Civilization and Urban Revolution
4+1 문명의탄생 Mesopotamia 문명 (BC3,000-BC 6C) Egypt 문명 (BC4,000 BC 6C) Indus 문명 (BC2300 BC 1,000) Chinese 문명 (BC 2,000-BC770) Aegean Civilization Meso American Civilization
Egyptian Civilization ( (BC4000-BC6C)
Egyptian Civilization 반사막에발달한도시 사하라사막의일부 물의전부를나일강에서 Ethiopia 지역의정기적인비 (6 중 -10 하순 ) 관개 / 농지개발 홍수가운반한검은흙 축복의색 / 저주의색
Kahun Kahun. Tell El-Amarna
Egyptian Civilization BC 4000 경관개농업시작 BC 3000 경통일왕조성립 Pharaoh : 큰집에사는사람 국내사정의안정 ( 내부의평화 ) 막대한경비의 Defensive wall 필요없음 정착할경제적이유없음 High mobility
Egyptian Civilization 사후에대한종교관 Pharaoh를위한대규모무덤 무덤주변에거주 무덤을위한도시건설 (Kahun) 도시유적 << 종교유적 (Pyramid) Tell 이발달하지못함 Papyrus 상형문자
Kahun BC 3000 City for worker of Il-Lahun Pyramid 20ha 2sections 서쪽 : 노동자 동쪽 : 궁전사원, 공무원, 귀족
Tell El-Amarna BC 1370 Pharaoh Akhenaten 기존 Thebes 에서종교개혁을위하여천도 BC 1356 Thebes 로복귀 40 년도시 (15 년사용 ) Akhenaten as the Sphinx worshipping Aten (THE ONE GOD)
Pharaoh Akhenaten
Akhenaten: The Pharaoh That Worshiped a Single God Akhenaten as the Sphinx worshipping Aten (THE ONE GOD) Akhenaten was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh (3,500 years ago). He made some major, but rather short-lived changes to ancient Egyptian culture, the religious revolution. Akhenaten made major changes in the ancient Egyptian art style. Only a few reigns before his had been the reign of Hatshepsut, the most famous (but not the only) female pharaoh. Akhenaten's strange appearance and mysterious behavior, as well as his connection with Nefertiti and with the ill-fated "boy king" Tutankhamen, have made him the subject of much passion and controversy in the last century or so. Akhenaten is all things to all people--to some he was a fanatical lunatic, to some he comes across as a strange, eccentric young man whose behavior was strongly influenced by his mother, to others he was a Christ-like visionary and a mentor of Musa (Moses), and to still others he was simply someone who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and who really had nothing to do with the dramatic reformations that went on during his reign.
Akhenaten's religious revolution The nature of Akhenaten's revolution is well established--he overthrew Egyptian polytheism in favor of the worship of a single god, Aten--but the reason behind it is still unknown. Many people have offered theories. According to John Tuthill, a professor at the University of Guam, Akhenaten's reasons for his religious reform were political. By the time of Akhenaten's reign, the god Amen had risen to such a high status that the priests of Amen had become even more wealthy and powerful than the pharaohs. The reasons for Akhenaten's revolution still remain a mystery. Until further evidence can be uncovered, it will be impossible to know just what motivated his unusual behavior.
Egyptian Civilization
Egyptian Civilization Pharaoh Peace no wall mobility 사후세계에대한종교관 Pyramid Nut, the sky The air god Shu, assisted by other gods Geb, the earth, lies beneath
Indian Civilization (BC2300-BC1000)
Ancient civilization in India Back to BC 2300 (Harappan civilization) 8,000-5,000BC, Neolithic villages west of Indus river valley in Iranian Plateau 홍수로정착이어려웠을것 Neolithic grave in Iran
Ancient civilization in India Mystery 초기지층만이 Harappan 문화 2500BC 정착 400 characters ( 해독불능 ) 우편제도 Strata of Harappa Strata of Mohenjo-Daro
Indian Civilization Indian Civilization Harappan civilization (River Indus) Mohenjo-Daro Harappa Ganges civilization (River Ganges) fertile Indus valley Ganges valley
Indus à Ganges 인도 Indus 강에서문명시작 Mohenjo-Daro Harappa 상당한도시계획수준 하수설비, 대목욕탕, 성채 곡물창고, 오수저장고, 바둑판길 환경파괴로인한멸망 ( 인더스문명 ) à Ganges civilization (BC1700-BC1000)
Mohenjo-Daro BC2154-BC1854 약 35,000 명정도추정 Citadel + lower city
Mohenjo-Daro citadel Mound : 43ft Embanked with baked bricks 절대자의 symbol 없음 Civic buildings 잉여농산물창고, great bath( 종교 ), 우물
Mohenjo-Daro lower city Modified grid pattern 집은 main st. 직각의 minor lane에서진입 Street Hierarchy Main st. 33ft Minor st. 13ft Others 4-6ft 다양한주거타입
Mohenjo Daro 도시계획 Sewer system 옥외변소 도로계획
Harappa Indus 강지류 Ravi 강에위치 19 세기중반철도건설업자들철길용잡석으로사용 ( 파괴 ) Citadel + lower city 구성
Granary at Harappa Made of burnt bricks Close to rive Ravi to transport 55m*43 complex (15m * 6m unit) Air duct
Harappa Urban Planning Assembly Hall 750 m2 4 개의열과기둥 City Wall Massive walls/gateways Control trade /stop flood Walled sections Public buildings Houses / markets Craft workshop
Harappa Urban Planning Drainage Trade gems, copper, ivory for Mesopotamian wool, leather, olive oil
Harappan question
A view of modern Harappa city which is built on top of a large portion of the ancient mound. Many of the streets and houses of the modern town are built directly above earlier streets and houses of ancient Harappa
Harappan civilization
Harappan civilization Cultivated in dried area Citadel + lower city Fine urban planning Massive wall and mobility
참고문헌 1. A.E.Morris, History of Urban Form, pp.1-18, 1979. 2. Gordon Childe, Urban Revolution, pp.20-30. 3. Leonardo Benevolo, the History of the City, pp.7-54, the MIT Press, 1980. 4. 宮崎正勝 ( 미야자키마스키츠 ), 이영주역, 하룻밤에읽는세계사, pp.24-106, 중앙 M&B, 2001. 5. John Reader, 김명남역, 도시, 인류최후의고향, pp.13-85, 2006. 6. 찰스레이만, 최몽룡역, 문명의발생 : 근동지방의초기농경에서도시사회까지, pp.359-470. 7. 이석우, 서아시아고대도시발달특성에관한연구 메소포타미아지역을중심으로, 한양대학교박사학위논문, 2013.