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1 Krean Chem. Eng. Res., Vl. 43, N. 5, Octber, 2005, pp 기상공정에의한구형형상의헥사알루미네이트계형광체제조 Ç Ç içq Ç ly ne v k 1 ( p r, p }ˆ) Preparatin f Hexaaluminate Phsphr Particles with Spherical Shape by Gas Phase Reactin Prcess Dae S Jung, Seung Kwn Hng, Hye Yung K, Se Hee JuGand Yun Chan Kang Department f Chemical Engineering, Knkuk University, 1, Hwayang-dng, Gwangjin-gu, Seul , Krea (Received 2 May 2005; accepted 7 September 2005) k h Ammnium dihydrgen phsphate prp ~ m l rl p p k p ~p ˆ l m p k. pr v kp nkp p m 900 C l 1,650 C pl p n p ˆ r. l ammnium dihydrgen phsphate pr ~ nkp p m 900 C l 1,650 C pl p m p v s r. p m 1,600 C p l ammnium dihydrgen phsphate pr ~ n kp Š k s v k p ~ p l. Ammnium dihydrgen phsphate pr rml ~p p v eˆ rpl. p m 1,650 Cp l l rl p vr rs ~ prp ~ l l} rp r ~m r. Abstract The mrphlgy and phtluminescence characteristics f green light emitting hexaaluminate phsphr particles prepared by high temperature spray pyrlysis frm spray slutin with and withut ammnium dihydrgen phsphate flux were investigated. The particles prepared frm spray slutin withut flux material had hllw mrphlgy at preparatin temperatures between 900 C and 1,650 C. Ammnium dihydrgen phsphate flux added int spray slutin enabled the frmatin f particles with spherical shape and filled mrphlgy at preparatin temperatures between 900 C and 1,650 C. The hexaaluminate phsphr particles with magnetplumbite structure were directly prepared by spray pyrlysis frm spray slutin with ammnium dihydrgen phsphate flux abve 1,600 C. Ammnium dihydrgen phsphate flux was effective in imprving the phtluminescence intensity f the phsphr particles at lw preparatin temperatures. The phsphr particles prepared frm spray slutin with and withut flux material by spray pyrlysis under reducing atmsphere at 1,650 C had cmparable phtluminescence intensities with that f the phsphr particles ptimized by pst-treatment. Key wrds: Phsphr, Spray Pyrlysis, Display Material 1. p p ~ p rs l l Ž d pn ~ p rsl p l p. l p p m p rl p p rs p nkp krp e p krp p p rs l 2 v p. p l p rs p t 100 T whm crrespndence shuld be addressed. yckang@knkuk.ac.kr p p v s l p rs l l np. v, p rl p p p p p l p rsl r v k. l p rs q vp v p v k m p n l l nkp rs p kr q pn l krp e mp r l s, l, r rp ~ p krp p ~ p rs rp. p krp p p q s rl 1 p n tl 616
2 l p v p n p p p v p p q p lv. rs m l p rp n prp ~ lp n p m l s p ~ p [1-4]. l rp scale-up pl p p v n ~p p v. p rs s l krp s l p rp n p ˆp p llv. p p ˆp p lrp kr l ~ p r v eˆ rp p v mp l} rl p p lv p v rrp v. p r k p e p, ld pp ppˆ ~ p ~ p j pn p p [1, 2]. Kang p l r q p n pr l l p ~ p eˆ q m [3, 4]. p l p mp l rl p v ~ l} lp vr rs l p [5-8]. Shimmura m Kijima l} rp v k m l rl p pp v r p Y 2 ~ m., ammnium chlride nkl pr ~ p f ~ p BaMgAl 10 O 17 :Eu ~ m 2+ l rl p vr rs m. ml ~ vr r s krp s l eˆ lp mp n m l l. m l p p r p l rl r l lp l mp p m p rp [9, 10]. l l mp l l p k p s v p ~ vr rs m. k p s v Ce 1-x Tb x (CTMA) ~ qn v qn l sp p p l Žq PDP(plasma display panel) l ~ p l p [11, 12]. m l rl p vr ~ krp s l n p p p. m l rl p vr rs ~p ˆ rl l pr NH 4 ~ m. pr ~ nkp mp l rl p k p s ~p ˆ p mp l} rp ~m m. 2. Ce 0.6 Tb 0.4 (CTMA) s p v ~ l rl p rs m. l rp kr, krp mp l vl p l pp p pq v v. kr 1.7 MHzp v l q ln d n m. 6 p pž v ql p p krp p n e ˆ n ~p 10Í /v dp p 7 l/min r mp, p p 1,000 mm, n 30 mmp k p k p ~ 617 p n m. pž q l p p krp s,, l r pl p p m 900 Cl 1,650 C ve. nkp v l ~ p v m p n rs m. l rl p CTMA ~p rl nkl pr ammnium dihydrgen phsphate(nh 4 ) ~ m. prp ~ p tp 25 wtí v e m. ~p p X r (XRD, RIGAKU, D/ MAX-RB) pn pqp r s mp, pqp ˆ t rq (SEM, JEOL, JSM 6060)p pn m. ~ pqp p Xe n l qžq qn m ll p (Phtluminescence, SHIMADZU, RF-5301PC) p r m. 3. NH 4 pr l rl p CTMA ~p l m p Fig. 1l ˆ. p m l NH 4 prp ~ l ~ p p mp l} rp ~ CTMA ~m p m. Fig. 1l prp ~ p p 20 wtí pr ve. l rl p rp p p ~ pr H 3 B ~ p m 900 Cl llv r ~ p l 1,400 Cl 3e l} rp ~ ll. l rl p rml l mp l} rp CTMA ~ Ž p ˆ v pq qp pl. l rl p p r ~ p ˆ l } rl v r ql p Ž p s r. p CTMA ~p ˆ p l l r l p p CTMA ~ l mp l r p rn m. Fig. 1l l rl p p r NH 4 ~ p m 1,650 Cp ml CTMA ~ mp l} rp ~ Fig. 1. Emissin spectra f CTMA phsphr particles prepared at different temperatures. Krean Chem. Eng. Res., Vl. 43, N. 5, Octber, 2005
3 618 r Ë d Ë mët Ë ~m r. p m 1,650 C p p qp p ~ e p 0.3 n w. NH 4 ~ p p m l rl p ~ p r m. pr ~ v kp nkp l rl p ~ p m l p m p k. p m 1,650 C l pr ~ v kp nkp ~ 20 wtíp NH 4 pr ~ l CTMA ~m r. l p m nkl NH 4 ~ l ~ p p. p m 1,600 Cp NH 4 pr ~ l ~ pr ~ v kp nkp ~p p 130Ím. Fig. 2 l rl p rs m ~ p l d p ˆ. l rl p ~ p l d p p m l p p v p. p m 1,600 C p l ~ pr p ~ l l d p 278 nml ˆ. l p m 1,500 C p l ~ p l d p 310 nm }l v. p l d p p l rl p ~ p p m l r s vp k p. p m 1,600 C p l llv ~ p CTMA ~p l d p p l wp ~ e l l rl p CTMA p llrpp k p. l p m 1,500 C p l pr NH 4 ~ nl l rl p CTMA p llvv kk pp ~p l d p k p. pr ~ NH 4 l rl p ~p ˆl m p Fig. 3 Fig. 4l ˆ l. Fig. 3 l pr ~ NH 4 p ~ p p 20 wtím. pr ~ l p p m 1,500 Cl 1,650 C v v p m l m p v n s l p. l r l p vr ~p p p m l p m Fig. 2. Excitatin spectra f CTMA phsphr particles at different preparatin temperatures. Fig. 3. SEM phtgraphs f CTMA phsphr particles prepared frm spray slutin with flux material at different preparatin temperatures k
4 p k. l rl 1,500 C p p p p m l ~ p p p p. l p m 1,600 C p l ~ p r p p. p ~ p CTMA ~p r q l p. CTMA ~ mp l } rl Ž p r q p p. l rl p 1,600 C p p ml ~ p Ž p CTMA r s v l p p p. mp l rl llv CTMA ~ p Ž p r qp v p l p lv l llv ~ p p p. l rl p CTMA ~ p p p Fig. 1 Fig. 2p ~p l p. l rl p m 1,600 C p l CTMA sp ~ p. Fig. 4 pr NH 4 ~ v kp nl l rl p p m 1,600 Cm 1,650 Cl CTMA ~ p SEM v p ˆ. nkl pr ~ v k CTMA ~ p p l n p ˆ v pp, p r p m 1,600 Cl e m. p m 1,650 Cl llv p p p s v l p pq p n p ˆ v. NH 4 pr ~ l Fig. 3p ~ p pr mp l rl p vr CTMA ~p ˆ l p m p p k p. pr nkl ~ lp l rl p p p m l s l p. p m 900 C p nl p p l pr CTMA ~ q~ np e l rl p ~ s v l. l rl pr CTMA p p l npe r s v. p s v r ~ p p l r sp CTMA ~ llv. Fig. 5 p m l l rl p vr CTMA ~p XRD d p ˆ. p m 1,650 Cl prp ~ l l rl p k p ~ 619 p ~ CTMAp r s l p. p r ~ nkp p m 1,600 Cl ~ CTMA r s l p l 1,500 C p l CTMA p r llvv kk. l rl pq p p l p wp ~ e l 1,600 C p p ml CTMA p llr. Fig. 6p pr ~ NH 4 p ~ p l rl p CTMA ~p ˆ l m p ˆ. Fig. 6p nkl ~ prp ~ l Fig. 4. SEM phtgraphs f CTMA phsphr particles prepared frm spray slutin withut flux material at different temperatures. Fig. 5. XRD spectra f CTMA phsphr particles prepared at different temperatures. Fig. 6. SEM phtgraphs f CTMA phsphr particles prepared at different cncentratins f NH 4 flux. p m 1,650 Cl vr rs ~p SEM v p ˆ. prp ~ p tp 5wtÍ p p n l llv ~ n p ˆ v p. prp ~ p v l llv ~p v pp, prp ~ p tp 15 wtí p l l lv ~ m p s l p. Krean Chem. Eng. Res., Vl. 43, N. 5, Octber, 2005
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많이 이용하는 라면,햄버그,과자,탄산음료등은 무서운 병을 유발하고 비만의 원인 식품 이다. 8,등겨에 흘려 보낸 영양을 되 찾을 수 있다. 도정과정에서 등겨에 흘려 보낸 영양 많은 쌀눈과 쌀껍질의 영양을 등겨를 물에 우러나게하여 장시간 물에 담가 두어 영양을 되 찾는다
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1-01 00 11 03 1804 4 05 3506 45 07 5 65 0001 000 0003 0004 0005 01 4 4 6 5 6 9 Í = + =,, Í=Í=Í = = Í Í Í,, 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 001 7c 5c 3, 3 3, 6, 6 +50 =180 =130 130 +90 +30 =180 =60 60 =60
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