임상강사 수련프로그램 및 근무지침 – 혈액내과

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1 임상강사수련프로그램및근무지침 혈액내과 목차 수련과정의목표 혈액내과소개및수련프로그램개요 지도전문의 ~11 임상강사자격요건 수련프로그램내용 ~14 1) 1 년차임상강사 진료 학술 연구 ) 2 년차임상강사 진료 학술 연구 근무지침및의무 ~14 연차별업무 ~15 단독으로수행가능한임상수기 평가기준및평가표 ~16 1

2 임상강사수련과정의목표 서울아산병원혈액내과임상강사프로그램의목표는향후혈액내과질환의전문적인진료 는물론기초및임상연구와교육활동을위한토대를마련할수있도록체계적인수련을받 음으로써혈액종양내과분야의전문가를양성하는것이다. 서울아산병원혈액내과소개및수련프로그램개요 서울아산병원은 2,708병상규모의전문의료기관으로우수한교수진과최첨단의료시설및장비를갖추고있는우리나라최고의병원입니다. 또한 2009년서울아산병원암센터 (ACC) 가완공됨으로써초대형의료기관으로자리잡을뿐만아니라각암종의치료에있어다학제전문가간에통합진료를시행함으로써암의진단, 치료및예방에있어명실상부한암전문병원으로위상을굳건히하고있습니다. 저희혈액내과에는네분의교수진이계시며약 90병상의입원환자와일평균 95명정도의외래환자를진료하고있습니다. 외래항암주사실및외래항암주사병동을보유하고있어서외래에서의항암치료가활성화되어있고 12개의무균실이있으며일년에약 108개의조혈모세포이식을시행하고있습니다. 또한우리나라최초로항암요법전산시스템을구축하여정확한처방을시행할뿐만아니라각환자의처방내용을저장, 보관함으로써환자의향후치료및임상연구에자료로도활용하고있습니다. 이와같은많은증례의임상환자들을대상으로하여다양한임상연구가이루어지고있으며매년저명학술지에임상연구결과를발표함으로써혈액암치료의발전에기여하고있습니다. 또한병원부설아산생명과학연구소와임상연구센터에서는각종암관련기초및임상연구가활발히시행되고있습니다. 서울아산병원의혈액내과임상강사과정은다양한혈액암과혈액질병에대해전문지식과임상경험을할수있는훌륭한기회로써최근특히혈연간반일치조혈모세포이식분야에서활발한연구가시행되고있어서국내외적으로도선두적인혈액암전문병원에서의수련을받을수있습니다. 교수진 (2013 년기준 ) 교수 ( 내과과장 ) : 이규형교수 ( 외래부장및분과장 ) : 이제환부교수 : 이정희조교수 : 김대영 지도전문의 - 혈액내과책임지도전문의 : 이제환교수 2

3 - 혈액내과지도전문의 : 이규형교수이정희교수김대영교수 - 지도전문의소개성명이규형직위교수수련경력서울대학교의과대학졸업 (1982년), M.D. 가톨릭대학교의과대학의학부 (1989~1991년), M.S 가톨릭대학교의과대학의학부 (1991~1994년), Ph.D. 미국 Massachusetts주 Worcester, St. Vincent 병원병리과레지던트 (1982~1983년) 미국 Ohio주 Dayton, Wright State University 의과대학내과레지던트 (1983~1986년) 미국 Texas주 Houston, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center 종양학펠로우 (1986~1988년) Certification 의사면허 ( 번호 : #24728) 세부전공골수이식, 백혈병, 림프 (1982년) 종, 혈액질환전문의자격 ( 번호 : #3611) (1992년) 교육경력미국 Texas주 Houston, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Jr Faculty Associate (1988~1989년) 서울중앙병원종양혈액내과전임강사 (1989~1992) 서울중앙병원종양혈액내과조교수 (1992~1996) 서울중앙병원종양혈액내과부교수 (1996~2001) 서울아산병원혈액내과교수 (2001~ 현재 ) 주요연구업적 A randomized comparison of cyclophosphamide vs. reduced dose cyclophosphamide plus fludarabine for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in patients with aplastic anemia and hypoplastic myelodysplastic syndrome. Kim H, Lee Je-H, Joo YD, Bae SH, Hyun MS, Lee JH, Kim DY, Lee WS, Ryoo HM, Kim MK, Park JH, Lee KH*; Cooperative Study Group A for Hematology (COSAH). Ann Hematol Sep;91(9):1459~69. Reduced-intensity conditioning therapy with busulfan, fludarabine, and anti-thymocyte globulin for HLA-haploidentical hematopoietic cell transplantation in acute leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome. Lee KH*, Lee Je-H, Lee JH, Kim DY, Seol M, Lee YS, Kang YA, Jeon M, Hwang HJ, Jung AR, Kim SH, Yun SC, Shin HJ. Blood Sep; 118(9):2609~17. Clinical effect of reduced-intensity conditioning regimen containing antithymocyte globulin for hematopoietic cell transplantation from 3

4 unrelated-donors. Lee KH*, Choi SJ, Lee Je-H, Lee JH, Kim DY, Seol M, Lee YS, Kang YA, Jeon M, Yun SC, Joo YD, Lee WS, Kang MJ, Kim H, Park JH, Bae SH, Ryoo HM, Kim MK, Hyun MS. Am J Hematol May; 86(5):399~405. Generation of donor natural killer cells from CD34(+) progenitor cells and subsequent infusion after HLA-mismatched allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: a feasibility study. Yoon SR, Lee Y S, Yang SH, Ahn KH, Lee Je-H, Lee JH, Kim DY, Kang YA, Jeon MJ, Seol M, Ryu SG, Chung JW, Choi I, Lee KH* Jun; 45(6): Continuous infusion of intermediate-dose cytarabine and fludarabine with idarubicin for patients younger than 60 years with resistant acute myeloid leukemia: A prospective, multicenter phase II study. Kim H, Park JH, Lee Je-H, Lee JH, Joo YD, Lee WS, Bae SH, Ryoo HM, Lee KH*, Cooperative Study Group A for Hematology. Am J Hematol Mar;84(3); Hematopoietic cell transplantation from an HLA-mismatched familial donor is feasible without ex vivo-t cell depletion after reducedintensity conditioning with busulfan, fludarabine, and anti-thymocyte globulin. Lee KH*, Lee Je-H, Lee JH, Kim DY, Kim SH, Shin HJ, Lee YS, Kang YA, Seol M, Ryu SG. Biol Blood Marrow Jan;15(1): Risk score model for fatal intracranial hemorrhage in acute leukemia. Kim H, Lee Je-H, Choi SJ, Lee JH, Seol M, Lee YS, Kim WK, Lee JS, Lee KH*. Leukemia May;20(5): Clinical effect of imatinib added to intensive combination chemotherapy for newly diagnosed Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Lee KH, Lee Je-H, Choi SJ, Lee JH, Seol M, Lee YS, Kim WK, Lee JS, Seo EJ, Jang J, Park CJ, Chi HS*. Leukemia Sep;19(9): Prognostic factors identifiable at the time of onset of acute graftversus-host disease after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Lee KH*, Choi SJ, Lee Ju-H, Lee JS, Kim WK, Lee KB, Sohn SK, Kim JG, Kim DH, Shin SJ, Seol M, Lee YS, Ryu SG, Lee JH. Haematologica Jul;90(7): Cyclosporine alone vs cyclosporine plus methotrexate for posttransplant immunosuppression after HLA-identical sibling bone marrow transplantation: a randomized prospective study. Lee KH*, Choi SJ, Lee Ju-H, Kim S, Seol M, Lee YS, Kim WK, Lee JS, Lee JH Oct;34(7):

5 수상실적제7회 BRM 학회학술상 (2000년) 제 8차대한조혈모세포이식학회우수연제상 (2003년) 제 10차대한조혈모세포이식학회학술상 (2007년) 제 12차대한조혈모세포이식학회우수연제상 (2008년) 학회활동회원대한내과학회회원대한암학회회원대한혈액학회회원대한조혈모세포이식학회회원미국내과학회회원미국임상종양학회회원미국혈액학회임상강사수련내용 성명이제환직위교수 수련경력 서울대학교의과대학졸업 (1987년), M.D. 울산대학교의과대학의학과 (1995~1997년), M.S 충북대학교의과대학의학과 (1997~2001년), Ph.D. 서울대학교병원인턴 (1987~1988년) 서울대학교병원내과레지던트 (1988~1991년) 서울아산병원종양혈액내과전임의 (1994~1996년) Certification 의사면허 ( 번호 : #34546) 세부전공 골수이식, 백혈병, 림프 (1987년) 종, 다발성골수종, 혈액 전문의자격 ( 번호 : #3222) 질환 (1991년) 교육경력 울산대학교 의과대학 서울중앙병원 종양혈액내과 전임강사대우 (1996~1997년) 서울중앙병원종양혈액내과전임강사 (1997~1999) 서울중앙병원종양혈액내과조교수 (1999~2003) 미국, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (2002~2003) 서울아산병원혈액내과부교수 (2003~2008) 서울아산병원혈액내과교수 (2008~ 현재 ) 주요연구업적 Randomized Trial of Myeloablative Conditioning Regimens: Busulfan Plus Cyclophosphamide Versus Busulfan Plus Fludarabine. Lee Je-H*, Joo YD, Kim H, Ryoo HM, Kim MK, Lee GW, Lee JH, Lee WS, Park JH, 5

6 Bae SH, Hyun MS, Kim DY, Kim SD, Min YJ, Lee KH. J Clin Oncol Feb. 31(6):701~9. Fludarabine, cytarabine, and attenuated-dose idarubicin (m-flai) combination therapy for elderly acute myeloid leukemia patients. Kim I, Koh Y, Yoon SS, Park S, Kim BK, Kim DY, Lee JH, Lee KH, Cheong JW, Lee HK, Kim SH, Kim H, Joo YD, Lee SM, Won JH, Park SK, Hong DS, Kim SH, Sohn SK, Kim CS, Park E, Kim MK, Park MR, Lee Je-H*, Min YH*; for the Korean Society of Hematology AML/MDS working party. Am J Hematol Jan; 88(1):10~5. Single nucleotide polymorphism of Wilms tumor 1 gene rs16754 in Korean patients with cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia. Choi Y, Lee Je-H*, Hur EH, Kang MJ, Kim SD, Lee JH, Kim DY, Lim SN, Bae KS, Lim HS, Seol M, Kang YA, Lee KH. Ann Hematol May ;91(5):671~7. [Epub]2011 Oct 21. A randomized trial comparing standard versus high-dose daunorubicin induction in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.. Lee Je-H*, Joo YD, Kim H, Bae SH, Kim MK, Zang DY, Lee JL, Lee GW, Lee JH, Park JH, Kim DY, Lee WS, Ryoo HM, Hyun MS, Kim HJ, Min YJ, Jang YE, Lee KH. Blood Oct ;118(14):3832~41. [Epub]2011 Aug 9. Pre-engraftment graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for acute leukemia. Lee JH, Lee Je- H*. Kim DY, Yun SC, Kim SD, Choi Y, Lee YS, Kang YA, Jeon MJ, Seol M, Lee KH. Eur J Haematol Aug; 87(2):172~81. [Epub]2011 May 23. A prediction model for complete remission upon reinduction for patients with acute myeloid leukemia after failure of anthracycline and cytarabine standard chemotherapy. Kim DY, Lee Je-H*, Sym SJ, Yun SC, Lee JH, Kim SD, Choi Y, Lee YS, Kang YA, Jeon M, Seol M, Lee KH, Lee YJ, Lee KH. Ann Hematol Nov;90(11):1283~91. [Epub]2011 Apr 12. Feasibility of hypomethylating agents followed by allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Kim DY, Lee Je-H*, Park YH, Lee JH, Kim SD, Choi Y, Lee SB, Lee KH, Ahn SY, Lee YS, Seol M, Kang YA, Jeon M, Jung AR, Lee YJ, Lee KH Mar;47(3):374~9. [Epub]2011 Apr 11. A prospective multicenter observational study of decitabine treatment in Korean patients with myelodysplastic syndrome. Lee Je-H*, Jang JH*, Park J, Park S, Joo YD, Kim YK, Kim HG, Choi CW, Kim SH, Park SK, Park E, Min YH. Haematologica Oct; 96(10):1441~7. [Epub]2011 Jun 9. 6

7 Influence of GST gene polymorphisms on the clearance of intravenous busulfan in adult patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation. Kim SD, Lee Je-H*, Hur EH, Lee JH, Kim DY, Lim SN, Choi Y, Lim HS, Bae KS, Noh GJ, Yun SC, Han SB, Lee KH. Biol Blood Marrow Aug;17(8):1222~30. [Epub]2011 Jan 6. Decreased incidence of febrile episodes with antibiotic prophylaxis in the treatment of decitabine for myelodysplastic syndrome. Lee Je-H*, Lee KH, Lee JH, Kim DY, Kim SH, Lim SN, Kim SD, Choi Y, Lee SM, Lee WS, Choi MY, Joo YD. Leukemia Res Apr; 35(4): [Epub]2010 Jul 31. Significance of fibrinogen, D-dimer, and LDH levels in predicting the risk of bleeding in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia. Kim DY, Lee Je-H*, Lee JH, Kim SD, Lim SN, Choi Y, Lee YS, Kang YA, Seol M, Jeon M, Kim JY, Lee KH, Lee YJ, Lee KH. Leuk Res Feb; 35(2): [Epub]2010 Jun 15. Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for myelodysplastic syndrome: prognostic significance of pre-transplant IPSS score and comorbidity. Lee Je-H*, Lee JH, Lim SN, Kim DY, Kim SH, Lee YS, Kang YA, Kang SI, Jeon MJ, Seol M, Seo EJ, Chi HS, Park CJ, Jang S, Yun SC, Lee KH Mar;45(3): [Epub] 2009 Aug 10. Comparison of various criteria in predicting treatment response and prognosis of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome treated with azacitidine. Kim DY, Lee Je-H*, Lee JH, Lee KH, Kim YK, Ahn JS, Kim HJ, Kim I, Yoon SS, Park S, Bae SH, Bang SM*, Lee HG, Shin HJ, Lee JH, Min YH, Won JH, Mun YC, Oh D; Korean Society of Hematology AML/MDS Working Party. Ann Hematol Jan;89(1): [Epub] 2009 Jun 19. Influence of Environmental Conditions on c-jun N-terminal Kinase Mediated Apoptosis of HL60 Cells by Anti-Cancer Drugs. Hur EH, Kang MJ, Kim SD, Lim SN, Kim DY, Lee JH, Lee KH, Lee Je-H*. Biomol Ther Jan;18(1):32-8. Reevaluation of the National Institutes of Health criteria for classification and scoring of chronic GVHD. Kim DY, Lee Je-H*, Lee JH, Kim SH, Lim SN, Kim SD, Choi Y, Lee YS, Kang YA, Kang SI, Seol M, Ryu SG, Lee KH Nov 16. [Epub ahead of print] 수상실적혈액학종합학술대회우수연제상 (2010년) 7

8 학회활동 회원대한의사협회회원대한내과학회회원대한혈액학회회원미국내과학회회원미국혈액학회 임상강사 수련내용 성명이정희직위부교수 수련경력중앙대학교의과대학졸업 (1994년), M.D. 울산대학교의과대학의학과 (2000~2002년), M.S 울산대학교의과대학의학과 (2002~2004년), Ph.D. 중앙대학교병원인턴 (1994~1995년) 서울중앙병원내과레지던트 (1996~2002년) 서울중앙병원종양혈액내과전임의 (2000~2002년) Certification 의사면허 ( 번호 : #53315) 세부전공골수이식, 백혈병, 림프 (1994년) 종, 다발성골수종, 형질전문의자격 ( 번호 : #6607) 세포질환, 혈액질환 (2000년) 교육경력중앙대학교병원내과임상조교수 (2002년) 중앙대학교병원내과조교수 (2002~2004) 서울아산병원혈액내과조교수 (2004~2008) 서울아산병원혈액내과부교수 (2008~ 현재 ) 주요연구업적 Two cycles of the PS-341/bortezomib, adriamycin, and dexamethasone combination followed by autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients. Lee JH*, Lee Je-H, Kim DY, Kim SD, Choi Y, Kang YA, Seol M, Lee KH. Eur J Haematol Jun; 88(6):478~84. [Epub]2012 Apr 11. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)-specific survival and duration of systemic immunosuppressive treatment in patients who developed chronic GVHD following allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation. Lee JH, Lee Je-H*, Choi SJ, Kim S, Seol M, Lee YS, Lee JS, Kim WK, Lee KH. Br J Haematol Aug;122(4): Application of different prognostic scoring systems and comparison of 8

9 the FAB and WHO classifications in Korean patients with myelodysplastic syndrome. Lee JH, Lee Je-H*, Shin YR, Lee JS, Kim WK, Chi HS, Park CJ, Seo EJ, Lee KH. Leukemia Feb;17(2): Significance of fibrinogen, D-dimer, and LDH levels in predicting the risk of bleeding in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia. Kim DY, Lee Je-H*, Lee JH, Kim SD, Lim SN, Choi Y, Lee YS, Kang YA, Seol M, Jeon M, Kim JY, Lee KH, Lee YJ, Lee KH. Leuk Res Jun 14. [Epub ahead of print] Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for myelodysplastic syndrome: prognostic significance of pre-transplant IPSS score and comorbidity. Lee Je-H*, Lee JH, Lim SN, Kim DY, Kim SH, Lee YS, Kang YA, Kang SI, Jeon MJ, Seol M, Seo EJ, Chi HS, Park CJ, Jang S, Yun SC, Lee KH Mar;45(3): [Epub] 2009 Aug 10. Comparison of various criteria in predicting treatment response and prognosis of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome treated with azacitidine. Kim DY, Lee Je-H*, Lee JH, Lee KH, Kim YK, Ahn JS, Kim HJ, Kim I, Yoon SS, Park S, Bae SH, Bang SM*, Lee HG, Shin HJ, Lee JH, Min YH, Won JH, Mun YC, Oh D; Korean Society of Hematology AML/MDS Working Party. Ann Hematol Jan;89(1): [Epub] 2009 Jun 19. 수상실적제37회미국임상종양학회학술대회 Merit Award (2001년) 제27회대한암학회학술대회 GSK학술상 (2001년) 대한조혈모세포이식학회추계학술대회최우수연제상 (2001년) 제43회미국혈액학회학술대회 Traveler s Award (2001년) 제 29 회대한암학회학술대회한국로슈종양학술상 (2003년) 학회활동회원대한의사협회회원대한내과학회회원대한암학회회원대한혈액학회회원대한조혈모세포이식학회임상강사수련내용 9

10 성명김대영직위조교수 수련경력 서울대학교의과대학졸업 (1999년), M.D. 서울대학교의과대학의학과 (2003~2004년), M.S 서울대학교병원인턴 (1999~2000년) 서울대학교병원내과레지던트 (2000~2004년) 서울대학교병원혈액종양내과전임의 (2007~2008년) 서울아산병원혈액내과전임의 (2008~2009년) Certification 의사면허 ( 번호 : #66537) (1999년) 전문의자격 ( 번호 : #9119) (2004년) 세부전공 골수이식, 백혈병, 림프종, 다발성골수종, 형질세포질환, 혈액질환 교육경력 서울아산병원혈액내과조교수 (2009~ 현재 ) 주요연구업적 Clinical features of adult patients with secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis from causes other than lymphoma: an analysis of treatment outcome and prognostic factors. Park HS, Kim DY*, Lee Je- H, Lee JH, Kim SD, Park YH, Lee JS, Kim BY, Jeon M, Kang YA, Lee YS, Seol M, Lee YJ, Lim YS, Jang S, Park CJ, Chi HS, Lee KH. Ann Hematol Jun; 91(6):897~904. [Epub]2011 Dec 8. A prediction model for complete remission upon reinduction for patients with acute myeloid leukemia after failure of anthracycline and cytarabine standard chemotherapy. Kim DY, Lee Je-H*, Sym SJ, Yun SC, Lee JH, Kim SD, Choi Y, Lee YS, Kang YA, Jeon M, Seol M, Lee KH, Lee YJ, Lee KH. Ann Hematol Nov;90(11):1283~91. [Epub]2011 Apr 12. Feasibility of hypomethylating agents followed by allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Kim DY, Lee Je-H*, Park YH, Lee JH, Kim SD, Choi Y, Lee SB, Lee KH, Ahn SY, Lee YS, Seol M, Kang YA, Jeon M, Jung AR, Lee YJ, Lee KH Mar;47(3):374~9. [Epub]2011 Apr 11. Significance of fibrinogen, D-dimer, and LDH levels in predicting the risk of bleeding in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia. Kim DY, Lee Je-H*, Lee JH, Kim SD, Lim SN, Choi Y, Lee YS, Kang YA, Seol M, Jeon M, Kim JY, Lee KH, Lee YJ, Lee KH. Leuk Res Jun 14. [Epub ahead of print] Comparison of various criteria in predicting treatment response and prognosis of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome treated with azacitidine. Kim DY, Lee Je-H*, Lee JH, Lee KH, Kim YK, Ahn JS, Kim HJ, Kim I, Yoon SS, Park S, Bae SH, Bang SM*, Lee HG, Shin HJ, Lee JH, Min YH, Won JH, Mun YC, Oh D; Korean Society of Hematology 10

11 수상실적학회활동임상강사수련내용 AML/MDS Working Party. Ann Hematol Jan;89(1): [Epub] 2009 Jun 19. Reevaluation of the National Institutes of Health criteria for classification and scoring of chronic GVHD. Kim DY, Lee Je-H*, Lee JH, Kim SH, Lim SN, Kim SD, Choi Y, Lee YS, Kang YA, Kang SI, Seol M, Ryu SG, Lee KH Nov 16. [Epub ahead of print] Efficacy of platinum-based chemotherapy after cranial radiation in patients with brain metastasis from non-small cell lung cancer. Kim DY, Lee KW, Yun T, Kim DW, Kim TY, Heo DS, Bang YJ, Kim NK. Oncol Rep Jul;14(1): Comparison of intrathecal chemotherapy for leptomeningeal carcinomatosis of a solid tumor: methotrexate alone versus methotrexate in combination with cytosine arabinoside and hydrocortisone. Kim DY, Lee KW, Yun T, Park SR, Jung JY, Kim DW, Kim TY, Heo DS, Bang YJ, Kim NK. Jpn J Clin Oncol Dec;33(12): 대한혈액학회춘계학술대회 ECS(English Conversation Session) 우수구연상 (2007년) 대한혈액학회춘계학술대회우수연제상 (2008년) 혈액학종합학술대회우수연제상 (2010년) 회원대한의사협회회원대한내과학회회원대한혈액학회회원대한조혈모세포이식학회회원대한항암요법연구회회원한국임상암학회 임상강사자격요건 - 내과전문의자격을취득하였거나또는병원장이이와동등하다고인정한자 수련프로그램내용 11

12 1 년차임상강사 교육목표 - 내과학회혈액종양내과분과임상강사교육목표에의거하여혈액질환및고형암환자를전문적으로진료할수있는임상능력을배양한다. - 임상연구에대한개념을정립하며적용할수있어야한다. 진료 - 혈액암및혈액질환분야의분과전문의로서갖추어야할임상전문지식및전문적인진단및치료능력을습득하기위해혈액내과입원환자와외래환자, 타과진료상담을응하도록한다. - 고형암환자의진료와수련을위하여 4개월간종양내과파견을나가고종양내과의각세부분과를모두경험하도록한다. - 혈액내과와종양내과의각세부분과 rotation 시각담당교수의감독하에내과전공의의환자진료를지도, 감독하고함암제치료를비롯한혈액종양분야에대한임상능력을배양한다. - 자가및동종조혈모세포이식에참여한다. - 주 1회독립적으로외래환자진료를본다. 학술 - journal club, BMT conference, case conference 등에참여하여최신저널에대한 review 및환자치료에대해관련문헌고찰등을시행한다. - 1년차임상강사기간중에 1회이상학회발표와 1편이상의논문발표를의무적으로해야한다. - 1년차수련기간중 1회의해외학회참석을과에서보조한다. - 일정규모이상의학회 (ASCO, ASH) 에초록을발표할경우에는 2회이상의해외학회참석도보조할수있다. 연구 - 교수들로부터임상연구에대한지도를받느다. 이때각교수는 1년차임상강사에게주어지는지도의분량을감안하여적절히조절해야한다. - 임상연구지도에는임상연구의계획, 임상프로토콜의작성, 임상연구의진행, 임상연구의결과분석및발표등이포함된다. - 정기적으로진행중인임상연구의중간결과에대해발표하고중간평가받는시간을갖는다. 2 년차임상강사 교육목표 12

13 - 2년차임상강사과정중에는비지정진료환자의독자적인외래및입원진료를통하여독립된혈액종양내과분과전문의로서의능력을배양한다 - 임상연구의계획, 진행, 결과분석, 논문작성, 학술대회발표및논문작성의전과정을독자적으로수행할수있는능력을배양한다. - 기초연구의계획, 진행, 결과분석, 논문작성, 학술대회발표및논문작성의전과정을수행할수있는능력을배양한다. 진료 - 외래환자진료수행 - 입원환자진료및임상연구의수행 - 개개임상강사의 2년차수련계획은 1년차임상강사말에자신이의도하는바에따라개개임상강사가혈액내과과장과면담후에결정한다 회 / 주이상의외래진료를수행한다. 학술 - 최신저널에대한 review 및환자치료에대해관련문헌고찰등을시행한다 - 2년차수련기간중 1회의해외학회참석을과에서보조한다. - 일정규모이상의학회 (ASCO, ASH) 에초록을발표할경우에는 2회이상의해외학회참석도보조할수있다. 연구 - 6개월동안특정지도교수의지도하에기초연구를시행한다. - 기초연구의계획, 진행, 결과분석, 논문작성, 학술대회발표및논문작성의전과정을수행하며결과는연구세미나에서발표하고학술대회와학회지에보고한다. - 기초연구에필요한경비는지도교수의연구비로충당하되지도교수의요청이있을경우과의회의를거쳐서과에서지원할수있다. - 2년차임상강사기간중에시행한연구에대해서 1회이상의학회발표를해야한다. - 임상과기초연구결과를각 1편이상씩논문발표하여야하며적어도 1편은 SCI 등재논문에발표하여야한다. 근무지침및의무 1. 일반근무치침 - 임상강사의근무수칙은크게병원전체의임상강사근무수칙과개별과의근무수칙으로구분된다. - 각과의근무수칙은병원전체의근무수칙에위배되어서는안된다. 병원전체의근무수칙은임상강사복무규정에명시되어있으며, 기타명시되지않은사항은병원의직원근무규정을따른다. - 위의규정에따라다음의항목은병원전체의임상강사복무규정을따른다. 13

14 복무기간및재임용태도및복장급여및상여금휴가및병가학회참석및학회보조금포상및징계 2. 진료의의무 - 임상강사가해당교수의병실및응급실환자에대해전공의의 back up을하도록한다. - 응급실에내원한환자의경우담당전공의로부터보고를받고환자의검사와치료, 입원여부등을판단하고향후계획을세워야한다. 이과정에서담당전공의의지도를동시에수행한다. - 병동환자의경우정규업무시간이나업무후시간이라도당직전공의의보고에응하여환자를진료하고응급상황에대처하도록하며이과정에서당직전공의의지도를수행한다. - 1년차임상강사의경우독립적으로외래진료를담당한다. - 2년차임상강사의경우독립적으로외래환자와입원환자의진료를담당한다. - 단독결정이어려운경우에는지도교수와상의한다. 3. 학술, 연구의의무 - 과내, 과외에서실시되는학술행사와연구활동에적극적으로참여함을원칙으로한다. - 1 년간학회발표를의무를원칙으로한다. 연차별업무 <1년차 > - 6개월간혈액내과질환별담당스텝의분야를순환하여근무한다. - 6개월간종양내과의질환별담당스텝분야를순환근무한다. - 해당스텝의입원환자의일차적진료를담당하는전공의의업무를지도감독한다. - 혈액내과 conference 에서전공의에게질환에대한교육, 최신지견등을발표한다. - Journal review 를한다. - 임상연구에참여한다. - 국내 / 외학술행사에초록을발표한다. - 참여하였던임상연구결과에대해논문을작성한다. <2년차 > - 6개월간임상환자를주도적으로본인이담당스텝이되어진료한다. - 본인의환자에대해해당질환스텝의자문을받는다. 14

15 - 6개월간기초연구실험에참여한다. - 혈액내과 conference 에서전공의에게질환에대한교육, 최신지견등을발표한다. - Journal review 를한다. - 임상연구를기획하고주도적으로이끌어나간다. - 국내 / 외학술행사에초록을발표한다. - 참여하였던임상연구결과에대해논문을작성한다. 단독으로수행가능한임상수기 <1 년차 > - 없음 <2 년차 > - 단독 Harvest operator 평가기준및평가표 평가기준 논문및연구실적 30% 외래진료실적 20% 국내외학술대회발표 20% 인성평가및조직내구성원대인관계 10% 임상실험계획및진행참여실적 20% 15

16 평가표 임상강사근무평가표 성명 / 년차 : 진료과목 : 과 평가기간 : ~ 평가교수 : ( 인 ) 평가일자 : 과 ( 실 ) 장 : ( 인 ) * 이평가표는진급시근거자료가되므로정확히평가하여주십시오. * 10점또는 0점을줄경우와기타언급할사항이있을경우의견란에그내용을기입하여주십시오. * 윤리적으로심각한문제가있다고판단되는경우, 사유를소상히기록하여주십시오. * 평가시과내여러 Staff 선생님들의의견을반영하여주시기바랍니다. 기본소양및근무자세 임상능력 의학적지식 세부항목출퇴근및근무위치준수복장과용모환자및보호자와의관계 ( 윤리성, 친절성 ) 의료인력과의관계 ( 협동성, 인화등 ) Call에대한신속한응답환자에대한문진, 진찰능력검사결과해석능력치료방침결정혹은수술능력교육자적능력 ( 학생및전공의교육 ) 의무기록작성의학적기본지식근거에따른문제해결태도 (Evidence based medicine) 배우려는자세집담회참석및토론능력임상및기초연구능력 해당란에 V 하여주십시오 Poor Fair Good Excellent * 해당점수에 표하여주십시오 종합평가 Poor Fair Good Excellent 담당교수 진료과장 16

17 홍보용별첨자료 1. 진료 1) 병동 : 일반병동 2, 무균실 12병상 / 일일입원환자 90명진료. 2) 외래 : 교수특진외래 16 session 외전임의일반외래주 2 session 운영 3) 실적 (2010년기준 ) 구 분 외래입원퇴원 초진재진실인원연인원실인원연인원 실적 2,403 23,333 1,164 32,847 1,209 32,330 4) 조혈모세포이식실적 -2009년 1년간동종골수이식 (allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation) 145건, 자가골수이식 (autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation) 20건시행 -2010년 1월-7월 7개월간동종골수이식 77건달성으로, 2010년 1년간동종골수이식 132건 ( 예상 ) 시행예정 년 8월 1일현재병원개원이후누적건수로 907건의동종골수이식달성 년까지반일치골수이식 (haploidentical hematopoietic cell transplantation) 누적시행건수 123례달성. -이로써반일치골수이식기법의안전성을입증하여, matched sibling/full-matched unrelated donor로부터의이식을시행할수없는환자대상의, third party donor로부터시행하는동종골수이식술에있어국내최다 / 최고의임상경험을보유하고있음. 2. 연구 1) 연구결과발표실적 - 현재까지 74여건의임상논문을 SCI급논문에발표. ( 혈액내과발표논문목록.doc 참고 ) - 임상강사 / 전공의전원을대상으로매월 1회 research meeting을가지며, 각자의연구진행상황을점검및지원하고있음. - 현재까지시행한모든조혈모세포이식시행환자 / 진단된모든급성백혈병 (acute leukemia) 환자들의진단부터최근또는사망시점까지의전체임상경과를전향적으로추적관찰한임상데이터 ( 레지스트리 ) 를보유, 각종임상연구에대한연구시정확성이보장된자료에의한체계적인임상연구가매우용이함. 2) 국내외학술회의참석 - 국내 ( 대한혈액학회춘 / 추계학술대회, 대한조혈모이식학회하 / 동계학술대회 ) 및국제 (American Society of Hematology, American Society of Clinical Oncology, European Hematologic Association, European ation meeting) 학술대회에대한참석을적극적으로지원함. - 국내 / 외주요학술대회에서모든임상강사선생님들이후향적 / 전향적주제를발표할 17

18 수있도록연구주제를배정하고실제로연구를진행하는과정에대해체계적으로교육하고있음. 3) 기초연구 (basic research) - 혁신형암연구중심병원계획의제4 세부과제팀에참여, 표적항암제의작용기전연구 /Cell signaling pathway의분석 / 항암제의 pharmacokinetics 및 pharmacodynamics 측면에서의분석등다양한주제에대한기초연구를진행하고있으며이과정에있어서연구에흥미를가진임상강사선생님의적극적인참여및논문작성을지원하고있음. 4) 임상시험 (clinical research) - 대한혈액학회산하각종연구회에소속되어각종다기관공동연구를제안또는주도적으로참여하여, 연구과제를수행하고있음. - 10여개기관이참여하는다기관공동연구회 (COSAH) 를조직하여현재약 20여건의공동연구를기획및수행하고있음. - 급성백혈병에대한표적치료제에대한조기임상시험 ( 제 1상 /2상시험 ) 을산학협력을통해진행할계획을수립중. 참고 ) 혈액내과발표논문목록.doc 제목저자저널명권호, 면, 연도 Acute promyelocytic leukemia is a distinct subset of acute myelocytic Lee KH*, Kim DH, Lee JS, leukemia with unique clinicopathologic Suh CW, Kim SW, Kim SB, J Korean Med 9(6):437- characteristics including longer Lee JH, Doh BS, Chi HS, Lee Sci 43, 1994 duration of relapse free survival: MS experience in 13 cases. Prognostic factors of acute myelocytic leukemia: an analysis of 132 patients in a single institution. Lee KH*, Lee JS, Suh CW, Kim SW, Kim SB, Lee JH, Zang DY, Lee DS, Chi HS, Lee MS, Kim WK, Kim SH J Korean Med Sci 11(3):222-32, 1996 Veno-occlusive disease (VOD) of the liver in Korean patients following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT): efficacy of recombinant human tissue plasminogen activator (rt-pa) Lee JH*, Lee KH, Choi JS, Zang DY, Kim SB, Kim SW, Suh C, Lee JS, Kim WK, Lee YS, Kim SH J Korean Med Sci 11(2):118-26, 1996 treatment. Randomized comparison of two different schedules of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor administration after allogeneic bone Lee KH*, Lee JH, Choi SJ, Kim S, Lee JS, Kim SH, Kim WK. 24(6):591-9, 1999 marrow transplantation. 18

19 Relevance of proteins C and S, antithrombin III, von Willebrand factor, and factor VIII for the development of hepatic veno-occlusive disease in patients undergoing allogeneic bone Lee JH*, Lee KH, Kim S, Lee JS, Kim WK, Park CJ, Chi HS, Kim SH. 22(9):883-8, 1998 marrow transplantation: a prospective study. Veno-occlusive disease of the liver Lee JH*, Lee KH, Choi SJ, after allogeneic bone marrow Min YJ, Kim JG, Kim S, Lee 26(6):657- transplantation for severe aplastic JS, Kim SH, Park CJ, Chi HS, 62, 2000 anemia. Kim WK. Prognostic value of hematopoietic chimerism in patients with acute leukemia after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation: a prospective study. Choi SJ, Lee KH*, Lee JH, Kim S, Chung HJ, Lee JS, Kim SH, Park CJ, Chi HS, Kim WK. 26(3):327-32, 2000 High frequency of extramedullary relapse of acute leukemia after Lee KH*, Lee JH, Kim S, Lee 26(2):147- allogeneic bone marrow JS, Kim SH, Kim WK. 52, 2000 transplantation. The possible cost effectiveness of peripheral blood stem cell mobilization with cyclophosphamide and the late addition of G-CSF. Min YH*, Kim SW, Suh C, Park J, Kim HJ, Kim JG, Kim TW, Lee JH, Kim SB, Lee KH, Lee JS, Kim WK, Kim SH. J Korean Med Sci 15(1):49-52, 2000 Anti-A isoagglutinin as a risk factor for the development of pure red cell aplasia after major ABO-incompatible allogeneic bone marrow Lee JH*, Lee KH, Kim S, Lee JS, Kim SH, Kwon SW, Kim WK. 25(2):179-84, 2000 transplantation. Combination chemotherapy of intermediate-dose cytarabine, idarubicin, plus etoposide and subsequent mobilized donor leukocyte infusion for relapsed acute leukemia Lee JH*, Lee KH, Kim S, Seol M, Kim SH, Kim WK, Lee JS, Lee KH* Leuk Res. 25(4):305-12, 2001 after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. 19

20 Combination chemotherapy utilizing continuous infusion of intermediatedose cytarabine for refractory or recurrent acute myeloid leukemia. Bahng H, Lee JH*, Ahn JH, Lee JH, Lee JS, Kim SH, Kim WK, Lee KH. Leuk Res. 25(3):213-6, 2001 Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 is an independent diagnostic marker as well as severity predictor of hepatic veno-occlusive disease after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in adults conditioned Lee JH*, Lee KH, Lee JH, Kim S, Seol M, Park CJ, Chi HS, Kang W, Kim ST, Kim WK, Lee JS. Br J Haematol. 118(4): , 2002 with busulphan and cyclophosphamide. Membranous glomerulopathy as a manifestation of chronic graft- Lee GW, Lee JH*, Kim SB, versus-host-disease after non- Yu ES, Lee JL, Ryu MH, Kim J Korean Med 18(6):901- myeloablative stem cell E, Choi SJ, Kim WK, Lee JS, Sci 4, 2003 transplantation in a patient with Lee JH, Lee KH. paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. The prophylactic use of lamivudine can maintain dose-intensity of Lee GW, Ryu MH, Lee JL, Oh adriamycin in hepatitis-b surface S, Kim E, Lee Je-H, Kim SB, J Korean Med 18(6):849- antigen (HBs Ag)-positive patients Suh C, Lee KH, Kim WK, Lee Sci 54, 2003 with Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma who JS, Kang YK*. receive cytotoxic chemotherapy. Bone marrow vs extramedullary relapse of acute leukemia after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: risk factors and clinical course. Lee KH*, Lee Je-H, Choi SJ, Lee JH, Kim S, Seol M, Lee YS, Kim WK, Seo EJ, Park CJ, Chi HS, Lee Js. 32(8): , 2003 Monthly prospective analysis of Lee KH*, Lee Je-H, Choi SJ, hematopoietic chimerism after Lee JH, Kim S, Seol M, Lee 32(4): 423- allogeneic hematopoietic cell YS, Kim WK, Kwon MR, Choi 31, 2003 transplantation. SJ, Park CJ, Chi HS, Lee JS. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)- specific survival and duration of systemic immunosuppressive treatment in patients who developed chronic GVHD following allogeneic Lee JH, Lee Je-H*, Choi SJ, Kim S, Seol M, Lee YS, Lee JS, Kim WK, Lee KH. Br J Haematol. 122(4):637-44, 2003 haematopoietic cell transplantation. 20

21 Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. Lee JL, Lee Je-H*, Lee JH, Choi SJ, Kim S, Seol M, Lee YS, Chi HS, Park CJ, Kim WK, Lee JS, Lee KH. Eur J Haematol 71(2):114-8, 2003 Hemorrhagic cystitis following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Lee GW, Lee Je-H, Choi SJ, Kim S, Seol M, Kim WK, Lee JS, Lee KH. J Korean Med Sci 18(2):191-5, 2003 Application of different prognostic scoring systems and comparison of the FAB and WHO classifications in Korean patients with myelodysplastic Lee JH, Lee Je-H, Shin YR, Lee JS, Kim WK, Chi HS, Park CJ, Seo EJ, Lee KH. Leukemia 17(2): , 2003 syndrome. Changes of isoagglutinin titres after ABO-incompatible allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Lee Je-H*, Lee JH, Choi SJ, Kim S, Seol M, Kwon SW, Park CJ, Chi HS, Lee JS, Kim WK, Lee KH. Br J Haematol. 120(4): , 2003 Treatment of relapsed acute myeloid leukemia after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation with Choi SJ*, Lee JH, Lee Je-H, 18(11): chemotherapy followed by G-CSF- Kim S, Seol, Lee YS, Lee JS, Leukemia , primed donor leukocyte infusion: a Kim WK, Chi HS, Lee KH 2004 high incidence of isolated extramedullary relapse. Cyclosporine alone vs cyclosporine plus methotrexate for post-transplant immunosuppression after HLAidentical sibling bone marrow transplantation: a randomized Lee KH*, Choi SJ, Lee Je-H, Kim S, Seol M, Lee YS, Kim WK, Lee JS, Lee JH. 34(7): , 2004 prospective study. Prognostic significance of Fas (CD95) and TRAIL receptors (DR4/DR5) expression in acute myelogenous leukemia. Min YH, Lee Je-H, Choi SJ, Chi HS, Lee JS, Kim WK, Lee KH*. Leuk Res. 28(4): , 2004 Failure of trilineage blood cell reconstitution after initial neutrophil engraftment in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation - frequency and Lee KH*, Lee Je-H, Choi SJ, Lee JH, Kim S, Seol M, Lee YS, Kim WK, Lee JS. 33(7): , 2004 outcomes. 21

22 Clinical effect of imatinib added to intensive combination chemotherapy for newly diagnosed Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Prognostic factors identifiable at the time of onset of acute graft-versushost disease after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Treatment of relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation with chemotherapy followed by G-CSF-primed donor leukocyte infusion: a prospective study. Non-total body irradiation containing preparative regimen in alternative donor bone marrow transplantation for severe aplastic anemia. Severe metabolic abnormalities after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Nonleukemic granulocytic sarcoma in the bile duct: a case report. Risk score model for fatal intracranial hemorrhage in acute leukemia. Continuous infusion intermediatedose cytarabine, mitoxantrone, plus etoposide for refractory or early relapsed acute myelogenous leukemia. Enhanced bactericidal function by WKYMVm in patients with acute leukemia. Lee KH, Lee Je-H, Choi SJ, Lee JH, Seol M, Lee YS, Kim WK, Lee JS, Seo EJ, Jang S, Park CJ, Chi HS*. Lee KH*, Choi SJ, Lee JH, Lee JS, Kim WK, Lee KB, Soh SK, Kim JG, Kim DH, Seol M, Lee YS, Lee Je-H. Choi SJ*, Lee Je-H, Lee JH, Kim S, Lee YS, Seol M, Ryu SG, Lee JS, Kim WK, Jang S, Park CJ, Chi HS, Lee KH. Lee Je-H*, Choi SJ, Lee JH, Lee YS, Seol M, Ryu SG, Lee JS, Kim WK, Lee KH. Lee Je-H*, Choi SJ, Lee JH, Kim SE, Seol M, See YS, Lee JS, Kim WK, Lee KH. Kim HW, Choi SJ*, Lee Je-H, Lee JH, Kim TS, Kim YG, Kang JM, Huh J, Park KM, Lee KH. Kim H, Lee Je-H, Choi SJ, Lee JH, Seol M, Lee YS, Kim WK, Lee JS, Lee KH*. Lee Je-H*, Choi SJ, Lee JH, Lee YS, Seol M, Ryu SG, Jang S, Park CJ, Chi HS, Lee JS, Kim WK, Lee KH. Kim H, Noh EK, Lee EJ, Baek JH, Shin SJ, Park JH, Lee KH, Min YJ. 19(9): Leukemia , 2005 Haematologic 90(7): 939- a 48, (2):163-9, (8): , (1): 63-9, 2005 J Korean Med 21(4): 745- Sci 8, (5): 770- Leukemia 6, (2): 204- Leuk Res. 10, 2006 Leuk Res

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