Volodymyr Nepyivoda & Dmitriy Bonesko YOD Design Lab : YOD Design Lab was founded in Kiev in Its founder and leader Vladimir Nepiyvoda and art d

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Volodymyr Nepyivoda & Dmitriy Bonesko YOD Design Lab : YOD Design Lab was founded in Kiev in 2004. Its founder and leader Vladimir Nepiyvoda and art director Dmitry Bonesko united talented architects and designers. The studio works in a modern style and creates, above all, commercial projects in hospitality sector: hotels, restaurants, cafes and bars. The work of YOD offers a clear example of minimalism, unconventional use of materials, memorable images and original techniques in interior design. The studio specializes in furniture design, in lighting and decoration for all projects, as well as in doing graphic design and develops a corporate identity. Today YOD is successfully operating all over Ukraine and abroad. They added pictures of the best restaurants and hotels in the portfolio and among their clients who are successful restaurateurs. YOD s projects are published in famous Ukrainian and foreign magazines and win prestigious competitions. Interviewer & Editor : Lim Hyunah YOD 디자인랩 : YOD 디자인랩은 2004 년키예프에설립됐다. 스튜디오설립자이자 대표블라디미르네파이보다는아트디렉터드미트리브네스코와함께재능있는건축가와디자이너를규합해스튜디오를구성했다. 모던한감각의디자인을추구하는 YOD는호텔, 레스토랑, 카페, 바등의서비스사업분야의프로젝트를주로진행해왔다. 또한미니멀리즘적감각, 독특한소재사용, 강렬한이미지, 독창적인기법으로차별화된실내디자인을선보여왔으며, 가구디자인, 조명및소품디자인, 그래픽디자인, 브랜드정체성개발에도전문적역량을발휘해왔다. 현재는우크라이나와해외전역으로사업영역을성공적으로확장해나가고있다. 유명요식사업가와협력해오며최고의레스토랑과호텔디자인으로경력을쌓아가고있는 YOD 의프로젝트는우크라이나는물론해외디자인잡지를통해소개됐고, 대형디자인공모전에서도두각을드러냈다. 취재 글 : 임현아기자

YOD DESIGN LAB Star Burger YOD Design Lab based in Kiev, Ukraine, specializes in hospitality interiors - restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels. Their competitive works include not only space design but also furniture, lighting, graphic and decoration for each individual projects. YOD Design features the minimalistic objects and introduces the customized experimental arts and designs. Their novelty in design is supported by the communication between human beings and environment. The designers well listen to the clients requirements and wishes and start their design process fully understanding the inner contexts of the projects. They individualize every project to give delicate touches on the natural materials, that are wood, stone, water, metal and greenery, and create new trends for people to enjoy experiencing their detailed spaces. Some of their restaurant designs are depicted and reflected using the philosophy of certain regions, for example, Pan-Asian ethnic one. Wood, fire, earth, metal and water are five primary elements in the oriental philosophy. They use limited number of basic materials, play them in contrasts and create tactile sensations. They become embodied as the details of the decor elements and united them through the general concept. Their designs create completely new and innovative images to avoid them to be mundane. To bring notes of mildness and playfulness in the minimalistic interiors, they elaborate and accentuate the usual space using the unique focal design solution such as spaghetti lamps while designing Tartufo Trattoria Restaurant. We look forward to seeing more of the challenges of the design solution they compose by creating distinctive elements. 061 Dog Ate Dove Restaurant 우크라이나키예프에거점을둔 YOD 디자인랩은레스토랑, 카페, 바, 호텔등의서비스업종실내디자인을전문으로다룬다. 그들의경쟁력있는디자인은단지공간에만국한되지않고가구, 조명, 그래픽과실내장식에포괄적으로적용된다. YOD 디자인은미니멀적인요소를특화하고실험적인맞춤형디자인을선보인다. 그들의디자인에있어참신함은인간과환경의상호관계에서부터비롯된다. 구현되고전반적인디자인개념으로통합된다. 그럼으로써일상적인디자인에서벗어나새롭고혁신적인이미지가드러난다. 미니멀적인공간에서온화함과재미를강조하기위해 스파게티전등 과같은독특하게눈에띄는디자인이타르투포트라토리아레스토랑에정교하게장식됐다. 독특한요소로디자인해법을찾는그들의디자인에대한도전을이후더많이볼수있기를기대한다. 디자이너는고객의요구와바람을수용하여프로젝트를 Star Burger 깊숙이이해하는것에서부터디자인과정을풀어나간다. 그들은각개별적프로젝트에서목재, 석재, 물, 금속, 식물과같은자연물을섬세한디자인으로다루어, 사람들이그세부적공간을즐길수있는새로운트랜드를구축한다. 그들은레스토랑에범아시아전통철학과같은특정지역의철학을접목시켜디자인에반영한다. 나무, 불, 토양, 쇠그리고물은동양철학에서 5가지주요요소이다. 디자이너는이기초디자인요소를대조적방식으로사용 2004년 YOD 디자인랩이설립된이후추구해온디자인철학과정체성에대해말해달라. 우리는프로젝트이면에흐르는맥락에초점을맞춘다. 우리가프로젝트를통해그주변환경에어떤변화를가져다줄수있는가와최종사용자에대한이해없이공공공간을디자인하는것은불가능한일이기때문이다. 우리는디자인을구현해내는것이상을원한다. 우리는우리의철학을투영해내고인간과환경사이에새로운형태의소통 Dog Ate Dove Restaurant 하여감각적인디자인을창출한다. 그것은장식적요소로 을구축해내기를원한다.

YOD DESIGN LAB Please explain the design philosophy and the design identity that YOD Design Lab has pursued since you established your firm in 2004. We give attention to the inner context of the object. It is impossible just to design a public space without understanding of who is a final customer and what novelty we can bring to the environment by this object. We want to do more than embody the projects. We want to import our values, able to create new type of communication between humans and the environment. Are there any reference materials or ways to draw your design motives and concept so that YOD Design Lab creates the unconventional and memorable spaces embodied by the discreet design formula? Yes, such references exist. First of all, it is using natural materials such as stones, tree, metal and glass. Initially they become a basis for our interiors, and only then the accents and keynotes in the original forms and installations appear. Teplo Restaurant To overcome using limited number of materials such as stone, wood, water, fire and rustic metal that YOD Design Lab usually makes use of, how do you play on the contrasts and the tactile sensation to make the rich and innovative environment and emphasize its beauty? Please explain it using specific examples of your projects. Using limited number of materials such as tree, stone, water and metal is far from being a restriction. It is rather a starting point or background we will come back to an infinite number of times. Notwithstanding the new trends, people cannot move beyond the philosophy of the basic materials which provide the basis for the building of the first objects. For example, working on the Fish & Fusion seafood restaurant, we featured the nature processes, happening to the metal while dipping into the sea water, with the use of rust. By means of directed spots of the warm light, the rusted metal looks very warmly, like in the daylight. It is possible, by changing the light scenarios and background environment, to alter the character of materials perception beyond recognition. TAU Restaurant Please tell us about the episodes or the trials and errors while constructing more than your thirty successful design projects. Working on one of the latest projects, which is BAO Modern Chinese Restaurant, we wanted to combine cultural and ethnical Chinese elements with up-to-date technologies. The idea was to project the images, sensitive to the guests passing through, on the glass screens above the open kitchen. Unfortunately, we have come up against a situation when our specialist were not able to implement such an approach. YOD Design Lab has been focused on the commercial projects in hospitality sector such as hotels, restaurants, cafes and bars. Are there any design criteria you d like to expand in the future? And please briefly talk about your ongoing projects. There are a lot of design criteria, as in any other fields. The main thing is to understand for whom we create and what we want. Of course, we can work for money only, but it is far better to be into what we are doing and have a great result at the finish. When you design public spaces it is important to put yourself in the guest s shoes. As a result, you will show a good performance. Currently we are developing a lot of different restaurants in Ukraine, which amount all together to 20 projects. Now the main project for us is our new studio. This project is also the most complicated, because we will live and work here. We ourselves are the most difficult client for us. 063 YOD Design Lab specializes in creating the authentic and experimental art objects and design solutions making the unique and playful decor elements and factors in interiors for each project. Are there any reasons you pursue this while designing the interiors for commercial spaces? We strive to individualize every our object. There must not be any incidental details. Everything should be connected with the general cuisine concept, naming and positioning of the place. YOD 디자인랩이주로사용하는석재, 목재, 물, 불그리 YOD 디자인랩은각프로젝트를진행할때독특하고재 30 개가넘는프로젝트를성공적으로이끄는데시행착오 로지돈을위해일할수도있을것이다. 하지만자신이하 고녹슨금속과같은한정된자재를극복하기위해, 공간 미있는장식요소의실내를구축함으로, 기발하고실험 와같은에피소드가있다면말해달라. 는일에대해열정을가지고, 그로인해훌륭한결과물을 에풍부하고혁신적인환경을만들고아름다움을강조하 적인디자인을전문화하고있다. 상업공간을디자인할 가장최근에진행했던프로젝트중하나인바오모던차 얻어내는것이훨씬보람된일이라고생각한다. 공공공간 도록어떻게대조적디자인으로눈에띄는공간을만드 때이것을추구하는특별한이유가있는가? 이니이즈레스토랑프로젝트에서우리는중국인의문화 을디자인할때스스로를사용자의입장에대입시켜보는 는가? 특정프로젝트를예로들어설명해달라. 우리는우리의모든프로젝트가각기개성을드러낼수 적, 민족적요소에최첨단기술을접목시키기원했다. 이 것이매우중요하다. 그런과정을거쳐야만좋은결실을 사용할수있는소재가원목, 석재, 물, 금속으로한정됐다 있도록최선을다하고있다. 우리디자인속에서우연히 에우리는고객의움직임에반응하는영상을개방형주 낳을수있다. 현재우리는우크라이나에서다양한레스 는것을제약이라고말하기는어렵다. 이것은오히려우리 만들어진것은아무것도없다. 모든디자인요소는전체 방상부유리스크린에투사하기로했다. 하지만불행히 토랑프로젝트를진행하고있는데, 그수를모두합치면 가수없이반복해서다시갈수있는시작점혹은배경을 적디자인개념, 브랜드정체성, 그리고공간적특성과긴 도우리는그방식의접근구현이불가능하다는전문가 20 여개에이른다. 하지만우리가가장중요하게여기는 제공해준다. 아무리유행이변한다고해도사람들은오브 밀한관련을맺는다. 의반대의견에부딪혔다. 프로젝트는우리의새스튜디오디자인프로젝트이다. 이 제를구축해나가는바탕이되는소재에대한근원적개념 프로젝트는그곳에서작업을하고생활할이들이바로우 에서벗어나지는못한다. 예를들어, 피쉬 & 퓨전해산물 YOD 디자인랩이색다르고기억에남을만한공간을구 YOD 디자인랩은호텔, 레스토랑, 카페, 바와같은서비 리이기때문에가장난해한프로젝트이기도하다. 우리 Teplo Restaurant 요리전문점프로젝트에서는금속에발생하는자연현상 현하기위해, 모티프와개념을끌어낼때조심스럽게사 TAU Restaurant 스업종상업디자인에주력해왔다. 이밖에장래에확장 자신이우리에게가장까다로운의뢰인이된셈이다. 을보여주기위해금속을바닷물에노출시켜녹이슬게 용하는디자인해법으로참고하는것과방식이있는가? 하고픈디자인영역이있는가? 그리고현재진행중인프 했다. 그리고녹이슨금속에는따뜻한느낌의조명을직 그렇다. 그러한기준이존재한다. 가장먼저, 석재, 원목, 로젝트에대해간략하게말해달라. 접비춰마치햇살을받고있는듯한온기가느껴지도록 금속, 유리같은자연소재의사용을들수있다. 먼저이 다른모든분야와마찬가지로디자인에도수많은화두가 했다. 이처럼조명연출과배경을달리함으로써소재의물 들이우리디자인의틀을완성해줄때비로소기존형태 존재한다. 우리디자인의핵심은누구를위한것인가와 성에기존인식을뛰어넘는변화를가져올수있다. 구조및설치물의강조점이나특색이그모습을드러낸다. 우리가원하는것이무엇인가에대한이해이다. 물론, 오

YOD DESIGN LAB > RESTAURANT> Kyiv EAST RESTAURANT Design : YOD Design Lab Design team : Volodymyr Nepyivoda, Dmytro Bonesko Graphic design : Ilya Nepravda Location : 72, Velyka Vasylkivska St., Kyiv, Ukaraine Built area : 400m 2 Completion : 2015 Photographer : Andrey Avdeenko Editorial designer : Choi Sejung Editor : Lim Hyunah Just look at the tabletops from Java Island and luminous stones on ceilings, restrained minimalism and an unusual play of contrasts. This rethought and cosmopolitan philosophy of Pan-Asia is embodied in the new Kiev restaurant. <EAST Restaurant> is located in the historical center of Kiev. Once there was a well-known Porto Maltese fish restaurant which was famous for the quality of food and professional staff from Serbia. In a laconic and restrained interior customers will not find the usual expressly bright attributes of East Asian ethnics. Thus, this establishment reflects the main natural elements of the East - stone, wood, water, fire and metal. The inside of the restaurant was divided into two halls. By using the same materials, these rooms make the overall scope but have completely different patterns. The first one with an open kitchen and wok zone disposes to communication and active movement. The second one where the bar and lounge area are placed is far more calm and peaceful. To functionally separate the entrance lobby from the main room space, it was decided to place near the hostess area a table, circled by three U-shaped boxes made of strips. All the attention in the second room gets the bar with a low counter which is typical for Asian countries. This impressive construction is made of granite slabs with a total weight of about 8 tons. From a half-closed lounge area bar is separated by shelves with alcohol and aquariums of individual work. Tabletops became one of the central elements of the interior design. A tree itself is so unique and original that actually it was the main reason to choose so strict and discreet format of design. To emphasize its beauty, the designers placed ceiling spot lights which illuminate 065 the room with technical light, creating a play of light and shade. Text offer : YOD Design Lab 자바섬에서들여온테이블상판과천장의영롱한석재, 그리고절제된미니멀리즘양식과독특한대조연출이시선을사로잡는다. 키예프에새로문을연이스트레스토랑에는아시아문화에대한재해석과세계주의적철학이담겨있다. < 이스트레스토랑 > 은키예프의유서깊은중심지에위치해있다. 레스토랑부지에는본래세르비아출신의전문요리사와고급스러운음식으로잘알려진포르토말티즈생선요리전문점이들어서있었다. 간결하고절제된공간에서동아시아지역문화특유의강렬하고밝은요소는찾아볼수없다. 대신바위, 나무, 물, 불, 쇠등동아시아문화에서중요시되는자연요소가채워져있다. 공간은두개의홀로나뉘었다. 동일한소재를적용한덕분에두공간은일관성을유지하지만, 각자전혀다른구성을선보여준다. 첫번째홀은소통과역동적동선구성에초점을맞춘개방형주방과작업실로이루어져있다. 바와라운지가위치한두번째홀은보다차분하고조용한분위기로꾸며졌다. 출입구로비와식사공간을기능적으로분리하기위해, 바와가까운곳에는끈으로만들어진 3개의 U자형박스로주위를두른테이블이설치됐다. 2층공간에는바와아시아국가에서흔히볼수있는낮은카운터가돋보인다. 존재감넘치는이요소는총무게약 8톤에이르는화강암슬라브로제작됐다. 주류선반과수족관은바공간과반개방형라운지공간을분리시켜준다. 디자인의또다른핵심요소는테이블상판이다. 오크원목자체의고유하고독특한물성은절제되고간결한디자인이선택된결정적이유이다. 디자인팀은원목의아름다움을부각시키고자천장에집중조명을설치해공간을밝혀주면서동시에빛과 그림자가어우러진공간으로연출했다. 글제공 : YOD 디자인랩



YOD DESIGN LAB > RESTAURANT> St. Lviv TARTUFO TRATTORIA Design : YOD Design Lab Design team : Volodymyr Nepyivoda, Dmytro Bonesko Graphic design : Ilya Nepravda Location : Forum Lviv SEC, 7a, Pid Dubom St., Lviv, Ukaraine Built area : 750m 2 Completion : 2016 Photographer : Andrey Avdeenko Editorial designer : Choi Sejung Editor : Lim Hyunah Democratic Italian restaurant <Tartufo Trattoria> is located in the heart of Lviv, on the third floor of the Forum Lviv shopping center. The designers decided to move away from the classical and usual perception of Lviv, having left only the materials strongly connected with the spirit and mood of the city. Brass, white marble and oak appear in the interior with a modern twist - without decorative carving, monograms and facets. Restaurant space is divided into three parts: the main hall with an open kitchen and a bar, a lobby area in the food court and a spacious summer terrace, overlooking the rooftops of the old city. There is a long communal table in the middle of the hall, which allows some joyful company of 10 people to fit in perfectly. There is an open kitchen in the middle of the hall. Such solution allows not only watching the eminent chief during the working process, but also it increases trust of guests to the restaurant. The highlight of the establishment appears to be Stefano Ferrara wood-burning stove made of stone in which the real Italian pizza is baked. In a color scheme they stuck to light tones, so the interior was made airy and modest, with a pleasant impregnation of shades of brass. Visual accents are placed by means of individually developed elements of a decor and lighting. One of the walls of the main hall has the Tartufo Trattoria logo laid with round logs. These logs are mounted on the pins in a special niche looking like a storage area for firewood. Another interesting idea is implemented in the anteroom. Making these simple solutions, choosing such colors and finishing materials they were able to convey the atmosphere of a 071 classic Italian Trattoria. Text offer : YOD Design Lab 이탈리아음식전문레스토랑 < 타르투포트라토리아 > 는리비프중심지의포럼리비프쇼핑센터 3층에들어서있다. 디자인팀은리비프에대한전통적이고일반적인관점에서탈피하여, 소재를통해도시특유의분위기와정서에강한연계성을구축하고자했다. 내부에는장식세공, 모노그램, 가공된면을없애고현대적감각을가미한황동, 흰색대리석, 오크원목이사용됐다. 전체공간은개방형주방과바가설치된중앙홀, 푸드코트에면한로비, 구시가지의건물지붕이바라보이는넓은면적의여름용테라스의 3개영역으로나뉘어져있다. 홀중앙에는 10명의인원이앉아즐거운시간을보낼수있는긴공용테이블이배치됐다. 개방형주방에서유명요리사의조리장면을볼수있도록하여고객에게레스토랑에대한신뢰도를높여준다. 타르투포에서주로시선을끄는것은이탈리아식피자를굽는스테파노페라라나무장작석재화덕이다. 디자인팀은밝은색상으로황동소재가조화롭게스며들어경쾌하면서도품위가느껴지는공간을연출했다. 독립적인장식소품과조명은시각적으로돋보인다. 중앙홀의한쪽벽에는타르투포트라토리아로고가둥근통나무형태로설치됐는데, 장작을쌓아놓은공간처럼통나무로된핀이벽에매립됐다. 레스토랑의대기실또한흥미로운디자인요소로채워졌다. 타르투포의간결한 디자인, 엄선된색채, 마감재에서정통이탈리아식당의향취를느낄수있다. 글제공 : YOD 디자인랩


1 LOBBY 2 RECEPTION & STORE 3 MAIN HALL 4 BAR 5 KITCHEN 6 TOILET 1 2 6 6 4 3 075 5 0 1 5 floor plan

> RESTAURANT > Poltava Province YOD DESIGN LAB F O O D & F O R E S T PA R K R E S TA U R A N T m GMGm Design : YOD Design Lab Design team : Volodymyr Nepyivoda, Dmytro Bonesko Graphic design : Ilya Nepravda Location : Village of Sosnovka, Poltava Province, Ukraine Built area : 600m2 Completion : 2014 Photographer : Andrey Avdeenko Editorial designer : Choi Sejung Editor : Lim Hyunah FAÇADE ELEVATION The restaurant is a part of the hotel recreation complex relax park VERHOLY. The complex is placed at the very heart of a picturesque pine forest in Poltava province. And the restaurant serves as a public catering facility both for guests living in the complex and for visitors who have made up their mind just to have a good time al fresco, breaking away from hustle and bustle of the city. For this purpose the complex offers a whole variety of services: beginning from strolls in the woods and finishing with swimming in the pool or horse rides. The cuisine concept of the whole outlet and its interior in particular is integration into the surrounding 077 represented in the restaurant is hefty and plain, with emphasis on game. Idea underlying the nature space. This idea dominates over all interior solutions. Architectural space is clear; it is not overwrought, with big shop windows with a view of pine forest. In interior design an architectonical technique is used of unification of façade and interior at the expense of utilizing similar materials, such as, Gabro stone and corten metal. This is used in order to weld the exterior space with the interior to the utmost. All materials used in the finishing have natural basis. Basically, they are as follows: stone, wood, copper, corten, leather, slate, etc. all high technology peculiarities of the production processes. Zoning of guest areas of the restaurant has been elaborated in such a way so as to satisfy needs of all groups of visitors. The restaurant room is designed to seat over 100 people. Main hall is zoned with a big gas fire 4 meters in length, it includes four basic areas. Text offer : YOD Design Lab 본 레스토랑은 리조트 호텔 공원 단지 베롤리 부속 레스토랑이다. 공원 단지는 마치 그림 같은 폴타바 지역 소나무 숲의 정 중앙에 자리하고 있다. 레스토랑은 공용 식당으로서 호텔 투숙객과 도시의 바쁘고 번잡한 일상에서 벗어나 교외에서 여유로운 시간을 보내고 싶어 찾아온 방문객 모두에게 개방됐다. 이러한 사용자를 위해 공원 단지에는 숲 속 산책 코스에서부터 수영 혹은 승마 시설의 다양한 프로그램을 마련됐으며, 레스토랑은 화려하면서도 소박한 요리를 제공한다. 건축적 외형과 내부 공간에서 강조되고 있는 화두는 주변 자연 환경과의 조화인데 이는 모든 실내 디자인 요소에 적용됐다. 건축적 공간 구성은 담백하며 과하지 않은 건축 언어와 소나무 숲을 향해 나있는 커다란 전면 창이 특징이다. 내부 공간에는 입면과 내부의 융합을 위해 가브로 석재와 코르텐 강철이라는 서로 비슷한 소재가 사용되어 외부와 내부의 연계성이 극대화 됐다. 마감재로는 자연성을 담고 있는 석재, 원목, 구리, 코르텐, 가죽, 슬레이트 등의 소재가 적용됐다. 레스토랑의 설비 영역은 조리 과정 중에 사용되는 모든 첨단 기기의 특이 사항을 고려해 설정됐으며, 호텔 투숙객 전용 공간은 모든 형태의 방문자의 필요를 충족시켜줄 수 있도록 구성됐다. 레스토랑은 100여명의 인원을 수용할 수 있으며, 홀 공간은 4m 길이의 대형 가스 벽난로를 중심으로 4개 영역으로 구분됐다. 글 제공 : YOD 디자인 랩 Functional zoning of engineering spaces of the restaurant is accomplished with account for



YOD DESIGN LAB > RESTAURANT > Poltava FISH & FUSION RESTAURANT Design : YOD Design Lab Design team : Volodymyr Nepyivoda, Dmytro Bonesko Location : Str. Konstitucii, 13, Poltava, Ukraine Built area : 190m 2 Completion : 2014 Photographer : Andrey Avdeenko Editorial designer : Choi Sejung Editor : Lim Hyunah The idea of fish restaurant establishment in Poltava was demanded by restaurant market realities in this city. High class fish restaurants are practically absent in the region. Fish & Fusion became one of the leaders in the sector. The designers decided not to use banal perception of a nautical theme through sailor s vests, anchors, blue and white colors, various marine utensils etc. They tried to reproduce the marine theme through decoration materials, such as rusty metal, stone, old wood, greenery, colors and various décor elements. The metal in the aqueous environment is resistant to corrosion (rusting) and this way becomes brighter and more interesting, like it is alive. This material was actively used by them in the decoration of walls and in the decorative items making. The wood also changes its color and texture under the constant influence of atmospheric precipitation. One of the main hall walls is decorated by such old tree, which they collected in all the nearby villages. The wall decorated by greenery creates an image of a vertical underwater rock covered by algae and it brings excitement to the surrounding space. The stone which was used in the decoration of the private hall, was for that purpose specially selected from the remnants of huge blocks, they selected segments with maximum torn effect to reflect the image of a rocky shore. From decorative elements they would like to highlight a non-trivial image of fish scale, which they realized as a decorative element from rusty metal on the main hall ceiling, in a felt tile in strange niches, and which was taken as a basis for specialty style of the restaurant. A felt which was used in niches and chairs decoration, bright pillows, bio-fireplace bring notes of mildness and playfulness in this 083 minimalistic interior. Text offer : YOD Design Lab 폴타바에생선요리전문레스토랑을연다는계획은지역외식시장의현실적요구를수용한것이었다. 이지역에는고급생선요리전문레스토랑이전무했고, 피쉬 & 퓨전레스토랑은순식간에업계의선두로올라섰다. 디자인팀은선원용조끼, 돛, 파란색과흰색의여러해양용품등, 해양을주제로한전형적인요소를사용하지않기로했다. 대신녹슨금속, 석재, 목재, 식물, 색상, 그리고다양한소품의장식성강한소재로해양이라는디자인개념을재해석했다. 금속은습한환경에놓이게되면녹슬어부식에저항하는데, 그과정중에보다밝고흥미로운모습으로변한다. 이렇게금속은마치살아있는존재처럼느껴질수있다. 디자인팀은이금속을벽장식과소품으로적극활용했다. 원목역시주변습도의영향을지속적으로받게되면그색상과질감이변한다. 홀벽면한쪽을장식하고있는오래된원목은디자인팀이인근마을에서직접수집한것이다. 식물로장식된벽면은해조류로덮인수중바위를연상시켜공간이보다흥미롭게연출된다. 전용홀장식으로사용된석재는커다란블록파편중에서세심히골라냈다. 쪼개진부분이특히도드라져보이는이블록조각은해변암석의모습을떠올리게한다. 디자인팀은장식을활용한새로운방식으로생선비늘을형상화했다. 홀천장에적용된녹슨금속과독특한형태의벽에시공된펠트타일마감은레스토랑에특별한개성을부여한다. 이와더불어의자소품, 밝은색상의배게, 바이오-벽난로는미니멀리즘적인공간의차분하면서도자유분방한분위기를강조한다. 글제공 : YOD 디자인랩


1 ENTRANCE 2 FOOD STORE 3 HALL & BAR 4 MAIN HALL 5 PRIVATE HALL 6 TOILET 7 KITCHEN 7 6 6 2 5 3 1 4 087 0 1 5 floor plan

YOD DESIGN LAB > RESTAURANT > Berdânsk THE VILLAGE RESTAURANT Design : YOD Design Lab Design team : Volodymyr Nepyivoda, Dmytro Bonesko Location : Ul. Karla Marksa, d.51, Berdânsk, Ukraine Built area : 220m 2 Completion : 2015 Photographer : Andrey Avdeenko Editorial designer : Choi Sejung Editor : Lim Hyunah The restaurant consists of two levels. On the ground there is an entrance. The stairs led to the second floor where there is a bar and a distant hall. The designers were challenged to create two zones with different atmosphere to give guests the choice where to stay and how to spend time. In the first hall there is a stained-glass window and lots of natural light. It was designed for the active pastime. Here the mood is created by walls and ceiling lined with old gray board. The wood texture contrasts nicely with metal panels. In the evening when the lamps are switched on the atmosphere becomes more chamber and cozy. The first room and bar area are united by the rack in the ladder passage. In the distant room there are no windows, so it was decided to create a lounge atmosphere using visually soft fabric panels. Installation from the nails in the form of cow silhouette became a bright memorable accent. It is worth noting that this idea belongs to the customer. Creating an open space without isolated areas was another task that designers managed to solve. When it was impossible because of the architectural characteristics, they linked the zones with visually similar materials. A lot of bright details explain and expand the restaurant name The Village: installation from the pitchfork, a table with bio-fireplace looking like a joiner s bench, vices, live fire and ceramic figures of bulls made by artist Olga Gavrilova for this restaurant. Chairs were made by Ukrainian designer Vladimir Veshtak specially for the restaurant. After adjustments the prototype of this chair was 089 put into serial production. Text offer : YOD Design Lab 더빌리지레스토랑은두개층으로구성됐다. 1층에는출입구가있으며, 계단은바와홀이있는 2층으로이어진다. 디자인팀에게주어진과제는방문객이스스로머물장소와시간을보낼방법을선택할수있는서로다른분위기의두공간을조화롭게디자인하는것이었다. 홀공간은스테인드글라스와풍성한자연채광이돋보이는활동적인휴식공간으로설계됐다. 구제회색칠판이있는벽과천장디자인은홀분위기를돋보이게한다. 원목의질감은금속패널과대조를이룬다. 더빌리지는밤에조명이밝혀지면보다고급스러우면서아늑한모습을드러낸다. 사다리연결구조는홀과바공간을한공간처럼보이게한다. 2층홀에는창이없기때문에부드러운질감의면소재로라운지공간을꾸몄다. 고객의아이디어로제작된못으로만든소형상설치물은공간에재미를더한다. 디자인팀에게주어진또다른과제는고립된공간이전혀없는개방형공간구축이었다. 하지만기존건축구조로인해그러한공간구성이어렵자, 디자인팀은유사한소재를이용하여공간을연계시켰다. 쇠스랑에서부터나무벤치처럼보이는바이오-벽난로테이블, 바이스, 활활타오르는불, 그리고예술가인올가가브릴로바가만든황소형상도자기등의소품과밝은디자인요소는더빌리지라는레스토랑이름의의미를부각시킨다. 레스토랑의자는우크라이나출신디자이너블라디미르베쉬타크에의해주문제작되어시제품점검과정을거쳐생산됐다. 글제공 : YOD 디자인랩


YOD DESIGN LAB > RESTAURANT > Kiev FIORI RESTAURANT Design : YOD Design Lab Design team : Volodymyr Nepyivoda, Dmytro Bonesko Graphic design : Ilya Nepravda Location : TC Domosfera, 2 floor, Stolychne shosse, 101, Kiev, Ukraine Completion : 2013 Photographer : Igor Karpenko Editorial designer : Choi Sejung Editor : Lim Hyunah 093 0 1 5 FLOOR PLAN <Fiori Restaurant> is primarily a theater, and each day a cooking show is played on the stage of this theater. An open kitchen here is like theater stage, this open kitchen is located in the center of a large hall. All the space of the restaurant is actually designed based on this kitchen. The charming sunny Italy atmosphere is passed through colors of finishing materials (travertine, wood of bright colors) and furniture. The interior is designed in warm, bright and pastel colors, diluted by lots of greenery. The zest of this institution is real wood-burning stove. The island of kitchen block is framed in a box which due to the presence of open shelves and cells is a place to store all sorts of herbs, spices, sauces, jams without which the Italian cuisine is impossible. As a result once again the idea of visually transparent kitchen was realized. Text offer : YOD Design Lab < 피오리레스토랑 > 은레스토랑일뿐아니라날마다무대위요리쇼를공연하는극장이다. 극장의무대격인개방형주방은대형홀한가운데배치됐고, 레스토랑다른공간은주방을중심으로구성됐다. 석회암, 밝은색상의원목마감재와가구는색감이매력적이어서이탈리아적분위기를밝게조성한다. 따스하고밝은파스텔톤색상으로전체공간이채워졌으며, 풍성한녹색식물로색채적긴장감을해소시켰다. 피오리레스토랑의품격을정의해주는것은나무장작화덕이다. 주방의아일랜드공간을둘러싸고있는개방형선반과수납공간에갖춘박스형틀에는이탈리아요리에필수불가결한수많은허브, 향신료, 소스, 잼을보관할수있다. 이로인해시각적으로완전히개방된주방공간이구현됐다. 글제공 : YOD 디자인랩

YOD DESIGN LAB > RESTAURANT > Poltava WOKA FOOD COURT Design : YOD Design Lab Design team : Volodymyr Nepyivoda, Dmytro Bonesko Graphic design : Ilya Nepravda Location : St.Kovpaka, 26, Poltava, Ukraine Completion : 2014 Photographer : Andrey Avdeenko Editorial designer : Choi Sejung Editor : Lim Hyunah 095 Fast food restaurant WOCA offers to the guests the dishes of Pan-Asian cuisine cooked by the method of fast frying in the traditional South-China frying pan wok. In fact, this reason determined the name of the outlet and underlying concept of the interior. Basic element of finishing is a kraft tube. In the mass it creates an illusion of a bamboo forest with flickers of sunlight (LED backlight inside the tubes). Terra-cotta orange color symbolizes fire. In contrast to it, the background kraft tubes manifest 워카 는중국남부지역의전통프라이팬을사용하여신속한조리과정으로만들어진아시아요리를제공하는패스트푸드레스토랑이다. 이는레스토랑의이름과공간디자인개념에반영됐다. 크라프트튜브가레스토랑기본마감재로사용됐는데후면에 LED조명이달려밀집하여구성되어햇살이부서지는대나무숲을연상시키고, 테라코타의오렌지색상은불을상징한다. 공간의배경이되는크라프트튜브는테라코타와대조를이루며차별화된존재감나타낸다. 글제공 : YOD 디자인랩 themselves more distinctly. Text offer : YOD Design Lab