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1 Korean Dental Technologist Association News ~ , (8 ) ( ~ ) ( 3. : ) ( )~ ( ) (, ) (12.31.) (,,,, ) ,, ( ), (, ).,.,....

2 Korean Dental Technologist Association News ~ ,,,,. 4 ( ) ( ) & 2. 2, , ( ) 2 50, 50, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

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13 Korean Dental Technologist Association News ( )., (2013, 2014 ) Change, Innovation, Dream.,, Change, Innovation, Dream ~ , (,, ), , , 1, ( ) 09:00~16:00, 09:00~10:00,, 10:00~11:30 Digital Dentistry New work Registration in dental office 1 10:00~11:30 3D Digital Dental System & Digital Dental Order System 11:30~12:00 12:00~13:30 1, 2 13:30~15:00 2 Occlusion!! Analog Digital 13:30~15:00 15:00~16:00 : B.P.S.(Biofunctional Prosthetic System) 2007 Esthetic Harmony 2009 Passion&Esthetic N A T. course 2001 Naturgma e Aufwachstechnik, in Dieter schulz Dental labor 2001 KAVO (Articulator. ARCUS-digma. ) 2001 Elephant 2001 Team-Workshop (Olaf Winzen. Dieter schulz) 2002 C.A,R, 2003 N A T course, 2004 Rubeling 2006 UCLA Implant course 2009 Heimerle+Meule Inspiration 2009 Dentaurum 2010 Ivoclar Vivadent Ivoclar Vivadent Press ceramic Instructor Dental workshop kihon AmannGirrbach Ceramill CAD/CAM Instructorr Dental CAD/CAM Center ( ) / CAD CAM A`G ceramill CAD CAMKOREA LIVE LAB ceracube CAD CAM SYSTEM course Italy Zirkonzahn CAD CAM SYSTEM course Denture Part Instructor of Ivoclar vivadent BPS Instructor of bredent visio.lign System nd Quintessence International Grand Prix Dental Conference Speaker 2013 IDS KunstZahnWerk Competition 1st Place[B [Best Documentation]

14 Korean Dental Technologist Association News ,... Beauty?. (4 23 ).. 49, ,,,.,, ,..,.., ,..,,....

15 ( ) ( ).., ( ) ( ). ( ).,... ( ) ,,, ().,., ,, , six month. 2.,.?? stain shade, shade, creation.,..., happen.,.., creative,. copy.,,

16 Korean Dental Technologist Association News Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM). metal-ceramic (Liu et al, 2013; Seon-Mi O, Chae-Hyun Lee, 2010)., (Denry, Kelly, 2008; Heffernan et al, 2002). (Bosch, Coops, 1995). (core), (Kelly et al, 1996). (zirconia-based to ceramic). (coloring liquid) (shade) (Oh SC et al, 2007)., (self-colored) (dental zirconia blocks) (Kaya, 2013). (Cales, 1998).., (Shah et al, 2008). (coloring method) (Kwi-Dug Yun et al, 2010).,. (Denry, Kelly, 2008).,.,. (Seghi et al, 1989).. (Sung-Min Choi, Sang-Yong Nam, 2011), (Kwi-Dug Yun et al, 2010).,.. VITA In-Ceram YZ Coloring liquid A1, B1, C1 light neutral. Light neutral. (densitometer) (Table 1). brix 35, 30, 25, 20, 15 light neutral. brix 0.0~33.0% MASTER-M (Atago Co., Tokyo, Japan) 28.0~62.0% MASTER-2M (Atago Co., Tokyo, Japan) (Fig. 1). Table. The concentrations of mixed coloring liquids (light and neutral) (n=30) Color liquid Group Concentration (brix %) Light original LO54 54 LN35 35 LN30 30 Light+Neutral LN25 25 LN20 20 LN15 15, zirconia block (D-max, Seoul, Korea) 15mm, 2mm disk (zirkonofen 600/V2, Zirkonzahn Gmbh, Italy). (Spectrophotometer) (Fig. 2). shadepilot (Fig. 3). Figure 1. Densitometer Figure 2. Spectrophotometer (CM-3600A, Konica Minolta, Tokyo, Japan), SPSS WIN Program (version 12.0). 95% one-way ANOVA, Tukey s multiple range test.. Fig Light 54 brix, 35, 30, 25, brix. (Table 2). LN15 LN35 L*, a* b*. Table 2. CIE L*, a* and b* value of the colored zirconia specimens (mean SD) L* a* b* Figure 3. Shadepilot (ShadepilotTM, Dentsply Degudent GmbH, Germany) Figure 4. The colored zirconia specimens Figure 5. The concentration of the mixed coloring liquids by Densitometer LN15 LN20 LN25 LN30 LN

17 CIE L*, a* b* table 3. Table 3. Result of one-way ANOVA Groups L*, a* and b* Sum of squares df Mean square L* Between groups * within groups Total a* Between groups * within groups Total b* Between groups * within groups Total L*, a* b* Tukey s HSD test (Table 4). (I) gr LN15 LN20 LN25 Table 4. The results of tukey s HSD test of each groups (J) gr mean difference (I-J) L* a* b* standard error mean difference (I-J) standard error mean difference (I-J) F standard error LN * * 0.03 LN * * 0.03 LN * * * 0.03 LN * * * 0.03 LN * * 0.03 LN * * * 0.03 LN * * * 0.03 LN * * LN * * * 0.03 LN30 LN * * * 0.03 *: The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. L* LN15-LN30/LN35, LN20-LN30/LN35, LN25- LN30/LN35, LN30-LN35 (p<.05). a* (p<.05). b* LN25- LN30 (p<.05). Shadepilot LN15 A1 B1, LN20 LN25 LN30 A1, B1, B2. LN35 A1, B1, B2 A2 (Table 5, Fig. 6). Table 5. The measured shade of zirconia specimens by Shadepilot group LN15 LN20 LN25 LN30 LN35 shade A1+B1 A1+B1+B2 A1+B1+B2 A1+B1+B2. A1+B1+B2+A2 Figure 6. The measured shade of zirconia specimens by Shadepilot (Vichi et al, 2011)...,. VITA classical A1 D4 A1, B1, C1, shadepilot A1 B1 B2 A2.. neutral chroma. Light neutral., neutral, () brix,.,,. CIE(2004) #Lab L*. L* 0, L* 100. a*,, /. b*,. L* LN15,. a*. b*.. a*. L* LN15 LN20, LN25 LN20 LN25. b* LN25 LN30., (2008) A3 Lava frame L* 77.34, a* 0.97, b* L*, a* b*. L* a* b*.,,, Vita shade guide A, B, C, D A orange, B yellow, C yellow/grey, D orange/ grey. A, B, C, D 1 4, lightness chroma (Paravina, 2009). A1 A2, nuetral (chrome)., (Gye-Jeong Oh et al, 2011).,..,.. brix L*, a* b*.. L*, a* b*. LN15 L* 85.37, a* 0.71, b* 3.34 A1 B1. L*, a* b* B2 A2.,,. Shadepilot.,.. Alessandro Vichi, Chris Louca, Gabriele Corciolani, Marco Ferrari. Color related to ceramic and zirconia restorations: A review. Dental Materials, 27(1), , Cales B. Colored zirconia ceramics for dental applications. Bioceramics 11, 591-4, CIE (Commission Internationale de l Eclairage). Colorimetry technical report. Vienna: Bureau Central de la CIE. CIE Publication 15(3), 18, Guray Kaya. Production and characterization of self-colored dental zirconia blocks. Ceramics International, 39(1), , Gye-Jeong Oh, Yoon-Jeong Seo, Kwi-Dug Yun, Hyun-Pil Lim, Sang-Won Park, Kyung-Ku Lee, Tae-Kwan Lim, Doh-Jae Lee. Effects of chromium chloride addition on coloration and mechanical properties of 3Y-TZP. J Kor Acad Prosthodont 49(2), , Heffernan MJ, Aquilino SA, Diaz-Arnold AM, Haselton DR, Stanford CM, Vargas MA. Relative translucency of six all-ceramic system. Part : core materials. J Prosthet Dent, 88(1), 4-9, Isabelle Denry, J. Robert Kelly. State of the art of zirconia for dental applications. Dental Materials, 24(3), , Kelly JR, Nishimura I, Campbell SD. Ceramics in dentistry: historical roots and current perspectives. J Prosthet Dent 75, 18-32, Ki-hyun Baek, Yi-Hyung Woo, Kung-Rock Kwon, Hyeong-Seob Kim. Spectrophotometric analysis of the influence to shade of zirconia core on the color of ceramic. J Kor Acad Prosthodont 46(4), , Kwi-Dug Yun, Su-Kyoung Ryu, Mong-Sook Vang, Hong-So Yang, Hyun-Seung Kim, Sang-Won Park. Shear bond strength of veneer ceramic and colored zirconia by using aqueous metal chloride solutions. J Kor Acad Prosthodont, 48(2), , Min-Chieh Liu, Steven A. Aquilino, David G. Gratton, Keng-Liang Ou, Chia-Cheng Lin. Relative Translucency and Surface Roughness of Four Yttrium-stabilized Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystalline-based Dental Restorations. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine, 5(1), 22-24, Oh SC, Lee HH, Lee IK, Shin MR. Flexure sterngth of various restoration. J Kor Acad Stomato Func Occlu 23, , Paravina RD. Performance assessment of dental shade guides. J Dent 37(1), 15-20, Seghi RR, Hewlett ER, Kim J. Visual and instrumental colorimetric assessments of small color differences on translucent dental porcelain. J Dent Res, 68, , Seon-Mi O, Chae-Hyun Lee. Effect of Zirconia Core Thickness on the Tone Blocking of Discolored Tooth and Metal Post. The Journal of korean academy of dental technology 33(4), , Shah K, Holloway JA, Denry IL. Effect of coloring with various metal oxides on the microstructure, color, and flexural strength of 3Y-TZP. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 87, , Sung-Min Choi, Sang-Yong Nam. Evaluation of Color Change According to Coloring Time of Dental Zirconia Block. The Journal of korean academy of dental technology 33(3), , ten Bosch JJ, Coops JC. Tooth color and reflectance as related to light scattering and enamel hardness. J Dent Res 74, ,

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20 SIDEX COEX ( ) 11 ( ) COEX ( ) 3F, 4F, Hall E. SIDEX ( ) 11 ( ), ,,,,,. Digital Dentistry,.,.,,,,,, ( ) 11 ( ). 5 SIDEX Kids Play Zone.,. (5 10 ), 1:1.,,,. SIDEX 2014, COEX. SIDEX , 7,, 6.,,, 5., 46 ( ) , ,. 5., ( ) PPT 250. Interview

21 3 ( ) ( ) , ,.,,.,, (, ) 3 21,. ( ) (),.,,. 12 OECD ,., 83.7% 72.3%, 57.2% 49.3%.,,...

22 Korean Dental Technologist Association News SID Tour Seminar in SID(SHINHUNG IMPLANT DENTISTRY) SID Tour Seminar in 3 15 ( ) SID Tour Seminar in SID SID in 4, Flap & suture, (BRONJ), Prosthetic complication, SIS Sinus Kit crestal approach SID Tour Seminar. SIS Sinus Kit, SIS Peri-implantitis,, Taurus G2i., SonicFill., 12 (DV Coupon)., SID ( ). SIS SIS(Shinhung Implant System) 3 26 ( ) 30 ( ) 5. 2 SIS(Shinhung Implant System)., (New Year) 2 SIS, 5. Protocol 44 SIS(Shinhung Implant System) R&D,. SIS(Shinhung Implant System), SIS(Shinhung Implant System). MST 30. Wieland Dental Michael Hammer Michael Hammer Wieland Dental , Hammer Candulor Dental GmbH ( ) , Michael Hammer Candulor AG. Hammer Wieland Dental, Candulor AG. Ivoclar Vivadent % Ivoclar Vivadent Ivoclar Vivadent Wieland Dental. 14, Ivoclar Vivadent (+ 19%), (+ 5%). / 4. Ganley Ivoclar Vivadent 2014., 2014.

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