Microsoft Word - TOPIK Essential 150 Intermediate Grammar Notes
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1 TOPIK Essential 150 Intermediate Grammar Notes Prepared by: Alex Lintzenich for Grammar -( 느 ) ㄴ다고해도 -( 느 ) ㄴ다기보다 ( 는 ) Used With -( 느 ) ㄴ다는것이 V -( 느 ) ㄴ다면 -( 으 ) ㄴ감이있다 A -( 으 ) ㄴ지 N(Time) 이 / 가되다 / 넘다 / 지나다 -( 으 ) ㄴ채 ( 로 ) V -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는것같다 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는대신 ( 에 ) -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는데다가 V Usage When P1 context does not affect P2 result Used to indicate that it is better to say P2 rather than P1 (rather than P1, P2 is a better reason/option) Explains the situation when the intention and result differ (I should have P1 but P2 happened) -To show a condition or assume something (hypothetical) that has not happened yet (assuming different situation) -Used to refer to hypothetical situations either contrary to what happened in the past or what is happening in the present To express certain feeling or thoughts that spring from seeing something Used to say how much time has passed after doing something Used when certain action is taken in the process of another action (P1), focus is on the resulting state that continues An expression that modifes the following noun -To guess through a certain fact or situation -To express a thought or an opinion -"looks like" "appears that" -Used when changing P1's matter into P2 (Since P1 instead P2) -Used to reward P2's matter due to P1 (Because P1, P2 <reward> can happen) Used to add (phrases should be related and be able to be connected by 그래서 or 그러니까 ) information from P2 to P1 (as well as) Similar Phrases - 아 / 어봤자 -( 으 ) ㄴ감이없지않다 -( 으 ) ㄴ지오래되다 been a long time -( 으 ) ㄴ지얼마안되다 hasn't been a long time -When used with - 아 / 어놓다 or - 아 / 어두다 the 로 is dropped - 나보다 (1) -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는모양이다 (1) -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는듯하다 (1) -( 으 ) ㄹ뿐 ( 만 ) 아니라 Notes -Indicates speaker's intention -Can't use Imperative/suggestive -Lower probability of happening than -( 으 ) 면 -Usually - 겠어요 /-( 으 ) ㄹ거에요 /-( 으 ) ㄹ텐데 occur at end N is always a time noun -Can use with verbs indicating wearing things on your body -Can use for continuation of emotional state -Incomplete/Complete actions can be used -Not used to describe naturally expected situations -When used in the past the action has already ended -Expresses only the simple past with no recollection P1's action can either be replaced by another action or that another action can compensate for P1's action -Subject should be the same -N- 에다거 used to indicate the noun in following clause is added to P1, it can also indicate location
2 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는듯하다 To speculate on the basis of certain fact or situation -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는듯이 ((- 으 ) ㄴ / 는것처럼 ) - 나보다 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는것같다 -( 으 ) ㄴ모양이다 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는모양이다 To speculate something on the basis of certain fact or situation (shape or appearance) - 나보다 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는것같다 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는듯하다 -No guess in P1 (If guess you use -( 으 ) ㄹ것같다 ) -Often used with -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는걸보니까 which is the basis for making the guess -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는반면 ( 에 ) Used when context of P1 contrasts with P2 ( while ) - 지만 - 는데반해 Express 2 things that are opposite or one positive and one negative in one sentence -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는법이다 V/A Used to say that it is only natural in general for something to happen as such (it is certain) - 기마련이다 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는셈이다 V -When something seems to be similar to something else (almost the same) -When it is considered that it is similar as doing something else - 외 / 과마찬가니다 - 는셈치다 used to suppose something that is different from reality (pretend) -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는줄알았다 / 몰랐다 Used when information about certain fact is different from what had been expected (I thought that.. but really..) -는다고생각하다 -( 으 ) 려니생각하다 -( 으 ) ㄹ줄알다 / 모르다 (used to when checking ability/awarenes s on how to do something -은척했다 (Subject acts like they did something but didn't) -는척했다 (Subject acts like they are in the process of something but in reality not) -When used with positive and negative comments on ability (+/+ and -/- worse than you expected) (-/+ and +/- better than expected) -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는척하다 Used to express a fabrication of an attitude or actoin that is different from the fact (act like <V/A/N attached) -P1 contains what is contrary to reality -You can't use 알다 in the past -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는체하다 Used to express the attitude that is different from the actual action or condition (acted as though <V/A/N attached> in order to Clause 1) -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는척하다 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는탓에 When a bad result is placed in P2 due to P1 - 는탓이다 - 는바람에 - 는통에 In this phrase 탓 roughly means reason/cause something bad happens -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는편이다 V/A To say that something tends to be similar to something else (generally so) -Negatve forms 안 - 는편이다, - 는편이아니다 -Normally adverb in front -Characteristic/quality needs to be obvious or objectively verifiable (in general terms) -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는데 -When P1 becomes the reason of P2 (since/therefore/and) -When the P2's context contrasts with P1 (but) -To do something in P2 on the basis of P1 (background
3 information) -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는데도 When something that is different from a generally expected result in P1's situation is placed in P2 -With 불구하고 to make - ( 으 ) ㄴ / 는데도불구하고 to further emphasize the contrast or unexpectednes s -Can't use future tense, imperative, or suggestive ending -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는지알다 / 모르다 Used to ask whether the listener is/isn't aware certain information (do you know..) It can also be a response "I don't/do know.." -( 으 ) 나마나 V When the result does not change whether the action (attached) is taken or not - 아 / 어봤자 -( 으 ) 나만나이다 -Don't use with verbs with negative connotation -Can' use 안 / 못 in front of - ( 으 ) 나마나 -( 으 ) ㄹ걸 ( 그랬다 ) V Used to regret or feel sorry for something (Should have <V attached>/regret doing something else would have been better) -았/ 었어야했는데 (Should have done) -지말걸그랬다 / 안 - ( 으 ) ㄹ걸그랬다 (Should not have done) -지말고 -( 으 ) ㄹ것이아니라 -는김에 (means doing actions together) -가는길에 / 오는길엥 (on the way to/from you do something) -겸 (used with noun) -절대로 -지않을것이다 -( 으 ) ㄹ리 ( 가 ) 있어요? - 그랬다 always in the past -Normally if used at end of sentence just -( 으 ) ㄹ걸 -( 으 ) ㄹ게아니라 V Used to suggest doing P2's action and not doing P1's action Rather than P1, P2 is a better idea -( 으 ) ㄹ겸 (- 을겸 ) V In P1 to express more than two purposes about P2's action -When used with 1 reason listener can infer there is another reason (in this case 해서 often follows) -( 으 ) ㄹ리 ( 가 ) 없다 / 있다 To express that what comes in P1 is not true based on certain fact or situation -( 으 ) ㄹ만하다 V -To reocommed something since the speaker consideres it to be worthy -To express an available level or degree When used as worthwhile many times in this form with - 아 / 어보다 = - 아 / 어볼만하 -( 으 ) ㄹ뻔하다 V Used to mean that something almost happened (but did not actually happen) (almost <V attached>) -Most cases speaker is relieved it didn't happen -Always use in past -Often used following constuctions that indicate hypothetical past situations (- 았 / 었더라 ) -( 으 ) ㄹ뿐 ( 만 ) 아니라 To add a piece of information from P2 to P1 (but also) -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는데다가 -Clauses should be +/+ or -/- can't mix -These often follow (A/V- 기까지하다 / A/V- 기도하다 / N- 까지
4 A/V) -( 으 ) ㄹ뿐이다 To show that there is nothing else than what is mentione in P1 (that's all, all I did, only) -( 으 ) ㄹ뿐 -More emphatic use (N- 만 - ( 으 ) ㄹ뿐이다 / A/V- 기만 - ( 으 ) ㄹ뿐이다 ) -Only one course of action -In this form 뿐 = 오직 meaning solely, merely, only -( 으 ) ㄹ수밖에없다 A/V Used in situations in which there is no other choice for the subject but to do P1's action (in case of verb) or to be in P1's stat (in case of adj) -( 으 ) ㄹ정도로 V/A To say that the degree of P2 is same as that of P1 (so that ) -( 으 ) ㄹ정도이다 -( 으 ) ㄹ만큼 -( 으 ) ㄹ지경이다 Used to exagerate -( 으 ) ㄹ지경이다 V When the condition is similar to something else (about to) -( 으 ) ㄹ정도이다 -( 으 ) ㄹ테니 ( 까 ) -P1 is used to express the speaker's strong supposition and it becomes a reson or condition of P2 -P1 shows the speaker's will and becomes the condition for P2 Combination of -( 으 ) ㄹ터이다 (Express speaker's intention) and - ( 으 ) 니까 (express reason) -Combination of -( 으 ) ㄹ터이다 used for future situation or intention to do something and - ( 으 ) ㄴ / 는데 provides background information for what is to follow -Can't be interrogative (use - ( 으 ) ㄹ텐데 for a question) -Subject should be speaker in P1 -P1= reason for suggestion or advice -P2=suggestion or advice -( 으 ) ㄹ텐데 When the preceding phrase shows a speaker's speculation and it works as a basis of the succeeding phrase -P1-strong intention or expection -P2-statement related or contrary to P1 This refers to the actual situation related to the supposition or assumption -This regers to the reason for the speaker's supposition - ( 으 ) ㄹ테니까 -Different than -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는데 as it is used to express assumption about current or future situation -( 으 ) ㄹ걸 ( 요 ) To speculate (need knowledge to back up speculation) about certain fact -( 으 ) ㄹ거야 -( 으 ) ㄹ거예요 (means a speculation) - Converation only, intention raises at end -Not that confident when saying this, can use to softly disagree with listener -( 으 ) ㄹ까봐 ( 서 ) -To do P2 in advance because the speaker is worried about P1 ( 봐 here used as to guess/think) -( 으 ) ㄹ까싶어 ( 서 ) -( 으 ) ㄹ지도몰라 ( 서 ) *This is different-( 으 ) ㄹ까보다 /- ( 으 ) ㄹ까싶다 /-( 으 ) ㄹ까하다 /- ( 으 ) ㄹ지도모르다 comes at the end of sentence and shows an uncertain plan -( 으 ) ㄹ까하다 V Used to describe the speaker's vague intention or plan that can easily be changed (I might ) -( 으 ) ㄹ까보다 -Negative sentences can't use 뭇 -Can't use future tense/imperative/suggestive -( 으 ) ㄹ락말락하다 V Used to say that something almost happened but didn't at the end (I nearly <V attached> but (reason why not))
5 -( 으 ) ㄹ지도모르다 -( 으 ) 려고하다 V -( 으 ) 려던참이다 V -( 으 ) 로인해 ( 서 ) N -( 으 ) 로서 N -( 으 ) 리라고 -( 으 ) 면서도 V/A Used to indicate the speaker's view that something might happen or could possibly (but unlikely) occur -Used to explain future plans (more concrete than -( 으 ) ㄹ까하다 ) -Used to explain when something is likely to happen -Usef for when plan did not materialize as expected Used to express a plan for the foreseeable future (indicates speaker's intention), speaker was just about to do what is suggested When P2's result comes because of P1 (Due to <N attached> happened) Used to indicate that someone has a position, social status or authority or in such stance (as a <N attached>) Used to speculate something (I believe <V/A/N attached> since Clause 1) Used when the opposite context to the status/action of P1 come in P2 -( 으 ) ㄹ지모르다 -( 으 ) 려던참이었다 -even before the suggestion (I had planned to <even before you said that> and was just about to) -( 으 ) 리라고는상상도못하다 (used when speaker never thought about the situation) -( 으 ) 리라는 N (used to mean think, guess, speculate) - 지만 -Used as a guess so rude to use about an important event that someone is worried about -With past tense don't add to 모르다 -Indicates the speaker's intention -Can use for future plans -Intend to/plan to/going to.. -These often appear at the beginning 마침 / 그렇지않아도 / 안그래도 -Can't use future tense/imperative/suggestive -For mid sentence 이다 changes to 에 Can't use imperative/suggestive 믿다, 생각하다, 보다, etc.. Often follow -( 이 ) 나마 N -( 이 ) 라도 N -( 이 ) 야말로 N -Used to choose something even though it is not 100% satisfactory (2nd best option) -Can also show no preference Used to indicate the speaker's choosing of something that will suffice even though it is not the best option among the available choices Used to emphasize something among others representing the rest (prime example) - 잠시나마 - 잠깐이나마 - 조금이나마 -Used with 어느, 아무, 무엇, 무슨, or 누구 the expression means that something is the case no matter the circumstances or situation -You can use imperative/suggestive -Should be used with intention or will phrases -Choosing the next best option -Use when ranking the available options N attached is most among all - 거나 (- 거나 ) Used when one is supposed to choose one out of two options (or) - 든지 - 거나 Typically one used once but can appear twice
6 - 거든 -To show a condition or assume something that has not happened (generally used in casual conversation) -If P1 is actually true then - 거든요 means reason (only known by speaker) and comes at the end of the sentence -Many times P1 is guess and P2 is suggestive/imperative sentence - 거든요 Used to respond to a question or to add to a statement the speaker has already made to provide the reason or thinking behind the answer or statement #################### ######### - 건만 Used when there are opposite fact between P1 and P2 Although/Despite P1's action, P2's action (opposite) happened - 게 V To show the purpose towards the action of P1 (P2 in order for me to/so that P1) - 개끔 used to be emphatic - 게되다 V/A Used when something is changed or something happened due to a certain reason, used to express passively in cases in which the subject's will or intention is not involved -Past indicates a state or situation that has come to be true in the present, or that has been decided -Used to tell someone something happened in a indirect/gentle manner - 게하다 V -When someone (subject) made someone else do something (verbally make them do something, no direct physical connection) -Also refer to giving/not giving another person permission to do something - 도록하다 - 게만들다 -Can't use 안 for negative only 못 to show prohibition of some action -When attached to Adj it indicates that the subject causes another person to be in the state described by the Adj - 고나서 V When doing P2's action after finishing all P1's action - 고서 Only use - 고나면 when end of P1 becomes condition for P2 (If you do action 1 then action 2 will happen bc of 1) - 고말다 V -Used to express that something finally took place (unplanned event/action that continued until it was completed or thoroughly finished in a way undesired by the speaker) - 아 / 어버리다 - 고말겠다 shows stronger intention of speaker -Subject did not plan or intend to do what happened (efforts were made to prevent a result but were ineffective) -End in past tense usually -Can be used to show intention with -겠-/-( 으 ) ㄹ테니까 / 꼭 / 반드시 -고보면 (If you do this you will get this result) -Occurs after an action is completed -Refers to a time after performing an action once -P2 contains new or unexpected information learned by the speaker - 고보니 ( 까 ) V When some fact is found after doing something, new/contrary to current belief (after I realized) - 고해서 This expression means that the reason given in P1 is just one of a number of reasons for the behaviour in P2 -N 도 V- 고 / A/V- 기도하고해서 -N 도 A/V- 고 A/V- 고해서 or A/V- 기도하고 A/V- 기도해서 this expression indicates two representative reasons among Only primary reason is given but the clause indicates that thare are other reasons also not said
7 many for the action in P2 - 고도 V - 고말고 ( 요 ) - 고서 V - 고서야 V - 고자 V - 곤하다 V - 기때문에 - 기마련이다 V/A When the result of P1's action is different from the expectation Used to express an agreement of something or a thought to think of something as reasonable (of course <V/A/N attached>) To express when P2's action or condition appears after P1's action is finished (before/after relationship) -When P2's action can take place after P1's action is finished -As a rhetorical question when P1 works as a condition of P2 When P2's action is taken for an intention or purpose of P1 Means that a certain action or situation repeatedly happens, but not always without exception (often) Usef for the reson of P2's action Used to say that certain situation is natural and reasonable (is bound to) - 고나서 - 고 - 고자하다 (used when the speaker has an intention to take certain action) -( 으 ) 려고 - 기위해 ( 서 ) - 고는하다 - 기일쑤이다 - 기때문이다 - 아 / 어서 -( 으 ) 니까 - 게마련이다 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는게당연하다 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는법이다 Can't use with imperative or suggestive sentences Use - 아 / 어야 when P1 is critical condition for P2 to take place or when P1 turns out to be meaningless -Used in official speech/writing -Subjects must be same -Can't use Imperative or Suggestive endings Used often with 곧잘, 자주, 가끔 -Can't use imperative/suggestive -Larger reason compared to - 아 / 어서 /-( 으 ) 니까 - 기위해 ( 서 ) V P1 is an objective of P2 - 기위하여 Subject must be the same - 기일쑤이다 V - 기 ( 가 ) V - 기 ( 가 ) 무섭게 V Used when something occurs frequently Used to express the state or thought of doing something (find that ending Adj <V attached> P1) To express doing something as soon as something is finished (as soon as) - 기 ( 를 ) 바라다 V Used to express one' wish or hope - 기는하지만 - 기는 ( 요 ) When despite recognizing P1's condition, something different than what had been expected is placed in P2. Used to slightly deny what the other person said or answer about a compliment in a modest way (I don't think so, <V/A attached> "negating sentence") - 자마자 - 기는 ( 긴 ) - 지만 - 긴요 Usually a negative connotation Normally Adj at the end to mean feeling -Subject must be same for both clauses - P1 is acknowlded but emphasizing speaker's belief in -- 기는했지만 shows past Can't be used with expressions that denote tense
8 - 기도하다 V Used to indicate that it is done sometimes - 기도하고 (used with V when P1 "or" P2 are done, used with Adj when adding information "P1 happens but sometimes P2 happens as well) - 기로하다 V Used to describe a plan, resolution and promise towards something (I decided to ) - 기로계획하다 - 기로결심하다 - 기로약석하다 -Usually past tense but when present tense speaker & listener are making a promise together -Can't use imperative/suggestive - 기만하다 V/A To show that only one particular action or state has been continued - 기만하면 To represent when P1's action or situation always accompanies P2's context If P1 happens P2 always happens - 기에 When P1 is the basis or reason of P2 - 길래 (colloquial) -Can't use imperative/suggestive -P1 subject can't be speaker - 길래 When P1 becomes basis or purpose of P2 - 기에 (written) -Can't use imperative/suggestive -P1 subject can't be speaker - 까지 N Used to indicate that something else happened on top of something (as well as) - 마저 / 조차 (only when it is a negative connotation) - 나보다 To guess about something based on certain fact or situation -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는것같다 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는모양이다 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는듯하다 - 느니 V Used when P2 is not satisfactory but it is considered to be better than P1 (would rather P2 than P1) Often followed by 차라리 (rather, preferably) - 느라 ( 고 ) V -When doing what comes in P2 is not possible due to P1 -When P2 becomes the same situation due to P1 - 는바람에 - 는통에 - 는탓에 #################### ######### - 는길에 V -It means "on the way to/from somewhere" -It means "using coming/going to somewhere as a chance" - 는길이다 - 는도중에 Can use only movement verbs - 는김에 V Used to the situation of doing something during the process of doing something else (P1's action while P2's action) - 는길에 (1) - 는대로 V -It means to do the same as doing something else (repeat, do as told) -It means to do something as soon as something is done -Second option can't use in past -Only Adj you can use is - 고싶다 / 편하다 / 좋다 -Can't use negative in front - 는덕분에 V/N( When thanks to P1, good result comes in P2 - 는덕분이다 -Can't use imperative/suggestive -Positive result - 는동마는둥 V Used to express that something did not take place wholeheartedly during the task (wasn't all for <V attached>) First clause is usually the reason why
9 -는동안 ( 에 ) V -는바람에 V -는사이 ( 에 ) V -는수가있다 V -는중에 V -는통에 V -는한 V -다보니 V -다보면 V -다가 V Used to express the period of time that certain action or condition continued (P2's action while <V attached>) To express the reason why P1 badly affected P2 (expresses reason and als the result was not intended) Used to show the period of time that a certain action or condition is continued Used to mean there is a possibility that something might happen due to a certain action or condition (You may <V attached> Clause 1) Used to show the process of certain action (in the middle of) When there is abad result in P2 due to P1 To show the situation of P2 will be realised as long as the condition of P1 is satisfied Used to indicate that the speaker learned something new after doing some actoin or behaviour continuously from time in the past or that a certain situation has occurred as a result of When P2's action may be realized (discovery of something) if P1's action is continued or repeated -That something is done on the way while stopping the previous action -When some other action is taken in the process of certion action - 는사이 ( 에 ) (only when subjects are different) - 는탓에 - 는통에 - 는덕분에 (opposite meaning) Movement verbs you can use - ( 으 ) ㄴ동안 ( 에 ) to show past tense -Typically negative result (exception when something completely unexpected or unintended occurs and is positive) -Should end in past tense -Can't use imperative/suggestive - 는동안 ( 에 ) Subjects must differ -( 으 ) ㄹ지도모르다 Usually a negative result - 는중이다 P2's action while <V attached> - 는바람에 - 는탓에 - 다가보니까 - 다보니까 - 다 is shortened form of - 다가 which refers to something occuring in the middle of a continuance action - 보니 is shortened form of 보다 and - ( 으 ) 니까 which refers to a discover or result - 다가보면 - 는길에 (Only when 오다 / 가다 used in front) - 다가는 speculates a bad result in P2 - 다가말다가하다 use when action is on and off Can't use imperative/suggestive #################### ######### -No past at the end of P2 -Common endings for P2 (- ( 으 ) ㄹ수있다 /- 게될거예요 /- 게 -) - 다모 ( 니까 ) is slightly different, P2 is a result (more definite) of continued action - 아 / 어다가 P2 result do to P1 - 다 ( 가 ) 보니 ( 까 ) P2 action result of P1 action continuing - 다 ( 가 ) 보면 If P1 action happens expect P2 to happen (guess cause and effect)
10 - 다가는 V When a bad result is expected after doing P1's action -Speaking hypothetically use - 았 / 었다가는 -If P1 has continued from some time in the past 이렇게 / 그렇게 / 저렇게 are often used -P2 should end with supposition or conjecture ending -Can use present tense for general result - 다니 - 다라도 Used to express that certain fact or situation is amazing or unbelievable (I can't believe that <V/A/N attached>) Recognize P1's fact if it does not affect P2's context - 다니 ( 요 ) end of sentence - 아 / 어도 In response follow form in first sentence Can only be used when P1's action is not taking place - 다시피하다 V -When doing something nearly similar to something else (as you know) -When speaker is not actually doing something but doing something that is similar - 다시피 is used to reconfirm the information a listener is expected to be aware of already (used w/ 알다, 보다, 듣다, 배우다, 느끼다, etc..- as you know, as you have heard, as you have seen, etc..) - 답다 N Used to indicate that something has the qualities or characteristics of the noun, having the qualities that are typically expected in the particular noun Can be used after nouns denoting places and institutions - 더니 - 더라고요 - 던 -Used when P1 contrasts with P2 (but) -It indicates the result due to someone else's action (P2's action because/since P1's action) -Occurrence of something immediately following the end of another occurrence Used to express the speaker's recollection that he or she directly saw, heard, or felt some prior event or action ###################### ######### - 더니만 - 더군 ( 요 ) - 더라 (only familiar speech -Used to express a person's mood, emotions or feelings 3rd person- 아 / 어하더라고요 -To refer to things that completed in the past use - 았 / 었더라고요 -Speaker wants to refer to something directly seen or experienced (reason/cause) in the past to describe how that has changed -Speaker can't be subject -Topic/subjects must be same -Present tense always used -Subject can't be speaker -Speaker needs to learn for the first time not something already known -First person used for expressing a person's mood, emotions or feelings -Can't use to express contrary opinion -Expresses recollection of something done repeatedly -Past action that has not come to an end -Can't use with things that only occurred once and do not repeat - 던데 ( 요 ) -Used to talk about the recollection of the past (when expressing something contradictory to what the other person just said or showing shock/surprise toward a past event or particular situation -Combines - 더 - recollection and - ( 으 ) ㄴ데요 which indicates background information contradictory or a surprising -Use past for actions completed in the past -Subject can only be in first person -Used mid-sentence for cases used to introduce a past situation or the fact that the present situation is contrary to what the case was in the past
11 situation - 도록 V/A -When P1 works as a purpose of P2 -It means the period to reach a certain time - 게 (1) - 기위해 ( 서 ) (can't use when the subject differs) - 도록하다 V When someone made (instruct/suggest) someone else do something - 게하다 - 도록하세요 - Suggestion to do a certain action (response - 도록하겠습니다 ) Only imperative/propositive - 든지 V Used in a situation that using either is fine (You can either..) - 든지 - 든지하다 - 거나 -If using with Adj need to add - 든지 to both Adj - Can't use - 겠 - -Many times used with interrogatives ( 언제든지, 뭐든지, 누구든지 - 럽다 N Indicate a sufficient amount of a certain quality of the noun attached to Only used with some nouns without final consonants - 마저 N Used to indicate the last one left is even added - 까지 - 조차 Usually used in bad occasions - 만하다 N Used to compare two things that have similar degree (used with noun denoting size, amount, number) (P1 Noun is as as P2 Noun) N 만못하다 - <N> is less than <N attached 만못하다 > - 만해도 N Used when providing examples to explain a situation or statement made previously - 의경우만봐도 - 만하더라도 Also used to express a situation that is opposite to what was the case in the past (usually a time word if often followed by - 전만해도 - 만에 N Used to indicate that something occrred a certain amount of time after a previous event occurred -P1 usually includes ( 으 ) ㄴ지 which indicates that the action described in the cluase has been completed in a certain amount of time -Refers to an event happening a certain time after the occurrence of a previous event - 만큼 N Used to show the similarity in size (same as) - 만큼도 (used to emphasize something with an exaggeration) - 밖에 N Used to indicate that there is only that person/matter remaining (only/nothing but) - 이나 (opposite) -Has to be negative in second part -Can't be imperative/suggestive - 스럽다 N Has the feeling or quality just like the noun it is attached to Sounds weird used after nouns denoting places and institutions
12 - 아 / 아봤자 V/A - When it is expected that regardless of doing P1's work, the expected result does not seem to be realized (even if) - When P1's condition is great -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는다고해도 (1) -( 으 ) 나마나 (1) -Can't use with imperative or suggestive - 소용이없다 commonly used in P2 (it is useless meaning) - 아 / 어가다 / 오다 V - 가다 -Used when the current situation is continuously maintained in the future (now to future) - 오다 - Used when the past condition has long been maintained to the present (past to now) -Use for a long time only -This can be used when something is about to be finished 다 - 아 / 어가다 - 아 / 어가지고 When P1's completed result becomes the reason for P2 (Since P1 ~ P2 happened) - 아 / 어갖고 - 아 / 어서 -With V used only to express the order of something (Imperative/suggestive ok) -With Adj used only to indicate the speaker's reason for a certain action (can't use imperative/suggestive) - 아 / 어내다 V Used to the result that has been accomplished after certain process -Usually some sort of problem that you need to find a solution for -Past tense follows - 아 / 어놓다 V When certain action continues after being finished (continuance, maintaining) - 아 / 어두다 -With 놓다 = 놓아두다 / 놔두다 -Don't use with verbs used to indicate wearing things on your body -Focus action completed -Can't use for emotional state - 아 / 어대다 V - 아 / 어두다 V - 아 / 어버리다 V - 아 / 어보이다 A - 아 / 어있다 V - 아 / 어다가 V - 아 / 어도 V/A Used when a certain action is done repeatedly -Used to mean that the action that has been done in advance (usually to prepare for an event) is being continued -Fact that something is already in such a state (in advance) Used to emphasize that something is completely done (refers to the final state or resulting of a situation) Used to indicate one's conjecture or feelings based on the outward appearance of a person, thing or event (You look..) Used to express a certain condition or result is continued after an action or change has been completed (is "-ed/ing") Expression indicates that the action in the P2 is done based on the result of first completing the action in P1 Recognize P1's fact but it does not affect P2's context (even if, regardless) - 아 / 어놓다 (but normally prefer to use - 아 / 어두다 for long time period, more often used to describe storing or saving something - 고말다 - 게보이다 -Difference with - 고있다 is this action is completed not in process - 아 / 어다주다 - 아 / 어다 - 다라도 (only when P1's matter is not taking place) Used to deliver negative feeling of speaker -Focus on action being completed already -Can't use for emotional state -Don't use with verbs used to indicate wearing thing on your body -Subject usually plans in advance and does intentionally -Past tense follows -Used with verbs that don't need objects ( 앉다, 서다, 눕다 ) or passive verbs ( 걸리다, 열리다, 닫히다 ) -Phrase indicates that the speaker performed the second action in different location than that of the first action -Tense shown P2
13 - 아 / 어서그런지 To speculate that P1 is the reason for P2 (guess maybe ) - 아 / 어서그럴거예요 used at end of sentence Can't use imperative/suggestive - 아 / 어서는 V/A When something in P1 makes it impossible for something to be accomplished P2 needs to be negative - 없다 / 힘들다 - 아 / 어서야 V/A -When the P2's action is taken when it reaches certain timing -To emphasize that it is difficult for P2 to take place having P1 as the condition Used as second meaning - ( 으 ) ㄹ수없다 / - 겠어요 often follow - 아 / 어야 ( 지 ) -To show that P1 is necessary condition to accomplish P2 -To indicate the futility of expecting the result described in P2 regardless of P1 - 아 / 어야 ( 만 ) (used in speeches reports) - 이 / 가아니어야 - 이 / 가아니라야 -Can't end with past tense/propositive/ imperative sentences -Used in conversation - 을수있다 /- 을것같다 /- 지요 will often follow - 아 / 어야지요 V Used when the speaker is making a promise to oneself, making a decision to do something or simply expressing such an intention - 아 / 어지다 A Used to express the change in condition (turn/become <Adj Attached>) -Past tense expresses a change resulting from an action performed in the past -Present tense used to describe a change that generally occurs when a particular action is performed - 아 / 어지다 V Used when something is not done directly by the subject but done by something else - 았 / 었다가 V -When something else takes place that drastically contrasts with something that happened before (- 았 / 었 express completion of action) -Do an action and then experience something noteworthy/unexpected (usually unplanned event) - 았 / 었는에 (1) -Action must be completely finished -Subjects meed to match -Actions should be related/opposite - 았 / 었더니 V -For something that has been recognized after doing certain action (Because P1 action new thing recognized <P2>) -To state the result after doing something -( 으 ) 니까 -When 3rd person recalling completed action and P2 subject different, P1 subject usually speaker -Not past form of - 더나 - 았 / 었더라면 - 았 / 었던 When supposing something (in past) opposite (what actually happened) and then think about it (If past even happened different guess on the result) -Modifies the following noun and also indicates the reminiscence of the past -Modifies the following noun and it is used to describe that the matter has ended -Used to reminisce something that has been done only once - 았 / 었으면 - 아 / 어야했는데 -( 았 / 었 ) 는다면 (this can be used both if or if not a situation happens -Sometimes used with -( 으 ) ㄹ뻔하다 to say it was lucky you didn't do something in the past -Adj can refer to cases in which the present situation has become the opposite or contrary to a past situation or state of affairs -Or Adj can refer to cases in which a past situation has continued in the same state until the present
14 - 았 / 었어야했는데 - 았 / 었으면 ( 싶다 / 하다 / 좋겠다 ) - 에달려있다 N - 에따라다르다 N - 에다가 N - 은 / 는커녕 N - 자 V - 자마자 V - 잖아 ( 요 ) - 조차 N - 지그래 ( 요 )? V - 지말자고하다 - 치고 N Used to regret or feel sorry for something (Necessary action was not completed/achieved) Used to show one's hope or wish Used to show that something is more important in deciding something (depends on <N attached> Used to say that result changes because of something (according to <N attached>) Used to indicate the place where certain action is taking place -Used to indicate that not only what comes in P1, the more realistic one that comes in P2 is even hard to accomplish -Shows that something is different from what had been expected When P2's action takes place as soon as P1's action is finished (as soon as) When an action of P1 is taken as soon as certain action of P1 has been taken -Used wen talking about something that both the speaker and listener are aware of or should be aware of (as you know..) - Used when the speaker emphasizes something that he/she said to the listener (Like I told you..) Used when something is considered to be fair or easy is different than what had been expected (not even <N attached>/"worst case scenario") Used to suggest or recommend something to someone else (what about <V attached>) Citation- Suggestive sentences (negative) -Used to indicate something is better or worse than what had been expected -Used when everything is the same without an exception -( 으 ) ㄹ걸 ( 그랬다 ) - 는다면좋겠다 -( 으 ) 면좋겠다 - 기는것 (used for verbs) - 에 - 은 / 는말할것도없고 - 자마자 - 기 ( 가 ) 무섭게 - 는대로 (present tense only) - 자 (can't for imperative/sugg estive) - 마저 - 까지 -( 으 ) ㄹ수조차없어요 (used for verbs) -used with - 은 / 는커녕 has the meaning of not even../let alone../not to mention.. Regret because they did not do something they should have done -More strongly emphasizes the verb -Desire for situation opposite of what it currently is - 느냐에달려있다 use with interrogatives (who, when, where, what and how many) - 느냐에따라다르다 /- 느냐에달려있다 use with interrogatives (who, when, where, what and how many) -In one normally negative in second part -In two used with 오히려 (rather) often -Action must be completely finished -Can't use for imperative and suggestive sentences -Subjects can be different -Tense expressed in P2 -Typically spoken not written -Speaker either did not expect or could not anticipate an extreme situation -Use with negative statements Can't use with - 아 / 어서 Often used with - 는편이다 (tend/generally so)
15 (- 으면 ) -( 으 ) ㄹ수록 V/A Used to express that the degree of P2 increases as the action or situation of P1 continues The more <V/A attached> P2 happens 아무 +( 이 ) 나 / 아무 + 도 어찌나 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는지 얼마나 -( 으 ) ㄴ / 는지모르다 하도 - 아 / 어서 N V/A V/A 아무 refers to "any", depending on the particle that follows it can either refer to people or things, 아무 + 도 is used to indicate "no one" Used to emphasize P1 when it is the cause of P2 (I can't believe <V/A attached> describing P1 resulting in P2 Used to emphasize the greatness of the degree of the fact or situation (You have no idea how <V/A/N attached> When an extreme degree of an actoin or state becomes the reason for P2 - 아무한테나, 아무곳이나, 아무거나 - 아무하고도, 아무데도, 아무것도 - 얼마나 - 는지 - 았 / 었는지몰라요 (used to refer to past situations or states of affairs) -Positive expression follows 아무 + ( 이 ) 나 -Negative expression follows 아무 + 도 When using a V usually a degree adverb is present -Only declarative sentences -Need a degree adverb ( 잘, 많이 ) in from of V in this form -Can't use to express feelings/attitude The A/V in between the clause shows what is the extreme reason -( 느 ) ㄴ다고하다 Citation- Declaritive sentences -( 으 )/ 느냐고하다 Citation- Interrogative sentences -( 으 ) 라고하다 Citation- Imperative sentences - 지말라고하다 Citation- Imperative sentences (negative) - 자고하다 Citation- Suggestive sentences
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