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서론 34 2

#1 2 1 NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2010 Vol. 330 November December 2010 울창한 산을 넘어 험난한 계곡을 건너 세찬 비바람, 뜨거운 햇볕 지나며 세아의 가족들이 함께 걷는 그 길은 언제나 평탄하지는 않았지만 Special Theme




첨 부 1. 설문분석 결과 2. 교육과정 프로파일 169


( ) 3 6 2-16 4 T e l 0 2-3 3 5-2 2 2 2 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15 /,..,! Copyright 2002 by BookCosmos. All right reserved. Summarized with the permission from Gimm-Young Publishers, Inc. ( )..

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...,,,,....,.....,..,,.,.,.,.,..,..,,,... 5.,.,,,,.,.,.,,. - 6 -

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S. / /2002 8 /208 / 10,000 S.,. Journal of General Management, The Management Review..,. Fun. S ho rt S umma ry.,..,,.. 1 2. 3 4,. 5 6. 7 8, - 2 -

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( ) 3 6 1 6 4 T e l 0 2-3 1 4 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 1 5,.. copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All right reserved summarized by the permission of Daniel's Stone Publishing Co. ( )..

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3.?..,,,........,.,.....,.......,,.,.,....,..,. 4... - 5 -

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.,....,,.., 10,.. * Trading company( )... (Inbound) (Outbound)..,....,...,...... - 11 -

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A. &. 500. Wall Street Journal Time Newsweek Fortune The New York Times USA USA Today CNN Good Morning America CBS CBS Morning News The Today Show. CEO How to Think Like a CEO. (pipal73@bookcosmos.com) S ho rt S umma ry,. CEO A. (Coach)....,,,,.?.,.?.,..., ".", ",.". 1.? 2.? 3. 4. 5. - - 2 -

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..,,...... 3..,.?..,....... 4. A. : (hearts).?.......,,,.......... 911-5 -

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. 2... CEO. IBM 8 1 233%. 5. -.,.. -,,.,..,..,...,.,,,.. **... -. -,. -. -.. -.. -.. -... -... -. -. - 8 -

( ) 3 6 1 6 4 T e l 0 2-3 1 4 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 1 5, P.,. copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All right reserved summarized by the permission of Window of Times. ( )..

- 15 -, P / /2000 /358 /8,900, (SUBWAY Restaurant), 1965. 1996 MILE(Micro Investment Lending Enterprise).,,., ( ). 21. S ho rt S umma ry CEO,,. 1965, 17 1,000. 60 15,000 30.,. ( ),??.,.,.... 1. 2. 15-2 -

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. 1965,. 10.,.,..,. 2. 15...,,........,. 200,.,,. 3 45,000.. 1997 150. 200....,!...,., - 4 -

. 500..,... 1979 1, 29 500 1999 10..,..,.,...??. 1989?., 1. (TopsyTail).,.. 10 32.....,?.??,?, - 5 -

?.!!. 3. 1969,. 3.000. 10 100. 6,.....,..,.. 1990 100, 1999 1,000....,. 4 F....,,!..,...,.. - 6 -

,....., 500...,,.., 100. 10....... 1999 1 750%.....!..,........ 1952 1969 17.. - 7 -

.,.,,... 73 16,. ( ).,.,,..,.,.,..,., 1,000,.. 40, 4,........,..,..?....,. - 8 -

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1,600...,. -..,.?.......,.....,,,....!.. 20.. 2000 3....,..,,,,,,.,.,..?.,. - 10 -

.,.. 5,000 1,000... 24.., 10,..,........,, 10. ( ). 1/3. 51%... 3. 1980 200 400 500.. 1987, 1999. 8..,. - 11 -

( ) 3 6 1 6 4 T e l 0 2-3 1 4 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 1 5,.,! 48! summary copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All rights reserved summarized by the permission of Siaa Publishing Co. ( )..

/ /200 1 /243 /8,000 1936. ( ),. 1983,.??,,...com E- business -..?.......,.,..,,...! 1 10 2 8 3, 4 5-2 -

/ /200 1 /243 /8,000 1 10.,...??....!.,,,............,.,...,....., - 3 -

.,..,.,....,.,,... e-..,.?.....,,..... 1!!!!!.......,..., - 4 -

...,..,.,..,...., S.I...,..,..... 2 8..,.,...,.. - 5 -

..,...,...,.,,.,.,..,,..,.,.....,,....,... - 6 -

.... 3,.?..,,.,.......,.,..,.,...,. 4..,,... - 7 -

.,.,.,.......,. 5.,..,..!....,.,.... - 8 -

.... 3. 3.. 6,.,.,......,,,,,...,...,..,...,.,.... - 9 -

.,... - 10 -

( ) 3 6 1 6 4 T e l 0 2-3 1 4 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 1 5 17,! summary copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All rights reserved summarized by the permission of ( )..

/ /200 1 4 /336 /9,800 1927..,.,.... ( ),. e- 21 33 33 ( ). S ho rt S umma ry..,?.,.,....,. 17..., - 2 -

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/ /200 1 4 /336 /9,800 - (1432-15 19) ' ( ) ( ).. ( ). (,, ), (, ), (,,, ), (,, ),.,..,, ( - ), ( - ), ( - ).,.?,.,..,..,..,...,..,,. - 4 -

,..... - (1432-1486)..,..........,.,.....,....?, ( ) ( ).... ( ).. ( ). - 5 -

...,. - (1546-1604).,.,..,...........?.?,.,, 52...,... - 6 -

( ).,,..,...,.. - (1537-1598).,...... ( )..,.,..,.., 1., 3.... - 7 -

( - ). - (156 1-1624).... 64. ( ) 11 3200, 24.,.,....,,..., ( ). ( )..........,,.,... - 8 -

.. 1624.... - (1542-16 16),. 266.,.....,.,.........,...!. - 9 -

? - (1567-1636),... 3, ( )..,....................,,.,....,.. - 10 -

.... - 11 -

( ) 3 6 16 4 T e l 0 2-3 14 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15 8? 3%.,! copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All right reserved summarized by the permission of TheNan Publishing Co. ( )..

8 / /200 1 7 /396 / 13.000 (Brian tracy),. IBM,,,. ( ),,,,. Maximum Achievement, The Psychology Achievement How to Start and Succeed in Your Own Business. 1954,.,., 80. S ho rt S umma ry.,.,,,....,.,.,,.... ( ). - 2 -

,.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-3 -

8 / /200 1 7 /396 / 13.000 1 -.,.,,,,.........,,.. (Explanatory style)'....... - ( ).,. ( )..,....... -. - 4 -

,.....,.,,,.,,... -.,.. (correspondence).. 360...,,...,...,,. 2,.,., 3%. -. - 5 -

.,. ( ). (locus of control)',..,,,......,......,,,. -....,,....,,,..,.?.... -. - 6 -

....... -!(just do it)............. -........,, (mind storming)..,..,..,. 3 -...... - 7 -

.. -.,...,. -,.,....., 68%. -.,.,,.... '..........?.,,........ - 8 -

... -,.,..,. -...,......,. 4......,.... -.....?,. - 9 -

... -..,,...,,... -....... 5.,,... - 80%..,... 3%,. 3%...,... -. - 10 -

20% 80%. 10...? -,... - 1 10,, 1 10., 1,000%.,,... - 11 -

Take Yourse lf to the Top.. Laura Be rman Fortgang Take Yourself to the Top by Laura Berman Fortgang Copyright 2000 by Warner Books All Rights Reserved Korean Translated Summary Copyright 2000 by bookcosmos.com Summarized by the Permission of Warner Books ( ).. ( ) 3 6 2-16 4 T e l 0 2-3 14 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15

, ' - (Inter-Coach Development & Training, Inc). (Johnson & Johnson) (Prudential Securities), 200.. Short Summary.,,..,...,,,..,.....,,.,,.. - 2 -

- - Take Yourse lf to the Top by Laura Berman Fortgang, Warne r Books, 1998, 1998, 2 18PP,?...? *. *,. *. *.. *. *. *,. *. *.,.........,...,. (No) - 3 -

.,. (Unconscious Zone)...?,..,..,....,..,,....,............... - 4 -

,..?.. ( ),..,.??,.,.???.......,.,. 1.,... 2.,...,.. 3., 5,...?? 4., (client; ) - 5 -

..?.,..? 5.,.,...,.. 1.,.???? 2.,.?. 3..... 4..,.,. 5..,.,,..., ( )..,,.. - 6 -

,.,..,...,.,.,.,.... * (Intention):.. * (Detachment):... * (Choices):. * (Legacy):.?.,.,.,,..,,.. - 7 -

( ) 3 6 1 6 4 T e l 0 2-3 1 4 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 1 5.!! 101! summary copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All rights reserved summarized by the permission of SIAT Publishig Co. ( )..

- 10 1 - / /2000 7 /304 /8,500 (Ba rry J.Fa rbe r) (The Diamond Group). (Diamond in Rough) (Diamond under Pressure) (State of the Art Selling).,, Allied Signal, AT&T, Chase Manhattan Bank, The Perrier Group, Valpak.. 1962..,. S ho rt S umma ry?.,,..,. 101.,,,,,, 7,. 10..,... - 2 -

... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-3 -

- 10 1 - / /2000 7 /304 /8,500 1 -.....,. -.,... -.,.,. -.,,.. -..... -.. - 4 -

.... - + +,.,,,..,. -..,... - 80% 100%. 80%....... -..... -?,,,. 2 -... - 5 -

-.,. -..,,.,. -..,,. -.. -,.... -..,,. -,.... -.... - 6 -

. -...... -..... 3 -,,.... -... -,,,,. -..... -... - - 7 -

.... -.... -..... -....,. -..... -..... -.,... 4 -... - - 8 -

.... -..,. -..... -.... 5 -,..... -....,.. -.,..... - - 9 -

..,,,. -....,. - 21..... -..... -.... 1.,. 6 -,..... -...,. - 10 -

-.... 7 -....,,. -......,. -.,. -...,.. -....... -,,, - 11 -

...,... -,.. - 12 -

Knowledge Capitalism Alan Burton- Jones.,,.. Knowledge Capitalism by Alan Burton-Jones Copyright 2000 by Oxford University Press All Rights Reserved Korean Translated Summary Copyright 2000 by bookcosmos.com Summarized by the Permission of Oxford University Press ( ).. ( ) 3 6 2-16 4 T e l 0 2-3 14 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15

-. IT. Short Summary.,. -..,,,.,,,,.....,..,....,. - 2 -

-,, Knowledge Capitalism by Alan Burton- Jones, Oxford Unive rs ity Press, 1999, 248pp...,.,....,,..,. 1776, 20....,..,,..... - 3 -

..,...,.,.... (externalization).,, (interalization).,,... (key people)..,...,.,... (internalized), (externalized).. - 4 -

1. Core, 2. Associate,, R&D 3. Pe riphe ral.. 4. Flexhire Worke rs,,.., ( )...,,.,. 5. Mediated Services...,,...,..,.,,.. 6. De pende nt contractors - 5 -

,,.....,,. 7. Inde pende nt Contractors..,,,..,...,.,,...,.. /..,,.,,.,..,,..,. - 6 -

.,..,.....,.. - 7 -

30 1 Ways to Have Fun At Work 301. ". Dave Hamsath 301 Ways to Have Fun at Work by Dave Hamsath and Leslie Yerkes Copyright 2000 by Berrett-Koehler All Rights Reserved Korean Translated Summary Copyright 2000 by bookcosmos.com Summarized by the Permission of Berrett-Koehler ( ).. ( ) 3 6 2-16 4 T e l 0 2-3 14 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15

Business Outreach Books. 1993,,,., Catalyst Consulting Group, Inc...,,. Short Summary.,,,,,.. 12,.,.,.,..,,..,,....,. - 2 -

30 1 30 1 Ways to Have Fun at Work by Dave Hamsath and Les lie Ye rkes, Berrett- Koe hle r, 1997, 245PP,..,.,,.,,,... 1., (5 ) (9 )..,,..,..,. 2. (Koosh ball)..,..,.., (!).,.,,. - 3 -

,.,. -....,,.........,.!....,.,,,...,,,,......,. W. E.,..,. - 4 -

. TV.....,..,.,.......,.,....,.!( )......,...... - 5 -

... C.W.,.....,.........,.. 1.,.. 12. 1 :.. 2 :.,.. 3 :.,. 4 :.,. 5 :.,. 6 :... 7 :.... - 6 -

8 :.,.. 9 :.. 10 :.,! 11 :.. 12 :...,.. 3 ( ),..,......,,.,.. - 7 -

haris ma.. 7. By Tony Alessandra Charisma by Tony Alessandra Copyright 2000 by Warner Books All Rights Reserved Korean Translated Summary Copyright 2000 by bookcosmos.com Summarized by the Permission of Warner Books ( ).. ( ) 3 6 2-16 4 T e l 0 2-3 14 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15

Plantinum Rule,.. S ho rt S umma ry 7.,,,,,, ( ).... 7.. 7.......... - 2 -

- 7 Charisma, Seven Keys To Developing The Magnetism That Leads To Success by Tony Ale s s andra, Warne r Books, 2000, 270PP? ",,.".. 7 -,,,,,,.. 7.. 5.,,.,,..,,...?....? - 3 -

....,.....,,,...... 6. 1. :.. 2. :,,... 3. :. 4. :. ( 7 )! 5. :. 10 15. 6. :!.... ".". - 4 -

.. 4. 1... 2.... 3.. 4... :. :,,. :. : 1 10. : ( ). :. ".,,,,.".,. 4. 1. :.. 2. :.. - 5 -

3. :.. 4.,, :.....!.... (,, ) (, )..... 1..... 4. 1.... - 6 -

2..,,.... 3. 4..,,. 4...,,..,,.. 7. 6.. 6.. 1... 1,... 3. (SMART) - Specific( ), Measurable( ), Attainable( ), Realistic( ), Trackable( )... - 7 -

......?. 3. 7 3. - 8 -

( ) 3 6 2-16 4 T e l 0 2-3 3 5-2 2 2 2 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15 /... copyright 2002 by BookCosmos. All right reserved. Summarized with the permission of Beautiful Society Publishing Co. ( )..

/ /200 1 8 /350 /9,000,... S ho rt S umma ry????? 20, 40, 80,...,...,,.,.. 1 2! 3 4 5 100% 6 7 + = 8 9 10-2 -

/ /200 1 8 /350 /9,000 1. (eye- sight)', (mind- sight)'..,. (,, ), (,, ), (,, )..,..,..,....,,........??...,,. - 3 -

,,,...,..,,..,..!.,...,,.. 2! ( ).,., (,, ).,.,...,,.... - 4 -

. (, )...,,..,,..,,.......??.,,,?,..,,... 3? - 5 -

....??,.......,,,,.....,,.,.... (Harver S. Firestone). 4,,,,,,... - 6 -

???,,.,..,.??....,,......,.....,.. 90%.,. 10%?,?...,.,.. - 7 -

.,... 5 100%?.,,??...,.,..,..,...,....,.....,.,.. 6.... - 8 -

..?....,,..?...,..,,,.,,,. 3.....,,,..,..... 7 + =.., - 9 -

...,......,,,......,........,....,..... - 10 -

.. 8,,,...,..,...,,,.,,,. ',,.......,,.. 9. - 11 -

..,,,,.,.........,....,..,.., 100%...,..,,.......,. - 12 -

10.!,!,!.?!,!,........ (FFT: Financial Freedom Tax)!. 100%.,..,... 15%....,......... - 13 -

( ) 3 6 2-16 4 T e l 0 2-3 3 5-2 2 2 2 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15 /.. Copyright 2002 by BookCosmos. All right reserved. Summarized with the permission from Keorum Publishing Co. ( )..

/ /2002 5 /320 / 15,000 Inc. 1997 1998 500. 1998.,,... SDI,. S ho rt S umma ry.......... 3.,.,....,,. 500,. - 2 -

1 Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. 2 Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9. Chapter 10. 3 6 1 :,, 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : - 3 -

/ /2002 5 /320 / 15,000 1 Chapte r 1.... (High- Impact Leader)'. (Powerful Conversation)'.,.,,. (Say)' (Do)'.,,,.. Chapte r 2. 3...........,,..., - 4 -

,,,.,...,,. (What's up)?..,,,,.... (What's so)?"... (What's possible)?".,..., (Let's go)!".... Chapte r 3...,,..,,..,,,,....,, - 5 -

..,,,,.....,.,.,,...,,...,,.......,. Chapte r 4..,,,.,........ - 6 -

.,...,.,.,...,..,...,..,..,.,,,. Chapte r 5...,.,,,..,.,.,.,,,.,..,,.......,,.,,,. ( ),. - 7 -

..,..,,.,. 2 Chapte r 6.... 1.... 2... 4C', (caring), (commitment), (clarity), (consistency)..,.,..,..,..,.... 1... 2 1. 2. 3,.,. 3 1, 2....,,,.. 100-8 -

....,....... Chapte r 7.,,........,,,,?..?.......,,,,...... - 9 -

... Chapte r 8..,..,.,..,.,.,.,...,.,,.,.,.,,..,.. 10.,.,. Chapte r 9......,,,.,.. 6....... - 10 -

. X..................,.,,.....,,.,..,,.....,....,.. - 11 -

,,.,,,.....,......,... Chapte r 10...,,,.,,.....,......,.,,....... - 12 -

.........,,,...,...,,.,. - 13 -

( ) 3 6 16 4 T e l 0 2-3 14 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15..,. summary copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All rights reserved summarized by the permission of ( )..

/2000 8 /325 /8,500... S ho rt S umma ry..,.,. - - 1 12. IBM,. KFC,. 64,... 1. 2. 3. 4. - 2 -

/2000 8 /325 /8,500 1.? 72cm - 72cm. 17mm,.., 3?..,,, 27. - 1991 1 6 2 1, 4 95.. 1951 9..,..,. 75.. 7.. 1 6. 3 3 2, 3 12 5.. -. 4,. -,,,, - 15. 15-3 -

. 15. 15.!...!,.... -....,,.... 1..,,....... 1. 2, 1986.. (ze ro bas e ) - 12 11. 1,?....... - 4 -

.... 2. -...,.... - 27 3,. 1 8............. -.!.,..,,..,.,.,.. - 5 -

-...,..,. 1950. 2..... IBM. 60.. - 19. 1980, IBM PC. 1 3, 3 8. 1984 PC. IBM PC. PC.. PC.. PC IBM PC. IBM 40%. PC 3 4, 10 PC. IBM..,.. - 6 -

3. - 6. 1937..........,. 1 4,,. 5. - KFC... 4,50...., 1 44. 48, 53. (KFC) 65.,,. 42.,,.... 63,....,.. - 7 -

.,. 2 5. 70 1960 200, 1963 600, 30. 90.. -....,.,,, 64.,.. - 3.,... 10. 100.. 20..,..,. - 8 -

4. 8..?,..,.,.,...,..,..,..,...,......?.,,.. 110.,.....?,.. 10%.. 10,,...,.? - 9 -

,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. - 10 -

The Post Corporate World,. David C. Korte n The Post Corporate World by David C. Korten Copyright 2000 by Berrett-Koehler All Rights Reserved Korean Translated Summary Copyright 2000 by bookcosmos.com Summarized by the Permission of Berrett-Koehler ( ).. ( ) 3 6 2-16 4 T e l 0 2-3 14 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15

C. (The People- Centered Development Forum). M.B.A. When Corporations Rule the World, 21 : Getting to the 2 1st Century : Voluntary Action and Global Agenda : Community Management : People Centered Development. 35. Short Summary (1995)..,......,....,,..,,. - 2 -

- - The Post Corporate World by David C. Korten, Be rrett- Koe hler, 1999, 3 18PP.. ( ).,.. VS,,,,,,.,, ( ),..,.,..,,,......., 1800...,..,,.,,. - 3 -

1.. 2. ( ). 3.. 4... 5.. ( ) GDP... (GDP)., GDP.., GDP,..,. 1.,,,. 2., (,, ). 3..,,. 4.,.,... - 4 -

.,..,..,...,,..,,...,...,..,..,.,,.,.?,,,... 1.....,.,.. 2.,... 3... - 5 -

4... 5..,. 6...... 7... 1...,. 2...,,.,. 3.,..,,. 4..... 1..,,.,..,, ( ).,. 2... 1.,. 2. (, ).. - 6 -

3.,, (MAI)., MAI..,.,...,.,..,. - 7 -

( ) 3 6 2-1 6 4 T e l 0 2-3 3 5-2 2 2 2 F a x 0 2-3 1 4 2-5 3 1 5,,,,,! Copyright 2002 by BookCosmos. All right reserved. Summarized with the permission from Dulnyouk Publishing Co. ( )..

/2002 8 /3 19 /9,500. 108,, 1 2, 1 2 3. S ho rt S umma ry ',.',.,,.,,,,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11, - 2 -

/2002 8 /3 19 /9,500 1 -..........,.,. ( )...,.,,., - 3 -

..,.,.... 2 -....,,,,,,....,.,,. ( ) 7,.....,. 1,. - 4 -

3,....,. 20,.. 34,..,,.,,. 37 10,..,..,,,..,..,.. - 5 -

4 -....,.......,.,. 5 -. ( )...,....?... - 6 -

...... 6 -,...,.....,.,....,,.,.. 7 - ( ).,,,.. - 7 -

,.,.,.......,.,..,..? ( ),..,.,..,,. ( )..,,,.,..,.,..... 8 -. 6.. - 8 -

6.. 6.,........,?,.,.... 9 -........,.,.,.,. - 9 -

...,.,.,,.. 10 -.. ( )....?.......,,,,..,...,...,,,,,,,. - 10 -

.,.,,,..,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,. 11, -......,......,...,.... 1930. 1940. 1942 31. - 11 -

( ) 3 6 16 4 T e l 0 2-3 14 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15 Terry Kelley.. 10! copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All right reserved summarized by the permission of Muhan Publishing Co. ( )..

Te rry Ke lley / /200 1 /3 10 /9,800 Te rry Ke lley Terry Kelley Rules of Business Life'. Rule, 74 Rule.. ( ). S ho rt S umma ry?.,....,..,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-2 -

Te rry Ke lley / /200 1 /3 10 /9,800 1........,.,.....,,.. 10,.....,.,,. 2.,.......... - 3 -

(Joe),..,,...,......, 3........,. 3...,....... Yes- Boss'.. - 4 -

? 100%,.,.,..,.?..,... 4..,..... Marie,. Terry....,....,... - 5 -

.,.... 5.,. whenwe when we........ whenwe. whenwe.,.. old whenwe.,... old whenwe.,.. old whenwe... old whenwe..,. 6. - 6 -

...?,,...????.,...,..... 7.,..,..,.,,.. 6,. - 7 -

,.,. 3.. 5.....,.,. 8..... CEO. CEO..,......... - 8 -

?..,., CEO........... - 9 -

( ) 3 6 1 6 4 T e l 0 2-3 1 4 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 1 5?.?.,! copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All right reserved summarized by the permission of M&B. ( )..

M&B/2000 /247 /8,500 ( ) 1973. 1989 1., 1998.... 1, 2,.,.....,.,..,..,,,,..,,....,.,,,,.........,. - 2 -

. 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 vs Good Teacher, Good Parents 4 - Ca rtoon galle ry / - 3 -

M&B/2000 /247 /8,500 1 4-5. 5. 1 100. 5 1 500... 4-5.,, 4......,....,,,,..,.... 2.,... - 4 -

, C., 250. 5 2, 12...... 100%. 1.,..........,,......,... 400-500,,,..... 24.... 24.... - 5 -

., Em..,........... 2 1..,........ 200 150...,..,...,.. 2-6 -

.,,.. 16. 16....,..?......,....,. 3...?...?......, 10..... - 7 -

......... 4.. K........? 7 4......... 5. 15%. 15%. 85%. 85%?..... - 8 -

..... 6 1500m. 9.......,....... 3 VS....?..........,,,....... - 9 -

. 4.. 4.......... IQ IQ 15 27...... 100........... Good Teache r, Good Pare nts,.,?,......... - 10 -

.!..!...!.?.............. 200 108.. 21%... 10 20. 10, 20........... - 11 -

Getting Fired,,.? Steve n Mitche ll Sack Getting Fired by Steven Mitchell Sack Copyright 2000 by Warner Books All Rights Reserved Korean Translated Summary Copyright 2000 by bookcosmos.com Summarized by the Permission of Warner Books ( ).. ( ) 3 6 2-16 4 T e l 0 2-3 14 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15

The Employee Rights Handbook.,. Short Summary,....,..,...,.,,,,. 1991 the Civil Rights Act of 1991,..,,,,,... - 2 -

-,,,, - Getting Fired by Steven Mitche ll Sack, Warne r Books, 2000, 468pp?,,.?,,,,,,,. 1991 the Civil Rights Act of 1991,,,,.,,. 40 70 the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 15.. *, * 70 * * *, * 40 70,,.,,..,.,,.,,,. - 3 -

,,. 1991 the Civil Rights Act of 1991... * *, *, *,, * * * *.. * * *,.., ( ),. 1990 the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act..,,,... * * * * * - 4 -

*... * *, *, *, (the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).,..,,,.,,.,. 1964 the Civil Rights Act of 1964... * *, *.,..,,.. - 5 -

,.,... *, * * ( ) * * * * * *,,.....?,..,...,,,......,.,.,...,..,,,..... - 6 -

.,,.. 1 1 2., 1.., 20, 5..,.,...,,,.,.,.,.,.....,. - 7 -

( ) 3 6 16 4 T e l 0 2-3 14 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15 H.!. copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All right reserved summarized by the permission SIAA Publishing Co. ( )..

H. / /200 1 10 /296 / 10,000 H. (David H. Fre e dman),... S ho rt S umma ry......,.......,..,,..,,. - 2 -

1. / 70% / 2. / 3. 3 / / 4. / / 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. / / 10. / / - 3 -

H. / /200 1 10 /296 / 10,000 1. 3, 3.....,..,.,.,... 11... 70%.. 70%.. 1980 (.).,, 4. 1998 38% 1999. 2... 2,,,,., 4.,,,. 4-4 -

., 2...,,.,. GM,...,... 2.,,. 3.... 2,. 15 3. 3. 3.... - 5 -

, ( ),........... 2,800 7%.. 4., TBS( ) 6. TBS.. TBS OCS( ),. TBS.. OCS TBS..... MBA,. MBA.. GE. GE - 6 -

8 5,000 1. GE CEO.. 1999 1 3 1,200 4. 5. 1..,.....,.., NATO.,.,,. 6.. 2.,.,.., 2., 3 3., 3. 3. 3.,.. - 7 -

.,,,,.....,..,.,.,. 7...... 1 6,446,,???.,.,.......,.......,...,., - 8 -

. 5 2. 8...,..,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,.?.,....,,,.... ( )..,..,...., CEO.,,. 9...,.... - 9 -

,..,..,..,. 60%........, 3..,. 1990. 10.?..... 1970 ( ).....,,. - 10 -

.,.....,.,.,........ - 11 -

( ) 3 6 1 6 4 T e l 0 2-3 1 4 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 1 5,.! copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All right reserved summarized by the permission of ( )..

, / /200 1 9 /352 / 12,000 (He rb Cohe n),., 200., 9 3. Montclair College Preparatory School. University of California at Berkeley,. (Graduate School of International Studies).. S ho rt S umma ry.,...,.,,. Part 1 8 chapter1? chapter2 / / chapter3 / / /...? / / / / / Part 2-2 -

chapter4 / / / / / / / / / / / chapter5 chapter6 Part 3 chapter7, / / / chapter8 / / chapter9 / / Part 4 chapter10 / / chapter11 chapter12, - 3 -

, / /200 1 9 /352 / 12,000 1.,,.,.?.,.?,. -. -,,. -.,,....,.. *? *? *?....,.,. - 4 -

2......??...,.......,....!,....,.,,. 450.?.?..,....,.,.......,...,. - 5 -

3.,,...,.....,,..,..... (,.).....,.,.,..,.(.),,..,..,..,,.....,,. 4.., - 6 -

..?...?....,.,,.....,. 5....,,.?.,.....,....?,.,...,.,. - 7 -

,..,.,. 3,...,.. 6.,.........?. -. -.. -, ( ).. - 8 -

-.. -,. -..?... 7..,,,.,,,.......,.,.,,,. ( ).,,.... 8.,,.. - 9 -

..,..,................... 9....?.,.,.????? 5...... 6., 6?......?.. 6-10 -

?....,.. 10.,,.,,.....?,...,, ( )?....,,...... - 11 -

Secrets of Power Negotiating For Sales people... Roger Dawson Secrets of Power Negotiating for Salespeople by Roger Dawson Copyright 2000 by Career Press All rights reserved Korean Translated Summary Copyright 2000 by bookcosmos.com Summarized by the Permission of Career Press ( ).. ( ) 3 6 2-16 4 T e l 0 2-3 14 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 15

(Power Negotiating Institute).,, 17,,. (Nightingale- Conant) Secrets of Power Negotiating.... (pipal73@bookcosmos.com) Short Summary..?... - - (Pressure Points) - - 9 -........,. - 2 -

1. 2. 3-3. 4. 5. 6. 7. - 3 -

- Secrets of Powe r Negotiating for Sales people by Roge r Dawson, Career Press, 1999. 8, 256pp 1..,???,,..,.,.... - ( ).. - - -, - - - - 2. 3 -. 3.. (Bottom Line).. 10 20. - 4 -

..,...,.. 3...,,,.. 7. 1 -. (Give-Take),. ( ).. 2 -. 1.70 1.60 1.80.....!.. 3 - Yes" (Counteroffer) Yes".,. 4 -... - 5 -

. 70%.. 5 -..... 6 -.. 7 -..... 4.... (Higher Authority).,............ - 6 -

..,.......,. ( )........,... -!..,..,.....,..,...... 3. - 7 -

...,.. 5.... -, /.... 2. (Nibbling).,...,... 4. -. -. -. -.,.., - 8 -

.,.,.,..... 6. (Wish Price : - ) (Walk-away Price : - )......... 7..... 2. (Level of Assertiveness),. (Level of Emotional),. 2 4. - 9 -

( ).... ( ).,... ( )....... ( ).....,.. - -. - 4.,.,..,.,.... - 10 -

..,..,. -..?,,, -.,. - 11 -

( ) 3 6 1 6 4 T e l 0 2-3 1 4 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 14 2-5 3 1 5.!,.! summary copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All rights reserved summarized by the permission of ( )..

-! - / /2000 /277 /8,000 ( ) 1943. 27.,.... S ho rt S umma ry. 1,,.,..,.,,...,...? 1. - 2 -

2. 3., 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. - 3 -

-! - / /2000 /277 /8,000 1 S (47 ). S.. S 500, S. S....,,.,.?.,... 1 7,000. 21 IT. IT..,... C 12... C. 45. - 4 -

.,..,,...,... 2 C (50 )... C. C.. C. C..?........... 3, T. T. T - 5 -

. T P 53 P T. T, P T.. T. P.. T. P T. 10,.,... A. A,. A,, A..,. A...,... 4?.... - 6 -

,..........,. 2..?....,. 5?,..,.,.....,..,.. - 7 -

?.,,,.......,... 6?.?...,.,..,,......., - 8 -

..... 7..... 50 80 30. 50. 80. 30.....,.,.,... 1. 1,. T. B. T - 9 -

,. T. T., T. T. T...,.,........ 8..?...,....,.. E-, E-........ - 10 -

.. D...,. C...... - 11 -

( ) 3 6 1 6 4 T e l 0 2-3 1 4 3-2 8 3 4 F a x 0 2-3 1 4 2-5 3 1 5 1!!,. copyright 2000 by bookcosmos. All right reserved summarized by the permission of Hanmunhwa Publishing Co. ( )..

- - / 200 1 / 2 15 / 7,800,,.,.,, 20.. 1.2.3.....?..,..,.,.. 21......,... - 2 -

1 / ( ) 2?? ( ) / 3?, / ( ) 4 1 /. - 3 -

- - / 200 1 / 2 15 / 7,800 1 ( ).,...,,.,.,.............,.?,....,,,,..... - 4 -

.,,,...,.,.......,...,,.?,,......?.?.....?,?........,,,.,....... - 5 -

..,...... 50%,.?.... 2??.,.,........?...???......,, - 6 -

..?.......,.. ( )....,,.. -,,...............,..,,, - 7 -

.........,,,....,......,,.,,.,,.?..,,,, 52., 0.01% 100%....... - 8 -

.. 3?..,... -..?,...................,.?. - 9 -

,..,. 100%...,...,.....,.....,...... 10 1.! 4?.......?.. - 10 -

...,... 1. 21.,,,...,..,.....,.... 21...,,..,.. - 11 -