PowerPoint 프레젠테이션

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1 고객은왜디지털환경에서변화된공급망관리를도입하였는가? 정광식 Principal Consultant Application Sales Consulting January 19, 2017

2 Safe Harbor Statement The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle. Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its 1/17/2017 affiliates. All rights reserved. Copyright 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2

3 Program Agenda 클라우드환경에서 SCM 트렌드오라클 SCM Cloud 애플리케이션글로벌기업의 SCM Cloud 도입사례 Wrap-Up Q & A 3

4 Program Agenda 클라우드환경에서 SCM 트렌드 오라클 SCM Cloud 애플리케이션글로벌기업의 SCM Cloud 도입사례 Wrap-Up Q & A 4

5 새로운디지털공급망시대도래 도전과기회 Globalization Security Transparency Convergence Connectivity How can companies Modernize their supply chains to meet the digital challenge? Data Explosion 5

6 디지털공급망관리로의변환시주요사항 더많은참여모바일활용분석및의사결정협업체계 Innovation Through Engagement Ubiquitous Visibility and Access Real-Time Information for Best Decisions Responsiveness Through Collaboration Mobile Analytic Social IoT Big Data Digital Supply Chain Platform 6

7 Program Agenda 클라우드환경에서 SCM 트렌드 오라클 SCM Cloud 애플리케이션 글로벌기업의 SCM Cloud 도입사례 Wrap-Up Q & A 7

8 내 / 외부영향도를고려한 Cloud 로의전환정책수립 Ability to Change INNOVATE AT THE EDGE (Co-Existence) COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION (Cloud Transformation) OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE (Consolidation & Hosting) DIVISIONAL MODERNIZATION (Two-Tier ERP/SCM) Pressure to Change 8

9 SCM Cloud 로의여정 Flexible Paths to the Cloud COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION SINGLE PROCESS Contracts, Innovation Mana gement, Product Hub BUSINESS FUNCTION Logistics, Product Lifecycle Management END-TO-END PROCESS Procure-to-Pay Order-to-Cash Idea to Commercialize Plan-to-Produce DIVISIONAL MODERNIZATION ERP SCM HCM CX DIVISIONAL EPM MODERNIZATION DIVISIONAL MODERNIZATION Complementary Incremental Transformational 9

10 Innovate at the Edges 유연한클라우드로의전환제공 보완적으로 / 점진적으로 / 완전하게 Divisional Transformation Warehouse Management Financials Procurement Inventory Order Management Manufacturing Planning Central Product Hub Logistics Legacy ERP/SCM Financials Procurement Inventory Order Management Manufacturing Planning PLM Sourcing / Contracts Order Management Phase I Financials Phase II (Indirect) Procurement Inventory Phase III Order Management SCO & SFO Phase IV Manufacturing (Direct) Procurement Planning Central Time 10

11 오라클솔루션개발원칙 Oracle SCM Cloud Guiding Principles Broader Better Faster 광범위한공급망업무를지원하는프로세스내장 디지털에기반한뛰어난사용자경험 (UX) 지원 신속한구축과확장성지원 & 자동업그레이드 Idea to Commercia lization Order to Cash Source to Settle Plan to Produce Embedded Analytics User Experience Rules & Workflows Consistent Data People Platform 11

12 광범위하고통합되고완전한 SCM 프로세스지원 Ideate to Commercialize ( 아이디어 ~ 제품 ) Source-to-Settle ( 소싱 ~ 정산 ) Order-to-Cash ( 주문 ~ 매출 ) 아이디어 개발 제품 Innovation Management Project Management Product Development Product Hub 소싱 Sourcing & Contracts Unified PLM solution for Ideas to Commercialization on common MDM Platform Supplier Qualificati on Management 계약 Purchasing 구매 Self-Service & Supplier Portal 정산 Payables Best in Class Breadth and Depth with ERP Integration and Flexible Deployment Options 주문수집 Order Management 납기확약 조율 / 조정 운송 & 청구 Configurator & Global Order Inventory & Pricing Promising Shipping Comprehensive built-in Capabilities on Omni-Channel Orchestration Architecture Transportation & Receivables Plan-to-Produce ( 계획 ~ 생산 ) 계획 생산 Planning Central Manufacturing Inventory & Costing 최적화 Integrated demand & Supply Planning, Orchestration-driven Manufacturing Supply Chain Orchestration 12

13 Modern Best Practice 기반클라우드 SCM 애플리케이션 디지털환경하에서의 SCM 업무프로세스지원 13

14 Modern Best Practice 기반클라우드 SCM 애플리케이션 디지털환경하에서의 SCM 업무프로세스지원 계획생산업무프로세스 (Forecast to Plan) 계획목표설정 Securely collaborate among stak eholders to define the planning options & exception thresholds t hat best support revenue, utiliza tion, & throughput objectives 수요계획 Detect market changes by integr ating real-time demand signals wi th historical data. Gain a consens us view of future demand via stati stical forecasting & cross-function al teamwork 공급계획 Determine resource & ma terial requirements based on current demand, mate rial availability, manufact uring capacity, & supplier commitments ILLUSTRATIVE Production Order to Cost Up date Contract Manufacturing Req uest to Delivery 계획분석 Determine & prioritize resource & material exceptions. Analyze/ drill down to find the root cause of demand & supply issues. Colla borate to identify performance opportunities 원인분석및대응 Get plan change suggestions that maximize revenue & minimize disr uptions. Add/adjust buy, make, or transfer orders to address hot dem and, pull-in demand, & demand at risk. Simulate plan changes to com pare results 실행시스템연계 Review supply/demand pegging & assess build plans to prioritize supply orders for release. Auto matically release routine buy, m ake, or move orders 모바일 분석 소셜 IoT 빅데이터 14

15 오라클 SCM 클라우드애플리케이션 디지털환경으로의비즈니스전환가속화 Business Intelligence Application 전체공급망 의 End-to- Product Lifecycle Management Complete End 비즈니 스프로세스 Order Management Demand Management Supply Planning Procurement & Supply Ma nagement Sourcing SCM CLOUD 를가속화 Service Logistics & Distribution Manufacturing Application Integration Architecture 15

16 Program Agenda 클라우드환경에서 SCM 트렌드오라클 SCM Cloud 애플리케이션 글로벌기업의 SCM Cloud 도입사례 Wrap-Up Q & A 16

17 주요도입현황 - Highlights Highlights 생산계획 & 협업 생산관리 & 설비관리 SCM Cloud First Comprehensive Solution 주문관리 640 CUSTOMERS 640K $10B FREIGHT UNDER MANAGEMENT 18M 물류 제품개발 구매 USERS PRODUCTS MANAGED 17

18 오라클 SCM Cloud 사용 고객사 - Logos 1/17/2017 Copyright 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 18

19 글로벌고객들의 SCM Cloud 도입패턴 Logistics Cloud PLM Cloud SCM Cloud EXPANDING TO NEW SCM CLOUD 15 % spend Reduction in transportation INNOVATE AROUND THE EDGES 25 % Drop in product issues at Ainsworth Pet Nutrition FULL CLOUD TRANSFORMATION 100 % Integrated system at Adventist Health Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1/17/2017 All rights reserved. Copyright 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 1940

20 고객사별클라우드도입및전환유형 COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION 1 (Cloud Transformation) 2 3 INNOVATE AT THE EDGE (Co-Existence) DIVISIONAL MODERNIZATION (Two-Tier ERP/SCM) Oracle Cloud ERP Supply Chain, Procurement, Financi als Oracle Cloud ERP Supply Chain, Procurement, Financials Manufacturing ERP Corporate ERP Oracle Cloud ERP Supply Chain, Procurement, Financials 전체업무를오라클클라우드로이동 전사업무의대부분은오라클클라우드로이동 생산영역은 On-Premise 시스템 본사이외의자회사, 사업부별오라클 ERP 클라우드로이동 20

21 유형 #1 : Complete Transformation COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION (Cloud Transformation) 개요 기존시스템의완전한클라우드로의전환 Legacy ERP / SCM Oracle SCM Cloud 예시고객 복잡하지않은다소간단한제품을생산하고판매 PLM Inventory 산업군 중. 소규모의일반제조회사 SCO & SFO 구축방법 전체혹은단계별구축 Order Management Procurement 도입목표 현재시스템을클라우드 ERP/SCM 시스템으로대체하여비용감소, Best Practice 의신속한적용과향후사업확장에유연하게대처 Other SCM Finance 21

22 Ballard Power Systems Ballard Power Systems 社는캐나다소재 ( 본사 ) 의 37 년역사의연료전지 (Fuel Cell) PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) 생산의글로벌리더 이슈 Ballard struggled with aging, disconnected systems with multiple work around and Band aids had created silos of data and silos of groups inside to org. The resulting lack of operational efficiency and visibility across all groups was becoming a hindrance to growth. 오라클솔루션 Oracle SCM Cloud: Oracle Order Management Cloud ( 주문관리 ) Oracle Manufacturing Cloud ( 생산관리 ) Oracle Planning Central Cloud ( 계획관리 ) Oracle Procurement Cloud ( 구매관리 ) 예상기대효과 계획솔루션의내장된분석기능을활용하여수요와공급의밸런싱을통한매출및이익증대 전체공급망비용감소와이벤트에대한신속한대응력증대. 생산현장관리와효율증대 22

23 Profound Medical Corp. Profound Medical Corp. 社는캐나다온타리오에본사를두고, 진단및수술의료기기 (Medical Device) 를주로제작하는회사 이슈 Profound Medical Corp. was looking for a manufacturing and supply chain solution that is simple enough to deploy for their initial product launch and robust enough to scale to support their projected rapid growth. 오라클솔루션 Oracle SCM Cloud: Oracle Product Hub Cloud ( 품목마스터관리 ) Oracle Order Management Cloud ( 주문관리 ) Oracle Manufacturing Cloud ( 생산관리 ) Oracle Procurement Cloud ( 구매관리 ) 기대효과 신속한시장진입 Faster time to market with integrated Agile PLM, Product Hub Cloud and Manufacturing Cloud 주요품목에대한추적성 Serialized Manufacturing and Inventory providing traceability of critical components 관리의간소화 Simple shop floor and warehouse execution, with robust costing and reporting 23

24 유형 # 2: Innovate at the Edge Order-to-Cash Case Study Capture MDM Fulfillment INNOVATE AT THE EDGE (Co-Existence) Finance Leads & Opport unity SFA Non-hardware order lines Procurement Indirect Configure Price Quote Contracts CPQ Commerce EDI Initial Implementation Future Phase On-premise ERP Other System All Products, New/Change Orders Order Import Status OM & GOP Cloud Orchestration Routing Exception Mgmt API Gateway or OHS Change Mgmt Non-hardware order lines Hardware Order Lines Inventory MFG Planning Central Custom ebs e.g. CD, documentation Digital Enablem ent Systems Planning Procurement Mfg Inventory Field Service 24

25 Telogis, Inc. Telogis 社는미국소재, 물류영역의운송수단과작업자에대한모바일기반으로솔루션을개발하여제공하는소프트웨어회사 이슈 Telogis had an aging order management system which was strained to meet increasing order demand for their product portfolio. It sought a multi-channel cloud order management solution that could improve the order process by efficiently orchestrating orders from multiple capture channels to multiple fulfillment sources and enable future growth. 오라클솔루션 Oracle SCM Cloud: Order Management Cloud ( 주문관리 ) 예상기대효과 신속한주문처리 주문입력오류감소 주문확약증대 기존시스템연계를통한비용감소 기통합된프로세스를활용한빠른구축 25

26 Panduit Panduit 社는미국일리노이소재회사로전력, 통신, 제어및보안시스템관련하여물리적인 Infrastructure 솔루션을제공하는공급하는글로벌운영회사 이슈 Panduit sough to reduce freight spend and implement additional process discipline. It wanted to identify and create ship windows to reduce expedited freight given away by sales. 오라클솔루션 Oracle SCM Cloud: Oracle Transportation Management Cloud( 운송관리 ) 예상기대효과 Optimize freight spend - 통합화물관리로 15% 운임절감 Enhancement Shipment visibility - 가시성증대로긴급화물감소 Automate Freight Settlement - 운임정산소요간접비 20% 절감 26

27 Cypress Semiconductor 사이프레스세미컨덕터社는 1982 년설립된실리콘벨리에위치한반도체설계및제조기업 이슈 Cypress Semiconductor s high volume of daily orders, > 4,000, required a trade solution to effectively screen and process them providing visibility and insight into daily business performance. 오라클솔루션 Oracle SCM Cloud: Oracle Global Trade Management Cloud ( 무역관리 ) 예상기대효과 글로벌수출입무역통합관리로담당자생산성및작업효율향상 기존 ERP 시스템과의통합 ( 주문, 고객, 영업관리에대한전체뷰지원 ) 27

28 Global Trade Management 클라우드적용 SCREEN FOR RESTRICT ED PARTIES DETERMINE TRADE CONTROLS MANAGE & ASSIGN LIC ENSES PRODUCE CUSTOMS FILINGS & DOCUMENTS CLASSIFY PRODUCTS Global Trade Cloud AUDIT PERFORMANCE 분류준수실행 글로벌무역관리 컴플라이언스관세관리인텔리젼스 제품분류, 제한교육및제재대상에대한분류와관련문서관리지원 의무규제준수, 라이센스관리및정책에대한관리지원 관세업무및관련문서작성지원 무역관련수출입업무분석지원과대쉬보드를통한업무모니터링 28

29 Marrone Bio Innovations (MBI) Marrone Bio Innovation. 社는미국캘리포니아소재, 농식품관련바이오제품을생산하는회사 이슈 Significant production lead times reducing flexibility to adapt to demand fluctuations Rapid growth making excel planning ineffective and inefficient Monthly production planning hampered by lack of clean data 오라클솔루션 Oracle SCM Cloud: Oracle Planning Central Cloud ( 계획관리 ) 예상기대효과 통합계획플랫폼을활용한기존매뉴얼프로세스대체 신뢰성있는데이터를활용한공급망내발생이슈에대한신속한의사결정체계구축 광범위한공급망내의가시성확보 전체계획싸이클단축 29

30 오라클 Planning Cloud 를도입사유 비즈니스사용자가충분히직관적으로프로세스를운영할수있는디지털환경을반영한새로운사용자경험 (UX) 을제공하는 UI 내장된분석기능을통한의사결정과협업체계운영가능 클라우드환경에서의공급망의운영능력을향상시킬수있는아키텍쳐제공 산업별선진업무프로세스를빠르고폭넓게적용가능 (Modern Best Practice) 향후전사 IT 전략과일치하고낮은 TCO 달성가능 30

31 Moose Toys Moose Toys 社는호주멜버른소재, 장난감및완구류에대한설계, 개발및마케팅과글로벌판매하는회사로세계에서 4 번째로큰회사? 오라클 Innovation Management 클라우드 31

32 Go-Live 이후달성효과 모든아이디어, 요구사항, 개념에대한중앙통합관리 관련업무담당자와의완벽한협업체계 아이디어와개념설계에대한효과적인선택프로세스 효율성과생산성증대 다양한판단지표를통한상품개념디자인에대한분석 전체프로세스싸이클시간단축과가시성증대 32

33 유형 #3 : Divisional Modernization 2 가지전환유형 DIVISIONAL MODERNIZATION (Two-Tier ERP/SCM) 1. One Division Moves to the Cloud 2. Two-Tier : Some Mfg. Remains on Premise 33

34 GE Power GE Power 社는발전, 에너지공급및수자원관리에대한 Infrastructure 와솔루션을공급하는회사 이슈 GE Power needed a merging of traditional ERP implementations to a shared, cost effective ERP solution to support the business of its new acquisition and establish a proof point for broader adoption in the future. 오라클솔루션 Oracle SCM Cloud: Oracle Product Hub Cloud Oracle Innovation Management Cloud Oracle Ideation Management Cloud Project Management Cloud Project Resource Cloud Project Task Cloud 예상기대효과 기존 ERP 프로세스와의연계를지원하는클라우드기반확립 신규합병및비즈니스확산을위한클라우드기반신속한프로세스확립 마스터데이터의중앙통합관리를통한 ERP 와클라우드 Apps 의상호공유체계 34

35 Program Agenda 클라우드환경에서 SCM 트렌드오라클 SCM Cloud 애플리케이션글로벌기업의 SCM Cloud 도입사례 Wrap-Up Q & A 35

36 오라클 SCM 클라우드애플리케이션 Summary Built for Cloud Broadest Cloud Solution Modern User Experience Flexible Paths to the Cloud 36

37 오라클 Modern SCM 클라우드애플리케이션 The Time for SCM Cloud Is Now SCM CLOUD Complete Personalized Data-Driven READY 지속적인개발투자, 혁신과확장으로검증된솔루션 SET 다양한지역, 산업군에서의고객성공사례 Secure Connected GO 중. 장기적인가치와즉각적이고실용적인효과달성 37

38 Questions? 38

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