Problem-olving trategies (I watched the beautiful stretch of the shoreline as it floated into view.) (I was full of great plans to find

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퇴좈저널36호-4차, page Preflight (2)

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


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74 현대정치연구 2015년 봄호(제8권 제1호) Ⅰ. 서론 2015년 1월 7일, 프랑스 파리에서 총격 사건이 발생했다. 두 명의 남성이 풍자 잡지 주간 샤를리 의 본사에 침입하여 총기를 난사한 것이다. 이 사건으로 인해 열두 명의 사람이 목숨을 잃었다. 얼마 후에


4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정


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1967년 비틀즈는 ‘Sergeant Pepper

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Part Zoom In I I watched the beautiful stretch of the shoreline as it floated into view. How wonderful it was! After two days at sea, I finally saw the land of infinite opportunities. There it was before me smiling and inviting; it was difficult for anyone to decline that invitation. I was full of great plans to find success in this unknown land. I had accepted a job offer from Dr. Gilbert, who had opened a medical clinic at an inland village last year. It gave me great pleasure to think about how my dream would become a reality. I looked again at the coast. The line of distant mountains and shapes of houses were gradually emerging through the mist. They welcomed me with endless promises. excited and hopeful relieved and sympathetic ashamed and embarrassed sad and depressed scared and frightened Words Phrases shoreline float inland gradually emerge mist endless promise 90 Problem-olving trategies (I watched the beautiful stretch of the shoreline as it floated into view.) (I was full of great plans to find success in this unknown land.) (It gave me great pleasure to think about how my dream would become a reality.) I watched the beautiful stretch of the shoreline as it floated into view. How wonderful it was! After two days at sea, I finally saw the land of infinite opportunities. There it was before me smiling and inviting; it was difficult for anyone to decline that invitation. I was full of great plans to find success in this unknown land. I had accepted a job offer from Dr. Gilbert, who had opened a medical clinic at an inland village last year. It gave me great pleasure to think about how my dream would become a reality. I looked again at the coast. The line of distant mountains and shapes of houses were gradually emerging through the mist. They welcomed me with endless promises. (excited and hopeful) 91

1 The boy went around along the edge of the reef, lowered his sail, and dropped overboard the lump of coral which served as anchor. Then he took out his fishline and baited the hook with a piece of crab meat. He wanted to enjoy to the full this new sensation of confidence in himself, this freedom from the sea s threat. He looked back at the land fondly, but without longing. The O high peak, purple in the fading light, stood against the sky. The valleys were shadowed with mystery. All these weeks he had lived close to this island and been grateful for its gift. But he had been born on a low island and all his life had been spent in the spaciousness of open sea and wind-swept palms. The sea was as much his element as the land. enjoy + to?! O reef bored scared regretful satisfied curious 2 From somewhere behind Amanda there was suddenly a faint clicking noise, and a dim light appeared. It seemed to be coming from inside the closet, shining dimly through the curtain and the long strands of beads that Amanda had hung in front of the closet door. In the center of the faint glow of light, a dark shape emerged. It was unclear but definitely human-shaped a round head with two long glowing eyes above a neck and shoulders. No other physical features appeared on the face, and the eyes glowed more and more intensely, molded into the stark blackness of the face. David blinked his eyes and shook his head, but the figure just wiggled in constant motion, as if swaying against the wind. noisy and festive sad and miserable scary and mysterious calm and peaceful solemn and sacred 92 3 For my part, I do not believe that any man can see softer skies than I see in Prue s eyes; nor hear sweeter music than I hear in Prue s voice; nor find a more heaven-lighted temple than I know Prue s mind to be. And when I wish to please myself with a lovely image of peace and contentment, I do not think of the Plain of haron, nor of the alley of Enna, nor of Arcadia, nor of Claude s pictures; but, feeling that the fairest fortune of my life is the right to be named with her, I whisper gently, to myself, with a smile for it seems as if my very heart smiled within me, when I think of her Prue and I. O = because Arcadia humorous admiring forgiving sorrowful annoyed 4 he he swam breaststroke and kept her head above the surface, not ready to go right under until she had felt safe. After a few strokes she stopped swimming and stretched out a foot for the bottom. There it was, but the water had deepened more quickly than she d expected and was already up to her chest. The current had pushed her quickly down, with very little effort on her part. Instinctively she started to swim back against it. Now she felt the true force of the river, and it was strong, though not too much for her. The breaststroke kept her level with the bank, and with (it was) (and she was) an effort she found she could make a little headway against it. he put her feet on the bottom again and peered down through the water. It was clear and she could see the bed easily as she kept her balance against the current. he relaxed at last: this water was friendly enough. There was nothing to fear here. worried relieved excited disappointed curious bored ashamed proud comfortable frightened 93

5 I Today I participated in community service work in a garden area. What was great to see there was that most of the students barely took 20 minutes to finish their lunch. After lunch the mowing students divided up their areas for the rest of the day, and the shrubbery students decided to finish another area towards the back of the garden. The students in charge of the vegetables got right O OC back to work, and I found myself starting weeding again with the girls. We planted about 30 smaller flowers together and felt really good when we looked at the work from a distance. The hard work I put in the five hours was there, and I felt elated. I had no idea that I was in for such a meaningful experience through gardening. I realized that when people work hard together for a common goal, great work is accomplished. elate = encourage = was going to shrubbery proud and satisfied worried and concerned frustrated and disappointed calm and relieved ashamed and humiliated 6 A deep silence prevailed over the countryside, broken only by the sound of the northeast wind whistling through the black branches, wailing about the house, dying in gusts along the corridors. The hard frost had purified the air, and held the earth in its grip; the roads gave back every sound with the hard metallic ring which always strikes us with a new surprise; the heavy footsteps of some belated reveler, or a cab returning to Paris, could be heard for a long distance with unusual distinctness. Out in the courtyard a few dead leaves blown by some swirling gust found a voice for the night which had been silent. It was one of those sharp, frosty evenings that wring barren expressions of pity from our selfish ease for travelers and the poor. = and it was broken wring = squeeze reveler O festive hopeful urgent peaceful dreary 94 7 How does someone without short-term memory make his or her way in the world? How can I drive to work if I can t remember why I got in the car? How can I ever make new friends if I can t remember a face? In the face of these challenges, Leonard in his resourcefulness comes up with a system. The system is simple: writing. Leonard s navigation through existence is governed by writing, by a collection of texts and notes coupled with Polaroid photographs that substitute for memory. His pockets are filled with little texts, some written on napkins, others written on Polaroids, all providing the framework for him to understand his world. In his pocket is a snapshot of his Jaguar with the text My Car to remind him which vehicle in the parking lot belongs to him. All his acquaintances are noted in a similar way. = life anxious enthusiastic matter-of-fact sorrowful disbelieving 8 I didn t have a watch, but in what seemed like a very short time, I was on the distinctive final ice field. By now the entire sky was covered with clouds. It looked easier to keep angling to the left but quicker to go straight for the top. Anxious about being caught by a storm high on the peak and without shelter, I opted for the direct route. The ice steepened and thinned. I swung my left ice ax and struck rock. I aimed for another spot, and once again it glanced off unyielding diorite with a dull clank. And again, and again. It was a reprise of my first attempt on the north face. Looking between my legs, I stole a glance at the glacier more than two thousand feet below. My heart sank and my head pounded. Forty-five feet above me the wall eased back onto the sloping summit shoulder. opt for = choose = the time which (As I was) angle = move diorite lively and festive boring and lonely funny and exciting tense and frightening quiet and peaceful 95

Zoom Out 4 Understanding the Writer s Purpose, Tone and Mood opinions facts Make a plan to help you try and give up smoking. Plan the date you ll give up and how you ll try to deal with temptations. Fall term: Your child will be covering simple fractions during weeks 1-6. PECIAL OFFER! Buy today! Would you want to miss this PECIAL offer? I really think that you need this holiday. You have been working very hard lately and are so worn out. Just think of how nice it will be to lie on the beach in the sunshine. something is like something else how it feels, smells, looks, sounds and tastes The morning air was fresh and sharp as Bill walked down the street. The road was slippery and cold beneath his feet like a wet fish. 96 Fred believes in a seafood diet: when he sees food, he eats it. The best time to be in New York is in the spring. The warmer weather makes being robbed more pleasant. Health care programs have always been an important part of our commitment to employees at Northern Industries, Inc. We are proud that our total benefits package continues to rank among the best in the country. uch a comprehensive package does not come cheaply. In the last decade, health care costs alone have risen over 300 percent. Just two years ago our monthly health care cost for each employee was $515. It rose to $569 last year. We were able to absorb that jump without increasing your contribution. But this year s hike to $639 forces us to ask you to share the increase. To maintain your current health care benefits, you will be paying $119 a month. Northern continues to pay the major portion of your health care program ($520 each month). We think it s a wise investment. 639 (But this year s hike to $639 forces us to ask you to share the increase.) Zoom Out 4 97

Zoom out 4 pessimistic sorrowful insulting optimistic sympatheticserioushonest (a) (b) (c) I just said that three times to my friend when he laughed at me. matter-of-fact, objective How could I ever have said that to him? I just can t believe I said that! shocked, disbelieving Oh, my goodness. I said that to my friend. How can I ever be forgiven for this stupid act? regretful straightforward fearful playful matter-of-fact anxious tolerant objective tragic ironic serious self-pitying arrogant solemn disbelieving revengeful bitter surprised optimistic sorrowful regretful pessimistic depressed sympathetic desperate distressed loving sentimental angry forgiving light-hearted critical excited amused cruel cheerful humorous hesitant joyful festive honest formal informal intimate elevated 98 festive 98 coloring words low and flat river banks, no songs of birds, no moving lights and shadows, hour after hour, changeless glare, as slowly as time itself How does someone without short-term memory make his or her way in the world? How can I drive to work if I can t remember why I got in the car? How can I ever make new friends if I can t remember a face? In the face of these challenges, Leonard in his resourcefulness comes up with a system. The system is simple: writing. Leonard s navigation through existence is governed by writing, by a collection of texts and notes coupled with Polaroid photographs that substitute for memory. His pockets are filled with little texts, some written on napkins, others written on Polaroids, all providing the framework for him to understand his world. In his pocket is a snapshot of his Jaguar with the text My Car to remind him which vehicle in the parking lot belongs to him. All his acquaintances are noted in a similar way. Leonard (matter-of-fact) Leonard Zoom Out 4 99