Congratulations on your engagement. Have you 약혼을축하합니다. 그럼결혼은언제인지 decided upon big day yet? 정해진건가요? Used when congratulating a recently engaged-couple

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1 - Marriage Congratulations. Wishing the both of you all the happiness in the world. Used when congratulating a recently-married couple 축하합니다. 세상에서가장행복한바랍니다. 두분이되길 Congratulations and warm wishes to both of you on your wedding day. Used when congratulating a recently-married couple 두분의결혼식날, 축하와따뜻한성원을함께보냅니다. Congratulations on tying the knot! 결혼을너무너무축하한다! Informal, used when congratulating a recently married-couple that you know quite well Congratulations on saying your "I do's"! " 한평생사랑하겠습니까?" 라는 질문에 " 네! 대답할너희들을축복한다. Informal, used when congratulating a recently married-couple that you know quite well Congratulations to the bride and groom on their happy union. Used when congratulating a recently-married couple 행복한이날, 신부와신랑을축하합니다. - Engagement Congratulations on your engagement! 약혼을축하드립니다! Standard phrase used to congratulate someone on their engagement Wishing both of you all the best on your engagement and everything lies ahead. Used when congratulating a recently engaged-couple Congratulations on your engagement. I hope you will both be very happy together. Used when congratulating a recently engaged-couple Congratulations on your engagement. I hope you will make each other extremely happy. Used when congratulating a recently engaged-couple 두분의약혼과두분의앞길에놓은모든것을축복합니다. 약혼을축하드립니다. 항상행복하시길바랍니다. 약혼을축하드립니다! 서로상대방을행복하게하지내시길바랍니다. Page

2 Congratulations on your engagement. Have you 약혼을축하합니다. 그럼결혼은언제인지 decided upon big day yet? 정해진건가요? Used when congratulating a recently engaged-couple who you know well, and to ask when the wedding will take place - Birthdays and Anniversaries Birthday greetings! 생일축하합니다! Happy Birthday! 생일축하! Many happy returns! 행복한생일날되세요! Wishing you every happiness on your special day. 오늘같은특별한날행복한일들이 많이생기길 바랍니다. May all your wishes come true. Happy Birthday! 모든소원이이루어지길바랍니다. 생일축하해요 Wishing you every happiness this special day 특별한오늘, 가장행복했으면합니다. 멋진생 brings. Have a wonderful birthday! 보내세요! Happy 기념일을축하드립니다! General anniversary wish, commonly found on anniversary cards Happy 행복한... 기념일되세요! Anniversary wish used when celebrating a specific anniversary (e.g. 25th silver anniversary, 40th ruby anniversary) years and still going strong. Have a great 함께하신... 년, 그리고앞으로 날들. 멋진기념일보내세요! Used to emphasize the length of marriage and wish a happy anniversary 다가올수많은 Congratulations on your Porcelain Wedding Used to celebrate a 20th wedding anniversary 결혼 20 주년 ( 도자기혼식 ) 을진심으로축하드립니 Page

3 Congratulations on your Silver Wedding Used to celebrate a 25th wedding anniversary 결혼 25 주년 ( 은혼식 ) 을진심으로축하드립니다. Congratulations on your Ruby Wedding Used to celebrate a 40th wedding anniversary 결혼 40 주년 ( 루비혼식 ) 을진심으로축하드립니다 Congratulations on your Pearl Wedding Used to celebrate a 30th wedding anniversary 결혼 30 주년 ( 진주혼식 ) 을진심으로축하드립니다 Congratulations on your Coral Wedding Used to celebrate a 35th wedding anniversary 결혼 35 주년 ( 산호비취혼식 ) 을진심으로축하드립 Congratulations on your Gold Wedding Used to celebrate a 50th wedding anniversary 결혼 50 주년 ( 금혼식 ) 을진심으로축하드립니다. Congratulations on your Diamond Wedding Used to celebrate a 60th wedding anniversary 결혼 60 주년 ( 다이아몬드혼식 ) 을진심으로축하드립니다. - Get well Wishes Get well soon. 신속히쾌차하시길바랍니다. Standard get well wish, commonly found on cards I hope you make a swift and speedy recovery. 빨리회복하시길진심으로바랍니다. Standard get well wish We hope that you will be up and about in no time. 저희모두신속히쾌차하시길기원합니다. Standard get well wish from more than one person Thinking of you. May you feel better soon. 곧완쾌하시고일어나시길바랍니다. Standard get well wish Page

4 From everybody at, get well soon.... 의모든사람이보냅니다. 신속히완쾌하시길바랍니다. Get well wish from several people in an office or place of work Get well soon. Everybody here is thinking of you. 신속히완쾌하십시오.... 의모든사람들이사랑보냅니다. Get well wish from several people in an office or place of work - General Congratulations Congratulations on... 를축하합니다. Standard congratulation sentence I wish you the best of luck and every success in... 에서하는일마다성공하고, 항상행운이 바랍니다. Used when wishing someone success in the future I wish you every success in... 에서늘성공하시길바랍니다. Used when wishing someone success in the future We would like to send you our congratulations on... 를축하드립니다. Used when congratulating someone for doing a specific thing Well done on... 를했다니, 축하드립니다. Used when congratulating someone for doing a specific thing, less congratulatory Congratulations on passing your driving test! 운전면허증따신것축하드립니다! Used when congratulating someone on passing their driving test Well done. We knew you could do it. 축하드립니다! 잘해내실줄알고있었어요! Used when congratulating someone, usually a close friend or member of the family Congrats! 축하! Informal, relatively uncommon, shorthand for congratulations and used when congratulating someone - Academic Achievements Page

5 Congratulations on your graduation! 졸업을축하합니다! Used when congratulating someone for graduating from university Congratulations on passing your exams! 시험에통과한것을축하합니다! Used when congratulating someone for passing their school exams Who's a clever bunny then? Well done on acing your exam! 누가이렇게똑똑한거야? 시험너무잘봤어! Informal colloquial phrase, used when someone you know well does exceedingly well on an exam Congratulations on getting your Masters and good 박사학위축하드리며, 앞으로의미래에행운이함 luck in the world of work. 하길빕니다. Used when congratulating someone for completing their master's degree and wishing them luck in the future Well done on your great exam results and all the 멋진시험결과축하드리구, 미래에도좋은일들 best for the future. 바랄게요. Used when congratulating someone for passing their school exams, but when unsure whether they plan to go to university or get a job Congratulations on your exam results. Wishing you 시험결과를축하드립니다. 미래에도좋은일들이 all the best for your future career. 바랍니다. Used when congratulating someone for passing their school exams, and who you know is looking to get a job Well done on getting into University. Have a great time! Used when congratulating someone on getting a place at university 대학교입학을축하합니다! 멋진시간보내길바 - Condolences We are all deeply shocked to hear of the sudden death of and we would like to offer our deepest sympathy.... 의갑작스런사망소식을듣게되어저희충격을받았습니다. 큰위로를드립니다. Used when consoling someone on the death of someone close to them. The death could have been expected or unexpected We are so very sorry to hear about your loss. 안타까운마음을전합니다. Used when consoling someone on the death of someone close to them Page

6 I offer you my deepest condolences on this dark 오늘, 제가슴에서우러나온가장 day. 드리고싶습니다. Used when consoling someone on the death of someone close to them 깊은위로의 We were disturbed and saddened by the untimely 안타까운당신의아들 / 딸 / 남편 / 부인의소식에깊 death of your son/daughter/husband/wife,. 위로의말을전합니다. Used when consoling someone on the death of their son/daughter/husband/wife (includes the name of the deceased) Please accept our deepest and most heartfelt condolences at this most challenging time. Used when consoling someone on the death of someone close to them 힘든시기잘넘기시길바라며, 위로의말씀드 Our thoughts are with you and your family at this 항상생각하고, 안타까워하고있습니다. 어려운 most difficult time of loss. 잘이겨내시기바랍니다. Used when consoling someone on the death of someone close to them - Career Achievements We wish you the best of luck in your new job at Used when wishing someone success in a new job... 의새로운직장에서하시는일마다성공하시바랍니다. From all at, we wish you the best of luck in your... 의친구들이너의새로운직장에서항상행 new job. 하길빈다. Used when old colleagues wish someone success in a new job We wish you the best of luck in your new position of Used when old colleagues wish someone success in a new job position We wish you every success for your latest career move. Used when old colleagues wish someone success in a new job 새... 자리에서항상행운이함께하길바란 하는일마다성공하길바래. Congratulations on getting the job! 새직장얻은것축하해! Used when congratulating someone on getting a new, usually lucrative, job Page

7 Good luck on your first day at.. 에서의첫날무난히지나가길바래! Used when wishing someone a good first day at a new job - Birth We were delighted to hear of the birth of your new baby boy/girl. Congratulations. Used to congratulate a couple on the birth of their child 새남자 / 여자아기의탄생소식을듣게되어기쁩 Congratulations on your new arrival! 새식구를얻게된것을축하드립니다! Used to congratulate a couple on the birth of their child For the new mother. Best wishes for you and your 엄마가되신것을축하드립니다! 아기와엄마모두 son/daughter. 건강하길바랍니다. Used to congratulate a woman on the birth of her child Congratulations on the arrival of your new beautiful baby boy/girl! Used to congratulate a couple on the birth of their child 귀여운아기를낳으신것진심으로축하드립니다! To the very proud parents of. Congratulations on your new arrival. I'm sure you will make wonderful parents. Used to congratulate a couple on the birth of their child... 의자랑스런부모님께축하를전합니다. 멋부모님이되실거라고믿습니다! - Thanks Many thanks for 깊은감사드립니다. Used as a general thank you message I would like to thank you on behalf of my husband/wife and myself Used when thanking someone on behalf of yourself and someone else 제남편 / 아내와저는깊은감사를드립니다. I really don't know how to thank you for... 에대해어떻게감사를드려야할지모르겠 Used when you are very grateful to someone for doing something for you Page

8 As a small token of our gratitude 깊은감사함에작은정성을준비해봤습니다. Used when giving a gift to someone as a thank you We would like to extend our warmest thanks to for Used when you are grateful to someone for doing something for you... 에대한깊은감사와따뜻한마음을전합니 We are very grateful to you for... 것진심으로깊은감사드립니다. Used when you want to thank someone sincerely for doing something for you Don't mention it. On the contrary: we should be 그런말씀하지마세요. 오히려저희가고마워해야 thanking you! 하는걸요. Used when someone thanks you for something, but what he / she did benefited you as well - Season's Greetings Season's greetings from Used in the US to celebrate Christmas and New Year... 에서보내는시즌축하인사 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 행복한크리스마스와신년되세요! Used in the UK to celebrate Christmas and New Year Happy Easter! 행복한부활절되세요! Used in Christian countries to celebrate Easter Sunday Happy Thanksgiving! 행복한추수감사절되세요! Used in the US to celebrate Thanksgiving Happy New Year! 행복한새해되세요! Used to celebrate the New Year Happy Holidays! 행복한휴일되세요! Used in the US and Canada to celebrate holidays (especially used around Christmas/Hanukkah time) Happy Hanukkah! 행복한하누카되세요! Used to celebrate Hanukkah Page

9 Powered by TCPDF ( Personal Happy Diwali to you. May this Diwali be as bright as ever. Used to celebrate Diwali 행복한디왈리되세요! 이번디왈리를가장밝게보내시길바랍니다. Merry Christmas! / Happy Christmas! Used in Christian countries to celebrate Christmas Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Used in Christian countries to celebrate Christmas and New Year Page

하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을

하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을 새벽이슬 2 0 1 3 a u g u s t 내가 이스라엘에게 이슬과 같으리니 그가 백합화같이 피 겠고 레바논 백향목같이 뿌리가 박힐것이라. Vol 5 Number 3 호세아 14:5 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한

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