한국인의새해 ( 내년 ) 경기, 살림살이전망 : 1979~2017 년 조사시기 경기전망살림살이전망좋아질것나빠질것비슷할것좋아질것나빠질것비슷할것 1979년 49% 12% 11% 60% 13% 12% 1980년 49% 27% 14% 51% 31% 11% 1981년 38% 3

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,,,.,,,, (, 2013).,.,, (,, 2011). (, 2007;, 2008), (, 2005;,, 2007).,, (,, 2010;, 2010), (2012),,,.. (, 2011:,, 2012). (2007) 26%., (,,, 2011;, 2006;

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Vol.257 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M

Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,

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±§ 60¡ÿ ‚±‚ ‰«•¡ˆ

182 동북아역사논총 42호 금융정책이 조선에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 일제 대외금융 정책의 기본원칙은 각 식민지와 점령지마다 별도의 발권은행을 수립하여 일본 은행권이 아닌 각 지역 통화를 발행케 한 점에 있다. 이들 통화는 일본은행권 과 等 價 로 연





하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을


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공급 에는 3권역 내에 준공된 프라임 오피스가 없었다. 4분기에는 3개동의 프라임 오피스가 신규로 준공 될 예정이다.(사옥1개동, 임대용 오피스 2개동) 수요와 공실률 2014년 10월 한국은행이 발표한 자료에 따르면 한국의 2014년 경제성장률 예측치는 3.5%로 지

공급 에는 권역에 두개의 프라임 오피스가 준공 되었다. 청진구역 2,3지구에는 광화문 D타워가 준공되어 대림에서 약 50%를 사용하며 나머지 50%는 임대마케팅을 진행 중이다. 메트로타워는 GS건설의 사옥에서 매각 이후 2013년 4분기에 리모델링을 시작하여, 에 완공

- 2 -


±×¸°¸®Æ÷Æ® ³»Áö5Â÷


Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp.1-19 DOI: *,..,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,, ( )

한국갤럽 데일리정치지표

교토대학은 1897 년 6 월에 설립된 전통있는 대학입니다.메인 캠퍼스는,역사적 도시로서 전 통적인 일본문화가 잘 보존되어 있는 교토에 자리잡고 있습니다. 설립이래 본교는 고등교육에 있어서의 자유로운 전통적 학풍만들기에 기여해 왔습니다.본교의 졸업생은 국내외에서 학문,



About this report Contents



¹ýÁ¶ 12¿ù ¼öÁ¤.PDF

Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp DOI: 3 * The Effect of H





IDP www idp or kr IDP 정책연구 한국경제의구조적문제와개혁방향 민주정책연구원 The Institute for Democracy and Policies

Microsoft PowerPoint - ch03ysk2012.ppt [호환 모드]

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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을



이머징마켓 동향 글로벌 이머징마켓 시장 동향 인도 시장: 센섹스지수는 장중 강세를 이어갔으나 마감 직전에 급락세로 전환해 6거래일 연속 약세를 보였 다. 주간단위로는 2주째 하락했고 하락폭도 크게 확대됐다. 정부가 재정적자 통제 목표를 달성하지 못

[ 조사개요 ] 구분 내용 모집단 전국에거주하는만 19 세이상성인남녀 표집틀 유무선전화 RDD 표집방법 지역별, 성별, 연령별기준비례할당추출 표본크기 2,000 명 ( 유선 551 명 (27.55%), 무선 1,449 명 (72.45%)) 표본오차 무작위추출을전제할경우



뉴욕 이코노믹클럽 연설을 통하여 비둘기파적 색채를 드러낸 옐런 Jr.Economist 전병하 매크로 Implication Implication 현재 상황에 대한 인식 혼조적 - R

지역별 주식형 자금 유출입 (단위: 백만달러, 주중 증감) All Fund Totals 2, ,99 4,95 Emerging Market Fund Totals -2,682-3,

1 (%) Composite leading index OECD EM big

사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서 제품을 사용하지 마십시오. 3.이 제품은

아태연구(송석원) hwp


한국인이보는 2018 년 - Gallup International/WIN End of Year Poll 다국가비교조사 세계조사개요 2017 년 11~12 월세계 55 개국성인총 53,769 명조사 23 개국 24,235 명면접조사 / 13 개국 11,656 명전화조사 / 19 개국 17,878 명온라인조사 한국조사개요 2017 년 11 월 8~28 일전국 ( 제주제외 ) 만 19 세이상남녀 1,500 명면접조사, 표본오차 ±2.5% 포인트 (95% 신뢰수준 ) 2 단계층화집락지역무작위추출후표본지점내성 연령별할당, 응답률 : 31%( 총접촉 4,765 명중 1,500 명응답완료 ) 조사내용 새해살림살이전망, 국가경제전망, 개인삶의행복감 Gallup International Association(GIA) 는조지갤럽박사가 1947년설립한국제조사기구로, 올해 70주년을맞이했습니다. End of Year Poll은 GIA 회원사들이 1977년부터매년말공동실시하는조사로, 한국갤럽은 1979년부터참여해왔습니다. 한국갤럽 세계인이보는 2018 년 - Gallup International/WIN End of Year Poll 다국가비교조사결과 - 1

한국인의새해 ( 내년 ) 경기, 살림살이전망 : 1979~2017 년 조사시기 경기전망살림살이전망좋아질것나빠질것비슷할것좋아질것나빠질것비슷할것 1979년 49% 12% 11% 60% 13% 12% 1980년 49% 27% 14% 51% 31% 11% 1981년 38% 30% 28% 44% 15% 34% 1982년 48% 16% 30% 45% 8% 41% 1983년 69% 6% 16% 66% 5% 25% 1984년 43% 6% 43% 56% 9% 29% 1985년 41% 18% 33% 51% 15% 30% 1986년 48% 7% 41% 56% 6% 36% 1987년 44% 19% 14% 58% 8% 25% 1988년 60% 12% 15% 62% 7% 25% 1989년 40% 32% 22% 56% 10% 31% 1990년 25% 48% 15% 43% 23% 28% 1991년 21% 53% 16% 39% 22% 32% 1992년 31% 28% 30% 35% 15% 43% 1993년 45% 18% 25% 45% 9% 40% 1994년 45% 17% 29% 47% 9% 40% 1995년 34% 31% 27% 49% 12% 36% 1996년 19% 40% 35% 27% 22% 47% 1997년 16% 60% 19% 16% 44% 35% 1998년 28% 38% 31% 24% 30% 43% 1999년 42% 16% 38% 32% 16% 49% 2000년 7% 73% 17% 17% 43% 37% 2001년 21% 41% 32% 25% 27% 44% 2002년 22% 57% 16% 33% 30% 32% 2003년 22% 47% 29% 30% 27% 40% 2004년 9% 62% 27% 14% 45% 39% 2005년 20% 36% 41% 26% 25% 47% 2006년 10% 51% 35% 23% 30% 45% 2007년 25% 28% 43% 29% 20% 47% 2008년 9% 64% 24% 14% 44% 39% 2009년 26% 19% 52% 26% 15% 56% 2010년 21% 27% 50% 26% 20% 53% 2011년 11% 43% 43% 18% 28% 52% 2012년 12% 40% 46% 17% 27% 54% 2013년 21% 24% 54% 21% 16% 61% 2014년 15% 37% 48% 20% 25% 54% 2015년 16% 34% 49% 21% 25% 54% 2016년 4% 66% 28% 11% 42% 45% 2017년 20% 29% 49% 19% 22% 58% * 매년말전국 ( 제주제외 ) 성인 1,500 명면접조사결과. 한국갤럽 한국갤럽 세계인이보는 2018 년 - Gallup International/WIN End of Year Poll 다국가비교조사결과 - 2 한국인의새해 ( 내년 ) 경기, 살림살이전망 : 1979~2017 년 한국인의경기전망 : 1979~2017 년 100 80 60 40 한국인의살림살이전망 100 80 60 40 49 내년경기좋아질것나빠질것 (%) 69 60 내년살림살이좋아질것나빠질것 (%) 60 66 62 45 20 20 16 0 7 9 9 4 1979 '83 '88 '93 '97 2000 '04 '08 2017 45 49 20 19 16 17 14 14 11 0 1979 '83 '88 '93 '95 '97 2000 '04 '08 2017 서울올림픽 IMF 닷컴버블붕괴 세계금융위기 국정농단파문대통령탄핵조기대선 * 연도는조사시기. 매년말전국 ( 제주제외 ) 성인 1,500 명면접조사결과. 한국갤럽

질문 ) 귀댁의살림살이가 2018 년인내년에어떠할것이라고보십니까? 올해보다 좋아질것, 나빠질것, 비슷할것 중에서말씀해주십시오. 2017 년 11 월 8~28 일면접조사 사례수 ( 명 ) 살림살이전망 좋아질것나빠질것비슷할것모름 / 응답거절 한국전체 1,500 19% 22% 58% 1% 성별 남성 743 20% 23% 57% 1% 여성 757 19% 21% 60% 0% 연령별 19-29세 262 21% 17% 61% 1% 30대 260 25% 20% 54% 1% 40대 306 21% 22% 56% 1% 50대 298 18% 23% 59% 60대이상 374 13% 26% 61% 1% 성 / 남성 19-29세 138 20% 16% 63% 1% 연령별 남성 30대 133 28% 19% 52% 1% 남성 40대 155 19% 28% 53% 1% 남성 50대 150 20% 24% 56% 남성 60대이상 167 13% 27% 60% 1% 여성 19-29세 124 22% 19% 59% 여성 30대 127 23% 21% 56% 1% 여성 40대 151 23% 17% 60% 1% 여성 50대 148 16% 22% 62% 여성 60대이상 207 13% 25% 62% 1% 직업별 농 / 임 / 어업 21 - - - - 자영업 206 18% 22% 59% 1% 블루칼라 454 17% 24% 58% 1% 화이트칼라 360 27% 18% 55% 가정주부 320 16% 22% 61% 1% 학생 82 19% 18% 61% 1% 무직 / 은퇴 / 기타 58 12% 30% 56% 2% 지역별 서울 297 25% 15% 60% 인천 / 경기 456 16% 31% 51% 1% 강원 46 - - - - 대전 / 세종 / 충청 159 19% 18% 62% 광주 / 전라 152 22% 6% 71% 1% 대구 / 경북 153 17% 31% 52% 부산 / 울산 / 경남 236 17% 23% 60% 생활 상 / 중상 83 26% 13% 61% 수준별중 792 22% 18% 60% 0% 중하 543 15% 28% 56% 1% 하 83 11% 30% 58% 1% *50 사례미만은수치를제시하지않음. 한국갤럽 질문 ) 내년에는우리나라경제가어떠할것이라고보십니까? 올해보다 좋아질것, 나빠질것, 비슷할것 중에서말씀해주십시오. 2017 년 11 월 8~28 일면접조사 사례수 ( 명 ) 국가경제전망 좋아질것나빠질것비슷할것모름 / 응답거절 한국전체 1,500 20% 29% 49% 1% 성별 남성 743 21% 30% 49% 0% 여성 757 20% 29% 50% 1% 연령별 19-29세 262 23% 25% 52% 0% 30대 260 21% 28% 50% 1% 40대 306 20% 29% 51% 0% 50대 298 22% 30% 48% 0% 60대이상 374 18% 33% 48% 1% 성 / 남성 19-29세 138 22% 20% 57% 1% 연령별 남성 30대 133 22% 32% 46% 남성 40대 155 19% 32% 48% 남성 50대 150 23% 28% 49% 남성 60대이상 167 19% 34% 45% 1% 여성 19-29세 124 24% 30% 46% 여성 30대 127 20% 25% 54% 1% 여성 40대 151 20% 26% 53% 1% 여성 50대 148 21% 31% 47% 1% 여성 60대이상 207 16% 33% 50% 1% 직업별 농 / 임 / 어업 21 - - - - 자영업 206 23% 32% 45% 1% 블루칼라 454 17% 34% 49% 1% 화이트칼라 360 24% 26% 49% 0% 가정주부 320 19% 27% 53% 1% 학생 82 19% 26% 53% 1% 무직 / 은퇴 / 기타 58 26% 27% 46% 2% 지역별 서울 297 26% 25% 49% 인천 / 경기 456 17% 35% 47% 1% 강원 46 - - - - 대전 / 세종 / 충청 159 20% 32% 47% 1% 광주 / 전라 152 30% 17% 53% 1% 대구 / 경북 153 16% 40% 44% 1% 부산 / 울산 / 경남 236 17% 26% 56% 0% 생활 상 / 중상 83 36% 17% 47% 수준별중 792 21% 25% 54% 0% 중하 543 19% 37% 43% 1% 하 83 11% 37% 49% 3% *50 사례미만은수치를제시하지않음. 한국갤럽 한국갤럽 세계인이보는 2018 년 - Gallup International/WIN End of Year Poll 다국가비교조사결과 - 3

질문 ) 귀하는본인의삶이얼마나행복하다고생각하십니까, 혹은행복하지않다고생각하십니까? 2017 년 11 월 8~28 일면접조사 사례수 ( 명 ) 매우행복 행복하다 행복하다 ( 계 ) 한국전체 1,500 3% 46% 49% 44% 6% 0% 0% 성별 남성 743 3% 41% 44% 48% 7% 0% 0% 여성 757 3% 51% 54% 40% 5% 1% 0% 연령별 19-29세 262 3% 49% 52% 39% 7% 1% 1% 30대 260 3% 51% 54% 42% 5% 40대 306 3% 50% 53% 39% 7% 1% 50대 298 4% 46% 51% 43% 5% 1% 60대이상 374 1% 38% 39% 54% 7% 0% 0% 성 / 남성 19-29세 138 4% 42% 46% 45% 9% 1% 연령별 남성 30대 133 3% 42% 46% 49% 5% 남성 40대 155 2% 50% 52% 37% 11% 남성 50대 150 4% 40% 44% 48% 7% 1% 남성 60대이상 167 1% 32% 33% 61% 5% 여성 19-29세 124 3% 56% 59% 33% 6% 1% 1% 여성 30대 127 2% 60% 62% 34% 4% 여성 40대 151 5% 50% 55% 40% 4% 1% 여성 50대 148 5% 53% 58% 39% 3% 여성 60대이상 207 1% 43% 43% 47% 8% 1% 1% 직업별 농 / 임 / 어업 21 - - - - - - - 자영업 206 3% 47% 49% 42% 9% 블루칼라 454 3% 37% 40% 51% 8% 1% 0% 화이트칼라 360 4% 56% 60% 36% 4% 0% 가정주부 320 2% 51% 53% 43% 4% 0% 학생 82 4% 46% 50% 40% 10% 1% 무직 / 은퇴 / 기타 58 28% 28% 60% 9% 3% 지역별 서울 297 2% 41% 43% 50% 7% 0% 인천 / 경기 456 2% 46% 49% 43% 7% 1% 강원 46 - - - - - - - 대전 / 세종 / 충청 159 4% 65% 69% 28% 3% 1% 광주 / 전라 152 6% 40% 46% 48% 5% 0% 대구 / 경북 153 3% 32% 34% 51% 12% 2% 부산 / 울산 / 경남 236 1% 53% 54% 43% 3% 생활 상 / 중상 83 10% 54% 64% 36% 수준별중 792 3% 55% 57% 38% 4% 0% 0% 중하 543 2% 36% 39% 51% 10% 1% 1% 하 83 23% 23% 61% 13% 4% *50 사례미만은수치를제시하지않음. 한국갤럽 본인삶의행복감 어느쪽도아니다 행복하지않다 전혀행복하지않다 모름 / 응답거절 한국갤럽 세계인이보는 2018 년 - Gallup International/WIN End of Year Poll 다국가비교조사결과 - 4

국가별새해살림살이전망 한국갤럽 세계인이보는 2018 년 - Gallup International/WIN End of Year Poll 다국가비교조사결과 - 5 낙관高 低 2017 년 11~12 월조사 좋아질것 (1) 국가별새해살림살이전망 나빠질것 (2) 비슷할것모름 / 응답거절 낙관 - 비관격차 (1)-(2) 57개국전체평균 39% 23% 32% 6% 16 1 NIGERIA 74% 10% 12% 3% 64 2 INDONESIA 73% 6% 12% 9% 67 3 BANGLADESH 68% 17% 12% 3% 51 4 INDIA 66% 15% 17% 2% 51 5 FIJI 65% 8% 18% 9% 57 6 VIETNAM 58% 8% 32% 2% 50 7 ALBANIA 57% 14% 26% 3% 43 7 ETHIOPIA 57% 24% 15% 5% 33 7 IRAQ 57% 24% 16% 3% 33 10 NEW ZEALAND 53% 21% 26% 0% 32 11 KOSOVO 51% 11% 34% 4% 40 11 ARGENTINA 51% 21% 22% 6% 30 17 PAKISTAN 45% 21% 31% 3% 24 17 USA 45% 24% 21% 11% 21 17 COLOMBIA 45% 27% 25% 3% 18 20 PHILIPPINES 44% 4% 48% 4% 40 27 ROMANIA 38% 35% 25% 2% 3 27 TURKEY 38% 42% 16% 4% -4 34 UK 34% 27% 32% 7% 7 34 SERBIA 34% 30% 32% 4% 4 36 HONG KONG 32% 22% 41% 5% 10 37 ECUADOR 31% 16% 44% 9% 15 37 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 31% 38% 29% 2% -7 37 AUSTRALIA 31% 39% 30% 0% -8 40 AUSTRIA 30% 21% 44% 5% 9 40 THAILAND 30% 21% 44% 6% 9 40 CZECH REPUBLIC 30% 23% 43% 4% 7 43 GERMANY 29% 17% 50% 4% 12 44 LATVIA 28% 26% 26% 20% 2 45 ARMENIA 27% 24% 43% 6% 3 46 NETHERLANDS 26% 18% 49% 6% 8 46 FRANCE 26% 22% 39% 12% 4 46 MEXICO 26% 34% 38% 2% -8 49 RUSSIA 25% 17% 47% 11% 8 49 BULGARIA 25% 22% 35% 19% 3 49 POLAND 25% 30% 40% 5% -5 49 IRAN 25% 43% 27% 6% -18 53 JAPAN 22% 12% 42% 25% 10 54 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 20% 38% 41% 2% -18 54 GREECE 20% 50% 29% 2% -30 56 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 19% 22% 58% 1% -3 57 ITALY 15% 56% 26% 3% -41 *SOURCE: Gallup International/WIN s 41 st Annual Global End of Year Poll. HOPE index

국가별새해자국경제전망 한국갤럽 세계인이보는 2018 년 - Gallup International/WIN End of Year Poll 다국가비교조사결과 - 6 낙관高 低 2017 년 11~12 월조사 좋아질것 (1) 국가별새해자국경제전망 나빠질것 (2) 비슷할것모름 / 응답거절 낙관 - 비관격차 (1)-(2) 55개국전체평균 28% 30% 36% 6% -2 1 NIGERIA 72% 13% 13% 2% 59 2 INDIA 65% 19% 15% 2% 46 3 INDONESIA 63% 10% 16% 10% 53 4 VIETNAM 61% 6% 32% 2% 55 5 BANGLADESH 53% 23% 20% 3% 30 6 ALBANIA 48% 17% 33% 2% 31 7 PAKISTAN 46% 26% 22% 6% 20 8 IRAQ 45% 32% 20% 3% 13 9 FIJI 43% 16% 33% 8% 27 10 KOSOVO 42% 17% 36% 5% 25 10 PHILIPPINES 42% 10% 46% 2% 32 12 GHANA 40% 34% 21% 5% 6 21 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 29% 33% 36% 2% -4 22 USA 28% 31% 29% 13% -3 23 CZECH REPUBLIC 27% 22% 46% 4% 5 28 IRELAND 23% 25% 46% 6% -2 29 HONG KONG 22% 33% 41% 4% -11 30 ARMENIA 21% 35% 40% 5% -14 30 BRAZIL 21% 28% 48% 4% -7 30 SOUTH AFRICA 21% 56% 18% 5% -35 33 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 20% 29% 49% 1% -9 33 SLOVENIA 20% 15% 61% 5% 5 33 SPAIN 20% 37% 38% 4% -17 36 THAILAND 19% 27% 48% 5% -8 37 BULGARIA 18% 26% 38% 18% -8 37 GERMANY 18% 23% 54% 5% -5 37 NETHERLANDS 18% 17% 54% 10% 1 37 TURKEY 18% 58% 21% 2% -40 41 POLAND 17% 38% 37% 8% -21 42 SWEDEN 16% 18% 62% 4% -2 42 UKRAINE 16% 54% 25% 5% -38 44 ROMANIA 15% 44% 40% 2% -29 45 FRANCE 14% 33% 42% 10% -19 45 RUSSIA 14% 30% 49% 7% -16 47 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 13% 40% 45% 3% -27 47 JAPAN 13% 17% 46% 25% -4 47 LATVIA 13% 34% 40% 13% -21 47 UK 13% 49% 30% 8% -36 51 CROATIA 12% 38% 46% 4% -26 51 IRAN 12% 50% 33% 4% -38 53 MEXICO 11% 46% 40% 3% -35 54 ITALY 9% 59% 30% 2% -50 55 GREECE 8% 51% 39% 2% -43 *SOURCE: Gallup International/WIN s 41 st Annual Global End of Year Poll. ECONOMIC index

국가별행복감 한국갤럽 세계인이보는 2018 년 - Gallup International/WIN End of Year Poll 다국가비교조사결과 - 7 긍정高 低 2017 년 11~12 월조사 행복하다 (1) 국가별행복감 행복하지않다 (2) 어느쪽도아니다 모름 / 응답거절 긍정 - 부정격차 (1)-(2) 55개국전체평균 59% 11% 28% 2% 48 1 FIJI 94% 2% 4% 0% 92 2 COLOMBIA 89% 2% 9% 1% 87 3 PHILIPPINES 86% 2% 10% 1% 84 4 MEXICO 84% 2% 10% 3% 82 5 VIETNAM 78% 1% 22% 0% 77 6 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 77% 3% 20% 1% 74 7 KAZAKHSTAN 76% 2% 19% 3% 74 8 INDIA 73% 9% 18% 0% 64 8 INDONESIA 73% 5% 22% 1% 68 10 ARGENTINA 72% 8% 20% 1% 64 11 ETHIOPIA 71% 11% 17% 1% 60 12 NETHERLANDS 69% 5% 25% 1% 64 18 USA 64% 14% 20% 2% 50 19 IRELAND 63% 11% 25% 0% 52 19 NIGERIA 63% 24% 12% 0% 39 28 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 59% 12% 29% 1% 47 28 SPAIN 59% 8% 31% 1% 51 30 JAPAN 58% 4% 28% 10% 54 30 UK 58% 16% 26% 0% 42 32 CROATIA 56% 8% 35% 1% 48 32 GERMANY 56% 18% 26% 1% 38 32 THAILAND 56% 10% 34% 1% 46 35 GHANA 55% 25% 18% 2% 30 35 RUSSIA 55% 5% 34% 5% 50 35 SWEDEN 55% 9% 34% 2% 46 38 AFGHANISTAN 54% 11% 35% 0% 43 38 SERBIA 54% 9% 35% 2% 45 40 BRAZIL 53% 25% 21% 1% 28 41 FRANCE 50% 7% 42% 1% 43 41 ITALY 50% 8% 41% 1% 42 41 SOUTH AFRICA 50% 21% 28% 1% 29 44 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 49% 7% 44% 0% 42 45 HONG KONG 46% 17% 36% 1% 29 46 BULGARIA 45% 10% 41% 5% 35 46 CZECH REPUBLIC 45% 8% 45% 2% 37 46 TURKEY 45% 16% 40% 0% 29 49 LATVIA 44% 8% 43% 6% 36 49 MOLDOVA 44% 20% 34% 1% 24 51 AZERBAIJAN 42% 7% 48% 3% 35 52 GREECE 41% 20% 37% 2% 21 53 IRAQ 34% 27% 39% 0% 7 54 IRAN 33% 28% 39% 0% 5 55 UKRAINE 26% 18% 47% 9% 8 *SOURCE: Gallup International/WIN s 41 st Annual Global End of Year Poll. HAPPINESS index

응답자특성표 주요분석단위별표본오차 (95% 신뢰수준기준 ) 와지역 / 성 / 연령 / 직업 / 생활수준분포입니다. 2017 년 11 월행정안전부주민등록인구기준 7 개권역 / 성 / 연령별셀가중처리결과 응답자특성표 2017 년 11 월 8~28 일면접조사 사례수 ( 명 )(A) 조사완료 비율 사례수 ( 명 )(B) 목표할당 비율 가중값배율 (B/A) 표본오차 95% 신뢰수준 전체 1,500 100% 1,500 100% 1.00 ±2.5%P 성별 남성 750 50% 743 50% 0.99 ±3.6%P 여성 750 50% 757 50% 1.01 ±3.6%P 연령별 19-29세 300 20% 262 17% 0.87 ±5.7%P 30대 300 20% 260 17% 0.87 ±5.7%P 40대 300 20% 306 20% 1.02 ±5.7%P 50대 300 20% 298 20% 0.99 ±5.7%P 60대이상 300 20% 374 25% 1.25 ±5.7%P 지역별 서울 301 20% 297 20% 0.99 ±5.6%P 인천 / 경기 449 30% 456 30% 1.02 ±4.6%P 강원 50 3% 46 3% 0.92 ±13.9%P 대전 / 세종 / 충청 151 10% 159 11% 1.05 ±8.0%P 광주 / 전라 159 11% 152 10% 0.96 ±7.8%P 대구 / 경북 151 10% 153 10% 1.01 ±8.0%P 부산 / 울산 / 경남 239 16% 236 16% 0.99 ±6.3%P 지역 대도시 670 45% 667 44% ±3.8%P 크기별 증소도시 673 45% 677 45% ±3.8%P 읍 / 면 157 10% 155 10% ±7.8%P 직업별 농 / 임 / 어업 18 1% 21 1% ±23.1%P 자영업 192 13% 206 14% ±7.1%P 블루칼라 460 31% 454 30% ±4.6%P 화이트칼라 384 26% 360 24% ±5.0%P 가정주부 298 20% 320 21% ±5.7%P 학생 94 6% 82 5% ±10.1%P 무직 / 은퇴 / 기타 54 4% 58 4% ±13.3%P 생활 상 / 중상 84 6% 83 6% ±10.7%P 수준별 중 809 54% 792 53% ±3.4%P 중하 533 36% 543 36% ±4.2%P 하 74 5% 83 6% ±11.4%P * 표본오차는조사완료사례수기준. 한국갤럽 * 목표할당사례수는 2017 년 11 월행안부주민등록인구기준지역 / 성 / 연령셀가중결과 한국갤럽 세계인이보는 2018 년 - Gallup International/WIN End of Year Poll 다국가비교조사결과 - 8

STRICTLY EMBARGOED UNTIL 00:01 (GMT) 29 th December 2017 Gallup International s 41 Annual Global End of Year Survey: ECONOMICALLY MORE DIFFICULT YEAR TO COME The World s first (launched in 1977) and leading Global Barometer on prosperity, hope and happiness, covering this year in a representative way about 2/3 of the global population, done in partnership with WIN, shows: Economic Pessimism Won at Last Economic optimism has declined over the last months. The study shows that 28% of the world is now optimistic for the economic outlook in 2018, but the economic pessimism is 2 points higher. Net optimism (the shares of those saying the next year will be one of economic prosperity minus the shares of those who say the next year will be one of economic difficulties) has shown a downward trend from +23 at the end of 2015 and +20 at the end of 2016 to -2 at the end of 2017. For second successive year European citizens are significantly more worried about their prosperity next year (- 16 net score). The challenges for the very future of the EU project and Europe in general continued in 2017 and it created uncertainties despite Europe s emerging signs of recovery. For the first time this indicator shows more pessimists for the economic outlook in EU than in Russia, nevertheless that the majority of Russians / 49%, highest in the studied world/ expect stagnation in their country. The US public opinion is deeply divided on the economic expectations for the new year. The most pessimistic countries are Italy (net score of -50), Greece (net score of -42). Turkey is close behind them (net score of -40). Nigeria (+59), followed by Vietnam (+55 net score) are on the other side. Clear majorities in India and East Asia are expecting even a more prosperous year from the current one based on an impressive performance during 2017, while West Asia is rather worried. Hope on the planet Earth but Lower A bit less than 40% of the surveyed global population feels that 2018 will be better than 2017, which is 13 points down compared to a year ago. 23% expect a worse one. 32% believe 2018 is going to be the same as 2017 and other 6% do not know. The net score of +16 is twice down than the net score for the last year. Although hope leads ranking for another year, the number of optimists is decreasing throughout the world - as last New Year s Eve was expected with a majority of 52% of the planet feeling that 2017 will be better than 2016. A year ago, 15% felt that a worse year was on its way, but nowadays their share is 23% thus giving a net score of +16 (39% - 23%). With last year s +37 the drop is obvious. The decrease reveals concerns and worries as the world is turning into a more hectic and a less predictable place over the last year.

Indonesia (+66 net score) is this year s winner and South Asia (+51) is the most optimistic region in the world. Europe is on the opposite with 0 score in its non-eu part and only +5 in the EU. For instance, overall optimism in Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, etc. scores at about +50 net values, however Greece is at -30 and Italy is at -41. Apparently, yet another bad-for-the-westgood-for-the-east year is coming. Compared to the Russians much more US citizens are optimistic but there are more pessimists in the US than in Russia. Hope is reserved for the fastest growing countries. Low incomes apparently go well with hope since there are prospects of growth. Happiness: A Less Happy World in 2017 About two-thirds (59%) of the surveyed world claim they are happy. This is almost 10 points lower than twelve months ago. 2017 was a tough year with terrorist attacks over almost each week and it may have influenced personal lives all around the world. Nevertheless, a majority in all polled countries are happy. The world today shares +49 net happiness compared to +59 a year ago. Throughout 55 countries surveyed, 8% said that they were unhappy almost the same with 9% at the end of 2016 and 10% at the end of 2015. Latin America seem to be the happiest continent pin the world (net score of +66 in this region). Fiji is the happiest country. Colombia with a net score of +86 is right after Fiji. Iran and Iraq are at the bottom with +5 and +7. The net score in the US and Russia concerning happiness is exactly equal (+50). EMERGENCE OF A GLOBAL SOCIETY IN WHICH NATIONAL VARIATIONS ARE OVERTAKEN BY WORLD-WIDE LIFESTYLE GROUPS Ijaz Gilani, Gallup Pakistan (Global Barometer project leader) : The 55 countries show the emergence of a global society in which national borders are being overtaken by world-wide lifestyle segments. Thus, according to the survey, the attitudes of youth across the world are more similar to each other than to the older population within their own national borders. The same is true for survey findings across lifestyles characterized by Incomes and levels of Education. Net Happiness across the 55 countries polled by survey is 15% point higher among the Young (under 34 years of age) than among the older population (above 55 years of age). The upscale income groups across these 55 countries are 32% points happier than the bottom twenty percent groups in their societies. The college degree holders are 13% more happy than those whose education is up to primary school or those who are illiterate. The analysis team of the global survey argues: Happiness depends less on the country in which you live and more on your Age, Income and Education profile or lifestyle.

Methodology: The Gallup International End of Year Survey (EoY) is an annual tradition initiated by and designed under the chairmanship of Dr. George Gallup in 1977. It is conducted every year since then. This year it was carried out by the Gallup International Association in partnership with WIN in 55 countries around the world. Regions coverage: EU Total - combines EU West and EU East EU West Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland. Italy, Netherland, Spain, Sweden, UK EU East Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia Non-EU Europe Albania, Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine Latin America Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru East Asia Bangladesh, Fiji, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Vietnam West Asia Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Turkey Middle East - Iraq Africa Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa USA, India and Russia are not included in any other regional category Sample Size and Mode of Field Work: A total of 53769 persons were interviewed globally. In each country a representative sample of around 1000 men and women was interviewed either face to face (23 countries; n=24235), via telephone (13 countries; n=11656) or online (19 countries; n=17878). The field work was conducted during November 2017 - December 2017. The margin of error for the survey is between +3-5% at 95% confidence level. About Gallup International Gallup International Association (GIA) is the leading association in market research and polling and this year celebrates its 70th anniversary. For 70 years Gallup International Members have demonstrated their expert ability to conduct multi-country surveys on a comparable basis and deliver the highest quality. Their Members are leading national institutes with a profound local knowledge of research methods and techniques, statistical sources, customs and culture differences of its own country and carefully selected by the Association Board. With only one Member agency per country, Members work together on a daily basis to share knowledge, new research techniques and tools, as well as to provide the most appropriate solutions to international research projects and service our clients to the best of our abilities. For more information: Kancho Stoychev (in Sofia), +359 88 8611025 Johnny Heald (in London), +44 7973 600308 Ijaz Gilani / in Islamabad/, +92 300 8544656 For further details see website: Disclaimer: Gallup International Association or its members are not related to Gallup Inc., headquartered in Washington D.C. which is no longer a member of Gallup International Association. Gallup International Association does not accept responsibility for opinion polling other than its own. We require that our surveys be credited fully as Gallup International (not Gallup or Gallup Poll).

HOPE INDEX As far as you are concerned, do you think that 2018 will be better, worse or the same as 2017? OPTIMISTS: 39 PESSIMISTS: 23 NEUTRALS: 32 GLOBAL HOPE INDEX 2017: 16 6 Better 32 39 Worse The same 23 DK/NA HOPE INDEX: NET SCORE OF OPTIMISTS OVER PESSIMISTS TOP 10 OPTIMISTS TOP 10 PESSIMISTS Country Net Score Country Net Score INDONESIA +67 ITALY -41 NIGERIA +64 GREECE -30 FIJI +57 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA -18 BANGLADESH +51 IRAN -18 INDIA +51 MEXICO -8 VIETNAM +50 PAPUA NEW GUINEA -7 ALBANIA +43 POLAND -5 KOSOVO +40 TURKEY -4 PHILIPPINES +40 REPUBLIC OF KOREA -3 SWEDEN +38 UKRAINE, LATVIA, SOUTH AFRICA 2 Definitions: Optimists = Better Pessimists = Worse Neutrals = The same

HOPE INDEX - BY REGION As far as you are concerned, do you think that 2018 will be better, worse or the same as 2017? Africa Middle East West Asia East Asia Latin America Russia India USA Non EU Europe EU East EU West EU Total 25% 17% 6% 24% 16% 3% 38% 28% 28% 6% 43% 16% 35% 6% 40% 24% 31% 5% 25% 17% 47% 11% 15% 17% 2% 45% 24% 21% 11% 39% 23% 34% 4% 31% 25% 35% 9% 30% 26% 37% 6% 30% 26% 37% 7% 53% 57% 66% Better Worse The same DK/NR 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Regions coverage: EU Total - combines EU West and EU East EU West Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland. Italy, Netherland, Spain, Sweden, UK EU East Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia Non-EU Europe Albania, Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine Latin America Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru East Asia Bangladesh, Fiji, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Vietnam West Asia Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Turkey Middle East - Iraq Africa Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa USA, India and Russia are not included in any other regional category

ECONOMIC OPTIMISM INDEX Compared to this year, in your opinion, will next year be a year of economic prosperity, economic difficulty or remain the same for your country? OPTIMISTS: 28 PESSIMISTS: 30 NEUTRALS: 36 GLOBAL ECONOMIC OPTIMISM INDEX 2017: -2 6 28 Prosperity Difficulty 36 Same 30 DK/NA ECONOMIC OPTIMISM INDEX: NET SCORE OF OPTIMISTS OVER PESSIMISTS TOP 10 OPTIMISTS TOP 10 PESSIMISTS Country Net Score Country Net Score NIGERIA +59 ITALY -50 VIETNAM +55 GREECE -43 INDONESIA +53 TURKEY -40 INDIA +46 IRAN -38 PHILIPPINES +32 UKRAINE -38 ALBANIA +31 UK -36 BANGLADESH +30 SOUTH AFRICA -35 FIJI +27 MEXICO -35 KOSOVO +25 ROMANIA -29 PAKISTAN +20 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA -27 Definitions: Optimists = Economic Prosperity Pessimists = Economic Difficulty Neutrals = Remain the same

ECONOMIC OPTIMISM INDEX BY REGION Compared to this year, in your opinion, will next year be a year of economic prosperity, economic difficulty or remain the same for your country? Africa Middle East West Asia East Asia Latin America Russia India USA Non EU Europe EU East EU West EU Total 4% 3% 6% 6% 4% 7% 2% 4% 8% 6% 7% 17% 20% 20% 14% 19% 15% 13% 18% 16% 17% 40% 39% 45% 32% 29% 38% 26% 25% 28% 30% 28% 31% 29% 29% 30% 31% 34% 33% 36% 37% 37% 42% 49% 43% 44% 43% 65% Prosperity Difficulty The same DK/NR 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Regions coverage: EU Total - combines EU West and EU East EU West Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland. Italy, Netherland, Spain, Sweden, UK EU East Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia Non-EU Europe Albania, Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine Latin America Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru East Asia Bangladesh, Fiji, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Vietnam West Asia Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Turkey Middle East - Iraq Africa Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa USA, India and Russia are not included in any other regional category

HAPPINESS INDEX In general, do you personally feel very happy, happy, neither happy nor unhappy, unhappy or very unhappy about your life? HAPPY: 59 UNHAPPY: 11 NEUTRALS: 28 GLOBAL HAPPINESS INDEX 2017: 48 8 3 2 13 Very happy Happy Neither 28 46 Unhappy Very unhappy DK/NA HAPPINESS INDEX: NET SCORE OF HAPPY OVER UNHAPPY TOP 10 HAPPY COUNTRIES TOP 10 UNHAPPY COUNTRIES Country Net Score Country Net Score FIJI +92 IRAN +5 COLOMBIA +87 IRAQ +7 PHILIPPINES +84 UKRAINE +8 MEXICO +82 GREECE +21 VIETNAM +77 MOLDOVA +24 KAZAKHSTAN +74 BRAZIL +28 PAPUA NEW GUINEA +74 HONG KONG +29 INDONESIA +68 SOUTH AFRICA +29 INDIA +64 TURKEY +29 ARGENTINA, NETHERLANDS +64 GHANA +30 Definitions: Happy = Very happy + Happy Pessimists = Unhappy + Very Unhappy Neutrals = neither happy nor Unhappy

HAPPINESS INDEX BY REGION In general, do you personally feel very happy, happy, neither happy nor unhappy, unhappy or very unhappy about your life? Africa Middle East West Asia East Asia Latin America Russia India USA Non EU Europe EU East EU West EU Total 20% 19% 1% 0 13% 1% 6% 2% 10% 19% 2% 5% 5% 9% 18% 0 14% 20% 2% 10% 2% 9% 3% 11% 1% 10% 2% 34% 27% 39% 32% 26% 34% 32% 36% 32% 33% 54% 55% 56% 52% 56% 55% 60% 67% 69% 73% 64% Happy Unhapy Neither DK/NR 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Regions coverage: EU Total - combines EU West and EU East EU West Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland. Italy, Netherland, Spain, Sweden, UK EU East Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia Non-EU Europe Albania, Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine Latin America Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru East Asia Bangladesh, Fiji, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Vietnam West Asia Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Turkey Middle East - Iraq Africa Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa USA, India and Russia are not included in any other regional category

HOPE INDEX 2017 As far as you are concerned, do you think that 2018 will be better, worse or the same as 2017? (Countries are presented in alphabetical order) Country Optimists Pessimists Neutrals DK/NA NET Hope Row % AFGHANISTAN 36 30 31 3 +6 ALBANIA 57 14 26 3 +43 ARGENTINA 51 21 22 6 +30 ARMENIA 27 24 43 6 +3 AUSTRALIA 31 39 30 0-8 AUSTRIA 30 21 44 5 +9 AZERBAIJAN 36 25 19 21 +11 BANGLADESH 68 17 12 3 +51 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 20 38 41 2-18 BRAZIL 41 29 27 4 +12 BULGARIA 25 22 35 19 +3 CROATIA 39 23 29 9 +16 COLOMBIA 45 27 25 3 +18 CZECH REPUBLIC 30 23 43 4 +7 ECUADOR 31 16 44 9 +15 ETHIOPIA 57 24 15 5 +33 FIJI 65 8 18 9 +57 FRANCE 26 22 39 12 +4 GERMANY 29 17 50 4 +12 GHANA 50 26 18 6 +24 GREECE 20 50 29 2-30 HONG KONG 32 22 41 5 +10 INDIA 66 15 17 2 +51 INDONESIA 73 6 12 9 +67 IRAN 25 43 27 6-18 IRAQ 57 24 16 3 +33 IRELAND 40 16 37 6 +24 ITALY 15 56 26 3-41 JAPAN 22 12 42 25 +10 KAZAKHSTAN 46 11 36 7 +35 KOSOVO 51 11 34 4 +40 LATVIA 28 26 26 20 +2 MACEDONIA 46 18 31 5 +28 MEXICO 26 34 38 2-8

HOPE INDEX 2017 As far as you are concerned, do you think that 2018 will be better, worse or the same as 2017? (Countries are presented in alphabetical order) Country Optimists Pessimists Neutrals DK/NA NET Hope Row MOLDOVA 43 22 31 4 +21 NETHERLANDS 26 18 49 6 +8 NEW ZEALAND 53 21 26 0 +32 NIGERIA 74 10 12 3 +64 PAKISTAN 45 21 31 3 +24 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 31 38 29 2-7 PERU 41 13 37 10 +28 PHILIPPINES 44 4 48 4 +40 POLAND 25 30 40 5-5 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 19 22 58 1-3 ROMANIA 38 35 25 2 +3 RUSSIA 25 17 47 11 +8 SERBIA 34 30 32 4 +4 SLOVENIA 42 11 44 3 +31 SOUTH AFRICA 37 35 20 8 +2 SPAIN 37 21 34 8 +16 SWEDEN 49 11 35 4 +38 THAILAND 30 21 44 6 +9 TURKEY 38 42 16 4-4 UK 34 27 32 7 +7 UKRAINE 35 33 27 5 +2 USA 45 24 21 11 +21 VIETNAM 58 8 32 2 +50 Rounding of Decimals: There may be a slight difference of 1 in some instances. Exact figures are available elsewhere. There is also a slight possibility that the figures vary up to maximum of 1 in different versions of press releases. Definitions: Optimists = Better Pessimists = Worse Neutrals = The same

ECONOMIC OPTIMISM INDEX 2017 Compared to this year, in your opinion, will next year be a year of economic prosperity, economic difficulty or remain the same for your country? (Countries are presented in alphabetical order) Country Optimists Pessimists Neutrals DK/NA Row NET Economic Optimism AFGHANISTAN 31 46 21 2-15 ALBANIA 48 17 33 2 +31 ARGENTINA 34 24 38 4 +10 ARMENIA 21 35 40 5-14 AUSTRIA 23 27 42 7-4 AZERBAIJAN 31 25 23 21 +6 BANGLADESH 53 23 20 3 +30 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 13 40 45 3-27 BRAZIL 21 28 48 4-7 BULGARIA 18 26 38 18-8 CROATIA 12 38 46 4-26 COLOMBIA 23 31 44 3-8 CZECH REPUBLIC 27 22 46 4 +5 ECUADOR 34 27 35 3 +7 ETHIOPIA 37 46 14 3-9 FIJI 43 16 33 8 +27 FRANCE 14 33 42 10-19 GERMANY 18 23 54 5-5 GHANA 40 34 21 5 +6 GREECE 8 51 39 2-43 HONG KONG 22 33 41 4-11 INDIA 65 19 15 2 +46 INDONESIA 63 10 16 10 +53 IRAN 12 50 33 4-38 IRAQ 45 32 20 3 +13 IRELAND 23 25 46 6-2 ITALY 9 59 30 2-50 JAPAN 13 17 46 25-4 KAZAKHSTAN 30 19 42 9 +11 KOSOVO 42 17 36 5 +25 LATVIA 13 34 40 13-21 MACEDONIA 36 24 34 6 +12 MEXICO 11 46 40 3-35

ECONOMIC OPTIMISM INDEX 2017 Compared to this year, in your opinion, will next year be a year of economic prosperity, economic difficulty or remain the same for your country? (Countries are presented in alphabetical order) Country Optimists Pessimists Neutrals DK/NA Row NET Economic Optimism MOLDOVA 24 24 46 6 0 NETHERLANDS 18 17 54 10 +1 NIGERIA 72 13 13 2 +59 PAKISTAN 46 26 22 6 +20 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 29 33 36 2-4 PERU 33 17 41 9 +16 PHILIPPINES 42 10 46 2 +32 POLAND 17 38 37 8-21 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 20 29 49 1-9 ROMANIA 15 44 40 2-29 RUSSIA 14 30 49 7-16 SERBIA 26 41 29 4-15 SLOVENIA 20 15 61 5 +5 SOUTH AFRICA 21 56 18 5-35 SPAIN 20 37 38 4-17 SWEDEN 16 18 62 4-2 THAILAND 19 27 48 5-8 TURKEY 18 58 21 2-40 UK 13 49 30 8-36 UKRAINE 16 54 25 5-38 USA 28 31 29 13-3 VIETNAM 61 6 32 2 +55 Rounding of Decimals: There may be a slight difference of 1 in some instances. Exact figures are available elsewhere. There is also a slight possibility that the figures vary up to maximum of 1 in different versions of press releases. Definitions: Optimists = Economic Prosperity Pessimists = Economic Difficulty Neutrals = Remain the same

HAPPINESS INDEX In general, do you personally feel very happy, happy, neither happy nor unhappy, unhappy or very unhappy about your life? (Countries are presented in alphabetical order) Country Happy Unhappy Neutrals DK/NA NET Happiness Row AFGHANISTAN 54 11 35 * +43 ALBANIA 60 13 27 * +47 ARGENTINA 72 8 20 1 +64 ARMENIA 61 4 34 1 +57 AUSTRIA 62 8 27 2 +54 AZERBAIJAN 42 7 48 3 +35 BANGLADESH 62 11 26 1 +51 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 59 12 29 1 +47 BRAZIL 53 25 21 1 +28 BULGARIA 45 10 41 5 +35 COLOMBIA 89 2 9 1 +87 CROATIA 56 8 35 1 +48 CZECH REPUBLIC 45 8 45 2 +37 ECUADOR 67 4 27 2 +63 ETHIOPIA 71 11 17 1 +60 FIJI 94 2 4 * +92 FRANCE 50 7 42 1 +43 GERMANY 56 18 26 1 +38 GHANA 55 25 18 2 +30 GREECE 41 20 37 2 +21 HONG KONG 46 17 36 1 +29 INDIA 73 9 18 * +64 INDONESIA 73 5 22 1 +68 IRAN 33 28 39 * +5 IRAQ 34 27 39 0 +7 IRELAND 63 11 25 * +52 ITALY 50 8 41 1 +42 JAPAN 58 4 28 10 +54 KAZAKHSTAN 76 2 19 3 +74 KOSOVO 68 6 26 * +62 LATVIA 44 8 43 6 +36 MACEDONIA 61 7 30 2 +54 MEXICO 84 2 10 3 +82

Row HAPPINESS INDEX In general, do you personally feel very happy, happy, neither happy nor unhappy, unhappy or very unhappy about your life? (Countries are presented in alphabetical order) Country Happy Unhappy Neutrals DK/NA NET Happiness MOLDOVA 44 20 34 1 +24 NETHERLANDS 69 5 25 1 +64 NIGERIA 63 24 12 0 +39 PAKISTAN 65 16 18 1 +49 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 77 3 20 1 +74 PERU 65 4 28 3 +61 PHILIPPINES 86 2 10 1 +84 POLAND 60 8 30 2 +52 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 49 7 44 * +42 ROMANIA 65 18 17 0 +47 RUSSIA 55 5 34 5 +50 SERBIA 54 9 35 2 +45 SLOVENIA 62 6 32 1 +56 SOUTH AFRICA 50 21 28 1 +29 SPAIN 59 8 31 1 +51 SWEDEN 55 9 34 2 +46 THAILAND 56 10 34 1 +46 TURKEY 45 16 40 * +29 UK 58 16 26 * +42 UKRAINE 26 18 47 9 +8 USA 64 14 20 2 +50 VIETNAM 78 1 22 0 +77 Rounding of Decimals: There may be a slight difference of 1 in some instances. Exact figures are available elsewhere. There is also a slight possibility that the figures vary up to maximum of 1 in different versions of press releases. Definitions: Happy = Very happy + Happy Pessimists = Unhappy + Very Unhappy Neutrals = Neither Happy nor Unhappy