objects, Journal of Astronomy and Space Science, vol. 33, no. 2, 119 안홍준교수는현재국제협력연구단인 Fermi 연구단에참여하고있으며, X선및감마선관측을통하여고에너지천체현상을연구하고있다. 고에너지방사는우리은하뿐만아니라외계은하에존재하는밀집성에서나타나는데, 주로중성자별및그성운, 거대블랙홀등이연구대상이다. 이런물체에서발생하는고에너지현상을통하여그물체들의특성을추정하는데, 중성자별연구는최종적으로그질량을추정하여현재의물리학적지식을기반으로유도한상태방정식을검증함으로써초고밀도하에존재하는물질의상태를추정하는것을목표로한다. 중성자별성운이나거대블랙홀주변에서입자들이초고에너지로가속되는현상이발생하여 X선및감마선이방출되는것으로추정하는데, 관측및이론적모형화를통하여플라스마물질의가속현상들이해하는것을목표로하여연구하고있다. 현재두명의대학원생과함께연구를진행하고있다. 3. 연구시설각교수의연구실및실험실에는최신 PC 및관련주변기기, 그리고워크스테이션이구비되어있으며, 또한교내 35cm 반자동천체망원경, 40cm 자동천체망원경및 3m 태양망원경, 5m 위성전파수신기, 그리고최 Suh, Kyung-Won, 2015, Infrared Two-Color Diagrams for AGB stars, post-agb stars, and Planetary Nebulae, The Astrophysical Journal, 808, 165 Maru Park, Jung Hyun Jo, Sungki Cho, Jin Choi, Chun-Hwey Kim, Jang-Hyun Parket et al. 2015, Minimum Number of Observation Points for LEO Satellite Orbit Estimation by OWL Network,JASS,32, 357 Wonyong Han, Min-Ji Jeong, Joh-Na Yoon, Hyoun-Woo Kim, Yonggii Kim, Chun-Hwey Kim, 2015, Apsidal Motion Study of Close Binary System CW Cephei, JASS, 32, 341 Tobias C. Hinse, Wonyong Han, Joh-Na Yoon, Chung-Uk Lee, Yong-Gi Kim, Chun-Hwey Kim, 2015, Photometric defocus observations of transiting extrasolar planets, JASS, 32, 21 김용기외, 2015, 우주의본질시그마프레스 ( 번역 ) 92 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

94 기관소식 Ivan L. Andronov, Yonggi Kim, Young-Hee Kim, Joh-Na Yoon, Lidia L. Chinarova, Mariia G. Tkachenko1 2015, Phenomenological Modeling of Newly Discovered Eclipsing Binary 2MASS J = VSX J , JASS, 32(2) 127 K. Petrik, V. V. Breus, I. L. Andronov, M. Csataryova, J. Drga, T. Hegedus, S. Zola, L. L. Chinarova, Young Hee Kim, Jiwon Park, Joh-Na Yoon, P. Dubovsky, S. V. Kolesnikov and, K. A. Antonyuk 2015, Spin Period Study of the Intermediate Polars MU Cam, V2306 Cyg and V1323 Her, ASP Conf. 496, 252 Wonyong Han, Min-Ji Jeong, Joh-Na Yoon, Hyoun-Woo Kim, Yonggii Kim, Chun-Hwey Kim, 2015, Apsidal Motion Study of Close Binary System CW Cephei, JASS, 32, 341 Tobias C. Hinse, Wonyong Han, Joh-Na Yoon, Chung-Uk Lee, Yong-Gi Kim, Chun-Hwey Kim, 2015, Photometric defocus observations of transiting extrasolar planets, JASS, 32, 21 J.H. Cho, D.-Y. Lee, J.H. Kim, D.K. Shin, K.C. Kim, and D. Turner, 2015, New model fit functions of the plasmapause location determined using THEMIS observations during the ascending phase of Solar Cycle 24, Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics J. H. Kim, D.-Y. Lee, J. H. Cho, D.K. Shin, K.C. Kim, Wen Li, and T. Kim, 2015, A prediction model for the global distribution of whistler chorus wave amplitude developed separately for two latitudinal zones, 2015, Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics K.C. Kim, D.-Y. Lee, and Y. Shprits, 2015, Dependence of Plasmaspheric Hiss on Solar Wind Parameters and Geomagnetic Activity and Modeling of Its Global Distribution, Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics using multisatellite observations and RBE model, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, K.S. Park, D.-Y. Lee, T. Ogino, D.-H. Lee, 2015, MHD simulations using average solar wind conditions for substorms observed under northward IMF conditions, Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics C.-R. Choi, M.-H. Woo, K. Dokgo, E.-J. Choi, K.-W. Min, J. Hwang, Y.-D. Park, and D.-Y. Lee, 2015, Pitch-angle diffusion of electrons through growing and propagating along a magnetic field electromagnetic wave in Earth's radiation belts, Physics of Plasmas J. Hwangbo, S.-C. Bong, S.-H. Park, D.-Y. Lee, K.-S. Cho, J.J. Lee, and Y.D. Park, 2015, Burst locating capability of the Korean Solar Radio Burst Locator (KSRBL), J. Astron. Space Sci. K. Hayasaki, B-W. Sohn, A T. Okazaki, T. Jung, G. Zhao, and T. Naito, Warping and tearing of misaligned circumbi- nary disks around eccentric supermassive black hole binaries, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015, Issue 07, 005, (18pp) Yang, C.,..., An, H., et al. NuSTAR Observations of Magnetar 1E , ApJ, 2016, 831, 80 Ackermann, M., Ajello, M., An, H., et al. Contemporaneous Broadband Observations of Three High-redshift BL LAC Objects, ApJ, 2016, 820, 72 Chen, G., An, H., et al. NuSTAR Observations of the Young, Energetic Radio Pulsar PSR B , ApJ, 2016, 817, 93 Lopez, L. A.,..., An, H., et al. A Spatially Resolved Study of the Synchrotron Emission and Titanium in Tycho s Supernova Remnant Using NuSTAR, ApJ, 2015, 814, 132 Hwang, J., E.-J. Choi, J.-S. Park, M.-C. Fok, D.-Y. Lee, K.-C. Kim, D.-K. Shin, M. E. Usanova, and G. D. Reeves, 2015, Comprehensive analysis of the flux dropout during 7 8 November 2008 storm Madsen, K. K.,..., An, H., et al. Calibration of the NuSTAR High-energy Focusing X-ray Telescope, ApJS, 2015, 220, 8 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 93

95 2017 봄학술대회 Tendulkar, S. P.,..., An, H., et al. Phase-resolved NuSTAR and Swift-XRT Observations of Magnetar 4U , ApJ, 808, 32 An, H., et al. Deep NuSTAR and Swift Monitoring Observations of the Magnetar 1E , 2015, ApJ, 807, 93 충북대학교천문우주학과가전국에산재되어있는각종천문기관이나시설 ( 과학관, 과학박물관, 시민천문대등 ) 에걸맞는전문인력양성을목적으로 2008년 3월부터대학원에신설한 대중천문과학 전공을실질적으로활성화하고기술적으로뒷받침하기위하여천문대는다양한천문관측과실습프로그램을개발하여학생들에게관측실습의장을제공하고있다. An, H., et al., Broadband X-Ray Properties of the Gamma-Ray Binary 1FGL J , 2015, ApJ, 806, 166 Boggs, S. E.,..., An, H., et al. 44Ti gamma-ray emission lines from SN1987A reveal an asymmetric explosion, 2015, Science, 348, 670 Madsen, K. K.,..., An, H., et al. Broadband X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Crab Nebula and Pulsar with NuSTAR, 2015, ApJ, 801, 66 Zoglauer, A., Reynolds, S., An, H., et al. The Hard X-Ray View of the Young Supernova Remnant G , 2015, ApJ, 798, 98 충북대학교천문대 충북대학교천문대는진천관측소가 2008년개관이래약 5년이지난현재까지천문관측을계속수행하고있으며, 천문대를건설하면서축적하였던다양한천문기술을국내천문대에보급하고있다. 천문대구성인원은대장 ( 김천휘교수 ) 과소장 ( 윤요라주무관 ), 그리고 5명의관측요원으로이루어져있다. 보유장비는진천관측소에소재한국내대학최대구경인 1m RC 망원경, 인공위성추적감시망원경인 60cm 광시야망원경 (2010년설치 ) 이있으며, 또한, 대학교내 35cm와 40cm 망원경을운용하고있다. 이 4대의망원경의관측대상은주로변광성이며, 때때로행성 transit 측광관측및과의협력으로인공위성과소행성등을병행관측하고있다. 최근몇년동안진천관측소에서이루어진일은천문대의날씨상황, 관측진행상황, 그리고관측현황등을실시간으로알져주는시스템을개발하여 web에공지하고있다 ( 이와더불어관측된변광성의위상에따른광도곡선도 web 상에보여줌으로서관측자에게편의를주고있다. 그림 1. 과학영재경기과학고등학교 0.6m 반사망원경. Antalece 년부터충북대학교천문대는대중천문보급및자구적예산확보차원에서천문을테마로한오토캠핑장을추진하고있다. 총 18기의텐트사이트로 1년에 1억원이상의수익을목표로각종편의시설건물을신축했다. 천문대의넓은천연잔디운동장과망원경및천문학전공학생들의천문강의와체험학습을테마로천문오토캠프를진행하고있다. 오토캠핑장이활성화되면지역아동센터및다문화가정을위한무료천문캠프를진행해지역사회에대중천문을접할수있는기회의장을마련하고있다. 지속적인천문기기개발을수행하고있는충북대학교천문대는다양한기술력으로국내망원경및관측기기수리용역을수행하고있다. 2014년에는제주별빛누리공원의주망원경인 60cm 망원경의주경미러셀과스파이더부경미러셀을다시제작하는연구과제를수행완료하였고, 2015년은국립부산과학관 350mm 굴절망원경구동시스템개발을완료하였으며, 이와더불어과학영재경기과학고등학교 0.6m 반사망원경, 대전동신과학고등학교 0.5m 반사망원경을메타스페이스와협력하여 Antalece 6.0과 5.0의새로운망원경을개발하여납품하였다. 또한충북대학교천문대에서운영중인 AWS 및구름모니터링시스템은다양한기관에서설치를의뢰하고있으며, 2014년에국립과천과학관과과학영재한국영재학교에개발을완료해납품하였다. 2016년 10월의 SLR(Satellite Laser Ranging) 그룹의거창감악산사이트에 8.5m 고속회전자동제어돔개발을완료하였으며, 이돔은최고속도 18 /sec, 지향정밀도 ±30arcsec의정밀도를가지고있 94 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

96 기관소식 다 년시험관측을거쳐본격적인인공위성관측을 시작할계획이다. 0.6m 광시야망원경은 넓은시야를가진 4K CCD를사용함으로서한 CCD 화면에수많은별들이동정되고, 따라서새로운변광성들이많이발견되기때문에자료처리방식을새롭게수정하는 S/W를개발하였으며, 이와더불어이제까지관측된변광성들을정리하여논문화하는작업을수행되고있다. 최근에넓은시야를이용한외계행성탐사관측은매우높은관측정밀도를나타내고있으며, 지속적인관측으로국내학회지및 SCI급논문이기대되고있다. 2015년 10월에는광시야 0.6m 망원경전용완전개폐형돔을설계제작하여기존슬라이딩돔철거와함께더욱쾌적한천문체험학교환경을조성하였으며, 새로개발한완전개폐형돔은관측시야가고도 15 이상확보되고망원경의구동에간섭이전혀없어광시야 0.6m 망원경의구동안전성을확보하였고, 9시간연속시계열관측을할수있는환경을조성하였다. 그림 3. 국립부산과학관 350mm 굴절망원경. 그림 2. 충북대학교천문대 0.6 미터광시야망원경 완전개폐형돔. 그림 4. 거창감악산사이트 SLR 8.5m 자동제어돔. 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 95

97 2017 봄학술대회 1. 기관현황은우리나라천문연구의정통성을계승한대한민국대표천문연구기관으로서 1974년국립천문대로출범하여현재에이르기까지중 대형관측장비의구축과운영을통해국가천문연구를수행하며과학발전의토대를마련하고있다. 국내유일의천문우주과학정부출연연구기관으로서광학, 전파, 이론, 관측천문학및우주과학연구를통해 21세기천문우주핵심과제를규명하고, 천문우주관측시스템구축및핵심기술개발을통해우주시대를선도하는일류선진연구기관으로도약하고있다. 1) 광학천문본부광학천문본부는은하진화그룹, 변광천체그룹, 보현산천문대, 소백산천문대의 4개그룹으로구성되어별과우주의시작과변화를과학적으로분석하고있다. 은하진화그룹은광학 / 적외선을비롯한다양한파장의자료를이용하여우리은하와외부은하의형성과진화를연구하고있으며, 변광천체그룹은고정밀측광및고분산분광관측자료를활용하여변광성과외계행성의물리적특성을연구하고있다. 이러한연구를위하여광학천문본부는보현산천문대, 소백산천문대, 레몬산천문대, 외계행성탐색시스템 (KMTNet) 등의관측시설을운영하고있다. 외계행성탐색시스템은 2015년 10월에칠레, 호주, 남아프리카공화국의남반구 3개관측소를완공하고, 광시야망원경과모자이크 CCD 카메라를사용하여외계행성, 변광성, 초신성, 소행성, 외부은하등본격적인연구관측을시작해성과를창출하고있다. 가. 주요보직자현황제6대원장한인우감사배규한감사부장김웅중부원장한원용광학천문본부장경재만전파천문본부장김현구우주과학본부장조경석대형망원경사업단장박병곤기획부장서규열행정부장곽우근글로벌협력실장이서구정책혁신실장김경호우주위험감시센터장조중현중소기업협력센터장남욱원이론천문연구센터장류동수나. 주요연구본부소개 2) 전파천문본부전파천문본부는전파천문연구그룹, 대덕전파천문대, 전파기술개발그룹, ALMA(Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) 그룹및 KVN(Korean VLBI Network, 한국우주전파관측망 ) 의 5개그룹을운영하고있다. KVN 등의대형관측장비를활용하여별탄생영역과활동성은하영역에대한선진연구를수행하고, ALMA, KaVA(KVN and VERA Array) 등을통해국제공동관측프로그램을진행하고있다. 또핵심관측장비의성능향상을위한시스템개발을하며우수연구결과를창출하고있다. 3) 우주과학본부우주과학본부는태양및근지구우주환경연구, 달및행성과학, 그리고레이저기술을이용한고정밀우주물체추적연구를통해우주에대한인류의지식확대및활동영역확장, 그리고자연재해, 우주폐기물문제등범 96 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

98 기관소식 지구적문제해결에기여하고있다. 또한우주측지기술을활용한지구변화정밀분석과태양활동에의한지구영향예측, 우주에서의관측천문연구에주력하고있으며대한민국공식역서를발간하고있다. 구경 4.3m 의 Discovery Channel Telescope(DCT) 망원 경으로이전설치하는작업을성공적으로완료하고과학 연구관측을개시하였다. 4) 우주위험감시센터우주위험감시센터는인공위성, 소행성등우주물체의지상추락과충돌과같은우주위험을감시하고분석하는연구와우주환경감시기관의기술정책및국제협력지원등의사무국업무를수행하고있다. 국가과학기술연구회국가현안해결형사업인우주물체전자광학감시시스템 (Optical Wide-field patrol; OWL-Net) 개발사업을통해지난해국내외 5개곳에직경 0.5m급우주물체추적광학망원경을설치완료했으며, 우리나라국적위성, 한반도정지궤도영역을독자적으로감시하고있다. 이네트워크는광시야광학망원경, 고속마운트, 효과적인스케줄링을채용하여빠르게움직이는인공위성이나소행성의추적감시가가능하며, 세계최초로관측계획부터데이터분석까지전과정을천문연구원에서무인원격으로관리할수있다. 5) 대형망원경사업단대형망원경사업단은대형광학망원경의국제공동건설및공동활용, 대형망원경용관측기기개발등의업무를수행하고있다. 주요사업으로는거대마젤란망원경 (GMT) 국제공동건설지분 10% 확보를골자로하는대형망원경개발사업과 8m급중대형망원경국제공동활용, 광학및적외선관측기기개발, GMT용관측기기및부경국제공동개발등을들수있다. 특히 GMT 시대를대비한연구역량의개발과인력양성을위하여천문학계를위한중대형망원경관측시간지원, 대학원생및박사후연수원을대상으로하는계절학교운영, 해외 GMT 참여기관과공동연구및펠로우십프로그램운영, 천문학분야국제공동연구참여등다양한업무를수행하고있다. 2016년도에는 GMT의건설에직접참여하는기술중적외선고분산분광기 (IGRINS) 를 6) 이론천문연구센터이론천문연구센터에는고천문학 ( 역사천문학 ), 우주론, 천체물리분야의연구자들이참여하고있다. 고천문학은고대천문기록과의기복원그리고천문학사관련연구를수행하고있다. 우주론및천체물리분야는우주거대구조이론과관측연구를통해우주초기조건, 암흑물질및암흑에너지에관한연구를수행하고있으며, DESI 등주요국제관측사업에참여하고있다. 천체물리연구자들은시뮬레이션을통한천체물리연구및시뮬레이션코드개발등을수행하며, 한국과학기술정보연구원, 국가수리과학연구소와공동으로중력파융합연구도활발하게진행중이다. 7) 중소기업협력센터 2013년 4월새롭게출범한중소기업기술협력센터는그동안연구원의각부서별로분산운영되어왔던천문우주과학관련기술의산업체공유를위한협력업무를담당하고있다. 현재중소기업지원인력은센터장을포함한연구인력 3인, 전문위원 1인, 등중소기업협력전담인력과 19명의 KASI-테크노닥터들로구성되어있다. 천문광학, 천문전파및천문우주분야별 9개의패밀리기업과함께, 기업의수요에부응하는원천기술확보및기술이전을추진하고있다. 이러한노력을통해기업수요형 R&D개발을통해원천기술확보및기술이전을추진하고, 실천적기술이전로드맵을통해적극적인기술사업화및육성사업확대를위해노력하고있다. 또한 KASI-테크노닥터와지속적인기업의애로기술해결과실질적인기술교류를통해미래기술의원천기술확보및기업동반성장을위한상생협력을도모하고, 진정한오픈이노베이션 (open innovation) 을구현을위해노력하고있다. 2. 주요연구및개발성과가. 외계행성탐색시스템 (KMTNet) 활용해외계행성 2개연속발견 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 97

99 2017 봄학술대회 은지구와비슷한환경을갖춘외계행성을발견하기위해지난 2009년부터중력렌즈현상을이용해외계행성을탐색할수있는 KMTNet시스템을개발해 2015년 10월에공식적으로연구관측을시작했다. 2016년에는첫번째성과로외계행성 2개를발견하여 SCI 학술지에각각게재하였다. 이로써별이지지않는세계유일의 24시간연속탐색관측을통한외계행성연구의시작을알렸으며, 앞으로이시스템을이용하여매년 100여개의외계행성을발견할것으로기대하고있다. 나. 우주물체전자광학감시시스템 (OWL-Net) 구축지난 2010년 12월부터국가과학기술연구회의국가현안해결형사업으로시작된우주물체전자광학감시시스템 (Optical Wide-field patrol; OWL-Net ) 개발사업이 2016년마무리됐다. OWL-Net은인공위성등우주물체를광학적인방법으로추적감시하는기술개발을목표로시작한프로젝트다. 0.5m급광시야광학망원경을갖춘감시관측소를북반구 5곳 ( 몽골, 모로코, 이스라엘, 미국, 보현산 ) 에구축하여우리나라위성에대한독자적인궤도력유지임무를수행하는국내유일의우주감시전용관측장비로서우주감시국제공동대응에도기여할예정이다. 라. 무거운별탄생의비밀풀어줄일산화규소메이저원의새로운두천체발견한국우주전파관측망 ( 이하 KVN) 의단일망원경을활용해무거운별이탄생과정에서방출하는메이저를검출하고, 이를아타카마전파간섭계 ( 이하 ALMA) 로확인했다. 거대한분자구름핵에서많은물질을분출하며탄생하는무거운별주변에는일산화탄소 (CO), 물 (H2O), 일산화규소 (SiO) 등여러분자들이함께존재한다. 이들은메이저를방출하는데, 별이탄생하는영역에서물 (H2O) 메이저는천개이상의천체에서많이발견됐으나일산화규소 (SiO) 메이저는지금까지다섯개천체에서만관측됐다. 이번에관측한일산화규소메이저방출원인 G 와 G 는각각여섯번째와일곱번째일산화규소메이저방출천체로확정됐다. 마. 활동성은하핵을품은 ' 미니타원은하 ' 최초발견 다. 중력파융합연구본격적으로시작은한국과학기술정보연구원, 국가수리과학연구소와함께중력파융합연구를본격적으로시작했다. 은중력파천문학및천체물리학연구를담당하며우수한연구성과창출을위한상호발전및우호증진에필요한연구와협력등을계속적으로진행해나갈예정이다. 이를통해세계적인수준의중력파연구를수행하며, 우주와천체의기원과진화를이해할수있는창의적융합연구가가능하리라기대하고있다. 일반적으로거대타원은하에서만발견되던거대질량블랙홀의활동성은하핵현상이우리은하보다작은미니타원은하에서처음으로발견됐다. 은슬론전천탐사관측자료와하와이에위치한 CFHT 3.6미터망원경을이용한광학관측자료를이용해우리은하의질량보다약 40배작은미니타원은하 (SDSS J ) 의중심부에서활동성은하핵현상을발견했다. 이는은하중심부거대질량블랙홀의특성을이용해왜소은하의진화과정을규명하는데중요한역할을할것으로기대된다. 98 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

100 기관소식 바. 블랙홀제트방출의원리를규명할새로운관측 거대은하인 M87의중심에있는초거대블랙홀이내뿜는제트현상을관측해기존관측과달리블랙홀에가까운지점에서이미광속에가까운속도로분출되는현상을밝혔다. 은한국의 KVN 과일본의 VERA를연결한 KaVA 관측시설을이용해관측했고, M87은하중심의블랙홀제트의속도가기존에알려진것보다훨씬가까운 5광년거리에서이미광속의 80% 속도로가속돼있는것을알게됐다. 사. 만기형별주변일산화규소메이저선의고정밀영 상관측성공 태양질량의 1~8배질량을가진별이늙어서사멸단계로접어들면별바깥부분의물질을서서히우주로날려버린다. 한일공동우주전파관측망 KaVA가이부분의고정밀관측에성공해별의마지막진화과정에대한구체적인증거를찾게됐다. 은만기형별 WX Psc 주변에서발생하는일산화규소 (SiO) 분자가내는메이저의고정밀영상관측에성공했다. 두일산화규소메이저가물리적으로서로밀접하게연관되어있다는기존의학설을보다명확히검증한연구결과다. 빛으로볼수없는만기형별광구가까이의복잡한물리적현상과일산화규소메이저의발생원리를연구하는데중요한단서가된다. 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 99


102 사단법인한국천문학회 회원명부 ( )


104 회원명부 No. 이름 소속 1 강궁원 gwkang@kisti.re.kr 한국과학기술정보연구원 2 강동일 kang_dong_il@naver.com 김해고등학교 3 강미주 mjkang@kasi.re.kr 4 강민희 kmhchloe@galaxy.yonsei. ac.kr 5 강봉석 kbs2004@korea.kr 6 강선미 tjsal_03@hotmail.com 군포시대야도서관누리천문대 경희대학교우주탐사학과 7 강선아 aine2242@gmail.com 세종대학교 8 강성주 sjkang@kasi.re.kr 한국천문연구소 9 강신철 kang87@kasi.re.kr 천문연구원 10 강영운 kangyw@sejong.ac.kr 세종대학교 11 강용범 ybkang@cnu.ac.kr 12 강용우 tetius82@daum.net 13 강용희 yhkang@knu.ac.kr 14 강원석 wskang@kywa.or.kr 충남대학교자연과학연구소 경북대사범대과학교육학부 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 15 강월랑 nwyra@naver.com 서울대학교 16 강유진 egkang@astro.snu.ac.kr 17 강은아 milkrkd@daum.net 충북대학교교육대학원 18 강은하 enkang0712@naver.com 세종대학교천문학과 19 강이정 yjkang@galaxy.yonsei.ac. kr 20 강인 lrkangin@gmail.com 21 강준석 kjssag@naver.com 연세대학교 경희대학교대학원우주탐사학과별탄생연구실 경희대학교우주과학과 22 강지수 jskang@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 23 강지현 jkang@kasi.re.kr 24 강지혜 siriustar@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 25 강혁모 kradarts@gmail.com 26 강현우 orionkhw@kasi.re.kr 27 강혜성 hskang@pusan.ac.kr 부산대학교 28 경재만 jman@kasi.re.kr 29 계창우 kyecw1@gmail.com 서울대학교 No. 이름 소속 30 고경연 knightflow@kasi.re.kr 31 고영심 mmer01@hanmail.net 32 고원규 topa14@daum.net 33 고유경 ykko@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 34 고종완 jwko@kasi.re.kr 35 고주헌 persever@kasi.re.kr 36 고해곤 rhgorhs@hotmail.com 세종대학교 37 고현주 whiteangel28@hanmail.n et 서울대학교창의연구단 38 공인택 intaekgong@gmail.com 세종대학교 39 곽규진 kkwak@unist.ac.kr 울산과학기술대학교 40 곽동훈 souliar@naver.com 인하대학교 41 곽성원 one_0225@yahoo.com 서울대학교 42 곽영실 yskwak@kasi.re.kr 43 곽정하 jeonghagwak@gmail.co m 경희대학교우주과학과 44 곽한나 hannahk@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 45 구경록 expolog@sen.go.kr 46 구본철 koo@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 47 구재림 koojr@kasi.re.kr 48 구한울 khw@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 49 국승화 nebula43@empal.com 50 권강식 actorsagency@hanmail.n et 51 권대수 su324@hanmail.net 52 권도영 oco1993@naver.com ( 주 ) 액터스인포테인먼트 53 권륜영 luxmundi@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 54 권석기 ksk@kigam.re.kr 한국지질자원연구원 55 권석민 smkwon@kangwon.ac.kr 강원대학교 56 권순길 kwonsg@kywa.or.kr 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 57 권순자 sjgwon@knu.ac.kr 경북대 58 권영주 dudwn1109@hotmail.co m 59 권용준 sightquater@naver.com 60 권우진 wkwon@kasi.re.kr 세종대학교 경희대학교우주탐사학과 61 권유나 ynkwon@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 62 권은주 eunjoo.dear@gmail.com 세종대학교 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 103

105 2017 봄학술대회 No. 이름 소속 63 권정미 jp 일본국립연구개발법인우주항공연구개발기구우주과학연구소 64 권혁진 경희대학교 65 권혜원 충남대학교 66 금강훈 천문우주과학과 67 금강훈 우주탐사학과 68 김가혜 경희대학교 69 김갑성 70 김강민 71 김건희 경희대학교우주과학과 한국기초과학지원연구원 72 김경묵 경북대학교 73 김경민 한양대학교 74 김경배 학교 75 김경섭 76 김경임 경희대학교 77 김경찬 78 김경희 공주대학교 79 김관정 과학기술연합대학원대학교 80 김관혁 경희대학교 81 김광동 82 김광태 충남대학교 83 김광현 84 김규섭 t 85 김근호 원주여자고등학교 경북대학교천문대기과학과 연세대학교천문우주학과 86 김기범 경북대학교 87 김기정 88 김기태 89 김기표 net 경희대학교우주탐사학과 서울대학교 90 김기훈 세종대학교 91 김다운 단국대학교 92 김대원 연세대학교 93 김대원 om 94 김덕현 서울대학교 No. 이름 소속 95 김도일 세종대학교 96 김도형 r 97 김동진 서울대학교천문학과 98 김동진 연세대학교 99 김동현 경북대학교천문대기과학과 100 김동현 중미산천문대 101 김동훈 서울대학교물리 천문학부 ( 천문학전공 ) 102 김동흔 naraloveju@naver.com 충북대학교 103 김두환 thkim@ajou.ac.kr 104 김록순 rskim@kasi.re.kr 105 김만태 ware4u@empal.com 서라벌대학 106 김명진 skarma@kasi.re.kr 107 김명학 coconut21@naver.com 경북대학교 108 김묘진 myojin@galaxy.yonsei.ac. kr 연세대학교 109 김미량 koon7680@gmail.com 천문연구원 110 김민규 astromgkim@gmail.com 서울대학교천문학과 111 김민배 mbkim@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 112 김민선 mskim@kasi.re.kr 113 김민영 lucio0217@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 114 김민중 mjkim@kasi.re.kr 세종대학교 115 김민진 tocherry.kim@gmail.com 116 김민철 galaxyfe@galaxy.yonsei.a c.kr 117 김병준 bjkim@astro.snu.ac.kr 118 김보경 bkkim315@gmail.com 119 김보금 kimbogeum@hanmail.ne t 120 김상준 sjkim1@khu.ac.kr 121 김상철 sckim@kasi.re.kr 122 김상혁 ksh83@khu.ac.kr 123 김상혁 astro91@kasi.re.kr 연세대학교 이화여자대학교 이화여자대학교 경희대학교우주과학과 경희대학교우주탐사학과 124 김서진 kimseojin01@gmail.com 천문우주학과 125 김석 star4citizen@gmail.com 126 김석환 skim@csa.yonsei.ac.kr 104 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

106 회원명부 No. 이름 소속 127 김석훈 모드니치과 128 김선의 ei.ac.kr 129 김선정 연세대학교 경희대학교우주과학과 130 김성수 경희대학교 131 김성원 132 김성은 세종대학교 133 김성중 com 134 김성진 연세대학교 135 김성진 어린이천문대 136 김소피아 137 김수복 공군 138 김수아 139 김수연 140 김수영 r 141 김수진 142 김수현 143 김순욱 144 김승리 145 김신영 146 김연식 147 김연한 148 김연화 서울대학교 아시아태평양이론물리센터 연세대학교 천문대기과학과 149 김영광 충남대학교 150 김영래 고등과학원 151 김영로 152 김영록 153 김영수 154 김영식 155 김영오 연세대학고천문우주학과 한국항공우주연구원 / 충남대 강원대학교과학교육학부 156 김영주 jinjieun.seop@gmail.com ( 주 ) 유남옵틱스 157 김영주 kimyj9366@gmail.com 충남대학교 158 김영환 kyh02895@daum.net 예비창업자 No. 이름 소속 159 김영희 o881228@naver.com 충북대학교 160 김예솔 yskim@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 161 김완수 firstwinter90@gmail.com 경북대학교 162 김용기 ykkim153@chungbuk.ac. kr 163 김용범 ybkim@astro.snu.ac.kr 충북대학교 서울대학교천문학과 164 김용정 yjkim@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 165 김용철 yckim@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 166 김용하 yhkim@cnu.ac.kr 충남대학교 167 김용휘 kimyh@astro.snu.ac.kr 168 김우정 woo0122@hotmail.com 카블리천문및천체물리연구소 169 김웅태 wkim@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 170 김유제 yoojea@gmail.com 한국천문학회 171 김윤배 yoonbai@skku.edu 성균관대학교 172 김윤영 ynyoung.kim@gmail.com 서울대학교 173 김윤학 sherlock@kasi.re.kr 174 김은빈 ebkim@khu.ac.kr 경희대 175 김은솔 eunsol518@naver.com 충남대학교 176 김은총 eunchong89@astro.snu.a c.kr 177 김은혁 eunhyeuk@gmail.com 178 김일중 ijkim@kasi.re.kr 서울대학교 한국항공우주연구원 179 김일훈 zenith73@gmail.com 경희대학교 180 김재관 kimjgwan@korea.kr 181 김재민 jmkim@galaxy.yonsei.ac. kr 182 김재연 jaeyeonkim93@gmail.co m 국가기상위성센터 연세대학교천문우주학과 연세대학교 183 김재영 jaeyeong@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 184 김재영 astro.jy.kim@gmail.com 서울대학교 185 김재우 kjw0704@hotmail.com 천문연구원 186 김재진 supernova55@@hanmail. net 187 김재헌 76rokmc@hanmail.net 188 김재혁 nasabolt@galaxy.yonsei.a c.kr 189 김재현 jaehyunk1318@hanmail.n et 중국과학원상하이천문대 연세대학교 케이티 190 김재훈 camacsky@hanmail.net 전파연구소 191 김정규 jgkim@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교천문학과대학원 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 105

107 2017 봄학술대회 No. 이름 소속 192 김정리 m 서울대학교 193 김정숙 경희대 194 김정엽 195 김정초 m 196 김정하 제주별빛누리공원천문대 인제대학교 경희대학교일반대학원 197 김정한 극지연구소 198 김정현 한국이크레딧 199 김정환 c.kr 연세대학교 200 김정희 경북대학교 201 김종수 202 김종찬 밝은성모안과 203 김주연 204 김주한 고등과학원 205 김주현 206 김준한 m 한국항공우주연구원 아리조나대학 207 김준호 서울대학교 208 김지연 경희대학교 209 김지유 분광연구실 210 김지은 211 김지헌 212 김지현 213 김지현 이화여자대학교 울산과학기술대학교 214 김지훈 서울대학교 215 김지훈 서울대학교 216 김진규 경희대학교 217 김진아 연세대학교 218 김진영 om University of Arizona/Stewa rd Observatory 219 김진현 경희대학교 220 김진협 r 221 김진호 222 김진호 연세대학교 223 김진희 충북대학교 224 김창구 du 프린스턴대학 225 김창희 서울대학교 No. 이름 소속 226 김천휘 충북대학교 227 김철희 전북대학교 228 김태석 팀세븐 229 김태연 경희대학교 230 김태우 231 김태현 KASI 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 232 김태현 경희대학교우주탐사학과 233 김택진 234 김학섭 ac.kr 235 김한성 236 김향표 237 김혁 238 김현구 239 김현남 240 김현수 r 241 김현숙 연세대학교 매사추세츠주립대학 경기과학고등학교 경희대학교우주탐사학과 연세대학교 송암스페이스센터 242 김현우 연세대학교 243 김현우 kr 244 김현정 245 김현정 246 김현정 서울대학교천문학과 경희대학교우주과학관 247 김현종 망포고등학교 248 김형준 249 김형준 세종대학교천문우주학과 한국교원대학교 250 김혜영 충북대학교 251 김호일 252 김홍근 kr 연세대학교 253 김환선 국가수리과학연구소 254 김효령 255 김효선 106 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

108 회원명부 No. 이름 소속 256 김효원 UST 257 김효정 조선대학교 258 김훈규 충남대학교 259 김흥재 m ( 주 ) 엔지켐생명과학 260 김희수 heesoo54@kongju.ac.kr 공주대학교 261 나성호 sunghona@kasi.re.kr 아주공대 262 나일성 slisnha@chollian.com 연세대원로 263 나자경 jknah@kasi.re.kr 264 나종삼 csam.na@gmail.com 연세대학교천문우주학과 265 나하나 iamone@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 266 나현옥 pureundal@naver.com 경희대학교우주탐사학과 267 남경빈 quddud1589@naver.com 세종대학교 268 남궁영 astrophysix@naver.com 269 남신우 swnam@ewha.ac.kr 270 남연우 nywfox@gmail.com 271 남욱원 uwnam@kasi.re.kr 272 남윤우 n23330dj@naver.com 이화여자대학교 경희대학교우주과학과 273 남지선 jpnam99@gmail.com 경희대학교 274 남지우 namjiwoo@gmail.com 275 노덕규 dgroh@kasi.re.kr 276 노동구 dgroh@yonsei.ac.kr 277 노순영 soonyoungroh@unist.ac. kr 이화여자대학교물리학과 울산과학기술원 278 노유경 ykyung@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 279 노하나 nhn1216@naver.com 경희대학교 280 노현욱 hwro@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 281 노현주 ju1212@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 282 노혜림 hr@kasi.re.kr 283 담당선생님 kas@kasi.re.kr 인천과학고등학교 284 도희진 taekwon@nate.com 김해천문대 285 독고경환 korn1009@gmail.com 286 류기택 gtryoo@dhu.ac.kr KAIST 287 류동수 ryu@sirius.unist.ac.kr UNIST 288 류동옥 antinneo@gmail.com 대구한의대학교 연세대학교천문우주학과 No. 이름 소속 289 류윤현 yoonhyunryu@gmail.com 290 류진혁 ryujh@astro.snu.ac.kr 291 마리오파스콰토 mario.pasquato@galaxy.y onsei.ac.kr 물리천문학부천문학전공 292 마승희 cutiflower@naver.com 충남대학교 293 목승원 moxeung@astro.snu.ac.kr 294 문기석 kisuk3131@hanmail.net 우주과학기술연구실 295 문대식 moon@astro.utoronto.ca 토론토대학교 296 문병권 moonbk@jbnu.ac.kr 전북대학교 297 문병하 byeongha.moon@gmail.c om 298 문봉곤 bkmoon@kasi.re.kr 전남대학교 299 문상혁 moon@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 300 문신행 shmoon42@kornet.net 301 문양희 yhamoon@chosun.ac.kr 조선대학교중앙도서관 302 문용재 moonyj@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 303 문준성 moonjs@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 304 문현우 mhw2000@knu.ac.kr 305 문홍규 fullmoon@kasi.re.kr 306 민경욱 kwmin@kaist.ac.kr 307 민병희 bhmin@kasi.re.kr 308 민성식 ssmin_daum@hanmail.ne t 309 민영기 yminn@khu.ac.kr 310 민영철 minh@kasi.re.kr 311 박경선 ks_park@cnu.ac.kr 연세대학교 경북대학교천문대기과학과 한국과학기술원물리학과 The University of Sydney 충남대학교천문우주과학과 312 박관호 nobel2015@snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 313 박근우 calpkw@gmail.com 세종대학교 314 박근찬 loo4ndevil@nate.com 충남대학교 315 박근홍 khpark@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 316 박금숙 pgs@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 317 박기완 pkiwan@gmail.com 해외근무중 318 박기훈 kbach@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교천문우주학과 319 박다우 dawoo@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 107

109 2017 봄학술대회 No. 이름 소속 320 박대성 321 박대영 무주반디별천문과학관 322 박동호 아태이론물리센터 323 박명구 경북대 324 박미영 충북대학교 325 박민아 한국과학기술연합대학원대학교 326 박민영 경희대학교 327 박민정 연세대학교 328 박병곤 329 박병찬 울산과학기술원 330 박상현 한솔중학교 331 박석재 332 박선경 경희대학교 333 박선미 334 박선엽 c.kr KAIST 부설한국과학영재학교 335 박성식 우리집 336 박성준 337 박소명 경희대학교 338 박소연 서울대학교 339 박소영 서울대학교 340 박송연 서울대학교 341 박수종 경희대학교 342 박순창 메타스페이스 343 박승규 344 박영득 345 박영식 한국원자력연구원 346 박용선 서울대학교 347 박용우 오시나래 348 박우연 349 박우진 m 350 박원기 351 박원현 352 박윤수 kr 경희대학교 서울대학교 No. 이름 소속 353 박윤호 354 박은미 355 박은수 경희대학교 356 박일흥 성균관대학교 357 박장현 358 박장호 359 박재우 kr 360 박재홍 항공우주연구원 University of Melboune 361 박재흥 천문연구원 362 박종선 363 박종엽 364 박종욱 365 박종원 kr 공간물리연구실 연세대학교 366 박종태 세종대학교 367 박종혁 368 박종호 서울대학교 369 박준성 울산과학기술대학교 370 박지숙 경희대학교 371 박지원 충북대학교 372 박진우 com 373 박진원 374 박진태 연세대학교천문우주학과 375 박진혜 우주과학과 376 박찬 천문우주기획 377 박찬 378 박찬경 om 전북대학교과학교육학부 379 박창범 고등과학원 380 박푸른 r 381 박필호 382 박혁 383 박현배 384 박형민 연세대학교 국립부산과학관 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 108 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

110 회원명부 No. 이름 소속 385 박홍수 386 방태양 경북대학교천문대기과학과 387 배봉석 대학원 388 배선복 글로벌교육문화연구원 389 배영복 390 배영호 kr 391 배재한 392 배현정 393 배현진 r 연세대학교이과대학천문학과 U of Michigan 연세대학교 394 백기선 giseon8871@gmail.com 경희대학교 395 백길호 kilho.baek@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 396 백승우 kybmk@naver.com 무직 397 백준현 jhbaek@galaxy.yonsei.ac. kr 398 백지혜 jhbaek@kasi.re.kr 399 백창현 usnearth@korea.kr 400 범민제 mjbeom@galaxy.yonsei.a c.kr 401 변도영 bdy@kasi.re.kr 연세대학교 국립중앙과학관 연세대학교 402 변용익 ybyun@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 403 변우원 f0xmulderrr@gmail.com 404 변재규 mirach99@yonsei.ac.kr 405 봉수찬 scbong@kasi.re.kr 406 부건우 sirius1565@naver.com 407 사토시이노우에 inosato@khu.ac.kr UST( 과학기술연합대학원대학교 ) / KASI( ) 국립중앙과학관 경희대학교 408 서강일 ski0243@naver.com 경희대학교 409 서경원 kwsuh@chungbuk.ac.kr 충북대학교 410 서미라 mrseo@pusan.ac.kr 부산대학교 411 서성우 swseo@galaxy.yonsei.ac. kr 412 서영민 seo3919@gmail.com 413 서우영 zephyrus02@naver.com 연세대학교 제트추진연구소 서울대학교천문학과 No. 이름 소속 414 서윤경 ykseo@kasi.re.kr 415 서정준 higher007@naver.com 416 서행자 hseo@kasi.re.kr 417 서현종 hjseo@kasi.re.kr 418 서현주 hyunju@galaxy.yonsei.ac. kr 경희대학교우주탐사학과 연세대학교 419 서혜원 suh@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 420 석지연 jyseok@astro.snu.ac.kr 421 선광일 kiseon@kasi.re.kr 서울대학교물리천문학부천문학 422 선유진 aeiou258@naver.com 혜민병원 423 선종호 jhseon@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 424 설아침 flyingangel@daum.net 425 성광현 hummingsung@gmail.co m 울산과학기술원 426 성숙경 sksung@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 427 성언창 ecsung@kasi.re.kr 428 성현일 hisung@kasi.re.kr 429 성현철 hcseong@kasi.re.kr 430 성환경 sungh@sejong.ac.kr 세종대학교 431 손동훈 dhson1970@hotmail.com 서울대학교 432 손명재 sonmj88@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 433 손미림 smirim@gmail.com 경희대학교 434 손봉원 bwsohn@kasi.re.kr 435 손상복 sbson225@hanmail.net 천문연원로 436 손영종 sohnyj@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 437 손재주 eddy@nims.re.kr 438 손정주 jjsohn@knue.ac.kr 439 손주비 jbsohn@astro.snu.ac.kr 국가수리과학연구소 한국교원대학교 서울대학교천문학전공 440 송가을 hgv100@hanamail.net 대학원학생 441 송동욱 dusong@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 442 송두종 djsongdjsong@hanmail.n et 443 송미미 mmsong@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대물리천문학부 444 송미화 jsm2438@naver.com 충북대학교 445 송민규 mksong@kasi.re.kr 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 109

111 2017 봄학술대회 No. 이름 소속 446 송보영 경희대학교 447 송수아 충북대학교 448 송용선 449 송용준 경희대학교우주탐사학과 450 송유근 451 송인옥 한국과학영재학교 452 송인혁 경희대학교 453 송제헌 454 송지선 455 송현미 고등과학원 456 시아오동리 고등과학원 457 신기철 지금학원 458 신대규 459 신민수 충북대천문우주학과 460 신슬기 경희대학교 461 신승후 462 신영우 서울대학교천문학과 463 신영호 세종대학교 464 신용철 465 신윤경 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 466 신은서 강원대학교 467 신인구 buk.ac.kr 468 신재식 469 신재진 충북대학교물리학과 서울대학교천문학과 470 신재혁 우주탐사학과 471 신정우 472 신종호 473 신준호 경희대학교 474 신지혜 고등과학원 475 신지혜 경북대학교 476 신진호 더원 477 신태희 충남대학교천문우주과학과 No. 이름 소속 478 심경진 479 심재영 480 심준섭 과학영재교육연구원 서울대학교물리천문학부천문학전공 481 심채경 경희대학교 482 심충건 483 심현진 충북보건과학대학교 경북대학교사범대학지구과학교육과 484 안경진 조선대학교 485 안대우 ac.kr 486 안덕근 487 안상현 488 안성호 489 안영숙 연세대학교 이화여자대학교 연세대학교 490 안인선 서울대학교 491 안종호 경희대학교우주과학과 492 안준모 우주탐사학과 493 안지은 경희대학교 494 안형국 없음 495 안호재 경희대학교 496 안홍배 부산대학교 497 양성철 498 양승원 서울대학교 499 양유진 천문연구원 500 양윤아 서울대학교 501 양종만 502 양종우 이화여자대학교 503 양태용 극지연구소 504 양하늘 서울대학교 505 양형석 한전전력연구원송대전연구소 506 양홍규 서울대학교 507 양홍진 508 양희수 서울대학교 509 엄정휘 해외유학중 510 여아란 110 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

112 회원명부 No. 이름 소속 511 염범석 512 염재환 충남대학교천문우주과학과 513 오규동 전남대학교 514 오규석 515 오대현 516 오민지 517 오병렬 518 오병춘 스위스연방공과대학 ( 임시 ) UST/ 김포신풍초등학교 519 오상훈 oh.sanghoon@gmail.com 국가수리과학연구소 520 오성아 osa02113@naver.com 경북대학교 521 오세명 smoh@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 522 오세진 sjoh@kasi.re.kr 523 오세헌 seheonoh@kasi.re.kr 524 오수연 osy1999@cnu.ac.kr 전남대학교지구과학교육과 525 오슬희 sree@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 526 오승경 skoh@astro.uni-bonn.de AIfA 527 오승준 oh@selab.co.kr 528 오승현 ykydhtmdgus@nate.com 강남하늘안과 529 오영석 oysclub@khu.ac.kr 530 오재석 ojs001@kasi.re.kr 531 오정근 johnoh@nims.re.kr 경희대학교우주탐사학과 국가수리과학연구소 532 오정환 joh@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 533 오준영 jyoh3324@hanyang.ac.kr 한양대학교 534 오충식 csoh@kasi.re.kr 535 오형일 ymy501@kasi.re.kr 보현산천문대 536 오희영 hyoh@astro.snu.ac.kr 천문연 / 서울대 537 와지마키요아키 wajima@kasi.re.kr 538 우병태 vegaa05@hotmail.com 539 우수완 francis70@hotmail.com 540 우종옥 woojok@hanmail.net 충북대학교천문우주학과석사 541 우종학 woo@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 No. 이름 소속 542 우주기상연구담당 wxres@airforce.mil.kr 공군제 73 기상전대 543 우화성 marswoo@hanmail.net 김해천문대 544 위석오 sowi@kasi.re.kr ㅁㅁㅁㅁ 545 유계화 khyoo@ewha.ac.kr 이화여자대학교퇴임 546 유나래 younalae@nate.com 경희대학교 547 유다솔 dbekthfdl@gmail.com 세종대학교 548 유대중 djyu@khu.ac.kr 우주탐사학과 549 유소영 zoazoacocoa@naver.com 세종대학교 550 유영삼 ysyu@kasi.re.kr 551 유재원 jwyoo@kasi.re.kr 552 유주상 astro7000@naver.com 553 유지언 dbwldjs@hanmail.net 서산류방택천문기상과학관 중앙대학교생물자원과학계열 554 유진희 napa3@hanmail.net 연세대학교 555 유현주 hyunju527@gmail.com 충남대학교 556 유형준 pala@astro.snu.ac.kr 557 유혜민 sinyuljudai@galaxy.yonse i.ac.kr 558 유혜인 yuhyein@gmail.com 559 육두호 ytodauk@cnu.ac.kr 560 육인수 yukis@kasi.re.kr 561 윤기윤 kyyun@galaxy.yonsei.ac.k r 서울대학교물리천문학부 충남대학교천문우주과학과 연세대학교 562 윤나영 angryrabbity@naver.com 경희대우주탐사학과 563 윤동환 dhysgr@hanmail.net 서울대학교 564 윤두수 dsyoon@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교천문학전공 565 윤미진 mjin@umich.edu 연세대학교 566 윤석진 sjyoon0691@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 567 윤성용 yoon6768@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 568 윤성철 yoon@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 569 윤성희 prettyodongtong@hanm ail.net 570 윤세영 mearin@naver.com 571 윤영주 yjyun@kasi.re.kr 부산백양고등학교 경희대학교우주탐사학과 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 111

113 2017 봄학술대회 No. 이름 소속 No. 이름 소속 572 윤요나 충북대학교천문대 604 이대섭 ail.com 판교어린이천문대 573 윤요라 574 윤요셉 충북대학교천문대 서울대학교천문학과 575 윤용민 서울대학교 576 윤재혁 577 윤제웅 경북대학교 578 윤태석 579 윤형식 580 윤혜인 kr 경북대학교천문대기과학과 경희대학교우주탐사학과 연세대학교 581 윤홍식 서울대학교 582 윤희선 충남대학교 583 이가인 경북대학교 584 이강우 경희대학교우주탐사학과 585 이강진 경희대학교 586 이강환 서대문자연사박물관 587 이강환 세광고등학교 588 이건우 서울대학교 589 이겨레 서울대학교 590 이경동 경희대학교 591 이경민 세종대학교 592 이경선 경희대학교 593 이경숙 594 이경숙 서초종로학원 595 이경숙 596 이경훈 한국과학영재학교 597 이광호 서울대학교 598 이교헌 신시기획 599 이기무 600 이기원 601 이기주 m 602 이길우 인천과학예술영재학교 대구가톨릭대학교 경북대학교천문대기과학과 인천어린이과학관 603 이나원 서울대학교 605 이대영 606 이대희 607 이덕행 충북대학교천문우주학과 608 이동욱 무소속 609 이동주 610 이동현 ac.kr 연세대학교 611 이동훈 경희대학교 612 이명균 서울대학교 613 이명현 614 이민경 kr 615 이방원 616 이범현 617 이병철 618 이보미 619 이상각 620 이상민 621 이상성 서울대학교 연세대학교천문우주학과 국립고흥청소년우주센터 한국과학기술정보연구원 622 이상우 ( 주 ) 에스이랩 623 이상윤 sylee@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 624 이상윤 sylee@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 625 이상준 sjlee1980@yahoo.com 626 이상현 ngc2420@hanmail.net 나사고다드우주비행센터 627 이상훈 cryisang@sju.ac.kr 세종대학교 628 이서구 sglee@kasi.re.kr 629 이석영 yi@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 630 이석영 ktx3131@naver.com 충남과학고등학교 631 이석천 skylee2@gmail.com 경상대학교 632 이석호 seokholee@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교우주과학과 633 이성국 s.joshualee@gmail.com 서울대학교 634 이성숙 quasar25@gmail.com 충남대학교우주과학실험실 112 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

114 회원명부 No. 이름 소속 635 이성은 636 이성재 충북대학교 637 이성호 638 이성환 경희대학교 639 이소정 640 이수창 충남대학교 641 이순천 ail.com 충북대학교 642 이승옥 삼성중공업 643 이승욱 644 이승희 세종대학교 645 이시백 경희대학교 646 이안선 경희대학교우주탐사학과 647 이어진 경희대학교 648 이영대 649 이영민 세종대학교 650 이영배 세종대학교대학원 651 이영선 충남대학교 652 이영성 충북대학교 653 이영욱 654 이영웅 655 이예진 656 이용복 연세대학교천문우주학과 천체물리연구 혜원여자고등학교 서울교육대학교 657 이용삼 충북대학교 658 이용석 659 이용현 서울대학교물리천문학부 660 이용희 경희대학교 661 이우백 662 이웅 천문관측실험실 663 이원형 천문우주과학충남대학교 과 664 이유 665 이윤희 경북대학교 666 이은상 경희대학교 667 이은옥 충북대학교천문우주학과 No. 이름 소속 668 이은희 한국기술사연구소 669 이인덕 ( 주 ) 로쿱 670 이재민 leejaemin@galaxy.yonsei. ac.kr 671 이재성 jsl@kofst.or.kr 연세대학교 한국과학기술단체총연합회 672 이재옥 ljoking@naver.com 우주탐사학과 673 이재우 jaewoolee@sejong.ac.kr 674 이재우 jwlee@kasi.re.kr 세종대학교물리천문학과 675 이재유 jaeyiewlee@naver.com 방배경찰서 676 이재준 lee.j.joon@gmail.com 677 이재진 jjlee@kasi.re.kr 678 이재혁 lee_hyuk@naver.com 679 이재현 jaehyun@kasi.re.kr 680 이재형 jhlee44@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교공간물리연구실 681 이재형 ljh@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 682 이정규 jklee@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 683 이정애 jalee@kasi.re.kr UST/KASI 684 이정원 jwl@kasi.re.kr 685 이정은 jeongeun.lee@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교국제캠퍼스 686 이정환 joungh93@gmail.com 서울대학교 687 이정훈 jounghun@astro.snu.ac.k r 688 이종길 bbelejjang@kasi.re.kr 689 이종준 jj085113@naver.com 690 이종철 jclee@kasi.re.kr 서울대학교 대구일과학고등학교 691 이종환 leejh@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 692 이주원 joowon.lee@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 693 이주훈 ljh03120@hanmail.net 세종대학교 694 이준구 jglee@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 695 이준찬 pompman@kaist.ac.kr 한국과학기술원 696 이준현 jhlee654321@gmail.com WCU 사업단 697 이준협 jhl@kasi.re.kr 698 이중기 astrostorm@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 699 이지수 ericjslee@uchicago.edu 서울대학교초기우주천체연구단 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 113

115 2017 봄학술대회 No. 이름 소속 700 이지원 701 이지현 702 이지혜 703 이지혜 c.kr KASI / 경희대학교 이화여자대학교 연세대학교천문대 704 이지혜 bluecandie@nate.com 경북대학교 705 이지혜 leejihye0909@hanmail.ne t 706 이직 jiklee999@gmail.com 이화여자대학교 이화여자대학교 707 이진수 jinsu.rhee@yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 708 이진아 wlsdk1202@nate.com 세종대학교 709 이진이 jlee@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 710 이진희 mustard-et@hanmail.net 경희대학교 711 이창원 cwl@kasi.re.kr 712 이창훈 chlee@kasi.re.kr 713 이창희 chr@kasi.re.kr 714 이철용 cuper007@hanmail.net 715 이철종 coelholic@gmail.com 연세대학교 716 이철희 chlee4737@gmail.com 서울대학교 717 이청우 solar_us@hanmail.net 경희대학교 718 이충욱 leecu@kasi.re.kr 719 이태경 snuden98@hanmail.net EZplant 720 이태석 tlee@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교물리천문학부 721 이하림 zmzmdg@naver.com 경희대학교 722 이한 yihahn@galaxy.yonsei.ac. kr 723 이헌철 akaialee@astro.snu.ac.kr 724 이현욱 lhu09@naver.com 725 이현지 jhl3024@gmail.com 726 이현철 hclee_swin@hanmail.net 727 이현택 hyyterr@naver.com 연세대학교 경북대학교천문대기과학과 경희대학교우주과학과 연세대학교천문우주학과 울산과학기술대학교 728 이형목 hmlee@snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 729 이형선 hyoungsun-lee@hanmail. net 공무원 730 이형원 hwlee@inje.ac.kr 인제대학교 731 이혜란 hrlee@kasi.re.kr /UST No. 이름 소속 732 이혜승 karenwill@hanmail.net 충남대학교 733 이혜인 hyein4577@gmail.com 경희대학교 734 이호 crehope@gmail.com 735 이호규 hglee@kasi.re.kr 736 이호형 hodj@space.kaist.ac.kr 자외선우주망원경연구단 737 이환희 lhhee@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 738 이효정 hjeong@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 739 이희원 hwlee@sejong.ac.kr 740 이희원 meriel0115@gmail.com 경희대학교 741 이희재 hjlee@kasi.re.kr 충북대학교 742 임구 lim9gu@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 743 임기정 kyim@kasi.re.kr 744 임다예 dalim@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 745 임도훈 ehgns0417@naver.com 746 임동욱 dwlim@galaxy.yonsei.ac.k r 경기과학고등학교 연세대학교 747 임명신 mim@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 748 임범두 bdlim1210@kasi.re.kr 749 임성순 slim@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 750 임소희 limsohee@astro.snu.ac.kr 751 임수일 sooil-lim@hanmail.net 서울대학교물리천문학부 752 임수진 sjim@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 753 임여명 ymlim@kaist.ac.kr ( 주 ) 로쿱 754 임예슬 yeseul07311@gmail.com 이화여자대학교 755 임은경 eklim@kasi.re.kr 756 임인성 yim@kasi.re.kr 757 임종호 crosknight86@gmail.com 한국교원대학교 758 임주희 juheelim@khu.ac.kr 759 임지혜 wiselims@gmail.com 760 임진선 limjs19@naver.com 761 임진희 jlim@pusan.ac.kr 762 임태호 thyeem@gmail.com 경희대학교우주탐사학과 한국교원대학교 충북대학교천문우주학과 부산대학교지구과학교육과 카이스트우주과학연구실 763 임형묵 hekmuki@gmail.com 서울대학교 764 임호성 25divob@naver.com 창원과학고등학교 114 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

116 회원명부 No. 이름 소속 765 임홍서 766 임희진 767 장경애 768 장민성 초기우주과학기술연구소 초기우주천체연구단 769 장민환 경희대학교 770 장비호 771 장서원 ac.kr 연세대학교천문대 772 장석준 세종대학교 773 장성남 774 장소희 r 775 장수정 776 장예슬 777 장인성 778 장재영 779 장정균 780 장주수 r 연세대학교대학원 경희대학교우주과학과 한국통합물류협회 서울대학교천문학과 충북대학교천문우주학과 ( 주 ) 모아소프트 781 장초롱 pleiades1219@gmail.com 연세대학교 782 장한별 onebystar@gmail.com 울산과학기술대학교 783 장헌영 hyc@knu.ac.kr 경북대학교 784 장형규 astro97@naver.com 충북대학교 785 장혜은 hyeeunj@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 786 장호우 tekken4ever@yonsei.ac.k r 연새대학교 787 장훈휘 fire-chh@hanmail.net 신천고등학교 788 전성경 jsg4856@naver.com 경희대학교 789 전승열 zzandol2@hanmail.net 자택 790 전영범 ybjeon@kasi.re.kr 791 전원석 hiarmsci@gmail.com 서울대학교 792 전이슬 ysjeon@astro.snu.ac.kr 793 전준혁 bamhan@naver.com 794 전채우 farmshrimp@hotmail.co m 서울대학교천문학전공 충북대천문우주학과 우주탐사학과대학원 No. 이름 소속 795 전현성 hsjun@astro.snu.ac.kr 796 전호철 chc4@naver.com 797 전홍달 hdjun@khu.ac.kr 798 정경숙 jeong@astro.snu.ac.kr 799 정경숙 jeong.mira@gmail.com 800 정광희 tlotv@kasi.re.kr 제트추진연구소 충북대학교천문우주학과 보현산천문대태양플레어망원경동 801 정다운 alpha6563@gmail.com 연세대학교 802 정동권 wer1031@naver.com 전남대학교 803 정동규 dkxn97@hanmail.net 804 정동희 djeong@astro.as.utexas.e du 텍사스대학 805 정두석 jungdooseok@gmail.com 대학원생 806 정문희 mhchung@kasi.re.kr 807 정미영 myjung@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 808 정미지 mijing206265@gmail.co m 809 정민섭 msjeong@ap4.khu.ac.kr 연세대학교천문우주학과 충남대학교 경희대학교우주과학과 810 정민지 mjj0055@hanmail.net 충북대학교 811 정병준 embryo642@gmail.com 812 정서영 bluegreen973@yonsei.ac. kr 813 정선라 sapiter1@hanmail.net 814 정선주 sjchung@kasi.re.kr 한국기초과학지원연구원 연세대학교 서울지향초등학교 815 정소윤 star0868@hanmail.net 경북대학교 816 정수민 soominjeong@gmail.com 우주과학기술성균관대학교, 연구소 817 정수진 phyllis27@hanmail.net 경북대학교 818 정안영민 ceres99@naver.com 819 정애리 achung@yonsei.ac.kr 애리조나대학교달행성연구소 연세대학교천문우주학과 820 정연길 younkil21@gmail.com 충북대학교 821 정용진 yjjeong@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교 822 정용호 misailtan1@nate.com 세종대학교 823 정웅섭 jeongws@kasi.re.kr 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 115

117 2017 봄학술대회 No. 이름 소속 824 정은정 825 정의정 826 정일교 827 정재웅 828 정재인 서울대학교물리천문학부 이화여자대학교 829 정재헌 특허청 830 정재훈 충남대학교 831 정재훈 832 정종훈 833 정지원 연세대학교 Chungnam Unv. 834 정지호 수성고등학교 835 정진훈 서울대학교 836 정철 kr 837 정태현 838 정택수 충북대학교 839 정하은 서울대학교 840 정한용 충북대학교 841 정해진 842 정현수 843 정현주 844 정현진 경희대학교우주탐사학과 845 정현진 경희대학교 846 정화경 847 정회윤 848 제도흥 인천과학고등학교 849 제혜린 경희대학교 850 조경모 서울대학교 851 조경석 852 조국섭 서울대학교 853 조규현 서울대학교 854 조기혁 서울대학교 855 조동환 경북대학교 856 조명신 857 조미선 울산전파천문대 No. 이름 소속 858 조브라이언 859 조성기 서울대학교 860 조성일 861 조세형 862 조영수 863 조영호 O&CC, KASI 864 조완기 서울대학교 865 조완수 세종대학교 866 조우람 연세대학교 867 조윤석 서울대학교 868 조윤아 경북대학교 869 조은정 870 조인해 871 조일성 872 조일제 사단법인한국전기화학회 연세대학교물리학과 과학기술연합대학원 / 873 조일현 ihjo@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 874 조재상 b820120@hanmail.net 875 조재일 jicho@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr 연세대학교천문우주학과 국립과천과학과 876 조정연 jcho@cnu.ac.kr 충남대학교 877 조정호 jojh@kasi.re.kr 878 조정희 alldrct@hanmail.net 충북대학교 879 조중현 jhjo39@kasi.re.kr 880 조창현 cyclonics.kr@gmail.com 경북대학교천문대기과학과 881 조치영 salladin0825@gmail.com 세종대학교 882 조현진 hcho77@pusan.ac.kr 883 조혜전 hjcho@galaxy.yonsei.ac.k r 884 조호진 stpjhj@gmail.com 885 조훈 whgns834@naver.com 886 조희석 chohs1439@gmail.com 부산대학교천체물리연구그룹 연세대학교 한국교원대학교 한국과학기술정보연구원 887 주상우 sjoo@ssu.ac.kr 숭실대학교 888 주석주 sjjoo@kasi.re.kr 889 주영 young.ju2009@gmail.co m 경북대학교 116 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

118 회원명부 No. 이름 소속 890 지명국 연세대학교 891 지웅배 연세대학교 892 지은영 893 지인 고등과학원 894 지인찬 kr 895 지태근 진미화 897 진혜진 연세대학교 경희대학교별탄생연구실 서울시민천문대 898 진호 경희대학교 899 차상목 900 차승훈 om, 경희대학교 901 차재철 자유업 Texas A&M University-Co mmerce 902 채규현 세종대학교 903 채종철 서울대학교 904 천경원 905 천무영 906 천문석 c.kr 907 천상현 연세대학교천문우주학과 서울대학교물리천문학부 908 천윤영 사반쯔대학교 909 최고은 910 최광선 경희대학교 911 최규홍 kr 912 최기영 913 최나현 연세대학교천문우주학과 경희대학교우주탐사학과 914 최두현 세종대학교 915 최문영 916 최문항 917 최민호 918 최범규 워싱턴주립대학 경북대학교천문대기과학과 919 최범성 애니온소프트 920 최변각 서울대학교 921 최보경 세종대학교 No. 이름 소속 922 최상규 923 최샛별 kr 924 최성환 에스케이씨앤씨 ( 주 ) ( 주 ) 메타스페이스 925 최성훈 seheaven@naver.com 아직미정 926 최슬기 acherner4@gmail.com 경북대학교 927 최영우 bin709204@naver.com 학생 928 최영준 yjchoi@kasi.re.kr 929 최용범 1991.yb.choi@gmail.com 천문대기과학과 930 최우락 rock2111@naver.com 연세대학교 931 최우열 wychoi002@naver.com 경북대학교 932 최원형 nproject4@naver.com 933 최유미 ccamzzichyuk@gmail.co m 934 최윤경 ykchoi@kasi.re.kr 935 최윤영 choi.yunyoung7@gmail.c om 936 최윤호 y2kno9837@kywa.or.kr 경북대학교천문대기과학과 연세대학교천문우주학과 경희대학교우주과학과 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 937 최윤희 yunhee.choi@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 938 최은우 echoi@dnsm.or.kr 939 최은진 jinsfra@kaist.ac.kr KAIST 940 최정림 crchoi@kaist.ac.kr 941 최정용 @naver.com 942 최준영 quffl76@gmail.com 943 최지훈 pury828@gmail.com 944 최진 dreamstree@hotmail.co m 945 최진규 ej98038@nate.com 국립대구과학관 한국과학기술원 경북대학교천문대기과학과 국립부산과학관 경북대학교천문대기과학과 강원대학교과학교육학부 946 최창수 changsu@astro.snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 947 최철성 cschoi@kasi.re.kr 948 최한길 alivespace@snu.ac.kr 서울대학교 949 최한별 stella84@kasi.re.kr 950 최현섭 hyunseop.choi@me.com 연세대학교 951 최현호 hyunh317@naver.com 952 최형빈 hbchoi99@hanmail.net 대전시민천문대 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 117

119 2017 봄학술대회 No. 이름 소속 953 최호승 r 954 최화진 연세대학교천문우주학과 충남대학교천문우주과학과 955 탁윤찬 서울대학교 956 표정현 m 957 하동기 광명고등학교 958 하상현 국립과천과학관 959 하승민 고등학교 960 하승우 961 하지성 울산과학기술대학교 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 962 하지훈 울산과학기술 963 하진덕 삼성생명 964 한경석 숭실대학교 한국천문학회 한다니엘 한국천문학회 연세대학교천문우주학과 967 한두리 충남대학교 968 한두환 969 한명희 970 한미려 971 한미화 kr 972 한산 kr 973 한상일 974 한석태 975 한센 경북대학교천문대기과학과 KVN 연세전파천문대 서울대학교천문학과 연세대학교 연세대학교 한국과학기술정보연구원 976 한예진 에스이랩 977 한원용 978 한인우 979 한일승 980 한정열 경북대학교천문대기과학과 No. 이름 소속 981 한정호 gbuk.ac.kr 충북대학교 982 한정환 서울대학교 983 한제희 984 한종헌 충남대학교 985 함선영 충북대학교 986 함선정 987 허남경 r 988 허승재 989 허정은 990 허현오 경희대학교 국립대구과학관 991 허혜련 세종대학교 992 현민희 서울대학교 993 현화수 경북대학교 994 형식 충북대학교 995 홍경수 996 홍대길 국립대구과학관 997 홍석범 연세대학교 998 홍석영 오송고등학교 999 홍성욱 1000 홍승수 서울대학교 1001 홍승수 kr 연세대학교 1002 홍익선 충남대학교 1003 홍종석 1004 홍주은 kr 1005 홍진희 서울대학교천문학과 동아사이언스 우주과학실험실 1006 홍채린 세종대학교 1007 황규하 1008 황나래 1009 황보정은 1010 황성용 서울대학교 1011 황세현 edu 1012 황어담 1013 황용해 텍사스주립대학 ( 오스틴 ) 1014 황재찬 jchan@knu.ac.kr 경북대 1015 황정선 hwang2k@gmail.com 세종대학교 118 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

120 회원명부 No. 이름 소속 No. 이름 소속 1016 황정아 1017 황주연 1018 황지혜 1019 황호성 고등과학원 Anand D Joshi Anindit a Chakra borty janandd@gmail.com acbit10282@gmail.com Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute emanu ele contini Evange lia Tremo u Ghase m Kazemi pour grazia no Grazia no Rossi emanuele.contini82@yah oo.it tremou@yonsei.ac.kr ghasem.kazemipour@ya hoo.com graziano@kias.re.kr graziano@kias.re.kr yonsei university Yonsei University 세종대학교 세종대학교 1022 Archan a Soam archana@kasi.re.kr KASI 1041 Guang yao Zhao gyzhao@kasi.re.kr Arman Shafiel oo Ashish Raj Bernar do Cervan tes Sodi Bhuwa n camilla pacifici Chandr eyee Sengu pta Chanis a Chung Yue Cristia n Saez Cristia no Sabiu Dan Yang Dhara m Vir Lal Difu Guo shafieloo@kasi.re.kr ashish@kasi.re.kr sodi@kias.re.kr bhuwan12@gmail.com camilla.pacifici@galaxy.y onsei.ac.kr sengupta.chandreyee@g mail.com zero08@hotmail.com huichungyue@gmail.com csaez@kasi.re.kr csabiu@kasi.re.kr yangdan@ynao.ac.cn dharam@ncra.tifr.res.in difu@sdu.edu.cn KASI Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 고등과학원 yonsei university observatory Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 충남대학교 KASI KIAS Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA-TIFR) Shandong University(Wei hai) H. A. N. Le H. Tugca Sener Hanna h Morga n HURI TUGCA SENER Jianpin g JKAS 편집 Juan Carlos Algaba K.N.Ng uyen Nhat Katsuh ide Kenta Matsu oka Kimita ke Hayasa ki Kiran Singh Baliyan Kyle Finner huynhanh7@khu.ac.kr htss@kasi.re.kr hlmorgan@outlook.com tugcasener@gmail.com@ tugcasener@gmail.com jpli@astro.snu.ac.kr jkas@kias.re.kr algaba@kasi.re.kr theresa.nhuphuc@gmail. com kmaru@kasi.re.kr kenta@astro.snu.ac.kr kimi@kasi.re.kr baliyan@prl.res.in kylefinner@gmail.com 경희대학교우주탐사학과 Kyung Hee University KASI 서울대학교물리천문학부 (KASI) Seoul National University Korea Astonomy and Space Science Institute Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India Yonsei University Astronomy Department 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 119

121 2017 봄학술대회 No. 이름 소속 No. 이름 소속 Le Nguye n Huynh Anh LHuilli er Benja min liuchu njian LiuWei na Ma. Angela Lourde s B. Lequir on Mahes war Mario Pasqua to Marios Karouz os huynhanh7@khu.ac.kr lhuillier@kias.re.kr chunjianjlu@163.com tinylwn1980@naver.com ghelalequiron@kasi.re.kr maheswar@kasi.re.kr mario.pasquato@galaxy.y onsei.ac.kr mkarouzos@astro.snu.ac. kr 1063 Martin hyunjin@kasi.re.kr Masate ru Ishigur o Mauric e Mitsuy oshi YAMA GISHI Miyash ita Yukina ga Munet aka Ueno Pakaka ew Rittipr uk Pankaj Kumar ishiguro@astro.snu.ac.kr mvp@sejong.ac.kr yamagishi@u.phys.nagoy a-u.ac.jp miyasita@kasi.re.kr ueno@chianti.c.u-tokyo.a c.jp nice_dongdang@hotmail. com ptomar2006@gmail.com 1071 park c. jkas@kias.re.kr Paul Hodge R.A. Maury a Rapha el Gobat hodge@astro.washington.edu ramajor@astro.snu.ac.kr rgobat@kias.re.kr Kyunghee university KIAS University of Science and Technology, Korea CGER, Yonsei University Observatory null 옥스포드대학교 서울대학교 세종대학교 Nagoya University KASI 세종대학교 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) Seoul National University 고등과학원 Romm y Lydia Solang e Estrella Aliste Castillo Rory Smith S. Trippe Sam Kim samya day choud hury sanjay kumar Sanjay a Paudel Shinsu ke Ideguc hi rommy.aliste@gmail.com rorysmith274@gmail.com trippe@astro.snu.ac.kr skim@astro.puc.cl samyaday.choudhury@g mail.com sanjaykumar@khu.ac.kr sjy@kasi.re.kr ideguti1905@gmail.com Seoul National University 연세대학교 Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University kyung hee university, Yongin KASI UNIST 1083 sriram astrosriram@yahoo.co.in 1084 test acoms@kisti.re.kr ATIT 1085 Tetsuy a Magar a magara@khu.ac.kr 경희대학교 1086 Thiem C Hoang thiemhoang@kasi.re.kr 1087 Tobias Hinse tchinse@gmail.com 1088 Ulkar garamanka@yahoo.com 1089 Xiao-D ong Li xdli@kias.re.kr KASI KIAS 1090 yasser yasserhendy@nriag.sci.eg YI ZHEN G Zhou Shuan g yizheng@kasi.re.kr zhoushuang@cigit.ac.cn KASi 120 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

122 연구성과및기업홍보

123 2017 봄학술대회 122 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

124 연구홍보및기업홍보 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 123

125 2017 봄학술대회 124 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

126 연구홍보및기업홍보 한국천문학회보제 42 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 / 125

127 2017 봄학술대회 126 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017

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129 2017 봄학술대회 128 / Bull. Kor. Astron. Soc. Vol. 42 No.1, Apr. 2017


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