Korean 질문이있으십니까? 귀하의질문은중요합니다. 질문이나우려사항이있으시면귀하의의사또는건강진료인에게전화하십시오. 워싱톤주립대학메디칼센터직원들은항시도와드릴준비가되어있습니다. 영양사 / 영양학전문인 : 저 - 소듐조리자료 요리책 Get the Salt Out: 501 Simple Ways to Cut the Salt Out of Any Diet ( 소금을없애기 : 어떠한음식이라도소금을줄일수있는 501 가지간단한방법 ) 저자 Ann Louise Gittleman Cooking Without a Grain of Salt ( 한톨의소금없이조리하기 ) 저자 Elma W. Bagg, Susan Bagg Todd, Robert Ely Bagg Healthy Southwestern Cooking: Less Fat, Low Salt, Lots of Flavor ( 건강한남서부지방요리 : 저 - 지방, 저 - 소금, 충분한맛 ) 저자 Bob Wiseman The American Heart Association Low Salt Cookbook: A Complete Guide to Reducing Sodium and Fat in the Diet ( 미국심장협회저 - 소금요리책 : 음식에소듐과지방질을감소시키는완전한가이드 ) 웹사이트 www.cookinglight.com www.my-meals.com 환자교육 2 그램 (2,000 mg) 소듐다이어트저 - 소듐식단계획 한찻숟가락의통상식탁소금은 ( 염화나트 륨 ) 2,000 밀리그램 (mg) 이상의소듐을함 유합니다. 이양은귀하의하루소듐허가량을 초과합니다. 어떠한식품에많은양의소듐이 함유되어있는지습득하고귀하의소듐한도량 내에서하루의식단을계획하시는점이중요합 니다. 본안내지는어떠한식품이고 - 소듐인지설명 합니다. 안내지에는또한저또는무 - 소듐조 리재료, 외식아이디어그리고도움이될수 있는자료가기재되어있습니다. Box 356057 1959 N.E. Pacific St. Seattle, WA 98195 University of Washington Medical Center Korean 11/1999 Rev. 10/2007 Reprints: Health Online
페이지 2 조미료, 용액, 약용식물및양념류의소듐함유량 저 - 소듐 이하식품들은자유롭게사용하실수있습니다. 올스파이스 아니스식물 월계수잎 캐러웨이열매 소두구열매 케첩 ( 저 - 소듐만 ) 샐러리씨 칠레코추가루 산파일종 계피 정향나무 고수열매 커민열매 카레 나도고수잎 화향풀 프렌치 4 스파이스숍 마늘혹은마늘즙 마늘가루 생강 서양고추냉이뿌리 이탈리안조미료 레몬혹은레몬쥬스 라임혹은라임쥬스 육두구향미료 마요나라식물 박하 겨자씨혹은가루 육두구종자 얌파혹은양파즙 양파가루 오레가노 파프리카 파슬리 녹색혹은붉은피망 검정혹은흰후추 양귀비씨 로즈메리 사프란 세이지잎 소금대용식 ( 허가될경우 ) 차조깃과의식물 설탕 참깨씨 사철쑥류 백리향 타바스코 ( 맥히니즈 ) 심황 식초 저 - 소듐조미료 : 로리즈 미시즈대쉬 스파이스헌터 스파이스아일랜드 외식조언 페이지 7 귀하는외식시, 메뉴를현명하게선택함으로써귀하의다이어트에따를수있습니다. 다음은그몇가지비결입니다 : 다양한종류의음식을제공하는식당을선택하십시오. 아시안, 이탈리안, 멕시칸및기타다른민속음식은매우짠음식입니다. 일부저 - 소듐음식또는반찬등을서브하는식당만을선택하십시오. 대부분의홰스트후드식당의메뉴는짠음식들입니다. 귀하가최선의선택을하시는데도움이되는영양정보를요청하십시오. 귀하가명확하시지않을시, 음식이어떻게조리되는지문의하십시오. 귀하의음식을소금을넣지않고조리해주도록부탁하십시오. 드레싱그리고소스등을곁들어서브해주도록요청하십시오. 귀하가좋아하시는요리를골라서 (a la carte) 주문하시면다양한음식을현명하게선택하시게됩니다. 샐러드바를시험해보십시오. 신선한야채나과일을고르십시오. 대부분의다른샐러드음식들은매우짭니다. 도움이되는유의사항 식사를미리미리준비하십시오. 소금을넣지않고조리하십시오. 맛을내기위하여허브나양념류를가미해보십시오. 식품라벨을참조하십시오. 저 - 소금, 저 - 소듐혹은소금이감소된제품을선택하십시오. 편의식품을주의하여선택하십시오. 식사전체의소듐량이 600mg 을초과해서는않됩니다 ( 반찬의경우 200 mg). 식사계획을하시는데도움을받도록자격증영양사혹은영양학전문인과상담하십시오.
페이지 6 식품라벨사용 소듐가치는귀하가좋은선택을하는데도움이되도록식품라벨에인쇄되어있습니다. 양가치 정의 무 - 소듐... 한번급식시소듐량 5mg 미만 무 - 소금... 무 - 소듐 필요조건해당되는제품 최저 - 소듐... 소듐량 35mg 혹은미만 저 - 소듐... 소듐량 140mg 혹은미만 감소된소듐혹은적은소듐... 정상식품보다소듐량이 최소한 25% 미만 적은양의소듐... 50% 가적은소듐 무 - 소금, 추가소금없음 혹은소금이가미되지 않았음... 가공과정중소금이가미되지않았음 식품라벨에소듐이어떻게기재되었는가 한번급식분소듐량은식품라벨에밀리그램으로기재되어있습니다. 예를들어, 한컵한번급식제품에 660mg 의소듐량이들어있을경우, 이양은귀하의하루 2,000 mg (2mg) 소듐다이어트허가량의 1/3 입니다. 다음은귀하가식품라벨어디에서소듐을찾으실수있는지명시하는영양실태라벨의샘플입니다. 적도의소듐 하루에 이상이아닌매우적은양사용 베이킹소다 준비된케찹 칠리소스 핫소스 마요네즈 고 - 소듐 식용고기소스 준비된겨자 파르메산치즈 가공서양고추냉이 이하고 - 소듐식품사용을피하십시오. 부용각큐브셀러리소금마늘소금식용고기추출물식용고기연체글루타민산소다조미료 (MSG) 올리브 양파소금 피클 렐리쉬 소금 바다소금 페이지 3 쉐익크앤베익크 스테이크소스 타타르소스 토마도소스 양념소금 양념펙키지 간장 우스터소스
페이지 4 페이지 5 식품선택 식품그룹 / 양식용식품제한식품 식품그룹 / 양식용식품제한식품 우유제품 하루 급식분한번급식 = 음료수 1 컵 치즈 1 온스 음료수나조리에쓰이는우유혹은크림, 코코아, 요구르트, 자연치즈혹은버터밀크. 추가우유또는요구르트, 카테지치즈, 가공치즈, 바르는치즈, 불루혹은로크포르치즈. 채소 하루 급식분 한번급식 = 조리된채소반컵 생채소한컵 생, 냉동및소금이추가되지않은통조림채소. 올리브, 픽클, 소금에절인양배추혹은염수에절인기타야채. 토마도쥬스, V-8 쥬스, 소금간이된통조림야채. 식용고기및단백질식품 하루 급식분한번급식 = 고기, 생선또는조류조기 1 온스 땅콩버터 2 식탁용큰스푼 달걀 1 알 콩, 완두콩혹은두부반컵 신선한, 냉동혹은소금이없는통조림고기, 생선혹은조류고기, 식용고기내장, 땅콩버터, 건조콩혹은완두통, 달걀, 두부, 조개류. 한번급식시소듐량이 600mg 미만일경우만, TV 저녁식사혹은냉동주식요리. 점심식용고기, 스팸, 콘비프, 핫도그, 햄, 소세지등과같은소금간이되거나, 훈제, 보존, 통조림, 말린식용고기혹은소금에절여훈제한연어, 육포, 두껍게썰은베이콘, 베이콘조각. 한법급식시소듐량이 600mg 이상일경우, TV 저녁식사혹은냉동된주식요리. 디저트 하루 급식분 지방질 하루 급식분 한번급식 = 버터, 식용유혹은마가린 1 찻숟가락 샐러드드레싱 1 식탁용큰스푼 셔벗빙과, 얼음, 사탕, 케익, 파이, 쿡키, 아이스크림, 푸딩, 커스타드. 소금이가미되지않은버터, 마가린, 사워크림, 샐러드드레싱, 식용유, 쇼트닝. 추가파이, 케익, 쿡키 베이컨지방, 추가마가린, 버터혹은새러드드레싱, 소금간이된그레이비. 빵, 시리얼및전분식품 하루 급식분한번급식 = 반컵 한조각 4 인치팬케익 / 와플 조리된시리얼, 건조시리얼, 보통빵혹은누룩빵, 퀵브레드, 무소금감자, 쌀, 파스타, 팬케익및와플 소금간이된크래커, 감자칩, 프레첼및기타소금간이된간식식품. 조미료가들어간밥또는국수. 한번급식마다소듐 300mg 이상의시리얼. 기타식품 여분의우유를제외한모든음료수, 가정에서조리한저 - 소듐수프, 저 - 소듐통조림수프, 타피오카, 무소금견과, 무소금팝콘, 젤라틴, 설탕, 꿀, 시럽, 젤리빈, 검드롭사탕. 모든보통통조림, 냉동, 건조수프혹은부용, 올리브, 픽클, 렐리쉬, 소금간이된콩종류, 그레이비믹스, 조미료패킷, 베이킹믹스, 저절로부풀어오르는밀가루 과일원하는양대로 모든과일및과일쥬스
Patient Education Questions? Your questions are important. Call your doctor or health care provider if you have questions or concerns. UWMC clinic staff are also available to help at any time. Dietitian/Diet Technician: Resources for Low-Sodium Cooking Cookbooks Get the Salt Out: 501 Simple Ways to Cut the Salt Out of Any Diet by Ann Louise Gittleman Cooking Without a Grain of Salt by Elma W. Bagg, Susan Bagg Todd, Robert Ely Bagg Healthy Southwestern Cooking: Less Fat, Low Salt, Lots of Flavor by Bob Wiseman The American Heart Association Low Salt Cookbook: A Complete Guide to Reducing Sodium and Fat in the Diet Web Sites www.cookinglight.com www.my-meals.com 2 Gram (2,000 mg) Sodium Diet Planning a low-sodium menu One teaspoon of regular table salt (sodium chloride) contains over 2,000 milligrams (mg) of sodium. This is more than the amount of sodium you are allowed per. It is important that you learn what foods are high in sodium, and how to plan a s menu within your sodium limit. This booklet explains which foods are high in sodium. It also lists low- or no-sodium cooking ingredients, ideas for eating out, and resources that may be helpful. Box 356057 1959 N.E. Pacific St. Seattle, WA 98195 University of Washington Medical Center 11/1999 Rev. 10/2007 Reprints: Health Online
Page 2 Page 7 Sodium Content of Seasonings, Extracts, Herbs, and Spices Low Sodium These items may be used freely. Allspice Anise Bay leaf Caraway seed Cardamom Catsup (lowsodium only) Celery seed Chili powder Chives Cinnamon Cloves Coriander Cumin Curry Dill Fennel French 4 Spice Shop" Garlic or garlic juice Garlic powder Ginger Horseradish root Italian seasoning Lemon or lemon juice Lime or lime juice Mace Marjoram Mint Mustard, dry or seed Nutmeg Onion or onion juice Onion powder Oregano Paprika Parsley Pepper, fresh green or red Pepper, black or white Poppy seed Rosemary Saffron Sage Salt substitute (if allowed) Savory Sugar Sesame seeds Tarragon Thyme Tabasco (McIlheney's) Turmeric Vinegar Low-Sodium Seasonings: Lawry s Mrs. Dash Spice Hunter Spice Island Tips for Eating Out You can eat away from home and follow your diet by choosing wisely from the menu. Here are a few tips: Choose a restaurant that offers a wide variety of foods. Asian, Italian, Mexican, and other ethnic foods are very salty. Choose only restaurants that serve some low-sodium entrees and side dishes. Most menu choices in fast food restaurants are salty. Request nutritional information to help you make the best choices. Ask how food is prepared when you are not sure. Ask that your food be cooked without salt. Ask for dressings and sauces on the side. Ordering a la carte allows you to choose wisely from a variety of foods. Try salad bars. Select fresh fruit and vegetables. Most other salad bar items are too salty. Helpful Hints Plan meals in advance. Cook without salt. Try adding herbs and spices for flavor. Read food labels. Choose low-salt, low-sodium, or sodiumreduced products. Choose convenience foods carefully. The total sodium content of a full meal should not exceed 600 mg (200 mg for a side dish). For help with meal planning, talk to your registered dietitian or dietetic technician.
Page 6 Page 3 Using the Food Label Sodium claims are printed on food labels to help you make good choices. This list explains the meaning of various claims, and will help you choose the products that are right for you and your diet. Claim Definition Sodium Free...Less than 5 mg sodium per serving Salt Free...Product meets requirements for sodium free Very Low Sodium...35 mg or less sodium Low Sodium...140 mg or less sodium Reduced Sodium or Less Sodium...At least 25% less sodium than the regular product Light in Sodium...50% less sodium Unsalted, Without Added Salt, or No Salt Added...No salt is added during processing How Sodium Is Listed on a Food Label The amount of sodium in a serving size is listed in milligrams on a food label. For example, if a 1-cup serving of a product has 660 mg of sodium, this is ⅓ of your daily allowance on a 2,000 mg (2 gm) sodium diet. Here is a sample Nutrition Facts label that shows where you can look for sodium on a food label. Moderate Sodium Use in very small amounts, no more than per. Baking soda Catsup, prepared Chili sauce Hot sauce Mayonnaise High Sodium Avoid using these items. Bouillon cubes Celery salt Garlic salt Meat extracts Meat tenderizers Monosodium glutamate (MSG) Meat sauce Mustard, prepared Parmesan cheese Processed horseradish Olives Onion salt Pickles Relishes Salt Sea salt Shake-n-Bake Steak sauce Tartar sauce Tomato sauce Seasoned salt Seasoning packages Soy sauce Worcestershire sauce
Page 4 Page 5 Food Selections Food Group/Amount Foods to Eat Foods to Limit Milk Products 1 cup of beverage 1 oz. of cheese Meats and Protein Foods 1 oz. meat, fish, or poultry 2 Tbsp. peanut butter 1 egg ½ cup beans, peas or tofu Breads, Cereals, and Starches ½ cup 1 slice 4 pancake/waffle Fruits As desired Milk or cream as a beverage or in cooking, cocoa, yogurt, natural cheese, or buttermilk. Fresh, frozen or unsalted canned meat, fish or poultry, organ meats, peanut butter, dried beans or peas, eggs, tofu, shellfish. TV dinners or frozen entrees only if less than 600 mg of sodium per serving. Cooked cereal, dry cereal, regular bread or yeast rolls, quick breads, unsalted potatoes, rice, pasta, pancakes, and waffles. All fruits and fruit juices. Additional milk or yogurt, cottage cheese, processed cheese, cheese spreads, blue or Roquefort cheese. Salted, smoked, cured, canned, or dried meats such as lunch meats, Spam, corned beef, hot dogs, ham, sausage, smoked or kippered salmon, jerky, thick sliced bacon, bacon bits. TV dinners or frozen entrees if more than 600 mg of sodium per serving. Salted crackers, potato chips, pretzels, and other salted snack foods. Rice or noodles with seasoning packets. Cereals with more than 300 mg of sodium per serving. Food Group/Amount Foods to Eat Foods to Limit Vegetables ½ cup cooked 1 cup raw Desserts Fats 1 tsp. butter, oil, or margarine 1 Tbsp. salad dressing Other Foods Fresh, frozen, and no-added-salt canned vegetables. Sherbet, ices, candy, cake, pies, cookies, ice cream, pudding, custard. Unsalted butter, margarine, sour cream, salad dressing, oils, shortening. All beverages except for extra milk, low-sodium homemade soup, low-sodium canned soups, tapioca, unsalted nuts, unsalted popcorn, gelatin, sugar, honey, syrup, jelly beans, gumdrops. Olives, pickles, sauerkraut, or other vegetables prepared in brine. Tomato juice, V-8 juice, salted canned vegetables. Additional pie, cake, cookies. Bacon fat, additional margarine, butter or salad dressing, salted gravies. All regular canned, frozen, dehydrated soups or bouillon, olives, pickles, relishes, salted nuts, gravy mixes, seasoning packets, baking mixes, selfrising flour.