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한수지 (5), 95-5, Original rticle Kor J Fish quat Sci (5),95-5, 굴 (Crassostrea gigas) 의선도에따른, 글리코겐, 가용성단백질, 탁도와의상관관계 손광태 심길보 * 임치원 윤나영 서정화 정삼근 정우영 조영제 국립수산과학원식품안전과, 굴수하식수산업협동조합, 부경대학교식품공학과 Relationship of,, Soluble Protein, and between Freshness of Raw Oyster Crassostrea gigas Kwang Tae Son, Kil o Shim*, Chi Won Lim, Na Young Yoon, Jeong Hwa Seo, Sam Geun Jeong, Woo Young Jeong and Young Je Cho Food and Safety Research Division, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, usan 9-5, Korea Oyster Hanging Culture Fisheries Cooperation, Tongyeong 5-, Korea Department of Food Science & Technology, Pukyong National University, usan -, Korea We examined chemical changes in oysters Crassostrea gigas and packing water that were sold after storage at 5,, and C. The of oysters stored at 5 C dropped to 5. after days of storage, while that of oysters at C and C dropped to 5. after days and to 5. after days, respectively. The glycogen content of oysters stored at 5 C decreased from.9 to.5 mg/g during storage, while that of oysters at C decreased to 5.9 mg/ g after days. The turbidity and soluble protein in packing water increased slightly. The viable cell count of oysters did not exceed log CFU/g after days of storage at 5 C, but that of oysters at C did so after days. dditionally, the viable cell count of packing water was lower than that of oysters. We performed a principal component analysis, where the first principal component (55.%-5.%) and second principal component (.%-.9%) described most variation. The first principal component included the of oysters and packing water, and the glycogen content of oysters. Pearson correlation between the first two principal components had a higher R value than that between other components. Freshness was evaluated using the of oysters and packing water, and glycogen. We found that soluble protein content was significantly associated with a lower and glycogen content. Key words: Oyster, Freshness,,, 서론, (Kang and Kim, )..,,. (Crassostrea gigas),,,.,,. (Hosoi et al., ; Kim et al., 9; Sakaguchi and Murat 99; Hur et al., ). (, ),,,. http://dx.doi.org/.55/kfs..95 Kor J Fish quat Sci (5) 95-5, October This is an Open ccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons ttribution Non-Commercial Licens (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/./)which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received ugust ; Revised October ; ccepted October *Corresponding author: Tel: +. 5.. Fax: +. 5.. 9 E-mail address: kilbo@korea.kr Copyright The Korean Society of Fisheries and quatic Science 95 pissn:-, eissn:-5

9 손광태ㆍ심길보ㆍ임치원ㆍ윤나영ㆍ서정화ㆍ정삼근ㆍ정우영ㆍ조영제. (Park et al., ). (Potasman et al., ; Feldhusen, ; Cliver, 99; Grimes, 99)., (Park et al., ).,.,,, (Cao et al., 9),,, (Chen et al., ; Cao et al., 9, Park et al., ; Kim et al.,, He et al, ).,,. 재료 재료및방법,.,.. g,..9 g ( ) 5.. ml.. psu. (PFC-PO-5, TESHIN bio science, Korea) 5,, C. 실험방법 :9. meter (Orion star, Thermo Scientific Inc., Fort Collins, US). 글리코겐함량.5 g % KOH 5 ml 95 Na SO.5 ml ethanol 5 ml 95 5 (,59 g, min). ml.5 ml ethanol (,59 g, min), 5 M HCl ml.5 M NaOH 5 ml. 5 ml.% anthron-sulfate solution ml 95 (UV mini-, Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan) nm (Click and Engin, 5). glucose,.9. 탁도 (P, HCH, Loveland, US), -, NTU (Nepheometric Unit). 가용성단백질 iuret assay. ml iuret ml, (UV mini-, Shimadzu, Japan) 5 nm (Robinson and Hodgen, 9). bovin serum albumin. 일반세균수 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (PH, 9) Standard plate count agar (Difco) 5.5 C -, Colony Forming Unit (CFU). 통계처리 SS (Pearson s correlation coefficient, r) (Steel and Torrie, 9). 굴과충진수의 변화 결과및고찰 5 C. 5.9, C. 5.9 5.. C., 5. (Fig. )..-.9. 5 C 5.

굴의선도에따른이화학적성분변화 9...5.5.. 5. 5..5... Fig.. Changes in values of oyster Crassostrea gigas () and packing water () during storage at 5,, and C, respectively..5...5..5, C 5., C 5. (Fig. ).. glycogen (glycolysis) lactate, lactate (Cao et al., 9; Park et al., ).,. Very good,.-5.9 good, 5. off, 5,- musty, 5. sour putrid (Pottinger, 9; Hunter and Linden, 9).,. He et al. () ~ C 5.,. content (mg/ g) 굴의글리코겐함량변화 Storage time.5-. (day) mg/ g,. 5 C. mg/ g 55. mg/ g.5 mg/ g. C 5 C 5.9 mg/ g,. mg/ g. C.5 mg/ g, C (Fig. )., (Dridi et al., ; Krishnamoorthy et al., 99; Willis et al., 9).. (NTU) 충진수의탁도및가용성단백질함량변화...-.5 NTU. 5 C 9 9.5 NTU,. 5. C 5.5 NTU.5, NTU. C.. NTU,. (Fig. ). 5 9 Storage 5 C time (day).9 mg/ g. mg/ g (Fig. ). C 5. mg/ g,5. mg/ g. C. mg/ g 5,. mg/ g.. content (mg/ g) content (mg/ g) 5 Fig.. Changes in glycogen content of oyster Crassostrea gigas and packing water during storage at 5,, and C, respectively. 5. 5..5..

-. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -........ -. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -........ 9 (NTU) (NTU) 손광태ㆍ심길보ㆍ임치원ㆍ윤나영ㆍ서정화ㆍ정삼근ㆍ정우영ㆍ조영제 content (mg/ Soluble g) protein content (mg/ g) 5 5 5 5 Fig.. Changes in turbidity () and soluble protein content () of packing water during storage at 5,, and C, respectively. (Log CFU/g) (Log CFU/g) 5. ~. 일반세균수변화.-. log CFU/g, 5 C.-. Viable cell log count CFU/g. C.-.9 log CFU/g, C.5 log CFU/g. C C.5 5.9 log CFU/g..-.9 log CFU/mL, 5 C. Viable log cell CFU/mL, count.5 log CFU/g. (packing water) log CFU/mL, Factor (.%) 5 -. -. -. -. -.... (packing..water). Factor (5.%) (Log CFU/mL) (Log CFU/mL) 5 Fig.. Changes of viable cell counts of oyster Crassostrea gigas () and packing water () during storage at 5,, and C, respectively. Factor (.%) 5.9 log CFU/mL. Park et al. (). log CFU/g, log CFU/g. 이화학성분간의상관관계,,,,,,,, (Table ). 5 C r=.9, r=., r=-.. C r=.9, r=.5, r=-. Factor (.9%) Factor (.9%) 5 -. -. -. -. -....... Factor (55.%)

-. -. -. -. -....... -. -. -. -. -....... 굴의선도에따른이화학적성분변화 99 (Table ). (r=-. -., r=..), (r=..).,,., 5 C 5.%,.%. C 55.%,.9% (Fig. 5).,,.,,. 사사 (RP--FS-5),. Table. Correlation coefficients (r) for physicochemical of oyster Crassostrea gigas and packing water (Packing water) Soluble protein (Packing water) (Packing water) -.9. (.9) (.5) -. (-.) -.5 (-.) -.5 (-.) -. (-.). (.5) -.5 (-.9) -. (-.) -.55 (-.) -.5 (-.5) -. (-.5) -. (-.) -.5 (-.) -. (-.). (.).5 (.9).5 (.5). (.).5 (.) Significant at P<.5. The results of relationship analysis about chemical components in samples during storage at 5 C. The results of relationship analysis about chemical components in samples during storage at C..9 (.) Factor (.%) Factor (.9%) -. -. -. -. -....... Factor (5.%) -. -. -. -. -....... Factor (55.%) Fig. 5. PC plot in chemical components of oyster Crassostrea gigas and pacing water during storage at 5, and.

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