소식지 주 소 부산광역시 금정구 장전동 산30번지 부산대학교 약학대학/ 전 화 051)510-2814 팩 스 051)518-2821 E-mail agingbank@pusan.ac.kr hyjung@pusan.ac.kr Homepage : www.agingbank.or.kr http://aging.pharm.pusan.ac.kr/ 6월호 알기 쉬운 노화의 기초지식 노화와 비만 Content 박 민 희 (부산대학교 약학대학, 박사수료) 2013년 6월호 발행인 : 정해영 발행처 : 편집인 : 한국연구재단지원 박민희, 안혜진, 김소현, 임수경 Roth, G. (Gerontech Co.) Ishigmi, A. (일본 Toho대) Shimokawa, I. 자문위원 : (일본 Nagasaki 대학) Maruyama, N. (일본동경도립노화연구소) Yu, Byung Pal (미국 텍사스대학) 정해영(부산대) 김남득(부산대) 김규원(서울대) 운영위원 : 최재수(부경대) 윤 식(부산대) 이은경(동남권원자력의학원) 하영미(동아대) 1
Aging Tissue Bank 2
노 화 소 식 Aging and Atherosclerosis 3 Aging Tissue Bank
Aging Tissue Bank Methylglyoxal-산화스트레스, PPARγ γ γ γ γ 4
Aging Tissue Bank < 은행동향 > 세미나개최 1. 일시 : 2013년 04월 24일 ( 수요일 ) / 오전 11시 / 부산대약대세미나실 주제 : 새로룬가치창출의원천 : 혁신 & 소통 연자 : 홍남표박사 ( 부산대학교사무국장 ) 2. 일시 : 2013년 05월 09일 ( 목요일 ) / 오전 11시 / 부산대약대세미나실 주제 : 약물유전체기반의맞춤약물치료 : 기술개발과임상적용 연자 : 신재국교수 ( 인제대학교의과대학약리학교실 ) 3. 일시 : 2013년 06월 28일 ( 금요일 ) / 오후 1시 ~ / BEXCO, Convention Hall, Busan 주제 : 2013 International Forum on How to Enhance the Quality of Life of Aging Population: Science and Strategies 프로그램 : 사회자 : 김남득박사 Session Ⅰ Enhancement strategy of the quality of elderly life 건강상의생리적기초유병팔박사 (University of Texas Health Science Center, USA) 영장류식이제한효능의교훈 Ingram, Donald K 박사 (Louisiana State Univ., USA) 식이제한모방물질을이용한항노화전략 Roth, George 박사 (Gero Science Inc., USA) Session Ⅱ Anti-aging intervention for healthy aging 건강장수를위해운동의효능 Goto, Sataro 박사 (Jutendo Univ., Japan) 노인들의항치매전략서유헌박사 ( 서울대교수 / 한국뇌연구원장 ) 호메시스기전을이용한건강 Rattan, Suresh 박사 (Aarhus Univ., Denmark) Session Ⅲ 토론 김철민 ( 항노화사업단장 ) 주수현 ( 부산발전연구원연구원 ) 김정순 ( 부산대학교교수 ) 초의수 ( 신라대학교교수 ) 4. 일시 : 2013년 07월 02일 ( 화요일 ) / 오후 2시 / 부산대약대세미나실 주제 : Cerebral infarcts and metabolic risk factors in AD 연자 : 조수진교수 ( 한림대학교의과대학 ) 5. 일시 : 2013년 07월 03일 ( 수요일 ) / 오전 11시 / 부산대약대세미나실 주제 : Mitohormesis 연자 : 유병팔교수 ( 미국텍사스주립대명예교수 ) 6. 일시 : 2013년 07월 03일 ( 수요일 ) / 오후 4시 / 부산대약대세미나실 주제 : Scientific writing 연자 : 유병팔교수 ( 미국텍사스주립대명예교수 ) 좌장 : 김철민박사 노화조직을활용한최근연구논문 1. Kim, H.J., et al: Ferulate protects epithelial barrier by maintaining tight junction protein expression and preventing apoptosis in tert-buthylhydroperoxide-induced Caco-2 cells. Phytother. Res. 27(3):362 367(2013) 2. Kim, Y.M., et al: Implications of time-series gene expression profiles of replicative senescence. Aging cell. 12(4): 622-634 (2013) 3. Park, D., et al.: Identification of the dichotomous role of age-related LCK in calorie restriction revealed by integrative analysis of cdna microarray and interactome. Age. 35(4):1045-60(2013) 4. Kim, S.H., et al.: The inhibitory effect of a synthetic compound, (Z)-5-(2,4-dihydroxy benzylidene) thiazolidine-2,4-dione (MHY498), on nitric oxide-induced melanogenesis. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 23(15):4332-5(2013) 5
Aging Tissue Bank 5. Lee, E.K., et al.: Betaine attenuates lysophosphatidylcholine-mediated adhesion molecules in aged rat aorta: Modulation of the nuclear factor-κb pathway. Experimental Gerontology. 48(5):517-524(2013) 6. Kim, S.H., et al.: Anti-melanogenic effect of (Z)-5-(2,4-dihydroxybenzylidene) thiazolidine -2,4-dione, a novel tyrosinase inhibitor. Arch. Pharm. Res. 10.1007/s12272-013-0184-5 (2013) 7. Park, J.W., et al.: De novo tyrosinase inhibitor: 4-(6,7-Dihydro-5H-indeno[5,6-d]thiazol-2 -yl)benzene-1,3-diol (MHY1556). Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 23(14):4172-4176 (2013) 8. Jung, K.J., et al.: Oxidative stress induces inactivation of protein phosphatase 2A, promoting proinflammatory NF-κB in aged rat kidney. Free Radical and Medicie. 61(2013):206-217 9. Chung, K.W., et al.: Characterization of a small molecule inhibitor of melanogenesis that inhibits tyrosinase activity and scavenges nitric oxide (NO). BBA-GEN SUBJECTS. 1830(10) 10. Kim, M.E., et al.: Baicalin from Scutellaria baicalensis impairs Th1 polarization through inhibition of dendritic cell maturation. J Pharmacol Sci. 148-156(2013) 11. Choi, Y.J., et al.: Suppression of melanogenesis by a newly synthesized compound, MHY966 via the nitric oxide/protein kinase G signaling pathway. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 36(1):55-65 (2013) 12. Kong, C.S., et al.: Antiangiogenic Effects of P-Coumaric Acid in Human Endothelial Cells. Phytother Res. 27(3):317-23(2013) 13. Choi, Y.J., et al.: Attenuation of age-related changes in FOXO3a activity and the PI3K/Akt pathway by hort-term feeding of ferulate. AGE. 34, 317-327 (2012) 14. Ha, Y.M., et al.:design, synthesis and biological evaluation of 2-(substituted phenyl) thiazolidine -4-carboxylic acid derivatives as novel tyrosinase inhibitors. Biochimie. 94(2),533-540, (2012) 15. Lim, H.A., et al.: PPARγ activation by baicalin suppresses NF-κB-mediated inflammation in aged rat kidney. Biogerontology, 13(2), 133-45 (2012) 16. Hossain M.A., et al.: Aspirin induces apoptosis in vitro and inhibits tumor growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in nude mice xenograft model. INT J ONCOL. 40(4),1293-304 (2012) 17. Hossain M.A., et al.: Aspirin enhances doxorubicin-induced apoptosis and reduces tumor growth in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo. INT J ONCOL. 40(5), 1636-42 (2012) 18. Han, Y.K. et al.: Characterization of a novel tyrosinase inhibitor, (2RS,4R)-2- (2,4-dihydroxyphenyl) thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (MHY384). BBA. 1820(4), 542-549 (2012) 19. Ha, Y.M., et al.: Design and synthesis of 5-(substituted benzylidene)thiazolidine-2,4-dione derivatives as novel tyrosinase inhibitors. EUR J MED CHEM. 49(2012), 245-252 (2012) 20. Son, N.R., et al.: Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-based Metabolomic Analysis of Livers from Aged Rats. J. Proteome Res. 11(4), 2551-2558 (2012) 21. Hu, W.J., et al.: Kinetic, structural and molecular docking studies on the inhibition of tyrosinase induced by arabinose. Int J Biol Macromol. 50(3), 694-700 (2012) 22. Seong, E.J., et al.: Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities of Constituents Isolated from Pueraria lobata Roots. Arch Pharm Res. 35(5), 823-837 (2012) 23. Chung, K.W., et al.: Evaluation of in vitro and in vivo anti-melanogenic activity of a newly synthesized strong tyrosinase inhibitor(e)-3-(2,4dihydroxybenzylidene)pyrrolidine-2,5-dione (3-DBP). BBA-Gen Subjects. 1820(7), 962-9 (2012) 24. Si, Y.X., et al.: Effects of Isorhamnetin on Tyrosinase : Inhibition Kinetics and Computational Simulation. BBB. 76(6), 1091-1097 (2012) 25. Choi, Y.J., et al.: Inhibitory Effect of mtor Activator MHY1485 onautophagy: Suppression of Lysosomal Fusion. PLoS One. 7(8), e43418 (2012) 26. Li, H.L., et al.: Deceleration of arginine kinase refolding by induced helical structures. Protein J. 31(4), 267-74 (2012) 27. Kim, K.J., et al.: The Anti-Angiogenic Activities of Glycyrrhizic Activities of Glycyrrhizic Acid in Tumor Progression. Phytother Res.(in press) 28. Kim, Y.J., et al.: Hyperin and Quercetin Modulate Oxidative Stress-Induced Melanogenesis. Biol Pharm Bull. 35(11):2023-7 (2012) 6
Aging Tissue Bank < 홍보 > 노화 수명연장연구에필요한시료를찾으십니까? 부산대 Aging Tissue Bank 로오십시오 본은연구자들에게노화기전및노화제어에필요한연구시료와정보를신속하게제공하여노화연구를원활히지원하는것을목적으로하고있습니다. 노화조직과노화쥐이미지 1) 노화조직의연구소재분양 1. Fisher 344 rat (AL) 연령별노화조직 2. Fisher 344 rat (DR) 연령별노화조직 3. LPS처리노화조직 (F344 rat) 4. Wistar rat 및 SD rat (AL) 연령별노화조직 5. Wistar rat 및 SD rat (DR) 연령별노화조직 6. 유전자변이모델동물 (GH결손, mini rat) 조직 7. 노화촉진모델동물 (SMP-30 유전자변이마우스 ) 8. 각종항산화물질투여노화조직 (SD) 구체적인것은 homepage를방문하시기를바랍니다. www.agingbank.or.kr http://agingbank.pharm.pusan.ac.kr 2) 노화제어 ( 유기합성물 / 천연물유래순수화합물 ) 물질분양 1. Lithospermate B 2. Oligonol 3. Resveratrol 4. Ursodeoxycholic acid 3) 노화관련 Data Base 구축을통한통합정보제공 a) http://aging.pharm.pusan.ac.kr b) http://bionet.inje.ac.kr/massprophet c) http://bionet.inje.ac.kr/trep_db d) http://aging.pharm.pusan.ac.kr/agingdb e) http://aging.pharm.pusan.ac.kr:8080/dbpiat 1), 2) 의연구소재가필요하시면다음으로연락주십시오 Tel : 051-510-2814 H.P : 010-6532-1569 Fax : 051-518-2821 E-mail: agingbank@pusan.ac.kr; hyjung@pusan.ac.kr 7