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1 ˆg Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environmental Engineering Vol. 0, No. 3. pp , August 2007 nƒ z{o r y fÿ d Ú r Ú Ú Ú~ n m / m n n Characteristics of Marine Debris collected from the Coastline of Sandbar in the Nakdong River Estuary Y.B. Lee, S. Park, C.R. Ryu, H.T. KIM and H.S. Yoon Department of Ocean Engineering, Pukyong National Univ., Daeyeon 3-Dong, Nam-Gu, Busan , Korea Research Center for Ocean Industrial Development, Pukyong National Univ., Daeyeon 3-Dong, Nam-Gu, Busan , Korea l l l vn r lp p kj p r kp o p j p s, l tp kj p r q m. p p nk p. ) l vn t r lp p 50 m 50 m(= km 2 ) mlp r ml k j l kj p p o edšp m. 2) kj p o ml p kj,,0 kgp kj l, o r ( km 2 ) kj p r 444 ton/ km 2 p. o s el kgp kj l, o r ( km 2 ) kj p 9.5 ton/ km 2 p. o kp r p 36.67kg/day/p kj r p r p. 3) mll kj t q p kp v p q 85.86%, p l 5.3%, dž 4.78%, j 2.34%, o 0.94%, p ƒp ~ q 0.27% ˆ l. Abstract This study investigated the spatial distribution of the marine debris in Jinudo in the Nakdong river estuary. Types of marine debris in Jinudo are analyzed through sampling around some portion of its sandbar shoreline. The present study and its main results are summarized as follow: ) Monitoring system, for evaluating the volume of marine debris, was established in the coastal region of 50 m 50 m (0.002 km 2 ) over the southern part of Jinudo. All the marine debris of conceivable form are collected and their amount was also estimated. 2) During the st collection in May 2007, the total weight of the marine debris was,0 kg in this site, which means the density of marine debris around the shoreline is 444 ton/ km 2. After one month later, the collected marine debris was kg and so we have the average density of 9.5 ton/ km 2. From these results, it is suggested that the marine debris of 36.67kg was being accumulated per day over unit area( km 2 ). 3) The most frequent marine debris collected during monitoring campaigns was wooden material amounting to 85.86% of the whole collection; the rest were fishing gears such as nets and buoys(5.3%), household waste(2.34%), glass(0.94%) and metals(0.27%). Keywords: Nakdong River estuary( ), Jinudo(vn ), Marine debris( kj ) Corresponding author: yoonhans@pknu.ac.kr 48
2 t kl j s r 49. Green Peacep 998 Report on the World s Oceans l r kmmp tn op p p o p 77%(o 44%, op 33%), p 2%, kœ l p p 0% v p p k r p (n[200]). p rp kmmp l kp qr p plp, l r lv kmmp p ll r p v r l, kj p mm n re p ( [2000]). t p rp kj l p l kl q l p kj, l o p oj rl kk p j l v ( [2000]). l kj p tp } k l op j v, t kl o kl p erp ~ p ( [2005]). pm p kj p lk l m n, Œ l dž r p r o p k p q e} o evl l tl (Ghost fishing)p ( [998]). p op j k ˆ Ž l lsqo m Ž p p rp r n p k ( [2005]). q n p k p v p p n kj p l 30 Šl pt l } p lv p j 0 Šp v p p ( [2005]). q v k l s p pp ~ k m r l vr s l pl, op rp s s erp (o [2002]). 997 p, p tn tn / o p rl r lp l k tep r rp s ( k, 2002) n p p p. r r r j v n m p er s k k l p s q pl l p n p p. kn kj p r p Žk, evrp r lp q r, r} k p o q p rp kj l s n lv. pl l l l vn t r lp p kj p r kp op j p s p ee, l t(vn, eq, n ) r kp r~ kj ( )p r q. 2. m 2. g f m Š p rp k j p p lp,, p ( [2005]). ~w, lp p lk lp dž l p n s m p n p. w, p kj p e p dž k 80, dž p k 450 p p p fv k m rp kl q l porp r prl v rp km p. s l l re k p ql e p Table. w, p kj k l l l m p d. qlp r } l e 2 mm n pp k q nl l np p. 2.2 k gf Š n k l l lk ll k s m s p, pl, t l v p r s l rt l t lk v o p s pl ( [2005]). k s l r tp, k p q (7.9%), n (25.9), mpl (25.8), ˆpl(3.8%), (9.), ˆ(7.5%) p. l p s e l p o o n dž v r o p d v 2% v k p k r p ( [2002]). v j p p s q p Table. Decomposition time of the marine debris(woo[200]) Marin debris Requirement Marin debris Requirement Marin debris Requirement Description Resolving time Description Resolving time Description Resolving time Paper Wet towel 3Gweek Newspaper 6Gweek Fruit 2Gmonth Cotton glover -5Gmonth Milk pack 3Gmonth Cotton rope 3-4Gmonth Woolen glover Gyear Plywood -3year Painted wood 3Gyear Styrofoamcup 50Gyear Tin can 50Gyear Styrofoam buoy 80Gyear Aluminium can 200Gyear Plastic belt 400Gyear disposable nappy 450Gyear Plastic bottle 450Gyear Fishing line 600Gyear Glass bottle year
3 50 pm Ë Ë ~ Ë ˆËo p dž r~p 45.8%, w ll 2.8%, w 2.4%, 8.0%, o 4.7%, o 3.2%, t 2.7%, p sp ˆ.4%p p m. l p k j p p s q p p dž r~p 4.8%, l l p 8.6%, 7.0%, ˆpl 0.3%, o 5.6%, sp 0.2% ˆ(p ƒ, o, ) 33.5% ˆ. l op o p p s q p p e j 70%, džp 9%, q %, 4%, o 3%, ˆ 3% ˆ. DGPS o r re p o p o p p l l o o p tol vr, p ~ kp p p k pl. o p p p ll pl l p m l p m p v rp s l p m p p s l l p p p l (o [2002]). ll s o p s s q p p dž dž 84.3%, q %, sp.%, p l (netting).7%, o n.9% v m. lp o p p pl k l p kmmp e p. m p q e, ~ l ~p p v p. l p l pr ll k lp dž p, p p Oki l, q dž p 33%l 20% v r d p p lp p p o, } p m p ppp e re m ( [2005]). 2.3 sk g f o s vn kj } p [200]p q ˆp o 200 7o v k( 2 ) p p 920 m, 60 mp ˆp t k p Š m. l l vn t r lp p o l 50 më50 m(=2,500 m 2 ) mlp r m l k j l s r m. p kl kj p p r o p vn r lp r~ kp p v e rr l p l e rp k j q p mlp q r m. s p s kp j l s Fig.. Monitoring site of the marine debris in the coastal of Jinudo. p r m. ml p p ~, pr p erl kj l kp kj p q m. l l kj p ˆp m. Fig. p vn k j p o p p j r p vp ˆ p. n, lp qlr l l rp t p tn ( [200]). l l lp kj k p p s ( km)p t l q m. t k p p( km) p v l p v k k p p p( ) ˆ kl kj p t p tp q m. l r tl vn, eq, n p k p e p p k l p o Google Earth programp k p p r m. Google Earth programl k m p r erp 2007 ol. p vn, eq, n p t r lp k p r 2.96 km, 4.25 km, 3.59 kml. Fig. 2. The estimation of shoreline - using Google Earth program.
4 t kl j s r 5 3. i y 3. sk g f Š - o [200]p o 200 7o v ( 2 ) vn kp p 920 më 60 mp r 55,000 m 2 l l o r ( km 2 ) k p 48,294 kgp k t p Table 2m. l kj p o r q p kp v p džp 30.9%, o.8%, 9.7%, 7.8%p p ˆ. p o p p j pp ˆ. le [2004]p 2003 ˆ d v n kj qle } kj p,800 ton p vn kj } p llpp k op kj q v v rp r r lp Ž. 3.2 mo -sk g f l vn t r lp p o 9p( s )l 50 më50 m(= km 2 ) mlp r m l k j l s r m. k op 6o 9p(2 s ), 7o 30p Fig. 3. The campaign collecting the marine debris on the coastline of Jinudo in (3 s )l p mll r k j q m. ˆ Table 3. s,0 kgp kj l, o r ( km 2 ) kj p 444,000 kgp. p p r [200]p l m s ep m k 9.2 p kp p. mll s el kj t q p kp v p q 85.86%, p l Table 2. Characteristics of the marine debris collected from the coastline of Jinudo in the Nakdong river estuary(song[200]) Area (km 2 ) Coast (km) Component Leather Rubber Metal Wood Glass Styropoam Paper Vinyl Plastic clothing & cloth Oversize Etc. Total weight (kg) 673 2,88 2,767 3,756 5,722 3, ,680 4,942 2,8 3,022 3,976 48,294 % quantity (EA) 889 3,867 22,689 6,556 37,733 9,889 6,222 2,022 44,400 3, ,56 50,778 % weight (kg) , ,346.5 % quantity (EA) , , ,082 3, ,570 % Table 3. The result of the marine debris collected from the coastline of Jinudo in the Nakdong river estuary Component Plastic Glass Fishing implement Type st investigationg(9 May, 2007) 2nd investigationg(9 June, 2007) 3rd investigationg(30 July, 2007) Quantity(EA) Weight(kg) Quantity(EA) Weight(kg) Quantity(EA) Weight(kg) oversize PET PET & etc beverage bottle 36 liquor bottle etc. 8 3 fishing net buoy Wood Construction waste Household waste Metal etc Total weight(kg),
5 52 pm Ë Ë ~ Ë ˆËo Fig. 4. Plastics collected from the campaigns in the coataline of Jinudo. Fig. 7. Construction and life waste collected from the campaigns in the coataline of Jinudo. Fig. 5. Glasses collected from the campaigns in the coataline of Jinudo. Fig. 8. Woods collected from the campaigns in the coataline of Jinudo. Fig. 6. Metals collected from the campaigns in the coataline of Jinudo. 5.3%, dž 4.78%, j 2.34%, o 0.94%, p ƒp ~q 0.27% ˆ l. 2 s el kg, 3 s el 4. kgp kj l, o r ( km 2 ) kj p 9,500 kg 6,400 kgp. 2 s k(3p)p r p kg/day/km 2, 3 s k(4p) p r p kg/day/km 2 p kj r p r l. Fig. 4 Fig. 8 v vn t r k j s l vm p ˆ. 3.3 i g f }o vn t r kl p kj ˆp vn, eq, n l kj p r Table 4m. ~rp vn 2.96 kml kj k 65,72 kgp, eq 4.25 kml kj p 94,352 kg, n 3.59 kml kj p 79,698 kg r l. p p ˆp Fig. 9. Fishing implements collected from the campaigns in the coataline of Jinudo. l t r k l kj p r 239,760 kgp. l vn k j ˆ p eq m n l rn p tp l kp p ˆ pp p Ž. t p t kj r n p Ž.
6 t kl j s r 53 Table 4. The estimated quantity of marine debris collected from the coastline of sandbars in the Nakdong river estuary Component Type Jinudo (2.96 km) Sinjado (4.25 km) Doyodeung (3.59 km) Total (kg) Plastic oversize PET 2,042 2,933 2,477 7,452 PET & etc.,095,573,328 3,996 Glass beverage bottlegliquor bottle ,268 Fishing implement fishing net,894 2,720 2,298 6,92 buoy,480 2,25,795 5,400 Wood... 56,48 8,005 68, ,848 Construction waste ,620 Life waste...,539 2,20,867 5,66 Metal etc Total weight(kg) 65,72 94,352 79, , g f g m p lp t r l k j rr rp p rrp pp, q kj p v n p o l l p p p. p s p o kj p op p kp p q rp p. p kj p p lr kp rp s, r p, ƒ p p n r p pp p p p v nl erp p. [2005]p l l p r kj r e p n } r np p. v, ) kj r k p r v- }-lk lp p l p p lrp lk, 2) j p koplr, } p edšp } kp lk, 3) kj r v rp rp q r rp n, 4) r, ~, l~, l p l lk p. p p rl s r p n p s ppp k p. p p k p o rp kp n[200] re k p np n lv p. ~w, r kp o p p opp lr o nn, ƒ p ee, ll o p opp tp o ne } ~, l p }ppe kp. w, r p kp k r}p tn p k rs }l k r / /} l m, k r lp ee mm e rrp op}p. w, k p p l q tp p dž p veˆ kmm v p r l ll } v rr. vq~ k } s~ o oplr o rp ~. w, e o vl ol v p k r p s v np k e l o p p k rp o l o p n p p. 4. kh l l l vn r lp p kj p r kp op j p s, l t(vn, eq, n ) r kp r~ kj p r q m. p p nk p. ) l vn t r lp p 50 më 50 m(= km 2 ) mlp r ml k j l kj p ( )p o edšp m. 2) kj p o ml p kj,,0 kgp kj l, o r ( km 2 ) kj p r 444,000 kg/km 2 p. 3) 3pp 2 s el kg l pp o r ( km 2 ) kj p kg/day/ km 2 p, 4pp 3 s el 4. kg l kg/day/ kmp kj r p s 2 l. 4) mll kj t q p k p v p q 85.86%, p l 5.3%, dž 4.78%, j 2.34%, o 0.94%, p ƒp ~q 0.27% ˆ l. 5) vn t r kl p kj ˆp vn, eq, n l kj p r, vn k 65,72 kg, eq k 94,352 kg, n p k 79,698 kg r lp, l t r
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제 출 문 농림수산식품부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 트위스트 휠 방식 폐비닐 수거기 개발 과제의 최종보고서로 제출 합니다. 2008년 4월 24일 주관연구기관명: 경 북 대 학 교 총괄연구책임자: 김 태 욱 연 구 원: 조 창 래 연 구 원: 배 석 경 연 구 원: 김 승 현 연 구 원: 신 동 호 연 구 원: 유 기 형 위탁연구기관명: 삼 생 공 업 위탁연구책임자:
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IC- 706. HL3QCE. HL2QCE. (HITOP) : (02)704-9104 : HL3QCE / : HITOP IC- 706.. 13.8V AC. 13.8V 16V 24V 10 ( +14 ) 60 ( +140 ) 80, ICOM,,..,. i IC- 706 (OP C- 025D )...1 (HM - 103)...1 (30A )...2 (4A )...2
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