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1 SOA 의개념, 동향, 전망 2008 년 5 월 22 일 이규철 (kclee@cnu.ac.kr) 충남대학교컴퓨터공학과
2 목차 서비스지향아키텍처 (SOA, Service-Oriented Architecture) 개념 SOA 관련기술 IT839의 SOA 사례 SOA 기술동향및전망국내외 SOA 시장동향및전망 2
3 SOA 의개념
4 Hype or Reality? Loosely Coupled The New EDI? QoS Standards Layering Reuse Federation XML Web Services Flexible IT Aligned Transformation Messaging Location Transparency So What? SOA!? Register & Discover Remember CORBA? Autonomous Cross-Platform Vendor Neutral Stateless Composability Integration Described On Demand Interoperable Encapsulate Agile Wrap & Reuse Multi-Vendor Legacy Extensible 4
5 IT Evolution Model 발등에떨어진불끄기 전산조직이생김 스케줄링가능 Reactive Fire Fighting 2010 년형성예상 기업내의 IT 조직에서부가가치를만들어냄 Proactive 전산조직에의한전반적인관리 시스템일정관리등의대한가이드라인예 ) ERP ( 현업의비즈니스를 ERP 에맞춤 ) Services Values 서비스를만들어놓으면찾아서사용 UDDI 에웹서비스관련정보등록가능예 ) 예전에는생소했던사이트검색 5
6 IT Paradigm Shift Pre 1950 s To 1960 s 1970 s to mid 1980 s 1980 s to mid 1990 s Mid 1990 s to early 2000 s Late 1990 s Today Monolithic Architectures Sub-routines /Remote Procedure Calls Remote Object Invocation Message Processing Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Services (SOA) Increasing Modularity to Achieve Flexibility 6
7 The Next Step on the Connectivity Evolution Direct Connectivity Message Queuing Message Brokering Service Orientation Lines of code Connectivity, mediation & process-control logic Connectivity logic Mediation & process-control logic Connectivity and mediation logic Process-control logic Connectivity, mediation & processcontrol logic Application Application Application Application Services All connectivity, mediation and additional logic buried in the application Abstracts the connectivity logic from the application Abstracts the connectivity + mediation logic from the application Increasing Modularity to Achieve Flexibility Reduces application to its core business functions (i.e. a service) 7
8 The Basics: What is SOA? a service? A repeatable business task e.g., check customer credit; open new account service oriented architecture (SOA)? An IT architectural style that supports integrating your business as linked services Anything that changes can do that much better if the system is architected in SOA. 8
9 서비스 (Service) 여러애플리케이션으로부터추출 서로조합해비즈니스프로세스를구성 기술적계층과는독립 9
10 서비스지향분산환경 쇼핑몰 쇼핑몰 서비스지향아키텍처 단단한연결변경이어려움 서비스단위 ( 독립성 ) 서비스자율성 서비스재사용 서비스느슨한결합 화폐단위, 사용언어등의개별상점이준수해야하는비즈니스핵심만표준화 느슨한연결변경이용이 10
11 Silo 지향아키텍처 Channels Internal Partners Customers Suppliers Users Legacy CRM Billing Inventory Provisioning Information Assets Rigid Complex Expensive Slow to Market Monolithic Hard to Integrate 11
12 서비스지향아키텍처로변화 Channels Internal Partners Customers Suppliers Users ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) Loose coupling Reuse Composition Fast to market Easy to integration Legacy CRM Billing Inventory Provisioning Information Assets 12
13 서비스지향아키텍처 (SOA) SOA 정의 네트워크상에존재하는정보시스템들을플랫폼독립적으로유연하게연결하여활용하기위한분산정보시스템구조 Enterprise Service Bus 서비스이용자 Interface Proxy 서비스등록저장소 서비스 Interface Proxy 13
14 SOA 의개념적모델 Service Description Service Registry Find Publish Service Consumer Bind & Invoke Service Provider Service Service Description 14
15 SOA 의구성요소 1 st Class Artifacts QoS Explicitly Specified 15
16 SOA Lifecycle [IBM] 서비스발견 서비스조합 인력의통합 프로세스통합 정보의관리및통합 요구사항수집 시스템모델링 시스템설계 비즈니스 /IT 협력 프로세스컨트롤 투명성 서비스관리및응용 비즈니스모니터링 유연성보장 16
17 SOA 의특징및이점 서비스의품질향상서비스의자율성서비스발견의향상 공개표준에기반다양한벤더를지원 서비스지향아키텍처 상호운용성제공데이터, 서비스등의통합아키텍처기반의조합 느슨한결합관계고유한재사용성확장성강조 17
18 비즈니스에서의 SOA 이점 97% justified SOA projects based on cost savings & impact to profitability 97% 100% 100% realized improved flexibility 71% reduced risk 51% experienced increased revenue 71% 51% Source: IBM Institute for Business Value The Business Value of Service-Oriented Architecture
19 다양한관점에서의 SOA Business Implementation Capabilities that a business wants to expose as a set of services to clients and partner organizations A programming model complete with standards, tools, methods and technologies such as Web services Architecture Operations An architectural style that requires a service provider, requestor and a service description A set of agreements among service requestors and service providers that specify the quality of service and identify key business and IT metrics 19
20 SOA 관련기술 Web Services ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) DPWS (Devices Profile for Web Services) 20
21 웹서비스 인터넷상에서 URI 를통해접근가능한소프트웨어응용 [W3C] XML 기반메시지를사용하여인터넷기반프로토콜을통해다른소프트웨어응용과상호운용 인터페이스와바인딩은인터넷상에 XML 형태로정의, 기술, 발견될수있음 21
22 웹서비스모델 Publish ( 등록 ) 서비스제공자는제공하는서비스의기능을정해진형식 (WSDL) 으로기술하여서비스중개자 (UDDI) 에등록 서비스제공자 (Service Provider) Find ( 발견 ) 서비스요청자는요구되는솔루션을제공하는서비스를찾기위해서비스중개자 (UDDI) 를검색 Bind ( 연결 ) 서비스요청자는요구되는서비스를사용하기위해서비스제공자를연결하여요구를전달 (SOAP) 서비스중개자 (Service Broker) 등록 서비스기술 (Service Description) UDDI 검색 서비스 (Service) 바인딩 클라이언트 (Client) 서비스요청자 (Service Requester) 22
23 웹서비스표준기술 SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Bind & Invoke 주어진기능을요청하기위해서버상의메소드를시작시키는 XML 프로토콜 서비스요청자는요청메시지를보냄 서비스제공자는응답메시지를보냄 UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, Integration) Publish & Find UDDI 서버는사용가능한서비스와서비스제공자의디렉토리로서의역할 ( 전화번호부 ) WSDL (Web Services Description Language) Describe 서비스인터페이스를설명하는 XML 어휘 23
24 웹서비스는왜인터넷에적합한가? 다른기술은 Binary 형태로호출 RPC: Unix 시스템사이에만이용가능 CORBA: 같은종류의 ORB간에만이용가능 DCOM: 양쪽다 Windows 플랫폼이어야함 웹서비스에서는텍스트형식의 XML 이용 Security Issues Firewalls 은특정포트만열어놓음 : HTTP, FTP 다른기술은임의로포트할당 이와같은특성은개방된인터넷환경에서문제야기 24
25 Enterprise Service Bus A Web-services-capable infrastructure that supports intelligently directed communication and mediated relationships among loosely coupled and decoupled biz components. Gartner Group 느슨한형태로결합 / 분리된비즈니스컴포넌트의관계를중재하는역할을담당 The ESB label simply implies that a product is some type of integration middleware product that supports both MOM and Web services protocols. Burton Group 데이터전달, 서비스접근, 서비스재활용, 서비스관리 A standards-based integration backbone, combining messaging, Web services, transformation, and intelligent routing. Sonic Software 도처에분산된서비스컴포넌트를쉽게통합연동 To put it bluntly: If you have WebSphere MQ and other WebSphere brokers and integration servers, you have an ESB. Bob Sutor, IBM 25
26 Enterprise Service Bus 구조 ESB Client Software Installed on every node Transport and repository ESB Client Software Installed on every node.net Application Web Service Endpoint J2EE Application 26
27 ESB 역할 <SOA Service Layer> <Layer 구현기술 > Business Process Layer BPM Inter-SOA (Mega-flow) Service Orchestration Layer Orchestration Layer Infra Service Layer ESB Intra-SOA (Micro-flow) Service Implementation Layer System A System B System C Customer-Specific Applications Legacy Integration Framework / Application : Service created in Application layer : Service created in Orchestration layer 27
28 ESB in Action Open Account Development Services Business Innovation & Optimization Services Facilitates better decision-making with real-time business information Interaction Services Process Services Information Services Enables collaboration between Portal people, processes & information Orchestrate and automate business processes Manages diverse data Federated in a unified manner Query IT Service Management Integrated environment Approved for design and creation of solution assets Partner Services Business App Services Access Services Connect Community with trading Manager partners Facilitates communication ESB between services Build on a robust, scaleable, EJBs and secure services environment Apps & Info Assets CICS Facilitates interactions DB Access with existing Siebelinformation Access and application Adapter assets DB Access Manage and secure services, applications & resources Infrastructure Services Optimizes throughput, availability and performance IT Management Console 28
29 SOA 와웹서비스관계 SOA 와웹서비스의관계 SOA : 웹서비스 = 애플리케이션아키텍처 : 기술의집합 웹서비스는 SOA 의개념을보다구체화한것 SOA 기반의다른표준들 CORBA: Common Object Request Broker Architecture JINI: Network Plug and Play UPnP: Universal Plug and Play DPWS 로발전 29
30 DPWS (Devices Profiles for Web Services) SOA 기반의디바이스통합을위한연구 UPnP의차세대버전디바이스레벨의경량화된웹서비스프로토콜을사용마이크로소프트의 Vista 운영체제에탑재 30
31 DPWS 프로토콜 디바이스레벨의웹서비스표준을규정 웹서비스명세 WSDL를이용한웹서비스디바이스간의통신 웹서비스의전송 / 응답메시지보안 동적웹서비스발견 웹서비스이벤트처리 DPWS 프로토콜 31
32 DPWS 동작구조 인터넷과네트워크에연결된디바이스들이웹서비스와애플리케이션등독립적으로통신할수있도록개방된인터페이스를제공 ITEA SIRENA 32
33 DPWS 동작과정 P2P Microsoft, A Technical Introduction to the Devices Profile for Web Services 33
34 IT839 의 SOA 사례 BcN 텔레매틱스 RFID/USN 지능형로봇
35 BcN 의개념 유 / 무선, 음성 / 데이터, 통신 / 방송서비스를개방형플랫폼을이용하여용이하게제공 35
36 BcN 개방형서비스플랫폼 36
37 텔레매틱스서비스의구성요소 37
38 텔레매틱스서비스프로토콜 텔레매틱스서비스확장및타서비스와의융복합지원을위한개방형서비스응용프로토콜처리기술 38
39 RFID/USN 개념 39
40 USN 미들웨어응용플랫폼구조 USN 미들웨어 타시스템과의연동지원 주요기능 : 사용자의환경을감지하고, 상황을인식할수있는상황인식 (Context-Awareness) 기술 40
41 RUPI (Robot Unified Platform Initiative) 41
42 SOA 기술동향및전망
43 SOA 기술성숙도변화 - Consulting & Systems Integration 컨설팅및 SI 분야에서 SOA 와 Web Service 영역은 2006 년과도한기대가급격히줄어드는추세에서 2007 년새로이나타난다른분야, 특히 Enterprise Architecture/Infrastructure Design and Consulting, Custom Application Development Services 영역에흡수되어보다보편화되는경향 Hype Cycle for Consulting and Systems Integration, 2006 Hype Cycle for Consulting and Systems Integration, 2007 Source: Gartner (July 2006) Source: Gartner (July 2007) 43
44 SOA 기술성숙도변화 - App. Integration & Platform M/W App. Architecture 의 Style 로서, 서비스공유와재사용성, functionality 와 interface 간의 Loose coupling 을지원하는 SOA 기술은과도한관심과재고찰의시기를거쳐실질적인가치를인정받기시작했으며, 향후 2-5 년내에 IT 산업의주류에편입될것으로예상 Hype Cycle for App. Integration & Platform M/W, 2006 Hype Cycle for App. Integration & Platform M/W, 2007 Source: Gartner (July 2006) Source: Gartner (July 2007) 44
45 SOA Governance Technology/Organization SOA 관련서비스, 정책 (SLA), 비즈니스프로세스, Provider/consumer 명세등의 SOA 구성요소에대한사용방법, 관리및보안, 테스트, 가시성등을통제할수있는기술과관련조직활동을의미 SOA Governance Technology 구분 SOA policy management SOA registries & repositories SOA 정합성 상세내용 접근권한통제, 성능, 서비스수준등의 SOA 구성요소와관련된정책을생성, 발견, 참조, 현실화시킬수있는기술 서비스, 정책, 프로세스, 각종명세와관련된메타데이터를관리하는기술 SOA quality assurance & validation technologies 개별적인 SOA 구성요소에대한정합성검증및설정된정책에따른서비스구성요소간의관계를테스트함. Monitoring SOA 와그환경에대한정보를제공. 실시간의자세한 BI 정보및분석 Appl. 제공. 기타연계기술 Adapters, interfaces, application program interfaces & interoperability standards 기술적도메인간의커뮤니케이션, 정보공유기능제공 Biz Appl., Integration M/W 및 OS 등과 Governance suite 간의연계지원 SOA Governance Organization SOA 적용비즈니스프로세스관리 서비스재사용관리 서비스수준정의 서비스소유권과비용처리 정책관리 통제및개선 SOA 로지원할비즈니스프로세스를정의및변경 재사용가능한서비스를정의, 디자인, 접속, 실행, 유지관리 성능을포함한서비스수준과접근권한을확인 서비스소유권과비용할당규칙정의 모든것에대한정책, 책임, 규칙정의 사용성과준수여부측정및해당규칙의준수제고를위한세부정책제시 45
46 Native SOA(1/3) -MDA 지원 Business 환경변화에민첩하게대응하기위한일환으로서비즈니스로직과프로그램 Flow의분리를통한유연한개발환경을제공하고, MDA (Model Driven Architecture) 를통해서비스재조합이용이하도록함 Veneer SOA Native SOA 분리된 Biz App. 과의연계중심 서비스의 granularity 지나치게작음 내부적으로는서비스지향적이지않음 Biz process 유연성 & Model Driven Architecture 중심 업무사용자에적합한크기의서비스 granularity 제공 App. 내부적으로서비스노출및재조합지원 기존개발방식 프레임워크기반설계 / 개발 if ( validationcheck == true ) //[END_CONDITION_EXPRESSION, 4, insert] - You can insert your own code above this line { //[BEGIN_NODE_BLOCK, 2, insert] { //[BEGIN_VIRTUAL_CODE_BLOCK, 2, insert] - You can insert your own code below this line //[END_VIRTUAL_CODE_BLOCK, 2, insert] - You can insert your own code above this line } //[BEGIN_NODE_BLOCK, 10, insert] { 비즈니스흐름과비즈니스로직을가시적으로표현 hanabank.loan.so.dto.loanlimitjdgsoindton socin = new hanabank.loan.so.dto.loanlimitjdgsoindton(); LoanApplyCSOPrivateMap socpremapping = new LoanApplyCSOPrivateMap(); Source: Gartner (Oct. 2007) 46
47 Native SOA(2/3) - Reusability 지급 Service 중복로직발생을방지하고, Pool 기반의모듈재사용을시스템기본기능으로서제공 지급가능금액확인상품정보조회지급가능여부확인 Service Registry 계좌정보조회수수료계산 계좌원장정보확인비밀번호확인수수료계산미결제타점권금액계산 등록 서비스명세 서비스 Flow 지급가능금액계산 금액산출... 지급오류 처리 신규 Service 재사용 Business Component 처리순서 1 처리순서 2 Business Rule Biz. Rule Pool 처리순서 3 지급 Service Data Component 업무기능의 Component 화 47
48 Native SOA(3/3) - 관점지향설계 / 개발 관리자현업 설계자 개발자 운영자 Level1 Level2 Level3 Mega Flow Sub Flow Sub Flow 시작 초기작업 입력항목유효성검사 해제취소요청 고객번호체크권한체크고객번호조회 public void doprocessinternal( CommonBuffe r commonbuffer) throws ProFrameException { // session 생성 session = DbioSessionFactory.openSession( pfm 해제요청결과처리 연체테이블조회명세서조회연체테이블수정변경이력등록명세서작성 Level 별설정을통하여서비스의로직 Flow 에만관심이있는사람은 Flow 만볼수있고, Flow 내부모듈의상세내역에관심있는개발자는해당 Unit 을더블클릭하여소스및명세내역을확인 / 변경 48
49 국내외 SOA 시장동향및전망 49
50 SOA 시장영역및동향 SOA 시장은 IT 서비스와 S/W 시장으로구분 IT Service 시장은 Consulting 과 SI 의비중이높고, S/W 시장은기존 Middleware 시장을중심에서 2007 년이후 BPM 은물론 ERP, CRM, SCM 등의애플리케이션, 패키지영역으로급속히확장 IT 시장분류체계및 SOA 시장영역 IT Service Hardware Software Consulting System Integration IT Management Others (Training, etc.) Telecommunications Internal Service App. Middleware (Integration and Platform) App. Package (ERP, BPM, CRM, etc.) Data Management Presentation (Portal, X-internet, etc.) 대분류는 Gartner 의 IT 비용 Type 에따름 50
51 Worldwide SOA 시장성장전망 -IDC 51
52 Worldwide SOA 시장성장전망 - Gartner (1/2) 52
53 Worldwide SOA 시장성장전망 - Gartner (2/2) Software Segmentation Application New CRM : Sales & Marketing App. SOA 적용 - 고객정보 Single View, 데이터 / 프로세스통합 - SOA Platform 기반 SaaS - CRM 제품중 40% 가 SOA 기반으로변경예상 New ERP - Add-on 기능추가 by SOA - BPM 기반의프로세스통합기반 App. 제공 New SCM - 다양하고변화에유연한공급자 / 소비자연계지원필요 - SaaS 방식적용용이 Infrastructure App. Development - SW 변경 / 구성관리요건에의한 SODA* 적용 Portal, Process and MiddleWare (PPMW) - BPM/ESB/Portal 등포함 - 관련제품의 95% 가 SOA 기반으로변경예상 Business Intelligence - SOA suites 의주요구성요소 - Workflow 와 BPM 에 Bundle 로제공 - Enterprise Information Management (EIM) 기반의데이터통합 (BI/ 비즈니스데이터통합 ) * SODA : Service-Oriented Development of Application 53
54 Web 2.0 vs SOA 현재웹 2.0 은소비자중심비즈니스모델을지원하고, SOA 는기업중심모델을지원하고있으나, 미래비즈니스세계는이둘간의구분이모호해지고연계가활발해짐에따라, 궁극적으로글로벌차원의 SOA 를실현할수있을것으로전망됨 SOA and Web 2.0 : The Top-Level Organizing Principles in Software Continue To Converge and Evolve Web 2.0 SOA Service Model Web Service Web Service Preferred Service Standards HTML, XML, RSS, REST WSDL, UDDI, SOAP, BPEL Reusability 매우높음단순한데이터포맷 높음조합과통합 (Composition & Orchestration) UI Yes No Business Model Design Patterns LongTail 효과 Network Folksonomy Customer Slet-Services Ajax, Syndication, Multi device S/W BPM Asset Integration Legacy Asset Life Extension Business Intelligence Service Layer Service Bus Unit of Work Core Competencies Software as a Service Control over data source Lightweight UI Leveraging The Long Tail Data as an asset Business Agility Open standard B2B Self Service Cost-effectiveness Accessbility 54
55 산업별 SOA 적용동향 SOA 개념및기반 Tool 을활용한 SOA 구축사례들이지속적으로보고되고있지만, SOA 사상을제대로구현한사례로평가받지는못하고있는실정 공공 / 제조부문 EA 컨설팅 / BPM 에따른신기술도입 금융 / 통신부문 기업환경변화및 IT 기술과비즈니스높은연관성 SOA 도입에상대적으로신중히접근 - 업무의효율화와신속한서비스제공이중요 - 대국민서비스확대에따른시스템효율성중요 공공기관의 EA 컨설팅진행 - TO-BE 모델에서 SOA, ESB, 서비스 Framework 등의기술제시 BPM 도입에따른 SOA 인프라도입 - BPM 적용에따른 ESB 도입병행등 제조분야대기업중심의 EAI 고도화 - 시스템연계와 IT 활용도를높일수있는방안으로 SOA 적용 기업특성에맡는 Customizable ERP 필요 - 기존 ERP 패키지의경직성과고비용으로 SOA 적용 ERP 요구 (ERP 의자체개발시도등 ) SOA 도입에상대적으로적극적 - 차세대구축시신기술도입을통해선진아키텍처적용 자본시장통합법등의법제변화 - 은행과보험, 증권사간의인수합병이활발 - 새로운금융업무추가운영 다양한채널증가및채널비즈니스관심증대 - 신규대내외채널증가에따른채널통합관리필요 - 고객접점비즈니스활동강조에따른채널비즈니스증대 ESB 를통한 SOA 파일롯프로젝트확대 - 내부서비스재활용인프라도입과 EAI 고도화를위한 SOA 기술적용 55
56 SOA 관련 S/W 업체국내외동향 기술부문국내 SW 기업해외 SW 기업 Web Application Server 웹서비스기능이강화된 Java EE 5 spec 시장선점중요 WAS/BPM 과연계한 SOA 플랫폼제시 BPM 기반 System Integration Platform 을 ESB 로확장추세 다양한 Legacy Wrapping 및 Service Orchestration/Management 보완필요 BPEL 기반의 ESB 를통해 BPM 을비즈니스지원을위한 SOA 도구로강조 (Suite 형태솔루션제공 ) 비즈니스모델지원강화 ( 비즈니스템플릿지원및컨설팅업체와협력체계구성등 ) EAI / ESB Application Package 컨설팅 기존 EAI 제품에서비스관리 / 재조합등의 ESB 기능추가를통해타영역병행시도 시스템인터페이스통합시장도입 ( 중규모금융 / 공공등 ) SOA 기반의 ERP Package 출시 대형 SI 사중심의 SOA 컨설팅수행하며, 대형 SI 프로젝트의부가적방법론채택 / 운용 SOA 관련전체솔루션라인업을갖춘일부 SW 업체만 SOA 방법론및컨설팅적용 웹서비스지원과서비스관리중심의 ESB 제품제공 ESB 제품근간으로영역확대 ESB 및 BPM 을가미한 SOA 기반의 ERP 제공 내부컨설팅조직을가진경우, 산업별 SOA 템플릿제시및컨설팅진행 전문 SW 업체는별도컨설팅업체와협력체계를통해접근 56
57 SOA 시장대응주요과제 특정영역 / 기술분야가아닌전체 IT 영역에 SOA 모델적용 비즈니스영역 (WAS/Biz App.), 인터페이스영역 (BPM/EAI), UI (Portal/X-internet등), App. 패키지 (ERP/GW) 등 IT전분야대한 SOA 적용방안제시 부문별 SOA구현체간의유기적연계방안제시 SOA 구현 서비스도출 /Granularity/ 구현 / 거버넌스등의전방위 SOA 컨설팅제공 다양한분야의 SOA 사례분석 / 정규화 Veneer SOA 가아닌 Native SOA 솔루션제공 * 서비스모델링 / 구현 / 관리에대한 Service Life Cycle 체계제공 Integration중심의 SOA (veneer SOA) 에서 MDA기반서비스재조합중심의 SOA (native SOA) 솔루션제공 *Source : Gartner ('07.10) 57
58 References ITEA SIRENA, SIRENA Convergence of technologies, Microsoft, Enterprise Service Bus & Service Oriented Archit ecture 구현을위한 Microsoft Solution, Sun, Service Oriented Architecture, Microsoft, Service-Oriented Architecture in a Nutshell, IBM, Service Oriented Architecture, TmaxSoft, 2008 년 SOA 시장및기술전망,
3 IBM WebSphere User Conference ESB (e-mail : ljm@kr.ibm.com) Infrastructure Solution, IGS 2005. 9.13 ESB 를통한어플리케이션통합구축 2 IT 40%. IT,,.,, (Real Time Enterprise), End to End Access Processes bounded by
Service-Oriented Architecture Copyright Tmax Soft 2005
Service-Oriented Architecture Copyright Tmax Soft 2005 Service-Oriented Architecture Copyright Tmax Soft 2005 Monolithic Architecture Reusable Services New Service Service Consumer Wrapped Service Composite
세션 3 (오이식).ppt
05. 7. 21 1. EAI 2. EAI Architecture 3. EAI 4. Copyright 2005 MOCOCO, Inc.. All rights reserved. Copyright 2005 MOCOCO, Inc.. All rights reserved. ntents EAI 1 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Copyright 2005
(BSC: Balanced ScoreCard) ( ) (Value Chain) (Firm Infrastructure) (Support Activities) (Human Resource Management) (Technology Development) (Primary Activities) (Procurement) (Inbound (Outbound (Marketing
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J2EE & Web Services iSeminar
9iAS :, 2002 8 21 OC4J Oracle J2EE (ECperf) JDeveloper : OLTP : Oracle : SMS (Short Message Service) Collaboration Suite Platform Email Developer Suite Portal Java BI XML Forms Reports Collaboration Suite
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! Introduction to J2EE (2) - EJB, Web Services J2EE iseminar.. 1544-3355 ( ) iseminar Chat. 1 Who Are We? Business Solutions Consultant Oracle Application Server 10g Business Solutions Consultant Oracle10g
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J2EE J2EE(Java 2 Enterprise Edition) (Web Services) :,, SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol WSDL: Web Service Description Language UDDI: Universal Discovery, Description & Integration 4. (XML Protocol
00-10-31 1 (1030) 2/26 (end-to-end) Infrastructure,, AMR. e-business e-business Domain e-business B2B Domain / R&D, B2B B2E B2C e-business IT Framework e-business Platform Clearance/Security * e-business
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Application Server iplatform Oracle9 A P P L I C A T I O N S E R V E R i Oracle9i Application Server e-business Portal Client Database Server e-business Portals B2C, B2B, B2E, WebsiteX B2Me GUI ID B2C
Model Investor MANDO Portal Site People Customer BIS Supplier C R M PLM ERP MES HRIS S C M KMS Web -Based
e- Business Web Site 2002. 04.26 Model Investor MANDO Portal Site People Customer BIS Supplier C R M PLM ERP MES HRIS S C M KMS Web -Based Approach High E-Business Functionality Web Web --based based KMS/BIS
Web Windows NT/2000 Server DP&NM Lab 1 Contents 2 Windows NT Service Provider Management Application Web UI 3 . PC,, Client/Server Network 4 (1),,, PC Mainframe PC Backbone Server TCP/IP DCS PLC Network
2Q SWG Teleweb Business Plan & 1Q Recovery Plan April 2, 2003
WBI Modeler V5.1.1 Rational Rose XDE WSAD-IE IBM on-demand Service Oriented Architecture RUP Full-life cycle Business-driven, Process-based LOB IT Seamless Service Modeling (Service, Component, Process
Business Agility () Dynamic ebusiness, RTE (Real-Time Enterprise) IT Web Services c c WE-SDS (Web Services Enabled SDS) SDS SDS Service-riented Architecture Web Services ( ) ( ) ( ) / c IT / Service- Service-
KAIST 00-03-03 / #1 1. NGN 2. NGN 3. NGN 4. 5. 00-03-03 / #2 1. NGN 00-03-03 / #3 1.1 NGN, packet,, IP 00-03-03 / #4 Now: separate networks for separate services Low transmission delay Consistent availability
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13 Lightweight BPM Engine SW 13 Who am I? R&D, Product Development Manager / Smart Worker Visualization SW SW KAIST Software Engineering Computer Engineering 3 BPM? 13 13 Vendor BPM?? EA??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/business_process_management,
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Principal Consultant Corporate Management Team ( Oracle HRMS ) Agenda 1. Oracle Overview 2. HR Transformation 3. Oracle HRMS Initiatives 4. Oracle HRMS Model 5. Oracle HRMS System 6. Business Benefit 7.
CRM 2000. 8. KAIST CRM CRM CRM CRM :,, KAIST : 50%-60%, 20% 60%-80%. AMR Research 10.. CRM. 5. Harvard Business review 60%, 13%. Michaelson & Associates KAIST CRM? ( ),,, -,,, CRM needs,,, dynamically
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cwseo@netsgo.com Si-Hong Lee duckling@sktelecom.com SK Telecom Platform - 1 - 1. Digital AMPS CDMA (IS-95 A/B) CDMA (cdma2000-1x) IMT-2000 (IS-95 C) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) - 2 - 2. QoS Market QoS Coverage C/D
Microsoft PowerPoint - 3.공영DBM_최동욱_본부장-중소기업의_실용주의_CRM
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leehj@nca nca.or..or.kr 1 : 2 : / 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 2 1 : 1.? 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 1.? " MOU (ISO, IEC, ITU, UN/ECE) Electronic Business A generic term covering information definition and exchange requirements
한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol. 12, No. 3 pp. 1408-1416, 2011 클라우드 컴퓨팅에서의 보안 고려사항에 관한 연구 박춘식 1* 1 서울여자대학교 정보보호학과 Study on Security Considerations in the Cloud Computing Choon-Sik Park 1* 1 Department of Information Security,
The Intranet Data Warehouse Richard Tanler Ch4 : Online Analytic Processing: From Data To Information 2000. 4. 14 All rights reserved OLAP OLAP OLAP OLAP OLAP OLAP is a label, rather than a technology
기업정보시스템 (Enterprise Information Systems) 과목소개 이규철 충남대학교컴퓨터공학과 kclee@cnu.ac.kr Agenda SOA(Service Oriented Architecture) SOA2.0 Web2.0 SOA2.0+Web2.0 2 바람직한인재상 현장에바로투입이가능한 실무형인재 3 귀하의점수는? 1. XML 2. Web Services
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4. Mobile Service Technology Mobile Computing Lecture 2012. 10. 5 안병익 (biahn99@gmail.com) 강의블로그 : Mobilecom.tistory.com 2 Mobile Service in Korea 3 Mobile Service Mobility 4 Mobile Service in Korea 5 Mobile
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IBM Partner Program March, 2012 Jaemin, Lee SWG Channels, IBM Korea SWG Channels 2012 IBM Corporation Agenda IBM Korea SWG Channels Software Value Plus Software Value Incentive Revalidation 2 IBM Software
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Smartphone Technical Trends and Security Technologies The smartphone market is increasing very rapidly due to the customer needs and industry trends with wireless carriers, device manufacturers, OS venders,
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I T C o t e n s P r o v i d e r h t t p : / / w w w. h a n b i t b o o k. c o. k r I T C o t e n s P r o v i d e r h t t p : / / w w w. h a n b i t b o o k. c o. k r Jakarta is a Project of the Apache
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U.Tu System Application DW Service AGENDA 1. 개요 4. 솔루션 모음 1.1. 제안의 배경 및 목적 4.1. 고객정의 DW구축에 필요한 메타정보 생성 1.2. 제품 개요 4.2. 사전 변경 관리 1.3. 제품 특장점 4.3. 부품화형
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CORBA/SNMP DPNM Lab. POSTECH email : ymkang@postech.ac.kr Motivation CORBA/SNMP CORBA/SNMP 2 Motivation CMIP, SNMP and CORBA high cost, low efficiency, complexity 3 Goal (Information Model) (Operation)
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