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1 Carbon Science Vol. 6, No. 3 September 2005 pp Densification of 4D Carbon Fiber Performs with Mesophase Pitch as Matrix-Precursor Hyeok-Jong Joo and Jae-Won Lee Dept. of polymer science & Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon , Korea Ì Joohj@cnu.ac.kr (Received May 27, 2005; Accepted September 2, 2005) Abstract In this study, AR (aromatic resin) pitch was employed as the matrix-precursor for carbon/carbon composite because it exhibits much higher coke yield than coal tar pitch. As a result, a fabrication process of carbon/carbon composites can be shortened. It has been known that the pitches may cause swolling problem during the carbonization process. In order to restrain the swelling occurrence, a small quantity of carbon black was added to the AR pitch. Due to addition of carbon black the swelling was decreased largely and the perform can be infiltrated with the AR pitch. The densification efficiency of the performs was compared with various matrix-precursors. The coke yield of matrixprecursors, the morphology and the degree of graphitization of carbon matrix were analyzed. Keywords : Mosophase pitch, Carbon/carbon composite, Densification of carbon material, Pressure carbonization 1. nt o lp rm 3000 o C p p m v n p ol,, r, kr p e q n p. ˆ /ˆ q 2500 o C p p ml ml p m p ov, n lr m p lž} p l r p ˆo [1-4]. p q p, ntm p nose conep leading edge p q pe ll vr d p p, mn turbine wheel, l p l~, oq p l, Î n m mold ~mp p n l hip jointm p ~q pn p [5-11]. ˆ /ˆ qp v t v p l vm p v precursor n. ˆ r tl ˆ pnp o p r, p p e ˆ pp p v precursor ˆ l p ˆ v }otlk. q n l} k l np p ~ p l l n, q p, s, t q k ˆ pp d p r, k ˆ e 90% p p ˆ pp lp p p pp, l np qrp v p [12, 13]. ˆ /ˆ q rp l p, ˆ, l rp ~k l q p l v n, qe p Œqm p rr p kp. l l ˆ p super acid catalyst(hf/bf 3 ) p n l t l oligomer lp l} l ˆ rs Mitsubishi Gas Chemical p AR(aromatic resins) v precursor r m. p ˆ / ˆ q rs o p r m p ˆ pp p pl rp eˆ p p. p p p ˆ o (preform)p rp q n m. ˆ rtl AR p p p pl r p l np p p o p ~ l AR v l r ˆ o p rp p v precursor rs m. rl rn l} k p r 10 MPa p l k rp nml rrp q m. 2. x 4D(4, 4 directional) ˆ /ˆ q rs o l n o ˆ lìp PAN o
2 174 H.-J. Joo and J.-W. Lee / Carbon Science Vol. 6, No. 3 (2005) Table 1. Properties of carbon fiber used for the fabrication of 4D carbon/carbon composites Fiber type Filament count Diameter T.S. (Mpa) T.M. (Gpa) U.E. (%) Yield (g/1000m) T.C. (Kcal/mh o C) C.T.E. (1/ o C) Density (g/cm 3 ) High strength 12, Table 2. Typical properties of AR pitch Physical properties Appearance Black pellet (D: 3 mm, L: 7 mm) Bulk Density (g/cm 3 ) > 0.65 Specific Gravity (25 o C) 1.23 Specific Heat (cal/g/ o C) 0.65 Softening Point ( o C) by Mettler 275 Mesophase Content (%) 100 Hydrogen/Carbon (atom/atom) Flash Point ( o C) > 300 Ash (ppm) < 20 (TZ-307) p Table 1. 4D ˆ /ˆ qp o n q Mitsubishi Gas Chemical l t AR(aromatic resins) oligomer l} l lp AR n. AR 100% s pdp p p p Table 2m. k rl AR p r o r n ˆ Ìp ˆ ~ r n mp s p Table 3. AR p p p rl o p ~ r n m. p rp n p p s pp, s l p p rp l} e Žo lr. DBP, v dibutyl phthalate p Žop lr n p ˆ. l DBP p p p l s kk o p. e l AKZO NOBEL l Ketjen black EC 600JD n mp Table 4l p p p ˆ. x pp p o rp m r o v precursor n AR p m l npr r r r 400 o C l ˆ p k 300cPp r m. r r m p s Table 4. Analytical properties of ketjen black (EC 600JD) Analytical properties Iodine Absorption (mg/g) 1050 DBP (ml/100 g) 495 Surface Area [BET] (m 2 /g) 1270 Volatiles (%) 0.7 PH 9.0 Calcium Carbonate Content (%) 0.1 Average Diameter (nm) 30 Residue at Sieve (ppm, 325 mesh) 15 Specific Gravity (g/l) 115 Metal Content Ni (ppm) 2 V (ppm) > 1 Fe (ppm) 90 Cu (ppm) > 1 Mn (ppm) > 1 ˆ. p r o vpp 50%p l l p r l AR l r p(l r o C) ˆˆ 5 wt%l 30 wt% v ~ l npr l matrix-precursor n m. 4D ˆ /ˆ qp rs rp [21]l l l rs m, ˆ o perform s [22]l m p 4 (4D) rs m. kë ˆ Fig. 2l p l. rs ˆ o p k n PIC(pressure infiltration carbonization) p l, ~ p p l e p k ˆ e. }p kl 1e k 400 o C v dmeˆ e p m l 1e k ov l npe. n p p r l p rp o 1 e l ~ 470 o C dmeˆ p k ˆ ov m. p k ˆ ov l o l p np v ˆ Table 3. Properties of coal tar pitch used for the fabrication of the 4D carbon/carbon composites as a matrix impregnant Pitch type QI (wt%) B.I. (wt%) S.P (wt%) C (%) H (%) N (%) S (%) C/H Carbon Yield (%) Coal tar pitch
3 Densification of 4D Carbon Fiber Performs with Mesophase Pitch as Matrix-Precursor 175 Fig. 1. Temperature and pressure profile for pressure infiltration and carbonization. eˆ p. v rp ˆ p 30 bar, 50 bar 100 bar k l e p np np Œ, qn k p p v kp e ˆ pl p v m r r p e p kk o ASTM C l p t p pn l (bulk) m. ep p. Bulk Density, B = D M S D : e p 150 Cl s ml p o S : e p v l 5e p m v p t M : e p p r r p ˆ p r p ˆ pp r o TA Instruments p Model 51 Thermo Gravimetric Analyser(TGA) n m. v o v 100 cc/minp tp m, m ml 800 C v o 10 C/minp o dm m. Ë o AR, ˆ ˆ, HPC-25C, HPC-30Cl l p C, H, N, S p o p C/H o o p m. n p FISONS Instrument p EA-1110p n m, p p r l ˆ l 60 Cl 2e k s l r o m. Ë l l 1 rp, e p o l 1000 o C v ˆ. e ˆ l p ˆ v p 2400 o C v l m o C v l} ˆ v tl kv pnl, v p o p sq l rl p p r. ˆ p s lp e pl q l r honeycomb ˆp s p l l s r. p rl ˆ vp svp v d k, sp l p p p p. p e l v precursor n AR p l, k rl qn k p vp o ~ ˆ ˆ l l m s m. l e p r s rl n X- r (XRD) RIGAKU p D/MAX-ÕC pn m, rkp 40 kv 45 ma, r p 2θ = 20~90 o p ol 3 o /minp scan speed r m. lp q q l p 2θ Bragg's lawl p m. Ën λ = 2d sin θ Ë l λ, θ d X-ray Žq, r p. rp p rp Scherrerep pn l m. ËLc = Kλ / β cosθ Ë l K 0.9p, λ Žq( Å), β radianp e (002) l p FWHM(full width half maximum)p. l (g) p p Maire-Meringep pn l m. g = d morphology 1 r l e p autoclavel tl v m l np ˆ ~ mp p llv. p p e s l p AR, ˆ ˆ, p l l p kp. p o Mediacybernetics p Image-Pro Plus 4.5, Image analyzer n m. 1 r l l n l Struers Minitomp n l e p, 70 o Cl k 2e k se. p t e p 30 p p p m o C l cokes 1 p ˆ /ˆ qp sm morphologyp prp s o TOPCON p SM-500 Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM)
4 176 H.-J. Joo and J.-W. Lee / Carbon Science Vol. 6, No. 3 (2005) pn l m. 3. y kyœ "3ve t x AR l} rl p p pl ˆ /ˆ qp rs rl ˆ o p p pp r. pm p po p p rl o p ~ l k ˆ rp m, ˆ dp Image analyzer Fig. 2 3l ˆ l. Fig. 2p AR l p 1 wt%, 3 wt% 5 wt% ~ l ˆ dl. p ~ v k AR d l kt qp p p l p. p 1 wt%m 3 wt% ~ e l p r q j ƒrpp p p. AR ˆ np~ r p r ˆ l np p o p r p ~ p v p p pl p p., p ~ n, p rp l v np~ p q p l qnp l p ~ p l p el p Ž l ~ n el p p e ˆ p. p r p ~ mp p l o kl l l l v. Fig. 2l m y p 5 wt% ~ n l l. Fig. 3l AR l ˆ ˆ 10 wt% ~ nl q p q l p. p n AR (Fig. 3) p v lpp k p. l l 3 wt% p ~ p ~ pl p l. p p rrp AR l ˆ ˆ 10 wt% ~ o p p e p. 30 wt%p ˆ ˆ ~ n o p n l 10 wt% ~ e ƒ l. l l 3 wt% p ~ lp l. 30 wt% ˆ ˆ AR l ~ lp p p vp ˆ ˆ yp p l p ˆ v kk. y NPSQIPMPHZ w l l s X- r l p m. Table 5 AR p v ˆ k l XRD Fig. 2. The result of image analysis of bubbling phenomenon of AR pitches.
5 Densification of 4D Carbon Fiber Performs with Mesophase Pitch as Matrix-Precursor 177 Fig. 3. The result of image analysis of bubbling phenomenon of pitches. p. lp ˆ l} m 2000 o C p l r, d 002. lp mr r p p p Ål r rp Lc p } m l t v l 300 Å p ˆ. Table 5l AR ˆ k p v l v pp, AR m ˆˆ AR p l p s n p ˆ. l p ~ AR m ˆˆ kq l p p. vp ˆ rp ~ l s llv lp s vp s m v l l p m p. ˆ p s v, k, dm ˆ s p ˆl p l ˆ. Fig. 4m Fig. 5p AR l vp k p k ˆ dp e AR l p 3 wt% ~ l ˆ k 100 barl ˆ eˆ d e p e 2400 Table 5. XRD analysis of graphite derived from pitches and modified pitches Specimen Carbonization pressure(bar) d 002 (Å) Crystalline thickness Lc (Å) Graphitization degree (%) AR pitch AR pitch AR pitch AR pitch + 3 wt%c.b Coal tar pitch Coal tar pitch+ 3 wt%c.b AR pitch + 10 wt% coal tar pitch AR pitch + 10 wt% coal tar pitch+ 3 wt%c.b AR pitch + 30 wt% coal tar pitch AR pitch + 30 wt% coal tar pitch+ 3 wt%c.b
6 178 H.-J. Joo and J.-W. Lee / Carbon Science Vol. 6, No. 3 (2005) Fig. 5. SEM micrographs of graphite morphologies derived from AR pitch added carbon black and coal tar pitch by pressure-carbonization at 100 bar. p Table 5p m. p ~ e l l rp d 002 e l r p, rp Lc q ˆ.» QSFDVSTPS ve k d Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of graphite derived from AR pitch by pressure-carbonization. o C v l } l dp rq vp. l m p p ~ v kp e l l} r l s q lp r mll p s p pl. p 3 wt% ~ r p ˆ l e l k s ll. p ~ e p p Fig. 5l ˆ p. p l q p lamellar ˆm p Ž s p el p. p l p ~ l v l lr p. p p rp ˆ pp q p ˆ pp o v l r p s p l plk. ss vp o p l ˆ oqm oqp ˆ pp rp m. e l vprecursorp p o p l ˆ / oq Table 6l ˆ. ˆ oqp p AR ˆ ˆ l ˆ p ˆ / oqp r ˆ. p p AR p v p ˆ ˆ l rv e p p p. Fig. 6p AR m ˆ ˆ p lt p p. p 200 o C r eq, 400 Ë l q pl. 600 o C l pp p m p p p. 800
7 Densification of 4D Carbon Fiber Performs with Mesophase Pitch as Matrix-Precursor 179 Table 6. Elemental analysis of pitches carbon hydrogen nitrogen C/H ratio Coal tar pitch AR pitch Fig. 7. Density increase measured with various C/C composites derived from 4D preform after carbonization pressure at different pressures. Fig. 6. TGA curve of AR & coal tar pitch. o C v cokep pp AR wt% ˆˆ p wt% r ˆ. AR pp p opp p polyaromatic q p p l cokes s p. y AR m v n l 1 rp ˆ 4D ˆ /ˆ q e p r l m. Fig. 7p rl k p rs ˆ /ˆ qp v p ˆ p. q l ˆ k p p ˆ pp kr sp pp p p. p 3 wt% ~ AR m AR l 10% ˆˆ p q p lt p. ˆˆ l 3 wt% p ~ nl l l p p. Fig. 8p p ~ l v ˆ p. ˆ rl k p 100 bar rn m. AR p 1 wt% ~ 3 wt% ~ n n ˆ. v 5 wt%, 10 wt%p p ~ l e kp p kp k mp p q v kk l r v kk. Fig. 8. Density increase of C/C composites derived from 4D preform according to amount of added carbon black. (pressure: 100 bar) k ˆ v p l l np v kp (powder) ˆm p np ˆ l. ˆˆ p n p ~ l p rrp ˆ. ˆˆ AR AR l 10 wt%p ˆˆ ~ mp p v p k ˆ. Fig kp k rp m profilel v precursorl 3 wt%p p ~ v precursor l p p lt p. p p s p AR l ˆˆ 10 wt% ~ mp
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저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수없습니다. 변경금지. 귀하는이저작물을개작, 변형또는가공할수없습니다. 귀하는, 이저작물의재이용이나배포의경우,
MCM Series 주요특징 MaxiFlo TM (맥시플로) 코리올리스 (Coriolis) 질량유량계 MCM 시리즈는 최고의 정밀도를 자랑하며 슬러리를 포함한 액체, 혼합 액체등의 질량 유량, 밀도, 온도, 보정된 부피 유량을 측정할 수 있는 질량 유량계 이다. 단일 액체 또는 2가지 혼합액체를 측정할 수 있으며, 강한 노이즈 에도 견디는 면역성, 높은 정밀도,
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135 Jeong Ji-yeon 심향사 극락전 협저 아미타불의 제작기법에 관한 연구 머리말 협저불상( 夾 紵 佛 像 )이라는 것은 불상을 제작하는 기법의 하나로써 삼베( 麻 ), 모시( 苧 ), 갈포( 葛 ) 등의 인피섬유( 靭 皮 纖 維 )와 칠( 漆 )을 주된 재료
MUNHWAJAE Korean Journal of Cultural Heritage Studies Vol. 47. No. 1, March 2014, pp.134~151. Copyright 2014, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage 심향사 극락전 협저 아미타불의 제작기법에 관한 연구 정지연 a 明 珍 素 也
07라일랍스카탈로그24p 완성본
REFAIR / AS : tel.053-523-5768 fax.053-523-5763 82, Gongdan 5-ro, Jillyang-eup, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, 38474, Rep. of KOREA tel.+82-53-523-5768 fax.+82-53-523-5763 www.lailaps.co.kr www.lailaps.co.kr
Synthesis and structural analysis of nano-semiconductor material 2005 2 Synthesis and structural analysis of nano-semiconductor material 2005 2 . 2005 2 (1) MOCVD ZnO (2) MOCVD gallium oxide < gallium
제 출 문 농림수산식품부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 트위스트 휠 방식 폐비닐 수거기 개발 과제의 최종보고서로 제출 합니다. 2008년 4월 24일 주관연구기관명: 경 북 대 학 교 총괄연구책임자: 김 태 욱 연 구 원: 조 창 래 연 구 원: 배 석 경 연 구 원: 김 승 현 연 구 원: 신 동 호 연 구 원: 유 기 형 위탁연구기관명: 삼 생 공 업 위탁연구책임자:
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VP7-6 Series VP7-6-FPG-D- (FG-S) (FG-D) (YZ-S) (YZ-D) Closed center (FHG-D) Exhaust center (FJG-D) (FPG-D) Pressure center(fig-d) VP7-6-FHG-D- VP7-6-FG-S- VP7-6-FG-D- (V) (A) ) (A) ) (V) ) 0.15~0.9{1.5~9.}
중 국 6 대 패 션 시 장 조 사 보 고 서 < 2004 년 상 해 10 대 매 장 10대 패 션 제 품 의 브 랜 드 시 장 점 유 뮬 > 제 품 브 랜 드 시 장 점 유 율 제 품 브 랜 드 시 장 점유 율 C O N C H 19 9 9 6 P LA Y B O Y
한국섬유 산업연합 회(KO F ㄲ) 도 표 로 보 면 매 년 1월 은 판 매 성 수 기 로 30592. 43 만 元 의 신 기륵 을 달성하 였 다.중국 전통 영절인 춘절이 여전히 사 람들의 구 매욕 을 자극하였 고, 판 매 업 체 가 갖 가 지 묘 안을 짜 내었 다. 2월 의 판 매 액 은 1월 의 추 세 를 잇 지 못하고 대폭 하락하였다.3,4,5월은 그다지
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TITLE 'Dew Pressure Calculation for the Condenser Pressure' IN-UNITS ENG DEF-STREAMS CONVEN ALL DESCRIPTION " General Simulation with English Units : F, psi, lb/hr, lbmol/hr, Btu/hr, cuft/hr. Property
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