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1 kë k v r 3 r 4, pp. 76~84, 011 8o Boussinesq t } } z r Boussinesq Modeling of a Rip Current at Haeundae Beach Žƒ}*Ú ~ **Ú~o *** Junwoo Choi*, Won Kyung Park** and Sung Bum Yoon*** k s : Ž plp p m p q rp Ž p p p p r p Boussinesq re p FUNWAVE pn l, Ž s p n kl pk p m. p Žp ržk v l p Ž p q lt pp, p Ž n v p m l e l Ž o lk k p q lt. p pk lk p rp ep p l Ž p l pk rp p v ppp p m. kh : pk, p, Boussinesq re, FUNWAVE, n Abstract : The rip current occurred at Haeundae beach was numerically investigated under directional random wave environment. The numerical simulation was performed using a fully nonlinear Boussinesq equation model, FUNWAVE which is capable of simulating nearshore circulation since it includes the effect of wave-induced momentum flux and horizontal turbulent mixing. The results of numerical simulation show the time-dependent evolution of the wave-induced nearshore circulation system (including rip current) that are caused by nonlinear transformation of directional irregular waves due to unique topography of Haeundae. From the results, it was found that rip current is well generated and developed where relatively lower wave height and relatively deeper water depth along the longshore direction, and sudden and strong events of rip current were observed. Keywords : Rip current, numerical simulation, nonlinear Boussinesq equation, FUNWAVE, Haeundae beach 1. l n l n p krp o pk l k l p ep p , p n nq pk l, 008 e j s s p. p rp pk lkl v, Žp qn qo p kr (instability) l p l Ž l v lk (longshore direction)p (nonuniform) p p k r p (Darlymple, 1975, 1978; Tang and Dalrymple, 1988). v, lk p Ž l v( Ž ) kv yp Ž pln d(waveinduced excess momentum flux)p n p d l pk (rip channel) l n yp p. p pk Shepard (1936), l eq mp, l l p r p pn l rp ƒ vp n p l (m, Bowen, 1969; Bowen and Inman, 1969; Noda, 1974; Darlymple and Lozano, 1978). p pn pk l plp (radiation stress) p pn Ž p p pn (Haas et al., 003; Yu and Slinn, 003; Choi and Yoon, 011) Boussinesq re p pn (Chen et al., 1999; Johnson and Pattiaratchi, 006) l v p. l p pn l n nql pk p l l (, 011). Ž - p l p r r p p Ž Ž p p r plp p l r *** l o } k l e (River, Coastal & Harbor Research Division, Korea Inst. of Construction Tech., Goyang, , Korea. jwchoi@kict.re.kr) *** k o (Dept. of Civil & Environ. 171 Sa-3-dong Sangnok-gu, Ansan, , Korea.) *** k (Corresponding Author: Sung Bum Yoon, Dept. of Civil & Environ. 171 Sa-3-dong Sangnok-gu, Ansan, , Korea. sbyoon@hanyang.ac.kr) 76
2 Boussinesq re p pn n pk p 77 qnp l. p p Žp n, Ž p p r plp l rrp pp (Choi et al., 009), rp e p o p, p rp p p. pm, Ž p el Boussinesq re p plp p r v k v rep p q rp plp p rr p pp, e p p rp p. Žp o p primitive valuablep l rp pk p l o (o, 010). p pn l pnl, Hammack et al.(1991), Haller et al. (000)m Dronen et al. (00) p e p l }k pp, MacMahan et al.(004a,b) p q p l l p. p sl pk p p s p l pk p e p p l p p. ƒ vp s p r p sq v, kr plv p erp rp, pk p er q m p n l., n m p l (pocket beach)p n, vp Ž p k kyp d r l p Ž l p t p s p lk eˆ, p v lk, p ol l s pk p ƒ v n yp pk eˆ. l l s pk l o n l p n q n Ž, Žp o p pl r pk pp p Boussinesq re p FUNWAVE(Wei et al., 1995; Kirby et al., 1998; Chen et al., 1999; Chen et al., 000; Kennedy et al., 000; Chen et al., 003; Johnson and Pattiaratchi, 006) pn l n p lk p p m. Ž o lk n k p v p l kr p opp p r pk l ep vt l m. n lk l q q p v tp kv n l e n r rp l pp, q rnp o parameterizationp r rp vp ˆp. l l p p l n l rp pk p p p, kp p p e l p p Ž.. l l n p FUNWAVE o~ Ž p el p Wei et al.(1995)l Boussinesq rep v rep n. p Boussinesq rep rp 3 o Euler rep r r m r k p } rp pn e r l o, qo om o p v o p Ž p rp n l m. Chen et al.(003)p r rp o p v rep n rel r rp p p ~ l p m. v rep l rep p. z u α 1 α h hη η + ( + ) ( u α ) 6 + ( ) = z α + -- ( h η) [ ( hu α )] η t h + η l η qo o, h r e, u α z = z α = -0.53h l p o, = ( x, y), ~q t e p p. v rep n rep p. (1) = 0 () u αt ( u α )u α g η V 1 V V 3 R b R s R f l, V 1 = ---- ( u (3) αt) + z α [ ( hu αt) ] V = z α ---- u α t + η η ( hu αt) 1 ( z α η) ( u α ) [ ( hu α )] -- ( z α η + )( u α ) ( u α ) hu α {[ ( ) + η u α ] } l g t, V 1 m V Boussinesq, V 3 lv m (vorticity) ˆ. R b, R s, R f Ž,, ˆ p, FUNWAVE p p r o l p p (Kirby et al., 1998; Chen et al., 1999; Chen et al., 000; Kennedy et al., 000)., sž p pn Žp sž o d p l qo(random) o p t t~ qo e lp l sž (Wei et al., 1999; Johnson and Pattiaratchi, 006; Choi et al., 009). p p p v l p l l p. q np e. (4)
3 78 tnë o Ëo 3. set-up pl n n lkv p Fig. 1l ˆ l. p o pp s orp r mp, x p l yp 4 nlv p r l v p e m. q x =.0m y =3.0m 948,600 p q n m. l ˆ v kp x =150m sž mlp m, sž yl k 140 m p mlp r m. sn p k 00 mp pp v p l t r s p n p m. p t r s p pn o l kl l s p rp n p, p s p n l Ž rl m rl mlp tp pl. Fig. 1l ˆ r (A, B, C, D) p p o pp r r p lkv p e k l l v (cross shore direction)p pv p r m. o A (array A)p } e k p p, B (array B) D (array D)p lk (longshore direction) snl l v p rp p (rip channelp p p ), C (array C)p lk snl l v p rp p l r m. l l pk t p k v S Ž Fig.. Input frequency-directional spectrum with a significant wave height H = 1.5 m, a peak frequency f = 0.1 Hz, a peak direction θ = 4 deg. (i.e., waves from south to north) using JONSWAP spectrum for frequency distribution and cosine-power spreading function for directional distribution. l l p ee m. S Ž p opž 1.5 m, ~ t 10p Ž sž o l JONSWAP tž m cosine- pn l tž - d p Fig. m p m. JONSWAP ~ v (peak enhancement parameter) 3.3p, vt 15 n m. S Ž p q o d p ~ p -4 p kl l } v p r p. p d p p Ž l v,400 p Ž p l qo(random)o p tl sž m. pm p opž.5 m, ~ t 10p d p p Ž sž l p ee l e m. p o e q 0.1 m. sž p Ž k 3.85p t v, el e 18ml k 3mp Žqp. lk l n tn l p p 0.003p n m, p p r p r p p r n m. p o l Intel Core i7(950)p PC n m. 4. m Fig. 1. Topography of Haeundae beach for numerical simulation and numerical gauge array locations A, B, C and D (unit : m). 4.1 m o n kl p l } l o n FUNWAVE p Ž o lk p p v p. p o n Ž,, l k p l n tn m p t p parameterizationp o, emlp p o r s p p v o e r r e q q mp n.
4 Boussinesq re p pn n pk p 79 kv v q q p r erp, r rp e s., n nq lkr l nl ( le n, 009)l n lk p e l r r rp pl, l p p m l r r ˆ p p k. p rl re p e p S Ž p opž.5 m, ~ t 10p Ž p l. n p llv qo om opž p Fig. 3l re m. qo o Ž eˆ 60 p p p, opž kp Ž o pn l p. Žp opž o l ~ t tp Žl e lp pn p p rpv, e l }p ˆ p m p k Ž l o 300 e lp p pn l p p zerothmoment wave height l opž t m. H sig = 4.0 η l η qo o, ( ) 300 e p. p ˆ Fig. 3p p Žp rž p n q lt p., q o o ˆ Fig. 3(a)l k x=750m, y= 600 ml o t} l p l r, rž Ž p q ˆ p. Ž ˆ Fig. 3(b) v l p Ž prp r e l t Ž v p p Ž Žp p p p. SŽ, opž.5 m, ~ t 10p Ž v rp n lkp rž, Ž o lk p e p Fig. 4m Fig. 5l ˆ l. p p Fig. 5(a), (b) (c) sžeq (5) Fig. 3. Plane distributions of (a) free surface displacement and (b) significant wave hight (m) resulted from t = 60 min after wave generation begins (incident =.5 m). Fig. 4. Vector plot of wave-induced currents resulted from a laboratory experiment where the shading indicates the bathymetry (Busan Metro City - Haeundae District, 009). Fig. 5. Vector plots of wave-induced currents obtained at (a) t = 15 min, (b) t = 30 min, and (c) t = 45 min after wave generation begins (incident H sig =.5 m).
5 80 tnë o Ëo, 15, 30, kp l o p e p. v rp Ž p kp rž, lkl Ž, Ž p ln o p p rp pr p v, p Ž o lk p eˆ p k p. Fig. 4l ˆ e m, Fig. 5(a)l ˆ lk p k n o p k p. k x = 750 m, y = 600 ml o t} l p Ž o (Choi et al., 009) rp p l lt p. l, p pp r rp n l lk p q q p Ž p. Fig. 6. Plane distributions of (a) free surface displacement and (b) significant wave hight (m) resulted from t = 60 min after wave generation begins (incident H sig = 1.5 m). The broken lines in (a) indicate the region where relatively intense wave-breaking occurs. p sž eq 45 Fig. 5(c)m p mr k l m. 4. n mg k rp p opž.5m, ~ t 10p S p Ž v rp n lkp rž n n pk p p pl. k l 3.0 m p p Ž p l np v lp p Ž, kr eˆ p p pk q o, np Ž opž 1.5 m, ~ t 10p S Žl l p rp m. Fig. 6l Ž eˆ 60 p p qo o m kp Ž o pn l opž e m. k rl re p m p, p Žp rž v l p p q lt p. Fig. 6(a)l Ž re m. p Žmlp 300 e p e l l 0.5%p Ž mlp Žmlp t l e p. Fig. 7l sžeq, 5, 60, kp l o p e l v r p Ž rž p m p Ž o lk p ˆ l. Fig. 5l ˆ.5m opž p n k p k p., y = 700 mm 1,50 m r p o l k pk p. p o kl l p o r 4 p array n, pk (rip channel) sq p m Bm Dp o p, p o p Ž Fig. 6l p Ž rp l p Fig. 7. Vector plots of wave-induced currents resulted at (a) t = 5 min, (b) t = 60 min, and (c) t = 95 min after wave generation begins (incident H sig = 1.5 m).
6 Boussinesq re p pn n pk p 81 pp p pp, Žml Ž ( o p snl l) rp k l n l p l o pp k p. p sž eq 95 Fig. 7(c)m p mr k l m. pr 4 p arrayl p q. Fig. 8l kl l 4 p array A, B, C, D o l l p l t = 75, 80, 85, 90 l p qo om opž v m e m. ep Žp Ž Žp Ž p l Ž p. v p rp v l bar p v k p eq p r lv p p. arrayl Ž l l array Bl 5 p Ž r p r (unsteadiness)p p. p pk lkl v p r l p Ž p Ž, p p (Fig. 9(b)p w Ž )l ˆ l p p. Fig. 9l array A, B, C, D o l p ( η ), l kv o (cross shore velocity, V cs ), lk o (longshore velocity, V ts )p v m e m. l ˆ p p e t = 80, 85, 90, 95 l 300 kp p array o l l,, l ll. r, arrayl ˆ p q k v setup setdownp q ˆ p. lkv (cross shore direction) o p kp p array o l k p p ˆ, pp p n p ˆ. lk (longshore direction) o p kp p array o l y p p, pp p y p p ˆ. Array Bm Cl o p e r p arrayp o l rp, Ž rž p, l p ˆ lkv o p Ž l m p t Fig. 8l ˆ Ž p e r l m p t p Ž. Fig. 9l ˆ pp p lkv o p n p ˆ p p pk Ž pp p. Array Bl e rp n p p v rp n yp pk. k, 5 o p kr ppˆ r pk p p Ž l o p. 0 o p pn l arrayl p o e e l k. Fig. 10p array A, B, C, D o l p 0 o (<η >), lkv o (cross shore velocity, <V cs >), lk o (longshore velocity, <V ls >)p v m e p. kl m p p e t = 80, 85, 90, 95 l array o l l,, l p ll. 0 o 300 om e l e p p. l lk ˆ 0 lk o <V cs > array Bp p rn 300 lk o V ls m d, l r p p ˆ p. pk p p Fig. 8. Free surface displacement (top panels), significant wave height (middle panels) and bathymetry (bottom panels) along (a) array A, (b) array B, (c) array C, and (d) array D at t = 80 min ( ), t = 85 min ( ), t = 90 min ( ), t = 95 min ( ) (incident H sig = 1.5 m).
7 8 tnë o Ëo Fig. 9. Cross-shore distribution of 5 min-averaged surface elevation (top panels), cross shore velocity (first middle panels), longshore velocty (second middel panels) and bathymetry (bottom panels) along (a) array A, (b) array B, (c) array C, and (d) array D at t = 80 min ( ), t = 85 min ( ), t = 90 min ( ), t = 95 min ( )(incident H sig =1.5m). Fig. 10. Cross-shore distribution of 0 sec-averaged surface elevation (top panels), cross shore velocity (first middle panels), longshore velocity (second middle panels) and bathymetry (bottom panels) along (a) array A, (b) array B, (c) array C, and (d) array D at t = 80 min ( ), t = 85 min ( ), t = 90 min ( ), t = 95 min ( )(incident H sig =1.5m).
8 Boussinesq re p pn n pk p 83 Fig. 11. Time history of a wave height (top panels), 0 sec-averaged cross shore velocity (first middle panels) and longshore velocty (bottom panels) at 5 0m from the shoreline along array A ( ), array B( ), array C( ), and array D( )(incident H sig =1.5m). lkv o (<V cs >) e l e p. lkv o (<V cs >) n array Bp n, t = 85 minp k l 80~110 m lv l 0.5 m/s r pk, 5 p t= 90 minl k p 0~60 m lv e 1.0~.0 m vlp pk p r mp, e 5 p t=95 minl pk v p ˆ pk p r p q ppp k p. p r pk p t p o p (Fig. 11)l k p 50 m lv o p o p e l e m. Fig. 11p array A, B, C, D k p 50 m lv o l pn l 0 kp o pn opž, 0 lkv o (cross shore velocity, <V cs >), lk o (longshore velocity, <V ls >)p e l ˆ p. l opž 0 kp e lp pn l pp zeroth-moment Ž pn l r m. H m0 = 4.0 η l <( )> 0 e p rp. k r l l o p p kp l p o. v, pp p lkv o <V cs >p n p ˆ pk ˆ Ž pp p. l e opž e l Žp e l Ž k pp, array Al Ž arrayp nl k }l Ž l ~rp ˆ. lkv o <V cs >p n, e l (6) p p k p., array Bl lkv o <V cs >p e l rp 0.5m/s pk p rp p k p. Ž e l, rp p Ž arrayl pk p p k p. lk o <V ls >p n, array Bl lk e l p, v lk p p e l p v, r~rp p p sq. 6. m lkp Ž p v Boussinesq rep v rep Žp plp p q rp FUNWAVE p pn l n pk lk p p, e m r rp q p p m. p p k v m p rp ep Ž rp v v lk (rip channel) l pk rp p v ppp p pl. p r rp pk p p p plp, p re Ž l l k p r r p o Ž ( ) p p n, p o r r e q q n., pk p pk (rip channel)p q q p r p v q n p Ž. p rp lk p ep rp p lk sq l pk p p
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Carbon Letters Vol. 9, No. 2 June 2008 pp. 137-144 Electrochemical Properties of EDLC Electrodes Prepared by Acid and Heat Treatment of Commercial Activated Carbons Jingyu Wu 1, Ikpyo Hong 2, Sei-Min Park
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YWXY G ºG ºG t G G GGGGGGGGGrzyYWXYhWYXG Ÿƒ Ÿ ± k ¹Ÿˆ Review about the pantograph field test result adapted for HEMU-430X (1) ÕÕÛ äñ ã G Ki-Nam Kim, Tae-Hwan Ko * Abstract In this paper, explain differences
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사용자설명서 한글 APC Smart-UPS 1400VA XL 230VAC/120VAC/100VAC 3U 랙및스택형무정전전원공급장치 990-1080, Revision 01 10/01 sÿ 1:G Ž y... 1G Ž... 1G Ž... 1G ŽŸ Ž... 2G w p Ž... 2G 2:G ƒ... 3G ³ µ... 3G UPS... 3G Smart-UPS ƒ...
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Annual 2013 vol.15 th HOW ENGINEERING ANNIVERSARY Annual 하우인 2013 vol.15 하우엔지니어링과 자매사 우인엔지니어링은 경남, 부산지역 종합엔지니어링 업계의 선두주자로서 건설기술의 미래지평을 열어가고 있습니다. 행복한 삶의 공간 창출, 안전하고 튼튼한 도시기반시설의 건설을 위해 우수한 인력과 기술력을 바탕으로
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YWXY º º t rzyywxyhwz_ º zƒ A Study on the Relation of Railroad System and Energy Saving ö ä ø ã ä ãã In Moon, Han-Min Lee *, Jong-Eun Ha * * Abstract Now the world, such as the impact of fossil energy
본 발명은 중공코어 프리캐스트 슬래브 및 그 시공방법에 관한 것으로, 자세하게는 중공코어로 형성된 프리캐스트 슬래브 에 온돌을 일체로 구성한 슬래브 구조 및 그 시공방법에 관한 것이다. 이를 위한 온돌 일체형 중공코어 프리캐스트 슬래브는, 공장에서 제작되는 중공코어 프
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v s u e q g y vœ s s œx}s Enhancing the Night Time Vehicle Detection for Intelligent Headlight Control using Lane Detection Sungmin Eum Ho i Jung * School of Mechanical Engineering Hanyang University,
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본 작품들의 열람기록은 로그파일로 남게 됩니다. 단순 열람 목적 외에 작가와 마포구의 허락 없이 이용하거나 무단 전재, 복제, 배포 시 저작권법의 규정에 의하여 처벌받게 됩니다. 마포 문화관광 스토리텔링 공모전 구 분 내 용 제목 수상내역 작가 공모분야 장르 소재 기획의도 용강동 정구중 한옥과 주변 한옥들에 대한 나의 추억 마포 문화관광 스토리텔링 공모전 최우수상
386 HANYANG MEDICAL REVIEWS Vol. 29 No. 4, 2009 우리나라 미숙아의 통계와 의료비용 Statistics and Medical Cost of Preterm in Korea 윤혜선 을지대학교 노원을지병원 소아청소년과학교실 Hye Sun Yoon, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Pediatrics, Nowon
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272 石 堂 論 叢 49집 기꾼이 많이 확인된 결과라 할 수 있다. 그리고 이야기의 유형이 가족 담, 도깨비담, 동물담, 지명유래담 등으로 한정되어 있음도 확인하였 다. 전국적인 광포성을 보이는 이인담이나 저승담, 지혜담 등이 많이 조사되지 않은 점도 특징이다. 아울
271 부산지역 구비설화 이야기꾼의 현황과 특징 정 규 식* 1) - 목 차 - Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 부산지역 구비설화 이야기꾼의 전반적 현황 1. 이야기꾼의 여성 편중성 2. 구연 자료의 민요 편중성 3. 이야기꾼의 가변적 구연력 4. 이야기 유형의 제한성 5. 이야기꾼 출생지의 비부산권 강세 Ⅲ. 부산지역 구비설화 이야기꾼의 특징 Ⅳ. 결론 개 요 본고의 목적은
양성자가속기연구센터 양성자가속기 개발 및 운영현황 DOI: 10.3938/PhiT.25.001 권혁중 김한성 Development and Operational Status of the Proton Linear Accelerator at the KOMAC Hyeok-Jung KWON and Han-Sung KIM A 100-MeV proton linear accelerator
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Introduction Capillarity( ) (flow ceased) Capillary effect ( ) surface and colloid science, coalescence process,
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내 가 만 난 7 0 년 대 죽은 언론의 사회 동아자유언론수호투쟁위원회 2008년 촛불집회가 한창일 때 정동익은 오래 전 자신이몸담았던 동아일 보사 앞에 서 있었다. 촛불을든시민들은 동아일보는 쓰레기다! 라며 야유 를 보냈다. 한때 국민들이 가장 사랑했던 신문 동아일보는 젊은 시절 그와동 료 기자들이 목숨을 걸고 외쳤던 자유 언론 이 아니었다. 그는 차마더바라
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Standard and Technology of Full-Dimension MINO Systems in LTE-Advances Pro Massive MIMO has been studied in academia foreseeing the capacity crunch in the coming years. Presently, industry has also started
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The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics (2013) 26(1), 201 208 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5351/kjas.2013.26.1.201 A Note on Model Selection in Mixture Experiments with Process Variables Jung Il Kim a,1
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YWXY G ºG ºG t G G GGGGGGGGGrzyYWXYhWW`G v Ž v o p m k v Residual Settlement of trackbed on soft ground Management Program Development ã ä ã ä ãã Sang Jae Han*, Jae Hyun Jung*, Won Il Choi** G G Abstract
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A Study on the Automation of Classification of Volume Reconstruction for CT Images S.M. Park 1, I.S. Hong 2, D.S. Kim 1, D.Y. Kim 1 1 Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University, 2 Dept. of Radiology,
논문 10-35-03-03 한국통신학회논문지 '10-03 Vol. 35 No. 3 원활한 채널 변경을 지원하는 효율적인 IPTV 채널 관리 알고리즘 준회원 주 현 철*, 정회원 송 황 준* Effective IPTV Channel Control Algorithm Supporting Smooth Channel Zapping HyunChul Joo* Associate
ECG & EP CASES Young-Keun On, MD, PhD Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Cardiac & Vascular Center, Samsung Medical Center Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea A case of
/ / / / / / / / / www.steedmachinery.com.tw LM... 04 M... 05 EG-LM... 06 EG-M... 07 PG... 08 PLM... 09 L... 10 LG... 11 LH... 12 LS... 13 HEX-GS, OS, HEX-M... 14 F... 16 PF... 17 ST, SV... 18 TL-P...
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2014 Mar.; 25(3), 304310. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2014.25.3.304 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Analysis
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w y wz 10«3y 253~258 (2010.12.) Journal of Korean Society of Urban Environment ³ w Á» Á Á y w y œw (2010 11 22, 2010 12 9 k) Study on Determine of Detention Pond in Small Developed Area In-Soo Chang ½
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp DOI: A Study on the Opti
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp.127-148 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/11024/pnuedi.27.4.201712.127 A Study on the Optimization of Appropriate Hearing-impaired Curriculum Purpose:
Microsoft PowerPoint - analogic_kimys_ch10.ppt
Stability and Frequency Compensation (Ch. 10) 김영석충북대학교전자정보대학 2010.3.1 Email: kimys@cbu.ac.kr 전자정보대학김영석 1 Basic Stability 10.1 General Considerations Y X (s) = H(s) 1+ βh(s) May oscillate at ω if βh(jω)
리콜 모드 1. 를 눌러 크로노그래프가 중지했을 때의 메모리를 리콜하십시오. 2. 를 눌러 다음 랩을 보십시오. 3. 또는 를 눌러 리콜 모드를 종료하고 크로노그래프 모드로 돌아가십시오. 타이머 모드 1. 를 눌러 타이머 모드로 전환하십시오. 2. 를 눌러 타이머를 시
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