X3D 현황 (3D 그래픽스데이터 ) 3D 그래픽스 이명원
- 경인 판
- 5 years ago
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1 X3D 현황 (3D 그래픽스데이터 ) 3D 그래픽스 이명원
2 요약 Web3D Consortium X3D 기술현황 X3D 응용과예제 VRML H-Anim X3D 표준개발사례 H-Anim 표준개발사례 명지대학교세미나 2
3 Web3D Consortium An international, non-profit, member funded, industry standards development organization Development of royalty free, open, internationally ratified standards 명지대학교세미나 3
4 Web3D Consortium 명지대학교세미나 4
5 X3D (Extensible 3D) 최신버전 : ISO/IEC : 2013 X3D Architecture and base components V3 (V3.3) 대화형웹과멀티미디어와통합된방송기반 3D 컨텐츠를위한소프트웨어표준 XML 을기반으로 3D 장면과물체들을표현하고서로통신 어플리케이션에삽입되어실시간그래픽스콘텐츠를저장, 검색, 재생하는기능제공 공학및과학적가시화, CAD 및건축, 의료가시화, 훈련및시뮬레이션, 멀티미디어, 오락, 교육등많은분야에서이용될수있도록부품화 VRML 을개선하여새로운기능, 향상된어플리케이션프로그램인터페이스, 추가적인데이터인코딩형식, 엄격한적합성및부품화된구조 X3D 는폴리곤기하, 파라미터기하, 계층적변환, 조명, 재질, 다중단계의텍스처매핑등의 3D 그래픽스기술을포함 텍스트, 2D 벡터및 3D 변환계층내에서디스플레이되는텍스트, 2D 벡터및평면의형상지원 휴머노이드애니메이션이나모핑을위한연속적인애니메이션에필요한타이머와보간자 (interpolators) 마우스기반의픽킹및드래깅과키보드입력과같은사용자상호작용기능 카메라, 3D 장면내에서의사용자의움직임, 충돌, 접근및가시성탐지등과관련된네비게이션기능 명지대학교세미나 5
6 X3D 특징 Open 3D file format Runtime architecture Declarative approach Multiple encodings Royalty free ISO-ratified Commercial and open source implementations Multi-platform 명지대학교세미나 6
7 X3D 응용분야 Virtual environments Advertising Engineering and CAD Architecture and BIM Geospatial Training simulation Scientific and data visualization Medical imaging 명지대학교세미나 7
8 X3D Users Web consumers Government Academic Research labs Industry Makers 명지대학교세미나 8
9 X3D 지원기능 3D graphics and programmable shaders 2D graphics CAD data Animation Spatialized audio and video User interaction Navigation User-defined objects Scripting Networking Physical simulation and realtime communication 명지대학교세미나 9
10 X3D 와 OpenGL 의차이 (1) 명지대학교세미나 10
11 X3D 와 OpenGL 의차이 (2) 그래픽스파이프라인과렌더링 - API è OpenGL - 저장파일 è X3D application program projector display p image plane projection of p center of projection 가상카메라로합성되는렌더링장면 명지대학교세미나 11
12 X3D 파일구조 File header (XML, ClassicVRML, Compressed Binary) X3D hearder statement Profile statement Component statements (optional) Meta statements (optional) X3D root node X3D scene graph child nodes 명지대학교세미나 12
13 X3D 파일내용 각 X3D 파일이포함하는내용은다음과같다. 3D 장면내모든물체들의가시화정보 다른파일이나다른어플리케이션으로링크될수있도록하는하이퍼링크 각물체의행동, 애니메이션, 시뮬레이션기술 프로그래밍이나스크립트언어에의해외부모듈이나어플리케이션과연결할수있다 명지대학교세미나 13
14 X3D 컴포넌트 ( 노드 ) CAD geometry Core Cube map environmental texturing Distributed interactive simulation Environmental Effects Environmental sensor Event utilities Followers Geometry2D Geometry3D Geospatial Grouping Humanoid animation (H-Anim) Interpolation Key device sensor Layering Layout Lighting Navigation Networking NURBS Particle systems Pointing device sensor Programmable shaders Rendering Rigid body physics Scripting Shape Sound Text Texturing Texturing3D Time 명지대학교세미나 14
15 X3D Architecture 명지대학교세미나 15
16 X3D File Format and Language Binding 명지대학교세미나 16
17 명지대학교세미나 17
18 X3D Players and Plugins BS Contact X3D/VRML97 plugins InstantReality X3DOM FreeWRL/FreeX3D H3D: an open-source C++ API and X3D player Xj3D: an open-source java viewer Cortona3D viewer Heilan X3D browser Libx3d open-source C++ libraries for X3D NuGraf Octaga player OpenVRML Orbisnap SwirlX3D free player Titania browser White Dune: a low level X3D/VRML97 tool 명지대학교세미나 18
19 X3D Authoring Software X3D-Edit AC3D Blender BS Contact Studio tool BS Editor insight3d MeshLab ParaView RawKee Rez SwirlX3D Editor Seamless3D SubmarineX3D VIM Editor Viper Titania Browser VrmlPad Wings 3D XML Spy 명지대학교세미나 19
20 X3D File Format Encodings File format encodings.x3d: XML based.x3dv: ClassicVRML syntax.x3db: Compressed Binary Encoding API (Application programming interfaces) Javascript Java 명지대학교세미나 20
21 Scene Graph Terminology Scene graph data file Contains model description Refer to data files Scene graph viewer Reads and renders scene-graph models Implemented as application or Web browser plugin Scene graph editor Sepcial text editor for scene graph development Executable application Specific 3D model 명지대학교세미나 21
22 X3D Behaviors Behaviors Defined as changing the value of a field contained by some node Animation nodes, user interaction nodes and network updates can produce updated values ROUTE statements connect output of one node as an input to field in another node Event Defined as the time-stamped value passed by a ROUTE from one field to another The values held by nodes can change as time advances 명지대학교세미나 22
23 Example Behavior Event Chain User clicks button to start a timer clock Clock outputs new event at start of each frame Stimulates linear interpolation function which produces another output value Updates some target value in scene graph Repeat event traversal after each frame redraw 명지대학교세미나 23
24 X3D Profiles A collection of components matching common levels of complexity X3D subsets Collection of X3D nodes Interchange profile Suitable for simple geometry conversion Interactive profile Adds simple user interactivity (clicking etc) Immersive profile Matches VRML97 Full profile Includes all nodes 명지대학교세미나 24
25 X3DOM X3D + DOM (Extensible 3D + Document Object Model) Open source Javascript framework Used to create declarative 3D scenes in Web pages Part of an HTML document representing a Web page Advantages No plugin is needed A new HTML profile of X3D 명지대학교세미나 25
26 X3D Profiles and the X3DOM HTML Profile 명지대학교세미나 26
27 X3DOM 명지대학교세미나 27
28 X3D Examples 명지대학교세미나 28
29 X3D Examples X3D for Web Authors 명지대학교세미나 29
30 X3D Examples - Basic 명지대학교세미나 30
31 VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) ISO/IEC : 1997 and ISO/IEC VRML Funcational and EAI VRML 은인터넷에서 3D 물체가보여질수있도록플랫폼독립적인언어로써첫월드와이드웹의학회에서고안 VRML 의목적은 3D 환경에서물체에대한색과재질을줄수있는능력을가짐 VRML 은번역된언어이다. 월드와이드웹에서 3D 세계를표현 명지대학교세미나 31
32 VRML 의역사 VRML 1.0 은 1995 년에제작되었고실리콘그래픽스회사에의해서만들어진파일개발형태집합에기반한다. VRML 1.0 은입방체나구혹은사용자정의의다면체등의많은단순한 3D 물체를제작할수있게한다. 좀더현실적인물체를만들기위하여재료나질감은물체에따라상세화할수있다. VRML 의최근버전은 VRML97 로서 ISO 표준화된 VRML 2.0 이다. 이버전은상호작용하는세계를제작하는능력이추가되었다. 또한 움직이는세계 라고불리는 VRML2.0 은상호작용하는세계에서애니메이션과소리를허용한다. 가상세계에서새로운물체가쉽게생성되는기능이추가되었다. 자바와자바스크립트는상호작용하는물체나사용자정의의행동들을허락하기위해서예전부터 VRML 을포함하고있다 명지대학교세미나 32
33 휴머노이드애니메이션 (Humanoid Animation) ISO/IEC Humanoid Animation V1.0 3차원인체형상의모델링을위한추상적표현을기술 H-Anim 형상 휴머노이드 (Humanoid) 객체 관절 (Joint) 객체 세그먼트 (Segment) 객체 위치 (Site) 객체 치환 (Displacer) 객체 명지대학교세미나 33
34 H-Anim Hierarchy 명지대학교세미나 34
35 LOA 명지대학교세미나 35
36 LOA 명지대학교세미나 36
37 LOA 명지대학교세미나 37
38 X3D 표준개발사례 1 Physical Units ( 수원대 ) Units specification Defines all types of physical property measurements Uses SI units (International System of Units) Follows the EDCS unit dictionary and the unit scale dictionary (ISO/IEC Environment Data Coding Specification) Schema extension A schema extension is necessary in order to include the physical node A Physical element is added by extending the SceneGraphStructureNode Type, and then redefining the X3D schema ISO/IEC : 2013 V3.3 Basic units and derived units Unit statement Unit X3D Browser 명지대학교세미나 38
39 X3D 표준개발사례 1 Physical Units ( 수원대 ) Before length units specification After length units specification 명지대학교세미나 39
40 X3D 표준개발사례 2 Projective Texture Mapping ( 충북대 ) A method for texture mapping which allows the texture image to be projected onto the scene as if by a slide projector A projector (location and orientation) A texture image A view volume: (perspective or orthogonal) Projected Texture image onto the scene 명지대학교세미나 40
41 X3D 표준개발사례 2 Projective Texture Mapping ( 충북대 ) X3DProjectiveTextureNode OrthoTexture:X3DProjectiveTextureNode PerspectiveTexture:X3DProjectiveTextureNode ProjectiveTextureGroup 명지대학교세미나 41
42 X3D 표준개발사례 3 Augmented Reality (U. of Canterbury, NZ) Augmented Reality Continuum Mixed Reality Real Environment Augmented Reality Augmented Virtuality Virtual Environment HITLab KBS [Paul Milgram s Reality-Virtuality Continuum (1994)] 명지대학교세미나 42
43 X3D 표준개발사례 3 Augmented Reality (U. of Canterbury, NZ) Camera Sensor Providing video stream into X3D from physical camera Tracking Sensors Position and Orientation of physical objects (relative to the camera under AR context) Too many variant technology Magnetic, ultrasound, computer vision, etc. Camera Image/Video Background and Texture Showing static (view registered) background that doesn t update according to Viewpoint orientation. Calibrated view frustum Detailed control of projection parameters in Viewpoint 명지대학교세미나 43
44 X3D 표준개발사례 4 CAD Conversion ( 한국원자력연구원 ) CAD-to-X3D Conversion Conversion of CAD data into X3D representation for lightweight 3D visualization Purpose To provide a guide on the conversion of a CAD assembly data into X3D representation for lightweight visualization To improve X3D specification for better treatment of CAD data Scope of CAD-to-X3D includes Product structure (PS) Geometry Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) 명지대학교세미나 44
45 X3D 표준개발사례 4 CAD Conversion ( 한국원자력연구원 ) Methods for Representing PS in X3D A : One file with whole PS and all geometry data Product structure : CADAssembly, CADPart Geometry : CADFace CatiaHubAssembly.X3D T (1) T (2) T (3) T (4) Hub_Assembly H (1) T (5) T (6) CATIA Hub Assembly (6 Files) disc_with_holes (2) cap (3) sleeve_sub_assembly H (4) gasket (5) bushing (6) PS conversion Transform information is applied to the leaf nodes which include geometry information. ex) T bushing = T (1) *T (4) *T (6) <CADAssembly name= Hub_Assembly > <CADPart name= disc_with_holes...> <CADFace>... </CADFace> </CADPart> <CADPart name= cap...> <CADFace>... </CADFace> </CADPart> <CADAssembly name= sleeve_sub_assembly > <CADPart name= gasket...> <CADFace>... </CADFace> </CADPart> <CADPart name= bushing...> <CADFace>... </CADFace> </CADPart> </CADAssembly> </CADAssembly> 명지대학교세미나 45
46 X3D 표준개발사례 5 Physical Sensors in VR ( 수원대 ) Camera sensor Chemical sensor Electric sensor Environment sensor Flow sensor Light sensor Navigation sensor Proximity sensor Pressure sensor Sound sensor Temperature sensor 명지대학교세미나 46
47 X3D 표준개발사례 5 Physical Sensors in VR ( 수원대 ) X3D Physical Sensor Viewer (1) Camera sensor Light sensor Environment sensor Sound sensor 명지대학교세미나 47
48 X3D 표준개발사례 5 Physical Sensors in VR ( 수원대 ) X3D Physical Sensor Viewer (2) Light sensor Camera sensor Electric sensor Proximity sensor 명지대학교세미나 48
49 H-Anim 표준개발사례 1 H-Anim Motion Capture ( 수원대 ) Modeling guideline LOA1, LOA2, LOA3 H-Anim character modeling (LOA1, LOA2, LOA3) General 3D tools such as 3ds Max or Maya WRL WRL-to- X3D H- Anim conversion X3D (H-Anim) H-Anim model Data format H-Anim modeling definition part H-Anim motion definition part H-Anim model and motion Data format (X3D Interpolators OR Motion node def) 명지대학교세미나 49
50 H-Anim 표준개발사례 1 H-Anim Motion Capture ( 수원대 ) H-Anim motion viewer H-Anim editor 명지대학교세미나 50
51 H-Anim 표준개발사례 1 H-Anim Motion Capture ( 수원대 ) 명지대학교세미나 51
52 H-Anim 표준개발사례 2 H-Anim Facial Animation ( 아주대 ) 명지대학교세미나 52
53 H-Anim 표준개발사례 2 H-Anim Facial Animation ( 아주대 ) Reconstructed facial animation Reconstructed 명지대학교세미나 53
54 H-Anim 표준개발사례 3 H-Anim Hands and Feet ( 충북대 ) Hands Three kinds of hand joints metacarpal joints finger joints joints between metacarpi and fingers 1 Animation Palm Animation Fingers Animation MC12 MC45 MC 명지대학교세미나 54
55 H-Anim 표준개발사례 3 H-Anim Hands and Feet ( 충북대 ) 약어영문이름한글이름 TC Talocrural Joint 발목관절 TCN Talocalcaneonavicular Joint 목말발꿈치발배관절 CN Cuneonavicular Joint 쐐기발배관절 CC Calcaneuscuboid 발꿈치입방관절 TT Transverse tarsal Joint 횡단발목관절 TMT Tarsometatarsal Joint 발목발허리관절 MTP2 Metatarsophalangeal Joint 발허리발가락관절 f_pip2 f_dip 2 (Foot)Proximal Interphalangeal Joint (Foot)Distal Interphalangeal Joint ( 근위 ) 발가락뼈사이관절 ( 원위 ) 발가락뼈사이관절 f_ip1 Interphalangeal Joint 발가락뼈사이관절 명지대학교세미나 55
56 3D 데이터관련최근이슈 (1) 3D Printer 명지대학교세미나 56
57 3D 데이터관련최근이슈 (2) 3D Printer 명지대학교세미나 57
58 3D 데이터관련최근이슈 (3) 3D Printer 명지대학교세미나 58
59 3D 데이터관련최근이슈 (4) 3D Printer 명지대학교세미나 59
60 3D 데이터관련최근이슈 (5) Digital Fabrication 명지대학교세미나 60
61 3D 데이터관련최근이슈 (6) Digital Fabrication 명지대학교세미나 61
62 3D 데이터관련최근이슈 (7) Digital Fabrication 명지대학교세미나 62
63 결론 3D 그래픽스및가상현실데이터국제표준 (ISO/IEC) 3D 그래픽스및 3D 가상현실국제표준 : X3D 3D 휴머노이드국제표준 : H-Anim 명지대학교세미나 63
4. API. API. API..,.. 1 ,, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC24, Working Group ISO " (Architecture) " (API, Application Program Interface) " (Metafile and Interface) " (Language Binding) " (Validation Testing and Registration)"
MPEG-4 Visual & 응용 장의선 삼성종합기술원멀티미디어랩
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웹 3D 동향 2011 년 3 월 31 일 TTA 현실가상융합기술세미나 수원대이명원 웹 3D 표준화 Web3D Consortium (www.web3d.org) VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language): ISO/IEC 14772 X3D (Extensible 3D): ISO/IEC 19775-1 H-Anim (Humanoid Animation):
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88 / 한국전산유체공학회지 제15권, 제1호, pp.88-94, 2010. 3 관내 유동 해석을 위한 웹기반 자바 프로그램 개발 김 경 성, 1 박 종 천 *2 DEVELOPMENT OF WEB-BASED JAVA PROGRAM FOR NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF PIPE FLOW K.S. Kim 1 and J.C. Park *2 In general,
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: 2009 00 00 : IMS - 1.0 : IPR. IMS,.,. IMS IMS IMS 1). Copyright IMS Global Learning Consortium 2007. All Rights Reserved., IMS Korea ( ). IMS,. IMS,., IMS IMS., IMS.,., 3. Copyright 2007 by IMS Global
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A Study on the Automation of Classification of Volume Reconstruction for CT Images S.M. Park 1, I.S. Hong 2, D.S. Kim 1, D.Y. Kim 1 1 Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University, 2 Dept. of Radiology,
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아트앤플레이군 (2년제) Art & Play Faculty 95 교육목표 95 군 공통(네트워크) 교과과정표 96 드로잉과 페인팅 Drawing & Painting Major Track 97 매체예술 Media Art Major Track 98 비디오 & 사운드 Video & Sound Major Track 99 사진예술 PHOTOGRAPHIC ART Major
1 : MPEG-DASH MMT (MinKyu Park et al.: MMT-based Broadcasting Services Combined with MPEG-DASH) (Regular Paper) 20 2, (JBE Vol. 20, No. 2, Marc
(Regular Paper) 20 2, 2015 3 (JBE Vol. 20, No. 2, March 2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2015.20.2.283 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) MPEG-DASH MMT a), a) MMT-based Broadcasting Services
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240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 An Application for Calculation and Visualization of Narrative Relevance of Films Using Keyword Tags Choi Jin-Won (KAIST) Film making
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논문접수일 : 2014.12.20 심사일 : 2015.01.06 게재확정일 : 2015.01.27 청각 장애자들을 위한 보급형 휴대폰 액세서리 디자인 프로토타입 개발 Development Prototype of Low-end Mobile Phone Accessory Design for Hearing-impaired Person 주저자 : 윤수인 서경대학교 예술대학
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