,209,644 12,838, ,574,665 10,307,353 1,090,108 27,996, , ,135, ,800, ,425,279
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- 6 years ago
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1 Philippine Onshore Solar Power Plant for 100MW s s Work Start Year 2018 Annual average solar radiation 3.5 Kwh/m².day Operating Year 2020 Solar Panel Capacity 240 W/module and referece value =146W Site and Contry for Project Philippine Flat Solar Panel Acquisition Area 915,893 m²- Consider Loss factor of 0.74 ADD Area = 0m² Power Sales Cost USD/kWh =21.9US /kwh Cell Output W(Wh/h)/cell Total Electric Power Capacity 100 MW (=MWh/h) Cell Nos/Module 60 Cells/Module Daily Charge Time per day 5 hr/day Total Output of Solar Module Kw(Kwh/h)/module Working day per year days/year Solar Pannel Product Capacity 876,600 Mwh/Annual due to Module W/m² Final DC to AC Product Output Capacity Per Annual 127,838 MWh/Annual 70 of 100MW x 5hr/day for annu Solar Radiation Product Capacity 127,838 Mwh/Annual due to Radiation Total Electricity Power Sales Cost 27,996,413 USD/year Nos of Module 562,975 Nos Solar Panel Acquisition Area 951,824 m² Cell Size, H= Space Acquisiton Cost 20 USD/m² in Philippine Cell Size, W= CAPEX of Area Acquisition Cost 18,655,757 USD Module efficiency CAPEX for Spur Transmission Line Length 35km 7,998,837 USD -63.3Kv --Single Circ 1 - Circuit Module Size, H= 1640 mm CAPEX for Bulk Transmission Line is 0km 0 USD 63.3Kv --Single Circuit Module Size, W= 992 mm CAPEX for Grid Connection(Point Of Inte 1 Sets 11,400,000 USD, Gas=114$/kw, Goal,Nuclear=227$/kw, Solar Cell Module Area m² Type of Solar Power CAPEX of Solar Power Plant CAPEX for Solar Power Plant Construction and Fabrication Period Interest FEE during Construction and Fabrication TOTAL CAPEX AND INTREST FEE DURING CONSTRUCTION Fixed and Various OPEX Fund Intrest 3 1,710 USD/kwh 209,054,594 USD - 이억구백오만사천오백구십사달러 Total power of the system 135,114 kwp 2 Total Require Land Acquisition 951,824 m²(1,000m x 0,952m) 1,000 m x 952 m = 951,824 m² 13,588,549 USD 222,643,143 USD - 이억이천이백육십사만삼천일백사십삼 Type of Solar Panel Efficiency Limits() Solar Panel Slope Angle based on True South 1,090,108 USD/Year Monocrystalline Slope Angle derate factor 6.5 Polycrystalline deg 0.89 Return rate on investment of Net Profit, r 3 Thin-film deg 0.97 Operating Periods 15 30deg 1 Select =30deg Project Design Life 30 45deg GOOD For 15 Operating 60deg 0.92 IRR(Internal Rate of Return) 3.03 > 0 GOOD For 15 Operating 90deg 0.68 NPV(Net Present ) 82,736,506 USD with Asset value of Project for 15 Electric power Sale from 2020 to from 1 to 3 200MW Pillippines Solar Power Price Inflation to from 2023 to from 4 to be considered in from 2027 to from 8 to yeras(increased from 2032 to from 13 to 17 Previous Inflation) from 2037 to from 18 to Income tax rate for government Inflation of Space Acquisition First Project residual value Second Project residual value Final residual value on Design Life Net Payback Turn Over Periods End of Year Actual Payback turn Over Initial (min 0, max 7.692) Limit of Initial 1 of Return of Equity 2 of Return of FUND ,143,021 64,080,117 44,185, 해찾기 Good Return of Equity (USD) USD after 10 USD after 20 USD after 30 4Return of FUND(USD) 20 of Equity 80 of FUND 5Remain Cost(USD) 6Fund Interest 6.5(USD) 10( 현재자산가치 )Asset value(usd)=residual 11( 순현재가치 )Net Present 12Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) ,131,469 8,525, ,643,143 14,471,804 1,090,108 27,996,413 1,421, ,193, ,437, ,347,104 9,388, ,985,797 13,779,077 1,090,108 27,996,413 1,113, ,392, ,424, ,562,739 10,250, ,250,277 13,016,268 1,090,108 27,996, , ,588, ,083, ,778,374 11,113, ,436,581 12,183,378 1,090,108 27,996, , ,546, ,383, ,994,009 11,976, ,544,711 11,280,406 1,090,108 27,996, , ,459, ,296, OPEX(USD) 8Yearly Revenue(USD) W/ Inflation 9( 순이익 )Net Profit(USD) ( 내부수익률 )Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
2 ,209,644 12,838, ,574,665 10,307,353 1,090,108 27,996, , ,135, ,800, ,425,279 13,701, ,526,445 9,264,219 1,090,108 27,996, , ,384, ,873, ,640,914 14,563, ,400,049 8,151,003 1,090,108 27,996, , ,397, ,499, ,856,549 15,426, ,195,478 6,967,706 1,090,108 27,996, , ,983,743-97,662, ,072,184 16,288,737 87,912,733 5,714,328 1,090,108 27,996, , ,143,021-82,353, ,287,819 17,151,277 67,551,812 4,390,868 1,090,108 27,996, , ,875,536-66,561, ,503,454 18,013,817 46,112,716 2,997,327 1,090,108 27,996,413 1,113,365 96,990,910-50,280, ,719,089 18,876,357 23,595,446 1,533,704 1,090,108 27,996,413 1,421,723 91,679,562-33,506, ,090,108 27,996,413 21,525,043 86,751,113-16,236, ,090,108 27,996,413 21,525,043 82,205, , Summation ,528, ,114,514 1,754,729, ,057,440 16,351, ,946,188 53,515,182 82,205,585 82,736, CAPEX of Power types and Environmental Select, Solar Panel = Nos of Cell Module and Solar Panel Electric Capacity = 197,288kWh Power Control Panel Capacity = Solar Panel Capacity Control panel Efficiency = 197,288kWh 85.0 = 232,104kWh AC 232,104kWh AC Invert Capacity = x design Factor = Invert Efficiency 85.0 x 1.20 = 327,676kWh --> Overall DC to AC derate factor = Component Derate Factors Acceptable Range PV module nameplate DC rating Inverter and Transformer Mismatch Diodes and connections DC wiring AC wiring Soiling System availability Shadings (depends of site) 0.60 ~ Sun-tracking(irradiation) due to dust, snow and etc 0.98 ~ Age Overall DC to AC derate factor
3 Bangladesh Onshore Solar Power Plant for 200MW s s Work Start Year 2018 Annual average solar radiation 6 Kwh/m².day Operating Year 2020 Solar Panel Capacity 250 W/module and referece value =250W Site and Contry for Project Bangladesh Flat Solar Panel Acquisition Area 1,758,515 m²- Consider Loss factor of 0.74 ADD Area = 0m² Power Sales Cost USD/kWh =12.5US /kwh Cell Output W(Wh/h)/cell Total Electric Power Capacity 200 MW (=MWh/h) Cell Nos/Module 60 Cells/Module Daily Charge Time per day 12 hr/day Total Output of Solar Module Kw(Kwh/h)/module Working day per year days/year Solar Pannel Product Capacity 1,753,200 Mwh/Annual due to Module W/m² Final DC to AC Product Output Capacity Per Annual 438,300 MWh/Annual 50 of 200MW x 12hr/day for annu Solar Radiation Product Capacity 438,300 Mwh/Annual due to Radiation Total Electricity Power Sales Cost 54,787,500 USD/year Nos of Module 1,080,913 Nos Solar Panel Acquisition Area 1,827,503 m² Cell Size, H= Space Acquisiton Cost 2 USD/m² in Bangladesh Cell Size, W= CAPEX of Area Acquisition Cost 3,655,005 USD Module efficiency CAPEX for Spur Transmission Line Length is 35km 12,443,239 USD Kv --Single Cir 1 - Circuit Module Size, H= 1640 mm CAPEX for Bulk Transmission Line is 0km 0 USD 120.8Kv --Single Circuit Module Size, W= 992 mm CAPEX for Grid Connection(Point Of Intercon 1 Sets 22,800,000 USD, Gas=114$/kw, Goal,Nuclear=227$/kw, Solar Cell Module Area m² Type of Solar Power CAPEX of Solar Power Plant CAPEX for Solar Power Plant Construction and Fabrication Period Interest FEE during Construction and Fabrication TOTAL CAPEX AND INTREST FEE DURING CONSTRUCTION Fixed and Various OPEX 5 1, ,952,466 USD/kwh USD - 사억일천이백구십오만이천사백육십육 Total power of the system 270,228 kwp 2 Total Require Land Acquisition 1,827,503 m²(1,500m x 1,218m) 1,500 m x 1,218 m = 1,827,503 m² 26,841,910 USD 439,794,376 USD - 사억삼천구백칠십구만사천삼백칠십육 Type of Solar Panel Efficiency Limits() Solar Panel Slope Angle based on True South 2,180,217 USD/Year Monocrystalline Slope Angle derate factor Fund Intrest 6.5 Polycrystalline deg 0.89 Return rate on investment of Net Profit, r 3 Thin-film deg 0.97 Operating Periods 15 30deg 1 Select =30deg Project Design Life 30 45deg GOOD For 15 Operating 60deg 0.92 IRR(Internal Rate of Return) 2.85 > 0 GOOD For 15 Operating 90deg 0.68 NPV(Net Present ) 129,171,064 USD with Asset value of Project for 15 Electric power Sale from 2020 to from 1 to 3 200MW Bangladesh Solar Power Price Inflation to be from 2023 to from 4 to considered in from 2027 to from 8 to yeras(increased from 2030 to from 11 to 15 Previous Inflation) from 2035 to from 16 to Income tax rate for government Inflation of Space Acquisition First Project residual value Second Project residual value Final residual value on Design Life Net Payback Turn Over Periods End of Year Actual Payback turn Over Initial (min 0, max 7.692) Limit of Initial 1 of Return of Equity 2 of Return of FUND ,360,719 93,277,350 45,856, 해찾기 Good Return of Equity (USD) USD after 10 USD after 20 USD after 30 4Return of FUND(USD) 20 of Equity 80 of FUND 5Remain Cost(USD) 6Fund Interest 6.5(USD) ,210,362 16,841, ,794,376 28,586,634 2,180,217 54,787,500 2,375, ,790, ,343, ,636,312 18,545, ,742,568 27,218,267 2,180,217 54,787,500 1,765, ,905, ,108, ,062,263 20,249, ,561,006 25,711,465 2,180,217 54,787,500 1,267, ,157, ,211, ,488,214 21,952, ,249,689 24,066,230 2,180,217 54,787, , ,046, ,592, ,914,165 23,656, ,808,617 22,282,560 2,180,217 54,787, , ,982, ,195, ,340,116 25,360, ,237,790 20,360,456 2,180,217 54,787, , ,555, ,976, ,766,067 27,064, ,537,208 18,299,919 2,180,217 54,787, , ,357, ,893, OPEX(USD) 8Yearly Revenue(USD) W/ Inflation 9( 순이익 )Net Profit(USD) 10( 현재자산가치 )Asset value(usd)=residual 11( 순현재가치 )Net Present Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) 13( 내부수익률 )Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
4 ,192,018 28,768, ,706,871 16,100,947 2,180,217 54,787, , ,797, ,914, ,617,969 30,471, ,746,780 13,763,541 2,180,217 54,787, , ,464, ,011, ,043,920 32,175, ,656,934 11,287,701 2,180,217 54,787, , ,360, ,160, ,469,871 33,879, ,437,332 8,673,427 2,180,217 54,787,500 1,267, ,484, ,346, ,895,822 35,583,289 91,087,977 5,920,718 2,180,217 54,787,500 1,765, ,428, ,555, ,321,773 37,287,093 46,608,866 3,029,576 2,180,217 54,787,500 2,375, ,599,797-71,778, ,180,217 54,787,500 42,085, ,590,363-38,011, ,180,217 54,787,500 42,085, ,399,940-5,228, Summation ,958, ,835,501 3,466,176, ,301,441 32,703, ,812,500 99,210, ,399, ,171, CAPEX of Power types and Environmental Emissions are referred Select, Solar Panel = Nos of Cell Module and Solar Panel Electric Capacity = 394,576kWh Power Control Panel Capacity = Solar Panel Capacity Control panel Efficiency 394,576kWh = = 464,208kWh 85.0 AC 464,208kWh AC Invert Capacity = x design Factor = x 1.20 = 655,352kWh --> Overall DC to AC derate factor = Invert Efficiency 85.0 Component Derate FaAcceptable Range PV module nameplate DC rating Inverter and Transformer Mismatch Diodes and connections DC wiring AC wiring Soiling System availability Shadings (depends of site) 0.60 ~ Sun-tracking(irradiation) due to dust, snow and etc 0.98 ~ Age Overall DC to AC derate factor
5 Nicaragua Onshore Solar Power Plant for 100MW s s Work Start Year 2018 Annual average solar radiation Kwh/m².day Operating Year 2020 Solar Panel Capacity 200 W/module and referece value =178W Site and Contry for Project Nicaragua Flat Solar Panel Acquisition Area 1,064,074 m²- Consider Loss factor of 0.74 ADD Area = 200,000m² Power Sales Cost 0.15 USD/kWh =15US /kwh Cell Output W(Wh/h)/cell Total Electric Power Capacity 100 MW (=MWh/h) Cell Nos/Module 72 Cells/Module Daily Charge Time per day 12 hr/day Total Output of Solar Module Kw(Kwh/h)/module Working day per year days/year Solar Pannel Product Capacity 1,079,499 Mwh/Annual due to Module W/m² Final DC to AC Product Output Capacity Per Annual 192,196 MWh/Annual 43.9 of 100MW x 12hr/day for an Solar Radiation Product Capacity 192,196 Mwh/Annual due to Radiation Total Electricity Power Sales Cost 28,829,377 USD/year Nos of Module 831,939 Nos Solar Panel Acquisition Area 1,105,818 m² Cell Size, H= 132 mm Space Acquisiton Cost 2 USD/m² in Nicaragua Cell Size, W= 135 mm CAPEX of Area Acquisition Cost 2,211,637 USD Module efficiency CAPEX for Spur Transmission Line Length 35km 7,998,837 USD -63.3Kv --Single Circ 1 - Circuit Module Size, H= 1581 mm CAPEX for Bulk Transmission Line is 0km 0 USD 63.3Kv --Single Circuit Module Size, W= 809 mm CAPEX for Grid Connection(Point Of Inter 1 Sets 11,400,000 USD, Gas=114$/kw, Goal,Nuclear=227$/kw, Solar Cell Module Area m² Type of Solar Power CAPEX of Solar Power Plant CAPEX for Solar Power Plant Construction and Fabrication Period Interest FEE during Construction and Fabrication TOTAL CAPEX AND INTREST FEE DURING CONSTRUCTION Fixed and Various OPEX 3 1, ,610,474 USD/kwh USD - 일억구천이백육십일만사백칠십사달러 Total power of the system 166,388 kwp 2 Total Require Land Acquisition 1,105,818 m²(1,000m x 1,106m) 1,000 m x 1,106 m = 1,105,818 m² 12,519,681 USD 205,130,155 USD - 이억오백일십삼만일백오십오달러 Type of Solar Panel Efficiency Limits() Solar Panel Slope Angle based on True South 1,090,108 USD/Year Monocrystalline Slope Angle derate factor Fund Intrest 6.5 Polycrystalline deg 0.89 Return rate on investment of Net Profit, r 3 Thin-film deg 0.97 Operating Periods 15 30deg 1 Select =30deg Project Design Life 30 45deg GOOD For 15 Operating 60deg 0.92 IRR(Internal Rate of Return) 5.37 > 0 GOOD For 15 Operating 90deg 0.68 NPV(Net Present ) 103,971,752 USD with Asset value of Project for 15 Electric power Sale from 2020 to from 1 to 3 100MW Nicaragua Solar Power Price Inflation to from 2023 to from 4 to 7 be considered in from 2027 to from 8 to yeras(increased from 2030 to from 11 to 15 Previous Inflation) from 2035 to from 16 to Income tax rate for government Inflation of Space Acquisition First Project residual value Second Project residual value Final residual value on Design Life Net Payback Turn Over Periods End of Year Actual Payback turn Over Initial (min 0, max 8.333) Limit of Initial 1 of Return of Equity 2 of Return of FUND ,978,482 44,015,165 22,020, 해찾기 Good Return of Equity (USD) USD after 10 USD after 20 USD after 30 4Return of FUND(USD) 20 of Equity 80 of FUND 5Remain Cost(USD) 6Fund Interest 6.5(USD) 12Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) ,235,074 8,940, ,130,155 13,333,460 1,090,108 28,829,377 2,584, ,584, ,576, ,450,304 9,801, ,954,783 12,607,061 1,090,108 28,829,377 2,304, ,618, ,728, ,665,533 10,662, ,703,264 11,810,712 1,090,108 28,829,377 2,080, ,645, ,576, ,880,762 11,523, ,375,599 10,944,414 1,090,108 28,829,377 1,912, ,434, ,088, ,095,992 12,383, ,971,787 10,008,166 1,090,108 28,829,377 1,800, ,176, ,239, ,311,221 13,244, ,491,827 9,001,969 1,090,108 28,829,377 1,744, ,679, ,004, OPEX(USD) 8Yearly Revenue(USD) W/ Inflation 9( 순이익 )Net Profit(USD) 10( 현재자산가치 )Asset value(usd)=residual 11( 순현재가치 )Net Present ( 내부수익률 )Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
6 ,526,451 14,105, ,935,721 7,925,822 1,090,108 28,829,377 1,744, ,754,494-97,363, ,741,680 14,966, ,303,468 6,779,725 1,090,108 28,829,377 1,800, ,591,055-81,299, ,956,909 15,827,637 85,595,069 5,563,679 1,090,108 28,829,377 1,912,833 97,999,051-64,798, ,172,139 16,688,555 65,810,522 4,277,684 1,090,108 28,829,377 2,080,712 90,978,482-47,849, ,387,368 17,549,472 44,949,828 2,921,739 1,090,108 28,829,377 2,304,551 84,529,352-30,443, ,602,597 18,410,390 23,012,987 1,495,844 1,090,108 28,829,377 2,584,349 78,461,264-12,572, ,090,108 28,829,377 22,191,414 72,964,619 5,766, ,090,108 28,829,377 22,191,414 67,849,020 23,571, ,090,108 28,829,377 22,191,414 63,114,472 40,857, Summation ,026, ,104,124 1,487,235,011 96,670,276 16,351, ,440,648 91,430,873 63,114, ,971, CAPEX of Power types and Environmental Select, Solar Panel = Nos of Cell Module and Solar Panel Electric Capacity = 212,815kWh Power Control Panel Capacity = Solar Panel Capacity Control panel Efficiency 212,815kWh = = 250,370kWh 85.0 AC 250,370kWh AC Invert Capacity = x design Factor = x 1.20 = 353,464kWh --> Overall DC to AC derate factor = Invert Efficiency 85.0 Component Derate FaAcceptable Range PV module nameplate DC rating Inverter and Transformer Mismatch Diodes and connections DC wiring AC wiring Soiling System availability Shadings (depends of site) 0.60 ~ Sun-tracking(irradiation) due to dust, snow and etc 0.98 ~ Age Overall DC to AC derate factor
7 Dominica Onshore Solar Power Plant for 100MW s s Work Start Year 2018 Annual average solar radiation 6 Kwh/m².day Operating Year 2020 Solar Panel Capacity 250 W/module and referece value =250W Site and Contry for Project Dominica Flat Solar Panel Acquisition Area 879,258 m²- Consider Loss factor of 0.74 ADD Area = 0m² Power Sales Cost USD/kWh =12.5US /kwh Cell Output W(Wh/h)/cell Total Electric Power Capacity 100 MW (=MWh/h) Cell Nos/Module 60 Cells/Module Daily Charge Time per day 12 hr/day Total Output of Solar Module Kw(Kwh/h)/module Working day per year days/year Solar Pannel Product Capacity 876,600 Mwh/Annual due to Module W/m² Final DC to AC Product Output Capacity Per Annual 219,150 MWh/Annual 50 of 100MW x 12hr/day for ann Solar Radiation Product Capacity 219,150 Mwh/Annual due to Radiation Total Electricity Power Sales Cost 27,393,750 USD/year Nos of Module 540,456 Nos Solar Panel Acquisition Area 913,751 m² Cell Size, H= Space Acquisiton Cost 3 USD/m² in Dominica Cell Size, W= CAPEX of Area Acquisition Cost 2,741,254 USD Module efficiency CAPEX for Spur Transmission Line Length is 35km 7,998,837 USD -63.3Kv --Single Circ 1 - Circuit Module Size, H= 1640 mm CAPEX for Bulk Transmission Line is 1km 620,000 USD 63.3Kv --Single Circuit Module Size, W= 992 mm CAPEX for Grid Connection(Point Of Interco 1 Sets 11,400,000 USD, Gas=114$/kw, Goal,Nuclear=227$/kw, Solar Cell Module Area m² Type of Solar Power CAPEX of Solar Power Plant CAPEX for Solar Power Plant Construction and Fabrication Period Interest FEE during Construction and Fabrication TOTAL CAPEX AND INTREST FEE DURING CONSTRUCTION Fixed and Various OPEX 2 1, ,447,155 USD/kwh USD - 이억칠백사십사만칠천일백오십오달러 Total power of the system 135,114 kwp 2 Total Require Land Acquisition 913,751 m²(1,000m x 0,914m) 1,000 m x 914 m = 913,751 m² 13,484,065 USD 220,931,220 USD - 이억이천구십삼만일천이백이십달러 Type of Solar Panel Efficiency Limits() Solar Panel Slope Angle based on True South 1,225,213 USD/Year Monocrystalline Slope Angle derate factor Fund Intrest 6.5 Polycrystalline deg 0.89 Return rate on investment of Net Profit, r 3 Thin-film deg 0.97 Operating Periods 15 30deg 1 Select =30deg Project Design Life 30 45deg GOOD For 15 Operating 100MW Dominica Solar Power 60deg 0.92 IRR(Internal Rate of Return) 2.30 > 0 GOOD For 15 Operating deg NPV(Net Present ) 56,016,186 USD with Asset value of Project for Electric power Sale from 2020 to from 1 to 3 Price Inflation to be from 2023 to from 4 to considered in from 2027 to from 8 to yeras(increased from 2030 to from 11 to 15 Previous Inflation) from 2035 to from 16 to 15 Income tax rate for government Inflation of Space Acquisition First Project residual value Second Project residual value Final residual value on Design Life Net Payback Turn Over Periods End of Year Actual Payback turn Over Initial (min 0, max 7.143) Limit of Initial 1 of Return of Equity 2 of Return of FUND ,216,294 47,766,032 24,165, 해찾기 Good Return of Equity (USD) USD after 10 USD after 20 USD after 30 4Return of FUND(USD) 20 of Equity 80 of FUND 5Remain Cost(USD) 6Fund Interest 6.5(USD) 12Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) ,864,656 7,458, ,931,220 14,360,529 1,225,213 27,393,750 2,037, ,371, ,366, ,063,349 8,253, ,607,938 13,754,516 1,225,213 27,393,750 1,719, ,434, ,005, ,262,042 9,048, ,291,192 13,083,927 1,225,213 27,393,750 1,455, ,565, ,380, ,460,735 9,842, ,980,980 12,348,764 1,225,213 27,393,750 1,243, ,516, ,458, ,659,428 10,637, ,677,305 11,549,025 1,225,213 27,393,750 1,084, ,490, ,215, ,858,121 11,432, ,380,164 10,684,711 1,225,213 27,393, , ,284, ,625, OPEX(USD) 8Yearly Revenue(USD) W/ Inflation 9( 순이익 )Net Profit(USD) 10( 현재자산가치 )Asset value(usd)=residual 11( 순현재가치 )Net Present ( 내부수익률 )Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
8 ,056,814 12,227, ,089,560 9,755,821 1,225,213 27,393, , ,691, ,669, ,255,507 13,022, ,805,490 8,762,357 1,225,213 27,393, , ,918, ,328, ,454,200 13,816, ,527,957 7,704,317 1,225,213 27,393, , ,760, ,589, ,652,893 14,611, ,256,959 6,581,702 1,225,213 27,393,750 1,084,345 98,216,294-89,439, ,851,585 15,406,342 82,992,496 5,394,512 1,225,213 27,393,750 1,243,200 91,286,574-74,869, ,050,278 16,201,113 63,734,569 4,142,747 1,225,213 27,393,750 1,455,007 84,766,568-59,870, ,248,971 16,995,885 43,483,177 2,826,406 1,225,213 27,393,750 1,719,765 78,860,986-44,438, ,447,664 17,790,657 22,238,321 1,445,491 1,225,213 27,393,750 2,037,475 73,365,125-28,570, ,225,213 27,393,750 21,458,200 68,278,988-12,262, Summation ,186, ,744,976 1,882,997, ,394,826 18,378, ,906,250 40,345,647 68,278,988 56,016, CAPEX of Power types and Environmental Emissions are Select, Solar Panel = Nos of Cell Module and Solar Panel Electric Capacity = 197,288kWh Power Control Panel Capacity = Solar Panel Capacity Control panel Efficiency 197,288kWh = = 232,104kWh 85.0 AC 232,104kWh AC Invert Capacity = x design Factor = x 1.20 = 327,676kWh --> Overall DC to AC derate factor = Invert Efficiency 85.0 Component Derate FaAcceptable Range PV module nameplate DC rating Inverter and Transformer Mismatch Diodes and connections DC wiring AC wiring Soiling System availability Shadings (depends of site) 0.60 ~ Sun-tracking(irradiation) due to dust, snow and etc 0.98 ~ Age Overall DC to AC derate factor
1 1 만 알아보기 1000이 10개이면 10000입니다. 이것을 10000 또는 1만이라 쓰고 만 또는 일만이라 고 읽습니다. 9000보다 1000 10000은 2 다섯 자리 수 알아보기 9900보다 100 9990보다 10 9999보다 1 큰 수입니다. ⑴ 1000
1 큰 수 이 단원은 만의 도입에서 시작하여 억, 조와 같은 큰 수의 읽기와 쓰기, 자릿값과 자릿수, 수의 계열, 대소 관계를 알고, 이를 문제 해결에 활용합니다. 1 1 만 알아보기 1000이 10개이면 10000입니다. 이것을 10000 또는 1만이라 쓰고 만 또는 일만이라 고 읽습니다. 9000보다 1000 10000은 2 다섯 자리 수 알아보기 9900보다
Valuation (DCF Multiple ) VIII Case Study 3 1 NOA, IBD ( 1 ) 2 ( 2 ) 3 (DCF 3 ) 4 WACC (DCF 4 ) 5 EBITDA (Multiple 3 ) 6 Multiple (Multiple 4 ) 7 ( 5
Valuation (DCF Multiple ) Valuation (DCF Multiple ) I Valuation 1 Valuation 2 valuation II VBM Valuation 1 VBM 2 M&A III 1 2 IV 1 NOA, IBD ( 1 ) 2 ( 2 ) 3 (DCF 3 ) 4 WACC (DCF 4 ) 5 EBITDA (Multiple 3
분석결과 Special Edition 녹색건물의 가치산정 및 탄소배출 평가 이슈 서 민간분야의 적극적인 참여 방안의 마련이 필요하다. 또한 우리나라는 녹색건축의 경제성에 대한 검증에 대 한 연구가 미흡한 실정이다. 반면, 미국, 영국, 호주 등은 민간 주도로 녹색건축물
기획특집Ⅱ 1 지속가능성 평가기반 에너지효율등급인증 건축물 가치산정에 관한 연구 지속가능성 평가기반 에너지효율등급인증 건축물 가치산정에 관한 연구 * 유 영 준 부연구위원 한국감정원 녹색건축센터 녹색건축연구단 신 성 은 연구원 한국감정원 녹색건축센터 녹색건축연구단 박 아 름 연구원 한국감정원 녹색건축센터 녹색건축연구단 윤 종 돈 부장 한국감정원 녹색건축센터
태양광 모듈 효율 실증 테스트 시스템 National Instrument Korea 전략마케팅 / 팀장 윤 동 원 1 회사 소개 소재: 미국 텍사스 오스틴 설립일: 1976년 지사 및 직원: 40여 개국의 지사, 4,300명의 직원 2007년 매출: $740M R&D 투자: 1) 사업비의 16% R&D 투자 2) 1,400명 이상의 R&D인력 대표 제품: LabVIEW,
2005. 6. 11. *, **, ***, * * ** *** Acknowledgement 2005 BTP. 1. 1-1. 1. (Green Logistics) - 90 2 ( - ) EU - ISO 14001 ( ) -, - 3 1. Liberal Return Policy - (South Florida Stock 2000 1000 ) - (,TV, )
실적 및 전망 09년 하반 PECVD 고객 다변화에 따른 실적개선 10년 태양광 R&D 장비 매출을 반으로 본격적인 상업생산 시작 1. 09년 3Q 실적 동사는 09년 3Q에 매출과 영업이익으로 각각 142 억원(YoY 16.7%, QoQ 142%), 6 억원(흑전환)
KRP Report (3회차) GOLDEN BRIDGE Research - 스몰켑 - Not Rated 테스 (095610) 공정미세화 추세의 수혜, 태양광 장비의 매출 가시화로 견조한 성장 작성일: 2009.11.18 발간일: 2009.11.19 3Q 실적 동사의 3분에 매출과 영업이익은 각각 141.5 억원(QoQ 142%), 6 억원(흑전)이다. 목표가
Class 4 Stock Valuation Yr Hi Yr Lo Stock Sym 123 1/8 93 1/8 IBM IBM Div Yld % PE Vol 1 4.84 4.2 16 14591 Day Hi Day Lo Close Net Chg 115 113 114 3/4 +1 3/8 slide 1 slide 3 Hi = 123 1/8: 52 Lo = 93 1/8:
Yonsei Business Review Vol. 47, No. 1 (Fall 2010), 151-179 David vs. Goliath: M&A of HaiTai Confectionery and Foods Co. by Crown Confectionery Co. Hyun-Han Shin** 2004 10 Korea Confectionary Holdings NV
양성자가속기연구센터 양성자가속기 개발 및 운영현황 DOI: 10.3938/PhiT.25.001 권혁중 김한성 Development and Operational Status of the Proton Linear Accelerator at the KOMAC Hyeok-Jung KWON and Han-Sung KIM A 100-MeV proton linear accelerator
낙랑군( 樂 浪 郡 ) 조선현( 朝 鮮 縣 )의 위치 -낙랑군 조선현의 평양설 및 대동강설 비판- 이덕일 (한가람역사문화연구소 소장) 1. 머리말 낙랑군의 위치는 오랜 쟁점이었고, 현재까지도 한 중 일 사이의 역사현안이기도 하다. 낙랑군 의 위치에 따라서 동북아 고대사의 강역이 달라지기 때문이다. 낙랑군의 위치 중에서도 가장 중요한 것은 낙랑군의 치소( 治
5. Kapitel URE neu
URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Standards: IEC 60 269-4 BS 88-4 Class: ar Voltage ratings: AC 240 V AC 700 V Current ratings: 5 A 900 A Features / Benefits High interrupting
ETC Electrolytic Technologies Corporation Electrolytic Technologies Corporation (ETC) (High Strength Sodium Hypochlorite). ETC.,. ETC,,. - (Cl2) (NaOH
Innovator in Water Disinfection Solution 고농도차염 (NaOCl) 발생시스템 Klorigen K-Series Klorigen M-Series Generate Sodium Hypochlorite On-site and On-demand ETC Electrolytic Technologies Corporation Electrolytic
2.BFL_63호 정준혁
* Private Equity Fund( PEF ) (Limited Partner, LP ) (General Partner, GP ), GP. GP (portfolio company), GP LP. GP LP,, LP LP., GP LP. PEF, PEF, PEF, (buyout) LPA. ( ) PEF ( PEF ), PEF limited partnership
PowerChute Personal Edition v3.1.0 에이전트 사용 설명서
PowerChute Personal Edition v3.1.0 990-3772D-019 4/2019 Schneider Electric IT Corporation Schneider Electric IT Corporation.. Schneider Electric IT Corporation,,,.,. Schneider Electric IT Corporation..
,,,,,, (41) ( e f f e c t ), ( c u r r e n t ) ( p o t e n t i a l difference),, ( r e s i s t a n c e ) 2,,,,,,,, (41), (42) (42) ( 41) (Ohm s law),
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7 8 PSpice EWB,, ,,,,,, (41) ( e f f e c t ), ( c u r r e n t ) ( p o t e n t i a l difference),, ( r e s i s t a n c e ) 2,,,,,,,, (41), (42) (42) ( 41) (Ohm s law), ( ),,,, (43) 94 (44)
Abstract Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Related Factors for Nurses and Radiological Technologists Wearing a Lead Apron for Radiation Pro t e c t i o n Jung-Im Yoo, Jung-Wan Koo 1 ) Angio Unit, Team of Radiology,
- 2 -
- 1 - - 2 - 전기자동차충전기기술기준 ( 안 ) - 3 - 1 3 1-1 3 1-2 (AC) 26 1-3 (DC) 31 2 37 3 40-4 - 1 14, 10,, 2 3. 1-1 1. (scope) 600 V (IEC 60038) 500 V. (EV : Electric Vehicle) (PHEV : Plug-in Hybrid EV).. 2. (normative
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(Macquarie Korea Infrastructure Fund) 1 : (Macquarie Korea Infrastructure Fund) : 110 11(:100-755) : 02-3705-4921 2 : / 3 : (Macquarie Shinhan Infrastructure Asset Management Co, Ltd) ( 110 11Tel: 3705-4921)
232 도시행정학보 제25집 제4호 I. 서 론 1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 사회가 다원화될수록 다양성과 복합성의 요소는 증가하게 된다. 도시의 발달은 사회의 다원 화와 밀접하게 관련되어 있기 때문에 현대화된 도시는 경제, 사회, 정치 등이 복합적으로 연 계되어 있어 특
한국도시행정학회 도시행정학보 제25집 제4호 2012. 12 : pp.231~251 생활지향형 요소의 근린주거공간 분포특성 연구: 경기도 시 군을 중심으로* Spatial Distribution of Daily Life-Oriented Features in the Neighborhood: Focused on Municipalities of Gyeonggi Province
레이아웃 1
i g d e d mod, t d e d e d mod, t e,0 e, n s,0 e,n e,0 Division of Workers' Compensation (2009). Iowa workers' compensation manual. Gamber, E. N. & Sorensen, R. L. (1994). Are net discount rates stationary?:
CONTENTS 4 6 8 9 10 18 24 31 32 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 11(5) 62 4 77 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2011. 05 2011. 06 2012. 01 2012. 01 2012. 03 2012. 03 2012. 04 2012. 04 2012. 08 2012. 08 2012. 08
6 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Korea's Export YoY(LHS) 25 1999 IT Export / Total Export 4 3 US IT Shipment YoY(RHS) 15 8 6 5 4 - -5 - - 93.4 95.4 97.4 99.4 1.4 China Taiwan Korea Malaysia Singapore Thailand Philippine
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www.dgbfg.co.kr _Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 4 27 37 55 73 111 120 149 2 2016 DGB Financial Group Report 2016 DGB Financial Group Report 3 2016 DGB Financial Group Report 5 2010. 12 2010. 12 2011.
Vol.259 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M
2018.01 Vol.259 C O N T E N T S 02 06 28 61 69 99 104 120 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2018.1 3 4 2018.1 1) 2) 6 2018.1 3) 4) 7 5) 6) 7) 8) 8 2018.1 9 10 2018.1 11 2003.08 2005.08
Microsoft Word - 9000014297.doc
Report 기업분석 LG생명과학 (068870.KS) 2006년 9월 6일 Buy (유지) 목표주가 54,000원 (상향) Analyst 권해순 02)768-7977, haesoon.kwon@wooriwm.com 황호성 02)768-7597, hosung.hwang@wooriwm.com 이지현 02)768-7617, salome.lee@wooriwm.com
metatron Enterprise Big Data SKT Metatron/Big Data Big Data Big Data... metatron Ready to Enterprise Big Data Big Data Big Data Big Data?? Data Raw. CRM SCM MES TCO Data & Store & Processing Computational
(IRS) ... Swap Rate.... KTB. . SWAP - Swap. (Currency Swap). (Interest Swap). * ( ).. . SWAP - IRS (Coupon Swap) A LIBOR B (Basis Swap) A PRIME RATE LIBOR B . SWAP - (Swap Rate) AA ( U$ Libor) Telerate
제 출 문 농림수산식품부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 트위스트 휠 방식 폐비닐 수거기 개발 과제의 최종보고서로 제출 합니다. 2008년 4월 24일 주관연구기관명: 경 북 대 학 교 총괄연구책임자: 김 태 욱 연 구 원: 조 창 래 연 구 원: 배 석 경 연 구 원: 김 승 현 연 구 원: 신 동 호 연 구 원: 유 기 형 위탁연구기관명: 삼 생 공 업 위탁연구책임자:
1. 연구 개요 q 2013년 연구목표 제2-1과제명 건축물의 건강친화형 관리 및 구법 기술 연구목표 건강건축 수명예측 Lifecycle Health Assessment (LHA) 모델 개발 건축물의 비용 기반 분석기술(Cost-based Lifecycle Health
지속가능 건강건축을 위한 비용기반 LHA 모델 2013. 11. 15-16 목 차 1. 연구 개요 2. Cost-based LHA 모델의 개념 3. Cost-based LHA 모델의 운용 4. 결론 2 283 1. 연구 개요 q 2013년 연구목표 제2-1과제명 건축물의 건강친화형 관리 및 구법 기술 연구목표 건강건축 수명예측 Lifecycle Health
www.dgbfg.co.kr _Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 4 24 38 54 71 95 104 133 2 2015 DGB Financial Group Report 2015 DGB Financial Group Report 3 2015 DGB Financial Group Report 5 2010. 12 2010. 12 2011.
I 1 1) TESCO, 1993, ( 96, 98, 99) - : : 354 (19993 ~ , 1 =1737 ) - : 845 ( : 659 ) - : ) CM 9 (CM), CM , 2 CM, -
[ B-4] - 322 - I 1 1) TESCO, 1993, 1997 3 ( 96, 98, 99) - : 1942-1999 : 354 (19993 ~ 20002 20, 1 =1737 ) - : 845 ( : 659 ) - : 22-11 2) CM 9 (CM), CM 2000 9, 2 CM, - : 210 - : (, 2000 9), - 323 - - : -
02 Reihe bis 750 bar GB-9.03
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LIG Research Center Company Analysis 211/5/24 Analyst 김영진/주혜미ㆍ2)6923-7318/7345ㆍyjkim/hmjoo@ligstock.com 금호석유화학 (1178KS Buy 유지 TP 272,원 상향) 합성고무 및 BPA 증설을 통한 성장 및 수익 전략 -, 수익예상 상향에 따라 272,원으로 상향 조정하며, 투자의견
(specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements) 11 (location selection) 12 (storage bin) 12 (i
SERVICE MANUAL N200M / N300M / N500M ( : R22) e-mail : jhyun00@koreacom homepage : http://wwwicematiccokr (specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements)
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:275~289 Received: 2016/12/02, Accepted: 2016/12/22 Revised: 2016/12/20, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] SNS is used in various fields. Although
Interest Interest [IRS] [IRS] Long Long / / Short Short Position Position Interest Interest Sensitivity Sensitivity Par Par / / Zero Zero / / IF IF Interest Interest BPV BPV / / Duration Duration KTB KTB
Information Memorandum Danam Communications Inc
Information Memorandum 2000. 7. 6 Danam Communications Inc 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS... 5 I.... 6 1....6 2....7 3....9 4....10 5....11 6....12 7....13 8....14 II.... 16 1....16 2....16 3....16 4....17 III. R&D...
, Analyst, , Table of contents Executive summary 3 Investment thesis Deal tracker 44 Compan
, Analyst, 3774 7165, jaechul.park@miraeasset.com Table of contents Executive summary 3 Investment thesis 5 5 16 19 23 27 31 41 Deal tracker 44 Company recommendation 46 Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMY US) 47
근 과학기술은 거대화 및 융합화 추세와 더불어 그 수명 주기가 점차 짧아지고 있어 연 최 구개발 계획의 수립, 진행, 평가 등의 과정 전반에 보다 객관적이고 정밀한 자료의 중요 성에 제고되는 동시에 치열한 국제경쟁에서의 생존을 위해 속전속결식의 투자와 성장전략보 다는 엄밀한 투자타당성 평가에 기반한 객관적이고 장기적인 투자전략 수립이 요구되고 있다. 이러한
미리보는 216 년 미국 대선 (1) 극과 극 조연주 (2-768-7598) 급진적 보수, 급진적 진보 공약이 대중의 지지률 얻어 극과 극으로 치닫는 216 년 미국 대선 216년에는 미국 대선 이벤트에 주목해야 된다. 이는 미국 대선이 흔들리는 세계 경제를 바로 잡아
미리보는 216 년 미국 대선 (1) - 극과 극 Korea Strategy 215. 1. 22 216년에는 미국 대선 이벤트에 주목해야 된다! 이번 미국 대선의 특징은 비정치권 출신의 후보자들이 극과 극 공약을 제시하면서 미국 정치의 판도를 바꾸려고 하고 있다. 이에 따라 누가 대통령이 될 것인가에 따 라 미국 경제 향방이 극명하게 갈릴 것으로 판단된다.
, Fixed Income Analyst, , (pt, 212 초 =1) 17 US HY BofA merrill lynch bond index Europe HY Asian dollar HY Asia
Comment Fixed Income Strategy 2 January 216 1 1 () (1) (1) (2) ROE: US HY Non-Energy Energy 2 26 27 28 29 21 211 212 214 21 안정성수익성현금흐름 US HY Sector Net Interest ROE FCF debt/ebitda coverage ratio Energy
` Companies need to play various roles as the network of supply chain gradually expands. Companies are required to form a supply chain with outsourcing or partnerships since a company can not
1. 펀드의 개요 3 2. 운용경과 및 수익률 현황 3 3. 자산현황 5 4. 투자운용전문인력 현황 6 5. 비용현황 7 6. 투자자산매매내역 8 <참고 - 펀드용어정리> 9
슈로더증권투자신탁(주식혼합-재간접형) 보고서기준일: 2015년 03월 06일 보고대상 운용기간: 2014년 12월 07일 - 2015년 03월 06일 고객님이 가입하신 펀드는 [자본시장과 금융투자업에 관한 법률]의 적용을 받습니다. 고객님이 가입하신 펀드는 [재간접형 펀드] 로서, 추가 입금이 가능한 추가형이고, 다양한 판매보수의 종류 를 선택할 수 있는 종류형
36. 1. IN G 8 ) ING,.... ING.,,,,. (Executive Board) (Risk Policy Com mittee), (Central Credit Comm ittee), (Central Limit s Com mittee).,,.,. 8) 1999 ING Annual Report pp. 32 36 pp. 94 95. 37 1) ING,
URL : www.kyoborealco.com 2008년 4/4분기 오피스 시장 보고서 Forth Quarter 2008 Office Market Report 서울특별시 성동구 도선동 286번지 Tel. 82 2 2290 4048 Fax. 82 2 2290 4099 URL : www.kyoborealco.com Profile Contents 02 03 05
BSC Discussion 1
Copyright 2006 by Human Consulting Group INC. All Rights Reserved. No Part of This Publication May Be Reproduced, Stored in a Retrieval System, or Transmitted in Any Form or by Any Means Electronic, Mechanical,
포괄손익계산서 (Statements of comprehensive income) Ⅵ. 중단영업이익 (Net income from discontinued operations ) Ⅶ. 당기순이익 (Net Income) , ,298 ( 대손준비금반영후
포괄손익계산서 (Statements of comprehensive income) 주식회사우리은행 Ⅰ. 영업이익 (Operating income) 1. 순이자이익 (Net interest income) (1) 이자수익 (Interest income) (2) 이자비용 (Interest expense) 2. 순수수료이익 (Net fees and commissions
2학년 1학기 1,2단원 1 차례 세 자리의 수 1-1 왜 몇 백을 배워야 하나요? 1-2 세 자리 수의 자릿값 알아보기와 크기 비교하기 1-3 뛰어 세기와 수 배열표에서 규칙 찾기 1단원 기본 평가 단원 창의 서술 논술형 평가 22 1단원 심화 수
2학년 1학기 1,2단원 1 차례 세 자리의 수 1-1 왜 몇 백을 배워야 하나요? 1-2 세 자리 수의 자릿값 알아보기와 크기 비교하기 1-3 뛰어 세기와 수 배열표에서 규칙 찾기 1단원 기본 평가 2 8 14 20 1단원 창의 서술 논술형 평가 22 1단원 심화 수준 평가 23 한박사의 스토리텔링 24 2 여러 가지 도형 2-1 같은 점과 다른 점 찾기
Ph.D, FRM, ick_chan_joo@lycos.co.kr IBK Economic Research Institute 1 1. 2. : ( ) ( ) 3. : 4. 5. & ( ) 6. 7. GDP :, 8. 1., 2004 10,222,000 bpd(barrel / day). 13.1%..,. OPEC 25 2,058,000 bpd, 20%, OPEC.,.,
Development of culture technic for practical cultivation under structure in Gastrodia elate Blume
Development of culture technic for practical cultivation under structure in Gastrodia elate Blume 1996. : 1. 8 2. 1 1998. 12. : : ( ) : . 1998. 12 : : : : : : : : : : - 1 - .. 1.... 2.. 3.... 1..,,.,,
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35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 EURO 일본미국중국 국물가 국산업생산 국물가 국산업생산 국물가 산업생산 2 7 US Long Int. Rate Korea CPI Response ( 미국 ) ( 중국 ) ( 유로 ) ( 일본 ) 1
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Week 03-2 Seongyeon Ko (CMAL, Queens College) Seongyeon.Ko@qc.cuny.edu Quiz 1 2 Greetings in real situations 안녕하세요? 안녕히가세요. 안녕히계세요. Video source: http://www.indiana.edu/~korean/k101/l1c1greetings.html
바른 정책
바른 정책, 바른 용어( 正 名 )로부터 출발한다 -기업 교육 재정분야의 바른 용어- 일시 : 2015년 1월 28일(수) 오후 2시30분 장소 : 프레스센터 19층 매화홀 바른 정책, 바른 용어( 正 名 )로부터 출발한다 -기업 교육 재정분야의 바른 용어- 실존주의 철학자 하이데거는
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목 분 기 보 고 서...1 대표이사 등의 확인...2 I. 회사의 개요...3 1. 회사의 개요...3 2. 회사의 연혁...6 3. 자본금 변동사항...8 4. 주식의 총수 등...9 5. 의결권 현황...10 6. 배당에 관한 사항 등...10 II. 사업의 내용...12 III. 재무에 관한 사항...49 1. 요약재무정보...49 2. 연결재무제표...51
G Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 531~539, August, 2008 š x y w m š gj p { sƒ z 1) * 1) w w Evaluation of Flexural Strength for Normal and High Strength Concrete with Hooked
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Journal of the Korean Housing Association Vol. 20, No. 3, 2009 yw s w - û - A Study on the Planning of Improved-Hanok - Focused on Jeon-Nam Province - y* ** z*** **** Kang, Man-Ho Lee, Woo-Won Jeong, Hun
(2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4). (3). (1) (2) Antoine. (5) (6) 80, α =181.08kPa, =47.38kPa.. Figure 1.
Continuous Distillation Column Design Jungho Cho Department of chemical engineering, Dongyang university 1. ( ).... 2. McCabe-Thiele Method K-value. (1) : :, K-value. (2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4).
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47 2 1. 1.1 1). KS B 6301. (.),, 2.1. 2) A, B, C, 0 A 0, C 48 3) Q,,,,. 4) 5) (H- Q ), p. H- Q H- Q. 2.2. 1.2 1) a).,, 3,. Ns, n : rpm Q : n Q 1/ 2 H 3/4 (2. 1) H : m /min.,, 1. 49 () Q = 14/min, H = 100m
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부동산학연구 제16집 제1호, 2010. 3, pp. 117~130 Journal of the Korea Real Estate Analysts Association Vol.16, No.1, 2010. 3, pp. 117~130 비선형 Mankiw-Weil 주택수요 모형 - 수도권 지역을 대상으로 - Non-Linear Mankiw-Weil Model on Housing
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2 I II 1 21992~96 319971~9 4199710~19988 519988 6 7 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, 10 11 12 13 399 1 2 1992 : 3 4 1) 2) 3) 6,, Tax Arrear, PPI, CPI, GKO, OFZ, Vekcels, Barter, 400 I, -,,,, < > 1991 11,,, 1991 105,,
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