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Page Word Meaning p.1 Private Eye 사립탐정사무소로서세계최초라고일컬어지는것은 1850년앨런핀커턴 (1819~84) 이시카고에서창설한핀커턴내셔널탐정사무소이다. 핀커턴은스코틀랜드야드에서근무한아버지밑에서자란스코틀랜드출신의이민으로서, 남북전쟁때에는북군에속하여첩보활동에종사하였으며미국의초대정보국장을지냈다. 핀커턴은 사람의눈 을사무소의마크로삼았으므로, 미국에서는속어로 아이 (eye) 또는 프라이빗아이 (private eye) 라고하면, 사설탐정을가리킨다. p.2 yap 요란하게짖어대다 ; 시끄럽게지껄여대다 - If a small dog yaps, it makes short loud sounds in an excited way. crummy 형편없는 - Most of his songs are pretty crummy. Today was one of those days. 오늘정말재수없는날이군! jurassic 쥐라기의, 중생대중기의 - I bought the video of Jurassic Park for the children. p.4 slobber 침을흘리다 - If a person or an animal slobbers, they let liquid fall from their mouth. sputter 펑펑하는 ( 털털거리는 ) 소리를내다 - If something such as an engine or a flame sputters, it works or burns in an uneven way and makes a series of soft popping sounds. don`t have the stomach. -할생각이없다. -하고싶지않다. 퍼즐이나무에서저절로자라는것이아니다. Puzzles don`t -> money 대신퍼즐을쓴걸보면퍼즐을사기위해서열심히 grow on trees. 일해야한다는의미겠네요 ^^ p.5 mitt 야구글러브 - You can refer to a person's hands as their mitts. p.6 squinch 찌푸리다 p.7 diaper 미기저귀 ( 영 napkin, nappy) - Is your baby still in diaper? p.8 vowel 모음 -A vowel is a sound such as the ones represented in writing by the letters `a', `e' `i', `o' and `u', which you pronounce with your mouth open, allowing the air to flow through it. Compare consonant. rack 받침대 ( 선반 ), 시렁 - A rack is a frame or shelf, usually with bars or hooks, that is used for holding things or for hanging things on.
p.10. p.15 gnawing shrug Those are the breaks p.21 reptile 신경을갉아먹는, 괴롭히는 - If people or animals gnaw something or gnaw at it, they bite it repeatedly. 으쓱하다 -If you shrug, you raise your shoulders to show that you are not interested in something or that you do not know or care about something. * shrug something off/aside: ~ 을대수롭지않게취급하다 - Shrugging off her injury, she played on. * shrug somebody/something off/away: ~ 을어깨로밀치다 [ 어깨에서떨쳐내다 ] - Kevin shrugged off his jacket. 세상사는다그런것이다. 파충류 - Reptiles are a group of cold-blooded animals which have skins covered with small hard plates called scales and lay eggs. Snakes, lizards, and crocodiles are reptiles. ex) The reptile's skin is tough and scaly slammed 쾅 [ 탁 ] 닫다 [ 닫히다 ] ex) A window slammed shut in the wind. jump at 텁석덤비다 ex) He always jumps at a chance of borrowing my mom`s car. slam on the brakes 급하게브레이크를밟다. p.22 stuffy 건물 방등이 ( 환기가안되어 ) 답답한 - It gets very hot and stuffy in here in summer. skink ( 다리가아주짧거나아예없는 ) 도마뱀 - The first lizard is the monkey-tailed skink. ferret 흰담비 - I had a pet ferret when I was a child. tied fo the two teams tied for the first place in the league. p.23 Gila monster 길라독도마뱀 악동, 개구쟁이 p.24 rascal p.28 Earth to Theodore -if you call a man or child a rascal, you mean that they behave badly and are rude or dishonest. - 딴짓혹은딴생각하느라집중하고있지않을때부르는말 earth to p.29 claim 소리치다, 외치다 ex) It isn't fair!', he exclaimed angrily. Writers sometimes use exclaim to show that someone is exclaim speaking suddenly, loudly, or emphatically, often because they are excited, shocked, or angry. p. 31 constrictor 먹이를졸라죽이는큰뱀
poisonous p.32 constrictor p.34 pretzels p.35 spotless p.36 vacuum neat creep give a person the creeps suck it up p.38 lid full-time job slither p.39 pit Something that is poisonous will kill you or make you ill if you swallow or absorb it. Any snake that kills its prey by constriction. -Boa constrictor: 보아뱀프레첼 ( 매듭 막대모양의짭짤한비스킷. 흔히파티에서안주로냄 ) - A pretzel is a small, crisp, shiny biscuit, which has salt on the outside. Pretzels are usually shaped like knots or sticks. 티끌하나없는 - Something that is spotless is completely clean. 진공, 진공청소기로청소하다 - Have you vacuumed the stairs? 정돈된, 단정한, 말쑥한 ( 美비격식 ) 뛰어난, 훌륭한 - Her room was as neat as a bandbox. - It was a really neat party. - If someone or something gives you the creeps, they make you feel very nervous or frightened. 섬뜩하게하다. accept something bad and deal with it well, controlling your emotions 뚜껑, 덮개, 마개 * flip your lid: ( 너무화가나서 ) 눈이뒤집히다 * keep a/the lid on something: ~ 을감춰두다 [ 비밀로하다 ] * lift the lid on something: ( 불쾌하거나충격적인사실을 ) 폭로하다 * put the (tin) lid on something/things: ( 계획 희망을 ) 결정적으로망쳐놓다상근직, 시간이오래걸리는일 * Having manners is a full-time job: 예절을갖추는건시간이많이드는일이란다. - 원래상근직을의미하는 full-time job 이이렇게쓰이니또 색다른맛! 스르르나아가다 ( 기어가다 ) - If you slither somewhere, you slide along in an uneven way. 구덩이 / 자국을남기다 - A pit is a coal mine. p. 40 wiggle 씰룩씰룩 [ 꼼지락꼼지락 / 꿈틀꿈틀 ] 움직이다 - He removed his shoes and wiggled his toes. p. 41 pip-squeak 볼품없는 [ 보잘것없는 ] 사람 - a small or insignificant person mutter - if you mutter, you speak very quietly so that you cannot
easily be heard, often because you are complaining about something.. they gave off a strange light~ - give off (out), if something gives off a gas, heat or smell, it produce it and sends it out into the air 이해가안된다 ( 이상도하지 ) Go figure - I do not understand this./ use after making astatement to show that you think the situation you described is silly. p.43 You can bet ~ ~ 이확실하다니까. - You use expressions such as `I bet', `I'll bet', and `you can bet' to indicate that you are sure something is true. -( 본문 ) You can bet it`s not in here 그게여기없는거정말확실하다니까. slither 스르르나아가다, 주로뱀이미끄러지게기어가는모습.. - If you slither somewhere, you slide along in an uneven way. -( 본문 ) Could it have slitherd into his room? slimy 끈적끈적한, 점액질의 - Slimy substances are thick, wet, and unpleasant. Slimy objects are covered in a slimy substance. -( 본문 ) He`s not slimy at all. 전혀끈적하지않아. p.47 lousy very mean or unpleasant p.50 budge 약간움직이다 [ 움직이게하다 ], 꼼짝하다 - She pushed at the door but it wouldn't budge. * budge up: ( 다른사람이들어올공간이생기게 ) 움직여주다 * Budge up a bit!: 조금만당겨앉아! p.51 gerbil 게르빌루스쥐 ( 흔히애완용으로기름 ) - A gerbil is a small, furry animal that is often kept as a pet. Ms. ( 혼인여부에상관없이여성의성 성명앞에붙여 ) 씨 p.56 scribble 갈겨쓰다, 휘갈기다. - If you scribble something, you write it quickly and roughly. -( 본문 ) Then I scribbled a quick message to Mila. p.57 throb nope 욱신거리다, 지끈거리다 / 진동 : 욱신 ( 지끈 ) 거림 - If part of your body throbs, you feel a series of strong and usually painful beats there. - If something throbs, it vibrates and makes a steady noise. ex) The engines throbbed / her temples throbbed with rage -( 본문 ) Loud music throbbed from behind Jake`s door. " 울리다, 고동치다 - Nope is sometimes used instead of `no' as a negative
response. p. 58 wobbly 흔들리는, 기우뚱한 -Something that is wobbly moves unsteadily from side to side ex) i was sitting on a wobbly plastic chair. a wobbly green jelly p.59 teeny 아주작은 - If you describe something as teeny, you are emphasizing that it is very small. screwdriver 나사돌리개, 드라이버 - A screwdriver is a tool that is used for turning screws. It consists of a metal rod with a flat or cross-shaped end that fits into the top of the screw. speck a speck of - A speck is a very small stain, mark, or shape. -( 본문 ) There isn`t a speck of dust in your room. 작은얼룩, 입자, 알갱이 pry - 1.if someone pries, they try to find out about someone else's private affairs, or look at their personal possessions. 2. if you pry something open or pry it away from a surface, you force it open or away from a surface. ex) they pried open a stickey can of blue paint. p.68 nestle - If you nestle or are nestled somewhere, you move into a comfortable position, usually by pressing against someone or against something soft. - ( 본문 ) hermie nestled inside th tube. 자리잡다, 따뜻이앉다눕다 p.69 coo when someone coos, they speak in a very soft, quiet voice which is intended to sound attractive. p.71 cook up ( 특히남을속이기위해 ) ~ 을꾸며 [ 지어 ] 내다 * to cook up a story - The Chinese leader has spoken out against officials seeking to embellish their credentials through cooking up statistics. p.72 hooted 폭소를터뜨리다 ; 콧방귀를뀌다, 비웃다 p.74 squiggle - A squiggle is a line that bends and curls in an irregular way. p.74 squiggly - Squiggly lines are lines that bend and curl in an irregular way. p.74 certificate - A certificate is an official document stating that particular facts are true. 만든사람 ) 동댕이, 레지나, 아이엠초보, 엘리스 7, 자야, 찡긋찡긋, 파이돈, 홍양님.
정식출간된영어원서별단어장, 원서읽는단어장시리즈 를만나보세요! 책보러가기 ( 클릭 ) 원서읽는단어장 시리즈는... 영어원서독자들이보다쉽고재미있게원서를읽을수있도록도와주는, 원서읽기의최고의친구입니다! 원서에나온어휘들완벽정리! Comprehension Quiz 와다양한 Activity! 원서읽는단어장수익금의일부는불우한환경의어린이들에게영어도서를지원하는데사용되고있습니다. ( 월드비전가정개발사업에기부 )