Reference 1 Agreements between Governments Abroad and Japan (Swiss Confederation) 1. The list in the Appendix provided at the end of this Manual shows

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1 88.01 Agreements between Governments Abroad and Japan 1. Economic Partnership Agreements (EAPs) and other agreements contracted between governments abroad and the Government of Japan have recently included provisions for protecting geographical indications of wines and spirits, which is also stipulated by the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), and these governments and Japan have reached an agreement on the geographical indications covered by the protection. 2. In recent years, these governments and Japan have conducted cooperation, including exchanging information on the famous names of places, indications of sources, or others for the purpose of using the information as a reference for examination. 3. The list provided at the end of this Manual shows geographical indications, names of places, and indications of sources provided by EPAs, Memorandums of Cooperation (MOC), and others, and this list is one of the reference materials for examining the applications covered by Article 3(1)(iii) and Article 4(1)(xvi) and (xvii) of the Trademark Act. 1 Nations Agreements Related Articles Agreement on Free Trade and Economic Swiss Partnership between Japan and the Swiss Confederation Confederation 2 Republic of Korea 3 Republic of Chile 4 United Mexican States 5 Republic of Peru Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) on Exchanging the Lists of Regional Collective Trademarks and Geographical Indications between the KIPO and the JPO Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Chile for a Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and the United Mexican States for the Strengthening of the Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Peru for an Economic Partnership Article 3(1)(iii) Article 4(1)(xvi) Article 4(1)(xvii) (the Trademark Act) (Note) Click below to see the Examination Guidelines for Trademarks Examination Guidelines for Trademarks: Article3 (1) (iii) (Indication of Origin, Place of Sale and Quality of the Goods, or Indication of Location and Quality of Provision of the Services) Article4 (1) (xvi) (Misleading as to the Quality of the Goods or Services) Article4 (1) (xvii) (Indication of Origin of Wines or Spirits)

2 Reference 1 Agreements between Governments Abroad and Japan (Swiss Confederation) 1. The list in the Appendix provided at the end of this Manual shows the indications stipulated in Annex 10 of Agreement on Free Trade and Economic Partnership between Japan and the Swiss Confederation (Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and Switzerland) enforced on September 1, 2009, which are geographical indications and related indications protected by Article 119 Geographical Indications and Related Indications of the Agreement. References: Protection based on Article 119 of the Agreement 1) Indications to be protected In addition to geographical indications defined in Article 22(1) of the TRIPS, indications to be protected by Article 119 are: [a] indications which specify or are provided for services, contain names of geographical places in the Contracting Parties or names composed of these names (hereinafter referred to as indications of services ) and [b] related indications defined as the national names of the Contracting Parties, the cantons of the Swiss Confederation, and crests of the nations, marks on the flags, and emblems of the nations or regions. 2) Effects of geographical indications and related indications i. Geographical indications are protected by effects equivalent to those of Article 22(2)(a) and (b), Article 22(3), and Article 23(1) and (2) of the TRIPS. ii. The Agreement secures that a trademark application filed for registering indications of services, the national names of the Contracting Parties, the cantons of the Swiss Confederation, which may mislead the public, shall be refused or invalidated and that a trademark application filed for crests of the nations, marks on the flags, and emblems of the nations or regions, shall not be registered as a trademark or constitution of the trademark according to the obligation based on the provision of Article 6ter of the Paris Convention. 3) Annex 10 The Agreement stipulates that the indications in Annex 10 of the Agreement do not affect the acts or procedures of the Authorities and that they provide the information source to show that the indications are protected as geographical indications.

3 appendix Geographical Indications Product Area of Production Appenzeller アッペンツェラー Berner Alpkäse ベルナー アルプケーゼ Berner Hobekäse ベルナー ホーベルケーゼ Emmentaler エメンタール Formaggio d alpe ticinese フォルマッジオ ダルプ ティチネーゼ Glarner Schabziger グラルナー シャプツィガー Gruyère グリュイエール L Etivaz レティヴァ Raclette du Valais ラクレット デュ ヴァレ Sbrinz スプリンツ Schweizer Tilsiter シュヴァイツァー ティルジッター Tête de Moine テット ドゥ モワン Tête de Moine, Fromage de Bellelay テット ドゥ モワン フロマージュ ドゥ ベルレ Vacherin fribourgeois ヴァシュラン フリブルジョワ Vacherin Mont d'or ヴァシュラン モンドール Bündnerfleisch ビュントナーフライシュ Meat-based products Viande séchée du Valais ヴィアンド セシェ デュ ヴァレ Meat-based products Basler Läckerli バーズラー レッカリー Meringues de Gruyères ムラング ドゥ グリュイエール Pain de seigle valaisan パン ドゥ セーグル ヴァレザン Swiss Chocolate スイス チョコレート Schweizer Schokolade シュヴァイツァー ショコラーデ Swiss Kräuterbonbons スイス クロイターボンボン The List of Geographical Indications under the Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and the Swiss Confederation Abricotine アブリコティーヌ Eau-de-vie d abricot du Valais オー ドゥ ヴィ ダブリコ デュ ヴァレ Appenzeller Alpenbitter アッペンツェラー アルペンビッター Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionery, biscuits and other baker's wares Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionery, biscuits and other baker's wares Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionery, biscuits and other baker's wares Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionery, biscuits and other baker's wares Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionery, biscuits and other baker's wares Bread, pastry, cakes, confectionery, biscuits and other baker's wares Spirits Spirits Spirits Delimited territory within the cantons of Valais Delimited territory within the cantons of Valais


5 Reference 2 Agreements between Governments Abroad and Japan (Republic of Korea) 1. In December 2010, the KIPO and the JPO reached an agreement to exchange the lists of regional collective trademarks and geographical indications for the purpose of utilizing the lists as one of the references in both nations for examining the applications for registering trademarks, and have exchanged the Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) on Exchanging the Lists of Regional Collective Trademarks and Geographical Indications between the KIPO and the JPO (Appendix 1). 2. Based on the MOC, the KIPO provided the list in Appendix 2 and this list shows geographical indications as collective marks registered in the nation according to the Trademark Act of the Republic of Korea and marks connected with registered geographical indications which are registered in the nation according to its Agricultural Products Quality Control Act. 3. These lists shall be renewed every year, in principle.

6 別紙 1




10 Lists of GIs protected under the Trademark Act in Korea ( 大韓民国 ) 別紙 2 Reg. No. Registered mark in Korea Translation in English 1 장흥표고버섯 Jangheung Oak-mushroom Transcription in English Jangheung Pyogobeoseot Geographical name in Korean (Transcriptio n) Geographical name in Japanese (Transcription) Products/ser vices in Korean (Translation) Products/services in Japanese (Translation) The holder of registered mark Products/Service s in English 장흥チャンフン표고버섯しいたけ영농조합법인정남진장흥표고버섯연합회 Oak-mushroom 29,31 2 고흥유자 Goheung Citron Goheung Yuja 고흥コフン유자ゆず고흥유자연합회영농조합법인 Citron 31 3 양양송이 Yangyang Pine-mushroom Yangyang Songyi 양양ヤンヤン송이まつたけ양양송이영농조합법인 Pine-mushroom 29,31 4 진도홍주 Jindo Hongju(spirits) Jindo Hongju 진도 ジンド 홍주 紅酒 사단법인진도홍주연합회 Hongju(spirits) 33 5 이천한우 Icheon Korean Beef Icheon Hanwoo 이천 イチョン 한우 韓牛 ( かんこくざいらいしゅのうし ) 사단법인이천한우회 Hanwoo(Korean beef) 29 6 경산대추 Gyeongsan Jujube Gyeongsan Daechu 경산 キョンサン 대추 なつめ 영농조합법인경산대추생산자단체협의회 Fresh Jujube(Date) 29 7 경산대추 Gyeongsan Jujube Gyeongsan Daechu 경산キョンサン대추なつめ영농조합법인경산대추생산자단체협의회 Dried Jujube(Date) 31 8 한산모시 Hansan Ramie Cloth Hansan Mosi 한산 ハンサン 모시 紵布 사단법인한산모시조합 Ramie Cloth 24 9 고창복분자주 Gochang Black Raspberry Black Raspberry Gochang Bokbunjaju 고창ゴチャン복분자주トックリイチゴ酒고창으뜸복분자주영농조합법인 Wine Wine 순창고추장 Sunchang Red Pepper Paste Sunchang Gochujang 순창 スンチャン 고추장 コチュジャン 영농조합법인순창장류연합회 Red Pepper Paste(Kochujang) 이천도자기 Icheon Ceramics Icheon Dojagi 이천 イチョン 도자기 とうじき 이천도자기사업협동조합 Cermics 한산모시 Hansan Ramie Cloth (threedimensional shape) Hansan Mosi 한산 ハンさん 모시 紵布 사단법인한산모시조합 Ramie Cloth 정안밤 Jeongan Chestnut Jeongan Bam 정안 ジョンアン 밤 くり 정안밤생산자영농조합법인 Chestnut 강진청자 Gangjin Celadon Gangjin Cheongja 강진カンジン청자せいじ강진청자협동조합 Celadon 남원목기 Namwon wooden vessel Namwon Mokgi 남원ナムウォン목기もっき남원목기사업협동조합 wooden vessel 상주곶감 Sangju Persimmon Dried Sangju Gotgam 상주サンジュ곶감干しがき상주곶감발전연합회영농조합법인 Persimmon Dried 함안수박 Haman Watermelon Haman Subak 함안ハムアン수박すい - か함안수박영농조합법인 Watermelon 보성녹차 Boseong Green Tea Boseong Nokcha 보성ボソン녹차綠茶 ( りょくちゃ ) 영농조합법인보성녹차연합회 Green Tea 서산마늘 Seosan Garlic Seosan Maneul 서산ソサン마늘ニンニク서산마늘생산자단체협의회영농조합법인 Garlic 구례산수유 Gurye Corni Fructus Gurye Sansuyu 구례クレ산수유さん - しゅゆ구례산수유영농조합법인 Corni Fructus 제주돼지고기 Jeju Pork Jeju Dwaejigogi 제주チェジュ돼지고기豚肉 ( ぶたにく ) 사단법인제주도수출육가공협의회 Pork 영암무화과 Yeongam Fig Yeongam Muhwagwa 영암 ヨンアム 무화과 いちじく 영암무화과생산자단체영농조합법인 Fig 군산찰쌀보리쌀 Gunsan Glutinous Barley Gunsan Chalssalborissal 군산 クンサン 찰쌀보리쌀 糯麦 ( モチムギ ) 사단법인흰찰쌀보리생산자협회 Glutinous Barley 청양구기자 Cheongyang Wolfberry Cheongyang Gugija 청양 チョンヤン 구기자 クコの実 청양구기자생산자영농조합법인 Wolfberry 안동산약마 Andong Sanyak Dioscorea Batatas Andong Sanyak Ma 안동 アンドン 산약마 山藥麻 사단법인안동산약 ( 마 ) 연합회 Dioscorea Batatas 울릉도호박엿 Ulleung Pumpkin Taffy Ulleung Hobakyeot 울릉도 ウルルンド 호박엿 ホバックヨッ 사단법인울릉도호박엿생산자협회 Pumpkin Taffy 천안호두 Cheonan Walnut Cheonan Hodu 천안チョンアン호두くるみ천안명물호두생산자협회영농조합법인 Walnut 31 Yeongdong Persimmon 31 영동곶감 Yeongdong Gotgam 영동ヨンドン곶감干しがき영농조합법인영동곶감연합회 Persimmon Dried 29 Dried Chuncheon Buckwheat 32 춘천막국수 Chuncheon Mackuksu 춘천チュンチョン막국수そば切きり춘천향토막국수협의회영농조합법인 Buckwheat Noodles 30 Noodles Class of product s/servi ces

11 ( 大韓民国 ) 別紙 2 33 남해죽방멸치 Namhae Jukbang Anchovies Namhae Jukbang Myulchi 남해죽방 ナムヘチュッパン 멸치 ズックバングミョルチ 남해죽방멸치영어조합법인 Anchovies 삼천포쥐치포 Samcheonpo Seasoned Filefish Samcheonpo Juichipo 삼천포 サムチョンポ 쥐치포 カワハギのひもの 삼천포취치포생산자영어조합법인 Seasoned Filefish 고흥유자차 Goheung Citron Tea Goheung Yujacha 고흥 コフン 유자차 ゆずちゃ 고흥유자연합회영농조합법인 Citron Tea 29,30 36 음성고추 Eumseong Red Pepper Eumseong Gochu 음성ウムソン고추とうがらし음성고추영농조합법인 Red Pepper 증평인삼 JeungPyeong Ginseng JeungPyeong Insam 증평ズンピョン인삼にんじん증평인삼연구회영농조합법인 Ginseng 29, 원주옻 Wonju Lacquer Wonju Ot 원주ウォンジュ옻うるし원주옻영농조합법인 Lacquer 2 39 진주실크 Jinju Silk Jinju Silk 진주チンジュ실크シルク경남직물진주실크공업협동조합 Silk 무주머루 Muju Wild Grape Muju Muroo 무주ムジュ머루山葡萄무주머루영농조합법인 Wild Grap 무주머루와인 Muju Wild Grape Wine Muju Muroo Wine 무주ムジュ머루와인山葡萄ワイン사단법인무주머루와인생산자협회 Wild Grap Wine 무주사과 Muju Apple Muju Sagwa 무주ムジュ사과リンゴ무주과수영농조합법인 Apple 무주천마 Muju Gastrodia Elata Muju Cheonma 무주ムジュ천마天麻무주천마생산자영농조합법인 Gastrodia Elata 함양마천옻 Hamyang Macheon Lacquer Hamyang Macheon Ot 함양마천ハムヤンマチョン옻うるし마천옻영농조합법인 Lacquer 2, 영주사과 Yeongju Apple Yeongju Sagwa 영주ヨンジュ사과リンゴ사단법인영주사과협회 Apple 영천포도 Yeongcheon Grapes Yeongcheon Podo 영천ヨンチョン포도ブドウ사단법인영천포도생산자협회 Grape 보은대추 Boeun Jujube Boeun Daechoo 보은ボウン대추なつめ사단법인보은군황토대추연합회 Jujube 보은대추 Boeun Jujube Boeun Daechoo 보은ボウン대추なつめ사단법인보은군황토대추연합회 Jujube 삼척마늘 Samcheok Garlic Samcheok Maneul 삼척サムチョク마늘ニンニク삼척마늘생산자영농조합법인 Garlic 봉동생강 Bongdong Ginger Bongdong Saenggang 봉동ボンドン생강生姜봉동생강생산자연합회영농조합법인 Dry Ginger 안동사과 Andong Apple Andong Sagoa 안동アンドン사과リンゴ사단법인안동사과발전협의회 Apple 31 남원지리산고로쇠수 Namwon Jirisan Painted Namwon Jirisan Painted Maple Sap 52 남원지리산ナムウォンチリサン고로쇠수액いた-やかえでの藥水지리산남원고로쇠영농조합법인 32 액 Maple Sap(Acer mono sap) Goroshoi Suaek (Acer mono sap) 53 전주비빔밥 Jeonju Bibimbap Jeonju Bibimbap 전주チョンジュ비빔밥ビビンパ전주비빔밥생산자연합회영농조합법인 Bibimbap 영덕대게 Yeongdeok King Crab Yeongdeok Daege 영덕ヨンドク대게ズワイガニ영덕대게영어조합법인 King Crab 안흥찐빵 Anheung Jjinppang Anheung Jjinppang 안흥アンフン찐빵蒸しパン농업회사법인안흥명품합명회사 Jjinppang 진도검정쌀 Jindo Black rice Jindo Gumjeong Ssal 진도ジンド검정쌀黒米사단법인진도검정쌀생산자단체협의회 Black rice 진도울금 Jindo Turmeric Jindo Wulgum 진도ジンド울금ウコン사단법인진도울금생산자단체협의회 Turmeric 진도대파 Jindo Welsh Onion Jindo Daepa 진도ジンド대파青ネギ사단법인진도대파생산자단체협의회 Welsh onion 31 Daebong 59 악양대봉감 Agyang Daebong Persimmon Agyang Daebong Gam 악양アクヤン대봉감大奉 ( テボン ) 柿악양대봉감영농조합법인 31 Persimmon 60 영암수박 Yeongam Watermelon Yeongam Subak 영암ヨンアム수박スイカ영암수박영농조합법인 Watermelon 삼척장뇌삼 Samcheok Wild Ginseng Samcheok Jangroisam 삼척 サムチョク 장뇌삼 長脳参 삼척산양산삼생산자영농조합법인 Wild Ginseng 서생간철곶배 Seosaeng-Ganjeolgot Pear Seosaeng-Ganjeolgot Bae 서생간철곶 ソセン-カンジョル岬 배 梨 간절곶배영농조합법인 Pear 전주한지 Jeonju Korea Paper Jeonju Hanji 전주 チョンジュ 한지 韓紙 전주한지사업협동조합 Korea Paper 기장미역 Gijang Dried Sea Mustard Gijang Miyeok 기장キジャン미역ワカメ기장해조류연합회영어조합법인 Dried Sea Mustard 기장다시마 Gijang Dried Sea tangle Gijang Dashima 기장キジャン다시마昆布기장해조류연합회영어조합법인 Dried Sea Cabbage 인제용대황태 Injegoon Yongdaeri Theragra chalcogramma Injegoon Yongdaeri Hwangtae 인제용대インジェヨンデ황태黄太 ( 干しタラ ) 사단법인인제용대황태연합회 Theragra chalcogramma 70 제주옥돔 Jeju Red Tile fish Jeju Okdom 제주 チェジュ 옥돔 甘鯛 사단법인제주옥돔가공협의회 Red Tile fish 통영누비 Tongyeong Quilting Tongyeong Nubi 통영 トンヨン 누비 刺し子 사단법인통영누비조합 Quilted purses, Quilted bags, Quilts 18, 거창화강석 Geochang Granite Stone Geochang Hawgangseog 거창 コチャン 화강석 花崗石 사단법인거창강화석발전협의회 Granite Stone 19 29

12 73 포천막걸리 Pocheon Makgeolli Pocheon Makgeolli 포천ポチョン막걸리マッコリ포천막걸리사업협동조합 Makgeolli 완도미역 Wando Sea Mustard Wando Miyeok 완도ワンド미역ワカメ사단법인완도군미역협회 Sea mustard 완도다시마 Wando Sea tangle Wando Dasima 완도ワンド다시마コンブ사단법인완도군다시마생산자협회 Dried Sea tangle 신안천일염 Shinan Salt Shinan Choenilyeom 신안シンアン천일염天日塩사단법인신안천일염생산자연합회 Salt 영광굴비 Yeonggwang Dried Yellow Corvina Yeonggwang Gulbi 영광ヨングァン굴비クルビ ( 干しイシモチ ) 사단법인영광굴비생산자협회 Dried Yellow Corvia 78 진안홍삼 Jinan Red Ginseng Jinan Hongsam 진안 チナン 홍삼 紅参 사단법인진안군친환경홍삼한방크러스터사업단 Red Ginseng 천안배 Cheonan Pear Cheonan Bae 천안 チョナン 배 梨 하늘그린천안배영농조합법인 Pear 강진결명자 Gangjin Gyeolmyeongja Gangjin Gyeolmyeongja 강진カンジン결명자決明子강진결명자영농조합법인 Gyeolmyeongja 완도넙치 Wando Flat fish Wando Nupchi 완도ワンド넙치ヒラメ완도넙치영어조합법인 Flat Fish 완도전복 Wando Abalone Wando Jeonbok 완도ワンド전복アワビ완도전복협회영어조합법인 Ablone 완도김 Wando Laver Wando Gim 완도ワンド김海苔완도군김영어조합법인 Laver 거창사과 Geochang Apple Geochang Sagoa 거창 コチャン 사과 リンゴ 거창군사과발전협의회영농조합법인 Apple 포항구룡포과메기 Pohang Guryongpo Guamegi Pohang Guryongpo Guamegi 포항구룡포 ポハンクルンポ 과메기 九龍浦 ( クルンポ ) 干しサンマ 구룡포과메기영어조합법인 Guamegi 고창수박 Gochang Watermelon Gochang Subak 고창 コチャン 수박 スイカ 고창수박영어조합법인 Watermelone 제주톳 Jeju Bundle Jeju Tot 제주チェジュ톳束海苔제주수산업협동조합 Bundle 29, 광양매실 Gwangyang Plum Gwangyang Maesil 광양クァンヤン매실梅の実광양매실생산자단체영농조합법인 Plum 거제맹종죽 Geoje Maengjong bamboo shoot Geoje Manjongjuk 거제コジェ맹종죽孟宗竹거제맹종죽영농조합법인 Maengjong bamboo shoot 91 광양불고기 Gwangyang Barbequed beef Gwangyang Bulgogi 광양 クァンヤン 불고기 焼肉 광양불고기생산자단체연합회영농조합법인 Barbequed beef 예산사과 Yesan Apple Yesan Sagwa 예산 イェサン 사과 リンゴ ( 사 ) 예산항토사과연합회 Apple ( 大韓民国 ) 別紙 2 93 임실치즈 Imsil Imsil 임실 イムシル 치즈 チーズ 사단법인임실치즈생산자협의회 안동한우 Andong Korean Beef Andong Hanwoo 안동 アンドン 한우 韓牛 ( かんこくざいらいしゅのうし ) 사단법인안동한우회 Hanwoo(Korean beef) 부안뽕잎 Buan Mulberry Leaves Buan Bbongnip 부안 ブアン 뽕잎 桑の葉 부안뽕영농조합법인 Mulberry Leaves 29, 광양백운배 Gwangyang Baekwoonsan Pear Gwangyang Bakunbae 광양백운 クァンヤンペグン 배 梨 광양백운산참돌배영농조합법인 Pear 31, 금산인삼 Geumsan Ginseng Geumsan Insam 금산 クムサン 인삼 高麗人参 영농조합법인금산인삼연구회 Ginseng 광양곶감 Gwangyang Persimmon Dried Gwangyang Gotgam 광양 クァンヤン 곶감 干しがき 광양곶감연합영농조합법인 Persimmon Dried 상주포도 Sangju Grape Sangju podo 상주 サンジュ 포도 ブドウ 사단법인상주고냉지포도협회 Grape 영월김삿갓포도 Yeongwol Kimsatgat Grape Yeognwol Kimsatgat Podo 영월 ヨンウォル 포도 ブドウ 김삿갓포도영농조합법인 Grape 유가찹쌀 Yuga Glutinous Rice Yuga Chapssal 유가 ユガ 찹쌀 もち米 유가찹쌀영농조합법인 Glutinous Rice 청도한재미나리 Cheongdo Hanjae Water Cheongdo Hanjae Parsley Minari 청도한재 チョンドハンジェ 미나리 芹 ( せり ) 사단법인청도한재미나리생산자연합회 Water Parsley 청도반시 Cheongdo Seedless Flat Seedless Flat Cheongdo Bansi 청도チョンド반시盤柿 ( 平たい甘柿 ) 사단법인청도반시생산자협회 Persimmon Persimmon 금산깻잎 Geumsan Sesame Leaf Geusan ggatnip 금산 クムサン 깻잎 ゴマの葉 금산깻잎영농조합법인 Sesame Leaf 강릉한과 Gangneung Korean Snacks Gangneung Hangwa 강릉カンヌン한과漢果강릉한과영농조합법인 Korean Snacks 장수사과 Jangsu Apple Jangsu Sagoa 장수 チャンス 사과 リンゴ 장수사과영농조합법인 Apple 괴산대학찰옥수수 Goesan Daehak Waxy Corn Goesan Daehak Chaloksusu 괴산 クェサン 찰옥수수 ねばとうもろこし 괴산대학찰옥수수영농조합법인 Waxy Corn 장흥무산김 Jangheung Musan Laver Jangheung Musan Gim 장흥 チャンフン 무산김 ムサン海苔 사단법인장흥무산김생산자협회 Laver , 31

13 112 속초오징어젓 Sokchosi Salted Squid Sokchosi Ojineojeot 속초ソクチョ市오징어젓いかの塩辛사단법인속초시젓갈생산자협회 Salted Squid 대구사과 Daegu Apple Deagu Sagwa 대구テグ사과リンゴ대구사과영농조합법인 Apple 안동간고등어 Andong Salted mackerel Andong Gangodeungeo 안동アンドン간고등어塩漬サバ ( 사 ) 간고등어생산자협회 Salted mackerel 영양고추 Yeongyang Red Pepper Yeongyang Gochu 영양ヨンヤン고추とうがらし영양고추생산자영농조합법인 Red Pepper 29, ( 大韓民国 ) 別紙 초락도약쑥 Chorakdo Mugwort Chorakdo Yakssuk 초락도チョラクド약쑥モグサ영농조합법인초락도약쑥작목반 Mugwort 5, 29, 영광모싯잎송편 118 광양섬진강재첩 Yeonggwang Lamie leaf Half-moon-shaped rice cake Gwangyang Seomjingang Marsh clam Yeonggwang Mositnip Songpyeon Gwangyang Seomjingang Jaecheop 영광ヨングァン모싯잎송편カラムシソンピョン ( 사 ) 영광에서모싯잎떡을만드는사람들 Lamie leaf Halfmoon-shaped rice cake (Songpyeon) 광양섬진강クァンヤンソムジンがン재첩しじみ사단법인광양섬진강재첩생산자협의회 Marsh clam 29, 장성곶감 Jangseong Persimmon Dried Jangseong Gotgam 장성 チャンソン 곶감 干しがき 영농조합법인장성곶감 Persimmon Dried 금정산성막걸리 Geumjeong Sanseung Geumjeong Sanseung Makgeolli Makgeolli 금정산성 クムジョンさんソン 막걸리 マッコリ 사단법인금정산성문화체험촌 Makgeolli 추자도참굴비 Chujado Dried Yellow Dried Yellow Chujado Chamgulbi 추자도チュジャド참굴비チャムクルビ ( 干しイシモチ ) 사단법인추자도참굴비유통가공협의회 Corvina Corvina 진부당귀 Chinbu Angelica Gigas Angelica Gigas Chinbu Dangui 진부ジンブ당귀トーキ진부당귀생산자단체영농조합법인 Nakai Nakai 제천황기 Jecheon Milk Vetch Jecheon Hwang-gi 제천 チェチョン 황기 キバナオギの根 제천황기연합영농조합법인 Milk Vetch 5, 담양한과 Damyang Korean Snacks Damyang Hangwa 담양タミャン한과漢果담양한과영농조합법인 Korean Snacks 고흥석류 Goheung Pomegranate Goheung Seokryu 고흥コフン석류ザクロ고흥석류친환경영농조합법인 Pomegranate 진도개 Jindo Dog Jindo Gae 진도ジンド개いぬ보배섬진도개영농조합법인 Dog 광양백운산고사리 Gwangyang Baekwoonsan Fern Gwangyang Baekwoonsan Gosari 광양백운산クァンヤンペグンサン고사리ワラビ광양백운산고사리영농조합법인 Fern 29, 장수한우 Jangsu Korean Beef Jangsu Hanwoo 장수チャンス한우韓牛 ( かんこくざいらいしゅのうし ) 영농조합법인장수군한우클러스터사업단 Hanwoo(Korean 29 beef) 129 광산우리밀 Gwangsan Korean Wheat Gwangsan Woorimil 광산クァンサン우리밀かんこくのムギ광주광산우리밀영농조합법인 Korean Wheat 30, 순천단감 Suncheon Sweet persimmon Suncheon Dan-gam 순천スンチョン단감きざわし생태수도순천단감영농조합법인 Sweet persimmon 광양백운산고로쇠 Gwangyang Baekwoonsan Acer mono sap Gwangyang Baekwoonsan Gorosoi 광양백운산クァンヤンペグンサン고로쇠いた - やかえでの藥水광양백운산고로쇠약수영농조합법인 Acer mono sap 부여밤 Buyeo Chestnut Buyeo Bam 부여プヨ밤くり부여밤연합회영농조합법인 Chestnut 하동섬진강재첩 Hadong Seomjingang Marsh clam Hadong Seomjingang Jaecheop 하동섬진강ハドンソムジンがン재첩しじみ하동섬진강재첩영어조합법인 Marsh clam 29, 의성흑마늘 Uiseong Black Garlic Uiseong Heukmaneul 의성ウィソン흑마늘くろニンニク사단법인의성흑마늘가공협회 Black Garlic 전주콩나물 Jeonju Bean Sprouts Jeonju Congnamul 전주チョンジュ콩나물まめもやし전주콩나물영농조합법인 Bean Sprouts 여수쥐포 Yeosu Dried filefish fillet Yeosu Jwipo 여수 ヨス 쥐포 カワハギの干物ひもの 사단법인여수쥐치포생산자협회 Dried filefish fillet 순천월등복숭아 Suncheon Woldeung Peach Suncheon Woldeung Boksunga 순천월등 スンチョンウォルドゥン 복숭아 岳山桃 순천월등복사골영농조합법인 Peach 거제유자 Geoje Citron Geoje Yuja 거제 コジェ 유자 ゆず 거제유자연구회영농조합법인 Citron 29, 담양창평쌀엿 Damyang Changpyeong Rice Damyang Changpyeong taffy Ssalyeot 담양창평 タミャンチャンピョン 쌀엿 こめあめ 사단법인담양창평쌀엿생산자협회 Rice taffy 풍기인견 Punggi Artificial silk Punggi Ingyeon 풍기 プンギ 인견 じんぞうけんし 사단법인풍기인견발전협의회 Artificial silk 24, 의성마늘 Uiseong Garlic Uiseong Maneul 의성 ウィソン 마늘 ニンニク 의성마늘생산자단체협의회영농조합법인 Garlic 강원고성명태 Gangwon Goeong Walleyed pollack Gangwon Goeong 강원고성 カンウォンコソン 명태 すけとうだら 사단법인강원고성명태생산자협회 Walleyed pollack 포항물회 Pohang Mulhoi Pohang Mulhoi 포항 ポハン 물회 刺身 사단법인포항물회연합회 Mulhoi 29 30

14 ( 大韓民国 ) 別紙 담양죽로차 147 의령망개떡 Damyang Bamboo Dew Green Tea Uiryeng Supplejack Rice Cake Damyang Jukrocha 담양タミャン죽로차竹露茶사단법인담양죽로차연합회 Uiryeng Manggae Dduck 의령ウィリョン망개떡ヨコグラノキ葉巻き餅사단법인의령망개떡협의회 Bamboo Dew Green Tea Supplejack Rice Cake * 8 foreign geographical indications are excluded in this matter.(reg. No. 19, 26, 28, 63, 64, 65, 105, 106) * 4 numbers are not valid.(reg. No. 80, 103, 131, 135) * 32 items are registrated newly(reg. No. 114 ~ 147)

15 Agro-livestock products Lists of GIs protected under the Agricultural Products Quality Control Act in Korea ( 大韓民国 ) 別紙 2 Reg. No. Registered mark in Korea Translation in English Transcription in English Geographical name in Korean (Transcription) Geographical name in Japanese (Transcription) Products/services in Korean (Translation) Products/services in Japanese (Translation) The holder of registered mark Products/Services in English 1 보성녹차 Boseong Green Tea Boseong Nokcha 보성ボソン녹차綠茶 ( りょくちゃ ) 영농조합법인보성녹차연합회 Green Tea 30 2 하동녹차 Hadong Green Tea Hadong Nokcha 하동 ハドン 녹차 綠茶 ( りょくちゃ ) 하동차영농조합법인 Green Tea 30 3 고창복분자주 Gochang Black Raspberry Wine Gochang Bokbunjaju 고창 ゴチャン 복분자주 トックリイチゴ酒 고창으뜸복분자주영농조합법인 Black Raspberry Wine 33 4 서산마늘 Seosan Garlic Seosan Maneul 서산ソサン마늘ニンニク서산마늘생산자단체협의회영농조합법인 Garlic 31 5 영양고춧가루 Yeongyang Red Pepper Powder Yeongyang Gochutgaru 영양ヨンヤン고춧가루トウガラシの粉영양고추영농조합법인 Red Pepper Powder 29, 30 6 의성마늘 Uiseong Garlic Uiseong Maneul 의성ウィソン마늘ニンニク의성마늘생산자단체협의회영농조합법인 Garlic 31 7 괴산고추 Goesan Red Pepper Dried Goesan Gochu 괴산クェサン고추とうがらし괴산고추영농조합법인 Red Pepper 29 Sunchang Traditional red Sunchang Jeontong Red Pepper 8 순창전통고추장순창スンチャン전통고추장伝統コチュジャン영농조합법인순창전통고추장연합회 30 pepper paste(kochujang) Gochujang Paste(Kochujang) Goesan Red Pepper 9 괴산고춧가루 Goesan Gochutgaru 괴산クェサン고춧가루トウガラシの粉괴산농업협동조합 Red Pepper Powder 30 Powder 10 성주참외 Seongju Melon Seongju Chamoe 성주ソンジュ참외うり성주참외생산자단체협의회영농조합법인 Melon 해남겨울배추 Haenam Korean Winter Cabbage Haenam Gyeoul Baechu 해남ヘナン겨울배추ふゆはくさい해남겨울배추생산자협의회영농조합법인 Korean Winter Cabbage 12 이천쌀 Icheon Rice Icheon Ssal 이천イチョン쌀こめ이천쌀사랑영농조합법인 Rice 30, 철원쌀 Cheorwon Rice Cheorwon Ssal 철원チョルウォン쌀こめ철원오대쌀생산자영농조합법인 Rice 30, 고흥유자 Goheung Citron Goheung Yuja 고흥コフン유자ゆず고흥유자연합회영농조합법인 Citron 홍천찰옥수수 Hongcheon Waxy Corn Hongcheon Chaloksusu 홍천ホンチョン찰옥수수ねばとうもろこし홍천찰옥수수영농조합법인 Waxy Corn 강화약쑥 Ganghwa Mugwort Ganghwa Yakssuk 강화カンファ약쑥モグサ강화군산림조합 Mugwort 횡성한우고기 Hoengseong Korean Beef Hoengseong Hanwoogogi 횡성フェンソン한우고기韓牛 ( かんこくざいらいしゅのうし ) 횡성축산업협동조합 Hanwoo(Korean beef) 제주돼지고기 Jeju Pork Jeju Dwaejigogi 제주チェジュ돼지고기豚肉 ( ぶたにく ) 사단법인제주수출육가공협회 Pork 고려홍삼 Korean Red Ginseng Goryeo Hongsam 고려コウリョ홍삼紅蔘 ( 사 ) 고려인삼연합회 Red Ginseng 고려백삼 Korean White Ginseng Goryeo Baeksam 고려コウリョ백삼白蔘 ( 사 ) 고려인삼연합회 White Ginseng 고려태극삼 Korean Taekuk Ginseng Goryeo Taekuksam 고려コウリョ태극삼太極蔘 ( 사 ) 고려인삼연합회 Taekuk Ginseng 안동포 Andong Hemp Cloth Andong Po 안동アンドン포ぬの안동포생산자영농조합법인 Hemp Cloth 충주사과 Chungju Apple Chungju Sagwa 충주チュンジュ사과リンゴ충주사과생산자단체협의회영농조합법인 Apple 밀양얼음골사과 Miryang Eoreumglol Apple Miryang Eoreumglol Sagwa 밀양 ミリャンオルムゴル 사과 リンゴ 얼음골영농조합법인 Apple 한산모시 Hansan Ramie Cloth Hansan Mosi 한산 ハンさん 모시 紵布 사단법인한산모시조합 Ramie Cloth(Mosi) 진도홍주 Jindo Hongju Jindo Hongju 진도ジンド홍주紅酒사단법인진도홍주연합회 Hongju(spirits) 정선황기 Jeongseon Milk Vetch Jeongseon Hwanggi 정선チョンソン황기キバナオギの根정선황기생산농업인영농조합법인 Milk Vetch 5, 남해마늘 Namhae Garlic Namhae Maneul 남해ナムヘ마늘ニンニク남해마늘생산자단체협의회영농조합법인 Garlic 단양마늘 Danyang Garlic Danyang Maneul 단양タニャン마늘ニンニク단양마늘동호회영농조합법인 Garlic 창녕양파 Changnyeong Onion Changnyeong Yangpa 창녕チャンニョン양파たま - ねぎ창녕명품양파영농조합법인 Onion 무안양파 Muan Onion Muan Yangpa 무안ムアン양파たま - ねぎ무안양파영농조합법인 Onion 여주쌀 Yeoju Rice Yeoju Ssal 여주ヨジュ쌀こめ ( 사 ) 여주쌀생산자협의회 Rice 30, 31 Class of products/s ervices 31

16 33 무안백련차 Muan White Lotus Tea Muan Baengnyeoncha 무안ムアン백련차白蓮茶연마을영농조합법인 White Lotus Tea 청송사과 Cheongsong Apple Cheongsong Sagwa 청송チョンソン사과リンゴ청송사과영농조합법인 Apple 고창복분자 Gochang BlackRaspberry Gochang Bokbunja 고창ゴチャン복분자ボップンジャ고창복분자연합회영농조합법인 Black Raspberry 광양매실 Gwangyang Plum Gwangyang Maesil 광양グァンヤン매실梅の実광양매실생산자단체영농조합법인 Plum 정선찰옥수수 Jeongseon Waxy Corn Jeongseon Chaloksusu 정선 ジャンソン 찰옥수수 ねばとうもろこし 정선찰옥수수영농조합법인 Waxy Corn 진부당귀 Chinbu Angelica Gigas Nakai Chinbu Dangui 진부 ジンブ 당귀 トーキ 진부당귀생산자단체영농조합법인 Angelica Gigas Nakai 5 39 고려수삼 Korean Fresh Ginseng Goryeo Susam 고려 コウリョ 수삼 水蔘 ( 사 ) 한국인삼생산자협의회 Fresh Ginseng 청양고추 Cheongyang Hot Pepper Cheongyang Gochu 청양 チョンヤン 고추 とうがらし 청양고추영농조합법인 Hot Pepper 29, 청양고춧가루 Cheongyang Hot Pepper Powder Cheongyang Gochutgaru 청양 チョンヤン 고춧가루 トウガラシの粉 청양농업협동조합법인 Hot Pepper Powder 해남고구마 Haenam Sweet Potato Haenam Goguma 해남 ヘナン 고구마 じゃがいも ( 사 ) 해남고구마생산자협회 Sweet Potato 영암무화과 Yeongam Fig Yeongam Muhwagwa 영암ヨンアム무화과いちじく영암무화과생산자단체영농조합법인 Fig 여주고구마 Yeoju Sweet potato Yeoju Goguma 여주ヨジュ고구마さつまいも여주고구마영농조합법인 Sweet Potato 보성삼베 Boseong Hemp Cloth Boseong Sambe 보성ボソン삼베あさ - ぬの보성전삼베영농조합법인 Hemp Cloth 함안수박 Haman Watermelon Haman Subak 함안ハマン수박すい - か함안수박영농조합법인 Watermelon 고려인삼제품 Korean Ginseng Products Goryeo Insamjepum 고려 コウリョ 인삼제품 人蔘製品 ( 사 ) 고려인삼연합회 Ginseng products 고려홍삼제품 Korean Red Ginseng Products Goryeo Hongsamjepum 고려 コウリョ 홍삼제품 紅蔘製品 ( 사 ) 고려인삼연합회 Ginseng products 군산찰쌀보리쌀 Gunsan Glutinous Barley Gunsan Chalssalborissal 군산 クンサン 찰쌀보리쌀 糯麦 ( モチムギ ) ( 사 ) 군산흰찰쌀보리생산자협회 Glutinous Barley 제주녹차 Jeju Green Tea Jeju Nokcha 제주チェジュ녹차綠茶 ( りょくちゃ ) ( 사 ) 제주녹차발전연구회 Green Tea 홍천한우 Hongcheon Korean Beef Hongcheon Hanwoo 홍천ホンチョン한우韓牛 ( かんこくざいらいしゅのうし ) 홍천축산업협동조합 Hanwoo(Korean beef) 영월고추 Yeongwol Red Pepper Yeongwol Gochu 영월ヨンウォル고추とうがらし영월고추영농조합법인 Red Pepper 29, 영천포도 Yeongcheon Grapes Yeongcheon Podo 영천ヨンチョン포도ブドウ사단법인영천포도생산자협회 Grapes 영주사과 Yeongju Apple Yeongju Sagwa 영주ヨンジュ사과リンゴ사단법인영주사과협회 Apple 서생간절곶배 Seosaengganjeolgot Pear Seosaengganjeolgot Bae 서생간절곶ソセンガンゼルゴッ배なし간절곶배영농조합법인 Pear 무주사과 Muju Apple Muju Sagwa 무주ムジュ사과リンゴ무주과수영농조합법인 Apple 함평한우 Hampyeong Korean Beef Hampyeong Hanwoo 함평ハムピョン한우韓牛 ( かんこくざいらいしゅのうし ) 함평축산업협동조합 Hanwoo(Korean beef) 삼척마늘 Samcheok Garlic Samcheok Maneul 삼척サムチョク마늘ニンニク삼척마늘생산자영농조합법인 Garlic 김천자두 Gimcheon Plum Gimcheon Jadoo 김천キムチョン자두スモモ사단법인김천자두협회 Plum 영동포도 Yeongdong Grape Youngdong Podo 영동ヨンドン포도ブドウ사단법인영동포도연합회 Grape 진도대파 Jindo Welsh Onion Jindo Daepa 진도ジンド대파青ネギ사단법인진도대파생산자단체협의회 Welsh onion 김천포도 Gimcheon Grape Gimcheon podo 김천キムチョン포도ブドウ김천포도영농조합법인 Grape 원주치악산복숭아 Wonju Chiaksan Peach Wonju Chiaksan Boksunga 원주치악산 ウォンジュチアクサン 복숭아 岳山桃 원주치악산복숭아생산자단체영농조합법인 Peach 29, 영월고춧가루 Yeongwol Red Pepper Powder Yeongwol Gochutgaru 영월 ヨンウォル 고춧가루 トウガラシの粉 영월고추영농조합법인 Red Pepper Powder 영광찰쌀보리쌀 Yeonggwang Glutinous Yeonggwang Barley Chalssalborissal 영광 ヨングァン 찰쌀보리쌀 白もち麦米 사단법인영광군찰쌀보리연합회 Glutinous Barley 예산사과 Yesan Apple Yesan Sagwa 예산 イェサン 사과 リンゴ 사단법인예산황토사과연합회 Apple 31 Yeosu Dolsan leaf 67 여수돌산갓 Yeosu Dolsangot 여수돌산ヨスドルサン갓からし菜여수시돌산갓영농조합법인 Leaf mustard 30 mustard Yeosu Dolsan leaf Leaf mustard 68 여수돌산갓김치 Yeosu Dolsangot Kimchi 여수돌산ヨスドルサン갓김치からし菜キムチ ( 사 ) 여수돌산갓김치생산자연합회 30 mustard Kimchi Kimchi 69 청도한재미나리 Cheongdo Hanjae water Parsley Cheonghdo Hanjae Minari 청도한재 チョンドハンジェ 미나리 芹 ( せり ) ( 사 ) 청도한재미나리생산자연합회 Water Parsley 담양딸기 Damyang strawberry Damyang ttalgi 담양 タミャン 딸기 イチゴ 담양딸기영농조합법인 Strawberry 보성웅치올벼쌀 Boseong Ungchi Early Ripening Rice Boseong Ungchi Olbyeossal 보성웅치ポソンウンチ올벼쌀早稲米보성농협웅치지점 Early Ripening Rice ( 大韓民国 ) 別紙 2 30

17 72 사천풋마늘 Sacheon Green Garlic Sacheon Put Maneul 사천サチョン풋마늘浦ニンニク사천풋마늘영농조합법인 Green Galic 고령수박 Goryeong Watermelon Goryung Subak 고령コリョン수박スイカ동고령농업협동조합 Watermelon 31 Uiryeng Supplejack Rice Supplejack 74 의령망개떡 Uiryeng Manggae Dduck 의령ウィリョン망개떡ヨコグラノキ葉巻き餅 ( 사 ) 의령망개떡협의회 30 Cake Rice Cake Gangneung Korean 75 강릉한과 Gangneung Hangwa 강릉カンヌン한과漢果강릉한과영농조합법인 Korean Snacks 30 Snacks 76 금산깻잎 Geumsan Sesame Leaf Geusan ggatnip 금산クムサン깻잎ゴマの葉금산깻잎영농조합법인 Sesame Leaf 괴산찰옥수수 Goesan Waxy Corn Goesan Chaloksusu 괴산クェサン찰옥수수ねばとうもろこし괴산대학찰옥수수영농조합법인 Waxy Corn 인제콩 Inje Bean Inje Cong 인제インジ콩ビーン인제콩영농조합법인 Bean 김포쌀 Gimpo Rice Gimpo Ssal 김포 キンポ 쌀 こめ ( 사 ) 김포금쌀사랑회 Rice 30, 영광한우 Yeonggwang Korean Beef Yeonggwang Hanwoo 영광 ヨングァン 한우 韓牛 ( かんこくざいらいしゅのうし ) 영광축산업협동조합 Hanwoo(Korean beef) 나주배 Naju Pear Naju Bae 나주 ナジュ 배 梨 나주배지리적표시영농조합법인 Pear 창녕마늘 Changnyeong Garlic Changnyeong Maneul 창녕チャンニョン마늘ニンニク창녕마늘영농조합법인 Garlic 31 * 23 lists overlapped in the Trademark Act and the Agricultural Products Quality Control Act(No : 1, 3, 6, 14, 18, 25, 26, 36, 38, 43, 46, 49, 53, 54, 56, 58, 61, 66, 69, 74, 75, 76, 77) * 2 items are canceled.(reg. No. 4, 44) * 8 items are registrated newly(reg. No. 75~82) Forest products ( 大韓民国 ) 別紙 2 Reg. No. Registered mark in Korea Translation in English Transcription in English Geographical name in Korean (Transcription) Geographical name in Japanese (Transcription) Products/services in Korean (Translation) Products/services in Japanese (Translation) The holder of registered mark Products/Services in English Yangyang Pinemushroom Oak- 1 양양송이버섯 Yangyang Songibeoseot 양양ヤンヤン송이버섯まつたけ양양송이영농조합법인 Pine-mushroom Jangheung 2 장흥표고버섯 Jangheung Pyogobeoseot 장흥チャンフン표고버섯しいたけ정남진장흥표고버섯연합회 Oak-mushroom 29, 31 mushroom Sancheong Persimmon 3 산청곶감 Sancheong Gotgam 산청サンチョン곶감干しがき산청군농업협동조합 Persimmon Dried 29 Dried 4 정안밤 Jeongan Chestnut Jeongan Bam 정안 ジョンアン 밤 くり 정안밤생산자영농조합법인 Chestnut 31 5 울릉도삼나물 Ulleungdo Wild Vegetable Ulleungdo Samnamul 울릉도 ウルルンド 삼나물 サムナムル ( 山菜 ) 울릉농업협동조합 Wild Vegetable 30 6 울릉도미역취 Ulleungdo Golden rod Ulleungdo Miyeokchwi 울릉도 ウルルンド 미역취 アキノキリンソウ ( 山菜 ) 울릉농업협동조합 Golden rod 30 7 울릉도참고비 Ulleungdo Fern Ulleungdo Chamgobi 울릉도 ウルルンド 참고비 ゼンマイ ( 山菜 ) 울릉농업협동조합 Fern 30 8 울릉도부지갱이 Ulleungdo Wild Vegetable Ulleungdo Bujigaengi 울릉도 ウルルンド 부지갱이 ブジケンイ ( 山菜 ) 울릉농업협동조합 Wild Vegetable 30 9 경산대추 Gyeongsan Jujube Gyeongsan Daechu 경산 キョンサン 대추 なつめ 경산대추생산자단체협의회영농조합법인 Jujube(Date) 봉화송이 Bonghwa Pine-mushroom Bonghwa Songi 봉화 ボンファ 송이 まつたけ 봉화군산림조합 Pine-mushroom 청양구기자 Cheongyang Wolfberry Cheongyang Gugija 청양 チョンヤン 구기자 クコの実 청양구기자생산자영농조합법인 Wolfberry 상주곶감 Sangju Persimmon Dried Sangju Gotgam 상주 サンジュ 곶감 干しがき 상주곶감발전연합회영농조합법인 Persimmon Dried 남해창선고사리 Namhae Changsun Fern Namhae Changsun Gosari 남해창선 ナムヘチャンソン 고사리 ワラビ 창선농업협동조합 Fern 29, 영덕송이 Yeongdeok Pinemushroom Yeongdeok Songi 영덕 ヨンドク 송이 まつたけ 영덕군산림조합 Pine-mushroom 구례산수유 Gurye Corni Fructus Gurye Sansuyu 구례 クレ 산수유 さん-しゅゆ 구례산수유영농조합법인 Corni fructus 광양백운산고로 Gwangyang Baekwnsan Gwangyang baekwnsan 쇠 ( 수액 ) Acer mono sap Gorosoe 광양백운산 クァニャンペクウンサン 고로쇠수액 いた-やかえでの藥水 광양백운산고로쇠약수영농조합법인 Acer mono Sap 영암대봉감 Yeongam Daebong Persimmon Yeongam Daebong Gam 영암 ヨンアム 대봉감 大奉かき 영암대봉감생산자단체영농조합법인 Daebong Persimmon 천안호두 Cheonan Walnut Cheonan Hodu 천안 チョンアン 호두 くるみ 천안명물호두생산자협회영농조합법인 Walnut 문경오미자 Mungyeong Schisandra chinensis Mungyeong Omija 문경ムンギョン오미자ごみし사단법인문경오미자생산자협회 Omija(Schisandra chinensis) Class of products/s ervices 30

18 20 무주머루 Muju Wild Grape Muju Meoru 무주 ムジュ 머루 やま 무주머루영농조합법인 Wild Grape(Vitis coignetiae) 울진송이 Uljin Pine-mushroom Uljin Songibeoseot 울진 ウルジン 송이 まつたけ 울진군산림조합 Pine-mushroom 횡성더덕 Heongseong Deodeok Heongseong Deodeok 횡성 フェンソン 더덕 蔓人参 횡성군더덕연합영농조합법인 Deodeok(Codonopsis lanceolata) 악양대봉감 Agyang Daebong Persimmon Agyang Daebong Gam 악양 アクヤン 대봉감 大奉かき 악양대봉감영농조합법인 Daebong Persimmon 영동곶감 Yeongdong Persimmon Dried Yeongdong Gotgam 영동 ヨンドン 곶감 干しがき 영농조합법인영동곶감연합회 Persimmon Dried 가평잣 Gapyeong Korean Pine nuts Gapyeong jat 가평 カピョン 잣 まつの実み 사단법인가평잣협회 Pine nuts 29,31 26 홍천잣 Hongcheon pine nuts Hongcheon jat 홍천 ホンチョン 잣 まつの実み 홍천군산림조합 Pine nuts 29,31 27 보은대추 Boeun Jujube Boeun Daechoo 보은ボウン대추なつめ사단법인보은군황토대추연합회 Jujube 29 Cheongdo Seedless Flat Seedless Flat 28 청도반시 Cheongdo Bansi 청도チョンド반시盤柿 ( 平たい甘柿 ) 사단법인청도반시생산자협회 29 Persimmon Persimmon Jeongseon Cirsium 29 정선곤드레 Jeongseon Gondre 정선チョンソン곤드레アザミ정선곤드레생산자단체영농조합법인 Cirsium setidens 30 setidens Geoje Maengjong Mangjong 30 거제맹종죽순 Guje Mangjong Juksun 거제コジェ맹종죽순孟宗竹거제맹종죽영농조합법인 30 bamboo shoot Bamboo Shoot 31 태백곰취 Taebaek Edible Greens Taeback Komchwi 태백タェベッ곰취オタカラコウ태백곰취영농조합법인 Gomchi 인제곰취 Inje Edible Greens Inje Komchwi 인제インジ곰취オタカラコウ인제山곰취생산자연합회영농조합법인 Gomchi 덕유산고로쇠수액 Deogyusan Painted Maple Sap Duckyusan Gorosoi Suaeck 덕유산ドゥユサン고로쇠수액いた - やかえでの藥水덕유산고로쇠영농조합법인 Painted Maple Sap 진도구기자 Jindo Matrimony Vine Jindo Gukijai 진도ジンド구기자クコの実사단법인진도구기자생산자단체협의회 35 횡성참숯 Hoengseong charcoal(hardwood charcoal) Hoengseong Chamsoot 횡성フェンソン참숯堅炭횡성태양참숯영농조합법인 36 담양죽순 Damyang Bamboo Shoot Damyang Jucksoon 담양タミャン죽순竹の子사단법인담양죽순생산자단체협의회 Bamboo Shoot 무주머루와인 Muju Wild Grape Wine Muju Muroo Wine 무주ムジュ머루와인山葡萄ワイン사단법인무주머루와인생산자협회 Wild Grap Wine 충주밤 Chungju Chestnut Chungju Bam 충주 チュンジュ 밤 くり 사단법인충주밤생산자연합회 Chestnut 함양곶감 Hamyang Persimmon Dried Hamyang Gotgam 함양 ハムヤン 곶감 干しがき 함양곶감영농조합법인 Persimmon Dried 울릉도우산고로 Ulleungdo Usan Acer Ulleungdo Usan Gorosoi 쇠수액 mono sap Suaeck 울릉도 ウルルンド 고로쇠수액 いた-やかえでの藥水 울릉군산림조합 Acer mono sap 강릉개두릅 Gangneung Kalopanax Sprouts Gangneung Gaedureup 강릉 カンヌン 개두릅 ( 음나무새순 ) ハリギリのわかめ 강릉개두릅생산자협회영농조합법인 Kalopanax Sprouts 29, 31 * 14 lists overlapped in the trademark Act and the Agricultural products Quality Control Act(No : 1, 2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 37) * 5 items are registrated newly(reg. No. 37~41) Marine products Matrimony Vine Hardwood Charcoal ( 大韓民国 ) 別紙 Reg. No. Registered mark in Korea Translation in English Transcription in English Geographical name in Korean (Transcription) Geographical name in Japanese (Transcription) Products/services in Korean (Translation) Products/services in Japanese (Translation) The holder of registered mark Products/Services in English 1 보성벌교꼬막 Boseong Beolgyo Live Grannuar Ark Boseong Beolgyo Ggomak 보성벌교 ボソンボルギョ 꼬막 かい 보성벌교꼬막영어조합법인 Live Grannuar Ark 29, 31 2 완도전복 Wando Abalone Wando Jeonbok 완도 ワンド 전복 アワビ 사 ) 완도전복생산자협회 Abalone 29, 31 3 완도미역 Wando Sea mustard Wando Miyeok 완도 ワンド 미역 ワカメ 사 ) 완도군미역협회 Sea mustard 29, 31 4 완도다시마 Wando Sea tangle Wando Dasima 완도 ワンド 다시마 コンブ 사 ) 완도군다시마생산자협회 Sea tangle 29, 31 5 기장미역 Gijang Sea mustard Gijang Miyeok 기장 キジャン 미역 ワカメ 기장해조류연합회영어조합법인 Sea mustard 29, 31 Class of products/s ervices

19 6 기장다시마 Gijang Sea tangle Gijang Dasima 기장キジャン다시마コンブ기장해조류연합회영어조합법인 Sea tangle 29, 31 7 장흥키조개 Jangheung Live Pen Shell Jangheung Kijogae 장흥チャンフン키조개タイラギ정남진장흥키조개영어조합법인 Live Pen Shell 29, 31 8 완도김 Wando Laver Wando Gim 완도ワンド김海苔완도군김영어조합법인 Laver 29, 31 9 완도넙치 Wando Flatfish Wando Nupchi 완도ワンド넙치ヒラメ완도군넙치영어조합법인 Flat Fish 29, 장흥김 Jagnheung Laver Jangheung gim 장흥 チャンフン 김 海苔 사 ) 장흥무산김생산자협회 Laver 29, 장흥매생이 Jagnheung Seaweed Fulvescens Jangheung Maesangi 장흥 チャンフン 매생이 メセンイ 사 ) 정남진장흥매생이생산자협의회 Seaweed Fulvescens 29, 여수굴 Yeosu Oyster Yeosu Gul 여수 ヨス 굴 カキ 여수굴생산자단체영어조합법인 Oyster 29, ( 大韓民国 ) 別紙 2 * 7 lists overlapped in the trademark Act and the Agricultural products Quality Control Act(No : 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9) * 2 items are registrated newly(reg. No. 11, 12)

20 Reference 3 Agreements between Governments Abroad and Japan (Republic of Chile) The list in the Appendix provided at the end of this Manual shows the indications stipulated in Annex 15 of the Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Chile for a Strategic Economic Partnership (Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and Chile) enforced on September 3, 2007, which are geographical indications for wines and spirits protected by Article 163 of the Agreement. Reference: Excerpts from the Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Chile for a Strategic Economic Partnership Article 163 Geographical indications 1. The Parties agree that indications for wines and spirits listed in Annex 15 are geographical indications referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the TRIPS Agreement, and shall abide by the obligations under the relevant provisions of the TRIPS Agreement with respect to the protection of geographical indications.


22 Reference 4 Agreements between Governments Abroad and Japan (United Mexican States) 1. The list in the Appendix provided at the end of this Manual shows the indications stipulated in Annex 3 of Agreement between Japan and the United Mexican States for the Strengthening of the Economic Partnership (Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and Mexico) enforced on April 1, 2005, which are geographical indications of spirits protected by Article 8 of the Agreement. Reference: Excerpts from Agreement between Japan and the United Mexican States for the Strengthening of the Economic Partnership Article 8 Protection of Geographical Indications for Spirits 1. The Parties agree that indications for spirits listed in Annex 3 are geographical indications referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in Annex 1C to the WTO Agreement, as may be amended, and shall abide by the obligations under the relevant provisions of the said Agreement with respect to the protection of geographical indications, and for this purpose, they shall take appropriate measures to prohibit the use of any geographical indications listed in Annex 3 for spirits not originating in the place indicated by the respective geographical indication.


24 Reference 5 Agreements between Governments Abroad and Japan (Republic of Peru) The list in the Appendix provided at the end of this Manual shows the indications stipulated in Annex 15 of the Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Peru for an Economic Partnership (Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and Peru) enforced on March 1, 2012, which are geographical indications for wines and spirits protected by Article 177 of the Agreement. Reference: Excerpts from the Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Peru for an Economic Partnership Article 177 Geographical Indications 1. geographical indications shall have the same meaning as in paragraph 1 of Article 2 2 of the TRIPS Agreement. Nonetheless, nothing in this Agreement shall require a Party to amend its laws and regulations on the protection of geographical indications or on t he protection of appellations of origin which are consistent with the TRIPS Agreement. 2. Each Party shall ensure adequate and effective protection to geographical indications, in accordance with the TRIPS Agreement and in the manner set out in its laws and regulations. 3. Each of the indication(s) for wines and spirits listed in paragraph 1 of Annex 10 ide ntifies a good as originating in Japan where a given quality, reputation or other characte ristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin and is protected as a geographical indication within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the TRIP S Agreement under the laws and regulations of Japan. Peru agrees that each of the indi cation(s) listed in paragraph 1 of Annex 10 is a geographical indication within the mea ning of paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the TRIPS Agreement and as such is qualified for protection as a geographical indication in Peru subject to provisions in Section 3 of Pa rt II of the TRIPS Agreement and to Peru s domestic laws and regulations. 4. Each of the indication(s) for wines and spirits listed in paragraph 2 of Annex 10 ide ntifies a good as originating in Peru where a given quality, reputation or other character istic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin and is protected as a geographical indication within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the TRIPS

25 Agreement under the laws and regulations of Peru. Japan agrees that each of the indic ation(s) listed in paragraph 2 of Annex 10 is a geographical indication within the meani ng of paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the TRIPS Agreement and as such is qualified for protection as a geographical indication in Japan subject to provisions in Section 3 of Pa rt II of the TRIPS Agreement and to Japan s domestic laws and regulations. 5. Subject to consultations and by mutual consent, the Parties may modify Annex 10 as to geographical indications of the Parties to be protected under this Article. Such modi fications shall be confirmed by an exchange of diplomatic notes. Annex 10 referred to in Chapter 11 Geographical Indications for Wines and Spirits 1. With respect to Japan: Iki, Kuma, Ryukyu and Satsuma for spirits, as specified in ac cordance with the laws and regulations of Japan. 2. With respect to Peru: Pisco Perú (Pisco Peru) for spirits, as specified in accordance with the laws and regulations of Peru.


SECTION B: GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS OF KOREA No. Name to be protected Product 1 보성녹차 (Boseong Green Tea) Green Tea Transcription into Latin alphabet B

SECTION B: GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS OF KOREA No. Name to be protected Product 1 보성녹차 (Boseong Green Tea) Green Tea Transcription into Latin alphabet B ANNEX 17A GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS SECTION A: GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS OF PERU No. Name to be protected Product 1 Pisco Perú (Pisco Peru) Spirit 2 Cerámica de Chulucanas (Chulucanas Pottery) Pottery 3

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SECCIÓN B: INDICACIONES GEOGRÁFICAS DE COREA No. Reg. Nombre a ser protegido Producto Transcripción al alfabeto Latino 1 보성녹차 (Boseong Green Tea) Té V

SECCIÓN B: INDICACIONES GEOGRÁFICAS DE COREA No. Reg. Nombre a ser protegido Producto Transcripción al alfabeto Latino 1 보성녹차 (Boseong Green Tea) Té V ANEXO 17A: INDICACIONES GEOGRÁFICAS SECCIÓN A: INDICACIONES GEOGRÁFICAS DE PERÚ No. Nombre a ser protegido Producto 1 Pisco Perú Bebida Espirituosa 2 Chulucanas Artesanía 3 Maíz Blanco Gigante Cusco Maíz

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