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1 대한내과학회지 : 제 73 권제 5 호 2007 종 설 청소년급성림프구성백혈병 전남대학교의과대학내과학교실 김형준 =Abstract= Adolescents and young adults (AYA) with acute lymphoblastic leukemia Hyeoung-Joon Kim, M.D., PhD Department of Hemato-Oncology, Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwang-ju, Korea Adolescents and young adults (AYA) with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) constitute a distinct population from children and older adults. However, AYA represent a minority of patients enrolled onto either adult or pediatric clinical trials. As a result, little information is available regarding complete remission (CR), event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) rates for this age group, and the appropriate treatment regimen for this group of patients remains elusive. A systematic review of all published clinical trials, which provide data on treatment and outcome of AYA with ALL, has been summarized in an effort to determine whether they should be treated on pediatric or adult protocols. AYA with ALL have far superior outcomes when treated on more intensive pediatric regimens and are required specific collaborative trials in order to optimize and improved outcomes.(korean J Med 73: , 2007) Key Words : Adolescents and young adults (AYA), Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) 환자의나이는급성백혈병치료에있어중요한치료관련예후인자로알려져있다. 또한, 성인과소아에서발생되는급성백혈병의임상적양상및치료반응에차이가있어소아에서는급성림프구성백혈병이호발하며성인에서는급성골수구성백혈병의빈도가더많은것으로보고되었다. 성인급성림프구성백혈병의무사고생존율은 (event-free survival) 40% 미만이데반해 10세미만소아급성림프구성백혈병의무사고생존율은 80% 에준한다 1-3). 그러나이러한소아의치료성적이청소년, adolescents and young adults (AYA) 시기에발생된급성림프구성백혈병의치료성적으로이어지지는못하고있다. 특히, 급성림프구성백혈병치료방침에서청소년이란연령의특성상, 성인의치료방침 (adult protocol) 에따라치료한환자와소아의치료방침 (pediatric protocol) 에따라치료한환자의치료결과에서도차이를보일수있 다. 청소년급성림프구성백혈병에대한치료성적에대하여 1983년에서 1989년까지 Children's Cancer Group (CCG) ALL trials의 6년무사고생존율 59%, 이후 Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) 및 UKALL X and Xa trials 등에의해 15세에서 21세사이의연령에대한치료성적및임상적특성에대한연구결과가보고되었다 1, 3). 이에본논문에서는청소년급성림프구성백혈병을대상으로생물학적및임상적특징과성인과소아치료방침에따른치료결과의차이를분석하였다. 청소년급성림프구성백혈병에대한연령의정의청소년백혈병에대한연령의정의는명확한연령기준은없으나소아치료방침과성인치료방침의치료를받은환자의분석을위하여 15세에서 21세사이를기준으
2 -The Korean Journal of Medicine : Vol. 73, No. 5, Table 1. Prognostic factors in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) Leukemic Subtype Favorable Prognostic Factors Unfavorable Prognostic Factors B cell precursor T cell Hyperdiploidy TEL-AML1 fusion Trisomies 4,10, and 17 HOX11 overexpression t(11;19) with MLL-ENL fusion Poor early response MLL rearrangement in infants Philadelphia chromosome Leukocyte count > /L Age > 10 years at diagnosis Poor early response Low dose-intensity chemotherapy 로하였는데, 이는성인치료방침에서의최소연령기준이 15세까지였고, 소아치료방침의최고연령기준이 21세까지로구성되어있기때문이다. 청소년급성림프구성백혈병의임상적및생물학적특성청소년급성림프구성백혈병중 T-세포림프구성백혈병의발생빈도는 23.2% 로보고되며높은백혈구수치 (> /L) 와헤모글로빈수치 (>11 g) 를보이는반면, 소아에서흔히보이는간비종대나림프선증대소견등은보이지않는것으로보고된다. 급성림프구성백혈병의다양한임상경과는염색체이상과연관된백혈병세포의약제민감성과약제내성과연관되어진다. Pre-B 세포급성림프구성백혈병에서좋은예후를보이는염색체이상은 hyperdiploidy (>50 chromosomes) 과 TEL-AML1 fusion 이며, MLL rearrragnement나필라델피아염색체등은불량예후인자로알려져있다 ( 표 1). Medical Research Council (MRC) 분석에따르면, 16-21세의급성림프구성백혈병에서 t(9;22) 염색체이상 (Ph+) 의빈도는 7.5% 로 1~9세의 1.3% 와 1 0~19세의 3.4% 에비해연령이증가할수록빈도가증가됨을보였고, 반면에소아에서흔히관찰되는 t(12;21) 및 hyperdiploidy 의염색체이상빈도는매우낮은것으로분석되었다 4, 5). 또한, 연령의증가에따른백혈병세포의약제저항의빈도는증가되어지고항암제의약동학적유효성은감소하게된다. 백혈병치료에대한반응은백혈병세포의유전학적특징과환자의약물유전학적요인에의해결정되며이는환자의중요한예후인자로작용한다 6). 환자의골수내미세잔존질환 (minimal residual disease) 의측정은백혈병세포의면역표현형에따른유세포분석 (flow cytometry) 및 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 분석을이용하여시행할수있으며이는골수내형태학적검사보다더욱민감하고특이적으로질환을추적관찰할수있다. 특히, 관해유도치료가종료된환자에서형태학적및분자생물학적관해 (leukemic involvement of <0.01% nucleated bone marrow) 를획득한환자에서그렇지못한환자보다우월한치료성적을보여줌을알수있다. 또한, 형태학적관해를이룬환자에서도미세잔존질환의수치가관해유도치료종료후 1% 이상으로유지되는경우높은재발율을보이며동종조혈모세포이식술의적응을고려할수있다. 이러한미세잔존질환 (MRD) 의측정을통해치료위험군의분류를시행하고, 각각의위험군에따른치료방침을정함으로써환자의치료경과를향상시킬수있다 4). 급성림프구성백혈병환자에서는중추신경계재발을방지하기위한치료 (CNS-directed therapy) 가필요하며두개방사선치료 (cranial irradiation) 나척수강내항암치료 (intrathecal chemotherapy) 를시행하고있다. 중추신경계재발의고위험환자로는 Ph+ 급성림프구성백혈병을포함한고위험유전학적소견을가진환자나 T-세포급성림프구성백혈병, 많은백혈병세포의증식소견 ( 백혈구수치 > /L), 남성인경우, 그리고진단당시뇌척수액내백혈병세포의침윤을보인경우등을들수있다 7). 청소년급성림프구성백혈병의치료방침에따른치료성적급성림프구성백혈병에서연령의증가에따른생물학적차이는명확하게차이가나며연령에따른치료결과의차이는 1~5세연령대의무사고생존율은 80% 에달하나 15~19세사이의연령대는무사고생존율이 60% 로감소되고성인에이르러서는 40% 까지감소된다. 급성림프구성백혈병환자에서가장중요한예후인자로생각되
3 - Hyeoung-Joon Kim : Adolescents and young adults (AYA) with acute lymphoblastic leukemia - Figure 1. The event-free survival (EFS) of young adults ages with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) treated on CCG and CALGB trials from (Reprinted from Blood. 2000;96:467a) 어지는것은백혈병세포의유전학적및분자생물학적특성으로결정된다. 염색체이상들에따른연령에따른빈도와치료결과는표 2에정리되었으며가장중요한염색체이상은 Ph+ 염색체이상이다. Ph+ 급성림프구성백혈병의빈도는연령에비례하고치료의성적또한매우불량하다. 대표적인성인치료방침으로 MD Anderson Cancer Center에서보고한 Hyper-CVAD 항암치료법은 30세미만의환자에서관해율은 98% 및 5년무질환생존율 (disease-free survival) 과전체생존율은 54% 로 30 49세환자군의관해율 89% 와전체생존율 42% 에비해매우좋은성적을보고하고있다 8, 9). 이러한성인치료방침의항암치료는대부분 15세이상을대상으로하고있으며 79세까지의고연령환자도대상으로포함하고있다. 젊은연령층의전체생존율이고연령층의환자보다월등히높음을보였지만, 이연구의제한점은똑같은치료방법으로젊은연령을치료하는것보다젊은연령층에서치료의강도를강화시킴으로서더욱향상된치료결과가도출될수있음을배제할수없다. 또한, 다양한성인치료방침에서개개항암치료제의역할이명확히규명되어지지않은반면, 소아치료방침에서는중추신경계재발의방지에 dexamethasone 이 prednisolone보다우월하게작용하고, 비골수억제항암제 (vincristine, corticosteroids, L-asparaginase) 의용량강화를통한치료가청소년급성림프구성백혈병의전체생존율을증가시킨다는연구등이규명되어있다 2, 10, 11). 성인치료방침에따른청소년급성림프구성백혈병의치료의성적은구체적으로언급된보고는없으며, 대부분 15~30세사이의연령에대한치료결과가보고되었다. 후향적치료성적보고로서 French ALL cooperative group (FRALLE) 93 소아치료방침군과 Leucemie Aigue Lymphoblastique de L' Adulte (LALA) 94 성인치료방침군의비교에따르면소아의치료방침에따라치료한군에서보다좋은치료성적을보고하였다 12). FRALLE93 치료방침은 LALA94와비교하여 20배의 asparaginase 및 5배의 prednisolone을사용하였고, anthracyclines의치료용량도성인에비해많았었다. 항암치료후관해율 (remission rate) 에서소아치료방침으로치료한군이높았으며, 다변량분석 (multivariate analysis) 에서도진단당시의백혈구수치 (> /L) 와치료방침의차이가통계적으로유의한인자로분석되었다. 또한 Dutch-Belgian Haemato-Oncology Cooperative Study Group (HOVON) 연구에서도소아치료방침으로치료한청소년급성림프구성백혈병환자에서높은무사고생존율과낮은재발율 (25% vs 55%) 이관찰되었으며이연구에서도 asparaginase와 vincristine 등의항암제치료용량이소아치료방침에서훨씬더많이사용되었다 13). 성인치료방침에따른항암제구성은 vincristine, prednisolone, daunorubicin, cyclophosphamide 및 L-asparaginase 로구성되었으며중추신경계예방치료를동반하였다. 또한, 관해유도후조직적합항원이일치하는공여자가있을경우동종조혈모세포이식술을시행하였고이식의공여자가없는경우, 자가조혈모세포이식술이나공고항암요법을지속하는방침으로치료하였다. CALGB와 Children s Cancer Group (CCG) 의보고에의하면, 1988년에서 1998년까지 10년동안 16~21세의급성림프구성백혈병환자 103명과 196명을대상으로비교대조분석을시행한바, 양군간의연령, 성비, 면역학적표현형, 백혈구수치및염색체이상은일치하였으며, 완전관해율에서도 CCG 96% 와 CALGB 93% 로유사한소견을나타냈다. 그러나 6년무사고생존율에서 CCG 군에서는 64% 였으나 CALGB군에서는 38% 로소아치료군인 CCG 치료성적이우월한비슷한연구결과를보고하였다 14) ( 그림 1). 또한소아와성인치료방침에서항암제치료용량의차이를없애고같은치료방법을통한연령의차이에따른 UKALL X (14세미만소아 ) 및 UKALL Xa (15세이상청소년 ) 의분석에따르면, 10~14세의 5년무질환생존율
4 - 대한내과학회지 : 제 73 권제 5 호통권제 567 호 Table 2. Comparison of adolescent/young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) on pediatric versus adult clinical trials Cooperative Group/Study Period No. of Patients CR (%), 5-year EFS (%), 5-year North America Age of patients (yrs): CCG 1882 (peds) * CALGB (adult) * French Age of patients (yrs): FRALLE-93 (peds) LALA-94 (adult) Dutch Age of patients (yrs): DCOG ALL (peds) yrs HOVON (adult) yrs yrs Italian , Age of patients (yrs): AIEOP (peds) GIMEMA (adults) * 6-year EFS, DFS CR, complete remission; EFS, event-free survival; DFS, disease-free survival (Reprinted from Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2005) 은 49% 였으나 15~19세의 5년무질환생존율은 (DFS) 35% 로연령의차이가중요한예후인자로작용함을보여주었다 1). 결론결론적으로청소년급성림프구성백혈병은소아에비해높은빈도의 T세포면역형과 t(9;22) 염색체이상및높은빈도의나쁜염색체예후인자발현과낮은빈도의림프종형태의임상양상을보임으로써소아와다른임상결과를보이고있다. 또한, 성인과소아의치료방침에따른생존률과무사고생존률의차이는치료방침의항암제성분및용량의차이를보이고있으며성인치료방침에서는초기관해후동종또는자가조혈모세포이식술의적극적인도입에차이가있다. 그리고성인에서급성림프구성백혈병의발생빈도에비해소아의급성림프구성백혈병의빈도는매우높고성인에서의급성림프구성백혈병은매우다양한형태로나타나는특징을가지고있다. 이에향후소아및성인치료방침의적절한조합을통한청소년연령에맞는치료방침의제시와정확한치 료반응의평가를통한예후를판정하여개개의환자에게맞는치료방침의제시가필요할것으로사료된다. 중심단어 : 청소년급성림프구성백혈병, 성인및소아치료방침, 치료성적 REFERENCES 1) Chessells JM, Hall E, Prentice HG, Durrant J, Bailey CC, Richards SM. The impact of age on outcome in lymphoblastic leukaemia; MRC UKALL X and XA compared: a report from the MRC Paediatric and Adult Working Parties. Leukemia. 12: , ) Schrappe M, Reiter A, Ludwig WD, Harbott, J., Zimmermann, M., Hiddemann, W., Niemeyer, C., Henze, G., Feldges, Z., Zintle, F., Kornhuber, B., Ritter, J., Welte, K., Gadner, H. Riehm. H. Improved outcome in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia despite reduced use of anthracyclines and cranial radiotherapy: results of trial ALL-BFM 90. German- Austrian-Swiss ALL-BFM Study Group. Blood. 95: , ) Gaynon PS, Trigg ME, Heerema NA, Sensel, MG,
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비인강암의방사선치료결과및생존율에관한예후인자분석 2005 2 1 2005 3 28. :, Tel: 053)250-7665, Fax: 053)250-7984 E-mail: jhkim@dsmc.or.kr 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 Carcinoma of the nasopharynx treated by radiotherapy
소아급성림프구성백혈병의관해유도에있어프레드니솔론이완전관해율및합병증의발생에미치는영향 - 덱사메타손과의비교 가톨릭대학교의과대학소아과학교실 김민성ㆍ김명현ㆍ이재욱ㆍ장필상ㆍ정낙균ㆍ조빈ㆍ정대철ㆍ김학기 Potential Benefits of Prednisolone Administration Compared to Dexamethasone During Remission Induction
Expression of bcl-2 and Apoptosis and Its Relationship to Clinicopathological Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer - A Study with Long Term Follow-up correlated with the survival rate.(journal of Korean
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Special Issue Diabetic Retinopathy Won Ki Lee, M.D. Department of Ophthalmology The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Kangnam St. Mary s Hospital E mail : wklee@catholic.ac.kr Abstract R
Comparison of Laparoscopy and Exploration in the Distal Pancreatectomy BACKGROUND: To determine the benefits of laparoscopic surgery compared with exploration, the clinical outcomes of open and laparoscopic
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
고위험군유두상갑상선암환자에대한방사성옥소최대허용선량측정법및치료법의검증 Verification of Measurement Methods and Therapeutic Efficacy of Maximum Permissible Dose of I-131 in High Risk Patients with Differentiated Papillary Thyroid Cancer
기관고유연구사업결과보고 작성요령 2001 ~ 2004 2005 ~ 2007 2008 ~ 2010 2001 ~ 2004 2005 ~ 2007 2008 ~ 2010 1 2/3 2 1 0 2 3 52 0 31 83 12 6 3 21 593 404 304 1,301 4 3 1 8 159 191 116 466 6 11 (`1: (1: 16 33 44 106
경희대학교 동서신의학병원 약품 정보지 2 0 0 7. S P R I N G. V O L. 0 1 신약 소개 02 Journal Review 03 Special Subject 04 복약 지도 06 의약품 안전성 정보 07 약제부 알림 07 약제부 업무 소개 08 E A S T - W E S T N E O M E D I C A L C E N T E R 본 약품
Chromosomal Alterations in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines Detected by Comparative Genomic Hybridization Sang Jin Park 1, Mahn Joon Ha, Ph.D. 1, Hugh Chul Kim, M.D. 2 and Hyon Ju Kim, M.D. 1 1 Laboratory
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J KMA Special Issue Myelodysplastic Syndrome June Won Cheong, MD Yoo Hong Min, MD Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine E mail : jwcheong70@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr minbrmmd@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
레이아웃 1
대한위장관기질종양연구회 01 GIST 06 02 11 03 Imatinib 14 04 05 06 07 Sunitinib 32 40 44 48 GIST 6 01 7 GIST Guide book GIST 8 01 9 GIST Guide book GIST (CT) MRI FDG-PET 10 02 11 GIST Guide book 12 02 (Imatinib)
Analysis of Outcomes after Resection of Sarcomatous Hepatocellular Carcinoma Purpose: Sarcomatous hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is rare. Therefore, the clinicopathologic characteristics and prognosis
대한비만학회 제5회 연수강좌 저칼로리 레시피를 활용한 저칼로리 식단 작성하기 김 우 정 강남세브란스병원 영양팀 비만인구는 전 세계적으로 급속히 증가되고 있으 며, 00년에는 005년 유병률의 배인 세계인구의 약 60% 정도가 과체중 또는 비만일 것으로 예측되기 도 한다. 00년 국민건강영양조사 결과에 따르면 우 리나라의 성인 비만 유병률은 998년 6. %에서
386 HANYANG MEDICAL REVIEWS Vol. 29 No. 4, 2009 우리나라 미숙아의 통계와 의료비용 Statistics and Medical Cost of Preterm in Korea 윤혜선 을지대학교 노원을지병원 소아청소년과학교실 Hye Sun Yoon, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Pediatrics, Nowon
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만성세균성전립선염모델흰쥐에서 의항염효과 Anti-inflammatory Effect of Lycopene on Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis Rat Model Cho Hwan Yang, Dong Wan Sohn, Yong-Hyun Cho From the Department of Urology, The Catholic University
Received : 2012. 11. 27 Reviewed : 2012. 12. 10 Accepted : 2012. 12. 12 A Clinical Study on Effect of Electro-acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain in Patients Diagnosed with Lumbar
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Clinical Features and Prognostic Factors Influencing Long-term Survival in pt2 Gallbladder Carcinoma Patients Purpose: The prognosis of gallbladder carcinoma is unfavorable, and the depth of invasion,
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Purpose: Delayed massive hemorrhages from pseudoaneurysm rupture of the peripancreatic large arteries, after pancreaticoduodenectomy, are fatal. We reviewed the clinical course and outcome of bleeding
고위험군신경모세포종에서진단시나이에따른임상양상의차이 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원소아과학교실 현혜선ㆍ성세인ㆍ최희원ㆍ이수현ㆍ유건희ㆍ성기웅ㆍ구홍회ㆍ김주연ㆍ조은주 Clinical Characteristic of High-risk Neuroblastoma Patients with Respect to Age at Diagnosis Hye Sun Hyun, M.D., Se
중 학 교 생 물 1 머리글 우리나라에 영재교육이 본격적으로 도입되어 시행된 것은 채 10년도 되지 않는다. 그 동안 우리 는 영재교육의 양적 확대에 주력해왔고, 이제는 어느 정도 정착 단계에 도달한 것으로 보인다. 그 러나 영재교육의 완전한 정착까지는 해결해야할 수많은 난제들이 남아있다. 그 중에 하나는 우리 가 과연 제대로 영재교육을 하고 있는가? 에
현대패션의 로맨틱 이미지에 관한 연구
한지닥섬유제품의인체생리반응및쾌적성평가 임순 Evaluation of Thermal Physiological Responses and Comfort in Dox Fabric Soon Im Professor, Dept. of Fashion Industry, Incheon National University This study performed the evaluation
00-09 2000. 12 ,,,,.,.,.,,,,,,.,,..... . 1 1 7 2 9 1. 9 2. 13 3. 14 3 16 1. 16 2. 21 3. 39 4 43 1. 43 2. 52 3. 56 4. 66 5. 74 5 78 1. 78 2. 80 3. 86 6 88 90 Ex e cu t iv e Su m m a r y 92 < 3-1> 22 < 3-2>
Lumbar spine
Lumbar spine CT 32 111 DOI : 10.3831/KPI.2010.13.2.111 Lumbar Spine CT 32 Received : 10. 05. 23 Revised : 10. 06. 04 Accepted : 10. 06. 11 Key Words: Disc herniation, CT scan, Clinical analysis The Clinical
2015.03.04 부울경소화기내시경지회 Intramucosal gastric cancer: The rate of lymph node metastasis in signet ring cell carcinoma was as low as that in welldifferentiated adenocarcinoma 인제대부산백병원 소화기내과 지삼룡 Signet ring
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol. 48 No. 1 January 2005 동시항암화학방사선요법을시행받은자궁경부암환자에서빈혈이예후에미치는영향 연세대학교의과대학산부인과학교실 조정미 김영태 김성훈 노종환 김재훈 김재욱 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yonsei University
전립선암발생률추정과관련요인분석 : The Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II (KCPS-II)
전립선암발생률추정과관련요인분석 : The Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II (KCPS-II) 전립선암발생률추정과관련요인분석 : The Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II (KCPS-II) - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - vii - - viii - - ix - -
975_983 특집-한규철, 정원호
Focused Issue of This Month Gyu Cheol an, MD Department of Otolaryngology ead & Neck Surgery, Gachon University of College Medicine E - mail : han@gilhospital.com Won-o Jung, MD Department of Otolaryngology
Jkstro029( ).hwp
대한방사선종양학회지 004;(3):165~176 수모세포종의방사선치료후전두엽하방재발된환자에서원인분석및구제치료 004 7 19 004 9 6. :, Tel: 0)374-7633, Fax: 0)31-9033 E-mail: cosuh317@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr. 대한방사선종양학회지 004;(3):165 176 만, 이를 바탕으로 하여 최근 진행된 수모세포종에
Vol.259 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M
2018.01 Vol.259 C O N T E N T S 02 06 28 61 69 99 104 120 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2018.1 3 4 2018.1 1) 2) 6 2018.1 3) 4) 7 5) 6) 7) 8) 8 2018.1 9 10 2018.1 11 2003.08 2005.08
Clinical Correlation of HER-2/neu Overexpression in Patients with Breast Cancer Sung Yong Kim, Tae Yoon Kim, Jae Jun Kim, Chang Ho Kim, Ok Pyung Song, Min Hyuk Lee, Eui Han Kim 1, and Moo Sik Cho Departments
317 318 319 320 1 3 5 5 5 5 2 321 : 1.,,,,, 06 2. X-ray beam penetration (density) (contrast) 03 3. patch coating, precipitation, flaking 03 4. centering 03 5. Esophagus, cardia, fundus, body, angle, antrum,
13 1 ( 24 ) 2004 6 Korean J Med Hist 13 1 19 Jun 2004 ISSN 1225 505X 1) * * 1 ( ) 2) 3) 4) * 1) ( ) 3 2) 7 1 3) 2 1 13 1 ( 24 ) 2004 6 5) ( ) ( ) 2 1 ( ) 2 3 2 4) ( ) 6 7 5) - 2003 23 144-166 2 2 1) 6)
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Disability & Employment 55 Disability & Employment 56 57 Disability & Employment 58 59 Disability & Employment 60 61 Disability & Employment 62 63 Disability & Employment 64 65 Disability & Employment
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disabi
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 2004. 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disability)..,,. (WHO) 2001 ICF. ICF,.,.,,. (disability)
醫 史 學 제18권 제2호(통권 제35호) 2009년 12월 Korean J Med Hist 18ː57 72 18ː173-188 Dec. Dec. 2009 2009 C 大 韓 醫 史 學 會 ISSN ISSN 1225 505X 1225-505X 지방병 연구와 식민지배 : 1927년 영흥 및 해남지역 에메틴 중독사건을 중심으로 신 규 환* 1. 머리말 2. 일제의
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버스 외부 광고의 효과에 관한 탐색적 연구 : 매체 접촉률과 인지적 반응을 중심으로 1) 고한준 국민대학교 언론정보학부 조교수 노봉조 벅스컴애드 대표 이사 최근 몇 년 사이 옥외 광고나 인터넷 광고 등 BTL(Below the Line) 매체가 광고 시장에서 차지하 는 비중이 점점 높아지고 있다. 버스 외부 광고는 2004년 7월 서울시 교통체계개편 이후 이용자
YI Ggodme : The Lives and Diseases of Females during the Latter Half of the Joseon Dynasty as Reconstructed with Cases in Yeoksi Manpil (Stray Notes w
497 의사학 제24권 제2호(통권 제50호) 2015년 8월 Korean J Med Hist 24 ː497-532 Aug 2015 c대한의사학회 http://dx.doi.org/10.13081/kjmh.2015.24.497 pissn 1225-505X, eissn 2093-5609 역시만필( 歷 試 漫 筆 ) 의 사례로 재구성한 조선후기 여성의 삶과 질병
http://www.kbc.go.kr/ k Si 2 i= 1 Abstract A Study on Establishment of Fair Trade Order in Terrestrial Broadcasting Ki - Sun Hong (Professor, Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication,
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http://www.kbc.go.kr/ A B yk u δ = 2u k 1 = yk u = 0. 659 2nu k = 1 k k 1 n yk k Abstract Web Repertoire and Concentration Rate : Analysing Web Traffic Data Yong - Suk Hwang (Research
Pharmacotherapeutics Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee Univ
Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee University College of Medicine & Hospital E mail : ycell2@yahoo.co.kr Abstract
경락경혈학회지 Vol.27, No.1, pp.87 106, 2010 Journal of Meridian & Acupoint Dept. of 1 Meridian & Acupoint, 3 Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University 2 Division of Clinical
Grade I Grade II Grade III 12 대한혈관외과학회지 : 제 20 권 제 1 호 2004 Control Group A Group B Fig. 4. Microscopic findings of vein wall in control, group A and group B on the day of 7 after venous occlusion. The
IL-1β, IL-1RN, IL-8, MUC, NAT, GST 등 ) IL-1β, IL-1RN, IL-8, MUC, NAT, GST 등 ) IL-1β, IL-1RN, IL-8, MUC, NAT, GST 등 ) l l l α β α β β α β β α β 목적 (Background/Aims): 위암의가족력과 Helicobacter pylori 감염은각각위암발생의위험인자로알려져있으나,
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp DOI: 3 * The Effect of H
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http://www.kbc.go.kr/ Abstract Terrestrial Broadcasters Strategies in the Age of Digital Broadcasting Wha-Jin Lee The purpose of this research is firstly to investigate the
Does Real-time Compound Imaging Improve Evaluation of reast Cancer Compared to Conventional Sonography? o Kyoung Seo, M.D., Yu Whan Oh, M.D., Kyu Ran Cho, M.D., Young Hen Lee, M.D., Hyung Joon Noh, M.D.,
Abstract Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Related Factors for Nurses and Radiological Technologists Wearing a Lead Apron for Radiation Pro t e c t i o n Jung-Im Yoo, Jung-Wan Koo 1 ) Angio Unit, Team of Radiology,
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:275~289 Received: 2016/12/02, Accepted: 2016/12/22 Revised: 2016/12/20, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] SNS is used in various fields. Although
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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp DOI: * Review of Research
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp.79-102 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.27.2.201706.79 * Review of Research Trends on Curriculum for Students with Severe and multiple
The Clinician’s Lament: How Can I Keep Up With the Literature?
Evidence-Based Medicine ; 10-890 ; Medline, Embase, Cochrane library, Best Evidence (Ellis ) ( ) 40% 49% 18% 18% ( ) ( ) ( ) , R = -o.54 P < 0.001 () : 20,000 : 17,000 Medline : 4000 : 600 : 400,000
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:237~251 Received: 2016/11/20, Accepted: 2016/12/24 Revised: 2016/12/21, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] Recently, there is an increasing
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조사연구 using odds ratio. The result of analysis for 58 election polls registered in National Election Survey Deliberation Commission revealed that progr
조사연구 권 호 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.20997/sr.19.3.1 연구논문 다수후보에대한선거예측의정확성과당선가능성 : 2017 년대통령선거의경우 * The Accuracy of Election Forecasts and the Chance of Winning for Multiple Candidates: In Case of the 2017