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1 Tel , 2237 Fax Seoulsiripdae-ro 163, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, , Korea
3 College of Engineering University of Seoul
4 6 7 College of Engineering History
5 8 College of Engineering University of Seoul Outcome-Based Education Continuous Quality Improvement Demand-Driven Education Washington Accord ABEEK - Outer loop - Inner loop ~ ~ ~ ~
6 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Mobile Robot Research Platform LEGO NXT kit, SEM ( Scanning Electron Microscope) Dilution Refrigerator OMBD Optical Spectrum Analyzer Since 1978
7 Sung-Hwan Kim shkim1@uos.ac.kr Gi Sang Choi simpson@uos.ac.kr Changmin Kim cmkim@uos.ac.kr SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Gyu-Sik Kim gskim318@uos.ac.kr 12 Hiesik Kim drhskim@uos.ac.kr Kichul Kim kkim@uos.ac.kr FACULTY MEMBERS 13 Sunwoo Park swpark@uos.ac.kr Joonhwa Lee joonhwa@uos.ac.kr
8 Changyul Cheon changyul@uos.ac.kr Sang Hyuk Kang shkang@uos.ac.kr Seongjong Choi chois@uos.ac.kr 14 SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Doyeol Ahn dahn@uos.ac.kr Yong Han Kim yhkim@uos.ac.kr Joongho Choi jchoi@uos.ac.kr Yong Cheol Kim yckim@uos.ac.kr Jaeho Lee jaeho@uos.ac.kr Yong-Woo LEE ywlee@uos.ac.kr Rinchul Kim rin@uos.ac.kr 15 Moon-Que Lee mqlee@uos.ac.kr
9 Younggook Ra ygra123@gmail.com Byung Eun Park pbe@uos.ac.kr Han-Joon Kim khj@uos.ac.kr Young Gil Kim ygkim@ieee.org Chul Han Kim chkim@uos.ac.kr Ju Han Lee j.h.lee@ieee.org Yongsam Moon ysmoon001@uos.ac.kr Youngmin Yi ymyi@uos.ac.kr Sekchin Chang schang213@uos.ac.kr FACULTY MEMBERS Jinseoung Jeong jsjeong@uos.ac.kr
10 Department of Chemical Engineering NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer) (Single X-ray Diffractometer)
11 Sung-Il Cho sijo@uos.ac.kr Cheolsoo JUNG csjung@uos.ac.kr Jung Hyeun KIM jhkimad@uos.ac.kr Eui Yong Kim eykim@uos.ac.kr Jaeeon Chang changjaee@uos.ac.kr 20 Hyo Kim hkim@uos.ac.kr FACULTY MEMBERS Doohwan Lee dolee@uos.ac.kr 21 Yonsoo Chung yonsoo@uos.ac.kr Jong Bum Lee jblee@uos.ac.kr
12 Department of Mechanical and Information Engineering (AFM: Atomic Force Microscopy) Ferroelectric Materials Testing System ME IT(MIE program)
13 Inhye Kang inhye@uos.ac.kr Dong Hun Shin shin@uos.ac.kr 24 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING Sang-joo Kim sjk@uos.ac.kr Taehyoun Kim thkim@uos.ac.kr Won Tae Kwon kwon@uos.ac.kr Myung Do Oh mdoh@uos.ac.kr Gwang Hoon Rhee ghrhee@uos.ac.kr Se Jung Lee selee@uos.ac.kr 25 Eunok Paek paek@uos.ac.kr FACULTY MEMBERS Soo Il Lee leesooil@uos.ac.kr
14 Department of Materials Science and Engineering SEM FE-SEM SEM / FE-SEM RF/DC Magnetron Sputtering System PL/PLE, UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer, FTIR X-ray Diffractometer UTM Impedance Analyzer (Solatron 1260) Climatic Chamber
15 Won-Joong Kim wjkim@uos.ac.kr DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Jung-Sik Kim jskim@uos.ac.kr Kwang Soo Yoo ksyoo@uos.ac.kr Oh-Sung Song songos@uos.ac.kr 28 Young-Wook Kim ywkim@uos.ac.kr FACULTY MEMBERS Myoung Seok Kwon mskwon@uos.ac.kr 29 Jae-Pil Jung jpjung@uos.ac.kr Byung Jun JUNG jungbj@uos.ac.kr
16 Department of Civil Engineering TWO-PINNED ARCH (R. R. Moore Rotating Beam Fatigue Testing System) (Wave Generator) M.I.P(PoreMaster GT Series : PM60GT-5) 1500person
17 Chang Soo Lee csll@uos.ac.kr Su Gon Lee sglee@uos.ac.kr 32 Song Lee scugeo@uos.ac.kr DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Yong Jun Cho young@uos.ac.kr FACULTY MEMBERS Hie Yong Jung hyjung@uos.ac.kr Young-Il Moon ymoon@uos.ac.kr 33 Sung Soon Yhim yhimss@uos.ac.kr Dae-Hong Kim dhkimhyd@uos.ac.kr
18 School of Computer Science
19 Hee Sung Kim hskim@uos.ac.kr Ha Jin Yu hjyu@uos.ac.kr Eui Kyeoug Hong ekhong99@gamil.com Jin Suk Kim kimjs@uos.ac.kr Sang Hyun Ahn ahn@uos.ac.kr Dong Hee Lee dhl_express@uos.ac.kr FACULTY MEMBERS 36 Byung Jeong Lee bjlee@uos.ac.kr Hyuk Choi chyuk@uos.ac.kr Minho Kim minhokim@uos.ac.kr 37 Seong Whan Kim swkim7@gmail.com SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE
20 College of Engineering University of Seoul Institute of Industrial Technology
21 College of Engineering University of Seoul Institute of Information Technology 40 41
22 College of Engineering University of Seoul Innovation Center for Engineering Education
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF SEOUL 지식과 기술에 희망을 담아내는 곳 서울시립대학교 공과대학 새로운 지식을 창조해가며 세상을 더욱 풍요롭게 하는 곳이 있습니다. 인류를 위한 기술을 탐구하며 미래를 더욱 밝혀가는 곳이 있습니다.
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF SEOUL School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering Department of Mechanical and Information Engineering Department of Materials
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