www.cd-adapco.com Surface Preparation and Meshing 2012 년 5 월 8 일 CD-adapco Korea
Introduction Surface Preparation STAR-CCM+ 3D CAD Model Indirect Mapped Interface
Surface Preparation
Workflow Overview[STAR-CCM] STAR-CCM+ CFD 해석과정 형상데이터불러오기 형상수정및정리 형상수정이필요한경우 (Surface Clean-up) Surface Organization 경계조건부여 Meshing Meshing models 및 Properties 지정 Generate volume mesh Physics & Solver Physics models및 Properties 지정 후처리 [Post-processing] 준비 해석진행 4
Requirements for Meshing STAR-CCM+ 에서 Volume Mesh 를생성할수있는 Surface의요구조건 각영역 (Region) 은내부공간에서볼때닫혀져있는조건일것 Surface에아래와같은 Error가없을것. Self-intersecting pierced faces Non-manifold edges or vertices Free-edge 5
Surface Error Definitions Self-intersecting / pierced faces Free edges Face quality Non-manifold edges Non-manifold vertices Face proximity 6
Surface preparation overview Surface Error 를 Repair Panel 을사용하여수정할수있다. 선택한 Part 또는 Region 에서 Repair Surface Tool (RST) 을준비합니다 Surface Preparation Options 창에서 Parts(s) 나 Region(s) 을선택합니다. 어떤 Meshing 단계라도 RST(repair surface tool) 을 사용할수있다. 7
Surface preparation overview 8
Surface Preparation Hole filling now able to retain curvature in surface repair Additional option on top of existing simple method Creates surface based on original CAD definition Requires CAD association Imported CAD part or 3D-CAD
Using Curvature Retention in Hole Filling
3D-CAD Modeler
3D-CAD Modeler What is 3D-CAD?
3D-CAD Modeler What is 3D-CAD? Create geometry Modify imported geometry 3D-CAD Create shapes for mesh refinement or reporting surfaces Editing incomplete CAD Models
3D-CAD Modeler Solid Modeling Features Loft Options Simple loft Vertex match Multi-sketch Guide wires Sweep Options Simple sweep Twist Scale Twist+Scale
3D-CAD Modeler Pattern Feature Linear Pattern Rotational Pattern Cut Merge
Geometry 3D-CAD Sketch fillets & chamfers» 두개의 edge 를선택한후 right-click 이름및치수지정
Geometry 3D-CAD Projection :» 기존스케치나 extrude 된 feature 에서 edge 를 projection 할수있음
Geometry 3D-CAD Sketch offset» Offset Options - Outward / Inward / Bi-directional» Make Base construction
Using Sketch Enhancements
STAR-CCM+ V7.02 New Feature Indirect Mapped Interface Meshing Technology for CHT
Mesh model in STAR-CCM+ STAR-CCM+ Mesh technology Meshing 단계의전자동화 다양한 Mesh model 지원 여러가지조합의 Mesh model 사용가능 21
Various Mesh Combination 1.Polyhedral Mesh + Prism Layer Mesh 2.Polyhedral Mesh + Embedded thin Mesh Original CAD 3.Polyhedral Mesh + Extrude Mesh 22 +Trimmed Mesh 4.Trimmed Mesh +Tetrahedral Mesh
What is the Interface 각 Multi-domain 간의 data 교환을위해생성되는가상의경계면 Fluid-Fluid: Internal interface 내부의질량과에너지의전송을허용 Fluid-Solid: Contact interface 내부의에너지의전송만을허용 23
Indirect Mapped Interfaces Interface type for CHT analyses - Allows for quick and reliable generation of non-conformal interfaces - Saves time at the surface preparation stage - Designs may be easily changed and analyzed Leverages proven CAE mapping technology Robust, high quality results for non-conformal meshes
Multi-Domain data transfer Conformal match in interface 각각의도메인에위치한셀의노드포인트가경계면상에서일치하며데이터의전송이 face to face 로 1:1 매칭이됨 Mesh 의다양성확보에제한점이있음» Mesh size 의제한» Mesh type 의제한 25
Multi-Domain data transfer Non-Conformal match in interface 각도메인에따라 Mesh type 및크기를다양하게사용할수있음 복잡한형상의경우 Interface 의 matching 여부에따라부정확한결과가도출 26
Indirect Mapped Interface CHT 문제의해석을위한 STAR-CCM+ v7.02 새로운기능 Multi-region, non-conformal model에서사용가능 Surface preparation 단계에서시간축소 검증된 CAE mapping 기술을활용하여계산결과의정확성을높임 27
Example: Non-Conformal mesh Matching percentage: Master-84.77% Slave-84.729% Tolerance value 0.05 0.01 28
Example: Indirect Mapped Interface 29
Using Indirect Mapped Interfaces
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