OPENING CEREMONY AND KEYNOTE SPEECH Date Wednesday, August 30, 13:30-14:30 * Coffee Break : 12:30-13:30 Place Harmony Ballroom at InterContinental Seo

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Global Media Conference Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speech 194 Program 195 Global Writers Forum 196 2017 Korea-Iran Cultural Technology Forum 198 New Media (MCN) Seminar 200

OPENING CEREMONY AND KEYNOTE SPEECH Date Wednesday, August 30, 13:30-14:30 * Coffee Break : 12:30-13:30 Place Harmony Ballroom at InterContinental Seoul COEX Keynote Speech Kim Hyuk Head of SBS Media Business Center Beyond TV! into the World The Evolution and Change in Media Industry Kim Hyuk is the head of SBS Media Business Center. SBS is the only private terrestrial television broadcaster with the largest national network in South Korea. Media Business Center deals with platform business, global production & business, mobile contents business and cultural contents business. Kim, who is specialized in platform business, gave birth to the OTT subscription service, pooq in 2012. He started his career as a radio producer and was responsible for developing digital strategies for radio programs. He also headed the development of DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting), the world s first and most widely-used mobile TV platform. Special Performance Real Girls Project Real Girls Project is a K-pop idol group starring in the Korean Amazon Original Series <THE IDOLM@STER.KR> which follows the stories of 11 girls as they train to become K-pop idols. THE IDOLM@STER.KR is based off of the Japanese game <THE IDOLM@STER.KR>, created by Bandi Namco But now, R.G.P is going off screen. R.G.P officially debuted in August 2016 with their hit <Dream> and are currently promoting their latest single, <PINGPONG GAME>. 194

PROGRAM Time Global Writers Forum Harmony Ballroom at InterContinental Seoul COEX 2017 Korea-Iran Cultural Technology Forum New Media(MCN) Seminar Conference Room 201 Conference Room 203 Wednesday, August 30 Wednesday, August 30 Thursday, August 31 13:00-14:00 14:00-15:00 Registration Registration Session 1 Domestic and overseas original content market presentation Registration Opening Video & Performace 15:00-16:00 Session 1 Success factor of global media contents Keynote Speech Session 2 Globalization of Korean contents Presentation 1 KR-IR Game Industry Session 2 Panel Discussion 16:00-17:00 Session 3 Success factor of global writer Presentation 2 KR-IR Animation Industry Coffee break 17:00-18:00 Panel Discussion Global Storytelling for Global Drama Presentation 3 KR-IR Digital Contents Industry 18:00-19:00 195

Global Writers Forum Through cases of The Gift of God (SBS) and Good Doctor (KBS) that launched Korean drama in the U.S.A. market regarded as impossible before, more interest and needs for Korean TV series is going to be real. Including MIPTV, a significance of Korean TV series has been discussed in the major overseas contents market in terms of large-scale drama screening and a high-quality TV series. Especially, due to the development of new distribution platforms such as Netflix, YouTube, we faced a period of transition caused by demands for new types of video contents. Hence, we will discuss requirements for being successful in the international TV business at Broadcast Worldwide 2017. Furthermore, we will invite the writers and executive producers who have participated in making the American version of The Gift of God and Good Doctor. The speakers will talk how Korean TV series captured global audiences and how talented Korean writers expand their careers in the overseas markets. Date Wednesday, August, 30, 15:00 18:30 Place Harmony Ballroom, InterContinental Seoul COEX PROGRAM Total of 4 sessions (3 Topic lectures and 1 panel discussion), Q&A Topic lectures and free discussion between a moderator and a panel THEME What attracts global audiences to Korean broadcast contents Talk and discussion between renounced Korean & international writers and interested parties regarding remake of Korean TV series Moderator Journalist of Film magazine Cine 21 MC of Cinema talk and GV 씨네21 기자 GV, 시네마톡진행 Seong Hun Kim Reporter at Cine21 Session 1 15:15 15:45 Success factor of global media contents Success factor of global media contents By reviewing Hollywood s leading producer and writer Joe Broido s pilot producing Somewhere Between, we will explore what are success factors of ordering Korean TV series straight to 10 episodes series without market test. Additionally, we will discuss how Korean writers can move onto global market through The Gift of God, a successful case participating the original writer as a producer. Joe Broido Somewhere Between ( The Gift of God remake version) - Writer & Chief Producer 글로벌영상콘텐츠의성공요소헐리우드의대표프로듀서이자작가인조브로이도를통해 신의선물 이파일럿제작을통한시장테스트를거치지않고 10부작시리즈전체로편성될수있었던성공요인을알아본다. 또한한국원작작가가리메이크작품의책임프로듀서로참여하는등작품의해외진출과함께작가의해외진출성공사례로도평가받는 신의선물 의사례를통해해외시장진출을위해한국작가들은무엇을준비해야하는지알아본다. 196

Global Writers Forum Session 2 15:45 16:15 Globalization of Korean contents The charming point of Korean TV series We will explore the possibility of unlimited expansion with the universal setting of drama by the Daniel Dae Kim s presentation, who is the main actor of the US major TV series Lost and an executive producer of the KBS TV series Good Doctor reformed in the United States. Daniel Dae Kim Lost -Actor, Good Doctor - Executive Producer 한국드라마의매력포인트 미국메이저장르드라마 로스트 의주연배우이자미국에서리메이크되는 KBS 드라마 굿닥터 의제작총괄을맡은다니얼대김의발표를통해드라마의보편적인설정이지닌무한한확장가능성을알아본다. Session 3 16:15 16:45 Success factor of global writer Successful Global Storytelling We will discover success factors of video content loved by fans around the world. Futhermore, we will have a chance to learn the way of making character and storytelling as a key factor for documentaries and TV series. Laurence Andries Writer & Vice President of WGF (Writers Guild Foundation) 성공하는글로벌스토리텔링전세계팬들에게사랑받는영상콘텐츠의성공요인과함께다큐, 드라마등영상콘텐츠의핵심성공요소인캐릭터와스토리텔링을살릴수있는방법은무엇인지알아본다. Session4 17:00 18:30 Panel Discussion Panel Panel Panel Panel Joe Broido Writer & Chief Producer of Somewhere Between Daniel Dae Kim Actor of Lost and Executive Producer of Good Doctor Laurence Andries Writer & Vice President of WGF (Writers Guild Foundation) Sebastian Lee Executive Producer of Good Doctor Global Storytelling for Global Drama We will explore the know-how of searching media contents and the system of finding writers; the possibility of customized contents upon the change of media environment and the required condition to launch Korean contents in the global market through the discussion among international and domestic broadcast stakeholders. 글로벌드라마를위한소재발굴해외영상콘텐츠소재발굴및작가시스템, 미디어환경변화에따른맞춤형영상콘텐츠의가능성, 한국형콘텐츠의글로벌시장진출을위한조건등에대한내용을국내외방송관계자들의토론을통해알아본다. 197

2017 Korea-Iran Cultural Technology Forum Korea-Iran Cultural Technology Forum is held alternately every year in the two countries as a part of MOU signed between the Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism of Korea and Islamic Republic of Iran Vice Presidency for Science and Technology in 2016 to encourage bilateral cooperation in the field of cultural technology and creative industry. Date Wednesday, August, 30, 15:00 18:20 Venue Conference Room 201, COEX PROGRAM 2 Keynote Speeches, 3 Presentations, Q&A The forum will be focused on the exchanges and cooperation in the field of gaming, animation and digital content with more than 100 attendees from both countries. Keynote Speech 1 15:20 15:30 The Current Status of Korean Content Industries and Proposal for KR-IR Cooperation Choi Hyun-seung serves as Director of the Popular Culture Industry Division of the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. He is responsible for promoting the popular culture industry including music, cartoons, stories and fashion, etc., international cooperation between governments and cultural exchange in the field of cultural content. Hyun-seung Choi Director, Popular Culture Industry Division 한국콘텐츠산업현황과한 이란협력방안문화체육관광부대중문화산업과장으로근무하고있으며, 음악, 만화, 스토리, 패션등대중문화산업육성과문화콘텐츠분야의정부간국제협력및문화교류를담당한다. Keynote Speech 2 15:30 15:40 Cultural Technology and Creative Industry In Iran and ways for cooperation between Iran and Korea S Hossein Sajjadi Nayeri Secretary General of Soft Technology Development Council Experience Secretary General of Soft Technology Development Council, Vice Presidency for Science and Technology (2015 Present) Deputy of ICT, Center for Innovation & Technology Cooperation, Presidency (2014~2016) Head of ICT Committee, Iran-Russia High Commission for Technology Cooperation (2016) ICT Advisor, Iran Parliament Research Center (2016) Education Master s Degree / Executive MBA / Iran University of Science and Technology Bachelor s Degree / Computer Software Engineering / University of Tehran 이란의문화기술및창조산업현황과한 이란협업방안 이력 이란과학기술부통령실, 소프트기술개발청, 사무총장 (2015-현재) 이란대통령실, 혁신기술협력센터, ICT 국장 (2014-2016) 이란-러시아기술협력기구, ICT 위원회위원장 (2016) 이란의회리서치센터, ICT 자문위원 (2016) 교육 이란과학기술대학교최고경영자과정석사학위 테헤란대학교컴퓨터소프트웨어엔지니어링전공학사학위 198

2017 Korea-Iran Cultural Technology Forum Presentation 1 15:40 16:20 KR-IR Game Industry KOREA Status of Korean Game Industry & proposal for cooperation between KR-IR Mr. Kang, Sam-suk MasangSoft IRAN Collaborating with Iranian developers: A bridge to dominate MENA s 1.5 billion video game market. Mr. Farzam Molkara Simulator Developer Presentation 2 16:20 17:00 KR-IR Animation Industry KOREA The Example of Development of Original Content and Strategies for Globalization Ms. Kim, Hyun-joo Studio Holhory IRAN Keys of international success in animation: Potentials of Iranian animation industry towards International attractive production. Mr. Ali Noori Oskouei Eshragh Studio Presentation 3 17:20 18:00 KR-IR Digital Content Industry KOREA Status and prospect of AR-based digital content Mr. Lee, Sung-hee KAIST IRAN Covering market needs: How we empower local experts to produce skill-basee Learning contents Mr. Mahmoud Pourmand Faranesh 199

New Media (MCN) Seminar MCN 2.0 Era, Content Distribution Strategy Forum Digital Original, Go Beyond [Mobile]! The Seminar aims to present Korea s latest MCN(Multi-Channel Networks) business trends and US original content market trends. It will also explore ways to diversify distribution channels(platform) of K-digital original contents, which expand watching coverage and raise their brand power. Date Thursday, August 31, 14:00 17:00 Venue Conference Room 203, COEX PROGRAM Total of 2 sessions (Domestic and overseas original content market presentation and panel discussion) Session 1 14:15 15:30 Domestic and overseas original content market presentation 14:15 14:50 Change of Korean media environment and MCN business model trend Dr. Young Shin Cho Chief researcher of SKRI 14:50 15:15 Global digital original content market status Kun-Woo Kim CEO of Media Zamong Session 2 15:30 17:00 Panel Discussion Panel discussion for finding ways to diversify distribution channels of original content Moderator Panelist Dr. Young Shin Cho Chief researcher of SKRI Joo-Yeon Kang Leader of Programming Division at Animax Broadcasting Korea Hyun-Gi Kim Director of Whynot Media Youn-Ha Cho CEO of Video Village Kun-Woo Kim CEO of Media Zamong Jae-Yong Park CP of SBS Mobidic Sang-Joon Hwang Leader of DIA TV Programming Team 200