Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book - 3 THE TITAN'S CURSE Ch.1 MY RESCUE OPERATION GOES VERY WRONG churn ( 물 흙탕물등이 [ 을 ]) 마구휘돌다 [ 휘젓다 ] the gray chur

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book - 3 THE TITAN'S CURSE Ch.1 MY RESCUE OPERATION GOES VERY WRONG churn ( 물 흙탕물등이 [ 을 ]) 마구휘돌다 [ 휘젓다 ] the gray churning ocean levelheaded 분별있는 (sensible) Annabeth is the most levelheaded demigod ever distress call 조난호출, 구원요청 ((SOS, Mayday 등 )) I wonder what he found here that made him send the distress call. stash < 물건을 > 살며시치우다, 감추다 ((away)) We stashed our overnight bags behind a pillar wispy ( 촘촘하지못하고 ) 몇가닥 [ 줄기 ] 으로된, 성긴 The woman had a wispy mustache dyslexia 난독증 Even with my dyslexia, I could read that much. scour Chiron had put the satyrs on emergency overtime and sent them all over the ( 사람 물건을구하러 ) 바쁘게찾아다니다, 찾아헤매 country, scouring schools from fourth grade through high school for possible 다 recruits. fend something/somebody Thalia had more experience than any of us with fending off monsters in the ~ 을 [~ 의공격을 ] 막다 off real world. bleachers [ 보통 pl.] [ 야구속어 ] 지붕없는관람석 ; 외야석 a couple of younger kids arguing in the bleachers put/throw somebody off the scent ( 뒤따르는 ) ~ 를따돌리다 We need to pretend we're not interested in them. Throw him off the scent. scuffling 휙휙 [ 슥슥 ] ( 움직이는소리 ) I heard sounds of scuffling up ahead, then a painful grunt. celestial 천상의, 천체의 Monsters hated celestial bronze weapons. projectile 발사무기 My coat and shirt were pinned to the wall by some kind of spike a black dagger-like projectile about a foot long. impale ( 뾰족한것으로 ) 찌르다 [ 꽂다 ] The second thorn impaled itself in the stone wall, half an inch from her face. Ch.2 THE VICE PRINCIPAL GETS A MISSILE LAUNCHER shuffle 발을 ( 질질 ) 끌며걷다 I opened my eyes and kept shuffling forward. garbled 잘알아들을수없는 There was a garbled reply, and I realized Thorn was in walkie-talkie mode. bristle 동물의털이곤두서다 a leathery, scorpionlike tail that bristled with spikes at the tip. manticore a monster with a lion's body, a scorpion's tail, and a man's head with three rows of teeth. parry ( 공격하는무기를 ) 쳐내다 [ 막다 ] I parried away a spike just before it would've hit her chest. 1

circlet ( 꽃이나귀금속등으로만든머리에쓰는 ) 관 she had a silver circlet braided into the top of her long dark hair hurl ( 거칠게 ) 던지다 "You are in no condition to be hurling yourself off cliffs," distraught ( 흥분해서 ) 완전히제정신이아닌 "I sense no disrespect, Zoe. He is simply distraught. Ch.3 BIANCA DI ANCELO MAKES A CHOICE yammer 시끄러운소리를내다, 지껄여대다 He gasped, then knelt hastily in the snow and started yammering falter ( 자신이없어목소리가 ) 흔들리다 [ 더듬거리다 ] "We're orphans. There's a bank trust that pays for our school, but " She faltered. quaver ( 목소리가긴장하거나무서워서 ) 떨리다 "No!" Bianca's voice quavered. "This is not cool!" knapsack 배낭 The Hunters began unpacking their knapsacks and making camp. salve 연고 Between that and the magic salve Grover used, my shoulder felt better within a couple of minutes. knit eyebrow 눈살을지푸리다 "Just this year. Before that " He knit his eyebrows. brazier 화로 In the center, a golden brazier of fire seemed to burn without fuel or smoke. replenish ( 원래처럼 ) 다시채우다, 보충하다 maybe since Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, she could replenish whatever she shot. astray 길을잃고 ; 못된길에빠져 This is the average age of my Hunters, and all young maidens for whom I am patron, before they go astray. smitten ( 에게 ) 홀딱반한 Grow up. Become smitten with boys. foreswear=forswear 그만두겠다고 [ 포기하겠다고 ] 맹세하다 To foreswear romantic love forever Ch.4 THALIA TORCHES NEW ENGLAND stuck-up 거드름피우는, 거만한 "It's all Zoe's fault. That stuck-up, no good " heave 크게한숨등을내쉬다 "Eternity with Artemis?" He heaved a big sigh. swoon 황홀해하다 "But she's so into nature," Grover swooned. avert (~ 에서 ) 눈 [ 얼굴 ] 을돌리다 [ 외면하다 ] I averted my eyes. big-headed 자만심이많은 "Yes. What about I am so big-headed?" recoil ( 무섭거나불쾌한것을보고 ) 움찔하다 Apollo said, "Here, sweetheart. Let me get that." Zoe recoiled. chide 꾸짖다, 책망하다 "Brother," Artemis chided. "You do not help my Hunters. 2

puny 작고연약한 Every day, it drives across the sky from east to west, lighting up all those puny little mortal lives. plywood 합판, 베니어판 She was so stiff she looked like she was made out of plywood. veer < 사람 차 도로등이 > 방향을바꾸다 "We need to veer south for Long Island," Apollo said. smolder 그을다, 연기피우다 The white steeple on a church turned brown and started to smolder. bob ( 특히물위에서 ) 깐닥거리다, 까닥거리다 The bus bobbed to the surface, along with a couple of capsized, half-melted canoes. capsize ( 배가 ) 뒤집히다 ; ( 배를 ) 뒤집다 Ch.5 I PLACE AN UNDERWATER PHONE CALL rev (up) ( 엔진의 ) 회전속도를올리다 Then he closed the doors and revved the engine. stoke 불을때다, 연료를더넣다 I spotted Charles Beckendorf from the Hephaestus cabin stoking the forge outside the camp armory. forge 대장간 pick a lock ( 철사같은것을이용하여 ) 자물쇠를따다 The Stoll brothers, Travis and Connor, from the Hermes cabin, were picking the lock on the camp store. laurel 월계수 A golden laurel wreath was tilted sideways on his curly black hair, which must've meant he'd won the last hand of cards. den 굴 "Grover, perhaps you should take our young friend to the den escapade 무모한장난 "we have broken even on this escapade. We have, ah, regrettably lost Annie Bell " procure ( 특히어렵게 ) 구하다 [ 입수하다 ] "And you procured a small annoying boy to replace her. dry out 술을끊다 /~ 의알코올중독을치료하다 It wasn't fair Zeus had sent him here to dry out as camp director for a hundred years. upbeat 긍정적인, 낙관적인 "Annabeth may be alive," Chiron said, but I could tell he was having trouble sounding upbeat. stifle(=suppress) a yawn 하품을억누르다. Mr. D stifled a yawn. "You have a point?" sinister 사악한, 해로운 ; 불길한 The light reflected in Mr. D's eyes, giving him a sinister look haul ( 억지로 ) 끌고가다 [ 오다 ] She hauled me out of the Big House hewn ( 도끼등으로 ) 베어서대충모양을다듬은, 잘라낸 It was a low gray building hewn from sea stone 3

bang something up ~ 을다치게 [ 상하게 ] 하다 The beautiful metal pictures that my brother had crafted were all banged up. anvil 모루 ( 대장간에서뜨거운금속을올려놓고두드릴때 He was bent over an anvil, hammering a red-hot sword blade. 쓰는쇠로된대 ) infest 곤충이나쥐같은동물이들끓다, 우글거리다 Why would Luke take his demon-infested cruise ship all the way down there? whopper 엄청큰것 The bad part was, I had a nightmare, and even by my standards it was a whopper. shroud 어둠 구름 천등이뒤덮다, 가리다 Annabeth was on a dark hillside, shrouded in fog. crumple ( 다치거나의식을잃거나술이취하거나해서 ) 쓰러지다 [ 허물어지다 ] He was crumpled on the rocky ground, trying to rise. tatters 낡은 [ 해진 ] 옷, 누더기 His clothes were in tatters Ch.6 AN OLD DEAD FRIEND COMES TO VISIT scythe 큰낫 the gods had sliced him to bits with his own scythe abyss 심연, 깊은구렁 where Luke claimed he was summoning the Titan Lord out of the abyss bark 나무껍질 if he was still like a pile of evil bark mulch. mulch 뿌리덮개 javelin ( 투창경기용 ) 창 I went to javelin-throwing class send somebody packing ~ 를쫓아내다 I apologized for the hole in his pants, but he still sent me packing. sulk ( 못마땅함 ) 부루퉁하다, 샐쭉하다 After that, I sat in the empty chariot stands and sulked. taxidermy 박제술 a bunch of taxidermy, like a stuffed harpy and a bright orange python shriveled-up 쪼글쪼글해진 Over by the window, sitting on a three-legged stool, was the shriveled-up mummy of an old lady in a tie-dyed hippie dress. billow ( 연기 구름등이 ) 피어오르다 I waited for green mist to billow from the mummy's mouth stonewall ( 특히정치에서 ) 의사진행을방해하다 Then I got angry. I was being stonewalled by a corpse. stash < 물건을 > 살며시치우다, 감추다 why had she stashed it in the attic? raring to do sth ( 비격식 ) ( 하고싶어 ) 몸이근질거리는 when they heard we were fighting the Hunters, they were raring to go. pulverize 가루로만들다, 분쇄하다 "I'll pulverize them!" 4

give somebody/something a wide berth ~ 의가까이가지않다 [~ 을피하다 ] Thalia already had Aegis on her arm, and even our own teammates were giving her a wide berth, trying not to cower before the bronze head of Medusa. decoy 유인하는사람 [ 물건 ], 바람잡이 ; 유인 "We'll send out a decoy to the left," scout 정찰병, 척후, 수색병 ; 정찰기 We've got four guards, two scouts. static shock 정전기충격 everybody can give static shocks in the winter flank ( 건물 산등의 ) 측면 With that many on either flank, their center had to be wide open. Fart ( 특히소리가크게나는 ) 방귀 "Fart arrows are unsportsmanlike!" converge 사람들이나차량이모여들다, 집중되다 The Hunters cheered as both sides converged on the creek. douse < 물을 > 끼얹다 ((with)) A wave erupted from the creek, blasting into Thalia's face and dousing her from head to toe. fetter ( 죄수의발에 ) 족쇄를채우다 she was wrapped in chains, fettered to the rocks. bane 골칫거리 The bane of Olympus shows the trail prevail 승리하다 [ 이기다 ] Campers and Hunters combined prevail Ch.7 EVERYBODY HATES ME BUT THE HORSE wistfully ( 지난일을 ) 애석해 [ 아쉬워 ] 하면서 "I wish I knew." He looked wistfully out the second-floor window at the rolling hills covered in snow. trample 짓밟다, 밟아뭉개다 My optimism had pretty much been trampled into the snow out there in the woods, along with our capture-the-flag hopes. infirmary 양호실 [ 의무실 ] They were resting up in the infirmary. elusive 찾기 [ 규정하기 / 달성하기 ] 힘든 I fear this monster may be more elusive. Connoisseur ( 예술품 음식 음악의 ) 감정가 [ 전문가 ] He glanced up innocently from the pages of Wine Connoisseur magazine. bawl ( 시끄럽게 ) 울어대다 He started to sniffle, and I figured if I didn't cheer him up he'd either start bawling or chewing up my mattress. impetuous 성급한, 충동적인 She's too impetuous. She acts without thinking. She is too sure of herself ward He made a claw over his heart and pushed outward an ancient gesture for ~ 을피하다 [ 막다 ] somebody/something off warding off evil. 5

salt-and-pepper 특히머리카락이희끗희끗한 The man was, I don't know, thirty-something, with longish salt-and-pepper hair and a brown jacket over a black T-shirt. cavern ( 특히큰 ) 동굴 Any second, I knew she would run out of strength and the cavern ceiling would collapse on top of her. taunt 놀리다, 비웃다, 조롱하다 I'd heard it taunting me many times before in my dreams. ichor 이코르 (( 신들의몸속을혈액처럼흐른다는영액 ( 靈液 ))) she was bleeding ichor, the golden blood of the gods. buffet ( 흔히수동태로 ) 뒤흔들다 Its black wings spread in alarm, and the wind buffeted me back a step, equestrian 승마의 since he created horses out of sea foam, I can understand most equestrian animals Ch.8 I MAKE A DANGEROUS PROMISE phosphorescent 인광을내는 Their fish tails shimmered in rainbow colors, glowing phosphorescent. wedge ( 좁은틈사이에 ) 끼워넣다 [ 밀어넣다 ] A dark shape some kind of animal was wedged halfway under the boat and tangled in a fishing net, muck about/around ( 특히할일을두고 ) 노닥거리다 Apparently this poor creature had been mucking around on the bottom of Long Island Sound teeter ( 넘어질듯이 ) 불안정하게서다 [ 움직이다 ] Now the wreckage of the hull, which was resting against a big rock, was teetering and threatening to collapse on top of the tangled animal. muck 흙 ; 먼지 The boat started to tilt, stirring up the muck on the sea bottom skittish 겁이많은, 잘놀라는 The hippocampi were still skittish somersault 공중제비, 재주넘기 Finally, the net came off and the cow serpent zipped through the water and did a happy somersault. nuzzle ( 특히애정표시로무엇에 ) 코 [ 입 ] 를비비다 "Moooo!"The cow serpent nuzzled me and gave me the big brown eyes. hunker 쭈그리고앉다 ; 몸을구부리다, 숨다, 잠복하다 I saw a figure a boy hunkered down behind a Greek column hives 두드러기 But she'll be bedridden for weeks with horrible hives. scoot 서둘러가다 [ 떠나다 ] Nico scooted out of their way. defiant 반항 [ 저항 ] 하는 He looked defiant. "Because I'm too young?" Ch.9 I LEARN HOW TO GROW ZOMBIES levitat 공중에뜨다 [ 공중부양하다 He was leaning against the building with his feet levitating in the air 6

infernal 지긋지긋한 I shall go back to her when I am done with this infernal century of punishment at your ridiculous camp. upbeat 긍정적인, 낙관적인 "Come on, Blackjack," I said, trying to sound upbeat. scullion 부엌일 [ 허드렛일 ] 하는사람, 설거지꾼 You challenge my skills, you scullion? dawn 분명해지다, 이해되기시작하다 But it dawned on me that I'd seen this same car a couple of times on the highway, going south. scrawny 뼈만앙상한, 거죽만남은 "I send you to capture a child of the three elder gods, and you bring me a scrawny daughter of Athena salvage 구조 [ 인양 ] 하다, ( 이미어느정도손상된평판 자존 It was only thanks to Luke that we salvaged our plan at all. 심등을 ) 지키다 [ 회복하다 ] froth 침을많이흘리다, 입에 ( 게 ) 거품을물다 I thought he was going to start frothing at the mouth or shooting spines scamper 날쌔게움직이다 The terrified guard dropped his watering can. He gathered up the kittens and scampered out of the room. Imbeciles 천치 [ 얼간이 ] The new guard ran off to carry out his orders. "Imbeciles,' muttered the General. flutter ( 빠르고가볍게 ) 흔들 ( 리 ) 다 [ 펄럭이다 / 떨다 ] The snake lady released the scarf and it fluttered down toward the General's hand. Ch.10 I BREAK A FEW ROCKET SHIPS barrel ( 통제가안되게 ) 쏜살같이달리다 [ 질주하다 ] I was barreling up the ramp to the top-floor balcony conceited 자만하는 You're still a conceited little brat! flank 측면, 옆구리 I slashed with Riptide, a good strike to the flank that should've cut the monster into Meow Mix, pendulum ( 시계의 ) 추 As the display swung down like a pendulum, the lion leaped off onto the model earth's North Pole. corral ( 사람들을한곳으로 ) 모으다 Grover tried to corral them away from the monster just as the other cord on the spaceship snapped hold/keep somebody/something at ( 적등의 ) 접근을막다 ; ( 문제의 ) 발생을막다 Thalia rolled out of its way, holding up Aegis to keep the monster at bay bay 7

maw ( 뭐든지집어삼킬듯쩍벌어진 ) 구멍 I chunked a space food pouch into its maw thrash 몸부림치다, 허우적거리다, 요동치다 The lion thrashed wildly, turned, and fell backward. duster 더스터 ( 카우보이가입던긴외투 ) As I watched, the pelt shifted and changed into a coat a full-length goldenbrown duster. Ch.11 GROVER GETS A LAMBORGHINI ditch ( 더이상원치않거나불필요한것을 ) 버리다 "They know the van," I said. "We have to ditch it." mercenaries (pl. -ies) 용병 "Mercenaries," Zoe said bitterly. "It is distasteful, but many mortals will fight for any cause as long as they are paid." turnstile ( 한사람씩드나들게되어있는 ) 회전식문 We bought tickets and got through the turnstiles on the loose 탈주중인 [ 잡히지않은 ] A doomsday monster was on the loose. hot-wire ( 열쇠대신에 ) 철사를이용하여차에시동을걸다 Thalia had hot-wired the radio in a black Mercedes SLK so she could pick up the alt-rock stations from D.C. aloof 냉담한 Zoe all formal and aloof like a princess incognito 자기신분을숨기고, 가명 [ 익명 ] 으로 He put his finger to his lips. "I'm incognito. Call me Fred." disown 의절 [ 절연 ] 하다 My sisters, if they found out they would disown me. abalone 전복 It gleamed in the starlight like polished abalone. Ch.12 I GO SNOWBOARDINC WITH A PIG scamper 특히아동이나작은동물이날쌔게움직이다 My rubber rat squeaked. It scampered off the railing and into the trees swoon 기절 [ 졸도 ] 하다 Bianca was having trouble because Grover kept swooning and leaning against her. brethren ( 종교단체의 ) 신도들, ( 남자 ) 교우들 These skeletons were now calling their brethren. gloat ( 자신의성공에 ) 흡족해하다 ; ( 남의실패를 ) 고소해하다 I remembered the General gloating over Annabeth's fate. deflect 방향을바꾸다 [ 바꾸게하다 ] I deflected it off the edge of my blade and kept charging point-blank ( 목표물에 ) 바로대고쏜, 아주가까이에서쏜 Zoe and Bianca fired at their heads point-blank, wild boar 야생돼지 It was a wild boar, thirty feet high, with a snotty pink snout and tusks the size of canoes. tusk 코끼리의 ) 엄니 [ 상아 I had a vague memory of the boar plowing down several Greek cities before Hercules managed to subdue it. 8

subdue 진압하다 Grover danced around the boar, playing his pipes while the boar snorted and tried to gouge him. gouge ( 난폭하게 ) 찌르다 [ 박다 ] trestle ( 탁자등을받치는 ) 가대 [ 버팀다리 ] Ahead of us, I saw a covered tunnel. Past that, an old trestle bridge spanning a gorge. gorge 협곡 agitated 불안해하는, 동요된 "A blessing of the Wild," Grover said, though he now looked agitated. Ch.13 WE VISIT THE JUNKYARD OF THE GODS waddle ( 오리처럼 ) 뒤뚱뒤뚱걷다 Then we waddled away as best we could with our saddle sores. muse ( 사색에잠긴채 ) 혼잣말을하다 "Thalia, daughter of Zeus," Ares mused. taqueria ( 타코 (taco) 전문의 ) 멕시코식당 The lights inside the taqueria suddenly blazed to life. dab ( 보통여러번가볍게 ) 만지다 [ 누르다 ], She leaned forward and dabbed at her lipstick giddy 어지러운, 아찔한 She believed in love so much, it was impossible not to feel giddy when she talked about it. shaft ( 창 망치등의 ) 자루, 손잡이 She gripped the shaft of her spear. lyre 리라, 수금 ( 고대현악기 ) found an electric guitar shaped like Apollo's lyre that was so sweet I had to pick it up. mesa 메사 ( 꼭대기는평평하고등성이는벼랑으로된언덕. It was like a metal mesa, the length of a football field and as tall as 미국남서부지역에흔함 goalposts. heft 들어서무게를대중하다, 손으로무게를달다 ; 들어올리다 Thalia hefted her spear and Zoe drew her bow deform 변형시키다, 기형으로만들다 He looked down at us, and his face was deformed. defective 결함이있는 But that can't be the original. It's too small. A prototype, maybe. A defective model. bray ( 당나귀가시끄럽게 ) 울다 Grover brayed like a baby goat snare ( 특히짐승을 ) 덫 [ 올가미 ] 으로잡다 The giant's ankle snared the lines careen ( 위태롭게 ) 달리다 The giant careened back into the junkyard impale ( 뾰족한것으로 ) 찌르다 [ 꽂다 ] Thalia yelled in rage and impaled her sword in the giant's smashed face. Ch.14 I HAVE A DAM PROBLEM 9

bawl ( 화를내며 ) 고함치다 [ 소리를지르다 ] ( 시끄럽게 ) 울어대다 I was afraid to talk to him about it, because he might start bawling. squirt ( 액체 가스등을가늘게 ) 찍짜다 [ 내뿜다 / 뿌리다 ]; A stream of water squirted up from the back of the boat and hit Zoe in the 찍나오다 [ 뿌려지다 ] face. quiver ( 등에메는 ) 화살통 /( 가볍게 ) 떨다 [ 떨리다 ] She gripped the strap of her quiver. indignantly 분개하여 She huffed indignantly. condiment 조미료, 양념 In the chaos, Thalia and I tackled the other two skeletons on the stairs and sent them flying into the condiment table. corrugated 물결모양의, 골이진 Bullets pinged off of them like rain off a corrugated roof. Ch.15 I WRESTLE SANTA'S EVIL TWIN inconspicuous 이목을끌지못하는, 눈에잘안띄는 you look completely inconspicuous now. vagrant ( 특히구걸을하며다니는 ) 부랑자 A typical male vagrant waterfront ( 도시의 ) 해안가 ; 물가, 부둣가 She led the way back down to the waterfront. brine ( 특히식품저장용 ) 소금물 Like hot seaweed and dead fish and brine. slacken 완화되다, 늦춰지다 ; 완화하다, 늦추다 I was dazed for a second, and Nereus's grip slackened. pummel ( 특히주먹으로 ) 계속치다 [ 때리다 ] "Why won't you drown?" he wailed, pummelmg me with his fists. ordain 하느님 법률 운명이명하다 ; ( 미리 ) 정하다 The Fates ordained a prophecy eons ago, when this creature was born. entrails ( 사람 동물의 ) 내장 They said that whoever killed the Ophiotaurus and sacrificed its entrails to fire would have the power to destroy the gods. slay ( 전쟁 싸움에서 ) 죽이다 The first time, during the Titan war, the Ophiotaurus was in fact slain by a giant ally of the Titans, unleash ( 강력한반응 감정등을 ) 촉발시키다 [ 불러일으키다 ] And it is a power you shall unleash. gloat ( 자신의성공에 ) 흡족해하다 ; ( 남의실패를 ) 고소해하다 "This is just pairrr-fect," the manticore gloated. soup kitchen 무료급식소 Basically he didn't look much better than the guys down at the soup kitchen. banish ( 처벌로써특히국외로 ) 추방하다, 유형 [ 유배 ] 을보내 Long ago, the gods banished me to Persia 다 scrounge ( 공짜로 ) 얻어내다 [ 우려내다 ] I was forced to scrounge for food on the edges of the world auspices [ 보통 pl.] 원조, 찬조, 보호 (patronage) You shall rule this world together under the auspices of the Titans. 10

snap out of it 중지하라. "Thalia," I said, "snap out of it!" ricochet 에맞고 [ 을스치고 ] 튀어나오다 [ 나가다 ] The manticore shot spines in our direction, but they ricocheted off my lion's coat. minion 아랫것, 하인 I heard the manticore shouting at his minions, "Get them!" apparition 유령 He glanced at the apparition in the mist and snorted. Ch.16 WE MEET THE DRAGON OF ETERNAL BAD BREATH address ( 문제 상황등에대해 ) 고심하다 [ 다루다 ] that is one problem addressed rifle 샅샅이뒤지다 [ 찾다 ] She started rifling through her backpack. chide 꾸짖다, 책망하다 "Frederick," she chided. "You forgot to ask them their names?" lace ( 서로걸리게 ) 끼다 He laced his hands. "My poor brave Annabeth. We must hurry." gooey 부드럽고끈적 [ 쫄깃 ] 거리는 cookies fresh out of the oven, the chocolate chips still gooey. ravine ( 좁고험한 ) 산골짜기, 협곡 The roads were insanely narrow, winding through forests and up the sides of hills and around the edges of steep ravines. shrapnel ( 포탄의 ) 파편 I probably would've been killed by shrapnel except for Thalia's shield writhe ( 흔히극심한고통으로 ) 온몸을비틀다 The dragon Ladon was writhing now stench 악취 This stench was like that, except a hundred times stronger head-on 정면으로대응하는 But then I remembered my dream of Zoe and Hercules, and how Hercules had failed in a head-on assault. resume 재개하다 [ 되다 ], 다시시작하다 [ 되다 ] We ran up the mountain as the Hesperides resumed their song in the shadows behind us. vortex ( 물 공기등의 ) 소용돌이 A few yards ahead of us, gray clouds swirled in a heavy vortex tug ( 세게, 흔히여러번 ) 잡아당기다 She ran forward despite Artemis's protests, and tugged at the chains. sarcophagus 석관 ( 石棺 ) At his side were Luke and half a dozen dracaenae bearing the golden sarcophagus of Kronos. Ch.17 I PUT ON A FEW MILLION EXTRA POUNDS regal 제왕 [ 군왕 ] 의 ; 제왕에게걸맞은, 장엄한 Atlas had the same regal expression as Zoe level ( 특히총을 ) 겨누다 Then she leveled her spear. "You aren't Luke. I don't know you anymore." javelin ( 투창경기용 ) 창 A huge javelin appeared in his hands. gleefully 의기양양하게 "Fool!" Atlas screamed gleefully 11

volley ( 총알 돌멩이등의 ) 일제사격 [ 집중투하 ] "No!" Zoe yelled, and a volley of silver arrows sprouted from the armpit chink in Atlas's armor. quicksilver 수은 ( 水銀 ) Her forehead was beaded with metallic sweat, like quicksilver. vertebrae 등골뼈, 척추골 I felt like the vertebrae in my spine were being welded together by a blowtorch. weld 용접하다, 용접해붙이다 blowtorch ( 배관공이쓰는 ) 소형발염 ( 發炎 ) 장치 fissure ( 특히암석 지면의 ) 길게갈라진틈 His javelin slammed into the earth where Artemis had been a split second before, and a fissure opened in the rocks. feint 상대방을속이는동작을취하다 He feinted with the tip of his javelin scramble ( 특히힘겹게손으로몸을지탱하며 ) 재빨리움직이 Behind her, Annabeth came scrambling, finally free from her bonds. 다 sap 약화시키다, 차츰무너뜨리다 She had charged into battle against her father with a horrible cut already sapping her strength. strafe ( 저공비행을하면서 ) 폭격 [ 기총소사 ] 을가하다 She stared up at the antique plane, which was now banking around for another strafe. Ch. 18 A FRIEND SAYS GOOD- BYE disintegrate 해체 [ 분해 ] 되다, 산산조각나다 if she suddenly lost control and appeared in her fully divine form, we would disintegrate by looking at her avert (~ 에서 ) 눈 [ 얼굴 ] 을돌리다 [ 외면하다 ] We averted our eyes. stampede ( 동물들을 ) 우르르몰려가게하다 Any of these goons you want us to stampede? ablaze 불타는듯한, 환한 High above the Empire State Building, Olympus was its own island of light, a floating mountain ablaze with torches and braziers, white marble palaces gleaming in the early morning air. Ch.19 THE GODS VOTE HOW TO KILL US caduceus [Hermes] 의지팡이 (( 두마리의뱀이감긴꼭대기에 He was wearing a business suit today, checking messages on his caduceus 두날개가있는지팡이 ; 평화 의술의상징 ; 미육군의 mobile phone. 무대의휘장 )) thickheaded 우둔한 [ 멍청한 ] 사람 As thickheaded as he is, Ares has a point. vouch < 의진실성 [ 확실성 신뢰성 ] 을 > 보증 [ 보장 ] 하다 "I will vouch for the boy and the safety of the Ophiotaurus." 12

abstain ( 투표에서 ) 기권하다 To my surprise, a lot of hands went up. Dionysus abstained. blurt ~ sth (out) 불쑥내뱉다 [ 말하다 ] "Your friend Luke " "He's not my friend," I blurted out. derision 조롱, 조소 My father snorted in derision. concede ( 무엇이옳거나논리적임을 ) 인정하다 [ 수긍하다 ] "You never take risks?" She nodded. "I concede the point. Ch.20 I GET A NEW ENEMY FOR CHRISTMAS ferry Argus, the many-eyed security chief, picked up Annabeth, Grover, and me at ( 보통짧은거리를정기적으로보트나다른차량으 the Empire State Building and ferried us back to camp through a light 로 ) 나르다 [ 수송하다 ] snowstorm. prevail 승리하다 [ 이기다 ] "The important thing is you have prevailed. And you saved Annabeth!" cripple 불구로만들다 / 심각한손상을주다, 제대로기능을 "Because the gods use heroes as their tools," Chiron said simply. "Destroy the 못하게만들다 tools, and the gods will be crippled. haggard 초췌한 His face was haggard and pale, like he'd seen a specter. specter 유령, 망령 (ghost), 귀신, 요괴 ( 妖怪 ) 13

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