제32차 대한척추외과학회 춘계학술대회 May 29(Fri)-30(Sat), 2015 Alpensia Resort Convention Center, Pyeongchang

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1 제32차 대한척추외과학회 춘계학술대회 May 29(Fri)-30(Sat), 2015 Alpensia Resort Convention Center, Pyeongchang

2 인사말 대한척추외과학회가 1984년 창립되어 회원 여러분들의 희생과 노력으로 끊임없는 발전을 이루어 올해로 창립 30주년을 맞이하였 습니다. 우리나라 척추관련 학회 중 가장 오랜 역사를 가진 학회로 해외의 다른 학회와 비교해서도 뒤지지 않는 학회로 성장하였고, 회 원들의 연구 실적도 국제학회 발표 및 우수 연구 학술지를 통해 그 업적이 인정되고 있습니다. 이번 제 32차 대한척추외과학회 춘계학술대회에서는 학회의 국제 화를 위해 몇 가지 새로운 시도를 하였습니다. 학술 프로그램을 영 문으로 만들어서 해외 참가자들과 외국에 우리 학회의 발전상을 알 릴 수 있도록 하였고, 영어 세션을 개설하여 국내 연자뿐만 아니라 해외 연자들에게도 발표의 기회를 제공하였습니다. 그리고 초록집 을 대한척추외과학회지 proceeding으로 발간하고, 학술대회 초록 을 모바일 홈페이지에서 열람이 가능하도록 하였습니다. 학회의 발전과 밝은 미래를 위해 회원 여러분들의 적극적인 참여 를 부탁 드립니다. 감사합니다. 대한척추외과학회 회장 목 차 03 Program Summary 04 Program May 29 (Fri) 14 Program May 30 (Sat) 18 Poster 19 구연발표, 포스터전시 & 등록 안내 20 숙박안내 김기택

3 PROGRAM SUMMARY May 28 (Thu), 2015 Time Pyeongchang Hall1 (Convention Center 1 st floor) 09:00 12:00 Leadership Workshop 12:00 13:00 Lunch (Alpensia Troon CC) 19:00 21:00 Welcome reception (Pyeongchang Hall1) Time Alpensia Grand Ballroom 1&2 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 3 07:55-08:00 Opening remarks 08:00-08:36 Lumbar spine I Osteoporosis I 08:36-09:12 Lumbar spine II Osteoporosis II 09:12-09:48 Lumbar spine III Trauma 09:48-10:24 Lumbar spine IV Miscellaneous I 10:24-10:44 Coffee Break 10:44-11:30 Invited lecture I: Arvind Jayaswal 11:30-11:50 Past-presidential lecture 11:50-12:20 Business meeting 12:20-13:10 Luncheon Symposium 13:10-14:10 Symposium I: Osteoporosis 14:10-14:35 Invited lecture II: Behrooz Akbarnia 14:35-15:35 Symposium II-A: Cervical OPLL Symposium II-B: Long level lumbar fusion 15:35-15:55 Coffee Break 15:55-16:40 English I MISS I 16:40-17:25 English II MISS II 17:25-18:10 Basic Miscellaneous II 18:10-18:15 Group Photo 18:30-20:30 Gala dinner (Montblanc restaurant) May 30 (Sat), 2015 Time Alpensia Grand Ballroom 1&2 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 3 08:00-08:36 Cervical spine I Deformity I 08:40-09:35 Invited lecture III: Kuniyoshi Abumi 09:35-10:15 Symposium III: Thoracolumbar fracture 10:15-10:35 Coffee Break 10:35-11:11 Cervical spine II Deformity II 11:11-11:47 Cervical spine III Deformity III 11:47-12:23 Cervical spine IV Deformity IV 12:23- Adjourn

4 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 1&2 07:55-08:00 Opening remarks President: Ki-Tack Kim 08:00-08:36 Lumbar spine I Moderator: Chang-Hoon Jeon / Hun-Kyu Shin 08:00-08:05 Segmental lordosis restoration of interbody fusion and affecting factors in degenerative lumbar disease Eung-Ha Kim, Jung-Moo Seo, Jung-Hyun Ahn Soonchunhyang Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 08:05-08:10 Effects of lordotic angle of cage on sagittal alignmemt and clinical outcomes in one level posterior lumbar interbody fusion with pedicle screw fixation Ji-Ho Lee, Dong-Oh Lee, Jae Hyup Lee, Hee Jong Shim Seoul National Univ. Boramae Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 08:10-08:15 The correlation between cage subsidence with bone mineral density and clinical results in posterior lumbar interbody fusion Kyu Won Oh, Jae Hyup Lee, Ji-Ho Lee, Do-Yoon Lee, Hee Jong Shim Seoul National Univ. Boramae Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 08:15-08:20 Impact of knee osteoarthritis on spinal sagittal alignment of lumbar degenerative disease patients undergoing posterior instrumentation and fusion. minimum 5-year follow-up. 08:20-08:36 Discussion Ki-Han You 1, Yong-Chan Kim 1, Tae-Hwan Kim 1, Jae-Keun Oh 2, Moon-Soo Park 1, Seok-Woo Kim 1 Hallym Univ. Sacred Heart Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Dept. of Neurosurg. 2 08:36-09:12 Lumbar spine II Moderator: Ho-Geun Jang / Ki-Chan Ahn 08:36-08:41 Efficiency and safety of demineralized bone matrix for lumbar posterolateral fusion Jae-Sung Ahn, Hojin Lee, Eugene Park, Chang-Kyun Noh Chungnam National Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 08:41-08:46 Robot-assisted vs. freehand pedicle screw fixation in the lumbar spine - A prospective randomized controlled trial - A perspective for early radiological and perioperative outcomes Ho-Joong Kim 1, Bong-Soon Chang 2, Choon-Ki Lee 2, Jin S. Yeom 1 Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Seoul National Univ. Hosp. 2 08:46-08:51 The cost effectiveness of recylceing pedicle screws during extension revision Surg. for adjacent segmental disease following lumbar posterolateral fusion Chang-Nam Kang, Ji-Hoon Shim, Young-Hoon Jo Hanyang Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 08:51-08:56 Outcome of unilateral pedicle screw instrumentation in single level lumbar interbody fusion 08:56-09:12 Discussion Joonghyun Ahn 2, Jae Chul Lee 1, Sung-Woo Choi 1, Hae-Dong Jang 1, Byung-Joon Shin 1 Soonchunhyang Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 KEPCO Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2 09:12-09:48 Lumbar spine III Moderator: Hwan-Mo Lee / Bong-Soon Jang 09:12-09:17 Clinical analysis of related factors for motor weakness recovery after lumbar disc herniation Surg. Dae Moo Shim, Tae Kyun Kim, Chang Hyun Shin, Min Su Joo Wonkwang Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 4

5 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 3 08:00-08:36 Osteoporosis I Moderator: Tae Kyun Kim / Kee-Won Rhyu 08:00-08:05 Does anti-osteoporosis medication affect fracture healing for osteoporotic spinal fractures? Kee-Yong Ha, Young-Hoon Kim, Kwang-Sun Park, Sang-Il Kim 08:05-08:10 Efficacy of BMD value for the fracture risk prediction in korean FRAX model Seoul St. Mary s Hosp. The Catholic Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. Jin-Sung Park, Jaewon Lee, Ki-Chul Park, Chung-Il Lee, Ye-Soo Park Guri Hosp. Hanyang Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 08:10-08:15 Bone Union rate of PLIF using local bone graft in long term bisphosphonates users Si Young Park 1, Seung Woo Suh 2, Jae Young Hong 3, Jae Hyuck Yang 2, Hyun Min Lee 1 Korea Univ. Anam Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Korea Univ. Guro Hosp. 2 Korea Univ. Ansan Hosp. 3 08:15-08:20 How much does bone mineral density increase after short-term teriparatide treatment ( 12 months) in patients with osteoporosis? 08:20-08:36 Discussion Ki-Tack Kim 1, Sang-Hun Lee 1, Jung-Hee Lee 2, Kyung-Chung Kang 2, Young-Wan Ko 2 Kyung Hee Univ. Hosp. at Gangdong Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Kyung Hee Medical Center 2 08:36-09:12 Osteoporosis II Moderator: Dong-Eun Shin / Deuk-Soo Jun 08:36-08:41 Determining prognostic factors and treatment modality in osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture Ji eun Kwon, Young joon Ahn, Jong min Kim, Bo kyu Yang, Seung rim Yi, Se hyuk Im, Ye hyun Lee 08:41-08:46 Risk factor for the failure of acute pain control in vertebroplasty National Police Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. Tae-Hwan Kim, Moon Soo Park, Seok Woo Kim, Yong-Chan Kim Hallym Univ. Sacred Heart Hosp. Spine Center 08:46-08:51 Prevalence and risk factor of osteoporotic vertebral fracture in Cushing syndrome Sang-Yoon Im, Byeong-Mun Park, Kyung-Sub Song, Su-Keon Lee, Sang-Phil Yoon, Seung-Hwan Lee Kwang-Myeong Sung-Ae Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 08:51-08:56 Osteoporotic spinal fracture and sagittal balance in traditional women diver in Jeju island 08:56-09:12 Discussion Jun-Yeong Seo 1, Shin-il Kim 1, Yong-suk Kwon 1, Kee-Yong Ha 2 Jeju National Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Seoul St. Mary s Hosp. 2 09:12-09:48 Trauma Moderator: Dae-Mu Shim / Jin-Hwan Kim 09:12-09:17 Prevertebral soft tissue swelling after anterior cervical dissectomy and fusion in patients with low cervical spine injury - Comparison between patients of trauma and non-trauma - Heui Jeon Park, Ki Youn Kwon, Kyeng Jin Hong, Jun Pyo Lee Wonju, Yonsei Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 5

6 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 1&2 09:17-09:22 Clinical outcome of simple discectomy for the recurrent lumbar disc herniation 09:22-09:27 Direction of migration in Lumbar extruded disc Dong Jun Kim, Young Do Koh, Jong Oh Kim, Hyung Mook Lim Ewha Womans Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. Chul Hyung Kang 1, Eun Seok Son 1, Du Whan Kim 2, Suk Joong Lee 1, Jae Won Jung 1 09:27-09:32 Anterior fusion and additional percutaneous pedicle screw fixation for infective discitis - Comparison with anterior debridement and fusion alone - 09:32-09:48 Discussion Keimyung Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Keimyung Univ. Rehabilitation Medicine 2 Seo Hyoung-Yeon, Chung Jae-Yoon, Kim Sung-Kyu, Choi Jun-Ik, Woo Seong-Hwan Chonnam National Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 09:48-10:24 Lumbar spine IV Moderator: Whoan-Jeong Kim / Young-Do Koh 09:48-09:53 The effect of pedicle screw fixation and posterior fusion for lumbar degenerative diseases on individual paraspinal muscle and lower back pain Yong-Chan Kim 1, Hyung-Joon Kim 1, Tae-Hwan Kim 1, Jae-Keun Oh 2, Woo-Kyoung Yoo 3, Moon-Soo Park 1, Seok-Woo Kim 1 Hallym Univ. Sacred Heart Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Dept. of Neurosurg. 2 Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 3 09:53-09:58 Risk factor analysis of residual low back pain after decompressive Surg. for lumbar spinal stenosis Jae Chul Lee, Hae-Dong Jang, Sung-Woo Choi, Soo-Jin Yoon, Byung-Joon Shin Soonchunhyang Univ. Seoul Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 09:58-10:03 Does tranexamic acid increase the incidence of thromboembolism after lumbar fusion Surg.? Young-Tae, Kim, Kyu-Jung, Cho, Sung-Jo, Yang, Nak-Chul, Kim 10:03-10:08 Prevalence of fibromyalgia and its characteristics in lumbar spinal stenosis 10:08-10:24 Discussion 10:24-10:44 Coffee Break Inha Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. Chul-Hyun Ki 1, Jae-Ho Yang 1, Sun-Young Kim 1, Byung-Ho Lee 2, Jee-Hye Kim 1, Kyung-Soo Suk 1, Hak-Sun Kim 1, Seong-Hwan Moon 1, Hwan-Mo Lee 1 Yonsei Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Catholic Kwandong Univ. International St. Mary s Hosp. 2 10:44-11:30 Invited lecture I Moderator: Chong-Suh Lee 10:44-11:04 Severe rigid scoliosis-management strategies Arvind jayaswal All India Institute of Medical Sciences 11:04-11:24 Management of tuberculous infection of the spine Arvind jayaswal 11:24-11:30 Discussion All India Institute of Medical Sciences 6

7 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 3 09:17-09:22 The comparisons of the recovery rate and amount of postoperative muscle weakness between traumatic cervical myelopathy and non-traumatic cervical myelopathy Kyu Yeol Lee, Jeong Ho Seo, Min Woo Kim, Dong Ryul Kim Dong-A Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 09:22-09:27 Osteoporotic thoracolumbar junctional vertebral body fracture with a spinous process fracture: Its clinical and radiologic significances Tae-Hwan Kim, Moon Soo Park, Seok Woo Kim, Yong-Chan Kim Hallym Univ. Sacred Heart Hosp. Spine Center 09:27-09:32 Three-column reconstruction through single-stage posterior approach for the treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures Myung-Guk Cho 1, Ki-Tack Kim 2, Dae-Jean Jo 3, Eun-Min Seo 1 09:32-09:48 Discussion Chunchon Sacred Heart Hosp., Hallym Univ. Chuncheon Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Spine Center, Kyung Hee Univ. Hospital at Gangdong 2 Dept. of Neurosurgery Spine Center, Kyung Hee Univ. Hosp. at Gangdong 3 09:48-10:24 Miscellaneous I Moderator: Yong-Ki Choi / Woo-Dong Nam 09:48-09:53 Risk factor and prognostic factor of spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma Hwan Jung Kim 1, Kun Young Park 2, Kyung Hun Park 1, Won Sik Choy 1, Sang Wook Jeung 1 Eulji Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Daejeon Veterans Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2 09:53-09:58 Efficacy and safety of prophylactic tranexamic acid in single level posterior spinal fusion Ki-Tack Kim 1, Sang-Hun Lee 1, Jung-Hee Lee 2, Kyung-Chung Kang 2, Sang-Phil Hwang 1, Soo-Jin Jang 1, Jung-Suk Lee 1, Ju-Hyun Nam 1 Kyung Hee Univ. Hosp. at Gang Dong Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Kyung Hee Univ. Medical Center 2 09:58-10:03 The effects of anticoagulation or antiplatelet agents in spine surgery patients Ju-Rang Lee, Dong-Hun Ham, Jong-Hyun Ko, Kyung-Jin Song Chonbuk National Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 10:03-10:08 The analysis of sacrococcygeal morphology in korean by using CT Yoon Min Geun, Moon Myung-Sang, Lee Sang-Min, Kwon Ki-Tea, Kim Dong-Hyun Cheju Halla hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 10:08-10:24 Discussion 10:24-10:44 Coffee Break 7

8 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 1&2 11:30-11:50 Past-presidential lecture Moderator: Ki-Tack Kim Chong-Suh Lee 11:50-12:20 Business meeting Moderator: Ki-Tack Kim 12:20-13:10 Luncheon symposium: Pfizer Moderator: Chang-Hoon Jeon / Dong-Jun Kim 12:10-12:30 Why Lyrica? A valuable option in neuropathic pain management Jae Hyup Lee Seoul National Univ. 12:30-12:50 The management of degenerative OA in spine Kwang Sup Song Choong Ang Univ. 13:10-14:10 Symposium I: Osteoporosis Moderator: Kee-Yong Ha Part I: General managements 13:10-13:12 Case presentation (Acute osteoporotic compression Fx) Kee-Yong Ha Seoul St. Mary s Hosp., The Catholic Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 13:12-13:18 Why osteoporosis is critial issue for orthopedic surgeon? Ye-Soo Park Hanyang Univ. Guri Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 13:18-13:24 What should we do and not do in this case? Seong-Hwan Moon Yonsei Univ. Severance Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 13:24-14:10 What s old and new in medical treatments? Si-Young Park Korea Univ. Anam Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 14:10-14:20 Discussion Part II: Surgical issues 14:20-14:22 Case presentation (Collapse progression with neurological deficit) Kee-Yong Ha Seoul St. Mary s Hosp. The Catholic Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 14:22-14:28 Conservative managements Ho-Joong Kim Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 14:28-14:34 Anterior-posterior surgery Young-Hoon Kim Seoul St. Mary s Hosp., The Catholic Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 14:34-14:40 Posterior only surgery (PVCR or 3 column Surgery) Jung-Hee Lee Kyung Hee Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 14:40-14:10 Discussion 14:10-14:35 Invited lecture II Moderator: Choon Sung Lee 14:10-14:30 Early onset scoliosis (EOS): What do we know in 2015? Behrooz Akbarnia Univ. of California, San Diego 14:30-14:35 Discussion 14:35-15:35 Symposium II-A: Debate-Current concept in the management of multi-level cervical OPLL Moderator: Kyung-Jin Song 14:35-14:40 Case presentation and voting Kyung-Jin Song Chonbuk National Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 8

9 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 3 12:20-13:10 Luncheon symposium: Hanmi / Naxozol Moderator: Whoan Jeang Kim 12:10-12:20 PPI Prescriptions and long-term usefulness of the evidence established Soo Heon Park Catholic Univ. 12:20-12:30 The connection between cardiovascular risk and the choice of NSAIDs for optimal pain treatment Si Young Park Korea Univ. 14:35-15:35 Symposium II-B: Long level lumbar fusion Moderator: Jin-Hyok Kim 14:35-14:38 Introduction Jin-Hyok Kim Inje Univ., Sanggye Paik Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 14:38-14:45 When to perform Sung-Soo Kim Inje Univ. Haeundae Paik Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 9

10 10 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 1&2 14:40-14:50 General review including natural history and timing of treatment Jong-Beom Park Uijeongbu St. Mary s Hosp., The Catholic Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 14:50-14:57 Conservative management: All is not as it looks Byung-Wan Choi Inje Univ. Haeundae Paik Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 14:57-15:04 Anterior approach is mandatory Dong-Ho Lee Dept. of Orthop. Surg., Asan Medical Center, Univ. of Ulsan 15:04-15:11 Posterior approach is enough Kwang-Sup Song Chung-Ang Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 15:11-15:18 Combined approach is optional but necessary Sang-Hun Lee Kyung Hee Univ. Hosp. at Gangdong Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 15:18-15:35 Discussion 15:35-15:55 Coffee Break 15:55-16:40 English I Moderator: Yong-Min Kim / Young-Woo Kim 15:55-16:03 Pro-active vs. reactive treatment of CP scoliosis: the 90 degree threshold Burt Yaszay Rady Children s Hosp., San Diego, California 16:03-16:11 Finite element modeling of proximal junctional kyphosis: etiology and treatment Patrick Cahill Shriners Hosp. for Children, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 16:11-16:19 A new predictive model of progression for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis based on 3d spine parameters at the first visit: the results of a 6 year prospective observational study Stefan Parent Hosp. Sainte-Justine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 16:19-16:24 Is the c7 sagittal vertical axis (SVA) the best radiographic measure to predict clinical outcomes in adult spinal deformity? Yong-Chan Kim 1, Cheol-Jung Yang 1, Ho-Geun Chang 1, Young-Woo Kim 1, Tae-Hwan Kim 1, 16:24-16:40 Discussion Jae-Keun Oh 2, Moon-Soo Park 1, Seok-Woo Kim 1, Lawrence G. Lenke 3 Hallym Univ. Sacred Heart Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Dept. of Neurosurg. 2 Washington Univ., School of Medicine Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 3 16:40-17:25 English II Moderator: Byung-Joon Shin / Sung-Hwan Moon 16:40-16:45 Alteration of the cervical instantaneous center of rotation (ICR) in preoperative and postoperative cervical fusion patient using a novel computer assisted method -Preliminary report- Shaobai Wang 1, Jae-Hyuk Shin 2, Moon-Soo Park 2, Ho-Guen Chang 2 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Graduate Student 1 Hallym Univ. Dongtan Sacred Heart Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2 16:45-16:50 Prevalence and etiology of hip, knee or spinal osteoarthritis with risk factors - Analysis in 8976 aged population with national wide health survey Jae-Young Hong 1, Yoon-Gwang Bae 1, Seung-Woo Suh 2, Jae-Hyuk Yang 2, Si-Young Park 3 Korea Univ. Ansan Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Korea Univ. Guro Hosp. 2 Korea Univ. Anam Hosp. 3 16:50-16:55 Do all adult spinal deformity patients with possible pseudarthrosis at a minimum 5 year follow-up need revision surgery? Yong-Chan Kim 1, Chan-Hyeok Kim 1, Ho-Geun Chang 1, Young-Woo Kim 1, Lawrence G. Lenke 3, Tae-Hwan Kim 1, Jae-Keun Oh 2, Moon-Soo Park 1, Seok-Woo Kim 1 Hallym Univ. Sacred Heart Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Dept. of Neuro Surg. 2 Washington Univ., School of Medicine Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 3

11 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 3 14:45-14:52 What are perioperative risks and complications? Yung Park National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hosp. 14:52-14:59 Techniques and procedures to improve outcomes Ki Ho Na Catholic Univ. St. Paul s Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 14:59-15:06 Does Iliac crew really improve outcomes? Deuk Soo Jun Gachon Univ. Gil Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 15:06-15:13 Rate of hardware failure and adjacent segment disease Min-Seok Kim Incheon Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 15:13-15:20 Techniques of revision surgery Kyu-Jung Cho Inha Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 15:20-15:27 Long-term clinical outcomes and durability Dong Ki Ahn Seoul Sacred Heart General Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 15:27-15:35 Discussion 15:35-15:55 Coffee Break 15:55-16:40 MISS I Moderator: Keun-Ho Park / Jae Chul Le 15:55-16:00 Usefullness of the selective nerve root block for cervical radiculopathy Myun-Whan Ahn, Sung-Jun Lee, Whee-Sung Son Yeungnam Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 16:00-16:05 The effectivenss of selective nerve root block for lower cervical spine with use of ultrasonic device in outpatient Chang Su Kim 1, Tae Kyun Kim 2, Dae Moo Shim 2, Sang Hyo Kim 1 Kosin Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Wonkwang Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2 16:05-16:10 Comparison the accuracy between open and percutaneous pedicle screw fixation in the same patient Choi Jun Ik, Chung Jae Yoon, Seo Hyoung yeon, Kim Sung Kyu, Na Bo Ram Chonnam National Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 16:10-16:15 Percutaneous pedicle screw fixation in the lumbar spondylolisthesis and spondylosis a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of comparative safety and efficacy with conventional open pedicle screw instrumentation Yung Park 1, Sang-Ok Soek 1, Soo-Bin Lee 1, Joong Won Ha 1, Hyun-Sun Lim 2 National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hosp., Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hosp. Dept. of Policy Research Affairs 2 16:15-16:20 Comparison analysis and efficacy of minimally invasive DLIF and TLIF in surgical treatment of degenarive scoliosis Sang-Hyuk Min, Sung-Hyun Yoon, Chang-Hwan Hwang, Jeong-Sang Kim 16:20-16:40 Discussion Dankook Univ. Mediacal Collage Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 16:40-17:25 MISS II Moderator: Kyung-Hyun Shin / Yung Park 16:40-16:45 Comparison of percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectimy and open lumbar microscopic discectomy for single level lumbar intervertebral disc herniation: a randomized controlled trial Sang-Hyuk Min, Sung-Hyun Yoon, Chang-Hwan Hwang, Suk-Hyung Yi Dankook Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 16:45-16:50 The effectiveness of epiduroscopic laser neural decompression for lumbar disc herniation Young Dae Jeon, Chang Su Kim, Jae Do Kim Kosin Univ. Gospel Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 16:50-16:55 A surgical navigation system for epiduroscopic laser neural decompression Sangseo Jeon 1, Young Dae Jeon 2, Chang Su Kim 2, Jaesung Hong 1, Jae Do Kim 2 Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology Dept. of Robotics Engineering 1 Kosin Univ. Gospel Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2 11

12 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 1&2 16:55-17:00 ACDF with total en bloc resection of uncinate in foraminal stenosis of the cervical spine: Comparison with conventional ACDF Pierre Mella 1, Hak-Sun Kim 1, Seong-Hwan Moon 2, Hwan-Mo Lee 2, Jin-O Park 4, Joong-Won Ha 3, Sung-Yup Jin 1, Hyuk Jun 1, Kyung-Soo Suk 1 Yonsei Univ. Gangnam Severance Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Yonsei Univ. Severance Hosp. 2 National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hosp. 3 Yonsei Univ. Yongin Severance Hosp. 4 17:00-17:05 Improving pedicle screw fixation strength using hydroxyapatite sticks in patients with osteoporosis and osteopenia 17:05-17:25 Discussion Sung Joon Shin, Jae Hyup Lee, Hee Jong Shim, Guang Bin Zheng, Yuan Zhe Jin, Ji-Ho Lee Seoul National Univ. Boramae Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 17:25-18:10 Basic Moderator: Myun-Whan Ahn / Yong-Soo Choi 17:25-17:30 The neurological alterations in the central nervous system of lumber facet joint osteoarthritic animal model with chronic low back pain Hong-Moon Sohn 1, Jae-won You 1, Sung Jung 1, Su-Gwan Kim 2, Jae-Sung Kim 2 Chosun Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 School of Dentistry, Chosun Univ. Oral Biology Research Institution 2 17:30-17:35 Association of plasminogen activator inhibitor - 1 gene polymorphisms with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures in postmenopausal women Dong-Eun Shin, Tae-Keun Ahn, Sun-Tae Bong CHA Bundang Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 17:35-17:40 A comparative in vivo and in vitro study of osteoinduction in activin A/BMP-2 chimera and rhbmp-2 Jae Hyup Lee 1, Byung-Hak Yoon 2, Guang Bin Zheng 1, Guang Bin Zheng 1, Kyung Mee Lee 1, Hee Jong Shim 1, Yuan Zhe Jin 1, Sung Joon Shin 1, Ji-Ho Lee 1 Seoul National Univ. Boramae Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Joint Center for Biosciences Protein Engineering Laboratory 2 17:40-17:45 In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the biocompatibility and bone regeneration of nano-whitlockite Guang Bin Zheng 1, Hae Lin Jang 2, Kyung Mee Lee 3, Hae-Ri Baek 3, Hee Jong Shim 3, Yuan Zhe Jin 3, Sung Joon Shin 3, Bong-Soon Chang 1, Choon-Ki Lee 1, Jae Hyup Lee 1 Seoul National Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Seoul National Univ. Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering 2 Seoul National Univ. Boramae Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 3 17:45-17:50 The location of instant center of rotation in the cervical spine during in vivo dynamic flexion-extension Kwang-Sup Song 1, Seong Hwan Kim 2, Seung Bum Koo 3 Chung-Ang Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Busan Kookun Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2 Chung-Ang Univ. Mechanical Engineering 3 17:50-18:10 Discussion 18:10-18:15 Group Photo 18:30-20:30 Gala dinner (Montblanc restaurant) 12

13 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 3 16:55-17:00 Comparison of clinical results between transforaminal epidural steroid injection and percutaneous epidural neuroplasty Soo-An Park, Jae-Jong Jung, Jai-Ho Lee Uijeongbu St. Mary s Hospital, The Catholic Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 17:00-17:05 The efficacy of the caudal epidural block in patients with chronic low back pain according to the contribution of neuropathic pain component 17:05-17:25 Discussion An Ki Chan, Park Dae Hyun, Baik Jong Min Inje Univ. Busan Paik Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 17:25-18:10 Miscellaneous II Moderator: Dong-Ki Ahn / Chang-Nam Kang 17:25-17:30 The association between psychiatric factors and the development of chronic dysphagia after anterior cervical spine surgery Jung Sub Lee 1, Sung Shik Kang 2, Jong Ki Shin 1, Tae Sik Goh 1 Pusan National Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Pusan National Univ. Yangsan Hosp. 2 17:30-17:35 Influence of pain sensitivity on surgical outcomes after lumbar spine surgery in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis Ho-Joong Kim 1, Bong-Soon Chang 2, Choon-Ki Lee 2, Ruth Ruscheweyh 3, Sung Shik Kang 4, Jin S. Yeom 1 Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Seoul National Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2 Dept. of Neurology Univ. of Munich 3 Pusan National Univ. Yangsan Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 4 17:35-17:40 Vitamin D level and hand grip strength as risk factors of actual fall in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis Jae-Ho Yang 1, Sun-Young Kim 1, Chul-Hyun Ki 1, Byoung-Ho Lee 2, Jee-Hye Kim 1, Kyung-Soo Suk 1, Hak-Sun Kim 1, Hwan-Mo Lee 1, Seong-Hwan Moon 1 Yonsei Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Catholic Kwandong Univ. International St. Mary s Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2 17:40-17:45 Clinical application of SINS (Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score) system in patients undergoing radiotherapy for metastatic spinal tumor SeJun Park, Chong Suh Lee, Sung Soo Chung, Sang Soo Kang, Wan Soek Kim, Jun Young Lee Samsung Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 17:45-17:50 Does the surgery have benefit for the metastatic spinal cord compression in patients with poor prognosis expected? SeJun Park, Chong Suh Lee, Sung Soo Chung, Sang Soo Kang, Wan Soek Kim, Jun Young Lee Samsung Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 17:50-18:10 Discussion 13

14 14 May 30 (Sat), 2015 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 1&2 08:00-08:36 Cervical spine I Moderator: Jae-Sung Ahn / Dong-Ho Lee 08:00-08:05 The impact of fat infiltration in cervical extensor muscle on the cervical lordosis and clinical scales Yongsoo Choi, Daehee Kim, Choongyoung Kim 08:05-08:10 The kyphotic curvature of the spinal cord after laminoplasty Kwangju Christian Hosp.Dept. of Orthop. Surg. Dae Geun Kim 1, Jung Ki Ha 2, Jae Hyun Kim 2, Jae Hwan Cho 2, Chang Ju Hwang 2, Choon Sung Lee 2, Dong-Ho Lee 2 Chungcheongbuk Chungju Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Univ. Ulsan Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2 08:10-08:15 Radiographic dimensional analysis of open door laminoplasty with plate in cervical spondylotic myelopathy Chang-Wha Lee, Woo-Kie Min Kyungpook National Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 08:15-08:20 Laminectomy versus laminoplasty on C3 for cervical spondylotic myelopathy involved C3 08:20-08:36 Discussion Jung-Ki Ha, Dong-Ho Lee, Jae Hwan Cho, Choon Sung Lee, Chang Ju Hwang, Sunghun Choi, Chul Gie Hong, Jaehyoun Kim Ulsan Univ. Asan Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 08:40-09:35 Invited lecture II Moderator: Jae -Yoon Chung 08:40-09:10 Surgical treatment of dropped head syndrome Kuniyoshi Abumi Sapporo Orthopaedic Hospital- Center for Spinal Disorders 09:10-09:30 Total en-block spondylectomy for thoracic and lumbar spinal tumors Kuniyoshi Abumi 09:30-09:35 Discussion Sapporo Orthopaedic Hospital- Center for Spinal Disorder 09:35-10:15 Symposium III: Thoracolumbar fracture Moderator: Kyu-Yeol Lee 09:35-09:45 Classification of thoracolumbar fracture Seoung-Jun Ahn Daedong Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 09:45-09:55 Conservative versus operative treatment of thoracolumbar fracture Bong-Soon Chang Seoul National Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 09:55-10:05 Recent surgical method of thoracolumbar fracture Hun-Kyu Shin Sungkyunkwan Univ. Kangbuk Samsung Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 10:05-10:15 Discussion 10:15-10:35 Coffee Break 10:35-11:16 Cervical spine II Moderator: Dong-Jun Kim / Kyung-Soo Suk 10:35-10:40 Efficacy of plain lateral cervical spine radiography for the diagnosis of single level cervical disc disease 10:40-10:45 The use of T1 sagittal angle in predicting cervical disc degeneration Heo In Sung, Ko Jong Hyun, Ham Dong Hun, Song Kyung Jin Chonbuk national Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. Seung-Hwan Lee, Byeong-Mun Park, Kyung-Sub Song, Su-Keon Lee, Sang-Phil Yoon Kwang-Myeong Sung-Ae Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 10:45-10:50 Cervical spine sagittal alignment in 241 OPLL patients: Does it affect the spinal cord compression and clinical findings? Byung-Wan Choi 1, Sung-Soo Kim 1, Dong-Hyun Lee 1, Han Chang 2 Inje Univ. Haeundae Paik Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Busan Korea Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2

15 May 30 (Sat), 2015 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 3 08:00-08:36 Deformity I Moderator: Ye-Soo Park/ Seung-Woo Suh 08:00-08:05 Clinical and radiologic outcomes of posterior instrumented fusion combined with vertebroplasty in old aged patients who have post-traumatic kyphosis due to thoracolumbar osteoporotic vertebral fractures with intravertebral cleft Jun-Seok Lee, Sung-Wook Cho, Ki-Won Kim Yeouido St. Mary Hosp., College of Medicine, The Catholic Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 08:05-08:10 Risk factors of proximal junctional kyphosis after adult deformity correction: Survivalship analysis of 49 patients Chong Suh Lee, Sung Soo Chung, Se Jun Park, Sang Soo Kang, Wan Soek Kim, Jun Young Lee Samsung Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 08:10-08:15 Proximal junctional kyphosis following combined short anterior and posterior fusion to sacrum without osteotomy in degenerative lumbar kyphosis Jung-Hee Lee 1, Kyung-Chung Kang 1, Ki-Tack Kim 2, Sang-Hun Lee 2, Ho-Yeon Jeong 1, Won-Ju Shin 1 Kyung Hee Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Kyung Hee Univ. Hosp. at Gangdong 2 08:15-08:20 Correlation of lumbar paraspinal muscle degeneration and kyphosis: The quatiative analysis using MRI Hun Kyu Shin, Hwajae Jung, Eugene Kim, Jaihyung Park, Sejin Park, Jino Lee 08:20-08:36 Discussion Kangbuk Samsung Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 10:15-10:35 Coffee Break 10:35-11:11 Deformity II Moderator: Eung-Ha Kim / Dong-Soo Kim 10:35-10:40 Posterior vertebral column resection in the treatment of congenital scoliosis: More than 10-year follow-up Dong-Gune Chang, Jin-Hyok Kim, Dong-Ju Lim, Se-Il Suk Inje Univ. Sanggye Paik Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 10:40-10:45 A comparive study of surgical outcomes by the age at the time of surgery in the treatment of congenital scoliosis in children under age 10 years Dong-Gune Chang, Jin-Hyok Kim, Dong-Ju Lim, Se-Il Suk Inje Univ. Sanggye Paik Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 10:45-10:50 Long-term follow-up results of growing rod technique in pediatric scoliosis patients Hwan Mo Lee 1, Hak Sun Kim 2, Seong Hwan Moon 1, Kyung Soo Suk 2, Sung Yub Jin 2, Pierre Mella 2, Hyuk Jeon 2, Jin Hee Baik 2 Severance Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Gangnam Severance Hosp. 2 15

16 May 30 (Sat), 2015 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 1&2 10:50-10: cervical realignment procedure for extensive cervical OPLL with kyphotic deformity 10:55-11:11 Discussion 16 Sang-Hun Lee 1, Ki-Tack Kim 1, Jung-Hee Lee 2, Kyung-Chung Kang 2, Sang-Phil Hwang 1, Soo-Jin Jang 1 Kyung Hee Univ. Hosp. at Gangdong Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Kyung Hee Univ. Hosp. 2 11:11-11:47 Cervical spine III Moderator: Heui-Jeon Park / Jong-Beom Park 11:11-11:16 Stenosis in the thoracic and lumbar spines of patients with cervical myelopathy Moon Soo Park, Ki Han You, Kyung Won Song, Jin Young Lee, Ho Guen Chang, Young Woo Kim, Yong Chan Kim, Kook Jin Chung, Jae Hyuk Shin, Tae-Hwan Kim 11:16-11:21 The factors affecting the perioperative complications in cervical myelopathy Medical College of Hallym Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. Kyu Yeol Lee, Jeong Ho Seo, Min Woo Kim, Young Hun Jung Dong-A Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 11:21-11:26 Is it in or out? The optimal fluoroscopic views for intraoperative determination of proper lateral mass screw placement Sang Bum Kim 1, Kun Young Park 3, Ki-Hyoung Koo 2, Yougun Won 1, John Rhee 4, William C. Hutton 4, Chulmin Kim 5 Konyang University Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Dongguk Univ. Ilsan Hosp. 2 Daejeon Vetrans Hosp. 3 Emory Spine Center, School of Medicine, Emory Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 4 Univ. of West Georgia Dept. of Mathematics 5 11:26-11:31 The effect of hubbing on the pull-out strength of lateral mass screws in the cervical spine: A biomechanical experiment 11:31-11:47 Discussion Ki-Hyoung Koo 1, Jae Jun Yang 1, Sang Bum Kim 2, S. Tim Yoon 3, William C. Hutton 3 Dongguk Univ. Ilsan Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Konyang Univ. Hosp. 2 Emory Spine Center, School of Medicine, Emory Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 3 11:47-12:23 Cervical spine IV Moderator: Jae-Won You / Seok-Woo Kim 11:47-11:52 Comparison of efficacy between L-ASR allo-bone cage and auto-graft in ACDF Jae-Young Hong 1, Yoon-Gwang Bae 1, Seung-Woo Suh 2, Jae-Hyuk Yang 2, Si-Young Park 3 Korea Univ. Ansan Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Korea Univ. Guro Hosp. 2 Korea Univ. Anam Hosp. 3 11:52-11:57 A comparative study of the anterior cervical fusion with harms cage versus iliac bone block: Clinical and radiological outcomes Seong Hwan Woo, Jae Yoon Chung, Hyoung Yeon Seo, Sung Kyu Kim, Jun Ik Choi Chonnam National Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 11:57-12:02 Prognosis of hardware related problems in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with cage and plate constructs Dong-Hun Ham, Jong-Hyun Ko, Kyung-Jin Song Chonbuk National Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 12:02-12:07 Subsidence of PEEK cage after anterior cervical fusion Yong-min Kim, Seung-myung Choi, Hyung-ki Lee 12:07-12:23 Discussion Chonbuk National Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 12:23-12:30 Adjourn President: Ki-Tack Kim

17 May 30 (Sat), 2015 Alpensia Grand Ballroom 3 10:50-10:55 The effect of titanium & cobalt chrome material rod in the operation of neuromuscular scoliosis (Correction & Posterior fusion) Jae Hyuk Yang 1, Seung-Woo Suh 1, Si Young Park 2, Jae Young Hong 2, Jin Ho Hwang 3, Hee Dong Lee 1, Jung Woo Choi 1, Soo Hyun Kim 1 10:55-11:11 Discussion Korea Univ. Medical Center Guro Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Medical Center Anam Hosp. 2 Shinchon Severance Hosp. 3 11:11-11:47 Deformity III Moderator: Hak-Jin Min/ Hak-Sun Kim 11:11-11:16 Analysis of scoliosis surgeries: experience of more than 1,000 cases at a single center Choon Sung Lee, Jung Ki Ha, Dae Geun Kim, Jaehyoun Kim, Sunghun Choi, Chulgie Hong, Yoonsuk Joo, Chang Ju Hwang, Dong-Ho Lee, Jae Hwan Cho Asan Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 11:16-11:21 The effect of the material of the rod to the axial rotation of the apical vertebra in the idiopathic scoliosis patients with double scoliosis who underwent posterior decompression and fusion. Jae Hyuk Yang 1, Seung-Woo Suh 1, Si Young Park 2, Jae Young Hong 2, Jin Ho Hwang 3, Hee Dong Lee 1, Jung Woo Choi 1, Soo Hyun Kim 1 Korea Univ. Medical Center Guro Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Korea Univ. Medical Center Anam Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2 Yonsei Univ. Severance Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 3 11:21-11:26 Selective lumbar fusion in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis of lenke type 6C: Can it be an effective treatment option just as in lenke type 5C? Choon-Ki Lee, Hyoungmin Kim, Guang Bin Zheng, Jae Hong Ha, Bong-Soon Chang, Doohyun Kwon, Jong- Hun Jung Seoul National Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 11:26-11:31 Clinical application of smart band in diagnosis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis Jae Hwan Cho, Jung Ki Ha, Chang Ju Hwang, Dong-Ho Lee, Mi Young Lee, So Jung Yoon, Han Bit Lee, Choon Sung Lee 11:31-11:47 Discussion Asan Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 11:47-12:23 Deformity IV Moderator: Soon-Taek Jeong / Ki-Ho Na 11:47-11:52 Quantitative analysis of a spine surgeon s learning curve for scoliosis surgery ingle surgeon s practice Jin Ho Hwang, Hwan Mo Lee, Seong Hwan Moon, Jae Ho Yang, Keun Jung Ryu Severance Hospital, Yonsei Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 11:52-11:57 Comparison of prediction methodsfor postoperative sagittal alignment in spinal deformity patients Jaewon Lee, Ye-Soo Park Guri Hosp. Hanyang Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 11:57-12:02 Late onset of progressive neurological deficit in severe angular kyphosis related to tuberculosis spondylitis Kee-Yong Ha, Young-Hoon Kim, Sang-Il Kim Seoul St. Mary s Hosp. The Catholic Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 12:02-12:07 Posterior-only pedicle screw instrumentation with perioperative halo-pelvic sling traction in the treatment of severe scoliosis and kyphosis 12:07-12:23 Discussion Choon Sung Lee, Jung-Ki Ha, Jae Hwan Cho, Chang Ju Hwang, Dong-Ho Lee, Jaehyoun Kim, Sunghun Choi, Chul Gie Hong Asan Medical Center Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 17

18 The 33 th Spring Congress Korean Society of Spine Surgery POSTER 1. The different expressions of metrix metalloproteinases from sequestrated and contained discs materials in the patients with sequestrated lumbar disc herniations 2. Cervical spondylolisthesis combined with lumbar spondylolisthesis Young-Yul Kim 1, Han-Vit Kang 1, Dojoon Park 2, Kee-Won Rhyu 2 Daejeon St. Mary s Hosp., College of Medicine, The Catholic Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 St. Vincent s Hosp., College of Medicine, The Catholic Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2 Moon Soo Park, Jae-Hoo Lee, Kyung Won Song, Jin Young Lee, Ho Guen Chang, Young Woo Kim, Yong Chan Kim, Kook Jin Chung, Jae Hyuk Shin, Tae-Hwan Kim 3. A novel comprehensive MRI classification system for cervical foraminal stenosis Medical College of Hallym Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. Sang-Hun Lee 1, So-Young Park 2, Kyung-Chung Kang 3, Sang-Phil Hwang 1, Soo-Jin Jang 1, Jung-Hee Lee 3, Ki-Tack Kim 1 Kyung Hee Univ. Hosp. at Gangdong Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong Radiology 2 Kyung Hee Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg Expanded Indication and Application of Minimal invasive Direct Lateral Interbody Fusion (DLIF) Jaewan Soh 1, Jae Chul Lee 2, Chang-Hwa Hong 1, Eung-Ha Kim 3, Byung-Joon Shin 2 Soonchunhyang Univ. Cheonan Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 1 Soonchunhyang Univ. Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 2 Soonchunhyang Univ. Bucheon Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg A Case of Epidural Lipomatosis With Cauda equina syndrome in Chronic alcoholism patient Dong-Ju Lim, Jin-hyok Kim, Dong-gune Jang, Se-il Suk, Seung-joo Lee Seoul Spine Institute, Inje University Sanggye Paik Hosp., College of Medicine. Seoul Spine Institute, Dept. of Orthop. 6. Motor weakness of right ankle dorsiflexion caused by increasing size of sacroiliac joint cyst after performing spinal fusion in patient with spinal stenosis - Case Report- Ji-eun Kwon, Young-Joon Ahn, Hae-min Kim, Bo-Kyu Yang, Seung-Rim Yi, Se-Hyuk Im, Ye-Hyun Lee 7. Patient-Specific drill template for thoracic pedicle screw fixation: a pilot clinical trial 8. Pulmonary and renal cement embolism during balloon kyphoplasty 9. Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder in Spine Surgeon National Police Hosp. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. Sang Bum Kim, Yougun Won, Hyun Jin Yoo, Sang Jin Jung College of Medicine, Konyang Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. Kim Tae Ho, Choi Byeong Yeol Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju Dept. of Orthop. Surg. Sung-Woo Choi, Jae-Chul Lee, Min-Chul Jeon, Byung-Joon Shin Soonchunhyang Univ. Dept. of Orthop. Surg. 18

19 구연발표및포스터전시안내 구연발표안내그동안춘계학술대회구연논문에대해발표자가완성논문을의무적으로제출하였는데, 이번학술위원회에서의요청과평의원인준과정을거쳐, 완성논문을받지않기로결정하였습니다. 따라서발표자께서는더이상완성논문을제출하지않으셔도됩니다. 각세션의좌장께서는초록만으로토론을진행해주셔야하겠습니다. 구연슬라이드접수기간 2015년 5월 1일 ( 금 ) ~ 5월 16일 ( 토 ) 구연슬라이드작성및접수 - 작성하신슬라이드는다음과같은방법으로입력해주십시오. 1 구연발표시간은 5분입니다. 시간을초과하지않기위해서는전체슬라이드수를 20-25개로제한하시기바랍니다. 발표이후토론은각연제당 4분이배정되어있습니다. 2 작성한슬라이드는웹하드에올려주십시오. 올리실때구분하기쉽도록파일명에제1저자, 병원명, 제목의일부를기입해주십시오. ID: korspine, PW: guest guest폴더-올리기전용폴더-2015춘계-구연ppt 포스터전시안내 포스터는학술대회장소내에설치된전시판의지정된번호에부착해주십시오. 전시판은학회시작하루전저녁에설치됩니다. 포스터의규격은가로 60cm x 세로 120cm 입니다. 등록안내 사전등록마감일 2015년 4월 20일 ( 월 ) ~ 5월 18일 ( 월 ) 등록비 구 분 회원 비회원의사 전공의, 군의관및간호사 사전등록 50,000원 70,000원 40,000원 현장등록 60,000원 80,000원 50,000원 연수평점 : 9점 사전등록송금계좌번호우리은행 예금주 : 대한척추외과학회 학회홈페이지 ( 의학술대회안내창으로들어가셔서사전등록해주십시오. 참가비송금은참가자의이름으로보내주시기바랍니다. 참가비입금이완료되면입금확인이메일을보내드립니다. 이메일을못받으신분께서는반드시학회사무국으로연락주시기바랍니다. 문의사항 Tel: , korspine@naver.com 19

20 숙박안내 투숙일 호텔 / 콘도 객실타입 객실요금 기타 인터컨티넨탈알펜시아 킹스탠다드 ( 더블 ) 154,000 1인 1실, 킹사이즈침대 평창리조트 ( 특1급호텔 ) 스탠다드트윈 154,000 2인 1실, 싱글침대 2 홀리데이인리조트 슈페리어더블 132,000 1인 1실, 더블침대 ( 목 ) 알펜시아평창 ( 특 1 급호텔 ) 슈페리어트윈 132,000 2 인 1 실, 침대 2 홀리데이인 & 스위트알펜시아평창 ( 콘도미니엄 ) 스탠다드형 (22 형 ) 143,000 2 인 1 실, 방 1( 침대또는온돌 ) 디럭스룸 (33 형 ) 187,000 4 인 1 실, 방 2( 침대방 + 온돌방 ) 디럭스룸 (33 형 ) 187,000 4 인 1 실, 방 2( 온돌방 + 온돌방 ) 인터컨티넨탈알펜시아킹스탠다드 ( 더블 ) 154,000 1 인 1 실, 킹사이즈침대 평창리조트 ( 특 1 급호텔 ) 스탠다드트윈 154,000 2 인 1 실, 싱글침대 2 홀리데이인리조트슈페리어더블 132,000 1 인 1 실, 더블침대 ( 금 ) 알펜시아평창 ( 특 1 급호텔 ) 슈페리어트윈 132,000 2 인 1 실, 침대 2 홀리데이인 & 스위트알펜시아평창 ( 콘도미니엄 ) 스탠다드형 (22 형 ) 143,000 2 인 1 실, 방 1( 침대또는온돌 ) 디럭스룸 (33 형 ) 187,000 4 인 1 실, 방 2( 침대방 + 온돌방 ) 디럭스룸 (33 형 ) 187,000 4 인 1 실, 방 2( 온돌방 + 온돌방 ) 부가세 10% 포함. 체크인 : 15:00 부터가능, 체크아웃 11:00 까지입니다. ( 호텔 Extra Bed 추가시 38,500원이추가되며, 콘도침구류추가시 1채당 15,000원으로요금이과금됩니다.) 객실내추가타올요청시과금이될수있습니다. 객실예약신청서를작성하신후알펜시아리조트예약실에 FAX 또는이메일로보내주시길바랍니다. - 알펜시아리조트예약실 : TEL / FAX / 운영시간 09:00~18: guestservicecenter@alpensiaresort.co.kr ( 메일발송시제목란에 학회행사참석숙박예약요청 으로기입해주십시오.) 객실요금에조식은포함되어있지않습니다. 추가침구및간이침대 (Extra Bed) 는사전요청과수량제한으로당사사정에따라제공이불가할수있습니다. 대전 중부고속도로 호법분기점 영동고속도로강릉방면 횡계 I.C 대구 중앙고속도로 만종분기점 영동고속도로강릉방면 횡계 I.C 광주 호남고속도로 경부고속도로 중부고속도로 영동고속도로강릉방면 횡계 I.C 부산 대구부산고속도로 경부고속도로 중앙고속도로 영동고속도로강릉방면 횡계 I.C 호텔예약신청서는대한척추외과학회홈페이지 ( 내학술대회안내창에서다운받을수있습니다. 접속 춘계학술대회안내창클릭 행사장, 숙박안내 숙박안내

대한척추외과학회 KOREAN SOCIETY OF SPINE SURGERY The 32 nd Fall Congress Korean Society of Spine Surgery 제 32 차대한척추외과학회추계학술대회 November 20(Fri), 2015 Seoul Gra

대한척추외과학회 KOREAN SOCIETY OF SPINE SURGERY The 32 nd Fall Congress Korean Society of Spine Surgery 제 32 차대한척추외과학회추계학술대회 November 20(Fri), 2015 Seoul Gra 대한척추외과학회 KOREAN SOCIETY OF SPINE SURGERY The 32 nd Fall Congress Korean Society of Spine Surgery 제 32 차대한척추외과학회추계학술대회 November 20(Fri), 2015 Seoul Grand Hilton Hotel Convention Center 서울특별시강남구언주로 211 (

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