. 다음대화의순서를바르게나열한것은? ) [7 과] It's so fine today. a Me neither. Let's practice it. b Then why don't we ride bikes? c It's Okay, but I'm not good at it.

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. 주어진대화가적절한것은? ) [8 과] A : What's the weather in Sydney? B : It's raining a lot. A : How's weather in Paris? B : It's fog in Paris. A : How's the weather like today? B : It was cloudy yesterday. A : How's the weather in Toronto? B : It's sun and windy. A : What's the weather like in London? B: It's warm in London.. 주어진대화내용과일치하는것은?) [9 과] Evan : Bora, can you help me with my homework? Bora : Sure, how can I help you? Evan : I have to write about a person who helps others. Do you know anyone? Bora : How about Mother Terasa or Audrey Hepburn? Evan : I know about Mother Teresa, but wasn't Audrey Hepburn just a movie star? Bora : No, she also helped the poor. Evan : I'll write about her then. Thank you. Bora : You're welcome. Evan 은해야할숙제가없다. Bora는 Evan 을도와줄수없다. Bora는 Audrey Hepburn 을영화배우로만알고있다. Evan 은숙제로남을도운사람에대해서써야한다. Evan은 Bora 가남을도왔던것에대해쓸것이다.. 다음대화중어색한것은? ) [9 과] A : I'd like you to meet my uncle. He is a soccer player. B : Hello, I'm Junsu. Nice to meet you. A : I've been looking forward to meeting you. B : Why don't you look forward? A : I'd like you to meet my family. This is my mom and dad. B : It's good to meet you. I'm Tony. A : Do you do any volunteer work? B : Yes. I volunteer for street cleaning. A : How can I join your volunteer club? B : If you want to join us, call us at 0--67 - -

. 다음대화의순서를바르게나열한것은? ) [7 과] It's so fine today. a Me neither. Let's practice it. b Then why don't we ride bikes? c It's Okay, but I'm not good at it. d My bike is broken. How about playing tennis? All right! a b c d a d c b b a c d b d c a d c a b. 주어진문장을수동태로올바르게바꾼문장은?) [7 과] She plays the piano. The piano is played by her. My father cooked this spaghetti. This spaghetti was cooker by my father. Mike read the book. The book readed by Mike. Jane watched the movie. The movie will be watched by Jane. Tony cleaned the room. The room is cleaned by Tony. 6. 빈칸에해당하는단어들로만짝지어진것은? ( 순서상관없음) 6) [7 과] He doesn t like living in a country. It s for the trees to flower so early. May I ask you a question? He couldn t believe the story. Bibimbap is a Korean food. foreign, magical, traditional organization, local, magical village, personal, ability performance, unusual, dumpling famous, support, magical - -

7. 아래포스터를보고나눌대화로알맞은것은? 7) [9 과] Lost Pets We take care of lost pets. We build homes for lost pets. If you are interested in volunteering, e-mail us at volunteer@lostpets.com. A: Did you see this poster? B: Yes, I want to do this volunteer activity for Africa. A: Me, too. I want to send hats for African babies. A: I d like to introduce my club. B: Okay. Go ahead. A: It s a street cleaning club. We clean up the streets. A: Do you have a pet? B: No, I don t. I don t like animals. A: I want to be a soccer player. A: Look at this poster. B: It s a volunteer work for lost pets. A: Yes, I want to try this volunteer work. A: What do you want to be in the future? B: I want to be a police officer. What about you? A: I want to be a cook. 8. 다음주어진문장중올바른것의개수는?8) [7 과] He is loved from Jane. English is spoken by many people. Lots of trees will be planting by her. Hangeul were invented by King Sejong. 0개 개 개 개 개 9. 다음은학교축제포스터를참고로하여작성한소개글이다. a~ e 중틀린것은?9) [7 과] Seoul School Festival December (Mon.) ~ (Tues.) p.m. ~ p.m. Three Big Activities Come and Enjoy the Festival. Remember to bring,000 won to participate! Welcome to the Seoul School Festival. It starts at p.m. on December. You can enjoy face painting in the alibrary and a cooking contest in the bcooking room on December. A cdancing contest will be held in te Main Hall on ddecember. You can participate in the festival efor free. We re looking forward to seeing you there. a b c d e - -

0. 아래보기에풀이된단어가아닌것은? ( 순서상관없음.) 0) [7 과] a b c d e a building made or used for a particular activity anything used to mark the position of something the degree of heat or cold in an object or an environment a message in writing that usually goes by mail to another person an aircraft that files by long blades fixed on top of it that go around very fast temperature marker letter facility heliport! (~) 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. [7 과] These days, many people (A) come from adifferent countries live in Korea. When they come to Korea, they bring their bcultures. Foreign cultures are not always easy for us to understand. There is, however, one way to improve our understanding of others who are different. That is to join foreign c festivals. The Banpo Seorae Korea & France Music Festival, Seoul At Seorae Village in Banpo-dong, home to hundreds of French dresidents, there is a music festival in the summer. At the festival, you can enjoy eperformances by famous French and Korean singers. You can also experience French culture by joining many different events. One of those events is the Chanson Singing Contest. People show their ability to sing in French in this event.. 빈칸 (A) 에들어갈단어로알맞은것은?) where what who why when. 밑줄친 a~ e의영영풀이가올바르게짝지어진것은? ) adifferent: belonging to a certain place bculture: the power or knowledge to do something cfestival: a sport or game that people try to win to get a prize dresident: a group of people that acts together for some purpose eperformance: a particular entertainment shown to an audience. 위글의내용과일치하는것은? ) Foreign cultures are always easy for us to understand. There are only one hundred French residents in Banpo-dong. These days, there aren t a lot of people from different countries in Korea. People show their ability to understand French in the Chanson Singing Contest. You can experience French culture at the Banpo Seorae Korea & France Music Festival. - -

[-6] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. [7 과] The Incheon China Festival, Incheon You don't have to go all the way to China to enjoy Chinese culture. You can do it at the Incheon China Festival. This festival usually takes place in the spring or fall at Jayu Park. (A) 그것은많은단체들과지역의중 국거주자들그리고상점들의후원을받고있다. People enjoy fun events, such as dragon dances and art performances. The Jajangmyeon and Chinese Dumpling Eating Contest is always a big favorite with festival goers. The Migrants' Arirang Festival, Changwon The Migrants' Arirang Festival is held each year to show support for (B) workers from Asia and Africa. At this festival, you can enjoy traditional dances, foods, and other activities that show the cultures of migrant workers. One event is called Asian Taxi. In this event, people enjoy riding in unusual taxis, such as a rickshaw from Bangladesh.. (A) 에들어갈문장을해석에맞게완성하시오.) (A) many organizations and local Chinese residents and businesses.. 빈칸 (B) 에들어갈말을주어진영영풀이에맞게쓰시오.) a person who travels from place to place to find work (B) 6. Which is correct about the Migrants Arirang Festival? 6) People can enjoy the festival every other year. It takes place in the spring or fall at Jayu Park. It snows support for migrant workers from Europe. You can enjoy traditional dances and foods at this festival. In the Asian Taxi event, people can enjoy riding in usual taxis. 7. 관계대명사를이용하여두문장을한문장을만드시오.7) [7 과] () I have two daughters. They like studying English.. () Did you hear about the girl? We met her at the library.. () That man is very strange. He is from a foreign country.. - -

8. 아래예시와같이주어진단어들을활용하여해석에맞게문장을완성하시오. 8) [7 과] telephone, invent, Bell The telephone was invented by Bell. ( 전화기는 Bell 에의해발명되었다.) Bell was the inventor who invented the telephone. (Bell 은전화기를발명한발명가이다.) < 예시> The Scream, paint, Munich () The Scream. (The Scream은 Munich 에의해그려졌다.) (). (Munich는 The Scream 을그린화가였다.) Hamlet, write, Shakespeare () Hamlet. (Hamlet은 Shakespeare 에의해쓰여졌다.) (). (Shakespeare는 Hamlet 을쓴작가였다.) 9. 다음밑줄친부분을바르게고친것은?9) [8 과] Welcome to Rome. I ll guide you around today. Rome has a lot of beautiful places, so don t forget atake your camera bat you all the time. First, we re planning to visit an art museum. After lunch, we re going to take a break. At night, we re going to visit the Trevi Fountain. Remember cbring some coins dthrow eto it for good luck. a b c d e take taking at in bring to bring throw throwing to for 0. 다음주어진문장이바르게쓰인것은?0) [8 과] John likes bananas, doesn t John? She is playing soccer now, isn t she? You bought the bag already, don t you? You know Minji is years old, isn t she? They will go to a movie tonight, won t they? - 6 -

. 다음주어진두문장을하나의문장으로바꿔쓴문장중바른것은? ) [8 과] This is the house. My grandfather was born in the house. This is the house which my grandfather was born in. This is the house in that my grandfather was born. This is the house where my grandfather was born in. This is the house in which my grandfather was born in. This is the house which my grandfather was born in the house.. 다음 er 을붙인단어가나타내는것이나머지와다른것은? ) [8 과] I can t find my new drier. The top of the cooker is very cold. I sent him the speaker to use in the class. We need one more player to win the game. The cleaner doesn t work. I can t clean my room rigt now.. 다음주어진문장이우리말과같게되도록빈칸에들어갈알맞은말을쓰시오.) [8 과] < 이곳은내가이펜을산가게이다.> () This is the shop I bought this pen. () This is the shop I bought this pen.. 빈칸에들어갈단어로알맞은것은? ) [8 과] The city ( ) I live is famous for bibimbap. why when what which where! [-7] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. [8 과] Welcome to Dokdo. We are Dokdorang, the characters of Dokdo. We'll be your tour guides today. Do you know how many islands Dokdo is made up of? 89 small islands. It has two main islands, Dongdo and Seodo, and This rock looks like an elephant drinking water, so we call ait Elephant Rock. The temperature on Dokdo is around C and it's usually very windy and foggy. On a clear day, you can see Ulleungdo from Dokdo because it's only 87. km away. Dongdo and Seodo are meters away from beach other. Seodo is bigger than Dongdo, but most of the marine facilities are on Dongdo. Do you want to know more? Look at this map of Dokdo. Can you read this? It's Hangungnyeong. This marker makes cit clear that Dokdo is part of Korea. This is a heliport. It's a place where helicopters take off and land. Send dus a letter. There is a postbox on Dongdo and the zip code is 799-80. Dokdo is a beautiful island, isn't it? Dokdo was first recorded as part of Korea in the 00s and we are very happy to live ehere. Let's meet again. - 7 -

. 위글에 a~ e가가리키는것이바르지않은것은? ) a b c d e it = the rock each other = Dongdo and Seodo it = Hangungnyeong us = Dokdorang here = Dokdo 6. 위글에서언급하지않은것은?6) What is Elephant Rock? What is the zip code for Dokdo? Where was Dokdo first recorded? What are the characters of Dokdo? How many islands is Dokdo made up of? 7. 위글을읽고 Dokdo의특징으로바르지않은것은?7) Helicopters can take off and land on Dokdo. A marker shows that Dokdo is part of Korea. We can see most of the marine facilities on Seodo. There is a postbox on Dongdo and zip code is 799-80. There is a rock which looks like an elephant drinking water. 8. 다음중어법상옳은것으로바르게짝지어진것은? 8) [8 과] a b c d This four-story house was built in 0. It looks like Korea, isn t it? That s why it s called Korea Rock. We will always wait for you right here on this island which Koreans have lived for a long time. a, b a, c b, c b, d c, d 9. 다음문장을완성하시오.9) [8 과] () Jane and Jack are not happy,? () Mr.Lee played the violin,? () Tom had dinner,? 0. 제시된문장을잘읽고나라를묘사하는문장을관계부사를사용하여완성하시오. 0) [8 과] You can see kangaroos in Australia. Australia is a country. - 8 -

정답 ) ) ) ) ) 6) 7) 8) 9) 0) ) ) ) ) It is supported by ) migrant 6) 7) () I have two daughters who like studying English. () Did you hear about the girl whom we met at the library? () That man who is from a foreign country is very strange. 8) () The Scream was painted by Munich. () Munich was the painter who painted The Scream. 9) 0) ) ) () Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. () Shakespeare was the writer who wrote Hamlet. ) () where, () at which ) ) 6) 7) 8) 9) () are they, () didn t he, () didn t he 0) where you can see kangeroos - 9 -