THE APRIL TIMES Table of Contents - 독서의중요성 - Creative Reading 1000 - 공인인증시험 - Awards / Mileage - 캠퍼스소식 - 2014 가을학기일정 Fall Edition 2014
01 THE APRIL TIMES 독서의중요성 독서의중요성 언어학습의지름길 아이들이즐기면서책을읽을때, 아이들이 책에사로잡힐때, 아이들은부지불식간에노력을하지않고도언어를습득하게된다. 아이들은훌륭한독자가될것이고, 많은어휘를습득할것이며, 복잡한문법구조를이해하고사용하는능력이발달되고, 문체가좋아지고, 철자를무난하게써낼것이다. 책을읽을때실제로읽고쓰는능력이발달하게되어있다. 잘읽는사람이문법, 철자쓰기등에심각한문제가있는경우는거의없다. 잘읽는사람들은쓰기도잘한다. 왜냐하면그렇게될수밖에없기때문이다. 그들은읽기를통해무의식적으로좋은문체를습득하고쓰기영역의모든것을습득한다. - 언어학자스티븐크라센 (Stephen Krashen) < 크라센의읽기혁명 > p.168 중에서 다독은영어를익히는가장좋은방법이아니다. 그것은유일한방법이다. - 언어학자스티븐크라센 (Stephen Krashen) 독서를통한영어실력향상 세계적언어학자스티븐크라센 (Stephen Krashen) 박사의외국어습득이론을살펴보면, 가장이상적인외국어습득방식은 자신의현재외국어능력수준을살짝넘어서는정도의외국어에꾸준히노출되는것 입니다. 학습자가자신의흥미와수준에맞는책을꾸준히읽는것은그어떤영어학습방법보다언어습득의효과가크다는의미입니다. 독서의방법으로는크게정독과다독이있습니다. 정독 (Intensive Reading) 은언어를습득하기위해쓰여진본문을읽고이해하는것을말합니다. 정독은이해를통한읽기학습으로리딩스킬은물론, 전반적언어능력을향상시키는학습적효과가있습니다. 반면, 다독 (Extensive Reading) 은사전을찾지않아도스토리이해가쉽고재미있는내용의책을빨리많이읽는것입니다. 속독능력과어휘력, 이해력증진을비롯해자신감과읽는즐거움을가져다주는것이다독입니다. 우리학생들이정독과다독의독서방법으로꾸준히책을읽어영어에지속적으로노출된다면영어실력향상의효과도함께누릴수있습니다. 오늘책을많이읽는사람이내일의지도자가된다. (Today s readers are tomorrow s leaders.)
02 THE APRIL TIMES Creative Reading 1000 Creative Reading 1000 April어학원에서는이번가을학기부터새로운커리큘럼인 Creative Reading 1000을선보입니다. 새롭게개편된커리큘럼은 Creative Learning 방법론을기반으로다독과체험으로구성됩니다. 전체교육과정을통해총 1,000권이상의책을읽고배경지식확장및창의력과표현력을계발합니다. 학생들은주제기반의통합교과로구성된책으로언어학습을하고렉사일지수로객관적평가를받습니다. 이러한다독활동은온오프라인의독후활동과창의력프로젝트로이어지며그결과물들을크리에이티브카페를통해공유함으로써체험의폭을넓히게됩니다. Creative Learning( 프로그램방법론 ) : 언어, 사고, 예술을유기적으로연계하여, 자유로운상상과예술적감성및표현을창의적인사고와문제해결에융합한온오프라인연계프로그램으로창의력과표현력을키워줍니다. Lexile Test April에서는 2014년가을학기부터렉사일지수를도입하여학생들이능력에맞춰다독을할수있는서비스를제공하고, 세계어디서나통용되는객관적지표인독서능력지수를확인할수있는 Lexile Test를시행합니다. 렉사일지수를개발한맬버트스미스 (Melbert Smith) 박사는우리가신발가게에서학년이나나이에따라신발을선택하는것이아니라발의사이즈에맞는신발을선택하는것처럼, 독서에서도독서능력에따른도서선정이중요하다고합니다. 그래서읽을책을고를때자신의읽기능력수준에맞는책을선택하는것이중요합니다. 신발에사이즈가있다면, 독서와도서에는렉사일지수라는길라잡이가있습니다. 렉사일지수 : 학생의영어독서능력과영어도서난이도를객관적으로측정하기위해미국메타메트릭스사에서개발한 평가지수입니다.
03 THE APRIL TIMES Creative Reading 1000 도서구성 해외유명출판사 (Highlights, Zaner-Bloser, Hinkler, Abdo 등 ) 에서렉사일, 통합교과, 주제, 고전 / 현대, 장르 / 유형, 흥미등을고려하여도서를선정했습니다. 또한, 애니메이션과모션효과를활용한 e-book을제공하여학생들이더욱흥미를가질수있도록했습니다. 학생들은교실수업과연계된정독 (Intensive Reading) 과온라인상의다독 (Extensive Reading) 을포함하여 레벨별약 100 권의책을읽을수있습니다. 전체교육과정을수료할경우 1,000 권이상의책을읽게됩니다. 창의적독후활동 Creative Reading 1000을통해학생들은다양한독후활동을할수있습니다. 대표적인독후활동으로는작가에게편지쓰기, 주인공과나비교하기, 기억에남는장면말하기 / 쓰기등이있습니다. 독후활동은레벨별난이도나책의내용에따라서차별화되어제공되고, Writing/Speaking 에서월 4회의 e-tutor의평가를받습니다. 신나는이벤트와포상제도 독후활동을완료하면결과에따라마일리지가지급됩니다. 챌린지맵에서자신의학습목표와완료한도서를활인할수있어성취감을느낄수있습니다. 또룰렛돌리기나사다리타기등으로보너스마일리지와기프티콘을제공하는이벤트를진행하여재미있게학습할수있습니다. 100권의책을읽으면그동안진행해온맵이종료되고새로운맵이생깁니다. 완료한맵이많아질수록학생들의영어실력은향상됩니다. 룰렛돌리기 챌린지맵 Tip! : 렉사일지수높이는방법 렉사일지수를잘받으려면어떻게해야할까요? 렉사일지수는수학공식을암기하고그공식으로문제를풀수있게되는것처럼단기간에실력이향상되거나눈에드러나지는않아요.. 우리가매일밥을먹고키가조금씩자라는것처럼읽고이해한책들이차곡차곡쌓여그결과가드러나는거예요.. 그럼, 이제부터자신이흥미를느끼는책을골라꾸준히매일 20 ~ 30 분씩읽는습관을길러볼까요? 영어책읽는능력도점차좋아지는건물론이고 Lexile Test를통해실력향상을확인해보기로해요!
THE APRIL TIMES 공인인증시험 04 April 어학원에서는 TOEFL. Junior 등학생들의레벨에맞는공인인증시험을시행합니다. 지난봄학기에전국의학생들이인증시험에응시하여자신의실력을점검하였는데요, 그중성적우수자로선정된학생들의인터뷰를진행하였습니다. 자! 그럼 April어학원의우수학생들을만나러가볼까요? Q1. 토플주니어성적우수자당선소감은? I knew that my English was not bad compared to others at my age. But I was so surprised when I heard the news from the teacher because I thought I messed up the test. Anyway, I m now happy with the results. I am so thankful to my teachers. 한지원 / Junior Master2 강남대치캠퍼스 Q2. 우수한시험성적을받을수있었던비결은? I m not sure if there is any secret of my own to get this grade. I just enjoy reading fantasy novels in English, speaking with teachers and friends, and writing poems, stories and essays in English. Also, I like to watch some TV programs on Disney Channel such as Austin and Ally, Good Luck, Charlie, and Dog in the Blog. I gained a lot of vocabulary from Chunk Books and a lot of knowledge on various topics from April Gallery. Also, I tried to learn new vocabulary from the stuff in my daily life such as flyers, product description, commercials, and etc. while I was in Colorado for a year. All the teachers, Jamie teacher, Matthew teacher, Lindsey teacher, Holly teacher, and Jennie teacher cheered me so much that I could study harder not to disappoint them. Then, they again encouraged me. This made me happy so I work harder and harder. Q3. April Creative Reading 책중에가장재미있던스토리는무엇이고, 느낀점은? The Princess and the Beggar is my favorite. I felt that Pabo Ondal has a very kind heart, and he was lucky to meet the princess. Before Pabo Ondal met the princess, he was just a beggar. He could not ride a horse. He could not even read. But the princess, another warm-hearted person taught Pabo Ondal how to read. He learned things so fast that soon he could write poems. Also, she encouraged him so that he became the best horse rider. The innocent and warmhearted princess changed from a beggar to an honored general of the army. I felt that the success of one s life is not made just by one s own effort. There must be someone s help. We need to be always thankful to the people around us who help us. Q4. 영어공부에있어책읽기는어떤도움이되나요? Some teachers recommended me not to look up the dictionary while reading books, so I still don t look up the dictionary often. It seems that this habit helps me guess the meaning of new words from the context, and improve my reading speed. Also, I could review grammar and vocabulary repeatedly while reading books. However, I don t think of reading books in English as a work. I just read books for fun. Q5. 한지원학생에게 April 어학원이란어떤곳인가요? April is a place where I can learn English and have fun. Sometimes I have snacks with teachers and friends. Also, I watch movies, and make friends in April. Anyway, I like April as the class materials are interesting, teachers are kind, and home assignment is not heavy.
05 THE APRIL TIMES 공인인증시험 백지성 / Junior Master2 안양평촌캠퍼스 Q1. 토플주니어성적우수자당선소감은? I felt excited because my parents happily congratulated me. Also, I was thunderstruck because I haven't thought of getting a high score. Q2. 우수한시험성적을받을수있었던비결은? I had been in the UK for 4 years and a half year, so I learned English very much at school. I practiced a lot for TOEFL and my mom said to get over 800. Q3. April Creative Reading 책중에가장재미있던스토리는무엇이고, 느낀점은? It was The Sixth Moon of the Planet Coron. I liked it because the story and the characters make a glimpse of the future. I hated it when Zorni and the girl fought. I learned that in the future, we can go to different planets. Q4. 영어공부에있어책읽기는어떤도움이되나요? If we read books, it can make our grammar skill get better. Also it helps us to understand the deep meaning of the book. Q5. 백지성학생에게 April 어학원이란어떤곳인가요? To me, April is a different place because we can learn English easily and have fun. Q1. 토플주니어성적우수자당선소감은? It was really happy news to me, because I have never expected I would be one of the excellent students. And this happy news is encouraging me to keep learning English. 김수민 / Junior Master2 분당구미캠퍼스 Q2. 우수한시험성적을받을수있었던비결은? I want to pick April's various reading topics. Many fascinating stories from e-learning help me not to lose interest in English. And I want to say thank you to my teachers for helping me study English happily. Q3. April Creative Reading 책중에가장재미있던스토리는무엇이고, 느낀점은? Whenever I read about the new things, everything was really interesting. When I read about the tornado, I was surprised by its power of destruction and damages it causes. And I thought I'm lucky not to have those horrible tornadoes, and someday, I'll help the poor people who lost everything from tornado. Q4. 영어공부에있어책읽기는어떤도움이되나요? I love reading since I could read books by myself. Reading makes me to learn and think new things. Also, reading makes me be able to experience another life indirectly. Therefore, reading keeps giving me fun and helping me learn English. Q5. 김수민학생에게 April 어학원이란어떤곳인가요? April is the only place that I can use English freely, so I always feel confident and comfortable in April. First, I can use English. Second, I can read many varieties of reading contents. Third, I love my teachers. 김시후 / Junior Master2 청담본원캠퍼스 Q1. 토플주니어성적우수자당선소감은? I am very glad that I ve received high score on the test because it was my first time taking this test. The test was different and surprisingly new. However, it was not too difficult to take. It certainly boosted my confidence in English. Q2. 우수한시험성적을받을수있었던비결은? First, I concentrated well during April classes. I also tried hard to complete on-line homework. The preparation test we took before the test really helped me, too. Q3. April Creative Reading 책중에가장재미있던스토리는무엇이고, 느낀점은? One of my favorite Creative Reading Books is Secret Missions. The story is about spies and their real jobs they do. This book was exciting and enjoyable due to a lot of action and spy jobs. Spies wore tiny microphones and disguised themselves as different people. Q4. 영어공부에있어책읽기는어떤도움이되나요? Reading books makes me creative and happy. Through reading, I can expose myself to new things, new information and new ways to solve a problem and achieve certain things. Reading creates a structured path towards a better understanding and better actions to take in the future. Q5. 김시후학생에게 April 어학원이란어떤곳인가요? April is my second home! I spend a lot of time in April. My sister and cousins also attend April. Teachers here take care of me like I am their son. This is a place I get to think, speak, and share my ideas and thoughts with teachers and friends in English. I think I became very creative and confident in English through April.
THE APRIL TIMES Mileage 06 Awards / Mileage Awards 는 Best of Best, Best Students, Best Writers, Best Vocab Learners 이렇게 4 개로구성되며한학기에 1 회선발합니다. 2014 년가을학기부터는다독을가장많이한 Best Readers 를선발할예정입니다. Best of Best 는창의사고력프로젝트의결과물인미디어아트워크영상중가장높은점수를받은레벨별 최고의작품을선정합니다. 해당작품을지도한선생님은 Best Director 로선정됩니다. Best Students 는한학기동안레벨별 Mileage 를가장 많이획득한학생들이선정됩니다. Best Writers 는 Sprout ~ Junior Master 레벨의학생들이 제출한에세이를청담러닝의평가센터에서심사하여가장 우수한학생들을선발합니다. Best Vocab Learners 는 Vocab Game 에서단어학습을 열심히하고포인트를가장많이받은학생을선발합니다. Best of Best Best Students Best Writers Best Vocab Learners April어학원의모든활동은마일리지로환산되어적립됩니다. 마일리지는학기마다새롭게시작되고, 그동안모은마일리지는누적됩니다. 누적마일리지에따라아이콘등급이나뉘어지고, 등급에따라 Creative Cafe에서보여지는여러분의아이콘은변경됩니다. 특별히매학기종료된후황금사과, 황금별아이콘이된학생들에게뱃지를제공합니다. April어학원에서열심히공부하고황금별아이콘에도전해보세요! 누적 Mileage 7,000 미만 7000 ~ 15,000 미만 15,000 ~ 24,000 미만 24,000 ~ 36,000 미만 36,000 ~ 44,500 미만 44,500 ~ 53,000 미만 53,000 ~ 61,500 미만 61,500 ~ 70,000 미만 70,000 ~ 78,500 미만 78,500 ~ 87,000 미만 87,000 ~ 95,500 미만 95,500 이상 Icon 황금사과뱃지 황금별뱃지
2014 가을학기일정 구분월화수목금 8 월 25 26 27 28 29 9 월 10 월 11 월 여름학기 14 가을학기개강 Day1 14 가을학기개강 Day1 1 2 3 4 5 Day2 Day2 Day3 Day3 Day4 8 ( 휴강 ) 9 ( 휴강 ) 10 11 12 추석추석 Day5 Day4 Day6 15 16 17 18 19 Day7 Day5 Day8 Day6 Day9 22 23 24 25 26 Day10 Day7 Day11 Day8 Day12 29 30 1 2 3 ( 휴강 ) Day1 Day1 Day2 Day2 개천절 6 7 8 9 10 Day3 Day3 Day4 Day4 Day5 13 14 15 16 17 Day6 Day5 Day7 Day6 Day8 20 21 22 23 24 Day9 Day7 Day10 Day8 Day11 27 28 29 30 31 Day12 Day1 Day1 Day2 Day2 3 4 5 6 7 Day3 Day3 Day4 Day4 Day5 10 11 12 13 14 Day6 Day5 Day7 Day6 Day8 17 18 19 20 21 Day9 Day7 Day10 Day8 Day11 24 25 26 27 28 Day12 Creative Reading 1000 Event 캠퍼스에설치된포토존에서친구들과재미있게사진찍고블로그또는 SNS 에올려주세요! 추첨을통해당선된학생들에게는경품을보내드립니다. 자세한내용은추후공지될 의 April 어학원공지를확인해주세요.