1. 출장개요 목적 우즈베키스탄가니예프대외경제부장관이산정된사업비적정성과관련하여인천공항콘소시업 5개사 ( 인천공항공사, 한국교통연구원, 희림건축, 유신엔지니어링, 한영회계법인 ) 사업책임자및 KOICA 담당자와의회의를긴급히요청함 회의참석및 UFRD 자금신청을위한보고서작성

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1 우즈베키스탄타슈켄트국제공항신여객터미널건설타당성조사사업수행용역 국외출장보고서 항공교통본부

2 1. 출장개요 목적 우즈베키스탄가니예프대외경제부장관이산정된사업비적정성과관련하여인천공항콘소시업 5개사 ( 인천공항공사, 한국교통연구원, 희림건축, 유신엔지니어링, 한영회계법인 ) 사업책임자및 KOICA 담당자와의회의를긴급히요청함 회의참석및 UFRD 자금신청을위한보고서작성검토를위함 출장일정 / 장소 ( 일 ) ~ ( 수 ) / 우즈베키스탄타슈켄트 일자 시간 장소 내 용 참석자 5/22( 일 ) 15:30 19:20 인천 타슈켄김동철김강수이병구출국 (KE941) 트정준양김주영 9:00~18:00 타슈켄트 컨소시엄사회의 김동철외 6인 5/23( 월 ) 우즈베키스탄가니예프김동철및컨소시엄 9:00~18:00 타슈켄트대외경제부장관회의분책 대외경제부장관회의내용 5/24( 화 ) 9:00~18:00 타슈켄트 정리및요청사항논의최종보고서초안작성 김동철외 5인 5/25( 수 ) 21:20~ 익일7:35 타슈켄트 인김동철이병구정준양귀국 (KE942) 천김주영 출장자 : 국정교통연구본부김주영교통투자평가센터장 구분 분야 성명 직책 전문가등급 출장기간 인천 사업관리 / 공항 공항운영김동철 PM 1급 (2박 4일 ) 인천 사업관리 / ~6.4 공항 공항운영김강수참여기술자 3급 (12박 14일 ) 희림 건축 이병구 책임기술자 1급 (2박 4일 ) 코티 수요 김주영 책임기술자 3급 (2박 4일 ) 한영 재무 정준양 책임기술자 1급 (2박 4일 ) 업무수행내용우즈벡회의참석 KOICA 업무협의최종보고서초안작성현지컨소시엄사무실운영

3 2. 주요수행내용 1) 수원국과업무협의 우즈베키스탄가니예프대외경제부장관긴급소집회의 (5.23( 월 )) - 총사업비적정성에대한논의 - 설계추진방안논의우즈베키스탄대외경제부초대공문 우즈베키스탄측 UFRD 자금신청을위한보고서작성내용검토 - 아래의내용에대한질의응답 Questions on the feasibility study of «Construction of the new international passenger terminal of Tashkent airport (Tashkent-4) 1. For the financial and economic part there should be provided: - approved and coordinated in the established procedure of the task for the feasibility of the project; - Financial statements the project initiator of the form 1, 2 for ;

4 - The transcript of the financial results for the year; - Information about the conditions of financing of investment expenses under the project; - The accounting policies of the airport "Tashkent", the timing of the start of construction and installation works and commissioning of the object; - Calculations of taxes and fees to be submitted to the tax authorities, in particular; a tax on land indicating the land area, for the use of water resources on the property etc. as well as tax incentives, including separate facilities provided for in the project ( the odds ) for : - Breakdown of the expenditures of the period (distribution costs, administrative and other operating) for years; - Staffing for industrial and administrative personnel, indicating the total number of employees and average monthly salary by category (including all payments: bonuses, compensation, etc.) for the project; - Structure of revenues and expenditures on the newly introduced passenger terminal - The passenger on departure and arrival for the year in terms of passengers, NAC " Uzbekistan airways and other airlines: - The cost of airport services with the application of physical volumes for and copies of the approved tariffs: - Fee for the use of the terminal with the application of physical volumes for and copies of the approved tariffs: - For an explanation of other income of the terminal, adopted feasibility study by a consortium of Korean companies with the application of physical volumes for and copies of the approved tariffs; - Working capital turnover (in parts by component: period of receipt of stocks of raw materials, payment for raw materials and auxiliary materials, payment for other services); - All maintenance costs, license fees and other operating costs for You must submit a Memorandum of understanding between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the report of the assessment mission EDCF/ ipfo referred to in paragraph 27, appendix RCM 110 from year; - All of the other costs in the implementation and in the implementation of project activities, which are not covered in this questionnaire; 2. For the estimation part - It is necessary to introduce locally the resource sheet and resource estimates locally according to ShNK , section completed projects - analogues (Tashkent-3) after receipt of the completed projects counterparts

5 of the design-budget documentation, the Institute is ready to count the cost of construction at current prices according to the order 40 of state architect construction committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated of the year; - Must submit a complete list and cost of main and auxiliary technological equipment, furniture and equipment on the basis of completed projects (Tashkent-3); - To submit a calculation of other expenses of the customer in accordance with ШНК "Rules for determining the value of construction in current prices contractual" section Approved by order of the state architect construction committee of 30 July 2009 No. 83» - Transcribe Advisory expenses ( million.) the costs of price fluctuations (43. USD 771 million) and the interest on the loan for the construction of 8.97 $ million) - To distribute the stages of construction by year ( in percentage ); 3. For the "Water supply Sewerage and gas supply" section: - To issue Technical conditions for connection of water supply, Sewerage and gas supply; - To provide information on the adopted technical solutions for firefighters; - To provide data consumers with the calculations and amounts for water supply, Sewerage and gas supply; 4. For the "Heat supply, ventilation and air conditioning" section: - To provide calculations and volumes for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. 5. For the Electric power supply section: - To provide technical conditions for connection to networks of 35 kv; - To give information about the used electrical equipment and materials project type, section and length of high-voltage and low-voltage lines, the type and number of distribution points, etc.) - show the single line power supply diagram indicating the major consumers of electricity newly designed airport; - To present the main electrical parameters of the project, with calculations of power consumption; - Pointer to the number and type of lamps, the design illuminated area; - To issue the quantity, type and value transformer substations;

6 - To give volume and cost of electrical work of the air navigation light signals and external power supply. - Load terminal (Geller, water supply, pumps, taxiway, electrical terminal) - The actual capacity of the terminal. - Category of power supply reliability of power. - Class used voltage. (6 kv, 380 V, 220 V) - CCR room 6. For the "Communication" section: - Give technical solution scope of work and cost section. 7. For the Construction part there should be provided: - Act of the choosing the site and the point of allocation of projecting site (red line), taking into account the technological and town-planning requirements and point out the square, which is obtained for land allotment; - Report on engineering, geological, and hydrogeological condition of the construction site and topography documents; - The scheme of the master plan of the projecting terminal Tashkent-4 with the allocation of all buildings identified by the project; - The list of all projecting buildings and facilities and supporting ones; - The specification of space-planning decision (structure, the function of rooms where uses the finishing materials) and construction solution of projecting buildings and facilities and their main parameters; - The drawings (plan of every floors, sections) of the projecting buildings and facilities with sketch view of main bearing and enclosing structures; - If you are going to use the existing buildings and facilities as part of the project at the territory of airport Tashkent or outside it, then provide the list of such facilities and project solution on their reconstruction; - Actual volume of the installation and construction work, identified by the project; - The specification of the specific requirements and special measure accepted by the project (anti-gilgaied, aseismic, anticorrosion, fire-prevention measures on the protection from noise and vibration); - The specification of the measure accepted by the project on the preparation and absorption of the construction site.

7 2) 현지워크숍준비 기본계획결과를토대로현지워크숍 (6월중순 ) 진행준비 3) 최종보고서초안검토 최종보고서초안에대한검토진행


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