? (KAFPRS) ,,,, Pan Asia Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PAAFPRS) 4 combined meeting (Combined meeti

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1 Combined Meeting of 4th International Conference of Pan Asia Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and 6th Congress of the Korean Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Venue : Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea Date : April 11(Fri)~13(Sun),2014 IMPORTANT DATES ~ ~

2 ? (KAFPRS) ,,,, Pan Asia Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PAAFPRS) 4 combined meeting (Combined meeting of 4 th International conference of PAAFPRS and 6 th Annual congress of KAFPRS) 20, 60 free paper session, interesting case session ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Conference Chair : Vice Chairs :, Secretary General : Conference Chair of the 4 th PAAFPRS and President of KAFPRS General Committee :,,,,,,,, Scientific Program Chair : Scientific Committee :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Advisory Committee :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SPEAKERS International Alireza Mesbahi Amar Singh Amir Arvin Sazgar Balwant Gendeh Brajendra Baser Cesar Villafurte Chih-Wen Twu Choladhis Singrachtanant Chuan Hsiang Kao Dev Roy Eduardo Yap Frederick Wong Gilbert J. Nolst Trenite' Gordon Soo Ian Loh Ignazio Tasca Domestic Iran Oman Iran Malaysia Philippines Taiwan Thailand Taiwan Philippines Netherlands Singapore Italy Jose Patrocinio Jumroon Tungkeeratichai Kenneth Dubeta Khalid H. Al-sebeih Le Hanh Mubarak Khan Nobuo Kubo Peter Ku Ralph Magritz Ria Trimartani Sameer Bafaqeeh Stephen Lo Sandeep Paun Ullas Raghavan Virendra Ghaisas Brazil Thailand Canada Kuwait Vietnam Japan Germany Indonesia Saudi Arabia Singapore UK UK, Interesting cases, December ~ March 10, 2014 Contact for abstract submission dryums@gmail com Free paper Award ( 1000 USD), Case Award ( 1000 USD) (www paafprs2014 org) ( ~ ) ( )

3 April 11(Fri), 2014 Room 1 08:30-09:00 Registration 09:00-09:20 Opening Ceremony Plenary Lecturer (PL001) 09:20-09:40 Ria Trimartani: Rhinoplasty in South Asia 09:40-10:00 Hong-Ryul Jin: Past, Present and Future of Asian rhinoplasty 10:00-10:30 Gilbert Nolst Trenite: My learning process in Rhinoplasty, 30 years of experience 10:30-10:50 Coffee Break Plenary Lecturer (PL002) 10:50-11:10 Hun-Jong Dhong: Correction of deviated nose. 11:10-11:30 Dong Hak Jung: Treatment of filler complication 11:30-11:50 Sameer Bafaqeeh: Correction of tip ptosis 11:50-12:10 Hyoung Jin Moon: Malar reduction with L-osteotomy technique 12:10-13:10 Lunch 13:10-15:10 <Live Surgical Demonstration> (RP001) Open rhinoplasty- Yong Ju Jang 15:10-15:30 Coffee Break 15:30-17:00 <Symposium: ASIAN RHINOPLASTY> (RP002) 1. Practical Anatomy for Asian Rhinoplaty: Based on 100 Korean Cadaveric Heads (Chang-Hoon Kim) 2. Management of the severely deviated Asian nose using perforated PDS plate (Stephen Lo) 3. Combined Rhinoplasty and Genioplasty (Chuan-Hsiang Kao) 4. Modified Septal extension graft in Asian rhinoplasty (Jae Goo Kang) 5. Aesthetic and functional genioplasty (Gordon Soo)

4 April 12(Sat), 2014 Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 07:30~08:20 Sponsored Lecture 08:30~08:50 Registration 08:50~09:00 Opening Remark 09:00~10:20 <PLANNING AND PATIENT SELECTION IN RHINOPLASTY> (RP003) 1. Anatomy for rhinoplasty and clinical implications (Tae-Bin Won) 2. Clinical study of graft selection (Balwant Gendeh) 3. Difference between psychological characteristic and aesthetic standard in patients considering rhinoplasty (Kun Hee Lee) 4. Aethetic's and preoperative planning (Hong- Ryul Jin) <UPDATES IN THE TRAUMA OF THE FACE> (TL001) 1. Aesthetic disorder in Mildfacial Fracture (Ria Trimartani) 2. Zygomaxillary complex fracture (Woo Sub Shim) 3. Intraoperative sono-guided technique of the fracture reduction (Chan Hum Park) 4. Treatment of the orbital floor fracture (Jae Hwan Kwon) 5. Aesthetic reconstruction following complex facial trauma (Santdeep Paun) <GRAFTS AND IMPLANT IN RHINOPLASTY I> (RP004) 1. The usefulness of fibrin sealant in Asian rhinoplasty (Myeong Sang Yu) 2. Autologous Fascia Lata Rhinoplasty (Ian Loh) 3. Rhinoplasty without artificial implants in the case of normal height of nasion (Tae Hwan Kim) 4. How can I use septal cartilage in endonasal approach (Kook Jin Ko) 10:20-10:40 Coffee Break Plenary Lecturer (PL003) 10:40~12:00 Dong-Joon Park: Endonasal tip surgery Ralph Magritz: Auricle reconstruction Jose Patrocinio: Forehead lift Choladhis Sinrachtanant: Fat graft rhinoplasty plus mesenchymal fat stem cell 12:00~13:00 Lunch 13:00~14:30 < NOSE: LOWER THIRD > (RP005) 1. Surgical Methods for Support of Septal Extension Grafts (Eduardo Yap) 2. Endonasal tip plasty (Alireza Mesbahi) 3. Usefulness of Septal extension graft in asian rhinoplasty (Soo Whan Kim) 4. Correction of deviated nose in Asian (Dong-Joon Park) 5. Nasal tip surgery for middle-eastern nose (Khalid H. Al-Sebeih) <VARIOUS OPTIONS FOR FACIAL REJUVENATION > (FR001) 1. Facial contouring with Accusculp Laser (Jun Mo Kim) 2. Non-surgical face lifting (Young Soo Kim) 3. Minimally invasive approaches to facial rejuvenation (Frederick wong) 4. Facial Fillers and Injectables: Techniques, Pitfalls and Perils (Kenneth Dubeta) 5. MACS-lift: Is it sufficient? (Ullas Raghavan) <RHINOPLASTY APPROACH> (RP006) 1. Rhinoplasty approach (Jae Goo Kang) 2. Asian rhinoplasty with endonasal approach (Chih-Wen Twu) 3. Appropriate rhinoplasty for Asian (Tae Hwan Ahn ) 4. Various Approaches to the Cephalic Part of Lateral Crus of Alar Cartilage in Rhinoplasty (Amir Arvin Sazgar) 14:30~15:30 <UPPER BLEPHAROPLASTY> (BPO 001) 1. Upper blepharoplasty with short incision (Choladhis Sinrachtanant) 2. How to make a deep or shallow crease in double fold surgery (Hyung Min Song) 3. Optimal endoscopic assisted temporo-frontal lift. (Le Hanh) <BROW and UPPER FACIAL LIFTING > (BPO 002) 1. Endoscopic forehead lift on Asian Patients (In Sang Kim) 2. Facial Nerve and Fascial Anatomy of the Face in Relation to Facelift Surgery (Joo-Hyung Lee) 3. Modern temporal J-lift (Jumroon Tungkeeratichai) Free Paper (FP 01) 15:30~15:50 Coffee Break 15:50~17:20 < NOSE; DORSUM> (RP007) 1. Various surgical options in correction of short nose (Yong Ju Jang) 2. Nasal dorsum alignment (Byung Hoon Ahn) 3. Bony-cartilaginous vault surgery (Gilbert Nolst Trenite) 4. Profile planning in Asian rhinoplasty (Tae-Bin Won) 5. Correction of deviated nose using osteotomy (Ji Sun Kim) <AESTHETIC SURGERY OF THE EAR I> (EO 001) 1. Comparison of auricular anomaly of infants and adults (Il Woo Lee) 2. Corrective otoplasty for acquired helical deformities (Jeong-Hoon Oh) 3. Prominent ears (Jose Patrocinio) 4. Creation and maintenance of External auditory meatus (Yang Sun Cho) 5. Reconstruction of microtia(sung Huhn Kim) Interesting case (IC 01)

5 April 13(Sun), 2014 Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 07:30~08:20 Sponsored Lecture 08:30~9:40 <REVISION RHINOPLASTY> (RP008) 1. Revision rhinoplasty - personal tip (Hyo Jin Park) 2. Surgical consideration in revision rhinoplasty (Sameer Bafaqeeh) 3. Consideration of revision rhinoplasty (Chae Seo Rhee) 4. Secondary tip plasty (Dong Hak Jung) <RHINOPLASTY COMPLICATION MANAGEMENT> (RP009) 1. Adverse reactions of different implant material: histologic study (Ji-Yun Choi) 2. The reshaping the undesirable nostrils (Hyeong Jun Jang ) 3. Managing the injected nose and siliconoma (Cesar Villafurte) 4. Management options in the cartilage depleted nose (Santdeep Paun) <EVOLVING CONCEPTS IN FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERIES> (RP010) 1. My new product of the stem cell made cartilaginous plate (Nobuo Kubo) 2. Endoscope holder-a dynamic innovative approach in septorhinoplasty surgery (Mubarak Khan) 3. Management of contracted nose in Asian (Jun Mo Kim) 4. Endoscopic treatment of Migraine (Dev Roy) 5. Prosthetic craniofacial osseointegration of the ear, nose and face (Gordon Soo) 09:40-10:00 Coffee Break Plenary Lecturer (PL004) 10:00~11:20 Brajendra Baser: External rhinoplasty without columellar incision Yong Ju Jang :Dilemma in surgical decision in rhinoplasty Tasca Ignazio: correction of deviated nose via Endonasal approach Eduardo Yap:Tips and Pearls of Goretex Safety in Rhinoplasty 11:20~12:20 <REHABILITATION OF THE FNP PATIENTS: UPDATES> (HNFP001) 1. Facial reanimation surgery (Ralph Magritz ) 2. Surgical restoration of the facial nerve palsy (Chung-Hwan Baek) 3. Botulinum toxin for facial paralysis and synkinesis (Jin Kim) <GRAFTS AND IMPLANT IN RHINOPLASTY II> (RP011) 1. Medpor: Is it safe and feasible for rhinoplasty? (Hun-Jong Dhong) 2. Rhinoplasty with Permacol (Chol Chang ) 3. Diced cartilage in augmentation rhinoplasty (Virendra Ghaisas) 4. Surgical correction of injected nose (Geun Uck Chang) <EVOLVING CONCEPTS IN SEPTORHINOPLASTY> (RP014) 1. Endoscopic septoplasty for limited septal deviation (Young-Jun Chung) 2. Augmentation materials in rhinoplasty (Yoo-Suk Kim) 3.1-block septal extension graft for simultaneous correction of crooked nose & deviated septum (Hyun Jong Lee) 12:20~13:20 Lunch 13:20~14:50 <EVOLVING AESTHETIC CONCEPT IN H&N SURGERIES> (HNFP002) 1. Facial flaps for soft tissue reconstruction of face. (Ullas Raghavan) 2. Aesthetic free flap reconstruction in Head and and Neck (Chung-Hwan Baek) 3. Innovative free flap application in major surgical defect of the Head and and Neck (Soon-Hyun Ahn) 4. Aesthetic parotidectomy, The facelift approach and beyond (Ian Loh) 5. Next generation of minimally invasive head and neck surgery via retroauricular approach (Yoon Woo Koh) <NOSE; SEPTUM> (RP012) 1. New innovative techniques of septoplasty (Hyo Yeol Kim) 2. L-strut correction (Chang-Hoon Kim) 3. Septal perforation repair (Jung Soo Kim) 4. Septum: management of caudal deviation (Jin Kook Kim) 5. Caudal septal deformities- how to get long term stable reconstruction results? (Amar Singh) Free paper 1 (FP 02) 14:50~16:00 <AESTHETIC SURGERY OF THE EAR II> (EO 002) 1. Current and furture auriculoplasty in microtia (Ria Trimartani) 2. Single stage pinna reconstruction (Jumroon Tungkeeratichai) 3. Partial aurticular reconstruction after trauma (Gyu Cheol Han) 4. Repair of the microtia with autologous cartilage (Peter ku) <FAT GRAFTING CONTROVERSIES > (FR002) 1. Autologous fat grafting: VIDEO technique and outcome (Woo Jin Shim) 2. Fat provides most natural outcome and longevity for facial rejuvenation (Young Soo Kim) 3. Complications after facial fat injection (Il Gyu Kang) 4. Limitations and unpredictability of fat grafting (Ki Hyun Jang) Free paper 2 (FP 03) 16:00~16:20 Coffee Break 16:20~17:30 <LOWER LIDs and MIDFACE> (BPO 003) 1. Lower blepharoplasty with fat repositioning (Hyung Min Song) 2. Correction of infra-orbital hollow with confidence (Hyoung Jin Moon) 3. Role of orbicularis oculi flap in lower lid surgery (Ullas Raghavan) 4. Analysis of midfacial aging changes in Asian (Jung-Ho Bae) <FUNCTIONAL RHINOPLASTY> (RP013) 1. Nasal valve problems and surgical correction (Jin Soon Chang) 2. Functional endoscopic septorhinoplasty : What I ve learned from 2 decades using this technique (Tasca Ignazio ) 3. Preservation of the nasal valve area in rhinoplasty (Brajendra Baser) 4. Alar base surgery (Alireza Mesbahi) Interesting case 1 (IC 02)

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