JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN GEOMORPHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Vol. 18. No. 4(2011) 235~246 Holocene climate characteristics in Korean Peninsula with the special reference to sea level changes Sangill Hwang* Soon-Ock Yoon** Abstract : Sea level fluctuations during the Holocene reconstructed by the results of age dating, microfossils researches and sedimentary facies from coastal alluvial plains contain the valuable informations on climatic changes. The sea level during maximum phase of transgression during 6,000~5,000 yr BP was slightly higher than the present by approximately 0.8~1.0 m and the summer temperature conditions seemed to be higher than those of the present by 2~3 in the Central Europe when the period of Climatic Optimum might be dominant. The sea level in Korean Peninsula was assumed by 0.8~1.0 m higher at that time compared to the present and climate seemed to be warmer. At 2,000~1,800 yr BP in Korean Peninsula, the sea level reached the higher stand than the present by approximately 1.1~1.3 m and the climatic conditions might be warm similar to the period of Climatic Optimum. Although the temperature in the Central Europe during the period of Subboreal was about 2~3 cooler, it is supposed that the sea level in Korean Peninsula was relatively higher than the present. The sea level at 2,300 yr BP might be similar to that of the present, which was the lowest level since the mid-holocene. From the fact, climatic environment during the cold period might not be reflected exactly in the sea level. Key Words : Korean Peninsula, maximum phase of transgression, Climatic Optimum, sea-level change in Holocene, climatic change Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Kyungpook National University Professor, Department of Geography and Research Institute for Basic Sciences, Kyung Hee University - 235 -
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1. approximate sea level curve 2. sea level curve by grain-size analysis 3. sea level curve by pollen analysis - 239 -
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