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1 Carbon Letters Vol. 9, No. 2 June 2008 pp Electrochemical Properties of EDLC Electrodes Prepared by Acid and Heat Treatment of Commercial Activated Carbons Jingyu Wu 1, Ikpyo Hong 2, Sei-Min Park 2, Seong-Young Lee 2 and Myung-Soo Kim 1, 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Myongji University, Yongin, Gyonggi-do , Korea 2 Carbon Materials Lab, RIST, Pohang, , Korea myungkim@mju.ac.kr (Received May 6, 2008; Accepted June 10, 2008) Abstract The commercial activated carbons are typically prepared by activation from coconut shell char or coal char containing lots of inorganic impurities. They also have pore structure and pore size distribution depending on nanostructure of precursor materials. In this study, two types of commercial activated carbons were applied for EDLC electrode by removing impurities with acid treatments, and controlling pore size distribution and contents of functional group with heat treatment. The effect of the surface functional groups on electrochemical performance of the activated carbon electrodes was investigated. The initial gravimetric and volumetric capacitance of coconut based activated carbon electrode which was acid treated by HNO 3 and then heat treated at 800 o C were 90 F/g and 42 F/cc respectively showing 94% of charge-discharge efficiency. Such a good electrochemical performance can be possibly applied to the medium capacitance of EDLC. Keywords : EDLC electrode, activated carbon, acid treatment, heat treatment, functional group, electrochemical properties r pt ƒže (EDLC, electric double layer capacitor) n p r l v rq o q sp rr ƒže, ƒže, r ƒ p e~ }l p Farad n p r l v e l r r p q p. r pt ƒže rl v p q e ƒže m r p p rvp rp m l rp rp l v q r p p m rp vp pl p rvp n ~ l v rq q p p [1-4]. r pt ƒže p r v ˆ q rp n p p r r, e, p lž} p p. p rp r pt ƒže r n ˆ q v, p ˆ l rp 1000 ~ 3000 m 2 /gp ˆp ˆ o n. p ˆ p k k p n r l p l rs rs rp q rso p ˆp 10 ~ 50 r n l Ž 10 ~ 100 r l p p [5-7]. trn ƒže p r q l p l rs ˆ n n r q o p rso d. n ˆ r ~ pn r l p r p r q eq pp p r q }n n ƒže p o 20% p r pp p [8]. r pt ƒže p r n ˆ q p r,, v p p p l q l p q l p. p r rn p v k p ˆ p k rs r, v r ~p p rl m } s p p p. l t n n r p l r v pmp d r p p, p rl t rp l r p lk [9-12]. ˆ p rp ˆ r q n r pt ƒže p p r tn n p. p r p ˆ p l k ˆp m sq, p p qnp ˆ p, p r. r pt ƒže p r vp p rp nk o n n ƒže p p eˆ o r r vp rp o pl k. p rp ml rs ˆ p n l p ˆ oq (-COOH, -COH, C=O ) k pv kk p ˆ. p n
2 138 Jingyu Wu et al. / Carbon Letters Vol. 9, No. 2 (2008) r vp o n p n p r p p nkp r v n nl r r vp r p ƒže p p n, p v q k e de } l p [13-15]. ˆ q p r nl r r sp r, v qp s, r p r p r s rq ƒže p r n p r tn n p. ˆ r p r r s rq ƒže p p r e n p l r l n qp p 5~10% p k [16]. l l coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆp r } l p l p r, l} l p l rl r pt ƒže p r q n l r r l l s m. v m l p l r p m, Boehm l p l r qp p s m kp r l r qp r p s m. x x rp 1170 m /gp 2 coconut shell ˆ 1077 m 2 /g p coal char ˆ(Samchully Carbotech Co.)p o k r } l r pt ƒže p r v n m. r p s p o p v CMC (carboxylmethycellulose sodium salt)m PTFE (polytetrafluroethylene, 60% dispersion in water. Aldrich), n v n mp p PP(poly propylene), r vp 1M TEABF4(tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate) mp n PC (polycarbonate)r kp n m. o p } o l v (Daejung Chem. & Metals Co., Ltd. 97%), m (Matsuneon Chem. Ltd., 35%), (Samchun pure chem. Co., Ltd. 97%), m (HCl : HNO 3 p p 3:1) n m. ˆp p kp r o l NaOH (Shinyo Pure Chem. Co., Ltd.), NaHCO 3 (Seoul Chem. Industry. Co., Ltd), Na 2 CO 3 (Wako Pure Chem. Industries Ltd.)p titrant n mp 0.1 N HCl tnk(daejung Chem. & Metals Co., Ltd) back-titrant n m. e. } m ˆp p mr r v v l } 150 o C m l 24 e k se. } ˆp rl o l v } m ˆp v o l dm m 10 o C/min 500 ~ 1000 o C v dm 1e k l} m. Micromeritics p ASAP 2020 modelp m e q n l } m l} l p ˆp r l m p, Boehm l p l l} m l r qp p k s r m.»yw p sƒ } m l} ˆp jet-millp pn l, rq carbon black, r CMC/PTFE l e planetary mill, aluminum foill Ž k v s l 150 o Cl 24e k s l r q n m. s r p n l glove box kl coin cellp rq mp rq cellp 23 o C ov cut-off rkp 0.1 ~ 2.5 V }p 5 p p C-Rate 2C 6 w p 0.5C l CC-CV r e p m. r p r pp o l IM6(Zahner, Germany) n l scan rate 50 mv/s l 0~2.5V p 10 p v r r m. x š y k p Coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆp jet-mill y k z o p p r o l v, m, m nkp okp pn l coconut shell coal char ˆp } m. 20 gp ˆl 200 mlp n kp 60 o Cl 2e k eˆ p Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of coconut shell based AC and coal char based AC.
3 Electrochemical Properties of EDLC Electrodes Prepared by Acid and Heat Treatment of Commercial Activated Carbons 139 l r v n l r p m. Jet-mill p Fig. 1l ˆ l. p pq 10 µm p l t m, pq coconut shell ˆp 7.2 µm, coal char ˆp 7.7 µm r ˆ lp r pt ƒže p r q n rr v p p pl. Fig. 2p p v l ˆ r p rn p ˆ p. Coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆp r v n mp, n p F/gpl, n p 39m 36 F/ccm. 100 p Ë rp, n p 54m 66 F/gp mp n p 32m 34 F/cc l n n t 82m 94%p r pp ˆ l. n p n n,, r l rp l p l r, ƒže rs pl q erp p ƒže p l vr rp m p t en o tn v n l rp m. Coconut shell ˆ o coal char shell ˆ o l l p kr p p coconut shell ˆp p coal char ˆl l p p. Table 1l o n coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆp ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma)l p ˆ pnp p ˆ l. Coconut shell ˆl,, k p p p sq p l r rl pm p p qnl p l r v p e s r pp pl ln p v, coal char ˆp p rp r o pp r l n p r r p p Ž l. Fig. 3 coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆ o Fig. 2. Specific capacitance of coconut based AC and coal char based AC with different acid treatments. Fig. 3. Cyclic voltammograms of coconut shell based AC (A) and coal char based AC (B). Scan rate: 50 mv/s
4 140 Jingyu Wu et al. / Carbon Letters Vol. 9, No. 2 (2008) Table 1. Ash contents of coconut shell based AC and coal char based AC Al Na Mg Si P K Ca Fe Total Coconut AC Coal char r p mp p CV (cyclic voltammogram) ˆ p. Coal char ˆp r p n mp, ~ p p 0.2 V l ˆ l p l p r vp qnl p coin cellp l ~ p p. 10 p coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆp CV l p ro yl p e v, p r p v rl r tp p r k p r kp l pp pl p p Ž. CV l p p rp p p n p ˆ 10 p v ˆl n p l, coconut shell ˆp n p coal char ˆl l ˆ lp Fig. 2l ˆ m p ˆ l. y k p ˆ o p p r l l p ƒže p pp e kr p eˆ o l Coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆp, m, v, m p } m. } ˆp ƒže p r v n mp } v kp o m l p v l rn rn p Fig. 4m Fig. 5l ˆ l. } ˆp n p o Fig. 4. Gravimetric capacitance of coconut based AC (A) and coal char based AC (B) with different acid treatments. Fig. 5. Volumetric capacitance of coconut based AC (A) and coal char based AC (B) with different acid treatments.
5 Electrochemical Properties of EDLC Electrodes Prepared by Acid and Heat Treatment of Commercial Activated Carbons 141 Table 2. Specific surface area of coconut based AC and coal char based AC with different acid treatment Sample SSA(m 2 /g) S mi (m 2 /g) S mi /SSA(%) S ext (m 2 /g) S ext /SSA(%) Coconut AC H 2 SO HCl+HNO HNO 3 HCl Coal char AC H 2 SO HCl+HNO HNO 3 HCl SSA: BET surface area; S mi : micropore area; S ext : external surface area l sp ˆ l, tl m } ˆp r v n p q p rn p ˆ. m } ˆp r v n p coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆp n p 75m 79 F/gp ˆ p 100 p n p F/gp ˆ l. v } ˆp r v n mp n p m } ˆ d v p kr p l. p v } ˆp l p rp r p p n kp r v n nl r r vp rp o tv o n r v tl r r vp rp l n p [25]. } ˆp n p v p } rp l p r l o p q l n p v l rp v l, ˆ rs rl ˆ v k p r q p p sq p p l p l l n p p p p Ž. Table 2 } l ˆ e p rp r p. } ˆp n p v mp n p o l p ˆ l. wy k p } ˆp ƒže p r q n mp n p o l l v lp r p l n p r ˆ l. } l r l p p r p } l p l ˆ l n rp l p p Ž. v } ˆp rn n p d p p p pl. v } l p l ˆp l p, Fig. 6. Contents of acidic surface functional group of coconut based AC (A) and coal char based AC (B) with different heat treatment temperatures after HNO 3 treatment.
6 142 Jingyu Wu et al. / Carbon Letters Vol. 9, No. 2 (2008) p l} l p r p f r qp ƒ Že p l m p q m. ˆp kp Boehm p pn l r mp e Fig. 6l ˆ l. Coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆ v } p l lactone group phenolic hydroxyl group v l. l } m p v l lactone groupp coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆl ˆ l l} l lactone groupp p k pl. phenolic hydroxyl groupp n, v ˆl p ˆ l, coal char p nl rp np, coconut shell p n l 1000 o C vp l} l np r v k ˆ l. p o p s l p r, sv s, ~rp p s m k l sn p, p l ƒ vp p n. p p l} m l p ˆ 800 o C p l kp r kv p p. v } ˆp l v m l l} l r q n mp p v l rn rn p Fig. 7 8l ˆ l. v } coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆp l} m d l rn p v lp p n m. p Fig. 9l l} m l n 100 p Ë r p n p ˆ l. l} m 800 o Cp coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆ p n p F/gp q p n p ˆ lp, 100 p n p 85m 76 F/g 94%m 93%p Ë r pp ˆ l. l} Fig. 7. Gravimetric capacitance of coconut based AC (A) and coal char based AC (B) with different heat treatment temperatures after HNO 3 treatment. Fig. 8. Volumetric capacitance of coconut based AC (A) and coal char based AC (B) with different heat treatment temperatures after HNO 3 treatment.
7 Electrochemical Properties of EDLC Electrodes Prepared by Acid and Heat Treatment of Commercial Activated Carbons 143 m 800 o C p l n p p k p l. Coconut shell ˆ coal char ˆp n 800 o Cl 42m 37 F/cc ˆ lp, 100 p F/cc ˆ p p rn p q p ˆ l. n p l} m p v l v p l} m p v l ˆ p re p pmp kp v m p Ž, 800 o C p l n p p 800 o C p l ˆ p p kp l} m kvl s p p pmp kp p. Table 3p l} m l r r p. o l l }, l} ˆp rp v mp, l} m l 900 o C p l rp s j v } ˆl l l } ˆp micropore rp tl mesoporem macropore rp v ˆ l. Fig. 9. Specific capacitance with different heat treatment temperatures. (A): Gravimetric capacitance, (B): volumetric capacitance Coconut shell coal char n ˆp r } l p l p r, l} l p l rl l r q rs m. rs r qp r p t ƒže p r q p r r p s r q p r p l p p p ll. 1. Coconut shell coal char ˆp p } lp r pt ƒže p r q n mp r Table 3. Specific surface area and porosity parameters of samples Sample SSA(m 2 /g) S mi (m 2 /g) S ext (m 2 /g) V tot (cm 3 /g) V mi (cm 3 /g) V mi /V tot (%) D/nm Coconut HNO o C 700 o C 800 o C 900 o C 1000 o C Coal HNO o C 700 o C 800 o C 900 o C 1000 o C SSA: BET surface area; S mi : micropore area S ext : external surface area; V tot : total volume; V mi : micropore volume; D: average pore diameter
8 144 Jingyu Wu et al. / Carbon Letters Vol. 9, No. 2 (2008) l n p p CV pl p p r q p np r v k k. 2. ˆp } n rp v l n p v mp, l p l p kr p kr. l} l p l p k p micropore mesoporem macropore v l l m p 800 o C r l l} p v m. 3. v } l} l p l, rl ˆp r q n n n p p l coconut shell ˆp v 800 o C l} r q n 90 F/g, 42 F/cc 100 p 85 F/g, 40 F/ccp 94%p pp ˆ l o ˆ n p p ˆ l. š x [1] Kwon, O. J.; Jung, Y. H.; Oh, S. M. J. Power sources 2004, 125, 221. [2] Lee, J.; Kim, J.; Lee, Y.; Yoon, S.; Oh, S. M.; Hyeon, T. Chem. Mater. 2004, 16, [3] Bonnefoi, L.; Simon, P.; Fauvarque, J. F.; Sarrazin, C.; Dugast, A. J. Power Source 1999, 79, 37. [4] Tanahashi, I.; Yoshida, A.; Nishino, A. Denki Kagaku 1988, 56, 892. [5] Park, S. J.; Jung, W. Y. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2002, 250, 93. [6] Inagaki, M.; Radovic, L.R. Carbon 2002, 40, [7] Burke, A. J. Power sources 2000, 91, 37. [8] Qiao, W. M.; Korai, Y.; Mochida, I.; Hori, Y.; Maeda, I. Carbon 2002, 40,351. [9] Qu, D. J. Power Source 2002, 109, 403. [10] Sarangapani, S.; Tilak, B. V.; Chen, C. P. J. Electrochem. Soc. 1996, 143, [11] An, K. H.; Jeon, K. K.; Heo, J. K.; Lim, S. C.; Bae, D. J.; Lee, Y. H. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2002, 149, [12] Lee, K. T.; Jung, Y. S.; Oh, S. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, [13] Park, S. J.; Jang, Y. S. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2002, 249, 458. [14] Park, S. J.; Seo, M. K.; Rhee, K. Y. Carbon 2003, 41, 592. [15] Park, S. J.; Seo, M. K.; Rhee, K. Y. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2003, 107, [16] Frackowiak, E.; Beguin, F. Carbon 2001, 39, 937.
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READY-TO-WEAR Fashionbiz 2010.1 패션 전문가 293명 대상 앙케트+전문기자단 선정 2010.1 Fashionbiz CEO Managing Director Creative Director Independent Designer READY-TO-WEAR Fashionbiz 2010.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 2010.1 Fashionbiz
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사용자설명서 한글 APC Smart-UPS 1400VA XL 230VAC/120VAC/100VAC 3U 랙및스택형무정전전원공급장치 990-1080, Revision 01 10/01 sÿ 1:G Ž y... 1G Ž... 1G Ž... 1G ŽŸ Ž... 2G w p Ž... 2G 2:G ƒ... 3G ³ µ... 3G UPS... 3G Smart-UPS ƒ...
Carbon Letters Vol. 8, No. 4 December 007 pp. 340-348 Patent Trends of Carbonaceous Materials for Hydrogen Storage (II): Qualitative Analysis Soo-Jin Park,, Byung-Joo Kim and Young-Seak Lee 3 Dept. of
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농업생명과학연구 49(4) pp.31-37 Journal of Agriculture & Life Science 49(4) pp.31-37 Print ISSN 1598-5504 Online ISSN 2383-8272 http://dx.doi.org/10.14397/jals.2015.49.4.31 국가산림자원조사 자료를 적용한 충남지역 사유림경영율 추정 서연옥
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Alloy Group Material Al 1000,,, Cu Mg 2000 ( 2219 ) Rivet, Mn 3000 Al,,, Si 4000 Mg 5000 Mg Si 6000, Zn 7000, Mg Table 2 Al (%
http://wwwtechnonetcokr (Aluminum & Aluminum BasedAlloy) : LG 1 Aluminum Table 1, 2 1000 7000 4 Al 990% Al 1XXX AlCu 2XXX AlMn 3XXX AlSi 4XXX AlMg 5XXX AlMgSi 6XXX AlZn(Mg, Cu) 7XXX 8XXX ( ) 9XXX Fig 1
특허청구의 범위 청구항 1 청구항 2 청구항 3 청구항 4 청구항 5 물과 암모니아수와 헥산 산과 히드라진 수화수용액을 포함하는 환원액을 조정하는 조액( 調 液 )공정과, 질산은 수용액을 상기 환원액에 첨가하여 반응시키는 은 반응공정과, 상기 은 반응공정의 생성물을 회
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많이 이용하는 라면,햄버그,과자,탄산음료등은 무서운 병을 유발하고 비만의 원인 식품 이다. 8,등겨에 흘려 보낸 영양을 되 찾을 수 있다. 도정과정에서 등겨에 흘려 보낸 영양 많은 쌀눈과 쌀껍질의 영양을 등겨를 물에 우러나게하여 장시간 물에 담가 두어 영양을 되 찾는다
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본 작품들의 열람기록은 로그파일로 남게 됩니다. 단순 열람 목적 외에 작가와 청주시문화산업진흥재단의 허락 없이 이용하거나 무단 전재, 복제, 배포 시 저작권법의 규정에 의하여 처벌받게 됩니다. 제12회 전국문화콘텐츠 스토리텔링 공모전 구 분 내 용 제목 수상내역 작가 공모분야 막 연못 우수상(청주시문화산업진흥재단이사장상) 장다슬, 정연희, 송희진, 최송이 시나리오
특허청구의 범위 청구항 1 Na-알지네이트(Na-alginate), 합성 제올라이트(synthetic zeolite)와 분말활성탄(powdered activated carbon) 을 혼합하여 2 ~ 6 %의 CaCl 2 용액에서 경화시켜 만들어진 직경 1 ~ 5 mm의
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w y wz 10«3y 273~280 (2010.12.) Journal of Korean Society of Urban Environment p yá xá½k w y œw (2010 9 15, 2010 12 2 k) Analysis of Characteristics of Delivered Nonpoint Source Pollution at Forested Watershed
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v s u e q g y vœ s s œx}s Enhancing the Night Time Vehicle Detection for Intelligent Headlight Control using Lane Detection Sungmin Eum Ho i Jung * School of Mechanical Engineering Hanyang University,
w y wz 10«( 1y) 47~52, 2007 J. of the Korean Society for Environmental Analysis œ w t y ½ xá Á x Á½ Á x* Ÿ œ, * w œw Optimization of Coagulation In The Conventional Water Treatment Plant Jun-Hyun Kim,
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대한한방부인과학회지 THE JOURNAL OF ORIENTAL OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY VOL.17, NO.2 : 115-122 (2004) 달생산이 초산모 분만시간에 미치는 영향 * 북경한의원, ** 윤산부인과의원, *** 최은림산부인과의원, 상지대학교 한의과대학 부인과학교실 ****, 경희대학교 동서의학대학원 김성준 *****, 윤왕준
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Krean Chem. Eng. Res., Vl. 43, N. 4, August, 2005, pp. 537-541 기포유동층반응기에서건식재생흡수제를이용한이산화탄소회수에미치는스팀및온도의영향 kkç i Ç Ç z * Çmy l v l ~rl vl 305-343 re q 71-2 *r l v 305-380 re v 103-16 (2005 3 25p r, 2005 6