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1 ª Ÿ (Korean J. Medicinal Crop Sci.) 17(2) : (2009) j w s w Magnolol yz w *Á x *Á½ *Á *Á x**á y***á½ * *Á½ *Á½ *Á * * w w, ** w w, *** w w w Magnolol Attenuates Neuronal Cell Death Induced by Kynurenine Metabolite Chang Uk Lee*, Hyun Jung Lee*, Do Hee Kim*, Yeong Mi Jang*, Sang Hyung Lee**, Yoonh wa Jeong***, Dae Jin Kim*, Yoon Hee Chung*, Kyung Yong Kim*, Sung Su Kim*, and Won Bok Lee* *College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul , Korea. **College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul Municipal Borame Hospital, Seoul , Korea. ***College of Natural Science, Dankook University, Yongin , Korea. ABSTRACT : This study investigated the protective roles and mechanism of magnolol, from the stem bark of Magnolia officinalis against potential neurotoxin 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK)-induced neuronal cell death. For the evaluation of protective role of magnolol, we examined cell viability, apoptotic nuclei, change of mitochondrial membrane potential and caspase activity in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. It was found that 3-HK induces neuronal cell death in the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line. The reduced cell viability produced characteristic features such as cell shrinkages, plasma membrane blebbing, chromatin condensation, and nuclear fragmentation. The cells treated with 3-HK showed an increase in the concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as in caspase activity. In addition, both are involved in the 3- HK-induced apoptosis. Magnolol attenuated the cell viability reduction by 3-HK in both a dose- and time-dependent manner. Optical microscopy showed that magnolol inhibited the cell morphological features in the 3-HK-treated cells. Furthermore, the increase in the ROS concentration and the caspase activities by 3-HK were also attenuated by magnolol. These results showed that magnolol has a protective effect on the 3-HK induced cell death by inhibiting ROS production and caspase activity. Key Words : Magnolol, 3-hydroxykynureinine, Mitochondria, ROS, Caspase-3 3- j (3-Hydroxykynurenine, 3-HK) j, p mq y w. w xql (Pearson and Reynolds, 1992), qk (Ogawa et al., 1992), z v z e (Sardar et al., 1995) nw y ƒ y 3-HK ƒ ƒ ƒ. ƒ 3-HK sww j w (Lapin, 1980; Lapin, 1981). 3-HK w y» y w x w k w š ƒ» š. Nakagami et al. (1996) 3-HK w y» ƒ š šw. 3-HK sü y p s wš, nw y s p w k s w (Okuda et al., 1996; Okuda et al., 1998). ù w w z p w y, w³, w z š ù f w w k (Han et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2005). Magnolol (z ) z ù (Magnolia officinalis) Ë w, y ƒ š (Ikeda and Nagase, 2002; Zhong et al., 2003). w magnolol y, y, w y z, m, t, Corresponding author: (Phone) ( ) whitefox@cau.ac.kr Received March 6, 2009 / 1st Revised April 13, 2009; 2nd Revised April 21, 2009 / Accepted April 22,
2 ( ( Á x Á½ Á Á xá yá½ Á Á½ Á½ Á šx, w w w ùkü s x x (Chiu et al., 1999; Lin et al., 2002; Loong et al., 2002). p, magnolol hydroxyl radical ROS scavenger y» w w w y w» š y» ƒ» w ƒ nw y, e w ƒ w ƒ., 3-HK w s s, y» caspase y y w magnolol z w. 3-HK nw y»w w, z ù Ë magnolol 3-HK w s w e ƒ w y w. 1. s s SH-SY5Y 10% fetal bovine serum (Gibco-BRL, CA, USA) Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) (Gibco-BRL) 5% CO 2 ƒ œ» 37æ w. 3- j (3-HK, Sigma) 250 µm w» 2 1% fetal bovine serum DMEM ã. w magnolol w w, 10 µm š w w. 2. s d (alarmablue assay) SH-SY5Y s 96-well plates (Nunc, Slangerup, Denmark) 15,000 cells/well š 24 w. s 3-HK w» 2 1% fetal bovine serum DMEM. z AlarmaBlue (Serotec, Oxford, UK) 10 w z 3 wš ELISA Reader (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) w 570 Ÿ d w. Ÿ 600 d w. s œ w (Shimoke and Chiba, 2001). s = ( test sample count ) blank count ) 100 ( untreated control count) blank count) 3. Hoechst magnolol 3-HK 2 wš, 36 z SH-SY5Y s 4% q s 20 š w, 5 Hoechst dye / k. phosphate buffered saline wš xÿ x w. s ù s xk j p w ƒù w s xk y w. 4. y» d 2', 7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCF-DA) xÿ w 3-HK w w y» d w (Kim et al., 2008, Lee et al., 2007). d wš w SH-SY5Y s 30 DCF-DA 10 µm k. s PBS w. s š k z s xÿ x w. 5. d (mitochondrial membrane potential, Ψm) y d w» w tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester (TMRE; Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA) w. Ψm d w» w TMRE 100 nm 15 37æ wš TMRE xÿ fluorescence microscopy (Olympus IX70, Olympus Optical Co. GmbH, Hamburg, Germany) w. 6. caspase-3 y d SH-SY5Y s g g š, 50 mm Tris, ph 7.5, 0.03% NP-40, 1 mm dithiothreitol (DTT)ƒ sw lysis 100 s r ww. w s 20 ew z, 15,800 g 5 w. z d w. caspase» w s d 20 caspase-3» Ac-DEVD- AMC 0.25 mm z 1 37æ w. TECAN GENios Fluorescence microplate reader (Tecan, Switzerland) w q caspase- 3 y d w. z y txw. 7. m mean ± SEM t w š, x Student's t-test w y w HK w s w magnolol wz Fig. 1A, 250 µm 3-HK w SH-SY5Y s s w y w 146
3 에 의한 신경세포 사멸에 대한 3-HK 의 보호효과 Magnolol Effect of magnolol on 3-HK-induced neuronal cell death. (a) SH-SY5Y cells were replaced with 1%FBS/DMEM 2 h prior to the 3-HK treatment. The cells were treated with 3-HK for various time. The cell viability was determined at indicated time points. (b) The cells were pretreated with 10 µm of magnolol for 2 h. 250 µm of 3-HK were then added. The 3-HK was dissolved in DMSO (final conc. < 0.1%). Cell viability was assessed by the alarma blue assay. The values are a mean ± SEM of three separate experiments. Fig. 1. Morphological assessment of apoptosis by phase-contrast and fluorescence microscopy. The SH-SY5Y cells were either not treated (a, d) or treated (b, e) with 250 µm of 3-HK for 36 h. The magnolol pretreated (10 µm of magnolol for 2 h) cells were treated with 250 µm of 3-HK for 36 h (c, f). The figures show the optical microscopic morphology (a, b, c) and Hoechst stained nuclear morphology over fluorescence microscope (d, e, f). The figures are representative of three different experiments. Fig HK에 의한 magnolol의 효과 어포토시스형 세포 사멸을 억제하는 3-HK에 의해 나타나는 신경세포 사멸의 형태학적 변화를 관 찰하기 위해 위상차 현미경으로 세포의 외형을 관찰하고 (Fig. 2A-C), 핵 형태의 변화를 확인할 수 있는 Hoechst 염 색을 통해 형광 현미경 하에서 변형된 핵 모양을 관찰하였다 (Fig. 2D-F). 250 µm의 3-HK에 36시간 가량 노출된 SH- 다. 250 µm의 3-HK를 처리한 경우 36시간 내에 세포 생존율 이 50% 정도 감소되었다. 그러나 이때 magnolol을 2시간 전 처리 한 경우 3-HK에 의한 신경세포 사멸을 효과적으로 억제 하였다 (Fig. 1B). 이러한 magnolol의 효과는 3-HK에 의한 세포 사멸이 증가되어도 지속되는 것을 알 수 있었고, 본 연 구에서는 48시간이 지나도 magnolol의 세포 보호효과가 유지 됨을 확인하였다. 147
4 Á x Á½ Á Á xá yá½ Á Á½ Á½ Á Fig. 3. Determination of ROS generation by 3-HK with 250 µm after pretreatment with magnolol. (a) Levels of ROS generation were measured using the fluorescent probe 2', 7'-dichloroflorescein-diacetate (DCF-DA). The effect of pretreatment of magnolol is presented. For detecting ROS generation, the cells were incubated with 10 µm DCF-DA for 30 min. And excitation at 485 and emission at 530 were measured with fluorometer (Materials and Methods). The difference from the cells treated with 3-HK alone was statistically significant (P < 0.05). SY5Y s s sy, s xk y š, Hoechst w w xk DNA w y ùkü. ù 3-HK magnolol w s 3-HK w ùk ù sm x s xkw yƒ w š y w (Fig. 2C, F) HK w s magnolol w y z y» s k y p. 250 µm 3-HK w ü w y» ƒ ƒw w (Fig. 3). DCF xÿ y» t y w, 3- HK w 15 ü w y» 30 1 ¾ j ƒwš z w y w. w w magnolol 3-HK w w y» x w û y w (Fig. 3). y» d w» w fluorometer w excitation 485 emission 535 q DCF xÿ w HK w w magnolol yz y p w» w w Fig. 4. Effect of pre-treatment with magnolol on mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) in SH-SY5Y cells treated with 3-HK of 250 µm. Upper graph: Level of TMRE fluorescence was quantificated with Tecan Fluorometry in excitation at 550 and emission at 590. Lower images: cells plated on glass coverslips were maintained for 6 h at 37 in either culture medium alone (left) or medium supplemented with 3-HK (medium), 3-HK+ magnolol (right), as indicated. Cells were then loaded with 100 nm TMRE and evaluated by fluorescence microscopy. ƒ š, 3-HK w y» w w, 3-HK w» wƒ y wš, w magnolol w y» w ( Ψm) d w. Ψm d w q w, Ψm d w» w TMRE w. Fig. 4 v 3-HK w 6 z Ψm w. ù magnolol w z 3-HK w 3-HK w Ψm z ww. w xÿx w TMRE w w w w, 3-HK TMRE ù w. ù w magnolol wì w 3-HK w TMRE y w (Fig. 4) HK w s magnolol caspase-3 y y z s w l v l q z wù caspaseƒ 3-HK w s» w pan-caspase w zvad-fmk 148
5 3-HK w s w Magnolol yz Fig. 5. Effect of magnolol on 3-HK-induced caspase-3 activity. CTL was vehicle-treated SH-SY5Y cells (control). The cells were either not incubated (3-HK) or incubated (magnolol+3- HK) with 10 µm of magnolol for 2 h, which was then followed by treatment with 250 µm of 3-HK for 6 h. Fifty micrograms of the cellular extracts were incubated with 0.5 mm AC-DEVD-AMC in a total volume of 100 at 37 for 1 h. Excitation at 380 and emission at 460 were measured with a fluorescence microplate reader (TECAN, GENios). The enzymatic activity is expressed as arbitrary units of relative values. The values are reported as a mean ± SEM of three separate experiments ( * P < 0.05). w. magnolol caspase y y w z» w caspase-3 xÿ» Ac-DEVD-AMC w caspase-3 y y y w. 3-HKƒ caspase-3 y y 2 ƒ w, magnolol ù pan-caspase w zvad-fmk 3-HK w caspase-3 y y y w û w. š 3-HK xql (Pearson and Reynolds, 1992), qk (Ogawa et al., 1992), z v e (Sardar et al., 1995) nw y x j ƒw. w» n, ý, ƒ x ù ƒ s 3-HK y w q mw (Savvateeva et al., 2000). 3-HK š, w 3-HK k B6 v y» w x (Guilarte and Eastman, 1993). 3-HK sƒ 3-HK s w. w 3-HK w s y» caspase-3 y yƒ ƒw w, sm x s t, 3-HK w ƒw. w 3-HK w s w magnolol w w. magnolol 3-HK wì w s w. 3-HK w s w magnolol yz ƒ y» x wwš, caspase y y ƒ w. y» üv s s ƒ s k sm x s w (Jacobson, 1996). y» ƒ sm x s (Buttke and Sandstrom, 1994), ƒ w y» ƒ s w wš wš. w y p ƒ s w š, w w y ƒ w s ww (Lennon et al., 1991), y» ƒ ƒ w š (Olanow, 1993). 3-HK w s magnolol f y» w w y w w. sm x s, v s ƒ w w. w s t FASù p w, ER p sw. p caspase s w w w l v l family caspase w caspase š y y g s v w w s w w w (Wolf and Green, 1999). w w caspase wùƒ caspase-3 š, s w w z w s w. Caspase-3 w y y ƒ s w w ƒ, s ü caspase-3 y y ƒ w» (Thornberry and Lazebnik, 1998). 3-HKƒ caspase-3 y 2 ƒ š, w ƒ 3-HK w ùkù s ew. w caspase-3» DEVD-AMC mw magnolol w y z r. Magnolol 3-HK wì w caspase-3 y 3-HK 50% ƒ û caspase-3 y y ùkü. w magnolol 3-HK w s w w wš caspase y y wš. y w ƒ nw y ùkù p ùküš, y», s x y 149
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