102_The Notebook.hwp

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뿔l 앓 醫 l활칸사 / 창간사 김 우 명 t 찰 즈i / 창간호 6 떠돌이 (시 ) 박 명 성 7 라 파스에서 생긴 일 이 달 호 14 아버지 만세 김 영 ;;<} 17 안타까운대면 박 명 성 21 석장의 졸엽장 임 숙 자 22 <;>!- 화 김 혜

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수능 CAT

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<C0CEBBEA2035BFF92D DB4DCC7C72E706466>

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- 이 문서는 삼성전자의 기술 자산으로 승인자만이 사용할 수 있습니다 Part Picture Description 5. R emove the memory by pushing the fixed-tap out and Remove the WLAN Antenna. 6. INS

희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han bec



c 스피드리딩카페 - 출처를밝히지않은수정및재배포는엄격히금지합니다. 영어원서 <The Notebook> 단어장 http://book.interpark.com/product/bookdisplay.do?_method=detail&sc.shopno=0000400000&sc.prdno=1555963 원서바로가기 ( 클릭 ) 영어원서에나오는어려운어휘가정리되어있습니다. 이를활용하면원서를더욱쉽게읽고, 어휘력을탄탄하게기를수있습니다! 원본출처 : 스피드리딩카페단어장게시판 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/6572) 이단어장은대한민국최저가인터넷서점 인터파크외국도서 와의제휴를통해재배포되고있습니다. 국내최대원서읽기동호회스피드리딩카페를방문해보세요! 이미수만명의 Reader들이함께모여영어원서를읽고있습니다! http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [1] 쪽 단어 의미 예문 1 pluck [plʌk] 뜯다, 잡아당기다, 끌어내다 Theres a plucked me from obscurity( 어두운곳, 난해한곳 ). 1 tucked [tʌkt] 찔러넣은, 걷어올린 two shirts, heavy pants, a scarf wrapped twice around my neck and tucked into a thick sweater 1 thermostat [ɵə ːrməstæ t] 온도조절장치 The thermostat in my room is set as high as it will go 1 groan [groun] 신음하다, 괴로워하다 1 spew [spjuː] ( 울컥 ) 토해내다, 스며나오다 1 rip-roaring 떠들썩한, 소란스런, 활발한, 왕성한 1 spectacular [spektæḱjələːr] 구경거리의, 볼만한, 장관의 1 burrow [bə ːrou] 굴을파다, 굴에서살다 1 gopher [goúfər] 뒤쥐 ( 굴을파서땅속에서삶 ) 1 resemble [rizeḿb-əl] 와닮다, 와공통점이있다 1 blue-chip 우량주 2 monument [mɑńjəmənt] 기념비, 영구적가치가있는업적 2 dedicated [de dikeìtit] ( 이상, 주의 ) 에몸을바친, 전념한 2 cynic [sínik] 냉소하는사람, 비꼬는사람. the cynics would call it a tragedy. 2 strew [struː] 흩뿌리다, 온통뒤덮다 2 gravel [græ vəl] 자갈 2 accumulate [əkju ːmjəleìt] ( 조금씩 ) 모으다, 축적하다. It clicks and groans and spews hot air like a fairy-tale dragon It has not been the rip-roaring spectacular I fancied it would be, but neither have I burrowed around with the gophers. I suppose it has most resembled a blue-chip stock. There are no monuments dedicated to me. The path is straight as ever, but now it is strewn with the rocks and gravel that accumulate over a lifetime. 2 roll [roul] 구르다, 진행하다, There is a sickness rolling through my body 2 listless [lístlis] 열의없는, 께느른한, 멍한 my days are spent like an old party balloon: listless, spongy 2 squint [skwint] 곁눈질로보다, 얼핏보다, 사팔눈이다 I cough, and through suinted eyes I check my watch. 3 shuffle [ʃʌ f-əl] 발을질질끌다, 발을끌며걷다. I realize it is time to go. I stand from my seat by the window ana shuffle across the room. 3 slip [slip] 미끄러지다, 쑥끼우다, 살짝넣다 I slip it beneath my arm and continue on my way to the place I must go. 3 speckled [speḱ-əld] 얼룩덜룩한, 반점이있는 I walked on tiled floors, white in color and speckled with gray. 3 muffle [mʌ f-əl]( 소리를 ) 둔탁하게하다약하게하다, I hear the muffled sounds of crying in the distance. 3 prop [prɑp / prɔp] 버팀목을대다, 기대놓다 The door has been propped open for me, as it usually is. 4 numb [nʌm] 감각을잃은, 마비된 They have became numb to it, so have I. 4 lick [lik] 핥기, 한번핥기. 4 gnarl [nɑːrl] 마디를만들다, 마디가생기다 4 churn [tʃəːrn] 휘저어거품을일으키다 I begin to read the story when my mind churns, and I wonder, will it happen today? 4 wager [weídʒəːr] 노름, 내기 It's a sort of wager on my part. 4 beforehand [bifɔ ːrhæǹd미리, 사전에, 지레짐작으로 I never know beforehand, and deep down it really doesn't matter. 5 odds ( 승세, 승산 ) The odds are against.. (.. 의승산이없다 ) I realize the odds, and science are against me. 5 inexplicable [ineḱsplikəbəl] 불가해한, 설명할수없는 no matter how inexplicable or unbelievable, 5 dominate [dɑḿəneìt] 지배 [ 통치 ] 하다, 우세하다 5 prevail [priveíl] 우세하다, 이기다 in the hope the miracle that has come to dominate my life will once again prevail. I open the notenook. It takes two licks on my gnarled finger to get the cover open the first page.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [2] 7 wraparound [ræṕəraùnd] 끝쪽이굽은, 몸에둘러서입는 7 plantation [plænteíʃən] 재배지, 농원, 농장 7 porch [pɔːrtʃ] 포치, 현관, 차대는곳, 입구 7 wander [wɑńdəːr ] 헤매다, 유랑하다 He liked to let his thoughts wander without conscious( 의식적인 ) direction. 7 dazzling [dæźliŋ] 눈부신, 현혹적인 Their dazzling color glow with the sun. 8 rot [rɑt / rɔt] 썩음, 부패, 부식 8 dry-rot ( 목재가 ) 균에의해썩음, 건조부패 8 termite [tə :rmait] 흰개미 8 post [poust] 기둥, 말뚝, 문기둥, 지주 8 lumber [lʌḿbər] 재목, 제재목 He had some more lumber delivered. 8 sore [sɔːr] 아픈, 슬픈, 괴로운 he knew he'd be a little sore tomorrow 8 accomplish [əkɑḿpliʃ] 이루다, 성취하다 he had accomplished most of what he had wanted to do. 8 strumm [strʌm] 서투르게치다 He strummed once, adjusted the tension on two strings, then strummed again. 9 rock [rɑk / rɔk] 흔들어움직이다, 흔들다 he settled back into his chair and began to rock. 9 trait [treit] 특성, 특징, 버릇 It was another trait he got from his father. 9 nuzzle [nʌź-əl] 코로비비다, 디밀다, 다가붙다 Clem nuzzled hishand before lying down at his feet. 9 pat [pæt] 똑똑두드리다, 가볍게치다 "Hey, girl, how're you doing?" he asked as he patted her head. 9 whine [hwain] 흐느껴울다, 우는소리를하다 she whined softly, her soft round eyes peering upward. 9 company [kʌḿpəni] 교제, 사귐 ; 동석 She kept him company on quiet nights like these 10 remote [rimoút] 먼, 관계가적은. He hadn't met anyone who remotely interested him. 10 destine [deśtin] 운명으로정해지다, 운명지어지다 he wondered if he was destined to be alone for ever. 10 cricket [kríkit] 귀뚜라미. 10 rustling [rʌśliŋ] 와삭와삭소리나는, 옷스치는소리가나는 10 torn [tɔːrn] TEAR의과거분사. 찢다, 째다 the cover was torn 11 thy [ðai] thou의소유격 This is thy hour, 0 Soul, thy free flight into the wordless 11 thee [ðiː, 약하게 ðí] thou의목적격 11 forth [fɔːrɵ] 앞으로, 전방으로, 밖으로 Thee fully forth emerging, silent, gazing, pondering the themes 11 ponder [pɑńdər / pɔń-] 숙고하다, 깊이생각하다 11 thou [ðau] 인칭대명사 2인칭 단수 주격 thou lovest best, 12 coastal [koústəl] 해안의, 연안의, 근해의. Coastal clouds slowly began to roll across the evening sky. 12 steady [ste di] 고정된, 확고한, 안정된 His legs moved automatically, keeping a steady rhythm. 12 stroll [stroul] 산책하다, 어슬렁어슬렁걷다. He arrived alone, and as he strolled through the crowd, looking for friends. 12 hazy [heízi] 흐릿한, 안개낀, 몽롱한, 모호한 she looked his way with a pair of hazy eyes that kept on coming. 13 though [ðou] 이긴하지만, 비록 ( 한다 ) 하더라도 though he only nodded, the way she was looking at him made his silence seem okay. 13 chore [tʃɔːr] 지루한일 (pl.) ( 일상의. 가정의 ) 허드렛일. He watched the fading sun sink lower from the wraparound poarch of his plantation-style home. He'd worked on the wooden fence, checking for dry rot or termites,replacing posts when he had to. Noah listened to the crickets and the rustling leaves. he would finish his chores as quickly as possible

13 bait [beit] 에미끼를달다. 미끼로꾀다 ; 유혹하다 13 backwoods [bæḱwu d] 변경의미개척지, 변경의삼림지대 14 barn [bɑːrn] 헛간, 광 14 Charleston [tʃɑ ːrlztən] 찰스턴 (4 4박자의춤의일종 ) 14 stumble [stʌḿb-əl] 넘어지다, 비틀거리다, 실수하다. T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [3] 14 decay [dikeí] 부패, 썩음, 쇠퇴, 노후화, 소실 He looked past the decay, and told her that one day he was going to own it and fix it up. 14 virginity [vərdʒínəti] 처녀성, 동정 ; 순결 ; 신선함 they both lost their virginity. 15 barely [bɛ ərli] 간신히, 가까스로, 겨우, 거의 없다. I been slavin' so hard you barely have time to catch your breath. 15 haunt [hɔːnt] 에출몰하다, 늘붙어따라다니다, New Bern was haunted now. 15 odd [ɑd / ɔd] 기묘한, 이상한, 뜻밖의 ; 색다른 It was odd, he knew that. 15 evoke [ivoúk] 불러일으키다, 환기하다 ; Other memories evoked any feeling. 16 Whitman [hwítmən] Walt 휘트먼 ( 미국의시인 ) when her image began to fade, he returned to Whitman. 16 raccoon [ræku ːn, rə-] 미국너구리 16 possum [pɑśəm / pɔś] =OPOSSUM, 주머니쥐 16 scurry [skə ːri] 종종걸음으로달리다, 급히가다 16 creek. [kriːk, krik] 시내, 크리크, 샛강 16 sniff [snif] 코를킁킁거리다, 코로숨쉬다 16 pace 천천히걷다 ; 왔다갔다하다 16 curl up 말아올리다, ( 기분좋은듯이 ) 웅크리고자다 16 damp [dæmp] 축축한, 습기찬. The seat had been slightly damp when she sat down. 16 slip [slip] 슬그머니 [ 가만히 ] 떠나다 she knew she would never forgive herself if she let the opportunity slip away. 18 shatter [ʃæ təːr] 산산이부수다, 박살내다. she spent her days with broken men and shattered bodies. 18 vigorous [vígərəs] 원기왕성한, 강력한 ; 강경한, 단호한 18 pursuit [pərsu ːt] 추적, 추구, 수행, 종사. 일, 직업 She understood his vigorous pursuit of success. 18 caste [kæst, kɑːst] 카스트제도, 특권계급 18 rebel [ribeĺ] 조화하지않다 (against). 배반하다 ; 반항하다 18 reckless [reḱlis] 분별없는, 무모한. 18 drawn [drɔːn]draw 의과거분사. ( 마음을 ) 끌다, 꾀어들이다 in the caste system of the South, family name and accomplishments were often the most important consideration. 19 proportioned [prəpɔ ːrʃənd] 비례하는, 균형이잡힌 Her body was firm and well proportioned 19 gingerly [ʤínʤərli] 아주조심스럽게, 신중하게 ~ turned off the tap, set a towel where she could reach it and stepped gingerly into the bath. 20 tangible [tæńdʒəb-əl] 현실의, 명백한 He taught her how to bait a line and fish the shallows for largemouth bass and took her exploring through the backwoods of the Croatan Forest. At the town dance in the tobacco barn, it was she who taught him how to waltz and do the Charleston, and though they stumbled through the first few songs He read for an hour, looking up every now and then to see raccoons and possums scurrying near the creek. Clem wandered up the stairs, sniffed him as he slept, and then paced in circles before finally curling up at the foot of his bed. Though she had quietly rebelled against this idea since childhood and had dated a few man best described as reckless, she found herself drawn to Lon's easy ways and had gradually come to love him. She had to go back to Raleigh with something tangible, and the things she had picked out would work fine. 20 lather [læ ðəːr ] 거품이일다 (up) n. 비눗물, 거품 She reached for the soap, lathered up and began to shave her legs. 20 convey [kənveí]( 감정, 의미 ) 를전달하다. 알리다, ~, it conveyed an image she thought would be more appropriate.

21 intimidated T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [4] feeling frightened and not confident in a particular situation She remembered that it had been a problem at times, especially when she dated, because it had intimidated most of the boys her age. 21 pocketbook 지갑, 돈지갑, ( 美 ) 핸드백 She found her pocketbook and car keys, then picked up the room key. 22 reverently [re v-ərənt] 숭배하듯이, 공경하듯이 ex) a reverent greeting After taking it out slowly, almost reverently, being careful not to rip it, she unfolded it and stared at it for a while. 22 Indian summer ( 늦가을, 초겨울의 ) 따뜻한날씨 It was Indian summer, the temperature over eighty degrees,and by lunchtime he was hot and tired ~ 22 mullet [mʌĺit] 숭어과의물고기 He ate at the creek because the mullets were jumping. 22 brackish [bræḱiʃ] 약간소금기가있는, 좀짠 brackish water: 염수 He liked to watch them jump three or four times and glide through the air before vanishing into the brackish water. 23 lure 미끼, 유인하는것 He went in, found his fishing pole, a couple of lures, and some live crickets he kept on hand, ~ 23 stutter [stʌ təːr] 말을더듬다, 중얼거리다. ~he stuttered badly as a child and was teased for it. 23 haul [hɔ ːl]~ 을운반하다, 차로나르다 24 blackjack 껍질이검은떡갈나무의일종 24 whistle [hwís-əl] 휘파람을불다. 24 heron 백로과의새, 왜가리 25 tug 힘껏끌기, 잡아당기기, 끄는도구 25 largemouth bass큰입우럭, 배스 27 forwarding address 27 linger He kept him in school and afterward made him come to the lumberyard, where he worked, to haul and stack wood. ( 우편물의 ) 전송주소 She found out that Allie's father had left the company and that no forwarding address was listed. [líŋgər]( 즐거움을 ) 음미하다, 떠나기를망설이다. it was she who taught him the ways to please a woman, the places to touch and kiss, where to linger,~ 28 boot camp ( 美속어 ) 해군신병훈련소 Five weeks later he found himself in boot camp. 29 tramp ( 발을구르며 ) 걷다, 도보여행하다 29 infantry [ińfəntri] 보병연대, 보병의 29 liquidate [líkwideìt] ( 회사 ) 를정리하다, 청산하다 30 pneumonia [njumoúnjə, -niə] 폐렴 Upon meeting the lawyer, he found out that Goldman had died a year earlier and his estate liquidated. Less than one month later his father died of pneumonia and was buried next to his wife in the local cemetery. 31 fathom [fæ ðəm] 헤아리다, 추측하다 She read it again before she went to bed that night, trying to fathom the coincidence, ~ 32 erratic [iræ tik] 별난, 괴상한 When asked, she said her erratic behavior was due to stress. 32 senator [seńətər] 상원의원 32 aspiring [əspaíəriŋ] 포부 ( 야심 ) 를지닌 he spent hours in the forest, sitting beneath blackjack oak trees, whistling quietly, and playing his guitar for beavers and geese and wild blue herons. There was a slight tug at his line and Noah hoped for a largemouth bass, but the tugging eventually stopped,~ He spent his next three years with Patton's Third Army, tramping through deserts in North Africa and forests in Europe with thirty pounds on his back, his infantry unit never far from action. Almost five hundred people were invited, including the governor, one senator, and the ambassador to Peru. But she knew he wouldn't agree; like the aspiring politician he was, he loved being the center of attention. 32 drawbridge [drɔ ːbrìdʒ] 가동교, 들어올리는다리 After crossing the Trent River on an old-fashioned drawbridge, she turned onto a gravel road ~ 33 silty 미사 ( 微砂 ) 의 ~but it had the same silty, fertile soil that was ideal for cotton and tobacco.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [5] 33 hickory 히코리 ( 북미호두과식물 ) 33 veer [viər] 방향이바뀌다. 33 antebellum [æǹtibeĺəm] 전쟁전의 ( 美 ) 남북전쟁전의 The gravel road itself wound its way between antebellum farms, ~ 34 callus [kæĺəs] 굳은살 He had the callused hands and broad shoulders that came to those who worked hard for a living, ~ 35 coax [kouks]( 달콤한말로 ) 달래어시키다. It coaxes me to the vapor and the dusk. 35 thumb through ( 책 ) 빠르게넘기다, 대충읽다 (through) 35 dog-eared ( 책장의 ) 모서리가접힌 He thumbed through old books with dog-eared pages, books he'd read a hundred times. 36 beacon [bíːkən] 표지, ( 비유적 ) 지침이되는것 36 socialite [soúʃəlaìt ] 사교계의명사 turning into the long, tree-lined dirt drive that led to the beacon that had summoned her from Raleigh. 37 inappropriate 부적당한, 온당치않은 37 lacking [lækiŋ 부족한 37 tuck 을 ( 좁은곳 안전한곳에 ) 챙겨넣다 [ 숨기다 ] With his shirt tucked loosely into old faded jeans, 37 taper [teípəːr] 끝이 ( 점점 ) 가늘어진 38 stammer 말을더듬다 You too., he stammered. 38 twitch 확잡아당김, 경련 she felt something twitch inside, 38 dissolve 녹이다, 용해시키다 ; 분해 [ 분리 ] 시키다. 풀다 38 twilight 황혼, 여명 39 faint 실날같은색이엷은, 희미한 the faint lines around his eyes had deepened. 39 brim 넘칠정도로차다, 가장자리까지차다 39 release 떼어놓다, 손을놓다, 방출하다 Allison Nelson, twenty-nine years old and engaged, a socialite, searching for answers she needed to know~ she could see the same broad shoulders she remembered, tapering down to narrow hips and a flat stomach. 마음을가라앉히다, 구성하다, 39 compose She stepped back, trying to compose herself, wiping away the last of her tears. 작문하다, 작곡하다 39 broadly 드러낸놓고, 거칠것없이, 가득차게 Noah smiled broadly. 40 turn away 외면하다, 쫓아버리다, 지지하지않다 she turned away and took a deep breath 40 rattle ~ 을덜걱덜걱 ( 우르르 ) 소리나게하다, 떠들썩하게하다 Broken sunlight passed through water oaks and hickory trees a hundred feet tall, illuminating the colors of fall. On her left, a river the color of iron veered toward the road ~ Everything that came intoher head seemed inappropriate, somehow lacking. both of them letting the fourteen years of separation dissolve in the deepening twilight. Her eyes brimmed with tears as they finally released each other. The air was suddenly rattled by the sharp cry of a raccoon. 40 gruffly 난폭한, 굵고탁한, 몹시거친 clem came out from under the porch, barking gruffly. 40 commotion 동요, 흥분, 소동, 소요 Both of them turned at the commotion, 40 distraction 정신흐트러짐, 기분전환, 주의산만, 방심 Allie was glad for the distraction. 41 limp away 쩔뚝거리며가다 Allie's eyes widened just a bit when she saw her limp away. 41 stall 교묘하게시간을벌다, What happened to her leg? She asked, stalling for time. 41 put down 처치하다, 죽이다 I just couldn't let her be put down. 41 compel 강제하다, 억지로 ~ 를시키다 What is it? He turned to her, comelling her to look, but she continued to stare at the house. 41 restore 복구 ( 재건 ) 하다, 수선하다 You did a wonderful job restoring it.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [6] 42 out of the blue 아닌밤중에홍두께처럼, 갑자기나타나다 This whole thing. Showing up out of the blue, not knowing what I want to say. 43 trait 특징, 특색, 기운, 모습 but to his mind they usually lacked the traits he found most desirable. 43 inspire 사상, 감정등을일어나게하다, 영감을주다 traits that inspired others to greatness 43 aspire 갈망하다, 열망하다 trait that aspired to himself. 43 linger 습관이남다, 좀처럼없어지지않다 he sensed them once again lingering beneath the surface. 43 convincing 설득력있는, 납득이가게하는 he finally said, wondering how convincing he sounded. 44 practice 업무, 일 he has his own practice downtown 45 property 재산 it sits on my property now. 45 verse 운문, 시, 시의한행 I can't write a verse. 46 trail off 목소리가작아지다 She hesitated, "I don't know..," she said trailing off, 46 gravel 자갈 The gravel crunched beneath their feet 46 start over 다시시작하다 Do you think it would be possible to start over? 49 flex 관절이구부러지다 She saw the muscles in his arm flex as he lifted the cage from the water. 49 chirp 새, 벌레들이지저귀다 she started walking toward him then, listening to the crickets chirp 49 accurate 신중한, 정확한, 빈틈없는 She didn't know if it was accurate, but it felt about right. 49 creak 삐걱거리는소리를내며움직이다 it creaked uner her foot. 49 rusty 녹슨, 낡은, 구식의 49 squeeze box 아코디언, 콘서티나 ( 아코디언비슷한 6 각형악기 ) 50 weather-beaten 풍설에단련된, 비바람을견디어낸 It was old and weather-beaten, rough feeling. 50 closure 마감, 종결, She walked to the other side of the dock, feeling a sense of closure. 50 compulsion 강박충동, 누르기어려운욕망 a compulsion had driven her here, 51 vicious 맹렬한, 심한, 사악한, 심술궂은 The mosquitoes are getting vicious 51 light-headed 마음이나생각등이어지럽다 and she felt a little light-headed as she walked along the path. 51 undo 원상태로돌리다, 단추등을끄르다, 풀다 as if the years had suddenly been undone. 51 tasteful 멋을아는, 풍류를아는, 멋있는, 우아한 It was a tasteful restoration. 54 dwell on 곱씹다. 되풀이해서생각하다 but before she could dwell on it, he changed the subject. 54 marinate if you marinate meat or fish, or if it marinates, you keet it in a mixture of oil, vinegar, spices, and herbs, before cooking it, so that it can develop a special flavour. The sound reminded her of a rusty squeeze box. I am going to get the crabs in to marinate for a few minutes before I steam them. " he said. 54 retrieve 찾아가지고오다, 만회하다, 회복하다 she took another sip of tea before setting her cup on the counter and retrieving the bowl. 54 distinctive 독특한, 특이한, 구별이분명한 she could smell him as he stood next to her-clean, familiar, distinctive. 55 fiery 불같은, 활활타는듯한, 빛나는 55 spontaneous 자연스러운, 유려한, 시원스러운 55 stroke 필법, 환획 he could imagine what she had been thinking with every stroke. 56 faucet 수도꼭지 He started the faucet and began to rinse the crabs. Fiery, spontaneous, passionate-as he imagined most artists to be.

56 scurry 종종걸음으로허둥지둥급히가다, 갈팡질팡하다 T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [7] then letting them scurry around the sink while he rinsed the next one. 57 urge 욕구 I satisfies my creative urges. 57 enlist 입대하다, 협력을구하다 He offered me a part of the business just as I enlisted ~ 58 sneak 가만히 ( 몰래 ) 들어가다 do you remember sneaking over here the night you first told me about this place? 58 dictate 명령하다, 지시하다, 받아쓰기를시키다 Our future are dictated by what we are, as opposed to what we want. 60 insanely 비상식적으로, 미친듯이 most of my friends are insanely jealous. 62 confess 고백하다 Was it normal to confess things she could never tell anyone else? 63 mantel 벽로선반 He pointed to the painting that hung above the mantel. 63 gasp 놀람따위로숨이막히다 ( 순간 ) she gasped, surprised she hadn't noticed it earlier, 65 chasm[kæźəm] 간격, 차이 ( 의견따위의 ), 깊게갈라진틈, but this was when the chasm bean to close for Allie, the chasm she had erected in her life to separate the pain from pleasure. 68 clumsy 솜씨없는, 서투른, 세련되지않은 She felt clumsy at first. 68 insecurity 불안, 근심, 불안전 worring that he saw every mistake, but then she realized her own insecurity. 69 crucsh on 반하다, 연정을품다 He had a crush on me. 70 scrap yard 쓰레기버리는곳, 고철 ( 폐품 ) 하치장 working at the scrap yard in New Jersey. 73 sift 날아들다, 새어들다 73 swirl 소용돌이치다, 머리가어찔어찔하다 73 pore 털구멍, 73 evoke 유발하다, 일으키다 ( 감정을 ) Lon could not evoke these feelings in her. 74 revel ~ 에빠지다, 한껏즐기다, 매우기쁘다 and found that she reveled in it. 76 ward off 막아내다 she readjusted it and crossed her arms afterward to ward off the chill 77 idle 헛돌다, As the car idled, 77 squat 웅크리고털썩앉다, 쭈그리다 Clem wandered up to him and he squatted down to pet her. 77 fathom[fæðəm ~ 의밑바닥을탐색하다, 헤아리다, 통찰하다 trying once again to fathom the evening that had just passed. the stirrings that had begun to sift and swirl in her pores like gold dust in river pans. 78 occasionally 이따금씩, 때때로 except for Clem, who visited him occasionally, 1. 키, 신장 (height); 사물의높이 2. ( 정신적 ) 성 79 stature Only a select few in the city had that kind of stature, and his earnings reflected that. 장 ( 도 ), 진보, 발달 ;( 도달한 ) 재능 ; 달성, 위업 1. < 소리 모양등이 > 분명치않은, 흐릿한 ( 80 obscure vague [ 유의어 ]) 2. < 의미 내용등이 > 불명료한, 애매한, 이해하기어려운, 모호한 Little things, obscure things, and it had become a habit now. 1. 관류 ( 貫流 ) 하다 80 ran through 2. 매끄럽게움직이다, 미끄러지다 he ran through the conversation again. 82 cursed 1. 저주받은, 천벌받은 2. 저주할, 가증스러운 구어에서는강의어로쓰임 3. [ 보통 curst] 고어 방언 심술궂은, 심사고약한 he cursed himself for not making the time. 1. 끈기, 끈덕짐, 고집, 버팀 2. 영속, 존속 ( 함 ), 82 persistence after some persistence, she'd reluctantly agreed. 지속성, 끊임없음 1. 지나치게확대 [ 확장 ] 하다 2. < 기간등을 > 82 overextend 연장시키다 He'd have his secretary check his schedule to make sure he wasn't overextending himself...

82 notch T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [8] 1 (V 자형 [ 톱니모양 ] 의 ) 새김눈, 벤자리 2. 미 ( 산골짜기등의 ) 애로, 좁은길 (defile) And his mind clicked another notch. 84 trembling 떨림, 전율 with trembling hands, he dialed the phone for the fourth and last time that evening. 85 incessant 끊임없는, 그칠새없는, 쉴새없는 85 chirping 1. 짹짹지저귀는 2.2 구어 쾌활한, 즐거운 Allie woke early the next morning, forced by the incessant chirping of starlings, 85 starlings < 조류 > 찌르래기 85 uplifting 1. 들어올림, 들어올리는힘 2. 향상 사회적 정신적 도덕적, 정신적앙양, 감정의고조 86 stain 1. 더럽히다 (soil), 얼룩지게하다 88 shed 1. 오두막, 몸채에잇대어지은오두막 ; 가축우리 ; 양털깎는우리 2. 광, ( 간이 ) 창고, 차고, 격납고 ;( 세관의 ) 화물창고 It was so unexpected, yet uplifting, and as the words began to replay in her mind, The old kayak, well used and river stained, hung on two rusty hooks attached to his dock just above the waterline to keep off the barnacles. 88 canoe 카누 89 underestimate 낮게어림하다. 과소평가하다. He'd learned long ago to never underestimate the weather 89 blade 89 whetstone 숫돌 89 splitting 쪼개다 89 stacking 쌓다 90 toll 91 drifting 표류, 떠내려감, 흐름 91 browsed 92 exaggerated 1. 칼날, 칼몸 ;( 면도기 스케이트등의 ) 날 ; 문어 [the blade] 칼 2. ( 볏과식물의긴칼모양의 ) 잎, 잎사귀 보통의잎은 leaf, 솔잎등침엽수의잎은 needle 3. 노깃 노의밑동 ; 날개 추진기등의 ; 평평한부분 ; 어깨뼈, 견 1 사용세, 요금 통행세 나룻배삯 ; 고속도로통행료 ; 시장세, 텃세 ; 항만하역료 ; 철도 [ 운하 ] 운임등 2. 2 [ 보통 a toll] 문어 비유 ( 사고 재해등의 ) 희생, 대가 ; 사상자수 1. < 연한 [ 새 ] 잎등을 > 먹다 ;< 가축에게 > 풀을뜯게하다, 방목하다 2. < 책등을 > 띄엄띄엄읽다 ;< 책장등을 > 뒤지다 3. 컴퓨터 < 웹등의정보를 > 열람 [ 검색 ] 하다 1 과장된, 떠벌린 ; 비정상적으로확장된 2. < 기관 ( 器官 ) 등이 > 비정상적으로커진, 비대해진 92 sweep [ 보통 pl.] 쓸어모은것 He hung the kayak to dry, stretched for a couple of minutes, and went to the shed where he stored his canoe. After checking the blade by pressing his thumb to it, he sharpened it with a whetstone until it was ready. He spent the next twenty minutes splitting and stacking logs. The Depression had taken its toll here, He had often promised to and usually followed through for a few weeks before drifting back to the same schedule. She went inside--it had opened with the rest of the shops on Front Street--and browsed among the paintings. she noted the artist had purposely exaggerated the scene with smaller-than-life figures, wide lines, and heavy sweeps of color, a if not completely focused. 92 swirling 소용돌이 ;( 물 눈등의 ) 소용돌이치는모양 Yet the colors were vivid and swirling, drawing the eye in, almost directing what it should see next. It was dynamic, dramatic. 94 pang 고통, 아픔 That's good. And then, just as suddenly, a pang in her chest. 1. [ 보통 pl.] 수갑, 족쇄, 차꼬 2. 문어 [ 종 95 shackles 종 pl.] 속박, 구속, 계루 ( 係累 ) immediately felt as if she'd been released from shackles.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [9] 95 courthouse 법원, 재판소 Lon called from the courthouse. 96 Clem 강아지이름 Clem barked a greeting at her car door, tail wagging, and he saw Allie wave from inside the car. 97 patted 톡톡가볍게치다. 토닥거리다 97 cooed 97 lingering 1. < 비둘기가 > 구구울다 2. < 젖먹이가 > 구구소리내며좋아하다 3. < 연인끼리 > 정답게소곤거리다 1. 질질끄는, 우물쭈물하는 2. 망설이는, 미련이있는듯한 97 radiance 광채, 빛남 Hi, she said, radiance in her eyes 98 chuckled 98 Up the creek 킬킬웃다, 싱글싱글웃다, 만족한미소를짓다 He chuckled lightly at, over, with ; 만족해하다 at 속어 1 궁지에빠져서, 옴짝달싹할수없게 Up the creek about a mile 되어 ; 임신하여 2 상궤를벗어난 ; 틀린, 부정확 100 capsizing 뒤집다, 뒤집히다, 전복시키다 [ 하다 ] 100 bulging 1. 불룩한것 [ 부분 ];( 통등의 ) 중배 ; 항해 뱃바닥 (bilge)2. 일시적증가, 부풀어오름, 팽창 ; 급등 in 3. [the bulge] 속어 유리, 우위, 우세 (advantage) She surprised him by kissing him gently on the cheek, her free hand lingering at his waist after she pulled back. Then he gracefully stepped off the dock into the canoe, placing his feet carefully to prevent the canoe from capsizing. she could see the muscles in his arms bulging slightly. 100 hereditary 유전적인, 세습의, 대물림의 part of a gene passed on to him from some obscure hereditary pool. 101 instilled 서서히가르쳐주다 perhaps it was the values his father had instilled in him 101 flushed 얼굴이붉어지다 she felt the heat in her neck and breasts, and she flushed, turning away before he noticed. 102 seared 태우다, 시들게하다, 말리다 that's why every minute we spent together has been seared in my memory. 103 descended 내려오다. 급습하다 Peaceful silence descended on them. 103 osprey [ 조류 ] 물수리 An osprey cried somewhere in the distance. 103 mullet [ 어류 ] 숭어 103 splashed 철벅이며헤엄치다 ; 철벅철벅소리내며 하다 A mullet splashed near the bank. 103 invigorating 기운나게하는 ;< 공기 미풍등이 > 상쾌한 Her senses had come alive, invigorating her, 105 abstract 추상적인 It was an abstract painting and was meant to inspire thought. 106 row 배젓다 she watched Noah rowing 106 exuded 스며나오는, 발산하는 He exuded sexuality in everything he did 106 baffles 빛, 액체등의흐름을멈추게하다. 비끼게하다. 106 propelled 추진하다. 나아가게하다 107 iceberg [- bəːrg] 빙산 From a distance, the groups of swans looked almost like icebergs. 107 hatch [hæʧ] ( 알 병아리를 ) 까다, 부화하다. Noah pointed out a group of chicks, recently hatched, honk [hɔːŋk, hɑŋk, / hɔŋk] 107 honk ( 기러기가 ) 울다, 그러한소리가나다 [ 를내다 ] 107 chirp [tʃəːrp] 찍찍, 짹짹 ( 새 벌레의울음소리 ). 107 짹짹 [ 찍찍 ] 울다 [ 지저귀다 ]. 107 canoe [kənu ː] 카누 She stepped out, patted Clem on the head while she cooed at her, She heard the baffles of the water and felt the movement of the canoe as he propelled it forward, away from the pull of the creek. The air was filled with honking and chirping as Noah moved the canoe through the water.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [10] 107 ruffle [rʌ f-əl] 펄럭이다 Allie reached out to touch the closest ones and felt their feathers ruffling under her fingers. 108 scatter [skæ təːr] 흩뿌리다 108 favor [feívər] 돌보다 She scattered the bread, favoring the little ones, 108 paddle [pæ dl] 노를젓다..paddling stronger than he had earlier. 108 migrate [maígrei] 이주하다 I know the swans from up north migrate to Lake Matamuskeet every winter, 108 blizzard [blízərd] 강한눈보라 Maybe the early blizzard had something to do with it 108 sprinkle [spríŋk-əl] 가랑비, 부슬비 a light sprinkle at first, 108 stroke [strouk] ( 한번의 ) 젓기 his muscles tightening with every stroke. 109 diagonally [daiæǵənəli] 대각선으로, 비스듬하게 Allie watched the rain fall diagonally from the sky, 109 defy [difaí] 무시하다 109 gravity [græ vəti] 중력 110 westerly [weśtəːrli] 서쪽의 110 clung CLING 의과거 과거분사. 달라붙어있다. trying to defy gravity as it rode on westerly winds that whistled over the trees. 110 erect [ireḱt] 똑바로선 110 protrude [proutru ːd] 불쑥나오다 110 loin [lɔin] 허리, 음부 ( 보통 loins로쓰임 ) 110 stir [stəːr] 흥분하다 111 tingle [tíŋg-əl] 따끔따끔아프다 she felt her nipples begin to tingle 111 pinponit [pínpɔìnt] 정확하게지적하다 she couldn't pinpoint the exact time 111 foyer [fɔíəːr, fɔíe] 현관의큰거실 pausing in the foyer, clothes dripping. 111 drip [dríp] 액체가똑똑떨어지다 112 descende [diseńd] 내려오다, 내려가다 descending a minute later 112 bureau [bju ərou] ( 거울이달린 ) 옷장 went to the bureau, he could see the outline of her breasts as they pressed through the fabric of the dress that clung tightly to her body. he could see her nipples erect and protruding, He felt his loins begin to stir and quickly turned away, 112 snarl [snɑːrl] ( 머리등의 ) 헝클어짐 She brushed her wet hair just enough to get out the snarls 112 clasp [klæsp, klɑːsp] 걸쇠, 버클 she wished she had brought a clasp or a couple of hairpins. 112 ( 문맥상머리를묶을수있는종류의끈이나핀인것같아요.) 112 squate 웅크리다, 쪼그리고앉다 113 coax ( 이문장에선불을살리려고하는모습 ) 113 broad [brɔːd] 넓은 his shoulders broad, 113 kindle [kińdl] 불붙이다 He poked the fire, moving the logs, and added some more kindling. 114 pantry [pæńtri] ( 식품 ) 저장실, 창고 I have some bourbon in the pantry 114 adjust [ədʒʌśt] 매만져바로잡다 she adjusted the quilt 114 vertical [və ːrtikəl] 수직의 he watched the drops flow in vertical streams on the windows. 115 sip [sip] 한모금, 한번마심, 한번홀짝임. take a sip( 홀짝이다, 홀짝홀짝마시다 ) flicker [flíkər] 빛이깜박임 [ 어른거림 ] Noah watched the fire flicker in her emerald eyes. Noah was in the living room squatting before a fire, doing his best to coax it to life.

bourbon gleam gentleness T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [11] [bu əːrbən, bɔ ːr] 버본위스키 (= whi sky)( 주원료는옥수수 ). [gliːm] 어렴풋한빛, 번득비침, 섬광 (beam, flash) [ʤeńtlnis] 온순, 친절, 관대 [ 얌전, 고상 ] 함, 우아. She took another sip of bourbon, feeling it warm her. You've still got the same gleam in your eye. You've still got a gentleness that not even the war could take away. professed [prəfeśt] 외양만의, 자칭의, 거짓의, 공언한 "You did, though, in the end, despite your professed innocence, " she said, smiling. squeeze [skwiːz] 죄다, 꽉쥐다, 꼭껴안다. She squeezed his hand. cradle [kreídl] 요람에넣다 ; 흔들어재우다 She put her hand through his arm, cradling it, and rested her head on his shoulder. [əːrdʒ] 주장 [ 요구, 반대의견등 ] 을 urge 역설하다, 몰아대다. He fought the urge. < 음성등이 > 서서히사라지다 trail off [ 약해지다, 변하다 ] She trailed off, and they were quiet for a moment. smolder [smoúldəːr] 연기나는불, 연기남. Both of them noticed the smoldering remains, almost burned through. log [lɔ(ː)g, lɑg] 통나무, ( 제재용의 ) 원목 ; 땔나무 The fire needed another log, but neither of them moved. poker [poúkər] 찌르는사람 [ 물건 ]; 부지깽이 He used the poker to adjust the burning wood. snuggle [snʌǵ-əl] 다가들다, 다가붙다 (up; to) She snuggled up against him again. prelude [preĺjuːd, preí-, pri ] 전주곡, 서곡 (overture) That means that this good-bye is both a goodbye for the past ten thousand years and a prelude to what will come. discount [dískaunt] 무시하다, 고려에넣지않다 She had never completely discounted it, wanting to hold on to its promise in case it was true. tremble hazy [treḿb-əl] 떨다, 전율하다, 흔들리다 [heízi] 몽롱 [ 아련 ] 한 ; 모호한 And her body began to tremble with the same anticipation she had felt the first time they were together. Allie lifted her head off his shoulder, looked at him with hazy eyes, and Noah kissed her softly on the lips. linger [líŋgər] 오래머무르다, 떠나지못하다 She felt the moisture of his mouth linger wherever his lips had touched. whimper [hwímpəːr] 흐느낌, 훌쩍이는소리 A whimper rose in her throat as he gently touched them through the thin fabric of the shirt. aglow [əgloú] 벌개져서, 후끈달아서, 흥분하여 The firelight setting her face aglow. pull off ( 옷따위를 ) 급히벗다. He kissed her neck and nibbled gently as she lifted her hips and allowed him to pull off her bottoms. shimmer [ʃíməːr] 희미하게반짝이는, 가물거리는 Her shimmering hair trapped the light and made it sparkle. beckon [beḱən] 손짓해부르다, 유인 [ 유혹 ] 하다 He felt her hands on his back, beckoning him. astride [əstraíd] ( 에) 걸터앉아 ; 두다리를쩍벌리고. He was on all fours above her, his knees astride her hips. [lik] 핥다,( 물결이 ) 넘실거리다, ( 불길이 ) 널름거 lick 리다, licking his shoulders, and tasting the sweat that lingered on his body tingle [tíŋg-əl] 따금따금아프다, 얼얼하다 tingling throughout her body flutter [flʌ təːr] 흔들어움직이다, 실룩이다 Her eyes fluttered open. lump [lʌmp] 덩어리, 혹, 종기, 부스럼, 응어리 [səbsaíd] 가라앉다, 침강하다, 침전하다 When the lump in his throat subsided. subside

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [12] chamber [tʃeímbər] 방, 회관 (hall); 회의소 Later that morning, three men--two lawyers and the judge--sat in chambers while Lon finished speaking. adjourn [ədʒə ːrn] 을휴회 [ 산회, 폐회 ] 하다, 연기하다 "I'll agree to adjourn until Monday. Nine o'clock sharp." relentless [rileńtlis] 가차없는, 잔인한 ; 혹독한. It was relentless, a powerful confirmation of what they had shared the day before. unison [ju ːnəsən, -zən] 조화, 화합, 일치, 동조 in unison 제창 [ 동음 ] 으로 ; 일제히, 일치하여 [ʃíŋg-əlz] 보통단수취급 shingles 의학 대상포진 A few shingles had blown off the shed. shed [ʃed] n. 헛간, 광. 가축우리, 작업장, 차고 scathe [skeið] 상처를입히다, 해치다 The property had escaped pretty much unscathed. serenade [se rəneíd] 세레나데 mockingbird [mɑḱiŋbə ːrd, mɔ (ː)k-] 흉내지빠귀 The two of them ate on the porch, serenaded by a mockingbird. stammer [stæḿəːr] 말을더듬다 He stammered out a reply as she walked past him, stopping just before the stairs. inhale [inheíl]( 공기등을 ) 빨아들이다, 흡입하다. Allie inhaled sharply. "He's on his way?" [piːk] 살짝들여다보다, Noah peeked in the living room, saw Allie sitting with her head down. peek 엿보다 (peep)(in; out) 143 embrace [imbreís] 얼싸안다, 껴안다 (hug), 포옹하다. and they embraced as they had 143 emerge [imə ːrdʒ] 나오다, 나타나다 (appear)(from). She emerged from the house minutes later 143 attempt [əteḿpt] 시도하다, 꾀하다. [SYN.] TRY. He attempted a smile. 144 well 144 fumble [wel] 솟아나오다, 넘치다 ; 치밀어오르다 (up) vt. 분출시키다 (out). [fʌḿb-əl] 더듬 ( 어찾 ) 다 ; 만지작거리다, 주무르다 he could feel the tears welling up in his own eyes. 144 ignition [igni ʃən] n. 점화, 발화, 인화 ( 引火 ); 연소 144 reluctantly [rilʌḱtəntli] ad. 마지못해, 싫어하면서. Finally, reluctantly, she looked away and pulled her hand from his. 145 trancelike 망연자실한 He fell into an almost trancelike state as he felt the reality of the situation. 147 instinct [iństiŋkt] 본능 (natural impulse); 육감, 직감. hoping that instinct would take her back to the inn. 147 drawbridge [drɔ ːbrìdʒ] n. 도개교 ( 跳開橋 ); By the time she reached the drawbridge that led to Front Street 147 presumably [prizu ːməbəli] ad. 추측상 ; 아마. presumably its owner, stood beside him. 148 briskly [brískli] ad. 활발히, 팔팔하게, 상쾌히 ; 기분좋게. and fumbled for the keys, then the ignition. a well-dressed man walked briskly 148 dock [dɑk ] n.1 독, 선거, 선창, 선착장, 부두 reminded her of Noah harvesting crabs at the end of the dock. 148 promptly [prɑḿptli] ad. 신속히, 재빠르게, 즉시 She turned the key, and the engine stopped promptly. 148 compartment [kəmpɑ ːrtmənt] n. 칸막이, 구획 Next she reached into the glove compartment for a mirror and brush 149 starling [stɑ ːrliŋ] n. 조류 찌르레기. 149 chirp [tʃəːrp] 짹짹 [ 찍찍 ] 울다 [ 지저귀다 ]. Starlings chirped in the trees around her. 149 pry [prai] 움직이다 ; 억지로열다, 비틀어열다 She held her breath as she used her fingernail to pry it open. 150 tearstain [tíəːrsteìn] 눈물자국 she thought were tearstains on the paper.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [13] 150 contrary [kɑńtreri / kɔń-] a. 반대의, on the contrary 이에반하여, 도리어 151 debate [dibeít] 토론 [ 논쟁 ] 하다. 숙고하다, 검토하다. and for a moment she debated reading another 153 courtyard [kɔ ːrtjɑ ːrd] n. 안뜰, 안마당. Instead she is staring out the window at the courtyard, [stroul] v. 산책하다, 만보하다. 153 stroll or stroll along the tree-lined paths designed to give a sense of nature [SYN.] WALK. 154 entitle [entaítl] vt. 에제목을붙이다 I've learned that we're all entitled to have our secrets. 154 magnifier [mæǵnəfaìəːr] n. 돋보기 I place the notebook and magnifier on the table beside me 154 exertion [igzə ːrʃən] n. 노력, 전력, 분발 (endeavor); 수고. I think the exertion will keep me from completely rusting away. 154 junk [dʒʌŋk] vt. ( 폐물 쓰레기로 ) 버리다 Rusted as a junked car twenty years in the Everglades. 154 fully [fuĺi] ad. 충분히, 완전히 ; 전혀. I wish I could explain it more fully right now, 155 yearn [jəːrn] v. 그리워 [ 동경 ] 하다, 갈망하다 (for; after). I toss and turn and yearn for her warmth and lie there most of the night 155 tumbleweed [tʌḿblwìːd] n. 식물 회전초 watching the shadows dance across the ceilings like tumbleweeds rolling across the desert. 156 devote [divoút] vt. 바치다 (to); 내맡기다, 쏟다, 충당하다. I am too old to devote myself to a schedule 156 blare [blɛər] 울려퍼지다 ; 외치다, 소리지르다. and the TVs blare because no one can hear well anymore. 156 starry [stɑ ːri] 별의. 별이많은, 별빛이밝은밤의. when we held each other under starry southern skies. 156 critic [krítik] n. 비평가, 평론가, 감정가. the rare reviews from critics writing in languages I do not understand. 157 mortality [mɔːrtæĺəti] n. 죽어야할운명 [ 성질 ], 사망자수. It reminds them of their own mortality. 157 exclude [iksklu ːd] vt. 못들어오게하다, 배척하다, Not till the sun excludes you do I exclude you 157 rustle [rʌś-əl]( 나뭇잎이 ) 와삭 [ 바스락 ] 거리다. the leaves to rustle for you 157 ill-assorted [- əsɔ ːrtid] a. =ILL-SORTED. ill-sorted [-śɔ ːrtid] 어울리지않는 ; 몹시불쾌한. 157 contradictory [kɑǹtrədíktəri] a. 모순된, 양립치않는, 반박 Wandering and confused, lost to myself, ill-assorted, contradictory 157 excursion [ikskə ːrʒən, -ʃən] n. 회유 ( 回遊 ), 소풍, my wife would accompany me on my evening excursions [sɑːm] n. 찬송가, 성가 (hymn), 157 psalm and King David of the Psalms. 성시 ( 聖詩 ). 시편 158 fragile [fræ dʒəll] a. 망가지기쉬운, 허약한. I reach for her hand and take it, bony and fragile. 158 twitch [twitʃ] n. ( 근육따위의 ) 경련, 씰룩거림 158 gradually [græ ʤuəli] ad. 차차, 점차, 차례로 159 sip [sip] n. 한모금, 한번마심, 한번홀짝임. take a 홀짝이다, 홀짝홀짝마시다. She takes a sip. 159 fidget [fídʒit] v. 안절부절못하다, 불안해하다, Instead she begins to fidget. 160 mock [mɑk ] a. 가짜의, 거짓의, 흉내낸. 모의의. 160 gritty [gríti] 자갈이섞인, 모래투성이의 ; 용기있는 161 partly [pɑ ːrtli] ad. 부분적으로, 일부 ( 는 ). partly because it was near our home 161 throbbing 두근거림, 주율성박동 A throbbing pain courses through my fingers She responds with a twitch, and gradually her thumb begins to softly rub my finger. I raise my cup in a mock toast and wash the gritty flavor from my mouth with my tea.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [14] 161 interlock [iǹtərlɑḱ / -lɔḱ] v. 맞물리다, 연결되다. we have not held hands with fingers interlocked since we moved here. 161 arthritis [ɑːrɵraítis] n. 의학 관절염 It is arthritis in the worst form, rheumatoid and advanced. 161 rheumatoid [ru ːmətɔìd] 류머티스성의 ; 류머티즘에걸린. 161 grotesque [grouteśk] 그로테스크풍 [ 양식 ] 무늬의 ; 기괴한 ; 161 throb [ɵrɑb] vi. 가슴이고동치다, 떨다, 진동하다. 161 amputate [æḿpjuteìt] 자르다, 절단하다 ( 수술로 ), 잘라내다. I look at them and want them gone, amputated, but then I would not be able to do the little things I must do. 162 erosion [iroúʒən] n. 부식 ; 침식, 침식작용. 진무름. steady ersion on the inside and at the joints. 162 kidney [ki dni] n. 해부학 신장 ( 腎臟 ) my kidneys are beginning to fail, and my heart rate is decreasing every month. 162 prostate [prɑśteit / prɔś-] 해부학 전립선 I have cancer again, this time of the prostate. 162 bout [baut] n. 한판승부, ( 권투따위의 ) 시합 162 eventually [iveńtʃuəli] 최후에 ( 는 ), 드디어, 결국 ( 은 ), 162 twilight [twaílaìt] 황혼. 저물녘 ; 여명기 [ 쇠퇴기 ]. I have no time for worry in this twilight of my life. 162 heritage [heŕitiʤ] n. 상속재산 ; 세습재산. 유산 162 contribution [kɑǹtrəbju ːʃən] n. 기부, 기여, 공헌 163 flush [flʌʃ] v. 왈칵 [ 쏟아져 ] 흐르다, 붉어지다, She flushes with my answer. 164 spiritual [spíritʃu-əl] a. 정신의, 정신적인. 고상한. because your needs are spiritual 164 sluggish [slʌǵiʃ] 나태한 ; 동작이느린, 완만한 164 ember [eḿbər] n.( 보통 pl.) 타다남은것 164 duly [dju ːli] 정식으로, 당연히 ; 적당하게. 충분히 shall duly flame again My hands are misshapen and grotesque now, and they throb during most of my waking hours. This is my third bout with the unseen enemy, and it will take me eventually, though not till I say it is time. They are my heritage, my contribution to the world. The body, sluggish, aged, cold - the embers left from earlier fires, 165 coincide [koùinsaíd] 일치하다 ; 맞다, 조화 [ 일치 ] 하다 until our breathing coincides. 165 deform [difɔ ːrm] 흉하게하다 ; 불구로하다 ; 변형하다 She stares at the hardened knots that deform my fingers and caresses them gently. 165 caress [kəreś] vt. 애무하다 ; 어르다, 달래다. 165 gosling [gɑźliŋ / gɔź-] n. 새끼거위 ; 풋내기 The air is crisp and the goslings are waiting. 167 barren [bæŕən] 불모의, 메마른 ; 효과없는 ; 무익한. It is a barren disease, as empty and lifeless as a desert. 168 bosom [buźəm, bu ː-] n. 가슴, 흉부. she sobbed on my bosom 168 grim [grim] 엄 ( 격 ) 한, 모진, 냉혹한, 굳센, 무서운 The doctor was grim. 168 degenerative [didʒeńəreìtiv] a. 퇴화적인 ; 변질성의. 168 affect [əfeḱt] 에게영향을주다 ; 악영향을미치다. 169 disposition [dìspəzíʃən] n. 성벽성질, 기질 ; 배열, 배치 ; Allie organized, as was her disposition. 169 burial [beŕiəl] n. 매장, 매장식 She left specific burial instructions 169 intrigue [intri ːg] 음모를꾸미다, 흥미를자아내다. They intrigue me, these letters, 170 stack [stæk] n. 더미, 퇴적. 서가 (rack), 서고. It's a degenerative brain disorder affecting memory and personality. I went to the desk and found the stack of letters, thick and tall and weathered.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [15] 170 weather [we ðəːr] ( 과거분사 ) 풍화 [ 탈색 ] 시키다. 170 profess [prəfeś] 공언하다, 명언하다, 고백하다. letters professing my love 170 excerpt [eḱsəːrpt] n. 발췌, 초록, 인용 ( 구 문 ) I read an excerpt 170 sift through [sift] ~ 을엄밀히조사하다 I put it aside, sifted through the stack, and found another, this from a cold evening thirty-nine years ago. 170 off-key 음정이맞지않는 Sitting next to you, while our youngest daughter sang off-key in the school Christmas show. 171 resemble [rizeḿb-əl] ~ 을닮다 And after our son died, the one who resembled his mother. 171 go through ~ 을겪어 It was the hardest time we ever went through, 171 ring true ( 약속, 말등이 ) 정말 ( 거짓말 ) 같이들리다 and the words still ring true today; 171 grief [griːf] 큰슬픔, 비탄 어떤특정한불행에의한아주강한슬픔 171 sorrow 슬픔, 비애, 비통 가까운사람을잃거나, 불행한일에대한슬픔을나타내는일반적인말이다. 171 rock 달래다, 진정시키다 / ( 감정적으로 ) 크게동요시키다 171 floods of 다수 ( 대량 )( 의것, 사람 ), ( 엄청나게 ) 쏟아짐 171 pothole [- hoù] 동굴을탐험하다 /( 길바닥의 ) 움푹팬곳, 깊은구멍 171 pause 잠시멈추다, 잠시생각하다 I pause for just a moment, remembering him. 171 outlive [aùtlív] ~ 보다더 ( 오래 ) 살다, 오래살아서 ~ 을잃다 I went to the desk and found the stack of letters, thick and tall and weathered. In times of grief and sorrow I will hold you and rock you, and take your grief and make it my own. And together we will try to hold back the floods of tears and despair and make it throgh the potholed streets of life. it is a terrible thing to outlive your child, 171 tragedy [træ dʒədi] ( 한편의 ) 비극 a tragedy I wish upon no one. 171 twentieth [tweńtiiɵ] 제20의, 제20, 스무번째의것 and find the next from our twentieth anniversary, 171 matted [mæ tid] 텁수룩한, ( 머리털등이 ) 헝클어진 in the morning before showers or in your studio covered with paint with hair matted and tired eyes, 172 correspondence 일치, 조화 They went on, this correspondence of life and love, 172 heartwarming 마음을따뜻하게하는 and I read dozens more, some painful, most heartwarming. 172 porch 현관, 베란다 The porch is silent except for the sounds that float from the shadows, be at a loss 172 for words 말이막히다, 기가막히다 and for once I am at a loss for words. 172 drift 표류, 이동 So my mind drifts, and I rememer thinking about our life together as I made coffee this morning. 173 crab dinner 크랩정찬, 꽃게정찬 I told them about our walk, and the crab dinner in the kitchen, 173 canoe ride 카누여행, 카누타기 and they listened with smiles when they heard about the canoe ride, 173 raging 미친듯이사나운, 맹렬한, 대단한 and sitting in front of the fire with the storm raging outside. 173 marvel 놀라운일, 불가사의함 and I remember marveling at the strength you showed that day. 173 inn 여인숙, 여관, ( 작은 ) 호텔 You told me that the two of you left the inn and sat on a bench by the old Methodist church, 174 even as < 문어 > 마침 [ 바로 ]~ 할때에 [~ 한대로 ] even as you explained that you must stay. 174 reaction 반응, 태도 And his reaction proves to me he cared for you as well. 174 nod ( 머리를 ) 끄덕이다 You said he simply nodded and the two of you sat together for a long time without speaking. 174 embrace 포옹하다, 껴안다 the room was quiet until Kate finally stood to embrace me.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [16] 175 one by one 하나씩 ( 차례로 ), 한사람씩 ( 차례로 ) One by one, they told stories about things I had long since forgotten. 175 in silence 말없이, 조용히 After they left, I rocked in silence, thinking back on our life together. 175 regret 유감, 섭섭함, 후회, 회한 과거의행위나잘못에대한후회. 가벼운실망감으로부터양심의가책까지그범위가넓음. But I have no doubt that I would have lived and died with regrets that thankfully I'll never know. 175 no matter what 무슨일이있어도 and no matter what happens to us in the future, 175 remnant [the~] 나머지, 잔여, 잔존물, 자취 and the last remnants of the day were fading. 176 fade < 빛깔이 > 바래다 /< 물건이 > 차츰안보이게되다 It was late afternoon, with red streaks cutting the summer sky, and the last remnants of the day were fading. 176 go down ( 해, 달이 ) 지다 and as I was watching the sun go down, 176 flickering 깜박거리는, 꺼질것같은, 약한 flickering moment when day suddenly turns into night. 176 dusk 땅거미, 황혼, 어스름, 어둠 176 illusion 착각, 잘못생각함, 오해, 환상 Dusk, I realized then, is just an illusion 176 horizon 지평선, 수평선 because the sun is either above the horizon or below it. 176 pop in[into] 갑자기들어가다 I find it ironic that she chose to read the letter at the exact moment that question popped into my head. 176 pinnacle [the~] 정점, 절정 This is the pinnacle of my life. 176 creek ( 바다, 강, 호수의 ) 작은만, 천, 내 They are here at the creek. 177 wary 조심성있는, 신중한 I am sincere and she knows this, but she is still wary. 177 acquaint 익히알게하다 I think everyone has secrets, but we have been ac quainted for years. 177 truth 사실, 진실 I tell the truth. 177 even now 아직도, 그런데도 Even now, when I'm sitting here, I think about her. 177 angelic 천사의 177 sensual 관능적인, 감각적인 Finally she speaks softly, her voice angelic, sensual. 178 osprey [ 조류 ] 물수리 178 swoop < 매등이 >( 공중으로부터 ) 내리덮치다, 달려들다 178 look away 얼굴을돌리다, 눈길을돌리다 She looks away so I can't see her face. 178 curiosity 호기심 No fear, just curiosity. 178 dismiss < 생각등을 > 버리다 ;( 깨끗이 ) 잊어버리다 Don't dismiss my time with you. 178 wasted 헛된 ( 노력 ), 소용이없는 it's not wasted. 178 twinkle 반짝반짝빛나다 her eyes twinkle. 178 intrigue ~ 의호기심 [ 흥미 ] 을돋우다. ( 음모, 술책으로 ) 손에넣다, 달성하다 179 shrug ( 양손바닥을내보이면서 )< 어깨를 > 으쓱하다 I shrug. I love to watch the osprey swoop toward the creek and find its dinner. 179 on the spot 즉석에서, 당장 Now don't go putting me on the spot. 179 tease ( 짖궂게 ) 괴롭히다, 조르다, 졸라대다 She is teasing me, and I enjoy it. I like being with you, but if getting me intrigued is what you're after, you've succeeded.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [17] 179 silently 아무말않고, 묵묵히, 조용히 We sit silently and watch the world around us. 179 brash 성급한, 경솔한 179 impatient 성급한, 조급한, 참을성없는 179 break silence 침묵을깨뜨리다 179 holy 신성한, 성스러운, 경건한 Silence is holy. 179 paradox 역설, 패러독스 < 모순되어보이나실제로는옳은설 > 179 gradually 차차, 차츰, 점차로 179 coincide < 두가지일이 > 동시에일어나다, < 행동, 취미등이 > 일치하다 This is the great paradox. 179 doze off 깜박졸다, 선잠을자다 when she dozes off, like those comfortable with one another often do. 180 strain 긴장시키다 ;< 신체의일부를 > 힘껏작용시키다 < 눈을 > 크게뜨다 180 strain one's eyes눈을크게뜨다 180 devote < 몸, 노력, 시간, 돈을 > 바치다, 쏟다, 기울이다 I say softly, and we devote our attention to it and stare as it glides over Brices Creek. 180 evasiveness 회피적임, 파악하기어려움, 애매함 She is right about my evasiveness. 180 vague < 말, 관념, 감정등이 > 막연한, 모호한, 애미한 I am vague in my answer 180 unintentionally 본의아니게 180 slip of the tongue잘못말함, 부주의한발언, 실언 180 crush 눌러부수다, 뭉개다, 밀어넣다, 밀치고나아가다 180 quivering 떨리는, 떨고있는 Perhaps, but I have seen her crushed by the waterfall of information that is her life. 180 jqw 턱 180 odyssey < 문어 > 장기간의방랑, 장기간의여행 I could not and neither can she, for when this odyssey began, this is how I began. 181 encyclopedia 백과사전, 전문사전 I was an encyclopedia, 181 offspring 생겨난것, 소산, 결과 She would stare at pictures of forgotten offspring, 181 paintbrush 그림붓, 화필 hold paintbrushs, that inspired nothing, 181 bring back ~ 을도로찾다, 돌려주다 / 회복시키다 / ~ 을생각나게하다 and read love letters that brought back no joy. 181 pale < 얼굴이 > 창백한 / 허약한, 활기없는 181 bitter 쓴, 쓰라린, 고통스러운 181 selfishly 이기적으로, 자기멋대로 And selfishly, so was I. 181 bumbling < 사람이 > 실수를많이하는 181 nonetheless 그럼에도불구하고, 그래도, 역시 but learning nonetheless what had to be done. 181 obvious 명백한, 분명한, 알기쉬운 / 뻔한, 노골적인 And I learned what is obvious to a child. 181 ancient 오래된, 태곳적의 The young, brash and impatient, must always break the silence. Time passes, and gradually our breathing begins to coincide just as it did this morning. She points to it, and I strain my eyes. because I've hurt my wife unintentionally with careless slips of my tongue many times these past few years, Could I took myself in the mirror without red eyes and quivering jaw and know I have forgotten all that was important to me? She would weaken over the houres, growing paler, becoming bitter, and ending the day worse than when it began. I became Magellan or Columbus, an explorer in the mysteries of the mind, and I learned, bumbling and slow, But most of all, I learned that life is about sitting on benches next to ancient creeks with my hand on her knee and sometimes, on good days, for falling in love.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [18] 181 shuffle < 발을 > 질질끌다, 발을끌며걷다 We have left our bench and are shuffling along lighted paths that wind their way around this complex. 181 charmed 매혹된 Perhaps she is charmed by me. 182 either way 어떻든, 결국은, 어차피 Either way, I am smiling to myself. 182 squeeze 꽉쥐다, 꼭껴안다 She makes no response to this except to squeeze my arm, 182 clue ( 수수께끼를푸는 ) 실마리 ; ( 조사, 연구등의 ) 단서 Our life together has enabled me to see the clues, even if she does not know them herself. 182 admirer 구혼자 I think I have an admirer. 182 courtyard 안마당, 안뜰 I think about this as we walk in silence, holding each other, past the rooms, past the courtyard. 182 bundle 묶음, 다발 182 violet 보라색 183 resume 다시시작하다, 다시계속하다 We resume our walk, me in one hand, the flowers in another. 183 in a way 보기에따라서는, 다소, 얼마간 It is true in a way, though most times I do not feel lucky. 183 mortal 치명적인 The body slows with mortal ache, 183 tender 돌보는사람 183 joyous 기쁜, 기쁨에찬 183 splendid 화려한, 훌륭한, 장려한 / 멋진 /< 색채등이 > 빛나는 183 dawn 새벽, 동틀녘 183 aglow 발개져, 불타 184 twilight ( 해뜨기전, 해진후의 ) 여명, 황혼 silver twilight is the only remainder of the day, and still we talk of the poetry. 184 enthral ~ 의마음을사로잡다, 매혹시키다, 홀리게하다 184 be enthralled 넋을빼앗기다 184 throat 목, 목구멍 My throat closes a little. 184 dearly 깊이, 끔찍이 I know this is why I live, and I love her dearly at this moment. 185 hallucinate 환각을일으키게하다, 환각에빠뜨리다 They wake up hallucinating and confused. 185 over and over 몇번이고 They repeat themselves over and over. 185 tendency 경향, 성향 185 wander ( 정처없이 ) 돌아다니다, 걸어다니다, 헤매다 185 get lost 길을잃다, 미아가되다 185 a mile 먼거리, 상당한거리 She was found once in a stranger's car a quarter mile away. 185 strap 가죽끈으로잡아매다, ~ 에가죽끈을달다 Since then she has been strapped to the bed. 185 inconsolably 슬픔에잠겨, 위로할길없이 185 terribly 몹시, 굉장히 I pick a bundle--red, pink, yellow, violet. A tender touch that ends with a kiss will awaken love in joyous ways. With splendid dawn, your face aglow reach for you and find my heart. She is enthralled by the romance. The third has a tendency to wander and get lost. She is terribly afraid in the mornings and cries inconsolably. 185 gnome 꼬마도깨비, 난쟁이 She sees tiny people, like gnomes, I think, watching her, and she screams at them to get away. 185 fatten up 체중을늘리다 She is thin now, much too thin, in my opinion, and on good days I do my best to fatten her up. 185 Alzheimer's 알츠하이머병 < 노인성치매의일종 > She must not have Alzheimer's.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [19] 186 amnesia 기억상실 ( 증 ) And all that is gone on these days is her memory, as if she has amnesia. 186 carafe 유리물병 The cups and plates are plastic, and the carafe is filled with apple juice, but rules are rules and she doesn't seem to care. 187 inhale < 공기, 가스등을 > 들이쉬다, 흡입하다 She inhales slightly at the sight. 187 crystal 수정같은, 맑고투명한 Her touch is nice, and we stand close together on this crystal springtime evening. 187 unfold 펴다, 펼치다 / 펼쳐지다 The moon has risen, and we watch for a long time as the evening sky unfolds. 187 absolutely [ 대답으로서 ] 정말그래, 그렇고말고 187 radiant 빛나는, 눈부신 Her face is radiant. 188 thumb 엄지손가락 188 relive ( 특히상상으로 ) 상기하다, 재현하다 188 candlelit 촛불을켠, 촛불에비추어진 188 hazy 멍한, 몽롱한 188 trail off < 소리가 > 점점약해지다 188 as much as ~ 만큼, ~ 정도, ~ 못지않게 She offers her hand across the table, and I take it in mine, and I feel her thumb begin to move as it did so many years ago. Without speaking, I stare at her for a long time, living and reliving the moments of my life, remembering it all and making it real. As Glenn Miller plays softly in a candlelit room, I watch as she gradually gives in to the feelings inside her. I see a warm smile begin to form on her lips, the kind that makes it all worthwhile, and I watch as she raises her hazy eyes to mine. she says softly, trailing off, and at that moment she falls in love with me, too ; this I know, for I have seen the signs a thousand times. I smile back, with as much passion as I can muster, and we stare at each other with the feelings inside us rolling like ocean waves. 188 deformed 변형된, 일그러진, 흉한 189 blind 눈먼, 장님인, 잘안보이는 189 cataractal [ 안과 ] 백내장의 189 breathlessly 숨가쁘게 "Of course I do," she says breathlessly. 189 echo 울리다, 울려퍼지다. The word echoes in my head. 189 murmur 속삭이다, 낮은목소리로말하다 She murmurs, "Noah... my sweet Noah..." 189 triumph 이기다 And I, who could not accept the doctor's words, have triumphed again, at least for a moment. 189 pretense 핑계 190 inevitable [ine vitəbəl] 피할길없는일, 어쩔수없는운명 there is nothing I can do to stop the inevitable I'm no longer cold or aching, or hunched over or deformed, or almost blind with cataractal eyes. I give up the pretense of mystery, and I kiss her hand and bring it to my cheek and whisper in her ear. 190 cricket [kríkit] 귀뚜라미 The crickets serenade us 190 toll [toul] 치다, 울리다 I become afraid for I know the bell has tolled this evening 191 tick [tik] 똑딱거리는소리, 짧은순간 The clock ticks. 191 tremble [treḿb-əl] 떨리다, 흔들리다, 근심하다 I feel her tremble and I whisper in her ear. 191 blink [bliŋk] 눈을깜박거리다, 힐끔보다 For as she holds me, she begins to blink rapidly and shake her head. 191 etch [etʃ] 마음에새기다, 에칭하다 she stares for a long time, concern etched on her face. 191 gnome ( 땅속의보물을지킨다는 ) 땅신령, 꼬마도깨비 The gnomes. 191 pit [pit] 구멍, 구덩이, 함정 A pit rises in my stomach, hard and full

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [20] 191 shallow [ʃæĺou] 얕은,( 비유 ) 천박한, 피상적인 My breathing stops for a moment, then starts again, this time shallower. 192 fend [fend] 받아넘기다, 피하다, 저항하다 I say, trying to fend off the inevitable. 192 flinch [flintʃ] ( 고통, 공포때문에 ) 주춤하다, 위축되다 when I try to comfort her, she flinches with wide eyes. 193 throb [ɵrɑb / ɵrɔb] 고동치다, 맥이뛰다, 떨리다, my fingers are throbbing and seem frozen together 193 haunt [hɔːnt, hɑːnt] 떠나지않다, 자리잡고살다 I am haunted by the visions of her struggling with unseen enemies. 194 warrant [wɔ (ː)rənt, wɑŕ-] 보증하다 ; 보장하다 I wonder who is ill enough to warrant such a visit at this hour. 194 contradiction [kɑǹtrədíkʃən] 부인, 부정, 모순 this makes him a man torn by contradiction. 194 devote [divoút] ( 노력 돈 시간따위를 ) 바치다 ; 내맡기다 He wants to be a doctor completely devoted to his patients 194 wrench [rentʃ]( 갑자기, 세게 ) 비틀다, ( 마음을 ) 괴롭히다 It was happy and sad, wonderful and heart-wrenching. 194 conflict [kɑńflikt] 투쟁하다, 충돌하다, 모순되다 My conflicting emotions keep me silent for many hours. 194 introspection [iǹtrəspeḱʃən] 내성 ( 內省 ), 내관 ( 內觀 ), 자기반성 194 peek [piːk] 살짝들여다보다,( 얼굴을슬쩍비추다 Dr. Barnwell peeks in. 195 intrigue [intri ːg] 음모를꾸미다,~ 을당혹 [ 곤혹 ] 케하다. I could not, for poetic introspection would bring me to tears. He is intrigued by us and the relationship we have. 195 cock [kɑk / kɔk] 쭝긋 [ 곧추 ] 서다 He cocks his head at my answer and looks at me. 195 significance [signífikəns] 의의, 중요성 The next few days passed without significance. 196 wane [wein] 이지러지다, 작아지다, 약해지다 I admit my attention waned now and then 196 predictability [pridíktəbliĺəti] 예언, 예측 I found a strange comfort in the predictability of my life. 196 putter [pu tər] ( 시간을 ) 허비하다, 빈둥거리다 I woke early, as is my custom, and puttered around my desk 196 subside [səbsaíd] 침전되다, 진정되다 I closed my eyes for a few minutes while my head alternately pounded and subsided. 196 creek [kriːk, krik] 내천, 지류, 작은만, 하구 I watched my old friend, the creek, roll by my window. 196 rainfall [reínfɔ ːl] 강우, 강수량, 강우량 It is a contradiction this creek a hundred thousand years old but renewed with each rainfall. 197 ripple [ríp-əl] 잔물결, ( 머리털 ) 곱슬곱슬함 The ripples and waves circled and twisted in agreement 197 ebb [eb] ( 조수가 ) 삐다, 써다 ; 점점쇠하다 197 recede [risíːd] 물러나다, 감퇴하다 197 tingle [tíŋg-əl] 따금따금아프다, 흥분하다안절부절못하다 197 squeeze [skwiːz] 죄다, 꽉쥐다, 짜내다 197 lid [lid] 뚜껑, 눈꺼풀 (eyelid), 규제, 억제 197 numb [nʌm] ( 얼어서 ) 곱은,( 슬픔으로 ) 감각을읽은, 무기력한 Flowing, ebbing, receding. My hand, I noticed, started to tingle, something it had never done before. I closed my eyes, then squeezed my lids tight. My hand stopped tingling and began to go numb, 197 sever [se vəːr] 절단하다, 떼어놓다 as if my nerves had been severed somewhere on my lower arm. 197 tidal [taídl] 조수가밀려드는, 시간에따라변하는 seemed to flow down my neck and into every cell of my body, like a tidal wave 197 roar [rɔːr] 으르렁거리다, 고함치다 I lost my sight and I heard what sounded like a train roaring inches from my head

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [21] [droun] ( 벌 기계등이 ) 윙윙거리다, 198 drone 게으름피우다 I could hear the faint hum of machines, droning on and off 198 soothing [su ːðiŋ] 달래는듯한, 마음을진정시키는 One machine, beeping with my heart rate, was strangely soothing 198 lull [lʌl] 달래다, 진정시키다, 가라앉히다 I found myself lulled to never-never land time and time again. 198 squint [skwint] 사팔눈이다 ; 곁눈질로보다, 얼핏보다 I could see the concern in their faces through s quinted eyes 198 prelude [preĺjuːd, preí-, pri ː-] 전주곡, 준비행위, 서막 Grim faces would prelude their predictions 198 paralysis [pəræĺəsis] 마비, 불수, 중풍, 무기력 loss of speech, loss of movement, paralysis. 198 notation [nouteíʃ-ən] ( 특수문자등 ) 표시법, 주석, 메모하기 Another chart notation, and they'd leave, never knowing I heard every word. 199 drift [drift] 표류하다, 무작정나아가다, 떠돌다 I drifted in and out of consciousness for days 199 spur [spəːr] 박차를가하다, 몰아대다, 격려하다 until another foggy morning when my promise to Allie spurred my body once again. 199 raspy [ræśpi, rɑ ːspi] 삐걱거리는, 신경질적인 I said with a raspy voice 199 cane [kein] 지팡이, 줄기 The bad news is that my hands prevent me from using either my cane or wheelchair 199 cadence [keídəns] 율동적인흐름, 운율 199 upright [ʌṕraìt] 똑바른선, 수직의, 올바른 so I must march now to my own unique cadence to keep upright 199 shuffle [ʃʌ f-əl] 발을질질끌다, 얼버무리다 Not left-right-left as in my youth, or even the shuffle-shuffle of late 199 epic [eṕik] 서사시 I am on an epic adventure now when I travel the halls. 200 invigorate [inviǵəreìt] 원기 [ 활기 ] 를돋구다, 북돋다 I find that I am invigorated by the change in temperature. 200 drape [dreip] 낙낙하게덮다, 싸다우아하게걸치다 I hear a drawer open, and a moment later a sweater is draped over my shoulders. 200 hush [hʌʃ] 잠잠하게하다, 진정시키다 Later I hear her walk by again, pushing a cart, talking to another nurse, their voices hushed. 201 eerie [íəri] 기분나쁜, 무시무시한, 두려워하는 The stars are out tonight, and the world is glowing an eerie blue. [draun] 익사시키다 201 drown (drown out : 안들리게하다 ) The crickets are singing, and their sound drowns out everything else. 201 tendril [teńdril] 덩굴손 ( 모양의것 ) [iǹtərwaínd] 말려들 ( 게하 ) 다, ancient ivy on a cypress tree, tendrils and branches intertwined so closely 201 interwind 서로뒤얽히 ( 게하 ) 다 201 plight [plait] 곤경, 궁지 Despite myself I am saddened by our plight 202 strain [strein] 잡아당기다, 긴장시키다, 무리를하다 I am strained, so I do not return to the window seat. 202 brittle [brítl] 부서지기쉬운, 덧없는 They, like me, are dry and brittle and difficult to handle without breaking. 202 reverently [re v-ərəntli] 경건 [ 겸손 ] 하게 I would see her holding them, almost reverently 202 knuckle [nʌḱəl] 손가락관절, 주먹 202 swollen [swoúlən] 부푼, 팽창한, 과장된, 가슴이벅찬 I cannot wear it any more because my knuckles are swollen and my fingers lack for blood.

T H E N O T E B O O K b y N i c o l a s S p a r k s [22] 203 slumber [slʌḿbəːr] 자다, 활동을쉬다, 잠, 혼수상태 And though I can't hear the soft sounds of your slumber, I know you are there 203 waver [weívəːr] 흔들리다, 비틀거리다, 머뭇거리다 I knew then we would always be together, even though I wavered the following day. 204 speckle [speḱ-əl] 작은반점, 얼룩 I close my eyes sometimes and see you with speckles of gray in your hair 205 porch [pɔːrtʃ] 현관, 베란다 sitting on the porch and playing your guitar 205 clap [klæp] 박수치다 while little ones play and clap to the music you create. 205 stain [stein] 더러워지다, 얼룩지다 Your clothes are stained from hours of work 205 flannel [flæńl] 면플란넬, 플란넬제품 ( 붕대, 속옷, 타월등 ) 205 frazzle [fræź-əl] 닳아떨어지다, 지치다 205 distract [distræḱt] 흐트러뜨리다, 괴롭히다 206 treasure [tre ʒəːr] 소중히하다, 명심하다, 높이평가하다 we are able to slip between the flannel sheets. I treasure each side, just as I have treasured our life together. 206 prognosis [prɑgnoúsis] 예후, 예상 For we both know my prognosis and what it will mean to us. 208 aeon [íːən, -an] 영겁, 이온 (10억년) It takes aeons to close the distance 208 creep [kriːp] 기다, 살금살금걷다 I am a silent panther creeping through the jungle 209 lump [lʌmp] 덩어리, 집합체 A lump has risen in my throat, and I am speechless. 210 trek [trek] 길고고된여행, 집단이주 I am warm for the first time in years as I begin my trek to Allie's room. 210 pixie [píksiː] 꼬마요정 I take steps the size of Pixie straws, and even at that pace it is dangerous 210 fluorescent [flu -əreśnt] 형광등, 휘황한 Lights buzz overhead, their fluorescent glow making my eyes ache, and I s quint a little. 210 banish [bæńiʃ] 추방하다, 내쫓다, 근심을떨쳐버리다 I press on, and the movement forces blood through banished arteries. 210 artery [ɑ ːrtəri] 동맥, 주요도로 210 bandit [bæńdit] 산적, 무법자, 강도 210 flee [fliː] 달아나다, 사라지다 I am a midnight bandit, masked and fleeing on horseback from sleepy desert towns 210 saddlebag[-bæ g] [-bæ g] 안장에다는주머니 ; 자전거의새들백 charging into yellow moons with gold dust in my saddlebags. 211 wobble [wɑ b-əl / wɔ b-əl] 비틀거리다, 떨리다 211 blur [bləːr] 흐릿해지다, 침침하다 when I was frazzled and distracted because of shows and critics 211 knob [nɑb / nɔb] 손잡이, 둥근꼭지, 혹 I struggle with the knob, and in the end it takes two hands and three truckloads of effort. 211 stale [steil] 싱싱하지못한, 퀴퀴한, 진부한 211 shiver [ʃívəːr] ( 추위, 무서워 ) 떨다, 흔들거리다 The air is stale and I shiver. 212 descend [diseńd] 내려가다, 전해지다, 축소하다 Blackness descends and I cross her floor from memory and reach the window. 212 stir [stəːr] 휘젓다, 움직이다, 흥분시키다 She stirs and opens her eyes, squinting softly 212 impulsive [impʌĺsiv] 충동적인, 감정에끌린, 추진력있는 I am impulsive and weak, this I know My legs wobble, my eyes are blurred, and my heart is beating funny inside my chest. 213 churn [tʃəːrn] 교유, 우유젓기, 1 회제조분의버터 I close my eyes and become a mighty ship in churning waters, strong and fearless, and she is my sails.

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