인터그래프코리아, Intergraph 2012 Korea 개최 인터그래프코리아, Intergraph 2012 Korea 개최 인터그래프코리아 매출 전세계 3위 달성 Think Forward를 주제로 고객과 소통의 자리 마련 인터그래프코리아(

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2 인터그래프코리아, Intergraph 2012 Korea 개최 인터그래프코리아, Intergraph 2012 Korea 개최 인터그래프코리아 매출 전세계 3위 달성 Think Forward를 주제로 고객과 소통의 자리 마련 인터그래프코리아( 지난 9월 4일부터 5일까지 서울 양재동 엘타워에서 Intergraph 2012 Korea 행사를 개최했다. Think Forward 란 주제로 진행된 이번 컨퍼런스에는 플랜트 및 조선업계 약 50개사 에서 400명 이상의 고객이 참여했고, 다양한 고객 사례 발 표를 통해 양질의 정보를 제공한 뜻깊은 자리였다. 유수지 기자 이날 행사는 오랜 시간 인터그래프코리아의 발전을 이끌어 온 김세 엔지니어링 솔루션 공급 업체로서 석유화학, 발전, 조선 산업을 위 은 대표이사의 개회사로 막을 열었다. 김세은 대표이사는 올 한해 인터 한 솔루션을 제공하고 있으며 스마트플랜트(SmartPlant), 스마트마 그래프코리아 뿐만 아니라 아시아 지역 전체가 수적, 질적으로 눈부신 린(SmartMarine) 엔터프라이즈 등 주요 프로덕트들을 중심으로 성장을 이뤘다고 밝혔다. 김세은 대표이사는 지난 2007년부터 2012년 설계에서 데이터 관리까지 통합된 솔루션을 제공하고 있다. 까지 인터그래프의 성장세는 지속적으로 증가하고 있고 매년 목표대 또한 부산 지사와 Marine 센터는 한국을 중심으로 일본-중국- 비 성장률을 초과 달성한 것은 물론 단 한번도 목표달성에 실패한 경 싱가폴을 연계하는 아시아 지역 Marine 개발 센터 및 부산/경남/울 우가 없다고 밝혔다. 경제 위기가 극심했던 2009년에도 인터그래프코 산 지역의 조선/해양 설계 엔지니어링 솔루션 공급과 신속한 기술지 리아는 유일하게 초과 달성을 이루었다. 김세은 대표이사는 지난 원을 목표로 운영되고 있다. 2007년부터 현재까지의 평균 성장률이 18.7%로 매우 높은 성장세를 보였다. 고 밝혔다. 한편 지난 2011년은 인터그 래프코리아의 매출 규모가 전세계에서 3위를 달성한 의 미 있는 한해였고, 올해 목표 또한 상당히 높았음에도 10% 이상의 초과달성이 예상되어 지속적인 강세를 보일 것으 로 예상된다. 또한 전략 본부 가 새로이 조직되어 혁신적인 전략을 수립해 나갈 방침으 로 있으며, 현재 인원은 70명 으로 구성되어 있다. 현재 인터그래프는 Proce ss, Power & Marine(PP&M) 2012/10 67

3 Focus 이어인터그래프사용자모임의회장인현대엔지니어링의한명수부장은인사말을통해인터그래프임직원들의노고를치하하며이제는솔루션중심이아닌시스템간의통합을통해효율성과질적성장을이뤄궁극적으로지향하는업무효율성을높여야한다고밝혔다. 한편수출입은행의천헌철실장이 Guiding Global Projects to Success 라는주제로발표를진행하며오전세션을마무리했다. 이와함께대림산업, 두산중공업, 현대엔지니어링, 현대중공업, SK건설등국내유수의대기업들의인터그래프솔루션활용사례를발표하여고객들에게양질의정보를제공해좋은반응을이끌어냈다. 한편인터그래프본사중역들이참가해기조연설을진행했다. 인터그래프의 PP&M 회장인 Gerhard Salinger는 Intergraph Process, Power and Marine Business Overview 라는주제로발표를진행했다. 그는 인터그래프의 PP&M 부서는전세계의다양한고객들의생산성향상, 프로젝트수행, 경쟁력강화를위해최선의노력을다하고있다. 고전하며 PP&M 의 2008 년 9월부터 2011 년 12 월까지의성장률이경쟁사대비매우높았음을밝혔다. 매출역시 2005 년도에 1억 6,800 만달러를기록한데비해 2012 년도에는 4억 8,000 만달러를기록하며기록적인매출신장을달성하고있다. 또한 SPF/SPO 와 S&P Materials 의매출성장률은 2004 년 100% 에 서 2012 년 6월기준 513% 로대폭성장했다. Gerhard Salinger 는 우리가시장에서강력한영향력을발휘할수있었던이유는고객의의견을적극반영하고, 연구개발에많은투자를기울였기때문이다. 라고밝혔다. 이어서인터그래프아시아태평양지역부사장인 Franz Kufner 는 Intergraph Process, Power & Marine in Asia-Pacific:Thi nk Forward 를주제로몇가지의고객사례를발표했다. 그는 PETRONAS 사는지식보유, 데이터관리, 다른운영체제를지원하는지능형데이터의과제를위해스마트플랜트와스마트마린을도입했다. 고밝혔다. 한편 SHIN KURUSHIMA 사는고품질의기술을지원, 설계시간단축, 설계및선박건조의리드타임을단축을실현하기위해스마트 3D 를도입하여만족할만한결과를얻어냈다고전했다. Franz Kufner 는 한국은세계에서가장큰조선업국가로, 인터그래프에있어서매우중요한시장이다. 라고말하며 인터그래프고객들에대한약속의일환으로최근한국의조선산업의중심지인부산에인터그래프글로벌마린센터를확장하였다. 고밝혔다. 한편인터그래프코리아는향후에도각제품별로 Technical Users Forum 과같은다양의소통의장을마련해국내플랜트경쟁력강화에도움이될수있도록노력할것이라고밝혔다 /10

4 인터그래프코리아, Intergraph 2012 Korea 개최 Interview 지속적인혁신기술개발투자로플랜트업계리드할것 인터그래프 PP&M CTO Charles Evans / PP&M 아태지역부사장 Franz Kufner / PP&M Gerhard Salinger 회장 Interview 미드레인지기반드로잉툴캐드웍스로시너지효과 인터그래프 PP&M 수석부사장 Rick Allen 이번행사는국내 EPC 회사와오너오퍼레이터를지원하기위 해약 30 년간안정성, 품질, 호환성, 생산성을향상시키며서비스를 제공해온 PP&M 사업부에의해주관되었다. PP&M 의최고기술책임자이자개발부사장인 Charles Evans, PP&M 아시아퍼시픽의부사장인 Franz Kufner, PP&M Gerhard Salinger 회장을모시고향후비즈니스계획에대한간단한인터뷰 를진행했다. 인터그래프가높은성장률을유지하면서업계선두를차지할수있었던이유는무엇이라고보는지. 정체된마인드나기술로는언젠가성장의한계가올것이라는 것을예측하고, 우리는 10 년전부터보다많은투자, 다양한리서 치, 새로운기술개발등을진행해왔고그결과물이스마트플랜트 기술이다. 기존제품을단순히확장또는업데이트하는데만족하기보다는 보다혁신적이고새로운제품개발을위해지속적인노력을기울이 고있고발전소, 해양플랜트, 광산업시장도계속넓혀갈계획이다. 인터그래프제품이 PP&M 업계에서경쟁력강화를위한향후계획은어떠한가? 무의상태에서새로운제품을만들어내는그린필드프로젝트에 서인터그래프는강점을갖고있다. 그이유는모즐러시스템구축, 디자인재사용, 오토메이션, 지식기반엔지니어링, 디자인룰의확립 등의기술이인텔리전트 P&ID 와스마트플랜트 3D 테크놀로지에적 용이되었기때문이다. 기존에있는것에서확장또는개보수하는브라운필드프로젝트 에서도강점을갖고있다. 우리는스마트플랜트퓨전이라는시스템을 통해기존에쌓여있던데이터들을하나로통합하여관리할수있는 서비스를제공하고있고이런것들을통해우리의경쟁력을강화하 고있다. 또한과거에는하이엔드엔지니어링시장을주로공략했다면, 향 후에는보다작은시장이나미드레인지시장에서의점유율도점점 넓혀갈계획이다. 빠르고직관적인캐드웍스 (CADWORKS) 제품에관련된간단한 인터뷰를 PP&M 수석부사장인 Rick Allen 과진행했다. 캐드웍스제품군의장점과도입효과는무엇인가. 매우대중화된오토캐드기반으로되어있어사용이매우편리 하다. 하이엔드유저보다는미드레인지급의유저들을대상으로한 드로잉툴로비교적저렴한가격과편리한인터페이스를자랑한다. 배관구성요소는단일시스템으로운영되며, 플랜트설계사로하여 금개별적각구성요소를수정할필요없이이동및사양변경을 싱글라인으로작동하게한다. 또한기존파이핑시스템의사이즈 변경및스펙변경이편리하고라우팅기능을보다빠르게하며설 계시간을크게단축할수있다. 사용자들은캐드웍스활용을통해 시너지효과를얻고 ROI 가향상될수있을것이다. PP&M 업계에서 ICAS 제품군은어떠한과제를극복하게해주는가. ICAS 제품군을통해사용자는다양한작업을진행할수있다. PV 패브리케이터는드로윙이나제작을가능케한툴이고앞서설 명했듯이캐드웍스는대중적인오토캐드기반제품으로사용자가 보다편리하게사용할수있다. 또한시저 (CAESAR) II 는배관응력 해석프로그램이고, PV 엘리트는압력용기를해석하는툴이다. 탱 크는스토리지탱크를해석한다. 제품간의인터페이스가뛰어나서캐드웍스와시저 (CAESAR) II 또는 SP3D 와시저 II 를함께사용할경우데이터가바로연계되어 모델링시간이 70% 정도대폭단축될수있다. 2012/10 69

5 CAD & Graphics, October 2012 Intergraph Korea is ranked third worldwide by sales volume within the company; Engaging with customers via Think Forward theme Intergraph Korea held an event at El Tower in Yangjae-dong in Seoul from September 4-5. With the theme Think Forward, this user conference was joined by more than 400 customers from about 50 shipbuilding and plant companies. This event was very meaningful as it provided useful information through presentations of customer case studies. By Yu Su Ji, The event began with an opening address by Kim Se-eun, president of Intergraph Korea. Intergraph has made marvellous achievements in both quantitative and qualitative terms, not only in Korea, but also around the Asia-Pacific region, said Kim. From 2007 to 2012, Intergraph has been seeking to grow and advance our developments, and we have not failed to achieve our goals. Even in 2009, when South Korea was in a serious economic slump, Intergraph Korea still performed well and surpassed expectations. According to President Kim, Intergraph Korea has accounted for very high growth rates, averaging 18.7% since In 2011, Intergraph Korea made a significant accomplishment with a ranking of third by sales volume out of all global Intergraph operations. It is expected that Intergraph Korea will continue to perform strongly and exceed its target by 10%. To maintain such strong growth, Intergraph Korea aims to establish innovative strategies in its newly organized strategy headquarters, with approximately 70 employees. Providing engineering technology for the process, power, and marine industries, Intergraph has the right solutions for a variety of sectors, including petrochemical, power, as well as offshore and shipbuilding industries. Intergraph s philosophy centres on integration of its solutions, providing a comprehensive portfolio ranging from design to data processing. Intergraph offers integrated suites of SmartPlant and SmartMarine Enterprise solutions. The Busan branch office and Marine Center is currently operating, and it aims to provide a wide range of solutions for the offshore and shipbuilding industries in Busan, Gyeongnam, and Ulsan regions. It also supports the wider Asia-Pacific region, in connection with Japan, China, and Singapore. Han Myeong-su, chairman of Intergraph s user conference, and department management at Hyundai Engineering, appreciated the hard work of executive staff and employees. In his greeting, he said, It is time to pursue growth by working effectively. The ultimate objective is not just depending on a solution, but an integrated system. Meanwhile, Cheon Heo-cheol, head of the management strategy office at The Export-Import Bank of Korea, presented on Guiding Global Projects to Success to close the morning session. In his presentation, he highlighted how prominent, large conglomerates in Korea, such as Daelim Industry, Doosan Heavy Industries, Hyundai Engineering, Hyundai Heavy Industries, SK Engineering & Construction, and many others, have utilized Intergraph technology. His presentation was very wellreceived by delegates. Executives from the global and Asia-Pacific offices also delivered keynote sessions at the event. Gerhard Sallinger, Intergraph Process, Power & Marine (PP&M) president, gave an overview of the global PP&M business. PP&M makes tremendous efforts to enhance productivity of our clients all around the world so that they can meet the demands of their projects, as well as improving competitiveness, said Sallinger.

6 CAD & Graphics, October 2012 From September 2008 to December 2011, PP&M has achieved very high growth rates compared to our counterparts. In 2005, Intergraph PP&M s sales volume reached US$168 million. In 2011/2012, the division has achieved a record US$480 million. In addition, growth rates of Intergraph s information and materials management products, such as SmartPlant Foundation, SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators, and SmartPlant Materials, have surged to 513% in June 2012 from a base of 100% in Sallinger said, We secure an advantageous position in the market as we are always getting feedback from our clients, with intensive investment in research and development to advance our technology. Following that, Franz Kufner, senior vice president of Intergraph PP&M Asia-Pacific, presented examples of customer success stories from the Asia-Pacific region. Kufner said, PETRONAS has introduced SmartPlant and SmartMarine Enterprise solutions into its operations, leveraging intelligent technology for its business, According to Kufner, Shin Kurushima has accomplished a satisfactory result since it implemented Intergraph Smart 3D. This next-generation technology has helped the company to achieve man-hour savings in the construction of ships. Kufner also said that South Korea is the largest shipbuilding nation in the world. Intergraph has delivered on its promise to customers, expanding the Intergraph Global Marine Center to Busan, which is the hub of South Korea s shipbuilding industry. He also added that Intergraph Korea will offer a wide range of customer engagement avenues, such as Technical User Forms for each product family, so plant companies can continue to enhance global competitiveness. Interview: Leading plant industries by steady investment in developing innovative technologies (page 69) Charles Evans, Intergraph PP&M Chief Technology Officer; Franz Kufner, Intergraph PP&M Asia-Pacific Senior Vice President; and Gerhard Sallinger, Intergraph PP&M President This event was held by Intergraph s PP&M business division, which has been offering solutions and services to improve the safety, quality, and productivity of EPCs and owner operators for over 30 years. A brief interview was conducted with Charles Evans, Franz Kufner, and Gerhard Sallinger. Q: Why do you think Intergraph has maintained its high growth rates with a leadership position in the industry? We have invested heavily in research and development to continually improve Intergraph technologies. As long as a decade ago, we anticipated that we needed to develop next-generation technology to keep up with the demands of the industry and sustain growth. Our innovation and foresight has led to development of SmartPlant and SmartMarine Enterprise solutions. We make steady efforts to develop innovative and new products, rather than become complacent with merely expanding or updating current projects. In addition, we plan to keep expanding across the process, power, and marine industries. Q: How will Intergraph PP&M continue to grow its business and strengthen competitiveness? Intergraph is well-positioned with both greenfield and brownfield projects. For greenfield projects, the integration of our automated and knowledge-based solutions, such as Smart 3D design with intelligent P&ID, can support these new projects. For brownfield projects, around repair or expansion of existing

7 CAD & Graphics, October 2012 projects, Intergraph provides the solutions for operations and maintenance. For example, our new solution, SmartPlant Fusion, can bring together multiple existing data sources into a single portal. We will also continue increasing our presence in smaller and mid-sized markets. Interview: Achieving synergy with CADWorx (page 69) Rick Allen, Intergraph PP&M Senior Vice President, and Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions President A brief interview on fast and intuitive Intergraph CADWorx products was conducted with Rick Allen, Q: What strengths and benefits do the CADWorx product family have? Built on AutoCAD, CADWorx is convenient and easy to use. It is perfect for mid-range users, which is an affordable yet powerful option. Piping components are run in a single system, enabling plant designers to operate or move individual lines, or revise specifications, without having to modify each component. It is also easy for users to change the size or specification of existing piping systems. The CADWorx Plant Design Suite includes the routing system, enabling users to work quickly and reduce time needed for design. CADWorx promotes synergy, and users will realize a significant return on investment when they utilize CADWorx. Q: What tasks can be done with Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions? Users can undertake multiple tasks with Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions. PV Fabricator is a drawing and design tool. As mentioned previously, CADWorx is a popular series of AutoCAD-based products. CAESAR II analyses pipe stress, while PV Elite analyses pressure vessels. TANK analyses storage tanks. As the products are integrated, such as CADWorx and CAESAR II integration, or Smart 3D and CAESAR II integration, this greatly enhances collaboration. This delivers a significant saving on modelling hours, up to 70% saving in time.


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