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1 Wireless Signal Map Matching for Terrestrial Wireless Location Systems This paper proposes a new wireless-signal map-matching method for calibrating non-line-of-sight error in terrestrial wireless location systems under urban environments. The proposed method does not require specific types of handsets and is easily implemented by installing a telegeoinfomatics server either inside or outside of the core network structure. The installed telegeoinfomatics server, eliminating the necessity of sending probe cars and surveying instruments with operators outside, gathers bulks of measurements within a specific area by core network structure. The distorted user distribution based on the gathered network measurements are compared with the ideal map geometry to produce non-line-of-sight error correction maps. Once the corrections maps are constructed, user requests for location-based services can be responded in real-time. A simulation result, assuming a typical dense urban environment, demonstrates the benefits of the proposed wireless-signal map-matching technique. Keywords: location, NLOS error, map match, calibration, location-based service
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