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가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에





3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해





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MOTORS LINE FEBRUARY 2014 VOL.174 FEBRUARY 2014 HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP MONTHLY MAGAZINE The best is yet to be. Hyundai Motor Group www.hyundai.co.kr www.facebook.com/hyundaimotorgroup CopyrightHyundai Motor Group All Rights Reserved

HOMMAGE TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL LIFE Photo The best is yet to be. 6

Merchandising Kia Motors _ Dae-Hwan Kim Painting Kia Motors _ Ki-Woong Kim K9To the Greatest 2 0 1 4 Seat Hyundai Dymos _ Youn-Hoe Kwon 6

14 40 66 HMG Alive Boundless HMG Timeless HMG Choice of February 042 HMG View 068 Food 016 046 HMG Talk 070 Art 018 050 HMG Scent 074 Insurance 020 052 HMG Sound 078 Travel 022 056 HMG Touch 080 MOTORS LINE HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP MONTHLY MAGAZINE 02 HMG s Way Beyond the Horizon Intermezzo 1 024 030 038 Intermezzo 2 060 062 064 HMG Thinking 1 HMG Thinking 2 News 084 088 090 Mail Box 100 Publisher Director Publication (02-3464-2928) E-mail: MotorsLine@hyundai.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hyundaimotorgroup 018 056 068 Planning & Design DEZIGN21 02-3443-4877 Print 031-948-9300 Cover Illust CopyrightHyundai Motor Group All Right Reserved 010 011

Editor s Letter FEBRUARY 012 013

HMG ALIVE 016 018 020 Choice of February Food Choice of February Art Choice of February Insurance 022 024 030 Choice of February Travel HMG s Way Beyond the Horizon 038 Intermezzo 1

Food HMG Alive / Choice of February Local food for healthy lifestyle - 016 017

Art HMG Alive / Choice of February Enjoy Art at National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art www.mmca.go.kr / 02-3701-9500 018 019

Insurance HMG Alive / Choice of February 2014 Insurance Trend 1 4 2 3 5 020 021

Travel HMG Alive / Choice of February Mountains we can meet only winter 2 Winter Mountain Climbing 1 3 022 023

024 025

026 027

01 02 03 04 05 06 01 03 05 02 04 06 028

MELBOURNE: A city with many hidden gems Melbourne is the place for the best of Australian culture and art. Downtown Melbourne is host to a large number of galleries, museums and performance centers. From there you can then take a stroll along the city s streets and alleys, where you will find a mixture of delightful cultural experiences from colorful graffiti to fancy cafes. Let me offer you some tips on two different ways to experience Melbourne. 030 031

01 02 01 02 Downtown: Full of history and a glimpse of the future The Central Business District which is laid out in a grid is a good place to start your tour of Melbourne. Located on the north side of the Yarra River which cuts through the city, the district hosts a large number of sky scrapers, which shape the city s skyline. Federation Square, which is located right across from Flinders Street Station, serves as a milepost for travelers. The station is one of the most historic buildings in Melbourne and the square is one of the most hip places in the city. They co-exist peacefully together, eloquently representing the past and present of Melbourne. Although created in different times, they share common qualities. In fact, witnessing the past and the present at once is a common experience in Melbourne. Often you will see a tram, car and horse buggy all passing before your very eyes. It s a fascinating sight. 032 033

02 03 01 04 Lively Back alleys: The hidden gems of Melbourne Many say that the back alleys of Melbourne offer the best experience for travelers. There are countless little alleys off the main streets of Melbourne, such as Degraves Street and Centre Way; two truly hidden gems full of small shops and cafes to visit. Hosier Lane is particularly popular among Korean tourists because it was used as the backdrop for a popular Korean TV drama. There are over 180 back alleys to explore in Melbourne. Many residents and tourists spend their days exploring these, which are regarded as an important part of life in Melbourne. Travelers can enjoy making their own map of Melbourne s. Wandering through the colorful streets of Melbourne you are guaranteed to feel a sense of youth, liberation and other delightful sensations. And you will be filled with a new-found energy that the street has given to you. 01 02 03 04 034 035

1 2-3 037 036

038 039

BOUNDLESS HMG 042 / 050 / 056 / 046 / 052 / 060 / 2 nd The best is yet to be. - Robert Browning 062 / 064 / 040 041


(Nänie) (Nänie) Johannes Brahms (Anselm Feuerbach) Friedrich von SchillerNänie Nänie (Claudio Abbado) 044 045

Tell Me Your Second Story The Second Job The Second Song The Second Role The Second Favorite Food The Second Favorite Movie 046 047

A Book to Read Again The Second Visit The Second Favorite Color The Second Merit Remember the Second Verse of the Song The Second Runway 048 049

051 050 051 050 Hommage? Parody?

01 ѐ 02 Paris Mongol 052 053

03 04 Hong Kong Jeju 054 055

056 057

The Second Proposal 058 059

061 060 TALK TALK 01 02 03 05 04 06

063 062 063 062 (Robert Browning) (Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Ro Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Ro Ro Rob R b R ert ert ert ert ert ert ert ert ert ert ert ert ert er er Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Brown own own own own own own own ow own own own own own own own own w ow ow own w own own wn wn wn w ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing n ing ing ng ng ng ing in ing ng) 01 02 03 05 04


TIMELESS HMG 068 070 074 HMG View HMG Talk HMG Scent 078 080 084 HMG Sound HMG Touch HMG Thinking 1 088 HMG Thinking 2 066

World Rally Championship Hyundai Shell World Rally Team debuts at the 2014 Rallye Monte-Carlo The Hyundai Shell World Rally Team entered the Rallye Monte-Carlo, which was the first race of the 2014 World Rally Championship. The rally was held in Monte-Carlo, Monaco during January 16 to 18. The World Rally Championship consists of 13 races held at different locations across the four continents. Unfortunately, the team had to retire in the middle of the first race. However, Dani Sordo, one of the Hyundai Shell World Rally team drivers, finished the first 4 stages(ss4) in third place, proving the team s potential. The Hyundai Shell World Rally Team will participate in the remaining 12 races, the last of which will be held in November 2014. The team will aim for the championship, which will not only prove Hyundai Motor s technological prowess but strengthen its reputation as a top car manufacturer. 068 069

070 071

072 073



079 078 The Arctic The Antarctic

083 082

I N N O C E A N W O R L D W I D E 084 085

K I A M O T O R S H Y U N D A I M O T O R H Y U N D A I H Y S C O H Y U N D A I C A R D H Y U N D A I C A P I T A L H Y U N D A I C O M M E R C I A L 086 087

089 088

www.hyundai.co.kr For more information, please visit our website. (www.hyundaimotorgroup.com) HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP MONTHLY MAGAZINE 02 VOL.174 FEBRUARY 2014 HYUNDAI MOTOR KIA MOTORS NEW MODELS DEBUT AT THE DETROIT MOTOR SHOW Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors unveiled the New Genesis and GT4 Stinger(Project code name KCD-10) respectively at the Detroit Motor Show. The Detroit Motor Show marked the North American debut of the New Genesis, Hyundai Motor s flagship premium sedan, with HYUNDAI MOTOR LAUNCHING A VIRTUAL TOUR OF GLOBAL PRODUCTION NETWORK Hyundai Motor launched a virtual tour website complete with videos of its plants from around the world. The Hyundai Motor H Tour website(http://tour.hyundai. com) has comprehensive information about the manufacturing process, the history of cars and much more. improved performance and safety made A special video was created, for the possible thanks to new cutting-edge website, to give a close-to-life experience technologies. The New Genesis will be of Hyundai Motor s manufacturing plants launched in North America during the first half and of the key manufacturing processes. KOREAN of 2014. Kia Motors new rear-wheel sports Aerial maps of Hyundai Motor s Ulsan car, the GT4 Stinger, also made its debut at plant, the largest auto manufacturing the Detroit Motor Show. It was the tenth plant in the world, can be found on the concept car by Kia Motors designed at the website as well. Kia Design Center in America. ENGLISH 090 091

KIA MOTORS KIA TIGERS TO MAKE ANNUAL DONATION FOR CHARITY Kia Motors and the Kia Tigers baseball team HYUNDAI STEEL SUPPLY STEEL PLATES FOR THE BOSPORUS BRIDGE Hyundai Steel won the contract for supplying HYUNDAI MOBIS HOSTING 2014 MANAGEMENT STRATEGY SEMINAR The annual Hyundai Mobis 2014 Management had a wonderful ceremony at the Kia all 43,000 tons of steel plates to be used for Strategy Seminar was held in the main Challenger s field to hand over the Tigers Istanbul s third bridge on the Bosporus. auditorium of the Mabuk Research Center Love fund charity donation. The Kia Motors A large number of S460ML-grade located in Yongin-si of Gyeonggi-do, the and Kia Tigers baseball team representatives high-performance steel plates capable of Republic of Korea. All Hyundai Mobis handed over 370 million KRW, which was withstanding extreme temperature conditions executives including the president raised through the collective efforts of the such as 50 degrees below zero are included Myung-Chul Jung and senior managers Kia Tigers players and Kia Motors in the order. This is the first time a Korean shared this year s business plan and strategy employees. The Tigers Love fund charity steel maker has won such a large-scale order for achieving the business goals. In addition, fund was generated from Kia employees with this product, which is created using the Jin-Seok Choi, a philosophy professor at monthly donations and the Kia Tigers Thermo-Mechanically Controlled Process. Seogang University delivered a special players performance dependent Applications of S460ML-grade steel products lecture. contributions. The donation was made to are wide-ranging and include long span the Community Chest of Korea, which bridges, high rise buildings, wind turbines and distributes donations to various charity offshore plants. organizations for people in need. 092 093

HYUNDAI E&C NEW RECRUITS DO VOLUNTARY ACTIVITIES On January 13, about 200 new employees HYUNDAI ROTEM WINNING A MAJOR CONTRACT FOR SALVADOR, BRAZIL Hyundai Rotem won a 124.8 billion KRW of Hyundai E&C visited SRC Rehabilitation ($117.7 million) contract from Bahia Metro, the and Hansarang Childcare, welfare operators of the Salvador Metro. Hyundai institutions for children with disabilities and Rotem has been supplying train cars to Brazil special needs located in Gyeonggi-do, and since November 2003, when they first held Kimchi-making events. The volunteers supplied 24 trains for Line #1 of the subway in participated in various activities such as Salvador. It has since supplied a total of making Kimchi with 1,500 heads of Chinese 630 train cars for four metro operators in cabbage and helping the children go to a 3 large cities in Brazil, generating more than movie. New recruits of Hyundai E&C have 1 trillion KRW in sales. The significance of the practiced love for our neighbors during the latest contract with Bahia Metro is training period by repairing houses for tremendous as Rotem was able to outshine multicultural families and doing voluntary its European competitors in terms of activities at welfare facilities for children with technology and reputation for quality. disabilities. 094 095

097 096

099 098

Mail Box Quiz Motors Line HMG Alive Boundless HMG Motors Line HMG Alive Winners of Quiz Gift 100 101

Reporters sue.nam@hyundai.com (02-3464-2924) lee12@hyundai.com (052-280-4163) 5510841@hyundai.com (041-530-5108) tenday@hyundai.com (063-260-5123) nomade@kia.com (02-3464-2921) assah@kia.com (02-3464-2928) hyw0420@kia.com (02-801-4134) svisioni@kia.com (031-359-5695) jasdaq03@kia.com (062-370-1832) jungae.yoon@hyundai-steel.com (02-3464-6096) myung177@mobis.co.kr (02-2018-5208) zoo1975@hdec.kr (02-746-2711) hyemin@hyundai-rotem.co.kr (02-3464-7067) flysuhyun@hyundaicard.com (02-2167-6712) realcolor@hyundai-wia.com (055-280-9037) usun85@hec.co.kr (02-2166-8064) rough02@hyundai-amco.co.kr (02-3464-6969) jiwon312@powertech.co.kr (041-661-9262) hy720408@hysco.com (02-2112-9019) violet@hyundai-dymos.acom (031-369-9625) SuYoung.Yoon@kefico.com (031-450-9254) jhlee@hmcib.com (02-3787-2036) planner@hyundai-autoever.com (02-6296-6099) lilly@glovis.net (02-2054-7056) allee@innocean.com (02-2016-2546) inworld@ihl.co.kr (054-770-7763) shsaint@bngsteel.com (055-268-4044) hschoi@hyundailife.com (02-3284-7164) j203007@hyundai-metia.com (055-260-4848) 161595@hyundaicommercial.com (02-2090-5050) guitar21c@hyundai-mseat.com (041-540-0754) sian@hyundai-mnsoft.com (02-3483-8411) snowmagpie@hda.co.kr (02-746-6519) wooree@hyundai-ngv.com (02-870-8030) jinjy@hyundai-wisco.com (055-280-8112) TaeGyeong.Kang@hyundai-autron.com (031-627-0755) jhkim@hdesi.co.kr (041-661-8228) andy@hyundaicni.com (02-746-3408) juliebaek@haevichi.com (02-2017-6566) silver-gil@partecs.co.kr (041-660-0012) yk9842@hdec.co.kr (041-661-8824) ksman2001@hdec.co.kr (041-674-6074) 102