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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해


6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관

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How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활

300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름


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우리는어떻게대장암을예방할수있는가? How Can We Prevent Colon Cancer? 1

오늘우리는무엇을알아볼까요? 아래에대해알게될것입니다 : 대장암이란무엇인가? 어떻게대장암을예방하는가? 당신의생명을구할수있는조기검진. 대장암조기검진은어떻게받을수있는가?

오늘우리는무엇을알아볼까요? 세미나가끝날무렵아래에대해알게될것입니다 : 대장암이란무엇인가? 대장암예방법. 당신의생명을구할수있는조기검진. 대장암조기검진은어떻게받을수있는가? WHAT WILL WE LEARN TODAY? By the end of this gathering, we will learn: What colon cancer is. How to prevent it. Colon cancer tests that can save your life. How to get colon cancer screening. 다음페이지 WHAT WILL WE LEARN TODAY? By the end of this gathering, we will learn: What colon cancer is. How to prevent it. Colon cancer tests that can save your life. How to get colon cancer screening. 1

왜미주한인들이대장암을 조심해야할까요? 미주한인들의경우대장암은남성들에게가장흔한 암이며, 여성들에게는두번째로흔한암입니다. 하지만당신은대장암을예방할수있습니다!

왜미주한인들이대장암을 조심해야할까요? 미주한인의경우, 대장암은남성들에게가장흔한암이며, 여성들에게는두번째로흔한암입니다. 하지만당신은대장암을예방할수있습니다! WHY SHOULD KOREAN AMERICANS BE CONCERNED ABOUT COLON CANCER? For Korean Americans, colon cancer is the most common cancer in men and second most common cancer in women. You can prevent colon cancer! 다음페이지 WHY SHOULD KOREAN AMERICANS BE CONCERNED ABOUT COLON CANCER? For Korean Americans, colon cancer is the most common cancer in men and second most common cancer in women. You can prevent colon cancer! 2

1 누구에게대장암이발병할까요? 남녀누구에게나발병할수있습니다! 미국에사는한인들은한국에사는한인들보다대장암에걸릴위험이 2-3배더높습니다. 나이가들수록, 일반적으로 50대이후부터는그위험이지속적으로증가합니다.

누구에게대장암이발병할까요? 남녀누구에게나발병할수있습니다! 미국에사는한인들은한국에사는한인들보다대장암에걸릴위험이 2-3배더높습니다. 나이가들수록, 일반적으로 50대이후부터는그위험이지속적으로증가합니다. WHO CAN GET COLON CANCER? Anyone! Both men and women can get colon cancer! Koreans living in the U.S. have 2-3 times greater risk of getting colon cancer than Koreans living in Korea. As you get older, the risk continues to increase (more common in those who are 50 and over). 다음페이지 WHO CAN GET COLON CANCER? Anyone! Both men and women can get colon cancer! Koreans living in the U.S. have 2-3 times greater risk of getting colon cancer than Koreans living in Korea. As you get older, the risk continues to increase (more common in those who are 50 and over). 3

다른고위험요소들은무엇일까요? 대장암의다른요인으로는 : 과거대장에용종이있었거나 현재에도있는경우 크론병이나궤양성대장염과 같은질병이있는경우 가족중대장암병력이있는 경우 귀하에게이러한위험요인이 있다면의사와상담하십시오.

다른고위험요소들은무엇일까요? 대장암의다른요인으로는 : 과거대장에용종이있었거나현재에도있는경우 크론병이나궤양성대장염과같은질병이있는경우 가족중대장암병력이있는경우만약귀하에게이러한위험요인이있다면, 사람마다권고사항이다르기때문에반드시의사와상의해야합니다. WHAT ARE OTHER HIGH RISK FACTORS? Other risk factors for colon cancer include: Has/had colon polyps. Has diseases such as Crohn s or Ulcerative Colitis. Has parents, siblings, or other close blood relatives with colon cancer. If you have any of these other risk factors, you should talk to your doctor because the recommendations may be different for you. 다음페이지 WHAT ARE OTHER HIGH RISK FACTORS? Other risk factors for colon cancer include: Has/had colon polyps. Has diseases such as Crohn s or Ulcerative Colitis. Has parents, siblings, or other close blood relatives with colon cancer. If you have any of these other risk factors, you should talk to your doctor because the recommendations may be different for you. 4

대장암의또다른위험요인들 비만 흡연 운동부족 음주 그러나아무런위험요인이없더라도 대장암에걸릴수있다는것을명심하십시오.

대장암의또다른위험요인들 비만 흡연 음주 운동부족 OTHER RISKS FACTORS OF COLON CANCER Obesity Smoking Alcohol Inadequate physical activity But remember, even without ANY risk factors, you can get colon cancer 그러나아무런위험요인이없더라도 대장암에걸릴수있다는것을명심하십시오. 다음페이지 OTHER RISKS FACTORS OF COLON CANCER Obesity Smoking Alcohol Inadequate physical activity But remember, even without ANY risk factors, you can get colon cancer 5

대장의위치와역할 간 Liver 위 Stomach 대장 Large intestine (colon) 소장 Small intestine 직장 Rectum 항문 Anus 에스상결장 Sigmoid colon

대장은신체어디에있으며어떠한 역할을할까요? 대장은소화기관의하단부분으로복부즉, 위장아래에있습니다. 대장의윗부분은소장과, 아래쪽은직장과항문으로연결됩니다. 대장의세가지주요역할로는 : 1. 소화된음식으로부터물, 비타민, 미네랄을흡수합니다. 2. 음식노폐물을받고저장합니다. 3. 음식노폐물을몸에서제거합니다. WHERE IS THE COLON LOCATED AND WHAT DOES IT DO? Liver Stomach Large intestine Small intestine Rectum Anus Sigmoid colon 다음페이지 WHERE IS THE COLON LOCATED AND WHAT DOES IT DO? The colon is the lower part of the digestive tract. It is located in the belly below the stomach. The top of the colon connects to the small intestine. The bottom of the colon connects to the rectum which connects to the anus. Three main functions of the colon are: 1. To absorb water, vitamins and minerals from digested food. 2. To receive and store food waste. 3. To remove food waste from the body. 6

대장암이란무엇인가? 용종 대장벽 용종 암용종

대장암이란무엇인가? 대장암은대장내비정상적인세포의성장으로시작됩니다. 이비정상적인세포가자라면종양 (tumor) 이되고, 이를 용종 (polyp) 이라부릅니다. 용종은암이아닙니다. 그러나시간이지나면, 어떤용종은암이될수있고, 우리는그것을대장암이라부릅니다. 만일용종을조기에발견하고제거하면, 대장암을예방할수있습니다. WHAT IS COLON CANCER? Colon Polyp Cancer. 다음페이지 WHAT IS COLON CANCER? Colon cancer begins as an abnormal growth in the colon. This abnormal growth turns into a tumor, called a polyp. A polyp is not cancer. Over time, however, some colon polyps can become cancerous. We then call them colon cancers. If a polyp can be found early and removed, then colon cancer is prevented. 7

대장암은신체다른부위로 퍼질수있으며, 사망의원인이됩니다. 대장암

대장암은신체다른부위로퍼질수 있으며, 사망의원인이됩니다. 초기에는대장암이대장에만있습니다. 하지만시간이지남에따라, 암이더커지면서다른장기에퍼질수있습니다. 결국대장암은사망의원인이됩니다. COLON CANCER CAN SPREAD AND CAN CAUSE DEATH Colon cancer 다음페이지 COLON CANCER CAN SPREAD AND CAN CAUSE DEATH At first, colon cancer is found only in the colon. But over time, the cancer grows bigger and can spread into other organs. Eventually, colon cancer can cause death. 8

대장암의증상은무엇일까요? 대장암에걸린사람들대부분은아무런증상이없습니다. 그러나증상이나타날때에는다음과같습니다 : 혈변 배변의변화 이유없는체중감소 지속적인복부통증 만성피로

대장암의증상은무엇일까요? 대장암에걸린사람들대부분은아무런증상이없습니다. 그러나증상이나타날때에는다음과같습니다 : 혈변 배변의변화 ( 예 : 변비, 설사, 가는변 ) 이유없는체중감소 지속적인복부통증 만성피로 이외의다른대장암증상에대해의사와상담하세요. 이러한증상들이있다고해도당신이대장암에걸렸다는것은아닙니다. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF COLON CANCER? Most people with colon cancer do NOT have any symptoms. However, when symptoms appear, they are: Blood in stool Change in USUAL bowel movements Weight loss without obvious reason Belly pain that does not go away Chronic fatigue. 다음페이지 WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF COLON CANCER? Most people with colon cancer do NOT have any symptoms. However, when symptoms appear, they are: Blood in stool; Change in USUAL bowel movements, such as new constipation, diarrhea, or thinner stools; Weight loss without obvious reason; Belly pain that does not go away; or Feeling tired all the time without reason. Ask your doctor about other symptoms of colon cancer. Please note that having any of these symptoms does not mean that you have colon cancer. 9

어떻게하면대장암을 예방할수있을까? 대장암예방의최선의방법은정기적으로대장암조기검진을받는것입니다. 아프거나증상이 -- Albert Yu, MD, MPH, MBA 나타날때까지 기다리지마십시오.

어떻게하면대장암을예방할수있을까? 대장암예방의최선의방법은정기적으로 대장암조기검진을받는것입니다. 아프거나증상이나타날때까지기다리지마십시오. 대장의용종 (polyp) 은보통아무런증상이없습니다. 대장암조기검진은용종이대장암으로발전되기전에발견해제거할수있도록합니다. 대장암조기검진으로초기단계에대장암을발견하면치료및완치가능성이높습니다. 용종은치료후에도재발할수있으므로꼭정기적으로검사를받아야합니다. HOW CAN WE PREVENT COLON CANCER? The best way to prevent colon cancer is to get colon cancer screening tests regularly. Don t wait until you are sick or have symptoms. -- Albert Yu, MD, MPH, MBA 다음페이지 HOW CAN WE PREVENT COLON CANCER? The best way to prevent colon cancer is to get colon cancer screening tests regularly. Don t wait until you are sick or have symptoms. -- Albert Yu, MD, MPH, MBA Colon polyps usually cause no symptoms. Colon cancer screening can find colon polyps and remove them before they become colon cancer. Colon cancer screening can also find colon cancers at earlier stages when the chances of cure are higher. Polyps can recur even after removal so you must get screened on a regular basis. 10

어떤종류의검사가있나요? 대장암조기검진에는두가지종류의검사가권장되고있습니다 : 1. 대변잠혈검사 (FOBT) 2. 내시경검사 -- Don Ng, MD

어떤종류의검사가있나요? 대장암발견을위한조기검진에는두가지종류의검사가권장되고있습니다. 대변잠혈검사 (FOBT) - 구아약 (Guaiac) 검사 - 대변이뮤노케미컬검사 (FIT) 내시경검사 - 에스상결장경검사 - 대장내시경검사 보통이러한검사중한가지만하면됩니다. 하지만때로는의사가한가지이상의검사를권장할수도있습니다. -- Don Ng, MD WHAT TYPES OF TESTS ARE THERE? There are 2 types of recommended tests for colon cancer screening: Fecal Occult Blood Tests (FOBT) Endoscopy, -- Don Ng, MD 다음페이지 WHAT TYPES OF TESTS ARE THERE? There are 2 types of recommended tests for colon cancer screening: Fecal Occult Blood Tests or FOBT, of which there are two types, Guaiac Test and Fecal Immunochemical Test(FIT). Endoscopy, of which there are two types, Sigmoidoscopy and Colonoscopy. Usually, we just need one of the tests. But sometimes, a doctor may recommend more than one test. -- Don Ng, MD 11

대변잠혈검사 (FOBT) 란무엇인가요? 대변잠혈검사 (FOBT) 는육안으로볼수없는 혈변이있는지여부를검사하는것으로 두가지종류가있습니다 : 1. 구아약 (Guaiac) 검사 2. 이뮤노케미컬 (FIT) 검사

대변잠혈검사 (FOBT) 란무엇인가요? 대변잠혈검사는 FOBT 라부르며이검사를통해대변에혈액이있는지여부를알수있습니다. 두가지대변잠혈검사로는 : 1. 구아약 (Guaiac) 검사 : 3장의카드를사용합니다. 2. 대변이뮤노케미컬검사 (FIT): 액체가들어있는작은병을사용합니다. 두검사는집에서할수있습니다. 대변잠혈검사는간단하고손쉽게할수있는대장암조기검진입니다. WHAT ARE THE FECAL OCCULT BLOOD TESTS? Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) checks for blood that we cannot see in the stool. There are two types of FOBTs: 1. Guaiac Test 2. Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) 다음페이지 WHAT ARE THE FECAL OCCULT BLOOD TESTS? Fecal Occult Blood Test is called FOBT for short in English. It checks for blood that we cannot see in the stool. There are two types of FOBTs: 1. One type is called the Guaiac Test. It uses three cards. 2. The other is called the Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT). It uses a small vial of liquid. Both tests can be done at home. FOBT/FIT is a simple and easy test to detect colon cancer. 12

구아약 (Guaiac) 검사는어떻게하나요? 일년에한번씩

대변이뮤노케미컬검사 (FIT) 는 어떻게하나요? 구아약 (Guaiac) 검사는혈변이있는지를알아보기위해 3 장의카드를사용하며집에서할수있습니다. 검사전 3 일동안일부음식과약의복용을중단해야합니다. 나무막대기를사용해소량의대변을카드에바릅니다. 이렇게연속 3 회의대변을같은방법으로 3 장의카드에바릅니다. 이과정이완료되면 3 장의카드를봉투에넣어서클리닉혹은병원이나연구실에보냅니다. 결과가정상이면, 내년까지또다른검사를할필요가없습니다. 하지만결과가비정상이면, 보통의사가대장내시경을권고할것입니다. 구아약 (Guaiac) 검사는매년해야합니다. HOW IS THE GUIAC TEST DONE? Once a year 다음페이지 HOW IS THE GUIAC TEST DONE? The Guaiac Test is done at home using a set of three cards to find out whether there is blood in the stool. The doctor will tell us to stop certain types of food and some medications 3 days before the test. We use a wooden stick to smear a little bit of stool on a card. We do this for 3 consecutive bowel movements. When done, we return all 3 cards in the envelope to our doctor s office or laboratory. If the result is normal, we do not need another test until next year. If the result is abnormal, the doctor will follow up with a colonoscopy. Guaiac Tests should be done once a year. 13

대변이뮤노케미컬검사 (FIT) 는 어떻게하나요? 일년에한번씩

대변이뮤노케미컬검사 (FIT) 는 어떻게하나요? 대변이뮤노케미컬검사 (FIT) 는액체가들어있는작은병을가지고집에서쉽게할수있으며, 검사를통해혈변이있는지알수있습니다. 검사를위해어떠한음식이나약을중단할필요가없습니다. 병뚜껑에붙어있는막대기끝에소량의대변을묻힙니다. 이때 1 회대변만사용합니다. 다음은막대기를병안에넣고뚜껑을닫습니다. 병을봉투안에넣어서병원이나실험실에보냅니다. 결과가정상이면, 내년까지또다른검사를할필요가없습니다. 하지만결과가비정상이면, 의사가보통대장내시경을권고할것입니다. 대변이뮤노케미컬검사 (FIT) 는매년해야합니다. HOW IS THE FECAL IMMUNOCHEMICAL TEST DONE? Once a year 다음페이지 HOW IS THE FECAL IMMUNOCHEMICAL TEST DONE? The Fecal Immunochemical Test is done at home using a small bottle of liquid to find out whether there is blood in the stool. We do not need to stop any food or medication for this test. We use the tip of the stick (attached to the cap) to get a little bit of stool from only one bowel movement. Next, we put the stick with the stool into the bottle and close the cap tightly. When done, we return the bottle in the envelope to our doctor s office or laboratory. If the result is normal, we do not need to repeat this test until next year. If the result is abnormal, the doctor will follow up with a colonoscopy. Fecal Immunochemical Tests should be done once a year. 14

내시경검사란무엇일까요? 내시경검사는카메라가달린유연하고얇은튜브를사용합니다. 대장안을직접보는내시경검사에는두가지종류가있습니다 1. 에스상결장경 2. 대장내시경

내시경검사란무엇인가요? 내시경검사는카메라가달린얇고유연한튜브를사용해대장안에용종, 암또는다른이상이있는지를살펴보는검사입니다. 대장안을직접보는내시경검사에는두가지가있습니다. 1. 에스상결장경 2. 대장내시경 WHAT IS ENDOSCOPY? Endoscopy uses a thin flexible tube with a camera attached at the end. There are two types of endoscopy that look directly into the colon: 1. Sigmoidoscopy 2. Colonoscopy 다음페이지 두검사모두병원에서해야합니다. WHAT IS ENDOSCOPY? Endoscopy uses a thin flexible tube with a camera attached at the end to look into the colon to find polyps, cancers, or other changes. There are two types of endoscopy that look directly into the colon. 1. One type is called Sigmoidoscopy. 2. The other type is called Colonoscopy. Endoscopy is performed in the doctor s office. 15

에스상결장경검사는무엇인가요? 5 년에한번씩

에스상결장경검사는무엇인가요? 카메라가달린얇고유연한튜브를이용해대장아래부분과직장을직접살펴보는검사입니다. 이검사를하기전관장용좌약을사용해부분적으로대장을세척합니다. 이검사는보통병원이나클리닉에서하며약 15 분정도걸립니다. 마취를하지않기때문에검사후스스로귀가할수있습니다. 만약용종 (Polyp) 이나비정상적인것이발견되면의사는조직검사와함께제거할수있습니다. 일반적으로에스상결장경검사는 5 년에한번씩받습니다. WHAT IS SIGMOIDOSCOPY? Every 5 years 다음페이지 WHAT IS SIGMOIDOSCOPY? Sigmoidoscopy is a test in which the doctor uses a thin flexible tube with a camera attached at the end to look directly into the rectum and the lower part of the colon. Before the test, we need to partially cleanse the colon by using an enema (a cleansing liquid squirted into the anus). This test can be done in the doctor s office or a clinic in about 15 minutes. We can go home by ourselves after the test. If a polyp or abnormality is found during the exam, the doctor will biopsy it and may remove it. Generally, sigmoidoscopy is done every 5 years. 16

대장내시경검사는무엇인가요? 10 년에한번씩

대장내시경검사는무엇인가요? 대장내시경검사는에스상결장경검사와비슷하지만더긴튜브로대장내부전체를살펴보는검사입니다. 이검사를하기전집에서관장제를복용해대장전체를씻어내야합니다. 이검사는반드시병원이나클리닉에서받아야하며 30 분정도걸립니다. 혈관으로마취제를투입하므로검사하는동안졸릴수있습니다. 검사후집으로데려다줄사람이필요합니다. 만약용종 (Polyp) 이나비정상적인것이발견되면의사는조직검사와함께제거할수있습니다. 일반적으로대장내시경검사는 10 년에한번씩받습니다. WHAT IS COLONOSCOPY? Every 10 years 다음페이지 WHAT IS COLONOSCOPY? Colonoscopy is similar to sigmoidoscopy, except the doctor uses a longer tube to check the entire colon. Before the test, we need to cleanse the entire colon by drinking a cleansing liquid at home. This test has to be done at a hospital or clinic and takes about 30 minutes. Medication is given through the vein to make us sleepy during the test. We need someone to take us home after the test. If a polyp or abnormality is found during the exam, the doctor will biopsy it or remove it. Generally, colonoscopy is done every 10 years. 17

내시경검사를위한준비 최상의결과를위해검사전관장을하여대장을깨끗이비워야합니다. 다양한준비방법이있으며의사가가장적합한방법을처방할것입니다. 관장하는것이특히불편할수있지만안전합니다. 의사의지시사항을주의깊게따르는것이매우중요합니다.

내시경검사를위한준비 최상의결과를위해검사전에관장을하여대장을깨끗이비워야합니다. 다양한준비방법이있으며의사가가장적합한방법을처방할것입니다. 어떤한처방이다른처방보다더좋은것은아닙니다. 당뇨병또는다른질환이있다면특별지시가필요합니다. 관장이특히불편할수있지만안전합니다. 의사의지시사항을주의깊게따르는것이매우중요합니다. 만약지시를따르지않으면다시검사를해야할수도있습니다. 이것은비용이많이들고결코즐거운일이아닙니다. ENDOSCOPY PREPARATION For optimal results, the bowel must be cleansed before the test. There are several types of cleansing medications available. Your doctor will recommend one that is appropriate for you. One type of cleansing medication is not necessarily better than the other. Special directions are required if you have diabetes or other medical conditions. Preparation may be uncomfortable but the medication is safe. It is VERY important that you follow the directions carefully. If the directions are not followed, you may end up having to do it again. This can be costly and unpleasant. ENDOSCOPY PREPARATION For optimal results, the bowel must be cleansed before the test. There are several types of cleansing medications available. Your doctor will recommend one that is appropriate for you. Although the cleansing may be uncomfortable, they are safe. It is VERY important that you follow the directions carefully. 다음페이지 18

대장암조기검진비교 대변잠혈검사 (FOBT/FIT) 에스상결장경검사 (Sigmoidoscopy) 대장내시경검사 (Colonoscopy) 얼마나자주하나요?.. 일년에한번 5 년에한번 10 년에한번 준비사항은?.. 음식및약복용조절이필요 좌약으로부분관장 관장약복용으로완전관장 어디서하나요?.. 집에서가능진료실병원이나클리닉.. 비용은? 저가중가고가

대장암조기검진비교 대변잠혈검사 (FOBT/FIT) 는 1 년에한번, 에스상결장경검사는 5 년에한번, 그리고대장내시경검사는 10 년에한번합니다. 대변잠혈검사 (FOBT) 중구아약검사시에는음식이나약복용을중단할수있으며, 에스상결장경검사시에는부분관장을, 대장내시경검사시에는전체관장을해야합니다. 대변잠혈검사 (FOBT/FIT) 는집에서할수있지만에스상결장경검사와대장내시경검사는진료실, 클리닉또는병원에서해야합니다. 대변잠혈검사 (FOBT/FIT) 는몇달러, 에스상결장경검사는몇백달러, 대장내시경검사는몇천달러의비용이듭니다. 대부분의건강보험은적어도한가지검사비용을지불하지만어떤보험에가입했느냐에따라귀하가지불해야할비용이달라집니다. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES AMONG THESE TESTS? FOBT/FIT is done every year, sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, and colonoscopy every 10 years. We may have to change our diet or medication for the FOBT(Guaiac), do a partial cleansing for the sigmoidoscopy, or a total cleansing for the colonoscopy. We can do the FOBT/FIT at home, but the sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are done in the doctor s office, clinic, or hospital. The FOBT/FIT costs a few dollars, sigmoidoscopy several hundred dollars, and colonoscopy about a thousand dollars. 다음페이지 WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES AMONG THESE TESTS? FOBT/FIT is done every year, sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, and colonoscopy every 10 years. We may have to change our diet or medication for the FOBT(Guaiac), do a partial cleansing for the sigmoidoscopy, or a total cleansing for the colonoscopy. We can do the FOBT/FIT at home, but the sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are done in the doctor s office, clinic, or hospital. The FOBT/FIT costs a few dollars, sigmoidoscopy several hundred dollars, and colonoscopy about a thousand dollars. Most health insurance plans cover at least one test, but how much you pay for co-pay depends on your plan. 19

어떤대장암조기검진이 나에게적합할까요? Tung Nguyen, MD 또는 대변잠혈검사 내시경검사

어떤대장암조기검진이나에게 적합할까요? 한번도대장암검사를받아본적이없다면한가지검사만하면됩니다. 쉽게처음할수있는검사로 FOBT/FIT 라고하는대변잠혈검사가있습니다. 만약결과가정상이면내년까지다른검사를받을필요가없습니다. 만약결과가정상이아니면, 후속검사로대장내시경검사가필요합니다. 대장암검사를한적이있다면그검사를언제받았었는지꼭확인하십시오. 귀하의상황에따라또다른검사를권장할수있으므로의사와상담하십시오. WHICH TEST WOULD BE MOST APPROPRIATE FOR ME? FOBT(Fecal Occult Blood Test) / FIT(Fecal Immunochemical Test) Or Endoscopy. - Tung Nguyen, MD 다음페이지 WHICH TEST WOULD BE MOST APPROPRIATE FOR ME? If you have never been screened before, you only need one test. An easy test to start with is a FOBT(Fecal Occult Blood Test) or FIT(Fecal Immunochemical Test). If the result is normal, then you do not need to be tested for another year. If the result is abnormal, then you will need follow-up with a colonoscopy. If you have been screened for colon cancer before, be sure your screening is up-to-date. Depending on your situation, your doctor may recommend one test over another, so talk to your doctor. 20

만약귀하가대장암에 걸릴위험이높지않다면, 대변잠혈검사를고려하십시오. Elisa Tong, MD 그이유는 : 손쉬운검사입니다. 준비과정도아주간단합니다. 집에서시간이날때쉽게할수있습니다. 가격또한저렴합니다.

만약귀하가대장암에걸릴위험이 높지않다면대변잠혈검사를 고려하십시오. 그이유는 : 손쉬운검사입니다. 준비과정도아주간단합니다. 집에서시간이날때쉽게할수있습니다. 가격또한저렴합니다. IF YOU ARE NOT AT HIGH RISK, CONSIDER STARTING WITH THE FOBT/FIT Because: It is easy to do. The preparation is simple. We can do it in our own home and on our own time. It is inexpensive. -- Elisa Tong, MD 다음페이지 IF YOU ARE NOT AT HIGH RISK, CONSIDER STARTING WITH THE FOBT/FIT Because: It is easy to do. The preparation is simple. We can do it in our own home and on our own time. It is inexpensive. 21

왜정기적으로 대장암조기검진을받아야할까요? 대장의용종과암은 시간이지남에따라 더커질수있고, 그것을제거한 후에도 다시재발할 수있습니다. 그러므로 정기적으로 대장암조기검진을 받아야합니다. -- Barbara Mak, FNP

왜정기적으로대장암조기검진을 받아야할까요? 대장의용종과암은시간이지남에따라더커질수있고, 그것을제거한후에도다시재발할수있습니다. 그러므로정기적으로대장암조기검진을받아야합니다. WHY SHOULD WE GET SCREENED REGULARLY? Colon polyps and cancer can develop over time and may come back even after they are removed. So we should get screened regularly. -- Barbara Mak, FNP 다음페이지 WHY SHOULD WE GET SCREENED REGULARLY? Colon polyps and cancer can develop over time and may come back even after they are removed. So we should get screened regularly. 22

얼마나자주검진을받아야하나요? 어떤위험요인이없다하더라도 50 세부터는 정기적으로대장암조기검진을받아야합니다. 검진주기는다음과같습니다 : 대변잠혈검사는 (FOBT/FIT) 에스상결장경검사는 (Sigmoidoscopy) 대장내시경검사는 (Colonoscopy) 또는 또는 1 년에한번씩 5 년에한번씩 10 년에한번씩

얼마나자주정기적으로대장암 조기검진을받아야하나요? 대장암위험요인이없는사람이라도 50 세부터는정기적으로대장암조기검진을받아야합니다. 대장암조기검진주기는다음과같습니다 : 대변잠혈검사 (FOBT/FIT) 는 1 년에한번씩 에스상결장경검사는 5 년에한번씩 대장내시경검사는 10 년에한번씩 어떤대장암조기검진을, 얼마나자주받아야하는지에대해담당의사와상담하십시오. HOW OFTEN SHOULD YOU GET REGULAR SCREENING? Even without any risk factors, you should get regular screening starting at age 50. The following are generally recommended: FOBT/FIT every year, or Sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, or Colonoscopy every 10 years 다음페이지 HOW OFTEN SHOULD YOU GET REGULAR SCREENING? If you are not at high risk, you should get regular screening starting at age 50. The following are generally recommended: FOBT/FIT every year, or Sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, or Colonoscopy every 10 years Talk to your doctor about which test to get and how often you should get tested. 23

대장암에걸릴확률을낮출수있는것은무엇일까요? 아래의내용은대장암에걸릴확률을낮춰줄수는있지만, 완전히예방하지는못합니다. 의사와상담하세요. 건강한식생활 금연 운동 음주자제

대장암에걸릴확률을낮출수있는 것은무엇일까요? 대장암조기검진은대장암을예방할수있습니다. 아래의내용은대장암에걸릴확률을낮춰주지만, 완전히예방하지는못합니다. 건강한식생활 : 섬유질이많은채소그리고지방이적은식품섭취 금연 절제된음주 다음의예방법에대해서는의사와상담하세요 운동 아스피린복용 WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO TO LOWER YOUR CHANCE OF GETTING COLON CANCER? Regular colon cancer screening can prevent colon cancer. The following may lower your chance of getting colon cancer, but they do not completely prevent it: Eat healthy food Do not smoke Exercise Avoid alcohol 다음페이지 WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO TO LOWER YOUR CHANCE OF GETTING COLON CANCER? Regular colon cancer screening can prevent colon cancer. The following may lower your chance of getting colon cancer, but they do not completely prevent it: Eat healthy food: more fruits and vegetables and less fatty foods Do not smoke Avoid alcohol Talk to your doctor about other prevention options including: Exercise Taking aspirin 24

술, 담배를안하고채식위주의 건강식으로먹는다면, 대장암에 걸릴일이없다고생각하십니까?

잘못된상식술, 담배를안하고채식위주의건강식으로먹는다면, 대장암에걸릴일이없다고생각하십니까? 건강한식단은확실히건강에도움을주고암에걸릴확률을낮춰주지만, 그럼에도불구하고당신은여전히대장암에걸릴수있습니다. 대장암을예방하기위해더많은것들을할수있습니다. 당신이대장암을예방하기위한가장효과적인방책은정기적으로대장암조기검진을받는것입니다. 정기적인대장암조기검진은대장내용종 (Polyp) 과비정상적인변이를암이되기전에찾아제거할수있도록합니다. 정기적으로대장암검사를받으면더오랫동안건강하게살수있습니다. Do you think that if you do not smoke and eat a lot of fresh and healthy vegetarian dishes, you will not get colon cancer? 다음페이지 COMMON BELIEFS Do you think that if you do not smoke and eat a lot of fresh and healthy vegetarian dishes, you will not get colon cancer? Eating healthy foods is certainly good for your health and lowers your chance of getting cancer, but even so, you can still get colon cancer. You can do even more to prevent colon cancer. The most effective action you can take to prevent colon cancer is to get screened regularly. Regular screening can find and remove any polyps and abnormal changes in the colon before they become cancers. People who get colon cancer screening regularly may have longer, healthier lives. 25

소화기능이정상이고배변도매우규칙적이라면, 대장암에걸리지않을거라고생각하십니까?

잘못된상식 소화기능이정상이고, 배변도매우규칙적이라면, 대장암에걸리지않을거라고생각하십니까? 좋은소화기능과규칙적인배변은건강에좋습니다. 그러나규칙적으로배변하더라도대장암에걸릴수있습니다. 그러므로대장암에걸리지않았다는것을확인하려면정기적으로대장암조기검진을하십시오. Do you think that if your digestion is normal, your bowel movements are regular, and you feel healthy, you will not get colon cancer? 다음페이지 COMMON BELIEFS Do you think that if your digestion is normal, your bowel movements are regular, and you feel healthy, you will not get colon cancer? It is good to have good digestion and regular bowel movements. However, you can still get colon cancer even if you have regular bowel movements. Therefore, to be sure that you do not have colon cancer, get screened regularly. 26

한약이나소화기관을깨끗히해주는 특별한음식을섭취한다면, 대장암을 예방할수있다고생각하십니까?

잘못된상식 한약이나소화기관을깨끗히해주는 특별한음식을섭취한다면, 대장암을 예방할수있다고생각하십니까? 한약이나특별한음식은당신의건강에좋을수있습니다. 그러나당신은건강을유지하기위해한의학과양의학을결합해최선의것을얻을수있습니다. 그러므로대장암을완전하게예방하기위해대장암조기검진을병행해야합니다. Do you think that if you take Korean traditional medicine or eat special foods to cleanse your digestive system, you will not get colon cancer? 다음페이지 COMMON BELIEFS Do you think that if you take Korean traditional medicine or eat special foods to cleanse your digestive system, you will not get colon cancer? Traditional Korean medicine and special foods can be good for you. However, you can have the best of both worlds by combining traditional and Western approaches to maintain health. Therefore, a holistic approach to prevent colon cancer should also include regular screening. 27

당신의가족누구도대장암에 걸리지않았다면, 당신또한걸리지 않을거라고자신하십니까?

잘못된상식 당신의가족누구도대장암에걸리지 않았다면, 당신또한걸리지않을거라고 자신하십니까? 때로대장암은유전적인이유로생길수있습니다. 그러나대장암에걸린대부분의사람들은가족병력이없습니다. 당신이나당신의가족이대장암에걸렸는지알수있는가장좋은방법은정기적으로대장암조기검진을하는것입니다. 당신부터정기적으로대장암조기검진을받음으로써가족을위한좋은본보기가되십시오. Do you think that you will not get colon cancer because none of your family members have had it? 다음페이지 COMMON BELIEFS Do you think that you will not get colon cancer because none of your family members have had it? Sometimes, colon cancer runs in families. However, most people who get colon cancer do not have any family history. The best way to know whether you or your family have colon cancer is to get screened. Set a good example for your family by getting regularly screened. 28

60세가넘었지만좀처럼아프지않고아직까지아주건강하다고느낀다면, 대장암조기검진을받을필요가없다고생각하십니까?

잘못된상식 60 세가넘었지만좀처럼아프지않고 아직까지아주건강하다고느낀다면, 대장암조기검진을받을필요가없다고생각하십니까? 평소에질병이없고건강하다고느끼는것은좋습니다. 그러나대장암은자신이건강하다고생각하는사람에게도발병할수있습니다. 나이가들수록대장암의발병확률은높아집니다. 대장암조기검진은초기에암을발견함으로써당신의목숨을구해줍니다. Do you think that you do not need colon cancer screening because you hardly ever get sick and even though you are over 60, you still feel healthy? 다음페이지 COMMON BELIEFS Do you think that you do not need colon cancer screening because you hardly ever get sick and even though you are over 60, you still feel healthy? It is good that you feel healthy, but colon cancer can still develop in people who are feeling well. The older you get, the higher your chances get of developing colon cancer. Colon cancer screening can save your life by finding the cancer early. 29

대장암에걸리는것이 당신의의지로는극복할수없는 운명혹은팔자라고생각하십니까? 대장암 운명에맡깁니다. 대장암예방을위해조기검진을받습니다.

잘못된상식 대장암에걸리는것이당신의의지로는 극복할수없는운명혹은팔자라고생각하십니까? 하늘은스스로돕는자를돕는다 고했듯좋은생활습관으로당신의건강을지킬수있습니다. 만일당신이대장암에걸리지않았다해도지금대장암조기검진을받으면당신의마음은평화로와질것입니다. 만일당신이대장암에걸렸다해도조기검진을통해빨리발견함으로써암을효과적으로치료해생명을구할수있습니다. 암이되기전미리발견하도록합시다. I can do nothing now about whether or not I will get colon cancer. God decides whether I get colon cancer I can do nothing about colon cancer Heaven helps those who help themselves I can get screened to prevent colon cancer 다음페이지 I can do nothing now about whether or not I will get colon cancer. COMMON BELIEFS Heaven helps those who help themselves. Your daily actions can protect your health. If you do not have colon cancer, getting screened now will give you peace of mind. Even if you do get colon cancer, regular screening can find it early enough to treat it effectively and save your life. Find it before it becomes cancer. 30

이제무엇을실천해야할까요? 당신에게적합한 대장암조기검진이 무엇인지 상담을위해 지금당장의사에게전화해예약하세요

이제무엇을실천해야할까요? 당신에게적합한대장암조기검진이 무엇인지상담을위해지금당장의사에게 전화해예약하세요 건강보험, 메디칼또는메디케어가있는경우 : 대장암조기검진에대해주치의또는병원에문의해보십시오. 대부분의보험은적어도한가지의대장암조기검진비용을지불합니다. 건강보험이없는경우 : 귀하의지역사회또는카운티건강클리닉에연락하여대장암조기검진에대해물어보십시오. 세미나후대장암검사를받을수있는클리닉목록을드리겠습니다. WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW? Call your doctor as soon as possible for an appointment to discuss your colon cancer screening options. 다음페이지 WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW? Call your doctor as soon as possible for an appointment to discuss your colon cancer screening options. If you have private health insurance, Medi-Cal, or Medicare: You should contact your doctor or clinic for colon cancer screening. Most insurance plans pay for at least one colon cancer screening test. If you do not have health insurance: You can contact your community or county heath clinic and ask for colon cancer screening. I will give you a list of places after this seminar. 31

대장암조기검진에대해 의사에게어떻게물어볼까요? 의사에게안내책자를가져가서물어보십시오 제가대장암조기검진을받은적이있습니까? 만일대장암조기검진을받은적이없다고하면 ; 제가대장암조기검진을받을수있도록도와주시겠습니까? 만일대장암조기검진을받았다고하면 ; 다음대장암조기검진은언제받으면되나요?

대장암조기검진에대해의사에게 어떻게물어볼까요? 우리는건강할권리가있습니다. 대장암조기검진에대해의사에게정중하게물어보세요. 의사에게안내책자를가져가물어보세요 제가대장암조기검진을받은적이있습니까? 만일대장암조기검진을받은적이없다고하면 제가대장암조기검진을받을수있게도와주시겠습니까? 만일대장암조기검진을받았다고하면 다음대장암조기검진은언제받으면되나요? HOW DO YOU ASK YOUR DOCTOR FOR COLON CANCER SCREENING? Take this brochure to your doctor and ask, Have I had regular colon cancer screening? If your doctor says that you have never been screened, ask, Can you help me get regular colon cancer screening? If your doctor says that you have been screened, ask, When am I due for my next screening? 다음페이지 HOW DO YOU ASK YOUR DOCTOR FOR COLON CANCER SCREENING? We have the right to be healthy. We can ask our doctors respectfully about colon cancer screening tests. Take this brochure to your doctors and ask, Have I had colon cancer screening? If your doctor says that you have never been screened, ask, Can you help me get colon cancer screening? If your doctor says that you have been screened, ask, When am I due for my next screening? 32

예방이치료보다현명합니다. 대장암검사는건강과장수로연결됩니다. 돈을잃는것은조금잃는것이지만 건강을잃는것은모든것을잃는것입니다!

예방은치료보다현명합니다. 대장암조기검진은건강과수명을 높여줍니다. 이것만은꼭기억하십시오 : 대장암은통증과고통그리고죽음으로이어집니다. 늦게발견하면치료가매우어렵고비용도많이듭니다. 그러나조기에발견하면쉽게치료할수있고완치가능성이더높습니다. 장수, 번영, 행복을위해서대장암조기검진을하세요! PREVENTION IS SMARTER THAN TREATMENT. COLON CANCER SCREENING PROMOTES GOOD HEALTH AND LONGEVITY. 다음페이지 PREVENTION IS SMARTER THAN TREATMENT. COLON CANCER SCREENING PROMOTES GOOD HEALTH AND LONGEVITY. Please remember: Colon cancer can cause pain, suffering, and death. If found late, it can be very difficult and expensive to treat. However, if found early, colon cancer can be easily treated and even cured. Get screened for longevity, prosperity, and happiness, get screened! 33

건강을지키는것이 여러분과가족에게가장중요한자산입니다! 대장암은예방할수있습니다!

건강을지키는것이여러분과가족에게 가장중요한자산입니다! 대장암은예방할수있습니다! 대장암조기검진은생각보다간편합니다. 이제여러분은대장암예방에관한지식을얻게되었고, 예방할수있는힘과능력이있습니다. 왜위험을감수하십니까? 지금바로가서대장암조기검진을받으십시오. 여러분과여러분가족을위해실천하세요. GOOD HEALTH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TREASURE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! YOU CAN PREVENT COLON CANCER! 다음페이지 GOOD HEALTH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TREASURE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! YOU CAN PREVENT COLON CANCER! Getting colon cancer screening is easier than you think. You now have the knowledge and the power and ability to prevent colon cancer. Why take a chance? Please go get screened right away. Do it for yourself and your family! Question and Answer 질문과답변 34

AUTHORS Tung Nguyen, MD; Marjorie Kagawa Singer, PhD, MA, MN, RN, FAAN; Angela Jo, MD; Min Jung Sung; and Ching Wong, BS. ADVISORS Parichart Sabado, MPH; Moon Chen, PhD; Stephen J. McPhee, MD; Janice Tsoh, PhD; Susan Stewart, PhD; and AANCART Outreach Core directed by Dr. Angela Sun. WITH THANKS TO Korea Daily; Korea Times; Korean Resource Center; Local Korean Churches in LA; Albert Yu, MD; Don Ng, MD; Elisa Tong, MD; Barbara Mak, FNP; Lisa Chan; Ching Tse; Tai-Yee Leung; Hy Lam; and iarte design. PHOTOGRAPHY AND DESIGN Ching Wong, BS. TRANSLATION Yang Hee Park; Sunhye Choi; Min Jung Sung Korean Lay Health Worker Outreach Program 650 Charles Young Drive South, Box 951772 CHS 41-240 Los Angeles, California 90095-1772 Phone: (310) 794-6604 Fax: (310) 794-1805 한인건강도우미아웃리치프로그램 Korean Lay Health Worker Outreach Program The Vietnamese Community Health Promotion Project University of California, San Francisco 3333 California Street, Suite 335 San Francisco, CA 94118 Telephone: (415) 476-0557 Website: All rights reserved. January, 2012 This bilingual Korean-English flipchart entitled How Can We Prevent Colon Cancer? has been developed and published by the Korean Lay Health Worker Outreach Program at the University of California, Los Angeles and the Vietnamese Community Health Promotion Project (Suc Khoe La Vang!) at the University of California, San Francisco as part of AANCART-The National Center for Reducing Asian American Cancer Health Disparities. This flipchart was funded by the National Cancer Institute (NIH-NCI Grant number U54CA153499).