Digitale Enterprise Software Suite
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1 Digital Factory 를위한 Bill of Process 검증과 Production 정보와 Integration 2016 년 12 월 15 일박세종상무 / PfD 팀 Siemens AG 2016
2 목차 Virtual Factory Real Factory 1. Plant-Centric BOP 2. BOP Validation 3. BOP Output 4. BOP & MES 5. 사례 - Siemens Amberg - ITP Aircraft Engine - ZeMA (CPS) Page 2
3 Trend - in Heavy Equipment Global Production Emerging global demand John Deere expects 50% of their revenue to come outside of the US by Business Week Massive configuration possibilities From March 2011 to March 2012, John Deere says, customers ordered more than 7,800 different configurations of the 8R. -- Business Week Page 3
4 Trend - Get digital proof of product & production success Digital Product Model To fulfill the needs Digital Production Model For autonomous production, configure-toorder and plant specific driven Digital Twin with Collaborative MFG Page 4
5 Trend - Evolution of Synchronized Information PLM 에생성된 BOM, 공정계획, 작업표준서등의 BOP 정보는 MES, 생산라인과유기적으로연동되어유연한생산및제품변경에따른변경관리프로세스를지원합니다. PLM MBOM, Routing Order Configuration Parts / Assys / EBOM/MBOM Variant Conditions / BOP / Work Instruction Orders Variant Rules Order BOM Mat l Consumes Production Order Progress Results ERP 마케팅영업생산계획서비스 상품기획설계개발 테스트 생산 단종 As-Built Result Process BOM EWI Sheets Transactions Material Moves Completions Dates/Operator EWI 작업계획 / 진척관리 공정 / 설비관리 MES Page 5
6 Trend - Information Flow - Current State Development Planning Manufacturing Product Process Plant Work Plan Ind. Engineering Based on Vehicle Modules Digital Factory Manufacturing Control Page 6
7 1. Plant-Centric BOP - Connected and Integrated Data Requirements Systems Engineering Simulation Engineering Manufacturing Physical Benefit Customer Function Behaviour MCAD Assembly As-tested 디자인 ~ 생산 : 요구사항추적 변경관리 변경에대한모든영향 Reliability Regulatory Logical MBOM As-built ECAD CAE Design Architecture Manufacture Software Process As-maintained Build Verification Support Page 7
8 1. Plant-Centric BOP - Connected and Integrated Data 공정계획 (BOP) 정보는제품 ( 자재 ), 공정, 공장및생산리소스 ( 치구, 공구등 ) 이체계적으로관리되어공정 Structure 에관련정보를 Logical 하게연결함으로써구성됩니다. Bill of Materials Product Process Plant Rev A Rev B Rev A Rev B Building A Building B Bill of Process Part A Assy A Part 1 Part 2 Op 1: Move part to machine Op 2: Machining Milling Act. 1: Assign Tool A Act. 2: Assign Fix. A Resources Fixture library Line A Line B Cell A Cell B Tool library Op 3: Machining Turning Op 4: Move part to inspection Tool A Tool B Robot 1 Gun 1 Op 5: Ship part to line A Mill 1 작업순서, 작업시간정의포함 Page 8
9 1. Plant-Centric BOP - Connected and Integrated Data E-BOM, M-BOM & BOP Data 정합성과업무효율성을고려한기능조직과관련프로세스가필요합니다. P3R 관리 Vehicle Unit Assy, Module Relationship Assy Paint Welding Press BOP 구조 Plant Line 공정공정 Line OP OP OP OP. BPN, 작업표준서. Part, 공정, 작업표준서 정합성 BOM Data 관리 Architecture E-BOM, M-BOM, BOP 정합성고려된 Architecture 설계변경정확성과효율성고려된 Architecture E-BOM 구조 Product P1 pa pb P2 E/Item pc comp pd..... ECO,BP, 공정 1 M-BOM 구조 1 ERP ; Super Pd.001 Pd M-BOM 구조 3 동기화구조. E-BOM 과 M-BOM 구조동기화 Product E/Item P1 P2 pa pb pc pd.... Interface. M-BOM 구조. BPN E/Item 사급 Product comp 차종별구성및 BP 적용차량별구성 P1 P2 pd pa Chasis Trim Paint Body Page 9
10 1. Plant-Centric BOP - Enterprise BOP Global 환경에서는하나의제품을여러곳의공장에서생산하는경우가일반화되고있어 Plant-Centric Process Planning 과관리가필요합니다. Std. Tooling Std. Processes Level 1 Generic BOP Generic Product Level 2 Product A Product BOP - A Product BOP - B Product B Level 3 The same product in multiple plants and/or Multiple products in the same plant BOP A Plant 1 BOP A BOP Plant A+B 3 BOP Plant B 3 Plant 3 Plant 1 Plant 3 Level 4 Page 10
11 1. Plant-Centric BOP - Enterprise BOP 지역별제조환경과고객요구사항에따른 Plant-Centric Process Planning 이필요합니다. Business Goal Process Plant A Plant A Support product configurations and variants - as business grows globally Enable Re-Use in Product Families and production standardization Process Plant B Part X Part Release Plant B Save time when propagating changes on generic parts Process Plant C Plant C Create Manufacturing BOM partly automatically based on rules Standard product skeletons to support downstream production planning process Adapt product to local markets Page 11
12 1. Plant-Centric BOP - Enterprise BOP 표준공법을재활용하여, 해당공장별제조환경 ( 부품공급사, 설비 etc.) 을반영한 Plant Specific BOP 를생성관리하며, 공장별공정계획, 작업표준서등의정보를해당공장의 MES 와유기적으로연동되어유연한생산을지원합니다 Process Plant A Plant B M-BOM for Plant A M-BOM for Plant B Business Goal Deliver production plans up to 40% faster Plant specific production planning, with process standardization and shared bestpractices Process M-BOM for Plant C Integrate new sales options into existing plant processes Process Plant C Pool of best practices to support standardization and re-use Derive production and supply strategy and adapt to local needs Page 12
13 Page 13
14 2. BOP Validation 공장계획공정계획공정검증투자관리 금형 / 설비설계및제작 설비설치및 Tryout 시험가동 Manufacturing Process Management ( 디지털생산준비시스템 ) 자원관리 공정계획 / 공정편성 Resource 배분 (ST 분석 ) 설비및치구계획 작업지시서, 공법서 (ERP) 설계 PLM 2D/3D 도면, 형상 E-BOM, 속성 문서, 부품정보변경정보, 제품 Data 인터페이스 공정기반정보관리 BOP Process Part Plant Resource Cost 정보 Resource 정보 Routing 정보 작업지시서, 공법서 공정현황정보 가동실적, 공정개선정보 Legacy 인터페이스 QIS 설비관리 (M-Ware) 생산관리 (MES) Page 14 Layout 및공장내외물류계획, 생산능력검토 도면관리 설비가동률자재재고사전검토 조립공차분석 문서관리 / 검색송부 / 통지 Classification 통계적품질관리 DPV & SPC Workflow BOM 관리 MS Office 연동 기본 3D 뷰잉 DPV : Dimensional Planning & Validation SPC : Statistical Process Control 금형자산관리
15 2. BOP Validation BOP 내공정별로정의된 3D 제품, 설비, 조립순서를기반으로검증시뮬레이션을수행하고, 제품과설비, 공구간간섭, 작업자의작업성, 조립작업시간등을검증합니다. Digital Twin Virtual verification of assembling Factory planning BOP Process Final assembly process Final/modular assembly simulation SMT shop floor layout planning SMT production line layout planning Part 공정기반정보관리 Plant Resource Man-machine operation analysis Static process prototype analysis Detailed design of work station layout Assembly line balance analysis Beat / Bottleneck analysis Virtual manufacturing Robot simulation Time evaluation Logistics analysis Page 15
16 2. BOP Validation BOP 내공정별로정의된공장 Layout, 물류, CAPA,C/Time 등을검증합니다. Digital Twin BOP Process Part 공정기반정보관리 Plant Resource Page 16
17 2. BOP Validation BOP 내공정별로정의된리소스자동화설비, Robot 의가공, 용접, 조립작업및 C/Time 등을검증합니다. Digital Twin # 101 공정 이송및클램핑 Operation Robot Spot용접작업 Operation 용접점 001 결합판넬 (Part1,Part2).. 용접점 002 결합판넬 (Part1,Part2).. Part1/A.000 내수두께1 재질1 중량1, MIP Part2/A.000 수출두께2 재질2 중량2, VDR Robot Gun Page 17
18 2. BOP Validation BOP 내공정별로정의된조립라인의 Robot 의조립작업및 C/Time 등을검증합니다. Digital Twin # 55 공정 이송및클램핑 Operation Robot 조립작업 Operation Mfg 001 결합판넬 (Part1,Part2).. Mfg 02 결합판넬 (Part1,Part2).. Part1/A.000 내수두께1 재질1 중량1, MIP Part2/A.000 수출두께2 재질2 중량2, VDR Robot Hand & Gripper Page 18
19 2. BOP Validation BOP 에정의된공정, Line, Factory Level 의가상시운전을통하여상세작업을검증하고, Real Factory 와연계하여생성된로봇, PLC 프로그램을전송, 생산라인의이슈또는문제빠른대응 Digital Twin 공법계획 BOP Process Part 공정기반정보관리 Plant Resource Page 19
20 3. BOP Output 완성된 BOP 로부터전자공법서및작업지시서생성, 현장전송과생산라인의정보즉각적인 Feedback 3D PDF 배포 웹기반 EWI 조회 Page 20
21 3. BOP Output 검증후 BOP Data 에 Robot 및 PLC 프로그램을저장하여현장생산정보시스템과연계관리하며, 제품사양또는공법변경에따른업데이트를자동화합니다. 여러공장별로봇프로그램생성관리 Real Factory 창원공장 BIW 용접 1라인 FLOOR 라인 FLR ASSY-COMPL 10 공정 20 공정 30 공정 40 공정 40 공정 Robot 1 Weldgun 1 Robot 2 Weldgun 2 조립공법1 Floor Panel1 용접점1 상세공정의로봇및특정로봇프로그램선택가능 Download 로봇프로그램생성 로봇프로그램 Upload 로봇프로그램 ETHERNET Page 21
22 3. BOP Output NC 검증후 BOP Data 에머시닝센터 Off Line NC 프로그램을저장하여, 해당공구 Tool 정보와함께현장생산정보시스템과연계관리하며, 제품사양또는공법변경에따른업데이트작업을자동화합니다. Teamcenter Shop Floor Connect for Teamcenter DNC Failover Database Shop Floor Connect Services Transparency Revision control One logical database Compliance Security Closed loop Page 22
23 4. BOP & MES - PLM-MES-ERP Teamcenter Manufacturing Enterprise BOP SIMATIC IT Preactor APS SIMATIC IT Executable BOP Page 23
24 4. BOP & MES - PLM-MES-ERP Avoid disturbances on mix-model production lines when applying process changes Manage different plants from centralized place Digital Factory 프로젝트관리 Complete Tool Product A Tool A 개발단계품질문제관리 BOP Process Definition` Engineering Feedback Production Performance Component List Component Availability MES 양산품질추적관리실시간생산 Data 수집 Order List ERP.. Part Program & Instructions Production Feedback Production Snapshot Master Schedule Shop Floor Shop Floor Integration.. Scheduled Operations APS 생산일정계획 Simulation Digital Backbone for Enterprise Manufacturing System (Data & Process Management) Page 24
25 4. BOP & MES - PLM-MES-ERP BOP 에저장된 BOM, 공정계획, 작업표준서등의정보는 MES, 생산라인과유기적으로연동되어유연한생산및제품변경에따른변경관리프로세스를지원합니다. Page 25
26 Siemens Amberg plant Fast! Flexible! Efficient ~1 Million monthly production of SIMATIC products Teamcenter managed products shipped to 60,000+ customers worldwide each year 24 hour lead time for new orders 75% OEE plus 20% buffer for overcapacity Quality! Page 26 ~11 dpm means near perfect quality every time
27 5. 사례 Siemens Amberg PLM / MES Integration PLM Software Relevant product data information PCB-program-generator Product data management Manufacturing Planning (BOP) BOM Resource Process Supplier ERP Material forecast Automatic order Intelligent preprocessing Templates SMT SPI AOI ICT / FP Process interlocking Traceability Serial number report Test protocol MES Software (Simatic IT) Production order Capacity Inventory Mgmt. X-Ray THT Labels IFT Inspection Delivery Recipe Customer Page 27
28 5. 사례 Siemens Amberg PLM / MES Integration Page 28
29 5. 사례 Siemens Amberg PLM / MES Integration Enterprise Level Collaborative Operational Approach - Seamless Lifecycle Integration ERP PLM NX Product Development TEAMCENTER Collaborative PDM TECNOMATIX Digital Manufacturing Plant Cloud Services Management Level MES SIMATIC IT Production Suite SIMATIC IT R&D Suite SIMATIC IT Intelligence Suite Operator Level Control Level BOP Field Level MES SCADA Prg. SIMATIC NET Industrial Communication SIMATIC Controllers SIRIUS Industrial Controls SIMATIC WinCC SCADA System SIMATIC HMI SIMATIC IDENT Industrial Identification SINUMERIK CNC SIMATIC Distributed I/O SIMOTION Motion Control SINAMICS Drive Systems TIA PORTAL Engineering Framework for Automation Tasks Page 29
30 5. 사례 Siemens Amberg PLM / MES Integration Program and Project management Sales Product Engineering Manufacturing Planning Manufacturing Execution Customer Request Offer discussion/order Requirements management Conce ption Design Serial Design Prototyping Ramp-up Execution Manufacturing conception Process planning Manufacturing Tryout Customer requests/ forecast S-IT KapMes APLAUS WSS methods Order Management ERP Master Material- SAP-A2P SCM-plan methods Bill of Material Bill of Resource Production order prioritization and creation Order handling (eq: availability capa, material, releasing) Production order management TFS Pool of product ideas TFS PNBs Doors Qual. prdt. Ideas with requirements and features Technical Material Master ECAD MCAD SW EBOM MBOM definition including configuration rules, NC prog Stab Unicam APLAUS Production Resource and Gage Management +Access tool Scout WSS S-IT Production Definition Management Production Quality and defect management Production Performance Analysis-line out. MDE/ OEE- for equipments utilization Production Execution-S-IT Production Dispatch Production Data Collection-QME Data Transfervia COMESA Production traceability and data collection Production tracking Page 30 APQP( Audit, FMEA, Review, Quality Function Deployment, Deisgn of experiment) Project management Document Management
31 5. 사례 Siemens Amberg PLM / MES Integration; Employees are integrated into the Digital Factory Page 31
32 Light Guide Video Page 32
33 SIT Manufacturing Service APIs Page 33
34 5. 사례 ITP (Aircraft Engine) PLM / MES Integration Aircraft structure Mechanical part manufacturing (Zamudio) Composite part Manufacturing and Assembly (Ajalvir) Every time you are flying a newer Airbus, chances are that the plane was built with the help of SIMATIC IT(MES) Page 34
35 5. 사례 ITP (Aircraft Engine) PLM / MES Integration 설계에서생성된 CAD 도면과 Engineering BOM 를기반으로생산프로세스를연결하여 BOP 를생성하고 SMATIC IT 를이용하여 MES 와연계합니다. ITP (Industria de Turbo Propulsores) Page 35
36 5. 사례 Rolls-Royce BOP & Planning Shop Floor Operations Page 36
37 5. 사례 ZeMA (CPS) Cyber-physical assembly planning in Siemens Teamcenter - Virtuality meets Reality Page 37
38 5. 사례 ZeMA (CPS) Three-pillar model of ZeMA is directed to the needs of education, application research and industrial problems Page 38
39 5. 사례 ZeMA (CPS) Challenges for the assembly planning between product development and production Page 39
40 5. 사례 ZeMA (CPS) Objective for assembly planning and operating of cyber-physical assembly system Page 40
41 5. 사례 ZeMA (CPS) Approach to connect virtual and real world during planning Page 41
42 5. 사례 ZeMA (CPS) Using the data from the virtual planning by requesting assembly services from the assembly modules in reality Page 42
43 5. 사례 ZeMA (CPS) Identification of the configuration and update of the planning model Page 43
44 5. 사례 ZeMA (CPS) Summary Page 44
45 Siemens AG 2016 Seite April 2016
46 Digital Enterprise Software Suite Siemens answer to Industrie 4.0 requirements MES/MOM SIMATIC IT / QSYS Analytics Mindsphere / Omneo PLM Teamcenter / NX TIA SIMATIC / SINUMERIK Siemens AG AG Seite April 2016
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PRO1_04E [읽기 전용]
Siemens AG 1999 All rights reserved File: PRO1_04E1 Information and S7-300 2 S7-400 3 EPROM / 4 5 6 HW Config 7 8 9 CPU 10 CPU : 11 CPU : 12 CPU : 13 CPU : / 14 CPU : 15 CPU : / 16 HW 17 HW PG 18 SIMATIC
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3 IBM WebSphere User Conference ESB (e-mail : Infrastructure Solution, IGS 2005. 9.13 ESB 를통한어플리케이션통합구축 2 IT 40%. IT,,.,, (Real Time Enterprise), End to End Access Processes bounded by
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재영 솔루텍의 Vision 달성을 위하여…
S&OP 2004. 6. 17 ( /, Intellic Inc.) e-mail: CONTENTS 1. SCM Trends Global SCM 7 Principles of SCM 2. S&OP? 3. S&OP 4. S&OP 5. Q&A 2 , SCM SCM Initiative SCM? 3 SCM? Moderately
Data Warehouse Hammersoftkorea BI Group / DW / 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Automating Informating Source : Kelly, The Data Warehousing : The Route to Mass Customization, 1996. -,, Data .,.., /. ...,.,,,.
Introduction to execution strategy and case study for R&D Process Innovation Woocheol Jeong, Soyoung Moon Abstract The corporate research and development has a primary role of developing new products,
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모델기반엔터프라이즈와 PLM 혁신, 디지털융합 Model Based Enterprise and PLM Innovation, Digital Tapestry PLM 지식연구소조형식대표 1. 서론 2. 모델기반엔터프라이즈 3. MBE와 3D PDF 4. 디지털테페스트리 5. 결론 6. 질의응답 1. 서론 요즘최대의화두는인더스트리 4.0 또는 4차산업혁명이다. 인더스트리
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대한산업공학회/한국경영과학회 2012년 춘계공동학술대회 감각형 증강현실을 이용한 전자제품의 디자인 품평 문희철, 박상진, 박형준 * 조선대학교 산업공학과 * 교신저자, 002660 ABSTRACT We present the recent status of our research on design evaluation of digital
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제 출 문 문화체육관광부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 문화예술분야 통계 생산 및 관리 방안 연구결과 최종 보고서로 제출합니다. 2010년 10월 숙명여자대학교 산학협력단 본 보고서는 문화체육관광부의 공식적인 견해와 다를 수 있습니다. - 2 -
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2003 Development of the Software Generation Method using Model Driven Software Engineering Tool,,,,, Hoon-Seon Chang, Jae-Cheon Jung, Jae-Hack Kim Hee-Hwan Han, Do-Yeon Kim, Young-Woo Chang Wang Sik, Moon
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Copyright 2006 by Human Consulting Group INC. All Rights Reserved. No Part of This Publication May Be Reproduced, Stored in a Retrieval System, or Transmitted in Any Form or by Any Means Electronic, Mechanical,
200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)
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I 1 1) TESCO, 1993, ( 96, 98, 99) - : : 354 (19993 ~ , 1 =1737 ) - : 845 ( : 659 ) - : ) CM 9 (CM), CM , 2 CM, -
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