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1 w z wz 16(3) : 307~314, 2011 Korean J Community Nutr 16(3) : 307~314, 2011 DOI: /kjcn w (šw ) v w 4 y r q ½ Áùx 1) Á½ û 2) w, 1) š w, 2) w w ƒ $SJUFSJPO%FWFMPQNFOUPG"DUJWJUZ-FWFMTGPS&TUJNBUFE&OFSHZ 3FRVJSFNFOU$BMDVMBUJPOGPS1SJNBSZ4DIPPM4UVEFOUT.J+FPOH,JN)ZFPO+V/B :PVOHOBN,JN Sinmuk Primary School, Seoul, Korea 1) Imae High School, Kyeonggi Province, Korea 2) Department of Home Economics Education, Korea National University of Education, Chungbuk, Korea "CTUSBDU The purpose of this study is finding the easy way of 4 categories activity level confirmation for estimated energy requirement calculation. Total of 386, 5th and 6th grade primary school students participated. The time spent on 7 kinds of activity were collected for 1 day by the internet program developed. Judged by the activity coefficient, sedentary were 6.7% and 5.1%, low active 33.2% and 40.4%, active 43.8%, and45.5%, and very active 16.3% and 9.0% for boy and girl, respectively. The highest and significant correlation coefficient between activity coefficient and time spent on activities shown were in commute activity for boys, and in leisure for girls. The sensitivity of the sedentary conformation by commute hour for boys was 0.79, and that of very active was The sensitivity of the sedentary conformation by leisure hour for girls was 0.67, and that of very active was The sensitivity of low active and active by 7 different types of activity was quite low, 0.04~0.37. The exact agreement of activity level conformed by easy way developed was 30.8% and 33.7%, for boys and girls, respectively. More accurate way to identify 4 categories activity level needs to be developed, especially sensitive to conformation of low active and active levels. (Korean J Community Nutr 16(3) : 307~314, 2011) KEY WORDS : estimated energy requirementáactivity coefficientáactivity levelá sensitivityáagreement õ p#v p# /# p#r m#p # p#v eˆ # # # q p#k eˆ #npp /# +ZKR, # p#v p # r #p 1#n # #p # #v #pp /# p#533; # v# l# #EPL#5813#p p# r p=#5344 #8o#57p#r rp=#5344 #9o#54p# r }ˆp=#5344 #9o#56p#}ˆ Corresponding author: Youngnam Kim, Department of Home Economics Education, Korea National University of Education, Darak-ri, Gangnae-myeon, Cheongwon-gun, Chungbuk , Korea. Tel: (043) , Fax: (043) youngnam@knue.ac.kr Ê pp#651;( /#533: #6(# p #v m # +Nxplqloer#5343e,1# o # # 533< # # l# #~ #r~# pp 4615( # r l# l# 5(# v m # +Nxplqloer#5343d,1#k # p#e vl# # ne o~p# l#pl#t v# #433 # tr # r # p# #eq m +NWY#qhzv#8#533;,1 rr~tp#ov #o #l v n p#žk p#tn 1#l v n p#l v l#p #r v /#p #eq #~t#v#~ # #k #e~ # ˆ l# # p # ˆ 1# #l p # l# l p# p#q #qep#e~ l# #p m# p#š #l v p# l# # pp#l v n r p# p # p#tn 1# 307
2 308Á4 y r q 5333 #r: # r# p#mk q +Wkh#Nruhdq Qxwulwlrq#Vrflhw #5333, #l v# q l# l# p # p# mp /#v# pp#~tp# p l# # e l# pp#4p# # l#l v q p# # p#re m 1# #5338 # p#mk t+plqlvwu #ri#khdowk#)#zhoiduh# 5343, #l v n r p#nl # p lp /#p t e p#rn l# r #l v l# l#o #l v n r p# # ep#re #p 1 l v n r p# p/#eq/#~tp# p #7 #e ~ l# # # p l# /#l l# # q#l v # 1#v#qep#l v n r p #qep#4p# # #4p# l# l#žr #7 #e~ #kkk# 1#4p# # # kp# # p#s m# # e l# l# /# p#s # # e p#ppp# l # q # p# n# # # l# erp #4p# p# pp#d v#k 1# # # # t#žr# p# n p#r 1# p#mk t+wkh#nruhdq Qxwulwlrq#Vrflhw #5338,l #p pp#7 #e~ # # l# #l # } r #re #p 1 #l # #8/#9 # p# p #l v n r # l# n #7 #e~ # #Žr p k /# p#ˆ m#e # v # q# 1# óýßá ò óý s # p# nvl# #8/#9 # p /#s e #533; #<o#53p #45o#53ppl 1#s l# l # # #4: # # #q #888 plp /# e #p q#49< p#rn #s# p 6;9 +9<18(,pl 1# l#533: # # kë~ #e~ o t +Nruhd Fhqwhuv#iru#Glvhdvh#Frqwuro#dqg#Suhyhqwlrq#)#Wkh Nruhdq#Shgldwulf#Vrflhw #533;,p#EPL# eˆ # tp # o #8# p#r~t/#8#p #;8# #r /#;8 p p# ~t# # p#6 #v p # m 1# #8/#9 # p# np #Šnp+Šn# lp rn, #7 e/# #n#o/# /# /# npp#7pp# #9 e# lp#ee /#9 e# lpp# l# l#4p lp#s m 1# #4p# l#s # l l#4p# # /#4p# # tp #7 #e~ # m 1#4p# l#s # l# l#: v# #s # e /#4p# # mp /# p#s # # # /#4p# # # p Nlp# +5344,l#re l#p 1 Š µ Š æ # #4p# #417# p # r / 417#p #419# p # r r /#419#p #41<# p r /#41<#p #518# p # n# r p#7 #e ~ # +Plqlvwu #ri#khdowk#)#zhoiduh# 5338,1 Š µ Š á +4,#: vp# #s # e #4p# p# # +5,#op # tp# p# p # #t# #r p#315# p# # p#rn /# l/# e/#l /# /# p#8 v# l# l/# e #4p# # #4 # re#o #0# qd #rn # + p# d Ë 4p#. e +6,# #s #7 #e~ # p# Ë # e # #0# re#rn ò Ýßá l q # #4p# e #s n#p # p n l# #8/#9 # l#r # e #s n#o p # l#s #ee mp /#p # l# # np#nlp# +5343,l#re l#p /#p #s p# p#r +Nlp# #5344,l#re l#p 1 # p# q #eq #~tp #EPL # m /#v p# p# op#v #e pp# Š µ Š á ƒ +4,#ˆ #s =# +vhqvlwlylw, #4p# l# #7 #e~ Žr# m# #Žr l# #Žr# m# p # p 7 # e~ # Žr # n # # k +wuxh srvlwlyh,p /#4p# l# #7 #e~ #Žr# m# # p#7 #e~ #Žr # n # v#p +idovh#qhjdwlyh,p # l/# pp#
3 ½ Áùx Á½ ûá309 ep#rn l# +Jlevrq#4<<3,1# #k #k +wuxh#srvlwlyh,#.# v#p +idovh#qhjdwlyh,# +5,#e #s =#p +djuhhphqw,# p #4p# l# #7 #e~ m# #Žr l# #7 #e~ # p#e~ # p#s l# 1 ÌæõÝ Ð p#q #ƒ l# #p eˆ# /#VSVV#4:13 Yhuvlrqp#pn l# # rl# # } # m 1 /# # t /# #w /#Shduvrq# # #op # v m 1 Š Œ ò ó Þ s # # # p#p p#wdeoh#4l#re m 1 s # qp# p#9 # p#554 +8:16(,p 8 # # k /# p#53; +861<(,p #l # k 1# # p#eqp# #48517 fp/#48513 fp/ ~tp# #7719 nj/#7417 njp # p#l #e qp#317 fp/#~tp#615 nj# 1# #r # p ;91;( # p# v m /#r~t # ~t# # p #915(/#:13( #43(# pl 1# p#n e p #4 5e p#6617(/#4e # p#6514( # d m p /#r # v#k #p # p#5513( # l /#5e #p #n # p#4517(pl 1#l # p# mp# /# p# n#r~t #r p#l p # k /# ~t# # p# p# # kp /#n e p# nl # p# v#k m#4e # p#l p/#4e #p p# p# k 1# s # qp#4p# l# #e~ #Ž r# #Wdeoh#4l#re m 1# # # r # q# k + #761;(/#7818(,/# pp# r r # # #6615(/#7317( # v m 1# n# r # # #4916(/#<13( # r # #91:(/ 814(# # k 1 ƒ µ Îãùé Œ µšý s # qp#: v# #s # e #s # m Table 1. General characteristics and activity level of the subjects M F All Grade 5 84G(540.4) 1) 81G(545.5) 165G(542.7) 6 124G(559.6) 97G(554.5) 221G(557.3) Physique Height 152.4G(58.64) 2) 152.0G(58.39) Weight 44.6G(58.70) 41.4G(56.56) Obesity Underweight 12G(555.8) 12G(556.7) 24G(556.2) Normal 176 (584.6) 159G(589.3) 335G(586.8) Overweight/Obese 20G(559.6) 7G(553.9) 27G(557.0) ExerciseG(hr/day) Almost none 40G(519.2) 45G(525.3) 85G(522.0) <1 46G(522.1) 78G(543.8) 124G(532.1) G(540.9) 44(524.7) 129G(533.4) 2< 37G(517.8) 11G(556.2) 48G(512.4) Activity level Sedentary 14G(556.7) 9G(555.1) 23G(556.0) Low active 69G(533.2) 72G(540.4) 141G(536.5) Active 91G(543.8) 81G(545.5) 172G(544.6) Very active 34G(516.3) 16G(559.0) 50G(513.0) Total 208G(100.0) 178G(100.0) 386G(100.0) 1) NG (%) 2) MeanG(SD) p# # #Wdeoh#5l#re m 1 s # pp#9 e# lppl # l#s # q p#9e p# l # # p # ˆ 1# #t# q p#e p# # p# p# # e p 7;;1; p# v m /# pp# #69819 /# # l p# d #56315 /#l #4:41< /# #43717 /# #971< /# #4716 p# #pl 1# e p# p # p # p# /# d/# # plp /# p# p#4613 # l /# d # p#l p# #651: /#818 # l 1# : v# #s # # #41:9/# #41<;/# #5176/#l #517:/# #616: p# p #ˆ 1# d p# p#s l# lp# # #417p /# e #le# #413p # m # l# p# # #l 1# p# # p # ˆ # p#l /# /# /# # p /#v# p#rn # # #s p# l # # p #plp /#l m# # p# p/# m# # p#l p# # 1
4 310Á4 y r q Š µ Š á 7 #e~ # p # p #4p# # v#k # #Žr #o l# #s # e l# #Žr# p# k # k 1#v#7 #e ~ # # #p # #s # Ë # e p# /# Ë # e l# l#7 #e~ #Žr # # p#ˆ #e # m 1 µ Îã ùé Œ µšý óœ ò #s # e #4p# # p# # l#p #Wdeoh#6l#re m 1 d # e p#4p# m# r# p # p lp /#v# d # e# p # #e p v #4p# # /# v# /#l /# /# /# # p#4p# m#rr# / v# p # #e p#v #4p# #v # p # ˆ 1 4p# m# #s # e p# p# n# e, 3166<+, #: v# # l #op # tp# p# ˆ 1#l p# #0317<5+ d, l,p lp /# # p# e p#4p# m#op # tp# p#l # p # ˆ 1# Š µ Šã ùé óá á ö qd #rn l#o # # e #4p# # #4 # rep#rn l#s # qp#e~ # Ë # # e # # #Wdeoh#7l re m 1 d p# n#5;5 #p # # r # / 4;9 # # # n# r p #Žr /# e p#849 #p # # r# /#799 # # # n# r p #Žr 1#v# d # e# p e p# #7 #e~ # 1# #l p# n #463 # # # r /#53; p # # n# r /# p#7: # # # r /#;3 #p # # n# r /# # p#< # # # r #4< #p # # n# r p #Žr 1# r r # r # Table 2. Time spent on 7 kinds of activity and average activity coefficient of the 7 kinds of activity Time spent (min) Activity coefficient M F All In-school activity Out-school activity Study Rest Leisure Commute House choir Hygiene MeanG(SD) 371.6G(42.13) 231.1G(124.25) 495.7G(88.25) 180.1G(108.35) 65.0G(47.92) 11.8G(17.76) 100.9G(44.62) CV 1) G(%) MeanG(SD) 358.6G(29.83) 263.8G(112.83) 480.7G(71.54) 162.2G( 93.83) 64.7G(37.76) 17.3G(21.10) 108.6G(36.97) CVG(%) MeanG(SD) 365.6G(37.50) 230.2G(110.89) 488.8G(81.21) 171.9G(102.17) 64.9G(43.48) 14.3G(19.54) 104.4G(41.39) CVG(%) t 3.541*** 4) 2.689** * M 1.76G(0.29) 2) 1.40G(0.00) 1.00G(0.00) 2.67G(2.24) 3.50G(0.78) 1.76G(1.58) 2.42G(0.12) F 1.77G(0.29) 1.40G(0.00) 1.00G(0.00) 2.24G(1.14) 3.22G(0.79) 2.23G(1.45) 2.45G(0.12) All 1.76G(0.29) 1.40G(0.00) 1.00G(0.00) 2.47G(1.30) 3.37G(0.80) 1.98G(1.54) 2.43G(0.13) t 0466 NA 3) NA 3.372*** 3.439*** 3.040** 2.580** 1) Coefficient of variation 2) MeanG(SD) 3) Non applicable 4) *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < Table 3. Correlation coefficients between the time spent on each activity and activity coefficient Out-school activity In-school activity Study Rest Leisure Commute House choir Hygiene M 0.165* 1) 0.288** 0.316** 0.239** 0.339** 0.218** 0.169* F ** 0.216** 0.466** 0.314** 0.312** All 0.147** 0.375** 0.268** 0.330** 0.329** 0.236** 0.127* 1) *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01
5 ½ Áùx Á½ ûá311 p# e # Ë p# r # n# r # pl 1# p# n# r # m# n# r # # d/# e/#l /# /# # p# e # p # #9< /#8< /#88 /#67 /#; #plp /#l p# #46: /#74 /#448 /#65 /#4: pl 1 Š µ Š á Ë ƒ 7 #e~ # #Žr p#ˆ # #o l # mp /# # # #Wdeoh#8l#r e m 1# 7 #e~ # #Žr p#s # q#rol#r n mp# p# #313:+ l#p # r #, 31:9+ d l#p # n# r #,plp / #s # e l# #7 #e~ #Žr# p# # r #3176+ d, 31:3+ e # #,/# r r # #3146+ e #l #, ,/# r # #313:+, e,/# n# r # #3177+ e, 31:9+ d, p # ˆ 1# rp # #l l p#7 #e~ # #Žr p#rn mp# # r # # e # e # p# e l#p #Žrp# q r /# n# r # # d # e l#p Žrp# q#r # p # ˆ 1#s # q# p e~ l# # r r # +6918(,m# r # +7719(, # #63(l# v# # p # ˆ 1# p# p # mp# # e l#p # r r #, 31:<+ # # l#p # r # /# d l#p # n# r #,plp /# r # #3169+ d, 31:<#+ # #,/# r r # #3137+ e, 3146#+l m# #,/# r # #313:+, 315:#+ e # #,/# n# r # p# #316;+ e, 31:<+ d, #s l 1#s # # l # #l l p#7 #e~ # #Ž r p#rn mp# # r # # # # e p#rn mp# #:<(p#r #Žrp# /# n# r # # d # e p#rn mp #:<(p#r #Žrp# # p # ˆ 1# # Table 4. Upper and lower limit of time spent on eachgactivity by 4 categories of activity level M F All Study Rest Leisure Commute House choir Sedentary PAL 1) 1.40 < 2) 255 < 3) 530 < < 148 < 45 < 7 Low active 1.40 PAL < < < < <59 7 < 10 Active 1.60 PAL < < < < < <15 Very active 1.90 PAL < 186 < Sedentary PAL 1.40 < < 106 < 49 < 9 Low active 1.40 PAL < < < < < 62 9 < 16 Active 1.60 PAL < < < < < < 26 Very active 1.90 PAL <178 < Sedentary PAL 1.40 < < 130 < 47 < 9 Low active 1.40 PAL < < < < < 60 9 < 13 Active 1.60 PAL < < < < < < 19 Very active 1.90 PAL < 186 < ) Physical activity level 2) Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans, 2005, 3) min Table 5. Sensitivity of the 4 categories activity level classification methods developed M F All SedentaryLow active Active Very Very Very Total 1) SedentaryLow active Active Total SedentaryLow active Active active active active Total Study Rest Sensitivity Leisure Commute House choir ) Sum of the 4 categories' sensitivity
6 312Á4 y r q Table 6. Agreement of the 4 categories of activity level classified by the time spent on activity of specified and activity coefficient M: Commute F: Leisure All: Study Identical Separated Separated Separated Total Identical Total Identical 1 level 1 level 1 level 1 level 1 level 1 level Total Sedentary 11G(55.3) 1) 1G(50.5) 2G(51.0) 14G(556.7) 6G(53.4) 1G(50.6) 2G(51.2) 9G(555.1) 10G(52.6) 3G(50.8) 10G(52.6) 23G(556.0) Low active 9G(54.3) 49G(23.5) 11G(55.3) 69G(533.2) 18G(10.1) 44G(24.7) 10G(55.6) 72G(540.4) 26G(56.7) 81G(21.0) 34G(58.8) 141G(536.5) Active 25G(12.0) 37G(17.8) 29G(13.9) 91G(543.8) 26G(14.6) 43G(24.2) 12G(56.7) 81G(545.5) 42G(10.9) 82G(21.3) 48G(12.4) 172G(544.6) Very active 19G(59.1) 5G(52.4) 10G(54.8) 34G(516.3) 10G(55.6) 6G(53.4) 0G(50.0) 16G(559.0) 38G(59.8) 5G(51.3) 7G(51.8) 50G(513.0) Total 64G(30.8) 92G(44.2) 52G(25.0) 208G(100.0) 60G(33.7) 94G(52.8) 24G(13.5) 178G(100.0) 116G(30.1) 171G(44.3) 99G(25.7) 386G(100.0) 1) NG (%) r r # m# r # p# #Žrp# n# p# p # ˆ 1#l p# n# #3136+ e l#p # r r #, 31:;+ e l#p r #, # ˆ /# r # #3166+ d # #, 31:;+ e,/# r r # #3136+ e,# 315<+,/# r # #3149+, 316:+ d,/# n# r # #3164+, 319<+ d, #s l 1#s # #l l # #l l p#7 #e~ # #Žr p#rn mp# # r # # e # e p#rn m p# # q#r #Žrp# /# n# r # # d # e p#rn mp# # q#r #Žrp# # p # p l 1# #s # e l# # l # r r # #63(# /# r # #73(# p # ˆ # s # #p # tp#k lp /# # # l#l p#žr# # # k 1 4p# l# #7 #e~ # # m# #l l p#e~ # #Žr p#rn #7 #e~ # # p#p #r #Wdeoh#9l#r e m 1# s # q#rop#žrp#o # p # # # q# # d p/# p# p/# #l p#l p# r l# #Žr p#rn #7 #e~ # # p#p #r #s m 1#4p# l# #7 #e~ # # m# #Žr p rn #7 #e~ # # #mr #p # pp#s # q#rop# n#6314(/# #631;(/#l #661:( # ˆ 1#4 p# p # p# pp#s # q#ro#7716(/# #7715(/#l #851;( # kp /## #7 p#rp# # #4 # p #p r # 1# #8/#9 #s # qp#~ p# p# n eq#48517 fp #5343 # p#mk tl#re < 44 p#~o t#46<19 fp #451; fp# /#45 47 p#48;1; fp #917 fp#qk 1#s # # p#~ tp#7719 njp #< 44 p#681: nj #;1< nj# / p#8318 nj #81< nj#rl 1#s # #l p#eq#48513 fp #< 44 p#~o t#47313 fpm p# 4881< fpp# pl# o mp /# ~t 7417 nj#le#< 44 p#671; nj #45 47 p#7:18 nj p#t l# m +Plqlvwu #ri#khdowk#)#zhoiduh# 5343,1#s # qp#eq #~t# # # l #< 44 p#~o t #t #45 47 p#~o tl# # r # p # ˆ 1#n # k~ e~ o t m# mp# /# p#eq #~t# #46 /#l p#45 46 l# # p # ˆ 1 l v# eˆ#s #l l # #9 ; m#< 44 #r /# /#45 47 #t /#48 4; # p # t l# Ë p# tp #rn # #p /# #l # p#l q # # # n #k # qp#~ eˆ # p # p# n # p 1# #l vm# v# p#~ #s l# # q p# v # nl # p#mk t# l#r e # # #rnl# l#etp# lk# # p 1# s # qp# # #533:# # kë~ e~ o t l# #Žr #EPL# o #8#p #;8 l# #r p# #;719(/#l #;<16( #n #p #~ # # #8(/#l #43(# # kp /# # ~t# # p# pp# #<19(/#l 61<( # #8(/#l #43(# #rp# p # ˆ 1#
7 ½ Áùx Á½ ûá313 s # qp# #n e p#s # # p# v#k # p#55( # lp /#4e #p #n # p#781;(pl /#l # p#n #e p# # p # ˆ 1# le# #9 # # l# s +Nlp#5338,l #n p# p# v#k # p# p p#45( # #s # q #rlp #4e #p #n # pp#4:( #p# # #s # q #rl 1 Nlp+5338,p#l l # p#l #n #e p # p # ˆ # #l m#p m 1# s # qp#7 #e~ # # /# r # # #91:(/#l #814(plp /# r r # # #6615(/#l #7317(/# r # #761;(/#l #7818(/# n# r # # #4916(/#l #<13(pl 1# p#mk tl ~ # p#l # pp#l v n r # e r r # #rn #p +Plqlvwu #ri#khdowk#) Zhoiduh# #5343,/# #s # qp# n# p#426/ l p#528# p# p# r r # # ˆ 1 # #78(# p# p# r # l# # p # p l 1# s # qp#l l# #< 44 #~o t+ q#46<19 fp/#681: nj>#lq#47313 fp/#671; nj,p#r n l#7 #e~ l# #l v n r # p # # kp# +Plqlvwu #ri#khdowk#)#zhoiduh# 5343,/# r r # #433( # t l# r # # #;9(/#l#;8(pl /# r # # # 447(/# n# r # # #465(/#l#46:( # l#7 #e~ #48(# p#l v n r p # ˆ 1#v#7 #e~ l# #l v n r p# p # n# # l#e~ p# p p# e# n p#k# #p 1# : vp# #s # e p# # /# e p p# # p # q# # p# p # p 46919( # lp /# p#rn # p# # e p# p # q#rp# p# e p # p 4919(pl 1# e p# n# e p#7;;1; p / p#t# #e p# # tp# v /# e p# p # v#k # l# p #rl # p # 1# # # p#tt# e l# #s l Nlp+4<<9, #Nlp+5338, # p/#nlp# +5339, #Ohh#)#Nlp+533:,p# p# l/# #s # q # e p#wk # p # ˆ 1 #s # e p# p# # p #: v# # l #l p# #rl 1 # p# # mp# # p#r n #l /# /# /# # # l # # p # ˆ 1#l m# p# # p# / m# # p# #l p# 1# d e p# n# # p#s l# lp# # p #v#417m#413p#rn m # l# # # # #417/#413p # p 1 ÝŠÊ ne# q# #8/#9 # #q #6;9 p# p #4p# lp#s /#4p# # m 1#4p# # #7 #e~ Žr # p/#: vp# #s # e l# l#e ~ #Ž # #7 #e~ #Žr p# k # m 1# #Žr p#ˆ p# / e #e~ #p #rn l# p m 1 41#s # qp#7 #e~ # # /# p# n# r #91:(/# r r #6615(/# r 761;(/# n# r #4916(pl /#l p# r 814(/# r r #7317(/# r #7818(/# n# r <13( # # # r # l# # p# q# k 1 51#7 #e~ #Žrp# tp# #4p# m#: v# p# e # # # # / p#: vp# # l /#l p# # p#rn #8 v# l #op # p# p l p /# p# +3166<,/#l p#l , p#4p# mp# # q# # p # ˆ 1# d # e p#4p# m# r# p # ˆ 1 61# #s # e #4p# # #4 # r ep# /#7 #e~ # #4p# # p l#7 #e~ #Žrp# Ë # e p# # /# p# n# # # p #Žr mp# # # e p#78 # p r /#78 #p #8< # p # r r /#8< #p #:< # p # r /#:< #p p # n# r p #Žr 1#l p# nl #4p# mp# # q# # p#l p /#l # e p#439 # p # r /#439 #p #485 # p # r r /#485 #p #554 # p # r /#554
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